#we always loose so high like what's the point but still don't give up
adore-gregor · 2 months
my football team is so hopeless
#not dortmund lol i mean the club i play at myself#it makes me want to quit ngl#there are just so many things i'm fed up with#at times it's not fun anymore#i like playing football but there's just a lot wrong with this team#but i'm mostly just hanging around because i don't want to let my coach down like he cares and genuinly seems like a good coach#the only thing which gives me a bit of hope#and i hate letting people down 😅 that and also i hate giving up#but i have never seen a team more hopeless or felt more hopeless playing a sport 😅#and he apparently thinks i'm kind of important to the team which i kind of get but also it doesn't really make a difference...#we're just so hopeless i can’t turn this around lol#i always start and i hope it continues but there's not much i can do#we just have too many people who don't care last match so many have given up#some of our team just refuse to run or move at some point it's awful#like why can't you try#we always loose so high like what's the point but still don't give up#besides that the endurance (and also sprint speed) of most is awful which could be trained to a point#but whenever the coach tries to do that almost no one shows up 💀#and i usually play wing or outside midfielder but i'm supposed to also be a defender apparently what#whenever we get a goal on my side and i'm not back in defence someone moans at me like that's my fault#i get working back but i can’t be everywhere especially when some people don't move#and i actually try to get the ball foreward or try to get the ball back in the front because i don't give up when we're behind#i want to score goals and not settle with loosing and only sit back to do defence anymore#naturally there will be open spaces when i try to do that but how is giving up better even when it's hopeless we could still try scoring#and i can't be everywhere they should try my position they would never last 90min running like i do#besides i'm already exausted each week from my training before like i do sports 2-3 hours 6 or 7 days a week#unfortunately i have to because once again i'm trying some entrance exam (for sports to become a teach in sports and english hopefully)#asides from that i don't like most of the people at my club 😅 it feels a bit like highschool again and i didn't like highschool#so many are ignorant and judgemental#like the girl i told you about with her comment about the cleaning lady instead of wanting to clean up her stuff herself 🙄
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sunkissed-zegras · 1 month
could you write some Caitlin hc?
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─ warnings | fluff, mention of arguing/VERY SLIGHT ANGST, best friends to lovers, just a bunch of yap... sorry in advance <3
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal @hello-nah817 @wanderlusturous @plushkhiii @ilovepaigebueckerss @ajcuteee @vi0lentb3rry @paigeszn @brynsreads @delicateray and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
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i feel like caitlin just gives off childhood best friends to lovers + high school sweethearts, like you guys knew each your entire lives and were like super duper close
and then one day it kinda just like hit caitlin like SHE IS **IN LOVE** WITH YOU
she's definitely the first one to "catch feelings"
i use that term VERY loosely because both of you guys were idiots and didn't realize you'd loved each other the first time you met
but she's the first one to realize it
which i feel like would cause a slight rift between you two because up until that point, it was "platonic"
she just wouldn't know how to go about her feelings and it would just stress her out, so she just began to distance herself
and in the years you've known her SHE'S NEVER DONE THAT TO YOU, so obviously you notice
and you try and talk to her about it but she reassures you and tells you it's nothing, that she's just stressed about school
which you don't buy so you just keep bugging her about it, cause she's ur best friend ur not about to lose her!!
eventually you give up after realizing that maybe she just doesn't wanna be friends with you anymore, and after you didn't show up to her game, caitlin knew she FUCKED UP
so after the game, she goes to your house and tells you that she messed up
and you both go up to your room and talk about it, she's SO emotional and just stressed out but she pours everything out to you
and you're confused at first, caitlin likes YOU????
and when you hug her and tell her it's alright, that you liked her back, baby was taken aback cause she's like WHAT
she expected you to just be okay with it obviously but she never expected you to tell her you LIKED HER BACK????
it's just so cutesy rom-com-y and just... ADORABLE and sweet
queen of cuddles, oh my lord this woman is always on top of you
she doesn't really process her size sometimes cause she'll just lay on top of you and she forgets that she's literally 6ft with a bunch of muscles
you've almost died multiple times
she's super duper touchy all the 24/7 EXCEPT AT GAMES
pda is cute and all but not at games because she has to keep up an appearance and being overly touchy with your girlfriend at a game isn't exactly a great image
but she'll do it anywhere else!!!!!! but of course not too much cause again, the whole image thing
she loves taking pictures and videos to everything, her entire camera roll is just you and her atp
like vlogs GALORE to send to her family and stuff, because they adore you and her relationship!!!!
and obvs the team but they get rly sick and tired quicklu
"caitlin we get it u have an amazing healthy relationship" *attachment: 8 photos of you guys giving a thumbs down with frowns* "did we rly need 8 photos?" "yes!!!!!!!!"
and she vlogs everything, like every moment with you, she's got recorded
but those are usually very sacred to her, she doesn't show them to anyone and she hearts them so that she can look at them anytime she misses u :(
she loves showing you off on her instagram stories!!! but she gives everyone crumbs, like your back with her jersey and a cutesy little heart and you two holding hands
she has posts of you guys from high school still on instagram but she doesn't really post you a lot just because she wants to be professional
but whenever she can, SHE DOESSSS (like that whole 1yr post but with u.......)
you're at every single one of her important games!!!!! since yall have been together for so long, you guys make time for each other (ofc), she'll fly you out, pay for your hotels and everything
you're her number one supporter and fan!!!! oh my gosh
because she can't respond to weird comments, YOU def can
especially the ones that are like "i can def beat her in a 1v1" and it's just some random man
"most mens players at college level couldn't even beat her, i guarantee a random guy on tiktok could🤗" "you're 5'7, think again 💀"
caitlin just laughs at the comments but you will never let anyone shit talk your girlfriend????
she finds your protectiveness so endearing like it makes her fall more in love w you (if that's even possible?"
rom-com nights are like the ideal date night - caitlin cooks the food and you pick the movie, you guys cuddling on the couch as you eat and watch the movie is like every free saturday/sunday for yall
caitlin hates being away from you, she just wishes you could be with her 24/7
if she's away from you, expect 10000+ messages from her and 10 minute snapchat vlogs of her just at the gym while she speaks into the speakers quietly as if she's being followed (shes just dramatic)
some of the vlogs are just her in the hotel room very bored, trying to think of something to talk to u about and ITS SO CUTE
"so uh... i heard that squirrels can't burp. isn't that weird and like.... kinda sad? imagine living your whole life without being able to burp, i think i would die. speaking of that, i tried making your mom's cupcakes the other day, but i accidentally used salt instead of sugar! and that's exactly why i stick to cooking, baking is too damn hard. oh shit, kate is calling me, i gotta go but uh i hope you're having a great day. i miss you like crazy and can't wait until we're together again. i love you!"
yeah she's a yapper
she loves when you do her hair because i feel like she's more of a outfit person
so she would like if you braided her hair or like curled it or something, it makes her feel good and like pretty
the one time she curled her hair without you, she burned her arm and she swore she'd never again🫠
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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AITA for giving someone an ultimatum without letting them know and then ghosting them when they failed said ultimatum that they didn't know about?
This happened a while ago, but I still think about it occasionally.
So I (18F at the time) had a friend, S (18 FTM) in high school. (when this takes place) We weren't super close, as we'd only met senior year and would only hang out at lunch, since we had no classes together. We had a pretty average high school acquaintance/friendship.
Then on the Friday before finals/graduation week, S confessed that he thought I was cute and asked me out on a date. I said yes, as I had a secret crush on him but didn't act on it before, as I didn't want to ruin the friendship/make it weird. So I was glad my feelings were reciprocated. We cuddled and held hands at the rally that day (too nervous to actually kiss or anything in front of the whole school yet) and exchanged numbers with the intention of going on a date in the near future, as he couldn't go after school that day.
This is where I feel I might be justified.
After I got home, I texted him "hey we never actually decided on a day/time for a date. I'm free any time, when is good for you?" And we ended up deciding to meet up after school the following Monday. Then we spend the weekend texting about dumb shit.
Monday rolls around. I don't see S at school, but figured it wasn't a big deal, as we didn't actually have any classes together. After school, I wait by our agreed upon meeting place and he doesn't show up. I text him, asking what was up and he responds that he didn't go to school. He didn't feel like going, so called out "sick". (I'm not belittling his sickness, he literally told me that he wasn't actually sick, he just didn't feel like going to school and had his mom call him in sick)
For whatever reason (I was young? Dumb? Bored? Liked him? All of the above?) I forgave him for standing me up and told him we could go on a date whenever he was free and was able to get a ride or I could get a ride to his place if he wanted, as S lived in the next town over. (Neither of us had cars and public transportation in our area was not great)
Then he strung me along for an entire summer. We would text almost daily. (I use the word "text" very loosely- he exclusively used snapchat- I actually grew to HATE snapchat during this time, as he refused to text on the phone and insisted I download snapchat just to talk to him....bro wtf) We'd mostly talk about inconsequential shit- what show we were watching, what music we were listening to, etc. Every once in a while, I'd go "so...about that date...?" and he'd blow me off, making an excuse about not having a ride or something lame.
I gave him an out pretty early on. After the 2nd or 3rd excuse, I said "hey it's cool if you asked me out on a dare (it's happened before) or if you changed your mind or something. I swear I won't be mad, just let me know now so I don't waste my time" S insisted that he actually intended to go on a date, he just had transportation trouble.
This is where I may be the asshole.
So, after a whole summer (I think it was the end of August or maybe even September) I got fed up and decided in my head to test him secretly. I decided (without informing him of my plan, of course) that I was going to give him one last chance to take me on a date or I'd ghost him. I would ask him one last time when he was available to go on a date, and if he still made excuses, I would ghost him.
So I did just that. I asked him, he made some excuse about not having a ride, and I cut off contact. When I thought of this test, I had also noticed that lately, I would always be the one to message him first and initiate conversation, so I also wanted to test if he would contact me first, as a 2 in 1 test.
HOWEVER, I didn't block him. I just stopped contacting him first and ghosted him with no explanation. He could've contacted me at any point, but didn't.
I never saw or heard from him again.
I know he's the asshole for asking me out, standing me up, and stringing me along, but am I also the asshole for giving him an ultimatum without his knowledge and ghosting him?
What are these acronyms?
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kis3memore · 3 months
Wicked Games
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introduction, chapter 1
Summary: Chris is suffering from a nasty addiction and is desperate to find the right person to help him get out of it.
Warnings: slight smut, male receiving, cursing, drug use, alcohol use
WELCOME!! I was scared to post this, but then I was like, you know what? fuck it let’s do it. Anyway, this is my first EVER series on here I’m excited and nervous at the same time!
I hope you all enjoy this introduction!.. ig I’ll call it that.
"Watch your teeth," Chris tells the girl who is currently on her knees in front of him, she looks up at him as he grabs a fist full of her hair guiding her head up and down. He throws his head back, "Fuck, there we go, much better,"
He looked back down at the girl as she swirled her tongue around the tip of his penis, making him groan. "Come on, don't tease me," He huffed, turning his head towards the door as he heard shuffling and laughter. He looked back at the girl who was still going to town on him and let his eyes roll to the back of his head, leaning his head back and looked up at the ceiling, feeling dizzy as his vision started to spin and all the laughter from the other side of the door seem far away.
Of course, it was edibles, a joint, and only who knows how many shots he was gone. But to him, he felt amazing, like nothing would feel better than how he felt right now. He loved every minute of his high and wished it would never go away, but it did, and that's when he turned miserable again.
He does take knowledge of his bad addiction, every time he thinks about it he feels about cleaning up and staying sober, but he always ends up not taking his own advice. What's terrible is that he blames people for his addiction, "nobody cares to even help me sober up or even care to encourage me to stop," He felt alone in this world and is in desperate need of someone to save him, he doesn't care who he just wants that somebody to care about him.
His high was ruined when the girl on her knees in front of him decided to scrape her teeth on him once again, he winced looking down at her, "Yeah, you're done here," He pushed her off of him earning a confused look from her. He picked up his pants, buttoning them back up, "Go bite someone else's dick," He hated when his high was ruined, it put him in a bad mood, but that didn't stop him from getting high again.
He walked out of the room, leaving the girl shocked, probably still on her knees. He didn't care.
"Smoke some, drink some pop one"
The song blasts through the house, which holds a party every year school starts. The house belongs to one of the popular hockey players, who invites Chris to every party he hosts. This is the time and place where Chris can easily let loose. He makes his way back to the corner where he always goes with his best buddy, Nate.
"Oh wow, that was quick," Chris laughed, eyeing the joint that was held in between Nate's fingers, "Give me that," He pointed to it. Nate shook his head, moving it away from him, "Nah, you stole my first one. You ain't taking this one," Chris's face dropped, "I almost got my dick eaten off, and you're seriously doing this to me?" Nate's eyes widened as he heard what Chris told him, but then he laughed, shaking his head.
"This is legit the second time you almost went dickless," Nate said to him. Chris looked away from him, watching people walk in and out of the house, "Just give me that damn blunt," He heard Nate scoff, taking another hit before passing it to Chris, who gladly took it from his hand, "Thats what I thought," Taking a hit immediately, Nate shakes his head eyeing him as he does so. The look he gives Chris is mixed with concern and disgust, He's worried about his best friend's health and his addiction, but also disgusted with himself, the guilt he feels washes through him constantly as he is always the one to supply him with stuff and never has the guts to say no.
Chris looked back at the crowd behind him, his eyes landed on someone he couldn't stand, and his face turned sour from even looking at him. Taking one last hit, he passed the blunt back to Nate.
"Life of the party arrived," Chris said, turning his head again towards where "the life of the party" was. Mateo Hansley, on the football team, everyone knows him, but Chris despises him ever since he found out his ex was cheating on him with him. To this day, his ex still tries her all to get him back, and he sometimes finds himself considering it, but Nate pushes him back from it, telling him it's not a good idea, "Oh how cute, I'm surprised his stuck up girlfriend is not with him," Chris looked back at Nate, "Who's that?" He asked him.
"You don't know? Y/n Laurier, snobby little bitch, cheer team," He still didn't have a clue, squinting at Nate, who sighed, looking over at Mateo, "Best friends with the girl you took to the room over there," Chris now had his eyebrows raised, "Damn well, I hope she knows her bestie loves to bite off dicks," Nate laughs at him shaking his head, finishing off the blunt before he gets up from his seat, patting Chris's shoulder, "Lucky you still have yours,"
"Come on mister I'm always feining, I think we need some air and maybe touch some grass while we're at it," Nate said to him as he began to walk through the crowd and towards the door that led to the back yard, Chris rolled his eyes. "I think I'm okay," He muttered, taking the seat where Nate was sitting before he got up. He observed the crowd in front of him, looking at the people dancing, taking shots, smoking, and seeing people making out with one another.
"You look lonely," He sat up straight and looked around, trying to figure out if he actually heard that or if it was just his high messing with him, but no, he found someone actually sitting next to him, A girl he had never seen before, she looked at him with raised eyebrows, he looked back at her with the same expression, he opens his mouth to say something back but she beats him to it, "I'm real, and I'm really sitting next to you" She laughs at him, he does the same rubbing his forehead while shaking his head.
"Um, are you okay?" He snaps back to reality for a bit, looking behind her at the group of girls taking shots together, the girl next to him stays staring at him, waiting for him to speak, Wow this guy is high in the clouds, her mind said. "Oh yeah, I'm perfect! Also, I’m not alone I'm with my friend," He smiled at her answering her question, watching her nod awkwardly, You can just get up and walk away you know.
He wondered why she was still sitting here, getting annoyed a bit. "So, like, the real question is, what are you doing here alone?" he asked her this time. Her eyes traveled all the way down to his shoes, examining him like he were some object. He looked away from her quickly, biting his lip so that he wouldn't curse her out.
"I'm not alone I'm actually with my boyfriend, but who knows where he is right now," She shrugged letting out a breath, he looked at her suspiciously now, "And who's that?" The question came out of his mouth slowly. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Mateo Hansley," She answered, and he widened his eyes. Speak of the devil, holy shit.
"I need to touch some grass," he mutters before getting up quickly and walking away. She sits there confused, watching him walk out the door leading to the backyard. "Stoner," she shook her head but then shrugged. Standing on her feet now, she continues to search for her boyfriend.
oh wow, yall read the whole thing???? was it good at least???
thank you so much for reading the introduction to my first series!! it’s short i know, but the chapters will be long, let me know what you guys think of it so far!
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beansprean · 1 year
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He angy. This was supposed to be a loose fun AU with less linear story and less angst... Oops. Turns out there's so much plot. QTP is the comedy now.
My Familiar's Ghost Part 16
(ID in alt and under cut)
1a. Close up on ghost Guillermo on an ectoplasmic greenish background, looking shocked and distraught. He shouts, "You're giving up?!" 1b. Close up of Nandor with Guillermo floating in the background. They are in Nandor's crypt, Nandor facing the viewer with his back to Guillermo and the room as he focuses on tying a bow at the neck of his cream colored sleep blouse. He scowls down at the knot, declaring "We have no more leads! Clearly you chose not to return! I am not going to be chasing after you like a...like..." Guillermo interrupts angrily, throwing his hands down, palms out. "But I know I wanted to! I was coming home as soon as I was done turning!" 1c. Repeat. Nandor tips his head up and rolls his eyes back toward Guillermo, tossing one hand dismissively with the other still tangled in a half formed bow. He says, "So you changed your mind! That happens when you become a vampire!" Guillermo is frozen in the same pose, glaring with a stubborn set to his jaw. 1d. Repeat. Nandor's hands return to their task as his shoulders tense up, his head ducking back down as a saddened expression takes over his face. He continues, "You are filled with new power and freedom and you don't want the same things you wanted before..." Guillermo softens in the background, arms hanging as he glances away from Nandor's back, worried and pensive. 1e. Reverse shot on a blurred pinkish background. Nandor turns to face Guillermo and the viewer, bow neatly tied, with his hands spread out in casual supplication. With an easy grin, as if he were only making a casual suggestion any fool would take, he says, "But it is no big deal, right? You are still here! And you are dead already, so you will not age or die and you can stay here just like you wanted!" 1f. Reverse shot. Close up on Guillermo as he looks up in shock, taking on a pleading expression. He replies, "What?! No, no, I can't do that! I have to move on!"
2a. Shoulders up shot of both men in profile as they step closer to argue. Looking more confused than angry, Nandor shoots back "Why?! Why are you always so eager to leave? What is wrong with just staying home? Nadja's ghost is staying, so why can't you?!" Guillermo, fist pressed desperately to his chest, replies "I'm not like Nadja's ghost, Master, I can't!" 2b. Repeat. Nandor, furious and snarling now, snaps, "Why?!" Guillermo matches his energy, floating up to closer to his height and trailing angry threads of ghostly light, spitting, "I can't!" Nandor repeats with more emphasis, "Why?!" Guillermo shouts back "I can't! You have to find vampire me and-" Nandor cuts him off with a loud "No!!"
3a. Close up of Nandor from the front, background gone a dark and dangerous red. He is full of rage and hurt, glaring and baring his fangs as he points accusingly at Guillermo, hair flying around his face. He shouts, "You made your choice! And it was not me!" 3b. Matching close up of Guillermo on the other half of the panel, the ghostly aura around him flaring out in a deeper, brighter blue. His eye twitches in rage as he glares up at Nandor, teeth clenched together and eyes ringed in a spectral blue light. There is an audible snap as the thread of his self control breaks.
4. Zoom out to a high shot from a corner of the ceiling as Guillermo, for lack of a better word, explodes. Hunched in on himself, fists clenched, legs solid against the floor, he screams, "You were always my choice!" Spectral blue light erupts in a shockwave around him, brighter and more violent than anything we've seen from him yet, illuminating some kind of wriggling black shadow draped around his back like a cloak. Tendrils of black something snake all around the room like dozens of destructive little hands, guided by rippling waves of solid blue light that pulse from where Guillermo stands, toppling a nearby couch and armchair and sending framed paintings swinging wildly upwards. Throw pillows throw themselves up into the air. A wooden chair screeches back into a corner. Wallpaper tears itself apart and rolls up in fear. The coffin lid flies open, its heavy frame rocked back on one corner as if it weighs nothing. A chest of drawers bashes itself against the wall, books and candles and other knickknacks smashing together from the force. Nandor shields himself with his arms as a wave of energy hits him at the stomach and chest, sending him stumbling backwards. Swords and suits of armor are ripped away from their poses against the wall behind him to tumble against the floor. Chaos. /end ID
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
Idk if this is angst but here's the ask
Bau team x male reader that grew up in a rich but cold family
Since he's an only child he was always expected to be perfect and be the best student or be good in multiple things like playing the piano and painting and golf and in the same time attention formal parties but now he's burnt out maybe or doesn't understand that it's OK to make mistakes
Warnings: talk to cold and distant family, perfectionist mindset.
You fucked up. Badly, no ifs ands or buts. You had messed up big time and you nearly lost a victim because of it. Luckily, Reid had spotted your mistake and you and the team had managed to get to the victim on time, saving him. But then, you fucked up again and now the unsub was still on the loose.
You were dreading getting back to the station, Hotch had been giving you looks that you couldn't quite decipher since Reid had pointed out your mistake. You were shitting bricks, quite frankly.
When you arrived back at the station, Hotch motioned for you to follow him into the break room and you did, legs feeling like lead. Shutting the door behind you, you turned to him, "I'm sorry Hotch, I didn't mean to miss it-"
"I just wanted to check that you were okay," Hotch said. "You've been acting off for a few days now and I'm worried."
"Why are you worried? I'm fine," You dismissed, "I made a mistake Hotch, shouldn't you be reprimanding me for it?"
"Why?" Hotch asked. "You're allowed to make mistakes," Hotch says, you flush red as you look down at your hands.
'No. Others are allowed to make mistakes.' You think to yourself. You had expectations you had to live up to. You had to be perfect. You didn't have time to make mistakes.
"What's going on?" Hotch asks hesitantly, he knew you weren't one to talk about your feeling, that you tended to just let them build and build and build and then you'd shut yourself off from everyone.
"I have... expectations." Hotch also knew that when something was affecting you, you built a wall around yourself. He knew that when you got like this, you separated yourself the best you could to emotions. Hotch wasn't supposed to profile his team, but he could imagine that perhaps this was because of a distant family who expected ridiculously high for a child. He could also imagine that this had been internalised growing up and still affected your day-to-day life.
"What expectations?" He asked. "To be perfect?"
"Hotch, I can't make mistakes in a job like this. If Reid hadn't caught it, we could have lost him." You pressed, "I can't afford to make mistakes in a job like this."
"We all make mistakes." Hotch stated, "Do you really think that we don't make mistakes?"
You sighed, you knew everyone made mistakes. Really, you did. But it had been drilled into you that you needed to be the best possible version of yourself. You needed to be perfect. Mistakes weren't an option. Mistakes meant failure.
Hotch sighs gently, "You don't need to be perfect all the time," He begins, "We're human, we're meant to make mistakes. It helps us grow."
"I can't afford to make mistakes." You state.
"Why not?"
You debate just leaving it, not saying anything. And you would have, had Hotch not looked so concerned, "Mistake means failure." You say, with a firm nod before looking at Hotch. "And I can't afford to fail in this job. I need to be better."
"(Y/N), we all make mistakes. I've made plenty of mistakes on the job." Hotch says, he watches you shift slightly where you stood. "Okay, here's the deal, you go back to the hotel, rest for the rest of the day and tomorrow is a fresh start."
"Because I made a mistake?"
"Because you're burnt out." Hotch corrects. "You've been pushing yourself ridiculously hard and you need a break."
"I'm fine-"
"I'm not taking no for an answer on this, I'm afraid." Hotch said, "Go to the hotel, rest, get some sleep. Tomorrow you'll feel refreshed."
"Fine," You huffed, "But only because I have to."
"And, (Y/N)?" You turn to look at Hotch. "We're going to have to work on that perfectionist mindset."
"Is it really problematic though?"
"Ugh, fine." You groaned, "But let the record state that I disagree."
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Part 2: Adam
This is part of my first series! If you missed the first part, please feel free to enjoy Part 1: Kellen before you continue on with Adam. In terms of content, this is rather new territory. There is a bit of violent content, bullying, slurs. This is likely to be the only part of this series with that kind of content.
Kellen knew about Adam long before he found himself in academic turmoil. The poor kid was the perfect punching bag. Kellen took pride in the fact that this kid skirted the perimeter of any campus space where he saw any jocks. Unfortunately Adam couldn't avoid Kellen when they lived on the same floor of the residence halls. Even when he'd change schedules or leave out the fire escape stairs instead of the main entrance, Kellen would still manage to find him and insult him, shove him, dump out his backpack, throw him in a trash can—basically everything besides throwing outright punches.
Adam came to the bottom of the fire stairs and found his path blocked by Kellen. All he could do was freeze—his fight or flight reflexes worn down to nothing but paralysis.
"Hey nerd, I need something, and you're gonna do it for me."
Adam continued to quake, unable to muster any further reaction.
Kellen smiles. "Glad to see you won't object. I have a paper due tomorrow in my history class. You're gonna do it for me. Here's the rubric," he balls it up and throws the paper in Adam's face. "I'd better get a good grade."
Kellen punched his fist into his other hand to emphasize his point. "See you tomorrow with the essay, right dweeb?"
"Uh... yes." Adam barely manages to get out. He knew the only way to get out of this was giving in and playing along.
"Just yes? I thought I'd taught you respect by now." Kellen took a menacing step closer.
"Yes, sir." Adam looked down as he said it, hoping it would be enough to appease the menace. He waited for Kellen to say more, but he just laughed and walked away. Adam collapsed on the landing. He'd be late for class again but he needed a few minutes for the fear to leave him.
A week later, Adam is loosing sleep. He already maxed out his workload on his own school schedule and now he had another one—well, it wasn't quite as rigorous as his own work but it was demanding, demeaning, and had to always take priority or... well he didn't wanna find out.
Two weeks later Adam is deep into mid-terms. He barely sleeps, his anxiety has risen steadily, and he was starting to slip on his own workload. His roommate Ben is a nerd like him with ambitions to be valedictorian and president of the student senate, etc.—a much more high-profile brainiac. His campus-wide notariety is probably why he never manages to face the wrath of the school's star jock. Ben sees Adam's mental health slipping and tries to check in on his roommate, but he evades. After a few times, Ben gets more insistent and manages to get the truth out of him.
"But that breaks so many rules. You've gotta turn him in."
"You don't understand, Ben. I don't know what he'd do to me and... it's terrifying." Adam breaks down crying for the third time in the course of the conversation.
"Then I can," Ben volunteers, "and he won't take it out on you."
"You're my roommate. He'd still make me pay for it."
"Then we could—"
Adam shuts down his roommate. "Don't do anything. Please, don't do anything. I can't risk it. There's nothing either of us can do that doesn't result in me facing consequences."
Ben, still visibly not over it, decides to let it go. He leaves for the library so Adam can have the room to himself.
Working late into the night and the early morning, Adam gets all the work done but the conversation with his roommate still weighs on him. It's cheesy, but he even looks out his window at a particularly bright star and wishes he could do something about Kellen, wishes there was some way out. But that was never going to work.
Ben returned at a rather late hour—2:30 am—but Adam was still awake even after his room mate returned and went to bed. He finished up around 4:30am and went to get even just a few hours of sleep.
The next day brought sun and warmth. Adam had no time to take it in or enjoy it as he sent the daily batch of assignments to Kellen that morning before breakfast. The jock would send him a message through Snapchat—since nothing was saved there—telling Adam where to meet, or from time to time, where to drop the assignments. He fell asleep in both his morning classes, one of which was review for the midterm test coming up later in the week. Adam was so defeated and exhausted that he didn't even bother with lunch, choosing instead to head back to his dorm for a nap. He hoped that would help him get through the test he had at 2:30.
Ben returned shortly after. He barged into the room expecting to find it empty and found Adam just drifting off.
"Oh, sorry. I wasn't expecting you to be here." Ben said from the doorway.
"Yeah, I just needed a nap. Hopefully I don't get too hungry in my afternoon classes."
Ben clearly wanted to say more. Adam was sure that his roommate was still holding back his urge to do something for him with his Kellen problems, but Adam was grateful Ben decided against bringing anything up. After mulling it over for a moment, Ben settles for a different approach: "I'm getting lunch, but I can bring you something before your next class."
Adam was so tired he could cry and the simple showing of kindness. "That would be great. Maybe a burger?"
Before exiting, Ben left Adam with an obviously coded statement of support. "Adam, you know I would do anything in my power to help you right now." But ultimately Ben seemed to respect Adam's requests to stay out of things with Kellen and ducked out without pushing the matter further.
Adam woke up an hour later feeling quite refreshed. He looked over at his desk and saw Ben had returned at some point with a salad. Adam sat up and looked out the window, taking in the nice weather for the first time. He had a half an hour to kill with some last-minute studying and then he had to pick up some assignments from Kellen before his test.
He sits at his desk, eats the salad, then opens his textbook and class notes... but despite feeling renewed by his nap, the words on the page still danced around like he was tired and he couldn't settle in. He must still need more sleep... or he must want to feel the sunshine before his class. It was just so nice out—of course he was distracted. Maybe he'd benefit more today by "touching grass" instead of cramming—after all, mental health was just as important as studying.
At 2:05, Kellen was ready to shove Adam against a wall. At 2:10, he was ready to throw punches at the little punk. This dweeb was always way too afraid of him to ever show up late, but today Kellen knew he'd have to teach a more impactful lesson since respect had clearly not yet sunk into the mind of this geek. He messaged Adam over Snapchat:
After progressively more threatning messages, he finally gets a response—accompanied for the first time by a photo from Adam.
It was a nice day out Thought I'd go out for a run
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Something was seriously off. Since when was Adam a runner? Since when did he take selfies, or wear tank tops. Hell, did he have all that muscle tone before hidden under his conservative clothes, or was that somehow new? Now Kellen was as confused as he was angry.
Another response, and another picture from Adam:
oh hehe i totally forgot i can be so dumb sometimes i'll run over to you quick, ive already worked up a sweat i can't wait to see you😜
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Kellen was dumbfounded, though not as dumb as the new Adam seemed to be. He was suddenly some homo. This was either an elaborate prank or something fucked up was going on here. Before he could process further, Kellen receives another message:
see u soon daddy
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Kellen stared in shock. This was a prank for sure, but he wasn't going to stick around for part 2. Instead, he was going to teach this geeky fucker a lesson tonight—and whoever else helped him with this. No one humiliates and defies him and gets away with it.
Despite his fury, Kellen was kinda impressed with the depth of the prank. This fake Adam had set up social media accounts. That last selfie he sent Kellen was even cross-posted on all his socials in their stories and somehow there were bots set up so the pages had thousands of followers and the posts had hundreds of likes and comments. This imposter even looked more muscular than before—probably yet another fake in on the scheme.
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Even so, Adam's fate was sealed. Kellen waited until after dinner. He knew the nerd would be studying. After 7pm, he stormed down the short hallway to the geekling's door and pounded on it.
"Open up. You know who it is, so you'd better not ignore me."
The door opened and in a split second Kellen was inside with the person at the door shoved up against the wall, hitting the brick hard.
"Ungh." he moaned.
Kellen had acted so quickly he hadn't taken stock of who had answered his knock. The sexual moan broke his blind rage in an instant and he registered who he had in front of him. He only had a brief moment to register the blonde from the social media pages before he responded.
"Oh, Daddy, that felt so good. I was waiting for you all day."
Kellen is struck by a wave of repulsion. Was he turning this little twink on? He goes to push the imposter harder against the wall, but the homo looks him dead in the eye, bites his lip, and grabs Kellen's dick. He's immediately hard. His rage mixes with his horniness and his desires become carnal. Kellen whirls the little slut around and pulls out his thick cock. Adam is ready, as usual, wearing nothing but a jock strap allowing for immediate access. He thrusts inside his submissive twink and roughs him up as Adam moans louder and louder. At this point the hall was used to it since it happened at least once a night.
Kellen has had such troubles keeping his grades up since receiving a warning from financial aid threatening to kick him out. He's still on the search for a nerd to do his homework, but at least he found Adam. Adam could take anything from Sir as long as Sir didn't leave a mark. Adam made sure he set his boundaries, after all, they both should know respect always goes both ways.
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belching-bellies · 1 year
Pizza Date
This is a kink fic! If you're not into the things listed below, it's probably not going to be for you
Contains: burping, belly rubs, mild stuffing, brief alcohol mention, gender-neutral narrator
James and I did go on our real date, and it was so much better than I expected it to be. And I had pretty high expectations. He's so sweet and being with him makes me so happy.
Since then, we've been spending a lot of time together, and it's been great. Physical touch is both of our love languages, and with the amount of cuddling and physical affection, I feel like I'm not touch-starved for the first time in my life.
I haven't told him that I have a thing for his burps, but sometimes when we're cuddling I'll rub his belly and feel the gas rush up into his chest. He usually stifles the belches but I always wish he didn't.
Tonight, we have a date planned. It's gonna be pretty lowkey -- I'm just going over to his place for dinner and a movie. The relationship is still new, so I still get occasional butterflies around him. I want to surprise him, so I stop by the store on the way and pick up a 12-pack of beers. Knowing him, we'll probably finish it by the end of the night.
I get to his apartment and he greets me at the door with a kiss. I resist the urge to push him up against the wall right then -- that can wait until later.
"So what kind of pizza do you want?"
"I like pepperoni but I don't really care. What do you want to get?"
James smiles at me, "It's up to you. I'm getting myself a second pizza."
I look at him in disbelief.
"What?" he says, "you don't think I can eat a whole pizza on my own?"
"I would like to see you try," I tease, but he doesn't know that I would in fact like that very much.
James puts in the order for two pizzas, and we break out the beers while we wait for the food to arrive. Both of us have empty stomachs, so we start to feel a little tipsy after just a couple drinks. We're cuddling on the couch, and I place my hand on his chest. When he drinks, I can feel the fizzy liquid traveling down through his esophagus.
James has never been shy, and he's letting out small burps every so often. Occasionally, I'll respond to one of his belches by patting his stomach lightly.
The pizza eventually does arrive, and when Jason stands up, the movement shakes loose a respectable belch:
I'm glad he's walking away by then, because I'm definitely blushing.
James comes back about five minutes later with two pizzas: a pepperoni for me and a supreme for him.
"I've gotta say, James, I will be impressed if you can actually finish this whole pizza"
He grins back at me. "Challenge accepted."
He eats a lot faster than I do, and I wonder if his stomach will be feeling okay later. I think about saying something about slowing down, but I don't. By the time I'm done with my second slice, he's nearly halfway through his pizza.
James sets down his fifth slice, places a hand on the upper part of his belly, and leans back on the couch, breathing a little more shallowly than before.
"You feeling okay, babe?"
"Yeah, I just..." he raises his beer to his lips, takes a couple swallows, then lets out the loudest burp I've ever heard come from him.
He lets out a sigh of relief, then looks at me. "I- *uurrp* I fucking needed that"
I put my hand on his belly. I can feel it grumbling, struggling to cope with the speed at which he's eating. He hiccups a couple times, then lets out a soft burp. I give his belly a couple of pats, then return to my own beer.
He picks up his slice to continue working on it, but now it's my turn to belch. I can feel the carbonation working its way through my stomach, and I try to stifle the burps behind my fist.
"You know, you don't have to be embarrassed about burping around me. I've been doing it more than you have"
I know this, and I want to tell him that it's different because I'm into it, but I hold myself back. But to prove that I understand his point, I jiggle my belly and work up the biggest belch I can. James nods, looking amused, and cuddles closer to me. I notice that his hand comes to a rest on my slightly bloated belly, and for a second, I wonder if that's on purpose.
The rest of the night goes by uneventfully. We keep eating and drinking, and by the time the movie ends, James has nearly finished his whole pizza. He's slowed down considerably, and as he finishes the second to last slice I can tell his stomach is a lot more bloated than it was an hour ago. He's letting out little burps every couple minutes, ones I can only hear because we're so close together.
"One more slice, you got this babe."
We're both just past tipsy, and I'm feeling a little impulsive.
"I bet I can finish a slice faster than you" This isn't a fair competition, but Jason is competitive and I know he's going to accept. I go easy on him, but I'm still surprised when he beats me.
He lets out a sick-sounding burp through his last bite, then groans and lays back on the couch.
"Okay, I gotta admit that was impressive." I'm telling the truth, but I don't mention that it also turns me on.
James doesn't respond, just grabs my hand and places it on his full, rounded belly. I get the hint, and I start gently rubbing it. I slip my hand under his shirt. The skin feels taut, and I can feel the beer sloshing inside of him every time he repositions. I feel out his stomach with my palms, occasionally pressing into a particularly tight spot. Sometimes, I can feel the trapped gas rush upwards into his throat and then come out as a satisfying-sounding belch.
Eventually, James' burps start to slow down, and I lay down behind him, spooning him, hand on his belly. We eventually fall asleep like that, bellies full, cuddling on his couch.
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thelittleliars · 1 year
Love Forever? | Pt. 4
Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader Yelena Belova x fem!Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: a bit of fluff, sadness, SPOILER: (death)
Words: 2.7K
AN: I'm pretty sure that Part 5 will be the finale. I don't have plans to continue this any longer. Enjoy this messy chapter :) Next time I post will be for P.S. I Want You .
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Part 1 , Part 5
"I can feel you starring detka." Natasha blushed, she wasn't sure if it was because she got caught or because you called her detka. "Sorry." She apologized shyly. You turned your head to her, as you opened your eyes you saw her green ones looking at you softly. "Why are you sorry?" 
Her eyes gazed around your face for a few seconds before completely adverting them from you. "We're not anything anymore. I don't have the right to stare at you." It hurt her deeply for loosing you. One some days she still feels like love is only for children but her sister did a great job to show that it wasn't true, Yelena showed her daily how much more powerful we all are with love. You smiled sadly at the shorter woman. "Considering I'm dying you have every right to stare at me." 
"And I have every right to throw up if you guys continue this shit in front of me." Yelena groaned but didn't open her eyes. "Good morning to you too. The offer of starring at me also stands for you." The blonde sister snorted. "Yeah no thanks. I'd rather give up eating mac & cheese instead of starring at your ugly face." Your heart bloomed with warmth at her teasing. You were going to miss this. Natasha sensed the sudden sadness in you but honestly didn't know how to cheer you up. It wasn't easy for any of them. "What is still left on your bucket list?" You thought about it for a while and came up with nothing. Then you remembered having s list on your phone. "Let me unlock my phone. I have a list on there." You sat up, then pushed your body over Natasha's and stretched your arm to the edge of the air mattress where you phone laid. The red head couldn't breathe at the closeness of your body. Even though you were only hovering over her, it drove her insane. She could only function properly after you plopped back into your previous position.
"Alright let's see." You muttered to yourself. Yelena who was suddenly wide awake looked at your phone curiously. "Number 1: find your soulmate." Her fingers touched your phone screen and deleted that point. "Won't happened now that you stopped yourself and leave yourself to death." Natasha cleared her throat, she doesn't understand how her sister can be so chill about your deaths. Yelena only seemed so chill, she had to joke or constantly bring up your death to cope with it. "Number 2: Reread a book." You said out loud which instantly followed by a boring from Yelena. "Number 3: Have se-" You stopped yourself from saying more. It said have sex on the quinjet. Both of the women next to you had read it though. Natasha's face was a red as her hair, she knew you had that fantasy but you guys never could made that one true since somewhat always came in between. The thought of having sex with you brought up a longing feeling inside of her chest. You guys always made love in the softest way possible which felt like you were high on clouds. "Disgusting.. and I actually thought you two did that already but anyways. Number 4: learn how to throw a knife in a cool way." Yelena tried to move on from the awkward situation that quickly turned into excitement for her. "Oh my god Y/N! I can totally teach you cool moves. I'm a master with knives." 
You nodded and smiled at Yelena. The excitement on her face was erasing away all the sad thoughts in your mind. "Number 5: go on a blind date. Nope, not gonna happen. I'm done with that shit. Number 6: ride a Zip Line, Number 7: learn how to do a backflip, Number 8: make a candle, Number 9: Take Natasha on a ferris wheel ride and kiss her on the top." The list was totally not updated, thanks to that you had to deal with the awkwardness and embarrassment. "We still could do that. I-I mean just without the kiss." Natasha suggested while having rosy cheeks. "Sorry to butt in again." Yelena started. "But y'all should do number 9 exactly like it's written out. Y/N, you know I don't like romance shit but you always told me you absolutely adore those kinda things. Fuck the past and the divorce.. You're dying so why not just do them? At least you'd get one last kiss out of it." You didn't know what to say so you just told her you'd think about it and continued with the list. Number 10 was to hug a giant sequoia tree, Number 11 visit Finland and Number 12 was to see the Eiffel Tower. Afterwards you all brainstormed for things to put on your bucket list, you even asked Alexei and Melina. He suggested to get a tattoo. You loved the idea and immediately knew what you wanted to get. A red hour glass in a circle with a black widow spider hanging down from it. You got that tattoo on your upper left arm and a tiny tattoo of Natasha's & Yelena's initials on your right wrist. Why you did Nat's initials is a mystery to you, it was such an impulsive decision that by the time you realized what you agreed to, it was already on your skin. 
One of the sisters suggested to go out and eat dinner. The restaurant choice was easy, all three of you wanted some italian pasta. While you waited for the food, plans were made for the upcoming days. The next day, the first real adventure of your bucket list was going strong. You flew to the mountainous desert of Ras Al Khaimah which is located in the United Arab Emirates. Why there? Because there was the longest zip line in the world. Yelena accompanied you on this trip, Natasha sadly had to go back to New York to figure some things out with Tony Stark. 
Three minutes. It took three minutes to race or fly down the zip line and it was full of adrenaline. The happiness and excitement you felt was like nothing else you'd ever experienced before. You even shred some tears towards the end since you won't get to experience a lot things before your death would knock on your door for your final breath. Your sister in law also had the time of her life. She wanted to go another round as badly as you wanted too. Hours flew by fast and before you knew it, both of you were back in Yelena's apartment in New York. The next morning Yelena took you to one of her favorite spots on a secret Avengers property to show off some knife skills. She taught you basic tricks before you felt more confident for harder ones. During breaks you two ran around, hugged and climbed trees before Natasha joined in the last afternoon. Her heart melted at the sight of you and her sister having fun and being so close. She adored how patient Yelena was with you when she taught you the most difficult and coolest trick she could do. You didn't notice the red head until she complimented your new skills you had just learned. You were embarrassed though since all you did in the last 10 minutes was failing what Yelena tried to teach you. "No really, you're doing amazing Y/N. I'm proud of you, both of you." The sudden need to touch her came out of nowhere but you tried hard to distance yourself emotionally from her. You still had to get in touch with yourself and the past decades you'd lived through. Your heart and mind were a chaotic mess, in some universes there was a version of Natasha and you honestly fell in love with those versions but it never worked out. Your heart was full of love for them but the heartbreak of it all was too painful to let yet another woman come close. 
"Sit." Was all Natasha said when you stumbled into Yelena's kitchen. Another new day, another new adventure. She turned back to the stove, from the smell you guessed she was cooking pancakes. You never thought of getting another pancake from her, those heavenly made pancakes were one of the highlights in your marriage. Natasha couldn't cook well but the one thing she could cook beyond fucking great were pancakes. The moment she served you pancakes with a glass of water, you swore there was someone ghost who punched you in your gut. You couldn't breath anymore, all air gone. Her eyes so soft as if she was a puppy, her skin glowing like a goddess and her wearing what seemed like one of your old t-shirts was more than you could take. "T-t-thank you." You started at her for a while longer before finally digging into your stack of pancakes. Natasha didn't say a word of your starring since she loved the attention, she tried to soak in every moment she still has left with you. "You're welcome. By the way Yelena had to go. Kate had a problem with something so you have to deal with me today, if that's alright?" You nodded. Though the divorce still left a bitter taste in your mouth, you enjoyed spending time with your ex-wife. This was nothing compared to the messy divorce in another universe you had. 
After light conversation that you had over breakfast, Natasha suggested visiting the Ferris Wheel in Chicago. You agreed and immediately went off flying in a quinjet that Natasha borrowed from the Avengers. On that two hour flight the weird sensation you felt when you came back on earth 4-1-1 made itself present again, but this time it got stronger. You feared that your time was running out faster than you had hoped. "Are you alright?" Natasha asked you with concern laced in her voice. "Yeah, just anxious I guess." It was only the half truth though, you didn't want her to know that your time was getting shorter faster. "Anxious about what could go wrong in that Ferris Wheel?" You nodded your head. "That and everything else that could go wrong." 
"Do I need to call Yelena for her to help you through it?" Natasha never knew your anxiety were this bad. While you were together it was only the start until it developed into this huge lump that followed you everywhere. "No I'm alright for now." And everything was alright until the second you both sat in the cabin of the Ferris Wheel. The pit of your stomach suddenly felt hollow. You felt how your planet sucked the energy out of you slowly. Tuuli said you had at least two weeks left but with how things were looking now, you weren't so sure of it anymore. Your surrounding became more clear again once the cabin stopped, it was almost completely on top. "Y/N, are you sure you're alright?" Her green eyes shined so bright that you desired to be drowned by them. You were so mesmerized by her that you didn't notice how close you leaned in. She closed the distance between you two with a short but very soft and passionate kiss. It was amazing, one of the best kisses you'd ever had. Natasha knew how fatal that kiss was, she couldn't let you leave alone. She was addicted to you and it was going to break her once you died. Awkwardness hung in the air after the kiss but neither of you seemed to mind it much. 
The ride seemed short. Maybe because it was short. You were battling between going for another ride or running away as fast as possible. A decision couldn't be made in time since your own time came in between it all. As you wanted to stand up you collapsed to the ground, constantly falling in and out of consciousness. When you did wake up, it was as if the gravity crushed your body. Everything hurt to the bone. Opening your eyes were the hardest part but worth it since you saw all the Avengers plus the Black Widow family. A weak smile was on your lips. "Hi."
"I thought we had more time left." Yelena said, tears streaming down her face. "Me too. But I'm grateful to have known you all. Thanks for everything." It got harder to talk, every word you said physically hurt you. Everybody saw in how much pain you were in so they all started to say their goodbye's to you. When they all left, only Yelena and Natasha were left, you knew the both of them would not leave your side until your final breath. You sighed loudly. "I didn't even get to see Finland." 
"I can't believe that you traveled and lived in multiple universes but not once have you been to Finland." It was weird but you thought there was a reason for you never being there. "I was in Norway a couple of times. I swear you and Natasha have to visit that country."
Bringing up Norway brought back memories for Natasha. She never got to tell you about her time in Norway hiding from the authorities but it made her smile. You wanted them to visit Norway kinda felt like a full circle for her. "We should! Sestra, do you still have that trailer there?" Yelena turned her attention to you. "Not sure if you know but after the civil war she decided to hide in Norway. Fucking brilliant." It was now official, every Natasha you knew had been to Norway for one or another reason. Somehow you longed for a trip with this Natasha and Yelena. Seeing dears and norther lights, eating fish and driving through the fjords. But it could not happen anymore, not even in your afterlife if that even existed. So instead of listening to them talking about planing a trip there, you imagined a life with your soulmate in Finland. You wished for a woman to be your one and only. Sexuality was not much of a thing on your home planet, you still considered yourself a lesbian. In your early days of searching, you tried dating men, it never worked out and though you never had a previous memory until recently, you only exclusively dated and married women. Now with the search being over and having every single memory, the pressure of needing to be open for anyone to be your soulmate was gone. And that pressure kept you in a box, you were free to be yourself and with that you knew for sure that you weren't attracted to men. 
You only notice that your breath became uneven when breathing suddenly became harder and exhausting. Your time was coming to an end. "E-each.. s-side. Cud-cuddling." How talking got so hard so fast was was crazy to you. Anxiety and fear was roaring through you, many possible lives flashed in front of you. Things you could have done, things you regretted, thing that made you happy.. all of them played in your head while the sister duo made themselves comfortable next to you. Once they hugged you close, there was a peaceful atmosphere around you, it brought you a calmness that you needed before passing away.
"I'm sorry." Natasha suddenly whispered in your ear softly. "I wasn't careful enough on that mission and look where it got us. I'm sorry  for how I acted before and after my injury. I should have demanded a divorce and I shouldn't have continued flirting to get things. That was literally cheating and I am so sorry for it. I didn't treat you like you deserved to be treated." Tears slowly started to stream down her face. "I'd do so many things differently if I had another chance. Just know that I don't regret the time I had with you." You tried to squeeze her hand with the little energy you had left. It took you over a minute to get out a I Love You. The words left your lips so quiet that nobody could hear it if they were pressed closely to your body. Those three little words were meant for them both. You loved them both, just in different ways. 
A comfortable warmth spread through your body seconds before you exhaled a final breath. The last thing you felt was Natasha kissing your temple. 
Tags: @iamthescarlettwitch , @dark-hunter16 , @marvel-fan-2021 , @myfturn , @natsxwife , @wandanats-goodgirl , @supaheroine , @00alycia , @xxsekhmet , @franfrolix , @lonewalker17 , @newawakening9 , @marvelwomen-simp , @automaticwizardnerd , @wifeofnatasharomanoff , @tigerlillyruiz , @lifeontop , @blackwidow-3
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zoomzooml · 10 months
Rewatched Bumblebee movie so Alert: random thoughts of sleep deprived person go--
Bumblebee has hella powerful legs. Not only when he uses them in fight, but also when he jumps.
I just love how Bumblebee uses his legs in combat, like hell yeah dude! They may catchin' those hands but they ain't catchin' those legs (they actually did couple of times but shhhh).
Fight sequences are muah. Love them, the best ones in Transformers movies I think. I'm not sure but I also think they were storyboarded/planned by animator so if it's truth it does explain things lol.
Bumblebee is smaller and weaker than the Decepticons he has come to fight, and he doesn't just use their weight or size against them, but all the time seems to be looking for an advantage in his surroundings. This is likely not very unique to him, but it clearly stands out when his opponents the moment they realized their advantage wanted to simply overpower Bee.
Also love how everyone is trying to use their alt-mode during combat.
They could have done more with the fact that G1 Bumblebee was said to like swimming, and Charlie was swimmer in the past (specifically was in school's dive team if I remember correctly). Like some kind of bonding scene? Whatever, it was just such an opportunity. (And I know we had this seconds-post-end-battle scene but it is not what I'm talking about at all if it makes sense???)
Shatter often folds her hands behind her back in a gesture that I personally associate with a business woman (also in base scene she and military man both hold hands that way when talking so yeah). I feel that this reinforces her image as the leader/representative of the duo when Dropkick maintains a looser posture. Just cool body language.
I didn't pay attention to this in the movie, but I was reminded of how someone noticed the Autobot symbol on Shockwave's arm. If that's true, they could make it cool to pull it up under Senator Shockwave's MTMTE-style backstory, or maybe some variation of the spy (before he was known as a Decepticon, especially a high-level one) in TFA style. As far as I know the entire thing was because of recycling model parts but still.
I don't like Bumblebee's camaro root-mode. Idk, he was all round and huggable almost the entire movie, even when he had jeep as alt-mode, and then he is all blocky :((. Maybe it's because even as jeep he still has his chest mostly flat and as camaro it moves so much forward. His Cybertronian root-mode also has chest moved forward a bit but it's a lot more aerodynamic (you know what I mean) so he still looks round. Like, he is huggable all the time and then his camaro-boob looks like it would cut you. Idk how to say it, hope you get what I'm trying to communicate anyway :')
I really like how Decepticons were casually showing off that they are Triplechangers. I understand why they were doing this from storytelling point of view but it's still funny from in-universe one. ("Look how cool and badass we are.") I'm probably turning it up but oh well.
Also this will be a bit off but I never liked the idea of hammer as Bumblebee's weapon. Like his thing almost always was being small, kinda fast and not very strong and boom. They give him one of the weapons that is most effective welded by someone big, strong who doesn't loose much fighting weapon that kinda slows them down a bit (I think hammer does but you can correct me lol) because damn, this thing is big, at least in his serwos.
Plus, still on the hammer's topic, actual war hammers had this spike on the one end of the head so you could actually pierce armor of your opponent or just your opponent but not this one. This one is just for smashing like your mom's meat mallet. Ok, I'm done with this saltyness lol
But really, hammer as weapon doesn't fit Bee at all. Or it's just me.
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sincerelyyoursg · 1 year
The sun and memories
a/n: This was written for my inner child. It might not help you, but I found some comfort in writing this. I love you all!
warnings: a bit of crying, some memories (but they're nice!), I think that's all <3 enjoy!
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The smell of the dinner hung in the air, white sheets below you. Bradley softly sang with the radio in the kitchen, love that he was singing about only relaxing you. You smiled to yourself, the light of sun setting giving a nice vibe to the room.
It was weird to have him here, at this part of the year. Late spring was one of his favorite times in the year, and when he told you he's coming home, you immediately knew where he wanted to go. It was a small house, but it was sweet. The sea was right next to it, just a little bit of distance separating water and your front door.
When you met Bradley, you were both still kids. High school's ups and downs bringing the two of you together, and never letting you go. Army pilot, he told you one time. It's where I feel free the most. You remember the sudden pain in your chest when he told you that, knowing all the dangers that would come along. Still, you supported him with all your heart. When he was in a plane, he was happy. And for you, that was enough.
"Love? You good?" He asked you now, bringing you back to present times. He only had pants on, the skin of his upper body already sunburned.
"I'm just going over some memories, you know? I'm feeling kind of nostalgic." You laughed, inviting him to lay next to you.
"Wanna tell me some of them?"
"Well, since you asked so nicely." You turned to him, fixing the mischievousl curl on his forehead, "Do you know I used to hike all the time when I was a kid? It started with my dad first, we always went somewhere on the weekends. I remember one time, it was winter and the forest was covered in snow. It was so beautiful, but more peaceful."
"What else will I learn about you, huh? You never told me that." Bradley whispered at you, smiling at how adorable you were. It warmed his heart, to see you like this. You were always worrying about everything, so seeing you in your bed, sun painting your face in this happy place of his, it made him calm.
"Yeah, well you never asked either! Few years after that, I found my friends. I don't really know how it happened- we knew each other for years, but at one point we just clicked. One friend, he loved hiking as well, so he made us go with him. It was around six of us, loosing breaths every Saturday because of him! My best friends and me were sure he always took the harder path on purpose."
He didn't answer for a while, just looked at you. Did you know the effect you had on him? The way your face was filled with happiness and nostalgia, how your eyes sparkled when you talked about your childhood. After all these years, he didn't think it was possible, but at that moment he found himself falling even more in love with you.
"C'mere." Bradley opened his arms, inviting you in. He snuggled as close as it was physically possible, hoping you'd feel the love radiating off of him.
"I'm so proud of you." He started.
"No, shh, you just listen to me. I know what you went through. And you're so, so brave, my love. Do you know that? The memory you just told me, thousands of all your memories- That's who you are. You're your hiking trips, and you're dancing with your friends, and you're pure love. You're worth more than the whole world. To me, at least, and that's all that matters. You're all that matters. Hey, no, c'mon babe, don't cry now-" He laughed, wiping your tears, happy tears, off your face. "Just... Thank you. For everything you've ever done. For sticking with me, and for always staying. For fighting. I love you. So so much, my darling."
You were both laughing now, giggles leaving your mouth. He kissed you, and you were at peace. Bradley Bradshaw is going to be your husband, that's what you knew.
Then the alarm went off, and your dinner was ready.
"Wanna eat outside?" He asked, already knowing your answer.
The sun was half way in the sea now. Your terrace table was filled with food and drinks, and love of your life was seated next to you. You could hear the waves and smell the salt, as you watched the sun go down.
Kids' laughter could be heard from somewhere close, and then you knew. The sun was already hiding, just a few more seconds till it's not there anymore. But you knew, that, just like the sun, you'd always rise again.
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malk1ns · 1 month
Hello! Your insights about Jagr/Mario have opened my third eye and I fear this will rattle around in my brain for a while
In the meantime, you mentioned how their relationship probably had a heavy dash of hero worship in it. I immediately thought of Sid/Mario. Do you have any thoughts on them?
always glad to spread the good word about mario and jaromir!!!
as far as sid and mario...you might not be all that surprised to find out that in fact i do.
it's interesting because while i'm sure sid had some level of awe with mario, like any good canadian hockey player would, we know his idol-idol was steve yzerman (please see @al-the-remix for further scholarship on this matter), and while sid was definitely a kid entering the league, he was by no means a wilting flower—this is a guy who's been in the spotlight since before he was even a teenager, and for all he's humble and polite and nice, sid had a level of arrogance about him; i don't think he felt necessarily cowed or overly intimidated by much of anyone at that point in his life. i mean, you have Thee wayne gretzky calling you the next one, that's gonna impact how you see your place in the world, right? plus he'd met mario already through his agent (please see @beggingwolf for further scholarship of a different kind on THAT matter), so it's not like he walked into a hockey legend's house sight unseen when he moved to pittsburgh.
i have to imagine that being loosely socially acquainted with mario and playing on a team he's captaining are two totally different things. there's hitting the ice to noodle around and do trick shots, and there's huddling up after practice to have the most talented hockey player to ever live (sorry wayne and conald, but it's still mario and always will be) tell you what you did wrong and how your team can improve. it's gotta be a bit of an overwhelming experience, on top of all the other major changes that an 18 year old suddenly playing in the glaring lights of the national hockey league would be dealing with.
and then you go home with him. because he holds you in high, high regard, and thinks you're special, and wants to make sure you get attention and nurturing, and that you have support. it gives you privileged access into his personal life, and the way nhl organizations work from a business perspective, and a 24/7 on-tap resource for any questions or fears you might have.
it must have been heady, for sid. he might have been peers with mario as soon as he entered the league because all NHLers are peers, but they're by no means equal. mario's providing for him, making sure he's sleeping and eating right, taking him to and from practice, giving him advice...and all of this after he's been living away from his parents for years, kind of on his own as a teenager out in the world trying to figure it out for himself. what a change. what a difference.
to me, that sounds less like hero worship and more like something else, if you catch my drift?
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twinkleallnight · 1 year
False truth
Book: TRR AU
Pairings: Drake x Riley, Drake x Olivia, Liam x Riley .
Word count:1020
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: mental health
A/N: Thanks a ton @lizzybeth1986 for holding my hand and bringing this to reality. This is a mini series of 6 chapters loosely weaved around themes for the days of drake-walker-appreciation week.
Prompt: Day 1: Appreciation for @drake-walker-appreciation week
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"Good morning!" Her soft whisper and sweet kisses were the things Drake cherished the most.
He stretched his arms up in the air and then turned to her, taking her in his embrace. She giggled as he peppered kisses all over her face.
"I love you." She said with a kiss.
"I love you too." He replied and asked, "What are we planning today?"
" I am going to treat you to some of your favourite foods."
"And what's so special to recieve this treat?"
"Just cause I want to celebrate, us." She waved her finger between both of them. "You know what, being with you every moment is a celebration." She added.
"You flatter me. What did I do to get all of this?" He spread out his arms and threw himself back in the softness of the plush mattress.
She placed her hand on his chest and rested her chin on it. Looking into his eyes, she started, " You Drake Walker, you are the most wonderful person on this earth. You have been a loving son, a caring brother, the most loyal friend anyone could ask for."
He raised his brows. "Well, thank you but all these things don't relate to you and me. Tell me something exclusive about us."
She chuckled, "That list will be never-ending. You know how much I love you. You are the warm hearted person I always dreamed of."
Drake smiled listening to the praises. She cupped his face and continued, "You can read me so well. I don't have to utter a single word and you know what I want. You know it all. You are so devoted that I feel blessed. You never leave my side come hell or high water. You give courage, you give hope, you make living possible. With you around I am so carefree. You are always watching my back. I can be myself and I am who I am, because of you."
Drake covered her mouth with his fingers, "Enough! Do you want me to drown in the sea of these praises?"
She shook her head and moved his hand away to speak, "No, I want you to shine like a star in the nightsky."
"A star? I am not beautiful like a star."
She got up to kiss his head. "Sadly, you don't even know."
"Know what?"
"That you are beautiful inside and outside. . Your chestnut hair that falls over your forehead." She ruffled his hair and he chuckled. "Your twinkling brown eyes, this smile of yours that only I get to see. When you say my name in your rough and heavy tenor, my legs go jelly."
"Riley." He called out her name to tease her.
"Oh, please don't start it again."
"Riley! Riley! Riley!" He repeated with a kiss each time.
She started laughing. He responded with a hearty laugh. He didn't realise his voice was loud enough to cross the barriers of the wooden doors.
There was a knock on the door. "Drake? Are you awake, Drake?" The sharp female voice from the other side of the door sounded concerned.
Drake lost his grin but Riley kept smiling. He got up to open the door. He didn't want his rendezvous with Riley to end. If only…
The moment he unlocked the door, Olivia rushed in.
"Good morning, Drake. How are you today? Did you sleep well?" She asked in a single breath, scanning the room.
"Yes, whatever." He muttered and walked in behind her. He looked at his bed and frowned. Riley was gone. Again. As always.
"Were you talking to someone?"
" None of your business!" He snarled at her and stomped out of the door. Riley was gone, so there was no point to stay there.
Olivia's shoulders slumped in defeat. She looked at the tiny study table in the corner of the room. The letter she left last night was still there. It was out of the envelope. That means he read it. Then why would he not respond well? She walked down to it with heavy steps. She picked it up to check if she had made a mistake. She started reading her handwritten ode.
'Dear Drake,
I love you. And I have some plans for tomorrow. I am going to treat you to some of your favourite foods. Nothing special. I just want to celebrate, us, although being with you every moment is a celebration. Because, you Drake Walker, you are the most wonderful person on this earth. You have been a loving son, a caring brother, the most loyal friend anyone could ask for.' Her eyes welled up. She tried to peer through her watery eyes.
'And if i start talking about us, the list will be never-ending.'
A stray streak of water spilled out of her eye to land on the letter and blotted the ink. She turned away with a sigh. Her head hung low. She crumpled the paper in her hand.
She looked up at the mantle. Photos of them together in happier times looked like they were mocking her. She picked up one she had clicked of him, standing alone in the lythikos snow with the eggnog she had made for him. He was beaming at the lens. He looked so happy. She wiped the wetness from her cheeks, reminiscing about that moment. She touched his lips in the photograph and moved her fingers over his brown eyes. "I did as I was told. I poured out my heart to you Drake Walker in a hope that you will remember what we had. But you are still dreaming of a woman who doesn't exist. I wonder how long I will have to fight this lonely battle to get you out of your hallucinations.This struggle seems like never-ending. I miss you Drake. I miss you!"
She cradled the photo frame in her bosom and let the welled up emotions loose till she could do it no more. She won't give up though. She had decided she wouldn't. With a fresh resolution in her mind,she got up to go after him.
"Drake? Drake!..."
Tags: @3pawandme @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @bascmve01 @bebepac @busywoman @dcbbw @delmissesryan @harleybeaumont @iaminlovewithtrr @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @neotericthemis @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308 @princess-geek @sazanes @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @choicesficwriterscreations
Chapter 2 here
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
The Disappearance of Yuki Nagato, Episode 1.
I like how, back in Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, I said they should just stop the movie halfway through and end it on everyone settling into the new reality and accepting this world as it is. But the movie disagreed with me.
But then they cancelled the show and when they brought it back they decided that they want to make a show in the new reality instead of going back to the original canon.
So I feel kinda vindicated by that.
Anyways, Yuki show on Crunchyroll with screenshots provided by shady piracy website, let's go!
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I am so confused by the status quo of Yuki World. Specifically Kyon. But also specifically the continued existence of Yuki World post-Disappearance.
Melancholy was always pretty up-front with the fact that it does not operate on Multiverse Theory. There exists only one timeline, with time travelers moving back and forth between points on the single line - and, in fact, the presence of people from the future in the past is already baked into the present.
Kyon had to travel back in time to meet Kid Haruhi on Tanabata and give her the idea to go to North High because that's how the history goes. Kyon was always there on Tanabata giving Haruhi the idea to go to North High.
So I am already baffled about what this world is. Kyon is part of the Literature Club and has dinners with Yuki and Ryoko, which implies that he remembers the events of the movie. We don't know much about Alt Kyon but we do know that he and Yuki never spoke two words to one another.
So it could be, like, a What If scenario if Kyon chose to stay and not end Yuki's new reality. But this can't be Original Kyon because he's on good terms with Ryoko. Our Kyon was quite understandably freaked out by the girl who tried to stab him with a knife.
Are we in "Out-of-continuity Loosely Based On" territory? Because they're making references to the movie in the first two minutes so it feels like a direct spinoff. Even though it's metaphysically impossible to be a direct spinoff, because this reality doesn't exist anymore.
(Also Haruhi made her intentions pretty clear that she wanted to form an SOS Brigade on this side of the temporal fence so the fact that Yuki World still has a Literature Club is another mark against a direct spinoff.)
I dunno. My mind is spinning.
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"But she has no powers in this reality--" SHE'S STILL HARUHI
Wonder if Yuki still has Haruhi's powers in this reality? Huh.
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Also, I like how Yuki Show begins where Disappearance was. This world was created in the days leading up to Christmas, so it figures that a Christmas Party would be the first thing we're doing. The chronology is consistent.
Which. Again. Makes it so baffling. Are we spinning canonically out of Disappearance or doing our own thing? Make up your mind!
That being said,
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New Yuki is such an neurodivergent disaster girl. XD
Yuki: I want to be able to experience a full range of emotions and feelings. Monkey's Paw: I mean you're like 15 which is a pretty overwhelming time hormonally but sure. Here you go. Unlocking full range of emotions to process for the very first time ever in your life.
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I wonder how much Ryoko knows? Her appearance at the end of Disappearance implied that she retains at least enough understanding of the situation to kill Kyon with a knife without even questioning why he was trying to shoot Yuki full of science gun.
I don't think she's still a Space Robot because if she had Space Robot powers that fight would have been much different. But she fully understood the situation when she showed up with knife in hand. And I think we can be pretty sure that she did that on her own; Yuki did not intend for her to kill Kyon.
But also, it's not clear how much of Disappearance actually applies to the reality of Yuki Show since Yuki doesn't remember meeting Haruhi and Haruhi hasn't formed this world's version of SOS Brigade.
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One way or the other, at least she's still secretly vicious. I love her. Ryoko is making a compelling argument for Best Character and we're only six minutes in.
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And then they put a knife in her hand hahahahaha.
Spinoff or alt continuity, they at least know exactly what they're doing with Ryoko.
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I like how Ryoko is filling our Crazy Asshole quota but she's a very different flavor of Crazy Asshole from Haruhi. Haruhi was a gleeful crime person while Ryoko (who I think I recall being Class President?) is Lawful Menace. She'll stab you, sure, but she's not about to permit a hot pot on school premises. That would be inappropriate.
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And she ships it.
Yeah. Okay. Ryoko is definitely Best Character. She isn't my character, of course; My character's Haruhi. But she is quickly making a name for herself as this show's MVP.
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She ships it so hard that she's prepared flirtation cue cards. Everyone should have a bestie like Ryoko Asakura. She reels in the crushes and knifes anyone who looks at her bestie the wrong way.
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Oh shit it's them.
I guess it was too much to hope that Mikuru and Tsuruya still hated Kyon's guts in this reality.
How does he even know these two? They're upperclassmen. He only ever met them in our timeline because Haruhi violently abducted Mikuru.
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I would like to have a moment of silence for Mikuru.
Because Tsuruya just got her stabbed. She is so stabbed.
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The "Yuki vs. Mikuru" fight is definitely going to end with Yuki, Kyon, and Mikuru going out for lunch while Ryoko and Tsuruya resort to street brawling each other.
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They have the space heater!?
The one they got for performing in Haruhi's film? The absence of which from this reality was specifically one of the ways it deviated from the original?
...come to think of it, they don't have the computer. The presence of which was one of the ways it bizarrely did not deviate from the original.
This really is a continuity-free Loosely Based On, isn't it?
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Lawful Menace. Ryoko found just the right hoops to jump through in order to obtain formal permission to violate the rules.
I love how she brings just enough Haruhi-esque attitude to the show while still being so distinctly separate from Haruhi in personality and behavior.
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Oh no, she is going to be part of the show.
Yuki. Yuki, run. You have no idea. You have no idea. RUN.
^_^ This show is so cute. I think I'm going to have a good time with it.
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 140- Vengeance
Summary: Josie dreams of the past that holds a message. Stephane and Jo have another talk. A birthday party is planned. Josie experiences a new power. She and Charles search for something. Another side of Garrett is seen. A secret is kept. A surprise is in the works. An ultimatum is given. A visitor comes bearing bad news.
*Warnings* language, angst, death mentions, death, violence, graphic depictions, blood
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Your dreams took you back in time as you saw yourself at Sarah's house, your best friend in your teen years and the one you saw Harker kill when Jareth had showed you the memory of it.
It was a typical weekend afternoon of tarot cards and witchy stuff that she was into and it also happened to be Halloween, the night she went missing and the day you unknowingly met Jareth the goblin King for the first time. Back then, you didn't believe in all that voodoo stuff so much, although you remembered how your mother did. Sarah though, was all about it, a witch herself and you didn't realize the truth of it all until almost seven years after her death.
For some fun and a break from taking care of your sick dad, you would go to her place to let loose since it was right next door. The night would consist of pizza, sneaking booze from her mom's pantry since she worked in the evening, and cranking up the music while Sarah filled the room with candles and would give you readings. As skeptical as you always were about it, strangely they always became relevant to your life at some point, but you would just chalk it up to be a coincidence.
As she laid the cards out one, she placed the last one in front of you. The high priestess that held the letters B and J on it.
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"Sooo, what does that mean?" you asked with an arched brow.
"The high priestess is a card of mystery, stillness and passivity. You need to reflect upon your situation and trust your instincts to guide you though what is to come. Things around you are not what they appear to be." Sarah explained, but then she just stared at the card with a head tilt.
"What things? My instincts tell me my life is exactly what it looks like...all fucked up."
"No...something is....amiss...now and into the future. I've drawn this card for you before, but it never spoke to me util now."
"Sarah, my dad is terminally ill with only a few years to live if he's lucky. That's what's amiss and that is the future."
"Jo, no...you're taking things literally, which sometimes the cards can be but sometimes they have deeper meanings, metaphoric even. I know you don't believe this stuff, but I'm telling you there's something huge about your life and your future. You see this?" she said and pointed to the lady on the card.
"Uh yeah...it looks like a queen or something. Oh my god Sarah?? Am I going to become the Queen of England??" you jested and laughed.
"No!" she scoffed. "But...you will be of some great importance. Something magical and powerful. The half moon at her feet tells me that. I know you never believe me, but I feel it in you. The witchy vibe. I mean come on, why do you think you and I connected so well. I believe you're a true witch who just don't know it yet."
"Yeah umm we connected so well because you live right next door." you chuckled. "I can't even make toast without burning it. I am far from a powerful witch."
"Jo, seriously. You even said your mom was into this stuff....and christ, look how your dad dresses and speaks, like he's from another century or something."
"She was, but I never saw her twinkle her nose and make things happen or ride a broom stick, or lure little children into her house like Hansel and Gretel. My dad, he's just old fashioned. Are you saying he's a witch too??"
"There are male witches you know. They're called warlocks and can you be serious for once? That's not what witches are all about. That's all fairytales. This is real."
"It's all hocus pocus if you ask me, pun intended but ok fine...so I am going to be some witch queen is what you're saying? Who's my King? He better be hot! And what do the letters mean?"
"Well...I definitely feel the J resembles you but...."
She stopped and cocked her head again as she ran her finger over the B.
"A...counterpart to you...soul mate of some sort maybe? I keep seeing the word....missing....and...child....a baby maybe??"
You hysterically laughed. "The B stands for baby? I certainly know I am not pregnant...oh god!! Wait! Am I going to have a baby with my future King??? If anyone is missing, it is him! Maybe his name starts with a B! Oh my fucking god, it Bon Jovi!! That's what the B and J stand for!"
"Stop it! It's not that! It's someone you will meet. They will have the answers you seek."
"I'm not seeking anything right now except to get drunk after my encounter with that creepy guy on my way here. Like, he knew my freaking name so I umm, kinda told him my name was Sarah."
"Oh great, now we have some weirdo stalking around here infatuated with the many looks of David Bowie that knows BOTH of our names now and he probably saw you come here because I saw him from the window when you were walking over, and he saw me too. Talk about going all out for a Halloween costume and I didn't like his eyes."
"Calm down, he's probably just some senior from school out trying to score free candy like they did in Hocus Pocus, which is why he knew my name."
"Yeah well, he wasn't carrying a trick or treat bag and he looked way older than that. Def a witch vibe on him too. Probably into some cult shit and will sacrifice me tonight. Speaking of weirdos, tonight for dinner, you will meet the dude my mom is fucking, some Phillip guy. He's def creepy. I get nothing but bad vibes from him, like the hair on the back of my neck stands up when he's around. Witches sense those things."
"Ok miss superstitious, you are not going to be burned at the stake tonight or sacrificed on some stone slab in the middle of the forest. I have an idea. Since you seem to think I am a witch, we should look for our third and fourth to complete the circle, like that movie the Craft. You can teach me how to change my hair color to blonde like that girl did, what was her name...oh that's right, it was SARAH.." you joked some more.
"Fine, mock this all you want. Even the song playing right now is a message. These things don't just randomly happen."
"So when all of this happens, always remember this day and always remember, things are not always as they seem...remember Jo...remember....remember....remember....he's alive...."
Her words reverberated and echoed as your eyes sprung open.
"Sarah??" you gasped as you sat up. "God, what the hell was that?" you asked yourself out loud.
You realized it was late afternoon and that you had been asleep on Lola's sofa since you had come back from seeing Garrett. You hoped he wasn't upset with you for making him leave but you weren't sure what Narcisse and Haldir were going to do after seeing you locking lips with the vampire. Although Garrett was under Amara's protection mark, you didn't know how far that protection went and didn't want to test the waters to find out. You also knew Garrett could hold his own against them or anyone for that matter, but you didn't want to see any of them get hurt.
You sat with Leean, feeding her and as you did so, you began to recall the song Sarah mentioned, so you softly sang it to her, for she was a witch too and already coming into her powers at the mere age of 5 weeks old.
"I walk in worlds that no one can come by. I seek the trees and whispering stones. I dance at night and sing to the firelight to wake the witch who lives within me. I run with wolves and howl at the pale moon. I conjure storms that no man can tame. I love with fire so red it consumes you to wake the witch who lives within me. Music charms me like a spell. Voices fill me with tales to tell. All the women burned before are burning in my soul. All my darkness, all my fears fall away when their ghosts are near. Chanting, dancing, calling me to wake the witch in me. I sought the trees to flee all who hurt me. I whispered spells to endure their stones. I hid in dreams so no one could find me to veil the witch who lives within me. And now I fly at night like a raven. I dance with ghouls and devils till dawn. And in the forest, I’ve found my haven to wake the witch who lives within me."
Leean's big round moonstone eyes danced through yours as she listened to your voice. Little coos came from her daddy's shaped lips as she suckled and lightly kicked her feet.
Just then, a knock sounded upon the door. You already knew who it was, for your intuition told you and...you could smell the peppermint seeping under the door.
"Jo...may I come in?" Narcisse softly asked.
You covered yourself and carried Leean with you to the door, fretting that you were about to get an earful over the kiss of the vampire, but strangely, it was the exact opposite.
As you reluctantly opened, there the warlock stood and his typical grin with his hands resting at his midriff as his fingers fidgeted with his ring like always and there at his feet sat his loyal companion Merlin staring up at you.
"Well there's the two most beautiful girls in the world....and one of them has a most angelic voice from what I just heard, wouldn't you agree Merly?" he said in a baby tone as he tickled Leean's cheek. Of course, she cutely responded with an all out Thranduil smirk, making your heart shatter and ache for your King.
You turned and went to lay her down as Narcisse followed with his faithful feline right at his heels, who then jumped on the sofa making himself right at home as he laid down and yawned.
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You gave the Maine Coon some quick chin scratches and then went over by the window and sat down.
"Well...let me have it about Garrett, I mean, that is why you are here, is it not?"
He smiled his arrogant smile and sat down beside you."
"No, actually I am not here about that, although I must say, I don't know what you see in him, the vampire is so boring."
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You rolled your eyes as he continued.
"I came to tell you that I have retrieved your belongings."
He pulled out the spell book from within his jacket, along with the record and the dreamcatcher, then laid them beside you.
"The book was found in Claude's room and beside it laid a doll made with hay from the stables, smelling of my horse."
"Oh...gosh. Stephane, I am so sorry. It's all my fault, if I hadn't been in possession of the book, that never would have happened."
"Nonsense. The only fault here lies upon Catherine for her dastardly deeds and possibly her daughter too, which she will soon be questioned after she recovers from giving birth. Claude's diary was found as well and I have a pretty good feeling the answers are in there. I will read over it soon...but if you will notice the bookmarked page in your book. I think that explains the spell on Garrett."
After giving a concerning look, you quickly opened it to see the page stained with a yellow tint. You then looked at him in confusion.
"It's warlock blood, but still man's blood to a vampire and in this case, dead man's blood. Asher's. I can smell it. Somehow Catherine got her hands on it after his death. I have reason to believe she used Claude to place the spell. With that said, it is the same as if Garrett would have drank it himself."
"Jesus, what is it with this bitch and poison?"
"Because that's what Catherine is. Poison. Now...if you'll turn to the back, you'll find another item you were looking for...."
You flipped it to the back to find the letter you wrote to Thranduil.
"Thank you Stephane, for all of this. I will do better at keeping this book out of the wrong hands. I'm glad to have my dreamcatcher back as well."
Narcisse noticed your despaired expression when you mentioned the moonstone sleep aid.
"Jo? What is it?" he asked as he gently laid his hand upon yours.
'"It's...I don't know really. I had fallen asleep earlier and had this strange dream of...well actually it was a memory my friend Sarah who Harker killed. Honestly, I don't want to talk about it. It's my fault she is dead. I should have never left her that night, but I had to get home to my dad. The really fucked up thing is that she had cracked a joke that evening about something happening to her and of course I basically told her that she would be fine."
"You don't have to talk about it. I will say, I am sorry about your friend. She obviously meant a lot to you. And again, it is not your fault...it is Harker's."
"If only I had believed her about her witch sense and all. She figured out who he was that night and that is why he killed her. All the years I knew her, she was a witch just like me, but I didn't know I was and I made fun of her for believing she was. What a shitty friend I was."
"Jo...please don't be so hard on yourself. You were so young still and had no idea who you were. I wish I would have been around more for your dad, maybe I could have done something, or figured out what was going on. If only I had known he was sick."
"Stephane, you obviously had your hands full with Catherine and the situation with Charles. It's no more your fault than mine. You're right. It was Harker's and even my mother's. Jareth too. You would have been there for my dad if you could have. He knew how much he meant to you. You were a good friend to him. Hopefully we can find him soon and fix whatever Jareth has done to him."
"You're too kind Jo. We will get him back. I promise you. I really should get going. I have a birthday party planned for you this evening. I figured you need a break and need to unwind."
"Ummm what??"
"Your birthday, remember? I know it's not actually until tomorrow but I'm too excited about it to wait. And...it's such a beautiful December day, strangely warm as usual which makes it perfect for a nice outside gathering. What color fireworks would you like this time. I had them do purple for you at the last party...that is your favorite color is it not?"
You were completely mind blown over his attentiveness to your likings. He had told you before that he paid attention to the little things.
"I...I...you...did that? for...me?"
"I did. So...purple again? I had a cake made too. It's 25 candles now right?"
Your hands went to your face, covering it as you began sobbing.
"Jo...sweetheart. What is wrong?" he kindly asked and pulled your hands down so he could cup your face in his.
"I...I haven't celebrated my birthday since my seventeenth one, which was the last one with my dad....and he died...well supposably died the next morning. He..he still, in his sickness, made sure a cake was delivered for me, candles and all....and also had a dinner sent to the house because he knew I couldn't cook for shit....and...and this would have been my first one with Thranduil...."
Narcisse offered the most compassionate smile. "I will cancel the party. I apologize for overstepping. I just thought something of some normalcy would make you feel better...."
"No...don't apologize for being nice. You went to all this trouble for me..so it's the least I could do to attend my own party. Purple...yes...and please don't put that many candles on the cake. One will suffice so I can easily blow it out."
"As you wish your majesty. Now...I do have one other reason I came here. You promised me a date sometime. Maybe tomorrow? An afternoon carriage venture along the countryside by my villa?"
"It's Garrett isn't it? Is someone making you spend time with him?" he sarcastically asked.
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"No one makes me do anything and you know it. And honestly, it is none of your business."
"Tell me then, is it my business when just the other day, you were kissing me?"
"Ok well you kissed me."
"And you kissed me back. It scared you didn't it? What you felt, so you turned to Garrett instead. But you, you came clear to the city to try and stop me from that fight. You care for me whether you admit it or not. You and I, we are the same Jo. Both witches that share a rare electrifying sensation when we touch. We empower each other."
"Maybe so...but this is all a game to you. You even said so yourself once, that you like games. I cannot trust what you say is real. I feel this is all just about winning to you, especially over that of a vampire. as if I am some prize...and he does not make me feel that way. I know him...I don't know you."
"Then get to know me. Give me that chance to prove that my feelings for you are genuine. What I said is that I had never had a worthy opponent. I will not deny thinking of you as a prize because you are just that and I would be the luckiest man to ever be able to call you mine. A winner indeed of true happiness that I have never experienced. All that I have done and am doing is because I have come to deeply care for you. This is all new to me. I know in the past I have come across as a seeker of victory but I assure you, that is not the case with you. Since our eyes first met, I wanted more. Much more. I have felt your approach long before you ever arrived."
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Narcisse certainly knew how to choose his words, but you knew he meant them. He wasn't wrong. You did feel something for him and yes, you were scared. And you didn't want to hurt Garrett because you felt something for him too. Your dream made sure you faced that. You were just flat out scared to move on because this isn't where you were supposed to be, having to choose between two men. You were supposed to be with Thranduil forever, for he was your only choice.
"I'll tell you what. I will not hold you to your promise, for I know you were just trying to keep me alive at the time. Wear a flower in your hair tonight and if you do, then I will know you have agreed to share a date with me tomorrow. There is fresh new array of them in my office that the servants brought in this morning. I would love to spend your birthday with you. I must be off. It is time to serve more retribution where it is due."
Narcisse got up, offered you a head bow and then left.
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Who crossed Narcisse this time? you wondered as you sat where he left you and stared out the window.
Lola then came in and her presence helped aid you in your decision for tonight.
"Lola...how would you like to join me tonight with Leean for a party. It is a beautiful day out and you are always stuck inside."
"A party miss? I was not aware that there was one."
"I was not either, but Narcisse was just here and informed he that he was hosting a birthday gathering for myself."
"It is your birthday? How wonderful..but...why do you not look so eager to attend? Oh how foolish of me to ask such a thing. Of course I know why. My apologies."
"No Lola, it is quite alright. I truly need to face reality and stop wallowing over what will never be again. Besides, he went to all the trouble to do something so nice for me when I was certain after what he saw today...well that's not important. Will you come? I hear there will be cake....and fireworks, although I don't know if that will startle Leean. That will probably be around her bedtime anyways. So what do you say?"
"Of course my lad...Josie. I would love to attend."
"Perfect. I need to do something first. Will you stay with her?"
"You know you do not need to ask. Of course I will."
"Maybe you could pick us both out something to wear while I am gone?"
Lola smiled and nodded, then you left for Stephane's office, still pondering over whether you would wear a flower or not, but you decided to go look at them anyways, for anything floral made you think of Thranduil.
A beautiful rainbow of flowers in a large crystal vase sat on Narcisse's desk just where the sunlight shone in to feed them. Cleary there must have been a greenhouse on the grounds for they couldn't be from the gardens in the middle of winter, but then again, as Narcisse said, the weather was strangely warm...and you did see a purple one sprouting from the ground a few weeks ago after the ice storm.
Of course you chose a violet beings that it was purple. You put it in your hair and stood at a mirror to see how it would look, but all you could see was the memory of the vision you had at Lestat's of Thranduil in the mirror. You closed your eyes and turned away, trying not to cry again.
As you took the flower out of your hair, you stood there and just inhaled it's scent, reminding you of how you would sit in Thranduil's gardens for hours when he was out tending to his Kingly duties. How you missed his Kingdom. Would you ever be ready to go back? You knew you needed to. It was Leean's home...it was your home...and you missed Legolas something awful and surely he was missing Leean if not you. You needed, wanted to make things right with him, but could you? Knowing how he felt about you now and how hurt he was. And why couldn't you hear him anymore? Did you just imagine it all?
You began to leave when something caught your eye on the desk. It was the doll made of hay that Stephane mentioned they found in Claude's room. Out of some strange intuitive feeling, you picked it up and looked it over....and then, something happened that had never happened to you before. You saw a vision.
Arion, standing alone in a place of darkness with a mangled mane and he turned to look at you as if he saw you. His eyes were so sad and lonely.
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And then the darkness began to fade and you could see the surroundings. A place you didn't recognize but appeared to be some sort of desolate dungeon standing at the edge of a forest.
You gasped and dropped the doll and ran off to find Narcisse. As you turned a corner, you almost ran into Charles who was coming out of his chambers.
"My lady? Where are you off to in such a rush and why are you out of breath and look frightened??" he sincerely asked.
"Charles...you know the grounds here well, do you not?"
"I..I do yes, why?"
"Is there somewhere around here that is desolate...another dungeon maybe? A big round stone structure by a forest??"
"Umm..y..yes I believe so? A bit south off the back side of the castle. It hasn't been used for years. Why would you ask of such a place?"
"Can you take me there??"
"Yes, please Charles!"
"Josie, what is this all about??"
"Just take me there. If my vision is true, I am about to make your father the happiest man in the world."
After saddling up some horses, you and Charles galloped off down a discreet pathway behind the castle and headed off into the woods. Roughly twenty minutes later, you came to a clearing and at the other end of it was the stone building you had seen on the edge of a cliff, hidden behind the forest.
"Wait. Stop!" Charles loudly whispered. "There are guards?? Why are there guards at this run down place?"
"Because I believe your mother has something valuable to your father locked up inside of it. I'll take care of them."
"With what? Magic? My father has rules about magic used on his guards. Trust me, I just got an earful about it this morning."
"Fuck the rules." you quipped and rode off.
"I'm going to be in so much trouble...." Charles whispered to himself with wide eyes and took off after you.
"Halt! What business do you have here? This area is forbidden." One of the two guards said as he walked towards you with his sword drawn.
You dismounted and fearlessly walked up to him as Charles jumped down and followed.
"There is no need to draw your weapon on a lady!" Charles snapped. "I know who you are and you know who I am. Exactly what business is it that YOU have here at a deserted dungeon??"
"That is classified information young warlock. If your father wished you to know, you would not be questioning me. Now move along."
"I take no orders from you! I demand to know what is inside, for I feel my father has no knowledge of this at all!."
"I said it is forbidden." the guard snarled and took a few more steps towards the both of you as the other guard then joined him.
"What are you going to do if I pass? Kill me? My father will have your head if you harm me or Josie."
"I will not harm you...now the girl on the other hand means nothing to me...but...maybe for a small price, we can work something out? I have not had the pleasure of a woman in a very long time."
"Nor have I." the other guard said with a twisted grin.
"And I can see why you disgusting oafs. Narcisse will have your heads either way for I know what is inside. His beloved horse. Arion."
"What??" Charles strongly asked as he whipped his head to you.
"That's right. Arion is not dead. Your mother stashed him here to make your father suffer by making him believe she killed him and fed the horse to him. I'm sorry Charles but I told you Catherine was sick. Now, let us pass or..."
"Or what??" the guard laughed. "See, now we have a bigger problem. You should have minded your own business. We cannot let you go now...my lady." the guard said, bearing a sinister smile as he neared you.
Just then, something swarmed him. It was so fast that you couldn't even see it...but you smelled the gush of wind that burst over you....Garrett.
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The man backed away in panic, nearing a steep cliff that held only massive sharp rocks below at the ocean's edge. He was stormed again, but this time you saw something you had never saw of Garrett before. He appeared from a swarm of bats and raged in the man's face, causing him to lose his balance and fall backwards, screaming to his death below.
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It all was happening so fast, you and Charles were frozen solid as you watched the horror unfold before you.
Garrett charged the other one with his fangs in full view, something else you had never seen on him before, and then he bit into his neck and ripped his throat out.
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The man fell to the ground and frantically scurried away from Garrett, ending up being backed against a tree.
Garrett leaned over the horrified man and bit into the other side of his neck, killing him instantly.
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Your terrified gasp caught Garrett's attention and he froze, keeping his head down. He then slowly opened his blood soaked hands and looked at them.
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Garrett's hands began to shake and his breathing became heavy.
"G..Garrett?" you squeaked as you took a step towards him.
"Stay back!!!!" he growled. "You...you can't see me like this..."
You ignored him and slowly crouched beside him, gently placing your own shaking hand on his shoulder. Your touch startled him and he quickly scooted away, keeping his back to you.
"I said stay away! This...this wasn't supposed to happen...they...they were going to hurt you...I could hear their disgusting thoughts."
"Garrett...it's ok. Please look at me."
"No! I...I never meant for you to see me like this. I can only imagine what you must be thinking. I heard your fear...I can smell it as well."
"Garrett...I...I'm not afraid of you, I was just taken by surprise. They were bad men Garrett...this...this is what you do to those kind of people."
"But you weren't supposed to see it! Not ever! I lost control...I...I'm so...sorry....I...I'm so ashamed..."
His voice was breaking as if he were going to cry as his entire body was now trembling.
"Garrett talk to me...Did...did something happen to cause this?"
"I...I'm a monster Josephine! Just like I always told you I was. That's what caused this. You...you need to stay away from me. I...I don't belong in your world just like everyone has told you."
"Garrett, stop talking like that. You are not a monster! They were the monsters. If you hadn't have come, even I myself would have hurt them. I was going to set them on fire. Does that make me a monster too then? Garrett, please...look at me...let me help you."
"Have a great birthday party and date with Narcisse." he softly said and then his scent rushed through your hair as he vanished.
"Garett wait!!!!!!! You don't understand!!!"
You turned to see Charles still frozen solid with wide eyes and shaking.
"Charles, it's ok. I know him. He wouldn't have hurt you. He was only protecting me."
"Even so, he's...a vampire...on our lands...he just killed two of our guards. I...I have to tell my fath..."
You ran up and grabbed him. "No! You cannot tell Narcisse about this, ever! Do you hear me?? He will have Garrett hunted and they will kill him and I will not let that happen! Those guards were evil and you know it. If Garrett hadn't killed them, I would have...and so would your father if he were here!! But the fact that it was a vampire won't matter to Narcisse, especially that it's Garrett. Please Charles, I'm begging you. I...I care about him...very very much."
"I...I don't know Josie. I think you should just tell him so he does not find out another way. He would understand that the monst...sorry, the vampire was only protecting you...and judging by the way my father looks at you, I would think that your safety would be all that mattered to him. Do you not trust him?"
"I...I want to...but...I just can't risk Garrett's safety...not after all he has ever done for me."
"If..if I stay silent, how will their deaths be explained?? It's quite obvious from the one's wounds what killed him. My father will eventually know they are missing and have them searched for."
"Then they shall not be found."
You turned to the dead guard and flung your hand out. It ignited into flames and you showered it over him, setting him ablaze.
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"There. No more evidence. He will burn to ash. As far as the other guy, he wasn't wounded. It will just look like he accidentally fell if he is found. As far as Narcisse, he only needs to know we found Arion here, nothing more."
"Jesus. Remind me to never piss you off. Alright. I won't say anything...but if I am asked...I will not lie to my father."
"Ok...I can deal with that. Thank you Charles. Now, let's go get Arion."
Sure enough, the snow white horse was inside alive and well, but seemingly depressed and in untidy conditions. His eyes lit up when he saw you, for he remembered his first meeting with you....and of course he knew Charles.
"It's alright now big fella. I am going to take you home where you belong and that wicked witch will never harm you again." you assured him as you lovingly stroked his nose.
He tilted his head and nudged it into your chest, making snorting sounds which had you and Charles laughing. Strangely, it was the first time you had ever heard the boy laugh and you felt slightly guilty for berating his mother in front of him. You understood exactly what it was like to have a love hate relationship with a parent.
You brought the Lipizzan horse outside and let him drink from the canteen you brought, then let him snack on an apple while you tried to untangle his neglected mane. Once he finished his fruit, you both took him back to the stables where the other horses were overly happy to see him as they loudly greeted him with many different pitched neighs and hoof stomps. You spoke with the stableman, asking him to see to it that Arion was pampered, cleaned up and well fed. You also told him to have him ready for a surprise tomorrow and to keep his return a secret until then, for Arion needed a good nights rest in the comfort of his home. After giving the gentle giant a kiss upon his nose, you then left to get ready for the party you were definitely not in the mood for after the recent events, for all you could now think about was Garrett, who was ignoring all of your calls to him. He obviously had heard your conversation with Narcisse and that is what had triggered his anger.
As you and Charles arrived back at the castle, there was a large gathering of of guards and horses in the court yard, along with some man lying on the ground.
"Oh look, Narcisse is serving punishment to one of the guards who caused you trouble the other night in the dining hall. The other guard knew of what would come, so he fled, but he will be found soon enough and pay for his involvement. Come, let's go watch!" Charles eagerly said and trotted off.
How quickly the boy went from referring to Stephane as his father while defending him, then right back to addressing him as Narcisse when it came down to business.
When you walked in, the man on the ground was being tethered by his arms and legs. He saw you and your eyes locked.
"Please....I was never going to hurt you, I swear it! I...I had too much to drink. I shouldn't have said such vulgar things...I...I'm sorry my lady!" he cried.
You gasped in horror, looking all around for Haldir but he was not there. You then rushed up to Narcisse, who turned to you and explained what was happening.
"Do you know why they bind him at up the arms and legs? For a good clean break...or they can do it the other way, at the hands and feet...which do you think would be more painful?"
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"Stephane, you cannot be serious? Please, stop this now!"
"Why on earth would you want me to stop? You know how things are done here when it comes to harassment of women, especially you. I had my men stoned to near death as equal punishment over harming a bird, so certainly you must know that this offense would deserve a far worse punishment, for men like Asher should not breath at all."
"The...the crow..." you muttered, wondering where your feathered friend had been since then."
"Yes? I was told by witnesses that it was a black bird when I caught them just after the heinous act of hurling rocks at it. How did you know that?"
"Because that crow is my friend who has saved me many times from danger. He came to me that night, barely able to fly and covered in blood. I had meant it speak with you about it but so many things were happening. He told me, well, he showed Garrett what happened to him, but Garrett said he saw that you had returned from the city and were handling the situation. I'll have you know, the bird would have died if it had not been for Garrett. He healed him when I could not."
You defense of Garrett was another attempt to make Narcisse see he wasn't a monster in case what happened earlier with the guards was ever revealed, but of course, Stephane's response only proved your efforts pointless.
"Ah yes, the infamous heroic vampire saves the day once more. Well...for the crow's sake and yours, I am happy he was saved. Why was the bird here anyways?"
"He's a messenger and my guardian of sorts. Usually he has something to tell me or bring to me. He is how I had gotten my moonstone back. I guess he knew I needed it or something."
It then be became clear to Narcisse that, that is where Thranduil's letter came from that his guard found nearby one the ground that night. The crow somehow knew the Elvenking was alive and brought it here to tell you.
"Can we get back to what's happening here Stephane? I understand you have rules and beliefs and whatever but...I was the victim and I am telling you, it was only drunken words. He does not deserve to die over it. He is sorry, you heard him,...and I believe him. Please, punish him some other way."
"He is only sorry because he is about to be drawn and quartered. Carry on." he then said to the horsemen as if your words meant nothing.
They began moving the horses, pulling his arms and legs nice and taut as the man screamed in sheer terror.
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"Stephane Narcisse!! This is not you!!! I thought you believed the spell had been broken?? This is a disgusting vile act!" you shouted in one last plea to save the man.
"Tell me something Jo...your King has done similar and even far worse things to those worthy of their punishments and you did not have a problem with that, so why is it that you have a problem with how I operate things here?"
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"I never said I liked it and many times, I told Thranduil how I felt about it, not that it's any of your business, and many times I was able to get through to him because he had a good heart inside of him that only I or Legolas would ever see....and I have seen that heart inside of you. This man does not deserve to die and if you go through with this, you can shut that party down and kiss your date goodbye, and me for that matter, for I will not stay where death takes precedence over what is right. You told me you were not a soulless animal now prove it!" you reeled with your own nose flaring like that of your Elvenking's.
Stephane's bright blue eyes softened and he turned to Bash and nodded at him to stop.
"Release him and take him back to the dungeon. This is your lucky day Rossif." he said to the warlock who mouthed the words 'thank you' to you with tears in his eyes.
"Will I...see you tonight then? Hopefullllly with a flower in your hair..."
You wanted to say no and you wanted to still be mad at him...but you couldn't and it drove you crazy that this warlock lord was growing on you.
You simply nodded with a light smile and left.
On your way to the front entrance, you sensed someone familiar. A vampiress and only vampiress that smelled of baby powder. Selene.
As your eyes scoured for her, you then caught sight of the dark haired vixen standing on the edge of an empty loading dock where she could easily dart off over the Rhun if detected.. Discreetly, you snuck off and made your way there.
"Selene?? Oh my god...." you raved as you stepped onto the dock and then ran to her.
She braced herself for the impact of your bear hug, laughing as you pounced upon her.
"It is soooo good to see you again! I have missed you immensely. Is everything alright? What has brought you to the danger zone?" you asked with a chuckle.
"Well I have certainly missed you as well, my only human friend and I wish this was just a social call but..."
"But? What's going on?" you asked in wariness due to the irresolute look in her ice blue eyes.
She reached into the pocket of her black leather pants and pulled out a small piece of folded paper, then reluctantly handed it to you. Dithering to open it, you slowly unfolded it and softly read it aloud.
"This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I am leaving Devil's Island. You will not see me again. You know you and I could never be and I cannot bear to look you in the eyes again after you saw the real me. I would rather be truly dead than to feel this kind of pain. Hopefully I can make that happen. The dumbest thing I ever did was fall in love with you but it's the happiest I have ever felt. I will carry the memories of you with me until my last breath. I am so sorry I have ever hurt you. I love you. Forever. Goodbye my little one....- Roman"
"This...this is a joke right?? He's just going to leave me??"
You crunched up the letter in a fury and walked to the end of the dock, shouting out into the sky.
"You promised!!!!"
"I..I'm sorry Josie. I begged him to change his mind but he wasn't having it and he wouldn't tell me what happened."
"I'll tell you what happened. Garrett's a fucking LIAR!!" you screamed back at the sky again. "He can't leave anyways, he has my..."
You stopped yourself, because no one but you and Garrett knew about your moonstone's whereabouts.
"You mean the gem? He told me where it is in case you needed it. Don't worry...I will never tell a soul."
'Wow, well I guess he thought of everything didn't he. I guess this means he really is leaving...I...I..."
You could feel your chest tighten as a panic attack threatened to consume you.
"He...he leaves me now, when I need him more than ever....he's gone." Tears filled your eyes, blurring your vision. "Well I guess he made my choice quite easy for me....although it would have been quite simple."
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"I would have chose him....."
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petalsonmoon · 1 year
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first love is a little foolish. is dangerous when it is also the last.
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(english is not my first language so my sincere apologies. gwen didn’t die and they just broke up. life happens).
"getting married seem scary."
you walk with a slow pace without direction, just enjoying how beautiful the hotel garden is.
“perhaps” he answers.
“i mean they knew each other since high school. we” you gesticulate and he lets out a small laugh “we actually saw their love grow during it. we were there so we know they will last. we know their love is real and true.”
“so you’re saying because we’re old now we won’t have that.”
he looks at you and you take a deep breath as if you were thinking about the answer that was on the tip of your tongue “yeah.”
the lightness in your conversation makes you not want to stop talking “no. i’m just saying that being an adult is just… too serious. i can’t help but feel childish using the word crush to describe someone i like to a friend.”
he tilts his head with a small smile on his face. he haven’t change one bit.
“you may have a point.”
“but we can find true love as an adult… and we have the maturity and perception of the world that makes a relationships last.” he points to where the party was happening with his head “they were just lucky. and had time on their favor.”
"wise words.”
“i know you remember i was the top student of our class” you roll your eyes at his words.
a breeze hits you as if it wanted to show that it was listening to your conversation.
“i just really miss the simplicity of high school." the drink in your hand was starting to get hot. you take a sip and feel the alcohol warm you up.
"it's a way to put it."
you lean against the wall outside the hotel. "you don't agree."
"i didn't say that."
"but you have remarks." you see an almost imperceptible smile on his face.
"it was simple because we didn't have to worry about reality so much. but i really don't miss being that emotionally vunerable."
he stops walking in front of you. he looks at the ground like he’s lost in his own head, as if he were thinking about the reason for saying what he said. it’s easy to come to the conclusion that he is the most beautiful man of the party. the most beautiful you've ever seen if you're being honest to yourself.
but like he said, let's not let our emotions speak louder.
"well some of us didn't date the most beautiful girl of the entire school at the time, parker" hearing his laugh takes you directly to 6 years ago, when you both were still in high school. "some of us were actually losers."
"you were not a loser."
"oh i was more than that. i was a nobody."
"that's dramatic." he looks at you with a teasing smile but with a gentle voice. something about this man makes you wanna tell him all your secrets and insecurities because you were sure he would never judge you or your choices. "i saw you."
"did you?"
"of course." he frowns lighly. "your headphones were like a part of you, an organ. you got angry very easily with your loose hair so you always ended up tying it. you had this keychain that always announced when you were getting close, and it was really sweet when you never once forgot to give me a good morning before bending down to your locker bellow mine."
if he had continued you were certain your eyes would have filled with tears.
"but you didn't really see me, did you?" you whisper.
his eyebrows rose lightly and you understood it as a sign of confusion. you would never see him again after today, so why not?
"i was too in love with you, parker."
one thing that haven't changed about him was that peter looked into your eyes while you talked to him. he pays attention to people. he listens.
"when you started skateboarding, i made a promise to myself to learn and buy one just so we could have that in common." you laugh a little, trying to distract yourself from the pressure of being watched intensely. "when you appeared with those bruises and black eyes from god knows what i talked to you. i always tried to distract you so you’d smile at least once during a tough day."
you really wish you had a bottle of champagne on your hand right now.
"i couldn't do much because... you know."
you couldn't look away from his tie but you were able to see him nodding. he was in a relationship for gods sake. a beautiful one.
despite everything, your head being like a hurricane of thoughts your racing heart and warm body, you smile. "you broke my heart peter parker but you also were the reason for it beating faster."
and yet the chocolate brown of his eyes was cozy. it's impossible not to like Peter Parker.
he takes a deep breath. the next few seconds are filled with an indescribable silence and it's almost as if nothing had happened.
in a slow movement he takes his hand to your free one. he takes it gently but doesn't make any more movements, just watches you holding hands.
"saving up to buy a skateboard. such a loser."
"and did you learn?"
"a little. but the uncertainty of not knowing if i wouldn’t just fall and die didn't let me learn completely."
he scoffs. "you're unbearably dramatic."
"i'm just saying you can fall from that thing and hit your head on the corner of a table. so dangerous."
you hardly notice his thumb caressing in your hand causing butterflies to fly in your stomach. jesus y/n you're an adult. what is this.
“i see you now.” his voice is so sincere that you can't divert your eyes from his.
“it’s the first time we see each other in 6 years pretty boy.”
you don’t really know why your voices are so low. but it makes you feel like you’re in your own little world.
“and yet” he takes a step forward and a breeze hits you, as if she were encouraging him. “you are childishly blushing right now.”
you lower your head, leaning your forehead on his shoulder. you don’t really know what to say anymore.
“it’s okay to feel nervous around a crush, lovely”
you silently laugh “you’re always so calm.”
“so you’re not hearing my heart going insane over there?”
with his free hand he raises your head until you find his eyes. mesmerizing.
his forehead meets yours. you could feel his thumb caressing your cheek.
so he kisses you. a warm and slow kiss. it has a meaning though you can’t really understand it yet.
you feel a drop of water on your forehead but you take your time to slip up. there’s no rush.
he moves away and hugs you tight. your heart relaxes.
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