#we takin over
willoftrees · 1 year
I am giggling over how like
I been away from the internet scene in general for years and how
A fuck ton of artists and ppl i used to know and follow
We all traded genders
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princeloww · 29 days
If david tennant roles had Instagram
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Part 1? EDIT: part 2
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snekdoodl · 5 months
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nastasya--filippovna · 3 months
David Tennant Characters as Textposts a masterlist.
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Special dedication to @davidtennantgenderenvy , @consanguinitatum and @ivankaramazov07 , the No.1 DT hoes (affectionate) fans on this site.
P.S Crowley gets a separate one because they're my special babygirl
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lovelyinspiration1463 · 6 months
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🎶If we were a movie, he'd be the right guy🎶
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devilishdelights · 2 months
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based offa that one thing
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Sweet Jane Part One — Campbell Bain x Reader
Summary: Y/n was admitted to Saint Jude's hospital in Glasglow soon after her eighteenth birthday when she developed a case of psychogenic/traumatic mutism; there she meets a talkative, optimistic, idealistic, hyperactive nineteen-year-old boy with Manic depression who dreams of becoming a DJ, follow them through their story and learn what happened to Y/n.
Series Warnings: Past Toxic Relationship, Manipulative Ex, Mentions of Past Rape, Mental Health, Discrimination against the Mentally Ill/Neroudivergent, Traumatized Reader, Abusive Parents, Mentions of deceased family members, Stalking, Suicide, Reader doesn't handle men touching her well, Mentions of Sex, Bad Caretakers, Implied Non-Scottish Reader, Implied Short Reader, Campbell Bain's Dad is Terrible
Chapter Warnings: Reader refuses to speak; Loving Campbell Bain, Traumatized Reader, Selectively Mute Reader, PTSD Reader, Psychogenic Mute Reader, Traumatic Mute Reader, Manic Depressant Campbell Bain, Bipolar Campbell Bain, Schizophrenic Furgus, OCD Rosalie, Reader Developed Selective Mutism as a Coping Mechanism, Reader may have an intense type of anxiety caused by trauma, Reader is implied to not be Scottish or at least from Scotland (I am American but just add where you're from), Reader is implied to be shorter than the six-foot Campbell Bain
“You are a mystery to me, yet so familiar. Like a song I’ve never heard before, and a tune I’ve known my entire life.”
Y/N hadn't spoken a word since she was eighteen and long before that something had changed. Her parents finally decided enough was enough and sent her to Saint Jude's hospital in Glasgow.
Campbell had literally crashed into the new girl during his excitement at hearing that the Saint Jude's radio station would be reopened.
The girl screamed as he collided with her and she started screaming and kicking due to his body weight on her.
"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." He said, hurriedly, getting off of her and holding a hand out to help her up but she just stared at him, terrified, "I'm sorry. Uh..." He realized he didn't recognize her, as far as he knew he was the youngest patient at Saint Jude's and this girl was around his age. This was exciting! "Are you new? I'm Campbell Bain, I'll be the bane of your life until one of us is discharged." He chortled at his own joke before he realized she was still of the floor, "Oh, let me help you up." He crouched down and took her hand, helped her up.
She stared at him with a confused look on her face but she didn't pull her hand away yet more out of shock than anything. Campbell offered her a smile before she ripped her hand out of his grip and ran off, leaving Campbell very confused.
He asked the nurses about the girl but none would give him proper answers, until he got to Stuart the orderlie, who should've been a patient instead but... you know, life.
"She's a looney." He said, blankly.
"Ai, yes. Yes. Yes. I know that much but what's her name? What's her deal?" Campbell prodded.
"Y/N." Was all he said.
A few days later, Eddie McKenna arrived to be the DJ for Saint Jude's, with assumption that he'd be able to tell the difference between the staff and the patients.
He had an interaction with Stuart and assumed he was a patient but found out that he was a nursing assistant. Well, that couldn't be good.
Then he met Campbell, who seemed perfectly friendly and nice before realizing he was a patient himself.
Campbell and Y/N were on better terms, now that she had stopped bolting on the other direction when he tried to talk to her. And they listened to Eddie's show as Y/N read Narnia.
Soon after the show, Eddie heard Campbell playing and singing, Summertime Blues on his guitar which was only slightly out of tune, which Eddie had played on his show. He saw Y/N correcting Campbell's finger placement on the guitar as he whined that it hurt his hand.
Campbell enthusiastically praised Eddie and explained on his poor timing and the patient’s dependence of television.
Y/N caught sight of something moving outside the window and she threw a guitar pick at Campbell, making him pout in her direction before seeing her pointing and they ran to window as he said, “Hang on, you’re not boring me or that, but I’ve just seen a friend of mine flying past the window.”
Y/N and Campbell leaned out the window to see the hospital’s Schizophrenic who despite the schtick his disorder stereotyped him as he was just the most gentle soul you’d ever meet, if a little eccentric, grappling down the side of the building.
“Fergus! What’re you doing!?” Campbell shouted after him as Eddie joined them, “you’re gonna hurt yourself!”
“Shall I get a nurse?” Eddie asked and Y/N shook her head.
“Fergus! You’re gonna miss your cocoa, you know!”
“I know.” Fergus told him.
“Can Y/N and I have it, then?” He asked.
“Help yourselves.” He told them.
“He’s escaping.” Eddie said, surprised how calm both of them were being so calm about this
“He’ll be knocking on the door in an hour or so. He always does.” Campbell reassured Eddie, “annoys the hell out of the staff but makes this one smile.” He nodded at Y/N as she sat on Campbell’s bed with his guitar, the look of fascination in Campbell's eyes was not lost on Eddie.
Campbell returned to his enthusiastic and impulsive idea-planning, the first being to bring up a story when a student nurse accidently gave everyone in the ward a laxative, making Eddie and Y/N look at him oddly and the only problem he saw with it was where he’d get that many laxatives.
“What about a request show?” He asked Eddie.
“I already thought of that. I haven’t enough records.” Eddie shot down that idea… well, he’s never disagreed with Campbell Bain before.
“So? When folk request something, they usually like to be able to play it.”
“We just make them keep requesting until they hit something we actually have.” Campbell said, “‘if you can guess a record that we actually have in our library, then we will play it for you with a special dedication’.” He did a playful punch in the air, “who could resist?”
“It’ll never work.”
Y/N who had been playing with Campbell’s guitar, then played a jingly tune.
“You’re right, Y/N!” He declared, enthusiastically with an enthusiastic pointed finger at her and then he ran his hand through his light auburn-brown floppy hair, “We’ll need some jingles.” Y/N looked up when Campbell sang a jingle, “Hospital radio, Saint Juuuuude’s.” He smiled at Eddie, “that sort of thing.”
“You need singers to record jingles.”
Campbell picked up his guitar from Y/N and sat next to her, “and what exactly is sitting here before you?”
“A lunatic!” Eddie declared, making Y/N softly giggle.
“Aye, a singing lunatic!” Campbell agreed, enthusiastically. “We could record them in the station, aye?”
“Aye…” Eddie submitted.
“Brilliant!” Campbell exclaimed, going back to Eddie, “Now give me the key.” He held out his hand.
“What key?” Eddie asked.
“To the station.” Campbell said and ran to the door, looking out, “look, I’ve gotta start. Writing the jingles, rehearsing the singers, cataloging the albums.”
Eddie looked at Y/N as she looked back down and realized he hadn’t gotten her name, having been distracted Campbell’s… Campbell-ness and Fergus escaping. “Uh, ma’am… what’s your name again?” Eddie asked, making Y/N look up from a piece of paper she was now writing on, she gave him with a blank deadpan look at being called “ma’am”. She was only eighteen.
“That’s Y/N.” Campbell said.
“What’s your favorite album?” Nothing. She just looked at him, “can you sing?” She blinked twice and he turned back to Campbell, “what’s wrong with her?”
“Oh, she doesn’t speak. She hasn’t said a word since she got here.” Campbell said, “and there’s nothing wrong with her, she’s just looney like me!”
Eddie walked closer to him and asked as gently as he could, “Campbell, how exactly are you here?”
Campbell paused in which he faltered, knowing how his own father felt about his disorder before smiling, “Can you not guess? I’m manic.” Y/N looked up and smiled at him, making his eyes dart to her and a more genuine smile appeared on his lips before he reassured Eddie, “but don’t worry. The drugs I take make me completely stable. Except for headaches, of course.” He blinked in pain as he focused back on the painful headaches and he squeezed his eyes shut before blindly grabbing onto Eddie’s shirt who could sense a scene coming up as could Y/N who looked up to be amused by Campbell, “I get these headaches. I just comes over me and I cannae…” He flopped on his bed, next to Y/N and shouted out in pain, “ah, the bells! The bells!”
Y/N reached over and went to place her hand on Campbell’s back before stopping, hesitating to do so, not sure if they were close enough or if she wanted to admit that they were close enough and then suddenly Campbell’s mood shifted back to near manic and he shot himself up to look at Eddie, making Y/N pull her hand away, blinking briefly in surprise, “And I want my own show, by the way.”
“What?” Eddie asked.
“Well, after all this work, I think it’s only fair, don’t you?” He questioned.
“Campbell, I cannae just give you your own show.” Eddie protested, “you need training on the equipment.”
“So? Train me!” Campbell pleaded, eagerly. “I’ll take Friday nights.”
“Will that not clash with Brookside?” Eddie questioned.
Y/N looked at the window where they had gone to to shout after Fergus.
The next day, Campbell and Eddie were in the common room with Eddie standing shyly while Campbell did the opposite and shouted through a party megaphone while Y/N sat with Fergus, writing down something for him to read. “Ladies and gentlemen, I have an important announcement to make!” He spotted Fergus and Y/N and narrowed his eyes, “Fergus, stop flirting with Y/N.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and went to the couch rather bored now and put her headphones on.
Campbell and Eddie had announced the request show, while admitting that they had limited records. Eddie went to talk to Nana while Campbell stared at Y/N, feeling nervous to approach her since he worried she hated him with how scared she got when he interacted with her.
Then Fergus clapped him on the back, making him stumble and look at him, unamused before approaching the silent H/C-haired girl.
"Hey, Y/N," Campbell said, kindly, walking up to the silent girl but she didn't seem to hear him as she was listening to her Walkman. He tapped her shoulder, making her jump and stare at him with wide eyes just as she had when they first met. He gestured to her headphones, silently asking if he could take them off and she slowly nodded and he gently slid them off and could vaguely hear Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover by Sophie B. Hawkins.
"Hey, we're doing a request show. You have any requests?"
She looked at him for a good while before getting up and leaving. Campbell frowned and his spirits were diminished before leaning forward and face planting his face into the couch cushion, groaning.
Campbell showed Eddie the radio station now cleaned and useable thanks to him, Y/N, and Rosalie and as he left Eddie questioned Campbell about Nana and Campbell answered in his own hyperactive way before Eddie questioned him about his obvious crush on Y/N.
“The silent girl, uh… M/Y/N.” (Mispronunciation of Your Name)
“Y/N.” Campbell corrected, automatically in a slightly defensive tone.
“Is she your girlfriend?”
Campbell’s cheeks burned as they reddened and his heartrate quickened, “No. No. No. She’s new actually. Been here about a week. She… she’s a mystery.” He gave out a dreamy smile, “One I’d like to solve but…” He shrugged like, what can you do? —
Campbell was snoring when he was awoken by a friendly smack in the head. He woke up, groaning with confusion before turning on his light, illuminating Y/N who smile sweetly at him as she held something behind her back.
"Jesus, Y/N." He groaned, "what you do that for?" She just looked at him and he nodded, remembering who je was talking to, "right. Uh, what is it?"
Y/N brought a custom record sleeve out from behind her back and he slowly began to realize what she was trying tell him.
"Oh, you want me to play one of these songs during the show tomorrow, er… today?" He asked.
She nodded and sat on the edge of his bed, making him kick around spazzily and awkwardly before sitting up, trying to make room for her as his heart pounded and he looked down at her, feeling her body heat up against his but forced himself not to think about that as it was a bit of a creepy thought to have at two in the morning as she showed him the songs on the back of the vinyl which was also handmade, she pointed at the first song: a cover of The Velvet Underground's Sweet Jane by Cowboy Junkies.
"Is that your favorite song?" He asked and she nodded. "Wait, these are all from different bands, how'd you get this?"
She pointed to herself, "you made it?" He gathered, "Who made the record?" She pointed to herself again and he just smiled at her impressed and enamored by her. "You are one mystery, Y/N L/N. You may be my favorite mystery.”
She smiled, telling him that she liked the idea of being a mystery to him and kissed his cheek, near the corner of his lip, nearly making him melt with a loud dreamy sigh before running off. He looked after he with a starstruck look of awe on his face before flopping back on his pillow, groaning.
The next day, Y/N shared a smile with Fergus before listening in on the radio to the show, standing and watching Campbell through the window.
“Good evening! This is Ready Eddie.” Eddie introduced, “and on my left is my right-hand man…”
“Campbell Bain.” Campbell introduced, not seeing Y/N watching him and the smile on her lips.
“And you’re listening to the first ever Ready Eddie Radio Request Road Show.” He gave Campbell a thumbs up and the nineteen-year-old pushed a button, making a jingle play.
“Ready Eddie’s road show. Ready, Eddie, go.”
“That’s right. This is the premiere. This is the first. And you can tell everyone that you were there. You heard it! You saw it!” Campbell said, enthusiastically before joking, “And they’ll tell you, it’s all part of your illness.”
Y/N giggled at his antics before realizing this and she zipped her leather jacket up over her shirt with the sarcastic quote on it.
“We’re playing requests from Ward Eleven this evening. This one is for Francine. I hope you’re listening, Francine.”
Campbell then teased, “I hope anyone’s listening.” He then saw Y/N watching him and let out an audible smile that melted his insides.
“Is anybody listening?” Eddie asked, “Is anybody out there?”
Then Help! By the Beatles started to play and soon the patients came out and Campbell ran out of the station to dance with some patients before more came out, including Fergus. He gave Y/N a smile and thumbs up as he flashed the part of the television he had removed.
Campbell ran back to Eddie and pulled his earphone off so he could talk to him, “the television’s broken, Eddie! There is a God!”
Eddie nodded in the direction of Y/N and Campbell’s face lit up and he ran to Y/N and taking her hands, trying to ease her into dancing. She shook her head before starting to shuffle awkwardly to the music before Campbell took her hands and pulled her against him so she danced with him to the beat of the music. She then giggled up against him and he smiled, triumphally.
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He was about to comment on how beautiful her laugh when there was a BANG! And the music stopped, making them all exclaim in disappointment before Campbell and Y/N ran back to the station to see what was wrong.
“What’s wrong?”
“The mixing desk.” Eddie said, trying to fix it with his limited knowledge.
“Do something!” Campbell exclaimed.
“What can I do? I can’t even turn on the bathroom light without shocking myself.” Eddie remarked.
“Well, check the plug. Maybe it’s the fuse.” Campbell suggested as Y/N looked up at Fergus and gestured for him to come.
“It’s not the fuse.” Eddie sighed.
Campbell ran his hand through his floppy hair, “I cannae believe this. I’ve just had the world’s shortest career as a disk jockey.”
Fergus took out a screwdriver and headed inside to help and started to unscrew the screws of the mixing desk.
“Fergus, what are you doing?” Campbell asked.
“I’ll just have a look.” Fergus reassure him.
“No, don’t!” Eddie shouted, “don’t have a look there.”
Y/N helped Fergus lift the plate of the mixing desk as Eddie continued to try and stop Fergus and Y/N, “Fergus, Y/N, I’m asking you. Please, leave it alone”
“He’s gonna blow it up.” A patient said.
“He’s not!” Campbell protested.
“I think I know what the problem is.” Fergus told Eddie.
“He’s blowing it up.” Another patient said and the others started to chant Fergus’ name.
“Fergus, don’t, okay!? Just leave it alone. It’s all we’ve got.” Eddie pleaded and Y/N smacked Eddie’s shoulder when Stuart literally pushed her out of the way, making her squeak and stumble before Campbell caught her and glared at Stuart.
“Oi, watch where you’re going!” He shouted.
Stuart aggressively grabbed Fergus holding him in a near chokehold and Y/N tried to go forth to help but Campbell held her back, knowing she’d just be pushed away again, if not sedated.
“He’s not causing trouble, is he?” He asked Eddie and Y/N shook her head, frantically at Eddie.
“No, he’s just helping me, get the mixing desk going again.” Eddie muttered.
“Him? He couldn’t get his brain going again.” Stuart spat and Y/N scoffed, implying that she felt that better described Stuart than Fergus.
“Leave it, Stuart.” Isabella, the more kind nurse said, “it’s all over.”
Stuart let Fergus go and sulked out of the room, clearly upset that he didn’t get to hurt someone as Y/N gave him the middle finger.
Fergus closed the plate of the mixing desk and Y/N flipped the switch, making the light come back on.
“You two are geniuses.” Campbell gasped.
Y/N shook her head and pointed at Fergus like, no, he’s the genius.
“YOU’RE GENIUSES!” Campbell shouted and he slammed the door shut and got back to the microphone, “Sorry about the technical problems, folks. We’re now back on the air and we hope to keep it that way. Our next request is for Y/N and dedicated to her by me.” He chortled as he looked at her and clicked his tongue as he winked.
The cover of Sweet Jane played, making Y/N smile as Eddie looked at Fergus, giving him an apologetic and thankful smile as Fergus perpetually scowled before his lips curved into a gentle smile.
Later, Y/N helped Campbell clean up the hallways before they bumped into each other.
“Uh… so how did you know how to help Fergus?” He asked.
She took out her wad of paper and wrote: Learned. Taught.
He nodded, taking what he could get, “I always knew you were smart.” He said, honestly and he hesitated before leaning towards her to kiss her cheek like she had done the night, she shifted, conflicted as she could see the pure gentless in Campbell's personality, in his actions, in his eyes, and she could feel it in his cheek kiss. He had hesitated, not wanting to overstep boundaries and he was still nervous about his decision but before she could react Eddie ran out of the room, making them break apart and move out of the way before he rammed into them.
*This is a series from my Wattpad, so I'm moving in to Tumblr and Archive of my Own. There is an entire subplot later on of stalking and the cause of the reader's muteness or mutism (which ever is the correct term). Am I the only one who feels like Campbell Bain might also have ADHD or is it just because of his Bipolar/Manic Depression. I'm usually good at this but I'm having a hard time differentiating the two or maybe it's just David Tennant.
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sam4s · 2 months
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Some more Campbell
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Spent like 85% of my therapy appointment talking about takin over the asylum, good omens, Dr who, Neil gaiman, and David tennant
Literally I would not shut up
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this is my contribution to the takin over the asylum fandom
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ill probably post some hcs but for now that’s it
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Man, I gotta stop watching good shows because there slowly tearing me apart.
Maybe I should go back to hallmark.
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bugboys-art · 5 months
we are loonies and we are proud!
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campbell bain sketches
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0tr45hm0uth · 6 months
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I'm catching up so here's day 3!! It's our tired and amazing Eddie <33
Bonus: Here's a small gifset of Eddie!!
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lovelyinspiration1463 · 7 months
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I will broker no arguments.
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fruity-cryptid · 9 months
Hey there can you guys send me some drawing asks since I've got major art block rn but i still wanna draw
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Please :)
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alastryona · 26 days
actually yknow what i will participate in disc horsing for one thing only: the crushing of the grinders being unearned? theyre our big bads but they're still a bit of a mystery and they're going down too fast so it feels undeserved.
to our knowledge, they have spent little time in real actual dangerous combat. they have the skills but no coordination and are so magically angry they cant even think too much about helping each other it seems. they're high level bad kids in episode 2 dying to corn cuties because they can't work as a team. their support classes are holding concentration on a box and doing aoe instead of healing. The two (six) adult men who can actually tangibly use their skills to greater effect are the big bads here. the RG are fodder to them. the RG are the boss rush in a dungeon that seems a littletoo easy before you get smacked by the narrative boss but still made you waste resources. and most importantly they severely underestimated the actual skill of the BK and suffered the consequences in death.
also, the bk being utterly deranged in their combat chatter is nothing new! riz told fabian to steal that guy's eyeball in s1! fabian took his hand! adain is talking shit to the BB! fig has sucked so many souls into hell!
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