#well it was on SOME of the tvs... the other tvs had youtube playlists of what i assume are local rappers. cowboy hats abound
t00thpasteface · 11 months
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me, my brother, and our mutual goth bestie went to an arcade yesterday and it was such a blast! i wore myself out playing ddr, my friend destroyed me in guitar hero and puzzle bobble, and my brother apparently got his cool, laid-back look validated by some rando while my friend and i were talking about how adam west understood the bat-assignment.
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mncein · 6 months
my sweater? or yours?
◖ 🌸 ° ✮ — seeking comfort after an exhausting day is a requirement. maybe hugs and kisses will ease the tiredness you're feeling. from who? of course your lovely girlfriend!
◖ 🕢 ° ✮ — today, serving you with...? pure fluff !! try your best to relax and take breaks, there is no time for drama today; pairing: newjeans ot5 x female!reader
◖ 💌 ° ✮ — mail for you: hi hi! guess who's back! i'll be explaining my semi-long (?) disappearance here. aside all the crazy things i've done in my life, first sem is done! so far i'm not pressured or stressed about any school works, i fixed my schedules, managed my time and all. i grew a lot ! hoping my brain did too, anyways take this as thanks to my loyal readers out there ! special thanks to @ilovekimminji for the kisses and requesting this hc ! ◖ 💬 ° ♪ — word count: 2,731
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in what might some consider as dramatic, your tiredness has truly reached its limit. the silent but audible groans escaping your lips serve as a sign that you're getting more exhausted with every step you take. the walk to newjeans' dormitory, which the girls granted you access to, feels like a long travel at this point. each step is paired with a quiet sigh, a mumble of a protest against the weight of drained energy.
at last, you arrived at the front door of the building; when the view of the elevator opening entered reach of your sight, you felt a feeling of relief for your tired legs, you don't have to take the stairs! you made your way inside the dormitory, hoping that your girlfriend was home...
🌸 — minji
you know she was home because of her favorite slippers all messy on the rug of the front door. you knelt down, followed by a click of your tongue while you fixed the house shoes neat and well-arranged. after, you take your coat off and hang it on the rack, excitement of seeing minji growing second after second. rushing to the living room with a big smile on your face.
there she was, entirely carefree of your presence, but still undeniably beautiful while slacked lazily on the couch. the tv plays a playlist of her all-time favorite old rock love songs on youtube, and she listens to them with you twice or thrice a week, but it looks like she missed you so much that she had to listen to them alone for the 6th time this week.
you wasted no time and jumped on the couch, your mind going back to your intention of receiving hugs and kisses from your girlfriend, and went blank when you felt her wrap her strong arms around your waist. the both of you missed the warmth you shared with each other. it felt so long and cold as an endless winter night without being cuddled up on each other's arms.
"missed you so much."
words were muffled as you stuffed your face in her chest, she chuckled at your words as a reaction.
"same here. i had to play the songs all day because i can't get you off my mind."
"i knew. but at least give time to fix your slippers on the front door!"
you two shared a moment of laughter before staring into each other's eyes, closing them after feeling your lips touch. sharing the sweet moment passionately and expressively that lasted for a minute.
"i love you bro."
you pecked her lips between every word, her smile growing after receiving every kiss.
"i love you too, miss bro."
minji whispered as a distraction, for her to sneak her hands on your waist, fingers preparing for the right time to attack you with tickles.
"no, i love you more."
you teased.
"god, you're so annoying, i love love you more!"
minji replied after you, and she knew it was going to be an endless exchange of "i love you's", all set and go!
laughs escaped your mouth as minji's fingers turned into tickling machines, squirming and weak under her touch. you desperately tried to escape the torment to catch your breath.
"i swear! if getting tickled by you is a workout, i'd be really fit right now."
you blurt out, calming yourself after laughing too much, you then lay back on her chest, breathless and grinning from ear to ear. minji welcomes you again into her embrace, holding your head softly, this simple gesture sends sparks into your heart.
she rambled away, sharing how her day lacked its usual spark without you around. but excitedly, she spoke about some new songs she discovered, recommending them to you. as she was getting carried away with a new topic, she yearned to steal a few kisses from you. however, you remained silent. minji glanced down and found you peacefully sleeping on her chest, looking utterly adorable in your slumber.
she wouldn't dare wake you up, she knew you were tired, and you deserve a good rest. maybe she'll get those kisses tomorrow morning.
wait! before she closes her eyes and go to sleep with you...
"hold on, who's sweater are you wearing? my sweater? or yours?"
🌸 — hanni
of course, the familiar sounds of what she self-assuredly called "hanni music" echoed through the living room. it was visible that today was her specified lazy day. the remnants of her favorite delivered food were scattered messily on the floor, with even the plastic containers adding to the mess. straw wrappers had flown chaotically, and you unknowingly stepped on one.
now, she's sat on the sofa with her ipad in hand. it seems like she's busy doodling and playfully experimenting with the drawing app she shared with you. funny to you how it was so obvious what she was doing based on her crazy hand movements and a big lopsided grin on her face.
you break into her childlike moment by turning off the speaker that's been playing her songs. responding quickly, she wears a mix of guilt and silliness on her face. putting down her ipad next to her, hanni gazes up at your figure with crossed arms, resembling a scolded child caught in the act.
"hehe~ i'm done now, see...?"
hanni opened her arms and offered a hug, together with a gummy smile to ease the mood around the both of you. you're going to forgive her, right? she swore she'd clean up her mess, she was just too lazy to do it right away.
hanni, with a tender gesture, unfolded her arms and extended them towards you, warmly inviting you for a comforting embrace. hoping you'd give in to her, hanni's lips curved into a gummy smile, an easygoing expression showing to clear off any tension lingering in the air between the two of you. the atmosphere seemed to soften as her arms remained open wide, offering comfort in the form of an affectionate hug.
the unspoken question floats around in the air: were you willing to forgive her right there, right now? her eyes, filled with sincerity, pleaded for your understanding. she assured you that she would settle the situation, promising to tidy up the outcome of her apparent laziness. her intention was clear, seeking reconciliation through the simple act of offering an apology wrapped in a warm, embracing hug.
"sorry babe, i'll clean that up later. so why don't you get into these arms and cuddle with me?"
in that moment, a wave of conflicting emotions swept over you. despite the remaining second thoughts about fully accepting her apology. the hug felt nice, it was a gesture that goes beyond words, and you found yourself succumbing to the pure comfort she offered.
hanni, with a smile gracing her face, was content. having you back at home, embraced by her arms. though unsaid, her emotions showed that she missed you like how much you missed her too.
and the both of you had that connection between you, understanding each other without any effort. reciprocating the embrace, perhaps; in this instance, you would let her win, recognizing that sometimes the embrace of understanding speaks louder than the words left silent.
"i feel so small in this sweater."
"is that why you acted like a kid?"
"you know i look cute when i do."
you didn't really care when she wore your clothes; you both practically shared them anyway. however, with a glance at your tired expression, hanni sensed your weariness. so, she leaned back, inviting you to rest your head on her chest. the longing for her company was so strong that you ended up falling asleep there. well as she promised, when you wake up tomorrow, you'll find everything around you magically cleaned.
"maybe you should wear it more then. wait- is that my sweater? or yours?"
🌸 — daniellle
you can tell danielle's definitely home – dishes cleaned, table looking shiny, and neat. plants by the hallway appear refreshed, probably just had their daily hydration session. the living room, bathed in a cozy purple glow, the mist of the diffuser, leaving a trail of lavender goodness in the air. it's all relaxing as soon as you set foot inside. danielle's turned the dorm into a zen paradise, and you can't wait to spend your night with her.
she just knows you best, danielle had the movie you both agreed to watch. she obviously planned all this, as she was aware that you were coming home a little late and exhausted. your girlfriend always wants the best for you and is ready to do anything to help. you appreciate her for it, and like her, you'd do the same in a heartbeat. love works both ways.
you hurried to the room where she was, so eager to see your girlfriend. danielle was lying all cozy in a sweater and waiting for you, she had the remote resting in her hand, thumb hovering over the play button. noticing the familiar shadow, her eyes met yours. you were greeted with a soft smile and a flying pair of soft clothes she had prepared, hitting your face.
"think fast!"
she laughed while you rolled your eyes, picking up the clothes and changing into them inside the bathroom.
"i would if you didn't throw the clothes first."
you replied, finding a cozy haven on her chest, now she had her arms wrapped around you. inhaling the subtle fragrance that enveloped her, it felt like an immersive experience, almost ethereal. the scent, a delicate blend uniquely hers, it was her favorite, and wears it almost every day (which became your favorite on her as well), evoking a sense of comfort and security. it wasn't just a fragrance; it was an essence that described her sweet personality. all of those gave you a feeling that, at that moment, could genuinely be described as heavenly.
"how'd you do all these?"
"learned them from you."
"i see, welcome to my world."
a few minutes had passed and you were falling asleep in the position you were both in, the movie continued playing, danielle was keeping her focus on it while giving your head massages (that she knew would help you relax even more). you had your hands gripping gently on her clothes, feeling the familiar texture, you recognized it was the shared sweater of you two. you took note that it was her turn to wear it this week, danielle giggles when you rub your hands on her sides sleepily.
"i thought we shared this, i don't know if i should still consider this as my sweater? or yours?"
🌸 — haerin
in the dormitory was all silent and inviting compared to the busy city outside, and there was food in the cat's bowl. the presence of haerin was a quiet yet reassuring sign that she was indeed home. haerin, an up-to-time cat feeder, maintained a schedule, making sure that the fluffy friend was never left waiting for its meal. not even a minute too soon or too late.
as you stepped inside, you swiftly hung your coat before joining rangheo. soft purrs filled the space as you engaged in a playful moment with him, and he enough reminded you of haerin when she's away.
having slipped into a set of fresh, clean clothes, you make your way to the living room where haerin awaits. greeting her with a warm hug, your head finding a comfortable resting place on her chest. in an instant, she releases her hold on the phone, reciprocating the hug with a lovely smile on her face.
"didn't know you like laufey."
"i may or may not have been going through your playlists."
the soft sounds of laufey's music fade into the background as the two of you share this moment. that when the soft, tired breaths escape you. without a word, she senses your exhaustion and knows well how to give you an embrace full of relaxation around you, offering serenity in the warmth of her arms.
"how was your day?"
"boring without you."
"i'm here now though."
"day went better."
you softened at her words, you're glad you can spend the night with her (and rangheo); then you felt soft paws climb on your back and up to your head, resting snugly on your nape. haerin can't help but let out a giggle at the cuteness overloading in front of her. she had one of her hands on your head giving small scratches, and one rubbing under rangheo's chin.
suddenly, a set of gentle paws made their way up your back, reaching up to perch on your head, settling cozily on your nape. haerin couldn't contain her delight, and a let out at the sheer cuteness overloading before her. she had one of her hands on your head, sending small, sweet scratches. the other one rubbing gently under rangheo's chin. the scene was surely going to be in her gallery of memories, the picture of shared joy and the adorable bond between you, haerin, and the furry friend atop your head.
how easily haerin made you sleepy, just from the gentle touches she gave, it was better than you daydreamed about.
"i love that on you."
you point to her top,
"which one? my sweater?"
claiming it's hers and she's wearing your clothes again.
"huh, really... my sweater? or yours?"
🌸 — hyein
the hallways looked like the aftermath of a fashion hurricane! there were paper bags from famous clothing stores, a pastel pink beanie doing its best to blend in with the chaos, a random brown fur coat hanging off a doorknob, and the missing pair of purple socks in the middle of the floor. no doubt about it – hyein had turned the place into her very own fashion runway.
sure, you'll do her a favor and clean her mess but has to be repaid by hugs and kisses. hyein may forget about her own mess, but she does things for you willingly and without asking. once you're done tidying around, you change into your cozy house clothes and have a fun time cuddling with your girlfriend.
as you entered, relief washed over you at the sight of the living room, neat and tidy, it's pleasing to the eyes. however, a sudden click of a camera shutter broke your moment of silence, drawing your attention to the source. there she was, sitting gracefully on the couch, looking all gorgeous, capturing multiple pictures in various poses.
you couldn't help but assume that this unplanned photoshoot was destined for her phone gallery. curiosity sparked, and you wondered you wonder if she did the same with the tons of clothes all folded neatly at the edge of the sofa.
"oh, you're home! sorry for the mess in the hallway, i'll clean-"
"don't bother, i already cleaned them for you."
setting aside her phone, she created a space for you to lie down beside her. without hesitation, you accepted the invitation, sighing in contentment as you lay your head on her chest.
"very much."
arms wrapped around you in an instant, showering soft kisses across your face, exactly what you were yearning for earlier. maybe cleaning up her mess wasn't such a chore after all if the reward was this. aside from that thought, you found yourself blessed with daily affection from her, and you cherished every single gesture.
"any more plans for today?"
asked her, you shook your head no, you were too tired to think or do something.
"great! i just have one more request, and i'm dying to tell you."
you were getting sleepy at that very moment, well oh well, maybe you can make an exception, you hummed for her to continue.
"since you're here, let's take photos together! i've been wanting to try this sweater for soooo long."
she raised the familiar fabric, and it was yours.
"that's mine."
"nuh uh, found it in my closet."
"whatever, so is it still my sweater? or yours?"
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◖ 💌 ° ☏ — you've reached the end! hi's and hello's once again, i hope you had a fun time reading! i enjoyed working on this, i can finally voice out my thoughts about the girls 😭 totally went crazy on danielle's, i love newjeans so muchjksjdjjdy
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kimsohn · 1 year
in each other's arms
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pairing . roommates! mingi x gn reader about . 3k+ words, fluff warnings . i have an unhealthy obsession with writing when i’m sleep-deprived take this as you will. i also don’t write long fics so i’m super sorry in advance. reader has a thing for mingi’s arms (who doesn’t), there is cursing involved, slight mentions of alcohol, reader calls mingi annoying and stupid a couple of times but it’s endearingly, this is not proofread yolo
synopsis . you don’t understand why your roommate is suddenly afraid of the dark, but maybe offering him space to sleep next to you wasn’t the worst idea you’ve ever had. note . wrote this for a secret santa fic and decided to post here as well! i don't really stan ateez but writing this has definitely made me some sort of mingi stan 😭 also this was inspired by this episode of curious george, not crucial to understand the fic but definitely helpful
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You’re not quite sure how your roommate grew so accustomed to watching Curious George episodes every night, but it’s become a, to put simply, very distracting routine.
Returning home from work to find Mingi, part-time barista and your personal full-time teddy bear, watching a TV show wasn’t uncommon. Heck, customer service jobs were so horrible that even you would settle in front of the screen for the remainder of the day. You’d often walk in on a new Netflix series and even indulge in them with him, humming soundtracks while you both made dinner together or fall asleep cuddling to the end credits of each episode.
It was all fine until he found a Curious George playlist on YouTube with all 15 seasons, and being a nonsensically endearing child at heart, he’d made it his personal mission to cycle through all of them. Initially, it was nostalgic for you too, but after one too many times of seeing the stupid monkey and his yellow-adorned caretaker, you’d opt to crash in your banana-less bed after dinner instead.
Nights often end like this one, with you drifting into slumber and the glaring light of the TV screen peeking into your room underneath the door. Neither of you was that bothered by the change in routine anyway; you got more sleep and he got his screen time. Being roommates, understanding each other was key in your relationship, and although things were slightly different, the silent compromise was enough to keep the peace between you.
Or at least, it was enough until you hear three knocks on your bedroom door and a slight knob turn.
“Y/N? Are you awake?”
The whisper takes a while to register in your half-asleep state, and at the realization of his scared tone, you force yourself to shift into a sitting position before responding.
“Mingi? What’s wrong?”
He tiptoes into the room, turning on the light. The bright contrast from your previously dark room makes your eyes close instinctively, your pupils adjusting to Mingi’s blurry figure.
“Promise you won’t think I’m stupid?” he asks, an attentive gaze in his eyes.
The comment makes you laugh as you patted your bed, beckoning him onto the soft surface.
“You’ve been stupid to me, dumbass. Just tell me what’s wrong.”
He shuffles on the pillows, leaning in closer to whisper to you despite no one else being in the house.
“I think there are monsters in my room.”
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“Okay, let me get this straight. You watched a Curious George episode about him seeing shadow monsters in his room, and now you think they’re in your room too?”
You can see the pout on his face intensify as he turns all the lights on while walking to his room. You knew the episode he was talking about, the one where the monkey started envisioning oddly shaped shadows as monsters only to later learn they were just figments of his imagination, but you didn’t think it would affect your roommate that badly.
“No! Don’t turn on the light,” he exclaims as you screw open his doorknob, despite the rest of the house being engulfed in light because of his phobia.
“Why not?” you question, watching the door creak open and stepping into the room, pulling him along with you so he won’t run away.
“Look,” he points at an oddly shaped lump, “you can’t tell me that isn’t some evil slug out to get me.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s just—”
“And over there,” he beckons to a tall, conical structure, “that is literally an evil Christmas tree. I’m 100% sure we’re about to die.”
You sigh as you flick on the lights, your suspicions being confirmed.
“Did you even think to turn on the light? These so-called ‘monsters’ are just your pile of dirty laundry that I’ve been begging you to wash and your coat rack that I still can’t comprehend being in this room and not the doorway.”
“You’re right but,” he moves to turn off the light again, “why do they look so different in the dark? They’re shapeshifting! I’m not insane Y/N, just trust me.”
At this point, you’re too mentally and physically exhausted to even care about his antics. In some other period of time, you would’ve indulged his nightmares, but right now it’s far past your bedtime and the only thing on your mind is a long, relaxing sleep.
“Fine. You can sleep in my room tonight. I don’t have stupid coat racks or dirty laundry in my room for you to be scared of, and we can turn on the little night light I still have from third grade. Got it?”
You pretend not to notice the silent cheer he lets out behind your back as you make the trek back to your part of the building, killing the lights as you go. Mingi keeps an arm on your shoulder, and you notice he keeps his gaze on the wall beside him to avoid any potential shapeshifters in the living room.
After a thorough inspection of your room, Mingi deduces that there are indeed no shadow monsters. By then you’re already half asleep, curling into the right side so his hunk of a body has room.
“You sure this is okay?” he questions, stretching his arms and yawning.
Your tired gaze glazes over the ripples of his lean muscles illuminated by your snowman night light before answering with a nod, and you grumble when he flops on the bed and steals too much of your blanket.
“C’mere,” he voices, making grabby hands, “I miss cuddling with you.”
You make the meanest face possible and flip over to the other side, turning away from his seemingly shocked face.
“Wake me up for cuddles when you stop acting like a baby and grow a pair.”
And as you drift into slumber, despite your warnings you still feel the soft weight of his arm curl around your torso, sending you into the sweetest dreams full of fantastical butterflies.
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The next night, Mingi is knocking at your door again, albeit a couple of hours earlier than yesterday. He doesn’t even have to speak before you’re glaring at him, hands crossed in annoyance.
“I’m not letting you sleep here again. You stole too much of my blanket last time.”
You don’t mention to him that you had the best sleep of your life.
“That’s why I brought a blanket!” he exclaims, holding up his polka-dot fuzzy bedspread, “I also brought some popcorn so we can watch a movie on your shitty computer.”
Screw him for being thoughtful, and screw him for wearing the same brand of tank top that he did yesterday. Were his muscles always this prominent, or was it your nightlight making you see things?
“Shitty computer?” you repeat, threatening to close the door in his face.
“No! No… I think you misheard. I love your classic, old computer.”
His grin intensifies as you let him in, snapping the nightlight on and setting up the movie on your computer that is indeed shitty. The overheating of the device makes you turn away from his knowing smirk, and as the starting scenes flash across the blue light screen, you reach for the popcorn, only for him to move it out of your reach.
“Can we cuddle now at least? I meant it when I said I missed it.”
You don’t say anything in response, keeping your eyes trained on the screen, but your hand does reach over to grab a kernel, giving him the green light to wrap an arm around your shoulder. You know that if you refused, he would bring up the embarrassing fact of how you woke up curled into his arm, and you weren’t really in the mood to fight a blush on your cheeks.
“You know, I don’t understand why you’re still scared of the dark when Curious George clearly overcomes his fear at the end of the episode.”
“He does?”
You turn to look at him, confused.
“Did you not finish the episode?”
“I haven’t touched the show since the beginning of that episode. I’m scarred.”
You still believe that this is some sort of sick prank Mingi has been playing on you because there’s no way a 23-year-old man would be this frightened over a figment of his imagination. However, it means you don’t have to bear the stupid ape’s squeaky voice as you fall asleep, so you take the win.
“You know you can’t keep sleeping in my room like this. Why don’t you just clear your room so you won’t be afraid anymore?”
“I like the organized chaos.”
“Oh yeah? The organized chaos that shapeshifts into your worst nightmares?”
“So they do shapeshift! See Y/N, I’m not crazy.”
He is crazy, but the way his arm feels around your shoulder is enough to make you stay quiet as you shovel popcorn into your mouth and watch the movie blur before your eyes.
You awake to find yourself in the same position, and although your head is awkwardly and painfully resting in the crook of Mingi’s shoulder, you find that you once again have garnered a good night’s sleep.
Although you can only see the side of his face, his frame is so beautiful that you can’t help but melt into a puddle of nothingness. The sunlight peeking in from the gaps of your blinds illuminates his face in rays so perfectly, and you have the urge to brush his orange-stained hair behind his ears to gain a better view.
Mingi has always been breathtakingly beautiful. You met him a couple of years ago in college, bonding over the uncertainty of where your future would take you. Ending up together in this small yet comfortable apartment together was something you hadn’t expected, but something you’re learning not to take for granted. His silly quirks and endearing behavior are like a magnet, and it’s hard to not have feelings for someone whom you’re so domestic with every day, but you both are busy with your own lives and have never had time to properly explore those feelings.
Falling asleep in each other’s arms is the closest form of intimacy you’ve shared with him, and you’ve learned to cherish and be grateful for it.
Knowing that both of you are bound to end up with a crick in your necks if you stay in this position any longer, you slowly shake him awake, pushing away your thoughts as you feel him stir underneath your palm.
“Mingi, wake up. You’re going to kill me with your complaints if you wake up with sore limbs.”
“I like sleeping in your arms,” he grumbles, and it’s a little too obvious how your heart constrains at the words.
“I know, but I promise you’d feel much better if you slept properly on the bed. I’ll reward you with an amazing breakfast, I promise.”
The mention of food has him relaxing in your arms, and you move so that he’s sleeping normally against the pillow. The thoughts of waking up next to him and cooking breakfast for him are all very normal, but they’re so domestic that it has your early-morning mind go haywire at the implications.
You tell your brain to shut up and get off the bed to make breakfast before Mingi cusses you out.
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Mingi appears in your bed the next day, the day after that, and many more days after that. At this point, your room has now become a shared room, and Mingi has become a prominent figure in your sheets. Hell, your pillows have even started to smell like him, and you don’t know whether you find it annoying or endearing.
A smaller part of your brain, one that you choose to push aside, fears that you’ve grown too attached to this routine. Sure, before Mingi’s monkey infatuation you’ve woken up next to each other on an occasional morning, arms sore from accommodating each other on the sofa, but you’ve never continuously spent nights with him in the same space regularly like this. Now that the routine has become more frequent, the atmosphere has gone from friendly to something else, and you don’t particularly know if you want to uncover it yet.
Besides, sleeping in the same bed is normal for roommates… right?
“Y/N, sleeping in the same bed with an attractive bachelor that just so happens to be your roommate is definitely not normal.”
Okay, so San agrees to disagree.
“I’m being serious,” he says, shaking you by the shoulder, “you’re going to end up catching feelings, and it’ll either end up with you heartbroken and apartment-less or you getting a new boyfriend. There is a fifty-fifty chance. Don’t risk it.”
You turn to look at Mingi across the room, dressed up in a silk shirt and slacks. His hair is styled in that annoying not-so-styled-but-still-styled manner, and it makes you want to run your fingers through it. Badly. Seeing him sleeveless in the mornings is bad enough, but seeing him cleaned up at a mutual friend’s birthday party makes you want to go feral.
“You should’ve given me that warning before he started sleeping next to me,” you mumble under your breath, but unfortunately San is perceptive, and nothing escapes his ears.
“Great. I can’t believe you already have feelings for him. You’re done for at this point. What is he even so scared of anyway that has him crying in your arms every night?”
You explain the details with a frown on your face, not wanting to mull over any possible rejection you might get from Mingi.
“Oh,” San starts.
“That changes everything.”
You stare at San with a perplexed gaze, prompting him to elaborate.
“Look, Mingi is stupid, but do you really think he’s that stupid? Come on Y/N, even if he was scared of the dark, he would’ve gotten over it in three days.”
You hit him on the shoulder, causing him to yelp.
“Don’t play with me San,” you berate, watching him clutch the area you just hit, “why else would he be sleeping in my room if he wasn’t scared?”
“The same reason you started having feelings for him! Because you both enjoy waking up next to each other and being together. He likes you Y/N.”
The words drift around in your brain, and you process them for a couple of seconds before glaring at San.
“If he liked me, he would’ve told me.”
“That’s what you think. But do you really know him that well if you couldn’t even figure out the reason he’s been sleeping next to you? What if he’s just scared to tell you?”
San has a point, but you don’t want to admit it. As you watch Mingi beckon you over to try some food on the counter and likely force you to shovel down a disgusting combination of food, you and San share a mutual glance to stop talking about the topic.
However, as you walk over, you can’t help your brain from overanalyzing everything that shouldn’t be. The way he smiles too brightly at you, the way he holds your arm gently as he tugs you over, and the way he keeps you hydrated throughout the night make your head spin. Everything normal suddenly seemed different, and you didn’t know if the change was welcome or not.
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Later that night, when you and Mingi return exhausted to your apartment, your brain feels more tired than ever. You’ve never been much of a thinker, but currently, your head feels worse than a hangover, and you don’t want to mull over anything drastic. Keeping your distance from the guy who supposedly has feelings for you back is harder than it seems, but you’re not in the mood to confront him right now.
However, Mingi has other plans. He sits you by the bed, helping you take off your jacket and accessories and untying your shoes. You realize that he’s picked up on your exhaustion, and you feel extremely guilty for wanting to push him away mere seconds ago. He is so charming at this very moment, and you feel nothing but enamored for the love you’ve received from him tonight and all the time you’ve spent together.
The words are flowing out of your mouth before you can even stop yourself.
“Do you like me?”
He stops mid-shoelace, looking up at you. You realize how awkward and uncomfortable of a position this is for him, but it’s too late to turn back now.
“Did it take you this long to notice?”
You feel like you’re being shoved underwater. The world hazes before your eyes, and the words are muffled as they enter your ears.
He laughs, and the loss of your senses makes you realize how beautiful of a sound it really is.
“You’ve always called me stupid, but I think you’re the one that’s actually stupid here. I’ve liked you for a while now, silly. Why do you think I help you make dinner when I hate cooking?”
‘Oh’ is the only word floating in your head right now.
“So, the Curious George thing was fake?”
“Kind of. I was a little scared the first night, not going to lie, but after finding out how much I missed sleeping next to you, I figured I’d use it to my advantage. I’m honestly surprised you didn’t figure out or kick me out sooner.”
He sees you bury your head in your hands, too shocked to internalize anything right now.
“Hey,” he says, holding your shoulder, “you don’t need to say anything right now. I know it’s probably a lot to take in, and I know you’re probably exhausted after that party. Just sleep on it, okay? We can talk later.”
He finishes untying your laces and gets up to leave, but you pull on his shirt, stopping him in his tracks.
“Don’t go,” you whisper, “I like it when you’re here.”
He smiles so gently, so so gently that you want to stare at him forever.
“Alright, I’ll stay,” he whispers back, despite no one else being in the house, “do you want me to continue sleeping next to you?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out after a pause.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
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m00nlight-ramblings · 7 months
BG3 Companion Modern AU Headcanons
These random thoughts popped into my mind and I had to write them down. I love these little weirdos, and some of them probably don't make sense but OH WELL.
Should I do a Part 2 with more companions?? Let me know - my inbox and requests are open!
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This dude's got iPad kid energy - he loves to scroll Tiktok for hours.
He gets bi-weekly pedicures. And not the basic kind - the full on 1.5 hour long with the massage and the mask and the exfoliation.
His favorite holiday is Halloween. He plans his costume starting in August.
He'd be the type of person to be walking through a mall, see a Claire's, and spontaneously decide to get his ears pierced idk.
Is really into metal. Like, you'll come home and Metallica will be blasting and you walk into the bedroom and he's folding laundry and just like, "Oh, HELLO, Darling!" but will have to scream it over the volume in which he's listening to music
Will truly take an hour picking out the perfect wine to pair with your dinner...he's definitely a wine snob.
The cheapest article of clothing Astarion owns is from Banana Republic and it's an undershirt...everything else is ~*very fancy*~
Loves watching all types of vampire movies/TV shows. He can often be heard saying, "Oh no, they got that all wrong" under his breath.
He definitely reads like 1-2 books a week. He's recently really gotten in spicy smut books (he definitely got recommendations from BookTok).
For sure falls asleep to ASMR videos.
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This man loves HGTV *queue Home Depot commercial music*
Has the most absolutely beautiful, clean home you've ever seen with about 30 bookcases CRAMMED with books. The books are the only disorganized thing in his home because he constantly is reading them, so alphabetizing them is useless.
Pinterest is his most used phone app. His boards are carefully curated. That man has a recipe/inspiration pic/quote for EVERYTHING.
Definitely volunteers at the animal shelter once a month. Often times has to talk himself out of bringing a cat home.
LUSH is his favorite store at the mall. He loves them bath bombs.
He THROWS DOWN at holiday parties...Christmas? Thanksgiving? The table is SET. The decorations are UP. He's wearing an APRON because he's been cooking ALL day. The playlist is PERFECT.
Speaking of holidays, he has matching pajama sets for everyone in the household. For every. Holiday.
Fall is absolutely his favorite season. "Sweetheart...have you ever watched 'When Harry Met Sally'? Perfect autumn movie...also I bought a new scarf today to go with my new peacoat. And mittens. And a new hat...it's getting cold outside."
He definitely has a Live. Laugh. Love. adjacent sign somewhere in his home
He definitely needs glasses to read. And he for sure has those librarian chains so that he can just take them off and they hang, instead of losing them.
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Absolutely loves to eat meals watching Youtube videos.
Imagine her in Times Square? She tears the M&M's store UP.
Is obsessed with documentaries. She often says things like "I can't believe there's so much stuff to LEARN out there!"
Definitely has a Squishmallow collection. And she rotates which one she sleeps with every night so they all get a chance.
Is absolutely the worst cook of all time but tries really really hard...however, she can make a mean boxed mac n' cheese.
Has an obsession with sugary cereal. There's always Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Fruity Pebbles in her cabinets.
Certified Switie for SURE.
Is really into astrology. Definitely has said, "Oh, you're just saying that because you're a SCORPIO" or the like many, many times.
Absolute Starbucks addiction (venti iced caramel macchiato, extra caramel).
Has monthly "girl's nights" (but everyone is invited) at her place. The rules are: pajamas only, junk food, romcoms, and a playlist of the best pop songs in the past 20 years.
How'd y'all like it...should I make a part two with other companions?! Remember my inbox is open and I'm accepting requests!! I'd love to write some stuff so send it in!
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sayitaliano · 6 months
Sanremo 2024 - the post!
Hello everyone! Here you’ll find this year’s Sanremo’s stuff and news (I’ll be uploading this post through all the week). The Festival will start on Tuesday February 6th at 8:30 pm (it’ll probably have a 5 minutes “anteprima = preview” every night), and end on Saturday February 10th, when the final will be broadcasted.
/ Official website / you can find loads of videos and interviews here + the latest news. You can already find the presentation videos of the songs made by the artists.
Rai’s website dedicated section (here) | youtube playlist | spotify playlist
TikTok official channel: @/sanremorai; @/sanremoesc Instagram official: @/sanremorai Twitter official: @/SanremoRAI; @/SanremoESC Facebook: festivaldisanremo
Also this year we’ll have the PrimaFestival, the small show broadcasted on Rai1 at around 8:30 p.m. (February 4th - February 10th). The hosts are Paola & Chiara (singers), Mattia Stanga and Daniele Cabras (tiktokers).
There's gonna be some kind of Dopofestival, with Fiorello and Alessia Marcuzzi (tv/radio host) called “Viva Rai2!… Viva Sanremo” (jingle/sigla) right after the end of each Sanremo's night (6th-9th Feb.). Gli Autogol (comedians soccer-related) will complete some missions for Amadeus on Raiplay.
CasaSanremo- A website about Sanremo and all the artists who will take part, with more infos and interviews (also Italian places and food specialties will be shown). Follow them also on their Social Media Channels, usually they make live video/interviews/shows on FB for example.
On Sorrisi&Canzoni you will find also other infos about Sanremo and every lyrics’s explanation (ofc ask me if you need a translation)
The # on this blog is #sanremo 2024, #sanremo, #sanremo2024 you can black any of these (the first one in particular) if you want.
To watch it live:
Raiuno -> just click on the first video on the left, or here, to open the Raiuno streaming immediately (I added the whole Rai channels things in case you had troubles connecting directly and wanted to try from there). The RAI’s geoblock is usually removed for Sanremo’s week, no need to create accounts or whatsoever to enjoy Sanremo online!! Remember you can rewatch the whole event and each performance on Raiplay few minutes after it has happened (and the whole week will be avaiable as well for basically the whole following year).
FESTIVAL LIS - songs and whole exhibition explained in signs language
FANTASANREMO - this year as well you can play while enjoying your Sanremo! How does it work? Every person “buys” 5 artisti and marks one of them as a captain. As in the last years, artists will have to do or say something while on stage to help you gain points (and also classification will have a say).
I’ll try to write down some more infos/links through the week.
Hosts & Guests + Other Stuff
This years’ host will still be Amadeus (who choose the songs taking part into this Sanremo), a TV and radio host. He will be accompanied by a different co-host each night: Marco Mengoni (singer; first night); Giorgia (singer; second night); Teresa Mannino (actress, comedian; third night); Lorella Cuccarini (actress, tv host, dancer, dance teacher in AMICI tv show; fourth night); Fiorello (tv and radio host, comedian, singer; last night).
Some of the one-night guests during the week will be: John Travolta (actor, dancer); Giovanni Allevi (musician); Marco Mengoni (singer); Sabrina Ferilli (actress); Giorgia (singer) will celebrate her song "E poi"'s 30th anniversary; Russel Crowe (actor, singer); Eros Ramazzotti (singer) will celebrate his song "Una terra promessa"'s 40th anniversary; Roberto Bolle (dancer); the cast of "Mameli" (new serie about the guy who wrote our National anthem); Leo Gassman (actor, singer); the cast of "Il Mare fuori" (Raiplay serie); The Nuova Orchestra Santa Balera to celebrate "Romagna Mia"'s 70th anniversary; Gigliola Cinquetti (singer) will celebrate her song "Non ho l'età"'s 60th anniversary.
How it works
There will be 30 singers in the ARTISTI (artists) section. It will be the only section, as last year. 27 artists were chosen by Amadeus, while the other 3 are the winners of Sanremo Giovani (held in December 2023). The winner of the competition will represent Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest: if he/she/they won’t accept, the choice will be another artist, usually the 2nd classified or the next (the first one accepting). This year we're gonna listen to all the 30 songs on the first night. The 2nd and 3rd night, we'll get to listen to 15 songs each night. The artisti that are not performing during the 2nd night will introduce the performing ones and vice versa on the 3rd night. The artisti introducing the performing artisti will be decided by a public draw during the Sanremo's press conferences on the 2nd and 3rd day. On the 4th night, there will be the usual “covers” night: the artisti this year can choose any song, national or international, from any year (until December 2023) and by anyone (even themselves).
Day 1 - co-hosts: Marco Mengoni Prob. guests: Marco Mengoni; Zlatan Ibrahimovic; Federica Brignone; omaggio a Toto Cutugno; Banda dei Carabinieri + on the Costa Cruise: Tedua and in the square: Lazza We’ll listen to all the 30 songs (in order of performance: Clara, Sangiovanni, Fiorella Mannoia, La Sad, Irama, Ghali, Negramaro, annalisa, Mahmood, Diodato, Loredana Bertè, Geolier, Alessandra Amoroso, The Kolors, Angelina Mango, Il Volo, BigMama, Ricchie Poveri, Emma, RengaNek, Mr. Rain, Bnkr44, Gazzelle, Dargen D'Amico, Rose Villain, Santi Francesi, Fred De Palma, Maninni, Alfa, Il Tre). We'll have a first top5 rank (the whole list will be presented only Saturday):
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Day 2 - co-hosts: Giorgia Prob. guests: the non-performing 15 artists; Giovanni Allevi; Giorgia; John Travolta; Nuova Orchestra Santa Balera; Leo Gassman; Cast "Mare fuori"; Ruggero del Vecchio + on the Costra Cruise: Bob Sinclair and in the square: Rosa Chemical We'll listen to 15 artisti (artist presenting -> artist singing in order of appearance: ghali -> fred de palma; la sad -> renganek; mr.rain -> alfa; diodato -> dargen d'amico; rose villain -> il volo; bnkr44 -> gazzelle; santi francesi -> emma; alessandra amoroso -> mahmood; il tre -> bigmama; angelina mango -> the kolors; fiorella mannoia -> geolier; sangiovanni -> loredana bertè; mannini -> annalisa; ricchi e poveri -> irama; negramaro -> clara) We’ll have an updated rank:
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Day 3 - co-hosts: Teresa Mannino Prob. guests: the non-performing 15 artists; Russel Crowe and his band; Eros Ramazzotti; Sabrina Ferilli; coro Arena di Verona; Gianni Morandi; Stefano Massini e Paolo Jannacci + on the Costa Cruise: Bresh and in the square: Paola & Chiara The 15 artisti that didn't perform yesterday will perform their entry to the contest (artist presenting -> artist singing in order of appearance: loredana bertè -> il tre; alfa -> maninni; fred de palma -> bnkr44; clara -> santi francesi; il volo -> mr rain; gazzelle -> rose villain; dargen d'amico -> alessandra amoroso; bigmama -> ricchi e poveri; irama -> angelina mango; the kolors -> diodato; mahmood -> ghali; emma -> negramaro; annalisa -> fiorella mannoia; renganek -> sangiovanni; geolier -> la sad) Classification after tonight:
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Day 4 - co-hosts: Lorella Cuccarini Prob. guests: Cast "Mameli"; principe Alberto di Monaco; Pecco Bagnaia; Elena Sofia Ricci e Margherita Buy; i Jalisse; il maestro Beppe Vessicchio + on the Costa Cruise: Gigi D'Agostino and in the square: Arisa The 30 artists will present a song’s cover, each of them will perform together with a guest or more, unless they're already a band/group and will decide otherwise.
Covers’ list (in order of appearance):
Sangiovanni con Aitana - Medley di "Farfalle" e "Mariposas" (Sangiovanni)
Annalisa con La Rappresentante di Lista e il coro Artemia - "Sweet dreams (Are made of this)" (Eurythmics)
Rose Villain con Gianna Nannini - Medley
Gazzelle con Fulminacci - "Notte prima degli esami" (Antonello Venditti)
The Kolors con Umberto Tozzi - Medley dei successi di Umberto Tozzi
Alfa con Roberto Vecchioni - "Sogna ragazzo sogna" (Roberto Vecchioni)
Bnkr44 con Pino D'Angiò - "Ma quale idea" (Pino D'Angiò)
Irama con Riccardo Cocciante - "Quando finisce un amore" (Riccardo Cocciante)
Fiorella Mannoia con Francesco Gabbani - "Che sia benedetta" (Fiorella Mannoia -Saremo 2017) e "Occidentali's karma" (Francesco Gabbani -Sanremo 2017)
Santi Francesi con Skin - "Hallelujah" (Leonard Cohen)
Ricchi e Poveri con Paola & Chiara - Medley di "Sarà perché ti amo" e "Mamma Maria" (Ricchi e Poveri)
Ghali con Ratchopper - Medley dal titolo "Italiano vero"
Clara con Ivana Spagna e il Coro di voci bianche del Teatro Regio di Torino - "Il cerchio della vita" (Ivana Spagna -Lion King's ST)
Loredana Bertè con Venerus - "Ragazzo mio" (Luigi Tenco con l'arrangiamento di Ivano Fossati)
Geolier con Guè, Luchè e Gigi D'Alessio - Medley dal titolo "Strade"
Angelina Mango con il quartetto d'archi dell'orchestra di Roma - "La rondine" (Mango)
Alessandra Amoroso con i BoomDaBash - Medley
Dargen D'Amico con BabelNova Orchestra - Omaggio a Ennio Morricone: “Modigliani” (sulle note di The Crisis)
Mahmood con i Tenores di Bitti - "Come è profondo il mare" (Lucio Dalla)
Mr.Rain con i Gemelli Diversi - "Mary" (Gemelli Diversi)
Negramaro con Malika Ayane - "La canzone del sole" (Lucio Battisti)
Emma con Bresh - Medley di Tiziano Ferro
Il Volo con Stef Burns - "Who wants to live forever" (Queen)
Diodato con Jack Savoretti - "Amore che vieni, amore che vai" (Fabrizio De André)
La Sad con Donatella Rettore - "Lamette" (Donatella Rettore)
Il Tre con Fabrizio Moro - Medley di Fabrizio Moro
BigMama con Gaia, La Niña e Sissi - "Lady Marmalade" (Labelle)
Maninni con Ermal Meta - "Non mi avete fatto niente" (Ermal Meta, Fabrizio Moro -Saremo 2018)
Fred De Palma con gli Eiffel 65 - Medley degli Eiffel 65
Renga Nek - Medley dei loro successi
Top 5 covers (all the other entries are considered as 6th):
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We’ll also have a new general rank.
Day 5 - co-hosts: Fiorello Prob. guests: Roberto Bolle (dancer); Gigliola Cinquetti; Luca Argentero, Claudio Gioè (actors-Màkari 3) + on the Costa Cruise: Tedua and in the square: Tananai All the 30 artisti will perform again their songs (in order of appearance: renganek, bigmama, gazzelle, dargen d'amico, il volo, loredana bertè, negramaro, mahmood, santi francesi, diodato, fiorella mannoia, alessandra amoroso, alfa, irama, ghali, annalisa, angelina mango, geolier, emma, il tre, ricchi e poveri, the kolors, maninni, la sad, mr.rain, fred de palma, sangiovanni, clara, bnkr44, rose villain) and after midnight (prob. more like 1:30-2:30 am.) we’ll know the competition’s first 5 classified and all the special awards winners. The first 5 classified will perform again and get new votes to decide the final standings. The winner will go to the #ESC2024.
And the winner is: Angelina Mango!
Final standing:
Angelina Mango - "La noia"
Geolier - "I p' me tu p' te"
Annalisa - "Sinceramente"
Ghali - "Casa mia"
Irama - "Tu no"
Mahmood - "Tuta gold"
Loredana Bertè - "Pazza"
Il Volo - "Capolavoro"
Alessandra Amoroso - "Fino a qui"
Alfa - "Vai!"
Gazzelle - "Tutto qui"
Il Tre - "Fragili"
Diodato - "Ti muovi"
Emma - "Apnea"
Fiorella Mannoia - "Mariposa"
The Kolors - "Un ragazzo una ragazza"
Mr.Rain - "Due altalene"
Santi Francesi - "L'amore in bocca"
Negramaro - "Ricominciamo tutto"
Dargen D'Amico - "Onda alta"
Ricchi e Poveri - "Ma non tutta la vita"
BigMama - "La rabbia non ti basta"
Rose Villain - "Click boom!"
Clara - "Diamanti grezzi"
Renga Nek - "Pazzo di te"
Maninni - "Spettacolare"
La Sad - "Autodistruttivo"
Bnkr44 - "Governo punk"
Sangiovanni - "Finiscimi"
Fred De Palma - "Il cielo non ci vuole"
ANGELINA MANGO will take part at the ESC 2024! Other Awards: - Premio della critica “Mia Martini” : Loredana Bertè "Pazza" - Premio della sala stampa “Lucio Dalla” : Angelina Mango "La noia" - Premio miglior testo “Sergio Bardotti” : Fiorella Mannoia "Mariposa" - Premio miglior composizione musicale “Giancarlo Bigazzi” : Angelina Mango "La noia"
Artists (+ lyrics):
Alessandra Amoroso - "Fino a qui"
Alfa - "Vai!"
Angelina Mango - "La noia"
Annalisa - "Sinceramente"
BigMama - "La rabbia non ti basta"
Bnkr44 - "Governo Punk"
Clara - "Diamanti grezzi"
Dargen D'Amico - "Onda alta"
Diodato - "Ti muovi"
Emma - "Apnea"
Fiorella Mannoia - "Mariposa"
Fred De Palma - "Il cielo non ci vuole"
Gazzelle - "Tutto qui"
Geolier - "I p' me, tu p' te"
Ghali - "Casa mia"
Il Tre - "Fragili"
Il Volo - "Capolavoro"
Irama - "Tu no"
La Sad - "Autodistruttivo"
Loredana Berté - "Pazza"
Mahmood - "Tuta gold"
Maninni - "Spettacolare"
Mr.Rain - "Due altalene"
Negramaro - "Ricominciamo tutto"
Renga e Nek - "Pazzo di te"
Ricchi e Poveri - "Ma non tutta la vita"
Rose Villain - "Click boom!"
Sangiovanni - "Finiscimi"
Santi Francesi - "L'amore in bocca"
The Kolors - "Un ragazzo una ragazza"
[all the lyrics can be found on this page]
(will edit with more updates, corrections and links as we get closer to the event)
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writercole · 1 year
Bound: A Sounds of Someday story
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Summary: Jensen and Y/N have a strained month after their engagement. Words: 1848 Warnings: Childbirth (non graphic), anxiety. Credits: I'm pretty sure @flamencodiva beta'd this ages ago when it was supposed to be more than this. A/N: This is part of the world of Sounds of Someday. I haven't written RPF in over a year now so this is definitely an ancient wip that I'm bringing back for my dear friend @jensengirl83's birthday. I tried to find the master list for the series buuuut it's legit gone and I'm pretty sure that I deleted it. But I've linked the prologue (haha fooled you guys. The series is still there, just the ML is gone) and everything should be crosslinked. ANYWAY - this was born out of a challenge that Brandy set forth quite some time ago. My song was 'Turn the Page' by Bob Seger. I'm pretty sure I captured it well. Love you B! A/N 2: There is an entire story to follow behind this but I'm elbow deep in the rewrite and I'm also sure that the story that follows will be a separate book. But to all the fans of this series, I love you and cannot thank you enough. You can read the original again and the rewrite will be done hopefully in the next 6ish months. 😘
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Jensen laid in the bunk on the tour bus and stared at the wall. The only thing he could hear was the sound of the engine roaring and the tires on the road. Everyone else was asleep except for the driver, Cliff. He’d tried to fall asleep but the only thing he saw when he closed his eyes was his fiancee’s face the moment she realized what he was doing on that stage two months ago.
Jensen dropped down to one knee in front of Y/N and her hands flew to her mouth as she gasped in surprise. “What better place to continue our adventure than on the stage where it began. Y/N, will you make me the luckiest man on earth and be my wife?”
He smiled at the memory as it played in his head again, comforting him while he rode several hundred miles east from Omaha to their next show. With a sigh, he turned over again, facing the curtain that was drawn across his bunk. The soft glow of the ambient nightlights filtered through a crack in the curtain, illuminating the beige walls and light blue of the curtain and bed linens. 
Jensen huffed as he swung his legs out of his bunk and padded to the common area. He sat in the corner of the black leather sofa and spread out from end to end, his feet resting against one end while his back was against the other. He leaned his head against the back of the sofa and pulled his phone out, opening the youtube app and hitting his favorites.
The video they recorded for Eric Church started playing softly, the strains of ‘Like a Wrecking Ball’ surrounding him as he watched their smiling faces filling his screen. A tear slipped down his cheek when the video switched to the one Gen had posted of the proposal. He fell asleep watching the two videos on repeat, like he had every night since he’d left her side.
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Y/N sipped from the glass of wine that was perched on the edge of the bathtub. The bubbles had nearly gone and the water was barely warm but her eyelids were still refusing to get heavy. It wasn’t the same sitting in the house in Austin alone, it wasn’t the same sleeping alone. Jensen’s pillow smelled like him, but it was cold, too soft. 
Sighing dejectedly, she drained her glass and then the tub, stepping out onto the plush rug and wrapping herself up in Jensen’s soft robe. She inhaled deeply, comforting herself with his scent.
She crawled into bed again and pulled up youtube on the smart tv. She navigated to her favorites playlist and hit play. The sound of Jensen’s voice filled the room, a video from one of his first concerts with Corey. She watched several videos before drifting off into an uneasy sleep.
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“Jensen, man, what’s going on? You were a million miles away tonight,” Corey asked, his brows furrowed and his voice soft. They had just finished a show and Jensen had been sullen and quiet, his usual playful banter missing from their set.
"I have never been more ready for a tour to end. I like what we do, love what we do, but I don't know if I want to keep doing this." Jensen put his head in his hands and sighed deeply, willing the tears away. 
Corey sat next to his friend and put his hand on his shoulder. “I get it, man. I do. With Alicia due any day now, I’m questioning this life, too. It’s hard enough being away from my wife but being away from my kid? That’s going to be a whole other ballgame.”
“We haven’t even set a date or really had time to just absorb being engaged, you know? She was with us that night and the next, then she went back home to Austin and I haven’t seen her in a month and we can barely video call and -” Jensen felt his breathing getting shallow and his chest tightening, signaling the start of an anxiety attack. It had been a few years since his last one and was shaping up to be a major one.
“Steve, bag!” Corey yelled across the room. Steve took one look at Jensen and ran across the room with one of the paper bags that were kept on hand for the number of people dealing with anxiety on the tour. 
Corey handed Jensen the opened bag and walked him through breathing and grounding exercises, calming him down and getting him to refocus on the room around him. He handed Jensen a bottle of water and made sure he was okay before continuing their conversation.
“Look, Jay, it’s not gonna be easy, man. But we’ve only got a few more dates on this tour and then we’re off for months. You’ll be able to hang with us and your godchild, whatever that may be. You’ll plan the wedding, hell maybe even have the wedding. And it’ll all feel like a bad memory,” Corey offered half-heartedly. 
“Yeah,” Jensen nodded, swallowing hard. “Distant memory.”
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The days passed in a hurry. The countdown progressed down to hours, just over 48 now. Two more days and Y/N would be back at this airport picking up her fiance’. But now, she had business to tend to.
It was nearly midnight when Y/N made it to the door of the apartment her best friends owned. She was staying with Alicia until either the baby was born or Corey got back from tour. Alicia insisted that she was fine but Y/N wouldn’t take no for an answer; it was her way of paying them back for everything they’d done for her since they’d met. 
“Alicia!” Y/N called as she walked inside, taking her keys out of the door and slipping them in her pocket. Alicia didn’t answer, but Y/N heard her cry out in pain. She rushed towards the bedroom, the direction the sound came from, and found Alicia doubled over, holding onto the door frame of the en suite and clutching her stomach. “Lee?!”
“Y/N. Thank god you’re here. I think I’m going into labor.” A splashing sound drew their attention towards the ground, a stream of clear liquid puddling on the floor at Alicia’s feet. 
“Pretty sure your water just broke, hon. Get your shoes, I’ll grab your bag and we’ll call the hospital on the way down to the street,” Y/N instructed, already heading to the closet for the prepared bags. As soon as she grabbed them, she was phoning the hospital and getting the information on the fastest way there and what she needed to do for Alicia in the meantime.
“Y/N, Corey,” Alicia panted as she waddled to the elevator. 
“Don’t worry, hon. I’ll handle everything else. You just focus on keeping that baby where it is until we get to the hospital.” Y/N said a silent prayer to whomever was listening that they’d make it in time and that she wouldn’t have to deliver a baby in the backseat of a cab.
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Cliff had stopped at an all-night diner for everyone to get off the bus, stretch their legs, and have dinner before continuing on the next leg of the journey. There was still time before the next show, the last show of the tour, so he figured a break from the road was needed.
The group was situated at a long table, Corey at one end and Cliff at the other, quietly talking and enjoying their break. Corey’s phone rang and he looked at Jensen after checking the id. “It’s after midnight and it’s Y/N.”
“Her flight landed like two hours ago,” Jensen added, worry building in his gut.
“Y/N, what’s going -” Corey was cut off by Y/N talking very, very quickly and then handing off the phone. “Alicia, baby, are you okay? How far apart are they? How long until you get there? Okay baby, one of you call me when you can. I love you.” Corey hung up the phone and looked at the table. “Alicia is in labor. Y/N is with her. They’re almost to the hospital.”
The table was stunned into silence before a cacophony of reassurances spewed forth from everyone, turning the heads of the other diners, though no one seemed to care. They finished their meal quickly and headed to the bus, ready to get this final show on the road so Corey could get home to meet his kid.
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Seven hours later, Alicia was holding a beautiful baby boy. She was exhausted but she was overjoyed, basking in the bliss of new motherhood. Y/N watched everything with a soft smile and tears in her eyes, happy for her best friends and already deeply in love with her godson.
Corey was video chatting with Alicia and the baby, assuring them that he’d be here tomorrow. That meant that Jensen would be here tomorrow as well. Y/N sighed in relief and shut her eyes, knowing that it would feel faster if she got some rest.
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The performers on stage for their final date of the tour were nearly vibrating with anticipation, counting the seconds until they could run back to the tour bus and hop on their flight to New York. The crowd was enjoying every second and the energy in the arena was palpable.
Corey thanked everyone and bid them a good night, restraining himself from running off the stage. Post show drinks were skipped as everyone packed up as fast as they could, the amplifiers still ringing in their ears, and headed to the airport. 
The plane took off from South Carolina and landed in New York a few hours later. Corey and Jensen were scanning the crowd as soon as it came into view, chuckling when they spotted Y/N holding a sign that said ‘aging, washed up rock stars’ in bold black letters. 
She dropped the sign as soon as she saw Jensen rounding the corner of the walkway and ran to him, jumping in his arms with a smile that stretched from ear to ear.
“I missed you so much, sweetheart,” Jensen whispered as he twirled her around. 
“Missed you more,” she replied as she buried her face into his neck. 
“What’s this about you picking up aging, washed up rock stars?” Corey jested from behind them.
She lifted her head enough to send him a glare. He tossed his head back laughing loudly, amused by the antics of his best friends.
“Can we wrap this up, please? I got a kid to meet,” he quipped, smirking at the couple. 
Jensen shifted Y/N onto his shoulder in a fireman’s carry as she shrieked and the three of them headed to the baggage claim. 
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Jensen took the wheel and drove straight to the hospital, dropping Corey off to go be with his son and wife. “Where to, sweetheart?” he asked when they pulled away. 
“Anywhere, baby. As long as I’m with you.”
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Meet the Writer Tag!
(Thank you so much to @mysticstarlightduck for tagging me! Sorry I took so long lol)
This is me!
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(I don't normally wear this many accessories/jewellery lol. But I wish I did! I love it sm)
Three Fun Facts About Me:
I have never been in a relationship before. Ever. The only experience I have in that department is through other people's stories, not really my own. And by that, I mean that I'm used to watching my friends/people around me getting in and out of relationships, and listening to songs about romance and love and heartbreak... but not really relating to them due to not having any of those experiences myself (but it's alright, tho. It'll happen when it happens! In the meantime, I always have my made-up ships from my writing lol).
My favourite book growing up was "Matilda" by Roald Dahl. I thought Matilda was such a cool girl growing up lol. And lowkey relatable in a lot of ways. No, I wasn't a child genius. But she kind of fits into the archetype that I always found comfort in due to being that kind of person myself. Smart/intellectually curious, bookworm, introverted/independent, genuinely kind and has a heart in spite of being seen as cold by others (another example of this is Huey from Boondocks. Been rewatching some episodes of that show recently and wow... forgot how crazy it was lol. It's good, tho).
Christmas is my favourite holiday! 🎅❄️🎄I do get why some people may dislike it, I guess (like, my younger sister isn't a fan, and she's explained why... I get it. The over-commercialisation of it takes a lot of the "specialness" out of it, you know? Distracts from the actual meaning behind it and all. Plus, it can suck if you're just feeling sad and lonely during a time of celebration for everyone else. Aside from that, technically Easter is more significant if you look at it from the lens of which Christian holiday is most important). But I love the joyfulness and festiveness. Makes me feel all jolly and cosy inside. Plus, I love singing Christmas carols. And presents. And Christmas movies. I just love Christmas lol.
Favorite season:
Autumn. Or fall, as some others prefer to call it. That's when my birthday is!!
(Second place is summer because that's holiday season. Plus, that's when my sister's birthday is.)
Continent where I live:
I live in the UK, so Europe.
How I spend my (free) time:
Writing (duh)
Writeblr stuff (tag games, making OC playlists, answering questions, communicating with followers and having discussions with them about writing, etc)
YouTube (mainly watching videos... but I do want to start making videos myself at some point. Stay tuned for that, I guess)
Studying/school assignments (I'm in university)
Listening to music
Watching movies/TV shows
Eating lol
Are you published?
No. It'd be cool to be, though. Pretty sure I've mentioned this at least once before, but I want to self-publish the Stephanie Smith saga once I'm done with it.
Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert. 100% introvert lol. I feel most comfortable within myself when I'm by myself. As a kid, I was so painfully shy that the thought of going up to someone and asking a simple question would terrify me lol. As I got older, though, I was super duper lonely, and I realised that I had no real friends because I was keeping myself all closed off in a tight shell, so I'd literally force myself to open up and become more social and make friends with other kids. I practised it, like how you do with any skill. Now it's not so bad. I'd say I can carry a conversation with someone fairly well, even if I don't know them so well.
Favorite meal:
Ooooh.... this is hard. I love most foods lol.
I think I'll go with something a little bit more traditional. I'm Kenyan, and one of my favourite meals that I've grown up eating is chapatti and stew (any kind of stew, or soup. But my mum would usually make this stew with kidney beans. That was a big hit growing up). Haven't had it in almost a year, tho.
Aside from that, I love pizza. And Nandos.
Tagging: @clairelsonao3, @exquisitecrow, @mister-writes, @winterandwords, @mjparkerwriting, @e-everlasting-g, @erieautumnskies, @annethewittywriter, @writingwithfolklore, @ashwithapen
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yoshihashismattebum · 3 months
9 People I'd Like to Get to Know Better
Thanks @sycamoretrees for the tag!
Last song: I'm going to cheat and go for a whole album. I've been really enjoying Where's My Utopia? by Yard Act recently: deceptively clever stream-of-consciousness lyrics that walk the line between wry irony and passionate sincerity, all set to post-punk beats that you can dance to. (Shout-out to HELLMODE by Jeff Rosenstock and Sorry for the Late Reply by Sløtface too – both brilliant albums as well)
And while I'm breaking the rules, I might as well mention my wrestling playlist that I've been working on! It's a really eclectic mix of songs that remind me of various different things in wrestling – feuds, characters, general vibes etc. It's not finished yet (I'd like to organise it thematically and write some annotations to explain my thinking behind the choices), but maybe you'll find something on there you like!
Favourite colour: it's a tie between blue and purple (especially lilac). Also currently enjoying the yellow-green of the new leaves that are appearing at this time of year!
Currently watching: wrestling, surprise surprise. I'm just about keeping up with AEW and completely failing to keep up with NJPW. Other than that, I've not really been in a big TV/film mood recently. Although I did see Dune Part 2 the other week, which I thought was fantastic. My partner and I have also become slightly addicted to watching Gab Smolders play Nancy Drew games on YouTube.
Spicy/savoury/sweet/(sour)/(salty)/[umami]: since @sycamoretrees set a precedent of adding options, I'm going to go with another write-in candidate: my beloved umami. I am a Marmite fiend and will eat just about anything if it has soy sauce/miso/strong cheese etc in it. I enjoy pretty much all of the above tastes though, especially when combined in interesting ways. If I had to choose between the original options, I probably lean towards savoury; I have extremely strong opinions on crisps.
Relationship status: I've been with my partner for almost 11 years now :) (While I'm here, go check out her fantastic art and tabletop RPG writing at @mortphilippa! Obviously I'm biased, but she's super talented!)
Too many to mention them all, but here's a selection:
Wrestling (of course): as well as my usual AEW & NJPW, I've watched some CMLL recently, which has been fun. I also recently reached new levels of nerd by emulating King of Colosseum 2, a Japanese wrestling game from 2004, on PC. It's good! Holds up well!
Tabletop role-playing games – an ever-present obsession for me. I've just wrapped up a 4+ year D&D campaign that I was GMing, which is an odd feeling, but I'm so proud of the story we told together. I'm also currently GMing/writing stuff for Cy_Borg, Liminal Horror and Brindlewood Bay, among others! There are tons more I want to run though – too many games, not enough time! (I am always up for conversations about TTRPGs by the way – I could talk forever about them! Hit me up if you wanna chat!)
Puzzle games: more of a recent obsession. I continue to do the Wordle every day, but I've recently been enjoying Connections (sorting words into categories), Heardle Decades (identifying songs from the intros), and Squeezy (a weird game about fitting letters into other words). I'm also going through a bit of a point-and-click adventure phase. Really enjoying Unavowed by Dave Gilbert currently. I'm not usually an urban fantasy fan, so it's a testament to how good the writing is that I'm loving it as much as I am.
Spring flowers: spring has well and truly sprung here in the UK, and I am loving all of the flowers that are popping up everywhere! There's nothing that brings me joy quite like going for a walk and doing some plant-spotting (I'm trying to get better at identifying plants this year! I'm mostly reliant on Google Lens and a bit of inherited knowledge from my Grandma currently)
Oops, that was A Lot! Enough about me. Time to tag some other people! (Only if you feel like it though! Absolutely zero pressure)
IRL friends (I know you all very well already, but I always love hearing what you're up to 💙): @thewaythroughthewoods, @thepenultimaterolo and @mortphilippa (and @unpairedbracket if you fancy it!)
Some Tumblr people wot seem cool (sorry if we've not interacted much – I've not been on Tumblr a lot recently and I'm bad at starting conversations!): @norfkid, @sybilius, @dansedan, @unlikelywrestlingfan, @punkrockpariah
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Hey hi hello!!! How are you today?
I was wondering if I could get a match up?
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
I can't stop listening to Brand New City by Mitski since last week. I just really like the emotion in her voice. I also really associate myself with the line "if I gave on being pretty I wouldn't know how to be alive". So that's that.
What is your Enneagram type?
7w8, used to be a 9w1.
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
I dooo! I really like enjoy video essays about linguistics and mental illnesses as well
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
I never really had an imaginary friend. I mean, I remember being annoyed at my shadow for copying everything I do, but I don't think that counts.
I actually didn't have any friend untill I went to school. I was always okay playing by my self.
Though I do remember making little scenarios in my head while playing on the playground; one of them being me as Harley Quinn trapped in jail while Joker saves me (I was obsessed with Harley Quinn as a kid, okay..)
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
Rambling asmr.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
I'd like to pick a name that sounds nice in most languages, since mine doesn't.
Maybe something like Eleanora with Nora as a nickname.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
I can't pick one so I'll say "holiday decorating with your boyfriend but he's a chaotic mess" and "listening in on your crush's thoughts". These are the audios that really made me smile like an idiot. They don't really have anything to do with the plot yet they're still my favourite.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
Hot take but...David. It's just...idk man, I usually like the tsundere type put sometimes I feel like David is too rude. I enjoyed his first audio but the rest...idk man. I like angel a lot tho. I myself a lot in them, but David is definitely not the type I'd go for. I'd probably feel really annoying and unloved with a guy like him 🤷‍♀️
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
"The spy next door". I watched it waaaaaay too many times as a kid and I sometimes still do.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
Asher!!! He seems like so much fun dude. He also reminds me a lot of my friend.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
I start rambling about 'what if' scenarios. Like what if I was born a year later? What if brother hadn't been born? What if that one time at the cafe I didn't order my usual drink?
Stuff like that.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Idk I can't drive...😔
Chocolate and banana milkshake is my go to drink tho.
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
All my saved songs mashed up...
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Harry Potter fanfiction.... hear me out okay... I know it sounds...bad.. But damnit some of the fics are just too good.
Other info:
Idk if this is important or not but my mbti is ENTP-T and I'm also very short (5'1). Do what you must with that information...
Thank you!!
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The combination of your personality traits gives me the impression of an extroverted, strong-willed person; they’re giving Smartass, you know? This combined with your preference towards tsunderes makes me think you’d be a good match with Aaron.
I can get what you mean about David being “too rude”; in contrast, Aaron’s certain brand of tsundere reads more playful? Like, he grasped early on when the attitude isn’t serving him or when to tone it down which is why I like him better for you. Also, the fact that your chosen name would be Eleanora and his brother’s name is Elliott, the fact that both his most loved people in the world could be called “El” is just really cute. That’s kismet a little bit.
Your life with Aaron would be such a dream (though that’s any life with Aaron, I will admit.) I can clearly imagine him making you your favorite milkshake every Saturday morning to start your weekend right (even though I can see him personally hating it /lh something about his vibe tells me he hates chocolate and banana together but not as much as he loves you). I can see him asking you about the fanfic you’re reading- not because he cares about Harry Potter (he doesn’t particularly) but because he likes to hear you talk about it. Also, your not being able to drive is fun because he’s an excellent driver, and don’t we all dream just a little bit of having to be a passenger prince(ss)? /lh
I just don't wanna miss you tonight/ And I don't want the world to see me/ 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand/ When everything's made to be broken/ I just want you to know who I am
One, that last line is very tsundere-core, that sentiment of “I don’t need the world to know or see me as long as I have you”. Two, this song is such a classic, and it matches the alt, rock, grunge vibe that Aaron gives me. I think he likes this song and genre a lot.
In addition to giving me Smartass vibes, your personality types also remind me of a more extroverted Damien; because of this, Huxley would be a cute runner-up for you. To do a total one-eighty, your mention of considering What If’s means I just have to give you Echo as a runner-up okay heaR ME OUT-
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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bereft-of-frogs · 9 months
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I hope I have appeased whatever ocean spirit possessed me this summer. Here is the final list of everything I read/watched/listened to/played/etc over the last several months while my entire personality became about the ocean. (Almost - planning on watching Deep Star Six (1989) after I finish writing this post and making dinner!)
The Deep, Nick Cutter | Our Wives Under the Sea, Julia Armfield | “Fear of Depths” + “Fear of Big Things Underwater”, Jacob Geller | Into the Drowning Deep, Mira Grant | Underwater (2020) | r/thalassophobia + r/submechanophobia | The Deep House (2021) | 47 Meters Down (2017) + 47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019) | The Toilers of the Sea, Victor Hugo (trans. James Hogarth) | Dark Water, Koji Suzuki (trans. Glynne Walley) | “Fear of the Deep”, Nexpo | Sea Fever (2019) | The Abyss (1989) | Open Water (2003) | From Below, Darcy Coates | Love, Death + Robots, “Bad Traveling” | “The Fog Horn”, Ray Bradbury + “A Descent into the Maelstrom”, Edgar Allen Poe (collected in Stories of the Sea ed. Diana Secker Tesdell) | Subnautica (2018) | Breaking Surface (2020) | They Came From the Ocean, Boris Bacic | The Cave (2005) | Sphere, Michael Crichton + its 1997 adaptation | “Thalassophobia”, Solar Sands | Whalefall, Daniel Kraus | Sanctum (2011) | The Rift (1990) | Leviathan (1989) | Sand, Salt, Blood: An Anthology of Sea Horror, ed. Elle Turpitt | 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Jules Verne (trans. Mendor T. Brunetti) | Moby-Dick, Herman Melville
So that's 12 books (including 2 anthologies), 13 films, 4 video essays, 2 short stories, 2 subreddits, 1 game, and 1 TV episode.
Top 5 (in no particular order)
Our Wives Under the Sea, Julia Armfield -- beautiful, both in the descriptions of the deep sea and in its depictions of grief. Florence Welch blurbed it and Florence + the Machine takes 3 spots on the playlist so this definitely set the vibes of the summer.
Whalefall, Daniel Kraus -- reminded me of NOPE (2022) and that's a high compliment. It's also about grief but the kind of grief where there should have been a reckoning, and you'll never get that closure. Truly excellent, honestly I still have the library book because I'm not ready to give it back.
Sea Fever (2019) -- obviously owes a lot of its plot to the 1989 slate of ocean horror films coming out that were in imitation of Alien (1979) and attempting to preempt James Cameron's The Abyss (1989), in that it's about a creature from the deep that possesses the crew of a fishing trawler off the west coast of Ireland...but a moody atmosphere, gorgeous cinematography, and mythological inspiration just makes this a good watch.
"Fear of Depths", Jacob Geller -- honestly all the youtube videos on this list are worth it but I'm highlighting this one because I just love it when youtubers go on field trips. Like yes Jacob go stand in that cave and read your script for our entertainment and edification, yesss
The Toilers of the Sea, Victor Hugo -- ok the thing about Hugo is that his novels often carry social messaging - about poverty, class, the nature of justice, investment in cultural hegemony - and Toilers' thematic messaging is just: what the fuck are you doing in the ocean why are you going in there, don't you see how fucked up the ocean is, leave it alone- (...perhaps a more relevant text for billionaires than Les Misérables? XD) Ok, I'm mostly kidding but truly his depictions of the sea are some of my favorite bits of Hugo prose, I really think this book is underrated in the anglophone world.
Please feel free to ask me for more reviews of the other works on the list and I can give more thoughts! For now I'll just say that I had a lot of fun with the cheesy 80s/90s movies (the later ones don't quite carry the same charm but were still pretty fun even if they weren't 'good'), the books are pretty solid with the exception of They Came From the Ocean by Boris Bacic, which is my only 'do not recommend' on the list. (It wasn't well written, didn't use the setting very effectively, and got weirdly homophobic towards the end in a way that was impossible to tease out from a character decision and made me feel kind of weird?) There is also a smaller, slightly less cohesive list for the second part of this series but it gives away the thematic shift so I'll stick to ocean horror for now. This was an interesting summer. I guess I should probably...read something other than ocean horror now. XD
letterboxd film list | playlist on spotify
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Books on (or…near in one case) the beach
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 months
finished watching first performances, here’s the ones that stuck out to me
ok I changed my mind she’s pretty butch
after the first two notes I was like CARMEN??? anyway she’s the oldest contestant, but she has a very cute vibe. she was against the rock song so that was a fun contrast. they seem to get along too
a couple of weeks ago lex showed me a thai ghost movie and just now I was like. wait I recognize that poster. and yeah it was the same actress. thai ghost movie jumpscare. I liked the song, she’s got solid stage presence. very idol. before the round she was sitting down so her dress FLOOFED around her and her opponent was like WOW it’s like a pillow! you’re like a princess! so I’m like the prince ;D but it fell flat lmao. should’ve dressed more butch
her opponent had a good voice tho
her dress is so good and her vocals are really strong. I’m surprised the visuals are so elaborate for a first round. whenever there’s a shot from the side, she looks like she’s emerging from a flower. I’m obsessed actually
I also love this woman’s fashion, she’s always dressed in florals and I’ll always respect jewel-toned pants. side note, the actual episode just mutes some of the performance (probably bc copyright) so I’ve been playing the song from the youtube playlist while the ep plays on tv
what the fuck I know this song. where do I know this song from. also the french woman is dressed in the most stereotypical french outfit during the talk segment did they dress her or did she dress herself
the braids are… well I’m not sure about them, but when she’s not in this outfit she’s the other only butch-adjacent woman on the show. also, she majored in french in college and coincidentally (or maybe ‘coincidentally’) got matched against the french woman. apparently this is her first time dancing
she was facing the wrong way lmao. dancer and actress, I was impressed by her vocal quality, even though I think it sounded a little forced. like, pressured
YEEWAAAAH OPERA SINGER AND SWORD THE SECOND I SAW THE SWORD I WAS SO EXCITED FOR HER I guess in this case she could be considered wuxia butch?
I hit the 10 vid limit lol I have to make a separate post
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girls-scenarios · 2 years
Kpop Girl Group 101: Everything You Need to Know
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1. Back To The Beginning - It’s impossible to talk about girl groups without mentioning the history of girl groups in South Korea. In the 1990s, the boy group trend really started to take off in South Korea, just like it had in the West. As early as the late 1980s, boy groups had started appearing on the scene. However, the first true girl groups wouldn’t be formed until the late 1990s, when the girl groups S.E.S (”I’m Your Girl”, “Dreams Come True”), Baby V.O.X (”Coincidence”, “Get Up”), and Fin.K.L. (”To My Boyfriend”, “Forever Love”) would start competing against an almost all-male industry (save for soloists such as BoA and some sister duos). These groups, along with many other smaller girl groups, would make up what is now known as the first generation of Kpop, and would pave the way for the second generation to burst onto the scene and ride the Hallyu wave while making girl groups a staple of the Kpop world. You know the groups of the second generation even if you aren’t a fan: Girls Generation became the nation’s girl group with their groundbreaking sweet debut, “Into the New World” while 2NE1 challenged the music scene and girl group stereotypes with “Fire” and the Wonder Girls brought the sassy, classic American girl group style to South Korea with “Irony.” Did you know that Girls Generation was the first group to include photocards in their albums, or that Wonder Girls was the first girl group to appear on American TV? These iconic groups truly made Kpop what it is today as they smashed through barriers, changed the industry, and became the idols that future idols would look up to and aspire to become.
2. Generations - I’ve already talked about the first generation, but what does it all mean? Well, honestly the exact generations are hard to keep track of. Usually, a generation ends and another begins at a turning point in the industry. For example, the second generation began with the Hallyu wave and Kpop becoming more commercialized. More and more idols also became actors and started hosting/guesting on shows. This was the period that I believe saw the most change, as more and more girl groups began to debut and some English translations started to be available. Other iconic second generation groups include KARA, T-ara, SISTAR, f(x), After School, Miss A, 4Minute, Girls Day, and many, many more. As we began to get into the 2010s, subtitles started to become more and more common as more and more fans started finding Kpop through YouTube and other similar platforms, starting the third generation of Kpop girl groups. And man, this generation burst onto the scene. Girl groups from this generation include giants such as Twice, BlackPink, Red Velvet, AOA, GFRIEND, EXID, Dreamcatcher, CLC, Oh My Girl, Mamamoo, WJSN, and so, so many more. And finally, we have now arrived at the fourth generation, a generation where even small groups under small companies can gain a world-wide fanbase, world tours are becoming more common, and dances have become intricate and all-important. Groups in the current generation include ITZY, IVE, Billie, AESPA, StayC, Everglow, Weeekly, Kep1er, and the list once again goes on and on. Of course, there are some groups who fall in-between generations, like LOONA. Some of the members debuted during what many consider to be 3rd gen, while other members and the group as a whole debuted after the start of the 4th generation. I point this out to say that generations aren't super strict and mostly exist to show the progression of Kpop as a whole. The list of girl groups only grows by the day and it can get pretty overwhelming (even for a self-proclaimed girl group expert such as myself). But don’t worry, I have that covered too! If you want to get a better understanding of the different generations, I have playlists linked below that you can use.
              💕 1st Gen  💕  2nd Gen  💕  3rd Gen 💕 4th Gen  💕
3. “Where do I start?” - Every time I want to get someone into girl groups (or Kpop in general) they’re always daunted by the sheer amount of music and groups to chose from. But I say this is a good thing rather than a bad thing. The amount of choices means that everyone should be able to find something they enjoy. But where should you start? Well, I always recommend starting at the beginning with a group like Girls Generation. You can never go wrong with a little Gee or Oh! I would also recommend 4Minute’s “Watcha Doin’ Today”, 2NE1′s “Gotta Be You”, Twice’s “Fancy”, Red Velvet’s “Peek-A-Boo”, fromis_9′s “DKDK”, StayC’s “Run 2 You”, and GFRIEND’s “MAGO” to girl group newbies. There’s also no shame in watching compilation videos: that’s how I found new groups as a young fan myself. I would recommend videos like “kpop girl group songs that were a cultural reset” or “Kpop parts that hit the right spots (girl group edition)” or “women in kpop being iconic” to find new songs or groups and go from there. These videos are also nice because you can fall into a YouTube rabbit hole and find a lot of new songs and groups that way! I would also recommend watching these groups on reality shows like Knowing Brother, Weekly Idol, and other similar shows where they showcase their skills and talk more about their groups and their talents. This is a great way to learn more about groups once you decide you’re interested in them.
4. Genres, genres, genres - Occasionally, I will see people claim that they don't like girl groups because they all "act cute" or because they all sound the same, but this couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, there are so many groups with so many different sounds and concepts that it's impossible not to find something you'll like. Do you like rock or horror? Then you should check out PIXY, Dreamcatcher, Pink Fantasy, and Rolling Quartz! Do you listen to a lot of boy groups? Then you’ll probably enjoy tracks by 3YE, Everglow, and LOONA. Are you looking for something unique? Check out Orange Caramel, Billie, WJSN Chocome, HYO, Crayon Pop, and Cocosori. No matter what mood you’re in, there’s a girl group song that will fit it. Plus, a little bubblegum pop will do wonders for a bad mood. Try to listen to WiFi by Saturday and not smile a bit! Most groups will have a variety of songs as well, so you won’t get bored. For example, just listening to Red Velvet and Twice’s discography is an adventure because they’ve done so much. If you really aren’t sure where you want to start or what you might like, you could always message this blog: I might be busy, but I’m never too busy to help people get into girl groups!
5. The Future - While there has been an unfortunate period of girl groups from smaller companies struggling or disbanding due to the pandemic, the future still looks VERY bright for girl groups. While older girl groups used to debut and disband quickly without anyone noticing because it wasn’t as easy to promote themselves online, now even small girl groups from tiny companies can build a following online and promote themselves to a wider audience. While I personally don’t love some of the music trends we’re seeing right now, I am super excited to see where this new generation takes Kpop. I believe we’ll see more and more groups with fun, bright, self-confident concepts and I love that. With the sheer amount of content now available on YouTube, TikTok, Viki, and even Netflix, it’s the perfect time to dive head-first into the world of girl groups and girl group music. I think you’ll find that you’ll really love it here, and I hope you found my little lesson helpful!
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liu-anhuaming · 1 year
《我是歌手》 Season 1——Thoughts and Feelings
I finally finished rewatching 《我是歌手》 season 1. It only took me 4 months...
Anyways. I've put together some thoughts I have on this season (with some spoilers about eliminations and whatnot).
Here's a link to the YouTube playlist of every performance from this season (I'm pretty sure I got them all). It's 111 videos. For some reason, the 芒果TV account had like none of 羽泉's performances posted (maybe a copyright thing?), and they were missing a few other performances, so sorry if the quality on a few of the videos isn't the best. I went with the best versions I could find on YouTube.
Here's where I watched this season. It was actually kinda difficult to find a place to watch this season for free; a lot of the other seasons were on YouTube for free when I first watched them (though some have been removed since then). Thankfully I found this site, and the quality is really good. There's some funky sound editing moments, though it's unclear if the original recording is bad or if it's the video on this site. Either way, it's the best quality version I've found to date.
Also, advanced apologies to any 沙宝亮 fans out there.
The singers in this season all seemed to be more established and well-known. I mean, 齐秦 alone is wildly famous, and then there’s 羽泉 and 黄贯中 (from Beyond). That’s not a bad thing, since all of them were really talented. However, I personally think the show is at its best when there are a few newer or lesser-known singers thrown into the mix. It makes the competition even more unpredictable, and a lot of these singers bring some pretty unique performances to the stage. I think the only reason I have this preference and this stands out to me is because I watched all the other seasons before season 1, so my expectations of the show had already been set based on what they’d done in later seasons. So I’m not judging season one too much for this, and I understand production would want to do what they could to ensure a decent viewership.
One of the things they did this season that never shows up again in other seasons is have one episode where everyone spins a wheel and picks their next song that way. I thought it was an interesting one-off episode idea, and it gave us a lot of great performances. It pushed some of the singers kinda far outside of their comfort zones, and I always like to watch when singers pick challenging songs. A really great episode came out of this idea. As much as I love the singers getting creative freedom, sometimes it���s fun to watch them struggle a bit. Idk, maybe that’s mean of me to say lol
There was also one episode where each singer picked one of 齐秦’s songs to perform, and it was sort of like a tribute episode since he had to leave the season early? And at the end 齐秦 performed his return song, which he never got to do when he left. I liked this episode since I’m not super familiar with 齐秦 (I’m more familiar with his sister, the absolute goddess 齐豫), so I got to hear more of his songs. As much as I liked it, I don’t know if it’d work every single season. 
胡海泉 was also a really good host. I found all of his mistakes really relatable because I, too, cannot fucking speak. 
In terms of the singers, the ones who stood out the most to me were 林志炫, 黄绮珊, 尚雯婕, and 杨宗纬. I already knew about 林志炫 and 黄绮珊 before starting this season, so I knew what to expect from them. Every performance from 林志炫 was perfect (what else would you expect from the One Take King?), but my favorite performance of his (and actually of the whole season) was 《没离开过》. 黄绮珊 was also really great to watch. Even though I personally didn’t like a couple of the songs she chose, she was consistently killing every performance, even when she was sick. 尚雯婕 was pretty unpredictable in terms of genre, but I liked a lot of her performances. My favorite from her was 《Dog Days Are Over》, and I think it’s a shame she didn’t get to perform that before she got eliminated. She was really creative with her picks, and I really respected the risks she took even if I didn’t fully enjoy it sometimes. (Also, she was definitely this season’s fashionista. Those shoes, man) 杨宗纬 was a really unexpected favorite, since he wasn’t around very long before the resurrection round. But he really chose some good songs and put his everything into the resurrection round, and kinda won me over at the last minute. 
The rest of the singers were good, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say I really loved or hated them. With one exception, that is.
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沙宝亮 is a very talented singer, and I think he put on some very good performances. However. I personally could not stand the man. You know how sometimes you just see a person, and immediately think, “I do not like this person”? No good reason for it, there’s just something that you personally aren’t a fan of? Yeah, that was me with 沙宝亮. Every time he was onstage, I felt uninterested. Each time he spoke on camera, I did not care. This man did nothing particular to earn this from me, yet here we are. I was glad when we didn’t win the resurrection round, only for him to come back and torment me in the final episode. Despicable. Since I just spent this whole paragraph trashing him, let me be kind and say his performance of 《Someone Like You》 was quite good.
Now that I’ve discussed all the singers, let’s give out some “awards”.
My favorite performance: 林志炫《没离开过》
Best Fashion Moments™: 尚雯婕’s ensemble in episode 7 (非常的French), 沙宝亮 in episode 9 (it was just ugly, sry), 周晓鸥 in episode 10 (that snakeskin vest? thing? was a Choice), 黄贯中 in the resurrection round (zero effort put in to covering that tattoo and it’s pretty funny imo)
Best hosting moments from 胡海泉: episode 1 mixup between 字zi/zhi, episode 3’s ze样一首歌, doing tongue twisters as prep in episode 4, this quote from episode 5 “看完明姐的表演,我宣布辣妈时代正式到来”, and episode 10 when the subtitlers really committed to spelling out every mistake he made
Most noteworthy episode: episode 5 (lots of great performances, the aforementioned 辣妈时代 comment, the lights in the confessional scene needed to be adjusted bc 周晓鸥’s bald head was too shiny, the guitarist Tommy was not wearing glasses/sunglasses which dealt me a deep psychic blow. 我是歌手 superfans will understand)
So overall, I did enjoy this season. I liked a lot of performances, and hated very few. Even though it was pretty good across the board, I don’t think it has a lot of rewatch value for me. There are certain seasons I know I’m excited to see again (like seasons two and three 👀), and I don’t think this would be one of those. Instead I’m probably going to just return to a few standout performances and rewatch those (I’ve already watched 《没离开过》 an embarrassing number of times).
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markcarloasuncion · 3 months
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Given that we currently live in the modern era. Anyone has access to the internet through their smartphones, which are truly important to people's everyday tasks nowadays. It can be used for a wide range of purposes, including education, online businesses, and many other things, where it can be applied as fundamental information to many facets of life.
I can't deny that I still have many things to learn about the course I have been chosen for, even if I decided to pursue a degree in information and communications technology and become a teacher soon. Although it may be difficult to evolve, I hope to see an exciting future, five years or ten years from now on. My aim is to provide important information to my incoming students regarding the significance of using mobile apps and the possible advantages as well as disadvantages that may occur for them.
And now for the very interesting part. I created this blog because I was interested to discuss some of mobile apps that I use the most and provide honest feedback based on my experience dealing those apps carefully and using them in the right manner. Let us start and see! 😁👀
1. Facebook
2. Google
3. Messenger
4. YouTube
5. Spotify
6. Microsoft Office
7. Canva
8. Google Chrome
9. MVLE Mobile
10. Google Classroom
Facebook is the leading app I am using everyday. Why? Because, I discovered that I could socialize with people using this app in many ways other than face-to-face interactions, such as reacting and commenting to their posts, sharing memes that I saw on newsfeeds and could apply to my real-life status, joining various group pages to share my knowledge, selling things that can generate a profit and starting a business, and a ton of other freely made things.
Google comes in second. This app is already available on all cellphones that you could purchase. However, when it comes to complete my schoolwork and other assignments on time, that's when it becomes resourcefulness for me. I should not really 100% trusted this app, because, there are some things aren't true to know or can be lead into “misinformation” like in the website of Wikipedia. That's why, sometimes, I love to do my self-tasks alone.
The Messenger, the third one. It was an app that linked to Facebook, making it simpler to send messages to people you knew. I have been using this to connect with my teacher and classmates ever since the pandemic. It can't be access whenever I'm offline but, there's another variant of this app which is called, “Messenger Lite” that even basic mode can still access. Unlike the regular version, I guess.
The next one is YouTube. Through this app, I can watch the daily news that I couldn't watch on TV, to gather an additional information about the lessons in school I think it's hard to be understood, have a good time to watch those missed music videos that came from my favorite artists and so much more things to do.
For the fifth place, Spotify is always there at my phone to save me every time. When I listen to songs out there, it makes me heal from everything I pissed off. But, unfortunately, data or Wi-Fi is needed for this app. That's why sometimes, I listen to my download songs playlist. Whenever I don't have an internet to be used it. This kind of music streams is the best app that I had in my whole life and also, you can subscribe for its premium version (just optional only, if you want to remove ads while having a sound trip alone or with your family everywhere, especially, at home).
The two apps next to Spotify are named, “Microsoft Office 365” and “Canva.” Both are eligible to be used and finished on time, the tasks you want to overcome in everyday life. It makes me assist like an instructor that you can learn a lot from these two apps. That's why, I'm thankful that they created a superior & perfect app for every person who have a struggling problems that unable to solve when it comes to work that include time management.
The eighth one is “Google Chrome” that designed to be that's fastest web browser. With one click, it loads web pages, multiple tabs, and applications with lightning speed. Whenever I'm using this app, there will be always ads popping up. So, as a result, I easily annoyed sometimes but, we can't deny the fact that ads is everywhere, even for those online gamers can relate. As what I said, it allows me to set up tabs as many as I can, just in case I needed those pages.
While, the two left apps on my list are called, “MVLE Mobile” and “Google Classroom.” These two educational purpose apps makes me help to fulfill the tasks that I should be finished on time. Aside from that, they're lessons can pin and students can able to download it then, having a takes notes. So, just in case, our instructors may ask some questions about the lessons we read about the learning materials s/he has given through online access.
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As I end of my discussion about my experience that I shared here to those TOP 10 mobile apps that I am usually using everyday. I gained a lot of knowledge to them and since everything we use nowadays are related to technology. We can't force ourselves to be able silence but, to inform other people these apps are having an advantages and disadvantages at the same time. But, I would like to say that, “Be a responsible mobile apps user, especially when you're in social media. Think hard first before you click anything, not everything you may see are true. Just be careful with yourself and others that may affect, if ever you do wrongdoings that's not acceptable in our society.”
That's all, I hope you read my blog until the end. Thank you for the time you spend, have a great day ahead!
For more further details about the “Advantages of Disadvantages of Mobile Apps.” Here's the provided link for you:
#individualblog #mobileapps #tumblrapp #livingintheinformationandtechnologyworld
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orivaa-kun · 11 months
BAD ATTITUDE | Chapter 4: Happy Birthday, Nanami! (Flashback)
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3
chapter word count: 6k warnings: mature (18+), violence, drinking, drug use, smut, fluff, angst, feels, rough s*x, emotional manipulation pairings: Gojo Satoru x Fem OC, Geto Suguru x Fem OC, Nanami Kento x Fem OC, Fushiguro Toji x Fem OC series summary: Jujutsu Kaisen Yakuza AU where Riku Ozaki (OC) is really good at getting herself into trouble. Though the Ozaki family is ranked #10 out of the 15 clans of the Tokyo Yakuza syndicate in terms of power & strength; and the Gojo, Geto, and Zenin families fall at #1, #2, and #3 respectively; that doesn't keep her from getting in the mix with these highly ranked, highly dangerous men. Her clan's bodyguard, Nanami, can hardly keep up with all the compromising positions she constantly finds herself in. Will she ever learn her lesson? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ba- fic playlist: Spotify YouTube
~ July 3rd, Three Years Ago ~ 21:37
Riku stood at the doorstep of Yu Haibara’s mansion, waiting at the door with a heavy bottle of whisky tucked behind her back; she held the thick of the bottle’s neck in her fist. The long, black curls of her hair had been blown out and flat ironed so that it was silk, bone straight; and she wore dark gray booty shorts, black thigh-high boots, and a black leather bodysuit that had deep cutouts on each side.
The private residence that belonged to Nanami’s best friend buzzed with loud music, even with the doors and windows closed. Riku patiently hummed to herself, gently rocking from side to side as she waited for someone to answer the door. She smiled giddily to herself, genuinely excited to spend time with Nanami for his 26th birthday party. Riku couldn’t remember the last time she’d been to a house party with all her yakuza friends, but she was glad Yu had convinced him to actually do something fun for once – usually Nanami hated celebrating in loud ways like this, even if it was a small get-together.
The door then opened, with hip hop music booming from the house much louder than before. Yu grinned on the other side of the doorway when he saw Riku; wearing an oversized, streetwear-branded white t-shirt, black tech wear cargo pants, and red Jordan 1s.
“Ri-Ri! Hey, babe! Good to see you!” He stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her, platonically pecking her cheek when he hugged her, “You look good!”
She giggled, “Thanks, Yu. Good to see you, too!”
He spotted the bottle behind her back before standing back upright, “That for Nanami?” He quirked a brow, dark brown hair of his bowl cut artfully framing his face.
“Mhm.” Riku nods with a grin, “It’s a limited release bottle of Hibiki Whisky. Only 9 other bottles like it in the whole world.”
“Ooo, he’s going to fucking love that.”
“I know.” Riku said confidently, mouth smirking and shoulders dancing a bit as she spoke.
“Well, follow me!”
Yu led Riku through various living room-like spaces and down a set of stairs that opened up into a vast, private home bar that had been decorated with Black, gold, and silver balloons – some even littering the floor. There was a huge banner of similar colors on the other end of the room that read, ‘HAPPY 26TH BIRTHDAY NANAMI!!!’ The space contained an extensive, wooden bar complete with stools and a vast collection of rare and expensive bottles, an area with a TV and a few couches, a makeshift dancefloor that Yu had probably constructed by himself, a long stretch of glass window that faced a huge backyard, and a grand, modern-style table covered in hors d'oeuvres with a tall yet simple strawberry shortcake in the center. The party setup and décor were so Nanami – simple, relaxed, and uncomplicated.
There were at least 14 other people in the basement space, a few folks dancing to the popular song that blasted from Yu’s home speaker system and most chatting it up by the bar.
“Riku’s here!” Yu announced, and a few heads turned in their direction.
“Ri!” Nobara shouted, beaming from the area at the end of the long stretch of bar space. The short, gold dress that she wore rose on her hips a bit when she waved.
“Hey, Riku.” Maki chimed in from Nobara’s side, straight-faced as usual but eyes smiling. She wore a faded purple band t-shirt that was tucked into tight-fitting black jeans, and accompanied by a blue jean jacket.
Riku’s eyes spotted Nanami, who clearly hadn’t heard Yu announce her arrival over the loud music as he currently chatted with a few of his guy friends from behind the bar.
Yu turned back to look at Riku, “Make yourself at home, Ri. And let me know if you need anything. ‘Kay?”
Riku smiled softly as she nodded a few times, and Yu strode over to a group of people at the edge of the dancefloor.
Riku held her index finger up to her friends from across the room as if to say, ‘give me a minute,’ and made a beeline for Nanami behind the bar. Damn, he looks good, she thought to herself, always having appreciated his classy sense of style. Nanami had on khaki, tailored slacks that perfectly complimented his visibly toned legs and small, tight butt. He wore a black button up as a top, the sleeves rolled up to reveal his thick, veined forearms and the first few buttons undone to reveal a black tank top underneath it and a small, gold chain around his neck. The muscles of his pecs just barely peeked from the top of his tank, and Riku studied it much more closely now than she had in the past two years she’d known Nanami as her bodyguard. She never thought she’d feel anything other than a friendship kind-of-love for the man, but in the past few months she’d grown to find him attractive – an attraction not only for his body but more so for the way he treated her.
I’m going to tell him how I feel. Riku thought, reassuring herself as just a few days ago she’d decided to confess her feelings to Nanami on his birthday if she was able to get him alone for a minute.
Nanami loved her. And though the few times he’d confessed to her over the last two years were one thing, it was additionally obvious to Riku and all their friends through the way he looked at and acted around her. For the first time ever, Riku finally thought she felt the same and wanted to give things a try. Though the bottle of whisky tucked behind her back was her physical gift to him, Riku knew that Nanami would probably appreciate her confession a lot more.
Riku reached Nanami’s back and tapped his shoulder with her free hand, appreciating the sight of him in something that wasn’t a full-on suit for once. He turns, and his eyes temporarily widen with awe at the sight of Riku.
“Happy birthday, Ken!” She sang the words, bringing the bottle of whisky around to her front so that it was no longer hidden.
“Ri…” He reached down a bit and instinctively retrieved the bottle from Riku’s hand before wrapping his thick arms around her in a tight hug.
Riku kissed his cheek, allowing her lips to remain there a hair longer than normal as she inhaled the subtle, dark forest notes of his cologne. He always did smell incredible.
“This for me?” Nanami asked after they broke their embrace, eyeing the bottle.
“Yep, it’s a 30-year-old single malt scotch. A Hibiki Whisky small batch limited release… with only 9 other bottles of it in the world.”
“Shit,” His eyes widened in a bit of shock, “I’ve heard of this… this is a 20-thousand-dollar bottle!” He looked at Riku again, “You still got the box?”
“Of course.” Riku smirked.
“Thanks, sweetheart.” Nanami gazes down at Riku with a look so full of pure admiration that it honestly makes her heart flutter, “But a 20K bottle of whisky?? You shouldn’t have. I should save this for my 30th or something…” He suddenly dropped into a squat, looking around the back of Yu’s bar before placing the bottle on a hidden shelf.
Riku shrugged, “It wasn’t that hard to get. And hey, special bottle for a special guy. I probably owe it to you anyways, for getting me out of trouble all the time…” She giggled.
Nanami rose to his feet, offering her a small smile - a truly rare occurrence, “Yeah, you got that right.”
Riku suddenly grinned, grabbing both of Nanami’s hands with her own and swiftly interlocking their fingers as she did so. She slightly swung from side to side in time with the music and brought their arms up in a dance position, “You gonna dance with me tonight?” She playfully batted her eyelashes up at the blonde.
He sighed but matched her swaying movements, the corners of his mouth curving even further up into a smile, “Oh, I can’t keep up with you, Ri.”
“Sure you can!” Riku released one of Nanami’s hands then spun into his arm so that it’s wrapped around her, and her back was flush with his front, “And if you can’t, I don’t mind dancing enough for the two of us…” She looked back at him and rocked her hips teasingly, and the two friends Nanami had previously been chatting with whooped and hollered.
Nanami chuckled then turned Riku back away from him, to which she twirled in a practiced way and stretched her arm out in a final pose. The small sequence earned a few claps from Nanami’s friends.
“Have you eaten?” Nanami questioned, releasing Riku’s hand from his gentle hold.
“…Does iced coffee count?” Riku replied with her own question, not-so-innocently.
Nanami rolled his eyes, placing his hands on his sides, “Jesus Christ, Ri. Please eat something.” He checked his silver watch, “It’s already almost 10 pm!” He paused before continuing, “There’s plenty to eat. Yu even got chicken wings from Nagoya.”
Riku’s eyes widened, “Nagoya-style wings?!” Riku felt her mouth begin to water; she couldn’t think of the last time she’d had good wings.
“Yeah, I know you like them so much, so I had Yu add ‘em to the food list.” He admitted.
“Ken…!” Riku looked like she was going to cry, suddenly squeezing Nanami tight in a hug. She stayed locked on him, propping her chin up on his shoulder to look at him as she spoke her next words, “Thank you!”
“Mhm, welcome.” And there were those loving eyes of his, again, gazing directly down at her.
Riku felt her heart skip a beat and blushed, hesitantly breaking from Nanami before shyly easing away from the man, “Remind me to tell you something later.”
Nanami shamelessly looked Riku up and down, a curious look on his face, “Okay... Everything alright?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine.” Riku offered him a relaxed, honest smile and held her hands behind her back.
“Good, then I’ll talk to you later.”
Riku turned around to walk towards her friends on the other side, and Nanami leaned against the back of the bar to watch her walk away.
One of Nanami’s friends who had been watching the interaction patted him on the back apologetically, “Fuck, you’ve got it bad, man.” He laughed.
Nanami shook his head a few times, just barely smiling to himself, “Shut up.” He picked up the glass he’d been sipping from earlier, topping it off before raising it to his lips for a swig. He continued to watch Riku stride over to her friends, eyes locked on the exposed skin between her shorts and her thigh-high boots, “I mean, she’s fucking perfect…”
His other friend nearby clasped his hands onto the trap muscles of Nanami’s shoulders before aggressively massaging them in encouragement, “Never give up, bro. And it’s your birthday today! Anything’s possible!”
Nanami playfully shoved his friend away, “Yeah, whatever.”
When Riku returned to her friends, she brought a small plate of wings with her, already through two of the six she’d piled on the tiny dish and eaten on her way over to them.
“Hey, Ri. Wait—” Nobara looked shocked when she saw Riku snacking on the wings, “There’s Nagoya wings?? What the fuck! Why didn’t anyone tell me?!!”
Mouth still full, Riku poked her plate in Nobara’s direction, to which she gladly takes one.
“Thank you…!” Nobara cheered happily before taking a bite from her flat.
Maki reached over, not waiting for Riku to offer her a wing before taking one, “Nagoya wings?! Yeah, I’m gonna need one of those in my mouth right fucking now.” She took a large bite out of the drumstick she’d snagged.
Nobara tried to swallow quickly, looking like she wanted to speak up all of a sudden.
“Don’t you fucking say it—” Maki started to warn, but Nobara interrupted anyways.
“That’s what she said!” Nobara shouted, before poking her wing in Maki’s direction and laughing.
Riku giggled, not at the bad joke but more so to her friends’ interaction.
“I hate you… so, so much. You know that?” Maki glared at Nobara, then finished her drumstick, placing the bone on the small pile of them on the corner of Riku’s plate.
“Love you too!” Nobara blew a kiss to Maki then turned to Riku, looking her friend up and down, “Shit… you look hot!”
“Thanks, bae!” Riku smiled cutely, giving her friends a small twirl so they could see every angle of her outfit.
“Yeah, those shorts make your ass look fat as hell!” Nobara used her free hand to lightly tap the thick round of Riku’s butt, and Riku poked it out a bit more flirtingly when Nobara slaps it a second time.
“Thank you…!” Riku half said, half sung, shaking her butt to the music for a few counts before ceasing and standing up once more. She looked to Nobara’s dress, “Cute dress, Nobara!” then glanced to Maki, “And I’m definitely stealing your jean jacket.”
Maki pulled the fabric closer to her body, defensively, “So you can lose it? No way!”
The three of them laughed.
“Oh, you missed the wonder boys, by the way.” Nobara noted.
“Wonder boys?” Riku looked confused.
“You know which ones. The infamous, one and only dynamic duo?” Maki added, jogging Riku’s memory.
Riku blinked in realization, “Oh! Gojo and Geto?”
“Mhm,” Nobara finished her flat and put the bones on Riku’s plate before dusting off her fingers, “Gojo was so hot, too. He had on this all-white getup that looked so good.”
“They left already?” Riku retrieved her phone that stuck out her front pocket to check the time, 21:50, “But it’s barely even 10?”
“Yeah, think they had an emergency to handle, so they bounced early.” Maki explained to the best of her knowledge.
“Huh, strange… Seems like I always miss them.” Riku thought to herself of all the times over the past years she’d known Nanami that she’d ‘just missed’ Gojo and Geto. It was more than handful of times.
“That is strange…” Nobara narrows her eyes at Riku, curiously, “Especially with Nanami being your bodyguard and the three of them being friends for decades… You’ve really never met Gojo and Geto?” She quired a brow.
“Not once.” Riku said simply, “I mean, sure, I’ve seen ‘em across a yakuza banquet hall once or twice at family meetings; but that’s it, really.”
“Weird.” Maki concluded, similarly narrowing her eyes at Riku.
“Oh! And Geto had on leather pants! You missed leather pants Suguru Geto, Riku!” Nobara cried dramatically.
“Oh no! Not leather pants Suguru Geto! What am I to do?” Riku feigned excitement, rolling her eyes.
“Seriously! You wouldn’t get it since you’ve never seen Suguru’s ass in tight pants. It’s a spiritual experience, Riku.” Nobara said, hands on either side of her face and smiling at the thought.
“Relax!” Riku laughed.
Just then, Yu appeared from behind Riku with his hand out to take Riku’s now empty plate of wing bones. He leaned over her shoulder with a smile, “I’ll take that. You want anything else, or something to drink, Ri?”
She passed the plate to him, “Yes! Something strong… Like, 100-proof! Thanks, Mr. Host!”
“Ooo… so you wanna get fucked up, huh?” He grins.
“Just a little.” Riku pinched her newly freed fingers together as a unit of measurement, smirking.
“Coming right up, babe.” He winked at her before walking towards the back of the bar.
“Now, who the fuck is gonna dance with me?!” Nobara exclaimed, arms out.
“You know I’m always down to dance – DTD, if you will.” Riku smirked, taking one of Nobara’s hands and shaking it in the air.
“You kids have fun.” Maki nearly crossed her arms over her chest, but Riku snagged her arm with her free hand, pulling both her and Nobara along to the dancefloor.
“What do you mean, Maki? You’re coming, too!”
~ 22:58 ~
A group of seven including Nanami, Yu, Maki, Nobara, Riku, Momo – who had come all the way from the Kyoto yakuza syndicate – and one of Nanami’s friends that Riku didn’t know had separated from the larger group around the bar in the center, back area of the room, and currently sat on a few couches in the TV area with a roundtable in the center.
Momo and Nobara fiddled with a board game box on the center of the table that read, ‘21+ TRUTH DARE, OR DRINK: THE CARD GAME,’ while Yu topped a few glasses off for those who’d requested him to.
Riku giggled when Yu refilled her glass, face blushing a light pink to the buzz she currently had as she was now 6 glasses of whisky in, “That makes seven!”
“And that’s your last one for a while.” Nanami pointed his finger at Ri from across the table.
“Oh, don’t poop your own party, blondie. Lighten up!” Riku locked eyes with Nanami when she took her next sip, to which the man simply shakes his head.
“Why the hell are we even playing this?” Maki stared at the box in front of them, “It’s a little childish, no?”
“It’s fun! And it clearly says ‘21+’ Maki!” Nobara finally removed the top from the cardboard box with Momo’s help, pointer finger trailing over the big letters of the game’s age rating for Maki to see and read.
“That doesn’t… never mind.” Maki stopped herself.
“You wanna play this, Ken?” Yu asked Nanami, before plopping down on the couch next to him.
Nobara and Momo held hands, looking at Nanami pleadingly.
“…Sure. As long as I can sit here and relax.”
“Yaaaaay!” Nobara and Momo cheered, then organized the two decks of cards. The black cards had ‘TRUTH’ printed on the back, while the red cards had ‘DARE.’
“I think this one’s pretty simple,” Nobara said, reading through the small paper card that had the game rules on it, “make a circle, pick a card from each pile, read them aloud and choose to do either the dare prompt or to tell the truth prompt. If you choose to do neither, you must take two shots as a penalty.”
Nanami glanced to Riku upon hearing the rules, “Only truths and dares for you, got it?”
“No! You’re boring!”
Nanami gave her a more serious glare.
“Ugh, fine. But only because it’s your birthday.” Riku relented.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Ken.” Riku said before taking another sip from her glass—needing to have the last word, as always.
“So, should the birthday boy go first, then?” After shuffling them, Momo organized the red and black decks at the center of the round table so everyone could reach.
“Why the fuck not?” Nanami set his glass down on the table before picking up one card from each pile. He read them aloud, “Tell the group if you’ve ever filmed a sex tape and if you still have it, or… moan in the ear of the person to the right of you for 10 seconds.” The blonde looked to his side to find Yu sitting there, who laughs, “Yeah, no. Truth it is.” Nanami concluded, and Riku booed. Nanami cleared his throat, “Uh, yes I’ve filmed a sex tape; and no, I don’t still have it.”
There’s a few ‘oos’ and ‘ahs’ around the circle.
“Aw, why don’t you still have it?” Nobara whined, asking outright. Riku giggled.
“Keeping that kind of stuff after you break up with someone would be kinda weird, no?” Nanami said, and it’s seemingly enough to quell Nobara’s curiosity. Riku wondered what Nanami’s past relationships were like. He never talked about those things with her.
Nobara nodded, “Fair, fair. Okay, you’re up next, Yu!”
Yu grabbed one of each card, reading them to the group, “Tell the group if you’ve ever cheated—or, take off the person’s shirt to the right of you with your teeth.” Yu glanced over at Maki to his right.
“Yu, if you so much as breathe on my fucking shirt…” Maki trailed off, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Okay! Okay. Then truth it is. Hm…” He pretended to think to himself, stroking his chin comically, “Cheat? Tokyo Yakuza men don’t cheat!” He answered, a shit-eating grin on his face that was anything but honest and truthful.
“They sure don’t!” Nanami’s friend grinned from the opposite side, temporarily standing to high-five Yu.
“Oh my god, seriously??” Momo complained, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Yeah, you guys fucking suck.” Nobara groaned, visibly agitated from hearing that annoying, too-often said phrase.
“Two shots for both of you!” Maki raised a finger commandingly.
“Alright, sorry girls! And say less, Maki.” Yu quickly finished the liquid remaining in his glass before pouring both him and Nanami’s friend double-shots – to which they then clinked glasses and downed their shots without a second thought. It was almost scary how easily they were able to drink them without so much as making a strained or uncomfortable face.
“Maki’s next!” Nobara cheered from across the table, clapping her hands a few times.
Maki reached forward, grabbing a card from each pile before flipping them over on the table, “Tell everyone about the first time you came, or kiss the person across from you for 10 seconds… with tongue.” Maki looked up from the cards, glancing up to find Momo on the other side—who blushed and glanced away after hearing the words, “You wanna?” Maki asked her, not even flinching.
“Hey, is that even a fair dare since you like girls?” Nobara asked Maki, who doesn’t pay attention to her. She kept her eyes on Momo.
“Okay, sure!” Momo decided nervously, looking back at Maki with a shy, slightly embarrassed look.
Both girls leaned over the table, and Yu turned his wrist to look at his watch for a second, “I can time you two…” He grins.
Maki, completely unphased, rose her arms to hold Momo’s small face in her hands; she brought her lips to Momo’s, immediately breaking into a deep, passion-filled kiss while a few others around the table cheered. Even Riku was a little caught off guard by how expertly Maki moved her lips on Momo’s, blinking and smirking a bit to the sight of her friend controlling the pace of it and exploring Momo’s mouth at a steady rhythm. Maki barely talked about her own dates and relationships, too, so Riku didn’t think Maki was the type to have so much experience.
“Time!” Yu shouted from over his watch, “Sorry, couldn’t help but stare so it was more like 15 seconds.” He chuckled.
Maki and Momo broke their kiss as soon as Yu spoke, both glaring at him in response before sitting back on their respective couches.
“Wow, that was… spicy.” With alcohol in her system, Riku confidently said the words everyone else was thinking silently in their heads.
“Very.” Nanami’s friend added on, nodding his head in agreement.
“Ri-Ri’s next!” Nobara shouted.
Riku slid a single card from the top of each of the two piles and reads them off, “Share two names from the group that you’d have a threesome with, or… do an erotic dance for the person right across from you for a minute.” Riku looked up and locked eyes with the person right across from her at the table. Nanami. She grins devilishly, “Well, you know which one I have to do, don’t you?”
Nanami facepalmed his hand over his face, dragging it down but unable to conceal the hint of a smirk on his lips, “Seriously, Ri?”
“Seriously, Ken. Come on, let’s take it to the dancefloor.” Riku rose from the couch, “Yu—can you change the music to something more… fitting?”
He pulled out his phone with a matching grin, scrolling through it for a second, “Sure can.”
“Yay, Riku’s dancing!” Nobara applauded in excitement.
Nanami’s other friend pulled Nanami to his feet, and the group made their way back to the area where the bar and dancefloor were. Yu put a heavy chair in the center of the dancefloor and suddenly changed the music from chill hip hop to a sexy, slow R&B tune. The friend pushed Nanami to sit down on it and Nanami raked a hand through his blonde hair as he looked at Riku standing in front of him.
A bit of a circle is made as a few folks who hadn’t been playing the game moved towards the dancefloor to see what was going on. Nobara and Momo cheered from the side of the floor and others joined in with a few hoots of their own.
With liquid confidence on her side and her experience as a dancer, Riku stepped forward to brush her index over Nanami’s chin. She winked, “You’re going to enjoy this.” Nanami’s eyes widened in response, and Riku backed up before she started to dance.
Riku recognized the song and used that to her advantage, starting with a slow strut. She smoothed her hands over her curves as she walked, pausing on time with the clicks of the song’s beat before turning, and taking every opportunity to look back at Nanami seated on the chair in front of her as she moved. Riku turned again, then slowly rubbed her hands down her legs before falling into a full split—to which a number of folks cheered. She threw her ass up, then back down in the position, and turned over to work the floor, tastefully rolling her back into an arch and kicking her legs up in the air as she did so.
Nanami shook his head, but smiled, unable to tear his gaze from Riku’s body as she skillfully pushed up off the floor, rising to her feet once more. She sharply bended at the waist, whipping her long, jet black hair over, along with her straightened back. She locked eyes with Nanami when she looked back this time, smoothing her hand over her ass. Riku then slowly dropped into a squat, popping her butt to one side before rolling her ass back up to a standing position. She gyrated her hips from side to side when the chorus of the song started to finish, then moved them forward to back, ending her little dance with another split.
Riku heard her friends and others shout and whoop loudly when she stood up again but she didn’t pay attention to them. She instead kept her eyes locked on Nanami’s widened ones; it was obvious that he was clearly trying to keep his composure, his fingers pressed to his lips. She enticingly strutted over to the man once more, only stopping when she was right in front of him to bend at the waist and peck his cheek with a kiss, “Happy Birthday, Ken.” She purred into his ear, before leaving him alone on his chair.
~ 00:17 ~
Riku wiped her hands on the hand towel in the guest bathroom after washing her hands… All the wings and alcohol and cake had definitely caught up with her stomach, but, though very tipsy, she surprisingly still felt pretty good and in control of herself—both physically and mentally. That said, instead of exiting the bathroom and heading back toward the party room in the basement, she made a different turn and walked toward the mansion’s main kitchen, sure that Yu had some ginger ale or ginger beer that she could drink to settle her stomach a little more.
She blinked a few times and froze when she found Nanami there, sitting on a stool at the kitchen island with a pint of pistachio ice cream and a spoon in his hands, “Kento? What are you doing here?”
“Ice cream break.” He shortly explained, raising his spoon in the air as he spoke.
Riku hummed interestingly, making a beeline for the fridge and opening the silver double doors to scan its contents. She could understand Nanami wanting to take a break from everyone at the party; he was pretty introverted, after all.
Riku was silent while she looked through the fridge, and only responded to Nanami when she found what she was looking for, “Aha!” She grabbed a can of ginger ale from the random mess of canned drinks in the door, showing it to Nanami, “Upset stomach remedy!” She beamed giddily.
“I told you to take it easy on the alcohol.” Nanami noted, prodding his spoon in her direction as he spoke before taking another spoonful.
“I’m fine!” Riku cracked the can, taking a long series of sips from it until it’s nearly done. She burped, “Whew, ‘scuse me.” She giggled to herself.
“You’re drunk.”
“No I’m not!” Riku yelled a bit loudly in the otherwise quiet kitchen, besides the loud music that blared from the floor below. She walked over to Nanami at the kitchen island then paused, “If I was drunk, could I do this?” She planted her feet in the floor, grounding herself in a slight squat and curving her arms in front of her, ballet-style. Riku then abruptly spun herself in a series of four pirouettes, before gently stopping and resting her previously raised foot back on the ground.
“Knowing you, probably.”
Riku grumbled, settling to sit down on the stool next to Nanami’s. She suddenly smirked slyly, scooting closer to him a bit with her next words, “Did you like your birthday dance?” She asked in a breathy, seductive voice.
Nanami huffed out a single chuckle, looking into the empty space before him before returning his gaze to Riku, “You seriously asking me this right now?”
“Yes…” She faced and playfully poked Nanami’s shoulder a few times then continued, “…cause if you didn’t, I can give you a better one…” She cooed, obviously flirting.
“It was good, Ri. Really good.” Nanami said with a calm yet unplaced expression on his face, continuing to hold eye contact with Riku, “I guess I should say thank you.”
“You’re welcome!” Riku said confidently, face gleaming with her bright smile. She eyed Nanami as he took another bite of the pistachio ice cream and she suddenly leaned over, only mere centimeters away from him when she spoke up again, “Ice cream me.”
Nanami gave the other an honest chuckle before answering, “No.”
“Please…?” She batted her eyes at Nanami, pouting her lips a bit to plead with the man.
He sighed, beginning to scoop another spoonful of the pastel, green-colored ice cream, “Fine, Ri.” He held the spoon out in front of her mouth, and Riku took her time wrapping her lips around the ice cream and metal utensil, tilting her head back to pull her mouth off of it and revealing the now clean piece of silverware. Nanami’s eyes followed each movement, gaze darkening with heat at the innocent yet simultaneously lewd nature of Riku’s actions.
Riku stilled all of a sudden, eyes shamelessly gazing over Nanami’s handsome face and toned body. She couldn’t help but admire his outfit again, especially appreciating how the top buttons were undone to reveal a little more of his chest. Her eyes floated down to Nanami’s hands, and she thought about how they had both innocently and protectively touched her countless times over the past few years—patting her head to tease or praise her, wrapping around her waist to pull her out of the less-than-favorable predicaments she’d always found herself in, wiping her tears away after her bad break-ups—she wanted to know what his touch would feel like when trying to please her. She blushed at her own thoughts, and Nanami noticed.
“What, Ri?” He spoke the words more like a statement than a question.
“You look nice.” Riku smiled softly, snaking her hand down Nanami’s shoulder to rest on the stretch of his bicep as she sat face to face with him.
“Thank you.” Nanami said softly, simply because they were so close to one another.
“You should wear more clothes like that.”
“You think so?”
“I think I like you.”
Before Nanami can say anything else, Riku pressed her lips to his, arms moving to rest on each of the blonde’s strong shoulders.
He dropped the spoon and pint, and they clattered onto the kitchen floor. Nanami sharply inhaled through his nose, shifting to hold Riku’s reddened cheeks in his hands before swiftly deepening their kiss. Riku appreciated how natural it felt—Nanami’s lips moving on hers—how easy it was for them to mutually set a rhythm. Nanami bit Riku’s lower lip between kisses, tugging it down with his teeth to make her open up her mouth a little bit more, to let his tongue in a little bit more… to let him deepen their connection a little bit more, “Shit.”
Riku pulled back to stop for a moment, looking between Nanami’s eyes as she felt a light flutter in her chest and a warmth below her navel. She finally reunited their mouths, this time maneuvering herself onto Nanami’s lap and fully pressing her body against his.
“Ri,” Nanami managed between their strong, passionate kisses that were quickly turning more and more lewd and open-mouthed, “Stop…”
“No.” She refused, hands getting lost and tangled in his hair as she makes out with the man intensely.
“You’re drunk,” He said, reluctantly squeezing Riku’s ass with his hands, beside himself. He couldn’t help it; he’d wanted to have Riku like this since the day he’d met her two years ago.
“’M not…” She hummed out, darting her tongue over Nanami’s lower lip before continuing to kiss him deeply. Nanami’s hands smoothed up her sides and she moaned, shifting her hips forward to grind into his.
He broke their kiss to moan lowly at the command of Riku’s hips, “Fuck, don’t do this to me, Ri…” He cursed again when his dick twitched beneath the confines of his khaki slacks.
Riku pressed her forehead to Nanami’s, beginning to roll her hips into his at in a slow rhythm. She rode his clothed erection, body even warmer from all the whisky she’d drank. Riku felt hot between her legs, and wanted Nanami to take care of it—just like he always took care of everything else. She didn’t let up on her grinding and started to breathe heavier as she felt his dick grow beneath his pants, “Tell me you love me.” She softly moaned, just above a whisper.
Nanami lowered his hands to Riku’s ass and hips once more, “I love you.” The words were easy to say, the man had confessed them more than a few times to her over the past two years, “I fucking love you, Ri… Which is why I need you to stop. You’re drunk.” Even as he spoke the words, his voice was heavy with arousal.
“But I need you—”
Nanami grabbed Riku’s hips, harshly bringing them to a halt, “I said, fucking stop!”
Riku jerks back in shock at the sound of Nanami’s voice; the man hardly ever rose his voice, and she’d never heard him yell like this. Not at her, at least. Nanami looked serious… seriously angry, and the way his dark, pained eyes stared daggers into her soul made her chest sink in a way she’d never experienced before.
“I’m sick of you playing with me, Riku. Now get the fuck off me and get the fuck out of here.”
The heaviness in Riku’s chest grew greater and greater and stung as she realized she’d been hurting Nanami all this time with the way she’d acted towards him. She felt tears try to push their way out of her eyes, but she was somehow able to hold them back. Was this what the mix of guilt and rejection felt like? Riku stumbled off of Nanami’s lap and onto her feet. She wanted to apologize—for everything, “I’m so—”
“Just go.” He didn’t even look in her eyes as he waved her off.
Riku rushes from the kitchen, just barely able to get out of its opening before tears began to roll from her eyes. She didn’t go to the bathroom, or back downstairs, but instead headed straight for the front door. A sob chokes its way from her throat when she’s outside, and she clasped a hand over her mouth at the sound. She falls down to the grass on her hands and knees, unable to prevent the steady streams of tears that fell from her eyes.
Riku was so sorry. She’d never thought that her years of playful flirting had affected Nanami, but it was such a simple connection to make. How did I miss that? Why didn’t I consider his feelings more?
Riku felt like a monster. Sure, she’d started to like Nanami, but he was her friend, first and foremost. She couldn’t forgive herself for hurting her friend like this. She never wanted to do it ever again. She never wanted to feel this heavy, painful burning in her chest—it was a feeling that ran through her body and made her feel disgusting, like she needed to throw up.
Riku knew Nanami. She knew him and she knew that he would more than likely ask her in the morning if she’d remembered anything from last night.
And Riku decided that she would say no.
chapter endnotes: originally posted this to AO3 a few weeks ago on Nanami's birthday, 7/3! This was such a fun chapter to write.
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Sanremo 2023 - the post!
Hello everyone! Here you’ll find this year’s Sanremo’s stuff and news (I’ll be uploading this post through all the week). The Festival will start on tuesday February 7th at 8:30 pm (it’ll probably have a 5 minutes “anteprima = preview” every night), and end on saturday February 11th, when the final will be broadcasted.
/ Official website / you can find loads of videos and interviews here + the latest news. You can already find the presentation videos of the songs made by the artists.
Rai’s website dedicated section (here) | youtube playlist
TikTok official channel: @/sanremorai Instagram official: @/sanremorai Twitter official: @/SanremoRai Facebook: festivaldisanremo
Also this year we’ll have the PrimaFestival, the small show broadcasted on Rai1 at around 8:30 p.m. (February 4th - February 11th). The host are Andrea Delogu (actress), gli Autogol (Youtube/Actors’ group of comedians and radio hosts) and Jody Cecchetto (gamer/speaker).
I’m not sure if it's gonna be like the usual Dopofestival, with the analysis of the show at the end of each night, but Fiorello is going to be live with a show "VivaRai2...Viva Sanremo di notte!" right sfter the end of each evening on RaiUno. Seeing it's Fiorello, I believe it's gonna be a bit different than usual.
CasaSanremo- A website about Sanremo and all the artists who will take part, with more infos and interviews (also Italian places and food specialties will be shown). Follow them also on their Social Media Channels, usually they make live video/interviews/shows on FB for example.
On Sorrisi&Canzoni you will find also other infos about Sanremo and every lyrics’s explanation (ofc ask me if you need a translation)
The # on this blog is #sanremo 2023, #sanremo 23, #sanremo 73, you can black any of these (the first one in particular) if you want.
To watch it live:
Raiuno -> just click on the first video on the left, or here, to open the Raiuno streaming immediately (I added the whole Rai channels things in case you had troubles connecting directly and wanted to try from there). The RAI's geoblock is usually removed for Sanremo's week, no need to create accounts or whatsoever to enjoy Sanremo online!! Remember you can rewatch the whole event and each performance on Raiplay few minutes after it has happened (and the whole week will be avaiable as well for basically the whole following year).
FESTIVAL LIS - songs and whole exhibition explained in signs language
FANTASANREMO - this year as well you can play while enjoying your Sanremo! How does it work? Every person "buys" 5 artisti and marks one of them as a captain. As last year, artists will have to do or say something while on stage to help you gain points (and also classification will have a say).
I’ll try to write down some more infos/links through the week.
Hosts & Guests + Other Stuff
This years’ host will still be Amadeus (who choose the songs taking part into this Sanremo), a TV and radio host. He will be accompanied by Gianni Morandi (singer) who will co-host with him all the evenings; as in the past 3 years, they'll be accompanied also by a different co-host woman each night: Chiara Ferragni (online business woman; first and last night); Francesca Fagnani (journalist, tv host; second night); Paola Egonu (volleyball player, model; third night); Chiara Francini (actress, tv host, writer; fourth night). Some of the one-night guests during the week will be: Mahmood and Blanco, i Pooh, Massimo Ranieri, Al Bano, Gianni Morandi, Black Eyed Peas, Maneskin... This year too there will be singers perfoming on a boat and in live stream with the Sanremo stage: Salmo, Fedez (husband of Chiara Ferragni), Takagi & Ketra e Guè. In the square outside the Theater, there will be the exhibitions of Piero Pelù, Francesco Renga and Nek, Achille Lauro, Annalisa and La Rappresentante di Lista (these too will be broadcasted on Sanremo).
How it works
There will be 28 singers in the ARTISTI (artists) section. It will be the only section, as last year. 22 artists were chosen by Amadeus, while the other 6 are the winners of Sanremo Giovani (held in December 2022). The winner of the competition will represent Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest: if he/she/they won’t accept, the choice will be another artist, usually the 2nd classified or the next (the first one accepting). On the 4th night, there will be the usual “covers” night.
Day 1 - co-hosts: Gianni Morandi, Chiara Ferragni. Prob. guests: Mahmood and Blanco, i Pooh, Salmo, Piero Pelù; Elena Sofia Ricci (actress), Roberto Benigni (actor) We’ll listen to 14 songs (in order of performance: Anna Oxa, Gianmaria; Mr. Rain; Marco Mengoni; Ariete; Ultimo; Coma_Cose; Elodie; Leo Gassman; I Cugini di Campagna; Gianluca Grignani; Olly; Colla Zio; Mara Sattei). We have a first rank of the 14 artists who performed tonight:
1. Marco Mengoni 2. Elodie 3. Coma_Cose 4. Ultimo 5. Leo Gassman 6. Mara Sattei 7. Colla Zio 8. I Cugini di Campagna 9. Mr Rain 10. Gianluca Grignani 11. Ariete 12. Gianmaria 13. Olly 14. Anna Oxa
Day 2 - co-hosts: Gianni Morandi, Francesca Fagnani. Prob. guests: Black Eyed Peas, Gianni Morandi, Massimo Ranieri, Al Bano, Nek, Francesco Renga; Angelo Duro (comedian), Francesco Arca and Mario Di Leva (actors); Drusilla Foer, Pegah The remaining 14 artisti (in order of performance: Will; Modà; Sethu; Articolo 31; Lazza; Giorgia; Colapesce Dimartino; Shari; Madame; Levante; Tananai; Rosa Chemical; LDA; Paola & Chiara) will perform tonight. We’ll have another rank of the 14 artists who performed tonight:
1. Colapesce Dimartino 2. Madame 3. Tananai 4. Lazza 5. Giorgia 6. Rosa Chemical 7. Paola & Chiara 8. Levante 9. Articolo 31 10. Modà 11. LDA 12. Will 13. Shari 14. Sethu
Complete rank after the first 2 nights (mix of votes):
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Day 3 - co-hosts: Gianni Morandi, Paola Egonu. Prob. guests: Maneskin, Sangiovanni, Annalisa All the 28 ARTISTI will perform again their entry to the contest (in order of appearance: Paola & Chiara, Mara Sattei, Rosa Chemical, Gianluca Grignani, Levante, Tananai, Lazza, LDA, Madame, Ultimo, Elodie, Mr Rain, Giorgia, Colla Zio, Marco Mengoni, Colapesce Dimartino, Coma_Cose, Leo Gassman, I Cugini di Campagna, Olly, Anna Oxa, Articolo 31, Ariete, Sethu, Shari, Gianmaria, Modà, Will).
Classification after tonight:
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Day 4 - co-hosts: Gianni Morandi, Chiara Francini Prob. guests: Peppino di Capri, La Rappresentante di Lista, Takagi & Ketra; cast of "Il Mare Fuori" (RaiUno TV serie) The 28 artists will present the songs’ covers, each of them will perform together with a guest.
Covers' list (in order of appearance):
Ariete & Sangiovanni - "Centro di gravità permanente" (Franco Battiato)
Will & Michele Zarrillo - "Cinque giorni" (Michele Zarrillo)
Elodie & BigMama - "American woman" (Lenny Kravitz)
Olly & Lorella Cuccarini - "La notte vola" (Lorella Cuccarini)
Utimo & Eros Ramazzotti - Medley di Eros Ramazzotti
Lazza & Emma & Laura Marzadori - "La fine" (Nesli, reinterpretata da Tiziano Ferro)
Tananai & Don Joe & Biagio Antonacci - "Vorrei cantare come Biagio" (Simone Cristicchi)
Shari & Salmo - Medley di Zucchero "Hai scelto il diavolo in me"
Gianluca Grignani & Arisa - "Destinazione paradiso" (Gianluca Grignani)
Leo Gassmann & Edoardo Bennato & Quartetto Flegreo - Medley di Edoardo Bennato
Articolo 31 & Fedez - Medley Articolo 31
Giorgia & Elisa - "Luce (Tramonti a nord est)" (Elisa) / "Di sole e d'azzurro" (Giorgia)
Colapesce Dimartino & Carla Bruni - "Azzurro" (Adriano Celentano)
I Cugini di Campagna & Paolo Vallesi - "La forza della vita" (Paolo Vallesi) / "Anima mia" (I Cugini di Campagna)
Marco Mengoni & Kingdom Choir - "Let it be" (The Beatles)
Gianmaria & Manuel Agnelli - "Quello che non c'è" (Afterhours)
Mr. Rain & Fasma - "Qualcosa di grande" (Cesare Cremonini)
Madame & Izi - "Via del campo" (Fabrizio De Andrè)
Coma_Cose & Baustelle - "Sarà perché ti amo" (Ricchi e Poveri)
Rosa Chemical & Rose Villain - "America" (Gianna Nannini)
Modà & Le Vibrazioni - "Vieni da me" (Le Vibrazioni)
Levante & Renzo Rubino - "Vivere" (Vasco Rossi)
Anna Oxa & Iljard Shaba - "Un'emozione da poco" (Anna Oxa)
Sethu & Bnkr44 - "Charlie fa surf" (Baustelle)
LDA & Alex Britti - "Oggi sono io" (Alex Britti)
Mara Sattei & Noemi - "L'amour toujours" (Gigi D'Agostino)
Paola & Chiara & Merk & Kremont - Medley di Paola & Chiara
Colla Zio & Ditonellapiaga - "Salirò" (Daniele Silvestri)
Top 5 covers (all the other entries are considered as 6th): 1. Marco Mengoni & Kingdom Choir 2. Ultimo & Eros Ramazzotti 3. LAzza & Emma Marrone & Laura Marzadori 4. Giorgia & Elisa 5. Mr Rain & Fasma
We’ll also have a new general rank.
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Day 5 - co-hosts: Gianni Morandi, Chiara Ferragni Prob. guests: Gino Paoli, Salmo, Depeche Mode, Ornella Vanoni, Achille Lauro; Aeronautica Militare's Band; Luisa Ranieri (actress); probably Ukraine president's message. All the 28 artisti will perform again their songs (in order of appearance: Elodie, Colla Zio, Mara Sattei, Tananai, Colapesce Dimartino, Giorgia, Modà, Ultimo, Lazza, Marco Mengoni, Rosa Chemical, I Cugini di Campagna, Madame, Ariete, Mr Rain, Paola & Chiara, Levante, LDA, Coma_Cose, Olly, Articolo 31, Will, Leo Gassman, Gianmaria, Anna Oxa, Shari, Gianluca Grignani, Sethu) and after midnight (prob. more like 1.15/30 am.) we’ll know the competition’s first 5 classified and all the special awards winners. The first 5 classified will perform again and get new votes to decide the final standings. The winner will go to the ESC2023.
And the winner is: Marco Mengoni!
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Final standing:
1. Marco Mengoni 2. Lazza 3. Mr Rain 4. Ultimo 5. Tananai 6. Giorgia 7. Madame 8. Rosa Chemical 9. Elodie 10. Colapesce Dimartino 11. Modà 12. Gianluca Grignani 13. Coma_Cose 14. Ariete 15. LDA 16. Articolo 31 17. Paola & Chiara 18. Leo Gassman 19. Mara Sattei 20. Cola Zio 21. I Cugini di Campagna 22. Gianmaria 23. Levante 24. Olly 25. Anna Oxa 26. Will 27. Shari 28. Sethu
Marco Mengoni will take part at the ESC 2023! Other Awards: - Premio della critica "Mia Martini" : Colapesce Dimartino - Premio della sala stampa "Lucio Dalla" : Colapesce Dimartino - Premio miglior testo "Sergio Bardotti" : Coma_Cose - Premio miglior composizione musicale "Giancarlo Bigazzi" : Marco Mengoni
Artists (+ lyrics):
Anna Oxa - "Sali (Canto dell'anima)"
Ariete - "Mare di guai"
Articolo 31 - "Un bel viaggio"
Colapesce Dimartino - "Splash"
Colla Zio - "Non mi va"
Coma_Cose - "L'addio"
Elodie - "Due"
Gianluca Grignani - "Quando ti manca il fiato"
Gianmaria - "Mostro"
Giorgia - "Parole dette male"
I Cugini di Campagna - "Lettera 22"
Lazza - "Cenere"
LDA - "Se poi domani"
Leo Gassmann - "Terzo cuore"
Levante - "Vivo"
Madame - "Il bene nel male"
Mara Sattei - "Duemilaminuti"
Marco Mengoni - "Due vite"
Modà - "Lasciami"
Mr. Rain - "Supereroi"
Olly - "Polvere"
Paola & Chiara - "Furore"
Rosa Chemical - "Made in Italy"
Sethu - "Cause perse"
Shari - "Egoista"
Tananai - "Tango"
Ultimo - "Alba"
Will - "Stupido"
[all the lyrics can be found on this page]
(will edit with more updates, corrections and links as we get closer to the event)
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