#whistler tattoo
slimylayne · 11 months
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Tattooed the Mr bean film painting face on my mentor today…..what a time to be alive
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dezinomania · 4 months
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(via "The Whistle of Music" Laptop Skin for Sale by DEZINOMANIA)
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haunted-plush · 3 months
Cars Music Headcanons Because why the Fuck not
Got a red electric guitar because he thought it was cool
Tried to learn to play but stopped after a week because he wasn't immediately good at it [adhd curse...]
After he crashed into Radiator Springs and finished his big race he got lessons
Average singer, passable enough to sing while he plays
His favorite band is System of a Down
Doesn't own a banjo but knows how to play
*Does* own a fiddle but rarely takes it out because it's actually one of the more expensive things he owns, the only object he took with him when he left home actually, and he keeps it in the case most of the time
REALLY good at playing it, he could play just about anything and can improv at any moment
Yes he actually knows how to do proper scream vocals
His normal singing voice is very deep and rich
Great whistler
Good singer, she's shy about singing in front of people but when she's by herself she has a really pretty voice
Knows enough about piano to claim that she can play it
Not shy about dancing, if a song comes up she likes she will get up and dance without getting embarrassed
Favorite song is I Wanna Dance with Somebody, close second is Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
She said she wished she could get better at piano, which she can't do because she doesn't have one, so Lightning got her one for the lobby of the Cozy Cone as a gift
After a few months of practice she invited everyone to come down one evening for a little concert, and she played a few really beautiful songs for them, everyone thought it was lovely
Likes to have the radio on while he works in his garage
Sometimes he has it on when he sits outside with a cigar by the little firepit, but just as often he'll just listen to the fire cracking and enjoy the quiet
One time Lightning asked him why he doesn't like to have it on all the time when he sits out there and he said "the best music is the sounds of mother nature" which Lightning thought was the cheesiest thing he'd ever heard
He likes the sounds of the crickets and the coyotes at night
He secretly used to be in a band when he was young, Lightning found photos of him playing drums one time [he never told anyone about it though]
Generally likes dad rock with no specific bands or musicians
Flo and Ramone
Flo picks the music at her cafe and Ramone picks the music at his tattoo shop
Flo's favorite is Dolly Parton, she got into her music through her more pop focused songs, but she learned to branch out to her country also
Ramone's taste overlap with Lightning, and when he knows Lightning will visit his shop he'll put on some metal for the background
Sarge and Fillmore
Obviously they have very different opinions on basically everything, but surprisingly there are a few songs out there they both like
Sarge isn't big on music in general, he would listen to tornado sirens if he had the choice
Fillmore can play basically any stringed or woodwind instrument
Over time Sarge learns to live with Fillmore's Beatles vinyls he's always playing
Luigi and Guido
They both listen to music basically exclusively in Italian
They love singing the songs they play in the shop while they clean as loudly as possible
Sometimes they get weird looks from the customers when they do that but they ignore them
One time Luigi tried to take Guido to the opera but Guido kept falling asleep so they just left early and Luigi took him to get something to eat
If this gets notes I'll make a part 2 ig
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collidescopeeyes · 1 month
Random Relationship Headcanons: Pyke
- Whittles in his free time. Always has a piece of wood and a carving knife on him, his pockets always have sawdust shavings in them. Likes working with bone too, but that's less portable. Forgot about it for a while after he died, but he tries to keep it up after the Deep loosens it's hold on him, it helps keep him occupied. Works more with bone after though; knives are somehow just a bit sharper in his hands. He always gives you the nicest ones, but he's very particular about which ones turned out good enough
- Pre-Deep, wakes up at the crack of dawn. Can be convinced to come back to bed for exactly as long as it takes you to fall asleep again. Post-Deep doesn't need to sleep, but still sticks around as long as it takes you to fall sleep before slipping away.
- Likes salty and spicy flavours, but is also used to eating whatever's convenient for sustenence. He has a few dishes he learned from his mom that he can make really well, but that's from years of practice: he needs to be given Very Specific Instructions for anything else or he's hopeless. Makes a god tier chili but it's so hot you WILL cry and he WILL laugh at you
- Post-Deep, he still needs to eat, but left to his own devices he just eats raw fish like some kind of extremely budget sashimi chef. He came back with sharper teeth, and he can't exactly get sick anymore.
- Speaking of post-Deep changes, doesn't need to breathe, and doesn't have a heartbeat anymore. He can see in the dark and in water incredibly well, but he's actually a bit blind during the day.
- His sense of smell is fucked from years of exposure to chemicals and offal on the slaughter docks, hence why he likes food with strong flavours; aromatics are wasted on him. VERY strict with personal hygiene bc of that, he knows he can't tell if he smells like blood and death and he doesn't want to gross you out. Steals your soap though, if he notices he smells like lavender he doesn't care.
- Forgets to act like a human being sometimes. Pre-Deep that was just peak bachelor behavior like eating a tomato like it's an apple cuz it's food and it's fast. Post-Deep he's just Weird, like stands in one spot looming and not blinking not breathing for an hour weird. Tries not to do it in front of you, but you're the only person he cares about not freaking out.
- Always smells like the sea, has calloused hands but is always very gentle with you (unless in some very specific situations where you don't want him to be wink wonk). His tattoos go up his arms and down his back. Feels kind of uncomfortable when he's out and around other people without his bandana up, he's just so used to it.
- His mother was Buhru serpent caller and his father a Freljordian who joined up with with the Noxian Navy during one of their northern campaigns. Father died young, mother when he was 18. Pretty much been on his own since then, never really had anyone especially important to him in that time and is used to taking care of himself. Pretty much never treats himself to nice things so the task has to fall to you. Consequentially, has zero immunity to you doing nice things for him just because; pack him a lunch with a sweet note and he’s Gone that's It, Pyke.exe has Stopped Responding
- Resting murder face that gets worse when he's embarrassed. His levels of flustered are directly proportionate to how much he looks like he's about to stab someone. His ears get red though, it's cute.
- Punctual and has an excellent memory, if you ask him to do something he'll do it no questions asked. If you tell him to meet you in a random alleyway at 10:05am with a grocery list of 16 things, he's there on the dot and to the letter.
- Fantastic whistler, great singing voice, you'll literally never catch him doing it. If you're sick or something he might be persuaded to hum you a lullaby.
- Thinks actions count more than words, and that being reliable and showing up is way more important than any grand gesture. If you're having a bad day he'll bring you coffee or a snack you like, chores are done so there's nothing for you to worry about when you get home, anything he can do to make your day less stressful. Doesn't mention it either, it's just natural to him, like obviously he's gonna do whatever he can to help. Likewise, it doesn't take much to keep him happy, just as long as he knows he can rely on you.
- Appreciates physical closeness but doesn't usually initiate it. Not really used to recognizing when he wants something, just kinda goes from mysteriously being unhappy to internally having a little :) thought bubble above his head when you sit down next to him (still looks pissed tho but that's just his face don't worry about it). Doesn't need to talk or anything, just likes being close to you.
- Great listener, you might worry he's not paying attention because he tends not to say much, but he'll remember every word. Will happily listen to you talk about literally anything that interests you, if it's important to you it's important to him.
- If there's a problem you need to work out just tell him. He'll notice if something is up but he trusts you'll come to him when you're ready to talk. Great at listening and trying to understand where you're coming from but isn't great at recognizing or articulating his own feelings, so he needs time to think about how to respond. Please be patient with him, he's trying his best.
- Not really jealous or possessive but has a natural ‘don’t fuck with me’ aura that means no one even thinks of getting too friendly with you, even before he became the Blood Harbor Ripper. Ngl, he enjoys it, means he gets to monopolize you–anyone who knows you well know he's harmless (to them).
- Post-Deep, gets more protective and…not really clingy but he Hovers. You're the most important thing in the world to him, you're his reprieve from the voices and the only good thing he has left in a world that's fucked him over and he's shit scared of losing you. Even when he can't actively be beside you, he still prefers to keep tabs on you from the shadows when he can. The Ripper thing gets in the way less than you'd think; no one really lives to say what he looks like and what does get passed on is very exaggerated, and freaky glowing eyes are more common than you'd think in Runeterra--plus, the Ripper's not just gonna be walking around, psh. He hates crowds now though and worries he won't be able to control his reactions, so if you're running errands at a market or something don't expect company. Gets antsy if he hasn't seen you in a while, so don't be surprised if he's disproportionately relieved to see you.
- Post-Deep, has a much harder time relaxing, his memory is a lot hazier, and he gets confused when things don't line up with what he has in his head. The voices are distracting and he's not always sure what's real and what's not. The Deep fucked him up and he's still sort of figuring how to deal with it–its pretty unclear how much of what's going on with him is actual literal magic and how much is a man with severe PTSD struggling to make sense of his new reality
- Anyway I finished playing the Ruined King game and my epilogue hc is the part in that where Illaoi offers to help break his curse and he goes to teach the Buhru about sea monsters. His list becomes his list, not about what the Deep wants but about protecting people who can't protect themselves. He finds connection with an estranged heritage and purpose in helping protect Bilgewater, either through helping the serpent callers or through putting fear into Bilgewaters scummiest.
NSFW (under cut)
- His job keeps him away from you for long stretches of time and by God is he gonna make up for that
- High libido but is used to managing that on his own, jerking off twice a day just was just kinda part of his daily routine; if you're in the mood he much much prefers coming to you instead
- Definitely a dom, likes being a bit rough with you. Gets immense satisfaction out of making a mess out of you, hand in your hair whispering filthy things in your ear while pounding you within an inch of your life. Loves hearing you beg and whimper. Act up if you want a spanking, you're not getting out of here without cumming at LEAST three times anyway
- Loves it when you're loud, it's his personal goal to extract as many noises from you as he can and he doesn't give a fuck who hears. Dirty talk aside, he's not very vocal himself, but God does he sound good when you do get a moan out of him
- Can and will manhandle you. Holds your wrists in one hand or pulls your head back with a firm grasp on your hair, holds your throat so he can feel your pulse pounding, flips you over or pushes you down so he can fuck you better. If you're getting home and he's in a mood you're getting picked up and fucked against the front door, neighbors who?? He wrestles sea monsters for a living, you basically weigh nothing to him, and he loves how cute and pliant you get when he's fucking your brains out ❤️
- Big fan of oral, giving and receiving. Eats pussy like he doesn't need to breath, he thinks you taste great and he loves making you squirm--be warned, this will work him up and you will be getting railed after, how many times you already came on his tongue is really irrelevant. Likewise, he thinks you're so pretty on your knees struggling to fit his cock in your mouth, and he makes sure he tells you that and what a good job you're doing ❤️
- He has thick fingers and by God does he know how to use them, can reduce you to a puddle with one hand up your skirt. If you're feeling bold enough to tease him in public you will inevitably find yourself in some dark corner with one leg hiked up to his hip while he makes you see stars. There are a lot of areas where he's a patient man, and this is not one of them--you fuck around you WILL be finding out.
- If you wear lingerie it's not coming out intact, sorry. Something about it just makes him want to wreck you, prettier the better. That being said, he can't decide whether you look better with his cum dripping out of you or off of you--help him decide, will you?
- Will happily let you take charge, he likes seeing you chasing your own pleasure. If you want to do any kind of edge play on him though he will need to be physically restrained, and he will get so growly about it. At his most desperate he doesn't even sound human anymore.
- Occasionally, just wants something slow and intimate, you in his lap with your arms around his neck, just taking the time to enjoy each other. He's a softy at heart, he doesn't know how to ask for it but sometimes he just craves a bit of romance.
- After, cleans you up and holds you until you fall asleep, occasionally presses a kiss to your hair. Actually gets super sulky if you don't have time to cuddle properly. He's not great with words, so it's an important way for him to show how deeply he cares about you.
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sincerelywhistler · 1 year
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Dear Geordi,
I love you and your beautiful mind. That is all <3
Sincerely, Whistler
Some of my Geordi headcanons [cancer mention]:
• Has an alternate prosthetic leg he puts on before he goes running (they’re called running blades!)
• Fun sock collector! SO many socks! Of all colors and patterns!
• Latino man knows how to COOK😩
• He got a daffodil tattoo once he ended things with Ben, as the flower represents new beginnings, resilience, and the having the power of forgiveness fueled by inner-patience
• Bone cancer resulted in the amputation of his leg when he was an early teen. Him is so strong :)
• Basketball shorts supremacy bc comfort levels are priority
• No ‘moji, only :] <3 :0 XD :3 (yes, he intentionally uses a bracket instead of parentheses)
• INCREDIBLE ear for music, even if he doesn’t play much anymore
• Chronic beanie wearer, weather outside be damned. His hair is always a little bit disheveled because of it and it’s very cute
• Temple kisses are Geordi’s favorite, but especially the kind where Cutie puts their hand on the man’s cheek to bring his head towards them for a sweet side smooch
• Stickers!! On the prosthetic!! Life is too short not to!!
• Either he adores frogs or is deathly afraid of them
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Do the baby rats ever return to the bilges? And by that do they spend much time with the old man? Are they free to drop in and make themselves at home?
I think it varies between them and over time.
Alfred drops in a lot. God knows there's hardly a spot in the world he hasn't made himself known but I still couldn't quite believe how many statues and memorials. The eagle squadron, the Eisenhower statue, the Reagan statue, the 9/11 memorial garden. Mark Twain, James McNeil Whistler, Harry Selfridge, FDR, Abraham Lincoln. Like goddamn I'm not sure why I was surprised but whoo. So many statues of Yanks paid for by the British.
Anyway: In the 19th century he'd actually spent time in England indulging his need for the latest technology and satiating whatever advances François or Gilbert wouldn't keep him abreast of. Nowadays, especially since the age of flight, he travels a lot and has no shame in rolling up, insulting the food but savoring the whiskey, crashing wherever he likes and drunkenly asking his father's advice. He's very free in how much space he takes up and how much time he feels entitled too. If he's jet lagged he'll just conk out on the old man's spare room and complain it smells like sheep but very much appreciate a night's sleep in a place he once called home.
Matt... He should be very comfortable in that space but he's a dipshit so imposing feels illegal. He kind of knows he can but he's also not willing to test his luck the vast majority of the time. If he's invited he'll show up on time, clean up after himself and promptly leave without causing a fuss. At least the cat's happy he's back to visit lmao. He got permission to pay for a wee fountain in the green park memorial. There was a gate we bought when Victoria locked it and we were still first dominion (Australia was still in the process of confederating.) But yeah he's welcome? Arthur doesn't mind him around if he's not underfoot. But it really was kind of a sign Jan had no idea what Matt's life was like anymore when he asked him to go stay at his dad's in the aftermath of their break up.
Jack lmao he's shameless when he wants some of the old man's attention. I don't think it's all the time, but there are a lot of links there. I swear to God I met so many Australians in England. I tumbled out of a test pit off a corner off a Hadrian's wall fortlet and there were like 6 Australians in every pub in fricken Yorkshire. He will just kind of show up with a very casual but somehow kind of prickly invitation to go to a cultural event of his artists or bands in England and the old fart isn't objecting. It took Arthur a minute to figure out that "Accadacca" meant they were going to go see AC/DC but he wasn't mad about it! Two manic fucks can have a lot of fun. They party quite hard sometimes. Jack was also very responsible for the old man's cooking improving by a metric and imperial fuck tonne. The espresso machine under the cabinet is his baby.
Zee I think is the easiest. She's as independent as Jack but that not quite dead idea that daughters are kind of allowed to be more in and out of the house makes it slightly easier for them. She rolls up and flops on the sofa demanding to be fed and watered. A full fifth of the NZ population lives overseas with Australia and the UK topping the list and if there's things she can't really do in New Zealand or she just doesn't want to live alone she'll just hop over. I feel like she goes in cycles of how independent and revolutionary she's feeling and will just kind of make herself at home if she wants another degree or something similar. She spent time in London without the old man too especially during the peak punk years and they ran into each other at a sex pistols concert. She had a full set of tattoos, an undercut and half a blunt in her system, Arthur had green hair and absolutely ripped on god knows what. She's never seen him so panicked. They stumbled home together having a hoot and throwing beer bottles at cops. Grade a hooligans, those two.
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pelorsdyke · 2 months
making a new pinned post to say hi! if you like my writing or me and want to read more of what I do, you can find me here on ao3. I most often write for queer wlw ships, including:
robin buckley & nancy wheeler (stranger things): there’s so many of these I haven’t listed them all, but here are some of my favorites
until what I love misses me, and calls me in. (nye! nancy’s birthday! a proposal!)
see you soon (romance’s time-traveling child! mindflayer!robin! both old married ronance and first kiss ronance!)
heartstrings (a three part celeb!robin au. long distance, secret identities, phone sex!)
me and my girlfriend playing dress up at my house (robin dresses nancy up in her clothes as revenge for her gf making her wear frilly high necked dresses)
in the cold clear light of day down here, everyone’s a monster (werewolf pack of robin, max, chrissy, and vickie. featuring nancy identifying werewolf robin on sight!)
my heart was irrevocably gone (regency ronance)
i will love you with too many commas, but never any asterisks (a lot of domestic fluff for established ronance)
but the cold light of stars (my alien movies au! one of the crowning gems of my ronance stuff)
marjan marwani & nancy gillian (911 lone star):
who will come into my kitchen and be hungry for me (test kitchen au)
and love isn’t a fact, it’s a hunch at first. (paul helps marjan come to terms with her feelings for nancy)
and your keys, your ring of keys (marjan starts to realize some things about herself, with the help of an oc. lesbian marjan)
underneath your hands I become poetry (some celebratory sex after tommy announces nancy will take over as interim captain while she’s away. inspired by the bts pic where nancy appears to be wearing a name tag that says captain gillian)
your essence is the ink in the word forever (nancy has tattoos. marjan notices.)
so swing your hips and do a little dip (nancy, marjan, and tarlos go to a gay bar)
lucy tara & kate whistler (ncis: hawai’i):
the room is empty, and the window is open (a spiderwoman lucy au, six parts up so far)
february, the thirteenth (kacy celebrates valentines day early, as per lucy’s way of handling holidays)
blue scooby-doo fruit snacks and unrequited love, probably (high school au kacy flirting)
sit down, breathe, and just listen (post-3.04, kacy talks about marriage and promises)
in response, your glorious laughter (a snapshot of a sweet married kacy early morning)
as well as spemily (pll) and buffy x tara and wayhaught (wynonna earp) and more!
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monosminecraftmania · 4 months
Color!au [hermitcraft fantasy au]
so i got two notes on the previous post so here i go talking about this
(yes this is going out like a month late but shh i had stuff ;a;)
here's a full roster of everyone and everything. Hopefully this will turn into motivation for me to write but yeah. until then here have this
again, if anyone is interested in seeing close ups/detailed drawings of anyone just send me an ask and i will gladly draw them. pls im desperate
if we get 3 notes i'll. share pictures of the kingdoms.
(long long post. read at your own risk >:3)
Going Alphabetically
Bdubs - Astronomer of Flax - Lives at the top of the castle - Comically small. No don't ask it's a sore subject - Made himself a glittering cloak of "stardust"
Beef - Resident of Varie - Lives on the outskirts of the kingdom - Travels only for paints or supplies - Good friend of Etho's
Bigb - Cerule resident - Has a cloud frog as a familiar - All it does is make his shoulder slightly moist - Runs a cookie shop
Cleo - Naga, Resident of Uaine - Graveyard guardian - Made herself arms of enchanted scraps the dead leave behind - Her human disguise is a gigantic ballroom dress.
Cub - Dungeon engineer of Mauve - Will never share the recipe for totems of undying - Creates labyrinths and puzzle rooms with a small chance of death - Sources most materials from Scar
Doc - Cursed Archeologist of Uaine - Pissed off a moss spirit so now his skin's green - Can't breathe good - Cut off his own arm and made a new magic one
Etho - Crown Prince of Varie - Half fox, but vertically - Has a heavy limp so people speculate he carries old battle wounds - Very bad at hiding the fox bits.
False - Royal Knight of Amara - Gilded Eagle Hybrid. Eagle wings and colors but the feathers appear to be shimmering like metal - Kingdom is usually very calm so she spends most of her time hanging out with Stress and fishing - Kicks ass when she has to.
Fwhip - Fisher in Ochre - Gem's business partner and the less violent one of the two - Deals more in accounting than actual fish - Fixes boats on the side
Gem - Fishwife in Ochre - Not actually married. Married to THE GRIND. - Runs a fishing boat and market by the widest bend of the river - Can and will use this trident.
Grian - Geologist in Claret - That's some funny lookin floating rocks - Owns a mansion that's shared with several other people of science - Named one of the rocks Brian. Pronounced like Grian.
Hypno - Beekeeper in Flax - Has a little bee farm that he sells honey and candles out of - Has a little magic and mostly uses it to make his flowers bloom - Honestly just happy to be here :3
Impulse - Service Demon in Flax - Resident fiekind (trickster demon). Does favors for gold or food - Invented the farming plow for a request once - Will absolutely abuse vague requests and play as many tricks as possible
Iskall - Magic Blacksmith of Uaine - Makes magic weapons of all kinds, mostly swords - Has golems to help him with his work, mostly just handling hot metal - Charisma + 20. He will flirt with anything that breathes.
Jevin - Slime Amalgam - Hides in the topmost tower of Azure's castle. - Stole pieces of gargoyles to camouflage and has been collecting feathers for wings - Just a silly little guy, living his best life.
Jimmy - Whistler - Guardian of the Wishing Cave - A great guy until you realize he's evangelizing for a cult - Hasn't touched grass in years
Joe - Magic researcher in Viridian - Puts random mushrooms in his mouth - Purely curious and gets a pass from most forest spirits - Looking into the forces of death to write a funny book
Joel - Strength Bryd (forest spirit) in Uaine - In the common tongue it's pronounced Ogre - Covered in tattoos that may or may not be his past victims - Fell in love with a fish. How did it end up like this.
Jono - Local Bard of Amara - Half Dog musician who's found a nice spot in Amara to settle down - Shirts are for losers - Can beatbox amazingly well with sharp teeth.
Keralis - Holy Water Spirit - Currently napping in the big ball chained to the temple roof - Granted Xb his wish to safely walk on land - Kind to a fault
Lizzie - Resident of Amara - Half fish hybrid - Washed up in the marshes of Uaine after a storm once and rescued by a handsome ogre. - Has an army of cod.
Martyn - Servant of Claret - A Watcher - Ren's shadow - Really needs a hug
Mumbo - Wizard of Claret - Subject of all of the bad luck - Collects scriptures and studies the magic of his kingdom - Also hosts a great magic show for kids
Pearl - Royal Architect/Librarian of Azure - Started as a stable girl who threw a tomato at the design for the royal library. And instead of being arrested, she was hired to redesign it. - In charge of the upside down library - Her dragon is named Bikkie.
Ren - Crown Prince of Claret - Half dog and proud of it. - Twins with Jono who moved away to the neighboring kingdom - Curious to a fault
Sausage - Mauve Resident - Construction worker for the many dungeons and attractions - Works well with wood in the morning - Way too enthusiastic
Scar - Travelling Merchant - Sells all the wares! Even wares that don't exist! - Yes the cane is magic - Makes an annual trip across the country to Mauve
Scott - Azure Merchant - Collects fashion articles from all over the country - Runs a ferry business on the side - Might know something.
Skizz - Resident of Cerule - Chosen by a phim and gifted a pair of angel wings and a halo - Encourages body positivity! Because love yourself you jerks - Trusts blindly and with open arms.
Stress - Goat/Beast hybrid in Amara - Retractable fluff for an instant winter coat! - The hooves are more like paws, but she's got incredible balance - Runs a tea shop with odd but tasty blends.
Tango - Fire spirit - Holy spirit of fire who's honestly just confused why he's so popular - Kidnapped by Scar and escaped to Gem all within a week - Hides in Gem's fireplace
TFC - Blacksmith of Varie - Specializes in actual tools, not weapons - Has a side business of stone sculptures. Buy one get two small ones free - Has a familiar, but no one knows what it is
Wels - MC - Surname revoked. Formal title "Wels, Knight of the Realm" - Banished from his home and travelling to a faraway land - His horse is named Worse, but pronounced like 'horse'
XB - Resident of Azure - Book collector and moved out of Amara to pursue his love of books - Got a blessing from a water spirit so he doesn't suffocate - Learned flight magic and swims through the air
Xisuma - Vagabond - Originally from Mauve. Travels the lands at every opportunity - No one has ever seen his face - Incredibly helpful travel guide
Zedaph - Royal Engineer/Alchemist of Mauve - May have invented cocaine. And gunpowder - Designs elaborate gauntlets for the bold to test their strength - Decided two extra arms were a good idea
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clubwnderland · 4 months
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❝ Live life to the fullest. Love hard. Do what makes you happy ❞
[1997.12.10] Seoul, South Korea
𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: Jangmi is a sweet girl who has been through a lot. She’s friendly but can be a little untrusting of some people even though she doesn't show it. Flirtatious and giggly, she tends to people please a lot at work but definitely isn’t someone to push too far. She can be rather relaxed and soft but knows how to read people and doesn’t often take shit from anyone, she may cry but she does her best to stand up for herself. Can be rather feisty and needy in heat but only with someone she's very close and intimate with, otherwise she's shy about what she needs and struggles to talk about it.
𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅: A prized possession in some rich man’s collection, Jangmi lived a life of luxury - or so it seemed on the outside. Jangmi was often used as entertainment for her owner and his friends, passed around like a toy, paraded like a show pony and put in her place if she ever stepped out of line. One of the friends took her to wonderland while he made a deal with Irene and before they left, the Devil gave her a number to ring if she ever wanted out. Jongin was the reason for this and while it would have been easy to have gotten her out then and there, it needed to be a decision made by the hybrid herself. Jangmi is one of the few who don’t owe Irene anything, an act of kindness rather than a contract simply because Jangmi’s deepest desire was freedom - something she cherishes deeply and Irene understood this desire. Recently, her life has changed dramatically as her old owner was killed by @doom-bc and she has been granted her freedom completely. This has meant that Jangmi has been doing a lot of things she never could have done in the past.
For a quick fact sheet about Jangmi, click here.
𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆: 162cm (5'2); piercings; single in each lobe, belly button. A fox tattoo around her ankle; spends more time half-shifted, fox ears and tail; wears a collar and bracelets to hide scars. While shifted, she’s a small white arctic fox
𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒐: Jangmi is a hybrid fox who does not know her ancestry due to being estranged. She loves fashion, swimming and being out night clubbing or dancing. She doesn't like obnoxious and overly loud behaviour or when people mess with her head. Jangmi is able to half/full shift into a fox and has heightened senses that come with that. She is extremely flexible and fits into small spaces, has quick reflexes, and can communicate with other canines. She loves small and cute things and has a huge plushie collection that keeps on growing. For her birthday in 2023, @moonlightchn gave her a bunny named Whistler who she loves so much and is now very spoilt and cuddled daily.
A hybrid and shifter are similar but one major difference is that a shifter typically cannot half-shift and are supernaturally enhanced. A hybrid is half-human and do not have the same supernatural or magical properties a shifter has. They also require more energy to remain completely human and not all of them can fully shift.
Shifters are created by magic or other element but a hybrid is said to be descended from legendary creatures and Gods that no longer roam the Earth. Their powers and grace gone over the centuries due to mixing with humans.
Jangmi lives in an apartment that Chan had bought for her, it's become her home ever since she was rescued and she loves it there.
The scars Jangmi has are due to her always trying to run away and being punished by being chained to a wall.
Jangmi does have siblings but she doesn’t remember them nor would she know them if she met them. Her mother gave her up to her master when she was very young.
Jangmi has had a string of bad relationships. She’s been abandoned, left for someone else and made to feel like an object to be claimed rather than loved.
Jangmi has had terrible standards in the past but her friendship and dynamic with her Alpha has helped her realise that she is deserving of love and care.
Recently, Jangmi as been spending time with Doom and teaching him about human traditions and helping him adjust to life on Earth. She bakes him a lot of food and has him go with her nearly everywhere especially if she can't have Chan go with her.
More information will be added here as it is discovered
𝑰𝒎𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝑷𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆: @moonlightchn Chan (🐺💜) @doom-bc (🥀💜) @shin-haneul (💗🦊) | @pillowxtalk Minki (RP)
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Straight. Submissive, obedient. Bottom
𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒔: breeding, praise/worship, sensation play, cum play, marking/biting, primal play, pet play, roleplay, exhibitionism, bondage, orgasm control, edging, overstimulation, public, choking, collaring, possessive, oral fixation, oral. Jangmi is very experimental and likes to try different things. 
It takes a lot of trust to do more intense kinks with someone. She's very vanilla in the beginning and can be vanilla more often than kinky.
Had never been touched during her heat until her relationship with Chan. He's been the first and only to treat her well sexually and helped her move past her fear of it
While Jangmi is very easily turned on and can seem hyper sexual, her libido is actually pretty average outside of her heat.
𝑰𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆: She loves someone taller than her! Tall and protective is what her ideal type is but she also likes someone who can be gentle and understanding with her. While she tends to go for people who will be very dominating in a relationship, able to protect and provide, Jangmi does need someone who can understand that she tries her best to give back but sometimes is unsure on how to do so or reassuring her that she's doing enough for them. Definitely wants someone who will not abandon her
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smogteeth · 1 year
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Frank's Boss. She goes by many aliases. Locke. Blaine. Whistler. Her real name is unknown, even to her lovers. The head of her division of unattainables. She provides whatever you need for things in the human realm that might be a little... taboo. Frank is her cover. Her right hand man. Her muscle. (She doesn't need it, but she likes him. He's like her Alfred.) She's a true neutral in business. But at home, she can be very protective of what's hers. (She has more tattoos, I just haven't designed them yet. They are all Norse inspired)
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cottagecori · 5 months
tag game
thank you @bobgasm <3 <3
i'm over 5'5 // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i don't often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year (in 2023, not 2024 even i'm not that fast) // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me (not currently but in the past yeah) // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // fall is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
tagging @ofstoriesandstardust @psyfi @whistler-king @urmomsonfire @logynnrose anyone else who wants to !!
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aurora-by-jacqui-natla · 11 months
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THE ROADS WERE SLICK AND DARK, AND DRIVING DIDN'T SEEM TO scare Bella anymore. Her reflexes were well up to the job, and she barely paid attention to the road. The problem was keeping the speed from attracting attention when we had company. We wanted to be done with today's mission, to have the mystery sorted out so that we could get back to the vital task of learning. Learning to protect some, learning to kill others.
Bella got most of the training from Kate and Zafrina. Kate didn't feel the need to motivate her anymore and so she mostly worked with Zafrina; she was pleased with Bella's extension.
I visited Evelyn's grave more often than usual even when I was a human. I managed to get Ayla a gift for her for Christmas and I knew she'll love it. But I should be worried about preparing for what was coming; I was told it will be only two weeks away.
I remember the area of Seattle a little bit but it was a good thing for Bella to memorise the appropriate maps, and it was no problem finding the address that didn't exist online: the one for a Mr J. Jenks. The next step would be to him at the other address, the one Alice did not share.
If there was I remember about Seattle was that it wasn't a nice neighbourhood. The Cullens' cars were still outrageous on this street. The buildings were mostly old houses divided up into multiple apartments. It was hard to tell what colour the peeling paint was supposed to be. Everything had faded to shades of grey. A few of the buildings had businesses on the first floor: a dirty bar with windows painted black, a psychic's supply store with neon hands and tarot cards glowing fitfully on the door, a tattoo parlour, and a daycare with duct tape holding the broken front window together.
There were a few people about, two shuffling through the rain in opposite directions and one sitting on the shallow porch of a boarded-up cut-rate law office, reading a wet newspaper and whistling. The sound was much too cheerful for the setting. There were no numbers on the dilapidated place, but the tattoo parlour beside it was just two numbers off.
Bella pulled up to the curb and idled for a second. We got into that dump one way or another, but I was more concerned about the whistlers noticing us. She could park the next street over and come through the back. Possibly more witnesses on that side.
"Hey, ladies," the whistler called to us.
Bella rolled the passenger window down as if she couldn't hear him. The man laid his paper aside, and his clothes surprised us, now that we could see them. Under his long ragged duster, he was a little too well dressed. There was no breeze to give us the scent, but the sheen on his dark red shirt looked like silk. His crinkly black hair was tangled and wild, but his dark skin was smooth and perfect, his teeth white and straight. A contradiction.
"Maybe you shouldn't park that car there, lady," he said. "It might not be here when you get back."
"Thanks for the warning," Bella said.
She shut off the engine and we got out. Perhaps the whistling man could give us the answers we needed faster than breaking. Bella opened the big grey umbrella and it protected us from the rain. The man squinted through the rain at our faces, and then his eyes widened. He swallowed, and I heard his heart accelerate as we approached.
"We're looking for someone," Bella began.
"I'm someone," he offered with a smile. "What can I do for you, beautiful?"
"You're J. Jenks?" I asked.
"Oh," he said, and his expression changed from anticipation to understanding. He got to his feet and examined us with narrowed eyes. "Why're you two ladies looking for J?"
"That's our business. Are you J?" Bella asked.
We all faced each other for a long moment while his sharp eyes ran up and down. His gaze finally made it to her face. "You don't look like the usual customer."
"I'm probably not the usual," she admitted. "But I do need to see him as soon as possible."
"I'm not sure what to do," he admitted.
"Why don't you tell us your name?" I asked him.
He grinned. "Max."
"Well, Max, why don't you tell me what you do for the usual?"
His grin became a frown. "Well, J's usual clients don't look a thing like you. Your kind doesn't bother with the downtown office. You just go straight up to his fancy office in the skyscraper."
Bella repeated the other address, making the list of numbers a question.
"Yeah, that's the place," he said, suspicious again. "How come you didn't go there?"
"This was the address I was given—by a very dependable source."
"And why is she here?" Max questioned my presence.
"A friend requested her to be here," Bella replied.
"If you were up to any good, you wouldn't be here."
She pursed my lips and I gritted my teeth.
"Maybe I'm not up to any good," she spoke.
Max's face turned apologetic. "Look, lady—"
"Right. Bella. See, I need this job. J pays me pretty well to mostly just hang out here all day. I want to help you, I do, but—and of course, I'm speaking hypothetically, right? Or off the record, or whatever works for you—but if I pass somebody through that could get him in trouble, I'm out of work. Do you see my problem?"
"You've never seen anyone like me here before? Well, sort of like me. My sister is a lot shorter than me, and she has dark spiky black hair."
"J knows your sister?"
"I think so."
Max pondered this for a moment. I smiled at him, and his breathing stuttered. "Tell you what I'll do. I'll give J a call and describe you to him. Let him make the decision."
What did J. Jenks know? Would my description mean something to him? That was a troubling thought.
"My last name is Cullen," she told Max, wondering if that was too much information, and looked at me. "And her's Khotler."
What was Alice doing?
"Cullen and Khotler."
Max dialled, easily picking out the number. "Hey J, it's Max. I know I'm never supposed to call you at this number except in an emergency. . . ."
There was a brief pause from him.
"Well, not exactly. It's those girls who want to see you. . . ."
Another silence.
"I didn't follow normal procedure 'cause she doesn't look like any kind of normal— No— You can't be sure about that. Does she look like one of Kubarev's—? No—let me talk, okay? She says you know her sister or something."
Then, Max turned his gaze on us.
"They look like . . ." His eyes ran from my face to my shoes appreciatively. "Well, they look like freaking supermodels, that's what she looks like." Bella smiled and he winked at us; I gave him a cringed look and then went on. "Rocking body, pale as a sheet, one has dark brown hair almost to her waist and the other has black hair. Both need a good night's sleep—any of this sounding familiar?"
Supermodels? He's joking, right?
"Yeah, so I'm a sucker for the pretty ones, what's wrong with that? I'm sorry I bothered you, man. Just forget it."
"Name," I whispered.
"Oh right. Wait," Max said. "They said Bella Cullen and Violet Khotler. That help?"
There was a beat of dead silence, and then the voice on the other end was abruptly screaming, using a lot of words you didn't often hear outside of truck stops. Max's whole expression changed; all the joking vanished and his lips went pale.
"Because you didn't ask!" Max yelled back, panicked. "I said that, didn't I?"
Beautiful and pale? Did this man know about vampires? Was he one of us? What had Alice gotten us into?
Max waited for a minute through another volley of shouted insults and instructions and then glanced at us with almost frightened eyes. "But you only meet downtown clients on Thursdays—okay, okay! On it." He slid his phone shut.
"He wants to see us?" Bella asked brightly.
Max glowered. "You could have told me you were a priority client."
"We didn't know we were," I said.
"I thought you both might be cops," he admitted. "I mean, you don't look like a cop. But you act kind of weird, beautiful."
Bella shrugged and I smiled.
"Drug cartel?" he guessed.
"Who, us?" Bella asked.
"Yeah. Or your boyfriends or whatever."
"Nope, sorry. I'm not a fan of drugs, and neither is my husband. Just say no and all that."
Max cursed under his breath. "Married. Can't catch a break."
I smiled.
"Diamond smuggling?"
"Please! Is that the kind of people you usually deal with, Max?" I inquired. "Maybe you need a new job."
"You've got to be involved in something big. And bad," he mused.
"It's not really like that," Bella assured him.
"That's what they all say. But who else needs papers? Or can afford to pay J's prices for them, I should say. None of my business, anyway," he said and then muttered the word married again.
"You know, I'm single," I said to him, his eyes glimmered with hope, and a smile grew on his face. "I'll keep you in mind."
He gave us an entirely new address with basic directions and then watched us drive away with suspicious, regretful and hopeful eyes.
At this point, I was ready for pretty much anything —some kind of a high- tech lair seemed realistic enough for us. So Max must have given us the wrong address as a joke. Or maybe the lair was underneath this very commonplace strip mall nestled up against a wooded hill in a nice family neighborhood.
Bella pulled into an open spot and looked up at a subtle sign that read JASON SCOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW.
The office inside was beige with celery green accents, inoffensive and unremarkable. I didn't know what this Jenks man did for a living but he had made a hell of a lot of money. No scent of vampire here; that helped us relax. Just an ordinary human. A fish tank was set into the wall, and a blonde receptionist sat behind the desk.
"Hello," she greeted us. "How can I help you?"
"We're here to see Mr. Scott," Bella answered.
"Do you have an appointment?"
"Not exactly," I replied.
She smirked a little. "It could be a while, then. Why don't you have a seat while I—"
April! a man's demanding voice squawked from the phone on her desk. I'm expecting a Ms. Cullen and Miss Khotler shortly.
I smiled and pointed to her and myself.
Send them in immediately. Do you understand? I don't care what it's interrupting.
I could hear something else in his voice besides impatience. Stress. Nerves. Somewhat of anxiety.
"They've just arrived," April said as soon as she could speak.
What? Send them in! What are you waiting for?
"Right away, Mr. Scott!" She got to her feet, fluttering her hands as she led the way down a short hallway, offering me coffee or tea or anything else we might have wanted.
"Here you are," she said as she ushered us through the door into a power office, complete with heavy wooden desk and vanity wall.
"Close the door behind you," a raspy tenor voice ordered.
We examined the man behind the desk while April made a hasty retreat. He was short, dark skinned and balding, probably around fifty-five, with a paunch. He wore a red silk tie with a blue- and-white-striped shirt, and his navy blazer hung over the back of his chair. He was also trembling, blanched to a sickly paste color, with sweat beading on his forehead; I imagined an ulcer churning away under the spare tire.
J recovered himself and rose unsteadily from his chair. He reached his hand across the desk.
"Ms. Cullen, Miss Khotler," he greeted us. "What an absolute delight."
Bella crossed to him and shook his hand quickly once. He cringed slightly at her cold skin but did not seem particularly surprised by it.
"Mr. Jenks," Bella said. "Or do you prefer Scott?"
He then shook my hand, wincing again. "Whatever you wish, of course."
"How about you call me Bella, her Violet and we'll call you J?"
"Like old friends," he agreed, mopping a silk handkerchief across his forehead. He gestured for me to have a seat and took his own. "I must ask, am I finally meeting Mr. Jasper's lovely wife?"
I gave him a brief smile. So this man knew Jasper, not Alice. Knew him, and seemed afraid of him, too.
"His sister-in-law, actually," Bella replied.
He pursed his lips, as if he were grasping for meanings just as desperately as I was. "I trust Mr. Jasper is in good health?" he asked carefully.
"I'm sure he is in excellent health. He's on an extended vacation at the moment."
J looked at me, his dark brown eyes glaring at me. "And how do you know Ms Cullen?"
"We're friends from school," I replied, my arms folded over. "Have you known Alice and Jasper long?"
"I've been working with them for more than twenty years," he answered. "And my late partner knew Jasper fifteen years before that. He is... unusually well-preserved."
"I guess you could say that. What type of work do you do, J?"
"Oh, you know, this and that," he replied. "It's always different, which keeps it interesting."
This seemed to made him feel more comfortable around us. He nodded to himself and templed his fingers. "You both should have come to the main office. My assistants there would have put you straight through to me—no need to go through less hospitable channels."
We just nodded. I wasn't sure why Alice had given us the fake address.
"Ah, well, you're here now. What can I do for you?"
"Papers," Bella said, trying to make her voice sound like she knew what she was talking about.
"Certainly," J agreed at once. "Are we talking birth certificates, death certificates, drivers' licenses, passports, social security cards... ?"
Bella took a deep breath and smiled. We owed Max big time. And then I saw her smile faded and I curled my lip. Alice had sent us here for a reason, and I was sure it was to protect Renesmee.
The only reason she would need this was if she was running. And the only reason Renesmee would be running was if we had lost. If Edward and Bella were running with her, she wouldn't need these documents right away. The IDs were something Edward knew how to get his hands on or make himself, and I he knew ways to escape without them. They could run with her for thousands of miles. They could swim with her across an ocean.
If we were around to save her.
But why would Alice do this? The conflict hasn't even happened. Unless she knew what happened. If either of us survive, what would happen to Renesmee? Would she be alive? Would she be safe?
"Three birth certificates, three passports, one driver's license," Bella said in a low, strained tone.
Three false documents? What was Bella doing? If he noticed the change in her expression, he pretended otherwise.
"The names?"
"Jacob... Wolfe. V... Lilac Wolfe. And... Vanessa Wolfe."
Lilac Wolfe? Well, lilacs are purple flowers but... why was she acting strange? I mean, Nessie seemed like an okay nickname for Vanessa and Jacob would definitely get a kick out of the Wolfe thing.
His pen scratched swiftly across a legal pad. "Middle names?"
"Just put something generic in," she responded.
"If you prefer. Ages?"
"Twenty-seven for the man," Bella said and then she turned her head to me and paused. Her amber eyes scanned and I puzzled at her. Then, she looked back at J. "Twenty for her and five for the girl."
Wait? Twenty for me? I mean, could I pull it off as a twenty years old? I knew Jacob could pull it off. He didn't look like a fifteen year old boy anymore — well, since his transformation anyway — and at the rate Renesmee was growing, it better estimate high. But why was Jacob, Renesmee and I got dragged into it?
"I'll need pictures if you prefer finished documents,"
J said, interrupting my thoughts. "Mr. Jasper usually liked to finish them himself."
"Hold on," Bella said.
She reached to her bag and took out her wallet. I saw she had several family pictures shoved in my wallet, and took two out. One was Jacob holding Renesmee on the front porch steps and the other was Bella and I at Forks High.
"Here you go," she said, giving them to him.
J examined the picture for a moment. "Your daughter is very like you."
Bella tensed. "She's more like her father."
"Who is not this man." He touched Jacob's face.
Her eyes narrowed, and new sweat beads popped out on J's head.
"No. That is a very close friend of the family."
"Forgive me," he mumbled, and the pen began scratching again. "How soon will you need the documents?"
"Can I get them in a week?"
"That's a rush order. It will cost twice as—but forgive me. I forgot with whom I was speaking."
Clearly, he knew Jasper.
"Just give me a number."
He seemed hesitant to say it aloud, though I was sure, having dealt with Jasper, he must have known that price wasn't really an object. Not even taking into consideration the bloated accounts that existed all over the world with the Cullens' various names on them, there was enough cash stashed all over the house to keep a small country afloat for a decade; it reminded me of the way there were always a hundred fishhooks in the back of any drawer at Charlie's house. I doubted anyone would even notice the small stack I'd removed in preparation for today.
J wrote the price down on the bottom of the legal pad. Bella nodded calmly as I anxiously watched all unfold. She had more than that with me. She unclasped her bag again and counted out the right amount— she had it all paper-clipped into five-thousand dollar increments, so it took no time at all.
"Ah, Bella, you don't really have to give me the entire sum now. It's customary for you to save half to ensure delivery."
Bella smiled wanly at the nervous man. "But I trust you, J. Besides, I'll give you a bonus—the same again when I get the documents."
"That's not necessary, I assure you."
"Don't worry about it."
"So I'll meet you here next week at the same time?"
He gave us a pained look. "Actually, I prefer to make such transactions in places unrelated to my various businesses."
"Of course. I'm sure I'm not doing this the way you expect."
"I'm used to having no expectations when it comes to the Cullen family." He grimaced and then quickly composed his face again. "Shall we meet at eight o'clock a week from tonight at The Pacifico? It's on Union Lake, and the food is exquisite."
Not that she would be joining him for dinner.
We rose and shook his hand again. This time he didn't flinch. But he did seem to have some new worry on his mind. His mouth was pinched up, his back tense.
"Will you have trouble with that deadline?" Bella asked.
"What?" He looked up, taken off guard by my question. "The deadline? Oh, no. No worries at all. I will certainly have your documents done on time."
I sighed, making J looked up at me. "There’s a problem?"
"N-No," I swallowed. "I thought that Bella and her husband would be traveling together with their daughter."
"Jasper said only three will travel. His instructions were very clear." J turned his head back to Bella. "I'll see you in one week."
Continue to 21. WE WILL FIGHT
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kacywhistler · 2 years
Kacytober Day 18- Tattoo
Lucy walks into the autopsy room finding Commander Chase prodding a corpse.
“Huh this man has more tattoos on his body than visible skin” 
“Makes it easier for us to ID him” Commander Chase says
“Right, so what’s the cause of death?” Lucy asks
“Still waiting on the toxicology but your victim here has multiple head wounds, broken fingers and bruised ribs. He was tortured till he bleed out” Commander Chase says matter of factly.
“Let us know when the toxicology report is in” Lucy says before heading out.
Lucy is back at her desk, looking through missing persons reports when she recognised the rhythm of heels clicking their way towards her.
She looks up to see Kate walking towards her, “Special Agent Tara” Kate says handing a folder over to Lucy.
“Your victim is 29 year old Henry Miller, reported missing two months ago” Kate says leaning against her desk.
“How’d you ID him so fast?”  Lucy asks, flipping through the file.
“Well the FBI has a database with prisoner tattoos and we ran our victim’s tattoos he popped up.”
“What was he in for?” Kai asks
“Armed robbery, was paroled a month back” Kate replies
“Woah he has a lot of tattoos” Kai says looking at the file Lucy just handed him.
Tattoos can be hot Lucy thinks as her eyes wander to Kate’s hipbone where her tattoo is located and when looks up at Kate’s face she sees her signature smirk, Kai nudges her and snickers and that’s when she realises that she said that out loud. 
“I didn’t mean to say that out loud” she mumbles sliding down her chair.
“Wait Whistler has tattoos” Kai exclaims looking between Kate and Lucy.
Kate just chuckles and shrugs, Lucy groans as she places her head into her hands “can we please focus on the case”
“Seems like your focus is elsewhere Special Agent Tara” Kate smugly says as she starts walking towards Tennant’s office leaving a blushing Lucy and shocked Kai.
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project1939 · 7 months
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(Alice Faye and Phil Harris, radio power couple)
Day 81- TV and Radio: 
See it Now with Edward R. Murrow, “Tenth Anniversary of CP-1,” November 30th, 1952. 
The Jack Benny Program, season 3, episode 3, “Jack Gets Robbed,” November 20th, 1952. 
The Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, “Elliot’s Girlfriend’s Name is on Phil’s Chest,” November 30th, 1952. 
Space Patrol, “Electronic Burglar,” November 29th, 1952. 
The Whistler, “So Soon,” November 30th, 1952. 
See it Now with Edward R. Murrow was another sobering episode- it marked the ten-year anniversary of the Chicago Pile 1 project, where scientists created the world’s first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. There were long interviews with those involved, which are indispensable as a record of history. Most moving for me, however, was Murrow’s editorial at the end. He implored us to acknowledge all the foreign scientists who helped make the achievement possible, reiterated that American science is not all powerful, and essentially excoriated a set of new immigration laws that would have prevented the key scientists in the project from even getting into the country in 1952. Wow, what an amazing voice he was for Americans- especially for progressive ideas during such a conservative era. 
I enjoyed the Phil Harris Alice Faye Show a lot today. Lately I haven’t been liking it as much because Alice doesn’t get enough focus for me. The shows are always more about Phil. He’s a great comedic character, but his wife is the one who has my heart. She sang wonderfully today, though, and I loved every second. The plot was pretty hilarious, I must say. Phil had gone out and gotten so drunk with his friend Elliot that he didn’t remember what happened- and what happened was they went to a tattoo parlor so Elliot could get his girlfriend’s name tattooed on his chest. Somehow Phil was the one who ended up with a tattoo of “Emma” on his chest! 
...And now a word from today’s best sponsor: Rice Chex and Wheat Chex! The super cereals that help super charge you! In new modern bite-sized pieces! Hey kids, do you want to hear the most shameless and terrible kind of advertising?! We’ll start you off young so you won’t recognize how manipulative and insidious this all is! Your parents are in the other room anyway trying to get a break from you, so they’ll never hear! Now listen closely as we tell you exactly how to pester your parents to buy our cereal for you... 
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vidiaofthewind · 9 months
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Make it out alive Set this world on fire now Don't give up It's gonna be alright 'Cause I won't let you burn out
Nicknames: Windy, Winds, Vi, Vid Magick Status: Fairy - Fast Flying Talent (Public) Ethnicity: Latina Height: 5'4 5'9 (She almost always is in 3-5 inch heels) Build: She's very lean but she is #built. She's an athlete comparative to a swimmer or runner, she's built for speed. Eye Color: Brown Hair Style: She has dark brown hair but is known to changed constantly Tattoos/piercings/daily jewelry: Multiple piercings on both ears. All studs usually. Job Status: Spin Instructor// Receptionist @ Olympus Gym // Fast Flying Talent @ Pixie Hollow What would you find if you googled them?: Her social media. What would Swynlake Natives know about them: She's a fairy, been working at the gym since she was mid teens, she's very competitive and very sarcastic. What does anyone can know about them: The above Other: Dear & Darling are just part of her vocab, she usually doesn't mean them fondly. Updated: 2023-09-30
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sam4samina-blog · 1 year
Thriller and Suspense subgenre:
Action: Take any other thriller subgenre, give it’s defining elements a back seat, and focus on the action, and you have an action-thriller. This is more common in movies than novels because of the visual appeal of explosions and violence.The Killer Collective The Cleaner
Comedy: A subgenre of thriller & suspense in which there is dark humor surrounding espionage and organize crime.Horrorstör The Rook
Conspiracy: conspiracy thriller (or paranoid thriller) is a subgenre of thriller fiction. The protagonists of conspiracy thrillers are often journalists or amateur investigators who find themselves (often inadvertently) pulling on a small thread which unravels a vast conspiracy that ultimately goes "all the way to the top." Common themes are rumors, lies, propaganda, secret histories, and counter-propaganda.The Ministry Of Fear The Manchurian Candidate
Crime: This subgenre focuses on crime, and is can be from the criminal’s point of view. Physical action and eluding the police take the place of gathering evidence and trying to discover the criminal. Or the protagonist confronts a major crime plot, such as a murder, kidnapping, or theft. These stories often begin with a protagonist, who is going about his or her daily life, before becoming involved in a crime (either as a victim or helping the victim). He or she then uses wit and specialty knowledge to help solve the crime, with or without the help of authorities.The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Billy Summers
Disaster: A subgenre of thriller & suspense in which the protagonist is up against a major disaster that he or she must escape or stop. Disasters could include natural disasters, such as earthquakes, meteor strikes or tsunamis; or man-made disasters, such as nuclear explosions, cyber-attacks closing down infrastructure, or a biological weapon. This subgenre overlaps the SF genre.Final Days Life As We Knew It
Espionage: The spy thriller is a genre of literature that centers around a storyline with secret agents and espionage. Part action-adventure and part thriller, spy stories often follow a government agent racing against the clock to thwart a big attack or uncover an enemy's plans in order to save lives—sometimes even the world.The Hunt for Red October The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
Legal: In this subgenre, the plot centers on legal dilemmas or courtroom dramas. The protagonist is usually an attorney who encounters danger and solves the crime, while the police are unable to do so or are corrupt. The protagonist's life is often at peril, as is the lives of his significant others or family. Forensic thrillers are a popular offshoot of both this and medical thrillers.The Whistler An Innocent Client
Medical : A subgenre of thriller & suspense in which the protagonist is in the medical field (or closely tied to it) and must use his or her knowledge of medicine to solve a mystery, cure a virus, halt or pandemic, or catch the perpetrator of a medical-related crime. Often, the story takes place among medical settings and the details that eventually bring the perpetrator to justice (or lead to a cure for a deadly virus) involve medical research or specific medical knowledge. Outbreak The Fifth Vial
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