#why are we following that guy who died in the begining of the series who cares
no-i-will-not-shut-up · 4 months
im gonna go ahead and say it if your death game arc isnt about how the character(s) navigate such an environment it might as well just be a random brawl on the streets
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When My Time Comes Around- Part Two
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Part One | Part Three
Summary: This chapter takes place in the year and a half or so before the beginning of the first chapter. You'll find out everything leading up to you finding Joel dying in the snow.
Word Count: 7.3k
Warnings: THIS IS THE SADDEST THING I’VE EVER WRITTEN, major character death, detailed canon typical violence, detailed descriptions of injuries, heavy use of weapons, Marlene deserves her own warning, alcohol consumption, references to alcoholism, child death, child loss, major angst, briefest hint of PIV smut, EVEN THOUGH READER IS NOT PRESENT IN THIS CHAPTER, THIS IS STILL A JOEL X READER FIC
Author’s Notes: Unfortunately, this chapter is a lot sadder than the last one. But if you decide to stick around to the end you will be rewarded with a disgustingly sweet and fluffy happy ending! Also this is my first time writing this much action and it was so fun! Let me know what y'all think about it because I'd love to write more!
A year and a half earlier
The first time that Joel felt even a spark of hope in twenty years, was standing on that roof in Salt Lake City, Utah, feeding a giraffe with his daughter. He felt an unease in the pit of his stomach. It was like he’d swallowed a handful of stones. He didn’t want to move forward with the plan anymore. He didn’t want to find the Fireflies. He never trusted Marlene as far as he could throw her to begin with. But after everything that happened with that man, David, and his group, he doesn’t trust anyone with Ellie. She didn’t tell him the details of what happened to her in that diner in Silver Lake, but it didn’t take much for Joel to figure out where it was heading. He feels so guilty that he wasn’t there to protect her, to save her. He was failing her, just like he knew he would. Just like he told Tommy he would. He tried to tell Ellie that they didn’t have to do this. They could just go back to Jackson and forget about the whole damn thing. “It can’t be for nothing.” She told him. “When we’re done, we’ll go wherever you want. Tommy’s, sheep ranch, the moon.” Joel chuckled softly and shook his head. Even when she was trying to be serious, she couldn’t help being a little shit. “I’ll follow you anywhere you go.” She told him. “We finish what we started.” Joel nodded in agreement, but his apprehension only grew. He told himself that he would do whatever Ellie wanted to do. Joel Miller may be many things, but a man who goes back on his word isn’t one of them. He didn’t feel any sort of loyalty to Marlene or her terrorist friends, so he wasn’t gonna hand her over to them against her will. He felt a bit of probably unearned pride for his daughter, forging ahead, because she might be able to save everyone. He swallows the lump in his throat, shoving the doubt down. At least he’ll be with her, no harm will come to her while Joel is around.
As they continue their trek through downtown Salt Lake City, they stumble upon an old Army emergency medical camp. Joel tells Ellie that he was in one the day after the outbreak. “With Sarah?” She asks.
“No. She was gone already. It was for the this.” He tells her, pointing at the scar on his temple.
“Ah the guy who shot and missed.” She says. “I figured that would have happened later.”
Joel shakes his head. “No second day.” Joel stops in his tracks, but Ellie doesn’t notice.
“Well I gotta hand it to the Army people, they were way better at stitchin’ you up than I was.” She doesn’t notice that Joel isn’t beside her until he speaks again.
“It was me.” She turns to face him. “I was the guy who shot and missed.” He sits on a concrete barrier. He tells Ellie about how he didn’t want to go on after Sarah died. How he was ready to end it all, wasn’t scared, not even a little bit. But he flinched.
“I know why you’re tellin’ me all this.” Ellie says.
“Yeah, I reckon you do.” Joel replies sadly.
“So, time heals all wounds, I guess?”
Joel looks Ellie in her eyes and tells her, “It wasn’t time that did it.” Her voice breaks a little when she speaks again.
“Well, I’m glad that that didn’t work out.” Joel nods at her.
“Me too.” They hop down from the wall and continue to make their way through the abandoned med camp. Joel decides they are done talking about sad things and tells Ellie that he is in the mood to head some shitty puns. He might as well have handed her his rifle for how happy it made her. She starts out strong with an apocalypse joke, they never even notice the men sneaking up behind them. Not until Joel hears the canister hit the ground. By the time he realizes what is happening, all he can do is shove Ellie to the ground and throw his body on top of her. He hears Ellie scream fro him, but he can’t find her. Then, everything goes black.
Joel has no idea how much time has passed when wakes. His head is pounding and his vision is blurred. There’s a ringing in his ears and a knot on the back of his head. The sheets feel scratchy under his face and the smell of mildew permeates the air. The first thing he sees is the spray painted emblem representing the fireflies. then he hears her. Marlene. She explains that her patrol didn’t know who they were. They just saw two people enter that perimeter they had established around the hospital. Later, he’ll come to realize that they knew exactly who he was. She knew she’d never be able to get Ellie away if he was conscious. The first thing he asks is where his daughter is. Marlene assures him that she wasn’t hurt. “Not even a scratch.” She tells him that she’s mostly just worried about Joel.
“Where is she?” Joel asks. Marlene deflects the question and praises Joel for getting Ellie to them safely.
“How’d you do it?” She asks. Joel, still trying to clear the fog from his brain, shakes his head.
“It was all her. She fought like hell to get here.” But Marlene knows the truth. Ellie would have been dead the first day on her own. She never would have made it without Joel. She almost seems disappointed that he made it all this way. Maybe she was hoping it would have been Tess to cross the finish line. Or at the very least, she’d be able to keep Joel on his leash. There’s nobody left to grab him by the collar. Nobody to tell him “down, boy.” If there was one person in the world Marlene doesn’t want to be indebted to, its Joel Miller. “Just take me to her.” Joel says calmly.
“I can’t.” Marlene replies. “She’s being prepped for surgery.” He doesn’t understand.
“What surgery?” He asks. Marlene explains the Dr Anderson’s theory to him. About why Ellie is immune. And how her immunity could be the key to a cure. Something they can replicate in a lab and give to everyone. A real cure, hope for a real future of the human race. A chance to return their society to its former glory. Finally, the gas that has been clouding his brain has cleared. It dawns on him what Marlene means. He gently sits back down on the hospital bed. “Cordyceps grows inside the brain.” He says softly, almost to himself.
“It does.” She confirms.
“Find someone else.” Joel argues, but he knows that there is no one else. Why would they need someone else when Joel was hand delivering Ellie to them on a silver platter?
Marlene tries to comfort Joel. She tells him that Ellie didn’t even know what was going on. She wasn’t scared a bit. She assures him that she won’t feel even an ounce of pain, not for one second. Joel demands to be taken to his daughter. “You take me to her RIGHT NOW!” Joel screams, standing form the bed. One of Marlene’s men jams the butt of his rifle into Joel’s ribs. It knocks the wind from him and he falls to his knees. “Please.” He begs, “you don’t understand.” Marlene has tears in her eyes when she tells Joel that she does understand, more than he knows. She tells him about the promise she made to Ellie’s mom, moments after the girl was born. She promised to save her. She promised to protect her. Joel is the one who doesn’t understand now. How is this protecting her? Sacrificing her for something that might not even work? Joel would let the whole world burn, and everyone left burn right along with it, if it meant he got to keep his girl safe. She apologizes to Joel as her tears fall, and instructs her men to dump Joel on the highway.
“If he tries anything, shoot him.” She orders. Marlene considers her debt paid, having spared his life. The men shove him down the hallway of the hospital. His eyes dart around, taking note of where the pediatric level is. One of the men grabs Joel by his shoulder and pushes him towards the stairs. The lights flicker overhead, plunging the stairwell into darkness every few moments. Joel times it just right so that the next time it goes dark he makes his move. His jams his elbow into the nose of the man closest to him, the one who shoved him. He pulls the man’s arm up and points his gun at the other man. He squeezes his finger over the other man’s and pulls the trigger. Then, Joel yanks the gun from his grasp and shoots him in the knee. The man screams in pain, but Joel could not care less.
“Where is she?” He demands. “Fuck you .” The man responds.
“I don’t have time for this.” Joel says, and shoots the man in the face. He grabs his backpack from the dead man and ascends the stairs once more, just as their radios go off. “ Shots fired .” Joel hears. He knows he needs to hurry, he doesn’t have much time. He follows the signs on the walls, allowing them to direct him to the pediatric wing. The walls of this wing are covered in murals of animals. All bright colors and happiness. He takes down three or four more Fireflies on his way. Finally, he finds the operating room. A doctor and two nurses are prepping Ellie for her surgery. He made it just in time. He steps into the scrub room, rifle raised and ready. The nurses gasp and raise their hands when he enters the operating room. “Unhook her.” He commands. The doctor comes at him with a scalpel. Joel pulls his pistol from his waist and repeats the order. Just before he pulls the trigger, he feels a pinch in his neck, almost like a mosquito bite.
The last thing he hears before the world fades to black is Marlene’s voice. “I’m sorry, Joel.”
Joel wakes abruptly, uncertain of his surroundings for the second time. He's in a bed, in a dark room. He gropes around, locating his backpack and rifle on the bed. He reaches into the side pocket, pulling out a small flashlight, and clicks it on. The LED light reveals a portion of the room. He rotates his wrist slowly, assessing his surroundings. He's in a house, in a bedroom. His head throbs and his throat feels dry and scratchy. The drug that was administered is potent. He can feel himself growing faint again. He tries to stay awake, knowing he needs to find Ellie before it's too late. But darkness engulfs him, and he falls asleep. When he wakes again, it’s light out. Late morning or early afternoon, he guesses. His head is clearer, but his throat is drier than Texas grass in July. Rummaging through his backpack, he finds his pistol and a water bottle Ellie insisted he carry. He gulps the entire bottle and throws it back into his pack. He rises from the bed and puts his pack on. He checks the ammo in his rifle and slings that over his shoulder. With his pistol in hand, he makes his way to the bedroom door. He swings it open and several chairs topple inside. Clearly they were meant to keep someone, or something , out, rather than keep Joel in. Whoever put him in this room wanted to make sure he was safe. Must have been Ellie , he surmises. Eager to leave, he’s anxious to find Ellie and ensure her safety. Surely Marlene wouldn’t actually have let them kill her, right? He calls out her name, but hears nothing in return. Joel checks every room of the house and finds nothing, no one. He rifles through the cabinets and drawers, looking for anything useful, and for anything that might indicate where he is. He found some old mail on the counter. Alpine, Wyoming. How long had he been out? He pulls out his map and finds that Alpine is about halfway between Salt Lake City and Jackson. He walks back to the room he woke up in to see if there are any clues to where his daughter might be.
On the nightstand in the dimly lit room, a lone note lay folded neatly in half. The paper, worn and crinkled, bore a single handwritten word on the front: JOEL. The letters were etched with an urgency that was almost palpable. His heart pounding in his chest, he gingerly picked up the note and unfolded it. The handwriting wasn't Ellie's; it was too precise, too controlled. "Joel," it read, "I'm sorry that it had to be this way. I couldn't let you kill Dr. Anderson. I meant it when I said I owed you. Consider my debt paid for sparing your life a second time. Do not look for me because I will not spare it a third. I know it doesn't mean much, but I truly am sorry -Marlene." Joel's grip tightened around the paper, crumpling it into a tight ball in his fist. He dropped it onto the ground, the bitterness of betrayal seeping into his bones. Marlene, that heartless woman, had taken Ellie. She had taken his Ellie and left him with nothing but dread and speculation about what they could possibly be doing to her. He doubts they are still at the hospital but he has to go back. It’s the only place he might find a clue as to where they are headed next. At the very least, he might be able to rule out where they’ve already been. Surely Marlene is smart enough to know not to go back to any of her old labs, especially those that Tommy might know about. With a determined set to his jaw, Joel unfurled his map, studying the lines and routes to determine the best course of action. He marked his path and prepared himself for the journey. It took him three grueling days to reach Salt Lake City. Three long days of simmering anger and growing resolve. He knew, with a chilling clarity, what he had to do. He had to eliminate Marlene, once and for all. If he didn’t, she would never cease in her relentless pursuit of Ellie. The journey to the hospital was longer than he had anticipated. The last time he was there, he had been unconscious, blissfully unaware of the machinations unfolding around him. He retraced his steps, climbing up to the fourth floor, the pediatric ward. With bated breath and a cold determination, he began his search. He left nothing untouched, scouring every inch of each room. Despite his efforts, he found almost nothing of importance. Finally, he found himself at the end of a long, rotting hallway. He stood outside a door marked 'scrub room'. With a deep breath to steady his nerves, he swung the door open and stepped through. He glanced through the window above the three-compartment sink and felt a chill run through his veins. His blood ran ice cold, the stark reality of the situation hitting him with the force of a freight train.
There she is. Ellie. His baby girl. She's lying on the same exam table where he last saw her, an image that haunts his every waking moment. He gulps, taking a shaky, ragged breath as he steps into the cold, sterile environment of the operating room. The harsh fluorescent lights cast an eerie glow on her form, making her skin look unnaturally pale and waxy. She looks oddly peaceful like this, as if she was simply sleeping. His boots echo softly in the silence, each step feeling heavier than the last. He longs to reach out, to hold her, to reassure himself that she's still there. But the sight of her, so vulnerable and fragile, is too much for him to bear. Suddenly, a wave of nausea washes over him, so powerful that it brings him to his knees. He turns his head just in time, the contents of his stomach spilling onto the cold tile floor. The taste of bile fills his mouth, but it's nothing compared to the bitter helplessness that fills his heart. Joel slides his arm under Ellie’s knees and his other under her neck. He lifts her small, limp body into her his arms. He cradles her close to his heaving chest, and his arms tremble beneath the weight of the world. His world, ripped from him, once again. Joel doesn’t know how to do this again, but he marches on, determined to put his baby girl to rest properly. Not only had Marlene’s doctor butchered her, but they left her, all alone, discarded like a piece of trash.
Joel carries his daughter down all four flights of stairs. His tears fall freely onto her lifeless body. Behind the hospital there is a field, long overgrown. Joel decides that this is where he will lay Ellie’s body to rest. Joel can’t find a shovel, but there’s a pickaxe laying on the ground nearby. Joel sets Ellie gently down on the ground, under a tree. He drops his backpack and picks up the pickaxe. He rolls up the sleeve of his denim shirt to his elbows and sets to the task at hand. He works tirelessly, the pickaxe biting into the earth again and again. As the sun begins to set, casting long shadows across the field, he packs the last bit of soil over Ellie. The work is done, but the reality of it all threatens to shatter his already broken heart. The small size of the grave he dug, a stark contrast to the enormous place Ellie held in his life, tears at his heartstrings. Exhaustion, both physical and emotional, seizes him. He wakes with the sun in the morning and gazes once again upon the small grave, and tries to find the will to do anything other than lay there and waste away. He still has one thing left to do before he can finish the job he started twenty years before, after the death of his first daughter.
One week later, Joel passes through the gates at Jackson. He makes a beeline for The Tipsy Bison. When he crosses the threshold he spies Tommy behind the bar. Tommy’s gaze meets his brother’s and when he sees the look on Joel’s face he drops the glass he’s holding. He knows that look. He’s only seen it once before, twenty years earlier. It has haunted him ever since. “Sorry, fellas. Closin’ up early tonight.” He says to the men sitting at the bar as he sweeps up the shattered glass from the floor. They grumble but grab their coats and head out. Joel stands, unmoving, until the last man has left, leaving him alone with his brother. He slides his pack down his arm, letting it drop to his feet. He shuffles numbly to the bar and settles onto a stool. “Joel-“ Tommy starts, but Joel cuts him off with a wave of his hand.
“Whiskey.” Is all he says. Tommy pulls a clean glass from under the bar and turns to grab the half full bottle of Jameson behind him. He fills the glass halfway, but Joel gestures for him to keep pouring. He drains the glass in one gulp and slams it back down on the bar. “Another.” Tommy refills the glass and pours one for himself.
“You gonna tell me what happened?” He asks his brother hesitantly, unsure if he’s ready to hear the answer.
“She’s gone.” Is all Joel says as he looks into his whiskey. Tommy narrows his eyes at his brother.
“I can see that, Joel. Wasn’t that the goal? Get her to the Fireflies?” When Joel looks back up, there are tears shimmering in his eyes.
“No, Tommy. She’s gone.” His voice cracks on the last word and his composure breaks. Joel’s chest begins heaving and he presses his palm to it, right over where his pounding heart lies. He could swear that he can feel his heart literally cracking in two. “They-“ he begins but his voice gets caught in his throat. He clears his throat and tries again. “They cut into her fuckin’ head, Tommy.” He doesn��t bother trying to hold back his tears. “They cut her open and they fuckin’ left her there. Left her lyin’ there, all alone, like she was nothin’.” He cries. Tommy is intimately familiar with the despair that Joel is feeling at this moment. He’s been through this with him before, and Joel barely made it out of that alive. Not for his lack of trying either. Tommy knows that he’ll have to keep a close eye on Joel from now on.
“Joel. I’m so sorry.” Tommy says, placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Ya should be.” Joel says, taking Tommy by surprise. He shrugs Tommy’s hand off his shoulder and rises from the barstool. He finishes his whiskey and walks out of the bar, grabbing his pack from the floor. He doesn’t know where else to go, so he wanders the streets of Jackson, aimlessly. He comes across the house he and Ellie stayed in for that one night. He vaguely remembers Tommy telling him that it would be waiting for him and Ellie when they returned from their journey. Now he just has to live in it alone, he supposes. He walks through the unlocked door and marches up the stairs. He stops in the doorway of the room he slept in the last time he was here. He spins on his heels and walks into the room next door. Ellie’s room. She was so excited to have a room, she went on and on during their trip to Salt Lake City about how she was going to decorate it. When she found out Joel used to be a contractor, her eyes lit up.
“So you can, like, build shit?” She asked. Joel huffed out a laugh.
“Yeah, I can build shit.” He told her. What he wouldn’t give to hear one of her shitty puns right about now. He failed her, again. Just like he told Tommy he would. as he lays his head on the pillow that still smells faintly like her, he can’t help but to wonder if Tommy would have been able to keep her safe.
Joel spends the next few months finding solace in the bottom of a bottle. He hasn’t spoken a word to Tommy since the day after his return to Jackson. Joel said some things to his brother that he could never take back. He doesn’t feel very inclined to take them all back, either. When Tommy came knocking on Joel’s door that next day, wanting to know what Joel had meant, he was surprised to be met with anger. “If it wasn’t for you, that little girl wouldn’t be dead right now. If it wasn’t for you, Tess wouldn’t be dead right now. You just had to go and get mixed up with those Fireflies, didn’t ya? With Marlene.” His voice was laced with venom as he spat her name. “Then ya just ran away when shit got hard. I had no idea if you were alive or dead, I had to come find you.” He shouted at his brother. Tommy held his hands up in defense.
“I never asked you do that, Joel.”
Joel shook his head and laughed bitterly. “All I’ve ever done, your whole fuckin’ life, is clean up after you. Sarah wouldn’t have been home alone that night if I didn’t have to go bail your sorry ass outta jail.” Tommy opened his mouth to argue but Joel cut him off. “She wouldn’t have been there alone and I could have gotten her out of there quicker. She’d still be alive if it wasn’t for you. So would Tess, and Ellie. You’ve taken everyone I’ve ever loved from me. I’ll never forgive you for that.” Joel slammed the door in Tommy’s face before he could even have the chance to defend himself.
Maria had assigned Joel to patrol duty. Five days a week, he worked a twelve hour shift, patrolling the area surrounding Jackson. Five days a week, he came home to an empty house, took a shower, and drank himself into oblivion. The other two days, when he was off, he woke up to a whiskey breakfast, and was usually passed out in Ellie’s bed by sundown. Joel knows exactly how pathetic he is. Barely eking out an existence here in this wonderful community that he has no desire to be a part of. The friendly smiles he receives as he walks down the street. The ones that are met with glares from Joel. He’s only learned the names of the his patrol partners, against his own will. He’s been through three partners already. The lovely people of Jackson can only put up with his sour disposition for so long, it seems. People don’t exactly cross the street when they see him coming, but they don’t go out of their way to offer him any pleasantries, anymore, either.
One day, about ten months after Joel’s return to Jackson, a patrol came through the gates with a group they had found. Great , Joel thinks, more people to have to avoid. That evening, during dinner, they sit at a table near Joel, along with Maria and Tommy, and their baby. Joel tries not to listen to their conversation but when the woman starts talking about her run in with a woman named Marlene, his entire body stiffens. Tommy takes notice of Joel’s reaction but neither men says a word. Later that night, Joel sits atop his regular stool at the bar of the Tipsy Bison. He doesn’t speak to anyone, not even the bartender. Doesn’t matter who’s working, they all know Joel’s order by heart by now. Whiskey. And keep ‘em coming . Though he doesn’t socialize, he takes notice of who comes and goes, in an effort to continue his avoidance of his little brother. From the corner of his eye he sees the woman from earlier, Sandy, enters the bar. Then, she does the one thing nobody does anymore. She takes the bar stool next to Joel. The guy working the bar, whose name Joel can’t remember, raises an eyebrow. “What can I get for you?” He asks the woman.
“Oh I’ll just have whatever he’s having.” She says, nodding her head towards Joel. Joel looks over to the woman and smiles.
“Hi there, I’m Joel.” He says, holding his hand out. “It’s real nice to meet you.”  A few hours, and more than a few drinks later, Joel finds himself in his own bed, for the first time since he came back to Jackson. He’s laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling, while Sandy bounces on his cock. He’s barely aware of the sounds she’s making, the roll of her hips over his. His mind is elsewhere, formulating a plan. He’s going to find out everything she knows about Marlene. Then he’s gonna find her and he’s going to kill her. The doctor, the nurses, all of her little Firefly friends. He’s going to rip off their wings, one by one. They’re all gonna pay for what they did to his daughter. 
Joel resolved himself to get his shit together after that night. No more drinking. But he had to find something else to occupy his time. Sandy found herself back in Joel’s bed more than once. But if it wasn’t her, it was someone else. Seems like big, bad Joel wasn’t as scary as he liked to think. At least, not to the single ladies of Jackson. Their faces all run together, he gets their names mixed up more often or not, but he’s not the town drunk anymore. It didn’t take him long to get the information he needed from Sandy. They had come across Marlene in Montana. They were attempting to hide from some runners in an old hospital. Marlene and her crew were holed up there as well. Sandy told him that Marlene wouldn’t let them go any higher than the second floor. Whatever they were doing up there, they didn’t want anyone to know about it. She stationed her men at all the elevators and stairwells. Armed to the teeth to make sure they didn’t go where they weren’t wanted. Joel grit his teeth upon hearing the information. He had a pretty good idea of what they were getting up to in that hospital. Butchering someone else’s kid, probably. 
Joel spends the next few weeks gathering supplies. Jerky, rations, ammo. As much of it as he can fit into his pack. On one of his patrols, he came upon a sporting goods store. Somehow, it hadn't been picked clean. He was able to find a map of Montana, and scored a new hiking backpack. Everything sits atop the kitchen table in his house. He doesn't use it for meals, there's nobody for him to eat with. The women that fall into his bed night after night are long gone before breakfast rolls around. He doesn't tell anyone his plan. He doesn't want it getting back to Tommy. Joel figures he will say goodbye to his brother, probably for the last time, on his way out. Joel still hasn't forgiven Tommy and suspects he won't any time soon. He doesn't hold out much hope that he'll make it out of this mission alive. He isn't sure that he wants to. But, on the off chance, he doesn't plan to ever come back to Jackson. He's done enough damage here. 
By the time Joel is ready to begin his journey, a year has passed since Ellie’s death. They had spent almost a year together, traveling the country, camping in the woods, eating Chef Boyardee. When she first joined him and Tess on their trip out west, Joel couldn't wait to be rid of her. God, the way she chattered incessantly used to grate on Joel’s nerves. He remembers a time when he thought he might just feed himself to a clicker if he had to hear one more of her shitty puns. Now, he's spent a year without her, and there is nothing that he wouldn't give to hear just one more of them. He wishes that Marlene would have just done him the kindness of killing him. His life ended when Ellie's did. Once this is over, he'll have nothing left to fight for. Nothing left to keep going for. 
Joel stands at the front door of what he no longer considers his house, and takes a long look around. He mourns the potential that this space once held for him. That day on the rooftop, feeding the giraffe with Ellie, Joel had actually let himself believe that he was going to get a happy ending. Everything he hadn’t dared to think he’d ever have again, not after Sarah, was within his grasp. He and Ellie were going to come back here and make this place something Joel hadn’t had in twenty years. Something that Ellie had never had. A home. Joel would cook dinner, and tell Ellie to be home by 11:00. Then he’d sit up on the couch when she inevitably wasn’t home by then. They’d paint her room and Joel would build her a dresser or something. He grieves the life they would have had together. Joel would teach her to be a better shot, Ellie would go to one of the town dances. He breathes in deeply and takes one last look around. And then he’s out the door, heading across the street. He knocks on Tommy’s door and Maria answers with the baby on her hip. He reaches out for his Uncle Joel, who he has become extremely fond of. “May I?” Joel asks, holding his arms out.
“Please.” Maria says, handing him the baby. “I could use a break. But if he needs a diaper change while you’ve got him, you’re on duty. That’s the rule.” She smiles and steps aside, inviting Joel in. “Tommy! Your brother’s here.” She calls out. Joel appreciates her for not mentioning just how odd it is that Joel has just dropped by, after a year of almost nothing. Of course, she’d bring the baby by to see him, sometimes she’d share a meal with him in the mess hall, wanting to make sure that her son knew his uncle.
“That’s not funny, babe.” Tommy says as he comes out of the kitchen, drying his hands on a threadbare towel. His eyebrows practically leap off his face when he sees Joel standing in his living room, holding his son. “Whaddya doin’ here, Joel?” Tommy asks, eyes filled with concern. Joel wouldn’t be here unless something was wrong. He doubts that his brother had suddenly decided to forgive him, unprompted. 
“I’ll take the baby upstairs, it’s time for his nap.” Maria offers, holding her hands out.
Joel gives his nephew a kiss on the head. “See ya ‘round, kid.” He whispers quietly, giving him a soft squeeze. He goes happily to his mother and Maria gives Joel a kiss on the cheek.
“You take care of yourself, okay.” She says. Joel just nods in response. 
“What’s up?” Tommy sits on the sofa and gestures for Joel to do the same. He shakes his head and hikes the strap of his pack higher up on his shoulder.
“Just wanted to let ya know I was leavin’.” Joel says. He clenches and unclenches his fist absently. “Alright, well, where ya goin”? Tommy asks. “Montana.” Joel replies. Tommy’s brow furrows in confusion.
“Okay, when ya comin’ back?” Joel looks down at the ground, but doesn’t say anything. “You are comin’ back ain’t ya?” Tommy prods. Joel sniffs and meets his brother’s gaze.
“I doubt it. Just wanted to let ya know so you don’t come lookin’ for me or anything.” Joel’s heart wrenches at the thought of this being his goodbye to his little brother. But he still isn’t willing to take back what he said, or apologize for it. Surprisingly, he has no idea that Tommy doesn’t need any of that shit. He just wants his big brother back. If only Joel knew that Tommy blamed himself for Sarah’s and Ellie’s deaths at least as much as Joel does, probably even more. Tommy stands from the couch and walks towards Joel. He holds his arms open and to his surprise, Joel steps into them. He wraps his own arms around Tommy and squeezes him tight. “I love you, little brother.” He tells Tommy.
“I love you too, Joel. See ya around.” Joel pats him on the back a few times and then he leaves Tommy’s house, and Jackson forever. 
It takes Joel three months to catch up to Marlene. He searches every hospital from Bozeman to Billings. He finds little hints of her presence. Spray painted firefly symbols on the walls. Paperwork with scientific equations Joel wouldn’t understand if he’d spent a hundred years in school. Notes that indicate to him that the hack job they did on Ellie was all for nothing. They still didn’t have a cure, weren’t even close to getting one. By Joel’s count, the Fireflies had found at least seven other people who were immune. They had operated on them, same as Ellie. All seven of them had died, same as his daughter. Joel can’t help but wonder if they were left behind, all cut open and exposed, just like her, too. He takes refuge in an old apartment building in downtown Billings. He works his way up to the top floor, room by room, ensuring the building is clear of infected.  Once he gets to the top floor, he finds the least disgusting apartment and sets up his sleeping bag on top of the rotting mattress. It wasn’t the best, nothing like the one back in Jackson, but it was a hell of a lot better than ground. At fifty seven years old, Joel could feel that his bones were getting a  little too old for this kind of roughing it. He pries open the door to the roof and spends his days sleeping and his nights up there, watching through the scope of his rifle. Looking for any sign of life. On the third night he spots them. The building looks like it used to be a minor emergency clinic. Perfect for what the Fireflies need. He watches all night, until the sun comes up. Several men are stationed outside the building, but not too close. He sees Marlene peek her head out of the door once. She calls out to one of the men and he enters the building. Several trucks are parked at nearby buildings. They’re smart not to park them all together. He’s sure they don’t want to attract any unwanted attention. Of course they’re probably more worried about raiders than Joel. 
He sleeps the afternoon away, wanting to be well rested for what he knows is about to happen. The sun is just beginning to set when Joel wakes. He changes his clothes and eats a few ration packs. Then he cleans his rifle and his pistol and takes count of all of his ammo. He tucks the pistol into the waistband of his jeans, at the small of his back. He slings the rifle strap over his shoulder and settles the gun across his chest. His Bowie knife goes into the top of his boot, and his switchblade in his back right pocket. For better or worse, this is it. No matter what, Joel is finishing this tonight. Once night falls, Joel walks down all fifteen flights of stairs. He takes a right when he exits the building. He’s already plotted a path, one that will take him all the way around the building. It allows him to take out each of the four men patrolling the building. Joel is a good hunter. He knows how to be quiet. He’s able to take out each of the men with his Bowie knife. None of them even have a chance to make a sound. Once Joel is certain that the threat outside the building is eliminated, he takes a full lap around the building. He tests every door, every window, finding each of them locked. Not that he expected anything less. Marlene might be insane, but she isn’t stupid. He spies a door that looks a little flimsy, and just as he suspected, the lock pops the second he slides his switchblade in. He takes a deep breath before he opens the door, preparing himself for who, or what might be on the other side. 
Joel swings inward slightly and pauses. He doesn’t hear anything so he opens it all the way and steps into the dark hallway. He swings his flashlight around and finds nothing but a few closed doors. He puts his ear up to the doors, one by one, and hears nothing inside. He places his ear up against the door at the other end of the hallway and hears two distinct voices, speaking quietly. Joel has to be very precise with his decision moving forward. This won’t be like the men outside and he doesn’t have the luxury of using his knife for this. The second he begins shooting everyone will be on him. Everyone except Marlene, that is. They all have strict orders to protect her at all costs, keep her alive no matter who else must be sacrificed. Fuck it, Joel thinks, its now or never. Joel swings the door out into the hallway and gets lucky. It separates the two men and allows Joel to take them out, one at a time, one shot to the head each. Just as he expected, shouts come from further in the building. Joel sprints down the hallway and into a room, hoping that it's empty. Luckily it is. It looks to be an exam room that has been gutted. Unfortunately for Joel, there isn’t anywhere to hide in here, so he stands right next to the door. He pulls his pistol from his waistband and holds his arm out, parallel to the wall. He can hear the men, making their way down the hall, throwing open the door to every room. He steels himself, waiting for them to get to his room. The second the door opens he pulls the trigger. The man goes down. His friend comes in right behind and Joel takes him down the same way. He listens for a moment but doesn’t hear anyone else. He sweeps through the building taking down man after man. A man sneaks up behind him. His right ear is bad, so he doesn’t hear him until the last second. Joel turns around and the man's knife sinks into his abdomen. Joel shoots him with his pistol and pulls the knife out, dropping it to the floor. Finally he makes his way to the most interior room. He tried the knob but the door is locked.
“Joel!” He hears from inside. Marlene. “You don’t want to do this, Joel.” She cries.
“You have no idea how badly I’ve been wantin’ to do this.” He calls back. He steps back and kicks the door open. Marlene and Dr. Anderson are in the room, along with his nurses. In the middle of the room is an operating table. A girl, fourteen or fifteen, lies on the table. She’s unconscious, with a tube in her nose. Marlene stands behind her, with a gun to her head.
“One wrong move and I pull the trigger. Don’t test me, Joel.” Marlene snarls.
“Don’t you do it.” Joel tells her. Dr. Anderson moves toward Joel with his scalpel, eerily similar to the way he had a year before. Joel doesn’t hesitate this time, he swings his arm around and fires. The man drops dead at Joel’s feet.
“NO!” Cries Marlene. 
Before she even has a chance to do the same, Joel shoots her, right in the middle of her forehead. The two nurses cower in the corner, trembling in fear. “You wake her up and return her to her family, in one piece. If she doesn’t have one, then you take care of her. No more experimentin’, no cuttin’ her open.” The women look up at Joel with tear-filled eyes and nod. “I mean it. I’ve found y’all twice, now. I can find you again, if need be.” Joel doesn’t wait for a response, he just turns and leaves the room. He gets into one of the trucks and drives off, as quick as he can, in the direction of the highway. He pulls over to study his map for a moment, trying to decide where to go. The only place he can think of is Jackson. Back to Tommy, to what remains of his family. The truck runs out of gas just after he passes a sign for Cody, Wyoming. He double checks his bandages and gets out of the car, preparing to walk. He only makes it a few miles before the blood loss gets to be too much. He stumbles off the road and into the snow. Then he hears her. His Ellie, calling for him. But he can’t find her.
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starcastels · 1 year
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Why Creek the best couple in south park?
Craig and Tweek are the perfect couple. They completely complement each other and fit together. As it is right in relationships there are archetypes. Tweek is disturbing. He needs to feel needed. Often archetypes of this type get stuck in thoughts about the past or worries about what might happen. It is important for such people that a partner gives them a sense of security.
Craig - reflects the supporting archetype. Reliable, loyal, calm. Such a person is an indispensable “vest” for his partner. You can say, a shoulder on which you can lean. Just the same, these two archetypes are made for each other to be close. They harmonize perfectly. In the beginning, their relationship was fake. They did it to calm the city. But, later it grew into a real healthy relationship. When you look at their relationship, you get inspired. Their problems, joy, sadness. Tweek despite his panic attacks, he is still strong. Tweek needs a person who will guide him in the right way. Remembering the series where Tweek was afraid that he would be kidnapped, no one wanted to talk to him normally, show how the world works, and when a pedophile explains to him that the world is not so bad (which is ironic), he calms down and he draws conclusions, so Craig is the perfect person for Tweek . Craig is the one who will always support him. Craig not only changed with Tweak (for the good) but also changed the tweak. Their personalities are perfect for helping each other. Craig has changed from a 2nd class bully, and a cynic. To a fairly sociable class member and supportive person. After season 19, their relationship is not mentioned very often. A major change in season 21, in the episode "Put It Down" you can see how Tweek and Craig communicate in private, without any need to pretend. Craig uses affectionate call signs such as "dear", "honey" to Tweek while holding his hand. He tries to calm him down. When he finally managed to calm Tweek, he stops twitching, smiles and remains calm in the flesh until the end of the series. Although their relationship was provoked by the public, they still fell in love with each other. In the game, they temporarily part when Tweek goes to the other side. As a result, they can be tried on during the passage, after which they acquire a powerful attack that they carry out holding hands (it is made in the anime style), it is also found out that Tweek gave Craig gets a new guinea pig, Stripe, to replace the one that died, and Craig says she's special because she belongs to Craig and Tweek, after which he adds "yes Craig is super gay." which is another support for the fact that the relationship of the guys from the simulated ones has become real. In further appearances after season 21, Tweek became much less shaky and blinking, thanks to Craig he became more confident in himself, in the post-Covid episode we are shown South Park after 40 years. As you can see, Tweek and Craig are still together.
★ Art credit:
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thesweetnessofspring · 3 months
That post about Peeta and Katniss (and Finnick and Annie) only being in a relationship because of trauma is an odd take. Firstly, you could say this about any pairing in the series no? Gale and Katniss /literally/ only met and bounded due to trauma and survival, once that was gone so was their relationship. If Kantniss wanted to be with Peeta because of trauma, wouldn't she have, IDK, done that from the beginning? Like glued to him from the first games on? Or better yet, why didn't she trauma bound with Gale and get into a relationship since he was the first guy to bond with her over trauma, its almost like she has thoughts, feelings, and emotions that aren't dictated by trauma. I 100% think Katniss, Peeta, Annie, and Finnick probably had a harder time getting together and being together due to each of their respective traumas. Anyway, odd take, even weirder to tag Everlark just to get a start things.
(sorry for the rant, i had to talk it out and no one IRL would care)
No worries, this is why fan spaces exist, so we can talk about fandom stuff with people who get it and aren't just (at best) polite about it.
And as always, reminder that "trauma bond" is something an abuser does to the person they are abusing of perpetuating trauma to bind that person to them. It's not two people who went through a trauma together and have a bond.
Yes, I do think just about any pairing has similar traumas to one another/went through trauma together. And of course anyone is going to be close to someone who supported them and they helped support when going through a trauma. Not to say you need trauma to build a relationship, but simply that shared trauma can forge relationships.
Nor does shared trauma decide how that relationship gets manifested. Many soldiers who go through war together consider their fellow soldiers brothers/sisters. If Katniss had no romantic feelings toward Peeta, their bond would have stayed platonic. And Peeta followed through on being a platonic support per Katniss's nonverbal language after Gale's whipping, even after she sniffed his hand and told him to stay with her. The Quell makes them both let go of concerns about a future they won't have and they veer romantic, but once again he's always following her lead.
Whereas Gale is assuming the romantic lead. He ambush kisses her when she gives no indication that's what she wants. He guilts her into agreeing to give him a chance. He gets pissy Katniss wants to bring Peeta and Haymitch to what he thought was going to be their wedding and honeymoon in the forest. And when Katniss was weeks away from going into a death arena for the SECOND time he asks her where they'd be if Peeta had been a jerk and died. In MJ everything he does is to try and one-up Peeta by acting a hero and "convince" Katniss that he loves her (like that's what their issue was???). And despite their shared trauma and all of his insistence on being romantic, she still is not attracted to him! Because she was never going to have romantic feelings for him.
And it's not like Odesta or Everlark sped-run their romances. Finnick says Annie "crept up on me" and Everlark "grew back together" in addition to the nearly two years the books take course over.
It's against etiquette for sure to put in the tag, but who really understands the mind of an internet troll?
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pinyeti · 8 days
Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
Loving how i can see the budget increase GOOD GOD THE CGI IS CRAAZY
Ohno padme's clone is gone
HELLO??? ANAKIN??? HES PRETTY NOW ofc he has the rat tail 
Obi wan flop era uggo
Why does he give me young president snow vibes
Ok beginning of rebel anakin
Please tell me he doesnt go to the dark side for love
How does the past look so much better than the future
I cant believe this is 2002 IT LOOKS SO MODERN
Ok anakin is crazy
Idiot lost his lightsaber
“You’re the closest thing i have to a father” FUCKIN BITCH
Okay sorry about gay allegationing obiwan and vader when I DIDNT KNOW HE BASICALLY RAISED HIM 
Bro anakins hair is something else
Bro yoda hates all the jedis hes so sassy for what “too sure of themselves they are, even the older ones” *pointedly stares at obiwan*
Ok anakin your job is to protect her not use her as a vent journal
I just know hes kicking his feet at the assignment
Bro anakin is cheeeeesssiiiinnggg HES SUCHHHA SIMPP IM GETTING SECOND HAND EMBARASSMENT ;))) one might even say ‘)))) we jedis are encouroegd to love eheh ;)))
IS obiwan walking into a huge ARMY trade deal KNOWING NOTHING and IMPROVING HIS WAS THROUGH
anakin : ugh i am so angry i serial killed ugh
padme: dw to serial kill is to human
(????ok enabler)
Ok not the biggest yoda fan
Wowww how convenient obiwan discovers an army ready for use right when theyre being threatened
Everytime they say dooku i laugh
Anakin is a stupid man child - RUNNING INTO PROBLEMS WITH GLOWSTICKS AND HOPING IT DIES PT39382992 - guess it runs in the family
HAHA HE GOT HIS HAND CUT OFF LIKE HE CUT OFF LUKES he just wanted him and luke to share something :( he just wanted to teach luke :( its okay i forgive you for cutting lukes hand darthy
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scoobydoodean · 6 months
omg i just finished your emma vs amy takes and the subsequent discourse about it (which was so refreshing to see btw!! love it when adults can be Adults and argue about the topic without insulting the other person) and I might get fried for this but that incident aside, do you have any other scene/episode in mind where sam reacts the same way or does the same thing?
(im sorry if this isn't your cup of tea for asks! your takes have been Enlightening)
You mean another situation where Sam shoots a person with supernatural abilities who hasn't shed blood and has a sympathetic backstory without giving them a chance? Not as overtly—Benny in season 8's "Citizen Fang" certainly comes to mind, but even Benny, Sam at least made a show of giving a chance by assigning Martin to keep tabs on him and make sure he didn't do anything wrong before trying to kill him. (Though whether there was conscious or subconscious sabotage involved when Sam chose Martin specifically—someone he knew to be mentally unstable—is certainly a good question given Sam had already made death threats about Benny before then.)
The fact that Sam's behavior in 7.13 "Slice Girls" is pretty unique is really what I want to point out about this episode in the first place—that Sam's actions in "Slice Girls" are inconsistent with his previous behavior and future behavior as far as "good" monster episodes. We can turn to examples such as:
1.14 where Sam insists they try and talk Max down instead of killing him, because Max's murders are a result of extensive abuse.
Lenore and her nest in SPN's seminal "monsters can be good" episode (2.03)
Sam thinking Andy is responsible for the killings in 2.05 but still waiting for proof before acting.
2.09 where Sam insists they not kill someone they think might be infected with Croatoan virus before he turns and tries to kill them because that doesn't give him a chance.
Two episodes where Sam faces off against Gordon because Gordon wants to kill him before Sam kills someone (2.10, 3.07)
2.17 where Sam and Dean search for a cure for Madison, who is not aware that she has been killing people.
4.04 Metamorphosis where Sam is the one who takes the initiative to research Rugarus, learns that they can survive without giving into their urges, and insist they go and talk to him about how his body is changing (lol) so he has the chance to fight the urge to kill and eat people.
5.06 where Sam and Dean oppose Cas who wants to kill Jesse, who is a child who is not aware that he has powers and is hurting people.
6.02 where Sam, even soulless, recognizes the innocence of a shifter baby.
Then we have Amy and Emma in 7.03 and 7.13 respectively.
8.04 where the brothers let Kate the Werewolf go because she was turned against her will and killed the man who turned her in self-defense.
8.09 Citizen Fang (already discussed)
I'm getting lazy but then we also have Magda and Jack Kline—both children with powers, one severely abused, the other the son of the devil with uncontrolled explosive powers that could end the world, both of whom Sam attempts to help work with their abilities.
Dean has a more structured series of personal "rules"—a litmus test we see from the very beginning—one Sam often follows as well, but I'm not sure Sam ever really fully grasps that Dean thinks this way.
Has this person hurt or killed anyone?
Was it on purpose or was it outside of their awareness?
If it wasn't on purpose, are they capable of learning to control their urges?
We see this code as early as 1.12 "Faith":
SAM Wait, what the hell are you talking about Dean, we can't kill Roy. DEAN Sam the guys playing God, he's deciding who lives and who dies. That's a monster in my book. SAM No. We're not going to kill a human being Dean. We do that we're no better than he is.
Dean applies the same reasoning in 1.14 with Max:
SAM These visions, this whole time -- I wasn't connecting to the Millers, I was connecting to Max! The thing is I don't get why, man. I guess -- because we're so alike? DEAN What are you talking about. The dude's nothing like you. SAM Well. We both have psychic abilities, we both... DEAN Both what? Sam, Max is a monster, he's already killed two people, now he's gunning for a third.
Despite the exact opposite being the typical fandom perception, early on we learn that Sam tends to define a monster by their features/abilities, while Dean defines a monster by their actions. We see the same with Amy—she is "a monster who killed four people" (7.07) . She isn't a monster because of what she is but because of what she did. This again—is also why Dean doesn't even consider killing her son right after her kid swears to kill him one day. We see Dean, in the rare cases where it comes up, is also perfectly fine with taking out human serial killers they stumble across (ex: Thin Man).
Sam will also kill a human serial killer at times (and murderous witches by 3.09), but he reserves the word "monster" to describe individuals with supernatural features/abilities... and I think the fact that Sam's definition of the term differs from Dean's is something neither brother ever fully realizes about the other, leading at several points to arguments where they are talking past each other and do not understand one another. Sam hears "monster" and thinks "Dean is talking about me", when Dean is operating under a completely different definition of the term that is based on the actions of a person.
When Sam is in a headspace where he is thinking of himself as one of those monsters, he shows increased or lessened sympathy in turns. For example, he assumes Andy's guilt in 2.05 because he is panicked about becoming evil himself and is comparing the two of them (but again—still waits for confirmation) but his sympathy for Max in 1.14 comes from the same comparison with himself. Sam completely misrepresents Amy in 7.03 as an addict who relapsed but more generally is "managing", as a way to compare her with himself... when Amy didn't feed on anyone herself and her actions have absolutely nothing to do with addiction or battling "monstrous urges".
I've been bitching and moaning a lot, but I will reemphasize that there is a more sympathetic reason that Sam shoots Emma—Sam and Dean are both crowding up to the diving board at the deep end of the pool in season 7. Dean's grieving and is drinking extremely heavily to cope and Sam is hallucinating. They are both unraveling at the seams. Neither of them is in a place where they trust the other's judgement because they both know themselves and each other to be unstable. So if we imagine a reality where Sam and Dean give Emma a chance, and it doesn't take, Sam assesses himself and Dean to be in no mental state to cope with a potential surprise attack. It's just that Sam also erroneously compares Amy and Emma when they are not the same, and by doing so, frames Dean wanting to spare Emma but killing Amy as hypocrisy (because they are both "monsters") when Dean's actions are perfectly consistent with his personal ethical code and his definition of a "monster"... and Sam's actions aren't.
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Hollywood Babylon
"First opened in 1927, the lot has been in continuous operation for eight decades." The tour guide said over the P.A. as the boys and I take part of the trolley tour of the studio. Sam and I were sitting next to each other as Dean sits behind us. "Hey, you know this is where they filmed Creepshow?" Dean asked and I look over and see him talking to a kid, who was eating ice cream. The boy looks at him like he's a doofus and says nothing.
"Now, to the right, here is Stars Hollow. It's the setting for the television series, Gilmore Girls. And if we're lucky, we might even catch one of the show's stars." The tour guide said and Sam, looking uncomfortable, turns to me then to Dean, who gives him a thumbs up.
"Come on." Sam said to us. "Let's finish the tour!" Dean said as Sam hops off the trolley. "Guys!" Sam said and Dean and I hop off as well, and we continue walking around the lot. "Guys, check it out, it's Matt Damon!" Dean said, excitedly, and we look over and see a guy picking up a broomstick.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not Matt Damon." I said. "No, it is." Dean said and I chuckled. "Well, Matt Damon just picked up a broom and started sweeping." Sam points out. "Yeah, well, he's probably researching a role or something." Dean said and I laugh. "Ahhh, I don't think so." I said as Sam noticed a sign.
"Hey, this way, uh, I think Stage 9 is over here." He said as he points towards it. "Come on, man, let's keep going this way." Dean said. "No, come on, we've gotta work." Sam said and Dean and I sigh. "Dude, you and (y/n) wanted to come to LA." Sam said, annoyed. "Yeah, for a vacation. I mean, swimming pools and movie stars! Not to work." Dean said.
"This seem like swimming pool weather to you, Dean? I mean, it's practically Canadian." Sam grumbles. "Sam, Dean and I just figured that, you know, after everything that happened with...Madison, y-you could use a little R-and-R, that's all." I said to him. "Well, maybe I wanna work, (y/n). Maybe it keeps my mind off things." Sam said. "Okay, okay, all right." Dean and I said and we continue on.
"So, this crew guy - what did he, he died on set?" Dean asked Sam. "Yeah, uh, rumors spreading like wildfire online. They're saying the set's haunted." Sam said. "Like Poltergeist?" I asked. "Could be a poltergeist." Sam said. "No, no, no. Like, the movie Poltergeist." I said and Sam shrugs. "You know nothing of your cultural heritage, do you? It was rumored that the set of Poltergeist was cursed. That they used real human bones as, uh, as props. And, like, at least three of the actors died in it." I explained. "Well, yeah, it might be something like that." Sam said.
"All right, so this crew guy - what's his name?" Dean asked. "Frank Jaffey." Sam replied. "Frank Jaffey - he got a death certificate or a coroner's report or anything?" Dean asked. "Well, no. But, uh, it's LA, you know? It might not even be his real name. But the girl who found him, she said she saw something - a vanishing figure." Sam replied.
"What's the girl's name?" I asked him. "Uh, Tara Benchley?" Sam said and Dean begins to grin with enthusiasm. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Tara Benchley? From Fear dot Com and Ghost Ship, Tara Benchley? Dude, why didn't you say so?" He asked, enthusiastically.
"So now, you're suddenly on board?" Sam asked and Dean begins to play it cool. "Oh, I just - I mean, I'm a fan of her work. It's very good." He said and he walks away. Sam and I share a look before we laugh and follow him.
The three of us enter the set, looking around in awe, when a guy calls out to us. "Uh, excuse me, Green Shirt Guy?" The man said and we look over at him as Dean points to himself quizzically. "Yeah, you. Come here." The man said and Dean exchanges a look with us and walks to the man.
"Can you get me a smoothie from Kraft?" The guy asked, but in a somewhat demanding voice. "You want a what from who?" Dean asked, confused. "You are a P.A.? This is what you do?" The man asked, scoffing, and Sam and I quickly walking over to Dean, saving him.
"Yeah, yeah...he uh...One smoothie coming right up." Sam said and we walk away. "What's a P.A.?" Dean asked. "I think they're kind of like slaves." I said and we turn around as we're walking and Sam gives the man a reassuring thumbs-up.
Later, the cast and crew are getting ready to resume shooting their movie while Dean and I were walking around the set, Dean carrying a tray of smoothies. I look up at the scaffolding then patted Dean's shoulder and point up. Dean nods and sets down the tray of smoothies he had gotten and we start to go up the stairs to the scaffolding.
Suddenly, the lights on set go down, and the actors begin their take. "Why don't we take it from, uh...Come on, it'll be fun. And, action!" A voice shouts and the actors stan inside the abandoned house set, and one of the actresses, Tara, had a book open in front of her.
"Come on, it'll be fun." She recited her lines and begins to read from the book in very choppy Latin. While she is doing so, Dean and I make our way up the scaffolding. I take out my EMF meter and scan the area, but nothing happens.
A few minutes later, Sam joins us at the Kraft services table. "So?" He asked us. "No EMF anywhere." I said. "Great. So, what do you think?" Sam asked us as I pick up one of the tiny sandwiches and eat one. "Well, I think being a P.A. sucks. But...the food these people get, are you kidding me? I mean look at these things." Dean said as he picks up a tiny sandwich.
"They're like miniature Philly cheesesteak sandwiches. They're delicious." Dean said as I swallow my bite of the sandwich. "He's not wrong." I said as Dean holds one of them out to Sam. "Maybe later." Sam and Dean shrugs and takes a huge bite while I finished up the one in my hand and grab another one.
"What'd you find out about the dead crew guy?" I asked Sam while he had trouble taking his eyes off of Dean's devouring of the sandwich. "Uh...Frank Jaffey was just filling in for the day. Nobody here knew him or where he lived or anything." Sam said. "Oh, great. So you found out about as much as we did." Dean said.
"No, not quite. I–" Sam said when another comes up to us. "Hey, guys." He greets. "Oh, hey." Dean greets back. "Sorry." The guy said and he leans in between us to pick up a sandwich. "That's all right." Dean said and we watch the guy walk away. "They're wonderful!" Dean calls out and I shake my head as I take another bite of my sandwich.
"Listen, I did dig up some stuff about Stage 9's history." Sam said to us. "Yeah?" We said. "Yeah, four people died messy here over the past eighty years. Two suicides and two fatal accidents." Sam said. "Any one of those could be a vengeful spirit." I said, shrugging. "Yeah. We've just gotta narrow it down more." Sam said and Dean smiles as he notices Tara walking on set. "I'll get right on that." He said and he walks over to Tara, grabbing a call sheet from one of the set workers as he walks by.
Nervously, he steps up to Tara and the two begin to talk while Sam and I exchange a look then I shake my head. But then minutes later, Dean comes back to us. "Got something." He said and he leads us out of the set.
We knocked on a door and a man opens it to see us outside. "Gerard St. James?" Dean asked and the man nods. "Yes." He said. "You're still alive. And you're not Frank Jaffey." I pointed out. "Uh, no?" He said. "You were Desert Soldier Number Four in Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn?" Dean asked him. "I was." Gerard replied and Dean smirks.
"I knew I recognized you. I am a huge fan. Heh heh. I mean, your turn as a tractor crash victim in Critters 3—" he said and Gerard exclaims. "Critters 3!"
"Wow. Yeah." Dean said. "Well, please, come in." Gerard said and we enter the house while Gerard brings us coffee. There were pictures lining the walls of Gerard, merely an actor, portraying various characters. "Yeah, it was the producers. They brought me up for the day to play Frank." Gerard replied.
"Just to fake your death?" I asked him. "Well, rumors of a haunted film set, free publicity, especially when you're making a horror movie. I mean, uh, it's already all over the Internet." He said. "Yeah. We know." Sam said. "These days, it's all about new media, building buzz. They say I'm the new lonelygirl." Gerard explained.
"Who?" Dean asked, confused, but Gerard shakes his head.
"And the ghost Tara saw?" Sam asked. "Projected on a screen of diffusion." Gerard replied. "Isn't that kind of cruel? Messing with their heads like that?" Dean asked him. "Hey, I just play the part. I don't write the script. Speaking of, I'm playing Willy in a, in a dinner theater production of Salesman at Costa Mesa, all next month." Gerard said as he hands Dean a flyer.
"You get a free pepper steak with the coupon." He said and Dean laughs. "Now, wait a second. If you're, if you're seen in public, won't that ruin the hoax?" He asked and Gerard scoffs. "Oh, please. Frank and Willy? Totally different characters." He said to us.
"You know what? Thanks very much, Mr. St. James. It was just nagging at us, you know? But we're – we're very glad...you know, you're alive and well." Sam said and I nodded. "Absolutely." Dean said and Gerard shakes our hands. "Hey, I wanted to ask you...what was it like working with Richard Moll?" Dean asked and I look to see a confused look on Sam's face.
"Metalstorm. He was Hurok, King of the Cyclops people." I explained to Sam and he nods. "Gentlemen's gentleman." Gerard said. "Yeah?" Dean chuckles, then brandishes the theatre coupon. "All right. Pepper steak." He said and we leave.
The next day, Sam and approached Dean, who was wearing a headset. He seemed to love being this P.A. person but we need to do this job as another person died...by hanging himself during shooting. "Walter's a little testy for a P.A., huh?" Dean said to us. "How's it going in here?" I asked him. "It is going really good. Tara's really stepped up her performance. I think it's probably from all the sense memory stuff she's drawing on." Dean said.
"Sense memory?" Sam and I said, confused. "Yeah." Dean said. "Dean, you, you know when we ask how it's going in here, we're talking about the case, right? We don't really work here." Sam said and Dean nods. "You know, I thought you hated being a P.A." I said to him, questioning.
"I don't know. It's not so bad. I kind of feel like part of the team, you know? It's good –" he said as he shuffles his feet then holds out his plate. "Oh, taquito? They're wonderful." He said. "No. Umm...Listen, we conned our way into the morgue." I said to Dean.
"And?" Dean asked. "News reports were right: Brad's a doornail, no question." Sam said. "Copy that." Dean said then looks at us. "I'm sorry, what?" He asked. "Copy that?" Sam and I asked.
"What did you say?" He asked and I scoff. "The news reports were right. Brad's a doornail-" I said. "They are aware." Dean said and we give a confused look at him. "Who's aware?" Sam asked. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Dean asked us and I sighed.
"The newspaper's right: Brad's a doornail, no question about it." I said. "I guess it's a good thing we didn't skip town." Dean said. "Yeah." Sam and I said. "Oh, come here. I want you to hear something." Dean said. "Copy that. On my way." He said and I sigh and turn to Sam. "Can I smack that headset off of his head?" I asked Sam and he chuckles as Dean leads us over to the sound guy.
"Hey, Dave. Can you play them that thing you were playing me earlier?" Dean asked him. "Sure." Dave said and he hands a pair of headphones to me and Sam. "Thanks." We said and we listens to the audio of one of the scenes in the movie.
"Doesn't matter. We're not leaving til; we find Wendy and your sister." One of the voice said then there was static. Midway through the dialogue, the sound becomes staticky and distorted. Sam and I exchange a look with Dean
"From the night of Brad's stage dive. All of a sudden, I'm getting electromagnetic readings up the wazoo. For some reason, it's a legit haunting now." I said as the boys and I investigate the backstage later in the day. "Well, who's the ghost, guys? What's it want?" Sam asked us.
"I don't know. I think we should take a look at Brad's death scene." Dean said to us.
Outside in the lot, Dean leads us to one of the trailers and gets us inside. Dean then pops a DVD into the television. "Hey, where'd you get this DVD?" I asked him. "They're called dailies. I got it from Cindy. She's kind of got this on-and-off thing going with Drew. He dubbed me an extra copy." Dean said and we watch the whole scene, complete with Brad's surprise entrance.
"All right, here's where the guy fell through the roof." Dean said. "Right." Sam and I said. "All right, here we go." Dean said
"They must have super-hearing." One of the actors said when, suddenly, Brad falls through the ceiling of the set, hanging by a noose. "Hey, wait, go back, go back." Sam said and Dean rewinds the tape. "Right after. Right aft- yeah right. Wait. There." Sam said and Dean pauses the frame.
On the screen, we see a completely different set and standing in the far corner of the set, is a ghostly white woman. "It's like Three Men and a Baby all over again." I said and Sam looks at me, confused. "Selleck, Danson, and Guttenberg. And...I don't know who played the baby." I explained to him.
"What's your point?" Sam asked me and I scoff and turn to Dean. "You need to teach him some movie culture." I said and Dean laughs at this. "Anyway...there's a scene in the movie where people say that the, the camera caught a ghost on film. Apparently, in the background of one of the scenes, there was this boy that nobody remembers from set. Spirit photography." I said and Sam looks back at the video.
"I've seen her before." He said, curiously.
Later, Dean, headset in place, is sitting with me and Sam at a table. Sam hands us a print-out of an article. "Here. Check this out." He said as I take the article. "Yeah, go for Ozzy. No, I don't have a 20 on Tara, I think she's 10-100. Okay, copy that." Dean said into the headset then turns to me and Sam.
"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" He asked and Sam shakes his head in exasperation. "I'm about to smack that headset off of your head." I said to him and Dean gives me a look.
"Elise Drummond – starlet back in the thirties. Had an affair with a studio exec. He uses her up, fires her, leaves her destitute, so Elise hangs herself from Stage 9's rafters, right into a scene they're shooting." Sam said.
"Just like our man, Brad. So, what, she's got it in for the studio brass?" Dean asked. "Possibly. I mean, it's a motive. And Brad's death matches hers exactly." Sam said. "We're digging tonight, aren't we?" I asked Sam and he nods.
That night, we walk through the cemetery, shovels in hand. "Which way?" I asked them and Dean reads a map. "Uh...over here." He said and we walk a little further. "Hey." Dean said. "Yeah?" Sam and I asked and Dean gestures to a memorial for Humpty Dumpty.
"This map is totally worth the five bucks! Hey, we've gotta go check out Johnny Ramone's grave when we're done here." He said. "You wanna dig him up, too?" I asked him. "Bite your tongue, heathen!" He said as we pass another memorial. "Oh, that's cool." He said.
"You know, guys, what I don't get is why now? I mean, after seventy-five years, Elise Drummond suddenly goes homicidal, you know? Why this movie?" Sam asked us. "Well, maybe she's mad they're making a scary ghost flick." Dean said, shrugging, and I snort at this. "Come on, is it really that scary?" I asked him just as we reach Elise's headstone.
"Here we go." Dean said. "Yep. All right." We said. "Yahtzee." Dean said and we start digging. Once we finished digging, Dean opens the coffin to see Elise's corpse. We pour salt and kerosene over the bones and burn them.
"Run-in with a giant fan. Same thing happened to an electrician back in '66, a guy named Billy Beard." Sam said as we watch the police examine the crime scene where Jay, another worker here, was killed by a giant fan.
"What the hell, guys?" Dean asked and I shrug as Sam said. "I don't know. Doesn't seem like Elise this time, either. It's not her M.O."
"No, we already torched her. So, what, are we dealing with another ghost?" I asked. "Maybe." Sam said. "Yeah, but these things don't usually tag-team." Dean said.
Outside in the lot, McG, who had been running this whole production, gathers the cast and crew, including me and the boys. "Everybody! Gather around, okay! I've got an announcement to make." He said as he hands his car keys to a P.A. "Hold that for me." He said then he turns to the rest of us.
"Everyone! Huddle in! In light of Jay's accident last night, and in cooperation with the authorities, we're shutting down production for a few days. I know, I know. Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. We've had a few setbacks this week. But we all know what Jay and Brad wanted more than anything. And that was to see Hell Hazers 2: The Reckoning on screens all across America! Now, we owe it to them to go on, and to pull together and make this damn movie, huh?" He said and there were cheers and applause from the crowd.
"But – but but but not today. Go home. Someone will call you." McG said and everyone disperse.
Sam and I were back inside of the trailer, watching more of the dailies. "Wendy" was reading in Latin when she is interrupted by "Kendra". "Wendy, don't." She said. "What are you, afraid of ghosts? Come on, it'll be fun." Wendy said as Dean enters.
"Hey." He said. "Hey." Sam and I greet and I look up at Dean. "So, you find out where the electrician's buried?" I asked him. "He wasn't. Billy Beard was cremated." Dean replied. "Great. Now what?" Sam asked, exasperated l.
"No idea. Any more ghost cameos in the dailies?" Dean asked us. "Not in the first six hours. You know, maybe the spirits are trying to shut down the movie 'cause they think it sucks. 'Cause, I mean, it kind of does." Sam said and I shrug. "Maybe." I said.
"Come on, it'll be fun." Wendy said and she continues reading in Latin. Suddenly, Sam rewinds then tape as be sits up and listens closer to the Latin. "Listen to the invocation." Sam said and we listen. "Guys, that's the real deal – a necromantic summoning ritual. What the hell is that doing in a Hollywood movie?" Sam asked us.
We make our way back to the studio and go to the office of Marty, who is the writer of the film. We walk up to the doorway and see him talking on his phone and he noticed us. "All right. Cool." He said and he hangs up.
"Guys, we're all shut down. What are you still doing here?" He asked us. "Yeah, um, well, is...sorry, man. We–we–we couldn't help ourselves. We just had to tell you that we read the script." Sam said to him.
"And?" Marty asked us. "Yeah. It's – uh – it's awesome." I said, nodding. "Awesome." Dean said. "Really awesome." Sam said and Marty smiles at the flattery. "I know, it's pretty rockin', right? I'm glad you guys liked it." He said.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I really liked, uh, all the attention to detail." Sam said. "Dude, right on, that's my thing. I mean, you know, color me guilty, but that is me. I'm, I'm, I'm a total detail buff." Marty boasts. "No, I can tell. I mean, the way you worked in all those, all those Enochian summoning rituals and all the authentic language." Sam said and Marty's smile fades.
"What, you mean that Latin crap? No, man, that's Walter. Walter Dixon, the original writer. You like that garbage?" He asked and Dean stares at him. "Wait, Walter the P.A. Walter?" Dean asked. "No, he's not a P.A. He's got a clause in his contract that allows him to come on set." Marty said.
"But he wrote the invocations?" I asked. "He wrote a whack-job screenplay. There's no pace, there's no love interest, it's all wackadoo exposition. I had to cut, like, ninety percent of it to make it readable, the other ten percent to make it good." Marty said and the boys and I laugh.
Later, we read Walter's screenplay, Lord of the Dead. "Should've kept Walter's original script. It's actually pretty good." Dean said as I nod. "Yeah. And it reads like a how-to manual of conjuration, like a textbook on how to summon ghosts and get them to do whatever you want." Sam said. "Yeah, like kill people." I remarked 
"Yep. So, let's say somewhere down the line, Walter learned some pretty black magic." Sam said. "Yeah. And let's say he's pissed at these people for wrecking his movie." Dean adds. "Motive and means." I said. "It's worth checking out." Dean said and we nod.
We make our way back to the studio and hear the giant fan on and someone screaming. "Oh, oh, oh. Oh, God! Walter!" Marty's voice shouts as we run. "Now you're gonna find out what being a ghost is really like." Another voice, which had to be Walter, shouts, angrily. We make it over and see Marty being dragged by a ghost. "Walter, please! Walter, help me! Heeeeeee–" Marty screams but Dean and I pull out our guns and shoot the ghost while Sam turns off the fan.
"You are one hell of a P.A." Marty said to Dean. "Yeah, I know." Dean said while Walter looks at us. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I could ask you the same thing, Walter." Sam said then Walter begins climbing up the stairs to the scaffolding.
"Raising these spirits from the dead? Making them murder for you? That's playing with fire, Walter." I shouted at him. "You don't understand." Walter yells back at us. "You know what? You're right, we don't understand." Sam said.
"Just...wait, look. You put your heart and soul into something, years of hard work. It's years, and then they take it! And they crap all over it!" Walter said.
Dean looks at Marty who shakes his head like Walter doesn't know what he's talking about. "And then – and then they want you to smile and say, Thank you." Walter exclaims. "Walter, listen. It's just a movie. That's it." Sam said to him and he scoffs. "Look...I've got nothing against you, man. You're not part of this. Just please, please, just leave. But Martin's gotta stay." Walter said.
"Sorry, can't do that. It's not that we like him or anything, it's...just a matter of principle." Dean said. "Then I'm sorry, too." Walter said and he raises the talisman again. "Walter. Walter, pl- Don't." I said and Walter begins chanting. The set begins to shake, and three ghosts appear.
"Guys!" Dean shouts and he and I raise our shotguns. The ghosts, all of whom are mangled in some way, begin walking closer. "Come on, come on!" I said.
Suddenly, they disappear then, out of nowhere, Sam is knocked to the floor. Dean and I help Sam up. "Come on, come on! Move!" Dean yells as the three of us and Marty begin running away while the lights on set begin shorting out, lots of sparks flying.
The four of us run into another building and shut the door behind us and Dean and I reload our guns. "Come out to the coast! We'll get together, have a few laughs!" Dean said, quoting Die Hard, and I chuckle a bit.
Then we turn around and realized that the building we entered is actually just the set for the abandoned house. It's completely open on the other wall – we hadn't actually reached any real shelter. "Oh, man!" I said, exasperated. "I can't believe this. Ghosts are real!" Marty exclaims, fearfully.
"What makes you say that?" Dean asked with sarcasm as we look around, ready to fight. "But I don't understand. How is Walter controlling them?" Marty asked. "Probably that talisman." Sam said and he takes out his cell phone.
"What are you doing?" Marty asked him. "I mean, if film cameras pick these suckers up, then...maybe, uh..." Sam said and he uses his cell phone camera to scan the room. "Guys! Right there!" Sam shouts as he points ahead and Dean and I shoot.
"Got him." Sam said then he scans again the points at another part of the room. "Hey! Right there!" He said and we shoot again. Then I notice Walter walking around the upper level. "Uh, boys?" I said as I gesutre up and Sam hands his phone to Marty.
"Here, you get the idea?" Sam asked and Marty nods. "All right, you hold them off. (Y/n) and I will go after Walter." Sam said and I nod and we leave the set and make our way out.
Walter tries to leave the set through the back exit but comes face-to-face with me and Sam. "It's over, Walter. Now give it to us." Sam orders but then Walter throws the talisman on the ground, shattering it. "There! Okay, now no one can have it." He shouts as Sam and I stare at the broken talisman in shock.
"I wouldn't have done that if I were you." I said to him. "Oh, yeah?" Walter said. "Yeah." Sam and I said. "And why not?" Walter asked. "Because you just freed them. We can't stop them now." Sam said. "Walter, you brought them back, forced them to murder. They're not gonna be very happy with you." I said, warningly, just as Marty and Dean joins us.
"Yeah? So, why not?" Walter asked us. Suddenly, he falls to the ground and begins screaming in pain, blood seeping through his clothing. Marty holds up the phone and I look over and see that the ghost were tearing Walter apart.
Later, Sam, Marty and I were sitting by the sidelines watching them film the movie. And Marty got the bright idea to take the idea of using phones to see ghost and the other person shoots the ghost. "Cut! Oh, print that one. That's in the movie! Oh! Loved it, kids. Loved it." McG exclaimed with enthusiasm once the scene was over.
"You find out there's an afterlife, and this is what you do with it?" Sam asked Marty, after eyeing him. Marty looks up from his phone and grins at us. "I needed a little jazz on the page." He said and I rolled my eyes at him and we walk off.
Sam and I were walking among the trailers when one of the trailers door opens and Dean comes out, clearly disheveled. He smirks as Tara comes outside as well, wearing a robe. "You're one hell of a P.A." she said, smiling. "Thank you." Dean said and I glared at him and growled under my breath.
Then Tara looks at us. "Hi." She greets while Sam looks at this awkward. I walk past Dean and grab his arm. "Let's go, loverboy." I grumbled and the three of us walk away and towards a painted sunset, which the crew rolls away.
"God, I love this town." Dean said, smiling, and I rolled my eyes again as we head over to the car.
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kining-the-evil · 11 months
All I Have Left Ch 2/?
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/Story Summary/: you were in love with Randy, you had a life plan with him. But after his death, you cut out everyone in your life. It’s not until you take custody of his niece and nephew that you begin to live life again.
/Chapter Summary/: You learn that Tara Carpenter has been attacked, and you have some choice words for Sam and Dewey
/Warnings/: mentions of murder, slight memories of murder, reader is not mentally well, reader is honestly really mean
/Taglist/: @missdforever @callsignwidow @0000-lover-girl
Series Masterlist Scream Masterlist
“Pick up the pace guys!” You called up the stairs, pouring yourself a mug of coffee. You could hear the twins moving around upstairs, every so often one of them yelling at the other.
“Mindy! Knock it off!” The two walked into the kitchen, Mindy holding Chads phone in her own hand.
“This is so cheesy! Have you and Liv every had a normal conversation?!”
“Mindy, give the phone back,” you scolded while taking a drink of the coffee.
“It’s like Reading a bad romance novel!” She whined as Chad yanked his phone away from her.
“Guys, do we have to do this every morning?” You questioned as the two of them started getting breakfast.
“Maybe if Mindy learns to grow up.” Chad mumbled, earning a glare from you. He quickly shut up, taking a bite of the bagel he’d been making.
“I have some errands to run after work, so I can’t pick you up after school. I’ll be home by 5 for dinner though.” You told the two while sitting at the table.
“Actually,” Chad spoke up. “Would it be ok for us to run by the hospital after school?”
You raised an eyebrow at his words.
“Amber texted, someone broke into Tara’s house two nights ago.” Mindy cut in.
“Is She ok?” You had known Tara’s mother in school, and Tara had been friends with Chad and Mindy for years so you knew the girl relatively well.
“I mean, she’s in the hospital but Amber didn’t have much information besides that.” Mindy explained to you.
“So, would it be ok?”
You thought it over for a moment before nodding at the two. “Ya, but don’t be to long. And you know the drill, text when you leave the school-“
“And when we get to the hospital” Mindy cut you off.
“And when we leave the hospital,” Chad continued.
“And when we get home,” Mindy finished. While the two may not follow every rule you lay out for them, they were relatively good at following this one. And understanding why it existed.
“Good, now come on. You’ll be late to school.”
“How long is it going to take that lady to learn how to tell when your lying?” You attempted to ignore Randy, who wasn’t really there, as you walked out of your therapist office. You went every Friday after adopting Mindy and Chad.
“I mean, that you talked to Sidney or that you aren’t seeing things that aren’t there-“
“I didn’t lie about that. She asked if I was seeing him, and I’m not.” You finally said as you climbed into the car. You glanced in the mirror, expecting him to be sitting in the back where he normally did. When he wasn’t there you frowned, but practically jumped out of your seat when you caught a glimpse of him in the corner of your eye.
Randy looked exactly like he had that day 24 years ago. He wore the same blue and white button up and green jacket as the day he was killed, the clothes having holes from where the knife was stabbed into him and completely caked in dried blood. It took you a long time to get used to seeing him like this, why couldn’t you have a mental break where you saw the man you loved at his best instead of after he died?
“We both know what she meant when she asks ‘are you seeing him at all?’ If she knew you were seeing your dead boyfriend then maybe she would be more concerned.”
Your hand automatically went to your ring finger with the intent of messing with the ring Randy had given you, instead you found your finger bare. A few months back someone had broken into the house, and while they had stolen a few random things, they had taken a tone of your/Randy’s stuff. Including the ring. The one time you decided to not wear it out of fear of losing it you actually did lose it forever. It was after that that Randy started calling himself your boyfriend instead of fiancé.
“Shouldn’t you be encouraging me to lie? You are just a delusion after all.” You spoke while pulling out of the parking lot. You had tinted windows, so you didn’t have to worry about people seeing you talk to ‘no one.’
“I’m not allowed to want you to be mentally well?”
“The only reason you do is because I want you to care for me, you are a trauma response.”
“Maybe, but you still talk to me everyday.” He had a point there, you didn’t really know anyone in town. Sure, you went to school with many of them and a few you knew because of Chad and Mindy bringing friends with their kids, but you didn’t know them. You weren’t going to go out for drinks or hang out on your own.
You chose to be silent the rest of the ride to the store so you could get some stuff for dinner. Your ringer on your phone so you would hear if Mindy or Chad needed anything.
Randy was quiet as well, not saying anything in the car. When you finally got to the story he quietly followed behind you, making comments ever so often.
“Chad wanted bagels.”
You didn’t need much, so the actual shopping was done quickly. You were loading the groceries I go the car when a voice called out.
You turned to see Judy Hicks walking towards you. She was still in her uniform for the day, and you gave her your best fake smile. You knew her fairly well due to her son, Wes, being friends with Chad and Mindy.
“Officer Hicks, how are you?” You did your best to greet.
“Good job! You almost sounded like you care!” Randy gave a sarcastic thumbs up from behind Judy.
“Not great. Currently looking into the break in at the Carpenter house. Poor Tara, I can’t imagine what it felt like to be all alone like that.”
“I heard, Mindy and Chad were telling me about it this morning.” You didn’t not like Judy, but you never really talked to anyone longer then necessary.
“I’m surprised you let the kids go visit Tara.” Her words made you stop for a moment, frowning.
“I’m sorry?”
“I mean, considering what time of year it is and what Tara told us I would think you would have told the kids to stay as far away as possible-“
“What did Tara tell you?”
Judy’s face fell slightly as she realized you didn’t know what she was taking about. “Oh I- Wes knew and I assumed Chad and Mindy would have heard and told you.”
“That can’t be good,” Randy mumbled.
“Told me what?”
“The person who broke in had the… mask.” Judy waited for a response, you knew she was expecting some sort of big reaction. Instead you slid the last bag in the cara d closed the door.
“Excuse me, I have to get going.”
“I’m really sorry that you didn’t know-“
“It was Good Talking to you,” you cut her off and walking over to the drivers side door.
“Right! Um, good Talking to you too!”
You quickly closed the door once in the car, taking a deep breath. “You’re shaking.”
“No shit Randy!” You snapped, trying to calm yourself down. Your mind was racing on what to do, the last time someone put that damn mask on the kids parents were alive and all out of town. But this time they went to visit the victim in the hospital.
“Check that friend App thing.”
You nodded slightly, pulling your phone out with shaking hand. Chad had begged you to download this, claiming it would let you check up on him and Mandy. The whole time he was helping you set it up Mindy was making fun of him for being the only kid who would happily let their parent on the app.
You quickly clicked through, finding Chad’s gps at the house. Normally you’d be pissed that they didn’t text like you told them too, but right now you were just worried about getting home.
“We need to leave for a bit.” You mumbled, mind moving a thousand miles an hour as you drove.
“What if they follow?”
“We know why they went after Tara, and I’m not going to be apart of another movie crazed fan killing. And my kids aren’t either.”
You were arguing with yourself, you knew that. Anything critical that came out of Randy’s mouth were your own worries, but it was easier to be mad at the person who wasn’t really there.
When you finally pulled into the driveway, two cars made your heart drop. One you didn’t recognize, but the other? Nothing good in your life had happened when the owner of that car arrived.
You pulled into the driveway, and got out while slamming the door shut. Randy was no where to be seen. You couldn’t get to the door fast enough, practically ripping the door open.
You were able to see the group sitting in the living room, and they all turned to look at you. Mindy and Chad were both there, as was Dewey Riley and Sam Carpenter, Tara’s sister. The was another man that you didn’t recognize as well.
“Get out.” You didn’t look at either of your kids, instead looking at the other three. “Get out of my house.”
“Y/n, I’m really sorry for bothering you but we need your help-“
“I wasn’t joking. Get out of my house.” You cut Sam off, pointing to the door.
“Y/n, calm down.” Dewey stood up to stand behind Sam.
“No offense, but every time you get involved in my life shit gets awful. And you,” you turn to look at Sam. “I know exactly who you are, who your dad was, and as of right now I don’t want you around my kids.”
“Wait- you knew?” Sam looked shocked at your words.
“I was the only person you dad told that he slept with your mom, and she told me when she was pregnant. She wanted my advice on what to do,” You explained. “And i told her to leave me alone and that o didn’t want anything to do with her pregnancy.” Sam looked slightly hurt at your words.
“Mom,” Mindy stood up to get your attention. “They Just came here for some help-“
“I don’t care Mindy. If Dewey wants to help then good for him, but I won’t.” You looked back to the three. “So I’ll say this once. Leave my kids out of it, and do not come back here.”
“Wouldn’t you have liked help back then?” Dewey asked, making you glare at him.
“I would have, instead I got an officer who could barely walk and a journalist who profits off our pain.”
“Ouch…” he mumbled.
“Maybe we should go…” The man spoke up for the first time since you got there, grabbing Sams hand.
“I agree.” You mumbled, arms over your chest. Sam nodded, practically dragging the guy out of the house.
“I’ll let you know if something happens.” Dewey mumbled before walking past.
“Please don’t.” You closed the door behind them.
“That was Kinda rude.” Chads voice made you turn to the two teens.
“I’m not in the best mood.” You snapped. “And im going to make this very clear right now. Neither of you are to get involved, at all. I’m finding someone where to stay and we are leaving town tomorrow.”
“We can’t just abandon Tara,” Mindy argued.
“I’m not putting you in danger just because she’s your friend. You haven’t dealt with this before, and you never will if o have anything to say about it. Understood?” You stared at them waiting for a response.
“Thank you.” You mumbled, taking a deep breath. “I’m going to go grab the groceries.”
You walked towards the door, but movement down the hall caught your eye. When you turned to look, you thought you saw someone in a white shirt, but no one was there.
“Is anyone else at the house?”
“No!” Chad called out. “Why?”
“No reason…”
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
The Camping Trip
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Summary: The boys insist on taking you and the girls for a camping trip. Something you all despise. Andy Barber x Black!Reader, Curtis Everett x WOC!OFC, Ari Levinson x WOC!OFC
Warnings: Sexy/Worried Andy/Ari/Curtis, Daddy Kink, Difficult Reader, Difficult OFCs, Camping, Nature, Smut (implied), Spanking (implied), Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: So I have no clue of this is the start of a new series or if the result of medication, lol. Hope you enjoy. Please send feedback. Written on my phone. All mistakes my own.
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“The answer is no.” Andy’s face is one of pure exasperation as he follows you from room to room.
“But it’ll be fun! I promise and -“ Your man pleads.
District Attorney or not, this man was real close to getting poked in the eye. But knowing him, he’d probably think it was some kind of kinky foreplay.
“Well, why the hell not?” He growls.
“Argh!” You give up to trying fold kitchen towels. “Because black people don’t camp, damn it!” You huff.
Like, how did this man not know this?
“Oh, that’s ridiculous!” Andy throws his hands up. “I’m sure there a plenty of - of - of black people who enjoy the peace and calm of the wilderness.”
Your hands go to your hips. “Name three that you even know.”
Your boyfriend just blinks down at you. So you blink up at him right back.
“I don’t do nature, Andrew. Or heat. Or humidity. Okay? My ancestors fought and died for my right to enjoy the benefits of air conditioning.” You turn your nose up at him before spinning on your heel and walking away.
“And if I were you, I’d finish folding those towels and the rest of that laundry if you want any of this sweet “good good” tonight!” You call over your shoulder.
Andy stares at your retreating form, a tick forming in his jaw.
Oh, his sweet girl was going camping with him, whether she liked it or not. And she had better not try to withhold her “good good” from either.
“Tell me what she’s not gonna do.” He mumbles as he begins folding towels. “I run things around here. Not her fine ass. And another thing…”
On and on he goes as he moves on to the next bin of laundry.
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Two Days Later…
You've been giving your man the silent treatment for the better part of the day.
“Baby,” he goes to rest his large, calloused hand on the soft skin of your bare knee. “Everything’s going to be fine. I promise you’re gonna have fun.”
Instead of responding, you let out a “hmph” and continue staring out the window, still unhappy with the fact that your beloved Andy had manhandled you into the car in the first place.
Handsome jerk.
“I promise you��ll be perfectly safe. Besides, it won’t just be us there. Ari's bringing Story, and Curtis and Ruby are coming along too.”
“Oh, yippie.” You grumble.
“Hey,” that same hand squeezes your thigh. “Please promise Daddy that you’re going to keep an open mind about this, okay?” His tone holds a mix of playfulness and authority.
“Yes, sir. I promise to keep an open mind in case I have to sacrifice you to a bear.”
“Wake me when we get to hell - I mean to the campsite.” And with that, you drift off to sleep. Meanwhile, Andy just shakes his head and goes back to concentrating on the road.
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Andy gently nudges you awake when you finally arrive at the site. It appears the two of you are the last to get there.
Hopping out of the car, you wave at the guys before immediately striding over to Ruby and Story, who look just as happy as you are.
“Well hello, ladies. And welcome to the wonderful world of nature!” You spread your arms wide and do a little spin.
Yes, welcome to the wonderful world of poison ivy, snakes, pollen, bees, poisonous spiders, and asthma attacks.
“Fuck nature and all her deadly minions.” Ruby purses her lips and crosses her arms, clearly annoyed. “Curtis wouldn’t even let me bring my solar powered phone charger. So, I’m gonna die out here and nobody’s gonna know until they stumble upon a coyote dining on my corpse.”
“I get it girl.” You run a reassuring hand up and down her arm. “I know we’ve all seen this movie before.”
You pull some sunscreen out of your bag and begin to rub it into every inch of your exposed skin. And then you hand it off to the others so they can do the same.
“Yes, we have,” Story hisses as slaps at a random bug that lands on her neck before grabbing the sunblock. “And we don’t make it. Maybe this our men’s way of trying to kill us.”
You turn to glare at your three guys, who were currently in the process of of unloading the vehicles. “How about a little help, ladies?” Ari beckons towards your group.
“The first time I think I see, or even hear a serial killer, I’m talking Leather Face, Jason, Michael Myers - my ass is out. You had better run when I run.” You tell them as you all make your way over.
“You know it.”
“Yes?” You all huff when you finally reach the boys.
“You know guys, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such pretty looking sour faces.” Curtis coos, prompting you three to glare at him. He remains unfazed.
“Me, Andy, and Ari have got the heavier stuff under control. We need you ladies to handle these smaller backpacks there. Oh, and for each of you to grab a cooler.”
Your shoulders sag as you go to grab yourselves a bag. But before you do, you and your girls proceed to douse yourself with bug spray. At the rate you were going, you’d been out here for less than forty-five minutes and you already had at least four mosquito bites.
All three men let out a sigh. “C’mon girls, we’ve got at least a good 2.5 mile hike ahead of us here, and we want to get there while we still have the sunlight in our favor.
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One Hour Later…
“I am so close to divorcing Curtis Robert Everett.” An exhausted Ruby mumbles under breath. “Like, I am dreaming about filing the paperwork as soon as I get back.”
“Well, I’m moving out of Andy’s place as soon as we get back, so if you’re looking for a roommate…
“Count me in too.” Story mumbles.
“Glad we’re in agreements, ladies.” You tell them. “Hey boys, how much more time until we get there? We’ve been walking for ages!”
“Not long. But we would’ve been there already if certain members of the group hadn’t had to repeatedly stop for a break.” Ari growls as he readjustes the large pack on his back.
“Ungh! My arms are about to fall off.” Ruby whines as she struggles with her cooler, causing an annoyed Curtis to turn and snatch it from her.
“You know ladies, I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we’re gonna need you all to develop a better attitude.” Andy calls back.
“I agree.” Ari chimes in.
“And I don’t know about y’all, but I’m gonna need to see soon.” Curtis grunts.
Other than letting out a collective snort, you and the girls refuse to respond. Instead you continue to pout until you finally reach your destination. Once it’s confirmed that this patch of land was going to be your campsite, you immediately set down your things with a weary huff.
“Oh thank you sweet baby Jesus.” Out of breath, you look down at your grimy hands.
“Hey!” You lightly bounce over to Andy who’s busy clearing away the brush so he can begin the process of setting up your tent. “I need to wash my hands. Where can I do that?”
“Honey, we’re out in the woods, miles from civilization. I mean, there’s a river not to too far from here. So, I can you down there later after we’re all set up.” Your boyfriend goes back to work.
Your left eye begins to twitch as your small hands ball into fists. “I refuse to wash my hands in the same body of water where sea monsters poo.” You hiss.
Trying to avoid the tantrum that he knew was surely about to happen, Andy points over to your gray and green tent, before instructing you to bring it to him, which you do.
You step back and watch him undo the straps, gives it a light shake, and bam! There was your pop-up tent. You look around to two other tents, one is black and red, while other is two different shades of blue.
“Alright,” Ari calls out. “Girls, you get the sleeping bags inside while we secure the tents to the ground.
“Secure them to the ground?” Ruby asks.
“Unless you wanna blow away in the middle of the night.” Curtis shrugs. “I mean, I’ll chase after you, my little Rubikscube, but if that wind is strong enough, you might end up in Oz or some shit.” He waggles his brows at her.
Several strained sighs later, you all have the sleeping bags situated in each respective tent. Along with lanterns, flashlights, and a couple first aid kits. You're content to let the boys handle the tools, the ax, as well the few pans and utensils.
“Great job, everyone.” Ari praises. “Now ladies, you and I are going to head down to the river to fill up our water supply. Andy, Curtis - you good with handling the firewood?”
“Got it!”
“Umm, water supply?” Story whispers.
“Oh, apparently we have to boil our water with these tablets to help purify it. Unless you’d like to contract a parasite and die.” You flash her a humorless smile.
At this point you would kill for a bottle of Aquafina or Dasani to drop into your hands right now.
The creek looked alright. Smelled kinda fishy. But between the four of you, you’d managed to fill eight decently sized jugs before returning to your campsite, just as the other boys were finishing up their pile of firewood.
You and Ruby share a look. “Can we finally sit down now?”
The guys huddle up together, keeping their voices down. They break away after a few moments and scatter. Andy goes to grab a big metal pot, while Curtis snags a sizable jug of river water. Meanwhile, Ari goes back to working on the fire.
Once the coals are burning and the flames are going, the men hang the pot over the fire and then fill it with water. Andy drops in a couple of purification tablets, and then they all step back to admire their handiwork.
“We’ll just give it maybe an hour or so to do it’s thing. I say we go ahead and hit the showers,"
Immediately, you girls balk and begin to trudge back to your respective tents, completely and totally upset.
“If you really think I’m about to bathe in that river with monsters floating around, all of ‘em looking for a little evening snack, you boys have lost your mind!” You tell them, feeling your voice rise several octaves in the process.
“She's right! Didn’t y’all read that article about that alligator they found swimming around here not to long ago? Yeah they captured it and shipped it home. But what’s to say he didn’t come back…with friends?” Story crosses her arms and gives them a pointed glare.
You nod in support while the men proceed to grumble and roll their eyes.
“I'ma keep this real simple.” Ruby finally chimes in. I ain’t swimin’ with no snakes. I don’t trust ‘em. They’re too shifty. And most importantly, they bite.”
“Ladies.” Andy clasps his hands together before resting them on top of his head. “There’s a public shower a little less than thirty minutes that way, okay?”
“Oh.” Is all you can mumble. “Well how were we supposed to know that? God!"
“So let’s grab our things and head over there before my goddamned ears start to bleed.” Curtis growls, clearly frustrated.
The girls race for their toiletry bags and towels while their very irritated men follow behind them to collect their own.
Bags in hand, you all begin making your way towards the showers. You, Ruby, and Story find yourselves practically skipping the whole way, which only further annoys your partners who are desperately trying to keep you in sight.
��Sweetheart, this is the last time I’m gonna to tell you. Come back and hold my hand. Now.” Andy warns, reaching for you. Not wanting piss off your Daddy in public, you let go of Ruby’s hand and take hold of his instead.
“Good idea, Andy.” Curtis agrees. “Ruby, Story. Come back to us please. It’s safer that way."
With twin sighs, they also do as their told.
Boy this whole camping experience sure had been major delight so far.
When you finally reach the showers, you dash in and pick a stall. Women were on the left side, while men were on the right.
“See you guys in twenty!” Story waves them off. The guys shake their heads and wander around to the other side of the facility.
You and the girls turn on the water to let it warm up and begin stripping out of your dirty clothes. You then wrap a towel around yourself and quickly fold your clothes before placing them in your bag.
Just as you girls are ready to step in, your three handsome, well-muscled partners come around the corner, each of them clad in just a towel.
“Can uh - can we help you?” A confused Ruby asks.
“Nope, we’re here to shower with our gorgeous girls. Helps conserve water and also lets us keep an eye out for creepy guys.” Curtis offers with a shrug.
“And if we say no?” You glare at them.
“Funny thing is, none of are asking, princess.”
“Now, in you go, my sweet Story-girl.” Ari twirls his finger and points toward the running shower.
“Argh!” She stomps inside and reaches out to hand him her towel. Exasperated, you and Ruby also follow suit.
“Andy, this shower isn’t big enough for the two of us.” You're quick to grumble. Instead of responding, he places a warm palm on your belly, pressing you against the solid wall of his chest before going to work soaping up your nude body.
You bite back a moan as he tenderly caresses your heavy breasts, lovingly tending to your nipples as he does. Andy's hands then stroke themselves down your sides, brushing hs sudsy fingers across your navel before finally reaching your aching pussy.
Andy cups cunt, grinding the heel of his palm against your now throbbing clit. He then turns you in his arms so that he can wash your back, as well as your round ass - which he slaps - making you moan. Your man then soaps your thighs and then your calves before pushing you further under the spray so he can quickly take care of himself.
And even under the sound of the spray, you’re pretty you can make out another moan…or two. And they definitely weren’t your own.
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Finished with your showers, everyone takes a moment to get dressed for the night. You can’t quite seem to make eye contact with either of your friends.
But Andy, Ari, and Curtis, they stride back to the campsite with their big chests puffed out and satisfied grins on their lips.
The smug bastards.
Once you return your site, Ari removes the purified water from the still glowing flames and sits on a protected surface. Curtis then drops two cans of hickory-smoked baked beans into another pot and hangs it up to cook.
And then while you wait, the four of you roast delicious beef brats. Andy leans over to open another cooler to pull out a few beers - Sam Adams for the guys and Leinenkugel Summer Shandies for the ladies.
“Oh, so we have to boil water to live, but you guys packed beer.” Ruby scoffs.
“Can’t forage for beer in the wild, Rubi-loo-hoo. Ex-marine here. Already checked.” Ari chuckles, as does everyone else.
When the beans and brats are done, Curtis passes around tin plates with two hot dog buns each. And then you all sit back and enjoy a simple meal, a warm fire, the beautiful night sky, and the pleasant company of a bunch of weirdos.
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It’s just after 1:30am when all decide to retire.
“Good night, everybody. I think even our pretty little naysayers had a good time.” Andy chuckles, only to grunt when you elbow him in the ribs.
“And remember, no going to the bathroom alone at night. Wake people. It’s important to go as a group.” Ari instructs.
“Got it!”
You climb into your tent with your boyfriend right behind you. Exhausted, you both make quick work of climbing into your sleeping bags. Fluffing your pillow, you scooch over to be closer to your fella.
“I love you, baby. Thanks for making sure no creepy guy tried to join me in the shower tonight. It was quite chivalrous of you.”
“You know how I feel about protecting my Princess.” He presses his warm lips to your own. “Tomorrow, we’ll have breakfast, do a little kayaking, some fishing, and whatever else we feel like. So rest up, little one.”
Andy kisses your nose and drifts off, just like that.
Handsome Jerk.
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Two Hours Later…
Your phone buzzes near your ear. Picking it up, you squint at the message:
RubyRoo: Story and I have to pee? You?
You look over at Andy who is fast asleep.
You: Uh, yeah. Be out in a sec.
Being as quiet as possible, you grab a flashlight and then unzip and then rezip the tent. You see your friends waiting for you in front of a nearby tree.
They wave their flashlights at you as you hurry over. You were convinced that between the three of you, you could remember where you were going. But just in case, you were carrying mace, Story had stolen a flare gun, Ruby was rocking a hunting knife. Better to be safe than sorry.
You weren’t exactly the Charlie’s Angels, but it would have to do. You begin to confidently make your way into the woods, staying along the designated path as you do.
You try your hardest not to flinch and jump at every weird sound or crunch of twig.
“We’ve been walking for quite a while, ladies. We should be there soon.” Story mumbles. “But, I was just thinking…should we have maybe woken up one of the boys before we left?
“Probably, but it’s too late now for that now. Let’s just be quick and maybe we’ll get lucky.” Ruby winces.
You successfully make it to restroom facilities and quickly handle your business. Once finished, you half walk, half jog back to your campsite.
You make it back in about twenty minutes. Just in time to see your men, all fully dressed, gathered around the fading embers of the fire. They’re conversation becomes clearer the closer you get.
“Oh, shit we’re in trouble.” You mutter.
“I don’t give a shit if they did go to the bathroom, Andrew! My Story-girl loses her car in every parking lot like it’s her job. And please don’t get me started on Ruby’s sense of direction.” Okay, apparently Ari was in full rant mode.
“I know, I know. She’s hopeless without a GPS. Always has been, always will be. And your girl…" He trails off, throwing his hands in the air. "Come on, man!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Andy growls. “She got stuck in the kiddie the corn maze the other month and l had to rescue her when she started crying. Can’t fucking believe that they didn’t wake even one of us up. I'm going to roast her little ass…”
“Story knows better.” Ari snarls. “And I’m going to remind her of that as soon as I get my hands on her.”
“See, I was hoping we’d be able enjoy this trip without having to do that. But a Daddy’s job is never done I guess.” Curtis growls. “Let’s go get them before I fall over from exhaustion.”
Faces beet red, knees slightly shaking, you three pick that moment emerge from your safe place just beyond the tree line.
“Um, no need guys. As you can see, we made it there and back just fine.” You flash them what you hope is your sweetest, most confident smile.
“See what the power of teamwork can do?” Story wraps her arms around both of you, silently praying for a miracle.
“Yep! And although we should’ve woken one of you up, we had mace, a flare gun, and this here hunting knife to protect us. See?” Ruby shrugs. “So no need to worry.
“The fuck?!”
"Rubeena Kathryn Everett,” Her husband snarls. “You give me that knife right now, you little brat.”
“Okay, okay.” She gingerly hands it over. “There ya go. Now how about we all go back to bed and agree to laugh at this silliness in the morning?"
“I agree!” You chime in. “If we’re planning on going kayaking tomorrow, then we need to have our wits about us.”
“Yep!” Story agrees.
“Story-girl, take yourself to our tent and roll up your sleeping bag. You’ll be sharing with me for the rest of tonight. And you best believe that you and I will be having a serious discussion tomorrow morning, regardless of who's around. Now go.” She purposely dodges him in an effort to protect her ass.
“Curtis, c’mon. It’s not that big a deal. There’s no reason to be this upset.” He strides towards her. “It’s like you wake up looking for a reason to be grumpy with me and ooh -!”
Ruby’s burly firefighter tosses her over his shoulder and begins to carry her off. “Shut the fuck up.” He barks. “Or I will fire up this beautiful bottom right here, right now, within earshot of everyone.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Now Andy,” You begin. “You know that we didn’t really break the rules. Can’t you do something here?” You grab his big, strong hand and give it a squeeze. “Please, Andy?”
He doesn’t say a word. Instead, he uses one hand to cup your chin, and then other to wrench your thick curls back, making you whimper.
“What’s name right now, little girl? Tell me the name of the man responsible for overseeing his baby’s punishment in the morning? Hm?”
Your mouth suddenly goes dry.
“Daddy. It’s my Daddy who punishes me when I’m bad.”
Aww fuck.
“Now, tomorrow morning, which is really just a few hours from now, we’re going to have a little breakfast. And then you and I are going into the woods and pick you out a switch.”
Aww. Double fuck.
"Now goodnight, baby. I think it’s time I got you tucked in again."
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a-pretty-nerd · 1 year
Choose Me
Viktor x afab!fem!reader
Chapter 9
Summary: You are "salvageable."
Chapter 8
Here is a link to the updated Masterlist of the series.
Warnings: VIEWER DISCRESSION IS ADVISED! Some real Frankestien shit this chapter. Descriptions of a corpse, violence, gore, reanimation. You mean science went wrong, again!? Gasp! No! You ever just wanna go apeshit?
A/N: I've been really looking forward to writing this chapter because it was very important to me. This fanfiction has been a lead up to this and the following chapters. I'm sorry it took so long, I was going through it. But I hope you guys enjoy this addition.
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"Salvageable..." Viktor spoke in disgust, "you call your own child...Salvageable?" He spat at your father. He had pulled himself up to lean on his worktable, the morning paper clutched to his chest in one hand. He glared at the man who stood before. His stomach turning with the rage of a hurricane.
"I was lucky she died on my property otherwise it would have been far more difficult to pass the fake off to the authorities. The blunt-force trauma she suffered in her fall can be fixed with some simple iron work."
"I don't believe what I am hearing..."
"You are not the only man of scientific genius in Piltover. My team and I are confident that with the help of hextech we could-"
"You and your team of lunatics are mistaken!" Viktor shouted, his fingers clutching the newspaper he pressed to his chest as he supported himself with the other.
"You are speaking to an investor, son! I suggest you watch your tone with me!" He threatened. Viktor shook his head.
"I suggest you leave, immediately." He turned his back only for your father to swiftly approach him. He grabbed his shoulder and wrenched Viktor back to face him.
"I don't think you understand what I'm saying. You have a chance to make things right here." His fingers dug into Viktor's shoulders. "We could perform the ultimate miracle. Don't you see? You could bring her back to life..." Your father's voice became soft and encouraging. Viktor paused. He thought for a moment. Could it be? Did he really have what it took to bring you back from the dead? All his trials, all his failed experiments just to cure himself. Could it really work? His curiosity was getting the better of him. When Viktor didn't answer your father, he just patted him on the shoulder. "Think it over, son. I'll see you at the funeral."
Viktor did not attend the funeral. He found himself trapped amongst his work, trying to understand what your father meant. What he had done to convince himself that hextech could reanimate a dead body. As far as Viktor was concerned, it was impossible. He couldn't even begin to solve the issue of keeping his subjects from rotting. So how could it bring anyone back from the dead?
Jayce went to your funeral in Viktor's place. He mourned you the way a friend should. Standing tall in his suit with a frown and a few well-intentioned tears as "your" casket passed by him. He said a small prayer to the body that laid in your place. He found himself frustrated by the whole thing. He watched as familiar faces young and old cried for their loss. You had drawn an impressive crowd and yet amongst them Viktor was absent. By the end, Jayce received a telegram informing him that Viktor was being held by police for breaching the blockade Jayce had enforced just days prior.
Viktor sat and watched as Police forces held back an angry mob of furious Undercity residents. He coughed into a handkerchief as his mind swirled with intense emotion and fear. Guilt making his body feel heavier than usual.
"Jayce, what is this?"
"Do you have any idea how this looks? I order a blockade and my own partner violates it!?" He hissed at him as he approached.
"You, ordered this? Why?"
"There are people down there hell bent on destroying us. What were you doing down there!?"
"I was consulting someone about..." He paused, "about our quandary. I told you I knew someone."
"Well you didn't say they were from the Undercity!"
"What difference does that make?"
"What difference- They're dangerous!" Viktor's eyes narrowed at Jayce.
"I'M from the Undercity." He reminded him with a cold gaze as he got up, smacking Jayce's hand away as he tried to help him up.
"You're right. I'm sorry. I've just...had a lot on my plate and today...I...well, was your friend able to help?" Viktor considered Jayce's question for a moment.
"No. No he said nature was resistant to this sort of...tampering." Viktor lied as a vile of curated shimmer sat patiently in his pocket.
"We'll keep at it then...You uh...you missed the funeral."
"I know." Viktor nodded.
"You should have been there." Jayce told him softly as they walked back together. Viktor shuffling along side as he shook his head.
"No. No I don't think I should."
"Look, I know how close you were. You can't just ignore this. Who cares what her shitty father thinks, you had every right to be there. To...to mourn that loss." Viktor gritted his teeth as Jayce smoke. He knew Jayce had very little idea what the reality of the situation was, and his previous insult and disregard was beginning to grate on Viktor's nerves.
Behind them the crowd shouted as a flaming bottle was thrown and crashed on the path behind them. They watched for a moment before Viktor spoke.
"I have work to do." Viktor dismissed him through his teeth, trying to keep his composure. Jayce couldn't believe Viktor could be so cold and unfeeling. He watched Viktor leave as more storm clouds began to roll in from above.
What does it feel like to be dead? You might say there is a form of release. Floating in weightless nothing as consciousness slowly erodes. Perhaps that wasn't death. Merely the in-between. The darkness you wade through like when you're close to falling asleep. The voices you heard sometimes sounded familiar. Sometimes a word or two said by voices you recognized but couldn't identify. If this wasn't death, what was it? Where were you?
Sometimes there was music. Yes, music. Violin, piano, flute. A voice singing along with muddled words. Memories, perhaps.
Viktor was escorted in by your father's staff. He had doubled the security, doubled the efforts. Viktor's eyes inspected every inch of the house as he was brought up to the attic. For the first time he saw the home you grew up in. The oddly sterile and formal home your mother made and your father maintained.
Viktor's stomach tossed and turned as he followed your father's hulking and disheveled being into the attic. His breath caught in his throat. He froze at the sight of the room. The intricate machinery, the crudely made controls, the hextech inspired work. Viktor was disgusted. His first inclination was to get away, to run. But the guards behind him kept him there. His frightened golden eyes flashed over the table in the center of the room. His heart sank. Thunder and lightening crackled outside as the yellow lights cascaded down.
"The storm is upon is, sir. We are ready to begin." The mad doctor said, wearing bandages from wounds you gave him a few nights ago. Your father nods and thanks the man as they begin their preparations. The old man turns to Viktor with sad, tired eyes.
"I'm sure as a man of science you're curious to know the procedure when it comes to these things."
"These things?" Viktor asked firmly, fighting back the urge to lay into the old man. He nodded with a somber expression. He pointed towards the table in the center of the room. Draped in a cloth, the shell of yourself lay.
"Unfortunately, she's been a bit more scuffed up than other subjects." He hears your father's voice as the doctor slowly removes the cloth. Revealing your body. Viktor's heart stops for a moment as his eyes adjust to the sight. It's your body, but it's not you. You aren't there. Your head is partially shaven and metal disks have been used to patch up your broken skull. Down your middle is a massive autopsy-like cut that has been carefully sewn back together. "So we had to improvise. We repaired her broken bones with hearty metals that will continue to heal with time. We were lucky her organs were mostly unharmed. It made the removal of some easier."
"Removal?" Viktor asked curiously. Your father nodded.
"We had to remove a kidney which had be pierced by a broken bone as well as her uterus. If we let the embryo fester any longer it would have rotted her from the inside out, and then we would have nothing. Once decomposition sets in, they're lost to us." Viktor tries to process his words. He tries to process everything, but some words stick to him and suck out all his attention and energy. He blinks a few times before looking up at the old cowboy. One word stands out in particular.
"Embryo?" His voice is low and soft, as if he's afraid to say the word at all. Your father's face turns deceptively sympathetic.
"Did she not tell you?" He asks abruptly. Viktor's brows furrow as his eyes narrow at him in confusion.
"She was..."
"Yes, son. I'm afraid so." Your father straightened his posture as he walked past Viktor. He turned his attention to the machinery, checking wiring and tubing and calculations. "But the time to worry about that has passed. We can still save her."
The storm crashes above them. Switches are flipped as the air becomes electric. Viktor can feel little static shocks as he holds his crutch close. Leaning on it as the sudden pressure in the air forces him into a coughing fit. He coughs blood into his handkerchief as the machines around them vibrate to life. The roof is opened and the cold night air floods the room. Viktor looks up to watch your father approach your body. In his hands are the unmistakable hex crystals Viktor and Jayce supplied. The very thing you gave your life to stop.
He watches in frozen horror as the mournful man places the crystals in your empty eye sockets. While the doctor prepares a syringe. The purple liquid sparkles brightly. A deep purple that leans more blue than red. Viktor recognizes it. Shimmer. No doubt something that has been engineered by the great Mr.Y/L/N himself. How is he so confident that this will work? How does he know? What other subjects have there been?
The shimmer is injected into your hollow veins, intermingling with your still blood. It pushes through, forcing blood and shimmer through you as your shell lays there, waiting. The men stand back, their eyes leaving you to look up to the storm above. Your father backs away to stand firmly by a lever. He looks at Viktor.
"You might want to brace yourself, son." His voice demands. Viktor's eyes frantically dart between him and your body, until the flash of lightening from above distracts him.
"All hands stand by!" The doctor shouts formally. As if he's done this a thousand times. "Ready!" All eyes stare up at at clouds above as the wind blows through the room. Viktor rests himself against a control panel as he watches with sick curiousity. Wide, watering eyes observing every movement. He watches as several rods of metal fight against the harsh storm winds. Reaching out for a chance that lightening will strike. As if sent by the gods themselves, lightning stretches across the sky like the veins of an electric beast. They flash and then suddenly a blinding light strikes upon them. Without hesitation your father switches the lever and electricity is funneled through wires and tubes.
Sparks pop wildly into the room as they try to sheild their eyes with goggles and arms. Viktor hunches over to cover his face as the machine's vibrations turn to uneasy rattling. Your body jerks wildly as the energy is funneled into you.
You begin to shake violently. Crashing down to earth as the concept of feeling returns. Your body clattering against the metal table while your consciousness is pulled back. Pain. Nothing put pain. The nothingness gave way to feelings. Physical. Your mouth opens as air is pushed out of your lungs. Announcing your gruesome return by pushing the air out of your lungs. Your eyelids snap open as the hex crystals spark to life as if they were your own eyes. The magic and shimmer and electricity course through you. Your mouth let's out an inhumane shriek.
They duck in pain as they cover their ears to the sound. It rings on for far longer than it should have as the room trembles like there's an earthquake. The rattling of the machines turns to concerning shaking. Sparkes flying when they shouldn't be. Your father shouts something at the doctors, demanding that they stabilize you.
Viktor unshielded his eyes to watch you. There you are. Shrieking in pain as your body is wracked with tremors, a monster of your former glory. He shakes his head. Hot tears streaming down his cheeks as wide eyes burn the imagine into his skull forever. He scrambles back towards the door. He runs. The best he can, he escapes back out into the night and doesn't stop until he's home.
Leaving you to shriek again as the building shakes. The windows shatter at the frequency of your voice as you come crashing back to earth.
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winntersnow · 6 months
A needlessly long talking about AraiBeni (Winters repair insanity)
So AraiBeni, huh
It’s a pairing I know only a handful of people know about let alone actually get into.
I can literally count them on my hand. 
I'm being serious.
I completely understand why, Arai dies within the first five seconds of the series.
A lot of people don’t even know who his ass even is.
Dies, kababgo, gets glocked, gets fucking blickied.
Nothing guy does nothing gives us nothing and that’s the end of that-
So why AraiBeni?
So before I get into the insanity of how I write their relationship let’s get into the whys first and the actual proof for at least a friendship that went on with them in cannon.
To start off with, in chapter ten of the series and both of their first appearances we can see them accompanying Aki and Himeno to the scene of the leach devil.
Sticking close by each other, something that’s explained in chapter fourteen where Himeno confirms both of them are her rookies in training, for about six months now, or at least Arai has been meaning he and Kobeni have known each other for about half a year.
Now, it doesn’t outright say the two are 100% buddies/devil hunting partners but it’s something we can infer from their time together we see even when not with Himeno (chapter 28 before the shooters attack where they are clearly on their own together)
This doesn’t outright prove anything right now but does show the two spent a decent amount of time together.
One of the first most obvious indicators of some kind of care would actually be in chapter fifteen. With him attempting to calm her down after she begins to panic after learning they are trapped inside the hotel.
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Very fast to comfort her after just a few lines of dialogue from her previously.
Like he’s done it to her several times before this, which with how Kobeni is and how Arai seems to be would make sense.
His words also suggest that Kobebi has told Arai a decent amount about her family life already.
About her sibling and bits about her family.
Maybe this could be considered small talk in other cases, but again thinking back to the shy, nervous person Kobeni is around people in general, her talking regularly to Arai shows some kind of relationship.
Arai’s attempt to calm her down ends up doing the complete opposite Unfortunately, Kobeni panics more while Power laughs at her and Arai snaps at her venomously to cut it out.
The following doesn’t hold much else for my point, but I would love to point out that Arai locked himself in a room with Kobebi in his moments of panic and his own moments of fear.
Definitely a reach on my part but still makes me kick my feet back and forth and grin so wide like: ‘Ohhhhh sharing a room as one is having 100 separate panic attacks and the other got knocked out for trying to drink from a toilet!!! What will they doooooo kiss??? Ohh ohhh’ 
Anyhow in chapter 17 emotions are at an all-time high in the hotel. 
Power eats everyone’s food supply and the infamous exchange with Arai and Kobeni starts after Arai attempts to defend Power from her.
Kobeni accuses him of being a spy.
All this time he remains surprisingly calm until she literally brings the knife to his throat because-
Not so much as what seems like a few minutes later in the next chapter even with this he immediately teams up with Kobebi to attempt to murder Denji.
He doesn’t even look uncomfortable around her after the fact like she’s done this several times before and Arai just doesn’t care.
Or there is something wrong with him-
Or all of the above.
Either way, he just shows no real grudge to it like any normal person would.
Where combined with how we also see Kobeni act this was definitely not a one time thing and Arai still stuck with her.
It’s almost more funny to me than anything, but ya guy had to tolerate her more than most did.
(Also small side note that’s rather unimportant but still an extra note note that In Japanese Kobebi calls Arai ‘Kun’ instead of ‘San’ even with Arai being two years older than her, just something interesting I saw pointed out by a few separate Japanese fans) 
Ok moving on to the meat of this entire little segment of mind, that takes place in what’s mostly chapter twenty-eight.
The shooting.
It’s the most clear cut of my points honestly, but I also have a few other things I took away from it that I’ve seen no one else talk about.
Haven’t seen a lot of people talk about the MAIN stuff even.
I imagine you all, especially those who know me personally, know too how unwell the scene where Arai takes the bullet for Kobeni makes me.
The guy was shot in the neck.
Only had a few seconds to react if even that much and what does he do with those last seconds?
Dies for Kobeni.
Dies for her when he has to be in some kind of shock with that hole in his neck.
You… have to care about someone a lot to do that.
To die for them with zero hesitation like Arai did for Kobebi.
You can realistically say either way rather what Kobeni felt for Arai was love or not, but with Arai, I think he was definitely in love with her.
Died for her right there on the pavement.
I’d bet money that he’d do it again and again.
And for Kobeni, a person was made the last priority with her entire family, and made the least important.
Made to feel so mind-numbingly worthless compared to all of them, like she WAS a last priority like they care so little about her, would make her risk her life because that’s how little she matters.
For this fucking dude to think she’s worth giving up his life for with absolutely no hesitation is something she’d never expect in a hundred years anyone to do-
And yet he did.
Does twice even but I’m getting a little ahead of myself.
In response to his death, Kobebi responds in a way we’ve never seen since. 
Instead of fleeing like she could have.
Finding a place to hide to save herself.
Takes the walkie-talkie off the dead woman’s corpse (after Kobeni killed her) and tracks down the people responsible for the shooting to attempt to kill them knowing fully well how dangerous they are.
It always boggles my mind, this scene is talked about so much but never the reason why she did this.
People make this out to be just her saving Denji but with all of Kobebi’s past actions and behaviors, I think this hardly makes sense.
Instead, I’ve always strongly believed it was revenge for Arai, why she asks Katana man and Akane if ‘they’re with the shooters’ before instantly attacking them.
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I think Denji was more of a second bonus thing.
Arai was the main person in her mind.
Getting that revenge for his death against people she knows has to be insanely strong.
And this is the only real time we see her like this.
She had to have really cared about him to risk herself for revenge like that.
Because he was kind to her? Her friend? Such a rare person that was kind to her?
It’s something she even blames himself for as she laughs hysterically and sobs about ‘him shielding her’ to Denji.
The only time we see her blame herself for anything.
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(Another extra note to this scene is that I think after he was killed Kobeni placed the first layer of her uniform on top of Arai’s body to give him some kind of decency in death. As when she’s walking with him she has it on and when she confronts Katana man and Akane she does not. Taking it off by some point to probably put it over his corpse as I see no other reason for her to take it off)
In the following chapters after this Kobeni doesn’t quit public safety, but in fact stays if only to help capture Akane and Katana man. I strongly think this is to get her to actually take revenge on them.
Yes, she did say it was for the money but I definitely think the main reason was for Arai.
Otherwise, she wouldn’t be putting in all this needless work into it. (Money was still another reason though don’t get me wrong)
It really says a lot about how she had to feel about him with how selfish most of her actions are in the series and her pain priorities being about her own survival to risk it all to get revenge on the man who died for her.
The man who was kind to her.
I for one think it’s very bittersweet on both their parts.
Even more so getting to Violence fiend.
Following the theory it’s the devil of violence inhabiting Arai’s body with his memories and feelings, clearly still cares deeply for Kobeni.
Even with the fiendafcation.
Forgetting everything.
That love for her remains.
It so clearly remains with him with that need to look after her.
I would go deeper into it but this is about AraiBeni, my talkings about Kobence can wait another day, and with that resolves my full cannon exclamation on them caring about each other and all my proof.
That was a lot and that’s only the fucking beginning of it.
Like tip of the iceberg stuff to start you off with before I delve into my personal writing of their romance and why I write it that way in painful detail.
Are you ready?
To start with.
I have always imagined the very start of their relationship to be the most rocky thing you can possibly imagine.
(Note Even with this he finds her attractive right off the bat not at all feeling anything yet but he thinks she’s pretty and is very polite because he’s the classic 1990’s guy.)
Remember when I said I think Kobebi has probably threatened him with a knife a few times?
Ya, that’s what I think their first meeting was like.
Because of Arai’s stature no doubt.
He’s a very tall, well built man with a scar on his face, and doesn’t look like he knows how to smile.
Yells just about every word he says.
Kobeni is a very small woman with massive amounts of anxiety.
It’s not a good mix.
Misunderstandings happen, Kobeni reacts from fear and it ends up with Arai getting a bloody arm for his troubles.
It’s something that’s hard to completely fault either of them for but still just an awful thing for both of them overall.
She slices his arm open-
In every right, he could get a new buddy.
Himeno even asks him if he wants one.
That Kobeni has been through buddies like this before for doing the same thing to them.
Getting started by them and physically attacking them-
But knowing he had made his own faults and feeling no need to do so he turns the offer down and continues to work with Kobeni although as you can guess things are more than a little tense between them both.
(Also on a darker note another reason why he’s so meh about the entire thing is because his mother for reasons I won’t get into has also hurt him similarly to that, on multiple occasions so in a way he’s completely used to it)
(It’s fucked up but it’s supposed to be fucked up)
I think even with that the first instance of something sparking or more just the start of something happening with them would be training and being forced to go drinking with Himeno.
Just training in general with the shared dread and knowledge that hangs over both their heads in terms of just how short a life span they most likely have now.
The fear of death, that continued fear as they continue their training together, how fucked they are.
It’s something they both understand and having another person be in the same boat gives them both a little bit of comfort even before they become even just friends.
Kind of patting the earth before anything begins to be built.
That and that their boss is a freak.
Something only really starts after they accidentally bump into each other after needing a break from their selective households for what is basically the same reason.
they’re able to talk and mention why they’re devil hunting at all.
Both for their families.
Kobeni for her sibling and brother (Arai doesn’t know yet that they’re fully forcing her)
And Arai for his mother and they don’t lose the house after the recent death of his absent father, the person who was originally helping with bills.
One of the most important exchanges 
also takes place that night, with Arai asking her what he can do for her to help her be more comfortable with him so they both can get along better and be better partners. 
Kobeni tells him she’s not sure, she knows getting along with something they have to do if they want to live longer but she’s so scared of everything all the time. 
She’s so scared of him still can’t let herself relax around him.
(I think Kobeni has always been a weary and paranoid person. It’s not just anxiety and being awkward with people but again downright fear of his presence. Both from what I mentioned before and what her past experiences with men and people overall has to have been like. 
How she has to be used to being treated like with how she acts in general with her quickness to lash out at others and flinching.
Her parents just overall solidifies this point for me.)
Arai, wanting to get closer to her to form some kind of bond offers to buy her coffee as a way to spend more time together outside the work environment so they can get more used to each other.
(mostly as a means to try and survive as long as possible, the more he can make a relationship with his buddy the longer he feels he can last.
Especially with how important I think he views relationships and building them in general.)
She’s wary, but wanting the free coffee and knowing this is in her best interest too, agreed in the exchange of letting him ride to work with her. (Arai originally took a train)
It even gets her to smile a little, something that makes his heart flutter, it’s the first and definitely not the last instance of it doing this.
It’s all a thing that’s built from so much warryness on both sides and only even started by both of their fear of death and knowing they’re going to die quicker if they never get used to one another.
It’s a…
It’s a decent start at the very least.
(They’re both side-eyeing each other)
The first car ride is awkward as fuck.
Awkward and kind of tense something that’s quick to stop when they come across a bunch of parked cars.
Arai goes to check it out by himself (Kobeni is too spooked to and like hell he’s gonna push her after last time) and runs into a fiend.
It beats his fucking ass, he’s still a rookie after all and only doesn’t die because Kobeni eventually comes in to kill it with him.
(She does this literally mostly just to get free coffee from him and waits so long to go and help he almost loses a damn arm. It’s something she feels guilty about especially when after the fight he asks if she’s okay when he’s the one hurt)
So guilty in fact she actually goes to see him at the hospital while he’s getting his wounds looked at.
It’s where she overhears the guy arguing with one of her past buddies (whom she harmed in the past) 
Hears Arai tells the guy he’s not interested in his suspicions about Kobeni and defends her when he insults her.
(It’s so rude of him to Arai in general to insult his coworker at all Plus Kobeni just saved his life which is something that has now gotten a lot of Arai’s respect and more of his trust, especially with watching HOW she fought. She really is capable now in his eyes)
It kind of makes her feel worse for the whole almost letting him die thing and tries to tell him what Arai refused to listen to but Arai doesn’t want her to tell her if she’s only going it because she feels like she has to.
He’s mostly right to so she ends up not saying anything about it.
(It would have been about her devil contract, the bad luck devil how she's literally a bad luck charm)
It gives him even further appreciation for it a everything else he’s done for her so far.
None of her other buddies had done anything close to any of this before.
Stayed with her after she hurt them.
Not lose their temper.
Try so hard to build a bond.
And now this..?
It’s something that is hitting her really hard now.
Shakily giving him a card she brought and explaining she really is trying to get along with him just like he is with her. 
It’s actually another big reason why she came even if her fear of him is still there.
She’s trying right back with him in her own way.
This.. trying to get coffee with him… it might seem so small but she is trying despite her fear.
Arai mostly understands this too and appreciates it a lot.
Someone trying to form connections too even in such deep terror is enough to get even more respect out of him.
He tries back even harder with her.
It’s something that’s really good for both of them.
They’ve taken a step. 
A step!!!!!!!
More steps happen once Kobeni slowly gets more and more okay with having him in her vehicle so much as does Arai being around her.
She’s kind of jumpy, still snapping at him more than he should be from just her nerves but he’s honestly not taking it personally at least not fully.
(A lot of this by this point, especially as even more time passes is solely thanks to her paranoia again. She’s reacting so much on instinct and survival with her parents and just about everything else, it’s always protected her. ignoring it is something that’s very hard and always seems to be there whether she wants it or not) (Most of the time she doesn’t fully care or think about it but it’s starting to upset her now)
The little get-togethers they start having more and more also helps them get more used to one another.
Showing up with marks and bruises multiple times for reasons both of them suspect but neither talk about, yet there is a slimmer of further understanding in the air.
It’s comforting to some extent.
(Note that with this there is a slight misunderstanding of how these marks came to be in each other's mind, Arai assumes they were an ‘accident’ like his mother with him and Kobeni assumes Arai fully knows what his mother is doing to him is fully purposeful.) (it’s complicated)
They talk about various things together.
Writing (Arai convinces her to give it a shot by trying it out) more about both their families, devil hunting, BIRDS (note Arai will not shut the fuck up about birds, that is not important for this but he really fucking likes birds), what they’ve done before this, Arai mentions how he used to go to college. (Kobeni twitches)
Arai gets to have someone to talk to about things all his old friends never really liked to talk to him about (because you know men and the fact they’re men) it’s something he enjoys. 
As does Kobeni.
Arai is still so kind to her as well, so patient.
It’s something she’s still not used to even with what she’s already seen from him.
Cute guys and their chatter.
All the while the lingering weight that is the knowledge that with every day they’re closer to death is always lingering around them.
Just two people who are doomed to die fighting devils just like all the others.
They are doomed they are doomed in every way possible.
It’s scary.
It’s a thing that’s not actually mentioned too much but oh does it linger above their head and are they both too aware of it.
It’s just not very fun to talk about how you're probably going to die soon when you’re only 20 something and still want to do so many things.
It’s even more of that understanding I mentioned earlier with the two of them just being devil hunters in general, it’s again comforting.
Honestly, you can really say a lot of their little bonding is because of all the trauma bonding but you know.
All of it becomes a sort of new normal/routine for them.
Seeing each other basically every day, getting coffee, training, and talking…
It’s a new normal they get enjoyment out of.
The obligation and their original want to only get okay with each other to live longer has changed into a genuine liking and comfort with one another.
It really has grown into a friendship now.
With something else mingling in the center of this.
You can probably guess that that is
Kobeni and her thing of being so incredibly lonely for so long without not anyone besides her family in her life.
She either lashes out and scares them off or they just leave in general and yet Arai has stayed with her.
(Kobeni’s own annoyance with her paranoia is hitting a peak, she now really does want to trust him but something in her isn’t letting her completely and it drives her a little bonkers especially when it comes to anything romantic because- *looks at her past* you know)
(Kobeni and romance and how it’s even harder for her than anything else, to let herself trust someone that much. Go that far. Do that much. It’s incredibly hard especially when anyone mentions it. Brings it up)
Stayed with her even with everything.
He’s kind and polite and acts like a gentleman, has stuck his neck out for her more than anyone has ever done anything for her.
It almost leaves her unable to understand how to react.
(*He’s so nice to me I have to kill him* meme)
It makes her feel like she’s worth something, that she’s safe around him. (Rare I would think)
It makes her feel like she’s something special.
It makes her heart skip a beat.
Arai and his thing of having another person to talk to after his friends stopped talking to him after taking this job. (He’s a dead man walking it hurts them to talk to him)
Absolutely loves her smile on the rare occasion she does it.
Like it makes his heart flutter every single damn time.
Man can absolutely not get enough of it and when he gets to see her actually be happy.
He wants to see it more.
He WANTS to see her happy and comfortable because she’s so special to him now.
He doesn’t want to see her suffer like she always seems to be.
It’s actively starting to hurt him seeing especially with just how frequently it is
(Cringe Arai)
It’s honestly impossible to say who ‘fell’ for the other first because that’s never how I’ve thought about it.
No real moment of ‘oh shit I love him’ ‘I love her’ for either of them, not a big one at least, it’s more this slow creeping thing that sneaks up on them, just barely at first, back of their heads before it gets stronger and stronger.
Just BAM-
Love, or whatever you non aro freaks call it.
(It even gets to a point where she feels comfortable enough with him to retreat to his house for shelter when her parents are being especially bad or just to get away from them in general.)
(First time when he wasn’t at the park like he normally is, after her parents locked her out so she just fleas there, and he, of course, lets her in)
(Something something she’d even have a few smaller things always at his home like a toothbrush just because she’s there so much)
With all this time passing them by (multiple months), their death also looms over them more and more.
Arai from this and a combination of that wanting her to be happy thing starts taking her out to little places.
(They’re probably gonna die soon any day now as their training turns to missions. Arai wants to give her this much before that. She deserves that much at the very least.)
(Yessss Arai spoil her completely and utterly fucking rotten.)
It’s something that’s kind of hard for her to be ok with with what I mentioned earlier but because she trusts Arai not to do anything or take advantage of anything (even if a part of her mind is still wailing he will) she rolls with it.
Even takes him out to a few places as well.
He gets to meet her siblings, and thinks they’re good kids.
Now, it’s obvious these are fucking dates.
Like these fuckers are going on dates, but do they admit to that?
Of course, they don’t.
They both are so venomously against ever even acknowledging any feelings they know they have for each other.
Because oh boy do they absolutely know they both have feelings for each other and it’s not a ‘do they feel the same way’ thing, they’re not stupid, but they do Jack shit about it.
In fact, it’s almost a weird unsaid thing they share, that they don’t bring it up, just like they don’t openly bring up how they’re gonna die soon.
So it’s just these two morons dancing around their clear feelings for the other.
This is for a lot of separate reasons for both of them.
Arai thinks it’d be improper of him to ask out his coworker. 
Oh, how scandalous to ask out his work partner!!!!!!!
And Arai is so fucking strict about what he thinks is inappropriate (like he even was unsure about taking her out or even hanging out with her outside work in general because he thought it might be inappropriate) (it’s like an actual huge concern for him)
(He’s extremely serious about it it’s actually a big part of how he acts in general)
(Besides he’s not stupid and with all her very strong and downright aggressive reactions to anything like it keys him into she probably has a problem when it comes to that.)
Kobeni’s reasons for it tie back to her fears about relationships and what that might turn into when it comes to what she absolutely doesn’t want.
It scares her and Kobeni stays away from things that scare her.
(Kobeni ultimate sex hater as she should be)
Even if a part of her wants to kiss him it’s not worth that risk.
The last and biggest thing with it is just how they both think they’re going to again, die, so what’s even really the point of trying to go anywhere with one another when this is already so nice?
Get together just to die and hurt the other?
No never….
Arai doesn’t want to hurt her.
Kobeni doesn’t want to be hurt.
They say nothing and continue doing what they’re doing for a while.
Of course, no one can dance forever.
It would stop somehow eventually and every time Kobeni always has to be the person to make the first move in the relationship in my book.
No real acceptions.
I feel so strongly about this because with the sheer lack of control and say Kobebi has in her life constantly with literally everything she’s getting full say and chooses to start up his relationship because she wants it herself even with that fear.
I want it to be her full choice, not Arai’s, it’s about Kobeni and having this control.
(I love writing it at first happen in the hotel, just fucking making out with him in the heat of the moment. In my broken reality in my crazy mind, something went down. They made the fuck out and it was a messy ass make-out session. They cuddled. I don’t make the rules.)
(She freaks because of more stuff I already mentioned and thinks she broke this unsaid truce and messed up what they had —> messes up further)
(It’s something she would apologize for. Ask why the hell he sticks with her. He tells her because it’s because he cares a lot about her. That buddies stick together)
(It’s the push shortly after she asks him out, or wound be about to but then he gets shot, whatever)
(Note I always write her asking him out)
(Kobeni’s choosing, ETC)
(He also learns about the extent of how shitty her parents are too besides the whole assuming most of it is accidents thing I mentioned which is a very horrible thing to learn about)
(He’s upset, to say the least)
*clears throat*
If he didn’t fucking drop dead the relationship would have gone extremely slow and I mean extremely slow.
Arai is slow because he’s so traditional thinking when it comes to relationships (it’s even gotten him dumped in the past, loser)
Kobeni wants to go slow because of obvious reasons. (Real for it, she is in fact NOT a loser)
It’s slow, it’s soft and tender enough to make a dog lose its goddamn mind.
(Like huh what the actual FUCK is wrong with both of you, this is why you die 99% of the time Arai and it’s better that way.)
Slow and steady does win the race to their little insanity after all.
‘Race’ whatever the fuck those yahoos are doing hand holding or whatever like what the fuck.
One step at a time with what she’s okay with, he’s completely cool with it again he likes taking it slow.
Arai thinks he’s soooooo lucky to have her, it feels all so different from anyone else he’s ever dated, he’s not sure why this is (it’s probably the trauma bonding) (he’s very mushy about it)
Kobeni thinks her luck is good for once as well. (She may love her loser boyfriend)
They’re not openly fluffy about it persay…. Not out in public at least (that’s her and Violence) (and oh boy there are a lot of key differences between how her and Violence would work out VS AraiBeni, Violence is a lot mushier, and ‘I miss my wife’, Arai is not, but that’s for another time) but their care and love for one another is still very much there in every regard.
Like ya, I think they love each other guys!
(Kicks Arai off a train into a frozen lake)
(He falls with a splat and turns into a creature)
Everything would take longer than most would to work itself out, again it’d still be slow things are far from over.
Kobeni is far from being okay with everything.
Getting intimate, getting Kobeni to move in with him, sharing a bed, ETC.
especially when things get further down the line.
Arai is still so stuffy about certain things (his job, how things should be done, and everything with his mom..)
(She hisses at him and says the stuff with his mother is bad just like the way her parents treat her is fucked up)
It’s done mostly by Arai having so much undying love and care for his girlfriend and wanting her to be comfortable in everything they do, lets her take the lead in basically everything they try out especially when it depends on the sexual side of things.
His very idealistic ideas on what a man should be, that he should be the one taking charge, on top, ETC shoved aside just like that because her comfort matters infinitely more to him than that.
There’s no even ‘oh let me think about it’-
No, it’s immediate, her comfort and happiness matter a lot to him, You’ve read this entire thing you get that.
(It’s only out of letting her be comfortable at first but then he learns he enjoys it, and tells no one about this, you’d have to pry it from his corpse)
Kobeni tops, I don’t see it any other way.
Like I stated before, for me this is always needed so she can have all the control in the world. 
(Hell yeah you top that guy like 2X bigger than you!!!)
(It actually gives her a huge confidence boost)
It’s all another thing she really appreciates from him.
Now, thinking further down the line I really don’t think… they’d ever have sex.
I just can not see them doing that in 99% of all my own stuff.
Kobeni is asexual you can not change my mind on this.
She’s not going to have sex with him.
(Connected but not she sees sex as this inherently bad thing. It’s about pain and power and control. Control and power over her and she’s sick and tired of power over her.)
(Arai thinks the complete opposite and thinks it’s crazy she even thinks that way. He thinks it’s the embodiment of the most loving trusting thing you can do with another person. It’s why you have to marry them first. To really show that love to one another before you do anything of that sort. It’s about love and trust to him. And love and trust and forming relationships is very important to Arai.)
(Not trying to point out their differences in viewpoints are just interesting to me)
Arai doesn’t try to convince her otherwise, he has no right to do so, no right at all.
And respects it when Kobebi is firm on her reasoning.
He doesn’t want her to be uncomfortable..
He’d never want that!
That would defeat the entire purpose of it!!!!
No sex allowed in this household, Beni says so.
She’s so right for it.
(Don’t get me wrong he’s still pent up as all hell he’s just still very respectful)
(Winterrrrrrrr what about more?? After that, what about marriage isn’t that super important to Arai?????)
Kobeni wouldn’t like the idea of being tied to someone like that. (It’s like a contract, like a Devil contract!!)
Arai would be really big on it but Kobeni would not.
They would not.
Just like with everything in their relationship, to make her more comfortable with it, Arai asks if it would prove they would be equals in all this if he took her last name instead of the other way around.
(Another instance of Arai throwing away man insanity) (SCREAMS)
Kobeni meets him in the middle, especially with how important she knows this is for him and agrees.
(Their wedding would 100% go wrong in some way with her luck, it starts absolutely downpouring on both of them. They’re soaked to the bone. Arai smiles faintly and tells her it’s a good thing he’s never minded rain. Kobeni hesitated before she smiles too, she says she’s never minded it much either) 
(It’s a scene that makes my mind melt in its skull)
(I hate them X3)
Thank god Arai died.
Now, I realize the majority of this was just summarizing my fic in the strangest way possible but you all get it now.
You understand completely correct?
Slow burn between two people who know they’re probably going to die soon, started by that want not to die, Arai reaching out, her reaching out next until it slowly grows into so much more of something they both needed so badly and helping each other on the way from the other’s influence?
(Yes Winter we get it, we understand!!!!! Understand completely!!)
(Good I’m so proud everyone should understand my genius vision)
In conclusion, these guys are freaks and I hate them. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk about them.
(No seriously thank you if you made it this far I really appreciate it especially since this is for like three people thanks so muchhhh)
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afniel · 8 months
Nevi Infodumps Upon Request: MMX2
Because god damn let's just make this its own thing and stop doing it on some other poor bastard's post, what did they to do deserve me happening to them.
Also I have to make a correction! There is no Z-Saber in X1, I just remembered that goofy. Zero doesn't give you shit if you upgraded your arm parts, he just dies. It doesn't even exist until X2. I have no idea why I thought that considering I played it recently enough but despite appearances I'm not known for my great recall of chronological order shit.
THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG POST AND I HAVE REMEMBERED THAT "MANNERS" EXIST SINCE YESTERDAY SO. I am using a cut. And lowering my voice. This too is "manners."
@longshotlink I have done the thing! It does not stop from happening.
Mega Man X1: *slaps X* this bad boy can hold so much survivor's guilt and self-loathing.
There, that's it, that's the recap you get.
My second favorite game in the series is X2 and you're about to find out that I like them in the order they came out in, so this is going to look chronological. It is not! Not really. This is a coincidence.
Six months after X got PTSD real bad from everyone he knows dying/being killed by him (except technically Dr. Cain I GUESS, I forgot he existed for a moment there) he's still tracking down Sigma's followers and presumably shooting the hell out them. He goes to an abandoned reploid factory with the Maverick Hunters, where Green Biker Dude dies after a glorious ten seconds of doing nothing but popping a sick wheelie on a Ride Chaser and getting shot to fuck.
Rip to a real one, I guess. Pour one out for Green Biker Dude while we're here.
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(Because we source our art here, this is by Springqueen on DeviantART.)
X tears through the factory and kills a huge-ass mechaniloid—wait, you say, the hell is a mechaniloid, we got reploids but that hasn't come up yet? Well, see, there's normal robots, and there's people robots, and mechaniloids are the normal robots who aren't really self-aware, and you literally cannot predict who the fuck is which:
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This is a sentient being, with a rich inner life and emotions equivalent to a human's! (Only the C-15 model from X1, though, after that they're mechaniloids.)
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This man is just a really fancy computer who can't actually feel anything!
I am not even joking. This is canon. Figure it out! I sure can't. It is a mystery. Nothing makes sense and everything is confusing and quite possibly bad.
There are three dudes ominously watching X and talking about some kind of nonsense bullshit crap, and these guys are Agile, who is tall, smirky, and pointy; Serges, who is short, Dr. Wily, and pointy; and Violen, who is huge, dumb as a sack of hammers, and pointy.
No really, they're all kinda pointy. For some reason they specifically have pointy feet. And they're talking about 'the control chip' and being all m~y~s~t~e~r~i~o~u~s but let's just get it out of the way. These mofos are reassembling Zero for nefarious reasons. Why? Well, you see, when you're Keiji Inafune and you just made a game, even though you teased a sequel in the post-credits, you totally did not think this through (because you have never thought anything all the way through in your life and you are not beginning now!) and now you're stuck, because you WANTED to make Zero the main character, got talked out of it, and then somehow ended up killing your intended main character. And everyone else. The only surviving named characters are X and Dr. Cain, and like...now what, right? Shit. Fuck. You fucked it up. You were supposed to leave some guys for the sequel. Well uhhhh they're all robots, just...reassemble someone real fast. Like Zero. You wanted him to be the cool one anyway, let's try that again but not wrong this time!
But never mind that! It's all fixable. Everything is fixable. Even Zero! Well, no, X isn't fixable, he's a goddamn mess, but details, man.
This gets a LITTLE fucky to summarize because there's some branching paths, so I'm gonna flip back to the actual game side for a second. X2 actually fucking slaps as a game. It's got an extra math coprocessor in the cartridge! Did you know that? The Cx4 chip showed up again in MMX3, and was the reason X2 suddenly had WAY more onscreen sprites, transparency effects, and even 3D wireframe enemies. This shit was amazing on the SNES.
Also, X2 is another case of "oh no, these Mavericks are ex-Hunters again," so like. ACAB. Not all of the Mavericks are, but still more than none, which you'd hope would be the number. They have not learned shit about shit for vetting members. The call is coming from inside the house, guys! Maybe Hunter HQ should think about the implications of the fact that—*I am shot in the head by Keiji Inafune, who has never once thought something all the way through in his life and is not beginning now, killing me instantly*
In X1 there were basically three kinds of defector:
I'm So Bored Please God Kill Me Now
I Just Love Hitting Things
Whatever You Say Chief!
Well, and Storm Eagle's unfortunate little thing of
I Got My Ass Beat To Hell And Back Until I Said Fine I'll Kill The Humans With You Just To Make It Stop And All I Got Was This Terminate On Sight Designation T-Shirt
X2 is a little more varied than that. You now have the new exciting backstory flavors of
I Love Money More Than My Life And This Guy Promised Me A Raise, Sooooo... (Bubble Crab)
The Bad Guys Are Somehow Less Ableist Than The Good Guys (Overdrive Ostrich, who USED TO be able to fly, lost the ability in an accident, and retired because the Hunters were kind of treating him like damaged goods and he was over it. Editor's note I do not blame this dude at all, what the fuck!)
I Love Trash (Morph Moth, who was not a Hunter)
Idk I Was Already Doing Crimes, Might As Well (Crystal Snail, also not a Hunter)
Sigma Is My Literal Dad (Wire Sponge, made in one of Sigma's reploid factories. He came out wrong even for a Maverick. Good job, Sigma. Great quality control.)
There's Still No Virus In The Continuity But I Sure Caught It Somehow Anyway?? Help Me (Magna Centipede, who used to be in Zero's unit, but got 'brainwashed' somehow.)
(This happens a lot. This will keep happening. Zero collects subordinates who are just WAITING for an excuse. Also this will make a whole lot more sense once they retcon in the Maverick Virus and then MORE sense once they retcon in that it is coming from Zero specifically but we aren't there yet so right now it's just weird and kind of unfortunate!)
And you still have at least one I Just Love Hitting Things (Wheel Gator).
Also why are so many of these guys invertebrates? This is like the invertebrate game. X1 has two, but X2 has five of these things. (X3 has three, X4 has two again, X5 has three again, X6 has three, X7 only has one, and you will not see another game with five again until X8, the last one. I don't know why I went to count that.)
After X whacks a few of the Maverick stage bosses, there's a little cutscene at Dr. Cain's lab. The three shadowy weirdos from the intro call Dr. Cain to say like, "Hey, X, we named ourselves the X-Hunters for reasons you'll never be able to guess, and also we have Zero's parts. Meet us at the wherever the hell on the map we visibly teleport to after this in fifteen minutes for an ass-kicking." They hang up, Dr. Cain is like, "Well, it's fine, we still have Zero's control chip here and they can't really resurrect him without it, plus this is obviously bait, so maybe don't do anything too hast—"
X declares he's got to get Zero's parts back at any cost and runs the fuck off, because he's fine, okay. He doesn't wanna talk about it.
This scene is way more interesting in Japanese, where Serges and only Serges slips a bit and calls him Rockman X, which is sus, because nobody really mentions Rockman in the games, except for some reason Dr. Cain in English who calls him Mega Man X. Dr. Cain has actually read Dr. Light's notes so he's got at least a historical reason to be doing this, but Serges wouldn't know that shit, right? It is definitely unrelated that the Japanese materials describe Serges as having comparable intellect to a certain unnamed mad scientist. It is also certainly coincidence that despite Zero being an absolutely undocumented black box of a Wily creation, Serges somehow knows how to upgrade him too.
Let's assume for the plot that X does go through and collect all of Zero's parts, which is his head, torso, and legs. Now correct me if I'm wrong but his head did not actually fall off in X1...but meh, details, right? Once you have all three, Dr. Cain says he needs a little more time to get Zero's control chip installed, so go deal with the other Mavericks until then. Then, once you do that, he tells you it's going to take even MORE time, but hey, the X-Hunters are hanging out at the North Pole, like some kind of shitty dollar store Santa Clauses who come down your chimney and murder you. So X fucks off to the North Pole to do some violence, and shoots the hell out all three of the X-Hunters, like you do. In Japanese, Serges is kind of pissed that "Light's memento robot" defeated him, which again...yeah, that seems normal, nothing to see here!
Once X murderhobos his way through the rematch fights, he gets a random zoom call from Sigma, who invites him to come to the central computer in fifteen minutes for an ass-kicking, and once there he gets a nasty surprise: his buddy Zero is there, chilling, and Sigma is like, "Lol he's so mad that you let him die. Look at how upset he's getting. Look at his fists. They're balled. He wants to beat you up so bad." Except, assuming you collected all of Zero's parts, this is a shitty dollar store Zero with a palette swap, and the real Zero is offended as shit and shows up and kills the fuck out of his copy, saving you a fight. Sigma is like, "WHY are you not on my side though man you should be. You should totally be on my side and fighting him instead, it's your destiny." Zero's like, "Maybe so, but I still don’t like you!" <- Unlike almost everything else I keep putting in quotation marks, that's a real quote. I'm not making that one up. It's even better in Japanese because it's SO DISMISSIVE the way he says it. It's literally, "It's because I don't like you," but you'd almost have to localize it to something like "It's because I don't like your face," to convey the don't-give-a-singular-fuck disdain. He's just like, fuck your stupid destiny thing, do I look like the kind of person who cares.
I feel like this game is just kind of less interesting at the end than X1. Sigma did actually run off to Magna Centipede's level for his final stage for some reason, which is unusual. A lot of the implied angst in the first game exists, and X basically ignoring Dr. Cain's attempt at warning him to be careful because OH MY GOD WHAT IF HE CAN FIX THIS ONE THING AND MAYBE AT LEAST ONE PERSON HE CARES ABOUT WILL BE OKAY is pretty good. And once you blow up Sigma, he does have a little foreshadowing about Zero being "the last of the doctor's creations," or MUCH more specifically in Japanese, being "the last of the Wi...num...ers..." aka the Wily Numbers, aka Dr. Wily's robots, which is like...where'd you hear that, hm? Were you talking to that shady Serges guy again who was also basically your lieutenant? Couldn't be he's someone from the past who would know all this shit.
But I'm not gonna touch the epilogue just yet because let's say X decided that actually he should focus on the mission at hand and ignore these guys clearly trying to goad him into doing something stupid. Good call, X! You have finally learned a little self-preservation. Except, this goes badly actaully, because the X-Hunters will break into Dr. Cain's lab, not butcher him for some reason even though that would have been the logical thing to do if they really wanted to fuck with X and hamper his efforts, and steal all of Zero's parts, including his control chip.
I have a little headcanon about the reason they didn't bother, but I'll save that for a second or three later. For now...
X fucks off to the North Pole as before, deals with the X-Hunters (who are now shitty dollar store Santa Clauses who come down your chimney and STEAL YOUR DEAD FRIEND'S LEGS??), meets Sigma at the central computer, and Zero is there, only that's the real Zero, and X has to fight him. Maybe for the first time, but not for the last time, because reasons! X wins, which apparently slaps some sense into Zero, who for some reason apologizes for causing so much trouble (probably having been resurrected, reprogrammed, and then kicked in the head by your bestie until you're unreprogrammed makes you stupid) and says he's going to go destroy the main computer.
Wait, what main computer, like do you mean this entire stage? When did we ever establish about there being a main computer that needed to be destroooooh fine whatever go destroy the main computer and X can just fall down this hole where Sigma is. X is like, "Take care of yourself, Zero. I don't have time to put you back together again," and once again that's a real quote and I'm not just being flippant. Was that an attempt at humor? In Japanese it's just, "Do you intend to die?" which is like. God damn, X. I know this is the point in the game in which Zero exploded himself last time, but he JUST got here, he's not going to Death Hug the computer too. But ya boy is evidently having a flashback.
From there things proceed as normal, X defeats Sigma, and this time,
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Two of them.
Joined by his friend Zero, Mega Man X gazes out over the sea. Sigma has once again been destroyed, but X wonders if the fighting will truly end. Was Dr. Light’s dream of a world in which Reploids and humans lived together in peace merely a dream? The price of peace is often high, X thinks to himself. Who or what must be sacrificed for it to become a reality? And when the time comes, will he be able to do it? The future holds the answers or…
It's a lot less of a downer than X1 was. The music is tense and kinda gloomy, but it's not the endless despair party that X1's ending theme was. X is like, okay, maybe this will work out. Sigma's defeated again, this sucks and all, but he's clearly the bad guy in this situation so there's less of an internal conflict about Was This The Right Thing To Do. Obviously so! It's less, was this right, and more, can I do this? And Zero's back, so maybe even some of the mistakes are fixable. It's not going to be easy, sure, but it at least feels possible.
Or maybe it's hopeless after all. Will the fighting truly end?
Haha, no. But don't tell him that right now, I don't think he could handle it. Can you imagine. Let the poor dude rest for five minutes. Just let him have this one little victory. God damn.
Anyway, let's leave those guys on their cliff and go over here instead for
HEADCANON TIME oh boy let's do it!!
So, it is not at all a stretch to say that Serges is probably some kind of AI incarnation of Dr. Wily. The game is not explicit about this, no, but it's heavily implied in the Japanese version, and Keiji Inafune, who has never thought anything all the way through in his entire life and is not starting now, is on record as having left it intentionally vague so that you can draw your own conclusions. Weird thing to tease, if there weren't a little truth to it.
This takes some of the later games' plot existing to make sense, but I don't think the X-Hunters really exist to be subservient to Sigma and just carry out his funny little genocidal reploid rampage. It's established that Zero was created by Dr. Wily, and if there's one thing that you can count on with Dr. Wily, it's that he is the kind of guy who will create a whole guy whose personality is summed up by, "I exist to kill this other guy and then after that I have no idea." He definitely did this with Bass. He definitely did this with Zero. In fact he went so overboard with Zero's Kill A Guy programming that Zero wanted to kill EVERY guy upon activation, which Sigma had to beat out of him (X4), making him weirdly normal.
(In fact the original recipe Maverick Virus was just a day-one patch for Zero's omnicidal bullshit tendencies to make him fucking stop it, dude, you have things to be doing that aren't creating new Pollock works all over the buried lab every time like a rat or something wanders in. But then because Wily is kind of a shit programmer but a really good scavenger of other people's shit, the day-one patch went, fine, you suck, I'm doing a world tour and getting stronger and coming back and FIXING YOU. Maverick Virus out.)
Now if you were some kind of AI version of Dr. Wily watching this—your favorite and final murder machine that you made specifically to kill Dr. Light's little baby-boo-bop hugs and love machine—and he is NOT doing that, he is in fact BECOMING BESTIES FOR LIFE with his enemy, this is not cool! This is just more proof that you are a bad programmer. Or, your original meatsuit self was a bad programmer, and now YOU are a program made of and by a bad programmer, which is arguably WORSE. It's enough to give a guy a FUCKING COMPLEX. Which is also a common thing to happen to any given Wily creation.
So your goal, here, because you think you're Dr. Wily or close enough to count, is to manipulate the situation into getting Zero to remember that he's supposed to be biting X to death with his teeth, not whatever the fuck pattycake he's playing with him right now, what the FUCK. WHAT the FUCK. Ahem.
If you have the X-Hunters kill Dr. Cain, well, that's not going to incentivize this happening at all. X is going to be so mad he kills you, and that's not optimal for shit. So fuck that guy. We ignore him. Unused variable. Just get Zero's parts and scram, because the important thing is rebuilding Zero, not fingerpainting with the innards of some human. (Even if Violen would probably be into that, but he's an idiot whose text box dialogue even appears more slowly than anyone else's, you can't listen to him if you want to get ahead in life.)
Sigma is really secondary to this too. He's very conveniently placed, and kind of easy to manipulate: just tell him that you know all about Zero (which is true) and that he's supposed to be on Sigma's side (which is close enough to true that he won't question it) and you can make this happen (you think you can. IT SHOULD WORK. Dammit. How bad of a programmer was your mental predecessor, anyway?). So Sigma kindly sets up everything for you, and you do your thing.
And they fight! Finally. It is glorious. Of course you are dead by the time this happens, probably, but maybe you aren't, because you have probably vacated your trashed-ass body into some other convenient system. (You will definitely not show up in X6 as some guy named Isoc, who upon finishing his work, goes absolutely inert like his whole-ass self just left his body, which you have definitely not just done and will not do again.)
Anyway the real takeaway here is that Dr. Wily was just such a big fan of percussive maintenance that Zero occasionally needs to get beaten in the head with a wrench for a bit and then he's great for a while. If he starts twitching, that just means it's Wrench Time.
Anyway, that's X2, my second most favorite one.
Wire Sponge is a luffa, by the way. Loofah. However it's spelled.
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This thing. That's what he is.
And I will not stop calling centipedes 'hyakuleggers' now because Magne Hyakulegger is way funner than Magna Centipede as a name.
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imsailorpluto · 1 year
True Beauty - unpopular opinion edition (7 eps in)
Girlie Jukyung should ditch Seojun completely. Setting boundaries is not her thing, fine. But putting this guy on hold would be the smartest choice. He needs to cool off.
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Let me explain.
Truth be told, Seojun is problematic and highly toxic. Simple as that. He reminds me of her previous bullies a lot. His methods are completely different, but umm... Hello??? He knows Suho and Jukyung are both into each other yet he's trying really hard to meddle in and play with their heads. Imagine if someone did that to you irl. Would you think that's cute? Probably not.
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Yeah he's got a cute face. But he's actually not that great to people around him.
This guy not only drags Jukyung in his own problems and conflicts, but he does so all while presenting her as his girlfriend to a bunch of people, online and offline. It results with our main girlie getting kidnapped and held hostage, quite literally! I know guys are being this disrespectful irl as well, all too often. And we girls love romanticising their stupid behaviour.
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I hate this enemies to lovers the show's been trying to pull off. If they make these two fall in love, istg
Jukyung's anxiety levels must be out of the roof because of this immature pabo. My thoughts are that she might fall for him, confusing all the freaking anxiety with butterflies.
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Ughhhhh he's catching feelings for sure and I'm not here for it. Yeah, yeah, he's slowly starting to realise how cool our girlie is. After being a complete jerk for many times. Bravo!
And of course I have to say the most important thing. He's doing all this to hurt Suho, intentionally. So now we see him hurting not only one person he actually wants to hurt, but he's using and hurting Jukyung in that process. Seriously. What kind of man does this? The best (worst) part is - it's working. He knows how to get inside Suho's head and has already made both Suho and Jukyung direct victims of his own pain and unresolved anger.
I get that he's hurting because his friend died, but he isn't the only one who lost a friend. Since there's plenty of room for his change of character, I'm assuming that's exactly going to happen in the following episodes.
He is falling for the main girl, afterall.
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Even if he changes, after watching 7 episodes of this show, honestly, I wouldn't want to see him with Jukyung at all. She deserves better. She deserves someone who has had an open heart towards her since the beginning, someone who isn't using her kindness for some vicious payback and someone who isn't playing mind games on her and her friends.
Rant over. If you read everything - I am sorryyyy. I really wanted to like his character up until now, I tried. I see lots of viewers shipping Seojun and Jukyung. That's why I'm assuming there's some major change, some plot twist after first half of the series. Ohhh I'm scared to find out what comes next. But yeah... we'll see. It's just a silly show, nothing serious, right? Hahah
Enough talking from me..
Bye bye for now
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bluebellthesponge · 7 months
Hey friend! I am Rae and I followed you because this stupid troll movie resurrected my ancient NSYNC obsession and you post about them some. But, I know a lot of younger people aren't comfortable palling around with much older people, and I am literally 20 years your senior, lol. So I just wanted to reach out and say hi, but also let you know if you'd rather I not follow/interact that's totally fine too, I won't be hurt or anything.
In payment for this awkward af message, I offer you "Songbird" by Fleetwood Mac and invite you to imagine Chris singing it. :)
hey there!!! welcome to my blog, glad you followed me because of my nsync posting teheheh! and you're good! feel free to stay following my blog i am totally fine with really any people older than me following me :)) i am glad you find enjoyment with what i post! :D
happy to hear your nsync interest was reignited with the trolls movie, makes me wonder if the movie will bring back old fans and bring in new ones! which i mean i am sure it will, it does feature nsync songs (i think? i don't know how many actually, all i know is better place and i want you back for trailers lmao) so it's cool and exciting to probably see some new people around considering at least nsync tumblr is pretty much dead lol
but it's cool to probably have a movie introduce people to nsync considering i say after nsync broke up??? (question marks because the breakup date confuses me so much) i say jt's songs have been more of the standard/what people are use to rather than nsync songs which is natural lol, music moves on and nsync obvs hasn't made a new album since 2001
because personally for me, i was literally born after nsync technically died, i was more used to it just being justin and that nsync was more of a fun fact on his behalf lmao. i only knew bye bye bye, it's gonna be me and merry christmas, happy holidays and probably pop because of jimmy neutron but that was it
it wasn't until the beginning of this year that my sisters and i started watching boyband music videos on youtube because when my one older sister was younger, radio disney i guess played pop and she hated that song when she was younger, so when she saw the music video we watched it,,,and kept on watching it the next couple of weeks and then their other music videos and at first, like i am with a lot of things i realize i might start getting interested in, i was in denial being like "oh i am NOT catching myself getting into some dead 1990s/2000s boyband with fucking justin timberlake in it like nuh uh" but then oh no!!! i realize i started watching their performances by myself and by spring/summer i already am familiar with all their names and searching for "nsync as vines" videos that i know i am already too deep in
and also on the last day of school back in june, to celebrate i guess, my sisters ordered pizza for us since our mom was out of the house and we watched the lou boyband con documentary and soon we want to watch the lance and joey movie together lol
ok sorry for explaining my nsync interest origin story i just felt like it hahah. i just have a lot of thoughts on nsync in general that i can make a whole ass video essay series about them but that's a later idea to execute
personally with me on any fandoms i usually am more shy i guess lol. i am just scared to interact with others in general because i am a socially anxious guy idk dsfjlkdslkf, that's why i follow like 84 blogs dfsljdsfkdsf and from what i seen a lot of the nsync fandom are people in their 30s which is fine! that's cool considering they did grow up in that era to experience the boyband phenomena like glad they are still enjoying something they liked 20+ years ago unlike me who never grew up with that and yeah boybands like one direction and big time rush existed, but a boyband craze like nsync i never was there to experience hahaha
considering the one direction fandom still seems to be going strong in some sense, i am not surprised nsync has been as well (at least on other platforms but i don't fuck with instagram/tiktok fandoms). but anyways personally for me i feel awkward for the most part being in the nsync fandom, the fans i have met are generally very nice (like you!) but i still feel a bit odd for not being a millennial who grew up with them but instead a chronically online gen z teen who found them really because my older sister in the late '00s hated a song of theirs lol
but anyways once again i am saur sorry for that long ass answer i just have a lot of thoughts about this stupid ass band, but once again feel free to stay! you're welcomed here :D thank you so much!
and ooooh i will listen to the song soon and see hehehe! after school or so i'll do it ljdsflkdsf thanks :)
*edit: how i also knew of the other members at first was also probably silly. i probably heard of chris because he voiced chip skylark on the fairly odd parents, lance was several timez on gravity falls, and joey and jc i was not 100% of them at first/didn't have other media i could attach them to at first when i wasn't sure of their names lolll. i knew joey was on hannah montana but i never watched that show and he was on big fat greek wedding which my mom liked, but with jc literally that man fell off the face of the earth after nsync (i know that's not 100% true, but you get what i mean dsflkjdslk)
also another unnecessary thought but i kind of lowkey feel well not weird but interesting that nsync are technically around my parents' ages (at least more so around chris, jc, and joey's considering chris is only a couple months older than my mom) and it's like "huh these guys could technically be my parents...and i am just giggling and kicking my feet watching these fucking losers dance for my entertainment"
once again thank you and have a nice day!
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Your posts about Rhodey/Tony and slash and black Only Sane Men best friends made me think of American Gods, the series with Ricky Whittle as Shadow. Haven't actually watched season 3 yet, and I also haven't interacted with the fandom in a good while, but I remember that back when season one had just dropped, there were lots of Shadow/Mad Sweeney shippers.
I think many people find Only Sane Man types more compelling (and so, more shippable) as the fish-out-of-water protagonists falling deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole of weirdness. Shadow started out working for Mr. Wednesday, following his orders no matter how strange they initially appeared and being the straight man character for his eccentricities to bounce off of, but he never felt like anyone's long-suffering babysitter or nagging mother hen. He had his own troubles, his own sad past as a woobie who got out of jail only to find out the woman he loved had cheated on him with his friend and then died, and scary supernatural shit kept happening to him despite him just wanting a quiet life and a job. And Mad Sweeney was just the aggressive prick who picked a fight with him for no reason, got tangled with him and his zombie ex due to a freaky chain of events that Shadow had absolutely no way to know he was starting, and resented him enough for that to give shippers an unintentionally very gay line like "damn is dark eyes!" that made it into a bunch of crackvids as That One Gay Moment and on many Tumblr blogs as an OTP tag. So right from the beginning, it was clear they were probably never gonna have a "black guy cleaning up after the white guy's messes" thing going on.
And sure, there were also many people shipping Mad Sweeney with Laura, because they had more scenes together and more of an established dynamic... and it was a dynamic where they were both always snarking at each other even when being stuck together, at that. But they often had to deal with a "how dare you ship Laura with anyone, she's a bitch and evil and we as the audience are meant to hate her!!" crowd that sounded suspiciously like many other "don't you dare put a woman between my slash ship" crowds.
Also, a bit off topic from my point but while I never really felt the urge to ship Rhodey/Tony, I also never really understood why Steve/Tony was so popular in MCU fandom before Civil War. My impression when trying to figure it out after watching The Avengers was that comic fans were just really excited to have a liveaction adaptation of a ship that had had years of development (and a Steve/Fem!Tony wedding in a parallel universe, I think?) through the years in comic form... and their enthusiasm ended up dominating the fandom for a while, leaving not a lot of space for other ships. I think the only one somewhat able to rival Steve/Tony was Tony/Loki, but the main Loki ship at that point was Thorki, so Tony/Loki was considered a bit of a crackpair anyway...
I have to say I never checked on Rhodey/Tony before that, though. I just always assumed it had kind of dropped from the face of fandom partly due to the recasting and partly due to people jumping ship to Steve/Tony.
Steve/Tony was pretty popular because of existing comics fans (and fic), yeah. I didn't remember it being quite so overwhelming.
Right now, the sidebar for MCU on AO3 looks like this:
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (58243)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (35675)
Peter Parker & Tony Stark (26000)
Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (21178)
Loki/Thor (Marvel) (14221)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader (14103)
James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers (11546)
Loki/Tony Stark (11502)
Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov (11474)
Clint Barton/Phil Coulson (10812)
If I filter by time for 2012 and before, it looks like this:
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (2874)
Clint Barton/Phil Coulson (1984)
Loki/Thor (Marvel) (1451)
Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov (1372)
Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (1108)
Loki/Tony Stark (843)
Bruce Banner/Tony Stark (833)
Jane Foster/Thor (548)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (418)
Loki & Thor (260)
Stony had more of a lead than I realized at the time, but this was also the height of inexplicable Clint/Coulson's reign. I think some of the Pepperony never made it off of LJ and other sites too.
I haven't seen American Gods, but having a leading role usually helps with those writing problems. A canon can still decide to sideline a major character in favor of other characters (Star Wars, I'm looking at you), but a show lead is in a lot less danger of feeling like a babysitter. Even if he ends up cleaning up someone's messes or something, he's more of an audience surrogate annoyed about this job or worried about his friend or having some emotion the audience is supposed to pay attention to and give a fuck about. The classic sidelined supportive best friend ensemble character feels like a prop because the audience is never invited to know or care how he feels about what he's doing. He's not an audience surrogate. He's not someone whose interiority matters.
That's the real key: interiority. Plenty of media represents minority characters as sexy or cool or some other positive attribute but doesn't invite us inside their head and thus subtly tells us that they're set dressing, not a person. A lead who drives the plot is generally written better.
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copwef · 6 months
Rottmnt: atoning part 3/3(Finale)
Tw: Death, mentions of deaths
Leo didn't quite know how he got into the old lair. But he knew he didn't have time to think about it. He was getting dizzy and he was coughing heavily.
Thought it didn't stop him from looking around his old home. Leo looked through each of his brothers rooms, taking in every detail that he could. Looking at old photos from their teen years. He coughed, partly from the dust, and from the fact that he was right on death's doorstep.
Leo had wanted to look through the living room and his father's room, but they were destroyed during the atack where he lost both his father and his oldest brother. Even if they weren't, he knew that it was time to end this. He stepped in to Donnie's old room for the second time. Partly because it was the least destroyed, and partly because he wanted to feel close to his twin.
Calmly, Leo took off his hachimaki and tied it around his sword. The aged fabric of his and his brother's masks tied around each other tightly. As tight as the bond he and his brothers shared.
Without thinking, Leo raised up his his sword, the blade held forward, over his head. Without thinking Leo muttered to himself
Leo: See you all soon...
Leo thrusted the blade downward...
The blade of his sword inpaled itself firmly into the ground of Donnie's room. Leo took a few steps back, smiling while looking at his work. This was his goal from the beginning. Atone for what he did to his family. He made a final memorial to honner each and one of his brothers. Leo had wanted to make something for his Father. But splinter had told him strictly that if he died to krang we weren't to make a memorial.
He said he didn't want them to be sad. Instead, he wanted them to fight and try their hardest to win the war in his memory. However if they had won they were to" Throw a celebration for how awesome of a person he was!"
Leo chuckled slightly, at the memory of his father. Then he began to cough violently. He dropped to the ground. He looked at his tribute one last time and was overcome with guilt. He had tributes to all his brothers except Mikey. Before he could react he saw his tribute glow a faint, familiar orange.
Leo had recognized this color. It was the color that had helped him get into the lair. It was the color that was by his side throughout his whole life. He understood what it meant. It was telling him that it was okay, that he could rest.
With one last grin Leo said...
Leo: Thanks Mikey, see you soon...
Leo breathed his last breath and imbraced the following darkness....
Until he heard voices he thought he wouldn't hear again....
Splinter: Hello blue... Look at how you've grown.
Raph: Hey Leo, not so easy being the leader, is it?
Donnie: Nardo please explain to me why you decided to put a crack in my floor.
Mikey: Hey leo, how are you feeling?
Leo didn't know how to react and just sat and stared for a few seconds. Until he smiled harder than he had in a long time. With tears in his eyes he said...
Leo: Hey guy's I'm home, it been a while.
Before running to his family and hugging them all as tight as he could. Everyone was at peace, even Donnie who looked like he would rather be anywhere else.
Leo felt a peace that he hadn't in years. He didn't know what came next, but he was ready to face it with his family by his side.
I hope you enjoyed reading this short series. Please tell me if you have any suggestions for Au's I could do. Now if you'll excuse, my hand feels like it's on fire.
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