#with it to go back into its cell as guards are hurrying to get into the arena with them. the dragon looks around at them & at the sky befor
nerosdayinanime · 7 months
wanna make my own kny httyd au
#httyd movies are good but. theyre kid plots yk?#not a bad thing but i wanna use the wolrdbuilding more. like cmon its fucking DRAGONS man#so far giyuu & tsutako live in a little seaside village that regularly gets raided by dragons mostly stealing their livestock (and anyone#caught in surprise undefended) one night hes out doing errands he forgot to do during the day (doesnt want to dissapoint tsutako)#and gets caught out in a raid. hes running for cover and comes across a juvenile dragon. hes scared shitless and frozen as it creeps closer#and closer until he can feel its hot breath sniffing at him. curious purple eyes stare into his own. a loud fireball explodes near them#and the dragon nudges him away from the carnage. tsutako sees a dragon near him and flips her shit. ready to die trying to keep#her baby brother alive. he screams at her to stop- shoving the dragon away as she screams for him to get away from it#dragon flees and tsutako drags him home stressed out her gourd but thankful hes alive.#later on hes out walking in the woods to get away from it all (the other kids dont like him very much) and comes across the dragon again#he ends up making friends with it and names it sabito ('rust' for his orange-red coloration & 'rabbit' for the little hops he does)#comes across all the little dragon quirks as he hangs out- meanwhile back in the village they need more warriors to fight off the dragons#giyuu gets forced into training for it despite his (& tsutako's) protests. time comes to training against actual dragons and he miraculousl#survives using his knowledge of quirks hes learned from sabito- it astonishes /everyone/ bc hes a wimpy little fuck#yadda yadda he accidentally becomes top student just trying to avoid actually hurting the dragons and gets assigned to kill the Big Bad One#they release the beast and it crawls around the top chain netting for a bit before it notices giyuu. it drops to the floor and slowly#advances towards him. giyuu intentionally drops his weapon & shield and steps towards it with big wet scared eyes. everyone's shocked and#tsutakos screaming for them to call it off. the dragon stops posturing and sniffs at him- lets him gently pet its nose. he quietly pleads#with it to go back into its cell as guards are hurrying to get into the arena with them. the dragon looks around at them & at the sky befor#looking back at giyuu's sad eyes promising theyll both be safer if it goes back in. it hesitantly does so and giyuu locks the doors back as#the guards get to him and drag him to the village leader's hall to get the scolding of his life#he tries to reason with them that the dragons arent bad but they hit back with 'so what are we supposed to do boy. starve as we let the#dragons take all of our food? grow up. /we cant live in harmony with them.'/#hes fucked up over it & everyone starts treating him as even more of an outcast than before.#one night while tsutako's doing dishes 'tako-nee?' quietly called out. 'what giyuu?' she doesnt even turn to glance at him.#she /always/ stops to give her full attention when he calls for her like that. his heart sinks to the floor. 'goodnight' barely keeping#the crack of his voice away. 'goodnight giyuu'#she awakes the next morning to no response. an empty house. she finds a red shirt of hers missing & a note#giyuu's neat writing shakey & slowly delving into a messy scrawl as it furthers along. one- two odd dried spots on the letters turned to#countless (/27/) blotches in the ink before it fully dried. 'im sorry' left pristine atop the worst of it at the very bottom.
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bumblesimagines · 7 months
Escaping The Woods
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Request: Yes or No
Finally giving my fem!readers some crumbs
"Sam, you need to go! Now!" She had no idea where this strength came from to shout at the boy. They constantly sedated her, keeping her numb and tranquil against her will, even when they claimed it was for her own safety. They feared her, just as they feared every other student trapped below the school. She knew well that her food had been tampered with, tainted with a sedative that would keep her from fighting when they did blood tests. The sedative would kick in soon and she'd be left to sleep for hours until she awoke with the hope that Sam finally escaped. 
"But- I can't leave you!" Blood dripped down his cheek, hands and clothes stained with the blood of the guards who had tried stopping him. He'd escaped his cell, just as he had done numerous times before, but he had a chance to finally leave and never return. Her eyes watered and he swallowed, punching in numbers into the pad on her door. It clicked and she gasped softly, wide eyes watching the door slide open. At her feet lied a puddle of blood and a guard with his jaw broken clean off. 
"Come with us." He pleaded softly and she spotted what he held in his hand. A small supe. A girl. Drenched in blood and sound asleep in the palm of his hand. He held her carefully, as if afraid he'd hurt her with his superstrength. "Let's get out of here."
A chance at freedom. A chance to go home and far away from the corrupt humans keeping her trapped. She swallowed and took his free hand, a wide smile breaking out on his face. He led her down the bloody, corpse-ridden corridor and held the small supe close to his chest, his legs turning corners automatically and leading them to a dead end. Her brows furrowed but then Sam released her hand and braced himself, ramming his shoulder against the wall and making the hidden door burst open. He turned back to her, panting and smiling with his floppy brown curls falling over his forehead. 
"Almost there, (Y/N). Come on!" He took her hand again and they hurried up the stairs, leaving the building and stepping out into part of campus. The fresh air hit her like a truck and she inhaled deeply, the first breath of clean air she'd taken in years. Sam ran out into the field and toward a forested area, the grass beneath her worn sneaks crunching. Real, living trees. She was back in nature. But it wasn't enough. Her hand slipped from Sam's and she collapsed on her knees with a low groan. 
"Sam," She breathed out, feeling the grass against her palms. So soft, so comforting. The grass blades grew and wrapped around her fingers, the use of her powers only straining her more. Sam stepped toward her and offered his hand again.
"It- It's okay, (Y/N). I'll carry you-"
"No, you have to go." She pushed his hand away. "I'll only slow you down. If- If they catch you, who knows what they'll do to you. Save yourself and the girl. If they come, I'll hold them back for as long as I can." 
Sam hesitated, his lips beginning to tremble with anguish and eyes flooding with tears. He nodded and wiped his tears away with the bloodied sleeve of his sweater, turning his back to her and running forward before taking a leap into the air that left a small crater behind. She watched him disappear into the night and sighed, praying to whatever higher power above to let Sam go. To let him finally live a life outside four walls. To let him find Luke and run until nobody could find either of them. 
Headlights suddenly shone behind her and she swallowed thickly, staggering up onto her weak legs. The sedative. She could feel its effects beginning to set in. Her world began to turn and twist but she couldn't let it deter her. She had to protect Sam. She had to. (Y/N) took another deep breath and tried to focus, trying to summon the last of her strength. Nature was all around her. It was her strength, her power. But her vision became blurry and her movements became sluggish. 
"Hey, you okay?" A hand grabbed her elbow and she spun around, swinging as hard and fast as she could but even then, her wrist was easily caught. Her vision grew blurrier and she stumbled right into the chest of the stranger before her legs gave out and her vision went dark. 
Jordan stared at the girl passed out on their bed, teeth anxiously chewing on their bottom lip. They recognized her. She'd ranked 8th in the Top Ten before disappearing, or per Brink's words, 'dropped out due to pressure.' Yet there she was. Weak, delirious, and in the worst state they'd ever seen another person in. Famished, dehydrated, and likely tormented. "Fuck," They cursed softly and ran a hand over their face in frustration. Maybe if they hadn't been so meek back in freshmen year, maybe if they had gotten the courage to speak with her... maybe she wouldn't have been taken. 
She groaned and their heart nearly skipped a beat, shooting up from the couch and watching her closely for signs of consciousness. (Y/N)'s head lolled from side to side, slowly rolling onto her back and carefully sitting up with her eyes cracking open. Jordan slipped into their femme form, their smaller and softer form where they wouldn't be as intimidating. She'd almost cracked their cheek the previous night when they'd been in their masc form, and they'd rather not risk it again. (Y/N) slumped back against the wall with furrowed brows, her fingers curling around the sheets and comforter. 
"Where..." Her voice sounded hoarse. Jordan quickly moved around the bed and bopped open their mini fridge, snatching the first bottle of Vought Water they saw and opening it. They returned to the bedside and held the bottle up to her cracked lips, slowly tilting the bottle so she could drink and refresh her throat. She drank the water without protest before gently pushing their hand away, wiping her wet lips and chin with the tip of her fingers and finally getting a good look at her surroundings. "Where am I?"
"You're in my dorm. I-I'm Jordan Li." Jordan licked their lips and sat down on the edge of the bed. 
"Jordan? The... the freshmen that always tried sucking up to Brink?" Their skin flushed and they chuckled sheepishly, screwing the cap back on the bottle. She'd noticed them back then. Butterflies fluttered around furiously in their belly. Oh, how could she still affect them so much after three years? She tiredly rubbed her eyes and leaned forward a bit. "You look... different."
Right. She knew them before they came out and fully accepted their two forms. "Yeah, I..." They pressed their lips together and slipped into their masc form before going back to their femme form. Her brows raised and they braced themselves for a reaction that would shatter their heart. But instead, she nodded and leaned back, content with the wordless explanation. 
"Dorm.." She repeated quietly and her eyes widened, suddenly ripping the comforter off her legs and swinging them over the edge of the bed.
"Woah, woah, easy!" The bottle slipped from their hand and fell to the ground, arms shooting out to steady her before she could stumble and fall. She braced herself against the nightstand and took in short breaths, one hand gently pushing away their arm so she could stumble toward the broad window and peer out of it. She gasped sharply and jerked back. 
"I-I can't be here, Jordan." 
"I know, I know." Jordan's hands found her waist, digging their fingers into the fabric of the grey sweatpants to steady her. Her hands bunched up their jacket as she held onto them, the fear in her eyes making their heartache. 
"No, you don't know. If- If they find me, they'll take me back to The Woods and they'll wipe you so you forget about me. They hurt Sam but he's too valuable to them. I'm not. Jordan, they'll kill me." Her eyes flooded with tears and she shakily inhaled, voice trembling with each word she spoke. "They are going to kill me." 
"I won't let that happen," Jordan assured firmly. "I won't let them hurt you."
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
It’s been like two months and I’m still thinking about that one inmate Dream/ guard Hob idea where Dream becomes obsessed with Hob and eventually makes his move, getting another guard to lock Hob in his cell with him for some quality time.
After their night together, when the same guard shows up to let Hob out, hob is sore and ashamed but has never come so many times in a row. Dream helps him back into his clothes and kisses him deeply and sweetly against the bars of his cell.
Hob immediately calls in sick for the next two weeks. In that time, he thinks about asking to transfer. He thinks about quitting and running away, changing his name, starting a new life. He doesn’t do any of it.
Instead he has sleeps poorly and wakes up hard and aching and afraid. He jumps at every shadow. He buys his first dildo and tries to recreate the things Dream made him feel. But he can’t quite do it.
Eventually…Hob returns to his job. When he walks by Dream’s cell he tries not to stop…but Dream calls his name, full of concern. If hob didn’t know better, he’d think it was love.
Dream asks if he was sick, if he is feeling better. Hob can’t quite look at him as he says yes.
Dream knows he is lying. He steps up against the bars, anger starting to build in his eyes. How could his darling lie to him? After they shared such a special night? Maybe Hob isn’t special. Maybe he’s just like the others.
Hob hurries on and Dream has an absolute melt down. He trashes his cell. He shreds his pillows and his sheets that no longer smell like Hob anyway.
For days he sulks with rage.
Until. One night Hob stops outside his cell. He breaks down and tells Dream he hasn’t been able to satisfy himself since his night with Dream. And all Dream’s rage fades away. Now he understands. His poor darling. He invites Hob to come back inside. Hob puts his hand on the keys…but backs out at the last minute. He just stares at Dream, eyes desperate and anguished. He tells Dream he can’t. Hob flees again.
But now Dream is elated. This is proof that Hob does love him after all! He’s just afraid of how much he feels.
And maybe if Hob is still too timid to come to him…maybe Dream will just have to break out and go to Hob himself.
The unhinged dominant Dream vibes are so good in this au, I love it.
Poor Hob. The thing is, he's the only person who can really handle Dream properly (without Dream getting extremely violent). So whenever something needs to be done with Dream, guess who gets sent in to do it? Hob. And of course he can't say no because then it might come out that he slept with a prisoner, and that's a major violation and would get him fired. The only one who knows what happened is the other corrupt guard, and Hob is absolutely avoiding him at all costs. He has to get on with his job.
The problem is, he sees Dream all the time and he can't stop thinking about him. About their night together and how it felt so good despite also feeling so wrong. And now Dream knows that Hob can't stop thinking about him and somehow it's even worse! Now he truly won't give up his quest to be reunited with his darling.
Every time Hob walks by, or comes in to inspect the cell, Dream tells his that its ok to be shy. He understands! Hob is overwhelmed by his feelings; it's totally normal. Dream feels the same, only he's braver. He doesn't mind being the brave one though. He starts giving Hob handmade gifts, and sneaking up to kiss him when he can get away with it. Hob doesn't stop him. In fact, he even relaxes a bit. Dream is being so much more docile, actually... perhaps he's chilled out a bit. Perhaps everything will be ok.
And then one day the morning staff arrive to find the night shift works dead or incapacitated, and Dream’s cell empty. Hob doesn't show up to work that day, nor does he answer his phone. The search for Hob and the manhunt for Dream begin simultaneously and becomes very clear that the two things are connected.
Across the country in a small motel room, Hob finds himself handcuffed to the bed (for his own safety apparently) with Dream pressed up against him, murmuring sweet words of love. His heart is racing, and his body has rediscovered all of those satisfied feelings that he hasn't had since his first time with Dream. Of course, none of this is going to end well... but Dream is moving down the bed and nuzzling against the front of Hob’s underwear, looking up at him with big soft eyes... and Hob suddenly forgets all of his rational thoughts. Dream has fucked him up for good.
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purehoney · 1 year
Big Bad Dog (Jax Teller)
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warnings: violence, name-calling, harassment. (nothing too detailed)
note: translated again, any error, google translator's fault
note 2: if you like it, please leave a comment or like
Y/n got off the bike easily, her hands resting on her husband's shoulders.
- Sure you don't want to come in? - the woman said extending the helmet.
- Yeah, I still have to meet with Opie - Jax pulled her by the hand, hugging her waist - but I'll come get you soon.
Y/n ran her hands through the man's blond hair. A whistle caught the couple's attention, diverting their gazes to the brunette passing by.
- Arg, I can't stand him! - y/n made a face.
Jax shifted on the bike, straightening up without letting go of his wife's waist.
- I don't know what you're still doing in this restaurant, with that asshole as your boss - the man clenched his fists.
Y/n chuckled and placed a kiss on his lips.
- We agree that it's best that I stay out of your "business"!
Jax watched the woman walk away into the establishment as Steve held the door for her. His hands itching to get off the bike and punch his face.
Y/n always told stories to Jax, about other waitresses became the boss's target for days and listened to everything from "compliments" to informal requests.
The guy was an asshole.
For the time being, and with great luck, y/n hadn't been one of them, perhaps because of never talking to the man or because of her husband's fame.
During their lunch break, y/n always called Jax, a habit of both of them. She took off her service apron and went to the back doors.
The woman then walked to the end of the parking lot, with the cell phone to her ear waiting to hear that voice she loved so much.
- Already out, y/l/n? - Steve, appeared from a distance through the back door.
"Not possible" she thought.
- Yeah, I'm on my break - pointed at the phone, y/n knew he was going to look for something to talk about so she turned away, still waiting for the line to connect. Steve, walked slowly while lighting a cigarette.
- You know... - the woman was startled by the man's voice so close, already standing by her side - that husband of yours...
She turned her entire body towards him and narrowed her eyes, putting her cell phone in her pocket.
Y/n just didn't know the call was answered
- What about my husband, Steve?
- I don't know, don't you think it's a little dangerous? - Steve laughed mockingly - you know, who lives this life, it doesn't last long, you will definitely need something better in its place...
- No, I don't think so - she crossed her arms - and I very much doubt that you are that "something" better!
The man raised his arms.
- Calm down, you don't need to be so stressed - he took a few steps towards her - clearly, he is can't control the woman he has, if it were me...
Y/n pushed the brunette away from her body and hurried back to work. - moron!
- motherfucker! - Jax said hearing the connection drop - I'll kill him!
The biker was at the bar in the club and walked to his motorcycle. Before he realized it, he was parking and entering the restaurant.
Y/n was serving some customers when she saw her husband coming in.
- Are you ready to go yet? - he said when she approached.
She sighed and faced him.
- Steve scheduled me for overtime, I'll still be late, you don't have to wait for me.
- You bet! - Jax sat at the table next to the window, lighting a cigarette. The woman smiled.
For a few more hours she worked serving some customers without her husband taking his eyes off her and, amazingly, the manager never appeared.
At the end of the day, she would take some dishes to wash in the back kitchen.
- I saw your husband out front - Steve said leaning against the door - I didn't know he was a guard dog too.
Y/n just ignored it.
Noticing the delay, Jax got up and walked to the back, greeting other waitresses.
As soon as he walked through the door, he could hear y/n's raised voice.
- Get away from me!
Steve was behind her pushing her against the sink.
Jax's blood boiled as he moved closer faster.
His hand pushed the brunette's head so hard against the nearest fridge next to the sink, causing him to lose his balance and the blonde to grab his neck from behind.
- Hi baby - she smiled relieved.
- Hey love - he squeezed the man - mind if I take out the trash now?
She shook her head as she took off her apron and name tag, listening to Jax punch her boss before they walked out the door.
- I'll wait for you outside.
A few minutes later, Jax walked out the front door of the restaurant as he wiped his hands on an old flannel and stuffed it in his pocket.
- Did you wait too long? He was very stubborn in understanding some things...
- No - she extended the helmet - how did you know...?
- I answered your call earlier, I heard the things he told you - the blonde got closer to her.
She hugged him around the waist and kissed his neck.
-Steve's right - y/n said and Jax raised his eyebrows, not quite understanding - looks like I do have a guard dog.
Jax laughed and sat his wife on his bike.
- Will I be able to go back to work?
- Not here... Or I'll have to go back to jail, no problem - he shrugged.
- Stop talking nonsense - y/n held his hands - thank you.
Jax lifted her body and cupped the woman's face in his hands.
- You're my old lady, no one will ever lay a hand on you!
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
BDBWM Day 17: Holidays
original prompt | complete masterlist
Inspired by this post 
Marinette rests her head on the cell bars as she curls her hand around them. This is a disaster! Adrien will disown me, Chloe will laugh at my face, and Luka and Juleka will never let me live this down! As if she can’t be any more idiotic during Christmas Eve. She sulkily scans the police office, hoping her brothers can come soon. 
“Psst, Pixie.” 
She perks up. “Jay?” 
Jason is there, not-so-subtly disguised, creeping next to her cell. “Come on, we’re busting you out of here.” 
“Hurry up, Dick’s distracting the guards.” 
True enough, her eldest brother is at the far corner of the room, chatting with the officers. 
“Did you pay the bail money?” She asks. 
“What bail money? Come on, Pix, we have to go,” Jason whispers. 
“Jay . . . you just need to bail me out. Give them money. I called Dick to do just that and made him promise to not tell Dad,” she deadpans. 
“Not tell B?” Her brother snorts. “That man will give you a medal even if you killed someone.” 
Okaaaay, I can’t fully deny that, but still! 
“But we have to go. You can’t not be home for the holidays. Just slide between the bars and we’ll sneak you out of here,” Jason coaxes. 
“I’m not that small! I can’t slide between the bars!” She hisses, scowling. 
“Okay, okay. Plan B. I’ll tell Dick to steal the keys.” 
“Jason. Just bail me out of here.” 
Instead of listening, Jason puts two fingers to his earpiece. Marinette’s expression contorts into incredulity. They even brought the earpieces they use as vigilantes?! 
“Zombie to Dickiebird,” Jason reports. “Steal the keys, dickhead.” 
In a somewhat elaborate but discreet routine, the keys were passed between Dick and Jason. The latter grins before freeing Marinette with a click. She frowns but still slips out, ignoring the unimpressed looks of the prisoners in the other cells. 
“Okay, good,” Jason nods. “Let’s go to the getaway car.” 
“Getaway car?!” 
Marinette’s jaw drops at one of the sleek convertibles from the manor waiting at the back door of the station. Tim is at the driver’s seat; Damian is in shotgun, and Duke is in the backseat, munching on fries and offering a takeout burger to her. 
“I can’t believe you permitted this.” She glares at Damian, who she thought would have at least a bit of common sense. 
Instead of making an excuse, Damian reaches from his seat to pat her on the head. “I congratulate you on your first crime, sister.” 
“It’s not even a real crime!” She whines. “I took one of the autopilot cars to get some stuff from the grocery store for Christmas dinner and then I sneezed and accidentally pressed a button to accelerate past the speed limit. And the cops caught me!” 
“A good starting point,” Tim commends. 
Marinette scoffs. “Are you even functional enough to drive?” 
“Trust me, I’ve done worse while high on caffeine.” 
She groans, begrudgingly hopping onto the backseat and munching on the burger furiously. “You guys were just supposed to bail me out and keep it quiet from Dad, not kidnap me!” 
“Oh, we’ve done worse. He’s not gonna be mad at you,” says Duke. “Bruce will be proud.” 
Jason leans back, arms behind his head. “He was the one who told us to get you out of jail.”
@maribat-bdbwm@tinybrie @sinoffalsejudgement @its-maemain @kamarallil @toughluna @golden-promises @whatamoodhoney @trippingovermyfeet @m4ster0fnone @alexizlazy @plz-excuse-my-inner-gay @maybeanalien0-0 @imchaotic-dontmindme @ev-cupcake @flowers-n-fandoms @crusherccme @ji-nk-ies @depressed-bitchy-demon @duskyashe @multplelifes @authorpendragging@iloontjeboontje@thatonecroc@user00000003@paradoxaloccurance@kking13@laydeekrayzee@chaos-inperson@astol07@the-coffee-fandom@nerd-nowandforever@nightmarewasteland@certainmuffinbagelcalzone@the-hospitality-of-knives@stainedglassm@talia-scar123@trying414@starling218@buginetye@ascetic-orange@myazael@child-of-the-clouds@ladythugs@adrestar@therealkotlc@blueneko9314
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allaboutthedongs · 2 years
Weak knees and apologies | 18+
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☆ Pairing: Doyoung x Female reader
☆ Genre: Angst, smut and some fluff if you squint.
☆ Word count: 1 K
☆ Warnings: Dom!Doyoung, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, kinda rough sex, angry sex, bitting, cursing.
☆ A/n: Don't forget to like and reblog if you like it, so it could reach more horny people.
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“Just get the fuck out of my room, Doyoung!” You screamed, your face flushing a deep shade of red. Your heart was pounding and you felt sick to your stomach.
“I’m not leaving until this is sorted, Y/N.” His voice was frustratingly calm, which only enhanced your anger towards him.
“You can’t just kiss someone and expect me to forgive you. We’ve been together for 2 years and now you go and do this, for god’s sake!”
You could feel your eyes welling up as the anger shook through you.
“I know, but I already told you how things happened. She kissed me against my will! My only mistake was being too drunk and not reacting in time to push her away from me. It's not what it looks like, I swear!” He enunciated the last sentence as if you hadn’t understood him. His eyes bore into yours begging for forgiveness.
“I know exactly what I saw and it doesn't look like she's forcing you to do anything, Doyoung!" You said, tossing him your cell phone. 
That afternoon, an unknown number had anonymously sent you a photograph of Doyoung kissing another girl at what seemed to be a party. 
Doyoung took your cell phone from the floor and looked ashamedly at the photograph. Although his conscience was clear, he recognized that you were right to be so upset. The photo really made him look bad in your eyes, but it was obvious to him that the whole thing was staged to separate the two of you. 
“I don’t know what else I can say to make you trust in me.” His voice was quiet now, as he furrowed his brow and dropped his eyes to the floor. A tense silence fell upon the room.
“Just… leave, I don't want to see you right now.” You pushed your hands firmly against his chest towards the door.
Suddenly you found yourself pressed up against him, his hands clawing madly up your back as his tongue forced its way into your mouth making you gasp. Your head was spinning and had no idea how you ended up there. You were still furious at him but couldn’t control yourself, you loved him so much and lust overflowed your body anytime you were with him. 
You tugged hastily at his t-shirt and hauled it over his head, removing yours immediately after. He walked your body back to the bed and pushed you roughly onto it, straddling his knees on either side of your waist. Crashing his lips on yours, you purposely bit down hard on his bottom lip, causing him to suck in breath sharply.
“I’m still fucking mad at you.” You hissed, wrapping your legs around his waist and drawing his body into yours. He flicked his hot tongue along your jaw before planting wet kisses down your neck.
“I know,” He murmured into your skin. “but you know I’m yours and only yours.”
He continued making his way down, tugging eagerly at the waistband of your leggings. You exhaled deeply as he pulled them past your feet along with your panties, the cool air abruptly meeting the aching area between your legs. You tangled your fingers through his black hair as he began flicking his tongue fiercely across your clit and dug your fingers into his scalp as he briskly introduced two fingers inside you, catching you off guard.
“Doyoung...” You moaned his name, wrapping your legs around his neck when you felt his fingers hitting the sweet spot inside of you. His other hand slid up your body as he began massaging your breasts. “Now you’d better hurry up and fuck me, or you can forget about being forgiven.” You teased him, your anger slowly beginning to subside as you succumbed to his skillful touch.
He kissed his way back up your body until his face leveled with yours.
“Well, if that’s an order…” He smirked, unzipping his trousers frantically and kicking his boxers to the floor, he drove himself into you without any warning. 
You couldn't help but scream, his urgent thrusts gave you no time to adjust yourself. You moaned uncontrollably as he fucked you relentlessly. Dragging your fingers down his back, you pulled his hot body into yours, bitting hard the soft skin of his shoulder.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He groaned in pain as you continued nipping at his aching skin. You didn’t care, he deserved it. He deserved it for kissing someone else.
“Harder!” You begged, clinging desperately to his neck.
He obeyed your needs flinging your legs behind his shoulders, allowing him to thrust into you way deeper than before. You tightened your hands around his biceps as you felt yourself coming close to your high.
“Are you gonna come for me, baby?” He crushed your knees into your chest as he brought his sweaty body close to yours, whispering into your ear.
You moaned in response, digging your nails into his delicate skin as he pushed you over the edge. He continued fucking you as you rode your orgasm out. Powerful waves of intense pleasure surging through your body right to the tips of your curled toes. 
Letting your legs fall on either side of him, he quickly pulled out. A mixture of profanities escaped his lips as he spilled all his hot cum across your stomach and breasts. He rolled to your side and onto his back, your chests rising and falling rapidly.
You cleaned yourself up, put on your panties, and crawled back to bed. Doyoung held out his arm for you to rest your head on as you snuggled into him.
“I'm really sorry. I swear I didn't kiss her back.” He spoke, twirling a strand of your hair with his finger. His voice was soft and sincere, and you knew that he really was.
“I know.” You sighed, softly tracing circles on his bare torso with the tips of your fingers.
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to his warm chest. You buried your head into the crook of his neck, and you both lay there exhausted in a comfortable silence until falling asleep.
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jkknight98 · 1 year
Coastal Waves
Pssts, I know it's late but I promised you guys a story, right? Wow, this took me forever to do with irl stuff taking up my time, but who would guess this ended up being 8 pages long, not me! But I hope you guys enjoy this next story in this accidental merman series I created.
Warnings: abuse themes, soft vore, hard vore mentions, character viewed as property rather than individual.
Dream was pissed as he tried not to throw his cell phone across the room, the faint voice of Sapnap just adding to the ever-growing stress headache, how could so many years of hard work go to waste just like that! He worked too damn hard to find a viable Mer egg case that wasn’t just a lousy shark one that they imitated and nearly lost an arm when he took out the guarding parents at the nesting sites, he can’t have lost his property now. He brought a hand up to his face to feel the pale scar that ran from his left brow, across his eye to his nose, remembering the pink-haired merman that he fought a while back during his…research collecting. That was the only fish he halfway respected but also hated them as they were an ambassador.  He remembered almost punching the television when he saw that blank-faced bastard behind the blond one as the treaty was signed, why should he be friendly to a talking goldfish? After everything, their species had done, and more than likely still did?
 “Dream?? What do we do about Tommy, how do we find out who took him?”
Sapnap’s voice continued to be grating on his ears as he sighed,” I have cameras in the house, I’ll be able to watch the footage while you get over here, so hurry up.” He ended the call before the man could respond, quickly walking over to his computer to check over the files, starting from today up to the day he left the mer… and couldn’t help but snarl in rage at the sight he saw. The door was broken down by men in black suits, a familiar-looking brunette, and finally the pink hair bastard striding in like he owned the place. Dream couldn’t help but sweep the books off his desk in rage, of course, it would be him. He was almost ready to slam the laptop shut when he watched the interactions between the three Mers and felt his mouth drop as the pink-haired Mer drank a large glass of water … before they swallowed his Tommy whole. It seemed to almost talk to its middle before the group left, why in the world would they eat their offspring that way, did they want to make him last longer? There was no way to recover his property now… He almost kicked the table, but Dream was quickly struck with a thought… what if they didn’t truly eat Tommy… He rolled over to one of his journals, flipping through the worn pages until he got to the sketched anatomy of the mer... and noted how in a human the esophagus would solely lead to the stomach, but it branches in mers. One pathway led to a stomach more powerful than any human’s, but the other led to a separate organ… one that shared a wall with a lung… which meant it also received oxygen. The perfect place to store away tiny offspring that could easily be eaten by a predator, nothing can get them if you eat them first. Just like mouth-brooding fish species…only with more foolproof protection.
Dream couldn't help but let a smile grow across his face… this means he could get his Tommy back, and all his hard work didn’t go to waste.
Phil sighed softly as he sorted through the paperwork at his desk, using his free hand to roll around a dark purple scale, gods above did he hate doing this stuff? ‘Why did humans have to make things so complicated, things were so much easier when his kind was allowed to just eat them, but now he has to act all civil with them due to the treaty.’ He lifted up the newspaper as the humans called it and smiled at the picture of him and his sons, marveling at how it captured their likeness completely in the flimsy material, ”at least some humans make exciting things.” His thought drifted to how his dorsal fin had a massive chunk missing from it thanks to a fisherman's gaff hook, there were some nasty ones out there… especially the one his boys were currently trying to find, that masked bastard had attacked multiple nesting sights and had the gall to attack one of his son's head on. The only reason he managed to escape was thanks to spraying his son in the face with a burning liquid. It took ages for the pain to fade in the water, but the human had already fled by that point and couldn’t be found.
Speaking of which, his boys should have arrived back here ages ago, he rumbled quietly in his chest slightly as he worried, he knew that the recon mission was dangerous. He should have just sent humans to scope out the house, sure they would have been fodder for any traps the masked one had, but it would have meant his pod was safe. He jerked with his phone rang on the desk, another human device that had good uses, and sighed in relief as he heard Wilbur’s voice on the other side,” are you boys alright, did you find them, Why aren’t you home yet?” His anxiety over his children's safety eased as his youngest laughed through the speaker, making his heart rate slow as he listened to every word with his full attention.
“We didn’t find them, but we did find some documents with a name, apparently the bastard's name is Dream….but we do have a very interesting surprise for you when we arrive home. Can you set up the pool with a finer filtration system and set the water to be warmer for when we get back?”
This made Phil hum in confusion as he moved to stand, slipping the scale into his pocket and putting the papers back into a neat stack on his desk,” You know that Techno likes the temperature cooler and he’ll be pissed the next time he swims, but why do I need to set up the finer filtration, one of you aren’t sick right?” He couldn’t help but give a concerned whine at the thought of them being sick and not close enough for him to care for them, how can he not worry for them when they were the only ones to survive the spawning?
His son let out another pearl of warm laughter on the other side of the phone, making Phil want to hum in response“ Like I said we are bringing home a surprise for you to see, and Techno won’t complain that much about the heat when you see what we’re bringing.”There was a faint rumbling on the other side of the phone that almost sounded like the same parental noise that Phil had done, but there was no way the two of them would be making that sound.
Phil just sighed again as he entered the large pool room as the humans would call it, it was almost as if a mini ocean was placed into the human building, filled with every manner of sea life imaginable to keep them from feeling too homesick as they finish their work with the humans. He stuck a hand inside the water to gently stroke the back of the rescued sea turtle that Techno lovingly named Carl,” Alright but just ease your old man's heart and get home soon.” 
Techno couldn’t help but rumble happily as he felt the guppy in his pouch wriggle around, enjoying the slowly dropped-in shrimp pieces, basking in the instinctual feelings long thought to be non-existent in himself; until now. He mildly rubbed at his pouch as he thought of names for his new guppy. ‘Did they already have a name from before they were in the human's control, would they even want a new one, ..... I think Theseus would fit them really well..’
He jumped slightly when a hand slip up to sit next to his own, his body acting defensively as he snarled at the possible threat while protecting his middle, but relaxed slightly as his brother held up his hands,” whoa Technie, it's just me, I just wanted to feel the guppy.” He lowered his lips back over his teeth as he relaxed slightly, it was just Wilbur and he knew he would try to take his guppy, he was his brother after all. He slowly moved his hand aside as his brother's cool hand moved to take its place, it was a foreign sensation that almost made him twitch away, much like how he normally did whenever he was touched by anyone. This was worse since his body seemed to realize that his core held such extremely precious cargo, but his mind knew that his brother was family and wouldn’t hurt the tiny guppy, he shivered as the child pressed back at the exploring hand.
Wilbur couldn’t help the low purr that rumbled out of his throat when he felt the small pressure press back against him from under his brother’s skin, just faintly hearing the curious chirping from within, there was the little guppy. He let the smile fall from his lips as he looked up to Techno with a more grim expression, ”He looks very young, but to be as small as he is and still use human speech that well, he should be much bigger..” Techno let out a slightly angry hiss at what he knew his brother was suggesting, like most species of fish, mers were semi-indeterminate growers and would only grow in size if they had adequate food in their environment. Their newest guppy was clearly much older than their size let on, which meant that the tiny tank and limited food the human gave them indicated that they stopped growing in size to conserve their energy, to be able to speak that well-meant they should be closer to human size.
“He needs to get a lot higher quality foods if we are going to correct his size problem, maybe some high-grade tuna or something redder if you catch my drift.” Wilbur watched as Techno’s eyes slid to look at the human driver in thought, “but not our employees, we can source some later when they're settled.” He chuckled slightly as his brother leaned back into his seat and the driver let out the tiniest breath of relief, man humans were fun to mess with, but he had somewhere else to focus. He brought his face closer to his brother's chest and let out his own croons to the guppy, muttering out the mer words for family, they were safe, and how happy he was. His higher and more melodic crooning was soon matched by the gruffer and monotone croons from Techno, leaving the car filled with a symphony of sounds only known to the darkest depths of the ocean…. 
And leading the poor human driver to grip the steering wheel tighter as their skin crawled with the instinctual thought of “This isn't for human ears….I would die just hearing this if I wasn't an employee.” 
Tommy was very confused by everything that was happening to him, one minute he thought he was going to die from the giant mer swallowing him, but now he didn’t know that was going to happen. He was being fed his favorite food despite not doing anything to deserve the reward and the mers were speaking the forbidden words…but he couldn’t help but chirp happily to them, like a hidden part of himself was finally set free. The walls of the stomach around him rumbled with every word the big mer spoke. It was very scary at first, but the warm walls gently rubbing his skin made him feel more at ease than ever in his life. This was even better than when Dream would take him out of his tank to hold him, letting him rest on the man's chest so he could hear his heart, it was the one reward he strived for the most. But now it felt like he was even closer to the Mer’s heart than he ever was Dream’s, and he couldn’t help himself but press himself back against the mer’s hand. He let out his own chirps when he heard the voice of the second mer, they were brown-haired if he remembered correctly, but their voice sounded so pretty! They were just like the human voices that came out of the Tv and radio, but better as they spoke in a language that made everything in his body react, not just his ears. Then the larger mer started their own rumbling chirps around him and his entire being was being shaken by the two voices, and he couldn’t stop himself from joining in, chirping loudly as he frantically swam around the organ and letting his hands and fins brush the warm surfaces.
He was so happy, and he couldn’t imagine things becoming better than they already were.
Phil couldn’t help but let out a low trill of relief as he watched the car pull into the driveway and saw his two boys exit the vehicle, quickly making his way outside to check them over for any injuries, making his way to Wilbur first and gently patting him down. “What took you so long, it was just supposed to be a recon mission and you managed to bust into one of that human’s hideouts??” He let out a displeased rumble when Wilbur laughed off his checking and told him to calm down, he then turned to Techno and froze when the taller let out a low growl when his hands drew near. It made a matching growl rumble in his chest, he was the eldest and pod leader of the group and he did not stress over his son’s health to have his authority challenged,” Now why the fuck are you growling at me Techno…” 
The humans in the vicinity were amazed to watch the giant 6’4 pink-haired mer that they had seen destroy a car once before when he got frustrated with it cower down to the only 5’9 blond mer, bringing the mental image of a burley Rottweiler cowering to a lithe hound. Phil was close to snarling out a challenge but he whirled when his other son placed his hands on his shoulders, Wilbur wearing a stressed and submissive smile. “Remember the surprise I talked about Dad, Techno is just being a bit protective about it, he’s not challenging you.”
Phil let the snarl fall as he looked back towards Techno, relaxing as the larger one nodded and only brought his arms around his body in a defensive but clearly submissive posture, leaving the elder the sigh at his own behavior. “I’m sorry Techno, I was so ready to come to find you boys, I guess my stress got the best of me.” He slowly brought his hand over to his son’s shoulder and smiled gratefully when the pinkette purred lowly at the parental contact, his instincts really did jump the wave crest there. He was still curious about the surprise his boys promised, especially as Techno grew closer to him and Wilbur to purr louder, a behavior his son rarely did.
Technoblade was immensely happy at this moment, he was with every member of his pod and was going to share his guppy with his father, nothing more could be right with the world. He couldn’t help but lightly compress his storage around the guppy and purr louder when they wriggled, he needed to refresh their water after introductions, they needed quality treatment after being kept in that dingy tank not even fit for a mucksucker. He took a deep breath as he entered the pool room, feeling almost at home with the salty smell, especially when Carl poked his head above the water and quickly swam to the edge closest to them. He gave the turtle a gentle stroke before moving to strip off the restrictive human clothing he was forced to wear, though he did enjoy the white ‘button down’ with its golden buttons, and let his body slide into the almost too-warm water. His human legs fused together as the outer covering of human-like skin dissolved away, showing off the scarred pink scales and blood-red fins that flared at the opportunity to stretch out, as well as the protective slime coating that once sealed his gills so he could breathe like he missed doing.
A pair of splashes drew his eyes open to see his brother and father already in the process of changing, his brother's blue scales almost appearing invisible if it weren’t for the stripes of pale yellow and his father's dark green and black scales shimmering from the displaced rays of light, making him feel almost nostalgic. He brought a hand up to gently press at his storage as he let out a low rumbling purr, giving a soft rumble of guppy safe before starting the process of releasing the tiny mer.
Tommy gave a sharp chirp of panic as the soft walls pressed into him, flattening down his fins and trapping his arms to his sides, not knowing what was happening as he distinctly felt himself being moved. The big mer didn't change his mind did they, or did he do something wrong to be punished by them? He ate all the shrimp they gave him even if it made his stomach hurt a bit, but he was still being good right?? He froze in his wriggling as his upper half entered the mouth of the giant mer, completely fearful as the jaws slowly parted to let water flood inside along with giant fingers. He let himself be pulled out gently, blinking wearily as he tried to get used to the bright light, but yelped as the fingers released him. 
He truly expected to fall to the ground with a painful splat like the last time he was cropped, but swore he felt like he was floating back in his tank… he opened his eyes slowly to try not to break the illusion he was sure to be in. He froze as was looking at the giant mer in the face, the bright red eyes watching him with a fond expression as their pink hair floated around them…wait floated? Tommy turned with a flick of his tail and gasped at the sight before him, it was nothing like he had ever seen before!
The ‘tank’ they were in was absolutely massive, even bigger than the tub Dream would put him in when his tank needed to be cleaned, and full of fish! He was only used to seeing the thin silvery fish that darted around his tiny tank when Dream added them, but here they were all different sizes and colors. He flinched when a giant brown and red thing drew close to him, forcing him to dart into the safety of the giant mer’s hair, but watched in amazement as his protector stroked the creature's head before pushing it along. His gaze was drawn away when he heard a gentle crooning and he chirped happily at the brown-haired mer as they drew nearer, and encouraged him to leave his pink hideaway. He smiled brightly at them, letting his fins twitch happily as he got to swim freely between the two giants, showing off his best tricks to earn their praise. He let out his own happy trills as they purred at his actions, but jumped at a different tone of purrs rumbling through his body.
With a turn of his head, his eyes met a similar pair of blue ones, and he realized he was looking at another large mer. Their blond hair was similar to his own and he was surprised to see their eyes dilate in excitement at him, he looked at the other two in confusion, but they were extremely relaxed as they watched the reaction. He turned back as the green-scaled mer drew closer, and allowed himself to be cupped within their hands as they drew him up to their face, and he watched their face change into a joyous expression. He was even amazed to see that the green mer had a chuck missing from the back fin just like he did! The blond mer purred loudly as the others drew closer, leaving Tommy at the center of the deadliest creatures on earth, but he never felt safer in his life. The blond looked at him so fondly and rumbled out something so softly that Tommy never imagined them as the monster Dream always said they were.
“My guppy… my pod..”
Dream looked over his notes carefully, circling the words pepper spray, copper acetate, and crude oil, and laughed quietly to himself,” try to breathe through this you talking goldfish.” He glanced over when his phone chimed with an incoming text and let his laugh boom into a full cackle as he saw the message from Sapnap.
Sapnap: I have the address for the Mermen ambassador's home, I hope they didn’t hurt-
Dream didn’t even bother reading the rest of the text as he rolled his chair over to his desktop, setting up his multiple ‘blob’ accounts to order his supplies and begin his prep. He stole his Tommy away from protective mers before, he can easily do it again and take out the ambassadors all in one move. He needed to teach those fish a lesson, they think that they could get away with eating humans for centuries with a simple ‘stop polluting our home and we will provide our knowledge’ all with the subtle threat of making the ocean a warzone.
He would focus on the majority later, for now, he just needed to show the trio what happens when his property is stolen. He would get his Tommy back at all costs.
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cyberrat · 7 months
BONUS Reverse A/B/O Fic
Cole/Hanzo – Alpha!Cole; Omega!Hanzo; small dick Cassidy; small dick humiliation; Omega auction gone wrong; Omegas being the top of the hierarchy and Alphas being just breeders – Hanzo auctioned himself a playmate for some easy fun times but finds out that his new purchase was falsely labeled...
Staring at the crate that his guards carefully carried into his office, Hanzo vaguely remembers a night a couple weeks ago. He’s been horny and drunk back then and had been making the rounds on one of the auction sites on the darker sides of the internet.
It’s made sense at the time; getting himself a down-on-his-luck Omega to spend a few hot, slick-filled nights with and then let them go on their way. A good, clean transaction – at least in his books.
He’s completely forgotten about his purchase, though, and his schedule is filled to the brim today. Still… the soft scratching coming from the inside is too tantalizing to simply ignore.
He steps closer, hands on the warm wood, fingers trailing toward an easy latch on the outside. He pauses, though, finger barely touching the metal as a whiff of something curls out from between the slats of the crate.
What in the…
One of his guards shifts. He’s completely forgotten about the both of them. They stand in the background, their faces clearly showing their curiosity. He couldn’t have that; even without the strange, thick scent curling out from the crate he wouldn’t want them to know his preferences.
Like his enjoyment of plump Omegas that feel so nice and soft when he plays around with them.
“Out. Now.”
The guards stand a bit straighter, then turn on their heels and hurry outside – not daring to take even a second longer than necessary. His temper is legendary after all.
He waits for the door to close with a soft click. Inside the crate, he had been able to hear hurried shuffling; its occupant having crawled toward his voice before they call out: “Hello?”
Nice and deep. Hanzo starts to remember more from that night; the live feed of a tall, hirsute man restlessly making his rounds through the small cell that he had been put into. Nice and muscled and plump.
A sensual shiver runs along his spine. He lightly lets his fingers drum against the wood. “I completely forgot about my little present to myself… I have to apologize,” he murmurs through one of the gaps in the slats, then frowns again and slightly rears back at the scent once again drifting toward him.
His purchase replies haltingly: “I don’t… understand.”
Hanzo likes playing with his partners – but he does not particularly enjoy being deceived. It would be the first time the auction site had let him down…
He grabs the latch and unceremoniously opens the door. The man inside the crate crumples to his feet, brought out of balance after having pressed himself against the wood.
Hanzo stares down at him. He is clean, probably freshly hosed off from where he had been packaged; but the scent cloying almost nauseatingly thick around him is still there and a dead give-away that this is, in fact, not a fellow Omega.
“An Alpha,” he hisses, instantly disgusted. He lifts his foot, the toe of his boot beneath the Alpha’s chin to lift his head up. Despite everything, the man looks relieved. He gathers his limbs beneath himself, ostensibly to stand up.
“Yeah. Finally. I’ve been tellin’ everybody that they’re makin’ a fuckin’ mistake.”
Hanzo narrows his eyes. He kicks the Alpha hard into the shoulder, forcing him to roll around on his back – where he belongs. He puts his foot across his throat to keep him down.
The Alpha stares up at him wide-eyed, lifting his hands in capitulation. “Easy now. I ain’t gonna hurt ya-”
Hanzo snorts. “Funny. You may try but I can guarantee you that it would not end well for you.”
He is disappointed – and quite annoyed. He had been looking specifically for another Omega so he could have some light and easy fun. He does neither have the patience nor the time to train himself an Alpha the way he needs him to be.
There are only so many hours in a day and he can not spend them preparing himself for a uselessly big…
His eyes trail down the Alpha’s body – pleasingly chubby just like he can remember – before pausing and just staring at his genitals.
His brain has trouble processing what his eyes are seeing. The sight is so at odds with what his nose has already found out… he slowly takes his boot from the Alpha’s throat and walks closer to the ridiculously small cock he’s sporting.
He needs to get a better look at it. A different angle.
The Alpha seems to finally notice what has gotten his attention, though, and he quickly shields himself from Hanzo’s view. His hands are big like the rest of his body – well… most of it – so when Hanzo gives one of his wrists a sharp kick and he pulls them away with a soft hiss, it makes his dick look even smaller in comparison.
“What on earth is that supposed to be?” he finally gets out.
Whatever this man is – whoever he is – he still does not seem to grasp his situation.
There’s an angry and embarrassed flicker crossing his face before he starts to get up – only to be cut short by Hanzo casually pulling his firearm and pointing it right at his face while his eyes are still stuck on the most ridiculous Alpha cock he’s ever seen.
“Back down,” he tells him calmly.
The Alpha, finally catching on, slowly lies himself back down, his arms now at his sides. He obviously is one of the dimmer creatures. Idiot studs whose brain has diminished in favor of increasing the size of their cocks. He tells him as much idly while he walks around him, not letting his dick out of sight.
“Though you… you really caught the short end of the stick, did you not? A stupid brute with a… well… it could be called a cock with a lot of good will.” He squats down next to the Alpha. His scent is so strong and potent… he would have bet good money on him being an absolute stud.
Hanzo lowers his gun, hearing the Alpha exhale in relief, only for him to once again tense when Hanzo uses the tip of his weapon to lightly nudge his cock.
The man whimpers.
Hanzo throws him a small glance. “What is your name?” he asks him, already back to paying attention to his dick. It is soft, the shaft having a generous amount of folds, so he will probably grow a little bit once he’s hard… but that girth seems interesting. Nearly wider than it is long. He’s never seen such a pathetically ugly cock.
He shifts a little and is surprised to find his hole growing nice and warm with interest.
“Cassidy… Cole… Cole Cassidy,” the Alpha finally manages to stutter out.
Hanzo hums. He nudges at his cock again with his gun while he thinks. He glances toward his firmly closed doors. His office rooms are, naturally, sound proof. So whatever happens in here…
“I bought you for a purpose. You being an Alpha is not exactly desirable but I suppose this thing here will do. I doubt it would be able to reach deep enough for impregnation.” Hanzo is downright ashamed at how hot he gets from the thought of letting this pathetic Alpha fuck him. His hole clenches hard. He can hear the soft smacking sound once it relaxes again. He’s already wet.
Well shit. It’s been a while since he got this horny this fast.
“If you are a good boy, Cole… I will not hurt you. So keep your hands to yourself and do only what I tell you.” He smiles to himself as he adds with a croon as if saying a sweet little nothing to a lover: “Or I will put a bullet in your head and call it a day.”
He glances up to the Alpha’s face. He’s gone a bit pale beneath his beard but his eyes are glittering.
Hanzo throws a leg over his face, positioning himself in a 69 position above the Alpha.
“Have you understood?” he asks him.
“I… guess so,” Cole replies.
Hanzo lowers his ass onto the Alpha’s face. He’s still fully dressed of course, but he’s horny and he can feel his hole starting to swell for him and his pathetic dicklett… so there’s no doubt he’ll be able to smell it. He drags his ass against Cole’s face, hearing him grunt in confusion and surprise.
His big hands twitch at his sides, ready to grab the Omega before he forces them flat on the ground.
Hanzo smirks to himself. His eyes are on Cole’s cock, watching it with morbid fascination.
Cassidy takes long to finally catch on to what Hanzo is doing. Idiot fucking Alphas. Even the ones with cocks the size of peas seem to have difficulty getting that marble in their skulls to work.
Softly, he can hear him sniff a few times. Hanzo grinds his ass down impatiently, hard enough to probably threaten to break his goddamn nose.
“This is why nobody likes Alphas,” he announces. “You’re all just. So. Dense!” He drags his cunt against Cole’s face until he finally starts to take some nice, deep sniffs of him.
The audacity of having to work to get an Alpha to scent him. The sheer gall they bring to the table. Hanzo can’t help a constant low growl spilling forth. He’s horny and he wants to get mounted and he’s annoyed that that is his current state of being. That he’s getting nice and wet for this ridiculous short cock – that is starting to fill out some now.
Hanzo is stuck watching with rapt attention as the thing twitches and grows. Not much… but at least it gets a couple inches longer until it feels like it might even reach him for a bit of penetration. And god it’s fat!
“This is the ugliest cock I’ve ever seen,” he murmurs; mostly to himself. He doesn’t really consider the Alpha hearing it until there’s a muffled whimper from underneath his ass.
He gets up and turns to thoughtfully look at Cassidy’s face. It’s flushed a ruddy red, his eyes full of confused arousal and hurt. In fact it looks like Hanzo might have given him a bit of a rug burn with the desperate humping of his pants clad ass.
That’s okay.
He notices Cassidy’s eyes straying back toward the gun in his hand, so he lifts it and waves it slightly between the two of them.
“You will mount me now,” he tells him. “You will mount me and you will fuck me with that… thing.” He jerks his chin in the general direction of the small Alpha dick, derision dripping from his words. “And you will not speak about this to anybody. Or…” He lifts the gun higher between them and smiles. “You understand. I don’t want my reputation ruined by people knowing I let that ugly excuse for a cock get inside me.”
God, but he’s hot for it. He’s hot for it. He keeps staring at that squat dicklett as he undresses, his mouth watering like it really wants to be stuffed full of it. By the time he bends down to push his pants to his ankles, he can feel the slick bubbling from his pussy.
He can’t remember the last time he’s been so excited for a mounting. From an Alpha, no less. Fuck, this is humiliating.
Chewing on his tongue, Hanzo turns around and gets on his hands and knees. The wetness is sliding down his inner thighs. He can feel the cool air against it. He doesn’t want to feel the cool air. He wants to feel that hairy heavy body on his back and that ridiculously fat cock spreading his cheeks.
But there’s nobody covering him. In fact, he can’t hear the Alpha at all.
He peers over his shoulder to see Cassidy just staring at him, his mouth soft and open as he subconsciously keeps scenting him in the air, looking for all the world like he has no idea what to do with a prime Omega that is showing him exactly where he can stick that ugly short dick of his.
“Get to it!” he barks. That at least seems to do the trick and Cassidy flinches before hastily starting to get up.
Maybe he is one of those rare Alpha examples that can be taught after all… Hanzo kind of likes the thought of having an Alpha at his beck and call that he can use however he wants to.
Slowly, Cassidy shoves himself over Hanzo’s back. He feels just as hot and satisfying there as he had imagined him to be. His body hair scratches against his skin and his stomach presses against the dip of Hanzo’s spine in the most gratifying way.
He’s breathing heavily; wheezing almost as he awkwardly hunches his sturdy hips forward. Hanzo can just about see them in the reflection of the chrome feet of his furniture. He quickly humps a few times before realizing that he is still far too far away to do anything at all.
Muttering an awkward: “S-Sorry…” he shuffles even more across Hanzo. He’s a big boy; much taller than Hanzo had given him credit for with him having been cowering or lying on the floor the whole time.
By the time he really is in position, he can pretty much hook his chin over Hanzo’s head.
Cassidy’s breathing has gone even deeper. He hunches his hips again; all animalistic reaction to being on the back of a horny Omega. Hanzo can feel him this time; his hopelessly ugly dick pressing between his cheeks. It’s hot and fat – and he wonders all of a sudden what his knot might be like. Whether it is as stupidly small as the rest of his dick or unproportionately fat.
In his mind it is the ugliest knot that could be perceived and the thought has him arch his back down even harder, more slick bubbling from his flushed, swollen cunt. He is so horny for this mounting that it aches. It aches deep in his belly. In his womb.
“Fuck,” he breathes out, sweat starting to pearl on his forehead. Cassidy is a heavy asshole and barely holding his own weight, too preoccupied with the back-and-forth humping of his hips, it seems. “Go on… get in already!”
Cassidy’s heavy, wheezing breaths hitch. His hips pump faster, that fat, sturdy cocklett dragging between Hanzo’s cheeks and kissing up to his hungry pussy in the most infuriatingly tantalizing way. Hell, he can even hear it smacking underneath Cole’s asthmatic gasps. How his cunt, nice-as-you-please, keeps kissing that ugly tip, just trying to lure it in deeper.
“Go on… go on-” he hisses through his teeth. Cassidy has managed to push a bit deeper, giving him just a taste of the stretch that is about to follow- When all motion above him stops and a whining sort of whistling escapes Cassidy’s lungs while hot, gooey cum splashes against Hanzo’s hole.
His unfucked goddamn hole that he wanted to get stretched on the ugliest Alpha cocklet he’s ever seen.
He’s too stunned to speak for a while, his overheating brain having to work through the fact that this idiot Alpha managed to shoot his load no five minutes into a breeding. Before even penetrating him.
“...Sorry…” Cole mutters again, apparently the only word flying around that empty Alpha skull of his. Which is fine in and off itself, but Hanzo is livid. Horny and livid.
He whirls around, a hand on the Alpha’s broad chest pushing him back and toppling him to lie flat on the ground yet again.
Cassidy’s face is still red; maybe from getting to pump out his load with a gorgeous Omega… but probably more accurately, from prematurely pumping said load out before Hanzo got anywhere near where he wanted to be that moment.
“You will be sorry,” Hanzo replies back, voice gone dangerously low and silky.
Cassidy looks worried but when Hanzo grabs his legs and pushes them up, telling him to hold them, he does so without complaint.
Even when Hanzo reaches between his own legs to gather a generous helping of thick Alpha cum on his fingers and smear the mess between his hairy ass cheeks he just grunts softly.
Maybe he understands what is about to happen and that there is no way in Hell that he’ll be able to stop Hanzo from pursuing it… or maybe he has no idea and is just trying to keep up with shit – keep the angry Omega placated in some way shape or form so he wouldn’t kill him after their fucking.
In any case, he remains nice and still as Hanzo gets himself into position and begins to push his dick into the tightest goddamn hole he’s ever felt.
The sensation crawls along his shaft and toward the base of his spine. He closes his eyes briefly, mouth opening on a low groan that is echoed by Cassidy. Is it a groan of pain or surprise?
Hanzo opens his eyes and peers at his face. If anything, the Alpha looks mildly confused and embarrassed; he probably never got fucked by an Omega before-
It’s then, finally, that Hanzo starts to put two and two together. His stomach clenches with hot need. (His womb clenches. He’s so hyper aware of it sitting low in his belly, hot and greedy for this disgusting Alpha.)
“Virgin…” he croons out between clenched teeth. “My fucking God, a virgin Alpha with an ugly little dick got dropped into my lap.”
If Cassidy’s face had been red before, it is nothing compared to the color it takes on now. He inhales shakily, eyes flicking away from Hanzo’s face… oh but his useless little dick… oh, it is twitching in the mess he made. His cum is smeared everywhere at it is still twitching and excited for the humiliation.
“I’ll teach you how to fuck,” Hanzo tells him, voice trembling and ominous sounding. “I’ll fuck that precious little Alpha flower of yours until you can manage to squeeze your ugly dicklett into my pussy. I’ll make you take it as long and as often as you need to figure out how to make that useless thing work. You’ll be the best fucked Alpha on the planet by the time I’m done with you. You understand? Huh?”
His hips are snapping, fucking into the hot, confused clench of the Alpha’s body until the cum he used as lube is starting to froth.
It only gets him angrier. That his body is responding to the scent of Alpha cum like it is starved for it. That what he really wants to do is turn around again and wave his pussy in Cassidy’s face until he mounts again and again and again, trying to stick that disgusting Alpha cock into him.
God and the sounds he makes as he’s getting fucked for all that he’s worth; hiccuping, low grunts, fingers digging desperately into the legs he holds up like a good boy.
His whole body is moving; just like Hanzo likes. Just as he hoped it would when he still thought he’d be an Omega and that he could fool around with him before sending him on his merry way. His belly is jiggling. His tits are jiggling. It is absolutely mesmerizing.
He’ll be reeking of him like a  bitch by the time he’s done with him… but he’ll have to deal with it. Everybody will have to deal with it.
Because now he’s got a new pet project.
He’s got a pet Alpha.
One that flushes like the virgin he is while he gets fucked in the ass by an Omega. Hanzo leans forward, hands on the backs of Cassidy’s legs, forcing them closer toward his chest until he is wheezing again.
His dicklett looks ridiculous between his meaty thighs. Hanzo feels himself getting obsessed with it. He wishes he could lean down and suck on the ugly thing while he fucks Cole’s cunt into a soft, frothy mess.
“I should not have been surprised,” he murmurs with a low voice, gaze boring into Cole’s face, forcing him to look at him without having to grab that beard of his. “Who would let himself get bred by such a small thing? It is no wonder people have mistaken you as an Omega with a particularly ugly dick. You should be thankful for the opportunity. Say it. Thank me for fucking your virgin ass after you unloaded your nasty little clit dick on my perfect ass.”
Cole’s dark eyes look watery. He’s overwhelmed by the situation – probably still wondering if Hanzo is going to put a bullet in his head after everything is said and done… and so confused by his body’s reaction. So eager. So needy.
He inhales as much as he can, then stutters out: “Th-thank you… ah… f-fuck-”
His eyes flutter closed. He drops his head back with a thump, his fingers trembling on his legs. Hanzo has slightly shifted his angle and is probably pushing right against his prostate.
Hanzo has a nice cock, after all. With a good length and a nice bit of girth and an upward tick that is almost designed to massage those sweet little spots.
Certainly leagues above this pathetic Alpha dick. He tells him as much, and Cassidy hiccups out a low moan before saying repeating, unprompted and with much more feeling: “Thank you.”
Hanzo hates it. Hates it, hates it, hates it. How his body reacts to this stinking Alpha being so submissive and sweet and letting him insult him without any ifs ands or buts. He hates how his cunt feels so needy and empty and the slick is bubbling out again without any hopes of this pathetic cocklett satisfying him today.
So instead he puts all that frustration into fucking his virgin pussy. He grits his teeth and furrows his brows, grunt fucking into Cassidy because he can take it. He’s sturdy and jiggles in all the right places and god, even his ugly cock is bouncing. Has it gone hard again? It is so difficult to tell. This pathetic… ridiculous… thing-
Hanzo throws his head back, heat rushing through his body and out of his twitching cock. His toes are curling. Maybe he’s wailing too, it’s difficult to tell through the rush of blood in his ears. He could see himself singing all those sweet orgasmic Omega songs because apparently he’s lost all sense of dignity today.
He can’t believe how good this nasty Alpha feels on his dick. He can’t believe how easy it was to get him under his heel.
By the time he groggily blinks his eyes open, Cole is just lying there, panting, exhausted from his awkward little premature orgasm he’s had.
Though… he pumped out a lot. A nice fat load. Fuck, I didn’t even look for his knot.
Next time. Oh, next time he will. There are so many things he wants to do to this Alpha.
He’s spent so much money on him. He’ll get it’s worth out of him.
Every single yen.
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~ False belief ~
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warning : smut , knife play , blood play , p in v ( wrap it up ) , loss of virginity , female x male , biting , kissing , unprotected sex , little angst , little emotional
Minors beware of the warnings thanks
next chapter , masterlist
Y/n Mormont would marry Otto Hightower. She knew it was a duty she could not avoid. She knew there was no one who could lead her out of this. Even if she told the king everything, it would be her word against the hand. Her word was that of a lady who was a friend of the princess, but she could not go against the word of her most trusted advisor. She knew that she had to give in, but she still didn't know why. ,,Y/n believe me, as soon as I get out of here, I'll try to put everything back in order," she heard her uncle's voice. But no sooner said than her hands snaked around the collar of his shirt and pulled him to the bars. Not violently or painfully but warningly. ,,By the old gods, have you not been listening? You idiot, you will beg the house that promised you marriage on your knees. You will ask for forgiveness and give your wife everything she wants, you hear?" she asked him and saw the quick nod. ,,Whatever house then belongs to our own alliance as soon as you are married, the alliance is there. Behave rather carefully, because in spite of the alliance with the Hightowers, we can't expect any help, as far as I can see," she gave her thoughts and saw how her uncle seemed to understand as well. ,,We'll write a letter and somehow, if the gods are merciful, we'll manage," she said at last before getting up from the stool. ,,Try to rest, uncle, in a few hours it will be a strenuous time " she told him, but her eyes were looking into the darkness. ,,Y/n you don't have to do this...I-I would understand if you had sacrificed me after all I have done" he said and followed her until his cell ended.
She laughed sadly and looked at him. ,,Reciprocity Edric we both mauled each other like bears...but sacrifice no. As the Lady of Bear Island, I need every man for what is to come" she answered and walked into the darkness. The torches and lanterns seemed to reach for her with their flames. But the Mormont was not yet a prisoner of the green fire. She was still free, even if her cage was closing fast. What is coming is a war for the iron throne, she thought in her head before taking the stairs back up to the corridors of the castle. But the other problem was not finished yet. Rhaenyra was still missing, and since the princess was probably not in the castle, she could only be in the city. Discomfort was in her eyes as she grabbed one of her simple cloaks and threw it around her. For the first time, however, she was glad to wear simple clothes. She would not stand out in the city because that was something she really should not do. Not after the conversation and not after Otto knew about her secret affair. Since this could bring to her and Rhaenyra's sorrow the latter also in danger.
Longclaw from her belt she left only the dagger at her side. Even though she knew she couldn't take the sword with her, it had to be the dagger. She thought it unlikely that someone could commit an assassination attempt on her, but she couldn't rule anything out now. She put the dagger on her belt one last time before putting on the hood and hurrying out of her room. Passing through the many corridors and doors, the torches and lanterns and the guards, some of whom were sleeping rather than keeping watch. She slipped past the guards and walls into the city she had only been in a few times before. Where are you? she asked herself as she walked through the normal quarters. But they were almost empty, only a few beggars and drunks staggered and strolled through the streets. But when they saw the dagger, or at least knew that they should not mess with her, they left the young woman alone.
But when she looked down the hill on which the castle stood and its surroundings, she saw where life was. The silk road, the place with the bathhouse, the bordel and the pub where she was with her foster father. "Guide me in this dark hour" she thought briefly of her commander and foster father and she felt herself longing for him. Even if they were not related, he was the father she had lost since her youth. He was the false bear of the family and yet more Mormont than many others. Shaking off thoughts of her foster father, she headed in the direction of the Silk Road. Past the dark narrow houses through alleys and streets before she heard the sounds of night life. Please just be here, she hoped, but knew that she would not see Rhaenyra so easily. Since she was not wearing her typical clothes, she must have adapted well. But why she left was still a mystery to her. But she knew that if she found Rhaenyra, she would tell her everything, otherwise she was sure she would not see her happy, cheerful Rhaenyra again. The dragon would burn itself. She pushed her way through the crowd and saw that there was a gathering a few meters away from her. ,,Dear child, do you want to know how you die?" she suddenly heard the question and looked astonished into the face of an old woman. She had pulled her hood over her face, but the smile on her lips was unmistakable.
She winced as she heard the sound of two weapons in the distance. The sound of steel hitting each other was familiar but unpleasant. The woman laughed with a giggle and Y/n walked on, not caring. Before she arrived at the large collection. From which she could see that it was watching a play. Perhaps a recurring performance, but she couldn't say for sure. But with every sentence that was called, she liked the play about Rhaenyra and her half-brother Aegon less and less. Turning away from the disgusting theater and walking through the streets again, she knew that she had come no further. But she could not give up, no she could not give up. So she searched on and on the night seemed to get darker and darker and with every step she met more and more people.
Only when she turned into an alley and bumped into someone and heard a ,,Lady Mormont?" she looked up. Behind the well plated helmet and the good armor was Ser Harwin Strong. ,,Ser Harwin" she said and was about to pass him when he gently held her by the shoulder. ,,Is everything alright you look rushed?" he asked and she smiled faintly at her frankness. ,,Um, yeah, it's just an evening outing, it's fine," she tried to shrug it off as nothing and he let her go. ,,If you are looking for someone, someone special, she went that way in the company of a prince," he said softly, pointing to the alley. ,,Thank you Ser Strong," she said quickly and continued walking. Even though he was keeping watch, she trusted him enough not to say anything about their encounter.
She followed the alley and after a few moments later found herself at one of the brothels. "Is she in here?" she asked herself and pushed the curtain aside before going inside. It was warm and stuffy in the large brothel. But there was no lack of customers or even the act itself. Egall where she looked everywhere true people who gave themselves to each other. She was about to go further when someone bumped into her and muttered, ,,Watch out!". She recognized the voice she recognized the smell that stood out. Hastily rushing out after the man in the hood, she called out, ,,Daemon!". The man stopped abruptly and before she could react, he grabbed her by the collar and thundered her against the walls. Before he had torn off her hood and surprise was in his violet eyes. ,, Lady Y/n ? Why are you following me ?" he asked but did not let go of her. She blinked several times due to the confusion in her mind from the collision. ,,I was looking for Rhaenyra, I was worried and I met you. Daemon, do you know where she is? It's important, I need to talk to her," she said, and he seemed to understand that she wasn't joking and that she meant it. Carefully he let go of her and annoyance was in his voice as he said, ,,No I don't know she ran away but she knows the way back". Silence lay between the two and while Daemon seemed to be annoyed at his behavior, it was the same annoyance in her that Rhaenyra was not here. ,,Where are you going?" she asked confused as Daemon just walked away, ,,To get drunk!" he called back. Going after him she felt like she was going to do at least one task today.
She ran over the dagger and her heart beat faster. The two of them went to a more or less rundown inn where they first ordered a large glass of beer each. You followed me why?" he asked and disinterest was in his voice even if his violet eyes remained on her. She took a big sip of the alcohol, knowing that it would take more than that to get her drunk. But it was enough to pass the time. ,,Daemon, you were right, enough with the lies," she started and put the dagger on the table. But when she was about to continue talking, he grabbed her hand while she was taking the dagger and he pulled her up to the room. ,,What's wrong?" fear was in her voice as she tried to figure out what it was that made the prince swing around. ,,Leeches, maybe," he said hastily before opening one of the rooms and pulling her inside. The Hightowers she thought in panic and saw Daemon listening at the door, but with the darkening of his gaze she saw that he was right. Before she could react, he had grabbed her and pulled her onto the bed while the dagger lay between them like a wall. He breathed hastily just as she did and they both tried to hear something in the silence. She felt him practically everywhere as he rested one hand next to her head and the other on her hand with the dagger. How his eyes looked into hers and back into the emptiness of the cessation.
But she bets that he did not hear her rapid heartbeat. Suddenly there was a pounding at the door and Y/n flinched and one of the men called out, ,,Open up in the name of the king!". ,, Daemon?" she asked in panic, but he only put a finger to his lips. Only a moment later the door opened and the men looked in. ,,Can't a man even fuck a whore in peace?" Daemon shouted at the men and Y/n made a half-acted half-real startled noise. The men stopped him for a moment, but when Daemon nagged them again, they let go and closed the door. Relieved, they both exhaled and she even thought she heard a short giggle. ,,So you wanted to say something?" he said, but didn't seem to make any effort to stand up. Her throat seemed to go dry and she was overcome with shame as she became fully aware of the position. ,,Your-your dagger Daemon, you can have it back, I'll give you your answer," she said, holding the dagger out to him, seemingly breaking the wall between them. ,,Say it," he whispered, and his hand came down again on hers and the dagger. Briefly she had the thought that the dragon could kill her, but she dismissed it. He would not do it, she was sure. He would never hurt her. ,,I lied for you then, I protected you from what I could because...I love you". The words were said, her heart hammered wildly in her chest and she felt every fibre in her body covered with nervousness. Her eyes tried to read something in his face but he had hidden behind a mask of emotionlessness.
Now it was the fear that slowly spread through her body and she tried to get off the bed. But he did not let her, on the contrary, he held her tightly and seemed to be watching her. ,,Do you want to know my answer?" he asked suddenly and he gripped the dagger tighter. ,,Say it" she did the same and saw how he also seemed to struggle with himself to finally say it. But then, instead of telling her, he bent down the last bit, went over the wall and kissed her. His answer was clear but would he ever say it? His kiss was demanding, it was clear what he wanted, they both seemed to know what he wanted. But it was completely different than with Rhaenyra, his kiss was not shy like hers. There was experience in getting what he wanted. His own desire. She watched him lightly detach himself from her and hastily take off his clothes. Putting the dagger in his hand, he watched her as the younger one, intimidated and slightly unsure, took off her clothes. It was the unbelief that had her in its grip, the unbelief that she had said it. Only when she was only in front of him in her simple light underwear did she gradually become aware of what was about to happen. Or rather, what the dragon was waiting for. ,,Daemon I-". ,,You can't and don't need to hide, my bear," he murmured to her. But his violet eyes showed gentleness for a moment, as if he knew what was going on inside her.
His hand pressed her gently but firmly back onto the bed. From her shoulder, he moved attentively up her collarbone to her neck. He grabbed her there and she sucked in her breath in surprise. ,,Shhh, I'll be careful," he purred and involved her again in a kiss. Uncertainly her own hands went to his arm and back, keeping him with her for fear he might leave. She felt the cold blade of the dagger, the Valyrian steel resting in his hand. With a light pressure he cut through the fabric around her breasts. With a jerk, he pulled it aside and his hand rested on her breast. ,,So you lied for me," he stated firmly and kissed his way down her jaw to her neck. She felt him sucking on her vein and seemed to know that he was fucking her. ,,You saved me out of...love" she said with a quick breath and saw him let go of her for a moment to look at her. ,,For love" he repeated the words and smiled almost amusingly.
A twinge of pain arose inside her as she felt the fear that he didn't feel the same way she did. But again her thoughts were interrupted as his lips closed around her nipples. She gasped as she felt him sucking on them and biting into them. ,,Daemon" came pleadingly and more submissively over her lips than it should. But she drew in her breath sharply when she felt the dagger at her side. He let the tip of the knife move from her side over her belly, leaving light red streaks. It burned and yet the coldness of the steel was soothing at the same time. His violet eyes watched everything from her chest rising and falling in fear and excitement. Her eyes that looked at him pleadingly and fearfully. How her hands just held him, not knowing if she should push him away or not.
She was like a cracked mirror, a stained glass that would break if the dragon continued to attack the bear. She would just have to give herself to him and the pieces that remained would not interest him anymore, would they? The woman let out a squeal of pain as he pulled the pointed blade a little harder over her skin. Which also caused her soft skin to give way and break. But the blood that stained the metal did not run onto the simple mattress. Daemon bent down and almost greedily licked up the blood. ,,My...love...wonderful" she heard the single words while he was devouring her. But what brought a blush to her cheeks and ears was that with every little cut and every blade her heart beat faster and her body reacted to him.
The pleasant goosebumps that stretched over her body were only a small product. But it was the excitement that spread through her at the thought of Daemon and the dagger. The excitement that made her center crave for attention. She felt him seemingly run the knife over her stomach one last time before biting down and kissing. She felt his rough hands palm her thighs and push them apart. ,,Do you want to retreat after all, my dear?" he asked teasingly, calmly running the cold metal over her legs. Not hard enough to draw blood but with so much pressure that they both wanted more. Dameon more blood and she more devotion. ,,N-No," she admitted, and her hands pulled him close again.
To her surprise, however, he loosened his grip on the dagger and placed it in her hand. ,,Show how sharp the claws of a bear are," he said and a certain madness was in his voice. ,,I would hurt you," she said the obvious and wanted to put the dagger away. But he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. The dagger pressed against his torso and seemed to hurt the prince's pale skin under any further pressure. ,,But that's not the point, is it? Once you have the blade in your hand, you can't let it go...it's a feeling of dependence," he murmured, and for a moment the madness in his voice resonated again. She recognized the expression in his violet eyes all too well. It was the same she had when the scene of the war played out in her mind's eye.
Horrifying and yet never ending. ,,Besides, your body shows how much you liked it, don't deny it" came the obvious and she didn't have to look down to know that her nipples were hard, her breath fast, her cheeks red and her cunt wet. She let herself be read again like an open book. With a jerk of her strength and yielding to Daemond, they turned around. She felt his hands automatically resting on her thighs. Pulling the younger one against him to keep her right there. She gasped slightly out of surprise and excitement as she felt his hardened cock. ,,Don't play the virgin with me," he chuckled and his fingernails jokingly traced sweetly back and forth over her scars on her legs and side. But she didn't answer, instead her gaze went to the blade.
His right hand went from her new scar to a strand of hair. He twisted it with his fingers. A knowing smirk came to his lips. ,,You are not an innocent virgin anymore, are you, my dear? No, you are not," he said more to himself and she felt superfluous for a moment. ,,No, you are a walking sin...first you take over the head of the house of Mormont as a woman, then you slaughter countless men, cut their bodies with longclaw before you come to King's Landing and sleep with my niece the princess and now with the prince...truly a sinner" he purred and laughed amusedly. Almost bitingly, the steel lay against his neck. Calmly and quietly, he nestled against the warm skin of the prince and let his laughter gradually subside. You are the sinner, you ridicule your dead nephew, you see it all as a game, and it was you who tried to seduce Rhaenyra from the beginning...the only difference is that she loves me and I was allowed to sleep with her and you weren't" she said softly almost in a whisper and her free hand moved over his scars as well. His skin was warm, almost too warm, but it seemed as if the dragon was waiting for her. Only the steel stretched from his neck slowly down over his chest. ,,I could just kill you...you are at my mercy" she said and she felt a short excited twitch go through his hips. Then with a search for blood to drive the steel right again she did it to him.
She also cut him her eyes took in the dimly lit room the now dark appearing blood with extase was. It was like a work of art how the blood slowly stretched out of the wound and stained his pale white and yet battered skin. A shudder came over her as she bent down and licked it up. Metallic. It tasted metallic, but the warmth and fire of the Targaryen made it tantalizing. She had her tongue licking over the blood again when he grabbed her by the jaw and pulled her into a kiss. He gasped as he tasted the blood and she smirked slightly. ,,Do it already" she demanded and the dagger ran slowly over the scars. ,,What, tell me?" he asked teasingly, but the two knew exactly what they wanted. All the problems and consequences, even Rhaenyra and the marriage, did not seem important at that moment. Nothing was important except Daemon for her, and for him her. ,,Fuck me finally" she said without shame and put the dagger carelessly on the small wooden nightstand. ,,Like my heart wants good girl" he praised before turning her around again and once more greedily biting and kissing his way down her body before demonstratively biting into the soft flesh of her thighs.
Not strong enough to make it bleed but strong enough to leave a mark. ,,Mine" she heard him say but it only seemed to strengthen the attraction between them. The thought of belonging only to him and Rhaemyra excited her in a way. He positioned himself correctly and with one last look and the flash of a gleeful grin he penetrated her. The younger girl moaned in pain for a moment, it was a feeling she had never experienced before. As often as she had given herself the pleasure, she had never flayed her virginity. The fear of the consequences was too great. But this was not a consequence, it was lust, it was sex that she felt. It was incredibly addictive for redemption. And even if it wasn't like with Rhaenyra, which she couldn't compare because she had a different relationship with the two Targaryens, it was still incredible in a different way. It hurt at first for a moment the feeling of him inside her. To her surprise, however, he waited a moment and almost soothingly stroked her scars. ,,You are... tight my heart sure that you are not a virgin anymore?" he asked but only caught a half annoyed half pleading look. After she got used to the new feeling, he started to move. It was completely different. She could feel his every movement as his hands clawed at her and held her in place.
Her hands ran over his arms feeling the tension underneath like movement before she clawed at his back and scratched her fingers over it. She heard his gasp, his words of praise as he almost begged her to touch him harder. But she also got what she wanted his thrusts were faster and deeper. The feeling of fullness gripped her and it was perfect. ,,So good for me," she heard him pant before he wrapped her in a kiss. Demanding and yet understandable, they both seemed to give each other something. Fat's something like security from the demons in their heads. The addiction to the steel they both seemed to be able to detach themselves from for a brief moment. She moaned into the kiss as it reached her lip. The little blood that came from it only seemed to increase his pleasure. His movements became more searching for the pleasure of his and hers. A screaming moan came over her lips and her hands scratched his back as he bit hard into her collarbone. She felt him bite down hard and again greedily take in the blood that was being produced. It was firm almost brutal but for him and her enough to reach the climax.
And the almost panicked thought that he was coming inside her was hardly a nuisance in her clouded mind. It was deep satisfaction that took her over it was exhausting and yet incredibly pleasurable as she relaxed completely on the bed. Daemon, on the other hand, as she felt, stayed inside her for a moment. He too seemed to come down from his high before he pulled out of her, causing her to whimper briefly. She dully heard him lie down next to her and his fingers lightly ran over her scars before he took the simple blanket and covered them both. ,,You are mine my dear I would never let the green ones hurt you" she heard him say before silence fell. She wanted to smile but her body was exhausted and the sting in her heart that came from insecurity did not let her smile. Not once had he said I love you. So what was it between them that he slept with her - pity, lust, his arrogance or was it finally his love?
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stormxpadme · 7 months
Whumptober 2023 No. 23 - "Who's there?"
Scogan Bingo challenge Bounty Hunters AU
"Who's there?"
Logan winced, less from the cruel sight awaiting him in the darkest corner of the holding cell but from the anxious tone in Scott's voice. It had only been an hour, what had these assholes done?
Physically, his partner was somewhat alright; that, thanks to their soul bond, Logan was able to tell from a lack of serious discomfort or pain in his own body. Of course, there was that annoying stinging in his watering eyes that didn’t make it that much of a shock, spotting how exactly the enemies had made sure that their prisoner wouldn’t wreck their ship and anyone in it to pieces. But what they'd possibly used to mentally get to Scott that rattled him so deeply that he was instinctively trying to creep back into that damn moldy corner, against both better knowledge and the tug of the chains pulling his arms up high behind his back was anyone's guess.
Not only that stupid move drew a warning growl from Logan's lips as an invisible jerk went through his own shoulders. Every time he left that reckless idiot alone on some damn space station. He already opened his mouth to hiss an admonishment at his partner because he couldn’t tell for how long their ship computer from afar would manage to take out the cameras of this damn warbird, and chances were, some of the guards outside could notice the intruder any moment …
But Scott already visibly relaxed in his chains, apparently having recognized the sound of Logan's voice just from that brief noise. "Took you long enough, Claws." Though the relief about the imminent rescue was clear to hear in his choppy breathing that the predicament bondage was causing, he, too, made a better effort now, keeping his volume low and his gaze away from the shadows into which Logan had instinctively crouched, just in case.
"If you didn’t get your dumb ass captured every place we go, I wouldn’t have to come after you," Logan grumbled, torn between irritation and happiness to find his lover not only in one piece but, after a brief hint of fear, apparently stable again. Deciding that they could be discussing Scott's dubious mission record later, Logan got busy with a tiny bottle from his uniform belt of which he could only pray, it would do its job. Before they'd left Earth for this journey, Hank had equipped their ship with pretty much every alien tech and supply that Mutant High had had stored in the course of the decades thanks to Charles' intimate connections with the Shi’ar, but neither of them was a damn medic. Textbooks and artificial intelligence could only get you so far when you were dealing with alien weapons and chemicals millions of light years away from the Milky Way. That universal cleaning and healing potion had saved especially Scott's thin behind more than once in the course of this last half a year but Logan was extremely reluctant to use anything on the highly sensitive and at the same damn deadly weapon that was his lover's eyes. Sadly, they hardly had a choice. "Gonna give you a couple of drops for that glue, Slim. I know your eyelids are on fire but you need to try and keep them closed if you don't want to blast us into space. Holding cells are located right at the bottom rear. I got your VISOR right here, okay?"
"Just hurry." Scott squeezed the inflamed-looking thin skin covering and around his eyes even tighter shut than the enemy's despicable torture already did to him. "They said they'll be back soon. We're short on time."
"Always are." As of yet though, there still was no sound of an alert anywhere in the hostile ship, so Logan dared to leave his spot, kneeling down in front of his partner. Keeping Scott's bent head up and straight with a firm grip to his sweat-matted hair, he took only a split second for a soothing kiss to Scott's forehead both as a reassurance and a warning. Then he squeezed some of that miracle solution right onto where that thick, yellow substance was forcing his lover's eyelids shut. He tensed instinctively when the smallest noise of distress broke from Scott's lips, another stab of that burning that was all but scorching Logan's own eyeballs for another moment of horror … Then the sensation subsided, the foreign substance dripping down Scott's cheeks in thick rivulets like tears that Logan carefully wiped off with a sterile cloth while his partner's shoulders slumped as much as the restraints would allow.
"It's gone. Thanks, Claws. VISOR?"
"On it." Logan slipped the life-saving device onto Scott's face in a cautious, trained movement, the angst slipping off his own shoulders with every second more when the usual confidence and determination filled Scott's body even in that humiliating hunched position once he got his stolen sense of vision back. "You got your ring still? We're about to have company." Much as he would have loved to free Scott from these damn cuffs immediately, if there was one thing they knew about today's enemies, it was that they were not only fast but also heavily armed with endogenous, razor-sharp weapons that Logan didn’t want to see anywhere near his lover just because they had rushed things.
When Scott nodded choppily and curled his fist around said thumb ring – another parting gift from Hank, ever since serving them both well whenever Scott wasn’t able to control his VISOR by the wheels on its sides –, Logan quickly retreated back into the darkness between his lover and a menacing looking chair with even more cuffs, straps and tools attached that he did not want to know what it was even for.
Just in time before the cell door was ripped open and one of these ugly motherfuckers stomped inside on his sinewy chicken legs, a disapproving caw coming from his beak-shaped mouth. He slowly approached his prisoner, one arm raised in warning, with some of the long feathers that these bastards could shoot at will from their skin, like blades, already raised. Drool was dripping from that misshapen black beak as the stranger's yellow, large pupils slowly eyed his prisoner upside down.
Logan instinctively felt the wish to turn the universal translator in his earpiece right off. There were certain intergalactic gestures that meant pretty much the same in every system.
"Look at that. We got a security system failure, and the ugly little mammal breeder got his toy back. Whom of the guards did you suck off to get such benefits, huh? Knew we should have cut you right up and cooked you when you showed your ugly face at that station bar. Fuck that. Bounty on your head isn’t even that pretty, mammal. And the best part? Everyone's asleep, so I get to devour you all by myself."
"You see, there's a problem with that", Scott answered with a vicious grin on his lips, never once flinching back when one of these silvery feathers slipped another few inches from the creature's thick flesh, stopping just inches from his face.
"Yeah, I bet." The alien let out a snort and grabbed Scott's head unsettling similar to how Logan just had, unaware that he was already particle dust. "Now what would that be, I wonder, breeder scum?"
"That my buddy over there and I can really use the bounty on your head."
When the stranger let go of Scott with a curse and spun around to raise his weapons towards Logan's corner, he didn’t even have time left for a last prayer before Scott made his shot, blasting the guy straight into the closed cell door. The sickening crunch of dozens of bones breaking indicated, at least that man wouldn’t secure them their next few weeks of fuel and supplies, seeing as their current employer wanted as many of the criminals on this ship alive as possible for interrogation.
Nothing Logan could be worrying about right now, not when he had to prioritize his lover's and his lives over a good buck. As so often, in the lethal labyrinth that was this job that they'd been forced to take after realizing, that damn journey to the Shi’ar, to find a possible solution to Scott's increasing health problems, would take a lot longer than expected thanks to the ship they had originally been supposed to meet no longer being anywhere near Earth. No, this was not exactly where either of them had seen themselves a year ago, but if there was one thing they'd really gotten good at ever since Jean's death had bonded them in the shape of their shared physical condition, it was adapting, improvising, and overcoming. In today's case, that meant cutting Scott loose from his bondage with a quick swipe of claws, with little regard to the agonized moan from his lover's lips at the returning mobility of his shoulders which almost brought Logan to his knees himself for a moment. This was something he was pretty sure he would never get used to. With an impatient snarl, he straightened up again and unceremoniously threw Scott over his shoulder to carry him out of the cell. Judging from the shrill sounds and red lights flashing through all of the warbird's corridors, the noise from Scott's attack hadn’t gone unnoticed, therefore, Logan couldn’t even wait the few seconds it might take before his partner would be back on his feet.
Not to mention, the enemies' camera system was probably back up by now too, given how many of those motherfuckers came running at them on their way to the shuttle bay.
Logan had sliced through the first group of hostiles as quickly as possible, shielding his lover from the threat of those damn feathers best as he could while grunting away a few stabs into his own body.
But more of those assholes were already approaching from around the next corner … and from behind them as well.
Scott was noticeably getting tired both of being dragged around and of taking phantom hits on his part now. Wriggling out of Logan's hold unnerved, he landed behind him and the next best wall, still in the cover of Logan's broader shape. "Down."
It was one of these uncompromising, a hundred percent confident orders that Logan had learned to listen to ever since joining Scott's team back at Liberty Island, no matter how much as his natural dominant instincts wanted to make him rebel, or his desire to take out even more of these assholes on his own who had ten thousands of civilian deaths from their raids on unsuspecting planets on their conscience already. Sheathing his claws with a reluctant growl, he let himself drop to the ground instead, making himself as small as possible, the way he'd quickly learned in such moments for the sake of his own health, and squeezed his eyes shut to the blinding sensation of Scott unleashing his blasts onto the dozens of enemies they were facing.
Seconds later, it became very quiet on the foreign vessel.
After taking out big parts of the hostile crew, they'd no longer been bothered on the way to the short-distance capsule Logan had used to enter the enemy ship. Scott was quick-witted enough to plug one of their IT disruptors in the hangar bay computer before they left, which effectively rendered the warbird's system useless for at least an hour or so, the most necessary life support systems aside. With that, the job was basically done.
Logan immediately went to sit at the weapon helm upon their return to their shuttle anyway, never leaving the foreign ship out of sight. Especially with such an aggressive, bloodthirsty race with far too many powerful technological toys at their hands, you never knew.
With a grateful nod his way, Scott took the spot next to him and went to contact their employers.
Unfounded worry, as it turned out. Apparently, they'd really done a thorough job. The warbird drifted through the nebula-filled galaxy uncoordinated, no sign of any navigation or weapon system being operable again by the time, the system's authority confirmed to Scott that they were only a minute's flight in a warp tunnel away, and that they were welcome to take their leave.
Which they were only too happy to do. Scott and Logan hadn’t gotten that many pointers from their Shi’ar contacts from afar before they'd embarked on this journey into the unknown. But one of the most basic pieces of advice, to not show their faces, their ship, their allegiance, to too many people in person, especially not to those in control of various parts of the systems they were passing, they'd been pretty well off with in these last few months.
A healthy distance usually gladly returned by whoever hired them to do their dirty work. The less these people knew about those weird two strangers from some faraway planet who had quickly earned their reputation for taking care of problems that many others shied away from or were helplessly struggling with, the better.
As long as they got their pay and could carry one towards the nearest Shi’ar outpost – which was still at least three months without unforeseen complications from their current location –, neither of them cared a lot either way. "What's the number?" The second, they'd entered their own warp tunnel and the protective blue whirls of faster-than-light speed had built outside the front window, Logan deactivated the phaser banks with a relieved sigh and turned to his partner, absently patting down his uniform jacket for a cigar.
"Just coming in." Scott turned the pilot console to him, the activated screen part that showed their balance on their intergalactic coin counter which had neared an alarming new low last week. A condition that didn’t exactly improve when the announced salary from their latest employer was added to the sum just a few seconds later.
"Well, that was worth you almost being kebabed for," Logan remarked dryly, lighting his cigar in frustration. "Finally we can give up this horrible life of crime and can become honorable, innocent space travelers."
"We killed half their targets," Scott returned wearily, deactivating the bank program as it was just too depressing to look at. "It's enough for another two weeks and there's three more space stations within days' flight. We'll be fine." Only the way he slipped his fingertips under his VISOR with a suppressed hiss, his arms still hurting as Logan could tell by the dull throb in his own, revealed he wasn’t half as chill about these circumstances as he pretended. About if and when they'd finally make it to their destination. Or back to the people they'd left behind on Earth. About if this whole thing would even have been worth it in the end. The crushing headaches that his mutation growing stronger caused, they were somewhat under control ever since they'd left their home, actually. Perks of space was that it offered all that sweet dead matter not existing on Earth for Scott to rip apart, to take the constant pressure from his blasts off his brain as often as he needed to. But entirely gone, these tortures were never, especially not with growing emotional strain.
Indeed, an albeit soft stinging behind his eyes let Logan know, the emotional stress from that damn captivity was far from being dealt with after all. "Your eyes alright? Need another treatment? Or wanna stop for a round of asteroid shootout?" He softly rested his hand on the back of his lover's neck, glad that Scott didn’t flinch, leaning back into the touch immediately instead which soothed the latent worry that these feathered assholes back there might have dared to put their dirty claws on him in the wrong way without Logan noticing. Something like that had almost happened far too often for his taste anyway, ever since they'd left their home and were stumbling from one potentially lethal situation into another, because Scott's flawless beauty was a magnet for every damn primitive drooling bastard out there, apparently.
Scott's headshake was unambiguous though. "The glue's all gone. And pain's not that bad right now. Tomorrow, when I can lift my arms to the triggers again without that feeling like they're about to fall off."
"Come on." Logan didn’t offer Scott even a quick routine scan in the med-bay because while neither of them had any love for all that metal and needles and rays poking them in lieu of a real damn doctor, Scott had long learned to take care of his physical condition thoroughly, since it affected no longer only his own well-being. He would have immediately told Logan if he needed any care of that kind. Providing the other kind was Logan's job. Therefore ignoring any nagging about research regarding their next job that sounded pretty weak anyway, he pulled Scott up with one arm around his waist to lead him to the shuttle's living quarters. After rerouting both emergency control and the view on the warp tunnel ahead via large monitors on the bedroom wall, he peeled Scott out of his uniform as carefully as possible. Occasionally, he startled at the prickling and twinge under his own skin, when pulling off the skin-tight black leather meant a tug on already overstrained muscles, but soon enough, that last little torture was over. Stripping out of his own suit far more quickly and efficiently, Logan dropped down on the tolerably large bed they'd been sharing for so long now, to pull his lover in his arms who had fortunately ceased his complaints by now. Scott was notoriously sensitive when it came to space temperature in spite of having grown up in Alaska of all places, so Logan put up with not one but three damn blankets though he already knew he'd be sweating his ass off in an hour which at least would, in turn, help his lover not feel like a damn ice block anymore thanks to their bond. Minor inconveniences in the light of the far bigger threats that this damn trip kept on bringing for almost a year now, and Logan supposed he wasn’t the only one becoming increasingly sick of that, especially on nights like this. But once he had his partner in his arms like this, feeling the purchase and security of a firm hug not only from Scott's long, strong arms around him but the doubled, ghost-like sensation that their connection brought onto Logan's own flesh and skin, reinforcing that unshakable knowledge that they were truly meant to be as one in every sense of the word … That was when those exhausting doubts always slipped away at least for a few hours.
For Scott, it didn’t come as easy, relaxing into their embrace this night, as Logan quickly realized, and that had nothing to do with a couple of too-tightly stretched muscles. His breath breezing over Logan's bare chest came too irregular still, his back under Logan's slowly caressing fingertips a too-harsh line. And he just couldn’t take his eyes off that blue emptiness of their travel tunnel on the monitor, as if he could read the answers to all the open questions making their life so hard right now in there. "You know it was close today, right?" he finally whispered after Logan had given him enough space to contemplate, to get himself together, to cling to that control over his emotions that his lover so badly needed to keep his fragile soul in balance. "Sometimes I wonder if we made the right choice, leaving together. You'd be safer on Earth, and your healing factor could deal with whatever trouble I might be running into up here. There's no need for you to run into one weapon after another for me."
"Right." Logan snorted, tempted to give his lover a loving slap to the back of his head, to rearrange the obviously short-circuiting modules in there a little, if only Scott hadn’t been fighting another migraine already. "You mean except for the seven times that I saved your stupid behind this month already? What exactly do you think happens to me when you bite it, Slim?"
"Whatever it is, you could come back from it. We know that. It's happened before." Scott was obviously dead set on pissing him off, wriggling from his embrace to sit up, burying his face against his knees as whatever had already shaken him on that damn warbird ripped through his soul another time. "We have no idea if the Shi’ar can even help me, Logan. All of this might be useless. Don't you ever think a quick ending to this whole shit would be easier? I'll always only be a burden for you, as long as I live …"
"Bub, you risk it that I get out the paddles and leashes from our toybox, and I won't give a fuck if you got a headache or not." Logan only waited until Scott raised his head again for a tired smile at the not-exactly-serious threat back over his shoulder, an expression quickly faltering when he saw the raw, honest anger distorting Logan's features. Logan quickly raised his hands to cover his lover's lips as they opened again, raising a brow in warning. "You don't wanna do that unless you want me to put on some space suit and go slicing up a couple of rocks myself. If I ever hear you yapping about something so dumb again, you'll be sleeping in the damn cargo bay for a month, Scooter. You seriously think I would be here with you, playing bounty hunter, wading through guts every weekend for half an intergalactic dollar, on another gravity serum shot that makes me puke my guts out every damn morning if I didn’t want you in my life with all of my heart?"
"And what kind of life is that? Those people today, Logan … They didn’t just want to kill us, you know that." Scott held on to Logan's hand on his shoulder like a drowning man, to the sensation of mutual purchase, of a lifeline that their shared sensation around each other's grip brought, his voice alarmingly close to breaking. "They were very verbal about all those things they wanted to get up to with me before slicing me up and roasting me over some fire. Just thinking, one of these bastards could actually succeed one day and you're gonna have to go through that as well just because we're connected …"
"If I ever fail so badly at being your shield, Slim, then that would be well-deserved." Logan put his finger right back on Scott's beautiful lips when his lover wanted to object in offense, tenderly caressing away the hint of salt from under Scott's glasses with two fingertips. "Don't. You know I'm right. We've been brought together to look out for each other. That was what Jeannie wanted when she died because she loved us both and she knew, we loved each other before we did. I'm not going anywhere, Slim, you might as well suck that up. And as long as I'm around to prevent that, none of this scum that we run into up here will lay their goddamn hands on you. I can't promise you that because there are forces out there bigger than us. But …" He trailed off, shuddering at the mere possibility that this worst scenario exactly might happen one day, no matter how hard he would try to not let it. Gladly nestling into the warm, gentle touch of his lover's hand on his cheek he realized, he didn’t need to continue anyway.
Scott now remembered again that Logan would always be trying his very fucking best, to the last breath, and he'd hopefully not question such a simple natural law again anytime soon. "I hate to see you get hurt, Logan, that's all."
Logan let out a huff, still irritated after all about the last avoidable adventure. "Then stop accepting some crook's drink in the next best bar whenever we're on the job. You gonna get down on your back now and let me suck you off so we can get some sleep?"
Scott contemplated that for a moment, a lewd grin spreading on his lips and then wordlessly pulled away from Logan's arms around his hips, only to turn around on the bed and kneel over him, hands already busy tugging down Logan's briefs over his hips.
His brains checking out before he could even feel the slow, tantalizing touch of his lover's heavenly lips on his quickly hardening cock, Logan actually had to actively remember to get his own hands on that perfect piece of ass now right in his view. One claw tip taking care of that annoying layer of fabric still covering it all the faster, he grabbed his lover's narrow hips with both hands and pulled Scott down against his mouth, his widely opened lips wrapping around the velvety head of that beautiful cock now within reach. The secondary sensation of his own sucking motions quickly taking in every inch of that beauty added to what Scott's clever, long tongue was doing to his own raging hardness. Breathless, throaty moans from both their mouths chased away whatever dread was still haunting their souls for the moment, nothing but the heat and emptiness of lust quickly filling both their bodies and minds as they lost themselves to yet another night of this surely most intense side of their soul bond.
It wasn’t perfect, not by a long shot, but for the moment, it would do.
@whumptober | @whumptober-archive
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zrtranscripts · 10 months
Season 10, Mission 8: Jailhouse Rock
Prison Break
ERNIE VAN ARK: Careful, Ranger Five. Keep to the ruin of the church. That’s Valmont’s correctional facility ahead, a former resort on the island of Tabarca. It appears he’s swapped the swimming pool for a 20-foot perimeter wall with turrets every meter. The patrol of guard makes its changing shifts by the gate. I know it’s difficult being back near your kin. Janine is there, I’m sure of it. Getting her out won’t be easy, Five, but no matter what, remember, we’ll be there for you.
PETER LYNNE: Oh, for the love of – did you have to call this one Five? There’s plenty of numbers out there that aren’t dear and absent friends, you know.
ERNIE VAN ARK: Runner Five is heroic, efficient, devoted, brave. Who better as an icon for the escaped experiments of Red Scorpion Base?
PETER LYNNE: Brilliant! I’ve gone from Valmont’s drugged-up lab rat to joining his posse of lost toys! He’s going to find out I’m free any time now, Ranger. We have got to get Janine out before he does!
ERNIE VAN ARK: I wish we could be with you, Five, but only Valmont mechs can enter that building. I’m getting your shoulder cam live and clear. We’ll be monitoring from the boat. Funny... A prison of that size. What does Valmont need it for? He can’t have that many enemies he wants kept alive. Sorry. That’s him, I think. My other self.
PETER LYNNE: I’m telling you, Ranger, you ought to sleep with one eye open. One of these days you’re going to wake up to find he’s stripping you for parts! Oh, the shift change is done. The old patrol’s gone inside. The new one’s walking the perimeter.
ERNIE VAN ARK: They’re out of sight. See the gatehouse, Ranger? The bunker built into the wall with turrets either side? This is your chance to slip inside before that patrol comes back around. Quick march, like you belong. Fast as you can, Five. Go!
ERNIE VAN ARK: Gosh, those turrets bracketing the gatehouse door are big. There’s a scanner on the lefthand one, Five. Press your eye to it. The mechs here are old Model 4s. I used to see them on Red Scorpion. I’ve tweaked your transponder to match. You’re clear. You can get inside.
[door creaks]
PETER LYNNE: Not exactly plush, is it? Like a big, bare closet. Just a work station cycling images of the prison.
ERNIE VAN ARK: Not even any chairs for the rangers on duty! And Valmont let them get rusty, too. Barbaric. Better hurry, Five. There’s a guard watching the far monitor, but they haven’t noticed you yet. Plug the cable from your left forearm into the nearest console. The rangers here are networked with the prison. It was similar on Red Scorpion Base. I can use you as a relay to hack the system.
PETER LYNNE: The other mech’s looked your way. That’s a really big gun arm she’s raising. Ernie, hurry up!
ERNIE VAN ARK: Got it! I’ve sent a signal to all the guards, triggering their diagnostic protocols. They’ll be offline for a short while, cycling self checks. According to the database, DeLuca’s in cell 44 on the far side of the prison. Five, you can take the stairwell behind the gatehouse up. That was an extremely messy hack. The guards won’t be offline for long. And they’re going to be very, very angry when they wake up. Run!
PETER LYNNE: God, Valmont made this place a proper Cell Block H, didn’t he? And not even the Freak to liven things up. Corridor after corridor of cold, gray cells with murky portholes on the doors. I don’t see any prisoners so far, just lots of ugly stains. Ugh. I thought my prison was hell. This one might be even worse.
ERNIE VAN ARK: She wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me. I put that tracker on the USB stick in Tunisia. I’m the one who got you captured. The old me didn’t make that choice. This was all my fault.
Peter, the others said... You know about guilt. Do you ever... see something beautiful, like a bird or a sunset or this island, and then worry that you maybe don’t deserve it because of what you’ve done?
PETER LYNNE: No. No. I told you in Murcia when you tried to toast those marshmallows. I am not playing therapist with the ghost of Ernest Van Ark! Christ, you were easier as an evil boss! There! That’s her, cell 44. Break the door down, Five, now! [metal slams] It’s... It’s just... An empty cell and a wire cot. [exhales] Ernie? She isn’t here.
ERNIE VAN ARK: Wait. Look. There’s a loose breeze block behind the cot. Five, see if you can pry it all the way out.
PETER LYNNE: A hidey-hole with a snapped off spoon inside. I can see there’s something carved into the stone in the hole. It’s a... is that a... [laughs] It’s a flow chart. A branch plan. Janine told me they help with organizing thoughts in times of extreme stress.
ERNIE VAN ARK: She’s noting the guard patterns, getting floor plans. She’s working out an escape. Oh, Peter, these branches all link to your name. She was planning to find you.
PETER LYNNE: Valmont was threatening to torture her already. If he caught her planning an escape...
ERNIE VAN ARK: She must be in serious trouble. Five, the interrogation wing is on the bottom level. Take the spiral stairs ahead down. There’s a warden’s office in that wing. It has line of sight to anywhere they might have taken her. Freezing the rangers may have bought her some reprieve, but they’ll probably blame her for us shutting time down. We’ve got to get her out of here. Hurry, Five!
PETER LYNNE: There, Five! The iron door at the bottom of the stairs, it’s marked Warden. Kick it down!
[door slams open]
ERNIE VAN ARK: Lots of monitors in there, showing all the interrogation rooms. Look for Janine, Five. Hold on. The way Sam used to describe Abel. That room looks like his comms shack, only filled with extra recording equipment. Are those film cameras?
PETER LYNNE: Yep. That room’s got a Maghreb flag pinned up. That one’s got the stars and stripes. They look like... film sets? What is Valmont doing here?
ERNIE VAN ARK: Five, something’s moving in the vent above you. Look out!
PETER LYNNE: It’s Janine! She just dropped out of the vent! Careful, Ranger, she’s on your back. Jenny, can you hear me?
JANINE DE LUCA: First sever the optic relays, then the cranial wires!
ERNIE VAN ARK: She’s ripping Five’s external cables out. Hold on, I’m routing us through Five’s speakers.
PETER LYNNE: Janine! Janine! It’s me, it’s Peter! It’s okay. The ranger is with me.
JANINE DE LUCA: Peter? No. Enough recordings, enough simulations, enough making me hear him in distress or Mr. Yao in fear. If you think feelings will stop me, you are very much mistaken!
PETER LYNNE: Janine, it’s me, it’s really, uh – Suffolk tequila! Remember? Number 77 on your bucket list, you wanted to be spontaneous with me! Spent two days planning it. We drank a bottle of tequila from the Suffolk enclave on your farmhouse roof. I sang Fernando! Badly! But we danced, and you fell and sprained your wrist. I don’t think Maxine believed it was a training exercise. It’s really me. I came to rescue you.
JANINE DE LUCA: Peter? No. You should not be on this island.
[alarm blares]
ERNIE VAN ARK: That sounds like a problem.
JANINE DE LUCA: Mr. Van Ark. I wouldn’t have expected you to be involved in this. The other rangers appear to be shut down. If this was your doing, it was very, very rash. Valmont boasted of the security here when I first arrived. If the guards are inactive for more than a short time, the prison will start a purge. All captives will be executed.
I spent months planning a covert escape by the vents, one that wouldn’t raise the alarm! When the rangers shut down, I was forced to expedite my exfiltration in a far from optimal way. We must evacuate the prison. I’m taking command of this rescue operation, effective immediately. Ranger, follow me. According to that screen, the other prisoners are in this wing. Open every cell door that we pass. There’s no time to lose. Down the corridor, past the guard stations. Move!
ERNIE VAN ARK: One more cell ahead, Five. From seeing their databases, the last with a prisoner inside. The rest are all trailing behind you and Janine.
[door slams open]
CAPTAIN : Qu’est-ce que c’est? Qu’est qu’il ce pass?
JANINE DE LUCA: It’s a prison break, Captain. Follow me. To freedom!
ERNIE VAN ARK: Wait a minute. I recognize that man. Captain Blaise [Canard, a French sailor who joined the Maghreb. He caused a lot of trouble for Red Scorpion Base before his ship went down. Some of these prisoners must be his crew.
JANINE DE LUCA: Valmont tried to force me to record tapes for Abel, implicating the Maghreb in my capture. I checked the warden’s office during my escape. He’s trying to do the same to other prisoners here, trying to make the Maghreb believe Abel is holding their sailors ransom. This is no mere prison. It’s a factory for disinformation and false flags!
[jingle over intercom]
PETER LYNNE: Oh, that sounds like a Valmont announcement.
BRENT VALMONT: Attention, prisoners! If you’re hearing this, my guards haven’t regained control in the allotted window. Janine, I bet it’s you, you scamp! Well, don’t worry. As the vet said to the vicar, I’ve got a fix for that. My techs developed a painless gas for quelling prison riots! This isn’t it. This one makes your lungs pop and your eardrums melt. Don’t worry, I’ll have your remains stuffed and sent to Peter. What an end for star-crossed lovers, eh? The exits are all sealed. Enjoy your tomb, Janine. It’s been a wheeze!
JANINE DE LUCA: Mr. Van Ark, gas is pouring from the air vents. We could use an exit plan!
ERNIE VAN ARK: I... I don’t know. I thought turning off the rangers was clever. If I had another week, I could have shut the whole system down, but we were in a hurry. I’ve done it again. I’ve doomed you all. I’m sorry.
PETER LYNNE: Ernie! Van Ark, you little megalomaniac, focus! You never felt guilt when you were killing millions. Why start now? They need ideas, not brooding. That’s my turf! What about Five’s arm cannon, is it powerful enough to break through the walls?
ERNIE VAN ARK: It isn’t. Unless... Peter, you’re a genius. The rangers are as deserving of rescue as anyone. The gas will kill them, too. But they might also be our only hope. Janine, Five, there’s a vehicle bay down the corridor. It has poorer ventilation, the gas will take a while to build there. Smash through the doors, Five, and try to hold your breath. Hurry, go!
JANINE DE LUCA: [coughs] Mr. Van Ark, we’ve reached the vehicle bay. The door’s sealed behind electrified shutters. The bay is empty save for many frozen guards.
ERNIE VAN ARK: The rangers are all networked, Five, remember? If you use your cable to plug into the nearest one, I can grant you admin privileges. I can route the network through you. You’ll have control of every ranger here, enough to shoot your way out. But the neural strain will be extreme. You won’t be able to take more than a few minutes, maybe not even that. Are you sure, Five?
JANINE DE LUCA: Under the circumstances, Mr. Van Ark, we have no alternative. Your ranger is plugging in.
ERNIE VAN ARK: I’m configuring the network, Five. Linking you to all the other mechs, waking them up, giving you control... now. [Ranger Five screams] Five? Are you all right? If you can still hear me, raise your right arm. It worked! All the mechs in the building are raising their arms! Five, if you can bear the strain, point your gun arm at the nearest wall. Let them follow suit, and fire!
[heavy gunfire]
PETER LYNNE: That did it! And the wall’s coming down. Roof’s starting to give out, too.
JANINE DE LUCA: Thank you, Ranger. Now lead the prisoners into the courtyard before the ceiling collapses. We must get clear of the gas. Through the wall, run!
ERNIE VAN ARK: You and Janine are almost across the prison courtyard, Five. Peter and I are waiting past the gates. I’m so sorry, I know this must be agonizing, but if you can manage one more volley, blast the outer wall down.
[heavy gunfire]
Five, thank God you made it out! I’ve set your network to shut down. The other rangers should be going back to sleep any second now. Oh gosh, you fused half your circuits. That gun arm won’t be firing anytime soon. Still, look at all these prisoners you’ve freed!
JANINE DE LUCA: Mr. Van Ark, that was quite the rescue plan.
PETER LYNNE: [clears throat] It, uh... wasn’t all him, you know. God. Jenny, come here.
JANINE DE LUCA: Peter, you’re shaking.
PETER LYNNE: Oh, that’s just some uh, drug withdrawal and a spot of joy. I, um... I didn’t think I would see you again.
JANINE DE LUCA: I had no intention, Peter, of letting that be true. You and Mr. Van Ark are a surprisingly effective team.
ERNIE VAN ARK: We’ve had our ups and downs, but I suppose we’re both immortal. We’ve got eternity to work on it.
PETER LYNNE: Under absolutely no circumstances! He’s been worse than torture, Jenny, really.
ERNIE VAN ARK: Janine, it’s my fault you were captured. I promise, I will make up for it. I only wish we’d got more of the rangers out, but at least we’ve rescued most. If I study their software, I think I can work out a shutdown hack that accounts for Valmont traps. And there’s a yacht beached along the shore we can use to send the prisoners home. Now you’re free. If anyone can give us an edge against Valmont, it’s you.
PETER LYNNE: After we get some rest somewhere far from that cell.
JANINE DE LUCA: Alas, that’s not an option, Peter. Valmont chose to gas his captives rather than use explosives. He likely means to count the bodies. When he finds I’m missing...
ERNIE VAN ARK: He’ll know to raise his game.
JANINE DE LUCA: Indeed. Whatever his plans, whatever he was using his prisoners to distract from, our escape only invites an escalation. We must seek to counter him. Whatever friends we have in danger, wherever Valmont has his sights, I fear things for everyone are about to get much worse.
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waywardstation · 1 year
Fic titles: “captain Zisu breaks Ingo out of jail” and its thrilling sequel, “warden Ingo breaks Zisu out of jail” (I think my last ask got eaten I hope this one goes through
Captain Zisu Breaks Ingo Out of Jail
(Continuation of this fic prompt)
Ingo is confined to a cell underneath the Galaxy Hall, pokeballs stripped from him after challenging Kamado’s decision to exile Akari (and for apparently being a skyfaller, just like her).
Kamado brings his strongest security corps officer down to the barracks, ordering them to do what they must to try and get information out of Ingo - with Akari gone, he’s the only one here who might know what’s happening with the sky, and how to fix it.
Lucky for Ingo, Kamado never looked up from his work and out at the training grounds long enough to realize that his strongest security corps officer was also one of Ingo’s closest friends. Zisu would never torture him like that.
As soon as Kamado leaves the barracks to let Zisu do her work, Zisu reassures Ingo and immediately starts working to break him out. She knows he knows nothing about the sky, and she knows Akari needs him out there, alone in the wilderness. She gets Ingo out of village with his Pokémon, and tells him to find Akari, shushing him every time he asks what this could do to her own job.
Warden Ingo Breaks Zisu Out of Jail
(Continuation of the prompt above)
Having found Akari and (begrudgingly) worked with Volo and Cogita to find a solution to fix the sky, Ingo and Akari hurry back to Jubilife Village.
Ingo is eager to get back to Zisu and properly thank her for her help, but he finds that Kamado has since left for the temple on the mountain to confront the entity in the sky’s wound - and he’s had Zisu locked up in his very cell for what she did to help him. This time, he’s left several other security corps behind to guard it.
Ingo is distressed and upset - this was all because she helped him out of a situation he got himself into. Akari is just angry - why are all her friends getting locked up like this??
Ingo tells Akari he needs to get Zisu out; it’s the least he could do after what she did for him. Akari encourages him to go; she’s going to go pack quickly for their trip to the mountain, and the inevitable battles that will come with it. Thankfully, with Ingo’s pokeballs back in his possession, he doesn’t have to consider sneaking past the guards as his only option. Barrack walls are nothing compared to his gliscor’s claws.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Shuu Maniac [08]
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ー The scene starts in the dungeon at the Vibora’s castle
Yuma: Haah...I have no idea what’s goin’ down outside these walls...
I didn’t want to cause those guys any trouble...
( I would have rather just died then. )
( Actually...If I die, wouldn’t that solve the problem? )
( ... )
Yuma: ーー Oi! Is anyone there!? 
I lied ‘bout bein’ the King’s messenger! No point in wastin’ yer time sendin’ a Familiar to confirm!
So...Hurry up and execute me!
( I’m unrelated to them...I did everythin’ off my own accord. )
( If I get them to believe that, then it probably won’t come to a war between the Vampires and the Vibora. )
ーー Are ya listenin’!? Aah!?
...Che, nobody’s comin’...I really thought it was a good idea too. 
 ー Somebody approaches his cell
???: ...Hey there, looks like you’re in a pinch. 
Yuma: ...!? Who the fuck are ya...!? 
???: No need to be so guarded. ...I’m associated with the Vampire clan.
...I actually came here hoping that I’d be able to free you from this prison somehow.
Yuma: ...For real? 
???: Of course. ...You’ve experienced first-hand that the security of this place is pretty tight, haven’t you? 
Yuma: ...Are ya shittin’ on me?
???: ーー Not at all! I’m trying to say that I took a huge risk by coming here. 
So believe me. ...Please? 
Yuma: ...Fine. Then hurry up and get me outta here. 
???: ...I’m sorry, but like I said earlier, this place is heavily guarded, so it’s not that easy. 
Instead I’ll give you this. Will you use it when you’ve got the chance?
Yuma: ...! A knife...
???: I’d love to let you out of there, but I’m simply not strong enough...
Yuma: Nah, this bad boy should be ‘nough. 
???: I wish you the best of luck. ...Well then. 
Yuma: Yeah!
( I should be able to do somethin’ now... )
( Somethin’ to help them... )
 ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall of the Sakamaki manor
Shuu: ...You really don’t have to come with me. 
Yui: No, I’ve been wanting to see how Eden is faring...
( Afterwards, Shuu-san announced that he would head out to Eden together with Ruki-kun... )
( And I decided to join along. Of course, I’m concerned about Eden as well, but ーー )
( Most importantly, I wanted to be with Shuu-san. )
Ruki: ...Let’s go. 
Yui: Ah...Yes!
ー The scene shifts to the outside of Eden
Yui: ( This is... )
Shuu: ...
Yui: ( Is this...truly the beauty which once was Eden...? )
Shuu: I heard the stories but...I didn’t think it’d be this bad... 
Yui: How...did this happen?
Shuu: ...
Ruki: ...I thoroughly looked into it and Eden is said to change according to the current state of its owner. 
In other words...It has to do with one’s inner peace. 
Yui: ( Inner peace... )
( Well, it can’t be denied that Shuu-san has had a lot on his mind as of late. )
( He hasn’t been getting much sleep either it seems, he even appears to have somewhat slimmed down as a result... )
( So I can’t imagine he’s been experiencing inner peace... )
Shuu: In other words, it’s my fault, isn’t it? I’m the reason Eden is in shambles...
Yui: No way...
( He’s not to blame... )
( I mean, it’s because of his powers that he has had so much to worry about in the first place... )
( Because he’s the one who ended up inheriting them... )
Shuu: ...I think I’ll stay here for a bit. Is that okay with you? 
Ruki: Why would you ask me? You are the one who owns this castle in the first place. Do as you please. 
Shuu: ...Right. 
Ruki: I’ll head back then. 
ー Ruki leaves
Shuu: ...
Yui: ( Seems like he’s lost in thought over something... )
→ Speak up
Yui: Shuu-sa...ーー 
Shuu: ...
Yui: ( I considered reaching out to him but I think I’ll leave him be for now after all. )
( That’d be better, no...? )
→ Give him some time (❦)
Yui: ( I’m pretty sure that right now...I shouldn’t speak up. )
( I’m sure he’s got plenty on his mind after seeing this sight... )
Shuu: ...
Yui: ( I wonder what can be done to install peace in his heart? )
( If we can achieve that, Eden might just return to normal. That’s how it works, right? )
( Right now in particular, there’s a bunch of things happening which cannot be fixed overnight, but if there were to be something which could take the weight off his mind at least a little... )
( How about...The music he loves so much...? )
( However, he didn’t seem too thrilled about that when I suggested it before... )
ー A flashback ensues
Shuu: ...We can’t.
Yui: Eh...?
Shuu: Music is a no-go...Listening to it only stirs up my emotions even more.
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( If anything, he’s been avoiding music...? )
( Actually, perhaps this whole time, he has been fighting all by himself...? )
I wonder how Shuu-san must have felt,
seeing how Eden has already completely broken down.
To Shuu-san, the condition of Eden,
is a direct reflection of his own mental state. 
Most likely, ever since he inherited those powers,
he has been in a constant battle against himself.
He racked his brain to find ways to achieve inner peace (平穏).
Which is most likely why,
he also stopped listening to the music (音楽) he once loved so much.
Even though I was there with him the whole time,
it took me this long to realize that. I’m ashamed of myself. 
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doggonewhumper · 6 months
Whumpcember Day 9
tw for cuts on the arm, blood; NO suicide, self-harm, or suicidal ideation
Seraphina visited Casey many times over the next week. She removed the knife from their arm, only to stab it into their leg when they disobeyed her. They refused to call her "master," or anything of the sort, which lead to punishment.
Then she made a mistake.
Casey noticed it immediately. She forgot to lock the cell door. They wanted to scream their excitement out, but that would be a big mistake. So they silently grinned, waiting an hour after Seraphina left before slowly opening the creaky door. They looked around, seeing no guards, then hurried in the direction they saw Seraphina go. That wold be where the exit was, they reasoned. Their broken arm ached, but they stayed quiet, sneaking down the hallway. They reached a crossroad, picking a random direction. There was no way to know which was the right way.
They kept walking until they found a stairway. Stairs meant freedom! Casey ran for the steps, scraping their bare feet on the ground. They almost made it, they almost-!
Casey screamed as someone grabbed their hair from behind. They struggled, scratching at the hand, but their captor was wearing armor. They heard steps coming down the stairs, but they didn't need to see the person to know who it was. Seraphina came into view, grinning her sadistic smile. Casey only struggled more, thrashing, but the guard holding them pulled their hair harshly, slamming them into the wall to subdue them. When they finally stopped moving, Seraphina approached.
"You really thought I would be careless enough to leave that door open? I'm insulted. I really expected at least a little respect at this point, but I guess that was hoping for too much from you."
Casey growled in response. Seraphina's grin only widened, and she reached out, petting Casey on the head. When they reared their head to bite her, she slapped them, causing their already aching head to spin.
"Looks like you need another lesson," she said, pulling out her knife. "Take it back to its cell."
The guard nodded, pulling Casey by the hair to their cell. They struggled at first, but, getting nowhere, decided to let themself be dragged. They were tossed into their cell.
"That'll be all," Seraphina told the guard, before straddling the mage still on the ground. They looked up at her with defiance, glaring and baring their teeth.
"Tch. What did I say about acting like an animal? Anyway, this punishment will only end if you beg me to stop. Say 'please stop master,' and I will stop. I'll even take care of your wounds. Now, hold still." With that, Seraphina took Casey's arm, the one that hadn't been broken and stabbed through, and started cutting thin gashes down the arm, all the way from their wrist to their elbow. Casey couldn't fight, not with their other arm so badly injured, but they didn't think this punishment was too bad. They could handle it.
It wasn't until their entire forearm, front and back, was covered in lines that they started to doubt. The burn from the cuts was urelenting, almost worse than the initial sting of the knife being inserted. Blood dripped down their arm, covering the floor. Gods, they were going to bleed out! Still, they held out, grimacing and hissing as she started on their upper arm, drawing lines from their shoulder to their elbow with the knife. Tears began to drip from their eyes, wetting their hair and the floor.
They finally thought about giving in when she started slicing into their hand. The knife dragged from the tip of their finger to their wrist, and it stung, burning like their hand was on fire. Their hand twitched, agitating the cut and sending sharp pains across their palm. They couldn't take any more.
"Please! Please stop!" Casey finally begged. Seraphina shook her head, drawing the knife down their hand again.
"Almost, little mage, almost. You know what you have to say," she said. Casey gritted their teeth. Then she raised the knife for another cut, and they broke.
"Fine, fine! Please stop, master, please!" Casey yelled. Seraphina immediately put the knife away, patting their head. They didn't pull away this time, exhausted from the pain.
"Good mage! Was that so hard? Now stay here, I'm going to get some bandages and medicine for that arm."
Seraphina left, leaving the door slightly ajar. Casey looked at it with longing, but stayed put. They knew better now.
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never-enough-whump · 9 months
On Rumor of Treason
Whumptember Day 6: Behind Bars
Summary: News from the front reaches the village guard first. Or, the consequence of Rumple's actions.
Read on AO3
Footsteps crunch on the snow outside. Milah ceases her soft humming and looks up from her sewing. But no knocking or friendly voices follow the steps. Instead, a trio of guards burst through her door.
“Come with us,” the first guard orders. “Now.”
Milah presses back against the back of her chair. “Why?” she asks.
The guard yanks her roughly to her feet, her sewing dropping to the floor. He backhands her across the face, and she yelps and stumbles. “Because I say so,” he snaps and before she can reach for the tender spot, he’s twisting her arm painfully behind her back. The second guard smirks, as if amused by his companion’s cruelty, but the third scowls and spits into the hearth.
“Hurry it up,” he grumbles. “She’s not worth the time.” The second guard springs into action at that, grabbing her other arm and wrenching it behind her as well. Pinned on both sides by both guards, her struggling is useless and she stills. Satisfied by this compliance, the third guard dumps her water pail over the fire, plunging the house into darkness.
The guards march her outside without her cloak. Two torches wait for them, stuck into the snowbank by the door. The third guard picks up both and leads the way through the frosty night to the guards’ fort.
Milah isn’t dressed for this weather. The cold worms its way under her dress, making her shiver.
“Why are you doing this?” she asks again, with new desperation. She wants to go home. “I’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Do you ever shut up?”
“When you give me answers.”
There’s a shifting behind her and one of her arms is passed from one hand to another. She’s spun forcefully around to face the first guard.
“I should have known better than to expect respect from the likes of you,” he says, and slaps her again. The crack of his hand against her cheek is loud in the quiet night and so is her cry of pain. Milah looks to the ground, not wanting to know if anyone in the nearby houses has come to see the commotion. Her face burns with shame as well as pain. “You will be quiet,” the guard warns, “or we will beat you when we get there.”
Normally, Milah might have pushed the issue. She might have found knowing the reason for this mistreatment (and what the guard meant by “the likes of you”) worth the risk of a beating. But now she shudders to think what a beating would do to the baby inside her, the fragile life that can only withstand so much damage to her body, and she obeys.
In the dungeon of the fort, she is shoved into a cell. Not hard enough to fall, but nearly, and she stumbles to the back of the cell before catching herself with a hand on the wall. She turns to face the guards, looking back at them through the bars of her cage.
“Please,” she whispers, exhausted and drained of nearly all her dignity. “Let me go.”
The guards only laugh at her obvious terror.
“A coward, just like that bastard she took up with,” the third guard accuses, and spits again. The second guard clicks the lock shut. With the sound echoing the finality that she is trapped, the guards turn as one and leave her there.
Milah leans back against the wall, all but collapsing into it. The baby kicks and she rubs at the spot, trying to soothe them both. It’ll be all right, she thinks to the baby. We’ll be out of here soon. But she isn’t so sure. She doesn’t even know why this is happening. How can she predict how well and how soon it’ll end?
She eases herself to the floor of the cell, shifting futilely for a comfortable position that doesn’t exist before giving up and settling for the best she can do. She needs to focus on tonight, not worry about the distant future. She’s still shaking from fear and, more concerningly, cold. She tries to curl tighter around herself, to preserve the warmth she desperately needs for both her and her baby, but the very bump she’s trying to protect makes it difficult to tuck her knees in tightly enough. Tears rush to her eyes and though she doesn’t want to cry, she’s just as powerless to stop her sobs as she is to do anything else.
Shouting and rattling of the door wake her the next morning. She’s surprised, not having expected herself to fall asleep. She blinks, the dungeon only coming into bleary focus with one of her eyes swollen.
Two guards stand outside the cell, and Milah flinches when she recognizes the one who enters as the cruel guard from the night before. To her relief, he doesn’t hit her again, but he does hurt her, fingers probing for the spot on her arm that makes her wince the most and digging in before he pulls her from the ground. Stiff and sore from cold and uncomfortable sleep, she drags behind him for several paces before getting her balance.
The guards take her to a chamber where the duke and the captain of the guard are waiting. She’s shoved roughly to her knees in front of them and the guards take their own places, standing silently behind their seated superiors.
“You are Milah, yes?” the captain asks. “Wife of the spinner Rumplestiltskin?”
“Yes,” she nods, “that is correct.” Turning imploringly to the duke, she says, “my husband has answered your conscription. We’ve paid our tithes at harvest-tide and committed no crimes. Your Grace, if I may ask, what is this about?” It is a risk to speak so plainly to the duke, but she hopes that she might get out of this by reminding him of her innocence. Anger flashes in the duke’s eyes and Milah quickly ducks her head, seeing that the risk has not paid off.
“You most certainly may not!” the duke thunders. “Remember your place, peasant. It is only I who gets to decide if and how you have displeased me.”
She tenses, expecting pain in retribution for her mistake. When no blow lands, she relaxes slightly and gives a small nod that doesn’t raise her head. “I understand, Your Grace,” she says meekly. The duke owns this village, and it shows in the way he rules. He can decide to take more than his usual share in tithes, order harsh floggings and lengthy imprisonments for the smallest slights and pettiest crimes, even steal people away to be his personal servants. It isn’t cowardice or defeat to defer to him like this, merely sense. Everyone fears the duke.
“Your husband has been injured. Oddly enough, in the war camp just before his first battle.” Milah’s mind skips right past the implication in the captain’s words and focuses on the fact that Rumple is hurt. 
“Oh gods,” Milah breathes, raising from her bowed posture. “Will he be all right? Is he well enough to travel? He should be here, so I can tend to him.” So he can tend to me, she adds silently, for having to endure this ordeal. As much as she wants out of this damned fort, she hates that she’ll return to an empty home without her husband there to hold her.
The captain ignores her concern and asks more directly, “Rumplestiltskin is known for being a coward, is he not?”
Milah shakes her head. “His father was,” she corrects. “But some people don’t give him the credit for being his own person.”
“Perhaps because no credit is due!” the duke cuts in impatiently. “I will say this in a way that your stupid peasant brain can comprehend. If your husband maimed himself that is not only cowardice but the very worst sort of it – treason against me!”
The word settles heavily into Milah’s blood. It seems she’s finally been given her explanation, but instead of relief she feels only dread.
“I - ” she starts, voice cracking under the weight of her scattered thoughts.
“If you attempt to obscure the truth, that would be aiding in treason and your punishment would be nearly as severe as a traitor’s,” the captain reminds her. “I’d consider carefully what you are about to say.”
“I don’t need to consider.” Her voice is assertive and confident, though she feels anything but. She does need time to consider – not over whether Rumple is guilty, but to process the enormity of it all. But there could never be enough time for that. Treason. They could kill Rumple if she says the wrong thing. “My husband has lived his entire life under the shadow of his father’s cowardice. He’s never wanted anything more than for people to see him for more, to see him for him. He wanted to go to war, to finally have a chance to prove he wasn’t that man. He hated the label of coward so much, why would he run to it now?”
The duke makes an unimpressed hmph sound. But the captain gives her a terse smile. It’s not warm or encouraging by any means except that it isn’t a look of outright anger. That’s enough for her to take it as a good sign, though she tries to tamp down her small glimmer of hope. It’s the duke that needs to be convinced, and he clearly doesn’t want to be.
“I grow sick of this,” the duke says, proving her thoughts.
“Of course, Your Grace.” The captain nods in his direction. “We have heard what we need. Guards, she may leave.”
Milah staggers to her feet, wincing as her knees unbend. Luckily, the guards don’t grab and drag her this time, nor do they follow her out the front door of the fort. They spare her the indignity of being seen as a prisoner, but they needn’t have, for rumors have already reached the village, leaving everyone to see her as something much worse – a traitor’s wife.
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mostfacinorous · 2 years
No. 2 NOWHERE TO RUN Steve and Loki Cornered | Caged | Confrontation [1]
“You know who I am, and I don’t even know what to call you.” The Captain’s voice was raspier now than it had been, its disuse added to the previous abuse and not yet healed, not to mention the dryness of going without water for however long it had been. 
“You can call me Luke.” Loki said simply. 
“What does HYDRA want with you, Luke? It’s weird there’s just the two of us down here.”
Loki pursed his lips, considering. He knew the silence drawing out like this was unkind, with the Captain unable to see. He did it anyway, perhaps out of spite, perhaps to feel that he had the upper hand. “In all honesty, I do not know. I would have thought information, but they have asked me for nothing. All they have done is keep me here and deny me sleep and sustenance. Perhaps they are biding their time.”
He heard air suck in between the Captain’s teeth. 
“They aren’t letting you sleep?”
Loki felt angry again– the threat of his pity combined with his not having listened before, added to Loki’s own exhaustion, made for a bad mix.
“I told you– if I leave this circle, I am punished. The circle is not large enough to lay in. The punishment is heat– more than I can bear, for as long as any part of me is outside of the circle.” He tried to make it sound like he was sneering, but he was well aware he missed the mark. 
He was exhausted, and he sounded it. His eyes were beginning to play tricks on him, shadows dancing in his vision and flashes of amorphous light intruding on the edge of his consciousness. 
“How long have you been like this?” The Captain was demanding, and Loki heaved a sigh. 
“There is no way to tell time, here. My guess would be approaching a week.”
Loki watched as the man took a deep breath in, exhaled roughly, and began to lift his right arm. 
Unlike his unfocused thrashing from before, this made actual progress. He was shaking with the effort, but was able to lift his wrist from the floor– enough at least to slip his hand free, moving faster than Loki would have thought possible. 
With one hand free, it was short work for him to rip his hood off, then free the other, and with both hands free, he was standing, and then– 
Loki swallowed. “Hello Captain.” He said simply, watching the other man wearily even as alarms began to blare. The Captain stars back, then shook his head, took a few steps back, raised an arm in front of his face, and sent himself hurtling through the glass of his cell. 
“If you can get out, I think now’s the time.” The Captain said shortly, so Loki stood, wobbling on the way up. He took a deep breath of his own and reached for his power just as the door to the outside opened, and a group of ten or so guards came pouring into the room, fully armored, guns blazing. 
Loki threw a shield up in front of the captain, and watched as their bullets embedded themselves into his cell. 
Bulletproof, but not strong enough to hold a stronger than average human. 
Loki could work with that. 
He stepped out of the circle, feeling the heat immediately kick on, but he approached the wall of the cell with single minded determination, and smashed a fist into it. 
It cracked, but held, so he did it again, and again. The heat was already so much that he thought he might pass out. 
In a last ditch effort, he slammed himself against the splintered wall of glass, and despaired when it bowed only slightly outwards. He remained trapped. 
And then he felt the glass shattering inwards, as the Captain used the metal that had held him to the floor as a tool to claw his way through it. 
He reached in and pulled Loki free of the hot cell, laying him out on the cool concrete. 
“How long can you hold that wall up?” He asked, words spewing out in a hurry as the guards paced outside of Loki’s shield. 
Loki shook his head and kept his voice down. “Not long. I am not– not well.” As evidenced by his inability to simply break through glass. “I can push it out, though. Knock them over. It will give you time to run.” Loki gestured towards the open door that led to the outside. 
He had no hope of being any help beyond that, nor of keeping up with The Captain. But at least the cage was broken. Assumably they would have to find another way to hold him now. Maybe he would be able to sleep when they loaded him into one of the other cells. 
Loki turned his head to look back at the remaining four, and quailed inwardly. 
They were pacing, watching, their guns raised and at the ready. 
When they recovered, when the Captain made his move and fled, and the bullets made contact with Loki’s flesh, it was going to hurt. 
Maybe, with any luck, he would go unconscious and stay that way, at least long enough to regain some of the strength he was lacking in his current exhausted state. 
The Captain was shaking his head, but Loki had no time left for arguments. 
“Five seconds, Captain. Four. Three. Two–”
He released the shield, pushing it away from them as he did so that the energy pulsed outwards, taking the men by surprise just as he had hoped, and sending them toppling to the floor. 
After that, though, nothing went as he had thought it would. 
The Captain lunched forward, snatching up a weapon from the nearest man. Wise, Loki thought, even as he let his legs fall out from under him, crumpling into an ungraceful kneel. 
The Captain fired a series of shots- hands, shoulders– disabling shots, rather than killing blows. Honorable, albeit stupid.
And then the Captain took up another gun, and came back over to Loki. 
It was his turn to shake his head. “Go, I can’t, and I will slow you down. If you care as much as all that, bring your friends and come back for me.” 
He hoped there was still some of him left to come back for, but if nothing else, Thor would see to it he had a proper burial.
The Captain pushed the gun into Loki’s hand and pulled, draping Loki over both of his shoulders like some sort of cape, leaving Loki free to raise the gun and shoot at the men running through the door– the next wave of their captors intent on keeping them here. 
“We’re getting out of here, and all you have to do is more of that.” The captain said, raising his own weapon and firing as he strode purposefully forward. 
They focused next on the same human, and he fell as identical gunshots rang out in tandem. 
“Left or right?” The Captain asked, and Loki felt an exhausted, but hopeful smile pulling at his lips.
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