#y’all thought I wasn’t going to sneak in an alien reference by the end of this? 🤨🤨🤨 think again
roguish-gallery · 2 years
Tagged by @esperata
Rules: make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles, then tag as many people as you want. (Gonna expose my shitty music tastes with this lmaoooooo)
Real Life- banzai florist
Opaul- Freddie Dredd
Guyliner- Dorian Electra (epilepsy warning)
Using the Internet for French- Austin Weber
Immaterial Girl- SOPHIE
Sabotage- Wale ft. Lloyd
Hope- Tim Legend
Give it- Betta Lemme
Alien Boy -Oliver Tree
Lover is a Day- Cuco
Like or Like Like- Miniature Tigers
Emotional Prism- Mikazuki BIGWAVE
ROXANNE- Arizona Zervas
You Are my Lucky Star- Gene Kelly & Debbie Reynolds (also this ajsnskdkdmdk)
This was a lot of fun to do! Anyone is free to do it!
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bakusoftie · 5 years
getting shitfaced with tape daddy, DANKi, Mina “best girl” Ashido, and shark boi
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you know I just had to include the entire bakusquad 🥰 because they ALL smoking some shit
😁 tape daddy sero 😄
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Okay so,,,Sero is basically a canon pothead cause 1. This boi is always smiling so he gotta be high 2. He radiates crackhead energy
Sero tells you that he only smokes because of his “anxiety” but,,,let’s be honest it’s the only way he knows how to survive U.A. anymore
He buys his shit from crackwhores in the support class who grow that shit themselves (present mic might have caught them but let them go after he “confiscated” the evidence)
One day, your tape daddy invites you for some Fortnite and Chill 😏
And there he goes with his rainbow bong again (it is his most prized possession and he would kill a man if anything happened to it)
He thinks it’s funny watching you cough your entire left nut out of your throat but then he starts coughing because of how hard he was laughing and now you both are just crying and whEEzing while the tears run down y’alls faces
such chaotic energy
Soy sauce boy will use his quirk to suspend himself off the roof and try to spooderman kiss you but you’re so out of it that you collide your face into his and now his nose is bleeding and he is WHEEZING AGAIN
you’re getting blood on my Gucci Supreme rug
Y’all end up just laying on the floor at 4:20am, thinking about the reason for life and what happens after death and if the birds work for the bourgeoisie then is tokoyami a traitor ?!?
He gets sleepy and makes a hammock out of tape for the two of you to cuddle in
it wasn’t very sturdy tho
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⚡️ danki ⚡️
first things first, this gif killed me 🤤 damn do you gulp pussy like that
Denki is pretty well-known to be a dumbass crackhead
Except he doesn’t need crack because all of his brain cells are already dead (There are only 2 brain cells in the bakusquad and the first one is all bakugou but sero,mina,denki, and kiri have to share the other one)
This boy gets high on the regular I mean sero is his best bro
kaminari prefers getting high by eating edibles or brownies tho because he’s a little pussy whose lungs can’t handle smoke all that much
he thought you two could play some mario kart and chill out and it would be a fun little date in the dorms
until you find a baggy of gummy edibles and y’all decided to inhale that shit
when I mean fucked
I mean ‘let’s sneak into shinsou’s dorm and steal his voice changer thingy and make some prank calls’ fucked up
first of all, never disturb shinsou while he’s sleeping because he will bitchslap the both of y’all so hard y’all’s momma feels it
you first started with calling Endeavour (you just asked shouto and he delivered and told y’all to ‘make the bastard cry if you can’)
Y’all used All Might’s voice and
for some reason, denki goes from being a really happy and jokey high to calming down and being unusually quiet
he’s what you call
“fake woke”
like he’ll go on and on about how we need to save the turtles and use metal straws as he takes a drinks from his plastic straw
he drinking La Croix 🤢
he talks about how the moon landing is fake and how you two are side characters in an anime like what ?!?
like he just quotes Shane Dawson Conspiracy Theory videos
“Uh What’s up you guys, Here’s Danki with another spooky conspiracy about how Midoryia was given All Might’s quirk and will be the next symbol of peace”
“Kami...that makes no sense. You can’t give other people quirks”
“What if...you ate their hair tho?😳”
maybe he real woke 🤭
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🌸 alien queen 🌸
this beautiful ball of sunshine
this gorgeous piece of cotton-candy
my wife
okay back to the h/c
Mina doesn’t get high a lot but when you hang out with Sero and Kaminari, you’re bound to get shitfaced
She only likes doing it as a group or with someone else
It’s just more enjoyable to her to be in that state with someone else
She feels like it brings friends closer together in a way
Which is why when you agreed to get high with her, she was so excited
she brought anything she could think of to make this a comfortable experience like snacks and drink if you get the munchies and the best movies to watch when you’re high like ‘Shrek’ and ‘Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle’
she has such a big fat lesbian crush on you
she just wants to be closer to you and spend all her time with you
she also really hopes you don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of pink of her room
You knock on the door of your cute pink crush and nervously hoping for the best tonight
if you’re lucky
you and her will 😏
cuddle 🥺
She opens the door so fast that you swear the door hinge cracked but you couldn’t think about that when Mina had the brightest toothy grin on her face as she pulls you into her comfy room
“I hope you like Shrek”
“I love Shrek”
is it too soon to ask you to marry her?
because she thinks you’re the girl of her dreams
she sits you down on the hot pink and black couch of hers and starts rolling the blunt as the movie starts to play
you were so hypnotized by her tongue coming out to lick the sides of the blunt in order to close it and apparently you were staring so hard that she noticed because you saw her already pink face flush into a dark red
you two are so cute
let’s go lesbians
When your hand touches hers as she passes the blunt to you, you honestly think you felt electricity connect your fingertips as it burned and shocked you at the same time
Mina is such a giggly high
it’s so fucking adorable
especially when you both are sent into a fit of laughter when she says donkey reminds her of denki and you responded with ‘denkey’
you both get tired after the second movie and start to move closer to each other for warmth and
you couldn’t help but notice how sweet she always smelled and how her eyes are so unique and beautiful
she could help but notice the light blush on your face and think if it was there because of all the laughing or if it was because of her
neither of you were sure who leaned in first but before you knew it, you were kissing the girl you’ve had a crush on for so long, you only wish you had the guts to do it when you were sober
you both got the cuddles you wanted and fell asleep in each other’s arms with peaceful smiles on both of your faces
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🦈 shark boi 🦈
do you expect this manly boi to be the kind of person to 420 blaze it?
not at fucking all
he just seems like the person to not care about all that stuff
like ‘say no to drugs bc drugs are unmanly as fuck’
he 420 blazes it like every other weekend
it’s better to do it in moderation unlike sero, who is in a constant state of cloud nine
kiri’s mood doesn’t really change much when he’s high because
he’s already a smiling bundle of light
when kiri gets high
he kinda overshares 😳
“Y/n... have I ever told you that you have the tightest ass out of everyone in class like you could suffocate me between those cheeks and I’d die the happiest man on earth”
he’s so wild wtf
like he’ll go to tell you about his middle school insecurities to busting it down to Baby Shark
someone tell this man to stop referring to himself as ‘Daddy Shark’ blease make it stob
he is so flirty too like
“Baby let me show you why they call me a Riot 😏”
“Didn’t you come up with that name yourself?”
he is so sensitive tho so don’t be too harsh because he will start crying at the littlest things
don’t show him any sad movies while he’s in this state unless you want to be kept up all night with him ranting about how ‘Black Widow deserved better than what Marvel did to her’
did he lie?
😤 and i oop
you need to tell him how manly and strong and special he is just to get him to sleep
he will be out like a light the moment you run your hands through his spiky hair
he’s like a vsco girl on whiteclaw lmao sksksk
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bethhxrmon · 5 years
All I Ask of You Pt. 39
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“Is this how I die? Frightened like a child, lazy and numb” - “Dust and Ashes” from Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Pairing: Peter Paker x Female OC
Word Count: 4.6k
Summary: Well, it’s infinity war time lol
Warnings: Sads, major character(s) death (it’s infinity war what do you expect)
A/N: Here we are, the last full chapter of the fic! It’s really sad, I cried writing it, but I hope y’all enjoy this. It’s been an insane ride. As always, you can get the full masterlist in my bio!
It was another normal morning. Well, not quite normal since there was a field trip, but it wasn’t like anything crazy was going to happen. Annie was sharing a seat on the bus with Peter, and she was using him as a pillow while she took a nap. The night before had been completely revolutionary. Only because she finally figured out what her audition song was going to be, but that took hours of work. She wasn’t even sure if she was going to patrol that night or not. Maybe she would, if only because Peter would be there.
Right when she was comfortable, however, Peter shifted and caused Annie to knock her head into his collarbone.
“Jesus Christ! What the hell was-” she stopped herself.
Outside the window, there was a huge doughnut-shaped spaceship in the distance. At least, Annie assumed it was a spaceship. Somehow, no one else seemed to notice it. She looked at Peter and she already knew exactly what he was planning on doing. There was that look of determination in his eyes that he only seemed to get whenever there was something that was clearly dangerous happening.
Annie leaned over and whispered, “I’m coming too.”
“What?! No way.”
“Yes way, we’re a team, remember?” she pointed out, “You don’t just get to pick and choose that.”
Peter sighed before nodding, “Fine, you’re right.”
He then turned behind him to get Ned to cause a distraction. Annie made a mental note to get a hold of Harper in case they hadn’t seen. How no one else was seeing this amazed her. Still, she shook the thought away and made a mental plan of how to get out of the bus without anyone seeing.
“We’re all gonna die!” Ned shouted.
Right as everyone rushed over to the side they were sitting on, Annie pulled Peter over to the other side, and he shot a web to get them out of the bus through the open window in the back. It would have been so easy to catch both of them, but if no one say the spaceship then she guessed it didn’t make much of a difference.
Before she knew it, they were in their suits and headed straight for the spaceship. Even though everything inside of her was screaming to just stay there. She ignored the thought, there was no way she was letting Peter just go by himself if she had any say in it. And she did.
As she followed him, gliding, she sighed, “Hey, Eve, can you do me a solid?”
“Of course, what is it?”
“Can you call Harper real fast?”
“Yes, dialing ‘my idiot best friend’.”
Annie kept going as she heard the dial tone before there was a click, “Dude are you seeing this?!”
“That’s what I was calling you about. I’m headed right there,” Annie said.
Harper sighed, “I figured… just, be careful, okay? Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be smart about it. I’m good with this type of stuff, and I’ll look great while doing it.”
“Whatever you say…” they trailed off.
Right then, a huge alien-looking thing almost hit her, “Okay, super sorry, Harper, but I gotta go there’s a big alien thing, love you, bye!”
Just like that, Annie was thrust into fighting some aliens that she knew nothing about. But they were giving her a lot of energy to work with, so she wasn’t complaining. She was just barely listening to what Peter and Tony were talking about, though she couldn’t remember when he showed up. Not that the fact he was there surprised her.
“Yeah, I want you kids to protect the wizard,” he said, gesturing to another alien that was a little bit away.
It caught Annie’s attention, “Wait, what wizard?”
“The one over there, don’t let them get the necklace,” Tony told her, “Good luck!”
Annie sighed, rushing over with Peter. When she got a second glance, she gasped. That was the wizard. The same guy who kind of saved her life. She would have to ask about everything later, there wasn’t any time to focus on anything but what they were supposed to do.
Peter shot a web at the wizard, and Annie used an energy barrier to keep him where he was. However, whatever the alien was using seemed to add more energy at a faster rate than she could take. They were losing ground, literally. Annie felt herself being lifted up off the ground. If Peter wasn’t going to let go then that meant they were headed straight for the spaceship.
“Peter, what do I do?!” Annie yelled, feeling her heart rate pick up and her hands grow shaky the further up she was lifted without anything below her.
He quickly grabbed her hand, giving her just a bit more confidence, “Hey, Mr. Stark, we’re getting beamed up.”
“Seriously? You make a Star Trek reference now?” Annie asked, rolling her eyes.
If nothing else, it managed to keep her from freaking out. Although, she was beginning to realize that she couldn’t breathe as well. Almost as soon as there was a piece of the ship for her to hold onto, the air seemed to get thinner. She couldn’t quite hear what Peter and Tony were talking about. But there was energy. Maybe it wouldn’t work but it was worth a shot. She created a barrier of energy around her face. It wasn’t the best way to breathe, but it gave her something.
That was when she looked up at Peter, “Did you get a costume change or something?”
“Um… you could say that. Come on, um… let’s get back,” he said, looking like he was about to drop off.
Annie looked at him, “Cut the crap, Peter, you just don’t want me going up to space with you. I get it. But I’m a big girl, and I can handle this.”
“Ann, we gotta go back.”
“You’re not gonna leave him here. I know that. Besides, I have a few words for that wizard dude. He has a ton of explaining to do.”
Once it was obvious that he wasn’t going to lose Annie any time soon, Peter started to look for a different entrance into the ship. Annie was more focused on keeping her energy barrier intact. If she lost concentration, she’d probably die. After a few moments, Peter found a way in, sneaking Annie inside as well.
It was about what she would have expected for an alien spaceship. She looked around, but it seemed like Peter was losing his mind over the tech. If the situation didn’t feel like it was going to affect the fate of the world, she probably would have let him look around a bit more.
“Come on, we gotta find them,” she whispered, pulling him further into the ship.
Peter frowned, “Why are we whispering.”
“In case there’s any more aliens. Stay on guard,” she told him, making sure that she could feel the energy and electricity coursing through the ship.
First, Annie saw the wizard and the alien. It looked like the wizard was being tortured, and it wasn’t looking too good. She didn’t know what was in the necklace, but she could see it was glowing. Quickly, she pulled Peter down with her so they wouldn’t be seen by the alien. That was when she heard it.
“...loyal piece of clothing,” Tony mumbled.
Peter jumped down, “Speaking of loyal-”
“What’re you doing is… Annie too?”
Annie sighed, hopping down, using the energy to make her land quietly, “Yeah.”
Tony looked between the both of them. The last time she saw him look at them with such irritation and moderate anger was after they nearly blew up the lab back at Lake Tahoe. Maybe they should have gone back to Earth.
“H-hey, I can explain,” Peter stammered, his eyes darting from Annie to Tony.
Tony looked at Peter, “Really? Do either of you realize what this is? You guys aren’t just going on a field trip to space. This is a one-way ticket-”
“Yeah, yeah I-I get that, but… the drop was too far down to really take Annie with me properly, a-and then the suit ended up landing on the ship and she was still there. I-I mean, you were still here too and the suit’s pretty intuitive, Sir, a-and so I guess it’s kinda your fault I’m here,” Peter paused.
Annie covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing out of shock. Then she elbowed Peter. What in the world was that boy thinking?
“Um… not that it’s my fault but um-”
Tony glared at both of them, “There’s no way in hell you guys thought this through.”
“I did,” they both said in unison. Annie raised an eyebrow, but nodded at Peter to go first.
Peter sighed, “W-well, you can’t be a neighborhood friendly Spider-Man if there’s no neighborhood… okay, that didn’t really make sense, but you know what I meant.”
Tony rolled his eyes, “Okay, what’s your excuse.”
“There’s a few. One, did you really think I was gonna just let Peter stay in space and spend all my time worrying about him like an idiot? And two, I never really made up for everything… you know, Tina and Carnival were kinda my fault and I never really solved either of those problems,” she said, shrugging.
Tony sighed, “Okay, fine, look down there, that’s the wizard, what do you guys do?”
Right as Annie was about to suggest a plan, Peter cut in, “Have either of you guys seen this really old movie, Aliens?”
The plan he came up with was better than anything Annie had in mind and Tony seemed convinced, so that was what they went with. Annie was in her position. She had to be backup and make sure the alien was the only one who went through the hole. So far, the alien wasn’t facing them and the wizard didn’t even know they were there.
That was when Tony started speaking to the alien. Now that she thought about it, the guy kind of looked like Squidward, but that wasn’t important. What was important was paying attention to what was happening, but the alien was so full of himself.
“My powers are far more superior,” the alien said, stepping towards Tony.
Annie rolled her eyes before muttering under her breath, “Bet.”
“Maybe, but the kid’s seen more movies,” Tony responded.
That was the signal, and Annie jumped right into action, not even hearing the blast as she made the knives around the wizard move away. Then came the harder part, there was so much energy that it almost felt like her powers were on high alert. She moved to pull everyone back by reversing the energy. What she never bothered to consider was that she was just some teenager literally going up against the cold, dark void that was space.
Though, everything ended up being just fine, and Tony patched up the hole. So she went right up to the wizard.
“I need to talk to you,” she said, crossing her arms.
The wizard nodded slowly, “I don’t need to talk to you. Now, are we going back to Earth?”
“The ship’s on autopilot and headed straight for Titan,” Tony said, looking at the screens.
He shook his head, “We cannot take the time stone to Thanos. Not under any circumstances.”
That seemed to send Tony into a raving rage. He started to go on about how he was going to fight Thanos. As soon as he mentioned Thanos being in his head for years, Peter and Annie exchanged glances.
Annie frowned, “Did he ever-”
Peter shook his head.
“Now we’re stranded thousands of miles away from Earth with no backup!”
“Um… we’re backup,” Peter interjected.
Tony looked at the pair again, “No. You’re both stowaways.”
“Okay wait, who are they? Are they your wards or something?” asked the wizard.
“I’m Peter actually-”
“Doctor Strange.”
Peter gasped, “Oh, we’re using our made up names! I’m Spider-Man.”
“Um… I’m Annie, or White Swan. Whatever works.”
The wizard, or Dr. Strange, went right back to Tony, “Look, we can go to Thanos, but if it comes down to it being between you, the boy, the girl, or the time stone. I’m choosing the time stone.”
“Right, good to know that you have a moral compass,” he commented before going up to Annie and Peter to mockingly dub them, “Congrats, you’re both Avengers now.”
With that, they were all kind of left to their own devices. It was the perfect time to finally get some answers for questions that had been in Annie’s mind for months. This time, she didn’t hesitate to go right up to the man.
“So… what’s up, Doc?” Annie asked, taking off her mask so it hung around her neck.
Dr. Strange rolled his eyes, “Very original. What do you want?”
“Answers, lots of answers. And if you’re gonna choose a piece of jewelry over me, then this is the least you can do.”
He scoffed, “This is not a piece of jewelry, this is the time stone. One of the six infinity stones. It literally controls time as we know it.”
“Okay, okay, whatever, I have a question or two for that too then… but I’m starting from the top. Where were you when Carnival was in Seattle? Because I was facing off against him on my own. Do you get that? I was barely even fifteen at the time-”
“That was your choice.”
“Because I have powers! So answer the damn question, where were you?” she asked, frowning.
He shook his head, “I barely even knew what I was doing at that time. I’m not sure if I was even in charge of the Sanctum at the time.”
“Right… okay, and that time stone thingy… actually, I can answer this one myself,” Annie paused, starting to see if she could take any energy from the time stone.
At first, Annie felt fine and she could see that her hands were glowing green and it was starting to travel up her veins. Then it took more effort, but then she fell to the floor, feeling dizzy.
The man sighed, “It’s an infinity stone. No one can just sap all the energy out of one of those things. Though, you might be able to.”
“Well I’m not your average person,” Annie said, pushing herself to stand back up, “That kinda made me feel sick, though.”
He looked at her, “How badly do you want to save the universe?”
“Um… pretty badly. Kinda the only way I can make up for… never mind, you wouldn’t care about that. What’re you on about?”
“It’s possible that if you sapped out all the energy of the stones… Thanos wouldn’t be able to complete his goal. But it would almost definitely kill you, and that’s if it worked. It might not.”
Annie looked at him, “But I could save the universe… you, Stark, Peter, everyone back home, they’d be okay?”
“If he’s defeated, yes.”
She nodded slowly, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Before she knew it, they were headed right towards a planet. Probably the place they were going to meet Thanos. She had no clue what the guy looked like, but she was pretty sure that she knew what she’d have to do. First, they needed to land without dying.
“You gonna help your… boyfriend?” Dr. Strange asked.
Annie shook her head, “Nah, he’s basically a genius. I’m just damage control.”
“Nah, as in he isn’t your boyfriend, or nah, as in you’re not helping.”
She laughed, “Nah as in I’m not helping. Peter’s freaking great. You might not wanna protect him, but I do.”
There wasn’t much more time for talking as they started to his a rocky landing. Annie put up a barrier to protect the four of them, and it seemed like Dr. Strange was right on the same page as her. If they all got through this, she’d probably ask him how he managed to do it.
“Hey, guys, for the record, um… I’m really sorry if an alien comes and puts her eggs in me,” Peter mumbled, hanging upside down.
Tony looked at Peter, “You, I don’t want another pop-culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip.”
“Um… what I’m trying to say is something’s coming.”
That was when a group of complete strangers flooded the scene. They were under attack, and Annie was quick to block a hulking, blue man. She pushed him back, and ran off. No one else seemed to have any powers like she did, so she wasn’t too worried for herself. But she took her eyes off of everyone else and she suddenly saw Peter had a gun to his head.
“I swear if you even think about shooting him, I’ll electrocute you until you’re fried to a damn crisp,” Annie growled.
Tony sighed, “If you shoot my guy, I’m gonna shoot your guy.”
“Go for it, I can take it,” said the blue man.
An alien who looked like a cross between a praying mantis and a lady cried out, “Don’t, he can’t take it!”
“You’re right, he can’t,” Dr. Strange agreed.
The man pointing the gun at Peter removed his mask, “Look, I’m only gonna ask you one question. Where is Gamora?”
Tony took off his mask, “I’ll do you one better. Who is Gamora?”
“I’ll do you one better! Why is Gamora?” the blue man asked.
Then the man started blabbering on about Thanos, and Annie was still watching carefully in case something happened.
“Wait, what master do you serve?” Dr. Strange asked.
The man scoffed, “What am I supposed to say, Jesus?”
“So he’s from Earth,” Tony remarked.
He sighed, “I’m from Missouri.”
“That’s on Earth, you dipshit.”
The man shook his head, “Wait, who are you guys?”
Peter took off his mask, “We’re the Avengers, man!”
With that, they all quickly realized they were on the same side. At least, they weren’t serving Thanos in any sort of way. So that meant they would be able to team up. Maybe she wouldn’t have to do anything that would potentially kill her.
They were standing around, and Tony was attempting to come up with a plan, and Annie was mentally making the note to do what Dr. Strange suggested. Well, he never suggested it, but all the same she never would have tried it if he hadn’t mentioned it.
“Is that guy really yawning?” Tony asked incredulously.
The man, who she learned was Quill gave a shrug, “They’re not used to making plans. We’re more of the winging it type.”
“We are not winging it with Thanos.”
Peter looked over at the other two, “What do those guys even do anyways?”
“Kick names, take ass,” the lady replied.
“There was the dance-off to save the universe,” the blue man added.
Peter furrowed his eyebrows, “Like in Footloose?”
“Exactly like in Footloose! Is it still the best movie ever made?” Quill asked.
“Um… it never was.”
Annie laughed, “Mamma Mia was, like, a gazillion times better.”
“The hell is Mamma Mia?”
She gasped, “It’s a jukebox musical, it’s got a ton of ABBA-”
“Wait, what?! That’s how much changed?”
“I guess so, anyways, you gotta listen to it and watch it, it’s a freaking masterpiece-”
“We’re not letting Flash Gordon get you wrapped up in musicals.”
The other alien lady looked over at Dr. Strange, “Does your friend do that often?”
Tony approached the wizard, and he sighed, “I was looking into all the alternative futures.”
“How many were there?”
“Fourteen million six-hundred-five.”
“How many did we win?’
The word cut through Annie’s heart like a knife. There was only one shot, and it had to be the one where she sacrificed herself. That had to be the only way, she bit her lip in thought. She quickly held Peter’s hand. If she didn’t do this, then none of them were going to win. She had to do this.
Annie kept that in her mind as they went over the plan time and time again. Dr. Strange never spoke to her about the energies again, and she wondered if that meant she was just supposed to do this. And before she could really consider the weight of what she had to do, she was hiding behind wreckage with Peter.
“I love you, you know that, right?” Annie asked softly. Peter nodded, “Yeah, of course. I love you too. We’re gonna get through this, alright? I don’t know when we’ll get home, but we’ll get back in time for your audition next month for sure. We can take a few days off from all this. We could go see one of your musicals or something-”
She cut him off with a quick kiss when she heard another ship land, “That would be lovely,” she whispered.
It took everything she had in her to not let the tears stinging at her eyes fall. She couldn’t. Then he would know what she had in mind, and he’d try to stop her. But this was the only chance they had. He’d get over her, right? He had to.
She was lurched right into battle when she was the least prepared for it, and she attacked Thanos head on. Except, he wasn’t interested in her. That was fine by her, the less he noticed her the better. She wanted to make sure everyone stayed safe. Peter seemed to be having a great time until Thanos grabbed him by the neck and smashed him into the ground.
“That’s my boyfriend, you artificial grape-colored nut sack!” Annie screamed, letting out one of the largest bursts of energy she could manage.
Quill couldn’t help laughing, “You definitely lucked out. She’s a keeper.”
Annie then focused on the gauntlet. She didn’t want to just start off by killing herself. Not when there was the tiniest chance that it was unnecessary. Instead, she focused all the energy of the planet into that one gauntlet.
Things were starting to look decent enough. She could audition, and maybe, just maybe, she could even make it to her therapy appointment that was supposed to have been that day. Once the gauntlet was off, they could figure it all out from there.
Someone landed in a ship, but Annie wasn’t about to worry about who was there. She needed to focus on this, and they were starting to make a lot of headway on it.
The person who landed started asking around about Gamora. Annie really wondered just who in the world Gamora was. Probably someone important because as soon as the person who landed accused Thanos of murdering Gamora, Quill got a very specific look in his eyes.
“Hey, Quill, look, you need to keep your cool, come on, we’ve almost got this thing off,” Tony pleaded.
It wasn’t any use, Quill started to punch Thanos and yell at him. She looked at the man, shaking her head, there wasn’t anything she could do to stop him. So when Thanos was snapped out of his trance, they were all flung to the side. She noticed Peter caught the alien lady, and her energy broke her fall.
They were all together within minutes. Except for Dr. Strange and Tony. She knew what that meant and she felt tears stinging her eyes.
“Hey, I-I know this doesn’t look good, but it’ll be okay,” Peter told her, pulling her in for a hug.
Annie hugged him back tightly, “You’re right. It’ll be okay, you’ll be okay,” she paused for a few moments before kissing him, “I love you.”
“A-are you sure you’re okay?”
She nodded, “Yeah, I’m positive, and you’re gonna be okay. Just trust me.”
Then she pushed him back before rushing off. She kept everyone else back just to give her a head start. When she got to where the main battle had been. Tony had something stabbed into his chest. There was no way he was going to survive that, but she needed to do this. Peter still had his aunt and Ned and Harper and everyone else. So she fixed her eyes on the purple stone in Thanos’s gauntlet. She started to pull the energy, and she knew that Dr. Strange and Thanos were too busy talking to notice. It started off and she was okay. She actually felt a pretty big surge of power, but she could only take so much. It was starting to feel like she was going to throw up. Everything was starting to spin, and she didn’t feel quite right. She refused to let go. This was something she had to do, and if she didn’t then more people were going to be hurt.
Peter would forgive her for doing this, right? He would have to. Maybe someday he would understand.
Right as she started to feel herself black out, she was shoved down. She could barely move, but she could have sworn she saw Thanos standing over her.
“Clever, but not quite enough,” Thanos said, turning back to Dr. Strange.
She watched him with the time stone, and she couldn’t quite make out what Quill was doing. Thanos was done before anything else could happen.
“What the fuck?!” Annie exclaimed, “Y-you said that I could-”
“That wasn’t part of the plan,” Dr. Strange said, “I never said it would work for sure.”
“But that was the only shot we had!” she cried.
He shook his head, “You should stick with your boyfriend.”
Almost like he heard, Peter made it to her, “You… what did you do?”
“N-nothing you need to worry about.”
“You were gonna sacrifice yourself, weren’t you? Annie, you don’t have to kill yourself to make up for everything,” Peter snapped, his eyes filled with hurt.
Annie buried her face in her hands, “It was supposed to work. You would’ve been okay, everyone would’ve been okay.”
“We can still be okay, come here,” Peter held her in his arms, stroking her hair, “I never would’ve forgiven myself if you died like that.”
“Yes you would’ve, it’s what I wanted,” she said, burying her face in the crook of his neck.
He sighed, “I don’t know how I would’ve done it, though.”
“That’s not what matters. I know you, you’d be fine.”
Peter tilted her face up, “You really don’t realize just how important you are.”
“Obviously I do or I wouldn’t have… you know.”
He sighed, helping her up, “Let’s go see the others.”
“I’m still pissed at that Quill guy.”
Peter laughed dryly, “I’m sure you are.”
It was right as they started to get back that it happened. First it was the alien lady, then it was the blue man. Quill was next. Annie saw Dr. Strange fade away too.
That was when she literally felt energy slipping from her, “Peter!”
He turned to her with wide eyes. Annie was trying to keep herself together, literally. She was barely forcing herself to stay together.
“Hey, hey, you’re gonna be fine. W-we’ll get home, a-and you can audition for your musical. W-we need to have that Harry Potter marathon still-”
“Peter, I love you so, s-so much. P-please tell me you know that,” she felt herself still fading to the point she couldn’t speak without losing concentration.
He nodded, tears falling from his eyes, “O-of course, I know that. I love you too, so much. But you have to let go, Annie. I love you, but you need to let go now.”
Annie looked at him and shook her head, but he kissed her forehead, “Please, you can’t keep doing this.”
And with that, she fell into a pile of ash. There were a few reasons Peter wanted her to let go. The main reason was because if she stayed for another few moments she would’ve heard what he said next.
“Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good.”
Tag List (ask if you wanna be added for future works/ the sequel): @flushings-here / @moonstruckholland / @gaypanda / @twilightparker / @parkerpuff / @ironmaxn / @lcy-thot / @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy / @ijustdontknowsometimes / @dolphinsarecuteandstuff
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proud-band-trash · 6 years
It all happened at 11:11
“Look over at Geoff’s face. He’s bright fucking red just from reading this. It’s kinda cute, actually.” Travis tried to distract the younger boy.
And Travis was right. Geoff was blushing like crazy, just keeping his mouth shut. Awsten looks Geoff straight in the eye to give his rating.
“I give it a 5. I got a boner from it.” Awsten cocked a smile, watching Geoff turn redder. Travis had to glance at Awsten’s crotch.
“Liar!” Travis declared. “And Geoff, what do you rate this?”
Geoff had to think for a second. “Well, it was very detailed and had good grammar-“
“THAT’S MY THING! USING GRAMMAR AS A MEANS TO RATE FANFICS!” Awsten cut him off. Geoff began to speak again.
“Shut the fuck up Awsten! Anyway, I give it a 3. It was beautifully written, but I could never act like that in real life.”
“TAKE YOUR BELT OFF AND SHUT ME UP!” Awsten yelled at the older boy, turning his face redder than ever before.
“That’s why it’s called fiction. Anyhow, now that we have our comments and ratings out of the way, would you like to say good night to all of our listeners Geoff?” Travis questioned, calmest of them all. Geoff nodded.
“Um, good night,” Geoff smirked in Awsten’s way as he said that.
“FUCK YOU MAN! Both of you need to fucking stop with that!” Awsten screamed.
“What else are we gonna say?” Travis glared at Awsten as he spoke. “Go on, Geoff.”
“Sleep tight, don’t let the Awsten bite. OW!” Geoff yelled as Awsten sneaked up next to Geoff and actually bit his arm, and sucking it while Travis laughing hysterically.
“You missed,” Travis told the purple haired boy, and tapped the side of the base of his neck. Geoff got the reference and blushed again. Awsten didn’t see it though, but he ended up taking his mouth off of the newly formed hickey on Geoff’s arm. Geoff looked at the mark, a little fear on his face from it. Awsten reached up to Geoff’s mic and grabbed it.
“GOOD NIGHT Y’ALL. I’M ENDING THIS MESS OF AN EPISODE RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.” Awsten yelled into the mic and slammed his hand down to switch it off. Travis helped stash away the mics in Awsten’s room as Geoff sprawled out on Awsten’s bed. It didn’t take long for Awsten and Travis to shove the mics in the corner.
“Get out,” Awsten commanded once the mics were away, and the other 2 boys walked out of the house. Travis held the front door open for Geoff, Geoff murmuring a “thank you” to him. They crossed the short distance between the driveway and the door, reaching their cars.
“Good night! Take care Geoff!”
“Thanks Travis, you too!” Geoff waved as he hopped in his car. He pushed and turned the key, the ignition starting up and then… silence and darkness. Geoff grabbed his phone out of his pocket, flicking on the flashlight in the dark car, and turned the key again. No response.
“God dammit!” He shouted at the car. It stayed silent. He checked the time. 10:50 pm. There was no way any parts shop was open at this hour, and Travis had already left. He jumped out of the slightly cooler car and ran up to Awsten’s door, giving it a knock. Awsten took his time answering it.
“What do you want?” Awsten asked, slightly annoyed with a bag of popcorn in his hands.
“Can I stay at your place, just for tonight? My car won’t start and every parts shop is closed right now.” Geoff pleaded. Awsten pondered the request for a second, then stepped to the side of the door, letting Geoff in.
“Thank you so much Awsten,” Geoff pulled the smaller one in for a hug while he thanked him. Awsten didn’t hug back and just waited for Geoff to release him. The blue haired boy, once released, walked over to the couch to grab the remote to shut off the tv. He then walked Geoff up to his room.
Awsten didn’t have a guest room in his house, so he decided he’d just sleep next to Geoff. It was a king sized bed after all. “Here, just sleep next to me. I don’t have a guest room and the bed is big enough.” Geoff nods at Awsten’s command, kicking off his shoes, taking off his jeans and lying on the bed. Awsten joins him after also kicking off his shoes, and Geoff turns around to turn off the light.
Awsten passed out in seconds, while Geoff couldn’t stop thinking about his car. What was even wrong with it? Could he fix it himself or did he need a mechanic to fix it? Would he need to buy a new car? Hours passed as Geoff got lost in his thoughts. He looked over at Awsten, peacefully asleep, and wished he could be asleep too. Geoff wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and pressed his body against Awsten’s back, resting his head against Awsten’s shoulder. He wasn’t sure if Awsten noticed, but he did know Awsten was still asleep. Once he was positioned, Geoff realized he’s never been as comfortable in his entire life as he was right now. Him and Awsten’s bodies fit perfectly together, and as he drifted off to sleep, he wondered if Awsten’s lips against his would be a perfect fit too.
For a few hours, there was nothing but peaceful rest. Awsten was calm in Geoff’s arms, feeling safe and protected and relaxed, and Geoff loved the feeling of the other boy in his arms, reminding him that he could get through whatever problem, no matter how big or small, with the other boy, calming him down. The night would’ve been perfect, if the boys weren’t suddenly awoken by a strange noise.
Awsten heard it first, and tensed up. “Geoff,” he wiggles his way toward Geoff and gently shook him, “Geoff! Wake up!”
Geoff blinked a couple times, eyes focusing on the purple haired boy. He blushed as he realized he was still in his arms. Awsten had a terrified look on his face, wrapping his arms around Geoff’s and clinging around the taller boy, burying his face in his chest. Before he could explain, they heard a creek. Geoff sat up at the noise, and reached for his phone on the nightstand to turn on the flashlight, Awsten still clinging to him. Geoff shone the light around the room, stopping at the doorway, seeing a shoulder approach it. More of its body became visible, and the figure came towards the light, Geoff feeling Awsten hold onto him tighter.
The figure was a light grey color, with almost translucent skin, and walked on all fours toward them, looking up at the two with small black eyes. Its head was huge, and had a thin body that looked too weak to support it. Its limbs were long and thin, and it stood up on 2 feet. While paralyzed in fear watching the first figure, some more figures walked into the room, looking slightly thicker than the other one. A light shone through their windows as 4 of the thicker figures surrounded the bed. Geoff was even getting a little scared too, holding on to Awsten tighter. Awsten could hear the other boy’s heart pound in fear as the strange creatures came closer to them. But before they could fight back, the aliens released a gas that made humans instantly sleepy, and the boys passed out in each other’s arms again. Thankfully, the aliens didn’t bother to separate them. Geoff’s last memory before falling to sleep was trying to kick one of the creatures off the bed while holding a sleepy Awsten in his arms, against his chest.
A few hours later, Awsten wakes up and looks around the ship he was taken on. Almost all of it looked like the set of a sci-fi movie. They were trapped in laser bars, being watched by more humanoid-looking beings with white lab coats and tablets. Even those existed in futuristic societies. Geoff was still asleep.
“Geoff! Wake the fuck up!” Awsten yelled. Awsten couldn’t see it, but the aliens heard and scribbled down some notes about what Awsten just did. Actually, they’re been scribbling down the boys’ every movement, but not much happened until now. Geoff blinked a couple times, feeling very cold, and sat up, shivering a little. Awsten saw it and took Geoff’s hands in his to warm them up as Geoff scanned the room.
Some bell must’ve gone off. The aliens immediately left the room once they heard it, making Geoff and Awsten feel much safer.
“We gotta get out! But how?” Awsten questioned Geoff. Geoff was a very good problem solver. He’d know what to do. A clank was heard as one of the aliens left the room. The item that they dropped looked very familiar. It looked like a portal gun from Rick and Morty. An idea popped in Geoff’s head.
“Do you trust me?” Geoff asked before he was gonna tell the other boy how they could get out. To Awsten however, it seemed like a very random question.
“Of course. Why?”
“Because you might think this is dumb, but it’s probably one of our only ways out. I need you to stick your hand through the bars to grab that long magnet right there,” Geoff spoke quickly. Awsten didn’t think it was dumb at all and easily grabbed the magnet. “Thank you,” Geoff spoke again. He extended the magnet towards the gun. It stuck, and he slid it right into the cage, an alien chasing after it as he did so. He may have had a pretty odd face, but he could tell that the alien was angry. And could speak English.
“I don’t have the clearance to unlock you, but if you give me back my portal gun I’ll get you out somehow.” The alien offered, and the boys thought about it for a minute.
“Nah,” Awsten replied, “We don’t have cool shit like this on Earth so we gotta fuck with it here.” Geoff stood up to press a button on the gun, pointing it towards the floor. He grabbed Awsten by the waist, leaning over the portal.
“JUMP!” Geoff commanded, and the two boys held onto each other as they closed their eyes and jumped into the portal, getting sent wherever it led. Somehow, the dimension they landed in was not very scary at all. They landed right in front of Awsten’s house. It looked abandoned, so it was possible they got the correct dimension on the first try. Awsten turned to high-five Geoff, but caught something before he did, eyes widening in fear. Geoff saw Awsten’s expression, and cautiously turned around.
A voice popped in both of their heads suddenly. “You’re not from this dimension.” The two boys stared at it in fear. It was the alien who they stole the portal gun from. And a few of his friends. And they did not look happy.
Geoff looked down at the portal gun in his hand, and immediately noticed a small screen. In the corner of it, there was a battery icon. And it appeared to be running low. Him and Awsten may not have noticed it originally, but now they did. They had to run if they wanted to live.
They headed downtown this dimension, hoping that someone would see them getting attacked and help. It was almost like no one could see what was going on. Even when Awsten collapsed, wheezing for air. Geoff had to stop for him, tearing up a little at the sight. He didn’t have much time to react, so he scooped up the purple haired boy and swung him over his shoulders holding him up and continuing to run. There wasn’t anywhere to hide in sight, and Geoff knew even with the insane amount of adrenaline running through his system, he couldn’t run for much longer. The aliens were already starting to catch up. He looked over to his right, finding his solution.
He ran through the yard of some random house. He didn’t think the owners were home, and didn’t care if they were either. Awsten had regained his breath and was able to readjust himself onto Geoff’s back, legs tightly wrapped around his waist and hands clinging onto the taller boy’s shoulders, freeing up Geoff’s hands.
Geoff grabbed the top of the fence and jumped over it. It was harder to do it with Awsten on his back, but he managed to do it without the aliens spotting them first. Awsten climbed off Geoff’s back and they remained on all fours, crawling into the nearby bush to hide in until the aliens passed. It was hard for Geoff to do, not wanting to wreck the new fancy alien technology, but he grabbed a nearby rock and smashed the screen of the portal gun, wrecking the internals of the portal gun so it can’t be tracked. He dropped the gun and turned back to Awsten, who was shivering a little. He wasn’t sure if he was shaking out of fear or because he was cold, but the brunette figured a hug would help either.
Geoff wrapped his arms around Awsten, holding the smaller boy tight while Awsten shut his eyes. Geoff kept his wide open, looking and listening around for aliens. They were tired of hiding. Tired of running. Until they heard some screaming.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOIN-“ Awsten’s scream was cut off with a gushing noise. But Awsten was right there, in Geoff’s arms, perfectly still and most importantly, not screaming.
Another scream was heard, this time by Geoff. A few punching noises were heard, and another scream, cut off by silence and a gunshot. But Geoff and Awsten were still sitting in the bush, quiet and very much alive. A whoosh opening a portal was heard, and something was thrown into another dimension. They heard the aliens conversing again.
“We can’t ask where the gun is now that they’re dead!” One alien argued.
“It’s not even worth looking for anymore. They’re not alive and I’m sick of search. Let’s go home.”
“Fine. We’re coming back later though.” The third alien commanded
“We’re not. You can if you want.” The first alien who spoke commanded. Another whoosh was heard, and all was quiet. Geoff let go of Awsten.
Awsten was still trembling when Geoff let go, so Geoff reached over to Awsten’s forehead and gave it a little peck before getting up. Geoff quietly began to stand up and climb through the bush. Once he was out, he peered over the fence. The coast was clear, and the aliens were gone. Geoff went back into the bush, scooping up a still shaking Awsten bridal style. Awsten rested his head against Geoff’s chest and held onto his neck.
Now that the boys are no longer in danger, they took the long way back to their house. Geoff carried Awsten the entire way back.
They reached the house, but neither of them had a key. Luckily, Awsten kept a spare hidden in a fake rock. He just had to hope his alternative self also did that too. Since he was so forgetful, he probably did. He spotted the rock and opened it up to reveal the key. He gave it to Geoff to unlock while he put the rock back, and opened the door for both boys.
Immediately, they climbed back up to the bedroom and kicked off their shoes. Geoff walked over and shut the blinds, darkening the room. Awsten dug something out of his pocket and placed it in the drawer of his nightstand.
“What’s that?” Geoff asked, pointing to the drawer. Awsten knew exactly what he was talking about.
“Well, when you got out of the bush, I put the smashed portal gun in my pocket. I wanted to look at it later, maybe see if we can find someone who can fix it.” Awsten calmly replied. Geoff nodded and jumped on the bed, lying on his side and patted the spot next to him. Awsten joined him, lying in Geoff’s arms, snuggled into his chest. The purple haired boy pulled up the covered on both boys. They were exhausted, but even after a couple hours, they still couldn’t sleep. Geoff glanced over to the clock. It read 11:11 am. He then turned his head into an awkward position to see if Awsten was also having trouble sleeping. Awsten’s bicolored eyes were wide open.
“Awsten,” Geoff said softly, Awsten turning around to face Geoff, his head in his chest and eyes looking up at Geoff’s face. Geoff had to grin at just how damn cute that was. “What- what are we now? We’ve experienced a lot of gay moments together when we were abducted, but I enjoyed all of them.” Geoff couldn’t bring himself to look at Awsten for his last sentence. As he spoke, his face grew redder. “Originally, I had felt something, like romantic towards you.” Awsten listened intently, hiding his face in Geoff’s chest, listening to the brunette’s rapid heartbeat. Geoff continued. “I tried to push those feelings away, say that they would go, but they’re only got gotten… stronger.” The taller boy clung to Awsten a little tighter to finish his little speech.
“I- I love you, I think.”
Awsten couldn’t breathe because Geoff was holding him so tight, but he didn’t wiggle away for more room. In fact, Awsten wanted to get closer. He snuggled up to the older boy, fatally close to falling asleep, and spoke up before passing out.
“I love you too.”
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