#you didnt set this up nothing in this show had any time to breathe and is so utterly devoid of the capacity for creating emotional impact
nightjarring · 3 months
Watching people fight over and defend hh is insane. People who think it's good have utterly shit taste obviously but im mostly baffled by the other people who have come to the conclusion it sucks but also really need there to be a moral or ethical reason to justify why it sucks. It can't JUST be ugly or annoying or poorly made, it needs to be morally irredeemable.
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Chocolate Princess ♡
Willy Wonka x reader
Pt 2
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Part One
Description - Y/n Ficklegruber can't help but become enamoured with the spectacularly peculiar man stood in the middle of the galleria.
Word count - 1.3k
Warnings - fluff, fluff and more fluff ♡
a/n - little NYE present for you all!
At exactly 9:51, I excitedly leapt out of my bed already dressed and ready to go. It was a crisp night so I elected for one of my thicker dresses which reached my knees, wooly tights, my coat and matching small cape. Both fur lined with pom poms ending the ties of the cape. All of it a familiar shade of green, a shade which lined nearly every inch of my wardrobe. It seemed even the choosing of my fashions were up to my fathers input.
I crept out of my room and down the stairs, only feeling safe once my gloved hands had managed to lock the mansion’s ornate door.
I skipped through town, skidding to a stop at the fountain as the large clock struck the hour of 10. I peered all around, my smile beginning to droop at the emptiness all around. However, a crunching of ice beneath boots pricked up my ears. So I began to walk the circumference of the fountain. Unbeknownst to me, another on the opposing side of the water feature had begun to do the same. My pace picked up as it seemed the footsteps would retreat at the same speed I would follow. Until finally I managed a jog and practically lunged at the burgundy coat and took it in my grasp. Willy jumped around. But when our eyes met, everything became still once again.
We spoke together in whispered breaths.
“Are you ready to begin?” I went to sit down on the fountains edge but was stopped by Willy. Who proceeded to produce a blanket from his briefcase which he then layed down upon the icy stone. He took my hand in his and allowed me to sit once again.
“You are a true gentleman.” I teased in my poshest voice.
“Nothing but the best for the finest lady in all the land.” He jumped up onto the fountain and announced to the unknowing night air.
“Sh.” I reprimanded through my own giggles as I tugged him back down, my smile betraying any semblance of sterness.
“You don’t want anyone to know you’re out here?” His eyes drooped as his smile faltered. “You don’t want to be seen with me.” I tightly clasped both his hands in mine so he would be forced to look at me.
“Even if the whole world was watching us right now, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. Okay?” He softly nodded.
“Now lets begin.” I produced a piece of paper from my pocket. “I thought we should start with the alphabet.”
I handed it to him and would direct his finger to the letter in question each time I taught him a new one.
It took a long time for Willy to even get the grasp of the alphabet and when the clock struck midnight, I wasn’t even sure he was there.
“How about we just try it out.” I turned the paper over and wrote down the word ‘CAT’. “Can you tell me how this word sounds?”
He took the paper and began to turn it upside down as if trying to determine in which way he could make it work. “Not a bit of it.”
I giggled but stopped when his face showed he thought I was laughing at him. I took the paper from him and used my pen to circle the A. “You see this one is a vowel.” And then I circled the C and the T. “And these are consonants.”
“All I’m hearing is owls and nonsenants.” I chuckled sweetly at his ability to turn anything round and make it sweeter for the world to swallow. Seeing his tired face I decided to set my teaching supplies down. I stroked my hand over his weathered skin feeling the weight of the days struggles plastered over his face. Although this was fun and exciting for me, the poor boy had been through enough and he didnt need some girl trying to live her fruitless dreams of adventure through him.
There was a silence between us until he broke it. “I’m never going to get it?”
“Don’t say that! Reading takes time, it isn’t something you learn overnight.”
“You mean, you were going to give me more lessons?” He looked at me in awe that oozed naivety. I couldn’t help how I continued to stroke his face.
“Of course.” I suddenly became aware of my hands and their minds of their own. I righted myself back to propriety. “Anyways, reading is more about exposure. The more you read the better you become. And the better you become, the more you can read. It’s quite beautiful really.”
He gently tapped the side of my head. “With the amount of smarts you’ve got crammed up in this little head, well I wouldn’t be surprised if you were able to read every book in the world!”
I giggled embarrassed. “I wouldn’t know.”
“What do you mean you wouldn’t know?”
“Father stopped my studies when I was only 18. And he won’t allow me to go further. He won’t even allow me to spend my days at the library. I’m forced to be in his chocolate shop every hour of every day.”
He thought to himself. “Doesn’t sound so bad–” I shot him a quick glare. “-If you’re me! But that’s because making chocolate is my dream.”
“All I ever dream about now is being able to go off and learn. I want to read every book ever written, see every study ever done. Cram my mind full till it hurts with every single thing in the world there is to know.” I had risen excitedly and began to flap my hands about animatedly. I realised how much I had let myself express and became embarrassed under invisible eyes.
Yet the pair transfixed on my figure, held nothing but love.
“I guess it’s quite a silly dream to have.”
He rose and joined me, attaching our hands once more.
“All great ideas started with a dream, that’s what mama used to say.”
“What a beautiful thought. She must be a spectacular woman.”
“She was.” My lips parted to offer something more to the moment we were having but I was rudely interrupted by the ominous stroke of one.
“I’m sorry, I must go. Daddy sleepwalks when he eats too much chocolate and I must be there to help him out.” I hurriedly collected my things and returned to where Willy stood, still locked in our previous stance. Looking up once more into his eyes, I decided my fate and pulled him into a soul crushing kiss that had the touch of a butterfly. We parted only slightly, each wanting to return.
“I’m sorry I truly must leave.”
“Wait.” He stopped my retreating form. “Please accept this.” He returned to his suitcase and began to rummage.
“Willy, don’t be ridiculous do not pay me!”
“I wouldn’t thank you with something as common as money. No, I must show my gratitude with the only thing I own with any worth. My recipes. Open.” He gestured to my mouth and I willingly obliged. He placed a dainty rose shaped chocolate onto my awaiting tongue and I eagerly consumed it.
“They just get better each time.” I spoke, rather unladylike, through a mouthful of melting chocolate. I gave him a final kiss on his cheek and began to lightly skip back home.
A quiet melody joined my journey home.
For a moment, life has never tasted so sweet. For a moment, I’m enriched with possibility. He is exciting and new, But be careful and think it all through.
Home is where you’re secure, It’s safe and you’re pure. But how long can you ignore it. That your heart is melting like chocolate.
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puhpandas · 7 months
Rabbit Burrow
(5180 words) part 2 (1 found here)
Tony Becker, one year after surviving the attack from GGY, tracks down Gregory post-SB. But he has to get through Vanessa and Freddy before he can get to Gregory.
Its only after Tony has run through the interaction with Vanessa ten times over that he realizes she never told him how she knows Gregory.
He'd been nothing but restless since she left. His eyes have been darting to and from the digital clock on the end table on the other side of arm of the couch, and his brain has been so scattered, all he can focus on is the awaiting reunion.
The baking show has long since switched to a new episode since he last checked the TV. Tony's worried that at this point, his fingers will start bleeding if he keeps picking at them like this.
The only saving grace in a long chunk of nothing-but-anticipation is when Tony's phone buzzes at 6:01pm, right when he had started to gather his thoughts and began plan out the reunion in his head like remembering a speech.
Ellis: dude where r u????
Ellis: yr mom said u arent home and she keeps asking me if ur with me and where u r
All Tony does is sigh. He cant even find it in him to feel bad that his Mom and Grandma are probably worried. All he can think about is how his arms are shaking and his stomach feels floaty.
He types back with thumbs that have peeling skin on the edge of the fingernails.
Tony: Remember how I covered for you that one time?
Tony: I need you to cover for me. If you need to tell her that I'm with you and I'm staying over do that. I just need any excuse.
Ellis: yea i remember but why?
Ellis: if a guy covers for u u can at least tell him what the deal is
Tony: I'm doing something really important. I can't tell you all the details yet.
Tony: I just need you to trust me. Please. It'll help me out a lot, Ellis.
Tony: I promise I'll make it up to you next time you need something.
Ellis: dude didnt know it was that important
Ellis: dont worry then. u know i can tell a mean lie when i need to
Tony: Dude thanks. That's a big relief. It wont be in vain.
Ellis: my services will not be for free tho
Ellis: i will need something in return
Tony: What do you want?
Ellis: for u to buy me a cookie next time i see u at lunch
Tony finds it in him to roll his eyes at that. He smiles a bit, and right as he goes to send back I'll buy you two, Freddy Fazbear makes some sort of clunking sound.
Its enough to make his already fluttery heart clench and himself almost fly off of the couch. He jerks and yelps and can only stare Freddy Fazbears black eyelids phwip open, and his pupils glow..
They're blank, though, like they're on but Freddy himself isnt. His body whirs and shifts slowly, as if running a diagnostic, and after his ears wiggle, theres a clear difference.
Tony just sits rigid as a board with eyes wide as saucers as Freddy doesnt notice him right away. He just takes the jump cables off of his ears and sets them on the carpet, and moves his torso to face the window.
Which Tony is blocking. Since hes on the couch sitting directly next to the animatronic.
Theres a staring contest with a distinct lack of breathing for all but a few moments, before the small black plastic pieces that are Freddys eyebrows tilt downwards.
"Wait wait wait!" Tony holds out his hands, but Freddy doesnt get off the couch and attack him like his fears. Freddys eyes dont leave his once, and it reminds him too much of those few times Freddy would stare him down and be hot on his heels in the Pizzaplex during the GGY debacle.
Freddy pauses, not even so much as twitching as he burns an LED hole into him. Tony tries to get over the unease and stutters out, "Um, Vanessa trusts me. I talked to her. She told me to stay here."
For a fleeting moment, Tony believes he somehow said the wrong thing and that Freddy is now going to grab him and beat him into a pulp like he feared back at the Pizzaplex all that time ago. But during the rigid silence, the glow in Freddys eyes flickers for half a second, and some sort of beeping sound emits from a hidden speaker.
"I have just contacted her." Freddy finally breaks the tension, and Tony sighs at how his voice does not sound aggressive. In fact, Freddy hadn't spoken at all when Tony had been afraid of him last year. "You are telling the truth... my apologies."
"Theres no issue." Tony manages when Freddy looks so undoubtedly apologetic theres no doubt that he's not genuine. He scratches the back of his neck. "...I guess I wouldnt be too keen on a stranger being in my house when I wake up either."
"Yes," Freddy nods, and his ears bob at the motion. Theres a split second of silence where the baking show Tony hasn't caught a single second of is the only noise in the room. "so that begs the question; why are you here?"
Tony jerks. "What?"
"You are a stranger in my house, like you said." Freddy points out, not unkindly. "I would appreciate knowing why. Even if you already went over it with Vanessa."
"Oh. Well. I dont know what all Vanessa told you, but... I'm here for Gregory."
Freddy doesnt immediately turn distrustful or wary like Vanessa had. Probably because he already knows Tony is a friend. "She said you were an old friend of his." Freddy confirms. His "So, you are the boy Gregory talks to much about."
Tony doesnt really know how to respond to that. He grabs a fold of fabric from the arm of his jacket in-between his fingers. "Uh...yeah."
"I'm sure you've already talked to Vanessa. So I wont beat around the bush." Freddy says. "But Gregory has tried so hard to remember you."
Tony brows furrow. "...She said he has dreams sometimes. And that's how he knows I-- we exist."
"Yes." Freddy nods."But she probably did not tell you that he tries to figure out what reminded him of you, so he can continue to keep dreaming."
Tony's eyes widen, and he picks at his fingers. No. Vanessa did not mention that. She said nothing about Gregory actively searching for Tony around his life to see him in his dreams.
Freddys LED eyes dim, and his ears and eyelids droop in a clear sign of upset. "It breaks my heart. To see Gregory try to gather the broken pieces of his memories." His eyes stare at the couch cushion below them, before they dart up to look him in the eye. "You were obviously very important to him, if he searches like this."
"He is to me too." Is all Tony can manage. He's suddenly getting a sense adjacent to deja vu.
"Its clear that he is." Freddy is still looking him in the eye, but somehow, Tony feels like he's smiling at him. "If you came all this way to see him."
And he really did come a long way, didnt he? He took a bus to a different county. He spent hours and hours scouring the internet for any mention of Greg after he suddenly up and went missing as soon by the time Tony had recovered enough to look for him.
Greg has searched too, apparently. Tony cant help but be aware of. Even after losing his memories.
"What is your name?" Freddy suddenly asks him.
"Tony Becker." Tony answers easily. "I guess he doesnt remember my name, huh?"
"No. But he has tried. Believe me when I say that." Freddy says. "He wants to know more about his life before what happened more than anything."
"...You think he'll be happy to see me?"
"There is no doubt, Tony Becker."
The last time he had seen Greg, it was in a dusty back room with a knife in his back.
But despite that, it isnt what Tony thinks when he thinks Greg. When he thinks of Greg, he thinks of the sleepovers and the days Greg would show up at school one day with his hair different lengths. He thinks about how He, Greg, and Ellis would Vs. eachother on the air hockey machine. He thinks about the stories they'd come up with in creative writing.
When he thinks of that afternoon at the Pizzaplex, he doesnt think Greg. He thinks GGY. Maybe its that first inkling of separation that got him here.
Theres been a stretch of silence while Tony soaked it in. The rain outside has slowed, and the sun peeking through the gray clouds shines through the window, white lines on the coffee table like the blinds are a stencil.
"But the truth is... I do not think Vanessa feels the same." Freddy suddenly says. "She wants to protect him from the awful memories. I do not have to deal with them like she does, but I assume they... that they haunt her."
His ears droop. "I believe that she does not want Gregory to have to as well."
"So shes trying to keep them from him?" Tony asks, a brow raised. "But that's his choice, isn't it?"
"That is how I feel." Freddy agrees, looking at him again. It's starting to become less uncomfortable. "Listen, Tony Becker. I may not know for sure, but I feel that Vanessa is afraid to let you near Gregory. Seeing you will make him remember so much."
His mind immediately jumps to a thousand implications at that."If shes scared, what does that mean?" He asks. "She'll make me leave? She'll change her mind?"
"I do not think so." Freddy assures. "But my point is that she has been trying for so long to keep Gregorys memories under wraps. It is not with malice, but this is why I ask you this."
"Gregory has long since chosen to remember, even if Vanessa does not want him to." Freddy says havent left his once, and Tony doesnt look away, either. Freddys pupils suddenly appear brighter in a way when he speaks again, "To keep them from him after he has already made his choice would be cruel. Which is why I would like you to help him, Tony Becker."
Tony hasnt forgotten how Greg fought for him that day at the Pizzaplex. He hasnt forgotten how all that mattered was Tony escaping. Not if Greg would get in trouble. Not if something would happen to him.
Gregory has, though. Greg has forgotten a lot of things.
But if seeing Tony in danger that fateful afternoon made him remember himself enough to fight, and win against mind control?
Tony can fight for Greg's memories, too. Even if it takes another year.
"He deserves to remember his old life." Freddy says. "Vanessa has told me that his parents are dead. Any life he had before is nothing but a faint memory." He hums, melancholy. "But it's one I want him to remember."
Me too Tony almost says. Because all Tony has wanted throughout this last year is his friend back.
"Greg was one of my best friends." Tony says quietly, eyes downcast. He counts the threads in the couch cushion. "I want him to remember me and Ellis and... everything. It's why I'm here."
"I have not been able to help him, no matter how much I've wanted to." Freddy responds, sounding sad. "But I am glad you are here. Now Gregory truly has a chance of obtaining what hes been chasing for so long."
"Me too." Tony replies, not knowing which exactly hes responding too.
"So," Freddy pauses. "what do you say?"
"I'll do it." Tony responds immediately. "But... I just have to ask. Why do you trust me so much? Vanessa wouldnt even tell me anything until I answered her riddles."
Freddy hums. "It is exactly as you said." Freddy answers. "You earned Vanessa's trust. So in turn you have earned my trust. I trust Vanessa to trust you."
Tony doesnt respond, for a moment, just taking that in.
The amount of faith you have in someone to trust them that much. To know you can rely on them. To have no doubt...
Tony glances at the hallway he can see just over the back of the couch and down the hall into the room with the slightly open door, with the pens and pencils and bed and desk, and wonders how tightly wound the people in this house are with eachother.
"...Then I'll return the favor." Tony smiles. "You're friends of Greg's, and, well... I was friends with him, once upon an time. And he still seems to think so." He holds out a hand. "Any friend of Greg's is a friend of mine."
Freddys ears wiggle, and his eyelids come up in a way that make him look overjoyed. "Any friend of Gregory's is a friend of mine." Freddy repeats, shaking Tony's hand. "We are in this together, now. We will have to be there for Gregory if he remembers not so great things."
"And for the great things." Tony smiles, going over the few months worth of memories of their three amigos friendship he has in his head. "Its worth it, I think."
After all, if Tony's found a way to seperate killer Greg with his Greg, then he thinks Gregory probably can as well.
"I'm glad we have that settled." Freddys ears wiggle, and his eyes do that dimming thing again for half a second. "Because Vanessa has just contacted me and let me know that she is almost back with Gregory."
He makes some sort of choking noise. Theres a thousand things on the tip of Tony's tongue in seconds. His eyes blow wide as saucers, and he twists his back to look at the clock that reads 6:34.
He immediately feels like someone dumped a bucket of ice water on his head. He stutters, trying to gather his thoughts, and eventually gets out "How long?!"
"Soon." Freddy smiles. "It wont be long, now. It seems all the work you've done has paid off."
Tony cant find it in him to move his mouth after that. Just too rigid. It feels like theres electricity buzzing up his skin and a wildfire in his chest. It feels like he cold start floating like a balloon at any moment.
He doesnt respond to Freddy, after that. He just twists his body to face the front door (his back twinges. maybe he shouldn't slouch over his laptop and desk so much) and waits.
A few minutes is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Not really when its put up against the year he's taken to track Greg down. But its somehow more agonizing waiting now when he knows Greg is in arms reach, instead of it being uncertain if he'd ever see him again.
It's not uncertain, now. Is the thing. Greg is on his way, and Tony, for once, doesn't even know what to think. All he can do is sit there and be clammy and impatient.
Freddy chuckles. Tony ignores it. He burns a hole into the front door just across the living room, only hearing his own jumbled thoughts and roaring in his ears over the baking show on the TV.
Its Winter right now. So by 6:45, all the light outside has darkened into pitch blackness. The residential street lights outside the apartments make the raindrops on the window glow. The TV is still going in the background.
Freddy is as still as he is, joining him in watching the door as restless as a bored puppy. Listening to the ventilation inside of Freddys inner workings is the only thing that reminds Tony to breathe.
After multiple agonizing minutes, Tony jerks when the slam of a car door is heard distantly outside the window.
"Are you ready, Tony Becker?" Freddy breaks the silence. Looking back at Freddy is the first time Tony looks away from the door. "We do not know how much he will remember at first. It may be messy. It may not."
Messy is definitely a word he would use to describe a lot of the things that have happened, here. So he just nods, a tilt of his head. "I'm ready."
"He is ready, too." replies Freddy.
And that's all that's said until the doorknob begins to rattle.
All that Tony manages is a strangled gasp before he's bolting off the couch, almost tripping over Freddys legs. His converse slide on the laminate wood, and he stands there. In perfect view of the door.
His legs feel cold and his chest airy as he watches. He waits for movement, and cant help the tremble in his hands when the deadbolt unlocks. He can hear voices. Only because hes straining his ears, but he can hear a high pitched voice muffled and faint behind the door.
The doorknob rattles, and Tony watches as the deadbolt unlocks from the inside. His heart stutters in his chest when he hears voices outside, and he can pinpoint one of the pitches as Greg's.
"Come on, Vanessa. Were home. Now tell me what the suprise is!"
"I think you'll want to see it for yourself, Greg."
"Its inside? Well what could it possibly be if you wont even give me a hint--"
The knob twists, and the door creaks open. Its steady and agonizingalmost as if it's in slow motion.
And there he is.
Theres the pale skin and short stature and blue clothes. Tony isnt breathing when he just looks, and sees the boy he'd been searching for so long right in front of him.
He has raindrops in his chocolate brown hair. Greg doesnt look away from Vanessa while he walks in, at first, but Vanessa looks away from Gregory. She meets his eyes, and Tony doesnt have it in him to dissect what the look could mean.
All he cares about is how Greg follows her gaze.
He stops in his tracks, his mud stained Pizzaplex brand sneakers planting him firmly in place.
It's like everything else falls away when Greg meets his eyes. Huge, amber eyes that grow as wide as saucers when they see him. Theres a dark jagged scar wrapped around his cheek that makes it to his nose that wasnt there before.
The silence is deafening, as they just stand there and stare at eachother. Tony thinks he isnt breathing. Theres electricity shooting up his spine. His fingers twitch and tremble. Greg just stares, mouth agape.
Tony's own twitches, and he smacks his lips together, testing if he can still speak at all. His legs are rooted to the ground as he says, just above a whisper, "Greg."
Greg's face shifts ever so slightly, and it's only now Tony realizes his eyes are a bit faraway. Like he's...
Remembering something.
In an instant, they dart and blink, and Greg is looking at him again.
Tony dares to break through the water by taking a step. He never tears his eyes away from Gregory's own.
At some point, Vanessa moved away from the door and somewhere else in the house.
Which means the coast is clear when Tony takes a step, and then another, and Greg is meeting him in the middle.
Hes almost sprinting when they crash into eachother like waves. Immediately, Tony wraps his arms around Greg tight, and Greg clutches back just as desperately.
"Tony." Gregory says breathlessly. Tony can feel Greg's hair brush against his cheek and his hands ball up his jacket. "Its you. That's your name. You're the..."
"The one you've been dreaming about?" Tony chuckles, and to his suprise, it's a little wet. His legs ache from pushing himself into the hug so much, but he ignores it. "Yeah. Me and Ellis. Your friends."
"Tony and Ellis." Greg repeats, and Tony could cry at how it's the same voice in all of his memories. A few things are different; Gregory's face has changed a bit, and so has his hair and clothes. But all of the things that made him Greg back then are still here.
"I--" Greg stutters. "I tried so hard to remember anything about you. I was gonna track you down, I hope you know. Cause you're the only things I remember about..."
"I know, Greg." Tony replies. Greg pulls away from the hug, and Tony still has a grip on his shoulders. "They told me everything."
He jerks his head towards Freddy and Vanessa, and when Greg looks over at him, Freddys ears wiggle and Vanessa does a small little wave.
"Some suprise." Gregory chuckles, wiping at his dry eyes. "Jeez, its just-- I just remembered so much. Just by seeing you, and--"
Greg's eyes turn a little misty as he looks in Tony's own. "We were friends." He says. "And I forgot you for so long."
"It wasnt your fault." Tony smiles slightly. Greg still has to look up at him a bit, like he did last time Tony saw him. "Freddy and Vanessa told me you tried your best to remember us."
Gregory nods, glancing over at them. "I did." He says. "I wanted to know what triggered the first dream so bad. But... I never figured it out."
"I guess it doesn't matter now." Tony says. "I'm right here in front of you, and you remember now. Ellis'll be really glad to see you, too."
Gregory chuckles. "I missed him." He says. "I missed you, too."
"Me too." Tony replies, and it doesn't feel like those two words can encapsulate how much Tony has felt the past year. "Ellis really missed you as well. He still is. You don't know what happened to him when you went missing."
Gregory ducks his head, eyes downcast. "I wish I did."
Tony eyes Freddy from the corner of his eye, and he nods. Tony looks back towards Greg. "I can tell you some stuff, if you want. Vanessa said something reminded you of me one day." He smiles. "I can try to help remind you of stuff enough to remember more."
Gregory's head shoots up, and to Tony's suprise, tears gather in his eyes. As quick as they come, he ducks his head, using the sleeve of his navy jacket to wipe them away. "Yeah." He sniffs. "That'd be great."
"I'm glad you guys reunited." Vanessa pipes up to their left. "But, Gregory, I think you should go take a breather. I wanna talk to Tony anyway."
Greg doesnt answer for a second, but eventually he nods, smiling at Tony as he peels himself away. Tony takes note of how the tooth Gregory had been missing last year is still gone.
Tony watches him go, and his eyes dont leave his back until the door to his room shuts.
"Kid," Vanessa grabs his attention. She gestures to sit down on the couch, and he moves over, sitting in-between Freddy and her. "that went well. Really well."
Tony just nods, not able to shake the trembling in his fingers and the floaty feeling in his chest.
"It doesnt seem like he remembered anything bad." Vanessa points out. "He couldnt have. He wouldn't be so calm if he did, trust me."
Tony remembers Freddys words about how Vanessa grapples with the things shes done, so he does. He nods again, and Vanessa smiles. "So that's good. Listen, kid. If you can somehow have Gregory remember his old life without any of the mind control murder stuff, that would be the best case scenario."
Freddy whirs and straightens out a but, opening his mouth to speak, but he stops at the last second. "It wouldnt be unfair to Gregory if he wasnt remembering anything good, Fred." Vanessa points out.
"That is true." Freddy agrees. "There is no point in Gregory remembering anything harmful to him if avoidable. Vanessa knows that better than anyone."
Tony opens his mouth to speak, but pauses.
Not remember anything bad? As in he wouldnt be able to remember that day at the Pizzaplex?
How Greg had put himself on the line and fought for Tony's life? How he'd succeeded? How Tony always desperately wanted to see Greg again just to talk about it?
Words get caught in his throat, but he pushes them down and shoves his feelings aside. He just nods. "I'll do my best."
"Thanks." Vanessa says, and she sounds more relieved than Tony's ever heard anyone. She puts a hand on his shoulder, offering him a smile. "Really. Thank you, kid. I'd do anything for Gregory to never have to remember the same things I do."
Tony just nods again, finding that for the first time in his life, he has no words to say. "Yeah."
"I am sure you're dying to catch up with Gregory." Freddy smiles. "Go on, Tony Becker. We will give you both space."
Tony smiles, shooting up and shimmying past Freddys legs in-between the coffee table towards the hall. "Okay. Sure." He only lingers for another moment to say "Thanks!"
Its jet black outside when Tony passes a window, and by the time he makes it to Greg's room, the only light available is a small table lamp on the desk with paper strewn about. Greg sits on his bed, deep in thought, before snapping out of it when Tony walks in.
"Hey." Gregory smiles, and Tony grins back when he shuts the door behind him. He cant help how his eyes wander about the room, taking in every detail as he moves further into the room. His backpack is tossed on the floor beside his bed, and theres comic pages and drawings thumbtacked up across every wall. Theres a corkboard with blocky letters written on paper sheets scattered around, and his bedsheets have constellations on them.
Tony's eyes linger on the desk, where there are multiple comics covering every inch, some half-finished and some fully colored.
"You would draw comics when we were friends, too." Tony says, making his way over and peering at all of the different drawings. "I'd call them graphic novels. I'd write the story and you'd draw."
"I think I had a dream about that." Greg says. "We'd go in your room and brainstorm, right?"
"Yeah." Tony smiles. He looks at the dates scribbles in the corners of them all, and notices that most of them are recent.
"Its one of the only dreams I had." Gregory says. "It... it would make me so mad because it never went any different. And it had been the only indication you even existed for so long." He chuckles without humor. "The other dreams weren't much different, but, well, I was never really able to figure out how to trigger a new dream."
As he keeps looking, some of the older comics, like the ones on the walls and the underneath the piles of recent ones have dates from a few months ago.
It's like a tiny lightbulb goes off above his head. He turns to Gregory, asking "Do you remember when you had the first dream?"
Gregory pauses for a moment. "Yeah." He says. "It was a few months ago. The first dream I had was about us drawing comics in your room."
Tony smiles, finding the earliest date to be near October last year. Its February now. "Did you ever think the thing that triggered that memory was drawing a comic?"
Tony watches as the gears turn in Greg's head. Hes silent for a moment, before muttering, "No. I didnt."
Tony looks at the window on the wall by Greg's bed and watches as raindrops drip down the screen on the other side. Crickets are chirping faintly, and he can hear Freddy and Vanessa's voices muffled behind the door.
The days events catch up to him, and right as the first inkling of tiredness creep up on him, he says "So how about we try to make a comic together like the dream? Maybe it'll bring back some new memories."
Gregory is silent for a moment, and Tony watches as his eyes widen, and a grin gradually stretches across his face. "Okay." He says. "Yeah. Let's do it."
So it's in Greg's room, instead of Tony's, where they hunker down for the night and squish next to eachother on the same chair at the same desk and brainstorm a comic. Tony makes a point of calling it a graphic novel like he used to, because Greg would always say something about it, and unsurprisingly, this time is no different.
The only light is from Gregory's small table lamp shoved to the very corner to make room for more papers, and it's only when they have everything ready does Greg finally ask about the story.
"You said you'd write the story and I'd draw." Gregory says. His shoulder is pressed up against Tony's on the chair and his voice is loud in his ear. "So what's the story?"
Tony hums for a second, jumbled thoughts and ideas running course in his mind, then he gets an idea.
He grins slowly as it dawns on him. He glances over at Greg.
"You always liked nonfiction better, right?" Gregory says, voice up an octave like a question. "Real life stuff."
"Yeah." Tony confirms. "This is a real story."
"So tell me." Greg smiles, leaning back to get a good view of Tony. Tony himself does the same, and Greg is doing one of those lopsided smiles that shows off his missing tooth. "And I'll start drawing the panels."
Its only after theyve hunkered down does Tony really let himself revel in the fact that he found Greg, and he's here and okay. It may not be perfect, since Tony never really will be able to speak to that Gregory that saved him that day and thank him, but its content. Tony has his friend back, and he can't ask for any more.
He's long since decided on a story when he finally tells Gregory. He smiles softly, before saying,
"This story is about a kid named Gregory, who once hacked the school PA speakers and started beatboxing."
Ellis: um so how long will i have to keep this up???
Ellis: would be nice to know
Tony: I dont know how long I'll be gone.
Tony: I'll buy you as many cookies as you want for this.
Ellis: we will negotiate when you come back
Ellis: for now ill uphold my end of the deal mr. becker
Tony: I'll uphold mine early.
Tony sent an image
Image ID: A boy with short dark brown hair and a green jacket angling the camera so by his head is a boy with pale skin and chocolate brown hair. The boy with dark hair is smiling and the boy with brown hair is looking suprised at the camera.
Ellis is typing...
ao3 link
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Perseverance- Poe Dameron x gn!reader
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Main Masterlist | Prompt Fill Masterlist
Pairing: Poe Dameron x gn!reader
Rating: T (but my blog is 18+ only)
Summary: Even with the First Order breathing down your neck, Poe Dameron finds time to be charming
Prompt #156: "i'm not delusional. Just optimistic."
Word Count: 399
Warnings: none! reader is able-bodied but otherwise undescribed, no indication of gender is made.
Author's Notes: technically, its after midnight for me, so i didnt make the deadline i set for myself. also i did not complete this withing my self imposed 15 minute time limit. i wrote a whole thing, hated it, deleted it. i had a really rough day today and the words were not wording. but i pushed through and got it done!
edit: in my sleepiness and hurry to get this posted i forgot a bunch of stuffs! thank you @catchallfangirl for beta reading and for helping me with the premise! and @creativepromptsforwriting for providing this prompt!
The abandoned Rebel base on Crait is nothing to send a hologram home about, if you had a home to send it to. The tarps that protect the equipment are weighed down with a thick layer of dust, red soil and salt. Salt covers everything on this miserable planet, even the animals. Your skin feels sticky with it. 
While others are occupied dusting off equipment, you busy yourself checking out the weaponry. The scent of him invades your nostrils. The faint smell of motor oil follows him everywhere he goes. His boots scrape against the mineral covered ground. His breath at your ear causes your skin to break out in goosebumps. 
“So, when we get out of here, are you gonna finally let me take you for that drink?” 
You huff in response and turn to find his deep brown eyes looking into yours. He smiles brightly, the muscles in his chiseled jaw tensing. 
“Admiral Holdo just sacrificed her life for us, Dameron. For The Resistance. Don’t you have any respect?” 
“That’s Commander Dameron.” he corrects. “Besides, what happened with the Admiral, it put some things in perspective for me.” 
“Isn’t it just Captain, now?” 
 “Commander, Captain, I don’t care what you call me. As long as you call me.” 
You roll your eyes in response to the wink he gives you and brush his shoulder with yours as you storm off. You continue checking the blasters, making sure the mineral deposits from the atmosphere haven’t compromised their integrity. That’s where Poe later finds you, deep in concentration, when he decides to give it one more shot. He grips the buckle of his belt and leans up against the tall crates of blasters. 
“That wasn’t a no.” 
You rise from your chair, looking around for an excuse to get out of this conversation. You spot General Leia across the room and catch her eyes. She waves you over and you toss the blaster on to the chair. “You’re out of your mind, Captain . Gotta go.” 
“I’m not delusional, I’m just optimistic!” Even though your back is turned to him, you can almost see the grin of his stupid, handsome face. 
He loves this back and forth, the push and pull, even more than you do. The trigger-happy flyboys never want the easy target. The fun is half the chase. And you’ve no doubt he’ll show you the other half. 
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jacaerysgf · 1 year
Heyy, would you write something with aemond, perhaps an arranged marriage and struggling conceiving… feel free to ignore
"still nothing?"
you felt like a kicked puppy. sitting in a chair looking down at your lap while alicent talked with her son, your husband.
You were from a minor house from the north, stripped from your home and taken down south to marry the prince in the hopes to secure a more friendly relationship between the south and north.
you were however failing the one job you were given. you felt sick to your stomach.
when you first met aemond you felt like you had won the greatest prize, thanking whatever gods we're listening for giving you such a blessing. He was kind, much kinder than any other man had been. he treated you with respect and even made sure you were taken care of in the bedroom.
something that still irked you about him was that you couldn't tell if he genuinely liked you. sure his actions were kind but he never really spoke to you. seven hells he never even kisses you.
he was a very strange man but you grew to love him all the same. it had been a couple months since the two of you had been married and were still unable to conceive.
aemond shook his head and alicent sighed, rubbing her temples before turning back to you. you would normally apologize but today you feel so embarrassed about it.
"you're dismissing dear."
you stand and silently make your way towards the door and exit. this was humiliating, what was wrong with you? why couldn't you just do this one thing? you didn't look at aemonds expression and you didn't want to, expecting to see disappointment and anger.
you didn't even notice you had left your notebook in alicents room, you had to go fetch you. as much as you didn't want to go back in there you needed to get your notebook so you quickly turn around to go get it.
once you reach the door you lift your hand to knock but freeze at the conversation inside.
"it has been months aemond! aegon and heleana had there children swiftly after marriage yet this one is not happening." there is silence and alicent sigh in anger at aemonds quietness.
"maybe its time we consider other options aemond. shes clearly not producing any heirs and the royal line must continue."
You stumble back with tears in your eyes. No you couldn't lose aemond. you gulp, why? why were you so useless that you couldnt do this one thing? his silence is everything. you rush away quickly to your room., ignore the odd stares from the maids.
you hide yourself under the covers of your bed and allow yourself to cry.
The day passes and the sun sets while you rot in bed. the door opens and your eyes shoot open. hes too early. its much too early in the day despite it being night for him to be returning now.
you pray he doesn't come over to you. you can hear his footsteps suddenly pause for a moment and you hold your breath. he lets out a sigh and his footsteps move closer to you.
youre frozen. he suddenly rips the sheet off of you and you shriek, burying your head into the pillow. "my lady..." his words are soft, in a pleading tone which tugs at your heart.
"my prince." you mumble into the pillow, not wanting to face him. he sighs once more and places a hand on your back.
"are you feeling well? you did not attend dinner." ah dinner was it really that late? you two always had dinner together. he must have come looking once you didnt show.
"im sorry my prince, i lost track of time."
he notes you dont answer his question, "my lady, if something is bothering you please tell me."
your eyes well up with tears again, why did he have to be so sweet? you suddenly sit up, a sudden rush of emotions floods you.
"please do not find another lady."
he gives you a bewildered look, "whatever are you talking about my lady."
you looks down as the tears begin to flow heavily, "im sorry i haven't conceived yet. please just allow me to try again, i can i promise please do not find somebody else to do it."
You let out a sob as you finish, you loved him so much you did not want him to go looking for someone else.
he places a hand on you chin and forces you to look up at him.
"i would never do such a think. i do not know where you got such an absurd idea from but it shall never happen, you are my wife. i am with you till death do us part."
you sniffle, "but the queen had suggested-"
he lets out a sigh and shakes his head, "is that what this is about?" you quickly shut up and sighs again.
"she had suggested it when you had left yes. but i had told her no. you are my wife."
"but what if i am unable to-"
"it does not matter."
"but the queen..."
he looks you in the eyes and you feel yourself melt in the warmth. "there is nobody else other than you. and there shall never be."
he kisses you. it had been the first time since your wedding he had kisses you and you never felt happier.
once he pulled away he rested his forehead onto yours. "it shall always be you."
he pulls away and gives you a smile, "plus it has only been a few months since he have married, there are still plenty more opportunities for you to get pregnant."
safe to say, it wasnt long since after the doctors confirmed you were indeed pregnant.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
I’ve got one more request in my brain and then I’ll stop for a while…maybe
So this one is an solo? I.H.A where y/n is doing stand up! Halfway through Jax is egging on reader and going “boo get off the stage” which causes y/n to stop and rail into Jax in the vein of “that’s why yo mama dead” this goes on for 10 minuets, everyone shocked and Caine’s jaw in the earth. Then y/n drops the mic and walks off. If it’s possible could I also add the others reaction to this? Thanks! ❤️❤️ ps your writing is great
Stand up Comedy where you get back at a rude audience member
wasnt too sure what to name this since its not exactly a shipping thing, maybe, i think... i dunno!! this post may be a little short, may not be, we shall see! erm!! warning i do not have good humor i think, like i am unfunny finally getting to requests for today; took me a little longer than usual since i went out to go get some breakfast and i threw together some dough for cinnamon rolls today also gentle reminder ! currently requests are closed so i can catch up on my inbox and take a short break! i dont have a set time for them to open again, but i aim to reopen in a few days! any new requests sent in will be void; its nothing against you my inbox is just flooded rn and i need to empty it out </3
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caine thought it would be a good idea for you guys to do a little comedy night; be it for bonding or for entertainment you werent sure
however throughout the night, jax was calling out to whoever was on stage and trying to either steal their show or simply being mean
so far, pomni had gone (who froze up on stage the second the lights were on her), gangle (poor girl was bullied off stage by jax), kinger (who just rambled about cool bug facts)
needless to say so far the night was a bit of a disaster
currently, zooble was up on stage, not even making an attempt to do jokes. any jokes they did make were a bit on the darker side; and of course, jax was loudly cutting in
"you know what? <> this!" zooble drops the prop mic and storms off the stage, the air being a tense afterwards
you feel caine nudging your side, alerting you that you were up next
you internally sighed, you really didnt want to do this, in fact it seemed like just about everyone didnt want to do this
jax immediately started on his bullshit before you even had a chance to open your mouth, already booing. from on the stage you could see ragatha giving him a look
you tried to begin again, before jax made a comment on how quiet you were
"oh course you'd know about sound, seriously have you seen how big your feet are? you slap the floor instead of stomping"
zooble lets out a choked laugh, and you can see caine jerk forward as he tried to contain a surprised laugh
jax narrows his eyes, and he opened he mouth
"hang on wait when was the last time you brushed your teeth? i mean come on man, youre teeth are yellow. maybe the reason no ones been laughing is because theyre choking from how bad your breath smells"
gangle holds her hands over her mouth, seemingly in shock. kingers eyes darted between you and jax, and pomni held a similar expression to gangle... jax, of course, was fuming, trying to rattle off a come back, ultimately failing and stammering that his teeth are meant to be that color
you had to admit, it was odd seeing jax finally being knocked down a peg, but it was satisfying in its own way
you kind of ragged on him for another minute before seeing yourself off stage
the entire room was silent
caine pulled his lower jaw off the floor, and regained himself, before letting jax know it was his turn up next
tonight was going to be a long night...
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ink4blotches · 1 year
https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/spiderman/images/c/cb/Spider-Woman_Vol_7_1_Variante_Chew_Sin_texto.png/revision/latest?cb=20200722230535&path-prefix=es Sorry if this request is kinda long but could I please request a Pavitr Prabhakar dating shy reader who’s from the same dimension as Miles, even best friends with Gwen Stacy & is (blonde) Peter Parker & Mj adopted daughter, well known superhero spider person who had a blood transfusion along with venom blasts from her dad, maybe showing him her dad base or hanging out one of their dimensions, just fluff
YOU ALREADY KNOW IT!!!! I gotchu anon ;))
Word Ct.:898
Without further ado...
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JEALOUS?(Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader)
"So, did you really make all this stuff?" He asks as he continues to walk around.
"Yeah...I did." I smile a bit at Pav's amazement. He's way smarter than me, yet he's so amazed by the simplest stuff..
"This is seriously cool, Y/N. These web grenades..." He picks one up and before I can warn him it explodes in his face.
Yeah, those were still in progress.
"....are awesome. I need some of these in my life!" Pav excitedly yells, shaking the webbing off his face.
"They're not THAT impressive..." I voice to him as I walk over, rubbing off some of the web that he missed.
He suddenly grabs my hand.
"Are you kidding?! I mean, web grenades with rainbow webs?! What have we been doing all these years!" He shakes my hand in both of his as he smiles.
"Yeah...those were actually Miles' idea. Couldn't have done it without him." I say, and it's true. Despite Pav being my literal boyfriend, the boy that's been in my lab the most is actually Miles.
Crazy, right? "Okay, but seriously. How come you didn't show me any of this sooner?!" Pav fanboys over a bunch of the stuff in my lab.
"Uh...I dunno, it's not that cool." I say, living at nothing on the ground. I invited him here so we could hang out, free of..prying eyes.(she means Miles).
But the entire time he's been here, all he's done is fanboy over stupid spider gadgets.
Maybe I should just venom strike him-
"You okay Y/N? You're quiet..." Pav raises an eyebrow at me, setting down one of my prototypes and walking over.
"Huh? Oh- no I'm fine- I'm okay!" I mentally slap myself for being so awkward. He stares at me for a second while I try to hide my panic.
"Ohhhh, I get it. You're jealous!" Pav wiggles his eyebrows at me. "Um, what?" I ask with the most blank face I've ever mustered.
"I've been spending too much time worshipping your inventions and not enough time worshipping you!" Pav concludes.
I bring a hand up to cover my face.
"Jealous?" I ask with a sigh, knowing he's right but not wanting to straight up admit it.
"I mean, I would be jealous too if I was you. Don't worry, I'll leave your stuff alone!" He smiles at me, taking one of my hands in his.
"Thanks!" I try not to look like a complete idiot in front of him.
"Pft, I'm sorry. It's just so obvious that you're trying not to freak out and it's so cute!" He exclaims, laughing lightly.
Once he stops, we just stand next to each other in awkward silence.
"You know, it's nice being with you." Pav admits. I swear my heart is literally about to explode. But don't freak, it's cool. Say something cool Y/N.
"Really?" Totally blew it.
"Yeah, really. You're like a breath of fresh air from my universe. I love Mumbattan, but there's always..." He trails off, seemingly searching for a word.
"Traffic?" I guess. He lets out a laugh. "Yeah, traffic. But spending time with you takes my mind off the...traffic." Pav shrugs, hiding a small grin that plays onto his face.
"Uh....spending time with you makes my traffic go away too." I mumble.
I want to jump off a building without my web shooters.
"...I'll take it." Pav laughs with a little shake of his head.
After another moment of silence, we both try to speak at once.
"Sorry fo-/I love y-."
"Wait what did you say?" I ask, my eyebrows almost shooting off my face.
"Huh? Nothing. What did you say?" Pav asks, looking equally shocked.
There's a brief silence before we both start laughing.
"You don't have to say it back or anything, I just thought I should tell you." Pav finally says as we're seated next to each other on a blanket.
"I...loveyoutoo." I blurt out. He sits up, looking at me with comically large eyes.
It's almost like he's a fictional character sometimes with those wonky expressions..
"What was that? Didn't hear you!" Pav smiles, urging me to say it again.
"...nope." I shake my head at him while he begs me to say it again.
Suddenly, he places his hand on my cheek lightly and I almost have a whole heart attack.
"You had...your earring almost fell off-." Pav stutters a bit, handing me the earring I was wearing. Meanwhile, his other hand is still resting with no rent on my cheek.
"Yeah, okay." I smile at him, putting my hand on top of his. He leans in slightly and panic mode instantly reactivates.
No, that's crazy! We've only been dating fr 7 months- or do couples usually kiss within the first 7 months?!
This is some marriage type behavior!
But do I want to kiss Pav? Yes! Obviously, is that even a question?! I mean seriously- but what if I'm bad at kissing?
Does my breath smell?
I realize he's getting closer, a little bit TOO close.
Suddenly I hear a loud knock before the door to my lab flies open.
Pav and I back away from each other at lightning speed.
MJ stands there with a hand on her hip.
"Well...dinners ready..."
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aristotlecoyote · 1 year
Oh that's awesome, I was thinking something with pedro pascal x ftm reader where reader is also in media (any form of it you like) and pedro sees reader playing/holding one of his friends baby, he had always thought of starting a family but held back not knowing reader's reaction but he brings it up and reader reacts to it positively but is nervous. (And then if you want you can have like little time skips to show the progress and then they have the kid/s) you can totally ignore this if it made you uncomfortable or if you don't feel like writing it :)
-🦝(also can I be this anon if it's not already taken)
Here you go Raccoonon!
Pedro and baby make three Warnings: Pregnancy, children It was an uneventful interview. The questions were on topic. The interviewer was nice but she had her kid with her. You had never been that good with children but the little tot was fussing in their parent's arms so much that you offered to hold them. You knew this person well enough, you met them at every con, every red carpet, every event, they were there with their hard hitting questions.
“They have always been fussy.” The interviewer said handing the child to you with gentle hands. “Ever sine they were born.”
You chuckled as the kid started to settle on your lap. Playing with your necklace and microphone as they babbled through the questions with you.
“Quite the talker! Do you interview them at home?” You asked “Oh wait sorry. You are asking the questions here.”
The two of you laughed. The next question confused you but the little guy was quick to answer. You bounced them up and down on your knee, let them hold your finger as you tried to come up with something that didnt let any spoilers through the cracks.
But other then that, the interview went off without a hitch.
You stepped off the little set piece and through a door to your loving boyfriend, Pedro. He had been watching through a tiny window in the door and it looked like he was almost about to cry.
“What's wrong, babe?” You tilt your head to the side and watch him melt as he pulls you close.
“Nothing, just thinking about some stuff”
The “stuff” wasnt brought up until the two of you were safe at home. Away from the cameras, away from the questions.
“Have you...” Pedro turned away from you for a second, his face flushing. “Have you ever thought of having a kid?”
You are taken a back by the question. You hadn't but that was mostly because of you dysphoria clouding your view as you got into the spot light.
“Well, no I haven't” You hesitate “Why?”
Pedro shifted, he took your hand and squeezed “I was just watching that interview and you looked so happy entertaining that little guy. I just started thinking... Would you like to have a kid some day?”
“With you?” You asked. It earned you a nod as his brown eyes turn back to look into yours. “I think I would love a little Pedro running around.”
After that night, you and pedro tried and tried for a baby. You talked to doctors about safely going off your hormones and taking different ones that would help you concieve.
It took a few years but eventually you were hunched over the bathroom sink with two cups with pregnancy tests turn into them. You waited. You stared with bated breath hoping that maybe this time it would come back positive. Pedro was off on a shoot. You had taken time off from filming so the stress wouldn't hurt your chances but the stress of so many failed tests didn't seem to help either.
You buried your head in your hands as the timer clicked down. What if it was negative again? Its been two years, maybe you should just give up on the dream of having a child with Pedro because you couldn't handle the sad look in his eyes again.
Bling Bling Bling
Swiping the timer off, you take the first test out of its cup and shook the liquid off. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Then turned it over and opened your eyes.
In a rush of excitement you take the other one out. Its positive too.
“Ah. Oh my god!” You cheer into the empty apartment.
You wash your hands then dial Pedro for a video call.
He answers after a few rings. His tone soft as he tried to get the camera on his face. “Hey babe. We are kind of in the middle of a— Is that?”
All he could see the was positive test. He cheered “ARE YOU SERIOUS!”
He got shushed by everyone on the set. Pedro mouthed “Sorry” then rushed to leave the soundstage
“ARE YOU SERIOUS!?” he repeated.
“Yes! We're having a baby!”
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bridgyrose · 6 months
Could we please get some Joanna x Willow romantic cuddle-smut, pretty please?
(Went a bit more sfw for this one)
Willow hesitated for a moment as she watched Joanna take off her coat, a blush starting to cross her lips as she poured another glass of wine for the two of them. Her eyes kept glancing at the muscles the huntress had, enjoying the company much more than she did Jacques. “You’re sure you’re okay with this? I cant exactly pay you without my husband questioning where the money is going, but I can make sure a hefty donation is sent to you and your huntress group-” 
“That wont be necessary, Mrs. Schnee,” Joanna said as she sat down next to Willow. “This is still a mission that I accepted, even if it is a bit… unorthodox. Though, Robyn did suggest we branch out with what we do.” 
“Still, I’m glad you accepted. Seems to be the only way I can help Mantle anymore.” 
“Why do you care so much about Mantle? Dont you Atleaseans hate us?” 
Willow paused for a moment at the accusation, slowly picking up the wine glass and swirling the wine around. She had always cared about Mantle, its where her family was from, where her father Nicholas grew up. And while she was born into Mantle and raised in Atlas, she never forgot those roots, always looking for ways to help the people of Mantle whenever Atlas abandoned them. Though, after marrying Jacques, it became harder to give Mantle any sort of support. First it was the questions about where the money was going to, who she was spending time with or buying out, then came the rants about how the citizens were ungrateful about the jobs that were opened as more dust mines were reclaimed, the way he talked about the faunus as tools more than people, the threats he gave about shutting down every dust shop the SDC supplied until the workers would submit to him. All the while getting pushed away in the marriage she never wanted, raising her kids to resent her as she fell to drinking to numb the pain of having to watch everything her father had built be destroyed by greed. 
“Is everything okay?” Joanna asked. 
Willow took a sip of her wine, savoring the taste as she sat the glass back down. “Everything is fine, just having a few second thoughts.” 
“About this?” 
“About my choices that were out of my control.” Willow took a breath and put up a fake smile as she adjusted how she sat on the couch, leaning in towards Joanna. “But I’ll be fine with you. Assuming a strapping, young huntress such as yourself can handle someone like me.” 
Joanna rolled her eyes a bit. “I can handle you.” 
“And what about your alcohol?” Willow sat up a bit and grabbed a second glass of wine to hand to Joanna, her blush growing as she really looked over Joanna. She had always prided herself on being able to act like a proper woman should whenever she needed to, but being with a huntress like Joanna, being with a woman who didnt want to use her for her money or status, was here of her own volition when the request was put on the Mantle mission board instead of being forced or paid to show like an escort. 
She bit down on her lip as she offered the glass to Joanna, swirling the wine around to get the aroma in the air. “You can relax, enjoy yourself. Get comfortable. This “mission” of yours today isnt one that you have force yourself to do anything for my enjoyment, today is a day for you to spend time with an old woman who wants a bit of company.” 
Joanna took the glass of wine, setting it down next to her. “And what kind of company are you looking for, exactly? Usually when an Atleasean pays for a huntsman for company-” 
“I dont want anything like that. What I want is for someone to be comfortable, to want to be here.” Willow drained the rest of the wine from her glass and got up to grab a bottle of whiskey, gently pouring it like she did the wine. “To spend time with a… washed up huntress who’s married to a man who wants nothing more than money.” 
“You should probably sit down before you hurt yourself.” 
Willow took a sip of her whiskey, sitting down next to Joanna and leaning in close to her. She enjoyed the feel of the huntress against her, feeling safer than she had in years, feeling more comfortable than she ever knew she could. A smile crossed her lips as she started to get comfortable against Joanna, draining the last of the whiskey from her glass. “All I want is someone to cuddle with.” 
Joanna sighed and put an arm around Willow, gently running her fingers along her side. “And you’re sure this is all you want?” 
Willow nodded, content against the huntress as she cuddled against her. “Just cuddling. Safety.” She relaxed a bit and closed her eyes to doze off, listening to Joanna’s heart beat. “Like things used to be.”
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Howdy! I hope that you are doing well! I was wondering if I could request yandere engie (tf2) who is trying to get his s/o used to physical contact such as hand holding etc.
Yes, of course!
Yandere engineer x reader physical contact
Tw: past kidnapping, gaslighting, threats, vague sexual undertones, forced affection, one forced kiss, invasion of privacy. Dead Dove DNE
If you want a slightly lighter version lmk
Dell was tired, more tired than he’d been in a while. While he loved you more than anything you’d been more skittish lately. He never knew you’d take a hit this hard, he understood that he kidnapped you. He wasn’t that crazy, he understood that was difficult to cope with. But you had to learn at some point that you were gonna be with him from now on. Which meant at some point, you’d have to give him affection.
He knew that right now you didn’t care about him as a partner. You’d told him several times prior you loved him as a friend, but if you could be friends you could be partners. Dell stuck to that idea with his whole chest. He didn’t need a fancy chart or nothing to tell him that. The one thing racing through this bulldogs mind was the need for contact.
You refused to come out of your room.
He’d given you enough space to come out on your own where he waited at the end of the hallway. When you moved to duck back into your room he stopped you with a whistle.
“Where you think you’re going silly thing?” You frowned at the ground, trying not to look him in the eye. He stepped forward now, threat clear in his posture.
You had to answer.
“I forgot my journal.”
“No you didnt.”
“Why do you think-“ you tried to snap before you closed your own mouth. From the satchel on his belt he procured a notebook. He opened the pages and leaned against a wall.
“Journal entry one,
Today I met the handsomest man in New Mexico. Which isn’t much to say considering I don’t have a very high opinion of anyone else. I think he’s faking the whole accent for the ladies around, but aside from that I find him.”
He smirked evily at your shocked expression.
You lunged at him with no semblance of thought. The hidden need for privacy rearing it’s ugly head, and your lack of thought is what led you straight into Dells arms.
He dropped the book and stepped a bit to the side in an instant. His cheeky grin grew wider as he felt you come into contact with his elbow. The moment he did, he stepped behind you and constructed you. Effectively trapping you against him.
You bucked up frantically, only realizing your mistake as you felt his muscles press into your midsection. The way he was holding you felt bruising and too intimate. You thrust yourself down to now avail. He laughed in amusement before placing a small trail of kisses from your ear to your shoulder.
You whined in fear at his next move but all he did was steadily waddle the two of you to the living room.
“All that fuss over a diary honey?” He asked in a tone free of condensention. Though you imagined he made it sound that was to pretend like he cared. You couldn’t move on your own now. It dawned on you that your feet weren’t touching the ground.
“Bet it’s kinda silly, goin’ through all that hard work only to end up back in my arms? Down you go!” He set you down flat on the ground and before you could run he grabbed your hand.
The speed in which his gloved hand shot towards you hurt your fingers and you were almost certain he broke something. You held back a sob and a gasp of shock as he spun and dipped you over the edge of the couch.
In a desperate attempt to plead with him not to do what you assumed he was going to you backed up.
Dell held his hands up, big brown eyes showing clear offense at the mention of it.
“Whoa now honey, I never claimed to want and do that now.” You breathed heavily, not believing him for a second. He must’ve liked the game. At any second now he’d pounce.
“I’ll even sit on the other end of the couch.”
And so he did. On the opposite end of the room he sat, and he sat comfortably.
His legs were spread, presenting his lap freely. His arm lay on the armrest and the other on his thigh. He smiled at you like he used to.
You’d sat on his lap before but now that you knew the context you wanted to vomit.
“I’ll kill you.”
“You keep telling yourself that sugar. You’re stuck here without me, without a key to the outside, nor any other friends in the world. Ones that care- anyway.”
His voice got darker.
“So you better make a darn good choice about your next few actions.”
He was glaring now.
You wanted to sit up, but fear kept you down on the sofa.
“You’re going to let me leave if I want to right?”
“You ain’t in the position to bargain with me sug’ I’ll decide when you leave.” There was the condescending tone.
You resigned yourself, sliding off the couch that in any other circumstance wouldn’t have seemed submissive, and rather it would’ve been funny.
You tried to lighten the mood as you crawled your way over. You couldn’t get your legs to work.
“You remember a similar time at Kaseys?” He smiled warmly at the botched attempt at connection. He indulged you with a hand to help you up on his lap.
“You mean when you spilled wine all over yourself and to not get it on her sofa slid onto her tile?”
“Yeah” You chuckled awkwardly, throwing your leg around his thick thighs. Ending up only being able to sit on one with a bit of discomfort.
“When you had to take off your shirt in front of everyone because it was wet and you were drunk” he pushed your back so you were chest to chest. Your chin rested on his shoulder and his other arm (gunslinger) came around your hips.
“When I had to tell the folk to clear the room so I could get the mess sorted.”
“I-“ you wanted to ask him to stop going on. It was embarrassing. But the embarrassment made you forget the situation.
He squeezed you teasingly, reminding you of that night.
“The night you pressed against me and asked me if I’d marry you?”
You used what little strength you had to push yourself away, opting to refute before you saw his expression. He took your hands in his and stared at you earnestly.
“And if I am gong to be honest my dear, I would not want a single thing more than that.”
He pressed a surprise kiss to your lips. An action not appreciated, as you bit him hard. He only groaned against it. You flipped shit and ran, pushing him away by his face, and barreling to your room.
You slammed the door and let the tears run down freely. But he didn’t come after you.
He just smiled and sat back.
That was painful.
But it was progress.
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found-wings · 9 months
me rereading the excerpt you wrote over and over again trying to think of fluff / comfort ideas and guess what I DIDNT THINK OF ANYTHING but yknow what I DID THINK OF :D
the "did cucurucho drag him or did he willingly go by himself?" back to the federation buildings has me thinkingggggggggg of the astonishingly painful mental image of etoiles heading back to spawn after exploring, and seeing phil after who knows what event had occurred (could be a code-influenced outburst, could be glitching, could be breaking a federation rule, could be attempting to fly again) who's so clearly out of it, just slowly making his way back to a federation building in order to be found by cucurucho to be taken back for further alteration.
I imagine that at first he'd be outwardly confused and chatty about it, asking how he's purposefully going back to them, and it's nothing but a bad idea to ever go to them for any sort of 'help' when any issue he needs can surefully be solved on the island by his own terms
and if phil is still to out of it to properly register the valid counterpoints being given then I think etoiles would just walk phil back home himself and stay there for a little while after to make sure no federation workers are going to try to take phil back when he's much more vulnerable then normal. especially if this is around the time after they'd Just built back his fighting spirit from the second set of federation-controlled 'repairs' - 💿
Oh my god I literally just woke up and now my brain is entirely awake to brainrot over this WHEEZE
Gods just imagine Phil who is slowly dragging himself with heavy steps back to a Federation Building. He‘s grabbing at his own hands and wrists, fidgeting with them as he mumbles something about imperfect, imperfect, imperfect—
His breathing is unusually heavy no matter how many times he tries to steady it. His head is slightly hung as he whispers to himself, distraught and entirely out of it. In his core he knows how wrong this is and yet all his mind can think about his how imperfect he is.
Imagine Etoiles having just gotten back from his exploration, arriving at spawn and opening up his communicator so he can send a message to someone, only for him to catch Phil walking along. His alarm bells go off immediately and he approaches Phils oddly fragile looking figure, starting up a chat about what he‘s up to, what‘s been going on, etc.
It doesn’t take much to realise how out of it Phil truly is, barely registering what Etoiles is even saying when he‘s trying to use valid counterpoints.
Imagine Etoiles looking around briefly to check for any Federation Workers before walking Phil back to his home on the wall. Now with the state Phils in, Etoiles doesn‘t like to realise how close Phil actually lives near some of the Federation buildings.
Imagine the two of them arriving up at the wall, Etoiles making sure that Phil stays in the protected area of his home and waiting around for a little bit, mainly chatting around and maybe showing a few items to Phil to pass time and distract, so he knows Phil doesn’t try to instantly go back again.
Eventually Etoiles makes his way out to continue on with his day, with a mental note to check up on Phil later - only to be met with a certain white bear standing in front of him with a small greeting and a big smile.
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vlassk · 2 years
Banshee part 6
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AN- I've started working more so I can't write as much, I'm so exxited for stranger things amd I also don't want to Burn out before the final episodes of Season 4
Paring- Henry Creel x reader
Warning- more romance, death abuse, crying
Summary- the romance between you and peter grows and grows. The surgery was a success and your new feelings aren't what you were used to.
It was now morning, you had the best sleep you've ever had, knowing you can feel death again and knowing the moment you shared with peter wasn't for nothing made your morning and night brighter. You finished getting dressed and walked out of your tiny room you ran into Dr. Brenner
"Oh hello Y/n...how are you this morning?" He stops him self from walking anymore, turning to look at you as you shut your door.
"I'm good, very good actually! I'm really happy today and I just feel like things will go well." You smile getting excited at your own thoughts
"Well i should go help the kids with breakfast ..." You start to walk away slowly. Not wanting to offend the man
"Wait y,n one more thing..." Turning at brenners words you see his face. The smile gone but you know He isn't mad or sad.
"Tell peter I said hello. Also your surgery for your senses will be next week. Stay safe kiddo" Brenner smiles and walks in the opposite direction. The smile on your face could be seen even from the turned around man. You smiled and turned away, walking to the Cafeteria.
When you walked in you were greeted by some of the kids. Their smiles and happiness made you feel safe and at Home. You never had any siblings. Never really had friends. You know for a fact that your parents would be proud. At least your mother.
"Look who decided to wake up..." Peter walks up to you slightly bumping into you.
"Yeah yeah. At least I slept good" you stick your tongue out at the Blonde man. He looks away and smiles. Turning back to you
"Yeah your right it would have been better with you" he smiles one last time and walk away, getting the attention of one of the kids. Striking a conversation. You nod at his words and talk to another child, number two using his abilities to make the food float to entertain his friends.
"Hey Two. Your skills are so sharp! Papa would be so proud" he give the boy a thumbs up, he normally would ignore you but this time a small smile was shown as he kept doing his own thing.
As time went on you went tour separate ways from Peter. The both of you would semi flirt when you passed each other by.
The Day was longer than you would have liked but you got through the lessons and tests, even making it through The kids dinner. The staff sets up for their own dinner.
You sit down with your food, waiting for peter to show. As time went on he didnt. You see the faces of your coworkers. Judging you slightly.
You finally get up, throw your food away and walk out. As you slowly walk through the dimly lit hallways you hear grunting and groans. You didnt know where or who. As you walk you hear a door burst open. Small groans and thumping. Walking towards the noise you crouch down, looking at Dr. Brenner watch over two guards drag Peters limp body. You watch as he kicks a little, one of the guards bringing out a shock stick and striking him with it. His body seizes and then goes limp again. You freeze, watching from the corner as they drag him through the hall, Brenner following them slowly. As you follow slowly and at a distance they stop at Peters room, Brenner opening the door as the guards throw him down and shut it. Brenner talks to the guards for a minute and then they all leave.
You run towards his room and open the door. Seeing peter bloodied and beaten.
"Peter.." You fall on your knees, and play with his hair softly.
"What are you doing here." Peter opens one of his eyes and looks at you, his breath short and his eyes slowly closing.
"You didn't go to dinner and I found you bring dragged out." You start to cry, you grip onto his chest. Leaning down and crying more.
"Pft...gosh you've always been a crybaby" he reaches a hand up and puts it on your head. Petting you softly
"It wasn't your fault...you know how papa can be towards me sometimes" peter only tried to get more comfortable, as you slowly lifted your head you notice the struggle
"Let's get you to bed" Peter sat up slowly. Groaning in pain at every move, you slowly lift him, helping him move to the bed inches away, it felt like hours moving him even if the distance was so short. When you finally for him onto the bed He instantly leaned against the wall. Watching as you sat down on the edge of his bed.
A small smile on his face
"What are you smiling about..they hurt you..." You look at him. His smile still showing.
"I'm sorry its just. I'm happy you're here. And I rather you be here than be alone" you rolled your eyes and wiped a tear away.
" I'm a mess though. I can't sleep like this.." He sighed and felt the pain run through his body again as he tried to unbutton his shirt.
"Stop hurting yourself more..I'll help" you sit closer to him, letting his arms fall limp, you slowly start to unbutton peters shirt. He looked off to the side as you tried not to hurt the beaten boy.
"This is embarrassing..." Peter finally looked at you, his face red.
"Why?" You laugh a bit, sliding the shirt off of him.
"I mean...look at the mess you saw me in"
He signed as you moved over, you went through his drawer and pulled out pants and a shirt, tossing it to him and then sitting to look in a corner.
"Not the first time. Remember that one time I slapped Brenner... I was like a teen and they shocked me to the point I couldn't breathe...I had the bruises for weeks"
"Yeah i hated whenever they hurt you" peter struggled as he took off his white pants in exchange for the new ones. Once he sat down you slowly turned around, seeing him still shirtless.
Your face went red as you turned back around.
"What? You literally helped undress me, plus who sleeps with a shirt on when the heaters always on this season" he shakes his head watching you slowly turn around.
"Well i hope you have a great sleep. Goodnight!" You pat his head and turn to leave, peter grabbing your hand before you could go.
"You said you would stay.." You turn back again looking at his face. He was desperate for you to stay, you pickes up the old shirt and threw it over his face.
"Don't look you creep" you walk over to his drawers again, picking out clothes and changing quickly. As you sat back down peter took the shirt off. Smiling as he saw you.
You slowly went under his bed sheets, him seeking in the bed and wrapping an arm around you.
"If i had my senses I would be able to save you all those times" you sigh looking up at him. His smile fades as he looks down at you
"Don't say that. You could have never known" his arms wrapping around you more.
"I could feel the pain of my mother before she died... I could have felt yours and helped more... Been there before."
"Stop thinking about all that. Your abilities aren't everything...you're so much more than all that and I like you just as you... Even if you could I wouldn't let you, because its never your fault" peter slowly stroked the back of your head. Playing with your hair.
"You...felt your mom die?" Peter asked hesitantly. As you looked back up at him you nodded slowly.
"Yeah when I was first getting these abilities I would know when someone died. I felt my dads before it happened, and when it was happening to my mother... It felt as him I was hurting." You hugged him more. Holding your head down.
"I'm sorry that happened. I can't imagine it" peter kissed the top of your head. You smiled and reached up to kiss him. A big smile planted on both of your faces.
"You need sleep Peter... Let's sleep okay?" He nodded and finally rested his head. You both slowly drifted off to sleep.
A week past since the shared kiss. You and Peter have been meeting on and off when you both had time. The guard who would constantly walk in on you two finally started to actively talk to you.
It was the day of your surgery. Brenner had set everything up and you found yourself in the a white surgical room. Sitting nervously in the bed.
As the doctors walk in they start prepping. One inserted a needle in you, and slowly you felt the room fade away.
As you slept you dreamt of your family. You would be going to college and being able to see your family happy and alive. You would still know peter and your life would be better.
The life you lived was perfect, too perfect, and as you sat alone in your own mind you felt yourself slowly being pulled out of your dream.
You woke up with a jolt, you slowly felt up to your neck.
"Hey stop that" you turn quickly to only see peter. He rolled his eyes and walked towards you.
"You're going to make it infected, do we need to put a cone on you?" Peter looked deep into your eyes, slowly moving your hand away.
"Your throat will be a little Soar but nothing like before" peter pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear.
You lean back too afraid to speak. Thinking it might be nothing.
"Y/n trust me you'll be okay...say something. Trust me" peter sat at the edge of the bed.
As you slowly inhaled and exhaled you looksd up at peter. He could see the fear.
You shake your head and turn around. Laying on your side.
Peter rubbed your back and sat with you waiting for the nurses to check you out.
Finally you got checked out. You walked slowly next to peter as he walked you to your room
"I have to work now. But please at least while I'm away speak. Use your voice so you can used to it" peter kisses your head again and leaves.
You sit alone in your bed. You get bored and slowly exit your room. Walking to Eleven room. You shoo off the nurse and sit next to the girl.
She plays around with some of her toys
"H-hey eleven" you say quietly. Surprised to hear sound..
She waves at you and smiles, the happiness in your heart when she would reply.
You and Peter had been dating for two years. Your senses finally came back and every now And then the feeling of death would roam over you.
It was a quiet Night. Peter snuck into your room that night and just as you were about to sleep that same feeling came over. You sat up immediately.
It was different this time, the feeling was different the thing wasn't dead but it was in danger. Not near death this time.
"What's wrong?" Peter propped himself up with his elbow rubbing his eyes to see you.
"I feel someone...in danger..." You were about to get up but peter grabbed you.
"Wait it might not be safe..." Peter pulled you down and hugged you
"What if its her..." You layed on his chest wanting to get up.
"When we leave this place you'll be able to see her. I know she's alive she has to be. If you can feel her maybe its her calling out to you" peter held onto you. Making you feel warm and safe.
"If thats the case then why don't we leave" you look up at him confused.
"I can't leave Eleven. Not with her so young. I can't leave her. I know I won't let her be her full potential not yet" peter pushed your hair back and pulled you up more.
"Don't feel like I'm keeping you here...I know waiting can be too long" peter planted a kiss on your lips. You smiled and gave a small kiss back.
"I will stay here with you as long as you let me" peter laughed at your cheesey remark.
"I mean it though I'm not leaving you, we leave together or I don't go" you hugged the blonde man more. He chuckled feeling how you hugged him.
"I believe you. We are both stuck here but at least we are here together" peter barried his face Into your neck tickling you in the process. You laugh loudly and then smack a hand over your face to shush yourself.
" be quiet, don't want someone to catch me here" with peters words you both see a light in the hallway turn on. And footsteps passing through the light, you cover peter with the blankets. He hides under them and you watch the lights turn off. You slowly uncover peter as you both silently laugh together
'Ok ok.. We need to sleeo. Goodnight peter"
"Goodnight darling"
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howlingday · 2 years
Scarlet Knight, Velvet has a crush on Jaune however finds herself unable to say it outloud to him. One day their paired up for a match and while jaune didnt mean any offense sees this as an easy match...angering her that she beats him in combat however when she realizes the boy she loves is under him she faints making them both lose, in the infirmary she confesses her feelings.
"Next match," Professor Goodwitch called from the ring, "Jaune Arc of Team JNPR will spar, unarmed, against Velvet Scarlatina of Team CFVY."
"Good luck, Jaune. ...Ow." Ruby winced as his fellow team leader returned from the previous match against Cardin. He got one lucky shot in and dropped her aura hard.
"Thanks." Jaune gulped, stepping down to the locker room, ready to get changed.
Velvet may have been smaller than Cardin, but she was also ahead by one year. She probably had some super awesome moves from being the best team of last year. For her, this match would be a piece of cake.
Velvet's heart thundered in her chest. She was straight up freaking out! Full-on panic mode! Why did she agree to participate with the first years?!
Oh, wait! She didn't! Coco signed her up, in a sick attempt at playing matchmaker. Stupid, fashionable, devious Coco! She knew Velvet had a crush on Jaune ever since he helped stop Cardin from bullying her. She didn't know the full details, but she knew he was a major factor in stopping the brute and his gang.
Now here she was, arming out to go all out, toe-to-toe with the boy her near-exploding heart had been set on. Should she go easy on him, or would he think she was too weak? If she went all out, would he be intimidated by her? One wrong move, and her love life would end before it could begin!
She shook her head and took a deep breath. There was nothing she could do now. Everything had been set in stone. She was going to go out into the arena and get face-to-face with the boy she had been thinking about for the past three weeks, three days, twelve hours, and seven minutes.
She just hoped she didn't cry before the end of this.
Jaune watched as Velvet approached, her camera attached to her side, on her belt. The girl was usually a timid sort, but being in her combat gear must have had an effect in her. In fact, she looked so ready to fight, her face reddened at the fight before it began. He was so nervous!
It was times like this when he had to say something to make things easier for him. Something to break the ice and calm his frayed nerves. He tried with Cardin, both out of class and, albeit at the start of the school year, in class.
"I'm, uh, actually glad we're sparring today." Jaune said.
"Really?" Velvet's ears perked up straight. "Why is that, Jaune?"
"Well, I was tired of getting thrashed around by someone as big as Cardin, so-"
"So you think this is going to be easier?" She smiled widely, though it made her look a little awkward.
"W-Well, no, not really." Jaune gulped. "It's just, he's a big, beefy guy, and-"
"And I'm a weak, little girl. Is that it?"
"Begin!" Professor Goodwitch announced.
"No, I'm just saying saying that takes me down in one swing, and you-" Jaune blinked and her knee was moving at 100 miles a minute. He cursed himself and his big mouth.
Velvet was furious! He has the gall to call her weak after everything she's been through? The bullying from Team CRDL? The sexual harassment from her supposed peers? The haunting failure on her mission to Lower Cairn?
She was done being the weak, little bunny. Now she was going to show everyone how strong she really is! Launching herself like a missile, her right knee leading, she crashed directly into Jaune's face. He fell backward, reaching for his nose.
Velvet pinned his wrist with her right, and his opposite forearm with her left. She smashed her left shin into his chest, knocking the wind out of him. Her free hand clenched into a fist and jabbed his pretty face three times. She rolled backwards into a combat stance, hopping on her heels, the balls of her feet touching the ground.
"Get up!" She barked. "Get up and take it like Cardin would!"
Meanwhile, Cardin tugged at his collar in the bleachers. Everyone stared, though a few glared, directly at the tall student. He let out a weak chuckle, excusing himself to the restroom. Professor Goodwitch waved him off, her eyes on the match. He bolted through the doors.
"Fine!" Velvet shouted. "I'll just come over there and make you stand up!" She stomped towards him, fury in her eyes, but tripped just before reaching him and fell on top of him. Her senses soon returned and she was staring face-to-face with Jaune, whose black eye had healed perfectly.
Her breath hitched in her throat as she looked at him. His face was radiant, like looking into the most beautiful light. Like staring into the face of an angel, she could not bare to behold him for very long.
Everything went black, and she fell forward.
Velvet awoke in the infirmary. Wearily, she blinked the tiredness from her eyes. It was dark, and the only light was the glow of the shattered moon from outside. But it was enough light for her eyes to adjust and see Jaune, sleeping next to her in the other bed. He looked so peaceful, and it made her heart flutter.
"Jaune," she sighed, "I am so very sorry about today. I took what you said to personally, and I, well, I lost my temper. The truth is I didn't want to fight you because..." Velvet then swallowed the dry lump in her throat. It was now or never. "It was because I really like you. I don't really know why myself, but when I think about you, I suddenly feel very happy, and I want to share that happiness with you." Velvet sighed. "But there's no point now. You're probably more scared of me than Cardin, and I can't blame you. I did beat the tar out of you, and-"
Velvet heard a snicker from his bed. She looked closer. He was smiling at her, one eye open. She felt heat rush to her face.
"Sorry, sorry." Jaune whispered. "I didn't mean to interrupt. What was it you were saying about beating me up?"
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punchholesinthesky · 7 months
the marvels:
look, i really enjoyed it.
it was a lot of fun!
and i am probably biased cause i am a fan, so i am for whom this movie was made.
i do think it feels a bit rushed.
mainly cause it's trying to do a lot of things at the same time.
captain marvel ends with her setting out on her own to be a hero, wanting to defeat her captors, help the kree.
and then we jump and it's been a long time.
we should've gotten something, just of her being a hero on her own.
going on adventures
so we can come back here and do this whole thing
because we have a villain who's trying to get revenge on her and fix her planet, which we didn't know was broken
we didnt know what had become of her
why her and monica weren't talking
it's the same thing with black widow or cap
black widow got one movie, and everything else was off-screen, when she should've gotten several.
captain america shouldve gotten something between tws and civil war
iron man got several movies of learning to be a hero
if you want to renew the cast, you need to do the same
give them time to breathe.
not just leave it to random moments in other people's adventures
it seems ooc that carol would never come back to see her family, after fighting so hard to regain it
i also have issues with the way the mcu just decided stark enterprised wasnt a thing anymore, now it was damage control and SABER
where did they come from? who cares
they spent the first ten years carefully crafting a universe and then just started throwing random shit at the wall.
some of it is really good but a lot of it doesnt connect anymore
it only works in isolation
carol fucking shit up cause shes angry, then running home when she sees the resulting chaos, and been comforted by her family, and then running back to fix it, that sounds a lot better.
but so often sequels hate to see some decent family relationships, the heroes can never be good parents,things are shit till we almost die and then we fix it before we die
it's more of 'we want to do x, but we don't want to do the work of thinking or showing, why would x happen, how do we drive our characters there' instead it's just 'x is happening, don't ask why'
like, carol is a hot head. if you read the comics you know this. and she has done a lot of dumb,impulsive things.
so her running off and making things worse isn't all that strange really.
but it was obvious from the beginning that she should be the one to fix it, and it makes carol look bad that she doesn't realise that.
that she can fix it.
not even previous attempts to try to fix it.
they wouldn't want her to, but her fucking up can be a good learning moment.
i did something stupid and violent, so now I try not to jump to violence
there was jsut a lot more to do, and i feel like marvel was just cheapening out rather than try to do something more with carol.
cause the other two are great, but it shouldve been more about carol's journey i guess???
they made a point of showing her being a hero in the fucking 90s of saying she's been at this a while, but then we don't get to see any of it, and she doesn't act like someone who does in fact have a lot of experience.
it is a lot of fun, and i will see it again, but yeah i do feel they went for something easy, and there's nothing wrong with that, but it should've come after we get something more substantial
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leithlovesyou · 3 months
Writers truth or dare! 🐇📚🌿
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
OCs. My OCs are my babies
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
...so I actually write in Book’s Discord DMs but here’s that:
He was wet. Of all the things for Kon-El to notice, that was the first. Cold air seeped through the thin suit he wore, sending a shiver down his spine. A ring of seven scientists stood in a ring around his...
...his tube. His *first* tube.
"Experiment Thirteen is a success," one of the scientists breathed. It was the same scene as when he was decanted the first time, the first words he ever heard marking him as an object and not a person. That was a lesson it had taken him most of his life to unlearn. Kon remembered dying after sending Superboy Prime back where he belonged. He remembered staring up intk Cassie's eyes after he saved the world.
Yet here he was, back at the beginning.
He needed out. He needed *Kal*.
It wasn't hard to knock the Cadmus scientists out, followed by the guards. Though his Kryptonian powers were out of reach, his TTK could still get the job done. He fled the underground facility, the setting sun warming his face. He needed to find Kal. Quickly.
Kon couldn't hear as well as he used to, but Superman still could. "Superman," he started, cringing. He didnt know where to begin explaining this. "Kal-El. *Clark*." Kon swallowed. That would certainly get his attention, at least. "I need your help. Meet me behind the Cavandish building. Please. It's urgent."
He was banking on the memory that Kal wasn't dead when he was first decanted. That he was planned far before the death of Superman. He would give it an hour. If Kal didn't show, then he would find Tim. He would know what to do.
Turns out, he didn't have to wait. Kal was there when he landed, hovering menacingly. "Who are you?" He demanded. Didn't it just break Kon's heart to know his father-brother-cousin didn't recognize him.
"Kon-El. Connor Kent." He replied earnestly. "I need help, Kal. I think I time traveled."
So that’s... have fun with that
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity 
Honestly? The best advice I’ve ever been given was “Take it easy, but take it.” Any progress is progress and sometimes you just have a bad day. Even if you get nothing done, typing a few words is better than none. Also sprints are a godsend. Join a writing server. Talk to people. It’ll help
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random-german-cat · 4 months
Okay but Malina def shuts down and goes non verbal as a trauma response. Unlike Shade, who yells and loses her mind (/notneg towards my firstborn child)
Ezra would be rlly scared when it first happens, but just pamper the hell out of her during and after
Ezra was having a rough day. He hadn't gotten much from his hunting trip, patients were needing care left and right, there was no time to wind down. Malina then offered to help cook supper, wanting to take something off of her friend's plate. Ezra was grateful and allowed Malina to help him, that was until he reached his wit's end
Ezra whirled around to see that Malina had dropped a glass bowl and the pieces laid shattered at her feet.
"Oh god dammit, Malina!" Ezra snapped "I asked you to help, not screw this up!" He glared at the hybrid, who's tail instantly curled around her leg and her expression grew guilty
"This was the one thing that was supposed to be easy for me today!" Ezra rambled on and on, laying all of his frustrations on Malina. She didnt move an inch, Ezra's voice grew muffled like it was underwater. Her expression fell flat and the only thing she could hear clearly was her heartbeat and her slow breathing. She couldn't think, couldn't move, and just stared forward
Finally, Ezra had calmed down enough to realize what he did, rubbing his hand over his face
"Shit, jellybean, I'm sorry" he sighed "This isn't your fault.." he looked down at Malina and noticed her condition
"Malina?" There wasn't any response, only a blink from the woman. Ezra started to get worried as he moved around the glass, pulling Malina away from it
"Jellybean, talk to me" Ezra coaxed, but still nothing. "Shit..." he felt awful, knowing he caused this. He picked up Malina and set her on the counter, she was easy to move, but seemingly stiff at the same time
"I gotta clean up the glass first" he explained, knowing she probably couldn't hear him. He cleaned up all the glass before turning back to Malina
"Jellybean?" He asked hopefully, but the only response Malina gave were slow, long breaths and the occasional blink.
"Shit... I'm so sorry.." Ezra wrapped his arms around Malina and held her. He sighed and ran his fingers through her hair
"Y'know.. you really do make my life a lot easier, and a lot less tense.." he confessed, "You're always there to tell me something interesting, or to encourage me, or to just smile at me.. and it means a lot, jellybean. I'm really sorry that this is how I've repaid you..." Ezra went on and on, guilt panging in his soul as he talked to Malina. He did all the things he knew she liked, played with her hair, held her hands, showed her his green flame magic, and she slowly became more and more responsive. Her eyes followed the flames, her hands gently squeezed his hands
Finally she spoke "Soft hands..." she whispered. Ezra had never been so happy to hear Malina's voice.
"Thank you.." he kissed her temple, containing his excitement due to not wanting to overwhelm her right away "Are you okay?.." Malina nodded
"Just.. tired" she answered "I'm sorry.."
"Malina don't you dare apologize- that was completely my fault" Ezra said firmly, looking at Malina. "You were actually an amazing help, and I'm so appreciative of you.."
"Aw.. you're so sweet, Ezra" Malina smiled and held Ezra's hand, "I'm not mad at you.. you've had such a hard day.."
"Yeah, but the only thing that will make my day better is making it up to you.. I'm going cook you dinner, then I have a surprise for you" Ezra promised, kissing Malina's forehead
"Are you sure I can't help?" Malina asked
"You can watch, okay? I don't want you getting hurt" Ezra compromised and pulled Malina off the counter
"Alright, as long as it helps" she said cheerily, watching Ezra as he went back to preparing supper for the night.
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