#you know i had to get Link merch specifically
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When you're finally making that Mythical merch money 🐍
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yumeka-sxf · 6 months
Spy x Family CODE: White release teasers, and some words about spoilers
CODE: White has now been officially released in Japan! And the official sites are still dropping tidbits in the form of new teasers, including this lovely Twiyor scene ❤️
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Some more new footage.
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Links to the teasers.
Since the movie is out now, it goes without saying that spoilers are a very real hazard if that's something you want to avoid. Even though I personally enjoy spoilers, at least for my hyperfixations like SxF, I know many people do not want to be spoiled about the movie and that should be respected. So if you want to share spoiler content, please make sure to give proper tags and warnings!
As for my blog, I will be posting CODE: White spoiler content if I come across it, and will be using the tag "sxf movie spoilers" for content about the movie that hasn't been officially released (as in, you had to have seen the movie yourself or acquired specific merch, like the movie novelization). Official movie content like these teasers will continue to get the general "sxf spoilers" tag.
If you want to see all of my previous CODE: White posts, you can search the sxf movie tag on my blog.
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caesarflickermans · 2 months
thg fans, we need to talk about the "rose map".
with TBOSAS, a new Panem map emerged diverging from previous map iterations. Fans have attempted to explain the stylistic difference as either a Capitol map or an in-universe artistic interpretation resembling a rose.
however, this map resembles a popular fan-made map. let's finally address this.
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[image id: two pictures of a map. the first map has been made by a fan with its social media links included. the second map is titled "history of panem". the first map has several districts marked in a circular form moving inward toward the capitol. the second map is a similar design with the same shapes moving toward an inner centre. it's red colour makes it look like a rose]
Note the resemblance of the District placements and their shapes. District 4 and its island are especially noteworthy.
the original artist has spoken out today on a reddit post. this is their statement:
Hi, I'm aimmyarrowshigh who created this map, and I just wanted to thank you for pointing out here and when it was originally revealed that Lionsgate stole it from me.  They never contacted me to ask about using my Panem map (even though it is copyrighted as part of The Panem Companion) and did not give me any credit for its use. If they wanted to use it as the TBOSAS map, I would have gladly worked with them to update it to their design specs in exchange for whatever they paid their graphic designers and an acknowledgement in the end credits! I would have been thrilled! But instead, they stole it without any regard, and they're ignoring the Cease & Desist sent by my lawyers. (I am being aided by the legal team at the OTW.)  I am so disappointed by their decisions regarding this issue, from the initial choice to use it without just... asking... or even informing me... to their refusal to admit that they did such a thing. The fact that the graphic design company quietly removed it from IG after Lionsgate got the C&D, yet they still aren't going to give any credit or compensation for its use, is kind of depressing.  I think I can probably speak for any fan artist or meta writer in saying that having one of my crazy ideas made canon is super cool, and if they had asked me whether they could use my map design, I would have said yes AND probably been a lot cheaper than whoever they paid to steal it, just because I would have been so chuffed to see it in the movie. I'm kind of heartbroken that they didn't respect it, or me, enough to just... shoot me an email. You know? I know some people will probably reply and say "it's just a fanwork" or "you made it 13 years ago, get over it" or something like that, but fanworks are made out of pure love for the thing (in this case, THG) and Lionsgate took advantage of my love for THG to earn a little more money directly (on merch) and indirectly (in the movie itself). That's gross, imo. Just because it's a fanwork doesn't mean it isn't the intellectual property of the person who created it -- and especially in the case of something like this map, which exists specifically because it DIDN'T exist in canon at the time I created it.  Anyway, tl;dr: yes, they stole it, and thank you for pointing that out so consistently. 
what to do as fans?
boycott the "rose" map. do not buy the map / do not promote it / raise awareness / share this post.
uplift fan work. support fans / share & credit fan work.
supporty aimmyarrowshigh. buy or talk about the panem companion / share the original map.
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montrealmadison · 6 months
in your palace warm, mighty king
okay i’ve recently found myself on angel tree tiktok. if you’re unfamiliar with the concept, basically, some stores will put out a tree around the holidays with gift tags for anonymous local kids, and people coming in to do their own shopping can take a tag off the tree and buy kids gifts off their wishlists for the store to pass off to them. (the linked video shows it in action!)
anyway this got me thinking about jack zimmermann at the beginning of his career. he has been fabulously wealthy and privileged for his whole life, but he’s only recently started earning a massive salary of his own and has no real idea of what to spend it on. he’s comfortable. he has a car and a nice apartment and an engagement ring hidden somewhere in said apartment. he knows he should probably donate to a worthwhile cause, but he hasn’t figured out what.
one day, though, bitty’s visiting for the weekend and comes to the store with him, and right there in the entryway, he just… stops. jack doesn’t notice and consequently almost runs him over with the cart.
“you alright? careful, eh?”
bitty does not respond, because he’s looking at the tree.
jack follows his gaze. it really doesn’t look like much. it’s fake, unlit, and has seen better days if the way it’s a little flattened on one side is anything to go by. there is an equally squashed-looking stuffed snowman sat on the floor next to it. it’s the kind of thing your eyes slide over easily, hurrying from one place to another. blink and you’ll miss it.
bitty isn’t blinking.
“lord, i haven’t seen one of these in years,” he says. his voice is soft. he still isn’t looking at jack. “do you know what it is?”
jack doesn’t, so bitty explains. and when they inch closer, jack sees that all the ornaments he thought were plain paper before are actually printed with ages, shoe sizes, requests for warm coats and toys and cute jeans and deodorant. here and there is a specific wish—a bluetooth speaker. a particular board game. one kid, age eight, is fervently hoping for a bike.
and—okay. here’s the thing. they’ve been together for more than a year, and bitty is pretty willing to go along with jack’s desire to spoil him. but although he’s so open and accepting when jack wants to kiss him, or cook dinner for a change, or lay him out on their bed and make him feel good—he will always, always get uncomfortable where significant amounts of money are involved. it was the subject of the one and only fight that sent them to bed still heated. the fundamental difference between their upbringings is the hardest for them to grasp: jack has never known a life without plenty. and bitty—
“i think my parents put me on one,” bitty says. “the year we moved back to madison, after—”
the closet looms between them, black and yawning.
“well. you know. coach had to leave a good job in lawrenceville. took us a while to get back on our feet, i think. and that year, they couldn’t—i mean, i heard them talking at night about how we might not be able to make christmas work, when they thought i couldn’t hear them. but i still wrote my letter to santa, and there were a couple presents when i woke up christmas morning, so.” he scuffs one shoe on the industrial carpet. “maybe an angel sent ‘em.”
the words make something sizzle down jack’s spine and settle low in his gut. he steps forward, reaches out, turns over the nearest tag.
boy, age 11. shoe size: 8. wishlist: sneakers, earbuds, basketball, patriots merch, chapter books. loves fantasy and mythology.
once upon a time, jack spent three months in a rehab center designed specifically for the privacy needs of celebrity clients. his parents footed the bill, had the windows on all their cars tinted for him to hide behind when he got out. at the same time, thousands of miles away, bitty sat at the top of the stairs in his parents’ house and listened to them wonder if they could afford to keep the magic of christmas alive another year.
people are stepping around them to get out of the cold, now, their eyes skipping right over the tree and the boys in front of it. once upon a time, strangers on the street picked apart jack’s overdose like a piece of tabloid gossip. strangers on the street made sure a thirteen-year-old kid had something to unwrap with his family on christmas morning.
bitty sniffles, swipes at one eye with the sleeve of his sweater. “yeah?”
jack lifts the tag gently off its branch, catches bitty’s gaze. bitty’s intake of breath is so sharp it’s audible over the music playing overhead. do you see what i see?
“what do you think? wanna go get us another cart?”
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hiorintruther · 21 days
An Updated ‘Reasons Why I Ship Hiorin’ — Because It’s Been Ages Since I Made The First One And I’ve Had More Thoughts (and we got more moments!)
Aka: can you tell this ship makes me mentally unwell?
Hi again! It’s been a while. I did make one of these long posts a while back outlining why I choose to ship hiorin even though they’ve barely interacted and on the surface don’t look like they’d make sense at all. Since then, hiorin has gained quite a few shippers in the fandom and I keep thinking about my boys, especially with the Bastard Munchen vs PXG game FINALLY giving us some new moments. Unsurprisingly, ever since making the first post I’ve also had a lot more ideas about the dynamic, it’s potential, some more connections between them that I never touched on before, etc… and rather than editing the other post I thought it would be easier to just make a new one.
Some stuff I go over here might be familiar from the first post. I want this to be a kind of hub for any and all of my hiorin interpretations, analysis, trivia, headcanons, ‘theories’ (which I don’t think will be canon but the narrative potential for them is through the roof) and anything else I think is relevant to the ship. Feel free to jump around and read whatever is most interesting for you. Hiorin is a ship that, for me, is built on mountains of untapped potential. I just want to bring that potential to light all in one place.
Note: for this post I’ll only use information that has been written by Kaneshiro, drawn by Nomura or Sanomiya, or has otherwise been green-lit by Kaneshiro as canon. Merch collabs, voice actor QnAs, the PWC game etc… for me do not count as canon and I won’t use them. Also, the 10-image limit is biting my ass so my formatting for certain bits might be a bit all over the place. Apologies.
So without further ado. Let’s start! Enjoy the yap sesh!
Part 1 — The Manga Canon
Hiorin get their (very sparse and brief) interactions mostly from the Third Selection Arc (chapters 87-108) and the U20 arc (chapters 109-151). We recently got some new moments in the BM vs PXG match (chapters 250-present).
First off, the tryouts. It’s implied here that Hiori and Rin have never met, as Hiori notices Isagi’s response to Rin and asks if Isagi knows who Rin is. Rin also doesn’t acknowledge Hiori in any way here, so we can presume they’re strangers (although some shippers like to headcanon that they met during the first selection).
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That being said during the match, after Isagi has been thoroughly shut down by Karasu, Rin turns his attention to Hiori as a teammate to help him get the ball up the field. Rin has never seen Hiori play before (as far as we know). They’ve never even talked. They’re barely getting familiar with each other’s play styles. And yet, they immediately link up to form a clean, deadly back and forth that optimises Rin’s play style. In fact, this duo helped Rin score 1 goal, and it would have helped Rin score 2 had Shidou not rudely interrupted the second.
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It was so deadly that Otoya had to intervene specifically to break them up, so that they could no longer continue their one-two passes up the field and threaten to go for another goal. (Also notice in this page below how as soon as the kickoff happened, Hiori was already running into position in the background. He understands what Rin wants to do).
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Not only did Hiori and Rin naturally form a link-up, but Hiori was also fully capable of keeping up with Rin, something Nanase admitted he struggled with during this match and even Isagi was struggling with as well, since later on we see Isagi fail to intercept one of Hiori’s passes due to not being able to reach it in time (which presumably Rin would have been able to were he in Isagi’s position). So, from what we see of Hiori and Rin in this match, they’re on a similar wavelength in terms of skills, field vision and gameplay, and are naturally able to link up even as strangers. I’ll note here that neither of them were playing at full power — Hiori was playing on 0 motivation, and Rin was still utilising his Puppeteer play style instead of his Destroyer. More on this later in the ‘Headcanons’ section.
After the Tryouts, we next see them interact in the U20 match. We start with a brief callback to their tryouts link up in chapter 132, where Rin passes to Hiori. Hiori is acting as a relay between Isagi and Rin, which in my opinion would be a good way to utilise him in the current manga after the NEL. Whether or not that’s how Kaneshiro chooses to use him in the future is anyone’s guess though.
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The next big moment comes in chapter 140, after Shidou has kicked Rin in the face and the game has briefly paused. I think this is by far the most ‘iconic’ hiorin moment. While Isagi is analysing the previous gameplay and Karasu is arguing with the ref, it’s Hiori who is the only one to actually go and check on Rin. Even Bachira and Reo were right next to Rin and neither of them were the ones going up to him. Hiori was further down the field but he was the one who moved to help Rin first. Not only is he gentle with and worried for Rin, but by some miracle Rin actually accepts his help! It feels almost out of character given how angry Rin is for the rest of the match, but for this very brief moment he lets Hiori help him up and reassures him that he’s ‘totally fine’ (yeah sure buddy…).
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For many this is the main ‘ooooooh’ moment with hiorin. But what if I told you it actually happens a second time this match? After Aiku goes rogue in chapter 142 and tries to score a goal, Rin ends up slide-tackling him to prevent it. And once again, if you look in the background of the panels following the interception in chapter 143, who is it helping Rin stand? It’s Hiori. And this time they actually hold hands!
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The final hiorin moment in the U20 match come soon after this in chapter 144, when Rin is about to enter his Destroyer mode. When Rin enters Destroyer mode, Hiori is in possession of the ball and so Rin steals it from him in a completely unpredictable move that had everyone stunned.
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The U20 match moments, for many of us hiorin shippers, felt like the last time we’d ever see them properly interact. I at least had zero hopes for PXG. But oh boy was I wrong! Kaneshiro might not realise the dynamic he’s setting up with this duo but I’m gonna milk every interaction for what it’s worth! And so with that, I’ll bring you to the BM vs PXG match (note: currently still ongoing, so I might have to update this section soon). Since the U20 match, we’ve had some changes. The biggest one is Hiori’s personality. After going through his arc in Ubers, Hiori has become more outspoken and confident, playing into his ‘Ultra-Sadist’ style and being more than happy to speak his mind. He’s more argumentative and can whip up a good piece of trash talk (my gamer boy fr!). We see this on full display in chapter 251 when he completely shuts down Rin’s goal opportunity because Rin was too focussed on Isagi to see the bigger picture of the match. He turns around, points at Rin, and tells him “if ya want a goal… come at me with an unpredictable script!”
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Notice here how he isn’t simply putting Rin down for not being able to score. Hiori may be taunting Rin, but he does still technically give Rin helpful advice. In a previous panel he explains how he was able to read Rin because Rin was too focussed on Isagi, and in combination with Hiori’s ‘unpredictable script’ line it forms some rather blunt and rude but nevertheless useful advice. Hiori is telling Rin exactly how to get past him and what Rin needs to do to improve. Notice the focus on unpredictability. This is veering into headcanon territory, but I don’t think it’s too unreasonable to think that perhaps Hiori is thinking about Rin’s unpredictable Destroyer mode. He experienced it first hand when Rin stole the ball from him in the U20 match. He knows what Rin is truly capable of. To Hiori, that version of Rin is a reasonable expectation (and I’ll get to their relationship with ‘expectations’ later) that would be the perfect key to getting through BM’s defence. But Rin isn’t showing that off because his obsession with defeating Isagi over scoring goals is hurting his performance. Hiori’s advice is reasonable and maybe Rin should listen to it.
As of right now, the final moment we have of them together is from chapter 259, where Hiori is aided by Raichi to block Rin in a 2-person press, causing Rin to lose the ball. From a purely indulgent shipping perspective, notice how Hiori and Rin’s legs are touching, their hands are on each other’s chests and they’re looking at each other. Raichi is just there lol.
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This may be it for their canon interactions, however it’s far from all the canon information we have about them that’s interesting for the dynamic. A big part of the hiorin ship is about looking at their individual information and drawing together similarities and/or parallels. While on the surface they seem very different, almost opposites, digging a little deeper reveals a lot of small coincidences about them that build up to make you realise that they’re a lot more similar than you might initially think.
Part 2 — Where Hiori and Rin Align
Analytical players. Both of them have a deeply analytical play style that utilises field vision and high levels of technical skills. They don’t rely on brute strength or pure intimidation to get through the opponents’ defence, rather they analyse, play with and overcome their opponents with strategy and out-play their opponents with sheer levels of skill. This similarity is likely what led to them to be able to so easily link up when they first met.
Sadism. Both are known sadists. Rin’s Destroyer mode is particularly sadistic but in general he revels in being at the top with others under him. He’s open with his insults and destroys chaotically, looking for breaks in his opponents’ defence and completely tearing them down until there’s no hope of his opponents winning. Hiori is a self-proclaimed “ultra-sadist” (personally I think he’s more a sado-masochist but we’re sticking to canon only here). After his arc, he enjoys watching his opponents scramble to try and keep up with him only to be destroyed by his top-tier plays, especially in a ‘best play’ scenario with his chosen striker of the moment. He’s also not loyal to any one striker and will leave them behind if they’re not playing up to his standards or goal vision. Hiori’s sadism also manifests as him teasing his friends, as we see in chapter 241 when he jokingly teases Isagi for getting shipped with Kaiser by BLTV fans.
Sae connections. Rin is Sae’s younger brother and was abandoned by Sae after Sae returned home from Spain. He says he hates his brother after the U20 match, when Sae noticed Isagi over Rin, and now Rin is playing for the sake of crushing Sae (more on this later). Hiori also has connections to Sae though. He’s been compared to Sae twice in-universe, once by Sendou in chapter 129 who said his passes had the same level of skill as Sae’s, and once by Yukimiya in chapter 241 who thinks Hiori’s ultra-sadist mindset is similar to Sae’s.
They’re both gamers. Obviously we know Hiori is one. That’s been a big part of his character ever since we first met him. However, Rin also plays video games, specifically horror games. We get this info from both the Egoist Bible and his prequel light novel, where it explains that he plays horror games to de-stress at night: (chapter 2) “… even games, should be chilling and scary. Playing horror games alone at night is quite thrilling”.
Horror, gore and zombies. As well as playing horror games to de-stress, it’s explained in the Egoist Bible and Rin’s light novel that he watches horror movies for the same reason: (chapter 2) “When he’s done, he watches a horror movie and then goes to bed. This is his daily routine. For some reason, since Sae has been gone, he only watches horror movies. Movies, videos …”. The light novel slightly expands on this to specify he enjoys splatter films, as well as showing an illustration of him watching rather a gory zombie movie: (chapter 4) “Lately, he's been into splatter films. The one where a killer comes out with an electric saw and a big-ass ax, then blood splatters all over the place. The one where a killer chases you no matter how hard you try to escape, and if you get caught, you end up being dismembered. His heart is pounding, but he’s not the type to show on his face, so Rin watching the slaughter scene without any expression on his face is much more horrifying”. Likewise, Hiori is shown in chapter 206 playing a zombie shooter in which he imagines the zombies being his parents and he violently kills them. We see his inner monologue of this in his prequel light novel, showing the depths of how much he wants them to suffer: (chapter 6) “Before he knew it, in his imagination, his parents became zombies. His father and mother are coming towards him, laughing. He shoots without hesitation. Bang! Headshot. The bullet that entered the father's jaw blew off the back of his head. Bang! Bang! His mother's eyeballs pop out and there's a hole in her chest. He aims for vital spots with rapid fire, but they don't fall easily because they're zombies”.
Solitude. They’re both introverts according to their MBTIs. Rin is ranked as the most anti-social member of Blue Lock in the Egoist Bible. He says he “doesn’t have time for lukewarm conversations” (although I do think on some level he longs for approval and love from someone, given how much he craves his brother’s attention). He is also one of the only characters who genuinely has no friends in Blue Lock. He tolerated Bachira for a time and trained Nanase begrudgingly, but no one is very close with him at all. Now, at a glance Hiori might seem far more social. He has a lot of friends and seems to enjoy hanging out with them. However, in a Twitter qna (which tend to have questions compiled for the Egoist Bible but alas Hiori doesn’t have a page) it was revealed that his ideal type in a romantic partner is “someone who can leave me alone”. The wording he used — 放置し合えるん — seems to imply a reciprocal nature of this ‘leaving alone’, ie ‘you leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone’. Now tell me that arrangement wouldn’t work perfectly for Rin. Hiori is also shown in chapter 172 (pre-character arc) spending time alone in the BM dorms while others are out training. While Hiori can enjoy socialising, he also needs plenty of time to himself to the point where it becomes a deal-breaker in a relationship for him.
Ochazuke (tea on rice). Rin’s favourite food according to the Egoist Bible is ochazuke, specifically taichazuke. In the new Episode Rin extra chapter we also see him going to enjoy some taichazuke at a traditional restaurant because he was hungry for ochazuke. When Hiori was asked in another Twitter qna what his favourite accompaniment for rice is, he replied that it was the ochazuke brand Nagatanien.
Stripes. Rin’s casual outfits for both the Shibuya collab (designed by Nomura) and Episode Rin feature a striped/ribbed pattern. Likewise, Hiori’s casual pyjamas, childhood design and one of Nomura’s coaster designs all feature him wearing striped clothing.
Eyelashes. Both of them have long under lashes. That’s kinda it for this one lol.
Name kanji (yes, I’m in this deep). In Rin’s surname, the kanji 糸 means ‘thread/yarn’. In Hiori’s surname, the kanji 織 means ‘weaver’. Both of them have kanji relating to weaving, likely in relation to both Rin’s Puppeteer play style (and Sae’s insane control of the midfield), and Hiori’s way of ‘weaving’ together a best play through his skills (and his parents ‘weaving’ his life for him rather than letting him control it himself). To get poetic about it, you could say Hiori is the weaver who knows how best to utilise Rin’s threads and can guarantee their shared goal vision will be woven into place. To get even more conspiracy theorist-y, when Charles meets Hiori he calls Hiori “水色お兄さん” — literally ‘water-coloured big brother’, likely in relation to his hair colour because 水色 can also mean ‘cyan’. To keep it on the topic of water though, whose aura is made of water? That’s right. Rin’s! (yes I know this is really grasping at straws but I did say this post was for EVERYTHING hiorin soooo).
Part 3 — Family Relationships: Love, Expectations and Abandonment
Rin and Hiori both have relationships with particular members of their family that are similar and also unique among the rest of the cast. For Rin, it’s his relationship with Sae. For Hiori, it’s his relationship with his parents.
To begin with Hiori, his parents only wanted a child who could fulfil their dream of being number 1. They held this expectation of him throughout his whole life, pretending to genuinely care about and love him when in reality all they wanted was for him to be the best. If he tried to step out of line, they’d become monstrous, as seen in Hiori’s light novel: (chapter 2) “Can I take a day off from soccer tomorrow and go play with my friends?” As soon as he said this, the smiles disappeared from his parents’ faces. His mother looked very surprised, and then she made the scariest face he's ever seen. “......!” He doesn’t remember what she said. He just remembers that he was scolded terribly. After that, he was hugged tightly. “Hiori, you are born to be the best at soccer.” “You can play with other kids anytime you want.” “But if you don’t do soccer properly from now on, you will never be the best.” His mother was desperate. His father was behind her, looking sadly at Hiori. “Please, Hiori, trust us and play soccer.” Hiori felt that he had done something very wrong. … What should I do? I said something bad. I'm sorry. The air was stifling, as if he had been locked in a room full of needles. He felt like he would get hurt if he moved, so all Hiori could do was nod.” We also see the extent of this in chapter 206, when Hiori overhears his parents threatening to get a divorce if he isn’t the best. This makes him realise that if he doesn’t fulfil their expectations, he’ll be abandoned by them.
With Rin, it’s a bit more complicated. His relationship with his older brother Sae is still pretty up in the air as to what really happened from Sae’s perspective. We need to distinguish between what actually happened (which is difficult to determine as of right now) and what Rin interpreted as happening. From his perspective, Sae pretended to love him while they were growing up, only using him as a stepping stone to get to the world stage. After that had been achieved, Rin was abandoned (as seen in his inner monologue in chapter 125). While it’s difficult to discern, on a broad scale we could argue that instead of this, Sae has a particular expectation of Rin that currently Rin is failing to meet, and as a result Sae sees this abandonment as somehow ‘necessary’ to get Rin to evolve… or he really has abandoned Rin and is just an asshole, but I hope towards the former. This is where I cry on deaf ears for a Sae light novel or spin-off chapter, anything to get his side of the story. My current interpretation of canon is that Sae still loves Rin, however he knows that Rin’s desire to be the world’s best as a duo is impossible, and his way of trying to ween Rin off such a dream was to sever their relationship. No matter what really happened though, I’m more interested in what Rin interpreted and took away from being abandoned, which is an interesting mix of hatred and confusion but also still a desire for recognition.
This to me reads as very similar to what Hiori’s relationship with his parents used to be. He hated them. He wished death upon them. And yet he kept fighting for what they wanted, fulfilling their expectations because he was so afraid that if he didn’t, all the blame would be placed on him for their family falling apart and his parents abandoning him. Rin’s situation is sort of a dark mirror to Hiori’s where instead of just fearing that abandonment, Rin was abandoned, with all the blame being placed on him by Sae. And yet, deep down, he’s still fighting for Sae’s approval and love again, trying to find any way he can to fulfil Sae’s expectations. We see this in the way Rin has chosen Isagi to be his rival, not because of anything in particular that Isagi has done, but because Sae acknowledged Isagi over him. We see his desire for love in the way he travelled to Tokyo in the Episode Rin extra chapter to possibly watch Sae’s match, even though they’d already fallen out by that point. Rin and Hiori both strove for love from their families, it’s just that Hiori has now managed to break free from this mindset and fight only for himself, meanwhile Rin is still clinging to the memory of Sae no matter how much he wants to crush Sae for abandoning him.
This complicated relationship the two of them have with love, expectations and abandonment in relation to family members is what draws me to a lot of hiorin headcanon material. Rin is cold, antisocial and ruthless, and yet Hiori potentially has the capacity to understand his pain more than anyone else. This is especially true now that Hiori has broken free of his parents’ expectations. It gives him the freedom to look at these situations more objectively while retaining an understanding of their emotional core. He knows how difficult it is to both hate your family but strive for their approval, perhaps fruitlessly. And likewise, Rin might be able to actually learn something from how Hiori overcame his situation by going all-in with the egoist mindset, playing only for himself, completely discarding his family members’ expectations.
Part 4 — Headcanons Part 1: The Hiorin Potential For A Joint Arc (which yes I know won’t happen. Let me dream)
Anything from this point on is pure headcanon, taking into account all the canon information listed in the previous sections. This is NOT ‘speculation’. I genuinely don’t think any of this will be canon or else Kaneshiro would have started calling attention to it by now in the main manga. However by the end of this I’m sure some of you will join me in wishing it could be canon, because even if Kaneshiro hasn’t consciously laid the groundwork for Rin and Hiori to have a joint arc together, he has done so by accident and all the pieces are in place.
The bulk of this section revolves around Rin’s Destroyer mode and Hiori’s ultra-sadism, as well as the ‘best-play’ scenario theorised by Isagi and Hiori in the recent PXG chapters. Basically, I think that a ‘best-play’ chemical reaction between ultra-sadist Hiori and Destroyer Rin would be both broken as fuck and would be a great way to showcase Rin’s character development as he learns to break away from wanting to crush Isagi and Sae.
In Rin’s light novel, we learn that as a child playing alongside Sae as a duo, Rin didn’t have the Puppeteer play style he’s known for in the main series. Instead, he was fully zoned in on himself and the game, moving on instinct, looking for the perfect spot to break through the enemy’s defence, trusting fully that he’d receive Sae’s pass (chapter 1): ‘“Rin, what are you thinking about when you play soccer?” Rin scored two goals in today’s match. Meanwhile, Sae scored three points with a hat trick. His Nii-chan is great after all. “Hm? Nothing. I guess it's just about goals. I just run to the bad area and then Nii-chan passes to me.” “What do you mean by bad area?” Sae asks, while playing with the stick in his mouth. “Hm. The area where the enemy panics and falls through.” The area the enemy falls through. Sae let his younger brother's words quietly seep into his mind. “You rely too much on your intuition, you know.” “But Nii-chan always passes to me, so why not? Nobody else is good enough for me.” That’s why it’s okay to move on impulse without thinking. “......What will you do when I’m not around?” “I don’t know but, I guess I’ll look for a replacement.” Rin says nonchalantly.’
This method of running ‘to the area where the enemy panics and falls through’ seems to be alluding to Rin’s Destroyer mode — the version of Rin we see in the final moments of the U20 match after he loses control and goes on a destructive rampage. Indeed, in chapter 152 we also see Rin wondering what this side of him is truly capable of and how he wants to try harnessing it more, but he still only wants to use it to destroy Isagi and Sae rather than playing for himself. His Puppeteer is not his original play style, instead it’s one he developed after Sae left in order to appease his teammates and be a able to carry his team to victory by himself (chapter 3); ‘Even in a high-level club team, no one could handle Rin’s moves’, (chapter 4): ‘Without Sae's passes, he can't play the way he wants to play’, (chapter 5): ‘Rin erases his best image and then captures the whole picture. In his head, he sees the movements of all the players, as if filmed from a drone’, (chapter 5): ‘No one understands Rin's frustration. But they can win, so that's fine. It's as if there are marionette strings attached to his teammates, controlling and moving the team…… That is Rin's new weapon. It is a play that can only be made with Rin's combination of technical, physical, and tactical skills. It has also led him to bring out the best in his teammates’. It was only in the U20 match that the Destroyer was able to come out again after it had been sealed away for so long. It was a completely different way of playing that was more primal and natural for Rin but less controlled and more clumsy due to his lack of practice using it. Still, its pure destructive power was insane enough to almost score.
In the current chapters of the manga, we know that Rin has gotten a certain better grasp of the Destroyer since the start of the NEL. In chapter 239 (immediately after Hiori says he’ll happily drop Isagi for someone else should they come along, mind you) we see Rin utilising a seemingly toned down version of the Destroyer against Nagi in the PXG vs MC match. Clearly he has been trying to improve it since first letting it loose again during the U20 match. However, so far in PXG vs BM we haven’t seen it at all. Given Hiori’s comment about focussing on Isagi and predictability, as well as Isagi and Hiori’s theory of ‘ego types’ and a ‘best play’ scenario, it appears as though Rin’s biggest problem is that he’s using a world-type ego to show off his skills to Isagi (and therefore, by extension, to Sae as well). This is the ego type suited for the Puppeteer, one that utilises teammates and was created for the sake of appeasing others. The Destroyer on the other hand seems far better suited to a ‘self-type’ ego because Rin accesses it when in a state of mind that ignores Isagi, ignores Sae and hyper-zones in on himself and his own ability to score a goal. This would mean that Rin’s ‘true’ ego is a ‘self-type’ but he is hindering himself by using a ‘world-type’ to try and prove something to Isagi and Sae.
Now, undoubtably we’ll see the Destroyer at some point in this match, and I really hope when it comes out we see it decimate Hiori. Since Hiori flat out told Rin to come at him with ‘an unpredictable script’, the Destroyer can be the ‘unpredictable script’ that blows Hiori away. And I think that would catch Hiori’s attention. Remember, his resolve in chapter 239 is to create the greatest striker, and his ultra-sadism means he’s more than happy to drop Isagi for someone he thinks is better. So, no matter what the outcome of the match is, I think Rin’s Destroyer should pique Hiori’s interest as a potential best striker candidate. This is especially so when you remember that Hiori has technically already experienced Rin’s Destroyer first hand in the U20 match, when Rin stole the ball from Hiori (interesting side note here: Hiori’s immediate thoughts before the ball was stolen from him were him struggling to figure out who he should pass to, Barou or Nagi. He thought ‘which one of you?’ but didn’t pass, in my eyes because he couldn’t envision the play working with either of them, and then immediately Rin stole the ball. Rin unknowingly answered the question Hiori was asking in those crucial seconds).
In the next arc (a U20 World Cup training mini-arc I’d presume), I’d have Hiori and Rin slowly start to come to an understanding. I think Hiori’s ultra-sadism would be incredibly useful in helping draw the Destroyer out of Rin because Hiori only passes to the best spot on the field. He doesn’t alter his level of play for the sake of his striker. So, if Rin is in a mindset where he’s too focussed on proving Sae wrong, crushing Sae and defeating Isagi, then his plays become affected and Hiori simply won’t pass to him, likely passing to Isagi instead. This creates a bottle-neck where Rin has to evolve his mindset, discarding the ‘world-type’ ego of the Puppeteer (which is still useful in some cases, but not here) and instead fully embrace the Destroyer. If he can get into that mindset, only focussing on himself and not Isagi, Sae or even the other players around him, zoning in on just the goal ahead, he is guaranteed to be rewarded by receiving Hiori’s perfect pass to the ideal spot where the enemy ‘breaks’. It mirrors how Sae used to pass to him in their childhood (remembering Hiori has been compared to Sae in terms of both skill and mindset), except now Rin isn’t thinking that he’s part of a permanent duo, rather he alone is the star and he can trust his midfielder to aid him and match goal-visions without the need for the Puppeteer.
The key word here is trust. Rin and Hiori would have to develop a level of trust. Hiori has to trust that Rin will embody the Destroyer, and Rin has to trust that Hiori will side with him. It’s why Hiori has currently been able to work so well with Isagi. Their goal visions aligned and they placed the utmost trust in each other to perform at their individual bests, thus leading to Isagi scoring successful goals. For me, if Rin could also reach this state, it would be a showcase of the culmination of his development as he breaks free of Sae and learns how to play fully for himself. It would simultaneously be a return to his childhood, where he was able to freely utilise the Destroyer without worrying about the rest of the team, while also showing his evolution because he no longer places that trust onto just Sae ‘because it’s Nii-chan’. When Rin trusts in Hiori, it wouldn’t be because ‘it’s Hiori’, rather it would be Rin fully focussing purely on himself and his own plays, forgetting about everything and everyone else, and simply allowing the ball to land in the ideal spot at his feet. It’s a completely sadistic, self-serving mindset, just like Hiori’s is from a midfielder’s perspective. Hiori’s ultra-sadism means he likely can’t be controlled by Rin’s Puppeteer style, since he plays for himself fully. Therefore in order to successfully earn Hiori’s passes, Rin would need to fully embrace the Destroyer, abandon Isagi and Sae clouding his judgement, and throw himself fully into goal-scoring. Hiori can’t be controlled but he’s reliable and can be trusted. I do think the road to building this trust should have its ups and downs. Let Rin get frustrated at Hiori not being controllable. Let Hiori want to see Rin improve while also not bending to Rin’s will. Let Hiori refuse to work with Rin sometimes. All of it would be part of a gradual, arc-spanning development for Rin that doesn’t take place in a single chapter.
In my personal opinion, having Hiori specifically be the midfielder who helps Rin most would be more narratively satisfying someone like Nanase (no hate to Nanase or nanarin tho. Love them 🫶). While Nanase works as a nice support for Rin especially at the moment in PXG, plus his sunshine personality might help to make Rin relax and open up more over time, his skill level isn’t quite up to scratch for Rin’s highest level plays. Nanase’s passes are useful with his ambidexterity but they aren’t clean. They aren’t as reliable. Rin still has to pay attention to Nanase in order to guarantee a successful play. He can’t block out literally everything else to hyper-focus on goal-scoring in this state. Hiori on the other hand provides that high level of play which means that Rin can afford to essentially forget Hiori even exists — the ball will still find its way to him. They wouldn’t even have to look at each other (much like the Isagi x Hiori best play we saw in Ubers that was recently recreated in PXG). There’s also the thematic element that Hiori has been compared to Sae before, setting him up as a Sae parallel which I think could be utilised in Rin’s evolution. Placing trust in Hiori would show that Rin is finally able to detach his reason to play from Sae and he can stop striving so strongly for Sae to notice him. Then there’s the shared relationship Hiori and Rin both have with expectations, love and abandonment, which could arguably help them get on each others wavelength to understand exactly what they want from a play and how best to execute a strategy they haven’t even discussed beforehand, as well as have Hiori be the one to help ‘create’ Rin since Hiori has already gone through the mental baggage of his arc and would understand Rin’s mental blocks.
Still, I do think canonically Rin and Nanase will be the duo that continues forwards into the next arc. Rin’s development will likely come from a combination of Nanase’s kindness, Isagi’s yap sessions and a lot of internal monologues. Meanwhile, Hiori will continue to improve alongside Isagi as a plot device who can be pulled out at convenient moments, while occasionally passing to other strikers for dramatic flair (I don’t really like this after Hiori’s resolve so strongly telegraphed that he’d very happily drop Isagi without a second thought, but oh well, what can you do?). I doubt Hiori will canonically play into Rin’s development at all.
Still, from the moment Rin and Hiori met in the third selection tryouts, they were able to flawlessly link up without the need for planning or communication. Hiori understood what Rin needed and moved to the perfect spot to work with him. If both of them were in Flow, creating a ‘best-play’ scenario with the Destroyer and the Ultra-Sadist, it would both be a show of incredible skill and high-level play while also showcasing Rin’s personal development and evolution, as well as utilising Hiori as a narrative support in a way that doesn’t impose him too strongly on the main plot but keeps him relevant and active in the story.
Part 5 — Headcanons Part 2: Some Fun Ideas
This section is all about some fun ideas I’ve had about hiorin, mostly trying to use canon as a strong basis so that they make sense. They aren’t things I think will ever be explored in canon but they’re fun to think about nonetheless. These can range from canon-adjacent to domestic AU material, it’s a whole mix really. I’ll probably come back to this bit every now and again to update it with new ideas I have, so keep an eye out for that.
A shared understanding. Since they’re both familiar with what they perceive to be feelings of false love from family members, it creates a situation where they can understand why they act the way they do better than anyone else. I hc that this would help them to more naturally form link-ups on the field, since they’d be in tune with each other’s mental states as well as general play styles, and off-field in being able to recognise when something has ticked off the other and resurfaced some unpleasant memories. I don’t think they’d really be ones to talk about their family traumas to each other openly, but they’d have an understanding of the things they do find out and wouldn’t think the other is overreacting, especially Hiori understanding Rin. While I think it’s good that Rin has friends like Nanase who he can be more chilled out with, I personally prefer the idea that his partner be someone who can actually understand the depths of his issues and sit with him in the eye of the storm rather than trying to just ‘fix’ him or drag him out of it.
Touch-starved and both slow to physical affection. Since they’re both introverted and Rin is emotionally constipated as fuck, they aren’t really a couple that would be very into PDA. Not even hand-holding. But it doesn’t really matter for them. They’re both not very used to that sort of physical comfort especially in the presence of others. However, while I think in general Rin might be a bit more reluctant to initiate intimacy than Hiori, I do think he’d still be more inclined to initiate hugs. Why Rin of all people? Because he grew up with a sibling. And he was a younger sibling at that. On some level he would have received attention from Sae while their relationship was still good, even if only a little bit. Hiori on the other hand grew up an only child in a household where hugs and doting were used as a tool to manipulate him. He’d likely not be used to the idea of hugs as a genuine show of affection. But Rin’s hugs are always genuine and often given out sparingly and bashfully, after a lot of hesitation. They’re both slow to physical affection but they’d find a way to navigate their wants and needs together, taking their time.
All-nighter horror dates. Be it playing co-op horror games or binging horror movies in the dark, I think they’d both prefer that as a date night over going out to a restaurant. It’s an activity they can both have fun with as a shared interest, just the two of them, alone at home with no need to even leave the house. They can let themselves get more passionate and competitive (and sadistic) while playing horror games too.
Yoga together. While we only have canonical confirmation that Rin both regularly does yoga and is good at it, I hc that Hiori would also be quite good at it due to his parents likely drilling him with intense schedules and being helicopter parents about his health. Yoga would likely fall into it somewhere as a cool-down and a good way to exercise on rainy days. While Hiori initially wouldn’t find yoga fun to do with Rin due to his negative associations with it, I feel like over time it could be a nice bonding activity for the two of them. It requires minimal talking of they’re doing their own things, and as long as Hiori isn’t messing up the moves I think Rin would tolerate the two of them existing in the same space. At the very least, Hiori wouldn’t try to one-up Rin with moves he can’t do and topple into Rin as a result (looking at you, Isagi…). They wouldn’t do couples yoga though, just their own thing in the same space.
Sharing food. In the Twitter QnAs, it states that Hiori’s favourite food is salt-grilled saury (saury shiyoyaki) “including the bitter bits”. His least favourite food is cotton candy because “it’s just sugar”. Therefore, I hc that he tends to enjoy bitter food while disliking sweet food. In contrast, we know that Rin quite likes sweet food because he used to eat ice cream with Sae on the way home from practice, plus in the Episode Rin extra chapter he goes to buy dessert at a special desserts cafe after eating ochazuke (a traditionally salty dish). Because of this difference in tastes, I like to hc Hiori giving any sweet food Blue Lock offers in their meals to Rin. Likewise, if the main meal Rin is given is ever burnt or charred too much for his liking, he gives the charred bits to Hiori since he knows Hiori will eat them so the food won’t be wasted.
Tea and coffee. As an addendum to the previous hc, I think Hiori would be a coffee drinker and Rin would be a tea drinker. This is because coffee tends to be more bitter, especially ones without sugar like espressos, so I can see Hiori preferring it to tea. There’s also the idea that ochazuke is made with tea, which is a bonus for Rin liking tea over coffee.
Cooking. Last food-related one I promise! While Hiori likely has a ton of technical knowledge about nutrition, dieting, calorie counting etc… due to his mother’s frenzied control of his diet growing up, I headcanon that he doesn’t actually have a clue how to cook. Once again, this is because of his parents being overprotective and worrying that he’d injure himself with a kitchen knife or on the stove. So he has zero clue where to start in the kitchen. On the flip-side, while Rin isn’t the best cook in the world I reckon he’d have somewhat an idea of how to cook the basics, plus he likely also has knowledge of dieting and nutrition for the sake of his own health. So while they’d both have things to learn in the kitchen, it would be Rin doing more of the actual cooking and Hiori deciding what meals to eat to optimise their health and training.
A joint-aura that’s a blizzard — in the event that they ever were to team up on the field, I think that the aura they’d give off together should be a blizzard. It makes sense to me for them to have this because Hiori has ice associations with the kanji 氷 in his surname, which means ‘ice’, and in chapter 239 when he gives his monologue about finding a reason to play, a metaphorical key appears with a snowflake on it to symbolise his newfound resolve. Rin’s connections to snow are less positive though, since it was snowing the day that Sae abandoned him. I think making their joint aura a blizzard could symbolise both Hiori’s ultra-sadist resolve to play, and Rin finally being able to move on from Sae to associate the snow with his sadistic determination. The fact that it’s a snowstorm emphasises the pair of them having a sadistic, destructive take-down of their opponents.
Hiori has a type. His canon type is already ‘someone who will leave me alone’ as I previously discussed in section 2. However, I do like to semi-jokingly say that his type is also ‘dark-haired, analytical guys with an attitude who are really good at football’. Obviously this is meant to refer mostly to Isagi and Karasu (we’ve all seen the heart-eyes you give them, Hiori!), but it is amusing to me that the description also fits Rin perfectly.
Part 6 — Transformative Works I Recommend For New Shippers
These are just some of my favourite fanfics all linked together in one place. I’ll start with a shameless plug of my own fic:
14 Days To NOT Fall In Love (but guess who did anyway)
Summary: This annoyingly mandated break of Ego's was only fourteen days long. That would never be enough time for Rin to fall for this aggravatingly sweet, understanding, level-headed, cyan-haired gamer boy... Okay, maybe he'd need to exercise SOME restraint. Aka: how Rin and Hiori become mutually pining idiots after the U-20 match through a combination of video games, late night discord calls and learning that perhaps they're not all that different after all.
(Chapters: 10 , Word Count: 67088 , Rating: T)
And now for my personal favourites I think new shippers will enjoy, in no particular order (if any of the authors see this and have tumblrs you want me to tag, lmk!):
catch us in the morning by transrightssokka (kellallyourfriends)
Summary: Hiori looks down and brings his hand up to his mouth, hiding a faint smile. “You don’t wanna go home, do you?” “No shit, I don’t,” Rin says. He’d rather sleep on the sidewalk than spend the next two weeks with Sae. Hiori is silent for a minute. His pretty eyes flick to his feet. Up to the back of the seat in front of them. Over to Rin. “So.” “So?” Rin says. Hiori lowers his voice. “So, what if we didn’t?”
(Chapters: 3 , Word Count: 27206 , Rated: M)
Even When It’s Starless by saturnshots
Summary: Everyone’s had an imaginary friend or two — it’s not often they change the course of your life, but who says being imaginary could stop them from bringing your dreams come true?
(Chapters: 1 , Word Count: 2838 , Rating: G)
sine wave by starstruckdove
Summary: Rin discovers Bachira’s “super secret surprise” sooner than he’d thought. There’s a new boy standing next to Ego at practice, and Rin knows he’s new because each of his unfortunate teammates have made their presence (loudly and raucously) known in his life. The boy has a nice face–wide eyes and soft mouth, all rounded corners instead of sharp edges. His hair is a shocking shade of blue and Rin finds it almost familiar. “This is your new manager,” Ego says with about as much energy as a dead battery.
(Chapters: 1 , Word Count: 8990 , Rated: T)
Daydreaming by em_hiorin
Summary: Hiori can’t seem to concentrate during practice, as a certain Itoshi has been plaguing his mind.
(Chapters: 1 , Word Count: 1560 , Rating: G)
My family thinks we’re dating. by akiangelsolos
Summary: “Oh, I see.” His mother hummed, placing her silver fork down on the table. “You must be upset, Hiori hasn’t come over in a while. You have to be lonely without your boyfriend around.” “I’m not lonely-” Rin shot his eyes at his mom, “What did you just say?”
(Chapters: 2 , Word Count: 5486 , Rating: G)
Part 7 — Wow, You Made It This Far? Congratulations And Thank You!
If you’ve made it this far, then I am both immensely thankful and I applaud you. Seriously, thank you for putting up with my insane, delusional brainrot over this silly rarepair that has barely any canon backing to speak of. Hopefully if anything, you now understand why people are starting to take interest in the ship (or at least why I enjoy it). And if you’re a shipper now, welcome to the club! You will now have to watch Hiori and Rin never affect each other’s development, never interact in any meaningful capacity and you’ll be eternally bitter about it 👍. For any aspiring fic writers, I hope this can be a nice hub of info for all of you if you want to consult the hiorin ‘dynamic’ (i say in quotations because let’s face it, I made up like 95% of the dynamic based on analysis and a canon dynamic doesn’t actually exist). Also, bear in mind that in the off chance we do get some more moments, I plan to update this post. So you may end up being subject to even more brainrot in the future.
Until that day comes though, I can only thank you once again. Hiorin is my otp and no matter how much Kaneshiro doesn’t make it come to fruition, he will have to try incredibly hard to make me stop shipping them. The dynamic can change. They can become more and more ‘incompatible’. I don’t care. If hiorin has no shippers, I have passed on from this world.
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angelthefirst1 · 3 months
You're a dinosaur 🦕 baby in the museum of my broken hearted 💔 past.
I haven't done much in the way of deciphering Emily's social media posts lately, but this one's GIANT, so hold onto your hats (Puns intended)
Just as the show has been leaving us hints about Beth's return, so has Emily in her projects, music, and social media posts.
I've written about many of them over the years, this one is no different, and it's no coincidence...
Most of you will know about Emily's new merch beanie with the broken-hearted dinosaur 🦕
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It's inspired by her song Avett Brothers. Here is a snippet of the relevant lyrics from the song.
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The broken-hearted dinosaur 🦕 and the museum are without question links to Beth's return, so let's look at how...
In season 5, Daryl and Carol jump into a car to go find Beth.
That car eventually helps Daryl find her.
That car is also connected to the episode Consumed, in which Daryl and Carol (after being recently reunited in 501) find a clue to Beth's whereabouts and go searching for her.
And It's by that car they get the initial clue that helps them to find Beth (Daryl sees the car with the white cross)
I'm sure you all remember that Carol plays a pivotal role in getting that car to work by charging the battery.
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That car from back in season 5 has a very specific symbol on the keyring 🦕
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Without that dinosaur keyring and Carol charging the battery, Daryl would never have found Beth.
The upcoming Book of Carol seemingly has many repeating themes from around the era of Consumed.
We will see a Daryl/Carol reunion, like we saw in 501.
The two will again be separated from the rest of their family like they were in Consumed (thanks in large part to the dinosaur 🦕 and the clue they receive)
The character Isabelle (Beth proxy) will be returning in season 2.
And, we know the storyline will bring them to a museum - The Louvre.
The broken-hearted dinosaur 🦕 is symbolic of a lost ancient giant love that is long in the past, thought to be extinct.
What's kept in museums? The past... they hold pieces of history.
In this case, as Emily puts it, a dinosour, aka ancient love ❤️
Emily knows. She's always known...
The show has more recently given us links to Beth and museums as well.
We saw it hinted at in Daryl Dixon season 1, especially in the credits with the self-portrait of Marie Gabrielle-Carpet, who lived in a museum...the Louvre, with her love.
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Isabelle was a very obvious Beth proxy in DD1, and this self-portrait of Marie in the opening credits is shown along with the name of the actess who plays Isabelle. Linking the Museum to Isabelle and by proxy to Beth.
Genet in DD1 also mentions working in a museum to Codron when she realises Codron has switched sides and betrayed her by not killing Isabelle (Beth) and Laurent and stopping them from getting to the Nest (a representation of the pyramid/Louvre)
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Thorne in TOWL episode one, a repeat of Dawn and Genet in many ways, also mentions a museum to Rick.
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She tell Rick that the girl they saved, lived in a museum. The dead overran the museum, but the girl was saved by hiding in a giant grasshopper. That girl lost her family and had no one.
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The giant grasshopper symbolism is linked here to a museum - linking it to Beth (also grasshoppers are Greene).
In this story, the girl that lost her family survived inside the museum, inside the (green) grasshopper.
Just like the key ring dinosaur in season 5. The dinosaur 🦕 museum in The Book of Carol could very well lead to a clue about Beth and a long lost love ❤️.
Now, If you read my last post, i mention the many links to the biblical story of Moses that were seen in TOWL episode 2. Well the "Giant" and "Grasshopper" symbolism is another link to the story of Moses, when he is leading his people into the promised land.
The verse they are pulling from in the story Thorne tells is in Numbers 13.33
There we saw the giants and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.”
When Moses leads his people to the outskirts of the promised land, they send scouts ahead, to go into the land before entering it. The above verse is what the scouts report back.
They saw Giants in the land and they seemed liked grasshoppers because they were so small in comparison.
I've written before how the Nest (pyramid shaped) in Daryl Dixon season 1 and the Louvre are both representations of the promised land in the story of Moses.
I also wrote about a promotion for The book of Carol x that gave her the symbolism of Balaam's donkey. (another link to the promised land)
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And now we have this "Giant", "Grasshopper" and Museum symbolism linked to a museum to add to it all.
Overall, these symbols represent repeating history, and history is a dinosaur museum...Emily gave us a "key" to unlock the symbolism.
The Wolf comes home through repeating the past and a clue to her return is linked to a dinosaur 🦕 and museums and love, so the book of Carol is going to be very interesting, especially as we know that wolf 🐺 = Louvre.
Could the dinosaurs 🦕 broken heart 💔 be mended ❤️ by going back in time...to a museum of the broken-hearted past?
With (the book of) Carol holding the key? 🔑 🦕
The beginning is the end
🦕💔🦕💔♾️ 💔🦕💔🦕
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cjkie22 · 6 months
A non-exhaustive list of why you should listen to hit dirtbag boyband Bears in Trees:
their music is really amazing. you'll love it.
especially if your Spotify wrapped was on the pov: indie side of things
and even if it wasn't.
songs for every emotion
absolutely beautiful lyrics
sometimes these lyrics make sense. sometimes they don't. that's part of the fun.
songs about platonic love !!!!!
songs for the queers! the aros! the aces! the enbies! the trans community!
my dad likes them. doesn't sound like a lot, but it's an achievement.
(more underneath the break)
iain (bass/vox/lyrics) has "ginger" tattooed on the back of their head. if that isn't iconic I don't know what is.
on the note of iain, they were the first person i was aware of that used they as a pronoun, and that changed my life
they have a discord server! it's a really lovely community. i am not biased in the slightest. (discord.gg/sandbox) (https://discord.com/invite/thesandbox) (i will personally send you an invite i don't actually know what the link is)
they should DEFINITELY be on the heartstopper soundtrack
if I'm remembering correctly in the tiktok where they said they should be on the heartstopper soundtrack, they also said 3 out of 4 of them were in some way queer. seems like a good thing to me.
they opened for you me at six earlier this year. it was my first time seeing them live. and WOW.
I met some of my best friends through this band. I'm not joking; big shout out to the mojo dojo castle house, I'll never forget that weekend.
they're hilarious on the internet
you might cry at several of their songs for a million different reasons
BearBerry records
they have a tumblr blog @/bearsintreesofficial (iirc). I'm not gonna tag them but
BiT gigs are a safe space. I may have almost fainted at my last one (new cross inn, August 2023) but I've never met so many kind strangers and genuinely lovely people
merch is super comfy and really cute.
it gives stardew valley and animal crossing (trust me I'm right)
after the new cross gig (sweatiest gig in the world), despite surely being exhausted, callum (uke/keys/vox) took my bereal and i got my mini lesbian flag signed by them all
I turned out not to be a lesbian, which possibly makes it funnier, but the flag is stuck on my wall still
cryptids would LOVE their band
there's also a community minecraft server for discord members
BiT postcards !!!!
gosh and the bit stickers
they covered stick season on an Instagram live
they also do the funniest twitch streams
iain and the mountain
the raccoon email address
george (drums/production) is elite. the drum fills in doing this again? iconic. also has a specific really cool shirt I want to steal
wedding. dress. tiktok.
callum doesn't wear shoes on stage. apparently this was common knowledge but it sure surprised me at new cross.
the austrian soft drinks advert
iain make up looks
callum plays the flute. I want to say classically trained flautist but i may be wrong.
none of them have EVER bribed any members of law enforcement
their songs are very tattooable
talking of tattoos, nick (lyrics/guitar/saw him play the uke on stage once) has L + R tattooed on his forearms (iirc). absolute genius and I am stealing it when I get more of my patchwork sleeve done
iain releases solo music to under the name pet yeti. it's ethereal. callum also plays flute on one of them.
trumpet joe
the four of them never look like they are dressed for the same event
someone once edited the bears in trees wiki page to say that Ryan Ross was in their band
silly geese
that time we got singing? poetry? performance art? of THAT harry potter fanfiction
according to tiktok, iain and nick once had to sneak into their own show because they were underage
I have a video in the depths of my camera roll of them covering Mama by My Chemical Romance on a twitch stream
all of them give me gender envy at different times
their newest single (bart's bike) features banjo
patreon content
yelling it gets better with a room full of people was a healing experience.
modern baseball and fall out boy adjacent in my brain
if you like bears in trees you're automatically hot and really cool
they did a song with noahfinnce and its really super good
callum also featured on a myriad song which is also really super good
bit songs feel like coming home. they feel like hot chocolate and a blanket on a cold night. they feel like a warm hug. they feel like surviving and falling in love with life again and overcoming the worst things. they feel like victory, because you didn't think you'd make it to adulthood. but I'm 20 now. and I'm still here. I've almost graduated uni. and that's what bears in trees feels like.
all of their songs!!!! amazing!!!!
please feel free to add to this list. I'm taking suggestions.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
I had a thought last night when reading your posts…
Conspiracy theories and inane rumors aside, what is holding back Megan from doing social media? It’s just weird. So the whole Occam’s razor thing, simplest answer blah blah blah, what is the simplest explanation? Here again, it’s just weird.
Since you have an impressive body of reference material that could maybe leave some insight I’m missing.
The simplest answer—to me—is she simply doesn’t want it. That doesn’t seem like her though. The SussexRoyal clause still in effect? Maybe it would expose too many of her fabrications, varying recollections and interpersonal relationships? Because she seems to throw simple and transparent to the wind I’ll just go back to saying, yeah, it’s just weird.
Interest and content.
On interest: Meghan doesn't create or inspire the kind of interest to generate tons and tons of followers. She doesn't want Tig numbers anymore, she wants Jennifer Aniston and Kensington Palace numbers:
Jennifer Aniston broke Instagram's record by getting 1 million followers in 5 hours back in 2019, which broke the previous record set by the SussexRoyal Instagram, 1 million followers in 6 hours. Aniston's record isn't even top 5 anymore - a BTS singer holds first place with 1 million followers in 45 minutes and Angelina Jolie is next with 1 million followers in 1 hour.
Kensington Palace's Instagram has 15 million followers, currently. (SussexRoyal Instagram is currently around 9 million followers now - I think that's how many they had when they left in March 2020.)
Meghan/The Tig's Instagram before she deactivated in January 2018 was 3 million followers. For comparison - the official Invictus Games Instagram has 46 thousand followers and Invictus Games Vancouver only has 3,000 followers.
We know that Meghan and Harry were trying to get Facebook, who owns Instagram, to migrate their followers from SussexRoyal Instagram to a new Instagram account and Facebook kept refusing. So we know that they were concerned about wanting/having a huge following. We also know that there are a lot of bots supporting SussexRoyal -- all you had to do is dig deep into the comments and it was there.
I think the account they wanted Facebook to move their SussexRoyal followers to was @thearchewellorganization. The account was created at the same time they announced Archewell and the profile picture uses the same font as their website. Since they lost the fight with Facebook to get their followers moved, they scrubbed the Archewell social media but the account still remains (probably so they have the option to use it later).
And there was a TON of PR from Meghan last summer, August 2023 especially, that she was coming back to social media. Those stories specifically pointed to this account as Meghan's to boost the follower count before she "returned."
Tumblr media
As you can see, the followers didn't come, so therefore there was no big comeback. I think Meghan was expecting to get at least Tig-like numbers with her teases and links (after all, it worked the first time around) but the influencer/follower model is completely different now. What worked in 2016 isn't going to work in 2023. Which leads to the second point:
Content. The rules, both the official rules and the unofficial rules, have changed since 2018. The biggest change has been the rules for branded content, or sponsorship. Influencers that are merching are now required, by the terms and conditions of using Instagram, to disclose when they are merching and who is sponsoring them. You didn't have to do that back in 2016. And Meghan doesn't want to disclose who her sponsors are or when she's merching. She doesn't want us to know how desperate for money she is because it goes against the illusion she thinks she has created of being fabulously wealthy and an iconic trendsetter.
The second way the content game has changed is that you have to have stuff to post and promote. Only the incredibly popular people or the incredibly beloved people - the Angelina Jolies, the BTSs, the Kensington Palaces of the world - can get away with not posting for weeks or months at a time and it won't affect their follower count.
Meghan can't do that. She doesn't have the popularity, the fanbase, or the breadth and quality of work to be posting on any kind of regular or consistent basis. She wants to be at that level of fame, she believes she's at that level of fame, she's gaslighted some people to believing she has that level of fame, but she knows she can't convince all of us and the risk of non-believers "corrupting" believers is too great for her to chance.
Which leads to the third way the content game has changed: content moderation. She knows she is disliked and hated. She knows exactly why people dislike and hate her. She's fine with that. She likes the notoreity because in her mind, any attention is good attention. What Meghan doesn't like, and what she wants to control, is how visible that hate is to the public and the people who do like her. She only wants praise on social media because it's what garners the most traction in the power elite circles she wants to be in. Meaning she's going to have to do content moderation - either pay people to delete the hate, not allowing content, or being so restrictive in what keywords are allowed - that it's not worth the hassle.
My gut feeling is that they both want to be on social media but they can't deal with the criticism or the comparisons to William and Kate so Meghan hired Bouzy to take care of the haters (especially the ones that value William and Kate more) and Harry tackled media censorship as his Big Issue to take care of the content moderation.
(And all of these combined is, I think, is the root cause for why she and Harry are so suddenly focused on online child safety. WME probably got them on the bandwagon but you know they were super butthurt Zuckerburg and the other tech guys wouldn't do what they wanted back in 2020.)
Edit to fix the BTS band name.
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*knee-up are now 30% per extra char, not 50%! cool graphics made by the glorious @marianjos
yup. would like to humbly present some offerings. due to issues. i draw mostly in pencil and ink with some digital options, you'll get something physical in the mail for what should be <5 dollar shipping fee if you're based in the "us" chile or brazil, everywhere else is case by case. i'll do a lot this run, ocs down sloppy style, furries, gummies for the generous, short comic spreads for ur ocs and otps, etc except what i will not do. mutuals get xtras n things wink come talk to me to find out!
if at all interested please dm or email me at ohhbde(at)gmail(dot)com, thank you!😐👍🏼💕
🍵add. info below for serious onlookers🍵
i'll also do +10$< for brush pen as an add-on, forgot to add it in
soy has a history of drawing for: orv, link click, shl/woh, ajin, drhdr, jojo, code geass, witch hat atelier. jjk is glaring rn
soy would also luv to draw more for: golden kamuy, neuro tantei, blue period, hxh, inuyasha, your ocs!
sliding scale prices are open to under-resourced folks, especially folks of color, who still want something nice. pm me
i'm opening nsfw comms sloppy style to charas that i don't know or care about so note that is the risk you’re running. i'd love to make your ocs bang if that's what you want to see from me !
ill work on sketch-ups after gathering specifics which will then be sent for approval, wherein you may make changes. once a sketch is finalized no more changes can be made.
your commission will be mailed to you, and if you requested a digital add-on, the file will be emailed to you.
i'll draw ya 2+ gummies if you tip me $5+, which i will donate on your behalf to a person/org of my choosing
refunds only in the case i neglect the entire commission.
in order to make my business a lil more sustainable, i’ll offer a separate one-time exclusive use fee, which is permanent/specific to one person - which was previously built into all my prev commissions, but now you must pay to reserve the commissioned work for personal use. this is so i didnt need to hike up my prices across the board to account for what is essentially one-time use of a drawing, and so i may have the viable option to make merch w it to help offset the cost of offering cheaper comms. if i ever do end up making merch from it, you can request one from me for free or production cost.
if you'd like to commission a one-time use fanart drawing, thats 60% of the flat amount total added on. If not, you can still get the same, actually lowered than before, flat pricing for fanart comms - just bear that in mind! this fee does not apply to non-fanart, which have had their prices modified to reflect this. thanks for your understanding.
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broke-art-girl · 2 months
"Lick It Up." By Broke_Art_Girl
(This is an gift to A_Tw1nky_Guy on AO3)
Fandom: Bones and All, Kiss (Band), Webkinz.
Summary: Lee gets hungry after hanky panky. He ends up coming home in a lot of pain. Reader comforts him and gets him some Webkinz and KISS merch.
Words: 3k+
Characters: Lee, Gender Neutral Reader (specifically did not say Y/N))
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54960784
We sit cuddled up on the reclining sofa you bought after we.. broke the futon doing unholy things. Oops.. But you've kept asking for that position since, so…
“I wish this place had more of you in it.” You say out of the blue as we watch evening jeopardy and do aftercare.
Kissing and holding each other softly. Surrounded by each other's smells and warmth. I'm pretty tired, I figure I'll have to go find something in a day or two but I'm not too worried about it right now. I'm sure your tired too, so I keep good check on how much water your drinking and if you feel sleepy.
I chuckle. “My dirty boxers are all over the place, I think that's enough.”
I got a sharp punch to the arm about halfway through that sentence, but it was worth the blush on your face. “You know what I mean!” You hiss cutely.. I think it was meant to be harsh. “Other than your Webkinz collection, there aren't many signs that you live here.”
I sigh. Usually that's the point. Don't have a lot of stuff in case you have to bolt in the dead of night. I hate this but I still keep that old blow up mattress in my truck. Just in case something happens.
“Yeah. I just don't have much to put in here.” I say with the least amount of sadness possible in my voice.
“Well, we'll have to look for things you like when we go thrift shopping and yard saling. I bet a record player would be perfect right-” you drag it out, holding your thumb and index fingers up on both hands as if you were framing for a camera shot. “-there.”
You're focused on a small table under the mounted TV.
I nod. “It would.”
Its 12am and all I can think of is Food.
Super sized burger combo? McFlurry? Fries at the bottom of the greasy bag?
I want the server.
My head is foggy and my whole body feels like I'm on fire. My stomach is growling loudly.
I needed it. Flesh. Warm, bloody, human, flesh. I'm hungry.
And you're lying next to me.
I don't know what happened! It was fine hours ago, then all of a sudden, I felt like I hadn't eaten in months.
Sneaking out is always the hardest part. You're so sweet and understanding about my “condition” as we call it, but God bless you, you get so clingy every time I need to go.
“Lee?” You groan as I slowly slide my torso out from between your legs. I swear you treat me like a body pillow. I pretend to hate it but truth be told, it makes me feel wanted.
“Mhm?” I answer, hoping that you're sleep talking.
“Where you going?”
The tone of your little voice breaks my heart. “I'm hungry, I'll be back soon.” I whisper as I lay a hand on your arm over the old comforter. I felt like anything more would push me over the edge.
“Kiss?” You ask, practically beg.
I hate this part. The longing, the need, the lust, desire, and hunger that prevents all of it.
“I can't.” I mumbled through gritted teeth.
Usually I can give you maybe one or two pecks on the lips, every makeout session has to be broken up into little pieces, breaks in the bedroom. I have to make sure I'm careful with you.
And my heart broke even more.
“I'll be back before ya know it, I swear, just go back to sleep.”
“Love you..” You whine, I can tell you're hoping that it will make me stay. But I can't.
“Love ya, too.” And as quick as I can I have my clothes on and shoes tied. It's only then that I notice one of my Webkinz on the floor. I quickly stoop low and grab him. A small husky I named, Bandit.
“Can you hang on to him for me? He keeps falling off the bed.”
You smile in the dim light. “Course.”
“Thanks.” I smile down at you. Yearning for that kiss I can't have.
I'm out of the room now, grabbing my pocket knife, phone, and keys to my old truck.
I hear you call for me right as I unlock the door. I quickly run back to our room. Well, your room, it's your apartment. I just live here...
“Yeah?” I ask.
“Be safe."
I smile to myself. “I will. Love ya.”
“Love you more!”
I chuckled. No way.
My shoes kept sticking to the bottom of the sidewalk, I looked back to make sure there weren't any footprints left in blood. I can just imagine what I look like. The apartment security wont like that. God I feel sick to my stomach. I go around to the back of the apartment where there's a water hose. I use it to spray myself off as best as I can. The cold water and the pressure was like icicles stabbing into me all over.
I was soggy all over, my jeans causing me to chaf like balls all the way back into the apartment. I cringed at the feet squelching sound across the carpet and the puddle that dripped off me in the elevator.
After I snuck back into their apartment, being extra careful of the squeaky hinge, -God I need to spray some WD-40 on that thing, I keep forgetting.. Anyway! I creep to the bathroom under the mildly flickering streetlight. Dogs barked as the pipes rattled all the way down to the water heater in the boiler room. I hope they didn't wake you up. I'm sorry if they did, but I can't face you looking like this. Like a savage.
Excess blood that didn't come off with the hose dripped down my chin, sprayed across my abdomen. It's disgusting even to me, let alone the Non-Eater in the next room. I grabbed a black washcloth I stole from the salvation army.. sorry salvation army.
The Old spice you got me for Christmas always makes me feel.. normal.. somehow as it buffs away the gore I cause. You like the husky warm smell, and I like the attention you give me when I smell like that so that's a plus. I scrub everything away, making sure to take good care of my joints; under arms, neck, between my fingers, behind my ears, stuff like that. Cracks and runs in the skin where it could get stuck and dry. Especially in my nails.
I wash my hair with your shampoo, supposedly it's color saving somehow, I don't know. I just like the feeling it causes on my scalp. All bubbly and soft. It smells like you.
My stomach just keeps feeling worse and worse. I know eating junkies isn't the best thing to do, but nobody else was out at 12am. I've had to tough out many illnesses, thankfully the worst thing ive ever gotten is the flu.
Your name rings through my head the whole time. It's perfect. It's home. Even though you prefer a pet name; baby, honey, or the most heavily southern twanged version of darlin’ I've ever said, (and oh I love when you call me cowboy~) I like your name, your actual name, the best.
I heard the thudding of foot prints as the cramping almost folds me.
“M-mhm.” I groan in discomfort.
“You okay?” That sweet little voice.
“Yeah, I'm alright, Darlin'”
I hear you get giddy, giggling and squealing in excitement, it distracts me for a moment as I smile.
“You hurt?” You ask.
“Nah, just a stomach ache.” I reply, starting to finish up.
I can see the outline of your pj's. My big ol hoodie that hits your body in just the right places to make you look like a little kid and a runway model at the same time. I remember days when that hoodie was the difference between just being cold and getting hypothermia for me on the road. I'm thankful I don't have to live like that anymore with you.
“I've probably just.. um..” I search for the vaguest word possible. “Food poisoning..??”
“Oh.. bad flesh?”
“Please,” I drag out the word. “-don't say that.” I shake my head, the warm water feeling less like a hug and more like tiny stabs. "That word should never come out of your mouth." I sigh.
You paused. “But, am I right?”
I give a deep sigh. “Yeah..” I say after a bit. The running water and small barking are the only sounds for a little. I feel like maybe you don't take this nearly as serious enough as I want you to. Like you think it's some kind of fantasy.
“Okay. Maybe tomorrow you can just rest.”
“Yeah, I gotta lay low for a bit. After.. you know-”
“-yeah.” You say as if it were nothing. “Well, I have work tomor-”
“-I'm gonna get a job too, don't worry, I just can't-”
“-yeah, right, I know.” You sigh.
We take turns trying to get a word in over each other until I'm clean. Probably twice as clean as anyone in a hazmat suit. I hop out, covering my semi chaffed junk and smirking because I know how you think. I think the same way.
I wrap a towel around my waist and immediately begin scrubbing my teeth. Pre-rinse, Brush, Listerine, Floss, everything. All while feeling like I’m gonna vomit any second.
You give me small light kisses on the hand that's gripping yours as we walk to the bedroom. You insist I lie on the side you usually sleep on, because it's warm, so I do because I don't feel like arguing. I wrap my arms around you and you do the same, nuzzling into my chest. You try to help me feel better, offering me pain killers that grew too weak when I was like.. nine, cigarettes, and eventually give up.
“I just wanna sleep.” I whine, holding the cramping spot on my stomach.
“No cigarettes? Wow you must be really sick.”
I chuckle. I do need to quit, road jitters aren't the best. And a pack only lasts me a week nowadays. “Yeah. Like I said. Food poisoning.”
“I understand.”
“Good.” I say as I pull you close. You take your hand and start rubbing circles on my abdomen. I grunt and groan as you hit sore spots but all in all it feels good.
After the bite of quietness we both took, I whisper, “I'm glad I have you.” as you keep rubbing.
“I'm glad I have you, too.” You whisper.
You cuddle and nuzzle my chest and face as I get tired. My eyes get heavy and I start to slowly pant after the pain gets a little bit worse until finally it calms a bit. After more kisses to my cheeks and eyelids, I'm finally able to nod off, uncomfortably.
The next morning I wake up and you're at work, I assume. I feel a hanger pressed under my thigh. I smile as I take it away and bring it up to scratch my back with. Then I chuck it across the room in the pile of clothes you went through before picking whatever you wore. I'll just have to see this evening. I go to sit up and immediately fall back to the mattress. My stomach aching all the same as it was hours ago.
I groan, holding myself. I raise the sheets and look for a plushie, any plushie. Something I can hug for comfort. I can't just white knuckle my way through it this time. I’ve gotten some serious virus or something. I don't Google it though. I don't wanna be convinced I'm dying before I really am.
Finally I see one on the floor. Ugh. I reach down painfully and pick them up, holding them to my chest and gasping as I feel a little of last night's dinner digest. It hurts a lot, but all of a sudden, the pain fades.
Probably a bone. I suddenly thought. They could hurt like this.
I sigh thankfully. My guts are still sore from (probably) being scraped around by a finger or something, but whatever it was hit my stomach acid and like magic, it was defeated. I lay still, hurting. Until my bladder said he needed attention. Now!
I sat up and tasted blood in my usual acid reflux. Yep definitely a bone.
I waddle to the toilet, flip up the lid and piss a big ol piss. I close the lid and flush, washing my hands with the bath and body soap you bought for this month's “holiday.” I've told you a million times. “They're smoking crack and taking your money.” but truth be told… It does smell good. I like the little kitty cat sanitizer you put on my keychain. It smells like eucalyptus.. and sometimes it helps me not be so stressed. When I see it, I think of you.
After I wash my hands I go to get a fancy bottle of water from the fridge door. Fiji? Feejee? Feje? Fi-jeez. I got a Fij-headache. I guzzle some of it and plop down on the couch grabbing the remote on the table. Suddenly I hear;
Yeah yeah!
Don't wanna wait till you know me better!!
I let out a frightened yelp. Where the hell is that coming from?!
Let's just be glad for our time together!!
I look down at the remote in my hand. Not the TV remote. Yamaha? What's that??
Life's such a treat and it's time you taste it!!
I agree, Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, but why are you in my house?! I turn around and around looking for a speaker or anything.
There ain't a reason on earth to waste it!
It aint a crime to be good to yourself!
Oh, investigations can wait, I can't help but sing;
"Lick it up!! Lick it up!! U-U-UP!"
"Lick it up!! Lick it up!! U-U-UP! Oo yeah!"
As the chorus plays out I burst into the bedroom and grab all my Webkinz, I grab your hair brush. Setting them down on the couch and rushing back to “the stage” just in time to catch the next verse.
Don't need to wait for an invitation!!
"Da nuh nuhh. Da nuh nuhh."
You gotta live like you're on vacation!!
"Da nuh nuhh. Da nuh nuhh."
There's something sweet you can't buy with money!!
"Lick it up, woo, lick it up!"
It's all you need, so believe me, honey!! It ain't a crime to be good to yourself!!
Then as I'm getting ready to start the chorus, the music stops. I let out a loud groan, only now remembering that I didn't put it on. I finally see the little box sitting on the table under the TV. I walk over to it and see a hoodie and a note.
“Here's to my little cowboy. I love you, I hope you feel better. I'm out getting your other gifts, so jam out.”
And your name written right at the bottom. In your unique little scribbling.
I just die a little inside. And get hard.. but that's not the point
Yamaha is printed on what looks like a record player, sitting right where you wanted it. A hoodie with the Lick it up album photo on it. I look at the tag and see it's my size. I immediately throw it in the wash with a couple other things so I can wear it as soon as possible.
What else could top this.. I wonder. About this time you walk in the door.
“Lee! I'm home!”
I rush out from the laundry room and wrap you in a big hug. “Mhh! I love it!!”
“Aw, I was hoping I could see your fac-”
“Wait, why are you home? It's like 2pm, you don't get off till 5pm at least.”
“Well, I got off early after I saw some stuff on Facebook marketplace. I wanted to get it for you and the seller wasn't available after 2pm.”
You hand me three Walmart bags. Eatch one is filled to the brim with Webkinz plushies. Each one is one I don't have. They all have their codes and they are in perfect condition. As I'm sitting there in shock taking them all out of the bags, you hand me what looks like a picture frame of the Lick It Up album cover.
“Oh my God!! Wow, thanks, you didn't have to."
"I know but I wanted to."
"I could have just hung the record sleeve. I mean you got me all these Webkinz!!”
“Oh no, this is not an album sleeve. Look closer.” You say in a teasing way as you point to something in black ink.
Paul Stanley. Gene Simmons. Eric Carr. Vinnie Vincent.
“I got it for like a hundred bucks. I had to go pick it up. That's why I was gone.”
At this moment, I don't know why, but my body decided it was a good idea to scream at the top of my lungs like a little fangirl. And cry. Yes. Cry.
“Aw! Baby!” You coo at me as I sob happily, my knees buckling under me.
“T-t-tank you!!” I stutter like a child. All soaked with tears, hugging all my plushies and the frame. My heart is racing and I can barely breathe.
“You're welcome, cowboy.” You chuckle. “Feeling better?”
“M-m-mhm!!” I hum as I pepper a dozen kisses all over your face.
You giggle and kiss me deeply on the lips. “I'm glad. Now go put it on. Your fans are waiting.” You say as you wave your hand towards the Webkinz.
Immediately I ran over to the player and put the song back on seeing that it had skipped. That's why it stopped playing earlier. I put all the new Webkinz on the couch with the others and grab your hair brush ready to jump and dance around, belting my heart out until I've lost my voice. Then you join so I wouldn't sound quite so bad “on stage.”
After this, we may need a new bed.. ;)
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bunnygirl678 · 2 months
Which fics have you read more than once?
Ahhhh so I've read a lot of fics more than once! I usually leave a comment if I read something twice but not always, i forget sometimes lmao
I need to do a fic rec at some point, but to just link a few that i've reread recently (note i've been doing a lot of prec metal latelyyyy)
Okay my top 5 most reread for reguri/pms are below soooo enjoy! Although these aren't all of them, they're just the most recently reread lmao, ummm there aren't as many fics for gold/silver so you get more aus with reguri,
Take heed of ratings and tags if you see something you don't like don't read lmao
Reguri both game/manga is first cause it's first lmao (no specific order)
So this is my all time favorite Reguri story, I've reread it multiple times, Scale of the Heart Series by DeathandTaxes, it's really good and really long which is a bonus in my book,
A note, this one isn't complete and hasn't been updated since 2018 but i'm holding out hope lmao, it's also omegaverse which is my dirty little secret love While You Were Away by msOdds, this story is why i like mpreg lmao
This one is a soulmate au and i really really like it Reguri Week:CODA by loopid, really cute idea and i like how it was executed
High School AU!!! I love high school aus, I only have one going and it's gold/silver mostly because i've been out of high school too long and don't trust myself to write it well lmao, but this one is amazing, i remember clicking on it and being like, hmm not gonna read yet and when i finally did i ended up going back and rereading it (i was in the hospital with pneumonia so there wasn't much to do but read and write lmao) The Oak Tree by FarishtaFyre, it's soooo good, worth the read for sure
This one is spicy it's about slime!Red Experiment by chatonbiru
Prec/Hunter not gonna separate cause you know (no specific order)
Okay this is pokemas there's actually 3 separate stories all by the same author Dreamsgirl but i adore them so it's counting as one, and usually when i read one i'll go read the other two, Rebound, Mistakes Were Made, Rivalzoned (the last two also have some reguri)
And We Shall Burn by Juulz, this one is LONG which is great cause there are only a few long fics for this pairing which sucks, it's really well written and has a bunch of twists and turns
PMS_Apologist i've reread a bunch of her stuff, she's the best porn writer i know, beware it's on the side of dark which i'm all for but you know heed the tags, the first fic i read from her was really dark and i was like, yeah i'm gonna need more glad to see she has a ton, and we ended up becoming homies cause she likes bloodbank lmao, as for fics, this one is cute, and spicy but not dark, Awaiting the Apocalypse it's got the fun air that a lot of masters fics have. Also Facade which has no sex
Another long one, it had me crying so that's fun, Something to Fight For, by Yusuke_Uchiha, I read it in an afternoon while on pain killers with my shoulder and sobbed a ton lol
Heart to Heart by Kalkks, green being a good big brother figure which is always fun, cute story!
Then finally my top 5 fics of my own that i've reread
Blood bank, it is on going, i have the next ch written and i need to update lmao, alsooooo it's getting a companion piece for gold/silver and team rocket so you get to see how gio/delia started dating and why silver hates red, and it's also spicy but not published as of yet (it will be just as long as blood bank lmao)
Mama, Can You Die From A Broken Heart? me experimenting with a texting fic!! i ended up really liking it and have reread it multiple times, i wrote a good portion of it on a flight while fighting a hangover and no sleep but it's still good lmao
Soulmates in Higher Education Series first one is red/green second is actually a prequel but it's silver/gold i had fun writing them, i love soulmate aus so you know i had to write them
The Most Expansive Collection of Champion Red Merch in All of Kanto this one was fun to write, it's a snapshot fic with a storyline if that makes sense?
5 Times Eevee Helped Green When He Was Sick, +1 Time She Didn't it's rough around the edges, I was getting back into writing and as you can tell from the notes I was extremely ill, in the hospital, but i still love this fic, really liked my plan and whatnot,
BONUS: MY FAV AUs (And how many wips i have of each)
High School/College Love these, I have 1 WIP and it's gold/silver, but it's really good?? it started out as an attempt at originalshipping but the characterizations were off, until i realized they were more like gold/silver so i made some edits and changed the plan, i'll pick it back up at some point lmao
Omegaverse- leave me alone i love them so much, Reguri-5 wips, Prec-3 wips
Soulmate-need i say more?? 2 wips, one reguri, one prec
Hanahaki- sad flower disease?? Yes please, i love the angst, and i love flowers (fun fact i'm a licensed florist, but i never do anythign with itlmao) 1 wip each, neither are close to completion lol
Family- not found family, but like domestic?? idk, moreso with gold/silver, silver and gio reconnecting or never separating or idk, just fluffy family stuff
There are a ton more fics that I've read multiple times, or really enjoyed, if you run out of stuff to read let me know lmao, you can always beta my 97 open wips lmao
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felfiramoondesigns · 1 year
Abhorsen/Garth Nix Appreciation post!
So I needed to get my butt over to Tumblr as it appears all The Old Kingdom fans are here haha. MY PEOPLE!
So I've pulled together a bunch of Old Kingdom items I've made (not all of them, I sold out of my Abhorsen's Sword and Mogget a while ago) or am in the process of trying to get made (I've tagged each photo with a link to the item or KS) I will forever want to make stuff for this series.
(Carry on reading below for a baby faced me with Garth Nix at the end lol)
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I refer to Sabriel as my heart book. I read it at least once almost every year haha, more so during years where I need to be grounded. I first had the story on cassette tape (god I am old) at 13 years old. I listened to it so much i destroyed all the tapes!! I am soon to be 34 so that gives you an idea of how long this book/series has been part of my life.
I have been asked if I will make other charter marks or a set of bells and the answer is I don't know, maybe?? I haven't thought too much about what specific Old Kingdom merch I want to make next.
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Ending with a flashback to my bookselling years, at the Goldenhand event at Waterstones Deansgate in 2016! (I don't think I've ever shared a picture of myself on Tumblr so I'm sorry it's me of 2016 but Hi! I'm Fiona if you don't alreasy know hehe)
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whatacaitastrophe · 4 months
Is It Over Now - Chapter 10
Previous Chapter
Chapter Song Inspiration: "Right Where You Left Me" - Taylor Swift
Chapter Warnings: mentions of a past suicide attempt
Spotify Playlist: Here
Chapter Notes: if you have read this fic, liked it, reblogged it, or left comments THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. keep the comments coming bc i love hearing your feedback (and like tinkerbell, i need applause to live). also, if you feel so called to support me in other ways, here is a link to all my other socials, including my twitch channel, "all my homies hate mystra" merch i created (lol), and a donation link <3
also!! i have a discord server!! it was made to coincide with the twitch channel, but i need more friends to talk about bg3 with so pls come hang. link is above!
Chapter 10: Right Where You Left Me
As far as explanations go, the one Gale gave Fallon is pretty solid. Gale is incredibly smart, but he isn’t clairvoyant; as he told Fallon, there is no real way Gale could have predicted that Mystra would offer him an almost impossible ultimatum. Fallon believed Gale when he promised he loved her more than Mystra– a conversation that honestly feels like another lifetime at this point– but more than magic itself? There was no competing with that. Fallon completely understands why Gale made the choice he did, knowing he was at risk to lose his connection to magic. Moreover, Fallon hates the goddess of magic even more than she did previously. 
Still, Fallon finds herself noticing little moments throughout Gale’s story that could have been entirely avoided. Specifically, he wanted to re-forge the crown until after he reached Elysium. “Could the crown have been re-forged before reaching The Outer Plane?” Fallon asks curiously. Granted, her knowledge of The Weave and how magic intrinsically works is not exactly something Fallon could give a lecture on, but Gale could. Despite that, Fallon has a feeling Gale probably could have re-forged The Crown of Karsus before ever setting foot in Elysium; especially since he had no intention of returning the crown to Mystra. All his goddess had asked of Gale was to return the pieces to her. She said nothing about Gale needing to put it back together to receive her favor once more. Fallon would know, she saw Gale’s conversation with the goddess the day she tasked him with returning the crown, through their tadpole connection.
Which means, if Fallon is correct, Gale could have completely avoided Mystra’s ultimatum entirely; and therefore all of the pain and hurt Fallon has been through in the last year could have also been completely avoided. 
“Of course,” Gale confirms. “Combined with the magic I still possessed and the piece of the Karsite Weave within me, desperate to reunite with the crown itself, re-forging it outside of the Outer Plane most certainly would not have killed me.” 
Fallon chews on her bottom lip, considering the information he’d just shared. “So why did you wait? Why give Mystra the opportunity to best you at all?” 
“Fallon, you can’t sit there and tell me if you were given the opportunity to prove your naysayers wrong, directly to their face, that you wouldn’t take the opportunity?” His tone is a little condescending, and his hackles are raised. Fallon questioning his choice after telling her his sob story is clearly not what he expected.
Fallon stares at him in slight disbelief. “So let me make sure I understand this correctly: You found the pieces of The Crown of Karsus, you could have re-forged the crown and become a god without going to the Outer Plane to do so, but you decided to wait until Mystra was watching…just so you could win? And not doing so to her face would have made finding and reforging the crown a loss, despite ultimately getting what you wanted?” Pride. Ambition. All of the things that caused Gale’s original downfall; they were still his greatest motivating factors after all this time. Gale Dekarios had truly learned nothing.
Gale frowns. “You don’t understand–”
“No, I think I understand perfectly. Instead of making this easy for yourself and taking the win and walking away, you put yourself in the position to potentially give Mystra, a goddess who has spurned you multiple times over, the chance at having the upper hand,” She shakes her head. “You could have come home to me…you could have come home and none of this would have happened.” Fallon stands up and walks over to the window of the suite, staring out at the busy streets below.
Gale follows her over to the window, and he takes his hand in hers. “Fallon, please, you must listen to me. When Astarion came to see me– when he told me what happened to you…what you tried to do to yourself…it shattered me. Not only were you in such a state that you felt like your only way out was through death, but that I was the cause…you must know how sorry I am for the role I played in that, and how deeply, deeply sorry I am for causing you such immense pain. If I’d ever thought it was possible to hurt you so thoroughly, I never would have left you behind.” 
Fallon stopped listening the moment Gale confessed that Astarion told him Fallon tried to kill herself. The pieces all begin to fall into place in her mind. Astarion found Gale right before he went to Elysium. By the time Astarion returned to Baldur’s Gate, Gale had already ascended to godhood, bound to Mystra once more. “Is that why Astarion sought you out? To–to tell you what was happening to me? Did he ask you to come home? Don’t fucking lie to me, Gale Dekarios.” 
Gale must realize his mistake the moment the question leaves Fallon’s mouth, and he doesn’t need to answer her because his face says it all. Not only had he just told her Astarion came to see him, but that during that brief visit, the vampire informed him of Fallon’s mental and physical condition, and Gale did nothing.
“Fallon…I was right there.” He tries to explain, tries to justify his actions and choices; to her, of all people.
“And I was right here, and so gods-damned miserable that being dead was more appealing to me than living a life without you in it…and you knew and still, you chose yourself. You chose your pride and your ambition and your goddess, and left me here to fucking rot.” She needs to find Astarion, immediately, and she’s pretty sure he left his sending stone behind before they departed for the ball. Shit, she fucked up. 
“I– I have to go,” She pushes past Gale to find her shoes. “And you need to leave.”
“I mean it, Gale– you better not be here when I get back, because if I can convince Astarion to come back with me, I will not be held responsible if he snaps your fucking neck.” She sits down on the couch, hastily trying to buckle her sandals and cursing under her breath.
“So that’s it then…after all we’ve been through…you’re choosing him.”
Fallon stares at Gale in disbelief. “After all we’ve–” Fallon’s laughter is loud and harsh. “You left me Gale! If Astarion had come home even minutes later that day I tried to poison myself, I would have succeeded. Regardless of any feelings I have for Astarion, there’s no coming back from that for you. Even before I found out you fucking knew and chose not to act, there never was. Not as my lover, and until you fucking realize the absolute selfishness of your actions, not as my friend either.”
Fallon doesn’t even look at him as she turns to leave, rushing from the suite as fast as she could manage in a floor length gown. 
Chapter List
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juniper-pines · 10 months
Help Please! Commissions! Art for Doodles! Drive to Immediately Stabilize!
So I have a little under 80 days as of this writing to make about $8,000.00 - $10,000 USD
I have been struggling without work. Unpayed bills from the past few months have piled up. I've lost so much already, and I'm at risk of losing even more. On top of that, I need to move halfway across the country by the end of October, since the family I'm staying with is moving out of the country. I can't really follow them with my financial situation.
This escalation happened about a week after I had finally reached a point where I'm able to complete commissions and take in new ones. So now I have additional plans and schedules and stuff that need to be done... Additional money needs to be made, and fast, before I can settle into a more sensible work flow.
So... I'm doing everything. EVERYTHING! Whatever I can do! It's crunch time x1000!
The Quick Summary:
I have a Carrd now! There, you can find links to all my socials, Patreon, Ko-fi, GoFundMe, the form for requesting Commissions or Doodles-For-Donations and Monthly Patreon Doodles, and more! Check it out: https://juni-p.carrd.co/
My Patreon has been updated and makes sense finally! Monthly Doodles can be requested from the form at the bottom of the Commissions page on my Carrd for each monthly Patreon contribution!
You can request Doodles-For-Donations on that same form if you're donated anywhere! Ko-fi, Patreon, wherever! Check out the bottom of the Commissions page on my Carrd for info and a link to the form!
Commissions are open for requests right now! I'll start taking new ones very soon, so get your requests in! Look for the form link on the bottom of my Carrd's Commissions page!
My GoFundMe is still available, and has been updated with info about the move and such. You can read that for more info about it all and donate if you're feeling generous <3 (Also, this still counts for Doodles-for-Donations, too, if you want!)
Soon I'll have a store! With stickers and stuff! Maybe even shirts! I'll send out notifications when there's merch and stuff up, and the links will be up on my Carrd too!
Lots more specifics below, so keep reading! And thank you in advance for any help!
I have an income tracker on the Carrd, under News. When I hit a milestone, I'll be doing something special! ...though I haven't figured out what the special thing is just yet! Pls let me know if you have ideas. I wanna make it nice b/c TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYthankyou~
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All Patreon backers now get a Doodle per month! Details and request form are on the Carrd! It's the same form as Commissions, so just make sure you pick the "Patreon" option, okay? I'm still thinking of what other incentives I can put on there. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know! I really appreciate y'all so much~
KOFI and Donation Doodles!
Like the Patreon doodles, but for one-time donations and things like that I'll be doing these whenever I'm on stream, too, so come say hi! Same request form! It's all on the Carrd!
Commission Requests are open!
I'll be taking new ones soon, once I get more of my backlog done, so if you want a commission, get your requests in! Pricing and details all on the Carrd! I'm working hard <3 <3
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Also I'm doing Animations now, too! And YCH stuff soon! I'm excited about it!!! :D :D :D Pic related to both <3 (Thank you X!!!)
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My GoFundMe's been updated to explain my situation some, and to help give me some relief from the amount of work I now have to do in such a short time. Shares, reblogs, etc, are just as appreciated as the donations. Thank you <3
I'm also opening a RedBubble with stickers and prints and stuff!
I don't know what to put there yet, but I already have the storefront and such. More to come soon, of course <3 It's empty at the time of posting, but there'll be stuff there soon!
Finishing commissions comes first, of course~
If you read all of that, TY
I am going through the climax of this whole ordeal I've been in for the past few years and/or most of my life Honestly, the uncertainty hitting such a high is scary, but I'm gonna do my best ( TuT)9 My DMs on Discord are always open if you have any thoughts or questions, okay? TY, everyone, for sticking with me through it all <3
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
Alpha Midoriya x Omega Bakugo Ⅱ
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content, read tags.
Credit to @capsulect for the fan art.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Courting & Coupons by s_the_queen
Summary: Izuku's stomach turned over. He had told himself a thousand times that this was it. That the next time Kacchan started nesting, he'd shoot his shot. They were third years, and Kacchan was easily his best friend. He was also the love of his life. Every time Kacchan hit pre-heat, courting gifts would flood the dorms and Izuku would watch in terror as Kacchan inspected each one and then crumple in relief when he turned them down.
He couldn't wait on the sidelines anymore and wonder if Kacchan would accept him. He had to try, or else he'd miss his chance and regret it for the rest of his life.
WIP | 18/? Chapters | Mature
Last Updated March 2024
Perfection by Sugardoriya
Summary: Katsuki Bakugo is getting closer to his heat. His Mate and Husband, Izuku Midoriya, is preparing for a good and safe time. Expect a lot of fluff and making love.
{One Shot}
Pro Hero AU | Contains Smut
Kacchan’s Life-Size Deku Plushie by jix_bee
Summary: In a world where ProHeros scent their merch to help Omega fans through their heats - specifically plushies - Omega Pro Hero Katsuki finds scented merch from his Alpha colleague Deku as his heat kicks in.If he locks the door nobody's gonna know he's humping the life-size Deku plushie like it's his last day on earth, right? RIGHT?
Unfortunately, Deku has an excellent nose.
{One Shot}
Contains Smut | Pro Hero AU
Crime or Punishment? by SpikyTeddy
Summary: Pro hero alpha Izuku is in a video call for work on his day off, bratty omega Katsuki tries to get his attention.
{One Shot}
Pro Hero AU | Contains Smut
hold out by babychaos
Summary: When Izuku comes back from years abroad being a hero in America, Katsuki is forced to face his most well-kept secret. But he isn't prepared for the way confidence has transformed the nerdy alpha nor the way it brings his deepest desires to the surface. There's one thing Katsuki only ever wanted from Izuku, he never knew he would come so close to getting it.
{One Shot}
Pro Hero AU | Contains Smut
告白 by heademptyjustsenku
Summary: Bakugou grapples with his emotions about a certain nerd after an enlightenment in the form of… said nerd.
One Shot | SFW
Liquid Gold by ResonantArchivist
Summary: “I fucking pumped that shit, Deku!” Katsuki sobbed, staring at the bottles of liquid gold spilled carelessly on the living room rug. “My fucking tits hate the pump so bad, I just wanted to take a fucking nap with no babies for the first time in two months! But no! That’s too much to fucking ask, isn’t it!”
After a stressful day, Izuku pampers his omega in the bath tub.
One Shot | Aged Up | Contains Smut
You're Unlike Anyone Else by PhoenixEnd
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki without a doubt fucking hated being an omega. His secondary gender was the cause of so much hardship and pain in his life, how could there possibly be any feeling but hate for it?
One Shot | Contains Smut
Pro Hero Baku x Quirkless Deku
Learning to Nest by O_oari
Summary: Katsuki was stressed. He knew exactly why he was stressed but he didn't know how to fix it. All week he has been trying to build a shitty nest just like any other Omega would do. Everyone told him it would come naturally and he would ‘just know’ but he didn't! Most Omegas learned how to nest from their parents but Katsuki had a Mother Alpha and a Beta Father. Neither of them knew how to nest so Katsuki was never taught.
Katsuki picked himself up and walked to the only person he knew might be able to help. He was an Alpha and probably knew Jack Shit about nest building but it couldn't be any worse than Katsukis attempts.
Izuku helps Katsuki build a nest.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Darling, I would do it again by mor (i6uooh_uiw)
Summary: Katsuki’s mad at him and he doesn’t know why—it’s not like he missed an anniversary, haha.
- or -
Izuku loves living with his totally platonic roommate Katsuki, who he is definitely not in love with; and Katsuki likes living with Izuku well enough too, considering they’re long term boyfriends set to mate soon. Right?
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
Series: court up in the moment by rejectimate
Summary: This is an ongoing dkbk ABO au featuring mostly soft/fluffy/sfw alpha deku x omega kacchan!!
3 Works
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munchboxart · 4 months
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Ok so I went along and counted how many appearances specific characters have for Re-Ment. I didn't count all of them (especially Kirby and Waddle Dee good lord, did you know there's just entire sets of just Kirby. Make's sense but Kirby fatigue...).
Discontinued page [Link] | Currently selling page [Link]
What I counted was full body figure's, not the little food or rinky dink shit Re-Ment makes, and this also includes Re-ment's current release of Kirby figures. The ones I have counted for are Marx, Magolor, King Dedede, Waddle Doo, Daroach and Meta Knight.
At a whopping 2 appearances is Daroach! He's lucky to have 2 none of the characters post Kirby Triple Deluxe have any figures (other than the Sofubi soft vinyl figures and magnets).
Waddle Doo is at 4 appearances! I'm surprised they have this many figure's, where are the Waddle Doo fans
At 5 figures is Marx, no surprise, he's one of the more popular bosses.
I'm really sad I have to get here but at 6 figures is... King Dedede. I think he's the least popular of the main 4 characters (Kirby, MK, him and Waddle Dee's), doesn't help that his 3D model is really inconsistent but I'm still pretty sad.
Meta Knight barely beating him out with 11 figure's I'm going to be fucking sick
In conclusion, if you're a fan of any of the character's post Triple Deluxe, go look elsewhere 💀 They're going to make more merch of Magolor than the amount of cutscenes he has in RTDL OR become a Magolor/MK fan
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