#you still tense up when you see it because it was the behaviour you learned from your caretakers
vulturevanity · 2 months
I have reason to believe that fear of harmless bugs is a social construct
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where-dreams-dwell · 4 months
I haven’t read the book and only have vague recolections of the movie (though I remember sobbing violently at several points) but I hoped I’d love Netflix’s One Day adaption. And of course I did but one of the things I loved was so unexpected.
I love how they portrayed Sylvie.
Particularly how that relationship both ended and endured. How even at the start there were issues but the small kind you want to work on and work through. She knew her family were hard work but she was on Dex’s side and wanted him to be accepted: but still knew that her opinion was the one that mattered. Dex knew he didn’t fit it but he was trying so damn hard to, and hoped that if he kept trying it would be enough eventually. And she wasn’t this demon or harpy, even people who just met her liked her. She was a nice person.
So many times when the male lead is with another woman before they eventually get together with the female lead this ‘other woman’ is portrayed as toxic, unmanageable, cruel, snobbish, etc… or even just unpleasant to be around; someone we’re happy for the male lead to leave. Maybe it helps us to support the male leads pursuit of the female lead and not confront his poor behaviour as a romantic partner if that ‘other woman’ is unlikable and we’re happy to see her gone?
But here they made it clear: Sylvie is a kind nice woman who loves Dex, and didn’t handle the crumbling of their marriage well.
It was almost voyeuristic how we saw the breakdown of her and Dex’s marriage. It seemed so bloody real. New baby, no sleep, renovating the house, all of it building up until you’re being a bitch and you know you are, and you’re apologising after the fact for what you said but you don’t know how to talk around the fact that you still meant some of the things you said. And a partner who you know is struggling with direction and purpose, and you want them to do well, but *god* you’re the one fielding questions and having to go to bat for them every time someone asks, and as a result you never feel safe to take a break or question them yourself.
And (I don’t know how intentional this was) but Dex’s joking tone which is clearly meant to relax and reassure just came across as him not taking things seriously or being trustworthy. Sylvie lists a whole range of food options for Jasmine while she’s out for the night, clearly showing she has prepped *everything* ahead of time: she isn’t leaving Dex in charge of finding or cooking Jasmine dinner, she’s leading him by the hand to the ready made stuff and telling him now to reheat it. Kind of like he’s a child too. It really shows how capable she feels he is.
And then Dex jokes about giving Jasmine crisps. He’s clearly trying to break the tense atmosphere and joke around with his wife, but it just comes across as ‘I wasn’t listening to you, I don’t realise how much work you’ve done, you were right not to trust me to cook dinner because look what I immediately suggested, you can’t rely on me’.
In all their conversations the tone of their voices just show they’re not sure how to talk to one another anymore, that they know everything they say will be taken the wrong way and so they have no idea how to speak.
It felt like no one was particularly demonised or made into a caricature. Just two people who were different, put under stress until they broke and grew apart. And Sylvie had been responding to this state of her marriage by having an affair, so she is clearly in the wrong there and the one who causes the divorce etc, but… I don’t know; here it comes across more as a plea for help or freedom in the midst of her confusion and less a lack of care or thought for Dex and her daughter (like I remember it coming across in the movies).
Even when they have the brief mention of dramatics and anger around the divorce, afterwards she’s back in the picture as a level headed co-parent: joking around to relate to Emma, sharing co-parenting pains with HER too (‘Jasmin’s learning the violin?’ ‘Yes that’s why we’re fleeing the country’). And genuinely congratulating them in their relationship and marriage.
You don’t see many ex-wives in media who are so openly concerned about how their ex-husband is handling his second wife’s death. She’s present, caring and supportive. And keeps reaching out to him well after she could be forgiven for stepping back.
So yeah I loved all of One Day and yeah it made me cry AGAIN, but I also loved how real they made those significant relationships look. How adult and complicated and messy and ‘no one was a monster/you were both wrong in different ways/there is no right and wrong’ they played out as.
Just because she wasn’t the ‘love of his life’ doesn’t mean she was a footnote either.
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AITA : for bringing up 3 year old drama after I saw and recognised my ex’s AITA??
Okay I may be the total asshole that I’ve been called by my ex over this but I want to know everyone here’s opinion since apparently that’s what we do now.
So my ex made a ‘AITA’ and submitted it and it got quite a few responses. (I want to thank the general majority for giving him a YTA).
His post honestly made me laugh when I realised what it was. The title was about me and yet the entire post was about how much he misses his other ex and a ‘woe is me’ kinda self pity ( a little context cuz idk if I should include his title for you all to see: he cheated on her with me).
Anyways he was my best friend at the time and me and her had never really got along up until right before this happened . (That was shitty of me I know that but that’s not what I’m talking about now) . We’re all still in the same circle and since it was such a big betrayal (and he’s still so painfully obvious in how he refuses to let her go) the whole incident is still quite a big elephant in the room.
Now this is where I might be the asshole. I saw his post, recognised it and decided that I wouldn’t bring it up. It was just give him more of her attention, as he so desperately craves. The only issue is me and him dated like a year after the incident , then after me and the other girl bonded over what a complete ass of a guy he is.
We were all hanging out (our entire group) and me and this girl were sat together talking like normal (we’re actually roommates now) when he started calling her by his old pet name for her and flirting.
She became physically tense and uncomfortable where she sat next to me (the whole event was too much for her and she ended up in therapy to learn to trust again). It was then that I just couldn’t help myself (sidenote: I’m fiercely protective of her especially after I saw the effects of what I did to her) (second side note: I might also genuinely be in love with her) and I mentioned the AITA post.
I said “I thought you just wanted to put it past us?”. He looked so confused, everyone around us went silent and I just carried on. “I mean, that’s what you put on your Am I the Asshole post. That you just ‘wished we could all just leave it in the past’? Remember at the very end?”
Uproar. My roommate/the other girl burst into tears asking why he had to still after all these years put it on the fucking internet of all things. (She later asked me to show it to her and broke down reading the comments where people were being somewhat negative about her too) .
Whereas all of our friends (who usually just ignore his dickish behaviour) were calling him out saying the post doesn’t even remotely make him seem like what he is actually like and that it was way downplayed and that it was completely stupid of him to put up about the incident 3 years later still seeking validation for being just a dick.
Anyway now he’s pissed at me because everyone’s pissed at him for the post.
So tell me folks AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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romione-trope-fest · 3 months
Say Yes To Heaven
Fic Title: Say Yes To Heaven
Author Name: flaming-brown-witch
Selected Trope: Weasley Weddings
Brief Summary: Hermione and Ron dance during Bill and Fleur’s wedding. 
Word Count: 1467
Rating: T
Any Trigger Warnings: none
  If you dance, I’ll dance
And if you don’t, I’ll dance anyway
Give peace a chance
Let the fear you have fall away
- “Say Yes to Heaven,” Lana Del Rey
“Okay. Out with it, Ron.”
Ron, who had been resolutely avoiding Hermione’s eyes while they danced, finally looked down and sighed. 
“Why are you acting so weird around Krum?” he demanded. Gritting his teeth and glaring in Viktor’s direction, he added, “Blushing every time he looks your way. You told me you weren’t interested in him anymore.”
Hermione’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not.”
“Then what’s with the blushing?”
“Well,” she said slowly, choosing her words carefully, “it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, so it’s a bit of a shock, I suppose.”
“Shock doesn’t make people blush, Hermione.”
She grudgingly acknowledged to herself that Ron had a point. The last time she saw Viktor in person, he had given her quite the farewell snog in a cloistered corner of the Hogwarts entrance hall. Hermione had gained much from dating Viktor, and a part of her was sad to end the romance. It appeared that seeing Viktor again stacked uncomfortably on their last moment of bittersweet intimacy, even though she was quite sure those old emotions were long gone. 
But there was no explaining this to Ron without ruining the night. And Hermione was determined to not ruin it, which had been surreally beautiful up until that point. She craved to soak up all the peace and joy she could with Ron before facing whatever was in store for them. So Hermione simply pursed her lips and said, “I think you’re reading into things.”
Ron stopped swaying to the music and let her go. “Oh, am I?”
Hermione felt herself edge towards anger, so she inhaled deeply. She moved her hands, which were resting on his shoulders, to clasp around his neck. “Look, I’m here because I want to dance with you. Not him.”
Her soft plea didn’t work. Ron stood stock still, arms firmly by his side, head turned as far as he could away from Hermione, and jaw tensing. Rejected and resigned, Hermione yanked away her hands and took several steps back.
“Fine then,” she snapped. “If you don’t want to dance, then maybe I should just dance with…”
Ron’s head swivelled in her direction, his hurt eyes quelling her vengeful words. Suddenly, the band began to play another waltz and the crowd cheered. Hermione recognised this as the Unicorn Waltz, one of the most popular wizard waltzes and one of the three choreographies she had learned for the Yule Ball. A whimsical idea took hold—an idea born, no doubt, from the love-filled magic of the celebration. 
“Myself,” she finished. 
Arms aloft as if holding an invisible partner, Hermione began to move to the music, her steps fluid and precise. She waltzed a circle around Ron, who was rooted to the spot, expression dumbfounded at her uncharacteristic behaviour. If others were staring, Hermione did not care. She continued to twirl and sway on her own, catching Ron’s eye when she could. His expression softened with each glance. Finally, she caught him letting out a laugh and a shake of his head. Hermione grinned at him cheekily before pressing on with her solo dance. 
Suddenly, Hermione felt an arm snake behind her waist until its hand slid into the left one she had resting at her right hip. Ron’s left hand grasped her right one. He effortlessly fell into step with her, giving her a spin when the time was right. Hermione was floored. She noted that Ron could keep rhythm during their earlier lacklustre attempt, but as they continued to move in almost perfect harmony, she discovered how truly adept he was at dancing. It ached to know that she had been robbed twice of opportunities to learn this about him before.  
As the song reached its end, Ron gave Hermione a final dip before slowly bringing her upright, eyes locked the entire time. He looked divine under the soft glow of the marquee lights, face and neck flushed from activity. They stood gazing at each other while the audience gave the band another round of applause. His flush grew. 
“Wow,” Hermione whispered. 
The band began to play another melody Hermione was familiar with, The Waltz of the Witching Hour. They wordlessly began moving again. After a few measures, Ron’s eyes flickered back to Krum. 
“I remember you dancing these with that prick,” he grumbled before he could help himself. 
“I would have much preferred to dance these with you first,” she responded, her mouth a thin line.
Ron seemed surprised by this admission, even though Hermione thought she had made the point quite clear in the past. Then his expression grew serious as he pulled her closer with an unexpected assuredness, leaving her slightly breathless. 
“Then why didn’t you?” he murmured. “I did ask you after all…”
Hermione stiffened at both implications: that she would be one to go back on her word and that Ron’s Yule Ball invitation was in any way acceptable. “Not in the way that I would have liked.”
Ron’s lips tightened sheepishly into something between a smile and a grimace. “Better late than never?”
Hermione suppressed a laugh, wondering if he intended the double meaning. Though much remained unspoken between them, they had unmistakably entered a new chapter of emotional and physical closeness, slowly shedding themselves of weighty starts and stops of their past. They decided to surrender themselves to the music and the moment, delighting in the act of simply being and being together. A few fast-paced modern songs followed, during which Ron improvised a sequence of flailing limbs that nearly caused Hermione to collapse with laughter.
Eventually, it was time for another waltz. Hermione froze. “I don’t know this one.”
“Don’t worry,” said Ron, reaching for her. “I’ll teach you.”
Her lips curled as she assumed position and followed the basic step. “Ronald Weasley, of all people, teaching me wizarding dance. The world truly is ending.”
Ron let out an incredulous bark. “What a nasty joke.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Hermione said, scrunching her nose in a faux-abashed manner. “I suppose I do learn more things from you than I give you credit for.”
“Nah, that’s all you, Granger. My humour is not that dark.”
“It can be at times.”
Ron pondered this point for a moment, mouth eventually unfurling into a wicked grin. Hermione shook her head with a twisted smile, sure they were remembering the same jokes. “Yeah,” he ultimately conceded with a glint in his eye. “I suppose you’re right. As usual." 
It was not long until Hermione had mastered the new steps. "Nice,” said Ron. “You’re a fast learner. Like I didn’t know that already.”
“It helps that I took ballet lessons all throughout primary school." 
Ron made a face. 
“Ickle Hermione in a tutu, dancing ballet. I never would have imagined.”
“Why not?”
“Well, it’s just so…girly. You’ve never struck me as the type to be into things like that.”
Hermione tensed, and Ron was quick to assure her that he didn’t mean it as an insult. 
“I love that you’re not girly,” he added. 
Hermione blushed and her lips eased into a smile. “You love it?” she teased. 
“Well, yeah,” said Ron, his face a mirror of hers. “You wouldn’t be you then, would you?”
A modern slow song came on, and Hermione took the opportunity to rest her head on Ron’s chest. The last time her heart was this full was when they reconciled after his poisoning. “I do love ballet, though. I sort of miss it, now that I think of it.” 
“Can I tell you a secret if you promise never to tell Fred or George? Or Harry. Or Ginny because she’d definitely blab to Fred and George.”
Hermione lifted her head, highly intrigued. 
“Promise, Hermione.”
“Okay, okay, I promise.”
“I sort of…love ballet, too.” 
“You do?”
“Don’t take the mickey,” warned Ron. 
“I’m not, I’m just…asking to be allowed a tone of surprise,” Hermione joked. 
“Yeah, that’s all right,” chuckled Ron. “Growing up we would see The Magical Nutcracker every year because dad always got tickets from the Ministry. It’s the wizard version of a Muggle ballet, I don’t know if you—”
“The Nutcracker, of course. It’s one of our most popular ballets.”
“It used to be my favourite Christmas tradition. You’ve never seen wizard ballet, have you?”
Hermione shook her head, still dazed by this revelation.
“Oh, just you wait, I bet it’s loads better than Muggle ballet.”
Hermione smiled at the optimism in Ron’s voice, holding no space for the possibility that they might never see The Magical Nutcracker together. She held on to his optimism like a lifeline. She wasn’t sure what would happen a year from then, a month, or even in ten minutes. But in that moment, none of it mattered. For she was in heaven, finally, with him.
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sylvies-chen · 8 months
I have no real feelings towards izzy hands. I do not hate him, I do not feel particular adoration for him, I’ve always felt neutral about him but I do appreciate izzy for what he is. but boy do I have some takes on him! and though I’ve refrained from speaking my mind I’ve learned that the hate mail will come anyway so fuck it, I’m doing a meta. please, if you feel very passionately about izzy on either side of the spectrum, please do not read this. this is a singular person’s interpretation of things, it means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of the world so please just be respectful. ok let’s do it:
*takes deep breath* *taps the mic*
to me, izzy hands is/was an antagonist not because of any internalized homophobia that may or may not be there but because the world of piracy has adopted its own system and practice of hegemonic masculinity.
hegemonic masculinity is the practice of the dominance of men— or, certain kinds of men— in society, so women and other marginalized ways of being a man are subordinated (i.e. queer men, trans men, disabled men, fem men). our flag means death does a great job of establishing two very different worlds and their takes on hegemonic masculinity: high society, and piracy. in high society, whiteness and wealth are two main pillars of masculinity. men are allowed to exhibit more feminine behaviour or attire such as ornate and colourful clothing, wigs, bows, tights, makeup, etc. because they are displays of social status and material wealth. in the world of piracy, however, those things aren’t exactly possible. violence is the real currency and the main tool in constructing the toxic masculine hierarchy. their attire has to be intimidating and express a capacity for violence. toxic masculinity is also established and formed through a sort of stoicism/being emotionally closed off, intimidation, power, deception, and fear.
ed has mastered how to perform fear and masculinity all too well over the years, but he also hasn’t been happy whatsoever in that role so when he discovers stede, he finds stede’s attitude refreshing and transformative.
season 1 izzy is different. season 1 izzy has thrived within the pirating world by adhering to the standards of hegemonic masculinity and does not see any problem with it. he enjoys the existence of a hierarchy and, though he dreams of being captain/top dog, still thoroughly adored (past tense now, though I originally wrote this before the teaser clip came out) being servile to edward. this sort of devotion does come from a place of being in love with ed. he does not have a problem with that, nor does he have a problem with the fact that men love other men. if it were up to izzy, gayness/homosexuality would be integrated as an acceptable characteristic of hegemonic masculinity.
but stede does not want that. he questions why patriarchal society has dictated that men not, under any circumstance, display their creativity, their emotion, vulnerability, hopes, dreams, or fears in front of each other. he questions why men have been taught to bottle things up, and why they aren’t more kind to one another. he actively works to dismantle toxic/hegemonic masculine standards within his own crew and season 1 izzy hates that. he sees those as the qualities of someone weak, soft, and effeminate. he wants to have queerness subscribe to the qualities of toxic masculinity that have been enforced upon him which is why his main beefs have been with lucius and stede, who are the most “feminine” and open gay men on the ship (stede being emotionally open in izzy’s eyes at least, and lucius being sexually open/vocally open and indifferent to authority). that’s why he uses lucius’s flirtatiousness and “promiscuity” as blackmail, and not his actual gayness. his problem has to do with his version of masculinity. he sees lucius and stede’s ways of being a man as worthy of subordination.
and yes, that is bad and he needs to work to unpack all that shit. but you can see through his comments in the trailer about piracy fostering a sense of belonging, through the teaser clip of him crying in front of others, through the unhealthy dynamic he finds himself in with ed where he pushed a button that he didn’t realize was going to set off a bomb in ed (metaphorically speaking), that he is starting to unpack it, and is learning the hard way (through much sympathizable suffering) that this system benefits no one, not even him. it harms him, in fact. his loyalty to a standard of masculinity that is so unobtainable, to a system that is not built in anyone’s favour, and one that makes him the losing dog every time, is starting to crack!! we can see him learn to develop a form of masculine self-expression without any of the toxic qualities that made him so wound up as before, and instead allow healthy masculinity to co-exist with a culture of acceptance and queer community!!! but his antagonism in season 1 doesn’t mean he’s homophobic per se, it just made him gender normative and annoying.
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Hello! The other day I had a very interesting discussion about dating life with my friends, we were sharing a lot of interesting opinions but there was one friend who is currently in a relationship who told us something that made us silent and side eyeing each other (in a concerned way, not in a bitchy way).
That's why I decided to make a post with dating and relationship advice, I noticed that these type of things is better learn them before getting in a relationship because when there's already an emotional connection people usually tend to deny that is toxic behaviour.
We were talking about the most important things to look for in a man or someone with masculine energy and we agreed that patience and respect are non-negotiables, even when tense arguing.
We were agreeing saying things like: I could never be with someone who screams, insults or is not empathic. And this friend said: gosh I wish I had your peaceful nature, X and I always scream and spit venom (insult) to each other when arguing.
That's when we were surprised in a concerned way, we tried to talk to her very calmly telling her that type of behaviour is not healthy neither for his part or hers. Screaming and insults while arguing are a type of DISRESPECT. But she was like: nah it's alright it's completely normal we always do it, we could never be like you say. Then she refused to listen anymore and changed the subject. (we still are concerned 'cause she talks about it like it's totally normal and no big deal)
Without furder ado... Here are my dating and relationship advice:
Pay attention to the red flags! 👀 Don't expect someone to change and girl... don't even think about changing them. You deserve a whole and already grown up man.
Don't 👏 chase 👏 him 👏. If he really wants you he'll do the pursuing. If he doesn't, that means he doesn't really want you and just enjoys the attention you give him for his own benefit. Let him pursue you, let him call you, let him take the iniciative... If he doesn't, HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CHASE SOMEONE THAT DOESN'T LIKE YOU BECAUSE IT'S PATHETIC. The only thing you can do is let him know in a subtle way that you like him and then step back and see if he acts on it.
Be clear about what do you want💍: do you want marriage? do you want kids? do you want to live in the city or country side? Your special person has to share those things in common with you, otherwise you'll have conflict about those things and it will lead to break up. BELIEVE ME. If you want marriage but he doesn't, DO NOT try to convince him or wait him to change, because you only have to options: he'll marry you out of pressure which eventually will make him to resent you or you'll wait forever for something that is not going to come. Remember those are the type of things you want to discover on the first dates and if you don't want the same things in life, then stop there: "Thank you for the good time, but we're looking for different things and it's better to go on separate ways in order to find someone who fits what we're looking for. It's been wonderful meeting you and I'm pretty sure you'll find someone who shares the same goals as you."
Set boundaries and apply them 👑. For example: I do not like to be texted or called while I'm with friends, at work or whatever I'm busy with (except for emergencies obv). I mean, he can text me asking to meet me later and I'll answer whenever I can but I hate when people try to start a conversation while I'm busy. He can expect the same from me, I'm not going to text or call him if he's busy. OF COURSE I let him know if I'm busy and I expect the same from him, I used tell him this: "I'm letting you know that I'm going to be busy with work/with friends for the next x hours, so if I don't answer it's because I'm busy not because I do not want to talk to you. But I'll call you once I'm finished!" It's a personal example of one of my boundaries. You set yours.
This may be controversial but make him wait. Don't have sex with him on the first dates. Get to know him and let trust grow first, make sure that he's someone worthy of having an intimate moment. Sex is a beautiful and intimate moment which you shouldn't give it to anyone. I didn't have sex until we were official and talked about our likes or dislikes (if he talks about sex on the first dates🚩). I talked about this topic with some male friends and they all said that if they really like the girl they don't care about the waiting. They even told me that when they really like the girl at first they don't even see her in a sexual way. So if you feel that you have to have sex to make him like you, girl he's not the one.
Choose someone who could handle kids even if you don't want to. It's a really good tip that made me realize that if someone treats me always with love, patience, respect and empathy, will treat the same way to an innocent life like a kid or an animal. If he loses his temper while arguing then I can't trust him nor with kids or animals.
Relationships require time and patience to build trust, getting to know him, etc. So be aware of love bombing😈, you can't love someone you don't know.
I personally would never forgive cheating and I advice the same for everyone. Never forgive cheating.❌❌❌❌
3 MONTHS RULE: if he doesn't make it official after 3 months, DROP HIM. 🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅 (and I think 3 months it's too much, I used set my limit at 2).
Never date a man who recently has been through a break up. He's most likely to ghost👻 you or use you as a rebound🤡. I usually advice that he has to be in no contact with her ex and at least half of the relationship single. For example: if he was in a relationship of 2 years, he must have been at least 1 year single.
DON'T BE A COOL PICK ME GIRL. If you present yourself as a cool girl who doesn't need gifts, flowers, blablablabla, he'll never do it. He'll be confused as hell when you expect him to. Don't be afraid to show your expectations even if it sounds corny.
These may be controversial too but these are the redflags from my experience: 🚩doesn't pay the first date🚩, 🚩doesn't have a good job🚩, 🚩not ambitious🚩,🚩if he doesn't pick you up or take you back to your doorstep🚩. Don't get me wrong, someone can be a full time student or being on a temporarily job while looking for a better one. But the fact that he is working on a job he hates and is not actively looking for the better job is a redflag for me. That's why I think it goes hand by hand with being ambitious. I have studied and worked my ass off to have the future I desired, I want someone who can keep up with me.
If he disrespects you once it's his fault, he does it twice it's your fault.
I can't think of anything more right now, but if I come up with something I'll add it. If you need any personal advice feel free to tell me, you can dm me or ask me in anonymous.
You can disagree with me but do it from a respectful place or I'll block you. 🤭
BE SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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princessroyal95 · 11 months
Do you love me? (Smoker x Reader)
Warning: This chapter contains sexual content. If you don't like this type of content, don't read on, even if it means you'll lose information about the story.
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"Take a hundred laps in the field!"
A shout upsets all the Marines who had no choice but to obey Captain Tashigi. The woman is kind to the men, but in the presence of the Vice Admiral it is very difficult. Every time she looks at him sideways, her leader doesn't stop grumbling annoyed that the young woman is still so noble with the Marines. Why does he have to be so rude? He's often a gentleman, but it's only a matter of minutes.
However, his personality changes dramatically when ___ comes around every time he prepares food for the Vice Admiral. Since the girl arrived in the squadron, Smoker treats her in a very different way. Tashigi thinks that maybe his superior has noticed the girl. Or maybe because she is weak and might be in danger from any pirate. But his behaviour with her was... unique. And the truth is that the young ___ was not a born fighter, let's say she is the cook on Smoker's ship.
Her radiant smile is so perfect that it melts any man. Instead, the Vice Admiral stands still without making any sudden movements every time he looks at the girl. Every time they collide it is as if there is tension in them. But in what? Even Tashigi doesn't know for sure.
And speaking of the girl, she comes out of the kitchen door with a tray in her hand where there is a bottle of beer and a mug. ___ approaches with slow steps towards Smoker who was sitting on a chair, smoking as usual, while he watches as Tashigi commanded the crew. Smoker's right hand has to learn to be firmer with the Marines because, in any case, Smoker can fall and will not be there to help her.
"I bring you your beer, Smoker-san." His thoughts fade as he hears the sweet voice of young ___. His eyes are fixed on the young woman's body and then he lifts them up and looks into those eyes that called out to him so much. "Do you want me to put it on the table?"
"Yes, please," he speaks politely as the young woman leaves the beer and pitcher on the furniture.
"In an hour and a half dinner will be ready," says the girl, seeing that it was already getting dark.
"Thank you for the information, ___."
"You're welcome, Smoker-san."
The girl takes a brief bow and then walks away leaving a Vice Admiral who kept looking at her. That girl is pretty, yes. Any man would notice her. However, in the last few days he has noticed something strange about her and many of his soldiers are drooling over her. What could it be? For a superior, he doesn't know clearly. You have to get that out of your head or else you'll go crazy.
However, he was getting cranky every time the girl played nice with his men. Was he getting jealous? He doesn't know for sure. But his desire to smoke more than he should have has multiplied, and he has noticed Tashigi's concern. He didn't care because it didn't affect him at all to have a Devil's Fruit in his body. It is even rare to see him give up cigars to drink or eat, and he does it for ___.
What was really happening to him? He is not a sentimental man, but that girl brought out the worst in him. Even wet dreams that any man can have.
"Tashigi!" he shouts the captain's name, making her tense.
"Let the men continue with their training!" The Vice Admiral rises from his seat.
"But... it's only half an hour to..."
"I said get on with your training!"
"Yes, Vice Admiral Smoker!"
How many times do I have to repeat it for you to understand that it is an order? Tashigi is sometimes very nice to the Marines and that drives me a little bit crazy. She's a Marine, after all, but the day I'm not going to be around, she'll have to manage on her own without my help. I worry, yes, but she's a captain and has to make the decisions for herself when I'm gone.
Now my mind is somewhere else trying to quiet my blissful brain that's always eating me up. Why does everything always have to be difficult? Why am I behaving differently? And all because of one person: ___.
She came to our crew because one of our cooks was killed by a pirate attack. We urgently needed someone who could cook. Everyone was counting on Captain Tashigi, but she already had a much higher position than a cook. I had to decide to go to an island to find someone to take over the job. There were few people interested in the job as they did not want to interfere in the life of the Marines.
Our reputation fell so low because of Akainu. That man has no idea what he is doing. He just scares people with our presence. I was ready to leave that island until my eyes caught sight of a young woman with a sunny smile. I don't know how, but I got a good feeling from that brat. I asked Tashigi to interview her and she said she was the one for the job. So I accepted her into my crew.
The food she prepares is exquisite. Any man would be very satisfied with the way the young woman treated us. But... especially with me. She makes me feel strange when she is near me. She treats me differently than Tashigi or any woman in or out of the Navy. Her sweet voice leaves me blank at times not knowing what to say and sometimes she even makes a fool of me in front of everyone.
Not that I have the best body in the world. However, her face is sweet and angelic as if it was easy to break it as if it were a simple glass. Her body was always covered with loose clothes as if she was ashamed to show what was under those clothes. On the one hand, I am curious. And on the other hand, I felt like breaking it with my own hands.
What the hell am I saying? I can't like her, she's a brat after all. I'm older than her and she's just a simple little brat.
It makes me laugh every time I bother her for being so short. I remember that when I entered the kitchen I found her jumping to get to the top shelf. She looked cute in that way. Until she decided to take a chair and go upstairs to reach some simple dishes. I just laughed like a rascal and she got angry blowing up her cheeks. Sometimes I feel like squeezing them with my own hands. She looks so tender when she's upset. I have fun with her without hesitation.
However, every time I spend more time with her I feel strange. I don't know if it's my thing, but the atmosphere between us gets a little uncomfortable as if she's hiding something.
I was already in front of the kitchen door as I heard my men shouting loudly at Tashigi's request. It's now or never, I have to end this discomfort between her and me.
"One and a half hours is enough for me."
I enter the kitchen with determination and there she was, wearing an apron, preparing food for my men, Tashigi and me. Did you notice my presence? I observe how she moves her head as if she were smelling something, and then she smiles a little and looks at me out of the corner of her eye.
"How quickly you drank the beer, Smoker-san."
I didn't notice that he had the jug already full of beer with him. I just smile like an idiot.
"I haven't finished it yet."
"Ah, I said."
How this woman knows me. More than Tashigi. I go further into the room by closing the door behind me and sit on one of the chairs while looking at her.
"Does it bother you that I smoke here?" Not that I mind, but with her it's... different.
"It's your boat, Smoker-san," says the young woman as she cuts the meat with a knife quite a bit, "you smoke when and where, wherever you feel like it. I'm not the one to say that I've stopped smoking, it's very common for you". She turns her head to dedicate that fucking smile to me that leaves me stunned in a matter of seconds.
"But it's your kitchen..."
"And it doesn't bother me at all."
So sweet and good, a very dangerous mixture in a woman like her. However, it doesn't bother me at all. In fact... it turns me on just thinking about what it will be like to do it with her. So harmless together with a man as dominant as me. It would be fun to see that.
I shouldn't think about such things, but this girl is making me bring out the worst in me. And on top of that my eyes are stuck in that short skirt that anyone could take advantage of and touch her ass. Why the hell is she wearing something so short? Usually she wears a little baggy trousers and she doesn't. It bothers me and turns me on at the same time.
"Do you want something, Smoker-san?"
Her question leaves me somewhat puzzled. What do I wish for? Oh, if you only knew, you little brat. I could do anything to you right now.
"You seem a little strange lately," I say with sincerity to draw your attention.
"Strange in what way?"
"Is there something wrong with me?" I feel her body tensing up and then looking at me a little.
"There's nothing wrong with you, Smoker-san."
Why do I have the feeling that you are lying to me? I exhale the smoke of my cigars without stopping looking at the girl who was just going on with her work. Girl, put that aside and concentrate on the question. A vein appears in my temple holding the desire to explode.
"It looks cute like this, Smoker-san" Cute? I don't know if it's more than that, but I feel my cheeks starting to burn.
"Answer me the question, ___."
"I already answered you, Smoker-san."
I was already getting on my nerves with this little girl. I bite hard on my cigars feeling the taste of the grass that is made. The little brat is making fun of me and that makes my patience limited. Why do you have to be like that with me? Are you torturing me mentally and physically?
"If I were, I wouldn't be talking to Smoker-san.  However, I have respect for you and as far as I know there is no problem with you.Maybe you need some kind of rest..."
It's over! I stretch out my arm towards her, thanks to the Fruit of the Devil, and pose strongly towards the counter, making the young woman afraid of such an act. With that, I get up and walk towards her. I perceive fear and tension in the girl who was just standing still. Having her so close to me increases my excitement and I have the feeling that she is noticing.
The young woman, with determination, is turning, but I prevent her from doing so by putting her other arm almost in a corner. She is helpless in this position.
"Do you think I'm stupid enough not to realize what you're trying to do?"
The young woman's breath becomes more choppy as she feels mine. And even more so when I'm smoking near her.
"I knew something was up," I say very close to her ear, "I can tell by the way you dress. The smell coming from her neck was driving me crazy. "You always wear looser clothes, but lately you've been wearing these kinds of clothes." Without any shame, with one of my hands I start to go through those fabrics that were making me a little bit annoyed and at the same time it excites me. "A short skirt... so fucking provocative to my eyes..."
"Smoker-san" Is this my stuff or did he just moan?
"So short that it makes me want to rip off your panties and penetrate you hard..." I feel her body shaking under me, is that good or bad? "And this...," I slowly turn her around forcing her to look at me while I pull that shirt, "a simple cleavage that makes you more attractive than normal and on top of that almost showing off your breasts."
"Something to say, brat?"
She didn't say anything, she just looked at me. Her eyes shine and I wouldn't know if it's pure excitement or what, but it's a way of saying that what I was trying to do was to get that way. Well, she's done it, she should be proud of that brat.
"Do you like me, brat?"
That's where the trigger question comes in. ___'s face becomes redder than usual, she looks tender in that state. Girl, if you knew what you were doing provoking me like that.
"S-Smoker-san... I..."
"Stop being so fucking cute." I know a vein is growing in me. I bring my face closer to hers, feeling that our breaths are diminishing. "You just make me want to break this sexual tension between us." I bring my body closer, already feeling friction in my limb against hers, and a slight groaning from her lips. "And believe me... I will do it." I was determined, fate wanted this. Just a little and I would be kissing those fleshy lips that had caught my attention. She doesn't respond just by opening them wanting to receive a kiss from me. It was only a short while away...
"Vice Admiral! Vice Admiral Smoker!" The magic is broken when I hear one of the Marines enter the kitchen." S-Sir... Am I interrupting something?"
Damn it! I almost made her mine in the kitchen and she has to come and crush the party. My eyes are fixed on the girl who was looking at me with some shame. I move away from her so that there is no discomfort from both of us. I turn my body completely around to meet the soldier.
"What happens?
"Captain Tashigi has slipped again."
What?! You come here to tell me that Tashigi has slipped because he's so clumsy?! And I've got a fucking urge between my legs! That brat... I rest my head in my hand, holding on to my desire not to explode.
"We'll get back to business," I said to ___ to keep in mind that our game wasn't going to end here. I walk towards the door with a dog's grumpiness closing tightly, "Tashigi! What the hell have you tried to do?!"
It was already night and everyone had eaten dinner including Smoker-san. I still can't forget what was going to happen in the kitchen. Did he really want to do it with me there? I didn't think my plan was going to work. During the whole dinner I kept looking as if I was analyzing or planning something related to me.
I just hope it's nothing perverted. Shit! Why should I have noticed a man like that? He's so attractive with that kind of intimidation. I love dominant men and he is one of them. I doubt very much that he's been with many women, but I'm curious as he is in bed. And the question he asked me... well that has made it clear that I really like him because I haven't said a single word.
Now the doubt is what will happen between us. Will there be more sexual tension than before? I don't know, but it's really uncomfortable.
Well, I'm done washing the dishes that were too many. Thank God Tashigi stayed with me for a while to help me with the cooking. Without her, I'd be about two hours. And knowing how clumsy she is... But well, she's my age and we're still in our youth, as some people say.
I go to the table to set things up and something catches my eye. I look at one of the corners and there are two unused cigars. How strange Smoker-san would not leave one of his favourite elements anywhere. This amazes me as I raise my eyebrow looking seriously at the cigars. I take them carefully and stare at them. There was no sign that they were being used. But why? I think the best solution is to take them away before they get a rage or something.
With everything packed up, I leave the kitchen to go to Smoker-san's room, which was not far from here. It's to go through all the crew's cabins and get to him. How could I have gotten into the G-5? I don't know myself. Although I've always wanted to get out of my village. It was a bit boring, honestly. And being with the Vice Admiral... maybe I went crazy with all this sexual tension along the way.
I hear slight snoring from the Marines. The poor guys having a pretty hard training will be exhausted. Sometimes, Smoker-san goes too far with them, but I can't blame him. He is their superior, after all.
He was already standing in front of the Vice Admiral's door, and decidedly walked in with some care to see if he was there. And he wasn't. Now that's strange. He'd be in his room by now. Well better, so I can leave his cigars on the table and leave quietly.
I go to the furniture and leave them there. But my eyes stick to Smoker-san's big coat that is hanging on the chair. My cheeks turn red as if they were volcanoes about to erupt. I shouldn't, but I take it with my hands and bring it close to my face to smell that essence of man. Smoke and cigars. Typical smell of Smoker-san and with a touch of masculine fragrance. That man was driving me crazy.
"What are you doing in my room, you little brat?"
Suddenly my eyes open like plates at the sound of that recognisable voice. How the hell did I not hear the door open? I quickly leave his coat on the chair, I hope he didn't notice.
"I came here because he had left some cigars in the kitchen..."
Serious mistake when I turned to see him and explain the situation. My heart starts pumping hard and my body trembles because my eyes are seeing something that is forbidden for any woman.
I have in front of me a naked Smoker who was only covered by a towel on his waist! Wait, has he been in the bathroom? Oh, God, his muscular body full of scars, is decorated with drops of water as if they were pearls. Her hair is a bit messy, not with the typical hairstyle she always wears. And her cigars... God! I feel like taking them off and kissing him right now!
"Oh... how absurd of me." And you say it so calmly?!
"Y-Yes..." My nerves are in bloom, I couldn't look away from that monument. "I-I better go. Yes, I'll let you rest. G-Good night..."
I walk a bit hastily to the door, afraid that he will say something. I don't want to look at him, I just want to get out of this rather embarrassing situation. I was almost at the door. I can feel the freedom. My hand caresses the doorknob about to open it.
However, everything broke when I heard a loud knock near my face preventing me from leaving. It was no more and no less than his outstretched arm thanks to the Moku Moku no Mi. Was it the end of me?
Just let her go? It was clear that this brat would never learn. I exhale the smoke from my mouth with all the tranquillity of the world without stopping looking at her body. Still and immobile as I like. So obedient and so... submissive?
"___ turn around," I command what she turns around to with some fear.
"S-Smoker-san, you need to rest." And I will have it, brat.
"Don't you remember what I said this afternoon?" Now her cheeks turn redder than before to which I smile complacently
"S-Smoker-san please..."
"Are you asking for mercy, you little brat?" I walk towards her and stretch out my other arm, cornering her again. This time there was nothing or no one to bother us
"The game has only just begun, besides...," I take the cigars out of my mouth by throwing them on the floor and then I trample on them by putting out the fire, "this time you won't run away from me."
___ was about to say something, but I shut her up by finally kissing her. For seconds she was static like a lifeless piece of furniture when she received such a thing. However, that happened when I felt her hands resting on my head slowly caressing my hair. That meant she was kissing me back. A kiss that was being eternal for both of us. And I didn't care, I just wanted to enjoy this moment.
I bring my hands towards his body caressing slowly. Running my fingers through every pore of her skin. Until one of my hands rests under her thigh and the other one squeezes her hair intensifying the kiss. But because of the lack of oxygen we had to separate, inhaling mouthfuls of air. How I loved to see her like that, her cheeks decorated by that colour tone that made her look so tender and defenceless before anyone. Before me.
I couldn't wait to kiss her again, but with more fury than before. This kiss showed a hint of my dominance over her. I was in charge here. I was the one who was more in need than she was at that moment. Oh, you are noticing it, aren't you, little one? Your moaning gave you away when you felt my member, still covered by the towel, touching your belly. I smile mentally when I know that. But you are so small and fragile that it can't hurt you.
I straddle her so as to be at my height while she takes advantage of surrounding my hips with her legs. That position was too intimidating for both of us and we know it perfectly well, but neither of us said anything. We just enjoyed this special contact between the two of us. Tonight you will be my brat.
We walked away from that door to walk slowly towards the bed and leave it on the sheets while I get on top of it without crushing it. God, her face makes me horny. Her eyes show that hint of excitement, you could tell by the glow in her eyes. She is provoking me and she knows it perfectly.
She raises her hands towards my face touching every part of it, caressing that scar that decorates it. A scar made by one of my battles in finding the crew of Mugiwara based on my training. Oh child your hands are as soft as a baby's that makes me smile tenderly at what you are simply blushing.
"Smoker-san... regarding your question earlier..."
"Not now, ___. Now think about what's going to happen tonight," I whisper near her ear and then bite her earlobe receiving a little whimper from her.
I was about to start the game with what I do again with my hands, caressing every touch of her skin. She trembles at my mercy and I liked that very much. But these clothes are in my way. They were a nuisance to my eyes, but I didn't want to be rude to her.
I feel myself grabbing the young woman's wrists, forcing her to sit astride me. She makes a sound of surprise when she notices the little present between my legs. Oh, how I liked to bother her like that and make her a little shy. Her look said it all, she was confused, she doesn't know what to expect.
With dexterity, I remove that neckline that had been provoking me for a few days, thus revealing a black bra. If it were white, it would have already conquered me in a supernatural way. But black suited her. By pure instinct, she covered her breast to what I stopped her.
"You shouldn't do that, after all, they'll be beautiful."
"Don't say such things, Smoker-san!" Her nerves are blossoming every minute.
Doesn't she realize that she's the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever seen? I approach her face, but this time my lips go to her neck kissing it, licking it, and biting it marking what is mine. She groans and trembles with delight, I even feel that at any moment she may melt before my hands. However, she doesn't know that I was looking at her back so that I could unbutton that bra which is a hindrance to my eyes.
I unhooked it and took it off watching those mountains being decorated by those pink nipples. She was about to cover herself but I quickly grabbed her hands to what she was complaining about.
"Every woman is always ashamed," I comment honestly, "but that's normal.
"I'm not used to it," she tells me frankly as she rests her forehead on hers without taking my eyes off hers.
"Stop being so tender and kind, please," I beg her by putting her to bed again, "you're making me horny and not so kind to you.
That left her a bit bewildered and her shyness became more noticeable. Fuck! I tell her and she follows! Well, if you want a war, you'll get one. I bend my head towards her breasts and decisively start biting and licking one of her nipples while caressing the other one with my hand. Her moaning becomes noticeable that she was liking it. I will make you beg, girl. I will make you enjoy like never before.
With the Devil's Fruit in my possession, I create a kind of cloud shackles around her wrists immobilizing her completely. This time you are my hands and in my domain. You will not escape from me so easily.
"S-Smoker..." I get her attention while dominating her nipple.
"L-Like it?" What if I like it? Of course I fucking like it!
"Stop asking such obvious questions and concentrate." As a punishment I pinch the other nipple receiving a moan from her.
How I like you to moan my name while I make you have pleasure. This towel is getting in my way a lot. My limb was getting bigger and bigger in this stupid garment. I just grunt something frustrated so I decide to take it off, having some release. Feeling like releasing a part of you is a nice thing.
I can't stop looking at the girl who was only struggling to groan more and more before my tongue and my touch. With my free hand I slowly descend to her skirt to which I decide to take it off along with her panties, leaving her in a state of liberation. Now we are both naked. Skin and soul.
But my daring followed more so I run my fingers along those thighs that made me want to bite and lick them. Until I reached her intimacy noticing a small and slippery essence that slipped down the young woman's legs. Juices of excitement I thought with pride. The young woman is trembling under my body, a sign that she is sensitive in that area.
"S-Smoker-san..." Why are your moans so deeply sexy to my ears?
"Enjoy...," I snore, implying that I was liking the way she called me.
I leave her breasts alone and then focus on leaving kisses and licks all over her belly watching her shrink. Lovely, isn't it? But my goal was much greater than that. My kisses descend little by little reaching her pelvis until I notice how she tensed when she felt my breath on her sex.
"N-No look please..."
"Don't tempt me, ___."
"B-But... Ah!"
I don't want to hear any word in it, I just want to hear those moans that provoke me so much that I start licking her clitoris with some savagery. She is moving her legs a little bit uncomfortable, but with my smoke coming out of my body I held them steady and open for me.
Her essence was driving me crazy, I wanted more from her. I vehemently nibbled her clitoris receiving more screams from the girl holding my hair tightly. Was it a way to make her stop? No, I was rather pressing my head on her sex, wanting more of my hot tongue. Feels good, doesn't it? You like my tongue running all over you while I add a finger moving it slowly inside you.
I know you're going crazy. You wish to have me inside and I wish the same. My dick is so hard. And it hurts so much. I want to fuck her, I can't take it anymore. And she was about to have an orgasm, as I feel her body tighten and give small spasms. I, with my pride in presence, withdraw my tongue and my fingers in her receiving a complaint from her. Did I already say that I liked to bother her?
However, she knows perfectly well what was going to happen now. I watch her bite her lower lip with a desire to have me inside. I wanted it more than she did. I stand at the height of her face without taking my eyes off her and I rest my forehead on hers.
"Are you ready?
"Yes, Smoker-san." She puts her arms around my neck, even knowing that her wrists were chained.
"I'll fuck you...," I whisper near her ear, "hard."
She was going to say something, she always has to say something, but I always interrupt her and this time I penetrated her with all the strength in the world. I receive a groan from her near my lips that I cannot stand and I kiss her, where she corresponds with pleasure.
For Kami, to be inside her is incredible. So hot and excited provoked by me. This is a time bomb so I had no choice but to start moving quite hard no matter if she hurts or not.
But her face was just the opposite, she was enjoying the damn thing. So she likes rough sex, huh? Then I won't stop moving that way to please you. I feel how it raises the hips wanting to feel more that wild penetration from me. At no time did our lips separate because we felt that, if we did, this would be more than a wet dream.
It is reality. Pure reality. May this last for all fucking eternity. Having her in my room, all by myself, makes me feel the luckiest man of all the seven seas. Our moans echo inside my room, there was only her and I no one else to interrupt us. Fuck if my men are listening to me. Fuck everything. Now I want to focus on this exquisite feeling.
My movements become faster and more erratic feeling like I was slowly reaching the limit. And I was not alone. ___ was shaking, her eyes were tearing up from the pleasure I was feeling right now.
"J-Just a little more..."
"I-I can't take it anymore!" She hugs me tightly, digging her nails into my back with force. "S-Smoker-san!"
And from one moment to the next, we both reach orgasm feeling how its vaginal walls imprison my member while I cum inside.God, how long has it been since I had this feeling of liberation?  Our breaths are intermingled by inhaling a little air into our lungs.
I slowly caress her face as she smiles at me. Her smile is as radiant as ever.
"Smoker-san..." She rests her hands on my cheeks and then tells me what I was waiting to hear:
"I like you".
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egoanesthesia · 2 years
Mkay TK and Carlos demonstrate how safe they feel with each other in different ways.  From the beginning of the show, TK is always shown as a restless/anxious person (he’s always fidgeting, his leg is always bouncing etc) and he never quite calms/settles fully until we see him and Carlos get together for real. The first real time TK seems fully settled and relaxed is in 1.10 when Carlos shows up at the firehouse and TK all but melts into that hug and then when they’re laying on the hood of Carlos’ car. I should mention I headcanon TK as neurodivergent so I think some of his “fidgeting” and restless behaviour is just stimming however, as a neurodivergent person it’s very different from his anxious fidgeting. 
Throughout S2 and S3 there are so many more instances of TK being at his most relaxed/only ever visibly relaxed when he’s with Carlos. The biggest example in S2 I can think of is the scene is 2.12 after the fire when TK is comforting Carlos and hugging him saying “we’re okay” because obviously they both just went through a terrifying experience and didn’t know if they’d make it out but now that they’re out safely, TK relaxes into the hug and is visibly calm, at least on the exterior. 
Now, the airport reunion scene in 3.08 is so similar because as soon as TK sees Carlos, you can see his body visibly relax again and when they hug/kiss it’s almost as if you can see TK’s brain telling his body “Carlos is here, we’re safe now.” TK is visibly calmer and his restless energy basically disappears. 
TK feels SO SAFE with Carlos that the anxiety and restlessness that is very typical to see with TK just disappears and his mind and body just KNOW the Carlos is his safe place; his home.
But Carlos is always calm at least on the outside. He doesn’t really express anxiety/fear externally (and the first time we really see it is when TK is in a coma after getting shot in 1.08). Then throughout S2 and S3 again, we slowly start to see more and more of Carlos feeling safe enough to slowly start letting that put-together exterior slip in front of TK. 
During the conversation after their fight about Carlos not introducing TK to his parents as his boyfriend is probably the first time we see genuine fear on Carlos’ face and TK recognizes that and tries his best to comfort and reassure him. We see it again in 2.08 when Carlos is talking to Gwyn and Owen about TK not showing up for dinner. Yes, he seems worried but he is visibly holding it together until it’s just him and TK (yes there are other people in the vicinity but still) and only then can we see the actual fear and worry written on his face. Also, this is the episode where Carlos mentions his father thinking he’s too “soft to be a cop” so we can assume that this belief/relationship with his father has caused him to learn to hide/repress his feelings, especially those like fear, worry etc that’d be deemed “soft”.
The scene after the fire in 2.12 too. Carlos is visibly panicking, blaming himself, and is so scared but he’s with TK so his mind/body allow him to be vulnerable with his emotions in a way he isn’t when others are around. Okay, finally 3.08 the episode that started this whole conversation. 
In 3.08 during the airport reunion scene once again, it is similar to the 2.12 scene I talked about above. Carlos seems calm on the exterior, maybe a bit tense but still seemingly put-together, that is until he runs to TK on the tarmac. Once he’s in TK’s arms and they’re back in each other’s space again, Carlos breaks down and you can see the worry and fear on his face and hear it in his voice. When it's just him and TK we see him let that barrier down and show those real emotions and actually be scared or anxious etc.
Carlos feels SO SAFE with TK that he knows he can allow himself to show his emotions and be vulnerable. He knows if he breaks or falls apart TK will be there to catch him and help put him back together. His mind/body KNOW that TK is his safe place; his home.
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musical-chan · 3 days
WIP Wednesday! Link and the Deity Chapter 2
The Deity knew very little of caring for mortal children.  Even before having the whole of himself shoved into a wooden mask, he did not engage in the day to day lives of mortals.  The Protectors had a job to do and they were not to interfere more than needed.  He was sure he had observed children, though his memories still came slow to him, and he knew of the general needs of mortal creatures.  In many ways, it was good that Link knew how to take care of himself and the Deity observed him near constantly to set his expectations correctly.  The child needed meals frequently, at least three large ones at equally spaced moments through the day, and the occasional snack in between.  He needed sleep every night, though there were times when he said he was not tired through much yawning and drooping eyelids. And he needed time outside to explore and burn off excess energy.  Because Link had a near endless supply of it and could become unbearable should he be cooped up inside for long periods of time.  
So the Deity observed and learned and, because he knew one child was not enough data points, he would often do so for other mortal families in Hyrule Field or Castle Town.   He began to pick up on the small hints that children would give off during certain behaviours.  A look in the eye, a tense silence, an excited jiggling of the foot.  He began to notice fear and anger and happiness. 
And he began to notice when things were going wrong.
Link spent much time outside with the Kokiri girl he called a sister.  The Deity could hear their voices echo in the trees, would listen to the ocarina songs that drifted through their clearing, and would note the giggling when they were up to something mischievous.  When Link was alone, he could hear the cracking of twigs under small feet or the steady shhhhftt of clothing against the trunk of a tree the boy was climbing.  He noticed the absence of sound, something that was more worrying than any actual noise the child produced.
Silences spiked anxiety in the god and he did not know why.
It was quiet that afternoon.  There had been sounds, he had heard them, but now there was a waiting silence.  Even the faint chiming of fairies had stilled.  The god paused in his work on the house, then followed the silence through the trees, trying to find the boy.  He had not gotten far when he heard the shouting.
"...going to hurt someone!"
"--not the boss of me! I'm gonna–"
Despite the god's excellent hearing, the words were scattered and broken, interrupted by trees and wind.  As he stepped towards the edge of the forest and in sight of Hyrule Field, he could see the green tunic of his son through the gaps, heard a guttural sort of yell and saw Link throw himself forward.  The Deity stared for a moment, perplexed, as he watched his son fight with another boy in the grass.  There was a thud, a yelp of pain, and the other child ran off further into the Field.  The god's eyes narrowed slightly.  Had his son been fighting?  Why would he be fighting another child?  That didn't seem right.  Was there something about Hylians he had missed in his observations these last weeks?
He stepped forward as Link slowly backed up into the trees.  The boy did not see or sense his presence but he felt the god as he ran into his legs.  "Oh, uh, hi…dad.  Er…"
"What are you doing?"  The boy seemed nervous, guilty.  That much was obvious even to him.
"N-nothing…it's…I mean…"  And then he took off.  Yes, that was guilt.  Link was not supposed to be fighting and the Deity was quick to catch up to him.  He reached out a hand and snagged the back of Link's tunic and there was a moment of real panic in the child's eyes.  He tried to squirm away, lashed out with his hand to get free of the grip on his clothes.  But the Deity was surprisingly gentle, his own hands quick to hold Link steady and he picked the boy up easily.
"Let me go! Let me go! I didn't do it!"
"I saw you hit that boy."
Link thrashed and the Deity tucked him under his arm, keeping several of the boy's limbs imobile. The child continued to shout, looking both guilty and panicked; they had not dealt with any sort of discipline since the mask had broken and neither Link nor the god had any idea what punishment should be like.  Link, at least, seemed to have real fear of his fate but the god wasn't planning on hurting him; one did not hurt the things they protected.  But what should he do to punish a wrong action?  This didn't seem like something he should be asking his son.  Perhaps he should go speak to another adult again.
Almost without thinking, the Deity turned his feet in the direction of Lon Lon Ranch.  Thus far, Talon's advice and help had been very useful.  Perhaps it would be so again…
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buttercups-song · 7 months
Turns out that after a few days I do have a more reasonable and probably more fair view of Sylvie’s behaviour and especially her tirade towards Mobius.
I still think that she was in the wrong there, mostly because it’s none of her business whether he wants to see his previous life and he should be granted the space to process what was done to him in his own time especially since Sylvie is so vocal about free will.
However I do see now that her reaction makes sense when you think about her life and the fact that she’s always been alone before and couldn’t depend on others to do their part of the plan. She always had to do everything on her own and never learned to trust people. She’s the epitome of Loki’s opinion from the first episode that the only person you can trust is yourself. Mobius however has always been part of a team, a part of a much larger group in which everyone has their part to play and in which you have to trust other people. So mobius knows that he did his part, he found the people who know what’s going on, he found Victor Timely and brought him to the tva, he did his part and now trusts that the people who are more skilled than him in their field can fix the loom, he’s not an engineer, he has no clue how the loom works and so he does what he knows is best and removes himself and other people who aren’t useful in this situation and lets O.B, Casey and Victor work. He trusts them. Then he tries to defuse a tense situation by proposing he and other currently useless people sit down and rest before shit hits the fan again. It’s objectively a good idea, they’ve all been running around for who know how long and now they have a moment to rest while others do their part. Sure he sound jovial but it’s not like he’s proposing they go on a vacation. I’m sure that if it was up to Loki they would have gone and rested for a while while eating pie. However mobius miscalculated because Sylvie is ultimately not Loki, she never had a team to rely on, she couldn’t trust that someone else would do their part of the plan, so to her it sounds like mobius just gives up, like he doesn’t care what’s going on. To her you always must be the one who does the job from beginning to it’s end. Even though there’s nothing she or Loki or mobius could do in this moment she still wants to do something, anything that would make her feel as if she’s working towards the goal.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Copycat: Genesis —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
Words: 1,387
Phase Six Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Lovebug’ -by Jonas Brothers
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xxxiii: Trust
"Can't you guys trust me?"
"Last time we trusted you, you tried to blow yourself up along with Russo and his limousine," Kate replied, her end of the call was noisy as hell.
"You're talking out loud about your super secret plan in the middle of an L.A. street?" Cat asked in annoyance. "And you don't trust me?"
"If the street's busy, the fewer the chances of the wrong person hearing me. That's just how it works."
"It's true," Harley said from his end of the call.
"Okay, geniuses, if you're so smart then I'm guessing you know where Kraven is already?"
"His pretty mansion," Harley replied. "That he paid with hard and honest work."
"Is it the one he bought from Dmitri?"
"Nah, that one got busted by Nat's squad. This one's bigger, and it's in the country," a crunch let her know Harley was currently eating. "Same state as us."
Cat tensed. "What?"
"Westchester County."
"That's north," she looked out her window "He could get to me in less than a day."
"Yeah, but something tells me he's waiting for you."
"Harley has a theory," Kate sighed.
"I would love to hear it," Cat said sarcastically.
"Good! Because you're going to," he replied. "Two words: Behavioural mimicking."
"Three words! What-about-it?"
"Kraven knows your weakness is the core of your powers. You mimic too well. When he put that collar on you this last time, he wasn't hoping the switch inside your brain would go feral, he just wanted you to be weak and vulnerable. Why was that, Stray?"
"The weaker my body, so is my mind," she replied, understanding his point right away. "Harder to control my behavioral mimicking if I can't heal right or think straight."
"It explains why our first plan backfired on you," Kate said. "He knew that you would chase after them even if it killed you because you'd started to mimic his methods. He would've killed you hadn't been for that other Spider-man."
"He knows your fighting techniques by heart," Harley sighed. "Now, don't get mad at me... but a dormant part of your brain has Kraven rooted into it, and the moment you get close to him, it awakens as a survival instinct. He'll know how to take you down because he knows himself better than you do."
"But I'm stronger!"
"That doesn't mean anything. Brains are better than muscle, you taught me that, remember?" Kate said. "You have triggers, Cat, and he knows all of them. He pulls the right one..."
"And you're dead," Harley said.
"So what am I supposed to do? Should I just stand there while he tries to kill me?" Cat paused, then she sat back on her bed and stared at the wall in realization. "Am I your bait?"
There was a split second of silence. Kate blurted out her response. "Well, it's what you always wanted!"
"She deserves to know! And honestly, it's better if she knows, otherwise, she'll get mad while it's happening, and her mind could slip easier."
"That is not the point, Cat's a controlling —"
"Guys," Cat spoke out. "It's a good idea. I'll do it."
After another second of silence, then it was Harley's time to break it. "You mean it?"
She leaned against her headboard, allowing Felix to climb while she petted him. "For all I know, Harley's theory is correct. I don't want to play Kraven's game, so maybe I... I can't be the one who fixes this."
"There's no need to sound so disappointed," Kate tried to cheer her up. "We all know that if you could you would do it in no time, you and Kurt are amazing heroes— And we still need you to help us with something, so you won't be completely out of the fight."
Cat was having good progress when it came to re-learning to be part of a team, fighting against this plan felt like moving backward, so she had to push through it. "Is Kurt bait as well, or do you trust him more than me?"
"He can be bait or help us, it's up to him."
"I see, blue privileges," she joked. "What do you need me to do, then?"
"You won't like it."
"We need you to copy Kraven before we go, and look through his memories," Kate said. "Find his weaknesses."
"It'll be okay, Stray," Harley eased her. "We won't let anything happen to you, we promise."
"We know you can take care of yourself, anyway. So we do trust you can do this on your own?"
"Yeah, I can," Cat sighed. "Let's try out your plan."
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Parker visited exactly two weeks after his prior visit. When she pointed that out he teased her. "You've been keeping count?"
Cat pinched the bridge of her nose, but she was actually trying not to smile. "I told you not to come all the time!"
"It's spring break!"
Cat snorted. "Listen, I know there's no point, but I do want to ask you," she turned on the couch to face him. "Does crime increase when you're out of the picture?"
"Actually, I think it makes them paranoid," he said with amusement, propping his arm on the back of the couch to mimic her pose. "If I'd known that not showing up for a whole day would make them even more scared, I would've done it sooner!"
"What do you mean by paranoid?" She grinned. "They think you'll materialize behind them if they shoplift like some kind of Krampus?"
"I have this cop friend, Dewolff, she says when I'm not around and they drive 'round the city the sketchy guys always look like they're waiting for me to show up from behind a dumpster."
Cat laughed. "That's the Parker luck. Wish that was my case too."
"Not everyone can be a Parker, only the hottest people on every earth," he replied with a huge grin on his face.
"But you're friends with a cop?" Cat made a face "That's not very hot of you. It is a big red flag, though."
"Not like you're planning to date me," his face inched closer, and the rest of his body followed.
"Still, I make a point of not fraternizing with the enemy."
Parker raised a brow. "I thought the hunter was your enemy."
"People who want me to work for free are my enemy," she clarified with a shrug. "Same difference."
He snorted. "Well, Dewolff is really nice, and she respects Spider-man."
"Oh, good for Officer Dewolff!" She replied sarcastically. "Would she still respect you knowing what I know?"
Parker frowned. "I'm not sure I wanna know what you mean by that."
Cat held onto Parker's arm propped behind her head and leaned forward, she brushed his nose with hers. "Does she know Spider-man ends his day of crime-fighting deeds having salt crackers and apple juice as his super healthy dinner?"
Parker laughed so hard he moved back by impulse. "It's not always that!"
"Not so glamorous now," she smiles and pokes his belly. "I'll make sure to tell her next time I visit."
He paused. "Next time?"
She realized her mistake too late. "If I ever visit."
Parker's shit-eating grin was enough response, but as usual, he taunted her. "That's not what you said."
"I don't know what you mean."
"I think you do."
It was awesome to have Parker come and distract her from time to time. He was good to her, and more importantly, he was good for her, she had the feeling Parker's presence lessened the anxiety Harley and Kate's plan poured on her when she was left alone.
"Are you here to correct the way I talk or to have fun?"
"I'm having fun," he shrugged with the same expression as before.
She scoffed, abandoning her seat. "Laugh all you want, then. I'll be in my room."
Parker got up right away. "You started it!" He laughed. "With your salt cracker jokes and anti-cop agenda..."
"Everyone is so easy to wind up but everything slips of you like you don't even hear it," she pouted. "Not even the Peter from this world is like that, I'm frustrated."
"Have you noticed how you no longer call him your Peter?" He asked, casually wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer as they got to the bedroom.
It was true, she didn't call him her Peter when she mentioned him, in her mind both Spiders had ways to be distinguished now. "I'll go back to it if you piss me off," she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled the ends of his hair playfully.
"I'll shut up then," he pecked her lips before sweeping her off her feet and carrying her to the bed. "For now..."
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Next Chapter—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae @ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​​ @itsyagirl01 @23victoria​​​​​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch @slytherinnqueen​
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italoniponic · 2 years
I have returned with more Hcs to share
Mc headcanons Pt 4 home edition
Mc is adopted and when telling their friends about it they said that their adopted parents found them one an island.
Mc said that they wer adopted when they were 6 byt don't have many memories of what the island was like except for two things one that all the people their looked really young despite how old they were and that they werent allowed outside of the island because of a scary pirate crew whos captain is said to have a hook hand
Mc used to be scared of pirates but grew out of it when they got older but even niw when the see pirates they often tense up
Mc has been noted to be a good actor and have good eye for fashion and when asked why they said that their mother often had them dress up and compete for roles in school plays and even had them audition for a role in a movie which was a hit in their world.
Mc has been noted to have quickly adjusted to magic and their response was that their dad is a magician who was notorious for his explosive temper and would often perform magic trucks when they were younger in order to to cheer them up
Mc has mentioned that their adopted parents names are Donald and daisy. They also had an uncle who due to his rather clumsy behaviour and funny jokes was called Goofy
Mc has said that in their world they had a friend who used to babysit them called peter and Mc noted that they wouldn't be
Where they are without him
Bonus headcanons
Mc and silver have been noted to get along the fastest out of all tge people mc has met and when asked why all Mc said is that they had a strong sense of deja vu when they first met(This actually git Lilia curious who spied on them when they were stargazing and was surprised to notice that they at that time both had aurora eyes )
Mc is actually surprisingly athletic due to alk they errands they run which due to their magicless nature had forced them to compensate for it with physical labour
One time Sebek and Mc got into and arguemebt and unfortunately for Sebek Mc's bottomless patience had run thun that day and they punched him the face and After profusely apologizing to Sebek he let it go who seemed more shocked than angry, he would be seen have to apply healing ointments for next couple of days and having a slightly slurred speech(all of diasomnia was shocked because due to being a fae Sebek was tougher than most and could heal quicker than normal humans but still had to beg Lilia for more healing ointments)
Mc is rather sensitive to magic and this has been attributed to why for some reason they are able to detect what type of spell people are going to use in fights
Also Mc is ambidextrous because when they were younger they broke their right hand and had to learn how to write qith their
This was a long one but i hope you enjoyed as always feel free to ask questions about the Hcs
I completely forgot to add the link last time to the other posts... but not this time! [more hcs about MC here] and sorry for the wait! The week has been busy and I have this thing that I don't post more than two things in the same day (if I can, ik it's weird)
but thanks again, dear! And we have different types of hcs this time, really sweet~
[Originally Adopted MC]
the pure twist of the adopted parents for MC being Donald and Daisy <3
[Neverland MC session]
the fear of pirates, poor thing </3 meeting up the Savanaclaw trio in pirate costumes for Halloween must have been awkward...
"Mc noted that they wouldn't be where they are without him [Peter]"
THIS. IS. SO. CUTE. oh I loved it! Peter Pan was one of those non-princess movies that I really liked, still holds to this day. I got to read the original book last year and one time, my dad bought that movie "Finding Neverland" so we could watch. It was beautiful but we literally watched just one time bc me and my mom couldn't stop crying over the ending lmao
so yeah, I got so fond of this specific hcs <3
[MC's Magician Father]
okay, the bit where MC's father would be a magician is so sweet. Like, magic is already part of their world but more (realistic) than ever. MC could give Ace support in his magic tricks!
[Bonus hcs!]
oooohhhh~ MC secret Silver twin???
MC LITERALLY BURIED THEIR FIST INTO SEBEK'S FACE OH GOD I'm... not capable of doing that, at all, with anyone lmao
I know we're trying to be serious here but this reminded me of those scenes in shounen anime when one character randomly goes like "ah! I can sense and predict all your next movements!" (get your enemies' ass, MC!)
that literally hurts. My mom kinda self-taught herself to write with her left hand, if I'm not mistaken, when she was a kid (she was a strange kid lol). She uses more of her right hand tho but she can do some things with her left in general... I can't, my left hand hates me and everything I try to do </3
now, thanks again for your great hcs, dear <3 I'll reply tomorrow (probably?) to the new ones you had submit, hope that's okay!
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grahamstoney · 9 years
26 Ways To Chill The Fuck Out About Whether Other People Like You
New Post has been published on https://grahamstoney.com/relationships/26-ways-to-chill-the-fuck-out-about-whether-other-people-like-you
26 Ways To Chill The Fuck Out About Whether Other People Like You
I grew up in an environment where everybody kept their feelings to themselves. I was a sensitive kid with very strong emotions that I didn’t know how to express constructively. The people around me didn’t seem to have emotions, because they never talked about them. Over time I developed a deep sense of shame about my feelings, and learned to suppress, suppress, suppress.
Are You Still Worrying About Whether Other People Like You?
At the same time, strong feelings of emotional abandonment as a child led me to become terrified of rejection. I didn’t know at the time that feelings are what build empathy and connection between people, and that the emotion-less communication strategies I had learned from the adult role models around me made the very thing I was most afraid of, rejection, more likely to happen to me.
As a young adult, I had panic attacks when strangers I met declined to talk with me. I developed a tremendous anxiety about what other people thought about me, and tried very hard to be perfect so that other people would like me. I thought that if I tried real hard to get people to like me, they’d be more likely to want to hang out with me.
All that did was make me even more self-conscious.
It turns out that none of these strategies work in the real world. Over time, with enough painful interactions with other people under my belt, I developed a paranoid default belief deep down in my unconscious mind:
Other people don’t like me.
Given that relationships have the most significant impact on our life satisfaction, this painful limiting belief is a real joy-killer. And it got buried not just consciously, but subconsciously, unconsciously, neurologically, limbically, and in every nerve cell of my body where it lurked waiting to rear its ugly head by getting triggered any time I encountered a potential rejection.
How do you overturn a painful belief that goes so deep?
I recently read the book Mind Lines: Lines For Changing Minds by L. Michael Hall and Bobby G. Bodenhamer, which offers 26 ways of neutralising painful limiting beliefs like this one via a neuro-semantic process known as “reframing”. Many of the patterns work by defusing the formula by which we create our distorted inner reality from our painful external experiences:
External Behaviour →/= Internal State
Whatever the fuck that means. I wish they’d explain themselves more clearly when they create some new pseudo-mathematical notation. I think it’s supposed to mean that external events don’t necessarily have to adversely affect our feelings. Somebody else behaving in a way that I used to interpret to mean that they didn’t like me, doesn’t necessarily have to make me feel bad.
So let’s see if this stuff works by applying the patterns from the book to the belief: “other people don’t like me”. This gives me 26 Ways To Chill The Fuck Out About Whether Other People Like Me:
#1: Specificity: Chunking Down
How specifically do people show that they don’t like me? Which people specifically don’t like me? At what specific times or places don’t they like me? How specifically do they show that they don’t like me? Could there ever be a case where it’s better for someone not to like me, such as if they are a psychopathic stalker who wants to unite us forever in the afterlife? So many questions!
#2: Detailing the Strategy’s Sequence
When somebody didn’t talk to me, I used to think “They don’t like me” and “They won’t want to spend time with me”. Because I value connection so highly, I then felt strong feelings of abandonment pain. My head gets tense and my heart started racing.
But there are several links in the sequence, and they don’t all have to follow automatically. How do I know that they don’t want to talk to me? How do I know for sure that there isn’t something else going on for them that just makes it impossible right now? Even if they didn’t like me, how can I be sure that they wouldn’t want to spend time with me? What about the times when I want some time to myself? Even if the physical signs happen unconsciously, I’m still creating them. Can’t I learn to reprogram my unconscious and change the sequence? If they don’t like me, would I want them to spend time with me anyway?
#3: Content Reframing: Reframe the External Behaviour by Redefining It
What other meaning could I give to someone not talking to me? Perhaps there are other reasons why someone might not talk to me or spend time with me than that they don’t like me. Maybe their schedule is already filled up with less important commitments that they are nonetheless bound to. Perhaps they really want to talk to me, but have messed up priorities. Or they are so intimidated by my attractiveness that they feel uncomfortable in my presence. Yes, I think that might be it.
#4: Content Reframing: Reframe the Internal State by Redefining It
What if the painful feelings, tension headache and racing heart was my intuition telling me that I wouldn’t enjoy spending time with them? I could dodge a bullet by listening to what my body is telling me and moving on quickly to someone who appreciates what I have to offer.
#5: Reflexive Reframing: Reflexively Apply External Behaviour to Self or Listener
Given that there have been circumstances where I didn’t talk to people who I liked for fear of rejection, perhaps many other people in the past haven’t talked to me because they were afraid I might not like them, even though they really liked me. What if other people hold the same limiting view of “rejection” that I used to have?
#6: Reflexive Reframing: Reflexively Apply Internal State to Self or Listener
Perhaps some people haven’t talked to me in the past because they were experiencing abandonment pain themselves, or they had a tension headache and a racing heart. That would make it hard for them to talk with me, even though they really liked me.
Alternatively, if we had spoken, maybe I would have found that I didn’t like them. In that case, not speaking to me has saved me time and the hassle of breaking off the interaction.
#7: Counter Example Framing
What about annoying people who I don’t enjoy talking to? If they don’t like me, I’ve just saved myself the unpleasant experience, inconvenience and potential guilt of dealing with them.
#8: Positive Prior Intention Framing
What if people who didn’t want to talk to me were simply trying to help me build greater resilience? Perhaps they wanted to challenge me to lift my game, or to be more authentic before they would lower their own defences. Maybe they knew I wouldn’t enjoy connecting with them because they were in a bad mood, and wanted to preserve my time and effort for someone else.
#9: Positive Prior Cause Framing
Perhaps something happened to the other person just before we met, that made it better for me if they didn’t talk to me. Maybe they had the flu and I wouldn’t have wanted to risk catching it anyway, or they were a terrorist suicide bomber recruiter with incredible powers of influence that they knew I would be unable to resist.
#10: First Outcome Framing
What result do I get when I think the thought “other people don’t like me”? Does it lead me to have the kind of relationships with other people that I desire? Do I really want to keep thinking that way?
#11: Outcome Of Outcome Framing
What will happen in the long term if I continue to hold onto the belief that other people don’t like me? Won’t it just continue to impair my ability to connect and have the relationships I desire?
#12: Eternity Framing
If I hold on forever to my victim-based belief that other people don’t like me, I’ll end up all alone. At the end of the day, is it really worth being so self-righteous about this?
Alternatively, what would be the ultimate outcome if I was to let go altogether of the belief that other people don’t like me?
#13: Model of the World Framing
I didn’t come up with the idea that other people didn’t like me all by myself. I had help from other people who have a similar paranoid model of the world. I grew up in a Christian church, and the early Christians were persecuted for their beliefs. They thought the world was against them and that people were evil and needed saving; and that attitude doesn’t tend to be a great rapport builder. No wonder other people didn’t like them! But I don’t need to hold onto this model of the world now that my beliefs about life are very different to when I was a child. It’s just not relevant or useful any more.
#14: Criteria and Values Framing
I value connection with other people tremendously. Yet I make it more difficult for them to connect with me when I start with the idea that they don’t, can’t, or won’t like me. This old approach isn’t aligned to my current values. It’s more important to me that I be able to connect with other people, than it is to be right about my old belief that other people don’t like me.
#15: Allness or Universality Framing
Is it really true that all other people don’t like me? There are obviously some people who like me. I meet more every day. Is it realistic or even desirable for all people to like me all the time under all circumstances? If everyone liked me and wanted to spend time with me all the time, how would I ever get time-out, the opportunity to create comedy, or to hang with the friends I like? It would be a disaster.
#16: Necessity Framing
What if someone could like me without necessarily talking to me? What if I could be happy regardless of whether people wanted to spend time with me or not? If I was truly comfortable in my own skin, would it even still be necessary for other people to like me?
#17: Identity Framing
How other people respond to me can’t possibly change who I am. Just because some people don’t like me, don’t talk to me, or don’t want to spend time with me doesn’t make me unlikeable or unlovable. How can someone else’s behaviour possibly make any difference to who I am?
#18: Framing All Other Abstractions
When I look at the bigger picture of what causes people to behave the way they do, there are so many other influences on them that could override whether they like me or not. The more I look at the big picture, the less sense it makes to conclude that other people don’t like me or that it really makes any difference to me whether they like me or not.
#19: Ecology Framing
Does it enhance my relationships to think the thought “other people don’t like me”? Does it make life a party? Well no, obviously.
#20: Metaphoring Framing Or Storying Framing
I met this really pretty girl at a party on Saturday night who clearly enjoyed talking with me. When I was walking back from the buffet looking for somewhere to sit, she gave me the nod to point out that there was a seat next to her. We spent much of the night together, laughing and having fun. She clearly liked me.
The Chinese girl I met at the beach last week keeps messaging me on Instagram. She was really cool and great fun to play guitar with. She obviously liked me.
I met a girl on Tinder recently who I found difficult to connect with. She spent much of our time together complaining about how hard it was to connect with guys, and how she was ready to give up. When she got up and walked off I thought “Well, I just dodged a bullet there”. I was relieved that she didn’t like me enough to want to see me again.
#21: Both/And Framing
Is it really true that people either like me or they don’t? I find that my feelings towards other people are rich and colourful, and they change over time and circumstance. It seems ridiculous to think that other people either do or don’t like me, as if they were the only two options available in the rich palette of human emotions.
#22: Pseudo-Word Framing
Is “not liking me” even really a thing? Surely it’s more accurate to say that other people have feelings towards me, and that those feelings are naturally going to vary at different points in time. Some people may feel more pleasant feelings towards me than others, and that may alter the way they behave towards me. The concept of someone “not liking me” is really just a pseudo-word label for something transient that isn’t even real.
#23: Negation Framing
The more I think about it, the less the concept of “not liking me” means anything at all. It’s a completely made up concept. I could just as easily negate or flip it to be wonderful. Now I love the idea of “other people not liking me”!
#24: Possibility and “As If” Framing
I’m starting to think that it’s possible to actually feel good about the idea of other people not liking me. It means I can play mischievous pranks and tell stories and jokes that are fun for everyone concerned, especially when some of the people involved don’t like me. It makes the joke better if the person doesn’t like me, because the emotional stakes are higher and that makes the comedy funnier for everyone else; including me.
#25: Systemic and Probability Framing
I’ve been assuming that “other people” somehow form a cohesive, co-operative set. But that’s clearly not true. It just doesn’t make sense for me to label the beliefs of other people collectively, because we aren’t all part of the same system. There are people who like me, and people who don’t; but they don’t form cohesive groups. It’s extremely unlikely that everyone in the world would ever decide to not like me.
#26: Decision Framing
I can see that deciding that “other people don’t like me” just creates pain, and becomes self-fulfilling. Is this really the best decision I can make? Fuck no!
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refiwrites · 2 years
Can u write being el's first friend in california as popular fem!reader headcanons
el deserved better >:[ ive tried my best, hope you enjoy!
HCs of being Jane "Eleven" Hopper's first friend in California
New place, new school, new faces
El was hoping that she'd somehow blend right in, just in the background
Will was encouraging her although he also found it hard not seeing an inch of the faces he'd grown used to
The first few months passed, and El was beggining to slowly come out of her shell
But that's also when a girl named "Angela" had decided to start picking on El
D'yknow the presenation scene, yes that scene
Eleven felt her hands shake as the students in front of her laughed.
"Knock it off Angela, don't you have nothing else to do besides, I don't know, being an ass? Oh yeah I forgot, you're already one."
Eleven looked at where the source came from, there was you, giving Angela a smug smile as everyone now turned to snicker at her.
Then your eyes met Eleven's, and she saw you give her a small smile and a thumbs up.
Eleven knew she liked you better than anyone else here, except Will of course
"Ms. (l/n)! I will not be tolerating this kind of behaviour, meet me in detention later."
Eleven looked at the teacher and back at you, you gave a shrug and Eleven had the chance to continue her presentation
Now after class, and after freshly getting out of detention, you saw the girl or rather "Jane" as you could recall, walking towards a bench and sitting on it, placing her project on her lap.
It was the great time to approach
"Hey, I haven't seen you before... You're not from around here, aren't you?" You casually say after walking through the sea of students towards her.
Eleven tensed, but once she looked up to spot you, she felt herself calm down just a little bit
She shakes her head no, and you nod. You offered your hand and introduced yourself. "(Y/N) (L/N), you?"
Eleven looked at your hand and back at you
"I promise you I'm not like Angela, and I apologize for her behaviour, you know how animals act when they get out of their cage." You joked and that made Eleven audibly laugh
She shook your hand, uttering her name
"Jane, Jane Hopper."
"Well Jane Hopper, can I be your friend?"
Now this was the start of a rollercoaster of a friendship
You were the one to give the tour of everything, including the latest talks and such
Eleven was a bit overwhelmed at first, but with your reassurance she began to grasp things a little bit better
She also learned that you had quite put the reputation for yourself
Because you were known as that easy-going, reckless, and the funny type of popular
You were chaotic at times, but some would say you're one of the good ones
Don't get me wrong, you were still getting good grades (hopefully) but you just rather want to live in the moment
Eleven would often watch you in awe as you made the class erupt with laughter again
Will knew about this friendship and you got to meet him too, Will thinks you're cool and Eleven very much agrees
Few weeks in and you were already closer than ever
Going to Rink-O-Mania with her and Will
Having the time of your lives
Lucky for her, you were an expert in these things
You dragging Jane around as she laughs, trying to hold onto you so she doesn't fall
Will following you and laughing along when the three of you accidentally bumped into each other and falling on your butts
Over all having a good time
Also bonus
Defending Jane from the bullies
Eleven couldn't be more grateful, even though she's been around for a few months, the anxiety still hadn't settled in
But then Eleven suddenly had the thought of you getting hurt because of her
If ever that happens, Eleven knows that she'll protect you no matter what
You were her friend, and you were the only one who took their time getting to know her without any malice, even showing her all the cool stuff she'd been missing out
And you were respectful when she decides to stay silent when you ask her about herself
She wouldn't let anything happen to you
Although if she wanted to protect you it'll come with a cost
It meant telling you everything that happened, everything. Even all that's happened in Hawkins.
This often plagued her mind at night, what if they come for you?
But all she could do was hope that day would never happen.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Could I request the Four Lords reacting to thinking the read is scared of them and that’s why they won’t speak to them, but really reader is mute (whether born that way, because of trauma, or a physical injury)
Maybe they know sign language and that’s how they communicate instead?
Okay so i’m very sorry for the late delay of these I’ve been super busy and i just whipped this up really quickly and i apologise that it’s really rushed!! I hope these aren’t too bad although i’m not super happy with how they turned out :((
Alcina Dimitrescu
It’s only natural that working in Castle Dimitrescu that you’d be a little fearful of unpredictability of Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters.
However what you didn’t know was that she’s taken a liking to you already, watching you work from afar and she made it very clear that no one was to harm you.
Whenever you interacted she could help but notice how quiet you were, finding it rather odd when you responded to her commands with a short nod and a bow.
Alcina becomes fascinated with you, her eye always on you and sometimes even beckoning you to come and pour her wine just to see your reaction.
She walks past the cellars one day and notices you talking to a maiden. Well you weren’t exactly talking but the two of you were moving your hands in a way that looked like you could understand each other, watching the smile on your face.
Her curiosity and mild jealously meant she took it upon herself to understand exactly what she saw and came to learn that you are mute.
She becomes very overprotective of you after seeing you smile and light up like that, wanting to keep you by her side and away from anything that could harm you.
Eventually you earn her respect and no longer have to work for her. Instead of working you spend your days having tea in elaborate outfits, sitting across from Alcina as she rambles for hours about the girls dragging more bloodied corpses onto the new carpets or Heisenberg’s dramatic outbursts at family meetings or the complaints from the villages.
All of it made you smile and Alcina feels so accomplished when she sees you light up the way she first saw you. Feeling like she’s finally found the way in to your heart.
Her favourite thing to do is at the end of each night walk you to your permanent chambers, bringing a kiss to your hand and signing “goodnight my love” in sign language. It was one of the first things in sign language that you taught her and she’s never once forgetten it.
Donna Beneviento
At first Donna didn’t really notice that you are quieter compared to most people as she’s often finds herself falling into long periods of silence herself.
Not only is she generally reserved and not inclined to socialise like her siblings but a lot of the trauma and experiments she received from Mother Miranda has led to her withdrawing even more.
The only one she really talks to is Angie, although the doll is apart of her, it’s how she copes and allows herself to come out of her comfort zone without having to interact with her family which remind her of all the terrible experiences.
At first Donna believes you’re scared of her and Angie especially. She’s just so excited to finally have someone from outside the family who she trusts and wants to be with and doesn’t want to scare you away.
This makes her tense up a lot and push you away because she hates the thought of scaring you but Angie is apart of her and she doesn’t know how to keep you in her life while remaining herself.
But she quickly learns that you’re mute and although you can’t express it through words you care just as much for her.
That’s how you both discover that just being in each other’s company is enough for you to be happy together.
Touch is the one thing that keeps you both connected. Whether you have your hand in hers or you’ve got each other in a tight hug, touch is the way you both say ‘i love you’.
Sometimes when she’s having a bad day and you can feel the nerves pouring out of her, you walk up and hold your palm up to her.
Donna’s hand will sit softly against your own with only the tips of your fingers intertwining, just the slightest touch can calm her. Your forehead presses to hers and you hold her close until all her worries melt away.
Even though you can’t tell her, all the fleeting touches and gentle movements are how you tell Donna every day that you could never be scared of her but in fact you love her very deeply.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore instantly panics when he sees you don’t talk, his mind instantly jumping to the conclusion that you must either fear him or hate him like everyone else.
He doesn’t want to lose you, and is almost desperate for you attention which he doesn’t understand can’t be said through words.
He’s gonna bring you all of the things he likes in hopes to show you that he’s not scary like everyone thinks.
Each night he’s bringing you blankets (which are damp and kinda smell but he doesn’t know) and each morning he’s got breakfast for you and he’s gonna bring all the cheese he owns.
He’s still convinced you’re scared of him so he drops them in front of you and retreats into the corner with his hands raised, anticipating your rejection but still no less scared of your reaction.
“I’m not scary, I promise…”
Eventually he realises you can’t speak and that you enjoy his efforts to make you comfortable, thinking it’s adorable.
When you become comfortable around each other you being to show him some phrases in sign language so he can communicate with you. He’s definitely eager to learn, practically begging alcina for books on it from her library.
He’s not very good at it but you spend your afternoons teaching him and you both end up giggling and laughing at his attempts. By the end of the night you’re both crashed on the couch after watching movies.
He loves to take you outside to see the reservoir and windmill where you write little messages to each other on the snow.
Karl Heisenberg
When Karl first learnt that you’d be sent to his factory by order of Mother Miranda he was furious that he’d have to babysit you.
He ignores you at first, not even looking at you as he left you in some room of the factory with the door locked behind him.
One day after a fight with Alcina he comes bashing through what’s slowly become your bedroom of sorts. His fist collides with the metal countertop leaving a dent in it as metal shards rattle around the room.
“If that bitch humiliates me one more time at a family meeting i’ll hit her with my hammer!”
He looks at you and notices the startled look on your face from having to dodge all the metal now flying around the room until it drops to the floor. Karl looking at you with a sheepish face, upset with himself that he scared you.
“Sorry about that…”
Karl spends more time with you after that, showing you around his factory and telling you all his elaborate plans to bring down Miranda and vent about his sister after he realised you were a good listener.
In fact he started to realise that you were almost too much of a good listener… and that you had never once spoken to him.
He didn’t even know you name and that frustrated him beyond all means.
While he was still confused at your behaviour, he couldn’t bring himself to hate it as you grew closer with each passing day.
Sometimes his favourite thing to do is to sit with you in his living quarters, sitting on the couch with his head in your lap as your fingers brush through his hair.
It’s there where he’ll talk to you for hours about everything and nothing at all. Just happy to have someone in his life.
He’s comforted by the fact that you’re mute because you don’t judge him, your actions towards him always soft and warming.
He’s never had someone who could be there for him emotionally and physically, and he loves that you show him how much you love him by the little gestures like cuddling, playing with his hair and holding his head in your hands.
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shibaraki · 3 years
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It’s what everyone always expects of twins — either they are both the same, or they are mirror opposites. No one ever looks at the grey area in the middle, the place that would show you that actually they are two separate, complex individuals, like any other person.
But that isn’t novel, so people don’t see it. Thus Atsumu is characterised as being the emotive twin, and Osamu the closed off twin. The ‘chill’ brother, the rational one.
From a young age Osamu played into it easily, learning to internalise everything, whereas Atsumu got to express himself. It came with advantages and disadvantages, like how Osamu could easily blame Atsumu for things he didn’t do because adults tended to believe him more.
What people didn’t know about Osamu was that he could be very jealous, spiteful even. Not that it’s inherently bad to be those things, but people didn’t expect that from him, so it was easier to keep it hidden.
It knotted up inside his stomach and took hold of his heart as he watched you laugh with Atsumu. He wished he could reach inside himself and pull it out like a weed — he knew it was irrational, that he had nothing to worry about.
Yet still, he couldn’t unwind the glare from his face, even when Suna raised his eyebrow at him in amusement as if to say ‘seriously?’
No one really expected Osamu to be insecure, especially not when it came to Atsumu. From an outsider perspective it was Tsumu that often whined about being compared to each other, recounted stories of how everyone hated him in school, how Osamu had been a better player for most of their childhood. What everyone failed to see was that Osamu was simply a good liar and Atsumu was not.
In his mind, he was… regular. He was stable, routine, closed off. Atsumu was adventurous, bright, endearing in his own way, he carried a proverbial spotlight with him wherever he went.
You had known them both your whole lives and after years of running in mental circles, he could not understand why you chose him.
Walking with your hands intertwined and sheltered in his coat pocket, he looks up to admire the cloudless night sky. You study him from the corner of your eyes, lip pressed into a tense line.
He’d been distant tonight. Actually, he had been distant for almost a week now. Initially you assumed it was because the restaurant had been much busier since he’d advertised at the MSBY Vs. Adlers game, so you thought he would benefit from seeing his friends.
Fat load of good that did, you sneer at yourself, feeling defeated. Having known him for so long, having loved him for so long, you’d wanted to let him come to you on his own terms with whatever was bothering him.
It’s becoming clearer now that he is not going to do that. You squeeze his hand to grab his attention, smiling up at him gently when he tilts his head to meet your eyes.
“You doin’ ok, handsome?” You ask, “I can tell you’ve been thinking hard about something”.
He grimaces. He should’ve anticipated that you would catch on to his awkward behaviour. It would be a lie to say he didn’t know why he hadn’t communicated with you, because knew the reason all too well.
He was afraid that you would realise he was right.
You let the question stew for a while and neither of you say anything as you continue down the familiar street close to your shared apartment. Osamu exhales headily, stopping short under a streetlight.
“M’not good at talkin’ about that kinda thing,” he frowns, feeling incredibly juvenile in that moment. You stroke your thumb along the line of his knuckles and step closer so your chests are nearly touching.
“That’s fine,” you hum, bringing your free hand up to rest against the curve where his neck meets his shoulder. “I have two decades worth of experience speaking in ‘Osamu’. I’m completely fluent”.
That startles a laugh out of him, mouth pulled up into a grin involuntarily. You weren’t wrong with that, it was unsettling how well you could read him.
“It’s hard because I know it’s irrational. I know it isn’t true, but it still bothers me”.
“That’s ok, though,” you slide your hand further up to cup his cheek, the corners of your eyes crinkling as he leans his weight into the touch. “You can know that it’s not true but still want to hear it from someone else, ‘Samu”.
A lump forms in his throat, his sight misting when he tries to swallow it down, overwhelmed at your obvious love for him.
“Sometimes I think that maybe you picked the wrong brother,” he rasps, glancing away from you. “Then sometimes I think you might’ve picked the wrong man in general”.
“Why do you think that?” You question him firmly, your voice strained in an effort to keep calm. You desperately want to grab him by the shoulders and shake him.
“I just think you could do better. You deserve someone exciting, someone that hasn’t already settled in life”.
“Well you’re wrong,” you growl, yanking your arm out of his pocket to cup the other side of his face and force him to look directly at you.
“You don’t decide what I deserve, ‘Samu, I do. And I don’t know where you got the idea that you weren’t exciting, or that you were settled for life, because you’re not—”
You pause and correct yourself, “we’re not”.
He exhales shakily, tongue sliding across his dry bottom lip as he takes in what you’re saying. “You own a business, a restaurant. You’re a fantastic and creative cook, we get to try new things all the time, meet new people every day. I don’t doubt that you’ll branch out and eventually open up other restaurants across Japan! We could end up anywhere. What about that isn’t exciting?”
“Miya Osamu, I’ve loved you my entire life and we have barely even started ours. Travelling? Marriage? Children? What about that screams settled to you, hm?”
He blinks. “You want a family with me?”
Exasperated, you fall against his chest and nuzzle into his collar, whining his name in complaint. “Yes, idiot. I’m spending the rest of my damn life with you!” You exclaim.
“So help me God, if you ever insinuate that I should’ve dated Atsumu again, I’ll—”
You’re cut off abruptly by his lips pressing hastily against your own, his arms enveloping around your waist to pull you harder against his front. He kisses you over and over, sensual and passionate to quick and fleeting, like he can’t decide how he feels. He beams against your mouth and his joy is contagious.
“I love you,” he whispers, rocking you side to side under the flickering streetlight. Perhaps he didn’t have an international spotlight but he didn’t need one.
He has you.
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