#you'll find it but it's embarassing
the-kremblin · 2 years
I love your art of Mia Fey! Have you ever drawn Phoenix?
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YES I HAVE but all my old aa art is ☆really bad☆. also i absolutely hate drawing his hair. unnatural hairstyles are generally hard for me to translate into my style but this little fucker's head especially so. but just for you, here's a quick doodle of the one and only local dumbass lawyer~
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obeymematches · 23 days
👕Wearing their clothes👕
Part 1
GN MC, sfw, brothers only
You casually walk by in his button up shirt; just to wear something while you go back to your own room. Unfortunately he spilled hot coffee on you, obviously you needed to change clothes! For those wondering, it was just an accident and you'll probably never see him so embarassed again in your life, so take this moment in!! He is too focused on his embarassment to say anything to you, but he finds you pretty cute in his shirt!
It's not your size MC, but I must admit you look quite adorable.
(I just imagine him going into a coma- ) You put on his T-shirt just to mess with him, obviously not telling him about it, just showing up in his shirt. Okay he blushes and stares, afraid to say anything in particular. Why you must be so casual about it too?? Is this a prank??? Doesn't mind if you keep his stuff as long as you wear them every now and then. It shows off that you are his and his only!!
Wait MC ya should put on this one with the stripes next- I wanna see ya in it!!
His room was a bit too cold for you but what you are doing right now should be illegal, honestly. He loves to see his aqua sweater on you but you are pretty much lost inside it. His unique take on the situation is that he doesn't want you to take it off but it's also his favourite jumper so pls don't keep it for long MC-
I-I... I don't mind if you wear my clothes MC!!! You- ughhhh.... you look cute!!
Now what is going on? He stepped into his room and you greeted him in his shirt- honestly the fact that you just thought and organized his wardrobe (which was a mess of course; despite his best efforts he can only keep it organized for 3 days max) didn't sit right with him.... but why did you have to put on his clothes? He is definitely not the one to judge you about your preferences, but teal looks... interesting on you as well. Maybe that's the point you were trying to make? Well in that case you might be onto something-
I didn's ask you to do this for me but.... I have to admit it needed to be done.
If you missed a piece for your outfit you were sure to find it in his room! He keeps stealing your clothes too so at this point you decided it is the best for the both of you to just swap stuff anytime you need to. You were looking at yourself in the mirror when he stepped in. Absolutely loves the idea of you wearing whatever he has!!!
Gosh MC you look soooo adorable!!!! Have you tried this look with that scarf over there? Hang on, I have this hat right here-
Okay he mostly wears tanks with hoddies so you are not having a fashion show this time. His clothes are extremely comfy though & once you get your hands on them you don't really want to take them off. His scent is all over them too!!! When he sees you he just blushes and pulls you into a warm embrace; you belong together and that's the only way to be!
MC you are so cute! You can keep it if you want to.
You sometimes just put on his hoodie as you lay together, possibly on your phones. It is regular occasion, he doesn't really mind as he likes the scent you leave on them when you give it back to him. He likes to put his hand in the pocket of his hoodie on you while you cuddle. He also likes to put the hood on your head, zip and unzip it if it's a zipper kind.
Hmmmm you smell so nice MC... aren't you getting sleepy? This is so comfortable right now...
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theres-a-body-here · 5 months
Hi could you do Genji, Hanzo, Cassidy, lifewaver and Mauga (separately) where they have matching skins with thier s/o
It took some convincing to make these boys match with you, some more than others, but you were determined to be twinsies on the field.
I threw in two extras, as a treat
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Cole Cassidy - Sherlock Holmes and Watson
Took little to no convincing to have him match with you, but he was dead set on being Sherlock
This isn't negotiable
Expect to hear everything but your name out there
"Dear boy", "Watson", and "My dear" is all you're gonna be referred as
Cassidy will refuse to respond to you unless you refer to him as "sir" or "boss"
You could take a bullet to the side and he'll be kneeling over you like: "Hmm, yes, that is indeed a nasty wound my boy"
"You're a moron.....Sir" you groan out as he drags you to Mercy
Eventually, you really play into the roll
wrapping your arms around Cassidy from behind as you press your cheek against his
"Do you have a plan, Boss?"
He coughs, being caught off guard
"Yes, my dear Watson...it's uhh....ya know, this" He says as he spins peacemaker in his hands
"World's greatest detective, everyone" You remark sarcastically
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Genji Shimada - Kamen Rider
He's actually the one who first asked to match costumes
You both bickered over who to be
Genji insisted you dress as Evolto, but you also wanted to be Kamen
In the end, you both dressed as Kamen
Genji dressed as Kamen Rider Blade
You dressed as Kamen Rider Gaia
You both pose and exclaim with a loud "Henshin!" after every elimination
The others don't really get it
Genji kinda just shuffles over and hugs you, pressing his faceplate into your chest sadly after being called a "Power Ranger" for the 5th time.
You have to stifle your laughter as you comfort him
"It's not the same thing," he whines, voice muffled by your chest
"Yeah buddy, they're completely different franchises," you chuckle out, rubbing his back
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Niran "Bua" Pruksamanee - Bee and Flower
Pretty excited to match costumes with you
Niran took a pretty long time to pick which flower to dress as
"Maybe I should stick with Lotus, but...Jasmines..." he mutters as he brings fabrics to his chest, imagining himself as each flower
you sat on his bed wearing a bumblebee suit, watching on as Niran struggled to make a decision
He settles on fuchsia, bright purples and trailing fabric
Costume is so extravagant that you look comically out of place in your cheap Bee outfit
Niran doesn't mind, in fact, he finds it cute
He especially loves your puns
"Bee mine," you coo as you kiss his cheek
He chuckles as he returns the kiss
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Hanzo Shimada - Cupid and Eros
You're gonna have to bust out all your tricks to convince this man to wear something so, in his words, undignified
What ever you do to get him into the cupid costume, expect complaints
"This is....embarassing," he mutters begrudgingly as he sits on your bed, tugging at his pastel pink wings
The bathroom door opens as you step out in your Eros outfit
"How do I look, Babe?'
Hanzo's face immediately erupts into a blazing red
"Wh-What are you wearing?" he exclaims as he adverts his gaze, looking at anywhere but you
Your outfit is... minimal to say the least
Wings, red sash, sandals, bow, and a thin loincloth. That's literally it
Besides that? Nearly all of your skin was on display
"Aww, you don't like it?" you tease as you walk closer to Hanzo
You straddle his lap, feeling him stiffen under you
You cup his face while you rub his cheeks with your thumbs
"I'm just teasing you. I have a much more modest outfit ready
Hanzo lets out a sigh as he looks at you
You lean in closer, ghosting your lips over his ear
"This one is for tonight" you whisper
Hanzo swears you'll be the end of him one day
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Maugaloa Malosi - Māui and Hine-nui-te-pō
You brought up the idea of matching costumes and he instantly had a mischievous look in his eyes
He agreed on the condition that he chooses the theme
He dressed as Māui and he helped make a costume for you
You recognized Māui from a movie, but you had no idea who Hine-nui-te-pō was
"Don't worry about it" he assured you with a chuckle
You two had a blast on the battlefield with your matching costumes
Although, you couldn't help but think something was up every time Mauga glanced at you
He'd smirk and throw you a wink
But this was Mauga, so it didn't really set off a red flag
Its not until the end of the battle where a talon grunt said something
"What he'd do to convince you to dress like that?"
You looked confused. The grunt explained she was from New Zealand.
She told you the story of Māui and Hine-nui-te-pō
Your face went from shock, embarrassment, to rage
You stomped your way to Mauga, who wore a shit-eating grin
You stood in front of him as your swung your hands to slap him
But you're too short
"God dammit! Lean over, asshole!" you cry as you jump at him Mauga breaks into a fit of laughter as he picks you up and swings you around
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Jamison Fawkes - Yoshikage Kira and Killer Queen
Surprisingly, Junkrat was pretty hesitant to match costumes
He was worried changing clothes would include bathing
He likes his soot and burns thank you very much
"I have an aesthetic to maintain, mate"
But you knew how to break him
The moment the words "turns anything into a bomb" left your lips, he was instantly on board
Obviously he was gonna be the explosion cat
But since this was Junkrat, you had to approve his costume beforehand
You deadass had to explain to him why entering a bathtub of alcohol and pink sharpie markers to color his skin was a terrible idea
"But the damn cat's pink isn't it?" He asks, dumbfounded that you had a problem with his genius idea
"We'll use facepaint, babe"
You show off your costumes to the rest
Jamie wearing cat ears, Pink face paint, and leather gloves
You wearing a suit, dyed your hair blond, and severed mannequin hand in your pocket
After an ultimate that wiped out a good number of the enemy team, Junkrat clears his throat to speak
"Watashi no na wa "Kira yoshikage" nenrei 33-sai jitaku wa moriōchō hokutō-bu no bessō chitai ni ari ..."
The rest of you kinda stood around staring at him shocked
"I didn't know Mr. Fawkes knew japanese," Mei comments to you in a hushed voice, not wanting to interrupt Junkrat
You and Roadhog kinda look at each other
"He doesn't" you both say in unison
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Reinhardt Wilhelm - Knight and Squire
A Knight and his squire? Count him in!
To be honest, you being his squire is somewhat of a fantasy he has, so Reinhardt was pretty excited to match costumes with you
You let him have a major say in your outfit since it was apparent this was big for him
He picked out colors of the old Crusade; Muted browns, greens and vibrant golds
Reinhardt wore his Balderich outfit
He fumbled to find a camera to capture the moment
Before you two left to meet up with the others for training drills, Reinhardt stopped you
"Y/N...can you...do something for me?" He asks nervously, voice almost a whisper
"Yeah sure, what's up big guy?"
"Can you bring me my hammer?" he finally responds after a while
You shrug and walk over to grab the massive weapon, bringing it over with a bit of strain
You had an idea of why he asked you to do this
You knelt on one knee and raised the hammer with both hands
"Your hammer, Sir Wilhelm"
Reinhardt's hands clench into a fists, the fabric of the gloves making a creaking sound from the pressure
He pushes the hammer aside and pulls you in for a bone crushing bear hug
"You've made this old dog happy, Y/N" he mutters as he nuzzles his face into your neck
"Yeah, sure, no problem" you strain out as you see spots on your vision
Reinhardt drops you immediately
"Sorry..." he mutters as he pats your shoulder
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
never - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 326
"So...Evans told me something interesting earlier," Sirius said nonchalantly as the two of them sat in the library.
"Wait...really?" Remus had confessed so much to her the night before, but he'd been sure she would keep it to herself. Or at least not tell Sirius.
"Yeah," Sirius shrugged. Damn, he looked so calm.
Remus was panicking now. "Fuck. Sirius, you were never supposed to find out. I thought she could keep a secret." And fuck her for not doing so.
"She's a bit of a gossip, that one."
"Are you....are you mad?" Merlin, he was sure to be mad. Or disgusted. Or uncomfortable.
Sirius gave him a weird look. "Remus. Why would I be mad?"
Because I love you. "Because! It could change everything!"
Again, Sirius threw him an incredulous look. "It's...what? It's not a big deal at all, Remus. I'm sure you'll get over it in a few days."
Get over it? He'd been in love with Sirius for years. It was definitely not that easy. "I...Sirius, it's been...it's not that simple."
Sirius grinned reassuringly. "Sure it is! You'll figure it out in no time. I can help you!"
Remus felt dread at this. He didn't want Sirius's help getting over Sirius. "Listen, as nice as that is, you're the last person I want help from."
Sirius looked confused, now. "Why? I would think you'd want my help most of all!"
"Because it's embarassing!" Remus almost yelled.
Sirius said placatingly, "Moony, it's just one spell."
And then, Remus finally began to realize...he was missing something. "I...what?"
Sirius rolled his eyes. "The spell. The one you can't do. I can help you learn it."
Ah. The spell. The Transfiguration spell he'd complained to Lily about. The one that had nothing to do with his embarrassing feelings for Sirius. And Sirius was good at Transfiguration so he was offering... "Oh. OH! Yes. I'd like that."
Merlin, that was close.
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sherrymagic · 2 months
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"What you like and take interest in is cool. There's no reason to be embarassed about it. You should even be proud. One day, you'll find someone who shares the same interest. Like now. I also like what you like." Juna Wanwimol as LUNA in Episode 6 23.5 (2024)
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lamnwar · 4 months
Hey me again, lmao
Could you do Kiyoshi + Gom as husbands, If so thank youuu xxxx
Hi there, love! 💕 love love love this request!! I spend all my time daydreaming abt being married to these boys LMAO it's embarassing 😭 alsooo ik I took long before getting to your request but I wanted to finish all the big os requests first before working on hcs bc it's more heafty so sorry for my shitty habit of taking too long for simple stuff :((
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Context: what I imagine married life to be with these characters. 🥰
Pairing: GOM + Kiyoshi x gn! Reader (gender not specified)
Warnings: mainly fluff and crack, can get a bit suggestive in Aomine's (of course it's always him 😭) so mdni!
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Rich, handsome and a gentleman!!! Literally the Holy Grail of husbands
The kind to spoil his pretty spouse out of love
Takes you out on a date at some fancy restaurant at least once a week
He's also very independent!! Now, I think he's the kind to hire people to help around the house but that doesn't stop him from doing chores
He'll always help you doing stuff for the house if you need
He has amazing taste!! Take him furniture shopping and you'll end up with on of those houses you see in AD
Brings up the subject of you dropping your work so you can stay home while he's the breadwinner
He's a bit traditional in that sense because he really doesn't want you to work if it's unecessary, you know?
I mean he's crazy rich so does that even make sense to make you work?? (Unless you absolutely want to)
Wakes you up every morning with a kiss!
He always had the proudest smile when he introduces you to people as his spouse <3
This man takes marriage very seriously, listen
He most likely did a deep analysis of your birthchart before deciding that you are the right one for him
Naturally, as your husband, he gotta get you your lucky item of the day everyday
You don't even believe in that stuff but it's his love language, I guess
Not much one to go on dates unless you want to, then he'll be up for it
He's more one to enjoy time with you at home
Something like having a nice diner and cuddling while you read
The kind to love going grocery shopping with you
Every once in a while, he'll buy a fancy bottle of wine just to share it with you
A very supportive husband!! Every project you have in mind, he's already done the research to find the most efficient way for you to accomplish your plans
Not a PDA guy but he'll happily hold your hand when you're at gatherings together
May not be very vocal about his love for you but you better believe that he talks proudly of his spouse to every one he knows
He is OBSESSED with you
Man never left the honeymoon phase, he's so crazy about you
Takes you to his fancy modelling events and shows you off to every one he meets
He also buys you lots of clothes and acessories
Dare you say something is cute, he's already inside the shop buying it for you
Tries his best as chores but it's not really his thing
Will help as much as he can, though!
Breakfast in bed kind of guy hihi
And it happens a lot because let's be real, that man isn't the kind to let you sleep at night
Like I said earlier, he's never left the honeymoon phase so... yeah
Wants to be the kind of husband that gives you his credit card and tell you to do what you want with it but you have to decline
It's ok though, he'll fine plenty of other ways to spoil you
You have that cute habit every week of taking baths together
The kind to miss a day of work to take care of you when you're sick!
Daiki never thought he'd ever get married, but then he met you
Not the best at being a husband but he really tries!
Like he makes an effort of not being too lazy and messy
Leaves the chores to you mainly, but will give a hand
Like if you're cleaning around and need to put stuff on the top shelf, he'll do it for you
Not the best cook so he lets you make food while he does the dishes
I'm trying to delay the obvious but that man never stops being horny for you
Literally sits and daydream of fucking you on every surface of your home
Gets so riled up at the sight of that ring on your finger, he can't believe your all his
The kind to follow you everywhere you go, even if it's for some stupid errand
Takes you out to the beach or for a picnic as soon as the sun is shining outside
Buys you clothes he thinks you'd look good in and surprisingly, he's got amazing taste
Loves when you refer to him as "husband" in conversation!!
So casual about being married, most likely because to him that doesn't change a thing about the way he feels about you
Likes that now he gets to have you with him all the time
Cooks for you! Buys you snacks! Takes you out on restaurant dates!
Sharing is caring so he only ever shares his snack with you
I can see him being into matching outfits (if you can find any that fits both him and you)
A bit lazy so he doesn't help around that much unless you tell him to
And even that, he'd do some chores before getting distracted
But listen, it's ok though because he makes up for it in over ways
He's very caring, only because you're his spouse
Cuddles in bed, at all time! He just feels clingy sometimes
He smiles softly when he plays with your hand and sees the ring on your finger
He likes to sit you on his lap often
Basically being a husband doesn't differ much from how he was as a boyfriend
Very casual about calling you his spouse all the time, even in front of others
Kiyoshi Teppei was born to be a husband!!
Because he grew up with his grandparents, he's got the habit of taking care of a household and the people living in it
So he naturally took in most of the chores and he's good at it!
Doesn't want you to get tired either so he'll do most things
Pays attention to all the little things so you're always comfortable
He also likes going for a run/the gym with you and he's so encouraging!
Has the stupidiest smile on his face everytime he looks at you
He holds his grandparents as a reference so he really hopes you'll both grow old together, still madly in love
Don't get that man started on building a family, he just gets too excited at the idea of being a parent!
He'd be a great one too, but the final decision is up to you. Either way, he's just happy being with you.
I don't know what else to say because he's just made to be a husband, yk?
Yeah, probably the best person to marry <3 (I'm very biased)
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asarajaa · 2 months
can I get some headcanons about jealous Kenma?? Thank you!!
Sure! Hope you like it <3!
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Warnings: gn!reader Words: 565 Disclaimer: English isn't my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
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Jelous Kenma hcs
₊˚ෆ I don't think Kenma is the jelousy type tbh.
₊˚ෆ But sometimes he has insecurities because, look at you, how is it that you-a beautiful, incredible, gorgeous (and the list goes on) person- ended up with a guy like him?
₊˚ෆ The boy thinks that you're out of his league and that he's so lucky to have you.
₊˚ෆ However, if you're ignoring him, well, that's different.
₊˚ෆ At first, he doesn't notice beacuse, why would you ignore him?
₊˚ෆ But once he does- proceed with caution.
₊˚ෆ This boy will make anything to caught your attention.
₊˚ෆ There was this time when you decided to try videogames, but no Kenmas videogames, no, otome videogames.
You were just chilling in your boyfriends bed, scrolling through social media while your boyfriend was playing in his computer until you saw this new viral otome game. In your boredom, you decided to give it a try and- omg
What is this thing and where was it your whole life???
The hours went by and you were just giggling and moving while playing with your phone. After failing the mission for the 34th time in a row, Kenma decided to have a little break.
Kenma lay down on his bed only to find you 100% focused on your phone. At first, he though you were only watching a video and when the video's over you'll give him attention.
With that in mind, he waited patiently on the other side of his bed for you to notice him. But when the minutes went by and you weren't paying him any attention, he though he had enough.
"Uhm, babe? What are you watching?" he asked calmly, with no signs that he wanted your attention because he's not attention starved.
(Oh, but he is)
You shuddered and give a small jump "Kenma? I didn't notice you" you said while you returned your gaze back to the game, his brow furrowing. "What were you saying?" you asked.
"I asked you what were you watching" he repetead himself.
"Actually, I'm talking to a guy of this ne- oh my god" you let out a giggle while your fingertips were tapping.
His brow furrowed more because who were you talking to and why was he more important than him, your boyfriend?
"A guy? I know him?" he asked, moving closer to you.
"I don't think so?" you chuckle imagine your boyfriend playing the otome game "His name is Zach, he's 24 and has electric blue eyes with baby blue hair" you gave him hints, hoping that he'd hear of him since he's the main male lead of the game.
"Who on this earth has baby blue hair' Like-"
"Shoyo has orange hair."
"...Do you want me to dye my hair baby blue?"
"Baby- What?" you asked shocked, what on earth was he talking a- oh.
"Are you jelous?" you were teasing him.
" You know I'm p-playing an otome-game, r-right?" you were trying your best to not laugh but his cute red face was not helping.
He quietly gets up of the bed and started walking towards his computer.
Now you were laughing.
"B-Baby! Wait! I didn't mean to but-"
₊˚ෆ He thinks that's the most embarassed time he's ever been.
₊˚ෆ Kenma will start playing videogames again like nothing happend.
₊˚ෆ At the end, you had to cuddle with him and explain him all the situation, while you tried your best to not laugh.
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Thank you all for sending request! I'm so happy to do them!
Please, tell me your opn about this one, I really appreciate if you guys comment on how can I improve <3
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© asarajaa — Please, do not copy, translate or reuse my work without my permission.
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wifeyoozi · 2 months
What is your opinion of ot13 with a taller s/o
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Ot13 seventeen : when you are taller than them
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seungcheol : ok on surface he doesn't shows if it affects him or not but deep down he just loves how tall you are. He was a little insecure at the very very start about being shorter than you, but now he absolutely loves it. He'll buy you a lot of heels if you like wearing them just so he can crane his neck up and look at you like that. Loves feeling of you two give the vibe of the rich CEO and his model girlfriend.
Jeonghan : you just gave him the perfect opportunity to be a bratty sub. He actually loves feeling tiny next to you. He'll also definitely call you noona/mommy even if you are younger than him just so you'll baby him. Would sometimes wear baggy clothes and cuddle next to your side just to feel tinier next to you.
Joshua : I think he doesn't mind at all? Like "oh you're 180 cm? That's like so cool! Anyways my fave colour is blue wbu?" Like he'd love the fact you're so tall and so pretty but it wouldn't really affect him as much even if you weren't.
Jun : in public, he'll opt the more traditionally masculine and dominant roles despite your height, but in private, he is just a babie. absolute babie. you're gonna have to pamper him and always pay attention to him and peg him and cuddle with him. unironically always the little spoon.
hoshi : literally on his knees for you. you are his queen, his tigress and he's gonna worship you all the time. loves when you ruffle his hair or rest your head on top of his. is always hugging your hips. he may even wear some of your clothes if they look baggy on him.
wonwoo : an otherwise very dom wonu would sub for you. he is so tall and if you are taller than him, you are literally a goddess and he will do anything you ask him to. lowkey develops a praise kink with you. but he's also very soft for you and would take care of you all the time instead of letting otherway around happen.
woozi : at first he was really shy and insecure about roaming around with you in public, especially when you wore heels. also hates the way his members sometimes (all the time) teased him about it, but that phase passed soon, after he got more comfortable around you and you scolded his friends for teasing him. now he's a proud boyfriend who loves to show off his beautiful model-like tall girlfriend.
minghao : I just know everytime you two go out people think you are some luxury brand models. He feels proud of your height actually, loves how beautiful and elegant you look when you wear the luxurious brand clothes he buys you. Wouldn't be shy or embarassed at all about looking shorter to you.
Mingyu : the fact that you are taller than him is hot enough already, lemme tell you that first. You are one powerful couple. He likes lifting you up just so he's craning his neck up at you like you are the sun to his life (you definitely are). He just finds you so incredibly hot for being that height, loves when you use your height to dominate over him sometimes
Seokmin : he's so shy about it. Not embarrassed shy but i-am-so-in-love-with-you shy. Believes that you are the most beautiful woman on the planet. Literally would do anything for you. On his knees to eat you out serve you anytime of the day. Literally feels so subby when you're next to him.
Seungkwan : he loves how close his face is to your boobs. He could hug you and his face would be planted in your boobs or in the crook of your neck. So damn comforting. Feels so safe around you, especially when you hug him from the back and rest your head on top of his. Tho he'd be sooooo damn sulky for the rest of the month of you made even a single joke about his height even once hehe.
Vernon : externally, he doesn't look like the height difference bothers him at all. Internally he's screaming MOMMY. Loves the way you tower him, especially when you're riding him. He's your big responsibility. Can't shut up about you being the hottest woman everytime he's with his friends talking about their girlfriends. Literally still in shock how he managed to pull you.
Chan : at first he was a little embarrassed and tried to wear insoles and heels a lot often to look as tall as you, if not taller. Don't get him wrong, he loves how tall and beautiful you are and literally simps over you for that, he just feels insecure about his own height sometimes. Tho now he doesn't mind the height anymore, since you told him about how you love him the same despite his height. In fact he loves being shorter to you sometimes now, feeling how it makes your relationship more unique.
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what if m6 accidentally fall under the kind of truth-telling spell that makes them be more honest with their inner thoughts and inpressions of things they see for the rest of the day? so basically they just stop filtering some of the thoughts they are saying out loud and how each of them would react to it? would someone be unfazed by it and just let all the words come out or be really embarassed??
hope you like the idea!! guess the size of hcs depends on how much you like it:) all your headcanons are so cool and seem right in place with characters tysm for them!!!<3
The Arcana Mini-HCs: M6 under a truth-telling spell
Julian: he's already so expressive you don't notice much of a difference right away. until you flirt with him, and he goes from a stuttering mess to listing the medical symptoms of being turned on
Asra: you know how they usually like to quietly watch you? well now he watches you with a flustered running commentary on all your little quirks and how he adores them, muttered into his hand
Nadia: locks herself in her chambers as soon as she finds out because she can't work like this. if you join her, you'll hear an unhinged rant about Vesuvia's sorry state and why she loves you
Muriel: you're not used to hearing him talk this much. it's mostly random comments about a pretty leaf or you being pretty or Inanna doing something smart or you being smart or - blushing mess all day
Portia: for how much she likes to fish for gossip, she's generally secretive about what she knows. she's about to spend all day explaining the intricacies of Palace tea complete with a whiteboard
Lucio: not much changed. not much at all. maybe, if anything, he got a little quieter, because this spell helps people say what they're thinking but half the time he talks he's not thinking at all
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just-jordie-things · 4 months
valentines from jjk:
what valentines i think they would give you <3 happy love day everyone, don't forget to tell the people you care about that you care about them !! warnings: slightly suggestive in gojo + maki's parts
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gojo is nothing short of extravagant. so expect a massive, expensive bouquet of your favorite flowers. if he's feeling particularly in the mood of love, he might try to serenade you (as if this huge bouquet he presented in front of everyone you know wasn't embarassing enough!! but it's the thought that counts, isn't it?) now just imagine how he's going to treat you when the two of you are alone
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he's so romantic you're going to swoon and pass out- suguru drives you out to a nice field in the evening so you can watch the sunset, have a picnic complete with sweets and a bottle of wine, and then you can watch the stars come out and find as many constellations as you can. the possibility of you also watching the sunrise together is quite fair.
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nanami is a massive romantic but others might not see what you do because he can be quite private... but that doesn't mean that the love he feels for you doesn't carve itself deep into his bones and very soul. he's going to cook for you and have you over for an intimate v-day dinner. (he's been dying to propose to you for a while, and the ring in his pocket is damn near burning a hole. but it would be too cheesy to propose to you on valentines day... wouldn't it? we'll see if he lasts through dinner)
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ino wants to go the traditional route of a beautiful bouquet for his beautiful girlfriend... but he knows you love a cute stuffy so he has to put a little twist on the classic gift to make sure his valentine stands out!! also... he asked you to be his valentine months in advance... sometime around november... but he has to make sure you're secured as his valentine!!
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he may be new to the concept of valentine's day, but when choso stumbles upon a pretty earring set, he remembers that yuji once told him girls never buy heart shaped jewelry for themselves- it has to be gifted to them. accepting this rule as law, choso doesn't hesitate to gift them to you so that you always have something from him to keep close... and maybe he likes the idea of other people knowing the romantic jewelry came from him, too.
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megumi is treating you to a new set for valentine's day. he might act indifferent when you come home from your nail appointments any other day... but he does love your pretty manicure, and he loves how excited you get for them, too. so as long as you promise to get a little 'm' painted next to the heart, it's his treat sweetheart.
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yuji is a mixtape bf through and through. he will spend ages putting together all the most romantic songs from his playlists to curate the perfect vibe for you. he'd probably decorate the case with the most poetic lyrics from the songs, too. anytime you hang out together and you pop this cd in, this boy will be over the moon with joy that you enjoy listening to the songs he picked for you. (will he have to also buy you a cd player so you can actually listen to it? yes.)
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i love this one so much- nobara is going to take the time to make you so many valentine kisses with every single lipstick she owns!! that way even when you're apart you'll be able to take a kiss with you. (you're never apart for too long though, don't worry, you never have to miss the real thing for long)
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yuuta is proposing on valentine's day. it's HIS day and we all know it. hands down his favorite holiday, because he gets to spoil you and openly profess his love to you all day long without others laughing or dying from second hand embarassment? count him in. you're barely fifteen minutes into a romantic dinner date when you're receiving a heart shaped engagement ring. (expect a lovesick speech, this boy could go on for ages about his love for you, and he will if you don't stop him)
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he's lucky you love him, truly. toge is gonna shower you with ridiculous, cheesy valentine memes as soon as midnight hits and it's officially february 14th. and he WILL make it everyone's problem too, with all sorts of these valentine memes littered about for you to find. of course he'll treat you to dinner and a romantic comedy to cuddle up to later... but for now he's the valentine's day menace.
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don't expect to go out and enjoy any valentine's festivities like a cute cafe date with a heart shaped donut. unless ofc you count going out of town to a cheesy but secluded little love hotel. maki's not letting you out of her sights until the little set she bought you is no longer recognizable... or wearable. she loves to have her pretty girl all dressed up for her to open like a present <3
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hereisrachel · 8 months
Realistic Simon "Ghost" Riley dating headcanons pt.2
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- It will take some time until you will see his face
- I know 141 saw his face one time but like privately he won't show himself nor willingly nor if you ask him
- Eventually he will be more comfortable to show himself but again only if you ask him
- If you won't make a big scene from seeing his face he will get his mask off anytime you two are alone
- Does kissing count as a physical touch? He doesn't want to kiss you.
- You can sometimes think that he is completely disgusted by you
- But he's not, he is disgusted by physical touch. If you try to kiss him he will lean away 😭 and probably ask what are you doing
- If you wouldn't die out of embarassment and elaborate, he won't be really eager to let you kiss him
- he is not good at communication when it comes to women, once he will realise that it kinda hurt you he will say "sorry"
- You completely forgot about the situation but he won't tell you why he is sorry. He just will and you need to accept it
- He is kinda like a child but he actually just has no idea how relationships work
- After that, you won't try to kiss him again. He wants to let you know that he is okay with it but he doesn't know how to
- So again he will wait for you to initiate the kiss
- You just need to risk it, not knowing what will happen this time.
- So you try to kiss him on the cheek
- He leans in lightly and closes his eyes for a second
- This is probably the warmest interaction you had with him EVER
- You're so happy that you both are making a progress
- You don't kiss him much after that, you don't want to lose your privilege for overusing it lmfao
- So you just ask him one day if you can kiss him on the lips
- There is a 50/50 chance Ghost will agree 😭
- If he does, it will probably break your heart out of the love you feel to him at the moment
- He will be stiff, but he'll lightly rest hand on your shoulder as in automatic gesture
- He may even smile at you afterwards, his pupils blown wide
- Well he liked that one lol
- There is no love without jealousy right?
- In cod community it's a well known headcanon that Ghost is possesive but I don't think he is all that jealous and possesive
- He barely feels anything. Feeling love to you is a big thing
- But his emotions are shallow, he may feel a little tingling feeling somewhere in his stomach when some guy tries to hit on you but he just stares ig?
- So he's not very jealous, he knows you're his
- It's not that he doesn't fear losing you. Again, He just doesn't feel much emotions besides rage and numbness
- I also think he would find it annoying if you would be overly jealous. But if you're as calm as he is it will be perfect.
- Hear me out on that, you will be more likely able to kiss him first that hug him
- Hugging is two bodies clinging, arms caging around each other. That's way too much for him
- But you use your old technique, hitting, waiting, hitting again lmfao
- He doesn't want to rush things and you don't want to make him feel pressured
- Yeah you hugged before but it wasn't really a hug ig 😭
- I agree with the headcanon that he gives bear hugs!!
- but he hugs only you tho lmao (sorry soap)
- If you two hug he will cling on you like there is not tommorrow, throwing his arms around your back
- You'll have your arms thrown around his back as well, or you'll stand on your toes and your arms around his neck. I believe he would be more comfortable with the first one.
- he will be shocked with himself and a little bit embarassed, but you will be absolutely head over heels. Smelling his scent of cigarettes and mud 🤩🤩, feelling his strong arms on your back and his body on yours. If you rest your head on his chest (like I like to do :3:3) You'll maybe feel his heartbeat if he's not wearing any gear
- You're confused if he liked the hug or not, he is confused as well
- But he is starting to like this reltionship more and more...:3
I will perhaps make a part 3 of this!! I've ran out of ideas for now but this is really fun to make<3
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Vox headcanons? If not that's 100% ok
Ok hagd :]
No /j
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— If he's connected to his other TV's (or just any of his technology around town) and you keep tickling him you'll most likely cause a blackout
— Blue screen for a moment if you fluster him too much with teases, permanent blue screen if you overwhelm the guy
— Swears a lot while being tickled
— Velvette sometimes mocks him saying that the V for the Vees in his case stands for "Very ticklish"
— If Vox didn't already leaved at the antecipation, then you have your confirmation that he's allowing you to tickle him
— Prefers rough tickling because soft tickles feel like an annoying itch for him
— If his laughter start to get way too loud or embarassing he'll slowly decrease his own volume or even mute himself
— (You gotta convince him to increase it again)
— Will grab on anything nearby to not hit the ler, good luck if he end up grabbing your arm or smth cuz his grip is strong
— Okay too much Lee!Vox KAJSJS LER!VOX
— Likes to pin down others to make it easier for himself
— Definitely teases you by saying that he'll recorder you
— More careful if it's under the clothes to not actually hurt (but still rough)
— "Smile, you're being recorded!"
— Beg if you don't want him to find out that you get flustered with the "t-word"
— "HAH! It makes you embarassed?? What, saying tickle? It's just a word! C'mon, say tickle. Ticklish, tickling, tickles..."
— Plays random audios on his screen to distract his lee and catch them off guard
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lingeriae · 11 months
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contains - a little cussing, incorrect gramar?(i did not proofreaddd), me trying to make reader be shy, shameless eren!
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now just imagine you're one of Armin's lil friends, and you decided that you wanted to go visit him at his appartment cuh why not? so you shoot him a lil text to confirm if you can come over and he says yes but you'll have to let yourself in bcs he's 'busy' right now. you say ight, and bring your happy lil self to his house, letting yourself in with the spare key he keeps around for emergencies.
now imagine right as you open the door, your met with a pair of the prettiest green eyes you have ever seen, staring at you unblinking. eren would be spread out across geto's couch, a pair of grey sweatpants sitting ow on his hips, his hair flowing down his shoulders and a bowl full of skittles resting on his stomach, just lookin yummy, with his hands halfway to his mouth shocked by your pretty brown ass busting in unexpectedly.
you drew your eyes over the male from top to bottom, almost choking at the sight of his bare biceps, allowing your eyes to glide over his muscles that looked like they flexed out of reflex only stopping when you realized how dumb you probably looked. heat rose to your cheek as you turned to the door shutting it gently, turning back to the male infront of you to see that he hadn't even stopped staring at you. while you turned around he saw how pretty your ass looked in the shorts you wore, and how the fat of your thighs just spilled from the material the sight making him bite his lip for a brief second before you turned back around, oblivious to his stare.
eren woulda found you sooo cuteeeee, the way you avoided eye contact with him rubbing your plump glossed lips together and fiddling with the white acrylics on your finger. he rested his cheek in his palm as he stared at you, a grin spreading over his face showcasing his dimples a bit.
"uh, hi."
finding a little courage, you would look up at him only to look away immediately because of how intense you found making eye-contact with him being, that only made eren's grin widen. he replied with a low 'hey' and you swore you felt it vibrating through you from where you stood.
you fidgeted a little from where you stood, because gawd was he making you nervousssss.
"Im a friend's of Armins, I didn't know he had somebody over my bad." eren's immediate thought was asking if you and armin were just friends, licking his lips as he hummed while putting a skittle in his mouth.
"It's all good, pretty." of course you had to look up at him at the nickname, twisting your lips together to hold in a smile and how flustered you were.
after that you would warm up to him a bit, he would move over on the couch so you could sit beside him before draping an arm over your shoulder. he would notice how your eyes roamed his body every second but choosed to ignore it as to not embarass you and because he was doing the same thing! you were wayyy to fine not to be checked out
when armin came, trust eren would be alll over him. dragging him one side and asking questions about you, asking if you got a man and if you looking for one.
he's so noseyyyyy.
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skz-bibi · 4 months
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(intro). all i have to say is if you don't believe in soulmates, then you will after this , let's just get started🫰🏻🩷
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➩ CLIP #1 PLAYING… 📼 !
first seulin clip ever
*look at baby seulin, stuck together as glue* "introduce yourselves." *keep in mind they aren't even together at this point* *introduces themselves* "yah" *changbin always being the one to clock their tea , even in 2017🤭* "are you two super glued together?" *will always embarass them two*
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➩ CLIP #2 PLAYING… 📼 !
jeongin who hates skinship , but bibi who loves it
*example one* a fan video of them at the airport: bibi standing around waiting *she looks so lost 😭* *here comes jeongin* "ah cute!" *that fan is so real🤞🏽* bibi wrapping her arms around his arm. *fans screeching* *stays when seulin move an inch:* *jeongin wrote hug me and decided he loved skinship all of a sudden🤔*
*example two* *bibi vlog* *jeongin driving* *bibi looking at her phone* "what do you want to eat?" *jeongin shrugs* "i don't what do you want?" *annoyed bibi* "are you teasing me?" *knows he is* "now you know how i feel" *bibi holds her hand out while he's driving* *he's a one hand driver🫠😳* "what is it?" *teasing her by pushing her hand* "yah yang jeongin" *oop not the government name* "focus on driving* *smiles cause he see's her getting annoyed* "why do you want to hold my hand so much" *still picks it up.* *she smiles* "so happy for what" *kisses his hand* "stop it" *our maknae trying not to blush around bibi* "i'll let your hand go." *he doesn't 🙂*
*bibi sniffing his hair* *bibi idol and jeongins personal hairstylist* "come here." *jeongin comes no questions asked* "let me fix your hair." *stands there and let's her fix his hair* *bibi randomly sniffs his hair😭* *hyunjin 🤝🏽 bibi = sniffing his hair* "your hair smells nice, im gonna steal your shampoo." *jeongin must be used to this cause he ain't flinch , just wraps his arms to keep her steady😭* "i'll just get you a bottle." *makes sense because many fans have said they smell similar*
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➩ CLIP #3 PLAYING… 📼 !
seulin and their families getting along
*jeongins mom and bibi ft. jeongins younger brother* "noona , you need to visit more." *annoyed jeongin* "yah! you're awfully friendly , you never welcome me like this." *jealous innie* "because i don't like you" *bibi laughs* "i don't find it funny" *sulky jeongin* "seulbi-ah , eat this." *hands her a plate of fruit* "thank you mom." *she calls her mom im cryin 😭😭😭* "eomma , where's mine?" *like jeongin trying to figure out who's the actual child in this family* *tries to take bibi's* *mrs.yang slaps his hand* "ouch— she needs that, cut your own." *bibi teasing him* "this is why you'll never come over here again." *not if his mom has anything to say , that's her future daughter in law 😭🩷.*
"jeonginnie, look at this." *shows a photo of baby bibi* *bibi is certain her mom is out to get her* "mom stop it" "was she the same as now?" *jeongin living to make her miserable* "just know if you two have kids they'll be lots of trouble." *both of them shocked* "m-mom." *stressed jeongin* *bibi's mom the biggest seulin shipper there is😭😭*
*bonus their older brothers talking about them in his vlog* *jeongin oldest bother and bibi's biggest enemy* "we seen our siblings in concert the other day, it's weird seeing them on stage." *jeongins brother agrees* "especially when we see them when they're not being cool on stage." *about to embarass them both* "remember when we went ice skating and bibi slipped and fell, and then jeonginnie , tripped over her and they both were on the ground cause they couldn't get up in the skates." *cuts to bibi live* "IM GONNA KILL THEM BOTH!!!" *the eye twitch is killing me😭*
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➩ CLIP #4 PLAYING… 📼 !
bibi being jeongins person
*a fan video of them at a concert* *jeongin about to cry on stage* *bibi sensing something is wrong* *looking at her turning to see where he is 🫠* *sees that he's crying* *runs over to hug him* *look at her wiping his tears she's so cute*
*2023 clip* "only im allowed to fuss and scold him, he has me to do that, no one else should be doing that but me." *look at that death glare, doesn't it remind you of something🤔?* *flashback to 2017 , skz survival show* *jyp scolding jeongin* *that same death stare, she ain't never been scared to glare at that man* *he did say she has the coldest glare😳* *bibi whispering to jeongin* "you did go okay, don't beat yourself up, or i'll beat you up, got it?" *bibi still scolding while comforting him*
*a clip jeongin posted to his instagram of himself* "jeongin! jeonginnie! jagiya!" *look at the smile, he's in love😭*
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➩ CLIP #5 PLAYING… 📼 !
what skz say about them ???
"those dramas where they knew each other in their past life to, that's them, they were destined to know each other." - bangchan
"even when they're upset with each other , you can still the fondness they have for each other, he'll still bring her food even though he's upset" - lee know
"i told them to separate , and they still haven't , seven years later, im convinced they are actually super glued." - changbin
"at this point we should all be waiting for a a wedding invitation." - hyunjin
"a love that can only be found in fictional stories." - felix
"i don't think you could separate them if you wanted to, they wouldn't let you." - seungmin
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(outro). i could show you 1000 other clips, i mean we have 7 years of footage, but at this point im just waiting for the wedding announcement, just like hyunjin 🤭🤭🤭🤭
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Meeting your person's family and vice versa"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read about how meeting each other's family may go for the both of you. you will have two different sections in each pile, one for them and your family + one for you and their family. I suggest you to take this pac two times: first time asking the question about them or you (as you feel) and second time for the other person. e.g. "my fs meeting my family, how will it be?" and "me meeting my fs family, how will it be?" (ofc these are just questions' samples, ask the question the way you rather). after asking yourself the first question, check the corresponding section under the pile that is calling you the most. repeat for the other person (getting 2 different piles is totally fine). with "your person" I refer to: fs/fp, destined person, current partner. thanks Anon for the topic's suggestion!
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
--you meeting your person's family--
You will probably feel shy/embarassed/nervous, maybe also cause your person's family is kinda important/wealthy or they look pretty strict or your simply fear saying/doing the wrong thing (may be a different culture/background/style person or you may be a lgbtq+ couple that hasn't really come out). Whatever your worries are about, you will find a very welcoming family despite the very first impression (which may be a bit tougher/harsher). They are more open minded than you can sense and they'll love to chat with you about your person's childhood and how you met. They seem to appreciate a lot (especially the female/mother) the fact that you two look so in love. They care about their child happiness more than anything. Break the ice ;)
song: brown eyes | destiny's child
--your person meeting your family--
Your person may be a little worried, but also pretty hyped. Maybe you haven't talked about your family too much with them and so they are very curious to know them: if you are and look as you do, it's also cause of them. Your family may be a bit surprised of meeting your person and nervous too, half cause you haven't talked with them about your person either (maybe you don't interact much with your family for any reason) and half cause they were probably expecting someone different (or "NOT THAT different from you" I heard. It may be ethnicity, style, appearance...). Still, despite the surprise and difficulties in the beginning from both sides, things will find balance and your person and your family will welcome each other kinda warmly. Your family will realize your person helps you and grounds you well.
song: nowhere fast | ateller
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 2
--you meeting your person's family--
You may feel a bit overwhelmed especially in the begining: your person may have a very big family and/or include friends in the meeting to (like a huge celebration for everyone to meet you). They seem very in love with you. Your person's family will be very ecstatic to meet you and find you very beautiful, perfect for their child. You'll feel like a gift from above, they probably (especially the female/mother/granny) worried that your person would have never found someone and for sure not someone as perfect as you. Match made in Heaven. Everyone will be very happy to include you in their big loving circle. They may tell your person to treat you well and to never lose you (very funny: I saw someone -mother?- hitting the back of the head of your person as "beware to not mess it all up, idiot").
song: if i ain't got you | alicia keys
--your person meeting your family--
Your family will like your person too, I believe you are both very beautiful. You probably have a smaller family (you may even meet just with your parents on that occasion) or won't call your friends in for this meeting (may organize a different one or your friends already met them). The female/mother in your family will be more upfront while the masculine/father will be a bit more on the defensive. They will probably not trust them immediately cause they fear losing you or something like that: they can see that being with this person already kinda changed you and made you more confident and not afraid to stand your ground/reach your dreams, so they fear it's something you didn't want and your person may be manipulating you or turning you into someone you're not (according to them).
song: desperate | ashlynn malia
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pile 3
--you meeting your person's family--
It's gonna be a very deep and transformative (on certain level) meeting, also a very lucky event too. Maybe your person's parents have an important job and will hire you. Or something like that. It feels like there will be something more in addition to this meeting. Maybe they are doctors/therapists (eg.) and will help you if you have problems (also in the future). You will feel very good with them. For some of you, you may already have met them both (or one) in another occasion, either with your person or cause they are your doctor (eg.) or you helped them somewhere/with something (maybe with groceries eg.). They will be happy it's you btw. They love your caring and warm nature, so show it too also in the meeting, don't be afraid/shy.
song: eternal summer | the strokes
--your person meeting your family--
The meeting may happen in a second moment or later on in the relationship (maybe you'll take a while before making things formal and you don't want to take your person home for "nothing"). Maybe you never really took someone home to meet your family before. It seems it will be a new situation and you may fear about your family reaction but, actually things won't be as bad. There will be a proper communication between your person and your family, they will like to meet each other. This meeting btw will signal a total change in your life, maybe cause your person will also ask your parents the permission to marry you (if applicable -sorry for the spoiler, it could be a surprise) OR you may be telling everyone you're pregnant (again if applicable).
song: never tear us apart | inxs
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pile 4
--you meeting your person's family--
I think your person's mother (or an important/dominant feminine energy) may be a bit jealous of you at first. They may feel like you'll take away their baby from them but it's ofc something she needs to heal from her life (possible narcissistic person). It may take you a while and some patience but I think that also thanks to your person and the rest of their family ("dad"), this feeling of being "unwelcomed" will end. Your person's "mother" will learn to see you for the person you are and your worth, so keep doing what you do, be calm, and let her realize you're not there to take away something from her but to add it even more value. Things between you two will change for the better.
song: no scrubs | tlc
--your person meeting your family--
I think the meeting will involve healthy communication and also a good amount of knowing each other (a deeper type of communication: your family may want to know immediately where your person stands with you, what are their intentions -pretty protective family, but it's also okay if done in the right way as it seems it will be... at least for the most part of the meeting). Your family will need a bit of time to leave their worries aside. You may have had other relationships that turned out to be toxic in the past and this is prolly why your family will react this way and be a bit strict and "harsh". But they'll realize your person doesn't have much to do with the other people from your past, quite the opposite: they'll realize your person is a very good match for you/is what you really want and need.
song: the boy is mine | brandy & monica
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delusionalwriter02 · 4 months
HEY. UR IG POST ITS 💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗💗🩷💗🩷💗 please chuuya gf hc
Insta as Chuuya's GF
a/n : hello! thank you so much for your request!!
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<3 liked by Daze_i, Chu_uya and 108 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : Look at this MAN, getting burn by the sun
Daze_i : Even the sun don't won't you on earth Chu
↳ Chu_uya : And the whole universe don't want you
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : DON'T START AGAIN YOU TWO
↳ Daze_i : sorry
↳ Chu_uya : I'm sorry love
↳ Yosanurgirl : didn't know you where so persuasive girl
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I'm surprised too
Akutagawa : So instead of going with me on the mission you were out in town ?
↳ Chu_uya : Hard to say you're wrong
↳ Akutagawa : I'm so done with you
↳ Chu_uya : Did it go well ?
↳ Akutagawa : Yes of course.
↳ Chu_uya : so no need to worry
↳ Akutagawa : Like you would
↳ Chu_uya : yeah I don't care
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<3 liked by Yosanurgirl, Atshushiii and 187 others
Yn_theoneandonly : feel like a babysitter
Yosanurgirl : weren't you supposed to be on a date ? tf is Dazai doing with you
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : yeah it was supposed to be just Chuuya and I but we bumped into him and he stuck with us
↳ Yosanurgirl : I'm so sorry
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : thank you love
↳ Daze_i : why do you act like it's atrocious to be with me ?
↳ Yosanurgirl : because it is
Gintonic : Did he got his hat back ?
↳ Chu_uya : yeah i did, this fucker ran for 30min
↳ Gintonic : suck to be you
↳ Chu_uya : DON'T CALL ME CHU
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : Chu can you buy some bread on your way home ?
↳ Chu_uya : Of course my love
↳ Chu_uya : She's my GIRLFRIEND
↳ Daze_i : And i'm not ???
↳ Chu_uya : no ?????
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<3 liked by Yosanurgirl, Gintonic and 156 others.
Daze_i : he's the biggest simp i ever saw
Yosanurgirl : stop they're adorable, finally a man on his knees in front of a women
↳ Daze_i : I can be on my knees
↳ KunikiDA : stop it's getting embarassing
↳ Atshushiii : Yeah Dazai you should stop talking
Gintonic : real question, why are you always with them ????
↳ Daze_i : because I've dedicated my life to annoying chuuya
↳ Gintonic : just find someone ??
↳ Daze_i : why would i do that ?
↳ Chu_uya : so you're less a piece of shit ???
↳ Daze_i : that was MEAN
Yn_theoneandonly : thank you for this photo but please just find someone, i can't have a moment with chuuya without you being there
↳ Daze_i : do you hate me that much ???
↳ Chu_uya : yes THAT much
↳ Yosanurgirl : he's like a dog, following you everywhere and lost without you two
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : YES EXACTLY
↳ Yosanurgirl : That was NOT A COMPLIMENT
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<3 liked by Chu_uya, Daze_i and 126 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : choosing the right bottle for our 4 years
Chu_uya : 4 years of pure happiness
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : i love SO MUCH
↳ Chu_uya : me too angel
Yosanurgirl : omg already 4 years, feels like yesterday
↳ Daze_i : i know right ???
↳ Yosanurgirl : you sound obsessed
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : he is
↳ Daze_i : It's not MY fault if nobody wants to do a double suicide
↳ Atsushiii : Just don't propose a double suicide idk it's just a proposition
↳ Daze_i : but how am i supposed to find the right person if I don't
↳ Ranthebestpo : by being a normal human being ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : he is everything BUT normal
↳ Chu_uya : lol but t
↳ Yosanurgirl : .........
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I'm so breaking up
↳ Daze_i : Ynnnnn want to double suicide with me since you're single ?
↳ Chu_uya : SHE'S NOT SINGLE
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Hey! Hope you like it ? Let me know wich characters you would like to see next, I can do part 2 too for any characters I already did so don't hesitate!
See you <3
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