#your art is important to me because it is yours. your art is valuable not for monetary reasons but because it exists
uncanny-tranny · 3 months
I have no clue if I have made a post like this, but: unfollow those blogs, accounts, or whomever who pressure you to have your hobby become a career/profession/True Craft. Unfollow them. Block them if you still see them on your feed if need be. If you feel horrible about yourself and your art when you Consume Their Content, unfollow.
When I made a conceited effort to only follow and enjoy shared craft from those not in the Hustle Grindset, my eagerness to enjoy my work flourished. I don't feel as guilty being too busy/anxious to crochet because I know there isn't anything wrong with not being on the grindset, and I think that's because I guard this craft seriously, and I want others to shamelessly do the same. Guard your happiness, not because it's "selfish," but because you deserve it. You deserve to enjoy your things.
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merletka · 1 month
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Collaborated with amazing writer @alexcors and illustrated her fanfic about Damian Wayne. You can read it bellow! 💚
– Concussion, multiple beatings, fracture of the collarbone, two ribs and the radius of the right arm, with multiple fragments. Do you have anything to say to that, Robin?
– This dealer raised his hand himself, covering his worthless face. What?
– You beat the suspect to a pulp! Batman barked at his son. – No patrols until Cantelli is transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward.
– But…
– That's all.
Damian clenched his teeth, but at the last moment decided not to fight with his father over a small dealer. Cantelli wasn't worth it. And therefore, having drowned himself, the boy just fell asleep.
The morning began with the usual five o'clock wake-up, a workout with pruning the squalid park art that Damian disapproved of in his garden. And he was already tired of explaining to Pennyworth that the enemy could be hiding behind large figures! Then a walk with Titus on a leash, Alfred the cat on his shoulder (because the mustachioed one did not want to wake up in any way) and a red-haired squeaking lump in his hands.
The kitten was dragged by a Red Hood a couple of days ago, startling Damian at first by pronouncing his full name without hesitation (few people in the family could pronounce Hafid ibn Ksufash Dami al Ghul even from the third time), and then by an attack of compassion for the animal. However, the boy quickly recovered from the shock, named the red kitten Roy Harper and now did not miss the opportunity to tease brother with the phrase "You gave me your accomplice, Todd."
By eight in the morning, Damian had time to check on the bat cow, comb Goliath, lose the nimble red Harper and find him sleeping peacefully in the cowshed. In general, Batman's heir successfully redid all his affairs, even phoned each Teen Titan individually and gave valuable instructions. On little things like different time zones, young Wayne habitually waved his hand, and everyone also grabbed a moral slap on the back of the head for trying to be indignant:
– Do it, Beast!
– Buzz me here again, Bug!
– The aliens were not given a word.
– Witch!
Damian belatedly realized that arguing with Raven was not worth it, because the importance of portals to any part of the world is difficult to overestimate. Fortunately, he knew about the weakness of every member of his team, and in Raven's case, it was sweets. Especially his sweets, with honey and spicy notes, which the girl fell in love with from the first bite. He will have to share again… She's definitely a witch!
At nine o'clock sharp, Pennyworth served breakfast, with tea in fine china, brown sugar, a slice of lemon and... an envelope?
- You have received an invitation, Master Damian.
- It's not interesting, - the boy muttered, finished with the meal and dryly told him not to disturb him. He was going to decide the fate of the world here, and they came with some kind of invitations!
However, the plan to destroy all (crossed out) almost all people did not come to mind, but the world itself lay perfectly on paper with watercolor paints, fortunately the view from the window was conducive to this. Up to a certain point.
– Todd!
- Hello to you too, Gremlin, - the Red Hood replied, climbing into his brother's bedroom through the window, while unsuccessfully clinging to the tulle with the toe of his boot.
- Pennyworth will bury you for this.
– Yes, yes, and will plant roses from above. Not that I mind much, but that's not the point right now. Get ready to go out.
Damian took a deep breath and unleashed his entire supply of Arabic obscenities on his brother, knowing full well that Jason would understand him. Unfortunately, the pressure of the negativity did not take him back out the window, he had to take up a katana.
– Put the skewer down, shorty, the meat has just been sent to marinate.
– Will you leave on your own or will you be thrown out in parts?!
– Shut up and listen to me, - Todd barked, casually showing off his pistols with the safety off. – In short, Alfie organizes a family get-together, with meat and without a fight. Dad promised to be, I'll bring a replacement, the Gotham crime storm in a thong will come running himself. You got the simplest thing – to lift your little ass off the chair and walk to the place. You can take the menagerie with you.
- I'm not going to any gatherings with my father," Damian muttered, but he put away his saber. – So you can get out and report your failed mission. I'm not leaving my room today, basically!
- No questions,– Jason agreed surprisingly easily. - But if you walk out the door, you're going to hang out with everyone, okay?
– Tt.
–That's settled,– Jason grinned, ducked out the window and disappeared.
Damian managed to exhale with relief, when suddenly something buzzing flew over the windowsill. Titus reacted first, barking loudly at the wasp's nest rolling on the floor!
- You're dead, Todd! - Damian yelled, unceremoniously grabbing the cat and rushing out the door with him and the dog.
- No corpses,– Grayson repeated calmly but firmly (for the fifth time!).
- I'll beat him up so that no Lazarus Pit will help, - the boy grumbled into the phone, the call to which stopped him from righteous revenge.
– Alfred said it clearly, without a fight. Let's get together with the whole family, have a nice time, have a delicious meal.
– Tt.
– We have chosen a picturesque place by the lake, you will like it.
–Okay, - the Batman heir finally gave up. – But only because painting was part of my plans today.
– It's wonderful, – judging by the sound, Dick broke into his trademark smile. – You will draw a beautiful landscape.
– I'll paint it! Artists paint with paints, you idiot.
– And I love you, little brother.
– Tt.
Author: @alexcors
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fans4wga · 11 months
'Why creatives are seeking residuals' - thread by Stefanie Williams
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[Tweet thread by Stefanie Williams @/StefWilliams25
Why creatives are seeking residuals vs. "do you pay the mattress maker every time you sleep on a mattress?" A thread. I keep hearing over and over again that writers/actors/creatives don't deserve residuals for the work they create. "If I build a bathroom in a house, I don't get paid every time someone uses the toilet."
TRUE! However, your bathroom build has a set market value. Art does not. No one knows what makes one TV show an overnight success, and another a flop. No one knows what makes one song a hit, and the other a dud. If they did, trust me when I say record companies would be churning out Taylor Swifts over and over again. Studios would be making nothing but Stranger Things.
But that isn't the case. No one could predict Stranger Things would be a massive, billion dollar hit. No one could predict Taylor Swift was going to be a world wide phenomenon who literally could record herself reading Aesop's Fables and make millions of dollars. Which is why residuals are important. The pay structure protects both the creators and the publishers/distributors.
The easiest way to explain it is by referencing an author writing a book. Sure, an author might get a very modest up front fee, but the author is banking on royalties to really make money on the book — for every book sold, the author gets a piece of the pie. This protects both the author and the publisher—because if the book is a flop, the publisher doesn't go broke on a financial promise they made to the author that didn't pan out, and if the book is a mega-hit, the author didn't give away a massive, million-dollar book for 20k.
It's a sliding scale that is required for a product that has no set market value. What makes an actor's work on a hit show more valuable than an actor's work on a show that gets canned after five episodes? The market value for art almost always comes after the fact, so residuals account for that reality. They make sure the creator get compensated at a fair market rate. A person who builds a bathroom knows, upfront, what the market rate for a bathroom is. That bathroom won't suddenly be worth 1000 times more than you built it for in six months. It doesn't have the potential to be built for 20k and generate 20 million.
Residuals are a pay structure that simply account for an unsure market value. Trust me, we all wish we could quantify art in terms of dollars. But art is unpredictable. So studios and streamers -- which literally REQUIRE content to stay viable -- have to account for that unpredictability. And for studios (or record labels, or book publishers) it's always trial and error. The only way to get a hit, is to go through a few flops.
For every Whitney Houston, there was a singer you never heard of. For every Sopranos, there was a show that got scrapped mid season. For every Titanic, there was a movie that bombed. For every Twilight, there was a book about vampires that went nowhere. Residuals are kind of a reverse market valuation. They pay a fair wage for a product than can only have a set value once it's been created and effectively consumed.
And even then, shit changes. Anyone think Kate Bush would spend weeks on the top of the charts in 2022? Residuals account for unpredictable markets. And in order to have accurate residuals, streamers and studios need to be transparent and open about their data, which is one of the MANY things the WGA and SAG are both fighting for.
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drchucktingle · 1 year
hello! I really love seeing the thoughtful ways you answer all these asks, and as a bud questioning whether or not they are on the spectrum, the way you talk about your experience means a lot!!! If my question has been asked by many people over and over again I apologize and you can just delete this while knowing I appreciate your authentic trot!!
My question:
How do you deal with insults to your work? A friend has recently said some not so-nice-things about my writing, including comparing it to an erotica series the media has generally regarded as “bad” , and it really bummed me out. There was no constructive criticism in it. I don’t have the best self-esteem and it left me stumped to even write at all. I honestly strive to be as confident about my work as you are, no matter what anybody else thinks, but I find it increasingly hard. Instead of getting knocked down and getting up again, I am metaphorically just laying down. Do you have any advice on dealing with these kinds of things? Thank you!
thank you for question of 'how do you deal with insults to your work?' this is classic way all artistic buckaroos know.
important to make distinction of CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM and INSULTS because if you are trying to deliver a message of art then hearing from others about how your message is delivered is very important. honestly bud this one of most valuable trots there is and great way to learn and grow
other times scoundrels are just lashing out and trying to cause a painful poke to your mind and spirit, putting a DANG raincloud over your good days ahead. usually it is easy to tell the difference.
but honest answer is this: if someone is MEAN about my art i do not feel BAD for myself, i feel bad for them. i have created this incredible thing that vibrates across timelines and proves love and THEY DONT GET TO SEE IT through their haze of devilish ways. this is tragic and my heart swells with pity to think 'dang you are missing out bud what a life that must be'
so the gnashing teeth and snarls of these sad devils IS not the sound of a scary bully, it is the sound of pitiful lonesome sadness. they do not get to trot in a personal timeline that includes MY INCREDIBLE ART AND HARD WORK and i have sympathy for them. they have no idea the joy they have removed from their life.
and there are buds out there who might think 'WOW CHUCK HOW ARROGANT. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?' to which i say this: 'i am the worlds greatest author'
and they will say 'well what about bill shakespeare or dickens or orwell? are you saying you are better than them? are you saying you are better than me?
guess what bud: they are the worlds greatest authors too. YOU are the worlds greatest author too. there is room for everyone here at the top
so next time someone is a scoundrel about your writing just remember that you are the worlds greatest author and they are missing out
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aveloka-draws · 1 month
YOU are making me play the game while I am loosing my mind because thesis buy your art is soul feeding how dare you (praise the lamb!)
I fucking LOVE Shamura you draw them less than others but when you do they always enter with a bang! (And important important plots thats why they be best bishop in my not at all biased opinion 😂) can't wait to see them more in your style and stories!
Also something I've noticed why Shamura being that bitch it doesn't come to me as completely unsympathetic or meant to be %100 cruel. "You refused to bow did you not" speaks volumes imho. You didn't break or fell to grief then you WON'T do it now. Both meant to sting a little and give them a chin up...at least that's how I interprited it. Will they accept it? Will he and lamb finally have the conversation about...EVERYTHING they need to have? Narinder , why everything went the way it did , the lambs , godhood... because if the bloody MS tells me Shamura didn't need them because how brilliant they are then I would DAMN well want to have them as an advisor.
Sorry for the vord vomit I love your art and you for making them!! Have a great day! ❤️❤️
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(They are telling u to please work on your thesis and praise the lamb)
I dont think Shamura is necesarily evil either, mostly stating things as they are. While they are doing things out of their own interest and dont care to be kind about it, still its way better to have them as an ally me thinks. Even if its little what they can contribute in their current state its still valuable.
I appreciate the word vomit ✨✨ hope ur days good too!
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quotesfrommyreading · 9 months
The graduate degree for librarians is not, typically, a master of arts, but a master of science—in library and information sciences. Librarians may adore books, but they are trained in the technical and data-driven work of running libraries. Unlike a privately owned bookstore, where the stock might reflect the tastes and preferences of the proprietor, at the library, books are acquired based on information about what its particular community wants and needs.
“Librarians love data,” Dudenhoffer, who now coordinates the information-science program at the University of Missouri, told me. “Knowing how to analyze your community, knowing how to look at data, knowing how to look at circulation numbers, knowing how to look at population movement, those things are becoming increasingly important in what we do, and that drives all of this.”
Public librarians, she said, are looking at such things as regional household income, age, education level, and racial and ethnic backgrounds while making their selections. They also consider patron requests. In a school library, this analysis might include information shared by students or teachers about the needs and interests of the current student body.
Librarians who showcase books about underrepresented groups, including LGBTQ people, surely believe that these stories are valuable. But the librarians I spoke with insisted that they’re making these choices because an assessment determined that there was a patron need for these books, not to push some personal social agenda. Those controversial book displays? Many, Dudenhoffer said, are a means of letting patrons know that material they might be too shy or embarrassed to ask for is in stock.
“It’s really unfair to characterize displays or programs as ‘woke,’” Dudenhoffer lamented. “That’s just such a terrible word to use right now. But it’s not about that. It’s about serving our community, and everyone in the community, to the best of our abilities.”
What seemed most painful to the librarians I spoke with—even more than the personal attacks and fear of litigation—was the way in which book bans hinder their ability to connect their patrons to information that might help them.
  —  The Librarians Are Not Okay
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sca-rian · 1 year
i love how this stream started with silly shenanigans and then went to complex lore and back to shenanigans. also VERY long post warning since this is over 6 hours of content
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banner art by @spot_desenhador
- they've started project imortalyson, each of them is gonna teach richarlyson important survival skills
- tazercraft is teaching him intimidation skills, forever is furthering teaching him how to rob things and stealth in general, cellbit is teaching combat (due to his past as a killer in minecraft 💀) and felps is teaching him movement and strategy
- tazercraft is building a little football/soccer field so they can play with richarlyson
- chayanne and richarlyson are now best friends :D
- cellbit and felps had their first fight. the reason: cellbit gave felps a banana and felps compared it to foolish's banana. this is an important update
- cellbit is doing richarlyson's daily missions!!!!
- richarlyson's favorite food is tapioca (this is important.)
- cellbit made him a totally edible tapioca
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- after 2 hours of stream, they finally start on project imortalyson
- quackity is also giving 1% of training lessons
- this entire sequence is. something. it includes valuable life lessons, bad translations of portuguese sayings ("lower your balls", "breast me" 💀), bobby and richarlyson exchanging insults, parkour, forever beating the bad father allegations
- things get TENSE with the richarlyson/bobby rivalry since bobby kept trying to steal the spotlight and be a nuisance
- as a final test, they followed richarlyson around in a cave until he found his first diamonds
- quackity is apparently trying to get a higher percentage of richarlyson's custody ? stay tuned for updates !
- update: rumor says he has 5% of custody now.... not sure if it's true. forever didn't confirm anything
- cellbit, felps and richarlyson quietly left the cave after quackity started threatening bobby
- they're doing a picnic :) with joyful music playing in the background :) and flowers :)
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- richarlyson went to take a nap and cellbit started building his house in the meantime
- cellbit and richarlyson went to see bbh and maximus
- he's getting into the lore 👁 investigation music is playing. maximus is telling cellbit to be careful with quackity because quackity wants to kill all eggs
- cellbit is joining them on investigating what's going on with the island
- (guys cellbit is so excited about this. it's exactly his type of stuff since he used to do vídeos on args and stuff like that. he was also planning on doing something similar himself on the server)
- maximus is showing him the stuff with morse code/cyphers he got from the hacker transmissions and more. cellbit is gonna help them with the cypher
- meanwhile, richarlyson and dapper are getting along well!! :D they were having a little party with sombreros and mexican music
- if you're interested, around after the 4 hour mark, the stream is mostly in english and they talk about the lore and about decoding the cypher from one of the transmissions!!! very cool stuff
- 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 THEY PUT MINES ON VEGETTAS HOUSE AND WERE PUTTIMG THE BLAME ON CELLBIT??? I HATE IT HERE!!!! apparently maximus plan was to lead cellbit there so he could record him as evidence
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- theyre changing it to blame bobby instead 💀
- richarlyson was playing the flute with tallulah :)
- forever keeps dying btw
- cellbit finished his house! hes also to planning a secret bunker under it to work on investigating the server and the transmissions
- quackity showed up and him and cellbit struggled with mines for several minutes. quackitys house is mostly gone.
- cellbit invited quackity to live in the favela with them
- cellbit put richarlyson to bed and played a undertale song while doing it :)
- uhhh apparently i left the stream and something lore relevant happened. cellbit got attacked by something that was definitely not a regular minecraft mob! hahah how funny. it was one of the things with binary code for a nick
i think this was most of the interesting/fun stuff that happened today. sorry for the long post and hopefully it helps some people who want to stay updated with the brazilians!! any extra information/details/translations you guys may want, feel free to send me an ask. or just come talk to me about these guys :)
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thejournallo · 10 days
Explain the basic: Offerings
Desclaimer: Everything I will talk about is information that I got from books and sites online and even videos on YouTube. In my years of practice, I learned as much as I could out of curiosity and what works best for me. I suggest you do the same by learning as much as you can on your own (I will be here making posts teaching this kind of stuff) from multiple sources.
Offering to deities and entities in general is a practice found in many cultures and religions around the world. Every deity or entity that you make an offering for has its own symbol. For example, Apollo is the god of the sun; music, art, and poetry; writing something or singing for him can be offerings. 
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There are many religions that take on the act of offering as a sign of respect and devotion to that specific religion. Here are some examples:
Hinduism: Offerings (puja) often include fruits, flowers, incense, and food, placed before images of deities in temples or home altars.
Buddhism: Offerings may include candles, incense, flowers, and food, placed before statues of the Buddha and bodhisattvas.
Christianity: Candles, bread, and wine are common offerings, especially in the context of the Eucharist.
Shinto: Offerings of rice, sake, and other food items are made at shrines to honor kami (spirits or gods).
Paganism and Wicca: Offerings might include seasonal fruits, flowers, wine, and personal tokens, placed on altars dedicated to specific deities or nature spirits.
All these religions have common practices that we can see and see over time; all of those are not rules but more something you can do or not do. (Especially because no one has the same opportunities.)
Altars: A dedicated space where offerings are made. This can be a simple shelf at home or an elaborate structure in a temple.
Purity: Many traditions emphasize the importance of purity in the offerings, meaning they should be clean and handled with respect.
Timing: Offerings are often made at specific times, such as during festivals, holy days, or particular phases of the moon.
Intention: The mindset and intention behind the offering are crucial. It should be given with respect, devotion, and a pure heart.
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These offerings can take various forms, each carrying its own significance and purpose. Here's an overview of the different types of offerings and the common practices associated with them:
Types of Offerings
Food and Drink:
Fruits, grains, and vegetables: Often used in offerings to symbolize abundance and gratitude.
Cooked meals: Specific dishes that are favored by the deity or entity.
Drinks: This can include water, wine, milk, or other beverages. In some traditions, alcoholic drinks like mead or sake are common.
Sweets and desserts: Cakes, candies, or other sweet treats, especially those that are traditional or culturally significant.
Flowers and Plants:
Fresh flowers: Often chosen for their beauty and fragrance. Certain flowers are associated with specific deities.
Herbs:: Sacred or medicinal herbs may be offered for their symbolic properties.
Incense and Aromatics:
incense: Burned to create a fragrant smoke that is believed to please the deities.
Essential oils: Used for anointing or in diffusers to create a sacred atmosphere.
Candles and Lights:
Candles: Lit to symbolize light, purity, and the presence of the divine.
Oil lamps: Used in many traditions, often with ghee or olive oil.
Objects and Symbols:
Statues or images: Placed on altars as representations of the deity or entity.
Jewelry or precious items: Offered as a sign of respect and devotion.
Money and Valuables:
Coins or currency: Offered in temples or shrines, sometimes used to support the upkeep of the place of worship.
Jewelry or precious items: Given as a form of sacrifice or in seeking favor.
Actions and Devotions:
Prayers and chants: Recited to honor the deity or entity.
Songs and music: Played or sung as a form of praise.
Dance: Performed in some cultures as an offering of movement and energy.
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Offering to deities and entities is a deeply personal and culturally rich practice. It serves as a way to connect with the divine, show gratitude, seek blessings, and maintain a reciprocal relationship with the spiritual world. The specific items and practices may vary, but the underlying principles of respect, devotion, and intention remain consistent across different traditions.
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sunnibits · 16 days
is anyone else so tired of ai art that seeing “bad” beginner art is like. a huge relief. like I would rather see one million bad anatomy pointy anime girl mary sue ocs than have to look at a single ai generated image again. an 11 year old drawing fanart of my little pony will always be a thousand times more valuable and meaningful than some bullshit garbage someone generated with a machine that steals other people’s work because they couldn’t even be bothered to try and make it themselves.
to anyone out there who’s just starting out with art, or thinks their art is “bad” or “cringey”, please keep doing what you’re doing and don’t give up or turn to ai just because it’s easier. your creative expressions are infinitely important more than ever and they give me hope any time I see them <3
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grungeprincess2 · 9 months
Kurt Cobain Quotes
1. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.
2. Practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, so why practice?
3. Friends are nothing but a known enemy.
4. Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.
5. If my eyes could show my soul, everyone would cry when they saw me smile.
6. I am definitely a feminist. I'm f--king disgusted by the way women are still treated. It's 1993 and some people still think we're in 1950s. We need to make more progress. There needs to be more female musicians, more female artists, more female writers. Everything is dominated by f--king males and I'm sick of it!
7. Thank you for the tragedy. I need it for my art.
8. Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with with your self-esteem. They're no good at all.
9. We're so trendy we can't even escape ourselves.
10. I definitely feel closer to the feminine side of the human being than I do the male - or the American idea of what a male is supposed to be. Just watch a beer commercial and you'll see what I mean.
11. I mean, I’m definitely gay in spirit, and I probably could be bisexual. But I’m married, and I’m more attracted to Courtney [Love] than I ever have been toward a person, so there’s no point in trying to sow my oats at this point. [Laughs] If I wouldn't have found Courtney, I probably would have carried on with a bisexual lifestyle.
12. Ever since the beginning of rock and roll, there's been an Axl Rose. And it's just boring. It's totally boring to me.
13. I thought I would try to be gay for a while, but I'm just more sexually attracted to women. But I'm really glad that I found a few gay friends, because it totally saved me from becoming a monk or something.
14. If any of you, in any way, hate homosexuals, people of a different color or women, please do this one favor for us—leave us the fuck alone. Don’t come to our shows and don’t buy our records.
15. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is teaching men not to rape. Go to the source and start there.
16. The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.
17. We’re not as popular as everyone thinks, and we’re not as rich as everyone thinks.
18. There are a lot of things I wish I would have done, instead of just sitting around and complaining about having a boring life.
19. Punk is musical freedom. It’s saying, doing, and playing what you want.
20. Words suck. I mean, everything has been said. Words aren’t as important as the energy derived from music, especially live.
21. I'm a spokesman for myself. It just so happens that there's a bunch of people that are concerned with what I have to say. I find that frightening at times because I'm just as confused as most people. I don't have the answers for anything.
22. Holding my baby is the best drug in the world.
23. No one is afraid of heights, they’re afraid of falling down. No one is afraid of saying I love you, they’re afraid of the answer.
24. I use bits and pieces of others’ personalities to form my own.
25. If you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I'm not afraid of dying. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I've got.
26. I just can’t believe anyone would start a band just to make the scene and be cool and have chicks. I just can’t believe it.
27. To be positive at all times is to ignore all that is important, sacred and valuable. To be negative at all times is to be threatened by ridiculousness and instant discredibility.
28. You can’t buy happiness.
30. Nobody dies a virgin. Life f***s us all.
31. Music is energy. A mood, atmosphere. Feeling.
33. If you’re really a mean person you’re going to come back as a fly and eat poop.
34. There’s good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me feel too f****** sad.
35. I have to admit I’ve found myself doing the same things that a lot of other rock stars do or are forced to do. Which is not being able to respond to mail, not being able to keep up on current music, and I’m pretty much locked away a lot. The outside world is pretty foreign to me.
36. I really miss being able to blend in with people.
37. It’s better to burn out than fade away.
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38. God is gay
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deathlieteez · 9 months
to be his, serie's masterlist
woosan + yunho x reader
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synopsis: of course you have dreams, ambitions, goals. of course you have friends, you go to college, and you go home to see your family whenever you can. of course you want, feel, and are so many things, but if you could only have one of them, you would choose to be his.
you're sure that wooyoung is the person for you, because he's everything you've ever wanted in a man, and he's also incredibly handsome and has a great future as a lawyer. what more could you ask for? an art student who doesn't even know if she's doing what she really wants to do, and who's neither as pretty nor as funny as he is. you're lucky to have him in your life, aren't you? even though he always seems to be flirting with the whole fucking world. he's like that. even though he's always with his best friend, who's gorgeous and all that wooyoung always lets you know that he likes in a woman. it's just natural.
you love him just the way he is, and he loves you… just the way you are. so you can't look at san, your new and infinitely interesting friend you just met in college, that way. but he looks at you that way, too, right? maybe yunho is right, maybe… are you being paranoid?
genre: angst, fluff, smut, comfort, romance. collegue/lawyer (wooyo) au.
warnings: cheating, cursing, sex, (unprotected) sex, alcohol, 18+ minors dni, wooyoung sometimes is a prick, low self-esteem reader, established relationship with wooyoung. bisexuality. each part will have its own set of warnings.
note: the reader is gonna have low self-esteem and a very strong emotional dependence with her relationship with wooyoung, so everything is told from that highly negative perspective -don't represent reality. i know this is a very sensitive topic, but i promise im gonna treat it in the most respectful way possible. also, remember that you are someone very valuable and important, that there is no one and nothing more important in your life than you. you deserve to be loved and respected.
pairing: wooyoung x reader + wooyoung x (?) + reader x (?)
appears or mentioned: jung wooyoung as ur boyfriend, choi san as ur colleage friend + jeong yunho as san's friend, kang yeosang as ur friend. kim hongjoong, park seonghwa, song mingi, choi jongho,
intentional use of lowercase letters
it is not meant to be representative of any ateez member's personality or another groups' idols who appeared ♡
playlist: soon!
status: on-going
p.s. this story is meant to have more than two or three chapters, so is not short but either so long!
slow updating bcos im so busy with uni :(
links will be underlined ♡
chapter 1. the night we met. as you remember the night you met wooyoung with a drink in your hand and the certainty that he was cheating on you, someone appears in front of you with the intention of making your night a lot more interesting.
⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ ♡ ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘
☆ tags list ☆ @stolasisyourparent @yeosangsbbg
it just started, but if u wanna be tagged, please let me know ♡
another works of mine: attention (j.yh)
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blueskittlesart · 3 months
Question abt drawing: been trying to attempt learning how to draw forever but I always have trouble getting over the obstacle of having to learn/study things like anatomy and shading, which then causes me to stop drawing and have a harder time picking it back up. I know it's important for improving your art and yourself as an artist but I can't help but see it as tedious and overwhelming, especially the anatomy since it's more on the science side of things and science is not my thing lol. Do you have any advice on how to get over it or work thru it?
i think there's a couple facets to this question. firstly i'd recommend you consider what exactly your end goal is in learning how to draw: do you specifically want to be able to produce anatomically accurate figures and true-to-life shading, or do you just want to be able to make something for fun that looks good to you? one of the most helpful things I ever learned at art school was that accuracy doesn't matter if it looks good. 99% of my art isn't strictly anatomically accurate, and part of that is stylization, but even when i'm doing realistic figure drawings i like to lengthen limbs and exaggerate curves in order to make my drawings look better. So if your only real goal with art is to make something that looks good and enjoy the process, my first piece of advice would be to stop worrying so much about stuff like perfect accuracy! if you use references and keep pushing yourself, the skill and understanding you're looking for will come naturally with time. before I was ever classically trained, I got pretty far just by drawing my favorite characters in different poses and situations over and over again, and that experience laid the groundwork for when classical training did become available to me. Just because you're not necessarily doing serious figure studies doesn't mean you're not getting valuable practice--what it means is that you're having FUN while you're practicing, and having fun with your art is the most important thing!!!
Secondly, you mentioned anatomy being on the science side of things, which suggests to me that you may be looking in the wrong places when trying to do more serious anatomical study. if you look up 'anatomy' or anything similar on a web search engine, you're likely going to get a lot of very complex scientific illustrations. and while those aren't necessarily devoid of artistic value (I took a class all about scientific anatomy for artists last semester and it was GREAT) for a beginner who's just trying to learn how to make a body look like a body, they're not what you're looking for. what is going to be much more helpful for you are sites like line of action or quickposes. these sites are basically repositories of figure drawing images, and you can set them to automatically switch to a new image after a certain interval of time. if you really, desperately want to improve your anatomy specifically, what I recommend is going to one of these sites, setting it to the shortest interval possible, and trying to copy the pose as closely as you can before time is up. this might sound crazy, since the shortest interval is usually somewhere between 30-60 seconds, which obviously isn't enough to get much down. but what this will do is force you to look at how these models' bodies are constructed and translate it onto the page quickly and without overthinking it. be warned, your first maybe hundred of these are going to look like shit. but if you do this enough, you're eventually going to gain an intrinsic sense for 1. how a body works and 2. the easiest way for you personally to construct a body when drawing it. even without knowing the scientific names and anatomical rules, you're going to get a FEEL for how things work, which is much more important and useful to you as a character artist.
Finally, i think the most important thing to remember is that no art is bad art, even if you're not satisfied with the end product. when you're first starting out as an artist, you're going to make things that don't look right and you're going to be frustrated with yourself because of it. i vividly remember crying over a sketchbook at maybe age 11 or 12 because I was so upset i couldn't put exactly what was in my head on the page. Skill comes with time and practice and that is a frustrating fact of life, but no time spent doing something you enjoy and are passionate about is wasted. It might look bad now but you are laying the groundwork for your future success, and someday you're probably going to look back on your past work and say "I can't believe I thought this looked bad back then. for my age and my skill level i was doing AMAZING." And as previously mentioned, it's a lot less discouraging when something looks bad if you had fun making it, so try to have FUN with your art. draw things you enjoy and are passionate about and don't worry if it looks bad. focus on the experience, the skill will come in time. you've got this!!
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shuttershocky · 2 months
Hey shutters, just wondering if you think any of the upcoming operators in AK are worth leveling or getting to m3
Your favorites :)
If you're asking for "meta" picks, then the strongest are going to be Ray, Arturia, Ela, Shu, and especially Degenbrecher who is so ungodly strong I believe she will eventually challenge the dominance of the Mlynar-Surtr-Chen Alter trio. She's that good.
Arturia is pretty straightforward: if you thought Valarqvin's 12,000 pseudo-True Damage and -50% ATK debuff is good (and it is, you could defang Clip Cliff without using Heat Vents just by constantly alternating Tank skills and Necrosis on him) then get Arturia (I'm forgetting her actual operator codename). Along with Ebenholz's new delta module, you can wreak a lot of havoc on virtually every enemy in the game, as no enemy has Elemental Resistance yet.
Ray is a little difficult as you need to deploy her sandbeast pet as well as her, but if you've played with Coldshot you would know that Hunters basically act like physical Mystic Casters. Ray's DPH is very high, enough that some would argue that Schwarz's fiercest competition isn't actually Pozy, but Ray, who preys on the same enemy types that she does. Just like Schwarz, she's not someone you really /need/, but if you insist on punching through armor via high DPH rather than through Arts damage, Ray's your girl.
Ela is a trapmaster like Dorothy. Unlike Dorothy, Ela's module foregoes the crit traps in favor of letting Ela deploy on melee tiles and place her mines on ranged tiles. This is significant because Ela's mines are the only Trapmaster mines that trigger when someone steps near, rather than on the mine itself. This increased versatility in unit placement serves Ela well, as she's the only Trapmaster who is designed around her autoattacks instead of her traps. Ela does a lot of attack damage on enemies debuffed by her traps, making her own positioning just as important as her traps are.
Does Shu powercreep Saria? Well not really. Is she still ridiculously busted and both the most interesting and unique operator to come in the next 6 months? Absolutely. Though lacking Saria's bulk and simplicity, Shu's ricefields act as both HP regen (heals unhealable units lul) and Shelter source, making her decently tanky in her own right while also protecting allies from damage. Her 2nd talent also showers the entire fucking team in free buffs (if team has 3 operators of different classes, +12%HP, if 3 of the same class, +12 ASPD, if 4 Sui are in the team, +12% ATK and +1 SP every 4 seconds) which honestly feels a lot to me like a "Shit she has to compete with Saria" panic button. Her most interesting feature however, is her S3 turning her rice fields into portals for enemies, forcibly teleporting them back to the first rice field they touch after moving 2 tiles. The possibilities of this skill are sky-high (example: the rice portals preserve momentum, meaning you can constantly push an enemy through a ricefield tile to build a ridiculous speed) and make Shu my pick for the most valuable and interesting operator to look forward to.
Degenbrecher is like what if we had a new Mlynar but a Swordmaster instead of a Liberator, so unlike Mlynar she actually blocks and fights while her skill is still charging. Press S3 to destroy everything in sight and remind Chen why she became a support and make Irene question why she's even here. Unlike the other Swordmasters, her S3 charges based on time rather than by attacks, so even if there are no enemies onscreen, Degenbrecher's S3 will still get ready. I truly wonder what HG was thinking completely removing Irene from the game like that, but our poor seagull at least has a second module to look forward to (unlike Carnelian after Lin).
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ultrainfinitepit · 2 months
When you first started making pins, how did you advertise them? And vs now? I really want to get into making some of my own :]
That's a great question! There's lots of ways to advertise and I'll share what worked for me. But your mileage may vary or you might find ways that work better for you than they did for me.
Here are my first angel pins, by the way, it's been four years since I first started if you can believe it.
Tumblr media
Here's what I did at the beginning that I still do now:
Build your following on social media and post about your pins. This is probably the most important thing to do, but also the hardest. Focus on a small number of social media profiles that you can manage comfortably, don't stretch yourself too thin as it is important to engage with your audience to build it. Each site has their own quirks as well. I can go into detail on my favorites and what I've observed for each if anyone is curious, just send a follow-up ask.
Run crowdfunding campaigns to fund your pins and then advertise to backers. Specifically start on Kickstarter if you are a beginner. While I am loving Backerkit it is a lesser-known site and it's harder to get discovered on it. I have gotten comments from artists who worry that they need to be popular before doing crowdfunding. However in my case it was my first campaign that built my audience the most. And in my opinion, it is never a waste of time to try out a campaign. If it fails you still have the artwork ready, you can gauge interest and see which designs are popular, and you will have a starter pool of people interested in your art that you can build off of.
Create a merch newsletter and share monthly updates. Since it is independent of social media it is a lower barrier to entry for customers interested in your art; and doesn't require them to check social media and happen to catch your posts. It takes some time to build a list but you can be assured everyone who signs up is invested in your merch.
There's quite a few things I did at the beginning to get started pin making and then advertise, that I don't do now. Mainly it is an issue of time. I used to spend hours and hours running around on all these sites, as well as reading over posts for research. Nowadays, social media and shop following are enough for me. But I would recommend the following for anyone looking to start out in pin making.
Things I used to do that I would recommend, but don't do much of now:
Join PMR on Facebook and post in their weekly share thread. "Pin Maker Resource" is the best place for beginner pin makers. It is a huge group of dedicated pin makers, all eager to answer questions and provide valuable insights into pin making. Most of all, it has those manufacturer reviews and names that everyone is always asking for! I have personally posted many reviews to this group. It is open for applications once a month. You have to apply because they specifically prohibit pin manufacturers from joining so people can post their reviews freely.
Post in Facebook groups. These communities can be large so your post may get lost in the crowd, but it will be seen by people specifically looking for pins. I like "Pin & Art Collector Marketplace" and "Pin Nation." "Enamel Pin Collectors, Artists, Trades and Kickstarters!" is decent but smaller.
Join a pin Discord server and share your designs in promotion channels. Many pin collectors such as myself join these servers to look for pins to buy. We are also in multiple servers and will crosspost if we like something. I have found these servers mainly by joining pin creators' Patreon clubs.
Post on Reddit. The communities are small but a guaranteed place to find people interested in pins. I like r/EnamelPins and r/pinprojects. If your pins are for a specific audience, you can post to relevant subreddits. For example, I have shared my work on angel art subreddits.
That's just about everything I can recall. I hope this is helpful, good luck on your pin journey!
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nothorses · 1 year
I'm genuinely frustrated with the AI art debate from so many angles and most of them are people completely misunderstanding the actual problems but arguing against it anyway based on like. dumb bullshit ideas Disney peddles. and making it so easy to refute "the anti-ai art crowd" using what should be strawmans- because they are that obviously bullshit- that the real problems go completely unaddressed.
AI art could be a good thing! It could! Ethically, philosophically, whatever- it could be a great tool for learning artists, an interesting discussion piece, a natural addition to the conversation started by dadaism and Duchamp's The Urinal, a tool for people who struggle with artistic skill but still have artistic ideas that they deserve to express.
Artistic skill and artistic thought are equally valuable. Someone who picks up a skill naturally and creates breathtaking work, even if it's not really thoughtful or deep, deserves appreciation just as much as someone who has beautiful and thoughtful ideas, even if they express them using AI art instead of a paintbrush (for example).
That's not the problem here.
The problem is that AI art programs are products. They are being sold for a profit. The products contain work created by independent artisans who couldn't give their consent. Even if the products often alter the work they contain, it also is sometimes producing work that is identical, or nearly identical, to work stolen from an unconsenting artist.
I think this is about as ethical as hot topic's stolen art t-shirts and those bots on Twitter and Facebook that turn random artwork into products on some shady website. They might also be producing ugly fucking shirts with hyper-specific taglines printed in weird fonts that are, by no means, stolen work from someone else; but the stolen art they're selling is still a problem even if it's not the whole business model.
The public, free-to-use tools are honestly not as bothersome to me. The people using these programs, particularly when uninformed, also aren't really doing anything wrong.
But the companies who made and profit from some of these programs could have made this a "donate your art" or a "we'll pay you like $0.50/pic you submit to help train this" situation, and I think it's a bad precedent to set that we're cool with them just, like, grabbing whatever they want for a product they built to profit from & that isn't functionally guaranteed to change everything it produces enough that you can't recognize the stolen art in it.
and I think we should be able to have that conversation without it turning into some bullshit about The Importance Of True Artistic Skill And Suffering or whatever.
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aspiringwriter1111 · 8 months
In a way I feel like if Marinette had the miraculous of destruction, it could have been such a valuable learning curve/lesson? Because what if Plagg saw her tripping over nothing and stumbling and dropping things, and then her apologizing and feeling bad about it and just being like... "No???"
Like imagine if he taught her that the confidence he has, isn't because he's not clumsy or awkward, but because he IS??? He's the kwami of destruction, how could he not have accidentally caused problems in the past?
He tells her about the dinosaurs and the leaning tower of Pisa, and how he caused the destruction of so many important monuments, on accident.
He tells her the confidence is because he knows it could happen anyways, and there's a good chance it will, so why spend all your time stressing about it?
The confidence only grows when it sticks through all the fumbles.
Think about it, the more you make mistakes, the more you know that no matter what happens, you can still be confident.
You don't need to be more careful or make extra plans. You can't control the world around you, or the circumstances, no matter how you try. Like
Everyone makes mistakes and all that yeah, but the level of bonding over learning to be comfortable with your own destruction??? The mistakes you make only add to the solidity of your own confidence??? It's completely okay to mess up, and if that causes a huge mess, then so be it??? It doesn't make you a lesser person, or a mistake????
And over time, Marinette gets more confident. No matter how she trips or falls, musses her words, she knows her mistakes don't make her, that that without them she would never learn and grow. Her clumsiness is still there, but the embarrassment isn't.
And that's freeing in a way she's never felt???
Not afraid of mistakes anymore, she lets out her creative side in a way like she's never done before. Patterns, scribbles, and colors that she would never have put together before! Her fashion becoming a true expression of her boldness.
She's joining art club, and speaking up, not afraid of making a mistake or who sees it.
Comfort in her own skin, brings comfort to her life, and suddenly she's speaking with her seat mate easily???
Not necessarily speaking up to Chloe, but simply not being bothered?? There's gum on my chair, so what, I'll just move over.
She's taking Adrien's umbrella with ease, and returning it to him with a SIGNED note and macarons???
Sure, she still feels all warm and melty with him, but she's not nervous.
She leaves him homemade gifts when she feels like it, instead of plotting for his next seventy birthdays. She compliments his kindness and bravery. Encourages him, and supports him unabashedly.
She tells off Gabriel in season 1, and gives Adrien advice. About how he deserves better, because SHE KNOWS she deserves good things, so why shouldn't he deserve them too???
Adrien starts seeing her as an idol, much like he originally does with ladybug, and like the later seasons.
We get the same (or better) effect, and that just tickles me.
Because there's nothing to be embarrassed about.
You're safe in your own mistakes.
I could go into Adrien/Misterbug too
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