#your boyfriend slasher peter
spookygirlsthings · 1 year
I should’ve known I was headed down the yandere/slasher path when one of the biggest crushes I had as a kid (who am I kidding I still do) was Erik from Phantom of the Opera. That there was the gateway to a lot more unstable murderous fictional men lol
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yan-sideblog · 2 years
I love the idea of a slasher AU with all of the yandere bois! >:]
Anon do you mean where they'reall basically coexisting in the same universe? If not you'll have to send in another more specific ask cause that's what I'm rolling with 🤣.
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R.I.P Y/N's already miniscule chance at at social life.
Though if they're busy trying to off eachother there is a chance for some reprieve, it never lasts long though.
Eventually one of them will take a break from their bickering to "come collect you".
Honestly Jack has the biggest advantage out of the 4 of them.
I mean the fuck are they gonna do? He's already dead.
Guy knows this and is such a smug condescending asshole about it.
He honestly thought it was hilarious when one of them, probably Peter, tried using some shit like holy water or burning sage.
"Now that was rude dontcha think buddy?" 100% possesses him to make him leave.
For sake of fairness we'll say he's not able to make them off themselves, the other fellas are to obsessed and stubborn to die.
Ren definitely uses his hacker skills to his advantage "Oh it looks like Peter's mapquest directions got him lost.".
Alan, despite not liking them used on animals, will set snare traps for Ren and Peter. It's a 50/50 of who gets caught in one that day.
Yeah Peter is basically the easiest target for the others ngl.
But he's by no means a pushover. He's the one quickest to resort to lethal violence against the others.
But as i stated earlier Jack is already dead so he considers him the biggest threat and he's not sure how to deal with him, not that he'll tell him that.
He'll hide his uncertainty behind biting sarcasm and refuse to use his name instead calling him things like "casper" or "discount rainbow bright".
When it comes to violent altercations it happens most often between Peter and Ren. Alan has a shred more patience than those two when it comes to that, partially because he still has his boss in this AU.
He's more likely to whisk Y/N away for some "alone time" while they bicker it out.
After one particularly bad "incident", R.I.P all their livingroom furniture, Y/N had to make the rule of "if you're gonna try to kill eachother do it outside".
Despite their mutual hatred of eachother they do all agree on one thing "no interlopers".
They've begrudgingly managed to set up a rotating schedule for when one of them gets to off someone.
It goes Jack, Alan, Ren then Peter.
Jack 100% cheated in tbeir little contest to be first in the rotation.
There are however very rare occasions where some of them may "team up" to get rid of a particularly troublesome person.
This mostly happens between Jack & Ren who, while in no way like eachother, get along best out of all the guys.
Honestly the whole situation is a powder keg waiting to blow.
All it'll take is for one of them to make a wrong move with Y/N for an all out bloodbath to break out.
Hopefully Y/N is out of the way when it does, otherwise an accident may occur that'll only make things worse.
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bloody-peach · 1 year
Ok...so I discovered Your Boyfriend recently and...
Good lord, I can't get enough.
As you may know, (maybe not idk), I REALLY have a thing for yanderes. So this is perfect for me.
Some Your Boyfriend work is planned for the future, and it will be so hot.
A few ideas:
1. A Slasher!Peter x F!Reader smut fic where you find him in the woods and after a talk, have some fun in an old shack.
2. A Peter x F!Reader where one night he breaks into your house while you're playing with yourself and he takes over, but you're loving it.
3. Maybe a sweet wholesome series of comics of him and my OC (I'll show her off later). The artstyle should be pretty easy this time.
Anywho, just add all that to my growing list of 'shit I need to actually work on'.
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yandereloveraw · 2 years
Drew YB/Peter as Freddy Krueger and myself as Pinhead. ^^ I liked the idea of Freddy! YB/Peter being surprised at how small and submissive I am compared to how tall (6'5) and domineering the original Pinhead is depicted ^^ He'd probably still be into it though.
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kujousgf · 8 months
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THERE'S JUST ONE THING I WANT (your blood all over me)
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pairings: final girl!reader + slashers!wandanat, pre-established bucky + reader
summary: movie night at your boyfriend bucky's on friday the 13th, what could go wrong?
warnings: depictions of violence and murder, cult dynamics (cult leader wanda), character death (not reader), cheating, manipulation, patriarchal ideals, misogyny, power dynamics, pet names, mommy kink, dom!natasha, sub!reader, dom!wanda, fingering, groping
wc: 5.7k~
A/N: sorry bucky...
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Friday the 13th, a universal day of bad luck and bad omens. You were never one to be overly superstitious, you did have a black cat, Liho, after all, but something about this just felt like a bad idea. Bucky had proposed the idea of having a movie night of sorts to celebrate the unofficial holiday, wanting to invite some friends over and watch a few horror movies. He explicitly wanted to ‘watch Parker piss his pants over a little movie,’ which you rolled your eyes at. 
“I don't know if this is a good idea, Buck…” You sigh, looking up at the taller man through your lashes, your arms wrapped around yourself. “Oh, come on, it'll be fun. Who doesn't love a good horror movie?” He laughs, though he knows you don't, “besides, I'll keep you safe. Don't worry.” He pulls you into him, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You know I don't like those kinds of movies,” you huff, “and your friends are always… weird.” You mumble, burying your face in his chest. He sighs above you, starting to run his fingers through your hair, “I know, I know, but it'll just be one movie. And it's just the guys! They're harmless, come on, you know that!” His tone is lighthearted, but he tugs a little on your hair at the last part. “You can invite some of your friends,” he offers, “who've you been hanging out with lately? Wanda? Natasha? Carol?” and then he quickly changes his mind, he doesn't like her attitude towards either of you, “Ugh, no, don't invite Carol… How about that Kate girl? You can invite the redheads and Kate?” 
“...okay, but promise you won't pick one that's too scary?”
“Promise, scaredy cat.”
Friday comes quickly and you're currently preparing for Bucky’s friends to come over, making sure there's cold beer in the fridge and snacks for them to eat. Your boyfriend was setting up the television apparently, telling you that you were always better in the kitchen than he was and then disappearing into the living room. Some of your friends were coming too, which you were grateful for. You had debated inviting Carol even though Bucky said not to, but decided against it. Wanda and Kate would be here soon, but Natasha said she had something she needed to do with Yelena tonight and wouldn’t be able to make it. 
You play with the ring around your finger before you start to put bowls and dishes on the island’s countertop in front of you, humming softly to yourself as you make sure it looks presentable. You were never one to like an ugly spread. Bucky chooses this time to come into the kitchen and wrap his arms around your waist from behind, “see? Told you, you’re so much better in the kitchen than I am.”
“You’re just saying that because I cut up some plums for you.”
“You got me.” He chuckles, reaching forward to grab a slice of the fruit, “the boys should be here soon, you should get changed.” He pats your bare thigh, the shorts you’re wearing are decidedly too short for him, and then pulls away from you and starts to walk away. 
“You didn’t seem to mind my outfit earlier!” You call out after him teasingly, and he just turns around to give you a pointed look, opening his mouth to speak before promptly closing it when he hears a car pull into the driveway. “That must be Steve. Go get changed.”
“I’m going, I’m going.”
It did turn out to be Steve, and you greet him after you’ve come back downstairs. This time dressed in a pair of jeans and a brown sweater. Bucky’s friends arrive in quick succession after that: Steve, Sam, Tony, Peter (Quill, not Parker. Parker couldn’t make it), and even Rhodey showed up which was apparently something of a miracle. Wanda’s friend Vision was away for work, otherwise you might have asked her to bring him too. You sip on a drink in the kitchen with Wanda while you wait for Kate, it was far too loud in the living room with all the boys. Especially because Tony had started drinking. You don’t envy Pepper, the man could be loud while sober, so this was almost unbearable. You remind yourself that they’re Bucky’s friends and it’s just one evening, he’ll make it up to you tomorrow. 
“You know, you could have just told him we were going out and you wouldn’t have had to deal with all of this,” Wanda hums, lifting her glass up to her lips and taking a sip of wine, “I know how much you hate these kinds of movies.”
“I know, but he seemed excited about it, and you know him… I don’t want to be down on something he’s actually excited about.” You lean against the counter, holding your glass in both hands against your chest. “He said he’d pick a movie that wasn’t too scary, but we can probably get away with just being in here for the whole night. It’s not like they’ll really notice.”
“You don’t think Bucky will notice if you’re not within two feet of him at all times? You must have forgotten who you’re talking about.” Wanda laughs humorlessly, a tight smile on her lips. None of your friends were particularly… fond of your boyfriend. It’s not that they hated him, he could be a nice guy, it’s just that sometimes the way he treated you was more like the way you’d treat a child or a trophy than a girlfriend.
Just then Bucky’s voice interrupts the two of you with a ‘babe!’ and you excuse yourself from the kitchen. You’re semi-grateful for it, not wanting to get into this Wanda right now, but you wanted to avoid the guys for longer than you were able to.
It turns out he had just wanted another beer, which you brought him and he accepted with a kiss to your cheek. You’re certain that Peter was going to ask for one too until he and Bucky had some sort of silent conversation, so you slipped out of the room to avoid whatever the outcome might have been. Things between the two of them could get tense. 
Wanda gives you a look when you re-enter the kitchen and you shrug, “he was having some sort of debate with Steve, he didn’t want to lose his train of thought.”
“Uh huh…” The strawberry blonde opens her mouth to say something else, but she’s cut off when she hears a sharp, feminine scream pierce her ears. A scream that she knows doesn’t belong to the horror movie everyone is supposed to be watching tonight. She gives you an indecipherable look, and you look back at her with wide eyes, frightened. “Was that… the movie? Buck didn’t say he was starting it yet…”
She doesn’t answer you, waiting to see if maybe she can hear the background noise of a movie coming from the living room, maybe they decided on a different movie. But when she doesn’t hear anything besides confused chatter she can’t quite decipher she shakes her head, “I don’t think so.”
You’re soon joined by Bucky and the rest of the guys in the kitchen when he rushes in to make sure the scream he heard wasn’t, in fact, his girlfriend. “What the hell was that? Are you okay?” He holds you at arm’s length to inspect you, making sure you weren’t hurt. You could be a little clumsy, and he knows you’ve been drinking some wine, so he thought maybe you had decided to cut up some fruit and dropped the knife, accidentally cutting yourself. But after a quick once over, he realizes that you’re fine. 
“I-I don’t know. Wanda and I were just talking in here and then we heard a scream. I thought maybe you started the movie without us. Do you think someone’s hurt somewhere? Oh God, this is exactly how those horror movies you like so much start out. I told you doing something like this today was a bad idea, Buck–”
The back door opens and you barely hear it, still rambling until Bucky puts his hand over your mouth. You furrow your eyebrows, and you’re about to move his hand to tell him off, who cares that his friends are here, until you hear a set of footsteps and realize that everyone is standing still and tense. Bucky’s house had a bit of an odd layout. Whereas other houses kitchen’s were in the back of the house, his was near the front. 
Your boyfriend was always hyper vigilant, even when there was no reason to be, but when he brings his finger up to his lips to signal you to be quiet, you think that maybe there is a reason this time. Even Tony seems to have shut up, looking slightly concerned. Maybe all your talk about bad omens was getting to everyone. 
There’s a tension in the air and everything is silent for a moment until the footsteps continue, getting closer and closer…
Your breath gets caught in your throat when a masked figure steps through the doorway. They have a long, sharp, knife-like blade in one hand, the front of their shirt and mask splattered with blood. In the other hand, you see a coat you recognize, one you know belongs to Kate, splattered and stained with blood. Wordlessly, they hold it up and tilt their head, their green eyes sparkling at the recognition and horror on your face. A scream rips through your throat before you can stop it.
Bucky turns and he’s quick to push you behind him as soon as you scream while everyone else is frozen in place, eyes wide with shock. “Very funny guys, love that you hired an actor to scare the shit out of my girlfriend, very clever. When I said I wanted to scare her, I meant with the movie. So she would be extra clingy tonight, so we could– not the point. This isn’t cool.” His tone hardens with the last three words, feeling the way you’re shaking slightly behind him from fear. 
“Buck, we didn’t… this isn’t us.” Sam speaks up and the masked stranger decides that this is enough talking for now before they surge towards Peter, who’s drunk enough to move just a bit too slowly. Their knife plunges into his stomach and he lets out a loud yell, drink dropping from his hand and glass shattering against the floor, doubling over when the knife is taken out and then plunged into his flesh again and again and again. 
The action is enough to snap everyone out of their frozen states and send everyone running in a panic. You vaguely hear a ‘holy fuck!’ before Bucky grabs your hand and drags you out of the room, planning to circle around the killer and then exit the house. He lives at the end of a relatively secluded street, but he has his car and if he can get to it, he knows he could get the both of you away from danger quite quickly. He’d be sorry about his friends, but he can always make new ones. 
“B-Buck, wait! We can’t just leave Wanda, what if she’s next? Please, we can't just leave. That was Kate’s coat, they got Kate. We can’t leave everyone.”
“We might get killed and you're worried about that redheaded b– fine, we can make sure Wanda’s okay.” He concedes when he sees your face, pulling you into the bathroom with him and shutting the door. He takes a breath and then locks it. If all else fails, the two of you can stay in here until morning, but right now he apparently needs a new plan.
He pats his pockets to try and find his phone, if nothing at all he needs to call the police. He groans when he realizes he left it on the couch. “Fuck.”
At some point you and Bucky get separated, it's hard to stay together in chaos like this. Maybe going back for Wanda was a bad idea, but you just couldn't leave her to fend for herself, especially after what you can only assume happened to Kate. And seeing what happened to Peter, you couldn’t let that happen to her. Stupid, maybe, but she was one of your closest friends. 
You don't know how long it's been until you find yourself in a group again. Except now you're missing Peter, Tony, Steve and Rhodey. By the look on Bucky’s face, you know they all must have suffered the same fate as Peter.
“What do we do, man? We could try to leave, but that only got Steve killed. Did anyone call the cops? I can't find my phone.” Sam paces the room.
Steve’s body lays limp and slightly cold on the stone path leading from Bucky’s porch to the driveway. He didn’t get very far.
“I did.” Wanda speaks up from the doorway, keeping watch in the one on the left and scanning the whole room, paying particular attention to the doorway across from her. “I hope they'll be here soon. They might have already been here if James didn't live so far from town.”
“Oh, are you blaming this on me? Are you saying this is my fault?” Bucky shoots a glare towards Wanda. The tension between the two of them was always thick, but right now you think even a knife wouldn’t be able to cut through it. 
“If the shoe fits.”
“Listen here, you–”
“Watch your tone.” Wanda's accent slips out and your eyes flit over towards her.
“Please don't fight, it won't make things better.” Your voice is quiet, scared, as you speak. You stand close to Bucky, arms wrapped around your torso. You're shaking slightly, the image of both Peter and Steve making you nauseous. You hadn’t expected to see him when you walked out the front door, and the image was enough to have you running back into the house. 
Bucky grunts in response and Wanda doesn't say anything, crossing her arms tightly over her chest and looking towards the other entrance of the room you were all in again. 
Perhaps she should have been paying more attention to what's behind her, though, because the masked stranger is suddenly right there. Your eyes widen and you don't have time to warn her before she shrieks as they force her hands behind her back and press a knife against her throat. It's a bit of a struggle, but the masked assailant is clearly strong as they manhandle Wanda into the room. 
“Man, fuck this!”
You, Bucky, and Sam all stand alarmed near the center of the room, looking with widened eyes at the scene in front of you. A beat of silence passes, all that can be heard is labored breathing. And then the knife falls from her throat and Wanda starts to laugh, bent over from the force of it. “Oh, you should have seen your faces!” She laughs like this is the funniest thing that’s ever happened to her before she stops abruptly and stands up, a gun suddenly in her hand, pointed straight towards you. “Come here.” Her accent is back now, the fake American one dropped. 
“W-Wanda, I don’t… what’s going on?” You sniffle, tears falling freely down your cheeks.
“W-Wanda,” she mocks, faux pout on her lips, “Come here.”
“Don’t listen to her. Stay right behind me.” Bucky steps in front of you, shielding you with his body. 
“What a gentleman.” Wanda sneers, gun steadily pointed at Bucky’s chest now. 
“Wanda, sweetheart, don’t get ahead of yourself.” Natasha speaks up, taking the now bloody hockey mask off and revealing herself. It had been so hard for her to keep her comments to herself and remain a mystery this whole time. Usually it wouldn’t be, but today was just so exciting. And it was personal.
Oh, she had been the one to give Wanda the handgun.
“Now what the fuck?” Sam makes the mistake of making himself known again and Wanda rolls her eyes, turning and aiming the gun at him instead. “Oh, shut up.” She pulls the trigger and a bullet goes straight through the man’s skull, blood splattering onto the floor and the wall behind him. He drops to the floor with a thud.
“Jesus Christ! You’re both fucking insane!” Bucky takes a glance towards Sam’s body on the floor, feeling bile rise up in his throat. 
“Buck, I-I’m scared.” You whimper, and he pulls your body against his, hoping to bring you some comfort by running his fingers through your hair. This is not something he ever thought before, but maybe he should have listened to you when you said this was a bad idea. 
Wanda takes a deep breath, her head jerking involuntarily at the sight, like she’d just seen something horrible. “I won’t ask again. Come. Here.” The gun is pointed at you again and her hand shakes slightly. Her eyes flash and you look up at Bucky, afraid she might actually shoot you. “Buck, I-I maybe I should go over. T-To calm her down… I don’t want her to hurt you.”
You sniffle again and he takes five seconds before giving a small nod. “It’ll be okay, baby. They won’t get away with this, I promise, I won’t let them.” He says in a way that he hopes is comforting to you. You hesitate before pulling away from him and slowly walking over to Wanda. 
“Hi, Wands,” you smile up at her sweetly, “did I do good?”
“You would have done better if you didn’t let him put his hands on you like that,” she spits. You pout up at her and she softens slightly, leaning down to kiss you. She knows you were only playing a role, but that didn’t make it better, “you did great, baby.”
“What the fuck is going on!”
You spin around, eyes wild, no longer hiding anything now that the charade has been dropped, angry that your moments with Wanda are still being interrupted. “Will you shut the fuck up for five fucking seconds?! We are trying to have a conversation here.”
Bucky, poor guy, looks the most shocked you’ve ever seen him. He never would have seen this coming, he never could have. This wasn’t like you, you were sweet and quiet and would never speak to him like that. You couldn’t possibly have anything to do with this, not voluntarily. The way you were acting wasn’t making any sense. 
“Baby… Come on, this isn’t like you. Whatever they said to you, whatever they did to you, you can tell me. I can help, I’ll get you out of this, you don’t have to worry.” He chooses almost the exact wrong thing to say, and you grab the gun from Wanda, pointing it towards him. Wanda and Natasha look toward each other, this wasn’t part of the plan. Not exactly, anyway.
"Oh, you can help me?! You'll help me!" You think of these past couple of months, years really, that you’ve spent with Bucky, stuck with Bucky. You did it to yourself upon the request of Natasha, but that doesn’t make it any better. You're practically hysterical at this point, waving the gun in your hand around with your finger on the trigger, "because you're a big strong military man, you can help me! Oh, and I bet you’ll save me too!" You're laughing now, shaking as adrenaline pumps through your veins. "That's what I am to you, isn't it? Proof of your ability as a man to save a woman? Your little trophy to prove that you're a good guy." You point the gun steadily at Bucky now, looking him directly in the eyes, "unfortunately for you, I've never been yours to save."
The thing about your and Bucky’s relationship is that it was never built on anything good. It would have been better, for him mostly, but the both of you, if you had just stayed friends like you wanted to, but he just kept pushing. He loves you, don’t you love him too? He knows you do, he can tell. He’s loved you since middle school and he’s never found the right time to tell you, but now that you’re both starting university, he couldn’t take the chance that you’d find someone else. (Unfortunately for him, you already had. The extra 10 years of friendship Bucky had, had nothing on the connection you had with Wanda and Natasha). 
Bucky watched you grow up, watched you turn to him when your parents fought, watched you take your father’s mistreatment of you and your mother, and watched your little fear of abandonment grow when your father up and left one night. Watched the way you hoped he wouldn’t leave too, took advantage of it, really. And you watched him, watched the cracks in his nice guy persona get bigger, watched as they became canyons when you wedged yourself into them, watched as he hoped, God he hoped that you were your mother’s daughter. 
And Wanda and Natasha watched you both, content to keep your relationship a secret as you explored the ways in which you could exploit Bucky, expose his true colors. They didn’t do very much pushing on your part, they wanted you to be free to make your own decisions. They may be in charge, but this was your idea, they just gave it the green light. Well, Wanda may have planted a few seeds, but that’s what she does. You were free to ignore them if you wanted, but she knew you didn’t. She knew you’d make her plans blossom. 
The switch from hysterics to calm and collected has your boyfriend's head spinning. He doesn't know what part of this is real and what isn't, still half hoping this is some sick prank. Because this isn't like you, it's just not. The first time Bucky had ever shown you one of his guns, you were like a deer in headlights. You'd refused to even touch it, scared of such a weapon, a monster of human creation, you'd called it. That's who his girlfriend was, not this person standing in front of him. This mad woman, this crazy bitch. So this had to be fake, it had to be a prank. 
It's not, of course, because what Bucky doesn't understand is that nothing with him had ever been anything but fake. What Bucky doesn't understand is that even though he's your boyfriend, you've never been his girlfriend, you've been Natasha and Wanda's. You've always been Natasha and Wanda's.
Natasha comes up behind you and wraps her arms around your waist before pressing a kiss to your cheek, "go on, pretty girl, you can do it," she whispers encouragingly. This may not be a part of the original plan, but the sooner they get this done, the sooner she can take you back to her and Wanda’s apartment. And the sooner Wanda can stop obsessing over this. "Remember how he treated you. Remember how we treat you."
“Be a good girl, we’re so close.” Wanda’s voice hits your ears and it’s like you can’t help but listen to anything she says. You take the shot without a second thought, the bullet going straight through Bucky’s chest as your own chest heaves, your breathing slightly labored. You’re still holding the gun towards him as his eyes widen and he drops to the ground, touching the wound like he can’t believe what just happened. He chokes slightly, coughing, as blood starts to spill past his lips and you shut your eyes. If only he hadn’t turned into such a rotten guy, he would have survived. 
You feel Wanda’s soft hand slide up the length of your arm as she slots herself behind you now, Natasha going to check around the house to make sure no one has miraculously survived being slain. A smile graces the Sokovian’s lips and she envelopes your hand in her own, gently transferring the gun into her own grip instead, letting your arm drop to your side before lowering the weapon and tucking it into her back pocket, “you did such a good job, baby. I’m so proud of you.” Her voice is so sweet and loving that your bottom lip trembles involuntarily.
You love Natasha, but Wanda has always had an affect on you, and you know that if the Russian had said the same thing instead, you wouldn’t react this same way. The overwhelming feelings that loomed over tonight come back in full force as you let out the first sob. “Oh, sweet girl,” Wanda coos, turning you in her arms and bringing you against her, holding you tight, “such a big night for you, huh? But you know that what you’ve done is for the greater good, right? You know that, don’t you?” 
You nod and she kisses the top of your head. “B-But Tasha came early, and I didn’t know that Katie– I thought– Tasha was too early, and I couldn’t tell if–” You can’t get your thoughts together anymore, your mind racing with everything that’s been going through your head since the beginning of the night. The fear for Kate, the confusion when Natasha showed up before 10:02pm, the very specific time she was supposed to, the way Wanda had looked just as confused as you had.
“Oh no, did she scare you?” Wanda laughs lightly, endeared and a little amused, “I’ll have to give Tasha a little talking to. She was a little early, huh?” She smooths her hand along your hair, petting you, “don’t worry about Katie, darling, she’s just fine. You know how Yelena would react if she wasn’t.” 
“I-I know, but–”
“Shhh, I know, sweetheart. It’s okay, you didn’t know. Now, why don’t you give me a kiss, hm? Don’t I deserve a thank you?”
A ‘thank you’ for what, you didn’t know, but Wanda clearly thought she was deserving of one and who were you to question her? You lean up to give her a kiss, your arms wrapping around her shoulders as she grips your waist. You sigh against her lips, feeling yourself relax a little just from the comfort any amount of affection from Wanda gives you. 
“I leave you two alone for five minutes and you’re pretending like I don’t exist.” Natasha stands from where she was leaning against the doorframe as she looks at you and Wanda, “do you have any idea how long I was standing there?” It had only been long enough to catch Wanda’s ‘don’t I deserve a thank you?’ and watch the two of you kiss, but still. 
You pull away from Wanda and huff, your tears now forgotten, “I’m mad at you!” You glare at Natasha and she raises an eyebrow, walking towards you now, “mad at me, зайка?” She furrows her eyebrows slightly, as if she’s confused, and there’s an annoyingly attractive little smirk on her lips as she gets closer. 
She grabs your hips and pulls you away from Wanda and the Sokovian would usually protest against the Russian’s audacity to steal her girl away, but she’s content to watch the two of you bicker for a few minutes. Natasha pulls you against her, “now what did I do to deserve that?” She squeezes your hips softly, looking down at you. “You were early!” You push against her chest before resting your hands there, playing with the fabric of her sweatshirt, “we had a plan!”
“Well, we didn’t exactly stick to the plan anyway, did we, baby? Huh? I don’t think the past 15 minutes were part of the plan. How about you, Wands?” Natasha turns her head slightly and makes eye contact with her girlfriend, to which the strawberry blonde just rolls her eyes, “this is not my problem. She’s not mad at me.”
“We might have if you showed up on time! You scared me, you asshole!”
Natasha is perfectly happy to humor when you’re ‘mad’ at her and even when you play fight against her or hit her, but she is not happy to hear you speak to her like that. Her movement is swift as she reaches up to grab your jaw, her grip harsh as her fingertips dig into your cheeks, “watch your tone and your language, yeah?”
You whine quietly, nodding. Natasha hums, releasing your jaw in favor of patting your cheek, “good girl. Now, why don’t you tell me properly why you’re ‘mad’ at me?” Her next actions contradict her words as she slips her hands underneath your shirt, sliding her palms up your stomach and then back down again.
“You were…” you trail off, distracted by Natasha's hands on you. She slides her hands back up and gropes your covered breasts, “I was?” There’s a smug look on her face as she looks down at you, pleased with how easily she can distract you. “You were early and… and you scared me, I didn’t know it was you.”
“My sincerest apologies, princess,” Natasha slides her hands back down and grabs your waist, squeezing roughly, and then she grins, “I didn’t realize you were so easily scared.” You’re about to curse her out, but she leans down to capture your lips in a kiss before you get the chance. The kiss is sloppy and rough as your hands grip her sweatshirt, tugging her as close as possible. 
Wanda, never one to like being left out, takes her place behind you, sandwiching you between her and Natasha. Her hands slip under your shirt and replace where Natasha’s used to be, cupping your breasts and groping them softly, “let us make it up to you, ангел.”
The sound of Wanda’s soft voice in your ear relaxes you in their arms and you make a noise of agreeance against Natasha’s lips. “My poor little angel,” Wanda murmurs, “my divine little lamb. You didn’t deserve to be scared like that, did you?” Wanda’s questions are almost always rhetorical and you’re glad for that right now. 
One of Natasha’s hands moves from your waist to unbutton your jeans and then slides into your panties. You grip her sweater tighter to try and urge her to move her hand further down, but she leaves it splayed just above your cunt. She pulls away from your lips, the both of you panting as you catch your breath, a string of spit connecting your lips and then dripping down.
“Say please, зайка. Just because I’ve upset you doesn’t mean you lose your manners, does it?”
“Please, Tasha. Please touch me.”
“Tell me thank you for what I did today.” She’s trying to stay in control of herself, but you can tell from her labored breathing and the flush of her neck that you’ve affected her. 
“I’m so happy you freed me, Tasha. Thank you. I’m so grateful I can be yours forever now. Thank you, thank you.” 
Natasha surges forward and crashes her lips against yours, a moan escaping your lips at the contact. Wanda hums in approval and it lights a fire in both yours and Natasha’s stomachs. You both know, this time, Wanda is only here to watch over the two of you, and to know what you’re doing has her approval means more to the both of you than anything you’ve ever done.
Natasha swallows your gasp when you feel her fingers beginning to rub at your clit, slow circles that work you up at just the right pace. Wanda places small kisses on your neck as Natasha works, groping and squeezing at your breasts as she does. She knows she’ll have you to herself later while Natasha works on cleaning up today’s mess, so she’s content in watching her prized possession feel good.
When Natasha moves her hand further down and sinks two fingers into your cunt, you pull away from her lips and let out a little whimper. Usually, she’d work you up, but she knew the three of you shouldn’t linger in the house longer than necessary. “Shhh, that’s it baby, you can take it.” She lets you bury your face against her chest as she pumps her fingers in and out, grinding the heel of her palm against your clit. 
“There you go, that’s a good girl.” Natasha coos. She’s being uncharacteristically gentle and you think it’s because Wanda is watching or maybe she really does feel bad for scaring you like she did. She holds you tight against her as she leans over you to kiss Wanda. You feel your knees get weak when you realize what’s happening and you clench around Natasha’s fingers. 
They both pay you no mind except for the fact that Natasha’s skilled fingers are still working against your cunt. She curls them just right and you bite down on her collarbone. She gasps and pulls away from Wanda’s lips, her other hand gripping your waist tighter, her blunt nails digging into your skin and leaving little crescent marks. 
“Forgot our little зайка was a biter.” She grunts.
It’s not long before Natasha’s fingers work you up and push you over the edge, cumming with both her and Wanda’s permission. When Natasha pulls her fingers out you let out a little whine, sensitive from cumming. “Open up, pretty girl.” She brings her fingers up to your lips and you let her push them inside, cleaning your cum from her fingers, your cheeks hot at the action.
Natasha pulls away from you and pushes you to your knees, your shaky legs doing very little to hold you up anyway. Wanda’s fingertips drag across your cheek as she moves in front of you, standing next to Natasha. “What do you say, маленький ангел?” Wanda speaks as she uses her middle and ring finger to tilt your chin up. 
You peer up at them, adoration swimming in your eyes, “Thank you Mommy. Thank you Tasha.”
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Rules and Character Roster
note: out of respect for the developers whose games that i write for, this blog is strictly 18+ despite being mainly sfw. please respect that rule and understand that under 18 and no age in bio blogs will be blocked. thank you.
Sibling blog to pixels-writing
Character x Character (This is an x reader blog only!! Poly with reader is the only exception)
Extreme romantic age gaps, regardless if both parties are over 18
Sexual assault situations
Anything about real-life people
If a character has a canon sexuality, I’d prefer not to go against it. The most I’ll bend for it is a gender-neutral reader
If I’m not sure about the gender of a character I’m going to refer to them as they/them
I’m willing to do headcanons, scenarios, and short fanfictions maybe some other stuff. Headcanon lists doesn’t really have a limit (the more characters included, the shorter the headcanons!) and scenarios will be maxed at 3 with fanfictions, obviously, at 1. Fanfictions will not be multiple chapters.
Other Things to Note:
This blog is like, self-indulgence town for me so most/all of the characters are probably going to be OOC
Please be clear on what gender/pronouns you want!! Otherwise, it’ll be gender-neutral.
I’m open to suggestions for other fandoms! I’m the kind of person to try anything at least once.
I will occasionally post things for characters that are not on my list, usually if they are from an old fandom and/or I know no one will request for them but I still wanna write for them!
If I say no, I’ll try to refer you to another blog that might say yes.
Masterlist HERE
Boyfriend to Death 1 & 2
Vincent (I'm willing to add Farz if requested)
The Price of Flesh
Till Death Do Us Part
Marcus de le Cruz
Chris King
Aria King
Jack Buchanan
Ellen Klein
My Dear Hatchet Man
Alan Orion
See Thru: Need a Friend
Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack
Sunny Day Jack
Your Boyfriend
John Doe
14 Days With You
Degrees of Lewdity
Kylar the Loner
Robin the Orphan
Misc. Other
Jeff the Killer
Eyeless Jack
Ben Drowned
Laughing Jack
Jane the Killer
Homicidal Liu/Sully
Ticci Toby
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imagine-silk · 11 months
AtSV; Slasher Actress s/o
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He was actually so terrified of you that he didn't turn you down. He knew you weren't the character you played but you asked him out out of nowhere, you hadn't really talked to him before because he did set design. His nervousness bleeds into your date and it doesn't cross your mind that your role might be the problem so you think it's normal date nerves and apologize for asking him out of the blue, you just thought he was cute and dedicated to his job. He's not concerned after that and will deny he ever was.
As a journalist for the Daily Bugle he did celebrity interviews, mostly because he didn't get starstruck, it was his niche. And he didn't. You did. It was a switch for him to have a very well known actor geek over his work and ask for a picture. You admitted you wanted to look cool but you couldn't hold back. What else was he supposed to do other than accept your offer to hangout? A man likes to feel special.
A street meeting. That's it. He was charming and welcoming, and he shared a disdain for the system so that was a big bounce forward. You find out later he knew who you were but figured you would tell him when you were ready, and to his credit you did. All the movies you'd been in had something to do with breaking the system in some way so that wasn't going to change now that you had an anarchist boyfriend. Like literally, the last movie you did before you met him you took in a heartbeat because it was about killing corrupt politicians and none of then survive.
Gabby loved horror movies, slashers the most. So when they bumped into you she silently screams and he does too. He tries to get her away by saying he wants to get her some cereal in the aisle very far away but she is lock on you. She rants in hushed whispers telling you outright that she won't make a scene. Miguel thanked every star in the sky you handled it well, to the point you invited them to production to 'get a young mind to find love for the craft'. To your credit you do walk her around and get everyone to talk to her, the hot dude is just a bonus.
Going to be 100 about it, she is the final girl and during production you two tried to make it as homoerotic queer coded as possible. But just because you're on each other on camera doesn't you are off it. You two are blushy as humanly possible. I'm talking inching pinkies while looking away blushy. When one of you do finally pop the both of you are on cloud nine. The performance is critically acclaimed. And homoerotic.
You only did one film, like ever. It was very campy and very over the top and no one had ever recognized you. And then and Indian man starts freaking out when he sees you in a coffee shop. He tells you it was his favorite movie and he's watched it to filth and he got his aunt to watch it too. After that he doesn't talk about it. He says it would be weird to make that your main feature.
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honeyblockm · 7 months
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
yes. many times. writing process typically swings between getting really emo about the characters and going full sickos mode about it all. things that I would call upsetting would probably be all of I speak as one about to die. mmm tragedy. and the torture scenes in NO SAFE PLACE. especially the part about Lazar. Um. Crumbling like a wet cookie? turns out writing torture deals psychic damage to me, who knew. other fics have been sad for me and lived in my brain for a while but i would not call them upsetting on the same level.
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP(s)? Share it!
I don't have playlists for my current WIPs. I haven't really gotten into the habit, though I totally should, but usually my character/relationship playlists serve the same function. Anyways I did make one for the cquackity / karlnapity & cdream slasher wedding fic that is currently. not being worked on at all. it is. entirely made up of songs from Bleed Out and MCR songs.
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
I use a lot of song lyrics! A lot of mountain goats lyrics. 13 out of my 32 works use tmg lyrics for titles. I look for songs that I feel like match the vibe or theme of the fic. The Mountain Goats have many songs with many themes. Otherwise I like using lines from the source text, if the fic in question was inspired by or was an au of something. Silver Dollar is from Arguing with the Ghost of Peter Laughner About His Coney Island Baby Review by TMG. because like. Dead guy. Elegy. gestures vaguely. put on your chairman mao coat because it pleases me to have that as a title and because commandante can be about dream and sapnap actually, if you look at it from the angle i'm standing at. Harlem Roulette can be about fundy and q, etc etc.
Everything Now As Day is a line from the Menelaiad by John Barth and WE ALL THINK YOU'RE A GRAND GIRL is a line from Antigonick by Anne Carson. I speak as one about to die is from Anne Carson's translation of Agamemnon. Kassandra says it :) you don't have to love it is a line from CM Punk's snake promo. left pining for transience is a line from the deeply wonderful Fiona Lu's poem Turing Test. dawn and mourning dove grey and turning from the plow are both lines from a song from the webcomic Sword Interval by Ben Fleuter, since both those fics exist in the SI au. The chapter titles for dawn and mourning dove grey are the names of the entries in the apocalypse log that reveals the circumstances of the worldbuilding and sets the stage for the final arc of the webcomic.
Titles that aren't direct references to something are still made with consideration to the fic itself. sometimes a fic is big enough 2 warrant a very simple and encompassing title as The Death Poem. The fox who traveled to the end of the world is called that bc I was trying very hard to emulate the style of the fairy tales and fables I read growing up, and those are like. Decently straightforward and referring 2 fundy as a fox emphasizes his trickster-ness. NO SAFE PLACE and BED [DIS]ASSEMBLY are like that because i appreciate all caps quite a lot, maybe an ill-advised amount. also sometimes its just the vibes. the vibes call for all caps.
before we cut to Alexandria is. hm. Well I can't recall atm the exact leaps in my thought process but the general gist is that it's a study of a very specific and liminal period of cabinetduo's relationship, set between the larger and Historical events of the election and the red festival and nov16, and Alexandria is this big important city and it's also a place that gets kind of famously destroyed a little but this isn't yet about Alexandria/L'Manberg. The poem doesn't even leave the White House. I also know it was inspired somehow by tmg's album Songs for Pierre Chuvin.
Journeying Into the Center of the Earth To Retrieve Your Dead Ex Boyfriend because that is what the fic is about and though it is not an instruction manual it is still a detailing of a process. and also because the concept was inspired by Carmen Maria Machado's Help Me Follow My Sister Into the Land of the Dead
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neon-green-reagent · 1 year
Yet Another 50 Underrated Horror Films
I guess most people would want to talk about the best movies they watched in the past year, but I thought this would be a more fun way of ending 2022. Let me give you some links to other lists before I get started, in case you are into this and just cannot get enough. Well, allow me to be of service.  
The First 50 
The Second 50 
UFO Movies 
Mad Science Movies 
Aquatic Movies
Found Footage Movies 
Heavy Metal Movies 
Werewolf Movies 
Eyes of Fire : Back in old timey pioneer days, a group of people get cast out from their community because their preacher is a sex fiend. So they find their own place. That is full of evil fae magic and ghosts and stuff, and things get wonderfully weird. 
Highway To Hell : It’s Orpheus but full of puns and dumb jokes and incredible special effects. My favorite bit is about the road to hell being paved with good intentions. Also, Adam Storke is in this... You know, Larry from the 90s Stand miniseries. That guy. He’s great here. 
Shallow Ground : Ghosts. But so so so much cooler than just that. I don’t want to say too much. This one is all about the reveal. This teenager shows up naked and covered in blood, and everyone goes what the hell happened to him? And shit gets STRANGE.
Nightflyers : Adaptation of a George R.R. Martin short story that really needs a blu-ray release, like, yesterday. Beautifully 80s SF horror film full of weird, futuristic bullshit that I can’t get enough of. 
Beyond Dream's Door : What if A Nightmare On Elm Street were made on $3 and a ton of LSD? Take this trip, no pun intended. 
Night Vision : A guy that literally just fell off the turnip truck decides to be a writer in in THE BIG CITY. Which supernaturally chews him up and spits him back out. A cool, low budget time.
The Murder Mansion : Giallo! Two rather attractive people meet, fall in love instantly, and then get trapped in a murder mansion. That’s all you need for a giallo masterpiece really. 
Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell : An alien invasion that goes super hard. A plane crashes due to alien interference, and the survivors are faced with just... the scariest alien invasion of all time. This movie fucks. 
Island of Terror : Lil goo monster that kills you the moment it touches you. It feels like they were trying to do a Lovecraft thing, and it’s quaint and British with Peter Cushing. 
The Majorettes : One of those late 80s slashers that just keeps on giving. The first fifteen minutes were hilarious enough, and then the third act happens. There’s a siege? On a trailer park? In my slasher? 
Sometimes They Come Back... Again : Alexis Arquette (RIP) gives the performance of a lifetime as an undead thug who will fuck your daughter and your dad. Watch it for her. 
Sweet Home : Nothing is quite like a Japanese ghost story. This one throws some slasher tropes in there, too, with very over-the-top kills. Then it lands the dismount. Give me a blu-ray now please. 
Creature : Alien rip-off! Now hear me out. I am a sucker for those, but this is probably the best one in existence. Watch The Titan Find cut, as it’s the director’s preferred version, and I think it slaps. 
Candy Corn : Why isn’t this a Halloween classic? It’s like Trick r Treat meets Dark Night of the Scarecrow. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, that’s an incredibly good thing. Also, the kills are brutal. 
Auntie Lee's Meat Pies : Auntie Lee has lots of BEAUTIFUL nieces who attract dumb men that she puts into delicious meat pies. Good for her, right? Some rockers in bad wigs show up and... predictably become pies. 
Skinned Deep : If Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 had no limiters on. If they were ALL off. All of them. I mean, just all of them. Warwick Davis is having the time of his life here. And Surgeon General’s mask is made out of what you ask? Boyfriend material. 
Werewolves on Wheels : A biker gang stumbles across a cult having a ritual. This makes them become werewolves. And that’s awesome. 
Distortions : Olivia Hussey and Piper Laurie attempt to out act one another while both going completely out of their minds. Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. 
Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge : When you’re such a simp for The Phantom you’ll watch a hunky version kick ass underground in a mall. Also, it’s a good slasher. With Pauly Shore being... actually a fun character. 
The Marsh : A children’s book writer moves to the country to rest and get inspired. Then ghost shit starts happening. Trust me, this movie goes around some bends I didn’t expect, and it’s really worth taking the ride. We love a good ghost mystery in this house.
Dead and Buried : The story kicks off with a photographer getting set on fire at the beach by an angry mob. And it doesn’t get less weird. Definitely more weird. It blew my mind, and I didn’t think that was possible after all I’ve seen. With Robert Englund before he was Freddy. 
Clearcut : Native American horror. This one is all about Graham Greene playing Arthur, a gleefully violent fellow with a lot of secrets. I kept thinking of Severen in Near Dark. The performance is that good, yes. 
Satan's Triangle : Made for TV movie about the Bermuda Triangle. But also the devil. With an ending that I’ll never stop thinking about. 
Night Shadow : A werewolf movie! Where the werewolf and some lady have a psychic connection. I think. I mean, I guess. And her brother knows kung-fu, but doesn’t use it to fight the werewolf. Some bad choices were made, but ultimately it’s a good-bad time. 
Tales from the QuadeaD Zone : From the maker of Black Devil Doll From Hell comes... this! A horror blaxploitation anthology that really... It really is real. Also, what’s a QuadeaD? Dunno. And that’s not a typo. That’s how it’s spelled. Watch this. You’ll thank me. Or hunt me down, not sure which.
Alien Predators : A horror comedy that is heavy on the goofball antics and low on the scares. But damn if those antics aren’t cuter because it’s Dennis Christopher partaking in them! 
Too Beautiful To Die : A late 80s giallo full of fucked up shit, a crazy murder weapon, and giallo’s favorite victim: fashion models. And I need to say 80s one more time to emphasize the true magic of this film. Okay, one more time: 80s!
All-American Murder : Christopher Walken. Ahem. Oh, you needed me to say something else? Well, murders. And lots of silly, silly, silly dialogue. And Walken gets to say a lot of it, too. 
The Killer Is Still Among Us : Another giallo. This one is all about the ending. I find a lack of resolution to be one of the scariest thing a horror film can do. Very effective. 
Slime City : A man has to eat people to keep from melting. It’s a tale as old as time. He goes full goblin mode by the end. Good old-fashioned melt movie. 
Flesheater : Directed by the guy who played the first zombie in Night of the Living Dead. The cemetery one. Not sure why that made him qualified to direct a film, and when you watch it, you’ll see that it didn’t. But that’s why it’s good. Because it’s amazingly bad. Also, directed The Majorettes from up there, if that’s any indication of what you’re getting into. 
All About Evil : Directed by Peaches Christ, this is an absolute love letter to horror cinema. Right down to the very theaters the movies play in. Cassandra Peterson stares at an Elvira poster. It’s that kind of movie. 
I, Madman : There need to be more movies like this. About the power of stories to come alive. One minute you’re reading a book. The next minute, the book is happening to you. Stars Jenny Wright, who deserved a better career. 
Grotesque : Linda Blair versus a gang of punks. Oh, excuse me. Punkers. That was one of my favorite parts, that they insisted on calling them punkers. Home invasion that goes completely WTF by the end. WTF endings are a theme with me. 
Hell High : A group of high school outcasts decide to terrorize their teacher. Not realizing a nudge will make her go postal. This movie is way better than it has any right to be, quite frankly. 
The Untamed : A Mexican SF horror film that is all about sex. It’s not SEXY. It’s ABOUT sex. And the need for it, the way it wrecks relationships, addiction to it, cheating, not being able to be true to yourself about your own identity or needs. It’s a lot. I love it. 
Death To Metal : I love to see heavy metal horror alive and well. An evil priest gets a toxic waste makeover and decides to take out his religious frustrations in a local dive hosting a rock concert. It’s low budget and full of love. 
Tropic of Cancer : Giallo! Again! With voodoo. Not accurate voodoo, don’t ever look for that in a horror film. But with magic and antics is what I really mean. And those antics are quite wild and fun. 
Final Judgment : Brad Dourif as a priest with a gun trying to catch a serial killer. Also, lots of strippers. If nothing about that makes you want to watch it, may I check your temperature? 
The Mangler : One of those bottom-of-the-barrel Stephen King adaptations with so much to give. Directed (well, in part, it sounds complicated) by Tobe Hooper. Starring Ted Levine. With an absolutely gigantic, evil, designed-by-Dracula laundry press.
Deep Blood : I haven’t seen every Jaws ripoff known to man. But why do I have the feeling this is the worst? If you want to relax with friends and laugh heartily over a multitude of poor choices and production mistakes, have I got the movie for you. 
Identity : How unknown is this? I mean, it has John Cusack and Ray Liotta in it. But I still feel like no one talks about it. Still needs way more love. And Then There Were None, but twists galore. And lots of great, fun performances. 
Retribution : A man attempts suicide right as a murder is taking place. The soul of the victim enters him and uses his body to exact vengeance. With a fantastic performance from Dennis Lipscomb and a lot of heart. 
The Devil's Men : Priest Donald Pleasence versus cult leader Peter Cushing. In a fight to the death. With a minotaur there as well. Place your bets!
The Stone Tape : Do you like Halloween III? The same guy wrote this. It has a similar blending of technology and the supernatural. And the supernatural tends to win in those scenarios... 
Benny Loves You : This is a flawed movie, but one thing is for certain: Benny is perfect. Benny loves us, and you’ll love him, too. A killer toy movie that’s a cut above the rest. 
It! (1967) : Of course, I had to include the year, because, no, I’m not talking about one of the most popular horror stories of all time. I’m talking about Roddy McDowall (doing a Psycho) and a golem. And murderous hijinks! 
Wind Chill : I know Christmas is over at the time of writing this, but this was a fantastic, underrated Christmas horror. A guy and a girl drive home from college in the snow and get stuck. Where a lot of people have gotten stuck before. And died. 
The Shuttered Room : We’re in Lovecraft country here. Yog Sothoth doesn’t show up, but a lot of other gothic trappings sure do. People locked up in attics. Getting harassed by locals who are itching to say YOU AIN’T FROM AROUND HERE, ARE YA? Covered in a layer of creepy sweat. With Oliver Reed! 
The Dead Hate The Living : Gotta end on a total banger. An independent film crew gets a little too zealous in making their horror flick and unleashes zombies upon themselves. With a ton of shoutouts and horror nerding, enough even for little old me. 
That does it! These are always a labor of love for me, and I hope there are those of you out there that get some mileage out of this. 
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[Shared account Masterlist]
🦇!!The Batz masterlist!!🦇
(Feel free to request anything on this list. Limits are on the bottom!)
{Smut + Fluff}
Ghostface (Anyone of them)
Jennifer Tilly
Billy Loomis
RZ Micheal Myers
OG Micheal Myers
Pyramid Head
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Jason Voorhees
Brahms Heelshire
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Laughing Jack
{Fluff only}
Jeff the Killer
Eyeless Jack
Ticci Toby
Judge Angels
Ben Drowned
Jane the killer
Nina the killer
Sally Williams (platonic ONLY)
{Smut + Fluff}
König [CoD]
John Price [CoD]
Simon "Ghost" Riley [CoD]
(Or just Task force 141 in general)
JD [Heathers]
Venom [Marvel]
Tate Frost [Frost bite]
Sunny day Jack [What's wrong with Sunny day Jack]
Peter [Your Boyfriend]
Alan [Your Hatchet man]
Noncon (dubcon is iffy and depends)
👻!!!The Ghost Masterlist!!!👻
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
RZ!Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees
Billy Lenz
Art the clown
Brahms Heelshire
Hannibal Lector
Vincent Sinclair
The predator/ yatujta
Pennywise[only and new]
Jennifer Tilly
Tate [FrostBite]
Peter [Your Boyfriend]
Tate [FrostBite]
Peter [Your Boyfriend]
Normal dni things
-i will not write-
Nonconsensual somnophilia
-creepypasta/marble hornets-[Fluff and angst only!]
Jeff the killer
Eyeless jack
Slenderman[can do smut]
Laughing jack[can do smut]
Ticci toby
Ben drowned
Sally[platonic and friendship only!]
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Resting head in partner's lap for Peter and Arthur?
The bartender and his best customer, a match made in heaven~
Obviously for my human Arthur au, since it's the only one I have with these two, haha.
On with the fic!
The movie they were watching was quite terrible, Arthur wasn't going to lie, but he was going to keep his mouth shut. It's not that it was the worst he'd ever seen, but he just wasn't a big fan of horror movies like Peter was. However, it was his boyfriend's turn to pick the movie, and he decided on some nonsense from the eighties.
Said boyfriend was sprawled on the long couch in his penthouse, one leg resting on the back, the other on the cushions, a strong drink was resting on his chest with a lid and a bendy straw so he could drink without making a mess.
His head was resting on Arthur's lap, and he had been using it as a pillow since the moment he laid down. He was making comments about the film, either complaints about the special effects, or some odd trivia he knew.
"This is," Arthur frowned, drumming his fingers on the arm of the couch, "a bit more... bloody than you said it would be."
"Oh yeah, I mean, it's infamous for this scene in particular. Look at that blood spray! Had to build a whole room specifcally just for this one effect!"
"I see..." Arthur was very much not a fan of the contents on the large screen before them, but Peter put up with them watching Arthur's choice last week, and that's only because one of the characters seemed to look like Arthur to him. He was now asking the bartender to grow a beard because he could clearly pull it off..
Yes, no, that was not happening any time soon.
"Sorry." Peter sighed and looked up at Arthur. "I know it's not your type of movie."
"It's your type, dear." Arthur commented, using his free hand to brush a few stray bangs from that pretty face. "Granted, I am not a fan of blood and gore, and terribly dressed villains, I rather like when we spend time like this."
"You do?"
"Yes, it's just the two of us, alone, having a nice time together. And besides, you deal with my movie choices."
"Well... I mean, they're not all bad. You just like more serious stuff, or period dramas."
"I liked the last movie you picked."
"Well, yeah, Silence of the Lambs is a classic, 'course you'd like a thriller over a slasher."
Arthur nodded, he'd rather watch something that made him think than feel like he was going to lose his dinner. "You liked when I picked out that King one."
"The Shining? Cause that's also a classic! And your bar kinda looks like the one in that movie, all old school and quiet, sophisticated, and here comes the deranged famous guy who sits down for a drink while you, the handsome bartender in red, gets him that drink."
The bartender laughed and started to run his fingers through Peter's hair, gently dragging his nails, and getting a very pleased noise in response. "You think you're deranged?"
"Well, I probably looked the part the first few times I came in covered in blood and ash." Peter smiled and relaxed under the touches. "Alright, I'll leave slasher movies off the list of my movie selections next time. How are you on monster films?"
Arthur sighed. "Depends, I rather like the classics over some of the more... sexual content."
"Is that a dig at my show."
"Ouch, okay, fair." Peter laughed. "Alright, I'll pick out classics, for you." He was quiet for a moment before he smirked. "I'm including the Hammer Horrors in that."
"I don't believe I know what those are." The smirk only grew and Arthur feared he might have to do a bit of research later.
In case you're wondering, they're watching Nightmare on Elm Street (which really did have to build a whole room for the infamous blood fountain scene). Arthur's choice was Far From the Madding Crowd. Peter will deny that he cried watching it, he will also deny that he yelled at the TV in William's defense.
I will deny that I did the same thing.
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sspookayy · 2 years
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Taking one shot requests
(Platonic, Romantic, Nsfw)
Rules will be listed as well as what fandoms I write for below ↓
ABSOLUTELY no incest, pedophilia, rape
No repeat requests for the same characters
Only request for fandoms I have listed. It's hard for me to write about fandoms I know little to nothing about, so the fandoms I have listed are for the ones I am in or have been in and know a decent amount about.
Be specific in your request. I can't do much if there is little to no detail in the request, so to give me a better idea at what you all would like I need to know if there's any major details. Please also state if request is platonic, romantic or nsfw.
Versions, please specify which version of a character you are wanting if they are from a franchise with multiple titles.
Likes and Reblogging are allowed :)
(will add more as I progress in writing)
These are what I'll be best at writing at
TMNT (all vers) (But heavily rottmnt)
Sonic the hedgehog
Stranger Things
Bojack Horseman
(I will be adding more/making changes as I continue to write)
Video Games- Apex legends, Tf2, FNAF, Little Nightmares, Your Boyfriend, Detroit become human, Rainbow six siege, Watch Dogs 2, Overwatch
Shows- Bojack Horseman, TMNT (all vers), Stranger Things, Rick and Morty, Avatar the last Airbender, Arcane, South Park (Aged up characters)
Anime- Demon Slayer, Bleach
Marvel (individual characters)- Spiderman/Peter Parker (all vers), Bucky Barnes, Otto Octavius, Eddie/Venom, Loki
DC- Batman(2022)
Books- Harry Potter, Maze Runner
Other- Slashers, Sonic the hedgehog, Mcyt, Metal Family, Gorillaz, Predator
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bloody-peach · 1 year
WIPs that are currently in production
• Welcome Home x Sunny Day Jack fanfic
• Pokemon (Leon x Reader x Raihan) fanfic
• The next chapter in Book 2 of my BNHA AU series
• the first chapter in my Trigun fanfic series
• Hero Killer Stain x Reader smut fanfic
• the Vash + Knives x Reader fanfic
• some more stuff with @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered 's OCs and mine, including Mafia AU stuff
• Slasher Peter x Reader smut fanfic
• Goth Peter x Reader smut with plot fanfic
• a Sunny Day Jack smut with fluff fanfic
• the sad Vash request from @keigoswifeyysblog
• Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi smut fanfic
• @sinnabee 's Eclipse x Reader smut fanfic
• My Pet Caretaker: Night Shift (aka Moon's turn)
• Your Boyfriend x Reader smut fanfic
• a Ganondorf x OC fanfic (maybe, dunno)
These may take a while to complete, but they are in the works. I've been preoccupied with other things, which is why it's taking a while. Don't worry, just stay tuned and they'll be here soon enough!
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ryanmeft · 2 years
Movie Review: Bodies Bodies Bodies
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There is a pattern to slasher movies: teens or young adults gather at a secluded location to drink, party and have sex, and they are then systematically murdered for these sins. These movies were traditionally made by old white men who were in clear envy of a young person’s freedom, choices and sex appeal. Recent slashers, on the other hand, are largely made for an audience in their 20s, and as such sympathize more with the victims. In Bodies Bodies Bodies, whose name sounds like a grotesque nursery rhyme, the locale is a rich family’s mansion during a hurricane party, the victims are mostly college-aged, and the film is more about what being scared reveals in people than the visceral pleasure of watching kids get slashed.
This cast is worth taking some time on. Greg (Peter Davidson) is what we call an edgelord, a heavy drugs user who covers for his insecurities by belittling everything and everyone else. We sense, if we have any memory of our own youth, that this trait in him is to be pitied, not hated. Jordan (Myla’la Herrold) is the paranoid and forceful former lover of Sophie (Amandla Stenberg), an ex-junkie who sparks various resentments both by simply showing up and by bringing her new girlfriend Bee (Maria Bakalova) to the party. Emma (Chase Sui Wonders) is an aspiring actress who does not get along at all with her ostensible boyfriend, Dave. Alice (Rachel Sennott), the kind of girl for whom two weeks is a long relationship, has brought along her considerably older Tinder hook-up Greg (Lee Pace). There is some noise about other guests who have not arrived yet.
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Given the economy of the location, budget and runtime, the guests must each develop a distinct personality in a tricky way: by telling us about it. This is always a cause for worry, for the filmmakers as well as the audience, because just like in school it is better to show than tell. Halina Reijn, shooting a re-written spec script by Kristen Roupenian and Sarah DeLappe, decides to do it through increasingly frenetic conversations between the players. We learn some important things: they have known each other since childhood, almost everyone present is a current or former substance abuser, everyone except Bee comes from a wealthy background, and everyone except newcomer Greg has a secret grudge against one or more of the others (Greg quickly develops an understandably tense standoff with David). The arguments that erupt between them are sort of like rock-paper-scissors, with everyone trying to react to what the others just did. Jordan accuses Sophie of phoning her up for casual sex, which sets off a chain reaction in which Bee is angry at both of them, while Alice’s mad protestations that Greg, who she barely knows, is not a killer result in pushback from all the other women. Misunderstandings, fears and angers pile on each other, juggled between the characters as each of them is in turn taken out.
The film is a satire, yes, but not in the way that Blazing Saddles is a satire. Instead of mocking the people on screen, the filmmakers largely mock slasher tropes and the occasional ridiculous aspect of real life that they reveal. A knowing smile crossed my face when one of the kids viciously deflates another’s rags-to-riches notions by stating “Your parents were upper middle class” with the kind of venom actual kids might use to insult someone’s poverty. I liked, too, the fact that each character is well-developed while also being a light joke towards some horror character standard---the loose women, the corny guru, the jerk, the attention-seeker. And of course there is that ending, in which we are not sure whether to laugh, gasp or just remain silent.
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The social context of this new slasher landscape is even more interesting to discuss than the film itself. The fact that such films have long been in the hands of older people whose adopted role in life is to teach kids proper behavior through simulated murder is so subtly acknowledged that even younger viewers take thrills from watching their slightly wayward cohorts get butchered. Earlier this year, X offered a direct rebuttal to that, as the villains were an elderly couple who were blatantly obsessed with what their youthful victims still possessed. Are we moving toward a genre whose subtext is more open towards treating young, beautiful victims as though their deaths might not be that cool? You probably don’t care, and you don’t need to, but a more liberal viewpoint informs better movies like this one.
Verdict: Recommended
Note: I don’t use stars, but here are my possible verdicts.
Highly Recommended
Not Recommended
Avoid like the Plague
You can follow me on Twitter here, if you want more posts about film and video games and sometimes about manscaping:
All images are property of the people what own the movie.
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the-faceless-bride · 2 years
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The Tomb reads Yₒᵤᵣ Bₒyfᵣᵢₑₙdₛ
The Tomb reads Don't hug me I'm scared
The Tombstone reads Arcane
List 3
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ask-darling-xoxo · 3 years
Please make a nsfw story for a slasher Peter and final girl y/n🙌, he’s the one off @semisolidmind and they said they don’t mind fanfics
((I had to watch like three slasher movies for this lol Bc I wasn’t sure how to start it off
Warnings: Drugging, noncon, gore and death/killing, kidnapping, forced into a killers bunk and of course nsfw
PLEASE!! If you’re not 18+ DNI!!!
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It all started off as a fun investigation with your friends. There had been rumors of an infamous serial killer in the area and you and your friends just couldn’t help yourselves by getting curious. Of course none of you really expected to run into the serial killer but as the saying goes “Curiosity killed the Cat”
You should of said something when that unsettling feeling in your tummy wouldn’t go away the moment you guys stepped foot at the abandoned motel or when you saw the fresh pool of blood seeping out from under one of the motels door. You didn’t wanna believe that the serial killer was there, so you ignored it. Until one of your friends went missing without your knowledge. Your group of friends had decided to take a break into one of the “cleaner” motel rooms only for them to point out that your friend wasn’t here. That unsettling feeling grew stronger inside you. “Guys...I don’t like this...maybe we should call the cops. We shouldn’t even have gone here!” You exclaim. Your friends frown at you and tell you to stop being such a wuss. That you should calm down before coming to the conclusion something bad had happened to your friend. “Maybe they went to bathroom y/n. Chill out...I’m going out for a smoke.”
The minute your friend opened the door, was the minute you all regretted coming to the motel.
In the doorway stood the serial killer. He was 6 feet tall with a mask covering his left eye and mouth. A blood soaked machete was in his hand as he slowly raised it up. You watched in horror as your friends head was pulled apart by the man. Your ears rang as the 4 of your other friends screamed, none of you too afraid to move. You quickly glanced around the room trying to find anything to protect yourself from this killer. Your eyes settled on a shard of glass, a shard that was big enough to be used as a makeshift knife. While the man was busy chopping up the dead body that was your friend, you grabbed it and kept it hidden.
When he finally finished his bloody task, he looked your way, taking a look at each of you and your friends. His eyes settled on you. He didn’t know what was coming over him as his heart was overcome with a warm and fuzzy feeling. You looked beautiful to him and for once in his life, he couldn’t help but want to protect you. Something about the way you looked at him with your big round eyes, so innocent and vulnerable, you made him feel funny.
He’s made up his mind. He’s gonna keep you and love you. You’ll be his.
He stepped closer, inching his way towards you and your friends slowly. His eye focused on you alone, your other friends didn’t matter. He would kill them once you were in his arms. When he reached out to grab you, you were swift with your movements. You sidestepped only to jab the shard of glass in his side, kicking him into the wall as you and your friends darted out the door. This didn’t affect him at all. It only made him want you even more. You were so smart hitting him where he was sensitive. So kind for letting your friends out the door before you. Yes, he wanted you badly and at the end of the day he would have you.
One by one the screams of your friends rang throughout the motel. Their screams reminding you that you were alone now and you were gonna die. You should of stayed home instead but now here you were hiding in the lobby inside a cabinet, your hands covering your mouth as you tried your best to slow your breathing down. It was difficult to keep quiet when all you could hear were heavy footsteps coming down the hall. Your cabinet was cracked open just a bit for you to see the man coming down the hallway, his machete no longer in hand. He passed by your cabinet as he looked around, a gruff hum being heard. You kept your breathing slow, tears running down your face as you prayed he wouldn’t find you, that he would leave and give you enough time to run towards the gate surrounding the motel.
But alas, you prayer was denied. Your cabinet door was slammed open as he looked down at you. You screamed and cried, begging him not to kill you. “Please! Please don’t kill me! I won’t tell anyone! Please let me live! I don’t wanna die!” You couldn’t help it as you broke down, your sobbing going between each of your words. The tall serial killer felt a little bad for scaring you but it was your fault you tried to run. No matter, he would do his best to make you feel better. Without any trouble, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You did nothing but cry and grip his sweater as you awaited your death. But it never came. You watched with teary eyes as the man walked over to a patch of weeds and grass. He reached down and grabbed a hatch looking door. When he was finally inside, he closed and locked the hatch. Gently, he sat you down on his bed while he walked off to his kitchen area to grab you something. You didn’t know what was going on. What did this man want? “S-Sir—“ you were cut off as he returned with a cup of water. He handed it to you before saying, “Peter.” His voice was deep and gruff, a little bit barbaric sounding if you’re being honest. You cautiously took the cup and drank it down. It was nice and refreshing and you would of enjoyed it if it weren’t for your situation. “Oh..um Peter I-I...please don’t hurt me” Peter watched as you trembled with fear, his face turning into an upset one. He wants to make you feel better. He doesn’t want you afraid of him. Peter ignores your pleads as he lays you down on the bed. “Stay. Gonna make you feel better” he tells you as he looms over you. He notices the tears running down your cheeks and softly wipes them away with his thumb.
You want to slap his hand away, to tell him to get off you but you’re afraid of angering him. You want to be alive as much as possible so you suck it up and let his hands roam wherever they please. Peter takes his time to admire you, his hand cupping your cheek and softly squishing it. It’s been so long since he’s been able to touch someone gently like this. Back before he turned aggressive and murderous. He pulls your sweater up and smooths his hand up your tummy, his calloused hands feeling somewhat good against your skin. Suddenly, your body starts to burn up. You’re squirming under him as the burning increases, a desire deep within your tummy and between your legs makes you whine and whimper. You don’t understand why you’re feeling this way until you glance to the cup. He had put something in your water. “Calm down, gonna make you feel good” Peter says as he pulls down your pants. You’re too hot and bothered to care about him touching you, you just want to get rid of the burning sensation. Peter removes his mask and you’re able to see his entire face.
If he wasn’t a serial killer maniac, you’d probably revel in his good looks despite the scars he’s got on his face. You huff and pant all the while he’s taking his sweet time to look at your body. He’s completely hypnotized as he squeezes and smooths his hands over your curves. He’s enjoying feeling your soft flesh. You become impatient though, pulling at his clothes. “P-Please help me” you whine. He looks down to see you practically begging him to touch you, to make you feel better. He gives in and pulls down his pants and briefs, his member springing up and laying flat against his stomach. The tip is a bit red with precum oozing down his length, your eyes widening at his size. You’re not even sure if it’s gonna fit. Without wasting a single second, Peter rubs his length against your folds before prodding it at your entrance. He may be a maniac but he knows to prep you before doing this, he’s seen teenage couples doing the deed so you can say he’s a little experienced. When he believes you’re slick enough, he rams his member in and bottoms you out. You throw your head back in surprise and arch your back. Everything feels so sensitive. With his big hands, Peter grabs your thighs and pulls you closer to him. He wraps your legs around his waist and begins to set a pace while his hands roughly play with your tits. He’s squeezing and massaging your mounds as little mewls escape you. It just feels too good, you’re stuffed to the brim with his length and it’s rubbing so deliciously against a particular spot that has you tugging on his forearms. He notices it and angles his hips to hit that spot as you’re moaning in pleasure. “Please! Faster! N-Need to cum!” He obeys and picks up the pace.
Your head is swimming with pleasure, your eyes rolling back as you claw at his arms. He leans down close to your face as he lets his freakishly long tongue slither out. With his right hand, he rubs your bottom lip and watches as you open your mouth. You’re being so good for him as he slips his tongue into your mouth and gives you a French kiss. You can feel his member twitching inside you, he’s close but he’s not stopping anytime soon. Panic arises and you whine through the kids. There’s no need to worry though, he’s gonna take care of you. He won’t cum inside you just yet, after all it’s only your first “date”. Peter then takes it up a notch as he pounds into you, his hands grabbing at your love handles to fuck into you. “Mmm..close?” He asks and you’re immediately nodding your head. “Y-Yes! Please! More!” He’s seen the men he’s killed in the past do a certain thing to give women more pleasure so he reaches his hand down and rubs your clit in harsh circles. You swear you’re seeing stars as you cum all over his length, Peter continuing to rub your clit until you come down from your orgasm. Then, swiftly he pulls out and cums all over your stomach. You’re too tired to care as you lay there panting, satisfied and glad that your body is no longer burning up. Peter picks you up and walks you over to a bath tub where he sticks you in it and runs cool water. “Stay. Relax.” He tells you and you nod, sitting there as the cool water hits your skin. Peter does his best to give you aftercare, he’s thankful you’re too tired to try and run or fight him. He likes you—he LOVES you a lot. Something about just makes you special and he’s determined to keep you now.
Your fate is sealed. Your his and his alone. He won’t ever let you go. He’s a serial killer and will hurt anyone who tries to take you from him.
((I hope you liked this anon!
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