wefrogturtle · 3 years
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end of desember 2020 I met a sweet and beautiful girl, her name is maprang. first impression when we meet is a little bit shy I also dont know why because make me a nervous. I never feel like this as ussual but during the time we start getting close each other and I start liking her. but because stupid thing that I made she start getting one step away from me. that thing is really made me down and I dont know how suppose to do. I know its hard go get back to the first time when we have wonderful moment but right now I only can keep by her side to see her smile and will make me happy to. end of april , 2 more weeks from now she gonna go back to thailand and that really gonna hit me, make me sad. I hope I still get a chance to meet here in the future. altough we're not in relationship but my heart is ache like we're breaking up.
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wefrogturtle · 8 years
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118 of 365 170 days I know her and ending with farewell. A crazy happy girl in this world going to china doing wise job there. do what you think you should do, what you feel make you better, keep going to catch you dream. maybe after that you're not going back to this town, just one day you go I already start missing you, damn haha. I just wish the best for you, take care there, dont talk so loud okay? Its okay if around me but that will disturb people around you 😂 . I like the way you laugh , smile , make me so comfortable to look it. At least we must separated althought I still dont know what we doing this last 5 months, I dont know what you think about me, but you must know what you're mean to me.
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wefrogturtle · 8 years
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- 98 of 365 - 🎊🎈🎉💐 Okay last week somebody just so happy…. Congratulation to her who has been pass through all the terrible things when she get into collage. 7 April 2016 was a great day when she just lost her ballon that fly away to the sky. I hope her dream to can get high as the ballon go. Your journey just began, do what you think you should do, dont afraid to try anything new, if you love to do it just do it, when you get some trouble I hope you can fix it or you can share with me or anyone, but actually I know you’re a strong girl always show happy faces in front of everybody you meet. You never show your problem cause you think that’s useless because isn’t solve anything. I think this the last month I can spend day by day with you before you go for your dream there. Good luck wiwid! Honestly maybe I'm gonna miss you here. I’m waiting you here and I want to see you be great woman! Okay maybe I just can say that about her. Adios! 👌🏻
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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26/8/2015 Graduation day !!
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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“Relax and enjoy the journey. There’s no need to rush through life.”
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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Happy Birthday to the most talented , adorable, funny, cute, beautiful girl on earth.
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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May 1 - Happy Birthday to the most talented, adorable, funny, cute, beautiful girl on earth.
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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16-1-15 really fun night like ussual cause we can hangout together again , looks who's back our friend has change the flight schedule so still can go out with us. Okay tonight we talk about truth or dare hahaha! It's so funny cause reality we all play truth and each of us have been ask once and get the deep , funny , sad answer but that make us feel so excited . It's okay to tell about the pass , what want you want to know cause now we already mature , it's okay to sharing something in your mind or past. This time really seriously maybe the last time we hangout cause a few days more some of them gonna get back to reality to continue study to finish college. I just can say good luck friends, dont forget how we spent time like this , how we can laugh together, sharing and remember friendship never end just because far place.
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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13/1/15 already night and we get some dinner before come back home, joking and laugh together haha , talk about age that we're not younger anymore must prepare to facing life. Damn so deep talk lol haha , but we gonna keep this friendship till the end. ❤️❤️
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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13/1/15 was great day cause I skip mu job for these friends , cause one of us gonna go back tmr to bandung . So it's okay for me cause this is make me happy haha , some of them i've not meet since 2/3 years really long time . Talk to talk , tell a story , talk about the world and indonesia haha! I hope can see you soon again 😊
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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12/1/2015 Thanks to God cause we can still meet up for this time even each other gonna being busy soon. Together from child until teenager and now into mature time, I don't know what time again we gonna happy like this, but at the end we must know even time and place split us , we are friends forever. ✌️👫👬👭
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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5 of 365 it's Monday really tought day but it already past , after work got planning meet up with old friends . So glad to meet them , but that's not longer cause they gonna go back to malaysia to get some job there 😤 when we start talk about life , oh everything so hard then we laugh then say just enjoy what you have or face now. But some of them gonna back when chinese new year 😂😂 so see you soon guys.
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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31-12-14 page 365 of 365 time flies so fast until we step to new year 2015 . Spending time with friends with little bbq , playing games , makes new friends , laughing and everybody so happy. The sad part some of them maybe not getting back here for a long time but remember friendship never end. Altough hard to meet up , you all must remember , you all are my bestfriend 😃 . Okay see you next happy new year !
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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29/12/14 today we wake up earlier to get some exercise bu jogging together 🏃🏃 there're a lot of fun happen to us when we do this , two people from left was robin & clara and after that's rico and I was the right one. After finish jogging we dont forget to look for breakfast 😂😂 looks like fail burning fat , we eat "lontong" what we call here made from rice , then i back to work again so do they back home. Hope after few years we can still meet up and do this fun. I gonna miss you guys 😢
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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Reblog for good luck in 2015
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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So today we celebrate chrismast at arvin house , eat a lot of food and have fun there. Merry Christmas for everyone who celebrate it 🎄🎄🎅
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wefrogturtle · 9 years
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19/12/14 one day after my birthday we planning for playing soccer , although not all of us can play this sport but we really enjoy it. I think no many word that I can wrote here , see ya fellas at next post !! Keep following 👌
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