5shinya · 3 years
im too lazy for a format so heres my mini introduction ig, ill organize this later.
name: vi
age: minor
pronouns: any i’m genderfluid, ( she/her, he/him, they/them, not in any order, call me by whatever you want )
hobbies: writing, editing, drawing, playing video games, reading.
dni criteria: if you’re over 20 unless i followed or smth, if you’re a pro shipper ( or just justify incest, pedophilia, rape, etc. idc get out ), heavy on nsfw ( i make light nsfw jokes but if your blog is just hardcore nsfw, i’m not comfortable with that ) if you’re just here to stir up drama ( i hate drama, i won’t partake it goodnigjt )
other accs i have: if we’re mutuals, ill give you my spam but my editing acc is vicrmto and my Twitter is 5tiredvi. both accs have seperate carrds so if you want to get to know me more ig, you can check them out.
idk what else to add, if you want to be mutuals, that’s cool too ^_^
oh yeah my requests are always open, but i have every right to decline ur request tho I’m not super active either.
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5shinya · 3 years
genshin impact headcanons pt 2 but i don’t have any format or anything ^_^ spoilers for some story quests below.
beidou and ningguang meet up every once and awhile to make out.
sara is either lesbian or gay, we love a girlboss.
xiao doesn’t sleep bc he gets nightmares and claims that it’s a weakness, goodnigjt please get sleep.
so imagine roommate au, childe is such a chaotic roommate, he’s either never around or jobless and just there for moral support like ??????
albedo is actually a really good advice giving person bc he looks at everything in a third person perspective. he also just really honest and doesn’t really care if it hurts your feelings bc at the end, it’ll be better.
ASLO IN THEALBEDO TRAIN, he probably doesn’t feel that physical pain so if yuo hit him like teasingly or smth, he’ll probably give you a delayed ouch just to not make it awkward.
venti drinks to forget abt his issues and probably cant look in the mirror without seeing his desd friend oops
zhongli goes by they/he and is non-binary, try me /j
ganyu is good at comforting ppl, literally look at her wtf i love her sighs dreamily.
kokomi probably has a whole ass aquarium in her house.
sayu probably drinks a shit ton of milk to try and grow taller but it never works 😭😭
okay now i have to do the tags what tueifjrjfjejr crying for mayelf 😭😭😭😭😭
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5shinya · 3 years
random genshin impact headcanons bc im so inactive and it’s 2 am, are we surprised even.
warning: these are my personal headcanons dont go on anon to bash me or anything, id be glad to hear your thoughts but these are just personal headcanons!!
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— the reason why albedos signature dish contains fish is because klee brings him dead fish everyday from her fun activity of fish blasting.
— childe may be a fucking harbinger but he has a policy of not trying to kill people unless forcefully ordered to, he does so because he doesn’t want to be the cause of a family grieving ( or he won’t be able to look at his own family the same, i love him sm please stop the slandering wtf )
— tohma and ayaka. im sorry tohma lovers and ayaka simps but he just yeah <3 they are probably secretly dating tbh
— kazuha is a musical genius, he just gives off those vibes. this mf can make music out of fuckijg leaves like go bestie!!! we see you fugitive!!! /j
— xiao is such a fucking softie, kinda obvious ig but if you manage to give him a hug, he probably won’t let go. he might cry too but that’s okay bc i love him.
— all the archons have a yearly meet up thing where they jsut drink so much fucking alcohol, idk it’s probably all just venti.
— zhongli can be very sarcastic without meaning to, like he probably doesn’t even realize he’s sarcastic sometimes and that’s what makes it hilarious.
— scaramouche probably picked and ate his boogers as a kid, mf has that tiny ass bowl cut OFFTTT
— ganyu hair is so soft like it’s just a fucking cloud and it’s just naturally like that, it may be messy but it’s really really really soft and id do like anything to sleep on it
— hutao smells like shit i love you but go take a fucking shower and stop being around corpses.
— meanwhile diluc probablg has the best hygiene out of all u mfs praise the lord damn, he probably smells like something expensively minty but maybe a little bit a cinnamon idk I just know he smells good.
— yanfei sings and dances in the shower for five hours, and that’s okay, queen shit.
— xingqiu uses they/he/she and makes sure to inform everyone abt pronouns.
— kaeya probakt has extremely deep trust issues it not even funny, he doesn’t even realize he’s lying or if he’s not bc it’s all second nature. get help.
Im tired so uh yeah take this gn
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5shinya · 3 years
fake dating with childe.
warnings: uhh idk curse words (?)
fem terms, mostly just fluff headcanons. this is part two ig should i make this a series of some sort idk
also it’s four in the morning are we even fucking surprised anymkre??? so grammatical errors and whatever below ^_^
— to start off, you and childe were great friends. being in the fatui and all, you were often paired up with him for missions and such.
— however, when a mission comes in saying you would have to act as a couple with someone for at least a month, there really wasn’t much of a choice for you.
— the mission was for you go to the other six nations and see how the archon was. see if there were any specific openings or any weaknesses that could put the tsaritsa in more power.
— scaramouche was a no, he hated you or just everyone in general signora probably wouldn’t do it with you, not that you even talked to her before. and dottore was out of the question.
— not only was childe the only person that accept the role, he was the only person who you’d feel comfortable with.
— “oh? so i get to be you’re boyfriend for the month?”
— “my fake boyfriend for the month”
— “okay fake girlfriend, where are we going?”
— so with that, you traveled to liyue. easily sneaking in, the view was wonderful. your hand firmly clasped in childe’s as you find a place to stay.
— “why don’t we go on a date, fake girlfriend?” there was a teasing tone in the way he spoke, you pointedly glance at him.
— “we’re on a mission” you whispered forcefully, dragging his hand from the fancy restroom he was pointing at.
— “but isn’t it part of our mission? what if the geo archon was right there, in that restaurant?” you grimaced slightly.
— “and what if the geo archon was just one step in front of us?” childe chuckled lightly.
— “maybe the geo archon isn’t even here, we should just enjoy the view and wait for him to show up right?”
— you were too tired to say no, or maybe it was the fact that you had traveled for ten hours on foot to liyue. your stomach was not happy.
— “fine but you’re paying” you huffed while dragging yourself into the fancy diner.
— you guys ended up staying there until the sky was pitch black, chatting and maybe getting a little tipsy. all you knew is that you had a (surprisedly) great time.
— your mission continued, but as more of these suggested “dates” continued, it almost became normal. it was “fake boyfriend” and “fake girlfriend”. it seemed so ….. real.
— by the end of the mission, even when you both knew the facade could be ended. you guys continued to act like a couple, maybe even be a couple ….
— so maybe within a week or two after the mission, childe asks you out with a cheeky smile.
— “so fake girlfriend, do you want to be my real girlfriend?”
— “childe that was the worst pick up line i’ve ever fucking heard.”
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5shinya · 3 years
fake dating with diluc.
warnings: alcohol consumption (diluc).
mostly pure fluff, headcanons. this is being written at exactly one in the morning, i’ll fix grammatical and spelling errors in the morning.
reader / insert is gender neutral, i’m scared diluc is ooc.
— diluc, one of the most sought out bachelors of monstadt and the infamous tycoon of the wine industry, was single.
— you see, diluc usually doesn’t care for such antics, really he doesn’t.
— but that’s until women started to crowd dawn winery, and it wasn’t for wine. it was getting irritating if he thought so.
— and though he’s explicitly said that he was not of interest, they wouldn’t listen. diluc, frankly, was annoyed.
— “why don’t you just start fake dating with someone? i mean, they should have enough manners to leave you alone after that right?” diluc glanced at you weirdly, “i’m sure anyone would agree to dating you, even if it was fake.”
— you eyed him seriously, somewhat fed up with the ongoing conversation topic of his rude fangirls he complained about everyday.
— diluc made what seemed to be a scoff and a sigh, “when would i end the relationship? besides, i don’t intend on leading someone on.”
— “you don’t have to if you just explain it to said person, but it’s up to you. go to someone you’re close with maybe.” you twirled the wine cup in your hand, watching the liquid slosh around sporadically.
— “okay then, would you like to be my fake partner.”
— you stopped your antics, placing the glass cup down thoughtfully. you knew it was going to hurt if you accepted, but you also wanted to help in any way you could.
— this was going to hurt at the end. that mantra repeated in your head while you look toward your hands. gripping tightly onto the cup.
— “hey, are you there?” you blinked awake, looking back up to your close friend. who you have, begrudgingly, developed feelings for.
— “sure, we can fake date.” and with that, the rest of your week was utter hell.
— you guys haven’t really discussed how you were going to pull off this “fake dating” thing, the next morning at the tavern was filled with hesitant and awkward glances.
— then the women arrived, again, trying to get a shot at seducing the red haired man. who was deeply annoyed, only to remember why you had stopped by in the first place.
— from the stool you sat at, calmly reading a book while taking a sip or two from your choice of drink. diluc grabs your hand, surprisedly gentle though he glare seems to pierce through whatever surprised face you formed.
— “exit the winery if you do not plan on drinking, i am already in a healthy relationship.” his voice is steady and loud, grabbing the attention of almost everyone in the bar.
— the girls have a face of horror and shock, you subconsciously grab onto diluc’s hand tightly at the dirty glares sent at your direction.
— begrudgingly, and not before more prodding, did they leave. giving you and diluc a little breather, but still not letting go of each other. letting the intertwined limbs stay as they are, feeling it was quite comforting.
— days passed, and the girls who lined up at the winery started to very slowly disappear.
— to keep up the facade of a couple, diluc would take you out on somewhat public dates. wishing to keep his privacy but keep the little stunt you guys have made, he would also hesitantly offer fleeting affections.
— said affections being a small doting kiss on the cheek or a firm grip on your hand. you knew this was a bad decision. reminding yourself that none of it was real and was all just a mere stunt you needed to pull for a friend.
— yes, he was only a friend. only a friend.
— eventually, all the girls had left the winery in frustration and hopelessness. this taking at least a month, it has been a daily thing to hold your hand and give small kisses on your cheeks.
— none of it was real, none, you told yourself. none.
— so when diluc had asked to talk, you braced yourself with a placid face. tension thick in the air.
— “so what are we?” he asked, before quickly correcting himself, “should we end this then?”
— he made it sound like it was illicit. you inwardly sighed while trying to sort out your feelings.
— “what if…. what if i didn’t want it to end?” you asked quietly, though it was more for yourself as you shake your head. you already blurted it out, there was no point of hiding.
— “i think i’ve grown feelings for you and i don’t think they’re stopping any time sooner. you asked before, what we are …..” you pause, feeling yourself heat up, “what is your response?”
— to which silence follows suit, you get up abruptly.
— “i’m sorry, you don’t have to return these feelings, but i wanted to let you know.” you turn away, slightly trembling as you take a deep breath in. the smell of grapes and alcohol was now something you found comfort in through those days of pretending.
— “i like you too.” diluc pauses, a small smile edging on his lips, “i’d also like this …. relationship to go on.”
i don’t know how to fcukung endthis i’m so tired omg, but yeah unedited i’ll edit it tomorrow.
idk if i hsev to reallt say this comsidering this is literlsly my first post or whatever, don’t steal or plagiarize or copy. thank you and goodnight.
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5shinya · 3 years
fake dating with diluc.
warnings: alcohol consumption (diluc).
mostly pure fluff, headcanons. this is being written at exactly one in the morning, i’ll fix grammatical and spelling errors in the morning.
reader / insert is gender neutral, i’m scared diluc is ooc.
— diluc, one of the most sought out bachelors of monstadt and the infamous tycoon of the wine industry, was single.
— you see, diluc usually doesn’t care for such antics, really he doesn’t.
— but that’s until women started to crowd dawn winery, and it wasn’t for wine. it was getting irritating if he thought so.
— and though he’s explicitly said that he was not of interest, they wouldn’t listen. diluc, frankly, was annoyed.
— “why don’t you just start fake dating with someone? i mean, they should have enough manners to leave you alone after that right?” diluc glanced at you weirdly, “i’m sure anyone would agree to dating you, even if it was fake.”
— you eyed him seriously, somewhat fed up with the ongoing conversation topic of his rude fangirls he complained about everyday.
— diluc made what seemed to be a scoff and a sigh, “when would i end the relationship? besides, i don’t intend on leading someone on.”
— “you don’t have to if you just explain it to said person, but it’s up to you. go to someone you’re close with maybe.” you twirled the wine cup in your hand, watching the liquid slosh around sporadically.
— “okay then, would you like to be my fake partner.”
— you stopped your antics, placing the glass cup down thoughtfully. you knew it was going to hurt if you accepted, but you also wanted to help in any way you could.
— this was going to hurt at the end. that mantra repeated in your head while you look toward your hands. gripping tightly onto the cup.
— “hey, are you there?” you blinked awake, looking back up to your close friend. who you have, begrudgingly, developed feelings for.
— “sure, we can fake date.” and with that, the rest of your week was utter hell.
— you guys haven’t really discussed how you were going to pull off this “fake dating” thing, the next morning at the tavern was filled with hesitant and awkward glances.
— then the women arrived, again, trying to get a shot at seducing the red haired man. who was deeply annoyed, only to remember why you had stopped by in the first place.
— from the stool you sat at, calmly reading a book while taking a sip or two from your choice of drink. diluc grabs your hand, surprisedly gentle though he glare seems to pierce through whatever surprised face you formed.
— “exit the winery if you do not plan on drinking, i am already in a healthy relationship.” his voice is steady and loud, grabbing the attention of almost everyone in the bar.
— the girls have a face of horror and shock, you subconsciously grab onto diluc’s hand tightly at the dirty glares sent at your direction.
— begrudgingly, and not before more prodding, did they leave. giving you and diluc a little breather, but still not letting go of each other. letting the intertwined limbs stay as they are, feeling it was quite comforting.
— days passed, and the girls who lined up at the winery started to very slowly disappear.
— to keep up the facade of a couple, diluc would take you out on somewhat public dates. wishing to keep his privacy but keep the little stunt you guys have made, he would also hesitantly offer fleeting affections.
— said affections being a small doting kiss on the cheek or a firm grip on your hand. you knew this was a bad decision. reminding yourself that none of it was real and was all just a mere stunt you needed to pull for a friend.
— yes, he was only a friend. only a friend.
— eventually, all the girls had left the winery in frustration and hopelessness. this taking at least a month, it has been a daily thing to hold your hand and give small kisses on your cheeks.
— none of it was real, none, you told yourself. none.
— so when diluc had asked to talk, you braced yourself with a placid face. tension thick in the air.
— “so what are we?” he asked, before quickly correcting himself, “should we end this then?”
— he made it sound like it was illicit. you inwardly sighed while trying to sort out your feelings.
— “what if…. what if i didn’t want it to end?” you asked quietly, though it was more for yourself as you shake your head. you already blurted it out, there was no point of hiding.
— “i think i’ve grown feelings for you and i don’t think they’re stopping any time sooner. you asked before, what we are …..” you pause, feeling yourself heat up, “what is your response?”
— to which silence follows suit, you get up abruptly.
— “i’m sorry, you don’t have to return these feelings, but i wanted to let you know.” you turn away, slightly trembling as you take a deep breath in. the smell of grapes and alcohol was now something you found comfort in through those days of pretending.
— “i like you too.” diluc pauses, a small smile edging on his lips, “i’d also like this …. relationship to go on.”
i don’t know how to fcukung endthis i’m so tired omg, but yeah unedited i’ll edit it tomorrow.
idk if i hsev to reallt say this comsidering this is literlsly my first post or whatever, don’t steal or plagiarize or copy. thank you and goodnight.
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