9223372036854775808-1 · 5 months
why stuff i paste here has more empty lines
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9223372036854775808-1 · 5 months
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10 Sep, 729 A.C. 17:02 High Street, Northlands, Outside Newcastle City
Under the sun that just began to set, two girls walked out of the school gate. The gatekeeper, an old man, was surprised that today both the blonde and the red-haired were so silent when they walked past him. As his old, decaying brain remembered, although both of them were rather introverted, they usually chatted on and on on whatever-the-youngsters-these-days-cared-about when they were together. Today, however, it was as if there was something important about them, and they also seemed to be glancing at each other a little bit more. But he had too much else to care for, and he forgot about what he saw a few seconds after the girls walked away.
The short and skinny blonde girl, Brooklyn, was walking beside her best friend, Manhattan, and looking at the ground. She was whispering something—some words and phrases that were inaudible. Manhattan saw her unusualness and asked, “Oh you seemed quite nervous. Are the things that you are gonna tell me really very important?”
Brooklyn lifted her head up and looked into Manhattan’s eyes. “Am I nervous? I can’t really tell myself.”
“Definitely.” Manhattan took Brooklyn’s hand and felt its temperature. “Your hand is cold. It seemed like you’re going to tell me like your biggest secret or something. Or wait, are you?”
Manhattan looked at Brooklyn and noticed that she was looking to the side when Manhattan felt her hand. She quickly searched her memory and found that literally no one told her about deep secrets (or just deep things in general) before, not even her parents. Well, guess Manhattan and Brooklyn were actual best friends for now.
“Actually… yes. I think you can call that my biggest secret.” Brooklyn turned back to Manhattan and spoke quickly, but this time she avoided Manhattan’s eyes a bit.
The sun continued to set, and the sky turned into a bright palette of orange and violet. Patches of clouds dotted the sky around the sun. Manhattan enjoyed the pleasant view in the cool evening breeze, and Brooklyn continued to look at the side of the road, her face still expressionless but less than before.
Through the streets, through the shops with jingling bells hanging on the doors and bright neon signs that were all shutting down, through the only park around the area. It wasn’t a long walk, but it all felt very long and new for Brooklyn.
Manhattan was actually a bit nervous as well. Secrets, no matter her secrets or others’ secrets, were never part of her life, and she wondered whether she could handle a secret for her friend well. Would it be about something important that she had to keep secret from Brooklyn’s parents? Was it even right to keep it secret? Even if it was the kind of secret that everyone has, would her brain, which longed for socializing all day, let her keep it something secret? Things are uncertain, but for now, Manhattan had to prepare herself and be ready first.
Time passed and the sun was lower, although it was still glowing a gorgeous bright orange. The air was significantly cooler than during the day when the girls arrived at the ice cream place. The lights inside the small shop were bright, forming a contrast with the darkening but still brilliant surroundings.
Manhattan and Brooklyn entered the shop. The place was loud because of the noise of the appliances but early empty, and there was no one behind the counter. However, a mysterious-looking blue-haired girl wearing a hoodie was curled up in one corner. When the girl saw Manhattan, she immediately leaped up from the seat. “Yoooo! Our cool girl Mandy’s here! I know you would come today!” She put on a large grin.
Manhattan sighed. She guessed that she would never get to know how to get along with these extreme extroverts. She didn’t quite like loud people around her. In fact, the blue-haired girl was the only loud person she could stand.
“Hey Isla. You won’t mind sitting on the far side for a while, would you? Me and Brook need to talk.” Manhattan asked.
“Oh I won’t mind at all! In fact, I love just sitting there and watching you two chat about your little lives and teeny things and stuff. Go on, I’m going.”
Isla walked to the other side of the interior of the shop and pulled a chair over to sit down. She sank into the chair and sat with her legs crossed and raised to the table. Her hands pillowed her head on the frame of the window, and she hummed a little tune. Manhattan knew that Isla the Noisy Girl was back to Isla the Lazy Girl (wait it rhymes) (these were her only two states) and she relaxed as well.
Manhattan and Brooklyn sat on a sofa. When they talked, especially when it was about important things, Brooklyn liked to sit close to Manhattan until her head almost touched Manhattan’s shoulder.
It seemed like at this moment, Brooklyn had reached the peak of her nervousness. Her whole body was shaking a bit, and her hands sweated. Determined, she still forced herself to look into Manhattan’s eyes. Manhattan also noticed Brooklyn’s fidgety actions and reached out her hand to comfort Brooklyn. Brooklyn held onto it and closed her eyes, gathering up her courage.
Finally, a sentence popped out of Brooklyn’s mouth: “I was diagnosed with ADHD. Just last summer.”
Manhattan’s brain began working hard the moment she heard Brooklyn’s words. ——Firstly, based on her weak knowledge about brain science, ADHD was one of the most common brain disorders, though it was not a very big issue for most patients. It may affect living on a daily basis, but it’s not impossible to overcome it.
“For now, only my parents and some of my teachers at school know about it.”
——Why did she want to keep it secret? Manhattan thought, but then she realized the problem of stereotypes. She understood it well through what people thought of her hobbies, lifestyle, and many other things.
“Where should I start…? Fine, my childhood then. My grades have been bad ever since primary school, and it seemed like I was not quite able to learn anything in classes—you know—like, physically unable to. My teachers yelled at me and I hated them. The kids didn’t play with me and I hated them as well. Neither my parents nor I knew what happened to me. In fact, I was thought to be a ‘smart kid’ by my relatives before primary school. At that age, I was angry, anxious, overwhelmed, and self-humiliated, like, every single day. Everything was too much for me.” Brooklyn whispered her words in a very fast way, like she always did when she was thinking way faster than she was speaking.
——Manhattan knew. She understood this kind of feeling. It was like what she felt, but of course it would be a thousand times more painful for Brooklyn, who was neurologically ill. Think fast. How could she comfort Brooklyn?
“At that time, everything was hard for me. I couldn’t do my homework well, especially the writing and reciting parts. I would spend hours on my homework, and it would eventually set me off crying. My parents knew that I had something, but somehow it never came to them to take me to the doctors until last summer.”
——Hearing about this is a brand-new experience. Manhattan never thought that the cool girl had such pain in her. However, she still had totally no idea about how to make Brooklyn feel better, both right now and after this confession.
“Although I would rather die than study, it was lucky for me that my dad was actually an amateur drummer. I have been fascinated by the drums since I was like 3 or so, and my dad taught me how to play them. At that time, I could only focus when I was playing the drums. It was like… How do you say that… I found solace in it. And I was pretty good at it as well. When I was in 3rd grade, my dad said that I had mastered all the skills that he could teach me and agreed to find a professional to teach me more. As my skills got better, I felt the rhythms hidden inside the songs and learned to appreciate them, and they became the most important part of my life. It was beautiful… You write great songs so you must know about that feeling. It was soul-deep and an antidote to my anxiety.”
——Hearing that, Manhattan almost sighed in relief. It was definitely a good thing that Brooklyn could be free from her negative feelings from time to time, and playing the drums was her passion. Something that she could love in this world. Brooklyn continued: “It was music that carried me on until I found my other passions.” Manhattan was surprised that Brooklyn’s words continued her own thoughts.
“As I began to use the internet more, I found that I could watch more anime than ever, and it slowly grew into something that I do every day. Like my second mental support. I loved—and still love—chatting and hanging out with the anime fans, and I actually grew from extremely introverted to quite social.”
“Coincidentally, I also learned to write a lot of interesting codes online. It was a bit strange because people usually think that programming is boring work that even normal people can’t focus on for long hours, let alone someone with ADHD like me, but I coped with it perfectly. At first, I made a lot of trick programs that were pretty simple, along with a few useful projects that I use as life hacks. Then one day I ran into a real hacker association, like the good type, and they taught me some principles of hacking. I was fascinated by the idea and spent a lot of time navigating the internet to gain more knowledge about it. To improve my skills, I even read college course books about math and things, you know, just to get the idea because I couldn’t understand any of it practically. Last year, I actually started writing code for pretty decent projects, on GitHub. I think that, if I remember correctly, people knew that I was a hacker a few months ago when the school shop started charging extra for no reason and I hacked the school website. You also remember that, right? Good. I was lucky that time because I wasn’t even kicked out of the school. Maybe they gave me a chance since I didn’t really cause any damage. Actually, the fact that I have a good understanding of computers might be the only reason they’re keeping me in this school.”
Brooklyn seemed a lot more relaxed now, and she laughed. Manhattan was relaxed as well. She knew that it was Brooklyn’s burning passion that saved her from depression and anxiety, and that she dealt with them pretty well. Although Manhattan needed to mind a bit more when she was with Brooklyn, she would love to care for her true friend. Guess she would better be home fast and do some more research on ADHD.
Manhattan smiled a real smile that came from deep inside her heart. It was a smile that she hadn’t put on for a long time. She smiled her best smile for Brooklyn, and Brooklyn smiled back.
On the other side of the room, the blue-haired girl, after lying in such a comfortable position with her hoodie on for this long, was almost asleep. She grinned as well. For her, she didn’t exactly need a unique life of her own. Just watching people (especially Manhattan and Brooklyn) live their lives and occasionally recording others’ lives was enough for her. Oh, and one most important thing: Aurora’s life. She will protect it.
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9223372036854775808-1 · 5 months
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10 Sep, 729 A.C. 15:05
Northlands High School, Outside Newcastle City
Manhattan pushed open the door of the classroom where Brooklyn often stayed after school. Inside, Brooklyn sat facing the windows on a desk, her eyes lost in the bright sunlight and blue sky outside. The windows were all open, and a gentle breeze came inside and brushed against her soft, golden hair, letting it sway lightly. Brooklyn was pretty for a 9th grade girl, but there were things that attracted Manhattan towards this girl even more.
Manhattan sat on a chair near the front of the classroom. This part of school was quite old and already seldom used, so the classroom was sure to be theirs for as long as they wanted.
The autumn breeze blew in the sunlit classroom. Manhattan spoke first: “So, how’s it going?”
“Do you really have to greet me with this sentence every time?” Brooklyn joked next to Manhattan. At least it was supposed to be a joke. Manhattan realized that she just didn’t get the point of more “modern ways of greeting people, let alone using them. Using weird and awkward gestures was just the start of this endless black hole of socializing, and Manhattan, unlike many other girls, seldom cared about the beauty of fashion, so she couldn’t go around praising others for their tastes in fashion and stuff to start a conversation. Someone as cool and ordinary as Brooklyn, she thought, was good-looking enough. “Maybe. Wanna go for a walk outside after I finish with my homework? Maybe… you know, walk to the usual ice cream place, maybe.”
“Did you notice that you just said three maybes in one sentence.”Brooklyn said. Manhattan realized another thing that made her think that Brooklyn’s appearance felt good: her face was expressionless most of the time, even when she said something funny, in contrast to everyone else, including Manhattan, who had to put on either a smile or an exaggerated expression all day long. Manhattan sat closer, and their eyes met. Brooklyn was short and skinny, so even when she sat on the desk, her head was not much taller than Manhattan’s. Manhattan looked into her eyes from the side. “Maybe. My life is full of maybes anyway.��� Then Manhattan looked to the ground.
Maybe she would be happier and make better friends at a better school, maybe a private school rather than a public one. Maybe she should watch more anime and read more manga to stack up her knowledge of the plots instead of being such a bookworm. Maybe she should really try to improve her sleep habits and quality so that she wouldn’t fall asleep every time on her first class of the day. Her problems may seem small to others, but when there’re too many of them, her whole life just gets more and more messy and all tangled up, like what happens to earbuds after you put them into your bag and shake the bag.
At least Manhattan had her one-and-only best friend by her side for now. Spending time with Brooklyn made Manhattan forget about her problems for a short while, and Manhattan always felt good that way since Brooklyn was optimistic and never really cared about anything.
Brooklyn came off the table and sat on Manhattan’s laps. It was something they often did together, and Manhattan felt nice about it. She almost never got to get so close with a human, not even her own parents, after she entered middle school. She hadn’t even hugged anyone for many days. With Brooklyn sitting on her laps, she felt the warmth of the human body that she longed for, and it felt heartwarming. She slowly stroked Brooklyn’s soft and nice golden hair, letting it flow off her fingertips. Brooklyn blushed a bit. Although she was not the type of person who would express it all on her face, she blushed a lot every single time, especially in the summer or after PE. Of course. Manhattan knows that this time it was because of something different.
“Hey.” Manhattan seemed to remember something.
“I think up till now I have told you a lot about what I’m thinking every day, right? But you never told me about your thoughts.”
“I kinda want to hear about it now. You’ve been a great friend because you really listened to my thoughts, and I think listening to you will be something good for, like, thanking you. Or whatever.”
“You really want to hear about them? They won’t be pleasant to hear.”
“Yeah… but what I think every day are not exactly pleasant thoughts, are they? Nothing positive in there. Plus, you are my best friend, so if you feel anything disturbing, you can share it with me so that you’ll feel better.”
“I know, but it’s not you… I’m afraid that I might not be ready to tell you yet.” Although Manhattan would share everything about her with Brooklyn because she was able to feel accompanied by friendship this way, Brooklyn seldom seemed to reveal many aspects of herself. She lay her head below Manhattan’s for a while, seeming to enjoy the moment. Somehow Manhattan knew that her head was thinking fast about it.
They sat for a while, enjoying the blowing breeze and the setting sun. Silently, Manhattan worked on her homework, and Brooklyn thought.
When the sun was not so bright anymore and it was cool outside, Manhattan patted Brooklyn on the head. “Hey. I’ve finished. Wanna go now?”
Brooklyn opened her eyes, and Manhattan found that she actually fell asleep. Though it wasn’t something uncommon; it seemed like Brooklyn was falling asleep all the time throughout the day. (It was the opposite at night, as far as Manhattan knew.) “Okay, I guess I’ve decided. I’ll start telling you these things about me starting 5 minutes later, when we get to the ice cream place. But promise me that you won’t tell anyone about these kinds of things, alright?” Brooklyn lifted her head so that her face nearly touched Manhattan’s left ear. Her voice was down to a whisper. “I don’t want anyone in the school to know about them.” She then stood up and started walking out of the classroom. Manhattan followed her.
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9223372036854775808-1 · 5 months
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10 Sep, 729 A.C. 14:55
Northlands High School, Outside Newcastle City
Manhattan Clemency sat in the leftmost seat of the third row. The classroom was freshly decorated for the new term, with bits of stuff hanging and dangling from walls and ceilings and everywhere. The funny thing was that this term, the decorations actually looked more ridiculous than dull, which might be a result of the change in the place of the principal and his tastes in interior design. However, this change in the decorations made many students upset since it greatly distracted them from learning anything in the classrooms. It seemed like the grade 12 guys who were always upset about anything at the school were going to get into a rally again at the next school assembly.
Manhattan wasn’t distracted, since she wasn’t paying attention at all. Every lesson she either daydreamed, pretended to read a book, or wrote random stuff in her notebook. She wanted to enjoy the school days as much as possible, and the 10th grade courses weren’t so hard that she had to make an effort to pass them anyway.
Well, at least Manhattan once thought that daydreaming in class was the best she could do to make the boring days pass a little bit faster. Sure, back in 7th grade, when she had been quite socially engaged but made only friends that weren’t really close, daydreaming in class was the best she could manage. And she kind of expected that to happen. Writing stuff and doing gardening didn’t seem like hobbies for any ordinary girl nowadays, they said at primary school, and these things sounded like something that an 18th century wife of a farmer would do. “Don’t you know about the internet nowadays? Every day there’s something new! Or at least go to the city once in a while with us and do some shopping!”
But things have changed since Manhattan entered high school. Manhattan joined the Literature & Writing Club the first day of high school. Of course, with the nature of these teenage girls at the club, they produced an excessive amount of gibberish and yaoi fanfics and stuff, but Manhattan was okay with that.
As time passed, Manhattan made more friends in and out of the club. Months passed, and she even formed a band with other talented girls. All of these friends dotted her school life, made the days better, and also gave her something to look forward to while she had her boring classes. At the band, there were all those friends that she cared about: the green-haired main vocalist whose music skills were really outstanding; the always cheerful and funny keyboardist and bassist who are in grade 11 now; and the one Manhattan cared about the most: the grade 9 blonde drummer, Brooklyn Chase.
Manhattan first started noticing the blonde girl in 9th grade. Every time she attended a literature club session, she could see the girl in the building across the playground having tutorials in the grade 9 office. Through Manhattan’s window seat, she could see every action of the girl clearly. It seemed like that girl was also the type that seldom pays attention in classes or even the tutorials for the kids with poor grades. Manhattan realized that there was something special about the girl the first time she saw her, like although she wasn’t focusing on the subject, her mind was, instead, extremely focused on something very far away, maybe on another planet. Manhattan saw compelling determination in the girl’s eyes. It was a strange power that made Manhattan unable to take her eyes off the girl. Every session she stared at the girl on the other side whenever she felt bored. It was, however, not for the sake of emotions but only to fulfill the empty soul of Manhattan. And it was a useful method.
In the middle of 9th grade, Manhattan’s band, School Dropout Syndrome, was not going on smoothly. Eventually, the drummer of the band left, and they had to look for a new one. It was when Manhattan met Brooklyn Chase again at the tryout for the place that she saw the real meaning of Brooklyn’s determination. It was all about her love and understanding of music. When Brooklyn sat down to play the drums, you could see that she was 100% focused and couldn’t be stopped. And her drum solo wasn’t just a skill showoff like others’. It showed her deep understanding and connection with the beats and the flow of her emotions. Of course, Brooklyn got into the band with recognition from all the members.
Since the tryout, Manhattan and Brooklyn have gotten to know each other and become best friends. Manhattan found that for every single thought on music, she could speak it out to Brooklyn and spark a conversation. And she would appreciate Manhattan’s thoughts, unlike many of Manhattan’s teachers and studymates on music. Since then, Manhattan got even more enthusiastic about band practices and other free times when she was able to meet Brooklyn, and every minute with her seemed unique and precious.
As her thoughts wandered back towards today, she realized that the class was almost over. She was kind of excited because Brooklyn actually passed most of her exams last year and didn’t have to take tutorials every day again. This means that she can meet with Manhattan more after school. Just thinking about meeting up with Brooklyn made Manhattan excited; the time they spent together was never boring. Every time they can bring up something new to chat about or to do. Being with Brooklyn seemed like Manhattan’s favorite thing to do now.
The bell rang, the teacher walked out, and Manhattan dashed out of the classroom. Her day had just begun.
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9223372036854775808-1 · 5 months
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6 Nov 2023A.D. 08:55
???, ???
Q: WTF is this irrelevant title?
A: This title has absolutely nothing to do with the contents of this project. I came up with it in less than 1sec. In case you’re interested in its origins, it’s originally the title of a song.
Q: Why you write like a primary school kid?
A: English is not my first language. I very bad at grammer and speling. All of my work lacks emotion and I myself don’t expect anyone to enjoy it.
Q: Why even bother to write this?
A: I desperately need to make some internet friends that are yuri fans or like writing random stuff or are cool fandom dwellers or JUST ABOUT ANY RANDOM PEOPLE because I’m a total failure at socializing irl so please please please please PLEASE follow me
Q: Are these childish stories going to go on forever?
A: This is a (hopefully but clearly impossible) long-term project.
Q: Why like 90% of your words are nonsense and only 10% are even related to the storyline?
A: I add a lot of random thoughts that just pop up in my mind into my stories and sometimes they aren’t even random thoughts but only nonsense to fill the page. also I just NEED to include some wholesome yuriful moments for my mental sanity while writing
Q: WTF does this have to do with multiple universes/timelines?
A: When I am writing this for a while it will probably be all AUs and no original settings
Q: When/Where is the story set?
A: Imaginary city equivalent to Melbourne; imaginary time equivalent to 10-20s
Q: So why is October in Melbourne Autumn?
A: Never mind. In this world Australia or whatever its equivalent is is in the northern hemisphere.
Q: Why write yuri?
A: I’m a (not exactly) huge yuri fan and I’m looking for other yuri fans to randomly chat with or something, though I’m not really experienced in the theme of yuri and related topics. Those who do not accept yuri/lesbian/gl culture should proceed at their own risk.
Q: Will it be painful to read?
A: I will try my best to make it not be.
Q: I’m underage. Is it ok for me to read this stuff?
A: I think this should be R15 or something but nevermind.
Q: Can I repost the stuff that you wrote?
A: Yes but try not to. You need to indicate that I wrote this when reposting. It is encouraged to just use a link instead.
Q: So who TF are you?
A: I’m a straight cis male.
Q: I have some questions/I wanna chat with the author
A: Text me or use the askbox. Both Chinese and English are ok.
Q: When will the next update be?
A: This updates weekly (or at least I’ll try to)
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