alatussol · 2 months
Everyday she stands before the mirror, her reflection a source of torment rather than reassurance. Each imperfection magnified, every flaw scrutinized under harsh lighting. Time slips away as she loses herself in the cycle of self-doubt, her mind clouded by insecurities that refuse to fade. The weight of her perceived ugliness hangs heavy, a barrier to productivity and self-acceptance. She longs for beauty, yearning for a transformation that seems forever out of reach. Yet, amidst the endless quest for perfection, she fails to see the unique radiance that lies within, obscured by the shadows of her doubts.
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alatussol · 3 months
Even though I have a nice mom, a cool dad, and some friends, I still often feel isolated. It's not that they're not supportive or understanding, but sometimes it feels like there's a barrier between us that I can't quite breach. Despite their presence, there are moments when I feel like no one truly understands what I'm going through or the thoughts swirling around in my head. It's like there's a disconnect between me and the world around me, leaving me feeling alone in a crowd.
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alatussol · 3 months
In the quiet solitude of her everyday life, a young girl grapples with a pervasive numbness that shrouds her existence. Each day unfolds as a series of disconnected moments, leaving her feeling distant from the vibrant identity she once knew. The weight of inadequacy bears down on her, as if she's caught in a ceaseless cycle of not doing enough. In the midst of this emotional fog, she searches for the flicker of purpose that seems elusive, yearning to rediscover the colors that once painted the canvas of her being.
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alatussol · 4 months
Envy Him
In the shadows of my best friend's relationship, jealousy crept in, fueled not by romantic desires, but by the fear of losing the shared moments that were once exclusively ours. As her friend grew closer to her boyfriend, I became a spectral presence, ignored and overlooked, much like the haunting feeling conveyed in the vibes of unspoken solitude.
I really despise you.
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alatussol · 4 months
The swift responses to their texts, creating a lively and continuous conversation that fills her with delight. Every interaction leaves her feeling giddy and happy, cherishing the connection they share. Patiently, she awaits their next hangout, savoring the anticipation of spending time with a friend who brings comfort and happiness to her world.
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alatussol · 4 months
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alatussol · 4 months
In the dimly lit room, she sat alone, surrounded by the echoes of shattered dreams. Her weary eyes reflected the scars of a soul that had weathered too many storms. The flickering candlelight cast shadows on her face, highlighting the lines etched by disappointment. Silent tears traced a path down her cheeks as she embraced the heavy burden of a heart that had given up on the prospect of salvation. In the quietude, hopelessness lingered like a ghost, haunting the spaces where dreams had once flourished.
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alatussol · 4 months
In her quiet room, surrounded by remnants of a past joy, she wept for a relationship now ended. The weight of the breakup settled on her shoulders as she clutched her own clothing, each tear a step towards renewal. The room, once cozy, became a solitary haven for mourning and, in time, the emergence of newfound strength.
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alatussol · 4 months
Moonlit Embrace
In a town where moonlight painted secrets, an enigmatic vampire found solace in the vibrant art of a spirited painter. Their connection, an exquisite dance between light and darkness, unfolded in whispers and stolen glances. As the artist embraced the supernatural, the love that blossomed transcended the ordinary, leaving an immortal mark on the canvas of their intertwined lives.
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alatussol · 4 months
/e dance
The Harvest of Shadows
In the eerie moonlight, the lost girl wandered through the endless field, haunted by whispers carried by the wind. A spectral hand emerged from the darkness, gripping her ankle with an otherworldly force, dragging her into an unknown abyss. Months passed, and her friends, desperate to find her, returned to the desolate field.
As they traversed the overgrown grass, a sudden, ghastly crunch echoed beneath one friend's foot. Horrified, they discovered a lifeless body hidden beneath the foliage. The shrill noise disturbed the silent night, awakening a malevolent force. The same ethereal hand emerged from the corpse, reaching towards them with an insatiable hunger for more victims.
Terrified, the friends stumbled backward, realizing the gruesome fate that befell their lost companion. The field, once serene, now bore witness to a nightmarish cycle, where the dead sought to claim the living. As the spectral hand rose once again, the chilling realization dawned that escape was futile, and the field held secrets darker than their worst nightmares.
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-For @iovesng bc u helped me find inspiration from creepy photos too :3 (ilysm pookie)
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alatussol · 4 months
The Harvest of Shadows
In the eerie moonlight, the lost girl wandered through the endless field, haunted by whispers carried by the wind. A spectral hand emerged from the darkness, gripping her ankle with an otherworldly force, dragging her into an unknown abyss. Months passed, and her friends, desperate to find her, returned to the desolate field.
As they traversed the overgrown grass, a sudden, ghastly crunch echoed beneath one friend's foot. Horrified, they discovered a lifeless body hidden beneath the foliage. The shrill noise disturbed the silent night, awakening a malevolent force. The same ethereal hand emerged from the corpse, reaching towards them with an insatiable hunger for more victims.
Terrified, the friends stumbled backward, realizing the gruesome fate that befell their lost companion. The field, once serene, now bore witness to a nightmarish cycle, where the dead sought to claim the living. As the spectral hand rose once again, the chilling realization dawned that escape was futile, and the field held secrets darker than their worst nightmares.
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-For @iovesng bc u helped me find inspiration from creepy photos too :3 (ilysm pookie)
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alatussol · 4 months
Please Let Me Go
−☆ She navigates the delicate balance of self-improvement, yet her boyfriend's pull towards negativity tugs at her resilience. As she strives for happiness, his struggles threaten to extinguish the flicker of hope. Despite her efforts to uplift him, the weight of his darkness dims her own light, leaving her torn between self-preservation and the guilt of abandoning him. The possessive grip tightens, stifling her longing for independence, as the struggle between loyalty and self-love unfolds.
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alatussol · 4 months
-☆ In the labyrinth of her emotions, she finds herself torn between the familiarity of a caring man and the magnetic pull towards another girl who captivates her heart. The security offered by her current relationship contrasts with the uncharted territory of a love that feels both thrilling and forbidden. Caught in this emotional maze, she grapples with the shadows of uncertainty, seeking clarity in the complexities of her heart.
Haunted by the lingering warmth of the girl's embrace, she's conflicted by the promises of eternal love from the boy who demands exclusivity. The girl's touch resonates deeply, while the possessiveness of the boy intensifies her discomfort. In this delicate dance between two worlds, she wrestles with the contrasting desires, torn between the security of commitment and the allure of a connection that feels unrestrained and genuine.
Her struggles with love are entangled with the haunting threads of past traumas, weaving a complex tapestry that clouds her understanding. The scars from yesterday's wounds cast shadows on today's affections, making it challenging for her to fully grasp and embrace the complexities of love. The echoes of past pain may be the silent orchestrators of her emotional turmoil, influencing her choices and perceptions as she navigates the delicate terrain of her heart.
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alatussol · 7 months
As she sat alone in her dimly lit room, the weight of her intrusive thoughts bore down on her like an impending storm. Her mind, once a sanctuary, now felt like a battleground where relentless doubts and fears waged war. With each passing moment, it seemed as if the intrusive thoughts were gaining ground, threatening to drown her in their ceaseless cacophony. She clenched her fists, desperately trying to hold on to the last vestiges of control, but the darkness loomed, casting a shadow over her fragile resilience.
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hel….now I’m the one who’s about to go berserk.
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alatussol · 8 months
Dark Romance
Amidst the grand ballroom, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, a lady twirled gracefully with an enigmatic partner whose identity remained concealed behind a meticulously crafted mask. Their dance was a mesmerizing spectacle, their movements fluid and synchronized, as if time itself had paused to watch. In that elegant, hushed atmosphere, it felt as though the world had faded away, leaving only these two souls to share a secret waltz, lost in the enchantment of the moment.
As the lady swayed in the embrace of her masked partner, an unsettling anxiety crept over her. She couldn't bear the mystery any longer. With a sudden, desperate motion, she snatched the mask from the figure's face, revealing not a human visage, but a gaping black void where features should have been. Panic coursed through her veins as she realized she had uncovered a dreadful secret. Before she could react, the entity's form contorted and twisted, morphing into a grotesque, nightmarish shape. With a horrifying shriek, it lunged at her, and darkness consumed her as the grand ballroom returned to its silent elegance, concealing the tragic outcome of her ill-fated curiosity.
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alatussol · 8 months
Gentlemen? No..
She was a mystery, a girl who wrapped herself in the enigma of anonymity. No one knew her past, and she preferred it that way, guarding her secrets with a quiet determination. Yet, beneath the shroud of her concealed history, she possessed a heart of pure gentleness. Her every gesture, every word, exuded a tender kindness that left a mark on those lucky enough to know her. She found solace in the art of being gentle, in a world that often clamored for anything but. Her anonymity was her sanctuary, and her gentle soul, a beacon of light in the darkness of uncertainty.
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alatussol · 8 months
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I thought your pfp was a Wolf
I felt like publicly saying this
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