allenbloom · 5 months
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allenbloom · 5 months
50 questions for creating your OC
What are the fundamental personality traits of the character?
What values are important to the character?
What does a typical day in the character's life look like?
What external features characterize the character?
What is the character's relationship with their family?
Are there specific traumas or formative events from the character's past?
What secret desires or hidden fears does the character have?
How does the character handle stress or pressure?
What type of humor does the character have?
What music does the character enjoy?
How does the character deal with conflicts, both internal and external?
What moral dilemmas might the character face in the story?
Does the character have specific rituals or habits?
How does the character show affection or love?
What dreams or ambitions does the character have for the future?
Does the character have a specific clothing preference or style?
What is the character's relationship with technology or magic (depending on the genre)?
In what environment does the character feel most comfortable?
How does the character impact other characters in the story?
What lessons or teachings has the character drawn from past experiences?
What hobbies or interests does the character pursue?
What kind of education or training has the character enjoyed?
How does the character cope with loss?
Does the character have specific biases or prejudices?
How does the character react to changes in their life?
What role does the character play in the community or society?
What type of humor does the character have?
What secret talents or abilities does the character have?
How does the character assess their own self-worth?
What role do friendships play for the character?
How does the character deal with successes and failures?
What significance does the character have for the main story?
What political views does the character hold (if relevant)?
What type of environment or nature does the character particularly like?
What emotions dominate the character in stressful situations?
How does the character envision their own future?
What challenges does the character face?
What is the character's relationship with technology or progress?
Does the character have specific rituals or habits?
How does the character react to cultural differences?
What kind of leisure activities does the character enjoy?
How does the character see their own role in the world?
What fears or insecurities does the character have?
What political or societal beliefs does the character hold?
How does the character deal with aging?
What role does the character play in their own family?
How does the character behave in romantic relationships?
How does the character see their own identity?
What decisions will the character make in critical moments?
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allenbloom · 5 months
Reblog if you want your followers to ask you anything they're curious about.
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881K notes · View notes
allenbloom · 5 months
Hey y'all why are writers always cold?
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allenbloom · 5 months
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Stay away
[Characters from CTC]
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allenbloom · 5 months
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The power of water is its ability to take any shape
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allenbloom · 5 months
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I just wanted to hug Furina after the AQ 😢
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allenbloom · 5 months
“A robot’s trying to hunt down and kill you?” … “Don’t you know that the first law of robotics-” … “H-How the hell did you piss off a robot so bad it stopped seeing you as human!?”
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allenbloom · 5 months
“I’ve only dreamt of things like this.” Soulless words ring out against the cold marble.
“Good dreams. My favourite actually. I dreamt of taking your place for so long.” An emotion bubbles forth. Joy? Sadness? Blue and white hands reach out. More lifeless looking than what they grab.
“So long. I thought we would fight for it. Life’s work…” A laugh, hyena-like and hysterical rips through choked sobs. “This is pathetic! Dying like a coward dog here alone.” Her fingers press tightly into the stiff porcelain skin and drag the lifeless form onto her kneeling lap. Cradled with affection, careful not to disturb the wounds.
“What kind of fucking hero dies like a dog hidden in the chapel of his God? You didn't need a lie. You were a God!” The dead cannot hear screams, though she yells anyway. She repeats it, over and over and over again like the prayer of the damned until her throat runs hoarse and breath short. Tears burn her unholy skin as she weeps. Screams turning to the shattered sobs of a sinner. She slumps over the form, pale fingertips gently brushing the cold matted hair out of his face. “You were my God. You- out of everyone- were supposed to live.”
-My God, what have we done?
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allenbloom · 5 months
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227K notes · View notes
allenbloom · 5 months
How to show emotions
Part VI
How to show bitterness
tightness around their eyes
pinched mouth
sour expression on their face
crossed arms
snorting angrily
turning their eyes upward
shaking their head
How to show hysteria
fast breathing
chest heaving
trembling of their hands
weak knees, giving in
tears flowing down their face uncontrollably
laughing while crying
not being able to stand still
How to show awe
tension leaving their body
shoulders dropping
standing still
opening mouth
slack jaw
not being able to speak correctly
slowed down breathing
wide eyes open
softening their gaze
staring unabashingly
How to show shame
vacant stare
looking down
turning their head away
cannot look at another person
putting their head into their hands
shaking their head
How to show being flustered
looking down
nervous smile
sharp intake of breath
quickening of breath
blinking rapidly
breaking eye contact
trying to busy their hands
playing with their hair
fidgeting with their fingers
opening mouth without speaking
Part I + Part II + Part III
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allenbloom · 5 months
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Iris and Lillium fanart i did earlier this year ~
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allenbloom · 5 months
How do i Plot a Book?
1. Start with an Idea:
Begin with a clear idea or concept for your story. This could be a theme, a character, a setting, or a unique scenario.
2. Outline Your Plot Structure:
- Introduction: Set the stage by introducing your main character, the setting, and the initial situation.
- Inciting Incident: Present a problem or event that disrupts the status quo and sets the story in motion.
- Rising Action: Develop the plot by introducing conflicts, challenges, and obstacles that the protagonist faces.
- Climax: Reach the story's highest point of tension and conflict where the protagonist confronts the main challenge.
- Falling Action: Address the aftermath of the climax, tying up loose ends and resolving subplots.
- Conclusion: Provide a resolution to the main conflict, wrap up the story, and show the character's growth or change.
3. Create Well-Defined Characters:
- Develop your main character (protagonist) with clear goals, motivations, and flaws.
- Introduce supporting characters with distinct personalities and roles in the story.
4. World-Building:
If your story is set in a unique or fictional world, develop the setting, rules, and details necessary for readers to understand the environment.
5. Conflict and Stakes:
Ensure that your story has compelling conflicts that drive the plot forward. Make the stakes clear to the reader.
6. Subplots:
Develop subplots that add depth and complexity to your story and intersect with the main plot at various points.
7. Foreshadowing:
Use foreshadowing to hint at future events and create suspense.
8. Pacing:
Balance action, dialogue, and introspection to control the pace of your story. Speed up or slow down as needed for dramatic effect.
9. Themes and Messages:
Consider the themes or messages you want to convey through your story and how the plot can reflect them.
10. Outline Chapter by Chapter:
Create a chapter-by-chapter outline that details what will happen in each section of your book. This doesn't need to be overly detailed, but it can serve as a roadmap.
11. Writing and Revising:
Start writing your book based on your outline. Be open to changes and revisions as your story develops.
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allenbloom · 5 months
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Happy Autumn couch potatoes!
Redbubble | ko-fi
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allenbloom · 6 months
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(via https://www.patreon.com/)
También subí El Festival de las Mariposas a Patreon! Donde pueden obtenerlo por 3 doláres, o en mi Ko-fi por donación voluntaria.
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allenbloom · 6 months
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allenbloom · 6 months
El Festival de las Mariposas
El Festival de las Mariposas es una historia que escribí hace ya casi 2 años sobre un hombre que, enamorado, se va a meter metafóricamente al vientre de la bestia. Siempre me han gustado este tipo de historias.
Hace no mucho lo revisité, me di cuenta de que tenía muchos detalles y de que realmente se encontraba incompleto en la forma en la que estaba. Tomé la historia, la edité, modifiqué errores que no vi en su momento y la mejoré, añadiendo de lo que he aprendido en estos años, pero manteniendo la esencia original que quiso proyectar un Allen un poco más joven en aquel entonces.
No creo que la historia sea perfecta, y no da suficiente para hacer un libro, pero recuerdo mucho mi emoción por haber hecho algo que era más que un one-shot: mi primera historia de más de un capítulo.
El Festival de las Mariposas tiene y siempre tendrá un lugar especial en mi corazón; no espero que sea visto de la misma forma por otras personas, pero espero que le den una oportunidad si tienen el tiempo, y si tienen la posibilidad económica, consideren apoyarme en Ko-fi.
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