mycheal my beloved
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~Turnabout of feelings~
Part 2/3
Word count: 2200~
You were sitting on the colourful wooden chairs in Poppy's barn. The rims of the orange seats were painted yellow, while the purple seats were painted blue. You always liked colour, or you think you did; maybe it’s a taste you developed after being stuck here for however long it’s been.
Poppy was a colourful chick, that’s for sure; her feathers could do with a lot less frazzling, though. Julie was energetic as always, making the clinks and clanks of the kitchen start a rhythm of sorts. Tea was served a while ago. It was chamomile.
You wondered if you could go back to Howdy’s bodega or if it would mess up this run. Wally would probably know. Speaking of Wally, he didn’t come with you today; there was a little difference in the sequence, but it wasn’t the first time.
The paper bag filled with green and red paint and other edible things sat on the chair adjacent to you. Red and green for the apples he drew. His art was usually the biggest clue to his sanity. Apples meant safety, spirals meant danger, and eyes meant that he was currently observing something. Not in the normal way, however. He saw into your world. The real world Every time you’d mention it, he’d restart the run. It was frustrating.
The only way you could contact anything in your world was with Eddie. The chatty fellow had the most outside knowledge, even if he was often gaslit into believing those places didn’t exist. You couldn’t prove or tell him those places existed straightforwardly. So, you stuck to asking him to describe these ‘fictional’ places.
It was a comfort; listening to him describe things you knew existed made you feel less mad. Less alone. 
You and Eddie quickly became best friends. It led to a peculiar development, though. Wally started painting different shots of your hometown and of your apartment complex, your landlord’s face, your family, your friends, your exes, and your childhood pets. It was horrifying; every time he gave you the drawing, you quickly tore it up and burned it. Wally never frowned, since he couldn't, but his eyes would dilate for a split second and quickly go back to their regular size.
Maybe it was a taunt, a means to scare you. Or maybe it’s something else like j-
A loud crash interrupts your train of thought.
Julie had turned the kitchen upside down, literally.
"Julie! Dearie, are you alright?" Poppy squeaked at Julie, who was currently underneath a giant pile of pots and pans.
Oh, I’m quite alright! Haha! This was quite fun! Don’t you think?" Julie asked you while dusting herself off.
"The kitchen is a mess." You take in the sights. How the fuck do you turn an oven inside out? Is this even repairable? I mean, it probably is since everything goes back to its place every morning.
Julie quickly started picking up the egg shells and the milk cartons on the floor as Poppy tried to put out the small oil fire with a rag.
You covered the pot with a lid, snuffing out the fire, then took the rag from Poppy’s hand, threw it to the floor, and started to clean up the spillage with your foot.
Poppy grabbed another rag, a mop, and a bucket of water. You spent a good hour cleaning to the sound of Julie humming the riff of Free Bird and Poppy’s squawks every once in a while.
By the end of the day, nearing sunset, you had cleaned up most of the kitchen. The cabinets were still in place of the counters, and vice versa, but that can be someone else’s problem.
"Let me walk you home!" Julie offers as you grab your paper bags of groceries.
You bid Poppy farewell and leave with Julie.
"You should’ve seen our play practice!" I think I played queen of pastries quite perfectly!"
"Apparently Sally isn’t the most fond of breenberry moats, but I think we came to an agreement!"
"What even is breen-" You get cut off.
"Oh, and Barnaby today was just mean!"
"Mean?" You turn towards Julie as she huffs and crosses her arms; despite her frustration, her face keeps its smile.
"He didn’t laugh at my joke! I spent a whole week preparing it." Julie slouches forward in a cartoonish manner.
"Why don’t you run it by me then? Maybe I’ll laugh."
Barnaby was right to cringe. It’s one thing to tell a bad joke; it’s another to overexplain it. You couldn’t help but smile nonetheless; it was sweet to see Julie try so hard.
Julie was the most energetic lass in the neighbourhood and a sweetheart at heart. She almost jumped on you the first time you two met. It was a shock to see someone so excited to meet you. Despite being bombarded with questions from her and Frank, Wally would calm the two down when asking questions by diverting the focus to other things.
One of the few things you can thank Wally for is his ability to sense your discomfort in an almost invasive way.
Sometimes you’re scared that he can read your mind.
Reaching your destination, you see Home’s eyes closed and the door shut tight, with black sludge oozing from beneath the door.
Shit shit shit, not again. You can’t restart today again; it’s the third time! THE THIRD TIME. You were so close to ending the day. Come on…
You threw the grocery bags at Julie and rushed to bang on Home’s door. The door knob wouldn’t budge, and thus you pulled until Home creaked and opened their eyes.
Their eyes were red with spirals in the middle that twisted and sputtered; the chimneys let out black smoke; and the sludge leaked from every crevice. Home was in clear pain.
It’s too late to pretend everything is okay now. You've got to delve deep.
Once that door opened, you entered the sludge and fell down. So below.
It’s a disgusting sensation, and you wouldn’t wish it on anyone else. You are slimy and covered in black tar sludge; your senses are muddled, and you continuously go between being able to breathe and not.
At the bottom, you find Wally. He was on the ground, clutching where his heart would be as he spasmed on the floor.
The black tar oozing out of him covered most of his felt and clothes.
His hand reached out to the eye painted on the wall.
You rush to him and tackle him down, stopping him from completing the contact.
It was easy holding him down despite his thrashing and clawing.
He opened his mouth, which you immediately clamped shut with both your hands.
"Don't you dare." You said this as you threw Wally against the wall.
He landed without saying a word, and the black tar oozing out of his eyes glistened.
He coughs out his words.
"Neighbour, don’t leave." He crawls towards you slowly.
"I̶’̸l̸l̶ ̶b̵e̵ ̴g̶o̷o̶d̴ ̷I̸ ̵p̸r̷o̵m̵i̵s̵e̸ ̴n̸e̶i̶g̶h̵b̵o̴u̶r̷.̵ ̵I̸’̴l̸l̵ ̶p̵l̷a̴y̸ ̶n̴i̷c̶e̴,̴ I̴ ̶w̵o̶n̴’̴t̷ ̴d̵o̶ ̵b̸a̶d̵ ̸p̴l̴e̵a̸s̷e̴ ̷p̷l̶e̷a̴s̵e̵ ̵p̴l̶e̶a̸s̶e̵ ̸n̶e̵i̸g̴h̸b̷o̴u̴r̸ ̸I̵’̵m̵ ̶g̶o̸o̶d̸ ̵I̶’̴m̸ ̶g̷o̶o̵d̸ ̵I̶ ̸s̴w̴e̴a̷r̸.̸ ̵I̵ ̴s̸w̴e̶a̷r̶ ̴I̵’̶m̴ ̶g̶o̴o̴d̵!̷ ̸I̸ ̸s̵w̸e̵a̴r̴ ̴I̶’̴m̸ ̸g̴o̵o̴d̸ ̸̸.
You stomped on his small hands whenever he tried to grab your ankles.
"I̵ ̸d̴o̵n̴’̶t̷ ̴h̴u̶r̵t̵ ̵p̴e̶o̴p̶l̵e̷,̸ ̶b̷e̸l̴i̸e̶v̵e̵ ̴m̷e̴ ̷n̸e̵i̵g̶h̷b̸o̴u̴r̵ ̸i̸ ̸d̴i̶d̷n̸’̴t̸ ̵m̸e̶a̵n̸ ̸t̸o̷.̴ ̷I̵m̴ ̶s̴o̷r̷r̴y̸ ̶i̴m̵ ̷s̸o̸r̷r̸y̷ ̴i̸m̵ ̷s̷o̷r̷r̵y̵ ̶i̴m̷ ̷s̶o̸r̷r̸y̶.̷"
He hung on to your legs for dear life. He clawed at your clothes and smothered them in ooze. You push him away with all your might, and yet he clings on to you in an almost hug to your knees.
"Please neighbour… it hurts…. So… much" 
You wake up with a spring in your plush bed. Another restart of the same day, and you're going mad. You swear to whatever sick deity there is that you're going to kill Wally. Forgetting all about the mundanities of morning and not even changing out of your pyjamas, you almost fall down the stairs in a haze of pure fury. 
Wally was in his room shaking, hugging his knees to his chest as small droplets of black tar left his eyes.
His permanent smile never faded, not even when you barged into the room and tried to strangle him. He didn’t fight back as you squeezed his delicate, plush neck with all your might.
Home flung a painting at you, hitting you square on the nose.
The sight of you bleeding snapped Wally from his outbreak, and thus he rushed to you on the floor. 
Frazzled as he was, with his hair loose and his eyes wider than you’ve ever seen them, he clung to you and tried to remove your hands to inspect your nose.
You kicked him right in the stomach, or at least where his stomach would be.
He flinched and kept clawing at your larger hands.
"Please (name), please let me look at your wound. Please.." he begged softly.
"Get away from me! Go away! Go" You thrashed about and threw your legs at him.
Another reset, another repeat of the same day; mind-numbing conversations that you’ve heard over and over again...
All because of him... 
God, you were so tired that you didn’t notice the sting of your most likely broken nose, the pain of falling on your buttocks, or how home was looking at you in pity. 
You just let Wally comfort you, disengaging like a windup doll on the floor, clutching your nose, and falling into a void of nothingness.
How many more days must you bear in this happy-go-lucky hell? At what point does too much become not enough? Blood dripped down your chin and collected on Wally’s yellow, fuzzy hands.
A small, fuzzy man, trying his best to stop the bleeding from your nose. A small, fuzzy man who doesn’t know anything about human biology or what most should do in such a situation
He’s helpless, clueless, and a danger to himself and all those around him.
Much like you were.
And thus, you hated him. Or maybe not; he was the only one who brought difference to the mundane scripts, but he was also the one who forced you to repeat the same day over and over... As maddening as it was, you also liked the lack of consequence. Maybe. 
You close your eyes and hope the day restarts once more.
Then you could bake with poppy, maybe swerve around and go to Sally’s house for a recital, or perhaps join Eddie and Frank in taking the shipments back to Howdy's bodega.
As tired as you were, sleep did not come. And the day didn't reset. Wally stuffed your nose with a napkin and started washing his hands, much as he would after a painting session.
"I'm sorry, neighbour, I really am."
You didn't say anything back.
The day continued forward, and you painted with Wally. He drew his usual apples, then you took a walk to Howdy's bodega, where you met Sally and Barnaby. This time there are no strange coins to discuss; they simply chat about the upcoming play Sally is hosting. 
You two grab the paint, bandages, and food and leave the bodega. 
You then walk onward and find Frank and Eddie walking about; Frank is holding his usual book with no title cover, and Eddie is hauling a shipment, most likely to Howdy's bodega. 
You exchange the usual pleasantries and go onward. 
You walk around the neighbourhood to the forest, where you find Julie playing a game. You lay on the forest floor and listened as Julie described her day. 
She then drags you to Poppy's house, where you bake a cake. Make a mess, clean up, and trudge back home.
The evening is like any other. You sit on the couch perpendicular to Wally's and fiddle with whatever you have on hand. This time, it's a piece of torn newspaper. Wally heats up whatever you bought from Howdy, and you eat your second and only meal of the day. The silence between the two of you is thick.
Wally does not paint this evening; instead, he unblinkingly stares at you as you eat. You don't mind it; it's not the first time, and in silence, you finish your meal, get ready for bed, and go your separate ways.
Sleep didn't come that night, as Welcome Home's night stayed still and didn't fast forward to the next day.
You itch your injured nose; it's a dull ache that keeps you from delving too far into your thoughts.
Sick of the stale air of Home's guest bedroom, you tiptoe downstairs, much like a child who's trying to get their midnight snacks.
Everything was scarier at night; even in the safety of home, the darkness was an unwelcome change from the brightly coloured neighbourhood.
It was at night when you woke up in this strange new world of puppets and old mannerisms.
The night was dangerous here, as Wally knows, and you've seen firsthand what happens to those who get lost at night.
He always stopped you before you ventured too far; it was infuriating but also comforting. After all, fear of the unknown was common.
You don't think you've ever died in this world—not yet, at least. Wally, despite his strange possessions, never hurts you. You know you can bleed; you know you can hurt and feel pain, but not to what extent...
I don't think finding out will be fun.
Wally is a strange character who seems sweet and is sweet, but is very infuriating. It was difficult to hate him, but so easy to be annoyed by him. Your personal 'punching bag', a subconscious voice would say.
Too easy to hurt, put the blame on, and loathe. Far too easy. 
{note from author: I’ve had this in my notes app for months now I think. I’m sick of going back to it and changing everything over and over. I’ve decided that I’m giving my writing a b effort instead of worrying about every single thing. Still though I hope things are concise and clear; I’ve been told I ramble too much and stray away from plot}
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Hi hi!!
Saw that your reqs were open, so I wanted to get one in while I could! I’m super interested in your oc Kraepelin :o How do you think he’d act if he had a crush?
Thank you if you take this request!! (Also I’d love to be pals if you’re interested, you seem super cool :D if not no worries lol)
Take care <33
Kraeplin crush headcannons:
word count: ~373
Kraeplin's a touch-starved baby who's confused, hates crowds, and struggles to understand most things people take for granted.
Be patient with him; he's never had a crush before and doesn't know how to express himself.
Earn his trust by treating him with basic decency, spending time with him, and showing you care. These simple gestures will make a world of difference to him.
Once he realises his feelings, expect an outpouring of affection. He'd be smitten with you.
He's an open book, incapable of keeping a secret, so don't expect him to surprise you.
He's constantly by your side, studying you and learning about your interests by introducing you to new things he's discovered.
Whatever gift you give him will immediately become his prized possession(s).
He may be afraid of crowds, but for his crush, he'll be a little more daring.
If you get hurt, he'll take you to one of his sheds and keep you safe until you're healed. (Although it may look like kidnapping.)
If you're a synth monster like him, he'll make sure you and him stay hidden from the world.
His crush brings out a more adventurous side of him, which includes being loud and telling more jokes than usual. He'll also try new things and learn new skills for you.
You're helping him come out of his shell.
He is unaware of many things, but he's a quick learner who learns best through trial and error.
Show him kindness, and you'll be the best thing to happen to him since he lost everything that made him feel good.
Despite being naive, he's not technically childish. He understands social clues, body language, and feelings better than most humans or monsters.
He can't write, but he'd definitely learn how to if you enjoy stories, poetry, and literature.
Over all, it's not really a slow burn, but his crush on you would be a development in his character that would change him for the better. Regardless of whether the crush evolves into more or if it fades away or ends badly,
He learned to care, trust, acknowledge, and feel for others.
Ps+ teach him how to flirt, then flirt with him. He's going to start blushing like crazy.
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kraeplin aka schizophrenia sans
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my art style never stays the same, gotta get used to that.
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Hi. I have a welcome home request. Y/n is helping Barnaby with his new act, reacting and giving feedback.
Barnaby’s great acts (platonic/romantic)
(mostly platonic but you can interpret the scene however you’d like)
word count: 535
Barnaby, the funniest neighbour in Welcome Home, was always a fun, friendly puppet to be around.
Everyone loved his jokes, his skits, his whips, and his pranks, but he also took part in helping whenever he could and was a good teacher of EQ and understanding aspirations and dreams, and so on.
A fan favourite for a lot of kids growing up watching the show, and now that you’re in it well, he’s also still your favourite.
How could you not love this big blue dog and his silly antics?
Knowing Barnaby in person shed a lot of light on who he was truly; behind this persona who seemingly perfected the act of comedy was someone who had spent hours practicing lines, tones, accents, and various stunts so that he could pull them off and make the others smile, chuckle, or laugh.
And here you are in Barnaby’s blue dog house. Inside were a plethora of decorations that eluded to jokes Barnaby could make. On his walls hung multiple portraits of him and his mother. The chicken who crossed the road
"Are you still listening, little buddy?” Barnaby clapped his paws together and chuckled.
"Maybe you spent too much time with Starlet; you’ve got your head in the clouds, bud."
You chuckle sheepishly and pay full attention to Barnaby; he’s been trying to get you to laugh at the jokes for almost an hour now.
"I know you say these jokes are good, but sheesh, not a single laugh out of you yet... Tough crowd, I must say.” Barnaby scratched the back of his head.
"Maybe we skip the one-liners and start acting, yeah?
This was a cue from Barnaby that he was going to show you his next big act he had in store, or at least a variation of it. He always changes things at the last second to make them funnier and more unexpected, and to also make them fit the event better.
This act was a bit different than most; however, you don’t see Barnaby riding a unicycle, juggling six water balloons, and playing the kazoo all at once every day.
It seemed he was setting himself up for a slip and fall with all that was going on, but spectacularly, he kept on going. It was astonishing to see, and although you were worried for your big dog friend, you started cheering him on as he did his incredible act.
Once he was done, he allowed the water balloons to fall freely, drenching the both of you. You laugh heartily and watch as Barnaby gets on all fours and starts shaking his fur, getting water droplets everywhere.
"So how’d you rate it out of ten?” Barnaby gives you an expectant look, like one a husky would give after catching the ball and bringing it back successfully.
"A 10 for spectacularity; Julie would love it." 
Barnaby laughed and put his hands up in a hoop. 
"How about we dry off a little before continuing your acts? I feel cold," you said, shivering a little.
"Of course, buddy! I've got to be the most hydrating comedian after all." 
You chuckle and follow Barnaby to get a towel and perhaps some spare clothes.
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I will write short Drabble asks
the characters I will write for:
WH: Wally darling, Julie Joyful, Howdy Pillar , Barnaby.b.Beagle, Sally Starlet , Poppy Partridge , (Eddie Dear and Frank Frankly as a poly only).
Undertale + aus: Dreamtale twins, Classic brothers, Fell brothers, Horrotale Brothers, Swap brothers, Geno, Error, Epic, Cross, Anxietytale brothers, Undergrieve brothers, Killer, Dust, Mint, Outertale brothers. + My aus (Kraeplin and Elastic)
rules: angst, fluff, comfort, slight gore, anything that doesn’t include heavy triggers like (heavy gore, SH etc) is fine. absolutely no smut, or Innuendos, I’m a minor.
please specify whether you’d like to be (romantic/platonic) and a basic idea of what you what to happen in the scenario. You can also ask for various head-cannons and little tid bits of how I think the characters would act.
the drabbles will mostly be 200-600 words long.
thank you for your time.
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Wally darling (Romantic) head-cannons:
~jealousy~ Word count: 531~
As mentioned before, Wally is not a jealous puppet at all. He understands your need to spend time with others and be affectionate with them. In fact, he’s all about how sharing  is caring.
But like how he can be slightly possessive of his apples, he is also slightly possessive of you.
He won’t comment if he sees you being a little too close with the others, but he will try to join every outing and conversation if you'll let him.
For example, say you’re spending days upon days with Julie. It could be playing games, singing, dressing up, etc.
Wally will eventually barge in softly and join you two. He’s always taking an interest in whatever you like.
This puppet will change his appearance just so he can match you.
If you wear darker clothes, he’ll join you; if you wear pastels, the neighbourhood will be greeted with two pastel-themed neighbours.
It won’t last long; he loves his signature look, so he’ll do it for a couple weeks at most.
Say you cancel a date with Wally to go hang out with someone else (dating stage).
He’s understanding, so he’ll simply reschedule. If it repeats often, though, he’ll probably give you the benefit of the doubt each time.
He’s going to slowly become more and more frustrated internally, however.
He gets rather erratic when frustrated; he starts painting multiple canvases at once. Preparing ways to woo you all over again.
The poor puppet will have gone a full day without his usual ascot or pompadour. His hair would be down, and he’d once again be worried that he was losing you.
His smile is less sincere, and his buddy Barnaby catches on quick; you do too if you’re paying attention to your puppet boyfriend.
Though if nobody tells you and you don’t catch on (or you keep doing this on purpose),
Wally will ask to sit with you for a chat or corner you in your free time.
He struggles with talking a lot, and his inner turmoil just makes it harder.
He’s constantly going over his words and asking the same question.
For once in your relationship with Wally, you see him completely vulnerable and upset.
He’s smiling, but he’s also close to tears— metaphorically, that is.
It’s mostly him asking if he’s doing something to upset you or make you avoid him.
He’s your darling, after all, so he doesn’t know why you’ve been so busy with the others.
He feels so guilty for admitting that he wants your time and attention. He feels like it’s selfish to ask for it so forthrightly.
Now how you react to his confession is up to you. If you’ve really been busy with the others and haven’t noticed Wally, then clearing up the misunderstanding, apologising, and giving him some cuddles will turn your sad boyfriend into a happy cuddle bug.
Either way, by the end of the whole ordeal, Wally will have learned a tiny bit about being self-conscious, something he had never dealt with before.
Making him jealous has taught him that he could, in fact, lose you one day if he does anything wrong. He’s got new fears now.
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Can you tell that I’ve never used TikTok before?
Song is pretty boy by Nathean Apollo.
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Almost passed out in the shower 2 hours ago. Ahhh the realization is just now kicking in :p
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I keep getting random cuts :(
this is not fun 🥲
but Wally is cute so I persevere
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Picnic date with Wally
(From the -dating- headcannons with Wally, here’s an insight to how one of your dates would play out)
(This was prompted by @sanguinekyanite)
word count: 959~
Wally had asked you out on another date today. It was a picnic in the forests surrounding welcome home; the neighborhood you grew to love. 
You threw on something you knew was comfortable and yet would attract Wally’s attention. Not that you had much trouble with that since every time you were in the same room as Wally all his attention would be redirected to you.
Dating Wally has surprisingly made you good at no blinking challenges. You found his love for eye contact endearing as it was one of his many ways he showed his affection towards you.
Wally as stylish and as proper as always rung your doorbell with flowers in hand. He tried styling his hair differently today, his signature pompadour was fluffier and more curly. It was a slight change but he hopes you would notice nonetheless. 
“Hello darling neighbor, You look eye catching as always.” He handed you the bouquet, his eyes never leaving your own.
You take the bouquet and place it in your designated flower vase near the hallway. Every week was a new arrangement of flowers to liven your house with Wally’s affection. 
“What sorts of adventures will you take me on today sugar?” Wally held your hand and walked you along forwards. 
“Barnaby taught me how to play the ukulele” 
“Barnaby can play the ukulele?”
“Apparently. Barnaby said I should play you a song to make you fall in love with me. I told him that was a silly idea since you already did love me.” 
“You love me don’t you darling?” He asked in succession.
You chuckle and blush a little, making sure Wally knew you did in-fact love him. 
“I love you too neighbor, you’re the most~” Wally tripped on a rock as he was walking, poor fellow was too busy staring at you. 
You help Wally up and fix his ascot for him. His pompadour luckily survived the fall. 
“Oh! Wally you changed up your hairstyle today! It’s very pretty” 
Wally beamed at that, his eyes dilated and went half lidded as he put his hands to his face and went “blushing, blushing” whilst he swayed back and forth.
You chuckled and held your sweet boyfriend’s face. His palms sandwiched your own. 
 “Shall we head to our picnic spot now? I’d love to see what you’ve got in store honey” you ask as Wally calms down a little.
Wally hums gleefully as he takes your hand in his once more and walks with you.
It was a lovely day, the flowers looked brighter than ever and the birds were chirping happily. Wally looked happier than all though, his permanent smile just a tiny bit wider and more sincere. 
You reached the small alcove in the forest where your picnic was set up.
You and Wally with help from Julie and Poppy set this up to ensure it was a relaxing spot you can visit time and time again for dates. 
You sat down on one of the cushions and started unpacking some things from the basket.
Mainly plates and utensils, a pie you baked with poppy and a couple apples. Wally grabbed the ukulele perched besides the tree and fiddled with the strings a little, the ukulele -a soprano most likely- was almost like a fully sized guitar in Wally’s arms.
“G… *pluck* C *pluck* E *pluck A *pluck” Wally made sure everything was tuned just how Barnaby taught him. He strummed a little and tried a couple chords like C minor and E minor. 
You liked seeing Wally focused, it wasn’t like when he painted, painting for him was like breathing, he didn’t have to focus or plan every little detail. He just went with the flow of things, but right now he was trying to do his best in an attempt to impress you. 
You couldn’t help but admire this endearing yellow puppet in which you have the rights to call your own. You munched on some pie, Wally had a few bites with his eyes, complimented your baking and went back to making sure he had the song order proper. 
You didn’t mind the silence between the two of you, you felt comfortable together, your background noises matching each other’s rhythm perfectly. 
And then Wally began, he coughed albeit not needing to, fixed his ascot and tidied his hair and began strumming. The song sounded familiar but still new in a way, the chords in succession gave a light atmosphere to the noises of the forest. You hummed along as Wally focused on playing. You noticed he messed up a bit but you didn’t mind that at all. It was still the most romantic thing he could have done for you, and you were falling more and more In love with your boyfriend as each moment passed. 
Wally finished and smiled, he tried his best and that’s all he could say about what occurred.
You clapped for him and grinned.
“That was beautiful love, I loved it”
Wally liked your praise and leaned in closer to you, tugging your sleeve you obliged and bent down as he planted a kiss to the apple of your cheek. 
“*mwah* did you fall in love with me neighbor?” 
“Yes… yes I did Wally, I fell in love with you even more” 
You and Wally called this another successful date, he spent the rest of the picnic laying on your lap and enjoying the pie and apples. You talked quite a bit until the sun set and it was time to end the day. Time passes quickly when you’re having fun with the love of your life it seemed. 
Either way, there was always tomorrow and more romantic moments with Wally Darling. Truly the darling of your life.
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Wally Darling (Romantic) head-cannons
~dating stage~ word count: 590~
he’s a bit confused on what dating is at first but with a couple books and a dozen sessions with all the other neighbors Wally finally gets it.
You’re the one who definitely suggested it as he probably didn’t know what it was.
He’s excited to try something new with his favorite neighbor.
Prepare to be sat down and bombarded with pet names and being asked to rate them from 1 to 10.
Eventually what got a reaction out of you, aka darling, honey and another nickname you quite liked were what Wally started calling you frequently.
“Darling do you think this painting looks nice?”
you almost died the first time he referred to you with that nickname.
It was a relationship of you mostly teaching Wally various things.
If he doesn’t know how to hug yet, you teach him how to hug. Which evolves to cuddling.
If he blows kisses at you, you teach him to kiss. Which takes probably the longest for him to master.
Will tug you down by your sleeve and ask politely to kiss your cheeks.
Will grow your favorite flowers for you and if you don’t like flowers then will grow your favorite fruits or vegetables.
He learnt that from a romance novel Julie had.
Really enjoys picnic dates, drawing dates, dinner dates. Doesn't matter what as long as he spends time with you.
Will draw you often, as long as you allow it of course.
It’s a very slow learning process for the both of you.
Will lay on your lap once he’s comfortable enough.
He even gives you his apples once he’s done admiring them.
Draw him anything and he will be ecstatic. He would go around the neighborhood showing off your amazing art skills. Doesn’t matter if it’s a stick man with a hat or the Mona Lisa. He loves it.
If you’d let him he would scribble on your hands and legs, mostly hearts and words of affection although in horrible handwriting. Sometimes he draws little butterflies and worms.
If you had red hair or anything red on your head, he’d start calling you his apple.
“Hello apple, would you like to go on a date today? It will be so much fun."
Tried to sing for you once, didn’t end well but it was a fun experience nonetheless.
Dancing is awkward but you manage by twirling him around lots and hugs.
Has attempted to kiss you with his eyes once. It was awkward and somewhat difficult so he stuck to the regular kisses.
Likes matching outfits and has dedicated days to making you a matching outfit with his.
Home either likes you or he loathes you. No in betweens.
if home liked you Wally would invite you to paint home's walls or to renovate something of home's every once a while.
Wally isn't usually the jealous type but he is capable of jealousy (will explore this in more headcannons)
eventually if you weren't living in Home already he'd ask you to move in surprisingly. He just wants to be closer to you and of course he'd ask Home if that's okay with them. (Home will always agree just to make Wally happy but be prepared to live in a sassy house if Home didn't like you)
Wally can't blush but whenever he's flustered or feeling 'warm' as he'd call it, he would simply hold his face and say the word blushing over and over. (Saw this in a fanfic and I think it's absolutely adorable)
(so sorry the second part of turnabout wasn’t posted yesterday. Here’s some head-cannons as an apology. It will be posted today I promise)
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Wally darling (Romantic) head-cannons!
~ Crush stage ~
word count: 410~
Wally always found you interesting, he was your best friend after all! But he started noticing you in a different light one day.
It was a simple gesture really, you had been having a hard day when you asked if you could pick Wally up. He agreed of course. He went limp as he was taken into your arms.
He tried comforting you as best he could. That’s what best friends do after all! That’s when you started thanking him for being there for you and held him closer to you.
Your drumming heartbeat was always a comfort to dear old Wally. But this time he couldn’t help but feel panicked. His senses were tingling in a way foreign to him.
So he pushed you away; leading to you dropping him. You were confused but Wally kept reassuring you everything was fine.
When all was done Wally immediately went to his best friend Barnaby for clues on what this strange phenomenon was.
Turn out Wally had a crush! He had read a little on crushes in those books Julie liked so much once. It was a new and exciting emotion that confused poor Wally greatly.
Soon though the 3 foot gentleman started doing his best in order to woo you.
Frank got fed up quickly by the constant questions Wally would ask.
It was an endearing sight for all neighbors however, Wally would often gift you drawings and ask you out on picnics and walks just to spend time with you. (As a friend, it took him a while before he even knew what dates were) 
It was like being best friends but even better.
The sweet old puppet felt very warm around you!  Poppy and Eddie would often teach Wally how to make little gifts for you .
And Valentine’s Day was a big celebration for all in Welcome Home, you bet Wally went above and beyond in making you arts, crafts and small presents. 
If you have any favorite animal be prepared to get bombarded with art and drawings of said animal. (Same thing with anything you like ever. Although Wally doesn’t know many animals. So uh, you might get bombarded with drawings of random creatures) 
Wally technically never confesses to you, he can’t really tell the difference between a crush, being in a relationship and marriage!
Poor lad doesn’t even know what a kiss is or what it means.
You’d have to catch on or be told of Wally’s feelings to progress anything further yourself.
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Part 2 of turnabout of feelings plus some head cannons I have will be posted later today
a mosquito bit my forehead. 😡
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The sillies
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Lovesick by halohelene on TikTok and opposite by henneysilly on TikTok. Y/n belongs to Wally.
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Turnabout of feelings.
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(Enemies to Lovers)  (Welcome Home is a wonderful ARG made by Clown illustrations)
Wally darling x Human! Reader.
Word count: 1773. (warning! English isn’t my first language) part 1/3
You were sitting on the carpeted floors of Home. Beside you, Wally Darling was scribbling in the guestbook. Coming into this world of puppets and sunshine was a shock at first. You'd think you'd get accustomed to all the nice neighbours that tolerate and appreciate you more than 90% of humanity, but... Wally darling. The bastard that dragged you here the reason why you can never rest easy, Wally Darling.
He's aloof and innocent in front of others, but you know better. You've seen the eyes on the walls. The notes scattered around the neighbourhood... You've even ventured into the depths of Home. You couldn't say a thing to the others, though. That's how Barnaby and Eddie died last time. That's how you almost died as well.
The two sides of Wally contrasted harshly. It's as if they were two completely different puppets. One was childlike in nature and inquisitive. The other was knowledgeable and all-knowing. Horrifying. You saw how he ate and how he could easily wipe your existence from the neighbourhood if he wanted.
That's why you had to play nice and be a good neighbour. You don't know how many times the other neighbours have died, and you don't want to join them. "Is something the matter, neighbour?"
You were pulled away into the pitch-black eyes of Wally. His eyes dilate whenever he looks at you. You've been staring at him for the entirety of your inner monologue. You tore your eyes away and continued doodling on paper.
Wally repeated his question. He never got an answer. Home creaked and banged to divert Wally's attention. You've always gotten along with Home well. It was alive. Something welcome in this land of eternal sunshine and plush embraces.
Sometimes, if you'd listen hard enough, you'd hear a drumming. Like a heartbeat, it was a comforting sound, unlike the violent bangs on the door and the sounds of screaming outside late at night. You never understood home; you tried learning Morse code, but it wasn't your forte. Home was helpful, though, watchful and obviously a servant to Wally but still caring in a way. You can count on one hand how many times they saved you from certain death.
Your masterpiece was finished, or well, not at all, but you got tired of doodling and simply pushed the paper and art supplies away. Wally moved over to the drawing and inspected it. Spirals and eyes Much like the ones he liked to draw. For a moment, the more violent side of him surfaced, but he quickly put the drawing away and started talking. "What a good artist you are, neighbour!" You half-heartedly listened to his praise. You attempted a conversation once more,
"Why bring me here?" You get ignored.
You sigh and rest your head on the floor. Your head springs up when a quiet whisper leaves Wally's lips.
"What was that?"
"What was what, neighbour?"
Wally stood up and dusted himself off; he then extended a hand towards you.
You both walked out of home; a sunny day awaited you two. Such is the usual weather in this world.
It was run... 32? 35. Each run would be disturbed by you or Wally. And each time you’d lose a bit of yourself with it. You remember a time when you attacked the friendly neighbours at Welcome Home. Wally probably remembers as well. You had enough sanity to stop yourself, however, unlike the man who walks beside you. Wally’s 3-foot stature held your hand as he dragged you onward; his strength was at least superhuman.
You were approaching Howdy’s bodega. The place was pretty crowded today. seemed like an event.
The wind chimes rang as you entered. Howdy was chatting away with Sally and Barnaby. Talking funny business again, it seemed.
"Oh! There you are, Wally! And it’s a pleasure to see our new neighbour with you again!"
"Hello barnaby…. Hello Julie-"
Barnaby looked at his best friend and laughed.
"What a ‘coin’cidence that you joined us, little buddy!".
Howdy laughed heartily at the joke, and Wally tilted his head in confusion.
"…Hello howdy"
"What’s so funny, neighbours?"
Sally explains that they all found a coin whilst walking in the neighbourhood today.
"Can I see it?" You speak, gathering the attention of the room around you.
You inspected the coin closely, and Wally went nonverbal as the other three steered the conversation.
"It’s something out of a noir film, almost!" Sally exclaims
Well, hopefully not! I’d rather not become the neighbourhood’s funniest grey dog!"
"Ohoho! This almost calls for an investigation! I’m sure Jewls would love to hear this! Don’t you think so, walls?"
Wally is startled from his thoughts; his eyes dilate.
"Julie? I think Julie would like a new game to play." Wally smiles.
"Don’t you think so, neighbour?"
"Sure." You were mostly focused on the coin in your hand. That right there was a Franklin half dollar, produced in the 1960s.
Shabby quality, covered in dirt.
Money from your world... being here? As far as you knew, brands from your world didn’t exist here. Seeing as how Howdy sells Brickero’s cereal and cups of Joe that are just diluted orange juice and Breenberry ice cream, whatever that was,
The bodega quiets down a little, and Barnaby cracks another joke. You never laugh. It’s not that you didn’t like these puppets. They were nice. Sweet. Caring. But they were dead. As far as you knew, nobody here was real. Except maybe for Wally and Home. It left a bitter aftertaste.
"Well, my fellows and fellays! Would you care to purchase anything?"
"Wally needs red and green paint, and I need something edible."
"Didn't know you started speaking for each other? Wowie, I feel heartbroken... I can't believe my little buddy got a new best friend!" Barnaby half-joked.
"We’re not friends." -
"We’re the best of friends. -
Sally couldn’t help but giggle.
Wally was still gripping your arm; you had to play nice for now.
Howdy handed you your things in a paper bag and cashed them in on three jokes and a little quip.
You were the one usually telling most of the jokes, and Wally would have to practise for half a day for a single joke.
"What do you call a sad coffee? A depresso," your execution was lacking, but today was too tiresome to put in any effort.
Howdy chuckled but then gave Wally an expectant look.
"What about you walls? Got any jokes? Cracks? Quips?"
"I do"
"You do? Well, let’s hear it then!"
Wally straightened up his posture, tightening the ascot around his plush neck.
"Why did Barnaby get arrested? Because he’s a serial licker."
The execution was made funnier by Wally’s monotone voice.
"Ohohohoho! You never disappoint, dear fellow!"
"Put the other joke and quip on my tab." Barnaby winked at Wally, who smiled up at his best friend.
"We’ll be going now." You walked out as Wally said goodbye to each individual one by one.
"Oh! And don’t forget about the rehearsal later today, dearie!" Sally yelled out to you.
Right, the rehearsal. A play about... a pastry princess? Queen? Who knows… Julie’s the princess, you’re playing as the love interest, and Frank is the king of marshmallows or something.
Speaking of Frank, Frank Frankly was in front of you, face-first into the mud after getting toppled by Eddie. You laughed at that, getting another harsh tug from Wally. Right, laughing at misery was not neighborly.
You and Wally helped Frank and Eddie. It took quite a bit to tug the clumsy mailman up, or maybe it’s just your lack of arm strength.
Frank Frankly gave Eddie a harsh look, though it softened immediately after the mailman apologised. It was clear the two were soft on each other. If this wasn’t proof enough, then the many times one sacrificed themselves to save the other are. It used to sting at first, seeing the two go through the heartbreak and loss.
Wally held your hand and smiled. You looked down at the puppet and sneered. An ugly look on you, he’d say, and you couldn’t care less.
Frank starts talking, thankfully.
"My my, what a day... At least my tomatoes aren’t ruined. Be careful, won’t you next time, Mr.Dear?"
"Agh, sorry Frank I didn’t mean to, I swear. God, I should’ve been more careful delivering those packages. Luckily, nothing broke!"
"Who are you delivering these boxes to, neighbour?" Wally asks, looking at the many boxes on the ground.
Oh, I’m delivering these to the bodega! Howdy’s got a large shipment this week."
Hmm, well, I did need to go there to get more fertiliser for my plants. I’ll join you, Mr. Dear." Frank picks up some of the smaller boxes for Eddie. It was a kind thing, and Eddie thanked Frank --- not without insisting on carrying the boxes himself, of course. Frank simply hushed him and smiled, and Eddie smiled back.
"Won’t you join us? Mr.darling and-"
"No. We just left the bodega, actually," Wally explains.
Oh, alright then! Have a good day, you two!" Frank and Eddie head off.
You continue onward. Home’s following eyes are a comfort at times. Now? Not so much... Wally was staring at you intently as you walked. The creep had a love for eye contact, much to your dismay.
The sky had a reddish hue, never a good sign. You turn to look at Home.
Wait a moment. Where did Home go?
Where they had stood was a hole of black, looking infinitely deep and with a spiral surrounding its edges. An eye opens, a hand grabs your leg; it has five fingers, and as soon as you blink, everything goes back to normal.
"What’s wrong, neighbour?"
You were lying on the plush grass with Wally. Julie was to your right.
You grabbed Wally by the throat; he had done it again. Used his weird eldritch abilities to skip the day along.
Wally’s eyes dilated as black sludge left his mouth.
Julie screamed.
Fuck, there went another run. You were so sick of this. So very tired.
You drifted off again, and you knew you'd wake up again inside of Home. Wally will greet you in the morning, and you'll go through this day again, over and over, until you get it right. Until it goes perfectly.
Huh… Now that you dwell on it, you think he whispered ‘sorry’. Perhaps there’s a hidden third side to this strange puppet.
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