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Features of the Wood
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It’s too late to save the world
Ash trees sprout in cracks in the asphalt. The gutters collect leaves, which become soil, in which dandelions sprout.
There’s nothing you can do
A man plants an entire forest. A young girl teaches a drone to deliver saplings. The elderly volunteer to clean up radioactive waste.
You might as well give up
Wolves return to ancestral hunting grounds. Bison return to the prairie. Otters return to the kelp beds. Young oaks push roots deep into reclaimed farmland.
Who cares anyway?
Children draw pictures of flowers. Festivals are held for cherry blossoms and pecans and apples. A crowd cheers as the last line is cut away from the ensnared creature.
I have disobeyed worse than you
The world does not die on my watch
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Photos from a camping trip and a walk to The Great Grand Hill (our name for a big hill near where we live that is split by a road), and the things I found along the way. Yes, that's a morel!
Now that I'm an Independent Adult™ I feel a bit more free to explore more than I did when I was younger. It started with just taking walks around the block. It evolved to exploring the town. Moved from tiny town to bigger town. (Not fully explored yet.) Now I actually follow my urges to sprint down the side of that road that goes nowhere but the next town over. It's great. Try it sometime.
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Just a few nice photos I took from February & early March, also featuring: Hotdog Bun on the Asphalt of a Walmart Parking Lot, aka Rejection
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If this ain't me
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One of my favourite types of weather is when it's really cold, but it's sunny, and there are scattered fuzzy clouds, so when you're in the car you can gaze out the window and watch the passing clouds turn rainbow-y as they come near the sun. They look like opal, and it's so pretty– as long as you can avoid burning your retinas lol
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good news for weird little critter enthusiasts
(me included)
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yall the comedy wildlife photography results are coming out atm and
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Oh and if literal grass-touching IS viable, I also advocate for touching invasive grass. Many parks in the US have invasive plant removal volunteer work days. You get some air and some exercise and you can talk to other volunteers if you want or you can just march off into the trees on your own and start wreaking havoc with various hand tools. If you want to do something that is both useful AND destructive, I have found nothing better
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Hobbits at Old Forest ♥ re-reading Fellowship of the Ring (and remembering October two years ago when I was working in a small town in England, spending all of my free time walking around hills and hedges ♥)
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I haven't posted on here in a while since gardening season has ended, and I'm inconsistent with things, but I ought to find joy in nature in the winter, too, shouldn't I? I might post more frequently. We'll see.
Anyways, I found a little spider at work, so I trapped him in a cup, and every time he would anchor his web as he was climbing up the side of it, his abdomen would do a little wiggly thing as he secured it, and it was so freaking cute. I decided to let him live behind the fridge.
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1. Allium (onion flower) backlit by the setting sun. Did you know these are edible too? They taste like onions, but typically spicier, I believe.
2. Some purple petunias that look like galaxies. I'm not sure if the spots are normal or not. It might be petal damage, but it's pretty.
3. A Turbulent Phosphila Moth caterpillar. I don't know much about these, other than the fact that they turn into rather 'unremarkable' brown moths that blend in well with bark.
4. A Red Milkweed Beetle. They get their name because their host plant is the milkweed plant, which, because they eat it, makes them poisonous to eat, this their bright red colouring.
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"Vanessa atalanta, the red admiral or, previously, the red admirable, is a well-characterized, medium-sized butterfly with black wings, red bands, and white spots. It has a wingspan of about 2 inches (5 cm)."
A beautiful friend came to visit my flowering onions yesterday. They really do let you get quite close before fluttering away. I'm so glad I could get such lovely pictures.
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Giant Swallowtail Butterfly.
I can't find anything definitive online about how to identify it's sex but I think it's female.
I had been watering my garden, so the ground around the water spigot was wet, and this little friend came by for a drink and a rest in the shade.
I was able to sit on the porch steps no more than three feet away from it for quite a while and admire it's beautiful colours. It let me get surprisingly close to take the pictures, and didn't even seem startled.
I'm glad I could provide a little oasis for this friend.
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The Balance Between Light and Dark.
These are just some cool rocks I picked up from a lake while I was camping recently, and I was stacking them on my antique little shelf/drawers on top of my dresser, as you do, and I managed to get the dark one and the light one to balance wonderfully, and realized it was somewhat profound.
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