The Star Wars sequels
Where do I even start? It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen it’s final chapter and boy... just. Ugh.
When I first saw the Force Awakens trailer I was truly intrigued by where the story would go. A strom trooper that deserts and maybe becomes a jedi? Truly uncharted territory here. The movie itself didn’t disappoint me. It had great potential for new stories but also continuing the saga of the Skywalker family, which is and will always be an essential part of the Star Wars world.
But then, the Last Jedi came and my expectations went down with Luke’s lightsaber, right into to the bottom of the ocean. Rey’s parentage “big deal”? Nope, her parents sold her for booze cash. Finns apparent force sensitivity? Well, instead of exploring this, Finn’s role is of the harmless comic relief secondary character. Poe? The super pilot we don’t see much of in TFA? The supposed hero of the resistance? He is the guy who tries to ruin every single plan for the resistance because now he hates taking orders. Luke Skywalker? The guy who took down the emperor and redeemed his father while staying true to the light? Tried to murder his teenage nephew in his sleep and now lives as a grumpy old man in an island. Snoke, the big bad? Is he some sith of old? A new evil power? Nah, he js just a worm dressed in fine clothes... At least Leia can force fly?
And then there is Rise of Skwyalker, the movie that tries to retcon the Last Jedi but just manages to deepen the whole. Snoke was the big bad because he was actually everyone’s favorite baddie, Palpatine... yay...? Rey’s parentage is a big deal, but not because she is a Skywalker, nope, but because she is the living proof that Palpatine had children which doesn’t make sense at all with the character that we’ve seen for the last six films. Poe is now more than a stubborn pilot, he was a former spice (?) dealer. What happened with him being the son of the rebel alliance? Nah, a Han Solo knock over will do just fine. And Finn, well, he continues to stumble around and never ever ever gets closer to another light saber.
And this my friends is how fans loose interest and the studio looses the opportunity to form another generation of fans. I guess Disney will stay away from any big venture into the big screen with this franchise in the foreseeable future and live off the Theme Parks and the tv series.
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i love this song!
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I am thinking about how we could’ve had “the Son of the Daughter vs the Daughter of the Son,” fighting for the dark and the light side of Anakin’s legacy respectively. But instead we got “Palpatine fucks. Enjoy that mental image you clowns. You sorry boffoons.”
Pour one out for ReySky, comrades 😞✊🏻
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If this is true, it explains a lot.
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lucasfilm production drama is a more cohesive and thrilling story than the sequel trilogy
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The Rise of Skywalker First Impressions (SPOILERS)
Fun? Yeah. Nostalgic? Sure. Epic? Not really. The Rise of Skywalker follows the same path as the Force Awakens (and by some measure the Last Jedi), by being full of references to the previous movies and more or less following the same plot, however the freshness of the new characters and the possibly interesting paths they were going to follow, for example Finn, a stormtrooper who rebelled and then apparently could become a jedi, are gone because well, this is the last one and all of the main characters more or less begin this movie where they were since the first instalment of the trilogy.
To talk about the Rise of the Skywalker many issues first we need to address the previous movie. I am not a fan of the Last Jedi. Creativity and innovation don’t mean twisting a story that was always about good and evil into some nihilistic bullshit. Luke Skywalker could have many flaws but after he was willing to loose his life  to save his father, a man who truly did some horrible things, because he believed there was still “good” in him, why would he try to kill his own nephew, who was a teenager by the way, just because he sort of resembled his grandfather? 
The movie had nice visuals and I admire the intention of trying to make something different, but what happened was the main characters stumbled their way into the story. Poe Dameron? Wasn’t he a super pilot, brave and loyal? In this movie he is being a stubborn man child that fights with the pink haired lady commander and ends up just making things worse. Finn? No light saber fights for him, no more Rey’s neither Poe’s friendship, instead the stumbles and falls his way into a storyline that gives us more weird animals, a cassino and a love interest that is tailor made to be his comic relief sidekick. And finally Rey, the character with mysterious and powerful connection to the force, who finds the elusive Luke Skywalker, doesn't find any answers, continues to be almost untrained and to top it off has now a romantic albeit weird and problematic connection to Kylo Ren (force Skype anyone?). Luke dies, because? Great visuals though.
In short, the Last Jedi, wasted time in developing the characters and the story to a point where the final movie could pick up and make a satisfying conclusion. For instance, the main trio, Rey, Finn and Poe, following the Star Wars tradition and because it would be cool should be friends right? Nope, they don't really interact before this movie, so as to make up for it, we are bombarded with scenes to establish their trio friendship. All of a sudden we have the return of the Emperor? Yes, because for the last two movies the great villain was a squid dressed in fine clothes who had no connection whatsoever to the mythology and that had no impact at all. These are a few examples.
In the end, we get half explained, cut short ideas: a force dyad? what? Kylo Ren could find redemption? Leia helped him through the force somehow but nope, he is going to die and he and Rey's all too powerful connection was just good for mind facetime. Rey being a Palpatine makes sense when you put her as the Luke Skwyalker of this trilogy, a person trying to overcome their family's evil legacy, but why on earth did the Emperor had children? Wasn't Darth Vader his biggest project? Yeah, the problem with this backstory is that it needs a lot of explaining and since we cannot have that in a two hour movie, it felt rushed.
My final conclusion is: Leia was a badass motherfucker. Period. Everyone falls short. 
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 “I will be queen, though?” “Aye. Queen you shall be… until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear.”
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Are we sure that it wasn’t really Bran? First council meeting and the boy is like “excuse me for a sec, going to chase a dragon with my mind”
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Tyrion: Bran has the best story! He should be king. I'd have a beer with him the most.
Bran: I'm not Bran. There is no Bran
Tyrion: Bran, will you accept? For Westeros, your country?
Bran: Westeros doesn't exist and I don't exist. But ok
Tyrion: He can't have children, which is for the best, because this is not really a sustainable long-term situation honestly.
People: All hail Bran the Broken! That's your nickname because you're in a wheelchair.
Bran: I am not a person and I don't have a physical being
Sansa: Bran, I love you, little brother. Can you set the North free to rule itself?
Bran: I'm not your brother and time flows in all directions but sure
Sansa: Thank you, Bran. You are a wise and good king.
Bran: I know
Arya: I'm going to sail to new lands and see what is in the west!
Bran: I already know but I don't feel like telling you
Tyrion: OK, we have like, so much to get done you guys! Can we start by fixing the sewers?
Bronn: How about the BROTHELS!
Tyrion: Davos, can you invent us a human resources department? Thanks.
Bran: I am flying through the clouds looking for a dragon with my mind
Tyrion: That's cool, we'll finish up here.
Bran: There is no such thing as "here." (is wheeled out)
Jon: (in the North) I'm NOT the king, right? I'm not the king? Are you sure? OK. (heads for woods)
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They can’t even explain their reasoning behind doing this to her. They cannot give one logical explanation.
‘She wanted to make it personal for Cersei’ Daenerys knew Cersei didn’t care for the innocents of Kingslanding, next.
‘She’s a Targaryen, it was bound to happen’ there are maybe 6 Targaryens who went mad, and if were following this logic, Jon Snow should go mad within a couple years, next.
They cannot give one good explanation for this
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In this disastrously plotted fancy folks’ convention, Game of Thrones topples all of its carefully crafted credibility as a drama that understands the insidiousness and long-con nature of politics, by bringing together a group of people with wildly at-odds desires and weaknesses and then, after a nice little speech celebrating the glories of ye olde stories, has them unanimously elect a demigod with severe interpersonal-skill deficits and literally not a goddamn thing to offer as a ruler.
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Queen Sansa Stark, the baddest bitch in Westeros. Outlived all your trash faves and looked gorgeous while doing it. It ain’t too late to get with the winning team, hoes.
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The Queen in the North!
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Queen in the North!
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we know no queen but the queen in the north whose name is   s t a r k
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I love this song!
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“Nobody grows. Nobody gets better or more interesting. The story of ‘Game of Thrones’ right now is a story of regression, of spectacle over humanity. Maybe the saddest moment in all of this is when Jaime, the poster child for the redemptive character arc, the man who has earned better and earned better and earned it again, is offered happiness and hope and throws it all away because the plot demands that he has to be in King’s Landing for the next couple episodes. That’s the problem when you stop caring about characters, about humans in your stories, and only care about the denouement and not how you get there. You become cruel, and you force people to be cruel to themselves and others to get them where you need them to go, and you say that it is the story of the world.”
— Laura Hudson, “Game of Thrones” Recap: So Much for Breaking the Wheel (via foxmulders)
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