droppingdisaster · 3 years
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Marriage proposal? @snstober21 - Day9
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droppingdisaster · 3 years
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☼ ☾  SNStober 2021  ☼ ☾
☼ prompt list ☾ rules and guidelines ☼  twitter ☾
We are glad to announce that the #SNStober2021 a month dedicated to Naruto 🍥 and  Sasuke 🍅 will be held from 1st October- 31st October ! Please check out the prompt list and the rules  for participation and feel free to follow us to keep up with all the amazing content that is to come during this event ! We hope you join us !
Rules and guidelines :
☼ Starting from October 1st 2021, tag your submissions with #snstober2021 or #snstober21 to be reblogged. Ensure that this tag is among the first 5 tags of your post so that it can appear on the tag page. you can also @ us at @snstober21 on your post to ensure that we see your submission!
☾ Types of posts accepted: -  Fanart, Fanfiction, Original Edits (including quote edit,poem edit,lyric edit etc), AMVs, Fancams, Original Meta, etc.
☼   There are two prompts daily to choose from (both can be attempted if you want)
☾  Fanfictions can be added to the following Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/SasuNaruSasuMonth… and tagged under #SNStober2021
☼  Late submissions/submissions after the date of prompt are accepted but please try to stay as per schedule.
☾ nsfw art, fanfics, content must be tagged as #snstober21nsfw to ensure that such posts appear on tumblr search since the nsfw tag has been blocked due to tumblr's policies .Alternatively, you can tag your post as nsfw and @ us so we can see it and reblog it
☼ Because of tumblr’s new policies, explicit content may be blocked/flagged so you can also host it on another website like twitter, devianart, pixiv etc and link them here and tag the post containing the link with  #snstober2021. As such , if anyone doesnt want to see explicit content work, please filter the #snstober21nsfw and nsfw tag
☾  Content containing Triggers (gore, explicit violence, etc.) must be tagged with TW/CW warnings.
☼  If you have any doubts or want clarifications regarding any of the prompts or rules, feel free to message us
☾  DM us if we have missed reblogging something throughout the month. you can also use the submit option to submit stff you dont feel like posting them on your account for whatsoever reason
☼ We are also on twitter so if you want to upload your content on here as well as on twitter you are free to do it as long as you use the appropriate tags specified for twitter !
** Note that the following prompts are for the Smut Week that will be held between October 25 - October 31 :
-Rivals with benefits
- Using their jutsus
- Gentle
- Addiction
- Possessive
- Worship
Prohibitions :
To ensure that EVERYONE in the fandom can enjoy the SNS Month safely and without conflict, posts containing the following content will NOT be reblogged on the SNStober account :
-  Rape/non con/sexual assault
-  Adult x Minor relationships
-  Content containing bigotry against any race, religion, ethnicity, sexuality etc.
-  Reposts and tracing of other people's art, fanfics, etc. Accounts posting such reposts and traced fanarts will be blocked and reported. (Reposting your OWN fanart, fanfic, content is acceptable)
-  Explicit/Graphic /Hard smut or nsfw content related to MINORS. (If you prefer Sasuke and Naruto's Shippuden outfits and looks, etc. or want to draw them as adults with those looks, then you must specify that they are above 18, preferably their ages, in the tags/comments, otherwise any explicit nsfw stuff related to them will not be reblogged.)
-  Any content not related to SNS or content related to other ships tagged under #SNStober2021
Reblogs are appreciated so that word about this can be spread to as many people as possible !
@narutoevents @fandomweeks
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droppingdisaster · 3 years
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droppingdisaster · 3 years
Now Announcing…
Naruto Smut Monday 2021!
We are back with an all-new blog, new prompts, and an updated format - eager to bring the steamy, smutty fun that makes the worst day of the week a bit more bearable!
What you can make: fanart, fanfic, edits, moodboards and more!
All works must be original - reposts are not allowed.
To Participate:
Post: a Naruto-centric work inspired by the monthly theme on the last Monday of each month (reminders will be posted on our blog throughout the month)
Mention: @naruto-smut-monday​ in the body of the post.
Tag: #naruto smut monday within the first 5 tags.
Tag: All featured ships, characters and content warnings. 
All submissions will be reblogged for the two weeks following each posting date, and collectively reblogged in a monthly masterpost.
If you have any questions, our guidelines are linked below and the ask box is open - please feel free to reach out!
We hope to see you soon!
Guidelines ♡ Ask Us ♡ Prompts Below!
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Accessible text prompts under the cut!
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droppingdisaster · 3 years
When somebody asks what they think is the most attractive body part of their significant other.
Sasuke/looks at Naruto/:"His eyes are as deep as the ocean."
Sasuke/strokes Naruto's hair/:"His hair is as bright as the sun."
Sasuke/cups Naruto's cheek/:"His face is the cutest in the world."
Sasuke/strokes Naruto's bottom lip with his thumb/:"His lips fit perfectly into mine."
Sasuke: *gives Naruto a soft kiss on the lips*
Naruto: *laughs nervously*
Naruto/slaps Sasuke's butt/:"He has a great ass!!!"
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droppingdisaster · 3 years
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Read this way ⬅ ~10.10~ He lives in a daydream Where I don’t belong He is the sunshine The sun is gone…
(Thank you for being you naruto. Your smile saved us. Happy belated birthday!)
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droppingdisaster · 3 years
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they made sasuke pay in the end
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droppingdisaster · 3 years
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And more doodles
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droppingdisaster · 3 years
One of the many reasons we antis hate the Naruto ending
Things wrong with Konoha:
The Uchiha Clan has faced decades of xenophobia because of the actions of one man. Rumors that they’re all genetically deranged were spread, they were ostracised from village’s internal affairs. After the Kyuubi attack, they were sent to live in the outskirts of the village under constant supervision which is just humiliating.
Konoha government ordered the genocide of a whole ethnic race without a trial because the said people got enough of the xenophobia which the state encouraged. 
Hyuga Clan practices slavery in broad daylight. I don’t even need to explain why this is a horrible violation of human rights.
The government glorifies fascism and blind nationalism. Heck, leaving the village is punishable with the death penalty.
ANBU. ROOT. Do I need to say anything more?
Danzo committed treason against the village by cooperating with Orochimaru and ordering the Uchiha Genocide behind Hiruzen’s back. He’s also responsible for many crimes against humanity. Nobody stood up to him.
As far as we’ve seen, the village doesn’t have a fair, independent judicial system. Hokage’s word is the law. It doesn’t take a genius to see how this can lead to stupid or morally wrong decisions.
One’s suitability for the Hokage position seems to be mainly determined by their strength level, not by their political wits or morality stance. This and the previous point make sense for the militarian world of the Shinobi but the issues such a system can very possibly lead to still remains.
There’s no democracy, it’s the Daimyo and the council that chooses the Hokage. It’s also not hard to see favoritism since many Hokages are from prestigious clans, are blood-related or have other close relationships with each other like the one of a master-discipline.
And many more I forgot or didn’t realize
Things wrong with the entire Shinobi system and other specific villages:
Jinchuriki practice all around the world is wrong. It turns babies into nuclear weapons for the village without their consent and the said babies face social stigma for the rest of their lives.
The entire Shinobi system supports the existence of child soldiers and the world’s economy relies on the inhumane deeds committed by Shinobi.
In many parts of the world, the Shinobis are viewed to be tools rather than human beings with emotions and basic rights. This leads to many morally unacceptable emotional training methods practiced on children.
Daimyos are completely unnecessary. They exist just to exist. One can claim they live in comfort as the Shinobis lose their life to protect them.
Small nations continue to be seen inferior to the Big 5. They still don’t have the right to represent themselves at the Kage Gatherings.
Nations only look out for their own gain, the biggest example of this being Kumo which attempted to kidnap Kushina when she was an academy student and steal the Byakugan. No nation came to terms with their past wrong-doings in the series, peace between these selfish parties is simply impossible.
Bloodline limit owners are objectified and face xenophobia. Examples are Kumo’s attempts to steal power, Kiri’s orders to wipe out clans with bloodline limits, Uchiha Massacre etc.
And many more I forgot or didn’t realize
Issues that were properly handled in the series
Genuine nothing
Many issues written here weren’t even acknowledged by the narrative, the same narrative even tried to justify some. The ending didn’t show us any radical reforms or satisfying political discussions.
No, stop. Neither the Shinobi Alliance nor Hiashi’s “but Hinata and Neji are equal now!!1!” mean anything. The former is a temporary peace against a common enemy with no deep political context. The latter is an off-screen cop out. I don’t care about Boruto series mumbling about world peace and stuff either. Show. Me. Permanent. On. Screen. Changes. With. Politic. Background.
And as you have realized, I titled this “one of the many reasons” instead of “the one reason”. We can count more reasons as to why Naruto’s ending is by far among the worsts fiction history has ever witnessed. Heck, we can argue the series started to go shitty was before the ending or it had always been bull to begin with too.
Then why do pros insist we hate the series because we’re just butthurt about ships?
I dislike both NH and SS but ffs, they are the least of my worries about the ending.
This series spreads Kishimoto’s disgusting far authoritarian right, fascist views which glorify blind nationalism to impressionable children. Even to this day, in the fandom, you can see idiots who argue that the Uchiha Massacre, A STATE-SUPPORTED ETHNİC GENOCIDE WHICH IS A FUCKING CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, was just. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you seriously fucking kidding me? Are you for real, genuinely fucking kidding me?
Screw that…
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droppingdisaster · 3 years
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droppingdisaster · 3 years
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Know the difference
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droppingdisaster · 3 years
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Artist:  ㄒㄒ★シシィ |  (NS)Twitterまとめ
Scanlated with permission:
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Don’t repost, post on another website or remove the source.
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droppingdisaster · 3 years
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What’s important about the “brotherly love” argument when it comes Naruto/Sasuke is that Sasuke never referred to Naruto as his brother. 
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And the reason is because Sasuke always knew what he felt for Naruto wasn’t brotherly. Afterall, unlike Naruto, he had and knew what a relationship between brothers was. He had it with Itachi long before the teams were even formed. 
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So now that that’s out of the way let’s move on to what I wanted to talk about. Everyone who has read Sasuke and Itachi’s flashback knows Sasuke really wanted his father’s acknowledgement more than anything. 
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When Fugaku finally said the words Sasuke wanted to hear more than anything, he has this (adorable) look on his face. His face is relaxed, his mouth is open and there’s this sense of disbelieved wonder in his eyes. 
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So the “why do you care about me so much” becomes kind of ridiculous but the first time this happens Naruto is hesitant to name the feeling and wonders if it’s like the feeling of being with a brother. I’m sure Sasuke was touched by this declaration (and he clearly is affected) but he also seems troubled. 
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Then we get to this. Again I think Sasuke is affected by the fact Naruto is so dead-set on him and considers him a friend. But something’s missing still. He’s not really relaxed but confused. 
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The headache continues. 
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This is just priceless. Sasuke has absolutely had it at this point. He’s thinking “we’re not mere friends you dumbass just admit it”. And then:
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Sasuke makes this face!!!
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See? This is the face he makes when he hears something he has been dying to hear for so long… After giving Sasuke “brother”, “friend” and such Naruto finally admitting he can’t actually explain his feelings, he just can’t leave Sasuke alone… he’s hurting… Sasuke finally realises Naruto does feel the same, he’s just dumb. No wonder he calls him stupid right after.
By the way, someone already pointed this out but it’s been researched that when you’re in love you feel the other person’s pain ❤️ “People who are in love generally feel a powerful sense of empathy toward their beloved, feeling the other person’s pain as their own and being willing to sacrifice anything for the other person.“ Love hurts.
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No, not that way. Sakura wasn’t the one he wanted to hear “I love you” from.
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droppingdisaster · 4 years
Naruto: Do you trust me?
Sasuke: With my life? Yes. With my dignity? Not a chance in hell.
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droppingdisaster · 4 years
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Today is the day! Today Zhongli’s banner is coming!
I won’t get him AT ALL, because I just pulled Childe, and it’s almost impossible for me to get him. ( also without any events to get primogens even more impossible... )
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droppingdisaster · 4 years
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I’m back with something new
I chose the boy, so this is what I saw during End of Liyues Story xD
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droppingdisaster · 4 years
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he recognize some lonely nights on him 👀
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those abs
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Can't blame Childe. I look at the (Zhongli's) statue and also go, "Nice pecs"
Clearer ver at my Twitter
Plz do not repost,or thou should see a bright light.
Reblogs are VERY welcome w!
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