drthugitout · 2 days
fingers in his ass sunday
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drthugitout · 2 days
Shity rushed drawing of human horror.
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Horror sans butt booty naked oiled up with hello kitty earrings under ((TW. SPICY.))
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drthugitout · 3 days
*runs out of fog
*twirls hair*
How do you draw.. like base to sketch to (if) finished, I WAN learn
I sry dawg but I'm prob the last person u wanna ask bout drawing tips I dunnon evenin know what a base is, type shi ((also idk what ur asking for u already got hella good full drawings/sketchs on ur page? 😧))
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drthugitout · 4 days
Random greaser drawing. Happy gey munth
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Got me feelin like
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drthugitout · 4 days
Random horror drawing ★ ٭
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Original drawing below.
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Horror belongs to: Sour-Apple-Studios
I did this for my phone but then I got distracted and forgot what I was doing so yeah- ALSO I LIOE RED SHADES HORROR BRO <333
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drthugitout · 10 days
random hc but what if human fresh’s hair was jus loose parasites or jus tenticals in gen.
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This took way to long cus I hat coloring.
The concept is since he’s practically a walking corpse he jus use his parasite/others as hair cus why not? But he dosnt bother to him the fact his hair dose move lmao.
Oh erm happy gey month cus yk u gay n stuff.
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drthugitout · 12 days
So real. 🫶🏿
But would you draw Fresh Sans for $1,000,000? This is a very important question.
I’d draw the sluttiest lighsaber porn for that amount. Do you really think my standards are that high?
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drthugitout · 13 days
Radom drawing of lust btw. If you came even see it.
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drthugitout · 14 days
i was sleeping and then genderbent fresh came to me in a literal dream and i’m in love with her now. that’s all just wanted to share. i never see genderbent fresh content and i ache inside. can we like. make a pact to make fem fresh content pleas i just want to see her more. ok that’s it byebye
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drthugitout · 14 days
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WHAT IF UNDERSWAP WAS PROMINENTLY SEA MONSTERS/ this was random but it's something I'm doing with a lot of the aus.
Swap: "Yeah I'm a skeleton but my aus mostly sea monsters!! And that rule still applys to me!!"
HA YOUR BLUE!! That's my special attack!
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drthugitout · 17 days
My butt cheeks hurt for fresh
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Idk fresh would prob say something along the lines of
Fresh: “D-dats not very cash money of you dawg.”
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drthugitout · 17 days
Random headcannon:
Ink teaches Fresh recent slang from around the multiverse/AUs. I think it’d be silly for him to have a little notebook that’s just slang terms and its meanings for Fresh to learn more than what he already knows (and so he can annoy Error in different ways to make it more fun 😅).
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drthugitout · 18 days
Cannibaltale loreeee
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Cannibaltale belongs to me :)
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drthugitout · 22 days
I love comics like this. 💀
Another shitpost for y'all...
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I spend an embarrassing amount of time on these comics.
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drthugitout · 27 days
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The idea of him being super homophobic, again, IS SO FUNNY. this walking pride flag informing you how you have to turn to god for all your struggles or something is literally just so goofy
Freshink belongs to @comyet
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drthugitout · 29 days
Bro isn't this jus being cucked 😭
As I said. I drew
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Based off of this image from @some-swan
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drthugitout · 29 days
🌈The world of✨️
Is time to answer one of my favorite questions when it comes to writing a show; WHERE?!?!?
Where does the characters live, where do they go to rest and sleep and yadda yadda yadda, y'know what, while doing this i've discovered i actually like drawing backgrounds, it's hard but seeing the result is so fun.
This is the Happy vile or Happy Condominium, i haven't come up with a good name yet, i'm not that good at names, so let's say the sign is just temporally until i actually come up with a good name, anyway...
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This is the map, i'm not an architect so it looks horrible lol, that big place with studios are the studio from dreamtale, they make programs to a TV channel i haven't thought of a name yet, it's made for brain washing people, that's Hope's whole thing;
Entertainment programs, films, series, short films, newspapers and all types of media to attract all types of people to Dreamtale to get their happily ever after.
I would add some more things, but i don't actually know what to add bc, as i said, i'm not an fucking architect.
About the main building, i loved how it turned out, the main idea was that each floor would be a color, and i didn't know how the colors would work and i'm happy that i figured it out. With the main color being yellow bc yellow means mainly Hopeful, while the others are the AUs he affected.
Yes, Murder Dust being the yellow color at the same time as Hopeful does means something (Do you like the name i came up with? Murder Dust? Like- like pinkie pi-).
Oh yeah the tiny red circles are suppose to represent how big people would look, y'know for proportions.
Map of Dreamtale:
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Every city comes from the tree that inhabits it. Well the rest is what you see, the only thing i would add is the outside of the circle, there would be farms and camps, people who just don't like the big medieval city, by the way, i have no idea if there were trains in the medieval era, but i don't care, trains are cool af.
Dreamtale isn't naturally yellow based, the colors would vary through the colors of The main Elements, y'know, Life, Death, Magic and Feelings, but since Hopeful overflowed everything's Yellow due to his aura, It got bigger and bigger as the positivity in people increased
Yes, i'm aware it looks like an fidget spinner.
Thank you if you read that, you must be very interested if you did... but i mean, VERY interested, i would not read all of that shit for nothing.
Unrelated note: I don't know if it is mother's day today bc i'm not from usa, in my country mother's day was yesterday, so, if it is actually mother's day in usa................ ignore it..
Dreamtale (c) JokuBlog
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