faithful-divinity · 1 year
i wish i didn’t spend so many years putting so much effort into hiding myself from the world i should probably go sit on a park bench or something idk!!!!!!
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faithful-divinity · 1 year
it’s hard to notice missing time, unless it stares you in the face day after day, a reminder of all that you HAVEN’T DONE because the will of your heart isn’t in place just right—it’s going to take weeks of reconciling to undo the damage. 
imagine how hard it is for skin to heal and amplify until you can actually begin to quantify the hurt and ache that lingers afterwards—after knowing you do more damage than anyone else can; that you ache and ache to do it again with a different outcome, knowing nothing will change. 
01/04/2023 3:59pm
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faithful-divinity · 1 year
A poem about nostalgia bc whynot?? something i find I write about when i'm a little drunk
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you are not a child anymore but you are lovely
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faithful-divinity · 3 years
look at me. I'm in the crossword puzzle and I'm loving every moment, best to be in ink and not have to eat it - getting bathed in all the fingerprints and I know us all to sometimes be intimate
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faithful-divinity · 4 years
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faithful-divinity · 4 years
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If there was a way to run SUPER MEGA AD BLOCKER on this website I fucking would
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faithful-divinity · 4 years
don’t spill me, i’m not a bucket.
i’m a worrier walking in the wind, hunched over toward the sidewalk stained with chalk drawings. there’s a cooler full of Hawaiian Punch with my name on it. “you’re here again?”
“I’m here again. sugar grows the flowers in my clogging veins.”
it doesn’t hurt so i stick my wet fingers to the outlets and take a look inside the internet.
great times on post-it notes don’t help the blind but sing for a while and we’ll catch a little knowledge from the other side of this dimension.
a fence to hide the troubles on the other side.
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faithful-divinity · 4 years
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faithful-divinity · 4 years
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faithful-divinity · 4 years
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decor daydreams journal #1: maximalist kitchen
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faithful-divinity · 4 years
when I watched American Pie 2 twice a week & listened to all nine minutes of “Konstantine” on the way to every party with the sun still out in a car thick with sober voices spilling out of the windows & making another mess all over the sidewalks. I guess this is what it looks like when youth is writhing on its deathbed but the boys who claim it are still very much alive & blooming & being split in half by a beam of moonlight stumbling in through a window and falling all over the sheets in a bed that is not ours. In the heat of that summer, I escaped the parties on Friday nights to find the near-silent bedroom of a girl who I pretended to stop talking to when my friends said we’re college guys now, but who I used to shoot hoops with in the backyard & skipped out on prom to go record shopping with last spring & that summer, we would sit on her floor & let the Supremes record play all the way through twice & tell each other stories about how our college roommates snored all year & how we didn’t sleep like we used to under this city’s moon & how we never got used to eating alone & how we instead got used to hunger & how small we’ve become because of all these things & then we would lay with each other without ever touching & I didn’t know how to talk about distance out loud & in the mornings over breakfast with the guys when Jeff would yell how was it last night across the table & I knew what it carried even then & I still smiled into a brown tornado of coffee until the plates rattled with fists pounding & laughter & high fives & isn’t it funny how silence can undress two bodies & press them into each other? & when I say funny I mean the feeling that stretches itself out in your stomach while you watch someone cry into their palms & turn their face to the night before they walk away from you for what you know is the last time before there is new sharp & boundless city between the both of you forever & when fall came, boys sat up in their beds alone & gasping while their hearts rattled out the ghosts of every unspoken love that dragged them there & then a whole country crawled itself across the ocean & went to war.
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faithful-divinity · 4 years
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faithful-divinity · 4 years
Who are we to judge, to say anything about how others feel? How am I to decide whether or not there is a right and wrong way to go against the normal? There is only against, against the wrongdoing of those who cannot say so themselves. Against the tragedies that continue to happen blindly to most of those who do not heed or pay attention to the world around them. Who don’t pay attention to the people and communities who are underprivileged and don’t have the same opportunities that we assume are open to us. There is no thought, no second guess about what we can achieve and what we deserve when we grow up, there is no hesitation – no second guess at whether the actions you take on a daily basis are considered alright, that you are free and able to go about your daily life without consequence. See here, this is the point of the matter, the abilities and freedoms that some hold are not the same as others and that is the crux of the situation. Where is the equality, 2020? Where is the visible proof that our country is open and accountable for its actions? The words of many others say different, their voices lost in the wind of the oppressive voices of those who work to keep them quiet.
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faithful-divinity · 4 years
Is it the things created out of sadness and hate that define who you are// who you want to be?
What you believe to be your best procurement of life, cannot be as truthful as you believe,
How can such harsh emotions bring forth such beautiful words?
Why does irony have to be such a bitch? (Why does it have to be so true in its essence?)
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faithful-divinity · 5 years
hear a heart beat, in the omissive silence a grey cast sky protrudes.
i drink too much coffee and feel like clawing skin off.
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faithful-divinity · 5 years
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faithful-divinity · 5 years
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2005 Vanilla Coke August 2019 Instagram / Flickr / Prints
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