idohistorysometimes · 3 months
It's never too late to look at your own work, go "this is awful", and do it again to make it better
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idohistorysometimes · 3 months
As I go on my endeavor of getting published I've found that all of my work is too shit to even be touched by a reputable journal. I guess the decrease in quality is a wakeup call I need to step up my game, a lot, cause when I'm surfing around on jstor I'm reminded just how ass everything is.
This is why you learn to do shit right the first time, kids
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idohistorysometimes · 3 months
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idohistorysometimes · 3 months
Yall ever wanted to know how your favorite monster is actually a walking pathogen?
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idohistorysometimes · 3 months
(Holds up megaphone) censoring the bodies of the disabled isn't fixing the problem Kate Quinn, nor is using random groups of people as buzzwords
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idohistorysometimes · 4 months
ah, the existential crisis of feeling i cant share any of my work because nobody will like it because it isn't more museum stories
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idohistorysometimes · 4 months
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idohistorysometimes · 4 months
Im back on my writing grind. Decided to so something fun in between the larger more academic pieces
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idohistorysometimes · 4 months
TLDR: I hate it
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idohistorysometimes · 4 months
Question: why the fuck am I the only person in this house bothering to decorate for Christmas. Why is it me doing everything? Where the fuck is the holiday whimsy
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idohistorysometimes · 4 months
Ultimately the thing that separates Anti-intellectualism from ignorance is "effort".
Think of it like knowing how to draw.
Not everyone starts off being able to draw perfect hands or landscapes. Expecting people to automatically be at that level is kind of dumb. And likewise, there are also factors that might impact your ability to draw that might make it more difficult for you than it might be for others. However, that difficulty does not mean it is impossible, it just means you have to put more effort into learning how to do it. And likewise, regardless of any other factors, in order to actually get better you have to build off of those skills, practice, and take the time working on the skill. It involves some personal amount of effort on your part which usually forces you to use your brain more and more as you learn more techniques. For example: "knowing how to draw" also involves learning what perspective is, learning how to sketch and do lineart, shading, learning anatomy or at least developing a style that is consistent, learning about colors and how they go together, etc. Its a lot more than just "making the thing", its learning how to do that on top of techniques and the composition of your piece. But if you just put it in an AI to make a picture (you did not make the AI either)... yeah you made the picture with prompts, yeah it might look nice, but you only got a result and none of the skills you would have learned through learning the process.
Learning information and engaging with the world is a similar way.
You dont always start out knowing everything. That is unrealistic. However, over time as you interact with topics more and more and you learn how arguments are composed, presented, how to cite sources, how to research a topic, etc... you begin to build the tools in your own toolbox which you can then use to interact with the world better. But you need to make an active effort to do that. You cant just snap your fingers and produce a result... well, you can but you are not going to develop the skills you would putting in the time to just sit down and interact with a subject in a more meaningful way. You need context to do that, and you don't learn that through TLDRs or through only listening to tweets or 30 second video clips.
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idohistorysometimes · 4 months
Also, hottake: Saying "I aint reading all that" in reference to a post or article you clicked on that happens to be longer in length and the constant need to have TLDRs and or information greatly summarized because you do not feel like reading through a full argument with context is just memeified Anti-intellectualism
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idohistorysometimes · 4 months
One of the worst parts about job hunting in the history field is that museums now seem to be run like a bizarre mixture hybrid of a for-profit entity but yet still retain a lot of the weird elitism and insularness of the traditional museum world. Its hard to get any job that actually goes anywhere or that pays above an insultingly low amount you cant even rent an apartment with, but at the same time you are expected to have several graduate level degrees and be above the age of 40 to either get a job to begin with or get any ounce of respect in the role you have. And then you got that weird third aspect of everything slowly becoming devoid of soul and meaning as administration becomes further and further divorced from the goal of what a museum does in the first place
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idohistorysometimes · 4 months
Stalin: this film needs to be historical
Also Stalin: you can't just use historical documents as the basis of your film what the fuck is wrong with you
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idohistorysometimes · 4 months
I need an editor cause holy shit the typos I find after I post an article after checking for errors several times make me disappointed in myself.
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idohistorysometimes · 4 months
im still looking for a job.
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idohistorysometimes · 4 months
They let me watch films again
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