Title: Forever
Type: Oneshot
Pairing: Hyukjae/Donghae
Genre: G (pure fluff)
Summary: Those petty little fights Donghae and Hyukjae have.
Is it weird to obsessed with body parts? Is that a fetish? No. It's one thing to be obsessed with but it's another to love a body part; or in Donghae's case, many body parts: lips, eyes, nose, legs butt, hands. It's not a pure, creepy obsession; he just loves them and the person they belong to.
Lee Hyukjae.
His Best friend. His fellow member of Super Junior. His dancing partner. His other half. The love of his life.
It's as if he finds something new to love about him every other day. He would find something to love every day but he takes the extra day to enjoy it further. He takes his love for every part of Hyukjae - from his small, feline-esque eyes to his smelly toes - as the meaning that he will never get bored of him and forever love him wholeheartedly. There's nothing he doesn't love of Hyukjae - except his lack of affection outside trying to get a rise out of Donghae, but he accepts that as what makes Hyukjae Hyukjae because that only means that when he loves someone, he gives his whole heart and means it. That may not be true (although Donghae believes it is), but thats how he is going to take it.
Donghae's current obsession of Hyukjae is his hands. Those milky-white slender fingers of his that fit so well between Donghae's own fingers. They resemble one of a girl's, but they are so soft against his that Donghae doesn't care to ever comment jokingly about it.
"I love you," Donghae whispers. His voice doesn't travel far in the small room, but Hyukjae is able to hear him over the movie playing on their flat screen.
"Aish," Hyukjae rolls those cat-like eyes of his, unseen by the love-sick pup beside him in the darkness of the room, falling onto said pup, "Don't tell me the movie made you all mushy now."
"No," replied Donghae defensively, "I haven't even been paying much attention to it."
"What have you been doing then? Staring at me?" He asks, half-jokingly, but is thrown for a loop when Donghae admits to it. "Mwo? Why are you being so weird? Granted, you're weird more than half the time..."
Donghae stares at Hyukjae with a blank expression before he throws the hand he' d been playing with out of his with a huff and crosses his arms over his chest. "An 'I love you too' would have sufficed... Nappeun nom..." With that, he punches Hyukjae in the arm and pushes himself off the couch and heads to the kitchen.
Sometimes Donghae doesn't know what to do with Hyukjae; he never seemed to understand. Sometimes Donghae wonders why he loves him so much, but then he realizes the list is too long to count when he goes through the list to calm his frustrations down.
"Donghae-yah," Sungmin, who Donghae encounters in the kitchen, sitting on the counter, digging into a bag of chocolate chip cookies, starts, noticing the look on his dongsaeng's face, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing..." The younger replies, digging his hand into the bag of cookies and shoving a handful into his mouth.
"Ah...Hyukjae?" Sungmin concludes, knowing the issues Donghae has with him, and hands Donghae the bag when the latter nods. "It's okay," adds Sungmin, fondly, "Hyukjae's a little...difficult sometimes-" Donghae flashes him a look that read 'Don't I know it...' and Sungmin laughs, hopping down to pat his friend's back, "If you really love him, you're going to have to just deal with it. Look at me and Kyuhyun."
Donghae nods, knowing Sungmin has a point and understanding the underlying story of his hyung's experience in his words of wisdom. He leans over the counter and falls into eating another cookie. They never tasted so good, he thinks.
Hyukjae walks into the kitchen and Sungmin excuses himself, commenting on how he unfortunately misses a certain maknae and leaves the room to find him. Donghae doesn't move from his spot on the counter, after taking Sungmin's precious spot, to acknowledge his best friend's entrance.
Its quiet for a beat before Hyukjae timidly asks, "What are you doing?" "Eating," Donghae replies shortly, throwing another mini cookie in his mouth. That taste of comfort is addicting.
Hyukjae nods, leaning against the doorway he had just come through, and it becomes quiet again, giving way to the obnoxiously loud rustle of the convenience store food. 
Hyukjae almost cringes at the sharpness of Donghae's tone of voice. He accepts it. Pushing himself off the wall, Hyukjae walks over to him, settling himself between Donghae's legs. Donghae doesn't look at him, afraid to give in to him so easily, afraid of having Hyukjae unravel him with a single glance. Donghae hated the things he did to him sometimes.
"Donghae-yah," calls Hyukjae once again, but in a softer tone Donghae realizes. Damn him, it's starting... 
"Wh-what..." Curse him.
"Mianhae." Donghae doesn't reply save for stuffing his face with cookies again. Hyukjae takes the bag out of his hands and places it on top of the stove, the nearest place possible at the moment. He turns Donghae's head to look at him and waits until his eyes settle on his. "Jjinjja mianhae." Donghae doesn't know what to say now; what could be said? He refuses to just fall into Hyukjae's arms so easily, something he's been known to do. "I must be a nuisance to you, huh?" Donghae really does fall silent. What did he mean by that? He's never once thought of him a nuisance.
"No, you give and give all your heart and love - to me of all people - and I don't give much back. I'm sorry for that. I'm just not used to...being more than just friends yet. Not that I dont want to be," he adds quickly, "Its just...different."
"It shouldn't be that different..."
"I know. It's just different to me. I used to joke about it all the time for fanservice and am used to that, I forget it means a lot more now- " Hyukjae takes Donghae's hands and laces his long silky fingers with his. Donghae begins to melt. "You mean a lot more to me than I make it seem."
"Hyukjae..." Donghae whispers, already a puddle in his shoes, holding on to Hyukjae' s hands tighter. He wants to kiss him right now. He'd give everything in the world to feel those plump pink lips that contrasted against his skin on his, but he feels hesistant now that Hyukjae made his discomfort known. He almost feels....wrong about it, so he holds back, painfully, biting his lips.
Hyukjae seems to get the gesture, knowing him all too well, and takes the initiative.
Donghae is confused when he sees Hyukjae laugh and shake his head. He's about to ask him what was so funny, but he beat him to the punch, shuting him up before a sound was uttered. Donghae's eyes flutter shut, his lashes splayed across his cheeks, and kisses Hyukjae back, taking his bottom lip in his own. He lets go of Hyukjae' s hands to wrap his arms around Hyukjae's neck, pulling him closer, as the latter wrapped his own around Donghae's waist. His cold fingers meet the warm surface of his skin, hiding under his shirt, and a shiver runs down Donghae's spine.
Donghae loves these moments, the ones when Hyukjae instigates some sort of show of affection.  It adds on to making his being with him all worth while. Donghae smiles into the kiss, playing with the hairs on the back of Hyukjae's neck, feeling the older man shiver under his touch.
Hyukjae seems willing now, not holding back; Donghae was used to his change in emotions because he's the more serious one in this relationship, but Donghae was the more serious one about the relationship. He wanted them to work because he knew how perfect they were (he saw, anyway). They have had their moments but at the end of the day, they knew who they wanted and who they came back home to.
The kiss got deeper before Donghae knew it, losing touch of reality and falling deeper into Hyukjae. He pulled him in by the neck, unable to control his tongue that massaged Hyukjae's, scooting closer to his love. He faces reality, realizing how close he was to losing control, and forces himself to push away unfortunately, hesitation burning his very core.
They've already gone through this, so Donghae was painfully aware of how far he could go.
The said member smiles at him. "Let's go finish the movie, hm?" he pushes himself off the counter and lands on his feet. He takes Hyukjae's hand in his and leads him to the living room, back on the couch. He grabs thr remote and presses play again, leaning his head on Hyukjae's shoulder.
Hyukjae on the other hand is confused. That's it? Donghae is usually mopey for the rest of the day when he doesnt respond to his "romance". This time he's just smiling and taking it.
"Are you still mad at me?"
Donghae looks up at him. "No. I know how you are. Sometimes I forget and ask for or do too much, so I'm sorry."
"I'm fine, I swear. I love you too much to continue fighting about this. It takes work to make a relationship work and I'm working at it. I'm not the only one in the relationship. we're two different people personality-wise so I have to get used to that just as you said you have to get used to us."
Hyukjae is quiet. When Donghae realizes Hyukjae is not going to say anymore, he bites his tongue and turns back to the movie, but doesnt really watch it. he only stares at the screen.
Donghae feels Hyukjae's head against his and he cant help but lean into it, his eyes falling shut.
"I do love you... even if I dont show it half the time, I love you. I do."
Donghae melts - his heart, his body, his brain, he just melts. That's all he wants - Hyukjae to tell him he loves him. He could say it 100 times and not once will he ever get tired of it. It's all he needs to live, to function correctly.
Donghae turns to him and lightly places his lips on Hyukhae's, who kisses back just as soft and it doesn't go any further than that because Donghae is satisfied with Hyukjae's confession and he's sure as long as Hyukjae still feels the same, he'll love him forever.
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Pairing: Donghae/Hyukjae
Rating: G.
Summary: What it once was is better now. (what does that mean, IDK)
A/N: Quickest oneshot I have ever written EVER. Based on that picture. It's easier to come up with stuff based on pictures :P
Hyukjae opened the door of his small home, announcing his arrival. “Honey, I’m home!” He called with a chuckle. He found himself funny quoting an old American show he came across years ago on a rare free time he had acquired somehow. “Donghae?” He called once more when he didn’t receive an answer back. He was sure Donghae was off today. That he knew because he was the most excited of the pair.
Maybe he was asleep, Hyukjae thought as he walked upstairs after checking the living room. But he shouldn’t be asleep. Daehyeon was about to be back soon and he had asked Donghae to wait up for her, even though he was sure the latter would have done so without him asking him of that.
Opening the door to their shared bedroom, Hyukjae was met with an empty, but made bed. Donghae hadn’t gone to sleep since he saw him off this morning then. Biting his bottom lip in confusion, the lean man then checked the bathrooms to no avail and made his way back downstairs. After scratching off the bathrooms downstairs and the living room, he walked into the kitchen and found the glass door leading to the backyard was open. Was he out there?
“Donghae?” Hyukjae called to nothing in particular as he walked outside. Donghae was leaning against the white adobe wall, arm over his head to block out the sun. “Hae, are you asleep?”
Donghae shook his head, eyes squinted to the point where they were closed. “Ani, welcome home.” He smiled and Hyukjae couldn’t help but do the same. He could never not smile when Donghae showed those pearly whites of his.
“Kamsahamnida,” Hyukjae replied, “What are you doing back here?”
“Thinking. Reminiscing, really.”
“You are the type to get lost in your thoughts frequently,” Hyukjae said with a chuckle and shook his head when Donghae stuck his tongue out at him playfully. “About what were you reminiscing?”
“Everything. Us. How we got from Super Junior up to this point.”
Hyukjae said nothing, being brought back into the same place Donghae just was.
Eight years of Super Junior and everything just slowed down to a stop. When the rest of the members had gone off to fulfill their army calls of duty, they came back two years later and jumped back on the Entertainment track, but one by one did they start realizing that wasn’t what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives. Sure, some of them stayed on that track because ‘that was all they knew’ or ‘they didn’t know what else to do because this was what they loved’, but the older ones wanted something else; they wanted a life of their own, a family, they wanted a normal life with less people and the lack of constant flashing lights blinding them every day.
Yes, it was hard to let go and convert to live amongst their fans, but it had to be done and it was.
Hyukjae and Donghae probably had it the hardest. When they left, they decided not to live the enclosed secluded life that some of the other members did and lived in a neighborhood with people around, not acres apart. That didn’t stop the paparazzi from destroying that peace, however, and they didn’t really have a bodyguard anymore to keep them away. The neighborhood turned on them at that point, not actively, but passively.
And it wasn’t a surprise that Donghae and Hyukjae were together, to the other members, but it was to everyone else. Because they weren’t celebrities anymore (that’s how they felt at the time because they weren’t Super Junior), they felt it was okay to be more out in the open. They were wary of it at first, but didn’t want to hide anymore. That was another bad choice on their part. However, they chose to live it. It took longer than they thought it would to die down, but it eventually did. After they decided to seclude themselves in their home. That’s when they realized being with the same person in the same room 24/7 brought about differences and major tension.
They broke up for a few weeks into a month, but that period was the most hellish of all hell they had ever put themselves through. They realized they wanted no one, nothing else, but each other and decided they didn’t want to go back to that, they wanted to make it work again. It wasn’t hard to fall back in love because they never actually fell out of love in the first place.
To them, it got better at that point, when they stopped caring about the opinions of others and started living for themselves.
“Yeah, those were…rollercoaster moments we had.” Hyukjae commented after his trip to memory lane, a soft and sad smile laid over his thin face. Donghae concluded that that man would never gain weight for as long as he lives whereas he himself was starting to fill out as the years go by.
“Yes, they were,” Donghae agreed as he stood up and wrapped his arms around Hyukjae’s slender waist, placing a chaste kiss upon his lips. “But if that’s what it takes to get here, I would do it all over again because there’s nothing better than what we have now. It’s really all I’ve wanted and could ever want.”
Hyukjae nodded with a smile, leaning his forehead against Donghae’s. “Agreed.”
Donghae pulled his head back after a moment, releasing a hand to caress his lover’s cheek. He looked deeply into the auburn orbs that met his chocolate ones and could still see the light and love that he felt had taken over him over the last few years of his life so far. It hadn’t died out and he wasn’t intending it to at all. “I love you. More than words can describe.”
“Saranghaeyo. Mahni, mahni,” replied Hyukjae before their lips met in a tender, warm kiss, neither caring that the fence around the home was only waist high. They stopped caring what others said about them and how they felt. All they really needed and wanted was each other; that’s all that mattered.
Their moment was broken by the sound of a revving engine rolling to a soft hum.
“She’s home.” Donghae announced and soon did they hear the sound of the doorbell float through the home.
“Daddy! Appa! I’m home!”
“Aish,” Hyukjae grimaced, “I told her to stop doing that…”
Donghae laughed and walked to the gate that opened the pathway down the side of the house to the front.
“Back here, Daehyeon.”
“Daddy!” The five-year-old brunette lit up with a smile as her eyes noticeably brightened at the sight of one of her father and she ran towards the open gate, her Hello Kitty bookbag lightly thumping against her back with every movement her curly pigtails made. Before she could make an impact against Donghae’s legs, he picked her up and swung her around in a circle, leaving her in a squealing, giggly mess.
Donghae laughed with her and settled her on his hip with a content sigh. “How was your day, Hyeon-ah?”
“Fun! I drew you and Appa a picture!”
“Really?” Donghae asked with her same enthusiasm, “I can’t wait to see it!” DaeHyeon giggled as they walked back to Hyukjae.
“DaeHyeon, I told you not to yell at the door. It disturbs the neighbors.” He scolded.
He didn’t mean it strictly, but the child’s whole happy demeanor changed immediately. Her bangs covered her eyes as she leaned her head down with a pout. She didn’t particularly take well to being scolded.
“Mianhae, appa…”
Donghae’s heart dropped to see his baby like this, quivering lips and all, but so did Hyukjae’s. He found it very hard to stay mad at her.
“Gwaenchana, Hyeon-ah,” Hyukjae sighed, brushing her bangs out of her face and cupped her chubby cheeks to look up at him. She didn’t look like either one of her fathers, but that was okay; she was still their baby to them. She was just as their daughter to them as Jungsu and Sora’s son was to those two. The most happiest memory both Hyukjae and Donghae had was when they adopted little DaeHyeon. “Just remember to only ring the doorbell, ara?”
DaeHyeon nodded, pout still in place. “Araso.”
“Come here.” Hyukjae took DaeHyeon from Donghae and hugged her tightly. “Gwaenchana, Hyeon-ah. I’m not mad. Okay? I just need you to remember that, okay?” DaeHyeon nodded once more. “What was that? I didn’t hear you?” Hyukjae proceeded to coax an answer out of her and tickled her.
“Appa!” She squealed and broke out in laughter. “Okay! Okay! Araso! Araso!”
 Hyukjae laughed and placed her on his lip, placing a kiss on her cheek. “Are you okay now?” DaeHyeon nodded, but this time it wasn’t from sadness. “Can you show me your picture too?” DaeHyeon nodded enthusiastically with a smile as the three walked into the house, DaeHyeon going on about the colors she used in this picture.
Yeah. This was definitely what they wanted. They couldn’t ask for more.
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Pretty Boy
Title: Pretty Boy
Paring: Ryeowook/Chansung, mentioned Yesung/Ryeowook
Type: Two shot
Rating: NC-17 Genre: Drama, angst
Summary: Ryeowook has an encounter with 2PM’s Chansung, who’s had his eyes on this pretty boy for a while.
A/N: I saw this prompt on a super Junior meme community (kinkykpop) and was like "Hm...I have never seen this pairing before... I'ma do it!! :D" because I have gotten so used to pairing SJ members with SJ members and I wanna broaden my horizons, even though you haven't seen much of me writing these SJ/SJ pairings... >.> I'm telling you, I don't know how to write short one shot for the life of me, I was going to end it earlier (around the 2k words point) but anyway, enjoy! This was originally a oneshot, but my mind strayed and was like "Let's see where we can take this..." Why? I don't know. I'm sorry.
----------------------------- All 13 members of Super Junior are gathered in a clump, laughing at the unfortunate members of their group. They had just played가위 바위 보as they filmed for another one of the variety shows they were guests on to keep the show lively and funny. Thanks to a very smart idea from Eunhyuk, the losers had to dress up in girl uniforms and strut around the neighborhood, saying hello to passing bystanders.
“Gomawo, Eunhyuk…” Leeteuk sarcastically said to his fellow band member as he looked down at himself. He couldn’t believe he was put in this situation… He was too old for this. Why was he put in group 2, he asked himself once again?
The blamed member looked dejected himself looking around at the rest of the dressed members: Leeteuk, Shindong, Ryeowook, Heechul, Kyuhyun. He thought they would for sure win. He was good at this game… This was not his intention… He couldn’t even look at Donghae, who was trying not to laugh at his saddened love, looking like this. He was supposed to be manly. How can he be manly in a SKIRT?
Heechul was swaying his hips left and right, having too much fun in that skirt. He walked around with such feminine poise, trying to get a rise out of Team 1. This was fun.
Shindong stood there, trying to situate his skirt which was shorter than others because of his heavier-set figure. Kyuhyun tried not making any movements, feeling completely and totally emasculated. Ryeowook bit his lips, constantly pulling his skirt down, uncomfortably feeling a draft under there. He held the shirt against his legs, afraid it would fly up and be seen in his briefs. Sure, they had seen each other in their underwear before, but that didn’t mean it was any less embarrassing.  Especially when Yesung had his eyes glued to him…
Yesung had to plaster a smile on his face, pretending to be cracked up by this sight. The last thing he wanted to do was laugh. There were better things he would rather do…but he would have to wait till they finished shooting.
“Okay,” The PD said, “Let’s get started filming! Gaja!”
The members and crew came back into the studios in an uproar of jokes and laughter. Team 2 had been accustomed to the uniform at this point except Kyuhyun and Ryeowook, who were still upset about the loss and still nervous and uncomfortable, respectively. Yesung happened to “accidentally” brush against the eternal maknae, causing him to jump as he felt a hand against his bum.
“I have an idea for when we get home…” Yesung whispered in Ryeowook’s ears. The heated breath elicited a shiver down Ryeowook’s spine like an electric circuit. He bit his lip as an image flashed across his mind.
“Sungie…” He gasped.
They filmed a little more before taking another break as the video crew situated the cameras and switched to other devices as lighting was fixed. That image had yet to leave Ryeowook’s mind and it made his briefs uncomfortable to be in and because this was a skirt, the last thing he want to do was move his hand. That would not go over well on camera. And Yesung wasn’t helping at all; his gestures, his touches, deliberately trying to mess with him…
The second the stopped filming so they could change, Ryeowook hurried to the bathroom. He would be better secluded in there than having his members view his embarrassing glory in their shared dressing room.
The eternal maknae dashed into the room and hurriedly closed the door behind him. He leaned over the sink, taking deep breaths because he knew if he tried to touch himself now, he would for sure lose it. He’d never been one to hold out long and it didn’t take much to throw him over the edge. One characteristic he’d learn to hate of which Yesung discovered.
Ryeowook decided to hurry up since they had to get back to filming, so he lifted up his skirt, noticing the prominent bulge against his white briefs with a darker patch. He hissed as his smooth fingers touched the rigid organ. Still sensitive… How was he going to get rid of this now?
He bit his lip and took a firm grip of himself. He began to stroke himself, mouth falling open at the feeling. He moved quicker, wanting to get this over with.
“Yesung…” His mouth happened to let out in a sensual whisper. He didn’t realize that was who was on his mind. “Nng…” He began moving faster with a picture of a nude Yesung in the most seductive position he’d seen him in permanently embedded into his mind, everything in view. Just for him.
He gasped, leaning over the sink, moaning out the name of his desires. “Mm..!” He squealed, feeling the roughness and friction. His hand increased in speed and pressure as he started to focus on the sparks that flew out of his body, the pleasure intensifying with every stroke. He needed more.
He pushed his briefs down to his knees and laid his body over the sink. Sucking on his fingers, coating them well and proper, he brought his index finger behind him and teased himself, continuing with the strokes. He shuddered as he pictured Yesung’s tongue in place of his fingers; that skilled muscle working its magic.
“Sungie…” He gasped, picturing Yesung behind him, running his small hands over the younger’s slim body, “I need you…” He cried out, plunging into himself as Yesung. Finding the motion was difficult. He hadn’t done this before, but he’d been so used to Yesung in him that even doing it himself didn’t suffice anymore.
“Will I do?”
Ryeowook jumped up, not recognizing the voice. It definitely wasn’t Yesung’s, he knew that much. He turned to the source of the voice and saw Chansung eyeing him intently, seeming to take in the needing sight of this boy.
“You forgot to lock the door.”
He forgot to lock the door?! The eternal maknae was now completely and utterly humiliated… No one was supposed to see him like this, especially not his dongsaeng. In such a compromising position, in desperate need. He didn’t know what to do at this moment. What could he do? He could pull his briefs back up and walk out like nothing happened… But he was in too much shock to have that idea even flash across his mind. He was just shocked stiff.
He didn’t know what to do as Chansung locked the door.
He didn’t know what to do as Chansung took that first step towards him.
He didn’t know what to do as Chansung stood centimeters in front of him.
He didn’t know what to do as Chansung’s hand ran down his side and slipped under the dark blue fabric.
It wasn’t until the younger male made contact with skin before Ryeowook could move. He quickly slapped his hand away and tried to take a step back, forgetting his briefs around his ankles. He fell backwards with a yelp and winced as a sharp jolt of pain ran up his backside from landing bare ass on the stone floor.
Chansung ran his tongue over his lips as they had dried up from the sight of the Super Junior member looking up at him with wide eyes, reddened cheeks, skirt pooled around his hips giving way to his prominent erection peeking from underneath. Never had he thought he would see his hyung in such a compromising position…so helpless…so inviting. Opportunity had knocked at his door and presented him a gift that he was not about to let it pass.
“Ryeowook…” Chansung crashed his lips into Ryeowook’s, inability to mix as it was just lips and teeth.
“Mmnh!” Ryeowook tried to push him away, biting down on his own lips. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t what he wanted, who he wanted it with. Ryeowook became wide-eyed when he heard Chansung fumble with his belt. What was he trying to do?
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” He breathed, heavily into the older male’s face, “How long I’ve wanted you.” That did not sound as romantic or cute as it should have been; he didn’t see Chansung that way, he’d never wanted him that way. Sure, he had imagined or thought about it once upon a time, but that was it. Who even knew who when that thought had crossed his mind? And it was before Yesung.
“No,” Ryeowook whimpered, struggling to get out of his grasp, but Chansung wasn’t having it. He took Ryeowook’s hands and pinned them down above his head with one hand, pulling his briefs down with the other. How the hell was he so strong? Ryeowook was at such a disadvantage.
Chansung forced him into a kiss again, muffling his resistance. With his free hand, he took hold of Ryeowook’s flushing red thickness, eliciting a gasp from the smaller male. This gave the 2PM member entrance into his mouth. In the midst of the clash of teeth, a metallic taste entered Ryeowook’s mouth with a twinge of pain, pain that mimicked what he felt in his heart.
No, no, no. Ryeowook tried so hard, but his strength, or lack thereof, was failing him. Tears blurred his vision as he realized what was happening. A moan escaped his lips when those sensations he was receiving in the pit of his stomach – these familiar sensations, something only Yesung was allowed to produce – were starting to form. He wasn’t supposed to like this. He wasn’t supposed to be feeling this way. This was wrong.
“S-Stop­,” Ryeowook gasped, his toes began to curl when a rolling sensation found its way down his legs.
“Oh, you like it too, huh?” Chansung smirked, “I knew you would. But y’know, you can’t have all the fun.” The tone of his voice frightened him. He wasn’t about to go through with it, was he?
“N-No. No. Don’t.”
“But, Wookie…” Chansung spat in his hand of which then disappeared behind Ryeowook’s pelvis. The eternal maknae froze when he felt the tip of his finger around his puckered entrance. “It seems you’re already practically stretched for me.” Ryeowook wanted to tell him, to yell, that it wasn’t for him, only the one person who held his heart, who he would let do whatever they pleased. But it didn’t come out. Not a single word when two fingers had slid into him and scissored him open, causing him to arch his back against the cold, tiled floor. His fingers were digging into Chansung’s forearm, but the latter didn’t mind, or seem to notice; he was in a completely other world to care.
“Cha…Chansung…” The eternal maknae moaned, trying to bite his lips shut. That was not supposed to be a moan. It should have been a cry for help. He felt disgusted with himself. He felt disappointed with himself. He hated himself. This wasn’t the characteristics of a loyal boyfriend.
“Yes, say my name again.”
“Ah-ah…” Ryeowook tried wriggling free of the younger male when he felt a pressure in his backside. Chansung groaned in ecstasy with every movement, filling the Super Junior member up slowly. In attempt to push him off, the latter only gripped the 2PM member’s shoulders tightly.
“Even when stretched,” Chansung breathed, “You’re still tight as a virgin.” Reaching the end of his stretch, his scrotum hitting base, Chansung settled there for a moment, collecting himself, before pulling out. Ryeowook’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, helpless to the sound of pleasure that escaped his mouth.
“Oh, God!” He exclaimed, breathing sharply when he felt Chansung slam into him, filling him up completely. Oh my God, this feeling. He hated it, but he needed it at the same time. “S-Stop, Ch-Chansung!”
“Doesn’t – sound – like you want me – to,” he grunted, starting a slow paced thrust, steadily increasing with Ryeowook’s lack of needed stretching. Ryeowook was left in a writhing hot mess of moans and whimpers mixed in with rolling tears. It was so good, so good.
What kind of a person was he?
Chansung’s hand wrapped around Ryeowook’s slender legs and pulled it up over his shoulder for a better angle and access, slamming into Ryeowook deep and hard. Chansung used his free hand to expertly unbutton the eternal maknae’s button-up with one free hand and attached his lips to the older male’s neck. Tangling his fingers in Ryeowook’s hair, he roughly pulled back his head, biting and sucking at the exposed skin, eliciting delicious sounds and mews from the other, tasting the bitter surface of sweat.
The room felt smaller, stuffier, warmer. Everything in Ryeowook told him to push this weight off of him and run into Yesung’s arms, crying out to him to make him feel safe again – and he’d been trying so hard, but-
Ryeowook let out a sharp gasp, his back arching off the cold, stone floor. Chansung couldn’t help the smirk that grew on his lips as he hit that pleasure button in the other and he angled himself to find that spot again.
“Come on, Wookie,” Ryeowook wanted to slap the name out of his mouth, “I want to you finish for me… I want you to scream my name when you cum. I know you’ve got the voice to produce beautiful music.”
Ryeowook bit his lips shut, not wanting to give Chansung that satisfaction. A moan unwillingly pushed through, feeding the 2PM member’s desire. The latter threw the other leg over his shoulder, hitting that spot every time and lifting his skirt to grab a hold of Ryeowook’s flushed red cock. Precome beaded at the tip and he now noticed that darker spot on the skirt fabric.
“Fuck, Ryeowook,” Chansung breathed, the said male’s mewls rolling through his ears. He quickly pumped him, lubed with his precome. Ryeowook was left a writhing, breathless mess and the sight itself excited Chansung beyond comprehension.
“No. No,” Ryeowook managed to get out, feeling that all-too familiar rolling in the pit of this stomach, “St-stop!” He tried to move his legs so he could push himself away, but as soon as his feet touched the ground, Chansung held his arms above his head and moved closer enough to Ryeowook to have no way out.
“Oh, no,” He said, “I want to see you cum for me. I can see you want to.”
More ‘no’s left Ryeowook’s lips as he struggled to get out of Chansung’s grasp. He couldn’t let it get this far. He couldn’t let Chansung have this, hold his release over him, but the more he moved, the harder and quicker Chansung thrusted. It wasn’t helping him.
Chansung continued pumping, twisting his wrist, flicking the tip of Ryeowook’s dick and he could feel the latter’s walls constricting and dilating on him.
Oh no. Ryeowook’s breathing became irregular, stomach beginning to tighten. That sweet jolt started becoming stronger, his toes starting to curl. With each thrust, interchanging between slow and deep and fast, Chansung pumped.
“No…no…no….sto-AH!” A white light blinded Ryeowook’s vision, back bent in an unimaginable position. A ribbon of white fell into ropes against his stomach, drenching Chansung’s hand. He swore he saw stars dancing around his head as his body erupted in small sparks. The younger male thrusted through Ryeowook’s orgasm, the tight clenching of Ryeowook’s abused hole against the length of his member and he came, spilling his seed into the moist heat, with a groan.
“Fuck…” Chansung spat, hips jerking involuntarily so well into him. He laid on his forearms to hold himself up as he waited out that fucking amazing orgasm of his. Once he got off his high, he pulled out, hissing at his sensitivity.
Ryeowook just laid there.
Tucking himself back into his pants carefully, Chansung looks up to find Ryeowook’s gaping hole open to him, his juices seeping out of him, rolling down that valley of dark hair. He was almost turned on by his own handiwork, seeing Ryeowook in his position, but he didn’t have the time to dilly-dally.
Standing up, he redid his belt, walking over to Ryeowook, who was just staring at the ceiling, and knelt down. His fingers traced the marks he left on the older male and cupped his cheeks, feeling the silkiness of his skin. Sometimes he just can’t help himself.
“If you ever want to do this again, you know where to find me.” He bent down and pressed his lips against Ryeowook’s. The elder didn’t fight back. It wouldn’t have made a difference. What was worse was done.
Chansung stood up, fixing himself up before leaving the room, locking it to prevent Ryeowook’s first mistake.
And again, Ryeowook just laid there.
Was he thinking? Did his mind draw blanks? Who knew? He was not focused on anything but the dark grey wall above him. That gray wall of absolute nothingness. He felt the same. He felt open yet trapped, alone yet exposed. The man leaned to his right, laying on his side, curling into himself. He was scared. He was embarrassed. He was humiliated. Why? Why was there a part of him that liked it? Why was there a part of him that wanted it? It must have been his hormones. It had to be his desire for Yesung, who he couldn’t have at the time. It had to be.
Time passed like it was mere seconds. Wasn’t it though? Days could have probably passed and he wouldn’t have known it. He didn’t know how long he had been lying there, vulnerable and embarrassed, almost scared until he heard a knock on the door.
“Wookie-ah? Ryeowook. Are you still in there?”
It was Donghae.
Now, was Ryeowook starting to feel the impact of the situation at hand. His heart began to race suddenly as he scrambled to grab his underwear that was tossed aside in the midst of action. He couldn’t be seen like this. He didn’t want questions asked. He didn’t want Yesung to know that he betrayed him like that. No. He couldn’t lose Yesung.
“J-Jamkkan manyo!” He stuttered, voice wavering in every way possible. He flushed the toilet in attempt to make it sound like he was actually using the bathroom and ran the water to clean his stomach up. He grabbed an unnecessary fistful of paper towels, dabbing it in water scrubbed hard at the spot on his shirt. He felt dirty. Awfully dirty. And scared.
Unfortunately his shirt was white, so there left a large wet spot on his shirt, the cum spot somewhat less noticeable. But that wet spot. Ryeowook couldn’t figure out what to do now. He didn’t have anything to cover it up from the walk to the dressing room. He didn’t have anything to cover the marks on his neck. Why did this have to happen to him?
Ryeowook turned off the water, tossed the large wad of paper towels away and held his shirt under the electric dryer. Maybe, just maybe that would do the trick.
He shivered from the cold, although it was heat coming out. He rubbed at the wet stain to hurry the process. It wasn’t going fast enough. Once it shut off, he punched the large silver button in desperation and the dryer roared to life once more. The result was better than it started it. The wet spot dried up to nickel size, though the outline of the stain was still there, but it would do for now. He popped his collar in attempt to hide the dark bruises along his neck. He fixed his hair to look less disheveled and deemed himself ready to face the public.
Taking a breath, Ryeowook opened the door slowly in hopes that Donghae wouldn’t notice anything. There’s nothing to notice, right?
“Mianhae.” Ryeowook kept his eyes down, unable to look him in the eyes, fearing the result, fearing the comparison, fearing the consequences.
“Gwaenchana?” It wasn’t even a reply to his apology; it was aimed towards him. Did Donghae notice something? Ryeowook felt the goosebumps arise, but nodded and started walking towards the dressing room, head down, quick paced, and in silence.
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Trapped in a Closet
Title: Trapped in the Closet
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kevin/Kibum (U-KISS)
Summary: Kevin gets Kibum's pants dirty and must find a bleach pen in the closet.
A/N: This is the first KPOP fanfic I ever wrote after like 2yrs of not writing fanfics period, so forgive the horribleness that is horrible...but it gets better in the middle :P
″Dongho-ssi!″ Coordinator noona yelled above my head. I cringed at the loudness of her voice and she apologized.
″Kwenchanayo,″ I smiled in reply and stood up from the chair where I sat as she was dressing my hair, now it was Dongho-ah′s turn. We were getting ready for our new photoshoot and I was excited. I always found photoshoots fun. Only half of U-Kiss had gotten completely ready, so they were spread about the set in their own conversations – Eli with Xander, and SooHyun with Ki Seop. Kibum was over at the food table. Food table?
I hurried over to my best friend to stop him before he messes up his outfit. We were wearing white pants and he picked a great time to decide to eat.
″Kibum, put that down!″ I yelled just as I reached him. He had the food almost into his mouth and it was saucy... That was supposed to be lunch and it wasn′t lunchtime yet – and it was hovering over his pants.
″Wae?″ He looked up at me, innocently. He was so cute. I was so tempted to just let him eat it. I shook my head to snap out of those thoughts.
″You′re going to mess up your pants! And we haven′t even finish the photoshoot yet!″
″I′ll be careful.″ He resumed putting the food in his mouth, but before he could get in his mouth, I stopped him and took the toothpick from him. ...It ended up sliding off the toothpick and onto his pants. ″Kevin.″
I was stunned with my mouth open. That was not how I wanted it to happen... I could feel my face flush red due to this embarrassing act. I snapped out of my trance and started freaking out, looking for something to wipe it off. I got a whole bunch of tissues and started wiping off Kibum′s pants with such force.
″It′s only making it worse!″ I cried, but kept trying, ″Mianhae!″
″Kevin, K-Kevin, stop!″ I didn't listen. I had to get it out. It was my fault. Coordinator noona would be mad. She′s scary when she′s mad. ″Kev--″ Kibum then held my hands still, successfully stopping me from continuing my massive attack on his legs, which he forced together. I looked up at him, who was biting his bottom lip before he spoke. ″Let′s just go tell Coordinator noona. She knows what to do.″
″No! She′ll be angry at me!″ I yelled, exasperatedly, trying to go back to cleaning his pants, but he kept a strong grip on me.
″She′ll be fine. She doesn't have time to be mad. I′l
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Afterthought [Eunhae]
Title: Afterthought Type: Oneshot Pairing: Donghae/Eunhyuk Rating: PG-13 Summary: Donghae and Hyukjae had grown up homeless and all they had was each other until Donghae decides to leave  this life of homelessness and danger after Hyukjae turns 18. Hyukjae doesn't want to and after many trials and pleads, Donghae finally does leave heartbroken and saddened that he has to leave his best friend, but he had to. The two meet seven years later and it's almost scary how far apart they've grown. A/N: This is a oneshot (most likely a chapter cuz I didn't put a lot of things in here that comes from reading the whole thing) based on that summary up there, which is a full fanfic that I...will write eventually, but I thought this would make a good oneshot (and I wanted to use this typewriting app on Google Chrome x3). Despite the fact, enjoy. :) BTW. Donghae is a successful business owner, Hyukjae is still homeless, but is now into drugs and has come back for the forth(?) time after falling into many misfortunes. This is the worst one that left him vulnerable and Hyukjae needed some Donghae loving. This the morning after.
It was a spur of the moment kind of thing. He wasn't used to this; he knew better than that. But it was his old best friend, who was so broken and vulnerable - something he wasn't used to seeing either. Did that make it okay?
Of course not.
Yet, he went along with it. What kind of person did that make him? Was he like all the other people in his life? Did it make him any better or any worse?
The twenty-four year old runs his fingers through his hair in disarray, covering his mouth as he stars blankly at the wooden door across from him. His dark brown orbs are focused on the surface long enough to see the white paint chipping off as small as an insect and he's lost in thought once again. His thoughts are muddled and frightening to him, but he just can't get them to stop. With each thought so his heart beats stronger and stronger and his palms begin to sweat.
Donghae always had an issue with his anxiety no matter how small the issue, but he can't figure out how minuscule or gravid this is.
He loses focus when the bed begins to move beside him. Turning to the other occupant on his bed, he watches the faux-blonde turn to his side, eyes still not opening. He isn't even really sure if he could see his eyes by the other's shaggy hair falling just below eye line, but he can see his mouth. Those plump, pink lips (fuller than his own, Donghae remembers) are parted only slightly, being the source of his breathing.
When he's sure he wasn't waking up, Donghae lets out a breath, letting his knees, which were previously bent, fall to each side only to bring them up again because of the draft he felt between his legs.
The hoarse voice shocks him for just a second before he gathers himself again, turning back to the blonde, who is laying in the same position Donghae last noticed him in, looking up at him.
"Hyukjae," He breathes with a small smile, "I didn't know you were awake."
Hyukjae shakes his head, "I wasn't until just now."
"Ah," nods Donghae, "Well, did you sleep well?"
Hyukjae is quiet before he sits up against the headboard, getting a view of Donghae's back. He sees the small crescent marks in red, splattered along his back and he feels almost guilty. "I guess."
This silence between them is awkward - just as it was when they first met after seven years of lack of communication and distance in every possible way. Neither know what to say at this moment. What can be said? The events of last night hung over them almost darkly, but neither knew how to feel about it.
They both utter a word simultaneously and laugh ineptly. They each tell the other to speak first and it ends up going nowhere, silence falling between them once again.
"Hyukjae," starts Donghae.
"I...I'm sorry."
Hyukjae is taken aback. "Mwo? For what?"
"This." He motions between them, "Last night. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have let it go that far. That's obviously the last thing you need right now. I don't know why I even-- I'm sorry." Donghae turns around, back to Hyukjae, as he runs his hands over his face as if trying to smooth out worry lines and inevitable wrinkles from worrying so much.
Hyukjae struggles for words to say. He isn't one for wise words or thoughtful ones; he didn't grow up that way. It's easier for him to show his emotions (depending on what) than to talk it out.
"I should be the one apologizing."
That makes Donghae turn around with an expression that mimicked Hyukjae's previous one. "Mwo?"
Hyukjae nods as an affirmation to his previous statement, eyes fixated on his fingers on his lap, tangling themselves in the bed sheet. "I told you to do it. I know you have issues with saying no and not doing what someone says. It's my fault if I made this weird. I don't even know if you even swing that way and I made you do that... I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry. I'll go now; I knew it was a bad idea coming here." Hyukjae, still leaving the bed sheet covering his shame, swings his legs over the side to grab his--DONGHAE'S clothes hesitantly. Already ruining Donghae, he couldn't take his clothes too, but he had nothing else. Just like he had nowhere to go.
When his clothes were finally on, Hyukjae pushes himself off the bed to leave the room, so he can just let Donghae be. He's sure his life wasn't so fucked up before he found him.
Just as soon as Hyukjae's hand touches the doorknob, Donghae's question stops him. "Where are you going to go?"
Hyukjae is quiet for a bit. He doesn't know and honestly, for the first time, he's afraid. He has, what he could call it, a home here - at least, Donghae made it feel like one even though this was the last place he wanted to be in the beginning - and now, he may have to venture back into a world of nothingness, fending for himself, jumping from one area to another in fear of being followed or attacked again. He is thoroughly afraid.
"I...I don't know...but I'll find somewhere," He finally replies, trying to make at least his voice strong since he can't stop his hands from shaking.
"So you're just going to walk out again?" Donghae asks before Hyukjae can push open the door.
"What else can I do?" Hyukjae's voice is low, barely above a whisper, but Donghae hears. It's the only thing he CAN hear. The lonely man turns around. "I can't stay here. I can't keep ruining your life. What good has been coming from me since I stayed here? You've managed to get yourself and education, a job, and a house since you left those years ago and look at me; I haven't done a damn thing except get worse. It's better for you if I just go and don't come back. For good." He turns back around, ready to leave, but Donghae isn't about to let him.
"Who are you to tell me what is better for me? What if I want all the bad? What if I want all the misfortunes that come with you? What if...I just want you?"
Donghae chuckles; not that anything is funny, but at the irony of this whole thing. All those years ago Donghae was the one dying to leave, ready to leave that world of homelessness and danger, wanting to take Hyukjae with him and now here he is, wanting Hyukjae to stay as he wanted to leave. "You forget how close we were. We were best friends; all I had was you. You were the only one I could trust and lean on. You don't know how much it hurt to leave back then. You don't know how much it hurt and how scared I was when you said you didn't want to come with me. You had no idea how in love I was with you back then and I had to leave all that to get where I am today. I tried to find you, but I had no idea where you were. Then you come back into my life, in so much trouble, but you still had that snarky attitude of yours and it was like nothing changed; I was ecstatic. You were still the same person I left seven years ago, the same person I loved, but I thought you had forgotten me.
"After all those times you left here, I was so ready to give up on you ever coming back; I was ready to hate you just so I wouldn't care anymore, so I didn't have to miss you. It didn't work," He laughed, bitterly as his voice broke, "Look at where we are now. I still care about you; I still love you. So, I'm telling you, you have a home here - with me - if you're willing to stay. If you still want to leave, fine, leave. I can't make you stay. Just know that if you do, I can't take you back, I won't let you. I can't keep putting myself through this for you, for something that will never actually happen. Not necessarily as 'us', but you changing for the better, for yourself. I hate seeing you like that. I can't stand seeing you in that condition. But if you stay with me, I can help you; you'll have a home, somewhere warm to stay with someone who cares deeply for you. You won't have to be out there, holding your own, or afraid of what will happen the next day. We both know what it's like and I know what this is like and I'm telling you, it's a lot better than anything you'll find out there. So, please, Hyukjae, for your sake, stay."
Donghae just watches Hyukjae's movements, or lack thereof, with bated breath. He's waiting for Hyukjae's answer and he's worried that Hyukjae will choose the wrong option because he knows him. He knows how Lee Hyukjae is. This proud man, who will go against all positives if it means he won't be wrong, if it means he won't be weak. Sometimes, Donghae hated him for that because it always got him in trouble. Every time.
And it ceased to fail him still.
Donghae's heart drops when the conflicted man pushed open the door. He thought he finally got through to him. He thought Hyukjae cared enough for him and himself to stay. Unfortunately, Donghae knew him better than that. His head falls into his palm in defeat and heartbreak. "Hyukjae..." He mutters under his breath.
A slam makes him pick his head up, especially when he hears a sob break the silence. He sees Hyukjae in a pile against he door, shoulders shaking violently in sobs. Although it wasn't a good thing seeing Hyukjae cry, a sense of relief flows through him and leaves him weak enough for a sob to break through his laugh.
He decided to stay.
Donghae flies over to the heap of Hyukjae and just wraps his arms around him, letting him cry, letting him let go of everything - of his life - just to stay here with Donghae and make a better one.
Hyukjae cries because Donghae hasn't left him; he didn't give up on him - he hasn't lost the only person who would stand by him no matter what he did or how stupid he acts.
When Hyukjae was left in all but sniffles, he stayed in Donghae's embrace. He feels like this is the only place he wants to be, to feel this warmth, to have this sense of belonging.
"Ow!" Hyukjae rubbs his head where Donghae had just smacked him.
"You fucking babo."
"What was that for?" He sniffles, staring up at Donghae with red, puffy eyes.
"Don't ever do that to me again! I thought you really decided to leave; I was going to be so upset. Don't you - ever - do that - again!" He repeats, smacking him in each pause.
"Okay, okay!" Hyukjae can't help but laugh, ducking from Donghae's hands, "I won't, I won't. Really." That is good enough for Donghae and he goes back to wrapping his hands around Hyukjae's slender frame, leaning his head on Hyukjae's. It feels like a breath of fresh air. All worries are gone at this point, sitting here together in serene silence. "Hey."
"You're naked."
Hyukjae's blunt statement brought another hit to his head.
"I'm glad you're feeling better," Donghae says, rolling his eyes.
"A little bit, but yeah," He looks up at Donghae, "Thank you."
Donghae smiles at his sincerity. He is going to jokingly comment that he never said 'thank you' to him before, but decided to bite his tongue. "No need to thank me." He's quiet for a bit before speaking again, "So, you're really here to stay." It isn't a question, but more of a realization.
Hyukjae nods. "I'm here to stay." He's quiet before he speaks this time, "I have a question."
"Do you... Do you still love me?"
"I...Yeah, I do. So much. I'm sorry if that's weird. If you're not comfortable with that, I'll refrain from doing anything that's weird... Like this..." He unwraps his arms from him with a hesitant chuckle, but Hyukjae takes his arms around him again.
"No," He says, leaning into Donghae, "I'm not uncomfortable. I want you to love me. And I want to love you too."
"Hyukjae," Donghae pushed him back genetly to look him in the eyes, "Me loving you doesn't mean you HAVE to love me too. I'm just glad that you are here, that you decided to give up that life that you led for so long, that we're finally together."
"I know I don't HAVE to love you. I want to. I want to love someone like you. I want to BE WITH someone like you. I've see the kinds of people out there and there's no one like you - no one like Lee Donghae." Donghae can't help but grin widely. "It's going to be hard, but I'm willing to try...if it means you'll help me and won't give up on me."
"As long as I know you're trying, I'll be there by your side."
Hyukjae smiles himself and slowly leans into Donghae, faces only centimeters apart. He stops to give a chance for Donghae's permission to kiss him because, really, that's all he wants to do - to kiss him, to show his happiness, his gratefulness, and his promise - and he's elated. He's elated because Donghae accepts, Donghae accepts him. Hyukjae is kissing him - kissing him not with desire or need caused by vulnerability, but with all his heart, what he had left to give - and no words can express anything he's feeling right now. He's finally found a home. After seven excruciatingly long and painful years, he's finally found an ending to that chapter of his life and can now start a new chapter in a new story - a story in which he knows there are still hardships and obstacles to occur, but at least he doesn't have to fight them alone; at least there's someone who will stay by him in the long run.
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new followers make me happeh!
Hai new follower!~
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Thrills of Secrecy [Joon/OFC]
Title: Thrills of Secrecy
Pairing: OFC /Joon
Rating: NC-17
Is this what criminals feel like? Is this what robbers feel when they go out in the middle of the night to heavily protected mansions or whatever to steal from heavily protected safes? Is this what drug dealers feel like when they have to drive to the darkest of dark alleys to make illegal transactions with someone, avoiding the authorities? Is this what a troubled teenager in a convenience store feels like the moment he stalks the aisles in a haphazard manner to throw the employee off his intentions as he quickly swipes an item from the stands, stuffing it into the inside pocket of his jacket.
That’s what it definitely what it felt like.
Joon had no idea of how it got to this point. Not a clue did he have to coming to the conclusion of whether it was the rush of just doing it, the atypical thrill of being so secretive – something he was not used to having –, or if it was just a stress relief thing. He wasn’t sure. But it became something of an addiction to him – an addiction he wanted to stop, but couldn’t.
But here he is, leather-dressed feet leading him to the regrettably familiar door of an apartment located in Seoul. How many times has he come to this place already that his feet just carry himself without even thinking? How many times has he come to this place already that his nose is used to the continuously wafting scent of cigarettes lit somewhere in the dim hallway or had been lit. He had lost count or hadn’t even bothered continuing counting a while ago. He was weak, he thought, weak to these clutches.
It’s almost automatic when his hands rise to knock on the door. The knocks seem sound-breaking in his ears although the volume of some song is raised to most likely the highest level somewhere on the floor, regurgitating vibrations through his boots.
The door swings open and Joon instantly finds himself pulled into the apartment building. His eyes instinctively fly close as a pair of lips, plump and full, are on his, sucking what is left of his sanity and rationality out of him.
“Mm…” The pressure has unfortunately disappeared from his lips, leaving that tingling sensation fervent on the muscle. Joon finds it difficult to close his mouth as it runs dry and his eyes pull open to meet the short stature of a woman, who displayed a row of perfectly lined teeth at him before pressing flush into him. “I thought you had forgotten about me.”
Her unique voice is met with no reply but a pair of dark brown orbs staring down at her. That kiss had sent him flying. She pouts briefly before pulling back, tugging at Joon’s cold hands.
“I’m not used to doing this, but I cooked today.” Her grin is partially hidden by the pulling of the corner of her bottom lip into her mouth. She takes a step backward, letting Joon’s hands slide out of hers before turning around, heading to the kitchen island. It isn’t until now does Joon realize what she is wearing: a yellow apron that covers her whole front body and not so much in the back.
A familiar sensation rolled through his body.
“Are you not going to eat?” She comments, leaning over an empty spot at the counter, “I know you just got out of work.” Moments pass in silence and she sighs when Joon does not move. She wonders what’s going through his head right now. “Joonie, do you just want to skip dinner then? You were the one that called me, remember? If you weren’t coming for this, then why didn’t—”
“A-Aniyo,” Joon finally says, breaking the woman from her rant. She has quite a temper when irritated or angry. “Mianhaeyo.”
She smiles and straights up once again. “Drop the formalities, Joonie-ah. I think we’re past that by now. Now come.” She urges the Korean native over and he follows. He takes a seat on the stool across from her, staring at all the food prepared. “Go on.” Joon takes the chopsticks offered to him and digs into the side dishes first, then mixing them into the main dish.
The foreign girl just watches this idol-esque man ravish her food. She can’t help but smile. This is the first time she actually spent time in front of her stove and not the microwave or restaurant. When she had received his call, she was genuinely surprised. She had initially thought he was done, that he had finally come to his senses. It was too late for her at that point, but it wasn’t like she could say anything about it.
But he was here now.
She studies him well, taking in everything about this man that sits in front of her. His red hair has grown, she notices, since the last time she saw him. It isn’t that long ago because his hair grows quickly – something she had been jealous of, but loved to play with. Her grey eyes fall down to his lips, which are glistening with the foods she cooked. Her vision follows down his chin, trailing his neck, delving into the open buttons of Joon’s dress shirt.
Biting her lip, she walks around the counter, running her hand up his arm slowly. She can feel the bulge and creases of evident muscles and squeezes his shoulders tenderly.
“Mun Hye Su?” Joon questions, stopping in the midst of eating to look at the woman, who has attached her lips to his neck. He spoke her Korean name and never has she wanted it to be real until now if it meant those words would leave his mouth.
“Mm?” She hums, laying butterfly kisses across his cologne-scented skin and bites down, sucking ardently. A moan escapes the elder man’s lips when Hye Su’s tongue laps the abused area. Her hands slide down his sides, settling on his hips before they find their way around his waist and begin undoing the belt.
                                 Joon shivers under Hye Su’s touch; this effect she has on him he just doesn’t understand.
“You’re so tense, Joonie,” she purrs and she gingerly runs her hands over the V-crease on his hips, taking his earlobe in his mouth with a grin. Joon’s eyes fall close as he grips the edge of the island counter when he feels Hye Su’s hand delve below his zipper and take hold of him, coaxing him to life.
Hye Su is encouraged by the change of the man’s breathing pattern against her chest.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” She asks, not looking for an answer back, “It wasn’t the same.” She turns him around and finds her way between his legs, connecting their lips once more. She could taste the fruit of her labors on his tongue. She pulls him closer by his neck, falling more and more into the feel of him against her, and smiles when his hands circle her hips.
Joon needs this. He needs her. And she could tell by the way he held on to her. She could tell by the way his hands traveled down her thighs and back up, settling on the mound of flesh most of the girls he’s been with or seen hadn’t possessed. He slides more towards the edge of the stool, sliding his knee between her legs, pushing her towards him so they were flush against each other, not a single centimeter of space between them was evident. He rolls his hips against her thigh, yearning for that friction, that kind of connection.
Hye Su unwraps her arms from Joon’s neck and they slide down his chest to his pants. She palms the very prominent bulge and Joon’s sharps intakes through his nose. Working the belt out of the loops, she unzips his pants with such slowness that seemed to take the entirety of his life. He moans the American’s name, his voice raspy and breathy, longing for touch. Hye Su allows her hand to drift past the lining of his briefs and pulls out Joon’s stiff member, throbbing and stiff in her hand.
Joon lets out a moan, his head drifting onto her shoulder, as Hye Su works on the neglected organ, pumping as much as she could with the obstruction of those damned pants in the way. Those sounds that left his abused lips were enough to get her panties wet, she feels as that sensations rolls in around in the pit of her stomach. Placing open-mouthed kisses on his neck, she sucks enough for a bruise to form, not thinking of repercussions of the aftereffects, but those didn’t matter at the moment.
Joon pulls back, looking at the woman, with half-lidded eyes, his dark brown ones glazed over with pleasure. Hye Su is confused until he whispers two words in her ear, enough to make her get down on her knees to comply. She pulls Joon’s pants down the length of his legs, letting him fall with a ruffle onto the hard-wood floor, the paleness of his body contrasting against the red cushion. Her tongue darts out to taste the slickness forming on the tip of his cock and she revels in the bitterness before taking him in completely. Joon’s head falls back with a groan when Hye Su’s warm heat envelops his seeping cock. This was definitely more acceptable than the dry friction.
Joon looks down to watch Hye Su work on him, her cheeks hollowing out as he felt the strong suction around him. He has to grip the edge of the counter in attempt to stop his hips from bucking, but it proves to be futile as he hears Hye Su gag softly. She soon is able to situate herself, taking Joon deeper than he had been, and bobs her head back and forth, twisting her tongue around his base.
“God, Hye Su…” He moans, his hands traveling to tangle themselves in her hair, fucking her mouth well and good. It feels so good; this is exactly what he needed.
The apartment, slightly furnished, echoes with erotic sounds, filling the room. Joon’s erratic breathing, moans, and the slickness sound louder in their ears than what it actually is and it is enough to put Joon on edge as he can picture the situation he’s in.
“Mm,” Hye Su pushes his hand away, letting go of the firm muscle in her mouth, when she hears his breathing change and knew he was close. Joon looks down at her in confusion when she stands up, lips red and plump, slick with his precome. She wipes her lips clean before she answers his unasked question. “You can’t be the only one enjoying this,” She says, pulling Joon off the stool and towards her large bed, “After all, you are the one who cut me off.” She sits down on the edge of the bed and looks up at the gorgeous male.
“I doubt that, but that’s okay,” She smiles, pulling him down to her, “because I’ve got your attention right now.” She kisses him to make certain that she had his attention for the duration that he was there, which was very easy to do. Her tongue dives into his mouth, searching for his and when she finds it, she takes it in hers and sucks on it.
Joon, pulled into her seduction, found himself leaning her back into the bed, his hands traveling to her clothed chest. Kissing her, he rest on his forearm next to her head as the other squeezes her large, plump breast. A moan escapes Hye Su’s lips, being swallowed by Joon’s mouth. His lips move to place kisses along her jaw line, trailing down to her neck, and sucks on the spot he knew so well.
“Joonie,” She breathes, turning her head to give him better access. He stops her ministrations on her chest to untie the apron, giving him full access to both exposed mounds of flesh. He mouths down her newly exposed skin, taking her pert nipple into his mouth. Hye Su arches into the moist heat with a moan of a curse word, fisting his short locks.
No one has been able to make her feel like this with the littlest touches and she hated him for that. She’s supposed to have more composure that this, but Joon was always able to with ease.
In the midst of the pleasure he produced in her, Joon pulls the rest of the apron off, revealing her full, naked body. His free hand travels further down, feeling heat radiate from between her legs.
“Fuck,” He breathes, “You’re so wet.” He presses his fingers against her lips, getting them covered with her juices. Hye Su’s legs spread automatically when a finger invades the slick surface, just poking into her, but not going in. He’s teasing her, she realizes.
That fucker.
She involuntarily growls in desire. This wasn’t time to play and she made sure he knew that. She reached across her, past Joon’s torso, and tugged on his hungry length, pulsating in her hand from neglect. She was sure it was almost painful at this point.
A mixture of a gasp and moan came from Joon’s lips, ceasing his ministrations on her.
“Stop teasing me, Joon,” She comments, breathily, “Do something.” Her voice is on the edge of pleading and that’s something she, or he, had ever thought either of them would hear.
“W-Where’s a condom?” He stutters; she had not stopping pumping him with such excruciating speed, or lack thereof.
“Fuck that,” She pulls him up to meet his eyes by his shirt, which she realizes needed to go, , “I’m on the pill now. Now, fuck me already.” Hye Su was past the point of caring what she looked like, how unnerved she seemed, but she needed him. Now.
Joon was already at that point also and kissed her quickly. When she talked like that – God, it was just so far past sexy, he couldn’t take it. It was something he wasn’t used to and he loved it. He spread her legs and situated himself between her, lining himself up at her entrance already slick to the point where any sort of lubrication was deemed unnecessary.
Pushing in, a groan left both their lips – Hye Su at the fact that she was being filled up completely and Joon at how tight she was around him, the heat being so unlike her mouth. Joon had to still in her to let her get situated, but mostly so he could hold himself together – he was already ready to come, but he wanted to enjoy this.
“Move,” Hye Su said, wriggling under his hold. Joon nodded, letting out a breath of air, and did as she said. He pulled out slowly and thrusted into her with more force. Both were quick to groan and Joon fell into a comfortable and familiar pattern, soon quickening his speed.
“Oh, shit,” Hye Su swore under her breath, fisting the bed sheet below her. This feeling – God, it was so good. Although it isn’t the greatest thing to admit, out of the men she had been intimate with Joon was the best and probably will always be. She is sure of it. “Joon—ah—fuck!” Her mind is erased clean, having lost the ability to think when sweet pleasure rolled through her entire body. Joon had found the source of her unraveling.
Hye Su’s moans match his thrusts and Joon soaks it all in – her eyes shut tightly, her mouth hanging open, letting out nothing but shallow breaths; it was simply erotic. Joon leans down to mouth her neck, running his tongue over the salty skin, and Hye Su’s hands find their way around his torso, pulling him close to her. When Joon hits that spot again, her back arches off the bed and she can’t help but claw into his back, painting marks of small red crescents over the tan canvas.
The short, sharp pains mix into the pleasure Joon is indulged in and only fuel his thrusts.
“So – close – ah…” Hye Su manages in between breathes and with two deep thrusts, they’re both seeing those beautiful spots of ecstasy. The contraction of Hye Su’s wet heat around his member is the last thing need to push Joon off the edge as he spills his juices into her. Hye Su clutches on tight to Joon, feeling his irregular forces of breaths in his chest that do not match hers as she also tries to get a hold on the ability to breath.
Once the high slowly starts to wear off, Joon carefully pulls out and collapses next to her with a sigh, face first into the pillows. He doesn’t know how to feel right now. His mind was too clouded to think straight. 
Pulling the bed sheet over her body, Hye Su turns her head to meet the seemingly dejected man and runs her hand through his dark orange locks. He turns her head towards him and places a soft kiss on his lips. Joon kisses back just as soft and he feels a jolt erupt and disappear just as quickly as it appeared. They pull back slightly, just gazing at each other when those unexpected words leave Joon’s mouth.
“I love you.”
Hye Su stills for a beat, her hand ceasing movement, before collecting herself and smiles. “Oh, Joonie-ah… You should probably get going. It’s almost midnight.” She pushes herself off the bed, wrapping the bed sheet around her waist, and picks up his abandoned clothes, throwing them to him.
He looks at her for a brief moment and sighs, putting on his clothes. “Hye Su—”
“Do you want this food to go?” Hye Su cut him off, looking at the arrangement of foods on the counter.
“You probably wouldn’t want it anyway,” She continues and begins to put them in containers, “It’s probably not the best idea. It’s probably not that good after being out for a few hours…”
Hye Su feels his arms snake around her waist, holding her tight. “Hye—”
She put a finger to his lips, halting his speech. “We should leave it where it is. And you should really get going. Don’t want you to get in trouble…” With that, she releases herself from Joon’s hold. Joon just looks at her, seeing that smile that hid her true words. It’s a battle, he feels, whether he should leave or not. He knows the right answer, the better route, but sometimes, he couldn’t trust his own body.
Defeated, he walks over to the front door behind Hye Su, who pulls it open for the man, that smile having yet left her face. He figures not another word matter at this point, so he kisses her instead – long and wanting – and Hye Su returns it unhesitant.
“Mm…” She moans and pulls back, hand placed comfortably on his cheek, “Every time. It never stops… Goodnight, Joonie. I’ll see you…whenever.” She closes the door in his face, not a second thought in mind, and leans against the door in exhaustion – physically and mentally. Placing both hands against her chest, she lets go, sliding down against the wooden surface.
Joon just stares at the door. Who knows how long had passed? If anyone was to walk out there they may think he was a stalker. He doesn’t know what to do at this point. Go home? Where else did he have to go?
He hears a door open and the music he heard when he first came in was still on full blast. The party doesn’t seem to have calmed down in the slightest. When two girls and a guy stumbled out laughing, all over each other, Joon zips his simple jacket up until the collar covers his mouth and stuffs his hands in his pockets before making his way down the stairs.
The temperature has dropped drastically at this time of night, but it doesn’t bother him. In fact, he needs it; he welcomes the cold.
He makes his way to his car, climbed in, and with a deep breath that he didn’t know he was holding, drove away from the apartment complex, leaving his troubles behind. Or so he believes.
Pulling into his driveway, he turns the ignition off and steps out of his car. With that single movement, he notices a waft of Hye Su’s scent rolls past his nostrils. He turns around, thinking she was either in the car or behind him. Why? He isn’t sure, but he did it. He pulls his jacket collar towards his nose and sniffs it. Nothing. He unzips his jacket slightly and sniffs his dress shirt. He has to leave it in the car, he thinks, but that’s suspicious, no? Come in without his dress shirt, but his jacket? That’s a little weird. But Joon isn’t capable of thinking rationally right now – all he knows is he can’t bring it in. He goes back into his car and takes off his dress shirt, leaving his wifebeater on and shrugging back on his jacket with speed. He’s back out again, locks his car, and enters his home.
The lights are off as suspected. She’s probably sleeping now as it is almost two in the morning.
Joon removes his shoes and replaces them with house slippers at the door. He tries to maneuver his way into the home without making much noise in the dark. He knows his way around the home with his eyes closed, so this doesn’t prove to be a difficult feat, but he met his match trying to step through the arrangement of slippers. Recovering from almost falling flat on his face when he thought he had escaped the shoes, Joon felt his way towards the stairs and took his time to prevent another possible face-plant. He continues on his way through the hallway to his bedroom and carefully opened the door, attempting to avoid that bothersome squeak of the door, but it’s inevitable.
He silently curses that door, hearing her groggy voice. She’s a light sleeper. “Yeah, it’s me, Eun Ji” He whispers, blindly making his way into the room, “Sorry for waking you up.”
“Joonie,” Joon hears the bed rustle and no sooner is the bedside lamp on, dimly lighting the room, “It’s…two-thirty in the morning, have you been out this entire time?” A yawn catches her.
“Yeah, I was…drinking with the guys. Go back to sleep, JiJi. It’s late.” Joon bypasses to the closet to quickly change his clothes.
“You’re telling me… Where’s your dress shirt?”
Joon grimaces, having silently hoped she would not notice, but she has an eye for the trivial things. “I, uh – a drink spilled on me. You know Mir can’t handle his self sometimes.” Is a problem that these excuses are spilling out of his mouth so easily? He quickly slips on a t-shirt and steps out of his pants, leaving his boxers on. “Go to sleep, yeobo.”
“I won’t. Not until you come to bed.”
And his heart feels like it’s being wrung by the hands of guilt.
“Alright, I’m coming.” He closes the doors of the closet and walks over to his side of the bed, climbing in next to his girlfriend. She pulls him into a kiss, deep like she wasn’t even asleep just a few moments ago.
“I missed you,” She says, answering Joon’s unasked question, “It was lonely here by myself.”
“I’m sorry,” Joon replies, “I’ll tell you when I go out next time. Okay?” Eun Ji nods and Joon lays down, setting his phone on the table, plugging it to the charger. “Let’s get some sleep okay?”
Eun Ji watched him close his eyes. He couldn’t have gone to sleep that easily. She turns to her side to turn off the lamp and lays down herself. She closes her eyes, pretending that this wasn’t another night he stayed out late, pretending that kiss was the same as the others he’s given her, pretending that he didn’t smell of feminine perfume that she didn’t own, pretending that that mark on his neck that he tried to hide was a bruise from being karate-chopped by a drunken Mir.
Joon lays there, unable to fall asleep. He can feel the tension dawning over them both and they’re in this pit again.
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Don't Forget [Hanwon]
Title: Don’t Forget
Type: Oneshot
Pairing: Siwon/Hankyung (can be taken as friendship or couple; your pick)
Rating: G (pure fluff)
Summary: Separation makes the heart grow fonder.
It’s hard to watch something you’ve harbored and built up for many years disappear just like that; with a single action. And no matter how you try to make it work, make it seem like it hadn’t changed, it just can’t go back to what it used to be..
It didn’t feel as whole as it used to. It felt as if one by one, they were leading to an end, as horrible as it was to imagine –  to a point in which Super Junior wouldn’t be Super Junior anymore. It started to hit Siwon as he watched Hankyung pack up his luggage just after Kibum had officially left the group.
He couldn’t say anything. He didn’t know what to say. Nothing would stop Hankyung from leaving at this point and Siwon had seen it building up in the Chinese man for a while now.
So he just sat there, legs folded, on the floor, deep brown eyes following the soon-to-be former dancer back and forth. The silence continued to build up in tension, thickening like the bean paste soup his eomma used to make, as he tried to formulate reasons for his best friend to stay – good reasons. But he couldn’t.
“Do you have to go?” He found himself asking.
He heard a sigh. “I do,” Hankyung answered, “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t put myself through this anymore…” He turned around, facing the younger man before continuing, “I’m dying, Siwon-ah.”
Siwon sighed, not wanting to give up this fight, but his eyes gave way, falling towards the floor in unwanted defeat. He knew Hankyung was right. He wasn’t dying literally, but metaphorically and somewhat physically. The way their company was treating him was highly unfair. Sure, the rest of the members had received their own of hardships individually, but Hankyung received the most. It hurt Siwon watching Hankyung be treated that way, but it also hurt watching him hold it in and enduring it, being that kind of a person he was.
He sighed again before picking his gaze up from the wood floor to look back up at Hankyung, who was now muttering to himself in Chinese. With the limited Mandarin knowledge he had, Siwon stood up and grabbed the desired item.
A pair of arms held up something in Hankyung’s peripheral. He looked at the folded mounds of clothes before briefly glancing up at Siwon with a smile that was hardly even there.
“Gomawo,” He softly spoke in his awkward Korean accent, taking the clothes and arranged them in his suitcase. Fitting the last of the pile in, his breath caught as a lump formed in the back of his throat when another item was held up to him.
“Don’t forget us,” was all the younger man said, his gentle voice flowing through Hankyung’s body like a breeze, “Don’t forget where we started.”
A pair of trembling hands gingerly took hold of the frame holding a picture that held so many memories in one piece of photo paper. Hankyung gripped the photo from fear of letting go, metaphorically and literally. In the photo, the thirteen member boy band was squished together to fit in the view of the camera. They all looked so excited and happy as it was their first debut – they were so excited and happy that they’ve found their true calling in life, what they were meant to do till they die, what they were born to do.
Where did that all go?
Hankyung didn’t realize he was crying until a tear fell onto the glass cover and he wiped it with his thumb. “I won’t forget.”
There was a moment’s silence where nothing needed to be said until Siwon spoke again. “Would you like me to accompany you to the airport?” Hankyung shook his head. “Do you want to say goodbye to the rest of the members before you go?” Hankyung shook his head once more.
“That would make this harder than it already is.” Hankyung hugged the photo to his chest, failing to hold back the tears that blurred his vision, his eyes stinging as well as his heart. Four years. Four years ending so quickly.
Siwon was quick to wrap his arms around the thin frame of the skilled performer, burying his face in Hankyung’s hair. He took in everything, knowing this was the last time he would see him. He needed something to hold on to. He needed something he would remember.
Hankyung unwillingly let out a sob, muffled by Siwon’s shoulder, to which his arms tightened around him. The strangled cry imitated what Siwon’s heart sounded like as it felt like a hand was squeezing the life out of it.
“Hankyung hyung…” Siwon’s own voice cracked under the pressure he felt weighing him down. He wasn’t going to cry, although he wanted to. He had told himself he wasn’t going to. He had prepared himself to not do so. He had to be strong; if not for himself, for Hankyung. “Saranghaeyo.”
At the word, Hankyung wrapped his arms around Siwon’s torso, not wanting to let go. Not wanting to let this go.
* * * *
Hankyung still finds himself looking at that picture from six years ago, playing back the day he left. He didn’t see anyone at all that day except Siwon. He didn’t say goodbye to everyone. He didn’t give himself the closure he needed. Sometimes he regretted it, but, at the same time, it wasn’t something he could handle at that point and he didn’t think he wanted that closure… He wanted that unlocked door to who knows where. He wanted that hope. He wanted some way to keep that connection he had to his Super Junior family.
Even though he hadn’t been answering their calls or texts or online messages.
He knew if he did, he would be drawn back to them in a second. He was the bear to their picnic basket, the bee to their honey comb, the bunny to Sungmin’s childish qualities.
He missed them so much.
Heechul and his random gay moments, Leeteuk and his silly leader antics, Kangin and his macho self, Donghae and his caring fishiness, Monkey Eunhyuk and his pathetically cool self, Shindong the comedian, Ryeowook the eternal maknae, Sungmin the aegyo king.
But he missed Siwon the most.
His missed his overdramatic gestures that always helped his statements or comments, his overbearing kindness, his smile that would always brighten up the room, the jokes he would tell that Hankyung didn’t get, but laughed anyway out of politeness and care for Siwon’s feelings; the quietness of his voice; but most of all, how close they were. Siwon was the closest one Hankyung was to anyone in the group. He loved every single one of them, but Siwon had the most space that thirteen people could take up in his heart.
With a wavering sigh, Hankyung neatly folded the picture with worn out edges and slid it back into his wallet where it had continually sat for the past two years when he was not staring at it.
At this point in life, everything he did was practically clockwork. After work, his legs had already taken him to the front door of his flat where loneliness and emptiness awaited him with open arms, the only two that gave him any kind of comfort now. It wasn’t that he was a bum or anything – he had a home, he had a job, he had friends…just not the friends he really wanted. And going from a dorm room with six members to a home with one inhabitant was a big difference, he realized.
Hankyung pushed the door open after unlocking it. “I’m home!” He called out to no one in particular as he removed his shoes. He lived with no one, but it was a force of habit for doing it so long at the SM dorms.
He slipped on one of his house shoes and made his way inside the house to go cook himself something. He made the mistake of skipping lunch earlier in the day. You can’t really perform eating only one meal in the day; he’d learned that the hard way years ago, yet he still hadn’t learned.
“Do you normally announce your arrival to yourself when you get home?”
The voice scared the shit out of him so much that he was about to grab the nearest blunt object before he realized who the voice belonged to.
Hankyung’s heart leapt when he watched Siwon smile. It was the real thing. Not a hallucination, not a picture, not a dream. In a second, he had attached himself to the younger man, finding it a little harder to wrap his arms around his torso because he had become more muscular, which Hankyung was surprised by. The wide arms held him tightly just as they did all those years ago.
“I missed you, Hankyung hyung,” Siwon whispered in the older man’s hair, taking him in once again. He felt the crook of his neck becoming moist and heated.
“You have no idea,” The Chinese man’s voice cracked as his arm tightened around the wide torso. Siwon was relieved Hankyung could still speak Korean after being in China this whole time, which meant they could still talk. In Siwon’s mind, it was something he was continually afraid of over these years.
The two spent their time cooking food and catching up on all this time they missed, all the news they couldn’t share. Apparently, Siwon was the only one that came to visit because everyone else was booked with appearances today. He told Hankyung about his moodiness, his constant whining about how the group wasn’t the same without him, how much he missed him – all that lead to the group giving him the idea to fly to China to come see him on his one day of break from being a guest on shows. Hankyung kept his address from everyone, but Siwon did some snooping around and got the place from his mother, the only person he had been keeping contact with since his mother would not let him go anywhere without telling her.
Hankyung was quiet most of the time that Siwon filled him in on Super Junior, just watching him speak with an idiotic smile permanently glued to his face. Siwon was so energetic, so full of emotions. His gestures never seemed to end. He definitely missed that.
“Hm?” Siwon stopped mid-story and looked at his friend, who had just let out a snort of laughter, “What’s so funny?”
“Hm? Oh, nothing. Nothing,” Hankyung smiled, leaning more into the back of his chair that he sat on backwards, resting his head on his folding arms, “Keep going.”
“Okay… Where was I…? Oh, and Sungmin…” Siwon threw more stories at Hankyung, who locked them all into his memory. Hearing it wasn’t the same as seeing it but he would take what he could get.
The two talked and played together into the night to which Hankyung cell phone alarm rang, startling both of them. He apologized to the younger man and looked at his phone to turn off the alarm.
“It’s already 11:50?!” Hankyung exclaimed, sadly. He had set his alarm to 11:50 every night to get ready for bed at 12 or he would lose track of time, trying to keep himself busy so he wouldn’t fall back into his homesickness. “Time flew by so fast… When are you going back?”
“ I have to catch the plane early tomorrow morning. I have a guest appearance on a variety show tomorrow. This was the only day I could come out for a while…” Siwon trailed off, also feeling the sadness and despair Hankyung felt.
“Oh…” The happy atmosphere turned a complete 180, dread hanging over both of them.
“So, I’ll be sleeping here tonight,” Siwon suddenly said, trying to lift the tension, “If you don’t mind.”
“Wh—Of course, I don’t mind! Why would you even say that?” Hankyung quickly stood up and grabbed Siwon’s hand. “Come with me.” He took around the house, grabbing necessities, extra blankets, pillows, sweatpants and a t-shit. Hankyung pushed the door to his only bedroom, a small one though still useful, and stepped inside, turning on the light. “You can sleep in here.” He set the blankets and pillow on the bed and gestured for Siwon to sit on it. “And if you get cold, I have a heater right there.” He pointed to the appliance in the corner of the room.
“But, then where are you sleeping?” Siwon asked, looking up at the former Super Junior member.
“I’ll be on the couch,” He simply said and quickly added, “I don’t mind. I’ve slept in there many times already. You must be comfortable since it’s your last day here.” Hankyung smiling, trying to sound perky and upbeat, but Siwon could hear the underlying sadness to which he frowned. “I’ll let you sleep now and I’ll see you off in the morning. Goodnight, Siwon.” Hankyung was quick to turn away to walk out of the room, but Siwon was quicker, grabbing a hold of his thin wrist. “S-Siwon?” Before he knew it, Hankyung was pulled onto the bed also, facing Siwon, who was laying down, propping his head up with his right arm. “W-What are you doing…?”
“You said you wanted me to be comfortable, right?” Hankyung nodded. “Then lay here. With me. It’s the only way for me to be comfortable.”
Hankyung froze, not knowing what to say, but managed an “O-Okay...” as Siwon smiled and closed his eyes. Hankyung wasn’t complaining. Sleeping in a bed by his self was definitely a change from sleeping every night with Siwon like they used to, so he preferred this; he just didn’t know if Siwon still wanted to do that.
But he would soon be going back to doing just that… In a few hours, Siwon would be gone again…for who knows how long this time. He knew what SM Entertainment’s schedules were like for them. Neither one of them knew. And the thought itself brought tears to Hankyung eyes, which were threatening to fall.
Siwon could hear the unevenness in his close friend’s breathing. He slowly opened his eyes to find Hankyung’s shut tightly, body rhythmically heaving as he tried to strangle his cries. His heart broke more than it already was at the thought of their time together slowly depleting.
“Hyung…” Siwon said, softly, placing his free hand to the broken man’s cheek, “Hankyung hyung, please, don’t cry…” This only made it worse for Hankyung. He buried his head in his pillow, trying to breathe through his cries. Siwon instinctively wrapped his arms around Hankyung, pulling him closer. “I don’t want the last thing I see to be you crying.”
“I-I don’t want you to g-go. I d-don’t w-want to l-leave you again.” Hankyung sobbed.
“This won’t be the last time we see each other,” He assured the older male and pulled back so the latter would look at him, “I will make the effort to come out here when I get the chance. I promise. You know I missed you. I don’t want to leave you either. You don’t know how happy I was to come out here and see you.”
Hankyung’s heart melted when he saw a tear run across Siwon’s nose due to the way he was leaning. Siwon would never let him see him cry. Never. He would only go as far as his voice cracking before he would get a hold of himself. He even held himself the day Hankyung was leaving.
“Siwon…” Hankyung whispered, wiping the tear away. The two held each other close all night, desperate of not letting go, holding on to this reality they had for only so long, until sleep won the battle and took over them. Still were their arms holding on to each other.
A bright light from who knows where made itself known against Hankyung’s eyelids when an incessant ringing rattled his brain. He groaned and turned around. This noise needed to stop. With eyes closed, he felt around for his phone. The noise was too much. He groaned once again when he couldn’t find it and forced his eyes open, turning away from the light.
It was a battle, a slow one, but he managed to win. Rubbing his eyes clear, with one eye open, still getting used to the sun, he searched for the phone once more to find it next to a yellow note on his other side of his pillow. Just then did last night’s memory jolted him awake.
“Siwon?” He called out. He felt the overnight temperature change. The home seemed colder… Throwing the blanket off him, he called out to what seemed like a dream now, but his voice echoed in nothingness. It hit him hard. He never got to say goodbye… With a heavy sigh, willing himself not to cry again as that’s all he had been doing all night, he picked up the note.
Dear Hannie,
You’re a hard one to wake up, did you know that? It’s like dealing with HyukJae all over again. Aish… Hankyung could hear Siwon laugh at this point. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer. I would stay there for the rest of forever if I could, but…duty calls. I wanted to see you smile once before I left, but that’s okay, I stole a picture of yours :) Like I said last night, this won’t be the last time we see each other; I don’t think I could have that happen, and I will make sure it’s not another two years. I will be thinking about you daily and missing you A LOT. By the way, don’t cut me off anymore! It hurts enough not being able to see you every day now, so call me whenever you get the chance or text me or send me an email, instant message, ANYTHING. You can even send me a damn carrier pigeon for God’s sake, just pick up your phone! We all miss you, but especially me. I will see you soon! I promise.
Jeongmal saranghaeyo <3
Choi Siwon
Hankyung sniffled, but did not let another tear fall. He folded the letter when another paper fell on his lap. He picked it up and a smile formed on lips. It was a picture of a wide-smiling Siwon with his arms over his head, his hands elongated, just touching the top of his head, forming a heart. He had a picture in his mouth and Hankyung could tell what it was. Under it, Siwon wrote: Here’s a replacement for you. Keep it safe until we return it to each other.
That message proved to Hankyung that Siwon would be back. So now, he would just wait. Wait a little bit until Siwon would come back again. This time, his hope was real. It was happily lingering there for Siwon to grab. This time, he would look forward to every day as if that was the day Siwon would come.
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Irresistible Pt2 [Henhae]
Title: Irresistible Pt2
Pairing: HenHae; implied Eunhyuk
Rating: NC-17 (pt2)
Summary: Super Junior M is promoting in China and Donghae finds the younger member highly irresistible
The ride home was…quiet to say the least. Not between the members as a whole, but between Donghae and Henry. The other members found it odd and constantly questioned the two about it. They thought the two had fought; something so rare between them.
  Neither of them was about to give them an answer.
  Neither of them was ready to face each other.
  Henry was silently freaking out, having this constant internal banter with himself, mocking himself, criticizing himself, mentally beating himself up for his idiotic actions. What the hell was he thinking? He probably just threw their entire friendship into that metaphorical garbage disposal because of this. Everything is going to be awkward for the rest of his life now. Donghae won’t want to talk to him anymore. Sure, they are constantly doing fan service, making themselves look gay, but that didn’t mean they all were or wanted to be. This is why Henry was wary of this to begin with.
  He was a boy. A gay boy with a good amount of hormones; something he had yet to mention to his fellow hyungs. He had succumbed to the lust that Donghae had easily produced in him, not having done a single thing. It was all Henry. All his fault.
  God, why did he make such a stupid move like that?
  As soon as the van stopped after parking in front of their temporary home, Henry was the first to get out and hurried into the home.
  The rest of the inhabitants in the van were shocked at how quick he had left; before the van made a complete stop. They looked at each other, completely bewildered, then to the member left of the two, who was staring out the window, watching Henry quick walk into the house with hunched shoulders, making sure his face was hidden.
  That silent question of “what the hell happened?” loosely hung in the air of those who had experienced these two. Their manager and driver had no notice of this as they were focused on other things. ‘He must have really needed to use the bathroom,’ Seunghwang had commented seeing the nineteen-year-old boy leave the vehicle.
  Everyone had made their way into the home, going about their separate ways – those who figured it wasn’t a best idea to hound Donghae for answers. Ryeowook wasn’t as smart.
  He approached Donghae, who was getting a glass of water from the kitchen faucet.
  “What happened?”
  Donghae wasn’t the least bit fazed and shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe he really did need to use the bathroom.” He turned off the water and took a large gulp, letting the liquid cool his throat in attempt to calm his heart as the picture of Henry’s hand in Ryeowook’s came to mind. The coldness of the water he knew; this feeling in his heart, he did not.
  “That’s bull and you know it,” Ryeowook replied, harshly, throwing Donghae off. He’d never heard Ryeowook angry. Why was he angry? “What did you do?”
   “Mwo?” Donghae turned around with an exasperated expression, “What do you mean ‘what did I do’? Who said I did anything?”
  “Henry wouldn’t be crying if you didn’t do anything, Donghae.”
  “What? He’s crying? Wae?” He kissed Donghae… Why would he be crying? Isn’t that the opposite reaction one is supposed to have when that happens?
  “How should I know? Neither of you are telling me anything.” The glare did not leave Ryeowook’s face. “Go fix whatever it is you did. Now.”
  With a sigh, Donghae put the down the glass and just left the kitchen, biting back the need to tell Ryeowook who exactly was the older of the two and who should or shouldn’t be commanding who. But that wasn’t the issue at hand.
  He made his way to Ryeowook’s and Henry’s room and turned the doorknob to realize it was locked.
  “Henry,” He called, knocking on the door, “Henry-ah, open the door…” He waited a bit before he heard shuffling and the clicking of the doorknob. The door slowly opened and before he could say a word, Henry was already walking past him without a second glance, muttering a ‘sorry’. Donghae didn’t move, but was quick to catch his wrist behind him before he got too far. Henry stopped with a gasp, almost falling back onto him. The older male looked at the teenager, amazed by how young he looked with those puffy, bloodshot eyes and slight pout.
  He really was crying.
  Henry was quick to look away. He didn’t want Donghae to see him. He didn’t want Donghae to see how much of a baby he really was. He didn’t want Donghae to see how much he affected him and his heart.
  Donghae pulled the boy into the room and locked the door once again. After a few moments gone by, Henry looked up to see Donghae still staring at the door, hand still in his. He tried to pull it away, starting to get nervous and palms beginning to sweat, but Donghae did not allow that. He kept a grip on the younger’s hand.
  “D-Donghae—,“ He was cut off by a gasp, escaping his mouth and finding its way into Donghae’s. Donghae had no second thoughts when he grabbed Henry’s face and his tongue dove into Henry’s mouth with utter ease, searching for the other’s. Henry was thrown for a loop when the back of his legs hit the bed and the both fell over, landing onto the soft mass.
  Henry was weak. So weak. He couldn’t do anything but give into Donghae once again and matched the movement of the elder’s lips. They were professional dancers in every part of their body. Just as their bodies did on stage, their tongues danced together so fluidly and in sync with each other. It worked so well. It felt so good. Their bodies melded together, leaving no space between them; every arch and bend was met with the other.
  Leaving space to breath, Donghae broke away from the boy’s lips kissing his chin, leading up his jaw line, down to his neck.
  “H-Hyung…” Henry couldn’t help but whisper, still at a loss of words and air. This feeling, all these emotions, it was too much. “D-Donghae hyung, s-stop. Please.” Donghae ceased his ministrations on the younger’s pearl-white skin to look at him when his voice cracked. Tears were running down his eyes, detouring down the sides of his head. What had he done?
  “Henry-ah, what—what’s wrong?” Donghae himself was at a loss for words, “Why are you crying?” Henry moved to the head of the bed, covering his face with his hands, but Donghae removed them.
  “Don’t.” He said, shaking his head.
  “Don’t what?”
  “Don’t do this.”
  “I thought this was what you wanted.”
  He shook his hand once again, but his tears had not stopped. “No. It’s not.”
  “I’m not understanding. You kissed me.”
  “I’m sorry I did that. I shouldn’t have done that.”
  “Don’t do this for me. That hurts a lot more than not doing anything at all. This isn’t what you want. I know. Your heart’s not with me. I’ve told myself that enough times already. I don’t know why I kissed you. I’m sorry, okay?!” His little outburst shocked Donghae until Henry started to maneuver his way out from under Donghae, who was trying to stop him but Henry only struggled. He didn’t want to be here right now. He didn’t want to be reminded, even though he’s reminded every day.
  “STOP, HENRY!” Donghae yelled, finally, frustrated with this. Henry became stiff and wide-eyed under Donghae’s arms. “Who said my heart wasn’t with you? Who gave you the right to make that decision?”
  Before Henry could utter a word, Donghae had connected his lips to Henry’s once again. Those words resonated in Henry’s ears; every syllable matched the strength of his heartbeat. Those words he’d wanted to hear for so long.
  Donghae’s hands slipped under the boy’s shirt. His skin felt warm to the touch; it warmed his hands, his heart. The things this boy did to him. Donghae lifted the shirt over Henry’s head, breaking the kiss briefly, before removing his own. Henry wrapped his arms around himself, feeling uncomfortable under this toned body mass of a god in front of him. He still had his baby fat around his waist and gut. Being new to the group, he hadn’t had enough workout time to tone yet.
  Donghae moved his arms with a soft smile, “Stop it, you’re beautiful.” He kissed his neck, trailing down to his chest. A gasp emitted from over him as he took Henry’s nipple in his mouth, sucking and running his tongue over the nub. He bit the protruding nub, resulting Henry jumping.
  “Ow…” Henry said softly, trying not to let Donghae hear, but that didn’t happen.
  “Did that hurt?”
  “N-No…” He didn’t want to disappoint Donghae in their first time together.
  Donghae chuckled, taking the boy’s chin in his hands as he ran his thumb over his cheek. He was too cute. “You can tell me what you do and don’t like. You’re supposed to like this too, y’know.”
  Henry giggled, blushing red, and Donghae about lost it, but he had to hold back to avoid scaring the hamster away, so he kissed him softly, something he couldn’t get enough of doing recently, and smiled at him. Henry only briefly glanced at him with a quick smile before settling his eyes on anywhere but him.
  “Are you nervous?” Donghae asked.
  Henry shook his head. He tried to remain calm, cool, and collected like Donghae was. He tried to remain a man, but he was being unraveled under this one person.
  The elder man couldn’t help but smile softly. He was irresistible. “It’s okay,” he whispered into the crook of Henry’s neck, placing soft kisses onto the skin. Henry’s breath caught in his throat when he heard and felt his belt being undone and Donghae’s cold hands reaching below, cooling his heated skin.
  Henry couldn’t help but let out a moan at the first tug and he was quick to shut his mouth. The sudden movement caused Donghae to look up the boy, who had his hands over his mouth. He was utterly embarrassed. That sound came from him? He could just die right now.
  “Are you okay?” Donghae could feel the vibrations in Henry’s throat against his lips. He was trying to hold in his sounds as he worked his hand around Henry, who nodded in reply. “Henry, don’t hold back. I want to hear you. Don’t be embarrassed. It turns me on,” he whispered, connecting his forehead to the Canadian’s with a smirk. He removed Henry’s hands and quickened his pace. Henry gasped, gripping the bed sheets. Just his words put him on edge; never had he thought he would be in this position. He’d only imagined it; only dreamt it, only wished it.
  “D-Donghae…” Henry’s voice spilled ecstasy and pleasure and Donghae sucked it all up; it fueled him to keep going. He just watched the young member writhe beneath him, these unnatural sounds of pleasure emitting from his being. Every sound Donghae swallowed, vibrations following the straight path from his throat to match the beating of his heart, down to his stomach until it filled ihis groin, twitching in excitement and readiness.
  His feeling was different. He’d done this before but this time it held a different emotion in him. What it was, he wasn’t sure. This attraction to this youngling was almost unnatural to him. Was it because of the age difference? The fact that he was twenty-two as the receiving member was a mere nineteen-year-old? It did not seem numerically great of a difference, but he felt he was a lot older than the boy. Or was it because what he was doing with this nineteen-year-old was wrong? Because this was not something he should be doing in the first place, forget the fact they are celebrities under SM Entertainment.
  “D-Donghae-hyung..!” The older member could hear the strain in the younger member’s voice, this boy’s small eyes shut tightly, almost becoming nonexistent, his mouth hanging open, only allowing shallow breaths to force their way out his throat or else he wouldn’t be able to breathe. The bed sheets began getting lost between his fingers. “S-Stop…I-I’m going to— S-Stop…!”
  “I’m not going to stop, Henry,” Donghae replied, taking his thumb over his slit, “Don’t hold back. The longer you hold on, the more it hurts to do so. So, finish for me, Henry.”
  Henry felt a mess compared to Donghae collected composure. If he could see what he looked like, paid attention to the sounds he made, see the position he was in, he would run and lock himself in a closet and force himself to never go near Donghae or look at him in the face for the rest of this lift. But at this moment, he didn’t care; he wasn’t capable of giving a rat’s ass. This sensation taking hold of his entirety felt too good to let go of. Donghae’s hand around him, his body on top of him, Donghae taking care of him – everything he wanted. It felt so right.
  Henry’s eyes snapped open when a moist heat covered his throbbing organ and all he could see was Donghae’s head of hair, bobbing up and down. That long-lasting tingling sensation intensified to the point that that was all he could feel – he was just floating along in this feeling and he realized what he was missing in his life.
  When Henry felt Donghae’s teeth run over his length, he was blinded by that white light of pure ecstasy. He couldn’t even hear himself call out Donghae’s name, he didn’t realize how arched his back was over the bed, he couldn’t feel the juttering of his waist deeper into Donghae’s throat or the convulsions of his entire body. He was blanketed by a rush of pleasure he had never felt before.
  “Oh…Oh God…Nngh…” Henry struggled to breathe normally as Donghae sucked the last of his sanity out of him. Short gasps left Henry’s mouth and Donghae let him slip out of his mouth, Henry’s spit-slicked length falling limp against his thigh. The younger member opened his eyes, black spots decorating his vision, and watched Donghae, who licked the cloudy-white liquid off the sides of his lips and leaned down to the pleasure-high Super Junior member to kiss him. Henry could taste himself and that bitterness, but he was too far gone to care and kissed Donghae back, wrapping his arms around his neck as Donghae wrapped his arms around Henry’s waist, pulling him closer. Henry broke the kiss with a hiss. Donghae apologized for pressing himself against Henry’s over-sensitive cock.
  “It’s okay,” Henry breathed. It was more than okay. Maybe it wasn’t, he didn’t know He didn’t even care about anything at this moment. There could be a car accident outside his window and he wouldn’t move from his spot.
  Henry pressed his lips against Donghae’s again, wanting more kisses. He wanted more of this man. If this was the only day he was getting this privilege, he was going to take everything he could get and not let a second go to waste. Who knew if he was going to change his mind the next day or the rest of the week or the month they had left in China because if they left, none of this could happen again and Henry knew that all too well.
  “Mmph…” Donghae pulled back, keeping arms secure around him, “You really liked it didn’t you?” he asked with a smile.
  Henry laid his hand on the elder’s face, studying it intently. He was so close to him right now. They’ve always been close, but this time, they were the closest they’ve ever been. It was a new experience and a great feeling at that – for Henry anyway. It was hard not to take every moment for granted. It was hard not to want everything Donghae wanted to give and more. It was hard to know where the boundaries stood because Henry really didn’t want any.
  “Henry—“ Donghae started, wanting to know the change of Henry’s demeanor, but the latter interrupted him.
  “I want you…” Henry softly said in English, slipping out of his Korean language for a moment.
  “Mwo?” Donghae asked, even though he fully understood those words. Although he wasn’t fluent, he knew enough.
  “I want everything. I want more.”
  “Jebal…” Henry pleaded, “I know I’m asking for too much, but this is all I want.”
  Donghae looked at him with wide eyes, knowing exactly what this boy was asking for. “Henry… But you’re not…you haven’t…”
  “I know I’m still a virgin…but there’s no one else I’d rather want to do this with. Please. We’ve already gotten this far and if we leave only going this far, it’ll be harder for me to let go when we go back home.”
  Donghae saw the desire for this in Henry’s eyes; he really wanted this that much was painfully evident. It was hard to resist this boy, but doing this was going farther than he anticipated yet was what he’d imagined. But this was something bigger than how Henry seemed to see it.
  “Please,” Henry begged once more, letting his hand slowly travel down to Donghae’s trousers, undoing the belt. He watched Donghae for any sign of opposition as he pulled the belt out from its loops and let it fall to the wood floor with a clatter. He bit his lip, hoping for none and he was granted just that.
  Finding no opposition in relief, Henry continued working on his pants and unzipped them. He pushed the fabric down as far as he could from this position along with Donghae’s boxer briefs. He could feel Donghae’s erection, thick and full, leaking at the tip. Donghae was just as hard as Henry was moments before.
  Henry head a sharp intake of breath when he took hold of Donghae’s prominent erection and tugged, getting a feel for this (no pun intended), causing Donghae’s head to fall to his shoulder. It was had to do this from the position he was in, Henry thought, but he would still try. He quickened his pace as much as possible and was encouraged to continue when he heard moans from the crook of his neck.
  “Henli…” The younger male could hear the thickness of Donghae’s accent when he said his name. It turned him on, honestly, especially when it was him causing this from the object of his desire.
  “Turn over,” Henry whispered and Donghae obeyed, letting Hnery straddle him this time. Henry wasted no time in taking Donghae into his mouth, doing what he knew how to do. He circled the circumference of Donghae’s length, feeling every protruding vein. He sucked fervently and ran his tongue over the slit. Everything he did emitted sounds of pleasure from the older male and it all but encouraged Henry to work harder for him.
  “Oh…H-Henry…” Donghae moaned, strain in his voice also, “H-Henry, w-wait.” He gently pushed Henry off him, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. Opening his eyes, he saw an almost hurt look on Henry’s face. “Henry? It’s not that I didn’t like it, but if you kept going, we wouldn’t be able to continue.”
  “Oh,” The hurt look almost disappeared to replace with an embarrassed one, “Sorry.”
  Donghae shook his head, “Where did you learn all of that? I thought you were a virgin,” he chuckled.
  Henry was silent for a bit, an unreadable expression passing over his feature for a slit second, before replying, “I am…but we don’t have to talk about that.” He crawled up to the older male and kissed him deeply to bring the mood back. Donghae emitted a sound of affection and kissed him back in the midst of removing his trousers completely and turned them over again. He settled between Henry’s legs, breaking the kiss to hold two fingers in front of Henry’s lips, which sucked them in, giving his fingers the same ministrations that they had done to Donghae.
  A tingling sensation rolled in the pit of Donghae’s stomach down to his dick just watching the boy work on his fingers. He looked beyond irresistible right now, desirable.
  “God, you’re making it hard to control myself…”
  Henry couldn’t help the smile that formed around Donghae’s fingers and pulled off him, sticking his tongue out to run against the length of his fingers. Donghae leaned down to kiss him and Henry gasped when he felt Donghae’s finger prod his entrance.
  “Just relax,” Donghae whispered, seeing the change in Henry’s paying demeanor to a nervous one. “It’ll hurt less if you’re relaxed, okay?” Henry nodded, now at a loss of words. Donghae kissed his neck, up to his jaw before connecting to his lips to distract him.
  “Mm…” Henry whimpered against Donghae’s lips, shutting his eyes tight when Donghae pushed his index finger in.
  “Just breathe.”
  Henry nodded and obeyed. “Ah…ngh…” He couldn’t muffled himself completely when Donghae had gotten the entire finger in and pulled out and pushed back in.
  Donghae sat up and took hold of Henry’s half-hard length and matched his hand motions with his finger. Henry’s moans of pain became somewhat moans of pleasure and Donghae added the second finger, wetting the drying digit with his saliva. Something told him he should’ve brought his lube to China when he was packing two months ago. Not to use for someone else, but for himself on those rare occasions he would call home.
  “Ow…” Henry slightly arched his back, hissing.
  “Mianhae…” Donghae felt bad for hurting this boy, but there was no other way around it, so he tried to mix pleasure with the pain. “Just breathe through it, okay?” Henry nodded once more and took a deep breath, letting it out, and then another….and another…and soon enough, it got easier for him and less painful when Donghae separated his finger inside him and closed them again, continuing this motion to stretch him.
  Henry gasped and moaned when he felt a sweet jolt run through his body. What was that? Henry asked himself.
  “Found it,” Donghae smiled and Henry voiced his previous question. “That would be your sweet spot; the spot that will make this all worth it.”
  “Ah…!” Henry moaned when Donghae pressed on it again.
  Donghae pulled his fingers out and lined himself to Henry’s entrance, dark pink and inviting. He hissed when he slicked himself up with his saliva. “Ready?” He asked Henry.
  “Yes, yes,” he answered eagerly, wanting that feeling again and wanting Donghae inside him finally.
  Donghae granted his eagerness and slowly pushed into him. Henry let out a sharp breath and a whimper, noticing how bigger Donghae was than two fingers. He gripped Donghae’s shoulders, needing to hold on to something secure.
  “God, you’re so tight…” Donghae moaned, holding on to himself so he doesn’t finish earlier than needed. He let out a breath, pushing until he bottomed out and stayed still for Henry to get used to the intrusive feeling. “A-Are you okay, Henry?”
  Henry let out another breath, nodding. “Y-Yeah. It…it just hurts…a little…”
  Donghae nodded, “I’ll go slow. Just tell me when you’re ready for me to move.” In just a beat, Henry told Donghae to move, figuring it was going to hurt regardless of when he started. “Are you sure?”” Henry nodded in reply and Donghae slowly pulled out, resulting in a shiver running both their bodies, pushing back in. Their moans matched each other’s and Donghae followed through one more, starting a slow but steady rhythm.
  “D-Donghae…” Henry moaned. Pain soon gave way to pleasure and that was all Henry felt – pleasure of Donghae inside him, pleasure of Donghae with him, pleasure of both of them together. It was an amazing feeling beyond what he could describe. So this is what making love feels like, Henry thought.
  Seeing Henry’s expression untwist into one of serenity, Donghae started a quicker and heavier thrust with more force and motivation. His head fell onto Henry shoulder’s, finding solace in the crook of his neck, his tongue dipping out to taste the salty skin. He laid butterfly kisses on the heated skin before biting down, eliciting a moan from above him. He sat up and lifted Henry’s leg for better access.
  The room suddenly became larger yet stuffier than normal in which the temperature rose dramatically as their breaths and moans would sound louder than it actually was and would echo through their ears. The clear slaps of skin against skin became utterly apparent as Donghae was beginning to teeter on the edge of pleasure. Once getting a set rhythm that pleased them both, he angled himself to find Henry’s sweet spot, which was easy. Henry’s moans increased in volume as Donghae’s name spilled messily from his throat.
  As sweat rolled down his forehead, Donghae bent down and laid an open-mouthed kiss upon Henry’s lips, suggesting they be quieter or they’d be in trouble. Henry tried to bite down on his lips to keep from getting any worse, but it was hard when Donghae lifted both his legs and spread them wider, digging deeper and deeper into Henry. His moans fed Donghae’s arousal and put him closer and closer on the edge.
  “I-I’m so close…” Henry muttered, voice increasing and falling in bass with each thrust, “H-Hyung…”
  “Nado…” Donghae replied, taking the younger male’s cock in his hand once again. His motions matched his speeded thrusts and Henry became a writhing mess once again, calling his name repeatedly.
  “Ah…ah… Donghae, I-I’m going to…I-I…aaahhHHHH!” Henry’s back arched into an almost impossible form when that flash of blinding white light revisited him. Ribbons of white fell onto his stomach and dressed Donghae’s hand, Henry’s length throbbing in his hands. Donghae wasn’t far being him, the contractions on his dick being just what he needed, and his juices were quick to spill with a groan escaping his lips.
  “Oh God…” He groaned, hips jerking involuntarily into Henry as he rode out his orgasm. He swore he could see stars in his vision. At this moment, he couldn’t remember if it was every this good. Donghae was able to hear Henry say something mid-ecstasy-filled cry, but it was unintelligible. “Mwo?”
  Slowly coming off his high, Donghae pulled out and fell onto Henry, careful not to put all his weights on him, both breathing heavily. Their eyes met, both clouded with pleasure, and closed when their lips met in a soft, tender kiss. Donghae laid beside him, pulling the covers over them both and snuggled closer as the room became colder by the second.
  “Nae?” Donghae replied, looking down at the hamster boy, waiting for him to continue, but he didn’t. He only shook his head and settled into Donghae’s warmth, letting his eyes fall shut. “Henry?” Donghae waited for a response, but all he got was the intake of a deep breath. Henry had already fallen asleep. Donghae chuckled, running his fingers through the boy’s damp hair and soon fell asleep himself. It was a long day.
  * * * * * * *
Donghae was the first to wake, blinded by the bright sunlight. It was a peaceful wake-up call, sort of, despite the sun. he turned to block the course of his current discomfort, to bury his head in his pillow, but instead found himself burying his head in a face-full of dark orange hair. He was confused at first, but soon remembered the night before when realization dawned on him.
  He looked at the hamster boy, who laid peacefully beside him. A smile quickly found its way onto his lips. He was too cute. He leaned forward to place a soft kiss on his lips (remembering last night, he was pretty sure there were no boundaries at this point), but hut before he could, he heard a continuous vibration in the room. A phone call this early in the morning? He looked over his side of the edge of the bed, but did not see his pants; he found everything else but. He slid out from Henry, careful not to wake him up and leaned over him to the other side.
  There they are. He picked them up to dig into the pickets and pulled out his touch screen. He unlocked the phone to find he had six missed calls and ten text messages?! Four of the calls and five messages were from Ryeowook, wanting access back into the room and wondering what they were doing in there. The last two calls and five messages were from Hyukjae. Guilt was quick to wash over him when he saw Hyukjae’s last text.
  From: Hyukkie~
Where are you?
  From: Hyukkie~
  From: Hyukkie~
You must be really busy. :(
  From: Hyukkie~
Sad we couldn’t talk tonight… :(
Maybe tomorrow?
  From: Hyukkie~
Sweet dreams.
I miss you a lot!
I love you <333
  Donghae locked his phone, letting it close to the black screen and looked at the sleeping boy, who had a small smile adorn his lips for split second. He must be having a good dream.
  “Fucking irresistible.”
0 notes
Irresistible Pt1 [Henhae]
Title: Irresistible Pt1, Pt2
Pairing: HenHae; implied Eunhyuk
Rating: PG
Summary: Super Junior M is promoting in China and Donghae finds the younger member highly irresistible
At first, it started off as nothing but part of a job; what he had to do to appeal to fans, even to get the fans to see him as officially one of them. Random hugs. Holding hands. Whispers so close each other, their warm breaths ghosting on each other’s skin, which soon turned into little touches here and there: caressing cheeks; hands haphazardly touching thighs, slowly rising up or just laying there; holding each other for more than what was considered normal - everything of which spectators just gobbled up wholeheartedly.
There was a point in which friendly gestures turned into something more. Neither of them knew when.
When Henry Lau and Zhou Mi came into the group to form Super Junior M, the fans did not take to them so lightly, which he or the rest of the members understood at all. Constant ridicule and means to drive the two members out of the group before they even started followed them. The original SuJu members did what they could to protect their fellow members and console them to attempt to better the predicament they were in, but there was so much they could do.
Donghae could see how much the fans words actually affected the boy though he would not express those feelings to any of the members. He silently watched the teen practice harder and longer than any one of the members as if to reach their level of greatness – it was Super Junior after all – but neither of the original members expected him to do all of that.
It’s hard to just plaster a smile on your face after just being brought out into the cold, harsh world after being hidden in MT. He wasn’t prepared for that. And neither was SM Entertainment. So, the older male took the dongsaeng under his wing. He was determined to make his experience better for him in any way with someone he could talk to, so he hung around him any time he could, trying to get him to feel welcome to the group and open up to him or to them.
Henry was quick to adjust to Donghae. He treated him so much like a brother and the younger member appreciated it. There was no one else he wanted so much to be around. Yes, the other members grew on him – they were like family now, a weird, touchy-feely kind of family – but Donghae stood out the most; he held a special place in his heart.
* * *
Super Junior M reveled in the growing applause and screams produced by the crowd of fans, causing the stage they stood on to rumble a little bit. All seven members ran around the stage, interacting with the girls in appreciation for their support as this was their last concert for a while before they started more promotions for SJM. They liked connecting with their fans though. The boys took this time to let go and just be themselves, acting like the teenagers they were at heart.
Henry was thrown off by the extra weight that crashed into him as he was dancing to the recorded music blasting through the speakers.
A burst of laughter escaped Henry’s lips as Donghae clung on to him for dear life. He was quickly shut up as his cheeks burned from where his hyung’s lips quickly made contact with his heated skin. Donghae hopped off and threw his arm over his shoulder, posing for pictures fans were taking. Henry tried to look unfazed. Sure, they’ve done more questionable things, but kisses weren’t given.
* * *
“Since we’re done for the rest of the day, we should do something fun!” Zhou Mi suggested, excitedly, as they boarded their bus, “I’m far from tired right now.”
“That sounds good,” Siwon voiced the rest of the members’ murmurs and nods, “What should we do?”
“No shopping!” Kyuhyun quickly added, seeing Zhou Mi’s mouth open to speak his mind.
The Chinese immediately frowned. “But, Kyunhyunie!”
Kyuhyun wasn’t about to be put in that predicament again. He’d never seen someone shop so much and so long before… By the time they were done, Kyuhyun was sure he had blisters on his feet, but Zhou Mi was ready to hit another store. There’s only so much five people can carry (it was just the two of them, but they needed the help of three other employees).
Never again.
“It’s already nighttime, what can we do?” Ryeowook asked.
Henry was staring out the window, mind floating back to the kiss on the cheek. It was such a small gesture, but it made his heart beat ten-fold. The fact that Donghae was seated next to him as usual, didn’t really help. He already knew he felt something for the older male at this point, but he tried not to make it too obvious to keep it at a brotherly level, though half the things they all do could be past brotherly level.
Donghae looked at the dongsaeng, who had been exceptionally quiet on the ride home or wherever they decided to go. There wasn’t a smile on his face and his eyes were transfixed on the passing buildings. Donghae wondered if he was tired and wasn’t up to doing anything for the rest of the night.
“Hey, what about a carnival?” Hangeng spoke up. The members turned to look at him in confusion. That was a random place.
“Where is there a carnival?” Siwon asked, seated next to him.
“We just passed it.”
Everyone looked at him with incredulous expressions at his calm composure as he said this and all turned to shout simultaneously, “Driver-ssi!”
Their driver turned the bus around and drove towards the carnival they supposedly just passed. Lo and behold, there was a carnival.
“Henry,” Donghae whispered, rubbing the orange-haired boy’s arm, “Gwaenchana? Do you want to go to the carnival or back to the house? You look kind of tired.”
Henry managed a smile and shook his head, “I’m fine, hyung. Jjinjja.”
Donghae took his word for it and the two followed the rest of the members off the bus. Their manager told them they had an hour and a half here before they would come back to pick them up because they had a show in the morning. The members chimed with approvals and went on their merry way in excitement. Zhou Mi linked arms with Kyuhyun who coolly walked under the arched entrance with Siwon and Hangeng trailing behind them, the taller males arm draped over the other’s shoulder. Ryeowook held Henry’s hand as Donghae walked alongside them.
Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi immediately stopped, causing Hangeng and Siwon to crash into them but Henry and Ryeowook stopped just in time.
“What’s wrong?” Hangeng asked.
“There’s…like no one here,” Ryeowook spoke, looking around the practically empty carnival, as if answering their question, which he did.
“Well…We did just have a concert not that far from here.” Donghae chimed in. The members nodded in consideration.
“Hangeng hyung, go ask a person if they’re still open,” Ryeowook suggested, giving the said male a little nudge forward.
“Why me?”
“Because you speak Chinese!”
“So does Zhou Mi! And besides, aren’t YOU guys supposed to be learning and practicing it? You go ask!”
“Kyuhyun hyung, you go then,” Ryeowook quickly moved the task to someone else not Chinese. He knew his Chinese wasn’t that great, so he didn’t want to embarrass himself.
“Fine,” He shrugged and walked to the nearest game post, seeing an employee there. He was pretty good with his Chinese, more so than Ryeowook anyway, so he wasn’t worried. The members stood back and waited for him to return.
“Are they still open?” Zhou Mi asked as Kyuhyun approached them.
Kyuhyun nodded. “Like Donghae said, they don’t have many customers today because of the concert.”
“Oh.” The members felt a little guilty, so they all made a mental note to play their games as much as possible to somewhat make up for stealing their profit. They separated – Kyuhyun, Zhou Mi, and Ryeowook; Siwon and Hangeng, and Henry and Donghae. This time, Donghae didn’t deliberately try to be with Henry, it just happened.
“What do you want to do first?” Donghae asked him as they walked away from the group.
Henry shrugged, “Everything.” He didn’t know what carnivals in China were like as he’s been in Canada practically his whole life and Korea for the last bit, so he was ready to explore.
“Everything?” Donghae repeated with a laugh, “I think they can be arranged. With an hour and 30 minutes, we’re going to have to go quick.”
“Da-eum , gaja!” Henry took off to the first game.
* * *
An hour and 20 minutes later, they had gone through a little more than half of the area. This place was bigger than they expected, but they had fun. They won little toys for each other and Donghae managed to win a big stuffed animal for Henry, which the latter couldn’t help but blush at. Good thing it was dark. The whole thing felt like a date, but he discarded that thought and continued with their escapades.
Donghae watched Henry bite his lip, looking almost like he was preventing a smile, looking down, when he hand him the stuffed animal. He was too irresistible.
“Oh man, this is tiring!” Henry exclaimed, stopping to catch his breath. They had been running around everywhere and the food they had just had was catching up to then.
“But so much fun!” Donghae laughed, also catching his breath.
“Wanna slow down for a little bit? We have ten minutes left and I doubt we’re getting to everything,” Henry suggested.
Donghae nodded and looked up. “What about the Ferris wheel?”
Henry also looked up at the giant wheel. Despite the dark, he could see Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi up there. “Zhou Mi must be having the time of his life up there”, Henry thought, laughing to himself.
“What’s so funny?” Donghae asked.
“Hm? Oh. Nothing, nothing. Yeah, let’s go.” Henry smiled. They had to set their prizes on the ground next to the employee, asking him to watch it for them. Knowing who they were, he had to accept.
“Xièxiè,” Donghae said, smiling to the guy. Practical use of Chinese class. Yes.
Henry couldn’t help but laugh. “Good job.” Donghae grinned in reply as he watched Henry climb into the car. Just then, he felt a vibration in his back pocket and jumped, briefly forgetting that he had his phone in there. He quickly unlocked the black screen to find he had received a text.
From: Hyukkie~
How was the concert?
I miss you <3
“You coming, hyung?” Henry called to him.
“Huh? Oh. Yeah.” Donghae quickly closed the text and locked the phone again, slipping it back into his back pocket and climbed into the car. The worker informed them that he would start the ride in five minutes to make sure everyone that wanted to get on was here. The two nodded and he closed the door, starting the wheel to move up to the next empty cart.
The two sat in an awkward silence as Henry drummed his fingers against his thighs. It felt like the longest 5 minutes ever.
“So,” Donghae started, in attempt to cut through the tension, “Are you having fun?” Lame question…but it was a start. “It’s been long before we got to do anything like this.”
Henry nodded with a small smile, “Nae. I am.”
Conversation over. The two went back to the awkward silence once again. Donghae’s eyes trailed up from his pants to the dongsaeng next to him. Henry’s seemed to be entertaining himself, blowing up his cheeks like a puffer fish as his thick reddish lips were puckered, looking over the dark night sky. He reminded Donghae of a cute, little hamster.
In way of his visual exploration, Henry’s eyes fell onto Donghae to find he was looking at him. His cheeks immediately deflated with a giggle. That kid was damn irresistible.
The two were startled as the car shook with a start and began moving. Those five minutes seemed to be up already.
“I can’t remember the last time I was on a Ferris wheel,” Henry commented to himself with a chuckle. Donghae knew what that felt like, yet his heart went out to this kid. He felt like this is what someone his age should be doing every day. “But I’m happy doing this,” Henry quickly added as he turned to Donghae, having taken the silence to reflect on his words.
“Ara,” Donghae nodded.
As they were rising higher into the sky, a grin slowly formed onto Hnery’s lips as an idea formulated in his head. It would get a rise out of Donghae in attempt to break the awkward atmosphere. And it would make Henry laugh.
Henry waited until he was sure Donghae was distracted or in his own world and, looking over at the adult, it seemed like he was, so operation ‘Scare the pants off of Donghae’ was a go. He discreetly spread his arms against the car ledge and harshly pushed the car to the side, which shook it dramatically, pulling a yell out of Donghae, who quickly scooted over to Henry in a pure second, clinging on to him for dear life.
Henry busted out in violent laughter. Donghae glared at the kid after realizing his life wasn’t in danger (Henry wouldn’t be laughing in the face of utter danger).
“Dammit, Henry! Why would you do that?!” Donghae exclaimed, pushing the Canadian away.
“I’m sorry, hyung, I couldn’t help it!” He said in between laughter, “You were so cute!” Donghae huffed and looked away, folding his arms firmly over his chest. He couldn’t help the burning sensation in his cheeks as the word ‘cute’ came out of his dongsaeng’s mouth. “Aw, are you mad, hyung?” Donghae didn’t make a movement of acknowledgement. “Aw,” Henry cooed with a giggle, “I’m sorry…” Nothing. Henry scooted closer to him, but Donghae did the same in the other direction. Henry continued until he slowly wrapped his arms around the elder’s build. “Hyung…Donghae hyung…Don’t be mad at me.” The sincerity in his words caused Donghae to look down to see if he meant it. He was met with two widened, big (as big as they could be) brown eyes, the Canadian’s kissable red lips puckered in a pout. “Mianhaeyo.”
He was instantly forgiven.
Henry’s puppy dog pout slowly fell as he lost all ability to do anything else than focus on Donghae beautiful brown eyes, noticing how close he was to the center of his desires. This was the closest he’s ever been and his beating heart definitely made it known.
“H-Hyung…?” His words could be nothing but a whisper as he felt Donghae’s warm hands graze his cheek. Donghae looked so out of it, yet so into it at the same time; his eyes tracing his features as if memorizing every perfect inch. Henry own eyes traveled down to those pink lips of his hyung’s, which revealed a little of his cutely lined teeth that formed a smile so perfect that the room practically brightened ten-fold when he did so.
Henry found no resistance whatsoever as his lips leaned up towards Donghae’s like a magnetic attraction pulling them closer to one another. He couldn’t help the whimper of bliss when they touched. He couldn’t help it when his tongue just grazed Donghae’s lip out of its own accord. He couldn’t help his heart leaping when Donghae opened his mouth to let him in. He couldn’t help the smile that formed on his lips.
The shake of the car snapped them out of their reverie. They separated and Henry momentarily hid his hid in Donghae’s neck before scooting away.
“I…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that…” Henry apologized, not making eye contact with the older male. Donghae wondered briefly whether it was for scaring the shit out of him or kissing him.
Goddamn irresistible.
[Part 2]
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