ladyespera · 12 hours
hey all! I don't typically cross-post about real world stuff here, but since it's related to my art, I thought I'd put it here too for maximum reach: I'm running a charity fundraiser and if you give $10 or more, you can submit a sketch request! See the link in my fundraiser for the submission request form. We're at 14% right now!! Thank you! 💙 
Fundraiser link: https://getinvolved.unrwausa.org/fundraiser/5506796 Instagram post:
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ladyespera · 16 hours
a lil painting i made for my sister's birthday card tomorrow (she loves cloud and tifa and we just watched the costa del sol scenes in rebirth yesterday!)
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ladyespera · 18 hours
pssst hey girl did you enjoy the genealogies of elves in the back of the silmarillion (1977)? then you might also enjoy
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ladyespera · 3 days
part 1 of upcycling a yukata- skirt!
after not sewing in years, not using a pattern, not bothering much with calculating seam allowances, not knowing this machine so I found out 90% of the way done that I’d actually put the spool in wrong this whole time (fortunately it still worked lol), not ironing the pleats, etc there was a lot of troubleshooting but I still got this skirt done after FINALLY starting it on a whim last night! (after saying I was gonna do this for years)(I’m probably still gonna go back and shorten it at the end once I have the whole look assembled)
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ladyespera · 5 days
hey all! I don't typically cross-post about real world stuff here, but since it's related to my art, I thought I'd put it here too for maximum reach: I'm running a charity fundraiser and if you give $10 or more, you can submit a sketch request! See the link in my fundraiser for the submission request form. We're at 14% right now!! Thank you! 💙 
Fundraiser link: https://getinvolved.unrwausa.org/fundraiser/5506796 Instagram post:
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ladyespera · 5 days
hey quick question how does the fundraiser commission thing work? Do I donate and show u the receipt and you draw the thing?
(answering this publicly in case anyone has the same question lol) So, on the fundraiser page itself there’ll be a link to a Google form in which you can fill out what character you want for the sketch, how to receive it, etc. (see image below) The basic idea is I can sketch a character for anyone who gives $10 or more! :-) (no extra characters or rendered/linearted stuff at this time unfortunately bc I’m about to be real busy and didn’t want to overwhelm myself). Obviously anyone can just give any amount and doesn’t have to claim the sketch either, but it’s there if people want it! Regarding proof, the form will just ask how much you gave just bc I can see how much individuals have given on the fundraiser page, and since it’s not a ginormous goal I think I can cross-reference pretty easily. Didn’t want to go through the hassle of having people have to prove with receipts or pics, and, well, if someone is lame enough to try to scam me it’s only a sketch which I draw all the time for free anyway. don’t do that pls xD Hope that helps!
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Link to the fundraiser AND link to the form separately in case anyone can’t find it.
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ladyespera · 5 days
also this past weekend alone I have:
*started crocheting again after not doing it for years and am now a respectable foot into a scarf 
*started painting on a beading project 
*made a vase on a pottery wheel (first time using a pottery wheel !!)
*plotted how to upcycle the yukata (summer kimono) that has been lying at the top of my closet for like 5 years 
*started an environment design class (technically)(real work doesn’t start till this week but)(I am SO excited for it but also super nervous bc it’s live and I know nothing abt environment design which is why I took it but-)
*im sure I did something else but I forgor
*oh yes! I started a page for a business idea coming soon >:) (more applicable on the local side of things)
*also not this week but with my tax return I bought a machine to help cut stickers/cards and I love that kind of stuff so I can’t wait to try it out 
we’re in creative turbo mode choo choo vroom vroom
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ladyespera · 5 days
hey quick question how does the fundraiser commission thing work? Do I donate and show u the receipt and you draw the thing?
(answering this publicly in case anyone has the same question lol) So, on the fundraiser page itself there’ll be a link to a Google form in which you can fill out what character you want for the sketch, how to receive it, etc. (see image below) The basic idea is I can sketch a character for anyone who gives $10 or more! :-) (no extra characters or rendered/linearted stuff at this time unfortunately bc I’m about to be real busy and didn’t want to overwhelm myself). Obviously anyone can just give any amount and doesn’t have to claim the sketch either, but it’s there if people want it! Regarding proof, the form will just ask how much you gave just bc I can see how much individuals have given on the fundraiser page, and since it’s not a ginormous goal I think I can cross-reference pretty easily. Didn’t want to go through the hassle of having people have to prove with receipts or pics, and, well, if someone is lame enough to try to scam me it’s only a sketch which I draw all the time for free anyway. don’t do that pls xD Hope that helps!
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Link to the fundraiser AND link to the form separately in case anyone can’t find it.
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ladyespera · 5 days
hey all! I don't typically cross-post about real world stuff here, but since it's related to my art, I thought I'd put it here too for maximum reach: I'm running a charity fundraiser and if you give $10 or more, you can submit a sketch request! See the link in my fundraiser for the submission request form. We're at 14% right now!! Thank you! 💙 
Fundraiser link: https://getinvolved.unrwausa.org/fundraiser/5506796 Instagram post:
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ladyespera · 6 days
hey all! I don't typically cross-post about real world stuff here, but since it's related to my art, I thought I'd put it here too for maximum reach: I'm running a charity fundraiser and if you give $10 or more, you can submit a sketch request! See the link in my fundraiser for the submission request form. We're at 14% right now!! Thank you! 💙 
Fundraiser link: https://getinvolved.unrwausa.org/fundraiser/5506796 Instagram post:
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ladyespera · 8 days
I propose: Rufus the time traveler.
Rufus (thinks Sephiroth is a time traveler): I have excellent news. I've managed to kill Jenova for good.
Sephiroth (not a fucking time traveler): FIRST GLENN AND NOW MY MOTHER.
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ladyespera · 8 days
Here's some Chadley Appreciation pics because f you to the people who hate this little boyo, he did nothing to you :(
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Seriously, why is no one appreciating him for all that he has done and he's so cute to top it all off. I wanna hug him 🥺
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ladyespera · 11 days
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So exciting to see this fanzine as an actual book! Multiple books, in fact! (We ordered one proof copy but the manufacturer sent extras for no additional cost.)
Merch orders are in progress, and we’ll update you all as those orders (and the full print run of the zine) arrive!
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ladyespera · 12 days
HI NUBE. Eating ur au every day for breakfast lunch and dinner. When/how does Angeal talk things through with Sephiroth? 🥺🥺 Was Sephiroth angry at him too at first?
Thank you for the ask Bubby!! It really took me 10 days to answer this I'm so sorry 😭
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So! Unlike Genesis, Angeal actually knows how to make a decent apology. This is actually before they even reach Banora, I feel like Angeal wanted to apologize as quickly as possible, he was carrying a lot of guilt to just keep it in.
After they have Sephiroth and the babies secured they start their way back to Genesis' home. I believe Genesis would have some contacts with people who exported Banora White juice, so they went back on a ship. This should be the first day after they found Sephiroth, they are still processing the whole thing. Genesis is probably staying over in another room, mostly because he feels a bit too overwhelmed to face Sephiroth now, he too also feels guilty, but he and Angeal deal with it in different ways.
I feel like Angeal has grown tired of running away too, he has seen how things turn out when you do that. So I think he decided to face the problem head-on, even if it was difficult for him to do so. He knew that he would regret every second he delayed it.
Sephiroth doesn't respond in such a negative way as he did with Genesis' attempt of an "apology". Even if he was still hurt by Angeal, he doesn't hold such a strong resentment, because well... last thing he remembered Angeal was dead.
He certainly trusts Angeal a bit quicker than he does Genesis, but he doesn't really feel different about them, he really loves them both, even if he is too scared to admit it. He is just afraid to get hurt again.
(And Genesis cares too, Sephiroth is actually wearing his jacket in this c: )
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ladyespera · 14 days
i still just think it's hilarious how some of sephiroth's last words in crisis core pre-dying (first time) are "don't test me." devastating. humiliating. cloud really said you meant don't test ME. bitch you come in my fucking village with that stupid fucking sword you'd better come prepared for these country hands. man had NO idea just WHOM he was testing. he came he saw he lost. no attempts at dissuasion just stab stab stab claw swing. rip sephiroth he tried the wrong teenager. YEET.
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ladyespera · 14 days
me staring tiredly at my google docs trying to decide what to expand an outline for
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ladyespera · 14 days
a very rough late night painting bc I have some thoughts/feelings but little energy to finish
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