lamb-ie · 2 years
the smoking room
The actor on the street told me she’d be working at a bar now that her shows have been cancelled I wonder if that will happen to me? dry shave dry toast Dry mouth I don’t want to be an adult I don’t want to pay for things I think i will become a street performer instead I could swallow swords And fire And trash Lick the wounds of the sick And heal the depressed with balloon animals My cheeks are red And my face is hot the air is sticky dirty And dangerous
To get home, I walk through the department store, cradling my Subway Cold air wafts out of the doors Along with the scent of; eighty dollar candles, And creams that don’t do anything I wish I could live forever like the pretty girl on the poster I think I could be happy
I stomp around the streets with vengeance My subway is getting cold I think of you in the cinema And in the all the places I’m not supposed to The college boy at the tram stop eating waffles with a silver knife and fork I see my reflection in the windows do I look okay? Swanston street, 8am sometimes I wish I never came here Maybe I was always going to turn out like this
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lamb-ie · 2 years
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lamb-ie · 2 years
He never left anything behind. He never wrote on my birthday cards. He never came to my school plays. I don’t think he ever gave me a gift. He did go to one of my grandparent days in year 7, though. That was nice of him. But yeah. Nothing. Except for some texts and some static.
I never got the chance to ask him about that. About that time when he called me while I was at school. I was studying and I could feel my phone vibrate in my blazer pocket. Right underneath the tiny flag embroidery that says In Labore Quies or something like that. So I fumbled for my phone with my right hand and it was him. That’s so odd, I thought.  Usually, he never calls me. Unless it’s my birthday. So naturally, I thought something bad happened. An emergency? Or maybe he just wanted to say hi?  But when I pressed my ear to my phone, the line was silent. Dead. Not a word. Not a breath. Static. So I hung up.
That’s what I thought about first, when Mum told me he had the stroke. The phone call. The coincidence. He was trying to tell me something and I didn't hold on long enough. I couldn’t fathom the prospect of never knowing. But I also couldn’t fathom that I’d never actually say goodbye. I thought I’d have time for that. I thought it would be like one of those shit soap operas that air on channel seven during the day when everyone is at work; Everyone gathers around the sick person. They hold their frail, clammy hand while they whisper their last words. Everyone sheds a single tear and lets roll down their cheek. Then the beeps stop beeping. The green, wiggly line stops wiggling. And everything goes quiet.
But it wasn’t like that at all. I never got to tell him I loved him out loud. I never got to hear it back; a moment I was putting off every time I saw him, because I was too afraid of crying in front of everyone. Do you all remember last Christmas? I do. I told Ella and Ruby that we should all talk to Pop because I knew that would be the last time. But they said don’t be ridiculous, stay in the pool with us. So I looked back through the vines and the cobwebs and the flyscreen door and I saw him. Sitting inside, gazing out at the family. Dad, sizzling sausages on the barbie. Mum, and Auntie Cathie laughing over a bottle of Rosé. He just sat there. The telly wasn’t even on. He was alone on the couch with his oxygen tank keeping him company.
I like to think that the static wasn’t an accident. I like to think that he was there on the other end of the line that day, listening in on my life. There are some people in the world who are impossible to sit in silence with. It's long and it feels itchy. But it wasn’t like that with him. Actually, I think I’d do anything to sit in the static with him again. Sometimes when I think about him, I open up the window in my bedroom and press my ear up to the fly screen. I can hear the rustling of gum leaves. The drunken fuckwits of Frankston. A cacophony of burnouts and doof music. It all blends into a seamless white noise. And in this static I can hear him. Like pianos. Brown grand pianos. The static sounds like pool cleaners and yoga balls bouncing down the basement stairs. It sounds like plastic, miniature golf clubs and his proper silver ones (when he’d let us hold them on special occasions). The static sounds like a crystal cup on an oak dining table, a glass of port and a pipe of tobacco. It sounded like his hello. The one where he’d stand on the balcony and wave his hanky. And it sounded like his goodbye. The one where he never called back.
The sounds of the universe are a nice thing to fall asleep to. I think I’ll keep an ear out for him forever. And I like to think that somewhere out there, he’s doing the same.
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lamb-ie · 2 years
hot cross buns in March
Do you remember that time when I took the last hot cross bun? As I had one in my mouth, you snatched the other off my plate and threw it in the bin Then, You tore it up into tiny pieces and sprinkled them over the last nights meatloaf, that sat pathetically in the trash
I had hid the buns the night before Underneath the 2-minute noodles But behind the fish sauce and mustard I knew you’d want them in the morning which meant I had to have them too when you took them off my plate, you screamed about how unfair I was being How deceiving it was to hide the buns when they didn’t belong to me you’re so fat and ugly! you said and I cried because you were being mean and because even though I wanted to annoy you, I didn’t mean to make you nasty I never wanted to see you like that
yesterday I went to the supermarket and I bought the buns we liked (even though it was March) I took them home and left them on the bench for a while I didn’t open them and I still haven’t because I don’t even like hot cross buns that much They don’t have as much flavour as I remember They tasted better knowing I’d lose an arm and a leg to get one
getting up early to be the first, was never about the buns I just wanted to be like you I wanted to share something in common with you I wanted to see you a little bit more everyday Even if we were fighting because I knew I would be leaving soon you just didn’t know it yet And All of the times we would sit on the couch with dad and silently laugh until he got angry Or throw remote controls at each others heads All of the times we would kick each other underneath the blankets Or quarrel over which sister the dog loves more The times we would lock each other out in the cold Or throw towels onto the deck for each other in summer because mum doesn’t like wet footprints in the house They would become moments so few and far between that They’d just become memories
And one day Somewhere along the line I’d come back home You’d be taller than me And tell me how much i’ve changed We’d hear the chopping board being placed on the lino bench And as we turn our heads to look at the kitchen counter We’d spot two hot cross buns sitting side by side I’d squeeze your hand and say,
Do you remember that time when I took the last hot cross bun?
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lamb-ie · 2 years
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lamb-ie · 2 years
7th of April
​ I take the tram back to college after watching the play about white privilege except they only employed people who were all white and privileged and everyone in the audience was white and privileged I was in the front row And i am white and privileged I am not sure if i liked that play I had to leave class early to see it The class in the tall building with the piano in the basement Where girls in long boots strut along the marble Where are they going, I wonder I wish i had somewhere to go
my class is on level 5 My tutor is hot (nobody else agrees with me) Vani has nice nails That guy who sits on my left, one person away from me, never fucking talks he’s always wearing footy shorts and has his headphones on The girl with the pink hair is always typing but there’s nothing on her screen Liam writes porn smut for people on twitter He charges $60 a piece I don’t know where I sit amongst everything else I guess I am that girl who thinks her teacher is good looking, unfortunately
On the tram I wonder , why do they publish the diaries of dead people? I would be annoyed if someone did that to me but some part of me also would want to world to know who I really was they should publish the diaries of normal people i think I’m not afraid of the working class we live the most extravagant lives of all Being an artist is a privilege and Being suffocated in work is a joy
On the 7th of April I sat on my couch in my dorm room, watching tv dust coats the ground filth drips from my bedroom walls grown out roots purple hair I hate the colour purple surrounded by people eternally alone I look outside at the boys playing basketball Beads of sweat like stardust on their brows The sun illuminates the park across the street It’s where that comedian was killed It doesn’t look as pretty now I write 3 things in my diary as a man jogs through the park A girl on roller skates dances past Algorithm, War in ukraine, Cherry iron b-vitamin Something terrible has happened, But nobody seems to really care
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lamb-ie · 2 years
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lamb-ie · 2 years
it flew past like most things do you felt like a fever dream Hot and heavy like hurricane air and for the first time in my life it clicked I understood why lovers do what they do I’m a nihilist at heart and my knack for cynicism left more than frontal lobe aches and knots surfacing under my furrowed brows
I did not realise what I was missing out on and the world knew it too my algorithm fed me love by the spoonful; silhouettes of swans, long walks on the beach, mr Darcy’s hands unflexing, and love songs; they were no longer works of abstraction for I could read them like restaurant menus how did I survive this long in the world oblivious to such goodness?
for the first time in a very long time, i felt apart of something; the electricity reached from the tips of my toes to the ends of my eyelashes, and it blew the dust off this very heart of mine into the depths of the universe where it circulated with my trust issues low self esteem and bi weekly panic attacks
do you know that feeling? when you’re driving home in January, you wind the windows down and in the rear mirror you watch the sun set behind the houses? fluffy dice swing from the front 400 Lux is loud enough to fill the chambers of your lungs and as your salty hair dries in the breeze, you think “this is it” this is what it’s like to finally feel alive
well, thats how it felt
that’s what it was like to be with you
before we met, I always wrote poems about love but from the perspective of a dog looking up at the dinner table, wide puppy eyes watching strangers indulge in their vices or a stray cat watching the fire crackle inside, wondering how everyone else got so lucky so of course I wrote about you and your dumb brown hair and how you’d confuse me and how you’d lie but you’ll never read those streams of consciousness or the lines of paranoia that I spent nights milling over meticulously but I know you’ll read this
so while you’re gripping your phone the blue light is being filtered by those honey eyes of yours, while you’re thinking of me, I want you to know that although I wasn’t in love with you, I was in love with how you made me feel; when my head was on your chest and our eyes traced the sun as it set behind horizons of long grass when we stumbled back to the car in the dark our sweaty palms, being squished together by the weight of youth   I was in love with the way I hurt myself how I broke both wrists, fighting for your attention how my veins turned blue, fingers frostbitten from tracing your turned back, your cold shoulders and quiet mornings, drowning in waves of silence and disdain
I thank you for it all it was nice to stand in the shadow of love, reach out into the darkness, and brush the edges of what could have been I thank you for teaching me how to write about love not from the perspective of the dog under the table or the cat across the street, but from the perspective of my own two eyes, my own heart as I stand on my own two feet, shaking hands with the universe dust and all
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lamb-ie · 2 years
killing and dying
staring at myself all day Getting sick of my mirror There are pimples in my eyebrows now When will I learn They are sisters not twins One is taller than the other And longer too I plucked the other one until tiny red beads blossomed along the arch All short and stubby
The boys on tinder are moaning in my ear They tell me if I like it Who told them to do that? It’s all the porn they watch I Think I laugh in their faces at how stupid they sound I can’t bear the thought of ever loving one of them I don’t know if I’ll ever fall in love Isn’t it embarrassing wrapping your lips around someone’s dick Id really rather not Maybe I’m gay Or maybe I hate intimacy
I have a crush on a guy at work Clean cut Shiny shoes He’s smart He likes Sylvia Plath He appreciates her the way I do We both understand why she used the oven But he’s 27 And his girlfriend goes to that acting school in Melbourne the one I would die to get in to
If its not the mirror Its my screen Eyeballs dry from the blue light I wish that I could dig them out of my head And rinse them in a glacial stream Im addicted to spending money because I enjoy regret It makes me feel like I accomplished something I ask my friends if they can relate They all say no I should just curl up in my bed and go to sleep it gets tiring Staring at myself all day
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lamb-ie · 3 years
The house on the hill.
Do you want to know something weird?
We have 60 days left in this house
60 days left
In our family home
My favourite room in this house
Is my bedroom
It wrapped it self around me while I fed
My addiction to blue light
Where I stare at myself in my mirrored desk
Neck hanging heavy,
Crying because I think I’m unlovable,
or I’m ace
or maybe I’m just bi
no one will hear me over the lounge room screaming match
Over who left the tea bags in the sink
over the dirty dog dripping dry
The mud clings to the carpet
Along with reactionary comments
comments that are meant to be jokes
jokes that’s really just abuse
so we spill our tears on the rug
and rub them in with the soles of our feet
Hoping they’ll disappear
Like no one will notice
And its true,
we are chemically bonded
to the silk on the ground
but Just like oil
The hate will never come out in the wash
so instead
we watch pot plants
get thrown across her windshield the next morning
just before he gets in his ute and leaves for work
The isolation cuts so deep
Wrapping my sheets around my head acts
Like the bandaid keeping my soul intact
its all coming true
I absorb the conflict to create the glue to pull everyone together
because when I leave
This house of cards will fall
To distract myself
I watch the pigeon decompose
On the nature strip, outside
i fall asleep to the picture of girls drowning
Do you hate the sound of her snoring
Or do you just hate her
I let the gale force winds rattle the windows
along with every hair on my body
The Stagnant pond alight at sunset
Has stopped collecting dust at the bottom
herein this house lies the things that kept me safe
Now I wait in the calm, before the storm
so once more before I go,
Here’s to loving
And here’s to leaving.
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lamb-ie · 3 years
I’ve never had a lover before
and if I did, I think I could
Feel safe and sound in the skin I’m in
I’ve waited years to feel this good
you’d de-mist my foggy windscreen
and teach me how to see
myself in ways that are not harmful
loving you is loving me
And we’d try new things together
we’d walk and talk and eat
Id hold your hand
so gently in mine
while we softly fall asleep
But I’ve never had a lover before
so in this room I wait alone
everybody seems to be in love
even the strangers on my phone
I can’t escape this emptiness
it’s the companionship I seek
I watch the lovers glow and wonder
if this is how I’ll always be
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lamb-ie · 3 years
Back resting against the drift wood,
Sun bathing me in all it’s glory,
I think to myself
I am so lucky that
it is you 
who I got to know
time is ticking
rain is pouring
lines are being carved 
In to the skin of my mothers face
In this life,
I am glad to have known you 
Like i did
Loving someone is the biggest tragedy of all
not the growing up part or 
The realising that the world doesn’t revolve around you
i can handle death
but i don’t think i could ever understand love
when you learn to love somebody 
you accept they’re one of one
that they too will become the air they breathe
The water that flows from above
The soil we step on
Only if everyone could meet this being
and feel the way I do
but life doesn’t work like that
We are here one day and gone the next
the pit of my belly hardens
If my dreams turn to dust
And wishing on birthday candles won’t work anymore,
I’ll remind myself 
how I was lucky to have met you
that is enough
and thinking I wasn’t 
thinking I hadn’t accomplished much 
I wasn’t successful
I wasn’t lucky
I wasn’t enough
was (maybe)
the second biggest tragedy of all
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lamb-ie · 3 years
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Three original illustrations by Dani Strips.
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lamb-ie · 3 years
the end
first day of drama class
I stole your seat
you came in much later
and sat next to me
we paired up, exchanged lines
you blushed both your cheeks
they sad true love begins
when two losers meet
so I saw you the next week
and you had this script
It was from “17 again”
I knew this was it
the thing that would end
everything that I wished
in boy band crushes
and movie star lips
I saw you in November
After school camp
I went to Vietnam
Where the streets smelt all damp
we were both at the carnival
Had shakes in both hands
watched out for your face when
we went ‘round again
as I flipped upside down in that
blender machine
looked into your eyes
while you looked back at me
tried spitting on the ground
it’s the closest we’ll be  
I’ve been chasing you forever
been building up heat
We heard a flute play outside the front door
we paused for a second
to let it drift down the floor
we said it at the same time
“mask off
that’s for sure”
maybe we jinxed it
our love-stricken lore
but another year passes
and I’m at the club
I’m bored and I’m tired
about to give up
surrounded by bodies
But it’s yours that I want
I glance out the window
you’re wasted out front
you’re asleep on the concrete
bleeding and all
broken glass and gravel
absorbing your fall
you’ve grazed those cheeks
and you’re starting to crawl
they all stand around
mouths agape and appalled
you’ve changed a lot
Since I met you that day
your not that boy that I loved
because he’s ran away
your violent and strong
Don’t care what they say
I know it’s those kids
who’ve led you astray
maybe in another world
we could be friends
or colleagues or team mates
who I could contend
but I do not know
the man you’ve befriend
you are somebody else
so this is the end
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lamb-ie · 3 years
delusion is
convincing myself that the lines
that wept from your mouth that day
bled from your heart
instead of 
the script in front of you
delusion is 
praying for grand gestures,
acknowledgement even,
or a flash of
love heart eyes
the eyes you showed me 
then all at once
delusion is
holding onto that moment for 
the next 4 years
no one looked at me the same way since
nothing disrupts the monarchs like
the ever fleeting presence of a first love
akin to the wave of adolescence 
that engulfs lonely children 
all at once,
then never again.
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lamb-ie · 3 years
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lamb-ie · 3 years
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OLIVIA: The Cloudy Dreamer (2007)
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