Eye-opening lessons I learned in the 3months of motherhood
Eye-opening lessons I learned in the 3months of motherhood
My little girl, it seems like we’ve always been together, you and I. In reality, you have only existed as you for 3 blissful months. I have watched you grow and now everything you touch ends up in your mouth. You spit up so much, we are amazed that such a little body can spit up so much. You have the cutest little laugh ever + your smile is contagious. Most importantly, I am grateful for the…
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Going back to work after maternity leave
Going back to work after maternity leave
Been on maternity leave and I have to go back to work in excatly 16 days. I cringe at the thought of leaving my baby girl. She is 10 weeks now. I cringe even more that I will be leaving someone else to fulfill her needs. How did you mommy’s do it? I’m a first-time mama and to be honest this shit scares me. The leaving your 3months old baby in someone else’s care part.
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New youtube channel
I have been on maternity leave for 2 months now, raising my little angel Zuri and I’m just trying to switch things up a little by exploring new things and pushing my boundaries. YouTube channel creation and management is confusing to me, and I don’t know if I have what it takes to do this regularly, but there’s only one way to find out. So I’m doing it. What my channel is about: Journey…
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My miscarriage story: I lost my baby at 10 weeks.
My miscarriage story: I lost my baby at 10 weeks.
Finding out you had an early miscarriage is… there are actually no words for it. I know because I’ve been there in 2019. I found so much comfort in reading other people’s stories about their miscarriages or watching their videos. I’m now ready to share my story of miscarriage. There are so many emotions that come up during a miscarriage. You immediately play the blame game, how could I have…
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I got pregnant despite taking the morning-after pill...
I got pregnant despite taking the morning-after pill…
I will never forget the day I saw two distinctly pink lines confirming what I was afraid to be true: positive. I knew in my heart that this life was a gift, but I felt completely unprepared to receive it! How comes? I took the pill! I remember taking the morning-after pill. I was astounded as despite knowing the statistics, no one explained the contexts in which the morning after pill could fail…
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A little over 6weeks postpartum
A little over 6weeks postpartum
and feeling really good. Zuri is definetly keeping me on my toes, I’m still healing every day and breastfeeding non-stop, but still finding time for pause. Even if it’s only for a few minutes, I find a moment every day to take a few quick breaths, reminding myself of what I’m capable of, affirming that I’m on the right path and expressing gratitude to The Divine for the joys (and challenges) of…
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Myths I was told about pregnancy
Myths I was told about pregnancy
As unbelievable as this may sound, no two words (aside from, “I do!”) will have as much of an impact on your life as, “I’m pregnant.” And your mom, aunt, sister, cousin, best friend, client, customer and neighbor will no doubt have something to say when it comes to your first-time pregnancy. Here’s what I was told. Eating peanuts will make your baby grow bigger and a bigger baby means you have…
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Colicky Baby My Story… At 5 Weeks Now
Colicky Baby My Story… At 5 Weeks Now
I had heard of the word colic when I was pregnant. The web searches say how it happens to about one in five babies–most often in the evenings and in babies aged three weeks to three months. No one really knows why. I medidated and prayed upon, but baby Zuri was not lucky. I can remember the moment I realized something was up: It was 2 or 3am and I was nursing where I paced her back and forth,…
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Introducing a pacifier to my newborn.
Introducing a pacifier to my newborn.
I actually wasn’t sure if I should offer Zuri a pacifier in the beginning. I was terrified because I thought it was too early for it and that it might be the bane of existence since my breast milk delayed and she was drinking formula. I didn’t want her to get used to the pacifier before learning to latch on mama’s breasts well. I later found out that my little girl is some-what colicky. She…
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I won't let my baby "cry it out" to fall asleep..
I won’t let my baby “cry it out” to fall asleep..
“You need to leave her to cry.” “She’ll exhaust herself eventually.” “She will get used to you holding her all the times.” “She needs to learn.” “ Ummm, how about no? I’d rather stick with the “lessons” that don’t break my soul into a million piece. In a world where “cry it out” is so very common, it’s sometimes hard to trust in the processs of nurturing little ones to sleep. But far from…
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After giving birth feels. We are at 3 weeks old now...
After giving birth feels. We are at 3 weeks old now…
How I wished I was even told that there would be a recovery. You’re always told that labor is the worst pain you will ever feel, women yelling ‘fuck you’ to their husbands, and basically terrifying you to the point where you might not want to procreate, never discussing the recovery. You’ll need all of the rest that you can get, “ they said. Let’s be honest, I’m not getting much. My body is…
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No one told me how much breastfeeding would hurt....
No one told me how much breastfeeding would hurt….
I tense up when it is time to nurse, bracing myself for the inevitable pain I’d feel during and after, yet my little princess is only 2 weeks old. No one told me how much breastfeeding would hurt, at least at the beginning. When baby Zuri was born, they asked me during my labour if I wanted to breastfeed and answering yes, they encouraged her to latch on to the breast within the first hour of…
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Dear 41 weeks pregnant mamas—how you doing?
Dear 41 weeks pregnant mamas—how you doing?
I feel duped at this point. The doctors, blogs and baby books were all very clear–this pregnancy business will last 40weeks. And yet, here I am, exactly at 41weeks today with no signs of labor. My belly is still painfully swollen and the baby continues to stretch and arch without any seeming interest in ever moving out. My google search history alternates exclusively between “natural ways to…
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Dear first-time mama who is waiting on labor to start...
Dear first-time mama who is waiting on labor to start…
I feel you and I’m with you. I’m still here waiting too. 40 weeks and 2 days past due date now. I’m so eager to hold my baby in my arms but I have been told to put on my patience hat and wait upon the Lord.. So I’m here to tell you the same. “Put on your patient hat Mama!“ I’m experiencing it and as a first-time mama, the last few days of pregnancy are an exciting time. But when your due date…
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Pregnancy has reminded me a lot of puberty...
Pregnancy has reminded me a lot of puberty…
And that hormones are a hell of a thing! “Yay, I’m pregnant!” that’s what I thought after seeing that blessed double line on my pregnancy test. And even though I never experienced morning sickness hits (yeah me), my emotions and moods have been all over the map during this journey. As soon as you realize there’s a baby brewing in your belly, you can ride a roller coaster of emotions:…
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I quit smoking cigarettes when I learned I was pregnant...
I quit smoking cigarettes when I learned I was pregnant…
Almost 9 months ago, I quit smoking cigarettes . And I’m grateful for the human inside of me. I’ve always wanted to quit but I had many failed attempts. I was a smoker for most of my life and in more recent years, I smoked hard. I really didn’t know myself without a cigarrette. Smoking provided a form of constant when everything else around was crazy; it gave me a moment to relax and I smoked…
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I am terrified to give birth...
I am terrified to give birth…
And worried. And excited. And overjoyed. And unsure. And a big tangled web of all of those things. I can’t wait to meet whoever this little soul is on the 22nd July 2021! Boy or girl, I know I’m blessed. I’ve been told that every woman holds different fears about birth in her heart. Some women fear the health risks, some women fear for their baby, especially if they have experienced loss. Some…
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