luciejennie0 · 4 years
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
Dry Skin Tips
Don’t use a foaming cleanser. At all! It’s super drying.
Drink heaps of water!
Look for the products that are called “gentle” and for “sensitive” skin.
CeraVe and La Roche-Posay are excellent brands to check out. Especially CeraVe. I cannot speak highly enough.
Don’t use products with the following in the top 5 ingredients: ethanol, denatured alcohol (alcohol denat), ethyl alcohol, methanol, benzyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, SD alcohol. Not all alcohol is bad, though: cetyl, stearyl, and cetearyl alcohols are all fine. 
Use AHAs to exfoliate (glycolic, lactic, fruit acids, etc). You probably don’t need salicylic acid. Don’t use scrubs, they’re bad for your skin.
Korean skincare is amazing for dry skin, check it out. Especially for toners.
DIY skincare ingredients you can use: honey, yogurt, milk, berries, turmeric, olive oil, banana, oatmeal, aloe vera, egg yolk, avocado, basically anything soothing or moisturising
DIY skincare ingredients you can’t use: apple cider vinegar, essential oils of any sort, lemon or any citrus, cinnamon and any spices, anything astringent or drying to irritating.
Use a thick moisturiser as the last step of your routine, or a hydrating sleeping mask at night.
If you have dry, flaky patches, there is nothing wrong with using baby oil or Vaseline on them, as long as you don’t put it all over your skin. Anhydrous lanolin is also good for this.
Use jojoba oil, which is very similar to the skin’s natural sebum and is amazing for your skin. Mix some with rosehip oil for an amazing face oil.
Use oil or an oil cleanser to take off makeup/SPF at the end of the day, then follow with a normal gentle cleanser.
An eye cream is always good if you’re interested in anti-aging, or you could use rosehip oil.
You probably don’t need clay masks very often, if at all. Look into moisturising, soothing, and sheet masks.
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
What You Need to Know About Birth Control and Breast Cancer
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Recently the New England Journal of Medicine published findings from a study of birth control users in Denmark that showed a small increase in the risk of breast cancer in hormonal birth control users. While a small risk of breast cancer from some birth control methods isn’t news, the study confirmed that even newer hormonal methods may lead to the increased risk. It also suggested that the risk increased with age.
Nobody wants breast cancer, so you may be wondering what this means for you. Here’s our breakdown:
Does using a hormonal birth control (like the pill, patch, ring, implant, or hormonal IUD) mean I’ll get breast cancer?
For the most part, no. Millions of people have used hormonal birth control for decades without ever getting breast cancer. But all medicine comes with some risk, so it’s important to think about the benefits of the medicine compared to the risks.
The decisions you make about birth control are your own, but a doctor or nurse can help you think through and weigh the facts, pros, and possible cons. You can also talk with them about your personal risk factors — like your age and your personal and family history of breast cancer — to help you make the best decision for you.
Should I stop taking my birth control?
Stopping your birth control or switching to a new method is a big decision. It’s important to weigh the benefits and risks. You may find that there are major benefits that outweigh the small increase in breast cancer risk — like being able to avoid pregnancy or manage endometriosis. There are also studies that show that hormonal birth control actually reduces your chances of getting of other kinds of cancer, like ovarian, endometrial, and colorectal cancers.
If you feel strongly about switching methods, keep using your method until you can talk with a doctor or nurse. They can help you change your birth control without lapses in pregnancy prevention.
The staff at your nearest Planned Parenthood health center can give you the rundown on all the methods, discuss your health history and personal risk factors with you, and get you started on a birth control method that’s right for you.
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
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What’s up from me and my tumor?! LOL
I’m almost tempted to post this on Facebook and say “Guess who is having a…. TUMoUR” hahahahaha I am way too dark and sick for this world
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
I think we all knew his one already… but it’s interesting to see some discussion and data that seems to provide some correlation, if not causality
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
most of you could have heard about this HK$10,000 handout, but there are more in the budget you should pay attention to. 
but first, how economists view on this.
(source: latimes | 26 feb 2020) the handout immediately came in for criticism from economists.
“This is obviously untargeted and regressive and will not solve the problem of those most severely hit,” said Alicia Garcia Herrero, chief Asia Pacific economist at Natixis SA. “It is like throwing a drop in the ocean for many while you could have used that amount to cure the injuries of only a few.”
Ahead of the budget, accounting firm KPMG LLP pushed for handouts in the form of electronic vouchers to encourage direct spending, rather than saving or moving the cash abroad.
Kevin Lai, chief economist for Asia excluding Japan at Daiwa Capital Markets, is skeptical as to whether Hong Kong residents will rush to spend a cash windfall.
“That sounds like a lot, but would you go out and spend it? The answer is no,” he said. “The economic benefits will only be marginal. Shops and restaurants are screaming for business. It’s not going to help.”
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
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Positive Ed Recovery Affirmation
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
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Fight or flight 24/7
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
Calorie count concept per day is the biggest lie
People are becoming more conscious about what kind of diet they are consuming every day. They always have a check on the calorie count of the food they are taking. Every gulp of food bite makes them calculate their calorie count concept. What are they eating as per calorie count concept is worth eating or not? Will the calorie count of a certain food makes them fat. Is the right amount of diet is followed throughout the day or whether they have failed to follow their calorie count concept chart for the day? These stress level in following the calorie count is very trending these days.
Misconceptions about calorie count per day
There are so many mobile apps these days that make good money out of calorie count and calorie count concept based diet charts. But, people have failed to achieve their weight loss goals even after following the strict diet plan as per calorie count concept based charts.
There has been a misconception over calorie count on a huge level. It is the biggest misconception that following a calorie count concept based diet chart will help you manage your weight. It is totally not going to happen in any case.
The calorie count concept is not associated with weight. To lose weight it is always required to work out with a good diet plan. Nothing is going to happen if the calorie count is followed. There is a person who claims that they have followed a good diet plan based out of calorie count per day. But they are lying. They are only sharing the half-truth with you. In fact, they have been doing more than that. They have been exercising too.
It is easier to understand with the example that why the calorie counts per day and the whole calorie count concept is a big-time lie.
As per the weight management standards, the inactive female requires 1500 to 1800 calorie count per day whereas the super active woman requires 2300 of calorie count per day. If the inactive women consume more than 1500 calorie they tend to increase their weight. But if they take less amount as per the calorie count per day measures then it will help them to lose weight easily. This woman has started its day with a heavy breakfast that has sugar containing milk tea, some fried food whose calorie count is equal to calorie. Then she intakes the lunch comprising of 3 bread, a handful of cereals, a bowl of vegetable with a diet aerated soft drink that counts equal to 464 calories. At evening time she consumes a fried snack with sugar-containing milk tea whose calorie count is 216 calorie only. The dinner time arrives and the dinner has some combination of boiled foods that has a calorie of 384 calories. So, the final calorie count per day as per calorie count concept is 1480 calorie which is less than the required one.
Also Read: Exercise Can help You Look Prettier
But anyone who has done the diet before or even have a basic idea of calorie count concept and intake of daily calorie count in diet will easily say that it is not going to work in any scenario. Therefore, it is clear that calorie count has nothing to do with weight management.
Where do we go wrong then in following the calorie count?
It’s about the misconception of calorie count integrated with the metabolism of the body. The calorie word means the amount of energy intake in the body. It has no connection with the metabolism of the body. Metabolism is the reaction series of biological reactions. For example, some people eat a lot but do not gain weight due to their metabolic rate of the body no matter how many calorie intakes they have in a day. But on the other hand, people with less metabolic rate tends to gain weight even when they have less calorie intake.
There are some foods that can be used to maintain metabolic rates of the body like green tea in which antioxidants are more, so it helps to improve metabolic rate.
What needs to be done then to attain a healthy body?
To attain a healthy body, do not depend on calorie count fully. It is always good to have a balanced diet. A balanced diet is something which contains everything but in smaller proportions. The daily exercise routine is good for weight management programs. Always be specific of the quality of foods that is intake by you per day. If you have taken a rich calorie meal at lunch, go for boiled food or no food that day to make a balance in the body. The proper weight loss concept is based out of metabolism maintenance of the body which is different for everyone. Some have good metabolism so even if they eat more calorie they tend to digest it without any weight gain problem. So, focus as per your body requirement and stay healthy and happy always.
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
Simply Fit #PODCAST # 8 Tips to Lose Weight Part 2
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
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luciejennie0 · 4 years
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