mamabone · 7 months
Never regret loving. Never regret expressing joy. Never regret being happy. Never regret trying. Never regret taking a chance. Never regret enjoying things. Never regret finding peace.
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mamabone · 7 months
One thing I highly recommend for everyone is finding peace and happiness in your own company. You are the only person you have to be around, so find peace in that. Go out for long walks, go to the store alone, go shopping alone, take yourself out for dinner. Listen to your favourite music, do activities alone and enjoy yourself. Truly, it makes everything a lot easier once you do.
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mamabone · 7 months
✨BPD Communication✨
Healthy communication can be so difficult with BPD - we often come with different responses and ways of handling difficult communication than other people because of our trauma. Some of us shout, scream and say things that we really don't mean while some of us shut down, stop responding and ignore the conversation which can often make it worse. Communication is so difficult and if you're having issues with it you definitely aren't alone. It's probably one of the most common struggles so let me give you a few tips for beginning to fix any communication issues!
Tip One: Awareness ✨
You can't fix issues if you aren't aware of what they are. Self awareness is essential if you wish to heal and grow, so let's practice that first.
I want you to get a notebook or piece of paper and a pen and I want you to think back on your difficult conversations, particularly those where you felt most triggered or upset. What about the conversation upset you? Was it the wording, the tone, the language used? Why did that upset you? Did you respond in a healthy way? What did you do well and what could you have done better? What do you want to be able to do differently in the future?
Questions like these will always be difficult to answer as they force you to look at what you did wrong as well as what the other person did. But that's growth. You cannot grow if you cannot recognise your negative behaviours as well. There's no shame in them but they do need to be recognised. Take your time to answer the questions and truly think about them.
Tip Two: Take a Break ✨
Now this one will take a little practice to put into order but I've found it to be extremely helpful in regulating emotions during tricky conversations.
Most people with BPD can feel a split coming before it does. Sure, we may only get a moment before it but that moment is going to be crucial for you. When you feel that split building and you can get that little gap of time before it hits, you must walk away from whatever is triggering you. I know, I know, easier said than done. It took me a long time to be able to do this so I understand fully how difficult its going to be.
If its a conversation over text, you're going to leave the messages and leave your phone entirely. Don't just switch apps, don't play a game, put it down and walk away until you can feel your emotions subsiding slightly. Make a cup of tea, watch TV, paint your nails, scream into a pillow, dunk your head into ice cold water, go outside and scream bloody murder at the top of your lungs. Whatever it is you need to do to let that emotion out. But don't reply. If its a conversation in person I want you to do your best to hyper focus on your breathing. Breath manually, control it, and walk out of the room or building. If they try to follow you, do your best to say something like "need a break, be back in 5".
This is always going to be difficult to do but try to work up to it. Both of these things are the very basic foundation for healing and learning positive responses to difficult communication. Work on them, try your best, and then you've already taken the first steps. You can do this, I know you can. It won't be easy and I won't lie and say it will be, but it's doable. You can do it, angels ✨🌙
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mamabone · 7 months
Hi, loves! 💜
My name is Bone and I will be running this little self help blog.
BPD and mental health are things that I have lots of experience in living with and healing. I'm deep on the path of my own healing journey and I'm in a good enough space to begin helping others too so I'm going to share some of my tips and tricks for helping yourself deal with mental health.
You are always welcome to ask questions to me and I will answer with the best knowledge that I have and I can offer help with several different issues, but also remember that I'm not a therapist nor a professional, just a girl with some nifty tips to share!
I hope that this blog will be helpful to you all in some way <3
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