mauihonuhoni · 10 years
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Beer Painting of Bikini Blonde Lager by Maui Brewing Company in Hawaii. Year of Beer Paintings - Day 115.
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Monday FUN-day
Welcome to FUN-day (formerly known as Monday)
My Saturday is the peek of my work week, with the Maui Swap Meet every week so far on my regular events list. So unlike most folks, I look forward to Mondays, for now, which are generally relaxing for me.
I put some of my favorite music on and collect my thoughts from the weekend, go through what ever happy mail has been delivered that I haven’t been able to get to and bask in the little things.
Ok, maybe you don’t know what Happy Mail is… letters, cards, orders, surprises, magazines.
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
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Aloha all day, every day with Pipeline Clothes & Gear! 
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Filo Friday
So it occurred to me my address label sheets are about the same size as my Filofax inserts, so I made a point to clear the top row of a sheet and hole punch them to fit.
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Now I have labels to-go, and I freed up a pocket for something else.
Do you keep labels in your Planner too?
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
same goes for popsicle sticks!
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Snapshot Sunday
Another inspirational snapshot.
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The Hubby shot this photo of the West Maui Mountains looking greener than they have in years. I felt inspired to create my 'Your Adventure Awaits' canvas.
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Quote of the Week
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Spotlight Saturday: Tim Holtz
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I remember going to Rubberstamp and Scrapbook expos when I first started getting into paper crafts. On more than one occasion, I watched Tim Holtz demo his awesome products and techniques - to this day I still have a few sample pieces he gave away after his seminars. I love his style.
His style inspired me to start using book pages in the background of my canvases with dyes and paints washed over just enough to add color but still show the words on the paper. I plan to someday pick up a copy of his books 'A Compendium of Curiosities' volume 1, volume 2, and volume 3 - hopefully some day soon!
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Shop Hop Saturday - I Am Roses
As I repeatedly saw their product pop up in so many Google searches and YouTube videos, I knew I needed to check out I Am Roses. Such a curious name for a company.
My curiosity served me well. I Am Roses sells handmade mulberry paper flowers. These things are awesome! I immediately ordered tiny roses in every color of the rainbow. I started to check out and went back to add some cherry blossoms to my cart as well. These flowers will put a smile on your face when you open the package the day it arrives.
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I used some of my Thai flowers on my piece Always Follow Your Heart.
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Factoid Friday #2
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Ever wonder why there are so many green color cards at the paint store? The human eye is able to distinguish more variations of the color green than of any other color! (per the Paint Quality Institute)
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Filo Fridays
Naming your Filofax? Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Yet, many of us do it. I follow @FinleyTheFilofax on instagram and I watch Fifi the Filofax on YouTube.
I decided before getting my Filofax that I wouldn't be naming it. Of course, I named it. Since The Hubby calls it an archaic planning device, I decided to name my Filofax 'Rex.'
Meet Rex:
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Product Review: Washi Tape
Washi tape: fun, multi-purpose, and even collectible! I use washi tape in my mixed media pieces, my smashjournal, and now even in my new Filofax.
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Washi tape:
Paper-like so it can be torn or cut to size or shape. I like to dovetail it!
Repositionable, like masking tape. Even 3M makes decorative washi tape now!
Easily written on and used as a label with nearly any pen you have.
Very shareable. With 65 ft or more on a roll, you get plenty to swap a foot here or there without noticing - a good way to build your stash!
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Throwback Thursday: Art Night
Art reigns supreme on Maui. Our town, Lahaina, boasts more art galleries per capita than any other city in the country (per Lahaina News). Every Friday night, Lahaina hosts Art Night, a gathering where galleries open their doors, artists hang out, and wine and pupus flow as you walk from gallery to gallery.
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The above is a shot of Lahaina, taken by Christopher Egan, whom I met and talked story with on my first Art Night after arriving on Maui.
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Recipe Wednesday - Papaya Salsa
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We received our weekly box from Island Fresh, choke full of fresh papayas - 4 of them! The Hubby scoured the web, found a recipe on Food Network for turkey burgers with papaya salsa, and tweaked the salsa part to make it our own. We put it on top of veggie burgers. It tasted so good, the next morning, we topped our egg scramble with it too!
Papaya Salsa:
1 large ripe papaya, seeded, peeled, and diced
1/2 red bell pepper, seeded and diced
1/4 Maui Onion, minced*
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely chopped
2 tbsp fresh cilantro leaves, finely chopped
2 oz POG Juice **
Season with Hawaiian salt
* when I "mince" an onion, I just run in through a cheese grater - so much easier
** POG juice - Passion-Orange-Guava juice made infamous on the Hawaiian islands. So much better than plain old orange juice!
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Workspace Wednesdays
This is what happens after I have caught up on my smashjournal, followed through on tasks in my Filofax, and finished doing 2 canvases...
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Cleaning up between tasks and projects is not my strong suit. I call it saving the worst for last. When I am in the creative zone, cleaning seems far less than productive to my muse.
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Technique Tuesdays Vol. 1
This week, I'm added Technique Tuesdays to my schedule. Welcome to the first episode in this feature!
Today, we'll talk about adding color using Faber-Castell Gelato Paints.
Things you need:
A spray bottle of water
A few colors of gelato paints
A dry paper towel
Your finger!
What you do
Spray your canvas with water - be careful not to oversoak. A light mist will do. No need for a pool of water on your future masterpiece!
Gently graze the canvas in an area with a color. Use your finger to blend the color as you go. Feel free to add more mist as you rub if the paint seems difficult to work with.
Continue adding sections of colors and blending with your fingers until you get a nice gradient effect across your canvas.
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This is a great way to create some beautiful backgrounds!
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mauihonuhoni · 10 years
Color Influence
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Color is a BIG part of art and life. Colors carry so many different meanings, both hidden and obvious.
Red-Orange might give you the combination of passion and energy, like a sunrise at the start of a new day. Or you might feel a peaceful connection with nature from the blue-green of a calm sea.
So many colors, so much symbolism. How do you use color in your life?
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