nenchantments · 5 years
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Great Mother. Magna Mater. Pachamama. She carries many names. The sentient Mother Earth. Gaia. She is calling for us to awaken! Reconnect with nature. Get our hands and feet dirty with her dark soil. In her womb, in the darkness, we are reborn. In darkness is truth. Without darkness you can’t find light. 🌍 Yesterday I pulled Cybele, the universal mother to humans, animals, and plants. In the #darkgoddesstarot she is Major Arcana #5 The Hierophant. Her cult embraced the androgynous. In fact, according to Tarot the ultimate human is in balance. Composed of both feminine and masculine energy. Balance. We don’t need deeply patriarchal systems nor matriarchal systems; we need a combo of male and female energy. The positive aspects of both. The Hierophant points to collective institutions (education, prison, health, environment...) they ALL need to be shifted. As humans shift into the energy of the New Age (Aquarius) old systems will be transmuted and rebuilt. We as a collective are out of balance. The military-industrial complex is an old paradigm. How do we build anew? We need community and new ways of sharing. Her message from the LWB: **use pine in your aromatherapy to heighten awareness **add meaning through ritual, story, symbol ⭐️I would add reading groups that look at folklore and myth are great to get back to basics and remember the subconscious language of SYMBOLS⭐️ We need to be in community with likeminded folks **dedicate yourself to providing a service to others **serve a greater power or cause and this includes being in service to MOTHER EARTH ~Dream. Love. Know. JYN Star ⭐️ #dailycardpull #tarotreading #tarot #tarotreadersofig #selftransformation #alchemy #alignment #balance #shadowwork #darkgoddess #transmutation #community https://www.instagram.com/p/BtGZ4z8HMex/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c17oiry4ruzd
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nenchantments · 5 years
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I have been getting a little overwhelmed energetically this weekend after coming into 2019 on a cleansed and pure vibration. So, it makes sense that today I drew the four of swords; retreat and meditation. I am making a conscious effort to burn my ego. To not worry about what others think because my intent is good and guided by love. This year I am trusting in spirit, trying not to question guidance. Allowing myself to be guided by the universe; and trusting in its support. Burning ego was a powerful message that came to me on New Year’s Eve as I sat in deep meditation setting intentions for the New Year! If it resonates with you, perhaps that is something you can work on too. Ego can hold us back. Take yourself out of the equation when possible and operate in the realm of selflessness. Stay true to your word, because words hold power. They are the potent ingredients of spells. I am working to honor my word whenever possible. I am following through on messages, and trying to humbly put in the work, even when my ego resists. Right now, I have been told to retreat. So, I am going to heed that message for the rest of the day! Focusing on myself, reading, writing, contemplating. I am grateful to the beautiful people in my life who I love, learn from, and work with! Let’s continue to do the work. But, also let us remember to take time to go within and listen to our inner voice. Keep on working toward transmutation of your inner lead into gold! As long as you walk your path guided by love, you can't go wrong. Cheers to a powerful and restorative 2019!! ~Dream. Love. Know. JYN Star ⭐️ #dailycardpull #tarotreading #tarot #darkgoddesstarot #tarotreadersofig #selftransformation #alchemy https://www.instagram.com/p/BsTMt0cnnPj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8v4mubphuzun
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nenchantments · 5 years
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Wow! Committing to doing daily card readings on Instagram has been very powerful for me! It has revealed many synchronicities that I look to as guidance. Yesterday, I was talking with my husband about the feelings of isolation and exclusion that I often grapple with (I think this is a problem many of us face). Yet, by nature I have to also accept that I am a loner. However, I am a loner who also needs the support and love of friends and family. I enjoy socializing and attending a good part, but I also enjoy the comfort of being alone in my home. Mary K. Greer’s book has a tarot exercise where you can figure out the #majorarcana card that is guiding you this lifetime. Coincidentally, that book is only .99c right now in the Kindle store! For me, that card is the Hermit. And that is the card that came through in today’s #dailycardpull. I have been talking about darkness a lot in these readings and how we have to transmute in the dark to find the light to guide our paths. In this card the #Hermit carries a lantern so that he can see his way through his travels. When you go within you have to face your inner demons. The orphic egg is also highly symbolic. My call is for you to find out how the symbol of the egg relates to your own inner journey. We all have inner journeys that we are navigating alone. What have you been called to transmute in the dark? And as you do the inner work fight hard to hold on to your inner guiding light. Dream. Love. Know. ~JYN Star 🕯#liberttarot #tarotreading #tarot #dailyoraclecard #tarotreadersofig #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreader https://www.instagram.com/p/BqxqJOAHjnt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=crkwlu20hphm
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nenchantments · 5 years
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I have not posted a #tarotreading on instagram in a few days because I did not know how to clearly convey the messages coming through. I was pulling cards about transforming your mindset in order to fully step into your personal power, and just couldn’t find the words to write my thoughts. Well today was an auspicious sign! Key 20 of the major arcana was pulled from the deck #tarotoftheholylight. Prior to this post I put up a picture of my cat Sophia (her name means wisdom). Then I immediately pulled this card and the explanation from the deck states, “The dove symbolizes the descent of Sophia into the world. With it appearance, the mortal soul awakens from its sleep in the grave of incarnation”. YES! Instead of posting a reading, yesterday I began to record a lecture series that I will be posting on my Youtube channel in the very near future. The series is meant to aid in the #AWAKENING that is taking place on a global scale. Collectively, we are tired of tyrannical leaders and disconnected governments that truly do nothing to promote the health and healing of humanity. #Healers are taking their power back and #creating their own reality! I feel that it is an important message right now, further supported by today’s #dailycardpull. I was ignited yesterday to start following through and transform myself from a traditional educator in a soul sucking public school, to taking the leap and recording a lecture on spiritual alchemy and soul transformation! My lecture kept touching on the fact that once humans incarcerate into the earth plane we get bogged down by the density and strife of linear time within the 3rd dimensional paradigm. But, today’s card reinforced that we are waking up to our true nature as spiritual beings having a human experience! and so Today’s card reinforced that I am on the right path as a #creator as I continue to work getting my first lecture series together. It is hard to awaken and fully step into your personal power, but we all have to keep doing the work to #heal #transmute and #transform! Have a blessed day! Dream. Love. Know. ~JYN Star #lifeismagic https://www.instagram.com/p/BquqOBsnI1M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vpauya25nifv
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nenchantments · 5 years
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Today I pulled the 8 of pentacles for my #dailycardreading. Right away the message that came to me is...it is time to WERK! No longer will we poor ourselves into toxic, draining, and depressive work environments! We now work hard to be supported in loving and meaningful ways. Make today the day that you decide to start figuring out how you can best serve your purpose here on planet Earth. If you are already doing that, I thank you! Because, we are all connected and so each person already working to fulfill their purpose/calling helps us all learn to do the same. What have you been called to do? And, are you on a path where your calling is part of your daily life? The rose quartz on the bottom corner of this card reminds us that as we push ourselves to fulfill our goals we need to stay grounded in LOVE. Loving yourself means that YOU make time for your passion(s)...pursue hobbies and goals that move beyond the linear illusion of money and all the stress and anxiety that comes with fulfilling our basic needs. Yes, we need a home, food, transportation and the reality is those needs are met through work too. But, make sure that in the midst of daily obligations...you are ultimately ALWAYS working for YOU! Don’t stay in a job that your spirit is telling you to leave. Put, your needs first and put in the work to be the best, most balanced, content, satisfied YOU that you are able to be! Light is always a guide...as symbolized by the sun and moon on the workers dress in this card as well. Actually, the character in the card is working at creating pentacles (coins/money). So, now in THESE times creators are being called to create pentacles in new and innovative ways! Heed that call and create the beautiful life we incarcerated on this planet to live. Dream. Love. Know ~JYN STAR. 🔮💫⭐️⭐️⭐️💫🍀🕯💸. #tarotreading #dailycard #tarot #paulinatarot #tarotreadersofig #inspiration #dailycardpull https://www.instagram.com/p/BqpWFJ1nfJ7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nx98iy32s47d
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nenchantments · 6 years
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Today I moved away from the traditional RWS and used the Paulina Tarot to do my #dailycardreading. I pulled the Ace of a Pentacles. Makes sense for me and I am sure for others as well :) The last few readings I completed highlighted our collective journeys through darkness, illuminated by points of light (the moon and stars). I felt that darkness was consuming me as a teacher in a traditional urban public school. Students are viewed not as individuals but as data. The elementary school I was in did not allow students to thrive creatively building a love of learning. Instead students were asked to learn “bell to bell” never allowed to rest, relax, and enjoy being a child. I had to get out! One day several weeks back I was consumed with anxiety and a clear message not to go in or back. The dark environment was draining my spirit. I am still slowly recovering. But the reality is I like everyone else have bills and financial commitments. Time to create new ways of making money! And today, my card pull confirms this. Ace of Pentacles. The start of new avenues of financial creation! I am open to receiving the #blessings that universe has for me (and for us all)!!! Creators. Create. Dream. Love. Know. #tarotreading #tarotcards #paulinatarot #dailycardpull #tarotreadersofig https://www.instagram.com/p/BqVWVCZnP2a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qwa9oqq8xjgx
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nenchantments · 6 years
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Yesterday for my daily card pull I got the 8 of Cups reversed. Today when posting I felt guided to post the card upright. Wednesday the moon highlighted the journey...illuminated by light. We are still on the path, walking. The two cards connecting the journey. The water surrounds us. We always have choices. We can jump in the water and get reborn. We can stare at its surface and contemplate the depths beneath. The collective unconscious, which we can all pull from by going within. Going within has been a constant mystical KEY. So in fact does the darkness illuminate you? #tarotreading #tarotreadings #dailyinspiration #dailycardreading ♥️🔮💫⭐️💫🕯Dream.Love.Know https://www.instagram.com/p/BqPUwIwnRf4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ppgirou8wxac
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nenchantments · 6 years
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I am going to try and get in the habit of doing a daily card pull. Today I pulled #moon. We are currently in an Aquarius moon. We passed the thinning of the veil (halloween) and are in the darker portion of the year. The moon illuminates the dark. These are dark times. But we need to focus on points of light as we walk our path and create our journey. The collective unconscious is brewing. Creators are compelled to create. Because in darkness the greatest creative inspiration awaits. And WE need the light in the night to SEE. 🔮💫⭐️💫🕯Dream. Love. Know. #tarot #dailyreading #dailyinspiration #tarotcards #illuminate https://www.instagram.com/p/BqKiMAInm66/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jkur4w05mojm
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nenchantments · 6 years
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When the skeleton saint calls you...you answer! My current altar in her honor 🙏🏽🔮♥️⭐️💫. #altars #altarspace #santamuerte #skeletonsaint #manifestation https://www.instagram.com/p/BqDiAvrn6ky/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ote9lh31qgxc
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nenchantments · 7 years
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Current Workspace and altar! #lifeismagical #crystals #manifesting
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