petltepeinture · 10 years
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petltepeinture · 10 years
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❝ Ah... w-w--where am I... ❞ You start wondering about the place you were in, a big gallery, but can't help but notice, no one has been in the gallery, in a big amount of time. You start walking in a lot of directions, trying to find someone. You're stuck in a red room, trying to find someone-- or something. You really don't care, you just want someone to be here. ❝ S-s--someone!  ❞ Watching a blue rose in the distance,you trembled...maybe it's another enemy. ❝ Please...d-don't hurt me... ❞
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petltepeinture · 10 years
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{—♥—— Maybe this painting isn't alive...that's a relief, even for you. You try to read the description of the painting... ❝ The Lady in Red... This wonderful lady may look good at first, but when you know about her true ...{you don't know this word.} She won't struggle in ... {you don't know this sentence.} W-Weird... ❞
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❝ … ❞  eyes remain on the girl and her rose; she doesn’t bother to say a word.
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petltepeinture · 10 years
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{—♥—— "Y-You're such a pretty painting...this gallery is beautiful... b-but I'm... "afraid" of it... D-Do you know an exit...? I-I don't want to hurt anyone here...!" 
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petltepeinture · 10 years
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{--♥-- -- G-Garry says I shouldn't...risk my... "health"? in this gallery... So... s-s--should I just...? Like or... "reblog" this, if y-you're in the... { you don't know this word. } RPG...? community...
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Yeah, t-that's what it says... 
{ ib independent rp blog-- 3 years of experience of tumblr rping. }
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petltepeinture · 10 years
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絵画ごっこ! | くちばし。 [pixiv] 
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petltepeinture · 10 years
【Ib】再会の奇跡/by AYI (pixiv)
■Don’t remove the source
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petltepeinture · 10 years
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petltepeinture · 10 years
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Ending: Sacrifice
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petltepeinture · 10 years
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Source: Ibログ | taum@JT-R [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=32794906
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petltepeinture · 10 years
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May the galaxies shine bright--shine bright as you do.
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petltepeinture · 10 years
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Timeline of Nintendo handhelds.
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petltepeinture · 10 years
New Super Mario Bros. U
Review for New Super Mario Bros. U under the cut!
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Okay, but can we please talk about this game? I'm currently in love with it, aren't you? It might be one year old but you can't ignore that this is a really gorgeous-looking game, the controls are great and it makes use of every aspect of the GamePad. I really love this game, it doesn't really lack an aspect that a 2-D Mario game needs. But, let's dig more deeply into this game, shall we?
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We are looking at a Wii U game that came out on 2012, first 2-D Mario game that ever came out for this console! There is a package that includes this game plus it's add-on, but we'll talk about that add-on later. This game truly impressed me with it's mechanics, it's visuals and the difficulty of every level in the single-player story mode. Although, there IS some stuff that makes this game not a historical-new-fresh game in all the Mario series. 
This game didn't really extract the juice out of the Wii U's audio and video capabilities, the soundtrack really wasn't that impressing like Super Mario Galaxy's, maybe they were experimenting with it, since this was one of the early launch games of the Wii U. Although it was very good, it didn't impress me that much, but it was still really great, cheers to the music composers!
The graphics are impressive, everything that you see in this game deserves to be called gorgeous, the shading, frame-rates, everything is just in the right place. Although, some worlds are less impressive than others, and that's what kind of bothers me. Like, a world impresses me, but then the next one isn't that good graphics-wise. But that's not that important, since it stays in the original style and that's respectable, cheers to the graphic designers/workers, too!
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The style is absolutely beautiful, the effects and backgrounds are so great designed and somehow, world three reminds me of Super Mario Galaxy, thanks to the backgrounds and pretty stars, which is a nice touch from Nintendo. It still impresses me to no end the difficulties and the level design from this game, it even has challenge mode included and the difficulties there are even harder than the singleplayer story mode, and the levels are so creative. Props to the level designers.
New Super Mario Bros. U is truly an amazing game, a great first-play for the Wii U, it's gameplay is amazing and I truly enjoy it. It's hard but at the same time easy. If you have a Wii U and don't have this game, go to the store and get it, you won't regret it, really.
                                                                                                   Happy Gaming!
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petltepeinture · 10 years
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     I'll watch over you from beyond the stars.
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petltepeinture · 10 years
My sun and stars in super smash bros 4.
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petltepeinture · 10 years
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Seems like there are some new screenshots! Wooo!
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petltepeinture · 10 years
I'm your typical gaming blog that reblogs and constantly reviews videogames. Will be keeping an eye on SSB4, so if you like Nintendo and Sonic The Hedgehog, and want to know more about SSB4, follow! I'll be also posting things about my experience with videogames and will be reviewing stuff! Hope you like the blog. :)
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