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Hilarious book dedications. 
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There are no dead ends, only people who’ve given up.
—Mark Dimaisip
prompt: roads and dead ends
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Holding Me Back
I woke up this morning and realized that I’ve actually missed opportunities for you. Which is such bullshit. I don’t do that. It’s even bigger bullshit when I realized
It was never me. I’m not even sure it was me when I thought it was. But it was always you. I don’t know why or how you do it, but it’s your fucking fault. And that’s killing me. Every day. Because I don’t miss opportunities for anyone. Especially not you.
And yet. Here we are.
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A doctor's note.
I'm not a good writer. I'm pretty shit actually. I try to seem way more deep, aloof, and intimate than i am. Probably because i want to seem cool or it seems "realer". I don't fucking know what's real im 19. I don't even know what taxes are. I do know I'm not a good writer. And I don't deserve to be. I've never done any hard work in refining my writing. I might actually hate writing. So i definitely don't deserve any recognition for it. So why in the fuck do I write? I think Dead Poet;s Society was right. Shit's a human condition. We should probably all get that checked out.
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I've lived in London all my life Damned if I've seen any poor people.
I'm not a poor person. -Really.
I have to work 35 hours a week to stay afloat while taking classes.-But I'm not a poor person.
I have two white parents one white ass little brother.-Why does this help my case of "not a poor person"?
Now I go to a liberal arts school.-Where I might as well be a poor person,
Your two houses make my house look like I might as well be living in your car,
There is literally nothing stopping you from doing this thing- said no poor person ever.
The dining hall food isn't that bad when you grew up on pizza rolls.
I went to the 3rd worst high school in my state located in the 2nd worst county in America. -I went to school with poor people.
But when your mom tells you, your parents might have to get a divorce just to pay off some loans it's hard not to feel like a poor person,
Or when you can't call home for a month because cell phone bills aren't top priority and sometimes not everyone gets paid,
But being a not poor person is the best thing that could ever have happened to me.
I forgot that you were a rich person. I forgot that he is a poor person. I only knew that you were a person.
I forgot that the internet is stupid but remembered that trees and air are free.
I'm finding love everlasting through life as a "poor person", and I'll be the richest person in the world with it.
So when I'm homeless next year, feel free to sit with me and not be a poor person too.
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New Jersey
Comfort is the warm complacency of my pillow
Wherein my heart is that of a soft guitar strum.
Thou shalt not fear, for here is the place of dreams.
Comfort is welcoming, usual, and a smile.
The loveliest of hugs are held only too tight,
Dreaming that the moment of release never arrives.
Comfort is a place only of dreams that are mere dreams.
From comfort we are never released from complacency, 
For comfortable is somewhere I am very afraid to be.
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My Voice
I love you, I said.
That's nice.
Not for here.
Be nice, be polite, you said.
My whole life I've been trying to impress you.
I'm becoming the best at it, you know.
Being nice, being polite, being invisible.
All to impress you, but I can't impress you.
I see these people who shout their love and affection,
But I was raised on sarcasm and defenses.
Then one day, you hold me, crying, and say you are proud. of . me.
But all I can be nice and polite, and that doesn't impress you.
Impressing you becomes impressing others
And suddenly everything is calculated and I am tired.
I don't want to be polite or nice
Or impressive.
I want to be seen and heard and held.
I want to learn and laugh and love. 
Dear, God, I want to love
And to show you how much I love you
Because if you could see how much I love you
Goddamn, would you be impressed.
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I am so lucky.
I have learned and laughed and loved.
I have met the best people in the world,
and I'm still meeting them everyday,
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