popcrone818 · 28 days
anyone else booping themselves or just me?
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popcrone818 · 1 month
Why are you following me?
Put a reason in my ask.
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popcrone818 · 1 month
Teen wolf lacrosse hoodies
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popcrone818 · 3 months
REBLOG if you are old enough to remember what a VCR is.
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popcrone818 · 3 months
You know, an interesting tumblr transformation that's happened gradually, and which I've seen no one talk about: ask-culture has essentially dropped off to nothing.
By which I mean, asks used to be WAY more of the tumblr economy. They used to be more common to send, and receive, and see. They were integral to the collaborative, forum-like behavior of old tumblr communities, not even to speak on the HUGE number of ask-blogs that used to exist to only be interacted with in ask-form.
I'm not saying this in a vying-for-attention way but instead in an observational way: I used to get way way more asks in like 2015, even with a fraction of my follower count. I wonder if it's due to the homogenization of social media sites? There's a lot more of this divide between "content creator" and "consumer" instead of just a bunch of peer blogs who would talk to each other. "Asks" aren't really a thing on twitter, are they? And as I understand it, the closest thing to an "ask" on instagram or tiktok would be a creator screenshotting some comment and responding to it in a new reel or video or whatever those content mediums are. Are asks just too tumblr-specific? Is that aspect of the site culture dying out as more and more people converge to using all their social media sites in the same way?
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popcrone818 · 3 months
Soul Bonds - Ace
Part 5
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Later that day, I found myself clearing a table near where Mrs. Marlowe was sitting, her eyes following me with a knowing look. As I approached, she beckoned me over.
"Clara, dear," she began, her voice soft yet carrying a weight that made me pause. "You have a beautiful aura around you. It’s bright and full of promise."
I smiled, a bit unsure how to respond. Mrs. Marlowe had always been known for her eccentricities, but there was something about her that I had always found genuinely intriguing.
"Thank you, Mrs. Marlowe," I replied politely.
She reached out, her fingers lightly touching my hand. Suddenly, a jolt ran through me, like a spark of static electricity, but warmer, more profound. My vision blurred for a moment, and I saw... a beach, golden and sunlit. There was a wedding, two figures standing hand in hand, their faces obscured, but their happiness radiating like the sun itself.
I blinked, and the café came back into focus. Mrs. Marlowe was watching me closely, a gentle smile on her face.
"You have a journey ahead of you, Clara. A journey of the heart," she said softly. "Don’t be afraid to follow where it leads."
I stood there, stunned. The vision, if that's what it was, lingered in my mind, both beautiful and bewildering. Was it a glimpse of the future? A figment of my imagination? Or something else entirely?
"Thank you, Mrs. Marlowe," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.
As I walked away, her words echoed in my mind. A journey of the heart. I glanced over at Ace, who was laughing at something a customer said. The image of the beach wedding flashed in my mind again, and my heart skipped a beat.
What did it all mean? And was I ready to find out?
During a particularly busy shift at The Claw, I was rushing to refill the coffee supplies when I caught Ace's eye. He paused, a playful smile on his face, and made a series of quick, fluid hand gestures. It was sign language, but the meaning was lost on me.
I frowned slightly, feeling a pang of disappointment at not understanding. "Sorry, Ace, I didn't catch that," I admitted, feeling slightly embarrassed.
Ace's smile didn't falter. He repeated the gesture more slowly, but I still couldn't grasp the meaning. Realizing this, he reached for a notepad on the counter and scribbled a quick message.
"Was just asking if you needed help with the coffee," he wrote, his handwriting neat and clear.
I let out a small laugh, a mix of relief and appreciation. "Thanks, Ace. I think I've got it, but I'll let you know."
As he nodded and returned to his tasks, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of curiosity about him. The fact that he knew sign language, and his attempt to communicate with me in that way, was both intriguing and endearing. It made me want to understand him more, not just the words he was trying to sign, but the person he was.
That evening, I found myself looking up sign language courses online. Maybe it was time to learn something new, not just for Ace, but for myself as well. A way to bridge the gap in our communication, and perhaps, to connect with him on a deeper level.
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popcrone818 · 3 months
Soul Bonds - Ace
Part 4
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Nancy P.O.V
Standing at the service window of The Claw, I couldn’t help but observe Clara and Ace in the kitchen. There was something captivating about the way they moved together – a silent, harmonious dance that seemed to transcend the simple choreography of restaurant work. They were in sync, anticipating each other's movements with a familiarity that suggested a connection deeper than mere coworker rapport.
Beside me, Bess Marvin and Georgia 'George' Fan,The Claw's part owner, watched with a blend of curiosity and amusement. Clara, usually so reserved and focused, moved with a fluidity that mirrored Ace's. It was a side of her we rarely saw.
"Look at them," Bess whispered, leaning in closer, her eyes alight with fascination. "They’re like two pieces of a puzzle, fitting together perfectly."
I nodded, my detective instincts kicking in, analyzing their every interaction. The way Ace handed Clara a plate, their fingers brushing ever so slightly, was brief but laden with meaning. The exchange of looks that followed was charged with an unspoken understanding, a language all their own.
"It’s like they’re in their own world," George observed, her tone mixing wonder with a hint of skepticism.
I remained silent, my mind piecing together the subtle nuances of their behavior. It was clear there was something more between them, a budding connection neither of them seemed ready to acknowledge openly.
As the morning rush at The Claw began to ebb, their movements together in the kitchen slowed, became more deliberate. There was a newfound ease between them, a comfortable silence that spoke volumes.
I stepped back from the window, gesturing for the others to do the same. This was Clara and Ace’s story, unfolding in its own time and rhythm. As curious as I was, I knew some mysteries were better left to unravel naturally.
"We should give them some space," I murmured to George and Bess. "Whatever is happening between them, they need the room to figure it out on their own."
As we moved away from the window, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for my sister. Clara's world, much like mine, was often filled with puzzles and mysteries to solve. But this, this was a different kind of mystery – one of the heart – and I hoped it would bring her the happiness she deserved.
As I was surveying the café, making mental notes of the day’s happenings, an elderly patron, Mrs. Marlowe, whom I recognized as a regular at The Claw, gestured for me to come over. Her eyes twinkled with a mix of wisdom and mischief, a combination I had learned to both respect and be wary of.
"Nancy, dear," she began, her voice low and conspiratorial, "have you noticed those two?" She nodded subtly towards Clara and Ace, who were clearing a table together, their movements synchronized in a comfortable rhythm.
I followed her gaze, watching as Clara laughed at something Ace said, her eyes lighting up in a way that was rare and beautiful. "Yes, Mrs. Marlowe, I've noticed," I replied cautiously, not wanting to give too much away.
"It's lovely, isn't it?" she mused, her eyes not leaving the pair. "They move together like they're part of the same melody. It's not something you see every day."
I couldn’t help but smile, touched by Mrs. Marlowe's perceptiveness. "It is quite special," I agreed, feeling a protective warmth for my sister and Ace. "But it's still new, and I think they're figuring it out themselves."
Mrs. Marlowe nodded, understanding. "Of course, dear. Love, especially the kind that sneaks up on you, can be a delicate thing." She patted my hand gently. "But it's a joy to witness, even from afar."
As I excused myself to get back to my work, I took one more glance at Clara and Ace. Mrs. Marlowe was right. There was something uniquely harmonious about them, a connection that was both surprising and heartwarming. And while I was used to solving mysteries and uncovering secrets, I knew this was one story I was more than happy to watch unfold, letting the pieces fall into place in their own time.
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popcrone818 · 3 months
Soul Bonds - Ace
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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popcrone818 · 3 months
Soul Bonds - Ace
Part 3
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Leaning against the counter at The Claw, I half-listened to Nancy as she enthusiastically discussed her latest theory on a case she was working on. My attention, however, was elsewhere. The usual din of the restaurant – the clinking of dishes, the murmur of conversations – seemed to fade into the background as my gaze drifted towards Ace.
He was at the sink, his arms submerged in soapy water, moving with a quiet efficiency that was strangely captivating. The way he handled each dish with care, the methodical rhythm of his work, it was almost mesmerizing. I was so lost in observing him that I barely registered Nancy's voice until her words broke through my reverie.
"Clara, you've been staring at Ace for the past five minutes," she said, her tone light but pointed.
Heat crept into my cheeks as I turned to face her, trying to muster an air of nonchalance. "Have I? I didn't realize," I replied, hoping my voice didn't betray the rapid beat of my heart.
Nancy leaned forward, her detective instincts clearly kicking in. "Is there something going on between you two?" she prodded gently, her eyes searching mine.
I hesitated, torn between wanting to confide in her and the fear of acknowledging what I was starting to feel for Ace. "It's nothing," I said a bit too hastily. "Just... you know, he's interesting."
"Interesting, huh?" Nancy's smile grew, and I could tell she saw right through my feeble attempt at deflection. "Well, if you ever want to talk about it..."
I nodded, appreciative of her offer but not quite ready to explore this confusing web of emotions. "Thanks, Nancy. I'll keep that in mind."
As Nancy returned to her one-sided conversation, I couldn't resist stealing another glance at Ace. This time, our eyes met, and he offered a small, knowing smile that made my heart skip a beat. I quickly looked away, but the flutter in my stomach lingered.
The rest of the shift passed in a blur, with Ace and I exchanging brief, seemingly inconsequential comments that somehow felt charged with meaning. At one point, as I passed him a stack of clean dishes, our fingers brushed, and he said softly, "Thanks, Clara. You're always on top of things."
I managed a smile, feeling the warmth from his touch linger. "Just trying to keep the place from descending into chaos," I joked, my voice steadier than I felt.
He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Well, you're doing a great job. Couldn't do it without you."
As the evening wore on, I found myself increasingly attuned to his presence. Every casual remark, every shared glance, added layers to the growing connection between us. It was a dance of words and looks, subtle yet profound.
By the time the shift ended, I was filled with a mix of exhilaration and uncertainty. As we said our goodbyes, Ace's "See you tomorrow, Clara" left me with a sense of anticipation for what the next day might bring.
In that moment, as I left The Claw, the realization dawned on me – my feelings for Ace were evolving into something far deeper than mere curiosity. And I was both excited and terrified to see where it would lead.
As I tied my apron, readying myself for another shift at The Claw, the air was thick with the familiar blend of coffee and seafood. But today felt different. Working alongside Ace wasn't just part of the routine anymore; it was something I found myself increasingly looking forward to, albeit with a fluttering nervousness I couldn't shake off.
I tried to focus on my tasks – stacking cups, wiping down tables – but my gaze kept drifting towards Ace. He was absorbed in his work at the sink, his sleeves rolled up, revealing the muscles moving under his skin. The concentrated look on his face was captivating.
"Clara, table four needs you!" George's voice cut through my daydream, bringing me back to the moment. I grabbed the tray, thankful for the distraction.
Throughout the shift, Ace and I moved around each other in a rhythm that felt both new and familiar. Our hands or shoulders would brush accidentally, sending little shocks of electricity through me, leaving me both flustered and eager for more.
"Sorry," I muttered, bumping into him while reaching for a stack of plates.
Ace turned, offering a reassuring smile. "No problem, Clara. It's a dance, isn't it? Always moving around each other."
I returned his smile, feeling a warmth in his words. "Yeah, a dance," I echoed, liking the metaphor.
Later, as I handed him a stack of dishes, our fingers briefly touched. "You're quick today," he observed, a slight teasing tone in his voice.
"Just trying to keep up with you," I replied, feeling a boldness I didn't know I had. His responding smile sent my heart into a flutter.
During a quiet moment, I found myself next to him at the sink. "You know, I never asked you," I began hesitantly, "what brought you to The Claw?"
He paused, looking at me with those deep, insightful eyes. "Needed a change of pace," he said, his voice reflecting a hint of something more. "Wanted something... different."
"I understand that," I said, thinking about my own choices. "Sometimes different is what we need."
He nodded, and there was a pause, a moment of unspoken understanding between us.
As the shift continued, the energy between us lingered, a silent conversation that seemed to grow with each passing moment. Our exchanges, though brief, felt full of meaning.
At one point, as we both reached for the coffee pot, our hands met. Our eyes locked, and in that brief connection, there was an acknowledgment of something deeper, an undercurrent that had been building between us.
The moment was interrupted by the clatter of a spoon hitting the floor, snapping us back to reality. But the electricity of that touch lingered.
As the day came to an end and I untied my apron, my mind was a whirlwind of emotions. The shift had been exhilarating, yet exhausting, filled with moments that left me both yearning and apprehensive.
I knew I couldn't keep these feelings hidden much longer. The thought of revealing them to Ace, of potentially changing everything between us, was both thrilling and terrifying. But as I left The Claw that evening, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what the next day might bring.
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popcrone818 · 3 months
Soul Bonds- Ace
part 2
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Ever since I started working at The Claw with Nancy, Ace had been there, quietly washing dishes in the background. He was like a fixture of the place, blending into the scenery of clattering dishes and bustling restaurant life. But recently, something about him caught my attention, something that hadn't been there before.
It might have been the way the morning sun streaked through the window, casting a soft glow on his hair, giving him an almost otherworldly appearance. Or perhaps it was the depth in his eyes, a hint of untold stories and unexplored depths that I'd never noticed.
Our interactions, once fleeting and functional, began to take on new significance. One morning, as he handed me a coffee cup, our fingers brushed. His touch lingered just a bit longer than necessary, sending an unexpected shiver down my spine.
"Thanks, Ace," I said, trying to sound casual, my heart racing.
"No problem, Clara," he replied with a small, knowing smile. There was a hint of something more in his voice, a warmth that hadn't been there before.
And then there were his comments, simple yet insightful. One busy afternoon, as I rushed past the kitchen, he said, "You're like a hurricane today, Clara. Everything and everyone just whirls around you."
I laughed, surprised by his observation. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked, leaning against the doorway.
"It's just a thing," he replied, shrugging his shoulders but still watching me with those deep, perceptive eyes.
From then on, I found myself looking forward to our brief exchanges. There was a comfort in his presence, an unspoken understanding that seemed to grow with every conversation. Ace had become more than just a background character in my daily routine; he was now a highlight, someone I sought out in the mundane flow of my day.
He was no longer just Ace, the dishwasher. He had become someone I wanted to know more about, to understand beyond the confines of The Claw. Ace, with his quiet observations and subtle warmth, had unwittingly become a significant part of my life.
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popcrone818 · 3 months
Soul Bonds- Ace
part 2
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Ever since I started working at The Claw with Nancy, Ace had been there, quietly washing dishes in the background. He was like a fixture of the place, blending into the scenery of clattering dishes and bustling restaurant life. But recently, something about him caught my attention, something that hadn't been there before.
It might have been the way the morning sun streaked through the window, casting a soft glow on his hair, giving him an almost otherworldly appearance. Or perhaps it was the depth in his eyes, a hint of untold stories and unexplored depths that I'd never noticed.
Our interactions, once fleeting and functional, began to take on new significance. One morning, as he handed me a coffee cup, our fingers brushed. His touch lingered just a bit longer than necessary, sending an unexpected shiver down my spine.
"Thanks, Ace," I said, trying to sound casual, my heart racing.
"No problem, Clara," he replied with a small, knowing smile. There was a hint of something more in his voice, a warmth that hadn't been there before.
And then there were his comments, simple yet insightful. One busy afternoon, as I rushed past the kitchen, he said, "You're like a hurricane today, Clara. Everything and everyone just whirls around you."
I laughed, surprised by his observation. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked, leaning against the doorway.
"It's just a thing," he replied, shrugging his shoulders but still watching me with those deep, perceptive eyes.
From then on, I found myself looking forward to our brief exchanges. There was a comfort in his presence, an unspoken understanding that seemed to grow with every conversation. Ace had become more than just a background character in my daily routine; he was now a highlight, someone I sought out in the mundane flow of my day.
He was no longer just Ace, the dishwasher. He had become someone I wanted to know more about, to understand beyond the confines of The Claw. Ace, with his quiet observations and subtle warmth, had unwittingly become a significant part of my life.
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popcrone818 · 3 months
Soul Bonds- Ace
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Clara Drew stood quietly on the cobblestone path leading to the Carson Mansion, her emerald eyes reflecting the soft glow of the early morning sun. Unlike her sister Nancy, renowned for her detective skills, Clara found solace in the mysteries of people, not puzzles. The autumn air was brisk, and she wrapped her shawl tighter around her shoulders, lost in thought.
The sound of approaching footsteps pulled her from her reverie. It was Ace, his presence as unassuming as ever, yet always somehow commanding attention. He had a way of moving that was both careful and casual, a contradiction that Clara found endlessly fascinating.
"Morning, Clara," Ace greeted her, his voice a warm timbre in the cool air. "You're out here early."
"Just thinking," Clara replied, her voice soft, a stark contrast to Nancy's more assertive tone.
Ace nodded, understanding. "Sometimes, the quiet moments of the morning are the best for that." He paused, looking at her with an earnest curiosity. "Find any answers in the sunrise?"
Clara laughed lightly, the sound mingling with the rustle of the leaves. "Maybe. Or maybe I'm just learning to appreciate the questions."
Ace smiled, and in that smile, Clara saw a kindred spirit, someone who understood the value of reflection. They stood there for a moment, two souls connected by the tranquility of dawn,
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popcrone818 · 3 months
Cannot wait for another part to the Purple Hearts series
got a little bit of writers block for Luke, but keep an eye out for more of others, I've got an Ace from Nancy Drew one coming out soon
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popcrone818 · 4 months
Love on the Court
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I've always believed in the power of passion and perseverance, and nowhere did I see it personified more beautifully than in Thanasi Kokkinakis. As a sports journalist, I've encountered many athletes, but Thanasi was different. His fierce dedication on the tennis court mirrored the intensity in his eyes – a fire that drew me in from the moment we met.
It was at a post-match press conference in Melbourne, during the Australian Open. The air was thick with excitement, and when Thanasi entered the room, it felt like the electricity intensified. Our eyes met briefly, and in that moment, a connection sparked.
"Great game today, Thanasi," I said during the Q&A, my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach. "What goes through your mind when you're facing a tough opponent?"
He looked directly at me, a small smile playing on his lips. "It's all about staying focused, believing in myself. And, of course, the support from the crowd makes a big difference," he answered, his gaze not leaving mine.
As the tournament progressed, so did our relationship. I found myself at every one of his matches, my heart racing with each serve and volley. In the stands, I became his unspoken cheerleader, feeling a surge of pride with every point he won.
One evening, after a particularly intense match, Thanasi and I found ourselves walking along the Yarra River. The city lights danced on the water, mirroring the spark in our conversation.
"You were amazing out there today," I said, unable to hide my admiration.
He chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "I had a good luck charm in the crowd," he replied, his eyes locking with mine. My heart skipped a beat.
The semi-finals arrived quicker than either of us expected. Watching Thanasi on the court, battling his way through every set, was exhilarating. During a critical point, our eyes met. I nodded, silently conveying my belief in him. He nodded back and served an ace that won him the match. My heart soared with pride.
That night, under the stars, Thanasi took me back to the empty tennis court. The silence around us contrasted the roaring crowd from earlier.
"Dana," he began, his voice soft yet filled with emotion. "You've been my rock through this tournament. Your faith in me... it means everything."
I stepped closer, my heart pounding. "Thanasi, watching you play, sharing these moments with you... I've never felt more alive."
He took my hands in his, his touch sending shivers down my spine. "I don't just want you in the stands, Dana. I want you in my life, every day."
My breath caught in my throat. "Thanasi, you have my heart, on and off the court."
Our kiss sealed our unspoken promises, a perfect symphony of heartbeats and whispers. In that kiss, I found not just love but a partner, a soulmate who shared my passion and dreams.
And as we stood there, in the heart of Melbourne, I knew this was just the beginning of our journey together. A journey of love, support, and shared dreams, with tennis as our beautiful backdrop.
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popcrone818 · 6 months
The Secrets of Hickory #wattpad
This is my original that I'm writing for NaNoWriMo this year, please go and check it out, it would mean a lot to me.
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popcrone818 · 6 months
I Need more!!! This has me melting at work please tell me there’s more!!!! Also tag me please
Brother's Best Friend - Part 9
Jake Seresin x F!Reader
A/N: I just wanted to let y'all know how much your enthusiasm and encouragement means to me. Your support, whether it's in the form of comments, reblogs, or asks, literally inspires me to keep writing and I just wanted to say thank you for your kind words! You guys seriously rock!
Summary: The trials and tribulations of falling for your brother's best friend.
CW: Uhh.. you're gonna love it
WC: ~2500
Part 1 | Masterlist
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“What’re you up to tonight?” Jake asks casually, about five minutes after you’ve entered the kitchen.
You glance up from your still steeping tea hesitantly; you haven’t spoken to Jake since the pervious night at the club and you’ve all but resolved never to make eye contact with him again. “Uh,” you begin shakily, the stress of the situation resulting in a minor mental shutdown.
You watch as your brother tries on a third Hawaiian shirt and walks over to the mirror in the front hall to check himself out.
You gulp uneasily, your eyes meeting Jake’s as Bradley leaves the kitchen. “Just studying,” you finish, finally remembering your plans for the evening.
“Studying, huh?” Bradley calls from the foyer. A second later, he reemerges with a smirk on his face. “I know what that means.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you and then shoots Jake a knowing grin.
Jake appears, at the very least, unimpressed with Bradley’s insinuation and, quite possibly, even critical of it. He gives him an irked look and proceeds to flip more aggressively through an old National Geographic magazine, one from the stack currently sitting on the living room coffee table. “You look like a douche in that shirt,” Jake grumbles.
Bradley’s eyebrows converge as he stares at his friend with a mixture of shock and disappointment. “Is that true?” he asks, turning to you for support as if you’re there to mediate.
You shrug. “I don’t think the shirt has anything to do with it,” you say.
Jake snorts out a laugh while Bradley’s mouth falls open in outrage. He looks between you and Jake and shakes his head. “That’s how it’s gonna be?”
“Maybe wear a t-shirt,” you suggest. “Borrow one of Jake’s.”
Jake gives you an amused look. “You think I’m just handing out band tees?”
Bradley narrows his eyes. “I feel like I’m missing something.”
“I just finished a load of laundry and I’ve got a Pantera shirt you can wear,” you continue, already smiling in anticipation of Jake’s reaction.
Jake lifts his eyebrows with a grin. “I thought that wasn’t appropriate dating attire. Too many skulls or some shit?”
Bradley places his hands on his hips and tilts his head suspiciously. “I…” he begins. “I have questions,” he concludes, still glancing between you and Jake. His knotted eyebrows indeed confirm just how perplexed he is. “But I’m already late. So, I guess douche shirt’s gonna have to do.” He grabs his jacket off the back of a kitchen chair and heads back out into the hall.
“Have fun!” Jake calls, leaning into the table so that his voice carries through to the front door.
“You sure you don’t want to come?” Bradley calls back. “We’ll be meeting up with her friends later tonight. They’re female.”
You roll your eyes, removing the tea bag from your mug. You look up to see that Jake’s gaze is trained on you.
“I’m good,” Jake calls back, finally breaking eye contact with you. He reverts his attention to the article before him detailing the mating rituals of various species of primates.
“See you tomorrow, then!” Bradley calls, and then the door shuts behind him.
A predictable, but still awkward, silence follows Bradley's departure. You finish preparing your tea while your heart batters relentlessly against your ribcage, daring you to say something – anything­ – about the previous night’s affairs. Naturally, you ignore this sensible impulse, starting for the staircase mutely after shooting Jake a quick, rigid smile.
Jake’s eyes follow you as you cross the room. “You got a date with ‘study group’ guy?” he asks pointedly, using air quotes to emphasize study group as though your evening is sure to consist of anything but that.
You pause, holding your mug close to your chest. “It’s not a date,” you say, although, at this point, you kind of wish that it were.
Jake raises his eyebrows like your response has only served to reinforce his skepticism. “Why do you even need to study?” he says with a cringe. “You’re already smart.”
You purse your lips to suppress a grin. “Funny,” you comment, continuing toward the stairs.
“I could help,” Jake offers.
You glance at him over your shoulder in surprise. “What?”
Jake closes the magazine and straightens his back. “I could help you study.”
You stare at him, trying to imagine how that might go down. “What do you know about psychology?” you ask, having already decided that, despite his noblest intentions, Jake’s assistance would be absolutely useless.
Jake scoffs. “I don’t need to know anything about it to help you cram for a test. You got flash cards?”
You give him a flat look. “It’s an oral exam.”
The corner of his mouth twitches. “Say what, now?”
You close your eyes and massage your temple irritably. “It’s worth fifty percent of my grade.”
Jake grimaces. “How good are you at oral?”
You let out an indignant cry, wishing you had something in your hands to throw at him other than a ceramic mug full of scalding liquid. “And this is why I’m studying with ‘study group’ guy,” you retort, stomping up the stairs.
“I’m joking!” Jake laughs, getting to his feet. “Come back!”
But you’re already on the second floor and you shut your bedroom door before he can say anything else.
Twenty minutes later, you return with your book bag, your empty mug, and a disparaging look on your face as Jake approaches the bottom of the stairs to greet you with a sheepish grin.
“Come on, Baby B,” he says as you set your bag down and glide by him with an eyeroll, heading for the sink. “It was a joke.” He follows you through the kitchen and leans into the counter as you start to wash your mug.
You bite into the inside of your cheek to keep a straight face. It’s not every day that Jake takes responsibility for his actions, and you’re sort of enjoying the groveling. “I’m not mad, I just think you’re an idiot.”
“See? I told you you’re smart,” Jake says.
You sigh, glancing up at him wearily. “Unfortunately, my extensive knowledge of Jake Seresin isn’t going to help me pass my midterm.”
“Shame,” he responds with a slight grin. “’Cause you’d ace that.”
You chuckle. “You think?”
Jake’s smile falters and he leans his back into the refrigerator. His eyes scan your face like he’s searching for something. You wonder if he’s finally going to address the elephant in the room, but he just exhales moodily and drops his gaze. “Well, have fun,” he mumbles to the floor.
You narrow your eyes and let out a somewhat resentful scoff. It’s just like Jake to lead a girl on, and you should have known that – after all, you’re apparently the leading expert on Jake Seresin. “Oh yes,” you say. “Studying’s a blast.”
Jake lifts his eyes solemnly. “Come on, you’re not that naïve.”
“What are you talking about?” you ask, picking your book bag back up.
Jake’s gaze slips briefly to your bare abdomen, framed by the hem of your crop top and the band of your baggy joggers. “This dude only wants one thing,” he says. “And it’s not to help you prepare for midterms.”
You let out a cackle and head out of the kitchen. “Seresin, please!” you exclaim. “Not every guy in the world is a total pig.”
“How many people are you meeting tonight?” he asks, trailing behind you.
You pause at the door before putting on your shoes. “He couldn’t get a hold of anyone else,” you respond innocently, trying not to cringe at the – now that you think about it – ridiculous excuse ‘study group’ guy has given you.
“Right,” Jake mutters, taking the bag off your shoulder when you bend down to put on your sneakers.
You stand back up and your eyes meet his for a moment. He looks like he’s got more to say but you have a feeling he isn’t going to say it. “I can handle myself,” you reassure him.
Jake watches you with a dubious expression. “As long as you know what you’re walking into,” he says.
You laugh, taking a step back to ease some of the tension that’s got your back muscles seizing up. “And even if he does have an ulterior motive – which I seriously doubt – would it really be so terrible?”
Jake doesn’t seem as amused at this prospect as you. “It would be manipulative,” he responds levelly.
You shrug nonchalantly. “I don’t think it’s a big deal.”
He squints slightly and you feel like he’s judging your answer. “I thought you needed to study.”
“I do!” you respond defensively. “And I’m not going with the intention of engaging in any…” you pause, thinking of a way to put what you’re about to say more delicately. “… other activities,” you finish with a minor wince. “But, if an opportunity happens to present itself –”
Jake raises his eyebrows. “An opportunity,” he echoes in the same disapproving tone.
“What, like you’ve never taken advantage of an opportunity.”
Jake juts out his jaw in a sulking manner, pondering over your allegation without disputing it. He looks a fair bit guilty but that may very well be your personal interpretation. Finally, he reaches for the door and opens it resignedly. “Call me if you need me,” he says.
You sigh, standing in front of the open door. “You don’t have any plans?” you ask, almost cautiously because you probably don’t want to know the answer.
Jake purses his lips and shakes his head.
This gives you pause, but you try not to let the defeated look on his face sway you. You aren’t sure what he stands to gain from this particular transaction, but you doubt his motive for offering to help is entirely altruistic.
Perhaps he’s gunning for a clean slate. Trying to be a friend. Trying to eclipse recent, reprehensible behavior with an act of goodwill. Maybe he’s worried that you’re mad, or that he might lose you.
The fact of the matter is, you could speculate till the cows come home, but you won’t know unless you ask. So, in a move not even you could have predicted, you do just that. “Why would you even want to waste your evening studying?” you probe.
Jake tilts his head to the side and squints his eyes at you in confusion. “Just tryin’ to help,” he responds.
You look down at your feet uncomfortably and shrug, but continue prodding, nonetheless. “I mean, you could be out with my brother.” What you really want to say is that he could be hooking up with a new chick within the hour if he feels like it; it wouldn’t even be a challenge.
“Didn’t wanna crash his date.”
You glance up at him sharply, wondering if that is, indeed, the only reason he chose to stay behind. His eyes slide slowly over your face as though he’s trying to guess what you’re going to say next. You gulp uneasily; being scrutinized by the guy of your dreams is hardly an enjoyable pastime. At the same time, it’s wildly thrilling to have his undivided attention. “No other reason?” you ask with a slight break in your voice, your throat decidedly too dry to pose any further questions.
Jake glances pointedly at the open door he's still holding and then back at you. He doesn’t respond, nor does he inquire why you’ve still not left. Instead, he starts to slowly close the door, his eyes boring into yours so intently you think the weight of his gaze might vaporize you.
You feel a warmth wash over you – no; a heat. It’s a distressingly abrupt sensation, like you’ve been shoved into an oven set to broil. But it’s nothing new. You’ve experienced this kind of nauseating high before and you’re just as unamused with this bodily reaction now as you’ve been in the past.
Jake stands very still, his back to the door he’s just shut, stalling. And despite the very persistent voice in the back of your head telling you he can’t possibly be interested in pursuing anything remotely romantic with his best friend’s little sister, the hesitation on his face is telling quite a different tale. Jake is torn.
You can relate. You’ve been simultaneously longing for and avoiding direct contact with him for ages. “You, uh” – you take a shallow breath and nervously lick your lips. “You think I’ll get more studying done if I stay?” you ask faintly.
Jake watches you carefully, as though he’s giving himself a minute to consider your question. He takes a step toward you, lowering his face to maintain eye contact. And, while his expression remains mostly impassive, you swear that you notice a brief flicker of exhilaration pass over his features right before he says, “I can’t promise that.”
You stare at him, frozen in place as he takes your chin in his hand and lifts it ever so slightly, as if he knows that you’re in no condition to elevate it on your own. Then, just as you’re about to say something completely irrelevant to fill the silence, Jake’s lips pass softly over yours.
And that’s when you come entirely apart. Your book bag crashes to the floor as your arm drops limply at your side. Your legs vibrate feebly, fighting to keep you standing. But you ignore the – indeed concerning – widespread weakness sweeping through your body. Because the only matter worth attending to is Jake’s hand as it slides purposely down to your throat, his thumb curling around as though he means to choke you.
Admittedly, you’d let him.
But his fingers don’t commit to a firm grasp by any means, instead, they glide up and down, intermittently applying a gentle pressure to your neck as his tongue curves boldly into your open mouth.
Jake Seresin is kissing you.
In a way that no one’s ever kissed you before. In a way that rattles you. Because it’s hungry and unreserved. Because it’s dangerously intimate. Because it’s Jake Seresin.
He’s kissing you like he already knows just how you like to be kissed. Or… the way you like to be kissed just happens to be the way he kisses. He’s had plenty of practice, after all.
Whatever the case may be, there’s a fire at the tip of every one of his fingers, and it follows the length of your collarbone in their wake. There’s a spark in the friction of every touch, at every point of contact.
It’s in the sweet burn of your bottom lip when he catches it between his teeth. It’s in the way he nudges your face with the tip of his nose in between kisses. It’s in his eyes when he finally releases your lips and meets your gaze; it’s in the silence.
You swallow, looking up at him anxiously, unsure how it’s even possible that you’re still standing. Jake is watching you with an unsettling blend of affection and alarm. He sighs finally and tugs on your elbow, pulling you in to rest his forehead over yours. “Fuck,” he mutters, closing his eyes and releasing a heavy – and noticeably unsteady – breath. “Your brother’s gonna kill me.”
Hangman Tag List:
A/N: I've condensed my Hangman list to make room for new people by removing accounts that have been on the list the longest and haven't interacted in a while. If I've removed you but you still want to be on the list, please let me know!
The rest of the list will be in the comments. Let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore.
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popcrone818 · 1 year
Fate - Alec Lightwood
Part 3
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I pulled Clary along with me towards the address that was on the tv this morning. When we walked in, I saw Magnus sitting at a table shuffling a deck of cards.
“I’ve been waiting for the two of you.” He gestures for us to sit down across from him. He cuts the deck and lays each section in front of us. “Pick one each.” Clary and I each reach forward a pick a card each. “The Lovers. Interesting there shouldn’t be more than one in each deck.” He scratches his chin, but ultimately shrugs before diving into the reading. “You are both in a loving relationship. These men have a strong hold on you. You feel a magnetic attraction to them that you cannot escape. Tonight will define your relationship. Oh Amelia. You hope he is your soul mate. But secrets revealed will threaten to tear you apart.” A cat jumps up onto the table in front of us bringing Clary back into this world. She doesn’t seem to have a strong enough anchor to keep herself here. Alec was keeping me grounded enough to not get myself lost in this world.
“You don’t have a cat.” Clary looks almost mortified at the thought of Magnus owning a cat. I could see Magnus living with cats. It would make him seem less lonely whenever we all come over. Apparently, we make him feel like he is a fifth wheel. Whatever he means by that. Alec and I are just friends. We don’t even act like a couple.
“I have two.” Magnus picks up the cat that made Clary jump. “Chairman Meow…and Church.” He looked over to the sofa where a slightly fatter cat was sitting.
“We’re not actually here for a reading. I know you’re a warlock, Magnus. We are Shadowhunter’s.” I interrupted thinking about needing to get back to our world so that I can still kick Alec’s ass. Magnus releases Chairman Meow and chuckles at us as we stand up.
“There are no more Shadowhunter’s. Haven’t been for hundreds of years.”
“I can prove it.” Clary states spinning around and pulling her shirt down to show her bare, rune-less shoulder. I rested my face in the palm of my hand, this is almost as painful as when she told Simon to get out of the sun.
“All I see, Shadowhunter, is you could use a serious tan.” Magnus chuckles as do I, knowing that she is scarily pale in comparison to the rest of us.
“Right. Bad strategy. No runes in this dimension.” She grabs a piece of paper and a pencil. “We’re from an alternate reality.”
“If that were true… without an anchor, you’d both be assimilating into this world.” He started to walk around his apartment as Clary drew something on the paper.
“Trust me I'm doing better than she is.” I shrugged as she focused on what she was doing.
“Believe me, I am trying to fight it. Which is part of why I need your help.” She shows Magnus and I her drawing, she drew demons, all in a fighting stance, hoping it would help Magnus believe us. “In my dimension, Shadowhunter’s still battle demons. And now there is something so much worse. I need your magic to help me stop it.”
“I can’t help you. My magic’s gone dormant.” Magnus rests elegantly into his chair and looks up at the pair of us.
“Then wake it up.” Clary says like it’s the easiest solution in the world. I flop myself down on the sofa in the centre of the living room. My phone chimes quietly in my pocket and I bring it out checking the notification.
From: Alec
Izzy’s at kickboxing, come over for some fun before tonight?
My heart started to beat faster the more I thought about it. I looked over to Magnus and Clary and they seemed to be in their own little world so I messaged him back and I hoped I could remember the way without getting too lost in this city. I slipped out before Magnus or Clary could take any notice and I took off in the direction I thought would be Alec’s place. Halfway there my phone rings.
“Hello?” I ask
“Mia! Where did you go? Izzy needs us, meet me there.” Clary then hangs up. I sigh obviously not getting anything before leaving this dimension.
I knocked on the big oak doors before Alec swung open the door and pulled me roughly to his body. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled his lips to mine. Slowly I started to lose myself in the moment before another knock was heard at the door. I shook my head and pulled away from Alec.
“I’m sorry, I'm actually here to help Izzy.” Izzy flew passed us and pulled Clary inside before doing a double take and looking back at me wrapped around her brother.
“I don’t even want to know just come on.” Izzy pulled me away from Alec and dragged me up to her room.
“You know I'm dating your brother you can’t just keep pulling me away from him when you have an emergency-,” she took off her sunglasses and I gasped in horror.
“My God, what happened?” Clary gasped as she walked over to stand beside me.
“Kickboxing class.” Izzy shrugged. “I thought, ‘Why not? Quick class after work. And, boom! Home in time to see you.’” She sat herself down on her bed. I moved closer to her and tentatively moved to touch the black eye she was now sporting.
“Well, you got the “boom” part right.” Clary laughed looking around Izzy’s room.
“Andrea’s foot right into my face. She has to pick today to finally land her roundhouse?” she flopped back onto her bed and I walked into her adjoining bathroom searching for her makeup bag.
“It’s okay. We’ll fix it.” I told her as I came out holding onto the bag.
“Oh, my God. What are people gonna think? And then Alec worked so hard to plan this. I just cannot not go to the party. And what am I supposed to do? I worked so hard.” This Izzy was so much more dramatic. I miss my Izzy.
“Hey. Hey, we’re gonna fix it.” Clary comforted her sitting down beside her on the bed and tapping her knee gently.
“Okay. But then we have to fix you and Jace, because the two of you not talking really messes with my chi.” Izzy tells Clary as I get to work on her eye. “And you, you need to learn to not eye fuck my brother every time you see him.” I giggled at her, how could I not though, even in this dimension he was hot. Just not rough around the edges hot. “Are you sure those are the colors?” she asks me unsure as she looks at the palate I was holding in my hands.
“Yes, now hold still, or I will get Alec in here to hold you still.” I told her holding the sponge up to her eye once again.
“But that will only distract you further, we don’t need you any closer to poking my eye out than you are now. And all because of him.” Izzy, crossed her arms over her chest but sat still long enough for me to cover up the last of the bruise, before I went ahead and did the rest of her make up. Giving her a subtly smoky eye and a pink lip. Wasn’t something our Izzy would have went for, but this wasn’t our Izzy.
“Oh stop moving would you.” I snapped once more making her stop moving, I wonder if this is how she feels when she plays with my makeup.
“Sorry, but if I don’t show up to the party, your dad and Simon are so gonna kill me.” She states looking towards Clary who was looking at the three dresses hanging up.
“So, um, do you think you could get a friend of mine on the guest list for tonight?” Clary asks not looking over at Izzy and I.
“Um, well, if this works, I’ll do anything for you two.”
Izzy, Clary and I finish getting ready. Both Izzy and Clary are wearing royal blue dresses, where I am wearing a black one. Suits me nicely. I have no idea what Alec of this dimension would wear, but I would definitely wear this back home.
As I walk into the insitute I am blown away by the sheer magnitude of the place, the institute im used to is dark and full of weapons and Shadowhunters, this one was full of lights mostly blue and a bunch of happy laughing people were floating around the place. I watched as Valentine walked away from Izzy who pushed up her glasses and watched him walk away towards Clary’s mum before they started slow dancing. I take a further look around and notice Jace has made his way up to Clary giving her a fright. I go to make my way over to them but I feel a large arm wrap around my waist and pull me into a stong chest.
“Dont you look lovely tonight?” alec whispers in my ear as he pulls me impossibly closer to his chest.
“Thank you, your sister definetly knows her shit.” he lifts his arm and makes me twirl casing the ruffles on my mid thigh black princess dress to spin around with me making it seem like ive just come out of a fairytale. I giggle slightly as he pulls me back into his chest.
I notice over Alec’s shoulder that Valentine is talking to Jace and Clary, Jace looks almost nervous as Valentine shakes his hand. Alec spins me around once again causing me to giggle effortlessly as the song changes.
“And this must be Alec that’s dating Amelia here. Didn’t know it was the same Alec that works for me though.” Valentine says as he comes over to us and places a hand on Alec’s shoulder.
“Uh sorry Mr. Morgenstern, it just never came in conversation and I prefer to keep things professional at work.” Alec almost looked as if he was sweating under the glance of Valentine.
“That’s alright, I’m just glad the Amelia has someone like you in her life. I know her mother works extra hard to make sure she’s always loved.”
“Thank you sir, Jace has always made it clear that I am to keep her safe and happy and loved.” Alec shakes Valentine’s hand and he nods and walks away. “Why the fuck did that feel like meeting your dad?” he lowers his head onto my shoulder as I laugh. I feel the edges of my vision start to become blurring as alec presses soft kisses to my collarbone and neck. Flashes of my life in this dimension start to creep into my mind and I find it difficult to focus on where I am.
I see my first date with Alec, Jace threatening him when he caught us, every memory had to do with Alec, even the one where he found me crying because I didn’t know who my dad was.
I felt a foreign hand on my arm that pulls me out of being sucked into this dimension. I send her a grateful look and shoot Alec a sad look before I rush to meet Magnus with Clary.
I notice that Alec is standing with Magnus and I pull at Clary’s elbow gently. I make my way over to them as Clary continues to dance with Jace.
“And here is my lovely girlfriend. Magnus Bane, meet Amelia Wayland.” Magnus looks uncomfortable as he shakes my hand under Alec’s gaze. He shoots me a questioning look before bidding us adieu walking over to Clary and Jace. Alec turns to me and lands a sweet kiss on my hairline before running off to the stage. I watch as Magnus tries to bring Clary back. I watch as they both let out a breath they I didn’t know they were holding before Clary grabs Magnus’ hand and pulls him off to the a side door. I look around for Jace and find him watching Clary take off through the door after Magnus.
“Hello? Everyone, sorry for interrupting your wonderful night, but as party planner I have something I want to do before we really get into this party. Valentine Morgenstern has been a wonderful boss and a wonderful surrogate father to my beautiful girlfriend Amelia, and so tonight, Amelia Wayland,” he got down on one knee as he turned towards me. “Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?” My hand flew up to my mouth as I nodded with tears forming in my eyes. I threw myself towards Alec as he placed the rig on my finger and I threw myself at him kissing him passionately. “Thank you for your time, now lets get this party started.” He pointed to the DJ who instantly started playing music again. Valentine and Jocelyn came up to us to congratulate us.
“Your mother is so proud of you honey. She just wishes she could have been here to see it.” Jocelyn pulled me in for a tight hug. I looked at Alec.
“I spoke to your mom a couple of days ago about it because I knew she wouldn’t be here, and I wanted her blessing.” My eyes softened at his words, I looked down at the ring resting on my finger. I couldn’t believe I was going to get married to Alec fucking Lightwood.
Clary was next to come up to me and congratulate me. Then she started to pull me away.
“What are you doing Clary? I want to enjoy this night with my fiancé.”
“Mia, we’ve got to get out of here, Magnus found the portal.” She said still trying to pull me away from the small crowd that had formed around Alec and I.
“Magnus? What portal? Are you high? What did my brother give you?” She snapped her fingers in front of my face causing me to blink rapidly. “Fuck that was close.” She nodded before trying to pull me away again. I ran up to Alec and kissed him roughly and passionately with as much love poured into it as I could. This would be the last time I would kiss Alec and I wanted to be able to remember it.
“I love you Alec Lightwood. Always.”
“I love you too Amelia Wayland.” He kissed me one last time before I let Clary pull me away from him.
“We need to go before Jace gets even more suspicious.” I nodded and followed her into the side door I watched her take Magnus into.
“What are we even looking for?” Clary asked Magnus once we were all looking around the basement of the institute.
“I’ll know it when I see it.” I shrugged and kept looking as Magnus’ eyes never strayed from looking around the room.
“What if this doesn’t work?” Clary asked stopping for a minute and turning towards Magnus.
“It will, biscuit. I can feel it.” Magnus assured her handing her arm gently. I notice that Jace joins us and he doesn’t look all that happy to see either one of us.
“You know, if you were having second thoughts about us, you could have told me, instead of coming down here and hooking up with some random guy. And you,” he turns to me. “You and Alec just got engaged, what the fuck are you doing here with them? Are you hooking up with him too?” I bow my head sheepishly and avert my gaze to the floor not being able to look Jace in the eyes.
“Jace, this isn’t exactly a good time.” Clary walks over to Jace and I and places a hand on my shoulder pushing me gently towards Magnus and away from my brother.
“Really? You know when would be a good time for me, Clary? Never. Never call me again. And you, I’ve been on Alec’s case about hurting you when our the one hurting him. I suggested you go up there and talk to him right now, break off the engagement if you really don’t want to be with him.” Jace starts to walk away and I quickly run behind him, Alec doesn’t need to hear these lies from anyone else. I thought about how my Alec would feel in this situation and I realised that he would be beyond pissed, but I had a feeling with the small amount of time I’ve spent with this Alec that he was a lot softer, he didn’t have to grow up with a family reputation that the eldest needed to uphold. I needed to make sure he knew how loved he is. As I quickly exited the basement I heard a crash, I contemplated going back and helping them but then my eyes found Alec’s and my heart melted, his bright green eyes bore into mine and he strode up to me and kissed me passionately.
“Alec, I love you so much, I’ve got something with Clary to sort out at the moment, do you mind?” He placed the teacup down on the table beside us and brought both of his large hands to my hips and pulled me in close to his chest. My hands rested on his chest as I breathed in his scent, it was close to my Alec’s but missing the everlasting scent of leather that surrounded him, this wasn’t my Alec, I reached up gently and pulled him in for a sweet kiss.
“Go, help Clary, there’s something going on with her and Jace and I’m not sure what it is, but I need you to help them work through it. I Love you Amelia.” He rested his forehead on mine and kissed my nose.
“I love your too Alec.” I let him go and walked back down to the basement. The first thing I notice is that Clary looks to be comforting Jace slightly before I notice a demon on the floor. My shadowhunter instincts kick in and I notice the demon is still breathing.
“Clary, its still alive.” I call out to her reaching for a broom before snapping the head off and getting into a defensive stance. I watch as Clary suddenly takes her hands off Jace as he glows slightly.
“Yeah, you okay?”
“Thank god its you.” She throws her arms around Jace just as the demon jumps up and attacks us.
Alec P.O.V
“Hodge, you ready?” I asked him as I walked into the infirmary rolling down my sleeves and unbuttoning my shirt, with Lydia following closely behind. I had to find Jace.
“Alec, don’t do this out of anger. Jace is still your parabatai.” I felt like Lydia was trying to talk me out of it. But we needed that cup i have to save my sister.
“Lydia’s right.”
“I’m not letting Jace sacrifice my sister for his girlfriend’s pointless crusade. We’re doing this. And if you don’t wanna help, get out.”
“Oh so this has nothing to do with Amelia helping the seelie?” I shot him a glare quickly and looked towards Lydia. “I’ll help, but on one condition.”
“What?” I asked finally getting the buttons undone on my shirt.
“You don’t let it go too far.” The glare felt like it had been permanently tattooed on my face at this point as I watched him crossed his arms over his chest. He was trying to talk me out of doing this. “Now your bond with Jace can withstand a certain amount of strain. But you have to promise me that you won’t let it break.” My scowl deepened
“Jace is dead to me.”
“Alec.” Hodge’s face softened while my face deepened. Lydia stepped forward as I pulled my shirt off my shoulders.
“You don’t know how dependent you are on the bond, or how dependent you are on each other.”
“I have to do this.” I paused as I moved to lay down on one of the beds. “For Izzy.”
“Prepare yourself. This will be very, very painful.” Hodge spoke positioning himself to my left where my Parabatai rune was.
“Do it.” I nodded at him. I felt a burning sensation as hodge drew an extra rune to add to my Parabatai rune. The burning increased as I groaned my face screwing up in pain.
“Concentrate. Reach out with your mind and your heart. Use every strand, every fiber of you that is connected to him.” I felt someone holding my hand as images flashed through my mind. Jace fighting a demon in the woods. I could see him. My face screwed up tight again. I couldn’t see Amelia though. I kept searching.
“It’s working. I can see him.” I groaned again, feeling our bond and the pain he was in from fighting. “Jace!” I could feel myself and Jace start to slip, the bond weakening slightly.
“You know where he is?” Hodge asked me, I could only nod the pain unbearable now. As soon as the pain subsided and I was able to stand again I quickly pulled on my shirt and grabbed Lydia by the elbow pulling her away from Hodge and collecting my bow and arrows before we both took off to the woods where I had seen Jace.
“Jace!” We were running through the forrest as I shouted out his name. “Jace. No. No.” We stopped at what looked to have been a doorway at some stage but was just some twigs and leaves.
“What was that?” Lydia asked me as she placed a small hand on my bicep. I shook my head staring at the doorway again.
“I don’t know, but if they’re in there, they’re not coming out.” I balled my fists up and punched one of the tree beside us. Jace just had to drag Mia into all of this. He couldn’t have just let her stay at the institute, with me.
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