Entry #6
A New day, New studies, same old ME!!!!
Hey guys, it’s me, I’m just writing on about my same ol’ days around, however, there’s still not much more interest or spark that makes this day significantly surprising, yeah, still bored and all, still studying multilanguage, don’t aks me why...XDXD
So far, so good, still a blessed day
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Hello again guys, it’s ME!, Rhea Roniiquez in this fifth entry of my personal blog.
Today, I almost overslept nearly half a day, forced to wake up, I went to the gym, and outside thereafter, however, after I went back home, I fell again to the same couch and transforms into a potato once again, trying on games that are recommended by my friends
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Hello guys, it’s MEEE again XDXDXD, it was a tiring day, going out and going home, I got little to say, it was a tiring day, so sleepy...I even cancel some of my original plans today
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Entry#3: Beauty and the Beast Curiosity
This Monday morning, when I was going my way into school, I keep hearing from people about the film ‘Beauty and the Beast’, I don’t really get why would people get hyped with this film, there was an old disney film back in the 90s, however, due to even hearing this from my professors, might as well try to watch its last screening tomorrow.
The film, Beauty and the Beast is based on the old film which is based on an old French fairytale, hence Belle’s name was adopted from the French word belle, which means beauty, the fairytale does have some major moral on it, it clearly tells about never, EVER judge people by their looks, however, this is the modern century, people always judge each other by looks. Experienced this first hand.
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Greetings guys, I am Rhea ‘Ronironi’ Roniquez, and this is my first entry blog about…well…ME!!!
I would usually talk about things I do for fun and what not, my topics, reactions to films, my daily thingy ma jigs, and…MORE ME!!!
Entry# 2: 
It was a slow and boring week, there wasn’t much to see on the TV or online, not much of my friends have plans to go out, honestly, I thought I was about to sink on my sofa like a potato, until my parents told me that we might as well spend some time in the gym, so why not?
We’ve killed a whole hour in the gym, it was a boredom killer, if I say so myself. From push ups and treadmills to pull ups from those monkey bars, being in the gym wasn’t as bad as people say it is, well, they must have said it because they’re kinda a bit lazy to get up, but I recommend to try to get some stretching, for your body’s sakes XD
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Entry# 1
Greetings guys, I am Rhea ‘Ronironi’ Roniquez, and this is my first entry blog about…well…ME!!!
I would usually talk about things I do for fun and what not, my topics, reactions to films, my daily thingy ma jigs, and…MORE ME!!!
i may seem like a narcissist but Im a really nice person…
I currently know 3 laguages(english,filipino and japanese)
i love being an otaku despite having a big allowance,i am fascinated by the culture of japan.
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Greetings guys, I am Rhea ‘Ronironi’ Roniquez, and this is my first entry blog about…well…ME!!!
I would usually talk about things I do for fun and what not, my topics, reactions to films, my daily thingy ma jigs, and…MORE ME!!!
Entry# 2: 
It was a slow and boring week, there wasn’t much to see on the TV or online, not much of my friends have plans to go out, honestly, I thought I was about to sink on my sofa like a potato, until my parents told me that we might as well spend some time in the gym, so why not?
We’ve killed a whole hour in the gym, it was a boredom killer, if I say so myself. From push ups and treadmills to pull ups from those monkey bars, being in the gym wasn’t as bad as people say it is, well, they must have said it because they're kinda a bit lazy to get up, but I recommend to try to get some stretching, for your body’s sakes XD
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Entry# 1
Greetings guys, I am Rhea ‘Ronironi’ Roniquez, and this is my first entry blog about...well...ME!!!
I would usually talk about things I do for fun and what not, my topics, reactions to films, my daily thingy ma jigs, and...MORE ME!!!
i may seem like a narcissist but Im a really nice person...
I currently know 3 laguages(english,filipino and japanese)
i love being an otaku despite having a big allowance,i am fascinated by the culture of japan.
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Every dog has its day
Mr. Peabody, a dog I don’t know...
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Every man has his own story
Unknown guy I don’t know who....
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