sammywootten94 · 5 years
Literally say this in the back of my head 24/7.
aquarius sayings
I don’t get what you’re not getting.
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sammywootten94 · 5 years
I feel low.
Real low.
To the point where I want to self harm.
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
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I've found what I've always wanted. 💕
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
She's probably more pretty than me. She probably has more in common with you. She probably has a more enjoyable personality. She probably has more beautiful eyes. She probably has a better car and makes more money. She's probably not as destroyed or broken. You probably love eachother.
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
I need help.
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
Excuse me, but my boyfriend is not the reason your husband does coke. That's all on him. Stop trying to blame anyone else. You just lost a friend you barely had in the first place.
Also, I did not tell your wife anything. So, please keep my name out of your mouth. I respect you too much and we're more alike than you think.
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
The evils of the world have become overwhelming and I'm not sure what to do from here. I feel sick to my stomach with anxiety and depression.
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
Please help.
Please help my sister and I in our search for our half sister. Our mother, Lee Lynn Pippin (maiden name) gave a child up for adoption sometime between 1984 and 1986. We know for a fact that she was born in Illinois and we believe that she was born at the Anderson Hospital in Maryville. Our mother told us that she belived her name was Jessica, but we're not sure if she was telling us the truth or not. But, that's about all the information we have at the moment, which is why we're having such trouble. Any help, suggestions, or advise is appreciated. (And yes we've tried websites like ancestry.com, etc... We do not have enough information to find her on one of those sites.)
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
I don't know, maybe I don't want to ever get married. Rethinking alot of things in life right now. I don't even know anymore if I even want to bring a child into a world I can barely stand. And again for my own selfish reasons, I only want to have children for the experience. I don't know where I fit into life anymore.
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
So, you're saying I was better off having the child and committing suicide? Seriously? Women really risk there own lives to bring another into the world? For what? To bring them into the world without a mother? Like, here I made this and now it's all your's and I can never come back for it but tell it that I risked and lost my life for it and that makes me a strong god loving mother. Psh. Whatever, do you dude. Unlike Pro-life advocates, I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't do that and to save your own life to better your current and future kids. Like why? Why even have kids if you can't even raise them? Why do y'all mother fuckers want to bring all of these lives into the world? Cause y'all were raised with that old ass, dumb ass bullshit that women were "made" to have children and stay home and take care of them and their husbands. Well, you know what? Alot of women are realizing that this is not what they want to do in life. Like me. I want to be independent and take care of a child I created. Yeah, I fucking am selfish. You turn out that way when you weren't raised with religion, direction, or a fucking baby doll constantly in your arms. Yeah, truth be told, I never once had a baby doll growing up. And as I got older, babies never interested me. Am I cold hearted bitch? Yes. And fuck you.
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
Are you happy? No. Neither of you are. I don't think getting married just because you had a child with that person Is a valid reason. But, you don't see me out here telling people that they shouldn't do that. 99% of people in any situation aren't going to not do something just because you told them they shouldn't. So, why bother?
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
Yeah, maybe what I did was selfish. But, when you have the choice to undo the mistake you made after A WEEK of knowing someone, you take it. Especially at 15. Where am I now? No where. I can barely afford to take care of myself. Going to school and working stressed me out beyond belief. What makes you think I could handle that and take care of another life at the same time without committing suicide? Because at 13, I had undiagnosed and untreated depression because my parents are fucking crazy and put me in the middle of their divorce. Giving the child up for adoption? Not a choice for me. Might as well have brought my own suicide note to the devil myself. I'm sorry if you strongly believe that abortion is murder. But, it was my choice. It's my body and my life. Do you know how over populated the world is? The streets could use one less life brought up on well fare or brought up in a world where a parent committed suicide or over dosed because the world became too much, too fast for their young drug addicted mind.
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
Everything was going fine and then you just had to ask me for money. When I barely had any and am about to go on vacation.
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
Finally got my W-2 and filed it.
My DGD vinyl I ordered for my birthday is going to be delivered before I leave for Florida.
And my birthday is next weekend and I have two weeks straight off of work to celebrate, starting Friday when I get off at 3 o'clock!
Happy mother fuckin' birthday to me! 😃
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
I can't wait until my teeth are straight. I'm the most confident about the way I look than I have ever been but my teeth are really just holding me back. Kinda ridiculous, but I can't wait to have the confidence to use the big mouth filter on Snapchat and not have my mouth closed. I also can't wait to get some professional pictures done and if I can find a way in I'd love to do some small time modeling. 😉
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sammywootten94 · 6 years
So... women can harvest an egg from themselves or someone else and inseminate the egg and have it implanted, even though there's only a 50% chance that it will actually attach, but abortion is still a big bad problem? Are there hate groups for women who are practically "playing god"? Or do they get left alone because people feel bad for them for not being able to naturally get pregnant and are trying to bring a life into the world rather than "take one away"?
Either way, I don't care. I have no problem with the process, I just wanna know.
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