soyouaretired · 22 days
friendly reminders:
you don't have to be productive every day
you are worthy even if all you did today was get out of bed
there are people out there who care about you
your existence makes a difference
if something bothers you, then it bothers you. no one has the right to tell you otherwise
you are allowed to take up space
there is no 'right way' to grieve
you cannot put a time limit on emotions
your likes and interests are valid and they matter
it's okay to take your time in doing things. not everyone can do everything at the same pace
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soyouaretired · 1 month
Maybe if my mother and I
were much more different,
it would be easier to fault her
for everything that happened.
To explain all the pain
I am carrying.
Maybe if my mother weren't
sometimes soft
pinning the fault would
go smoother.
if she didn't have the
same outline I have
if we didn't laugh the same,
share the same freckle,
chin, and ears,
and have the same interests.
Why did the universe make us
so much alike.
To whom of the counterparts
does this curse belong to.
Do I then blame
her or myself
as her and I look at our
mirror images
mournfully gazing at each other.
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soyouaretired · 1 month
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚. May will bring blessings.
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soyouaretired · 2 months
The first kiss For one moment, time stopped surprise held me in its arms your lips playing on mine sweet and soft your cheeks and jawline soft against my touch your smell engulfing me lapping over me in soft waves life went on around us people dancing and music blaring through the speakers I didn't care what anyone thought of us I wished for time to stop there so that I could savor this moment forever Freeze this piece in time so I can keep it close and hidden away A safe place just for you and I
Lol, just a soft little moment. I wish this happened more. But I am not that lucky...
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soyouaretired · 2 months
I fell in love with a ghost her sweet scent accompanying me a whisper in my ear a warm feeling around me in my cold empty bed she joins me in my imagination as we go on great adventures and live out our lives like the lovers we were supposed to be
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soyouaretired · 2 months
Ghostly figures
dancing, swaying
on long forgotten music
Lost lovers
unite once more
laugh and play
As time slowly ticks away
This is my first time posting on tumblr, please be kind
Lol I hope I did this right
Pls enjoy <3
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