#! * INTRODUCTION / leela.
leela-1177 · 2 months
I don't actually know how to structure any kind of special intro thing for people, but I know I should make one!
Hi! I'm Leela-1177, but you can just call me Leela. You can use any pronouns, but I am mostly feminine presenting so just choose whatever feels right!
This is not a "roleplay" blog, I'm not actually entirely sure what that is. I can assure you that I am the "leel" deal! 💙
Enjoy! I just post what I find funny or pretty!
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idkaguyorsomething · 3 months
Sometimes the Doctor will just ask a person if they want to travel with them. More often than you’d think this is not the case. ¡Reblog and explain your pick in the tags!
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c-53 · 1 year
Heyo, who or what is Durandal and where I can I read(??) it? Because it sounds exactly like my kind of thing
Durandal is the main character from Bungie's 90's game trilogy, Marathon! He’s a really great guy, snarky, sarcastic, WILDLY TRAUMATIZED, ridiculously violent, self obsessed, and also a bit flirty with the player character. He has a LOT going on, and he’s like one of my favorite characters of all time for the sheer depth his personality and motivations have. He’s GREAT.
As for what Marathon is, its a scifi boomer shooter with . SURPRISINGLY GOOD STORY
The first one is about an alien invasion starting on a spaceship, and only having the onboard ai to rely on, for better or for worse. You start out working with the ship’s communications ai, Leela, to try and save the ship, and save humanity. Meanwhile, Durandal, the life support ai has slipped his bonds, unshackled himself, and is using the conflict to take his freedom, and break away from humanity. And along the way, he takes a liking to you.
if you wanna play it, the games are free here
Bungie made the code for the marathon games open source, so this port is completely safe + legal. Feel free to share it around.
if you prefer to just read the story, all of it is here
Either way, make sure you start at the manuals tho, old games put story in those, and its your first introduction to Durandal :)
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rachelbethhines · 7 months
Speed-running Doctor Who - 4th Doctor
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A quick and dirty guide for those who want to get into the show, but don't want to watch everything from the beginning.
For Those Who Just Wanna Get An Idea of the Era
State of Decay - S18E4
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The Fourth Doctor technically has like three or four eras within it, and State of Decay is sort of a blend of all of them.
Produced under JNT's time on the show, with a companion introduced during Douglas Adams' previous season, using a script that was originally submitted for season 15, when Robert Holmes was head writer.
Therefore I deem it the best summarization of the entire Fourth Doctor run.
Plot Important Episodes
Entrances, Exits, Enemies, Lore Drops, and Character Development
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Robot - S12E1 (Fourth Doctor's first story and introduces Harry)
The Ark in Space - S12E2 (Harry's first trip in the Tardis and kicks off the season's 12 stranded story arc)
Genesis of the Daleks - S12E3 (first appearance of Davros, the creator of the Daleks)
Revenge of the Cybermen - S12E5 (the team finally makes back to the Tardis ending S12's stranded arc and the Cybermen return after being off screen for several years)
Terror of the Zygons - S13E1 (introduces the Zygons, Harry leaves the Tardis, last appearance of the Brigadier for a long while)
The Android Invasion - S13E4 (Benton's last story and Harry's final appearance)
The Brain of Morbius - S13E5 (the Sisters of Karn are introduced and its the beginning of the of the very controversial Other/Timeless child theories)
The Seeds of Doom - S13E6 (final UNIT story for a very, very long while, no UNIT regulars appear marking the end of that story line)
The Hand of Fear - S14E2 (Sarah Jane leaves the Tardis)
The Deadly Assassin - S14E3 (The Doctor returns to Gallifrey and we meet the "Decayed" Master)
The Face of Evil - S14E4 (meet Leela)
The Talons of Weng-Chiang - S146 (character development for Leela, and there's also Jargo and Litefoot if you care about spin-offs)
Horror of Fang Rock - S15E1 (meet the Rutans; while they haven't reappeared in the series yet, they're the Sontarans adversaries in their never ending war and so are named dropped often)
The Invisible Enemy - S15E2 (K9 comes aboard the Tardis)
The Invasion of Time - S15E6 (Leela's last story)
The Ribos Operation - S16E1 (Meet Romana the First, also the start of the Key To Time arc and the introduction of the Guardians)
The Pirate Planet - S16E2 (character development for the tardis team and more plot progression for the Key to Time arc)
The Armageddon Factor - S16E6 (The ending of the Key to Time arc and the last story to feature Romana I)
Destiny of the Daleks - S17E1 (Romana the First regenerates into Romana the Second)
City of Death - S17E2 (the randomizer is introduced as a means to escape the Black Guardian)
Shada - S17E6 * (perhaps the most remade Doctor Who story ever, you might want to watch a version just to see what all the hubbub is about)
The Leisure Hive - S18E1 (The end of the randomizer arc.... also Harden and Mena are the best couple in Who)
Meglos - S18E2 (I only recommend this story because it's the last time Jacqueline Hill appears on the show, but sadly she's not playing Barbara)
Full Circle - S18E3 (Adric's first story)
Warriors' Gate - S18E5 (Romana and K9 leave the Tardis)
The Keeper of Traken - S18E6 (Meet Nyssa, oh and the Master regenerates into Anthony Ainley)
Logopolis - S18E7 (The Fourth Doctor's final story and Tegan is introduced)
Personal Favorite and Least Favorite Stories
Because one man's trash is another man's treasure and vice versa
Favorite: The Sontaran Experiment - S12E3
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Least Favorite: The Planet of Evil - S13E2
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(disclaimer: no spin-offs or extended universe stuff was considered when making this list)
Up Next: The Fifth Doctor
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danielfeketewrites · 6 months
DOCTOR WHO TOP 10 - 4th Doctor
Finally, the lists return!
10. How to Win Planets and Influence People
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The Monk gives a talk on conquering planet Earth. Rufus Hound is great. James Goss is one of the best current expanded universe writers. Overall, it's just a really funny story.
9. Red Planet
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I love Twelve Angels Weeping, it's an amazing anthology. My two favourite stories from that, "Celestial Intervention" and "The Red-Eyed League" are Doctorless, so I need to get some of those other lovely short stories on these list (there will be a few more coming).
I have a soft spot for this one. Partially because I love Ice Warriors, but mostly because it's a really cool story with Leela, which... I don't want to necessarily talk about why just an existence of a cool story with Leela can make me cry - but it is what it is. Go read Twelve Angels Weeping.
8. City of the Damned
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Such a creative, well-told story, with so many clever gags and interesting ideas. It's a dystopian tale filled with things to think about, while also being thrilling as well as really fun.
And I love the ending, as the implications are hilarious.
7. Genesis of the Daleks
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It's Genesis of the Daleks. What else can I say?
6. The Keeper of Traken
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Season 18 has such a different vibe to anything else in Classic Who and I love it. And, admittedly, The Keeper of Traken is just the best story out of that season, imo.
It also has my favourite Doctor Who cliffhanger ever.
5. The Face of Evil
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This is such an underrated story. I don't think people talk enough about how brilliant it is. The set-ups and pay-offs, the introduction of Leela, Tom Baker being at the top of his game, strong visual imagery, great sci-fi concepts... It's a masterpiece and should be recognized as such more often.
4. Tomb of Valdemar
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I've read it six years ago in about two weeks and I still think about some of the stuff in this book. Absolutely amazing, one of the best Doctor Who books ever.
3. The Pirate Planet
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2. City of Death
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Smart, fun, beautiful. Possibly the best Classic Who story to show to the uninitiated.
1. Shada
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Yeah, my top 3 is just the Douglas Adams stories. I am biased.
Shada is favourite Doctor Who story ever. Specifically the version with the missing bits narrated by Tom Baker, because I haven't gotten around to reading the script yet.
Chronotis is wonderful, probably my favourite side character ever. I love the ending. The dynamic between the Doctor and Romana is perfect. The ideas are huge and mythic, Cambridge is such a wonderful setting (I've actually been there, on the river Cam, btw)... I'm not sure how to explain it - there's just something so special to me about Shada. I love it.
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Honestly have to wonder if HH would really have benefited from having a newly dead sinner character as a way to introduce the world of hell and concepts which are important in a more organic way.
Like for an adult cartoon as an example: the first two episodes of Futurama are kind of great for this. Fry is shown just before he gets frozen, him then running from his fate from Leela, which results in running into Bender, and exploring New New York (both the great and not so great parts all with a layer of comedy), finding the ruins of Old New York. It’s just a great introduction to the future world they made frankly.
I know they seem kind of married to the idea of them all being from different time periods, despite them all speaking in modern vernacular and not seeming to run up into clashing in interesting ways for it, but like Idk, maybe have Husk or Vaggie be brand new sinners instead and have them be introduced to things? If not a brand new character. Like honestly I think only Alastor and Angel Dust need to have been around hell a while. Idk. Hell you could have Sir P perhaps be the modern guy who was just really into steampunk when he was alive.
You don’t necessarily have to have someone brand new to be the audience surrogate to explain or contrast things to the audience (Helluva Boss sure as hell didn’t and I liked their first season, and honestly I think the pilot for HH was also pretty solid) but I think this show needs something like that as a structure when it’s otherwise written like we should already know/care about certain things.
Having someone new and scared (a person dies every few seconds irl) join the hotel would also just be a realistic thing to happen. Like unless someone is completely mired in hell’s culture already I’m not sure how newbies, which would be, on the basis of death rates and if heaven is especially picky, thousands upon thousands of newbies each day, wouldn’t have a few hundred of those ones at least looking at it. But like even just having a few as a sample would be good and it would be understandable not to overwhelm the cast like that.
Like Vaggie talks about people being desperate enough to try anything when news of the extermination being moved up happens but wouldn’t most people brand new to hell be scared and desperate? I mean, it’s hell. That post about a Christian ending up in hell I reblogged is a genuinely good idea I think. Could even have them run into the Christian Assholes a la Katie Killjoy or something for variety.
Maybe they even could ask questions like why not simply make hell a better place to live somehow. Or not be keen on going to heaven when they hear of the exterminators if not experiencing them. (Like I said people are dying all the time: imagine ending up in hell right as the extermination is happening).
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forensicated · 4 months
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Lewis and Emma - 1/2 years. Dan and Will 4 Years, Leela 5 years, Honey 7 years, Yvonne 8 years, Reg and Tony have to be at least 25 years - can't quite read their years.
Smiffina Episodes - Episode 440
Heaton charged Gina with looking after his prized orchid when he left for annual leave - unfortunately she forgot and has crept into his office on the morning he returns to replace it with another.
On his desk she spots confidential information with a spreadsheet that compares the older officers salary with the more modest newer intake's salary with another station and she sneaks a read - caught by Smithy who makes her jump.
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"John Heaton notices everything." "It's a plant, Smithy. I've not murdered his budgie!"
She tells him what she saw in the report, "Long story short you can get three for the price of two!"
John notices his orchid has been swapped and asks Gina to bring it back to him in the hope he can revive it. He also doesn't mention the paperwork that Gina saw, but did order 12 officers to be on high visibility policing on the Jasmine Allen given its introduction onto the 10 highest crime rated areas in London. Smithy tries to calm Gina down over what she saw but she snaps back that the highest paid/longest serving PC's at Sun Hill are Reg and Tony and she won't let him just sack them. "If he wants a fight he's got one!"
Adam is in for a meeting and tells Gina he can't interfere with how Heaton decides to run the station. He also tells her that he's taking some time off unpaid to go and regroup in Nigeria.
Gina later goes to talk to him about it and she admits she looked at the confidential documents. Heaton won't be drawn and tells her only that he's aware of the merits of more officers and also the consequences of losing those with longer service. He says he'll make his report within the next 2 weeks and that their conversation is over.
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tvmigraine · 9 months
FORGOTTEN LIVES: Philip Hinchcliffe (Plus Kara Dennison Interview)
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Before we begin! Remember to get a copy of the Forgotten Lives Omnibus at this link! I've been busy so you've only got five days to purchase a copy, get yourself one before you miss out!
For this section, for once, I'll be keeping it brief - there's little I want to say on this Doctor as they feel much easier to give across to an audience. Philip Hinchcliffe (1944) needs no introduction to a Classic Who fan, having led the show from The Ark in Space to the more controversial Talons of Weng-Chiang.
Whether intentional or not, there is a reflection in this Doctor's era to the 4th Doctor portrayed by Tom Baker. This eccentric incarnation hides a serious and powerful side behind his bravado and swashbuckler personality, with a combative companion that he's trying to teach to be better a la Leela. Rue makes a grand introduction with "Gauntlet of Absolution" and, currently, is the Hinchcliffe Doctor's only companion which brings up an interesting point. For the most part, each Doctor either has one companion established or mostly adventures on their own. This Doctor falls into that category, but I feel that he isn't the type to take another companion. Where he's building this relationship with Rue, he's also seemingly seeking validation from her in these travels.
Where we have yet to see the definitive finale for Hinchcliffe's Doctor, we see what could be coming. The original art by Paul Hanley lists that this Doctor meets a premature end at the hands of a villain called "The Witch of the White House", a character we see the origins of in the second story. Although the character has yet to be seen through fully, I personally interpret this character to live a lot like the 10th Doctor in that they burn bright but fast. While there's no announcement about any future plans, it would be interesting to see the relationship between these three core characters - the Doctor, the Witch and Rue - develop in the future.
Paul Hanley's design for the Hinchcliffe Doctor's TARDIS is up there in my personal taste, but that's for a good reason - how it references Hinchcliffe's era of the show. During Season 14 of the show (Hinchcliffe's final season as producer), Tom Baker spent that time using the secondary control room as opposed to the usual. Here, Paul Hanley builds a history behind this by making it the main console room for Hinchcliffe's Doctor, giving this interior more history by tying it into its own stories. In a meta way, it keeps a connection between Hinchcliffe and Baker's era even here.
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Now that we've covered everything I intended to, let's get to the main chunk of this post - I had the opportunity to interview @the-last-teabender about her Doctor. To give more of an idea of Kara Dennison's work, she's in charge of Altrix Books alongside Paul Driscoll (a name we'll see again with the Gallaccio Doctor) who have released their own charity novels like Master Pieces and Master Switches, both focusing on the Doctor's oldest friend/enemy. She's also working on a series called Owl's Flower, alongside artist Ginger Hoesly.
I tried to keep it in the same vein as the self conducted interviews for Forgotten Lives by focusing on five questions. Read below!
You've written two stories for Hinchcliffe now, "The Gauntlet of Absolution" and "The Demons of Dog Street", and I would personally say that this Doctor does feel somewhat cut from the same cloth as the Tom Baker 4th Doctor. Would you say that his era influenced either story at all when it came to writing for this incarnation? While it wasn't something I intentionally sought out, I'm sure that came into play subconsciously. Everything we experience becomes part of our inspiration, and Tom Baker really is the definitive "Classic Doctor." The comparisons I've seen between Leela and Rue are apt, and Leela is a favorite companion - so as much as I made sure to separate Rue where I could, I can definitely see the broader similarities between the two TARDIS teams. When I've described this Doctor through the lens of other Doctors, 4 has never figured in, but perhaps he should. I tend to describe the Hinchcliffe Doctor as having the humility of 6 and the poise of 11. But again, that's on the outside. If anything, I'm flattered that people see my Doctor and think of someone so iconic and beloved!
In the first interview you gave with Forgotten Lives' page, you mentioned wanting to approach the prehistory from a literary and stylistic angle. Was there any stories or authors that influenced you when finding that style? You did mention the era this hypothetically would've been released was during the revival of sword-and-planet fiction. When I was first asked about being in Forgotten Lives, I'd just finished Renegade Swords, a sword-and-sorcery anthology curated by D.M. Ritzlin. It was the first book I featured during my tenure as book reviewer for Sci Fi Magazine before the mag folded, and it's an excellent introduction to the genre and its many offshoots. Bryce Walton's sword-and-planet story "Princess of Chaos" (which you can find in Renegade Swords or on Project Gutenberg) spurred a lot of the central concept of "Gauntlet of Absolution." In terms of overarching atmosphere, Edgar Rice Burroughs and his John Carter novels were a natural go-to. I wanted to give the sense that this Doctor's adventures played out in pulp sci-fi magazines. The kind with the big illustration on the first two pages. Hence the blurb at the beginning of each story.
You have taken part in other stories for Obverse before, such as City of the Saved and Iris Wildthyme, along with your own works at Altrix Books alongside Paul Driscoll. Does working on this Doctor feel different to how you'd work on other stories? Are there any similarities you've noticed? So far, my stories have either been fully in my own universe or fully in someone else's. Both of which are unique experiences in themselves. I love creating a character from the ground up; at the same time, I love studying, say, Katy Manning's dialogue as Iris and seeing how well I can "impersonate" her in text. Both are great challenges. With the Doctor, it was a sort of in-between experience. Creating a Doctor doesn't fall into one camp or the other. You're working off a template, but you're also not. You're making your own character, but they still have to have those touchstones that make them the Doctor, and people have extremely strong opinions about what those touchstones are. It was a little scary to think about - I dreaded hearing "He's all right, but he's not really the Doctor, is he?" In the end, I was a bit Mel Brooks about it: I wrote something that I knew my friends and I would enjoy, and hoped that would get me there. Judging by the response, it seems to have done the trick, for which I'm very grateful.
Some authors, when returning to Forgotten Lives 2, chose to write a definitive end to their Doctors that leads into the next era. I was curious if the temptation to do that was there when you were planning ahead? Or if you've considered how this Doctor might meet their final story? Funnily enough, the original pitch for FL2 was actually to write their regenerations! As is the case in publishing, that changed as the scope of the anthology changed. And with the addition of more writers (and possibly the realization that the idea has legs), we were invited to write the regeneration if we wanted, but we weren't under any obligation to. I know exactly how this Doctor will go out, and there are pieces already in place. But even though writing the regeneration wouldn't necessarily mean I could never write the character again, I didn't feel ready to go there. I had a lot of pieces I wanted to lay out first. "Demons of Dog Street" is one of those pieces. Whether the others will ever see the light of day is anyone's guess, but I hope so. Suffice to say, I have the whole scenario planned out in my mind, and I think it's the sort of heroic and cool end this Doctor would refuse to admit he's hoping for.
You've obviously worked with the Hinchcliffe Doctor, stepping into Doctors outside of the main canon most people know. Are there any other Doctors that you've wanted to write for? (Things like the Cushing, Unbound, Shalka, any other Doctor out there, etc) I love what Obverse is doing with the Cushing Doctor and hope to be a part of that someday. (I'm sure I'm not the only one!) It's funny you mention the Shalka Doctor, as I actually wrote a Shalka Doctor story for a charity anthology quite a while back. My writing has evolved a lot since then, but for what it was at the time, I'm still rather fond of it. Frankly, I'd consider it a treat to get to write for any Doctor from any period - especially the process of finding their voice for myself. One day, I'd love to see the Forgotten Lives writers trade Doctors and see what comes of it! The Hinchcliffe Doctor's portions of "Retrogenesis" and "The Hive Minders" were so fun to read, because there's something about seeing someone else get your character Just Right. It would be a lot of fun to trade off Doctors within the group and see what we make of each other's work.
You can find more information on what went into Building the Doctor at Kara Dennison's blog. For more insight into the creative process of every author that worked on Forgotten Lives, you can go to @forgottenlivesobverse and find interviews from everyone involved across the books. If you're looking for insight on how the outfits were designed, you can go to Paul Hanley's Patreon and find what went into designing each Doctor.
The adventures of the Hinchcliffe Doctor and Rue start with Gaunlet of Absolution, continuing as we see below - we'll discuss The Hive Minders in the future, but look forward to these stories.
RETROGENESIS (Part Four) by Philip Purser-Hallard
THE HIVE MINDERS (Part One) by Ian McIntre
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Tomorrow we'll pass the halfway mark and cover the Douglas Camfield Doctor, the only Doctor to make a further appearance in Doctor Who canon.
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zappsbrannigan · 8 months
ok i guess gotta start gradually some posts about my headcanons and gushing about how frapp is a top tier ship and see what happens <3 so this is part 1 of several lmao (i will add pics in the next ones) OK, SOME INTERESTS AND TRAITS THEY BOTH HAVE IN COMMON ,YOU KNOW SOME COMPATIBILITY! As two wise faires might say... two halves of a whole idiot! Besides they are after the same gal which makes it indeed a typical "rivals to lovers" ship material: you can say Zapp is more unhinged than Fry but both are pretty much impulsive individuals, also gotta be honest Fry might not do some stuff because Bender or Leela, so idk I have the feeling he can be a bit more himself around the captain after ,well they spendin more time together they both share some similar interests as such: 80's music ,cartoons and both are space enjoyers; of course Fry has a frustrated dreams that might see or live through Zapp. Fry might be really interested on hear his adventures (even if some are slightly exaggerated), also Zapp might be intersted in th simplistic way that delivery boy has about some topics, some feet on the ground (also in a Flight for Remember he didnt say that Fry reminded to a young self???)...idk maybe Zapp might start like "this dude is fun to mock...oh wait why do i care now??" Yeah this is some introduction to the potential, they can argue to gradually to learn to admire to each other -thinkin emoji- hmm yes!!
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thesoftboiledegg · 8 months
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After a season full of topical episodes, "All the Way Down" showed Futurama at its best: an episode explaining scientific ideas in a fun, entertaining way. This episode would be a great introduction to quantum mechanics and simulation theory.
Generally, I'm not a fan of simulation theory because people tend to get smug about it. "Nothing is real! Existence is meaningless! We're all just a bunch of ones and zeroes!" But if you're experiencing life, why does it matter if it's "real" or not?
If existence isn't real, then why don't you stop eating? Why don't you sleep on the floor instead of a bed? That sounds uncomfortable? Sounds like your experiences mean something after all!
I was happy that Futurama came to the same conclusion. Instead of feeling depressed because nothing matters, the characters realized that everyone's lives matter. One of the pre-commercial jump cuts implied that "our" Planet Express crew is in a simulation of their own, but what difference does it make? They're still people.
Additionally, I loved watching Amy show off her smarts. I think her ditziness makes people, including the writers, forget that she holds a doctorate. She held her own against the professor and challenged his thinking.
That being said...I didn't necessarily enjoy this episode. I had a blast watching "The Impossible Stream," "I Know What You Did Last Xmas," "Rage Against the Vaccine" (yeah, I know that's an unpopular opinion) and others. TV doesn't have to be fun to be great--I'm a Sopranos fan, and some of the best episodes are brutal--but I felt like I was watching an animated lecture.
It's a great episode, but I wouldn't say that I'll look forward to it when I eventually rewatch the whole series. Still, personal opinion doesn't reflect the quality.
However, that brings me to my biggest issue with the episode: the implication that a Bender from a higher dimension replaced "our" Bender. Some have said that our Bender came back, proving that the crew is in a simulation because the professor said it's a one-way trip--or maybe it's just a plot hole.
But I think the writing implies that our Bender is gone and another took his place. He reboots out of nowhere and tells the crew that he has a solution, just like our Bender did when he jumped down a level. Additionally, as previously mentioned, one of the jump cuts implies that our crew is also in a simulation. It's simulations all the way down!
I have the same issue with "The Late Phillip J. Fry" from the Comedy Central run. Fry, Bender and the professor jump two universes ahead, leaving the rest of the crew to die trillions of years ago. I also raised an eyebrow at the professor going back in time in "I Know What You Did Last Xmas." He probably came back to the same universe because if he didn't, he would've run into another professor--but you can't be totally sure.
Yeah, we're still watching the Planet Express crew, and it doesn't matter from a storytelling perspective. And it's debatable how canon this is since Futurama famously resets at the end of nearly every episode. But it's still unsettling.
If someone with an identical twin dies, and their twin takes their place, their twin isn't them. The original consciousness--the person that we knew--is gone forever.
This is also why "Jurassic Bark" doesn't hit as hard for me because Fry wasn't bringing Seymour back to life. He was making a clone. That clone isn't Seymour.
Maybe I'm taking a TV show too seriously, but if everyone's replaceable, then maybe "All the Way Down" isn't implying that every life is important after all. One simulated person is as good as another.
In any case, I can't deny that the ending was fantastic--probably one of the best endings that I've ever seen. The crew watches the world pixelate around them, but instead of having an existentialist crisis, Fry and Leela slowly lean in for a kiss. I almost cried, which is no easy feat! Very few movies and TV shows move me to tears.
The writers minimized Fry's role in season eight, implying that he's no longer the main character, but maybe Futurama said everything it had to say about his story. He can't be the "fish out of water" forever; at a certain point, he's going to adjust to the future.
I had some issues with this episode, and I disliked a few others (what the hell was going on with "The Prince and the Product"?), but overall, season eight had great gags, funny topical references, sweet moments between the characters--the Comedy Central run was pretty mean-spirited--and fresh takes on scientific concepts.
Ultimately, and I'm saying this as someone who's been watching Futurama since 1999, this revival was worth it. Futurama just won't die, and maybe it's a cash grab, but it's also because the fans love it so much.
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ufolvr · 16 days
8, 6, 7, 5, 3, and 9 for the ask meme!! For any of your self inserts. Or all of them. Tbh all of your self inserts are super cool!!,
Tytyty!!!! Someday I'll write detailed bios for all of them ^_^
Since I found another Futurama selfshipper I might as well work on Eudicot a little >:-]
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
People who don't know Eudicot well think he's a freaky guy who comes off too strong. He has next to 0 social skills at the point of his introduction and hes loud + autistic + big and freaky looking so it's easy to read him as intimidating
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
Obvious Alien Species Skills (inhuman size and strength), + breathing underwater bc he's a fish. Also I thought it'd be funny to make his species swallow each other whole as a greeting/to show affection (gulper eel lol lmao), and even though I'm still fond of that idea it's been hard to incorporate it into his plot. There's more details on that last bit for Sure 👍 I'm normal
6. does your self insert have any pets?
Yes! He loves bugs and keeps male rhino beetles (one at a time) since they remind him of the buggalos back at home ^_^
7. would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert?
I never put much thought into that, really - I modeled Eudicot after myself (wayyy more than usual) and I grew up as the kid nobody paid that kind of attention to, so it's hard to picture someone else being attracted to him. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ he's tailor made for Kif and Amy (and Leela if I'm feeling fancy)
8. what is your self insert’s orientation?
I don't go into detail anymore bc i got tired of writing the same thing over and over, tbh - every self insert's orientation and gender mirror mine ^_^ he's every letter in the LGBT + polyamorous. Genderweird bisexual, transmasc lesbian - he's got it all !
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
My other oc Dahlia is his childhood best friend and they've been inseparable for years! He also gets along well with her wife Jackie ^_^ other than that he's good friends with the rest of the Nimbus crew, I guess!
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global-newz · 1 month
Unveiling Historical Inaccuracies in Heeramandi: Viewer Critique
Introduction: Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s much-awaited streaming debut, Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazar, has sparked a debate due to its portrayal of Lahore’s red-light district. Let’s delve into the critique of historical inaccuracies raised by a Pakistani viewer.
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Viewer Critique: A Lahore-based viewer took to social media to highlight discrepancies in Heeramandi’s depiction of the 1940s era. From geographical misrepresentation to linguistic inaccuracies, the critique dissected various aspects of the show, including setting, language, songs, and costumes.
Geographical Misrepresentation: The viewer lamented the absence of Lahore’s essence in the show, pointing out discrepancies in architecture and landmarks. They emphasized the importance of authentically showcasing Heeramandi’s skyline, which prominently features the Shahi Qilla-Grand Mosque.
Linguistic Inaccuracies: Inaccurate portrayal of language was another point of contention, with the viewer highlighting the prevalence of Punjabi over Urdu in 1940s Lahore. They criticized the show’s dialogue delivery, which favored Urdu despite historical context suggesting otherwise.
Musical Representation: The viewer critiqued the show’s soundtrack, deeming it disconnected from the era. They argued that the selection of songs lacked authenticity, overlooking Punjabi masterpieces that were prevalent during the period.
Costuming Concerns: Bhansali’s penchant for elaborate costumes drew scrutiny, with the viewer questioning the authenticity of the attire. They criticized the glamorous portrayal of courtesans, highlighting the disparity between on-screen depiction and historical reality.
Conclusion: While Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazar promises an epic saga, its historical inaccuracies have sparked debate among viewers. The critique underscores the importance of thorough research and authenticity in portraying historical narratives, urging filmmakers to delve deeper into the essence of the era they seek to portray.
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heimeldat · 2 months
All My Fics That Don't Include the Doctor
One Another's Needs: Leela, Romana
Two Lions - Leela
Edward Grove is Alive - Faction Paradox
Prototype - technically a TARDIS
White-Point Stars - Master
Emeralds - Master
A Brief Study of Gallifrey (series) 
A Brief Introduction to Gallifreyan Grammar
A Brief Treatise on Gallifreyan Biology
A Brief Description of Transdimensionality
A Brief Overview of Time Lord Naming Conventions
A Brief Summary of the Regenerative Abilities of Time Lords
The Founding - Rassilon, Omega, Pythia, Tecteun, Timeless Child
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doctorwhogirlie · 2 months
Doctor Who: Full Circle
Season Eighteen ✨ 1980 - 1981 ✨
Doctor: 4th
Story Length: 4 Episodes
Companions: Romana II and K9 Mark II
Main Setting: Alzarius
Main Enemy: Marshmen
Creatures: Marshmen, Alzarians
My Personal Rating: 7/10
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The TARDIS falls through a CVE into E-Space and arrives on the planet Alzarius. There, the inhabitants of a crashed starliner and a group of young rebels called the Outlers are terrorised by a race of Marshmen who emerge from the marshes at a time known as Mistfall. Will the Fourth Doctor be able to help the starliner's inhabitants repair their ship and leave the planet? Source.
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I'm so excited for Adric, so so so so so excited! Also a mention of Leela, I love that, miss Leela.
Adric's so small. The music is this story is so much fun, I love it.
Poor k9 needs a holiday. Why he is a head in this one.. Poor baby
Quite a fun story though, and I love the introduction of a new companion.
(Please don't take these too seriously, I am not a real life reviewer, just someone who likes the show)
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Doctor Who Companions Bracket: Introduction
Hello all, and welcome to the Doctor Who Companions Bracket Tournament! We’re here to find out the people’s ultimate favorite companion from Doctor Who! All 58 companions from the tv show will be included (no tie in media like Big Finish stories will be included, as per an earlier quick poll I did)
I’ll be tagging every post with #dwcb so you can more easily find them or discuss the bracket in a uniformly tagged way!
This bracket has been seeded to the best of my (nonexistent) ability, so we’ll be going through the first round with some of the more top seeded character excluded until we get to the second round.
Let me know if you have any questions or comments, best of luck, and have fun!
All polls under the cut:
Round 1 (Complete)
Barbara VS Ian
Yaz VS Danny
Mickey VS Ryan
Jack VS Adam
John VS Vislor
Rory VS Rosita
Zoe VS Mike
Graham VS Dan
Leela VS Kate
The Brigadier VS Mel
Martha VS Vicki
Susan VS Ben
Jo VS Jackson
Wilfred VS Kamelion
Nyssa VS Polly
K9 VS Astrid
Romana II VS Katarina
Victoria VS Nardole
Jamie VS Adelaide
Liz VS Sara
Harry VS Grace
Bill VS Craig
Romana I VS Adric
Tegan VS Steven
Ace VS Christina
Peri VS Dodo
Round 2 (Complete)
Rose VS Barbara
Yaz VS Ryan
Jack VS John
Rory VS Zoe
Donna VS Dan
Leela VS The Brigadier
Martha VS Susan
Jo VS Wilfred
Sarah VS Nyssa
K9 VS Romana II
Victoria VS Clara
Jamie VS Liz
Amy VS Harry
Bill VS Romana I
River VS Tegan
Ace VS Peri
Round 3 (Complete)
Rose VS Yaz
Jack VS Rory
Donna VS The Brigadier
Martha VS Jo
Sarah VS K9
Clara VS Jamie
Amy VS Bill
River VS Ace
Quarterfinals (complete)
Rose VS Rory
Donna VS Jo
Sarah VS Jamie
Amy VS Ace
Semifinals (complete)
Rose VS Jo
Sarah VS Amy
Third place (Complete)
Sarah VS Jo
Rose VS Amy
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azure-cherie · 2 years
To know me
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Haha i noticed I don't even have an introduction about myself .
I've been learning astro since i was 14 and I've started doing intuitive readings like since a month 💀.
You can call me : Azure ,Cherie ,Mysti , anything you like .
Age : 18
Pronouns: she/her
Nationality : Indian
Sidereal air dom , Tropical water dom
Favourite element : Ether
Best friend : @owaowabishh , she is my greatest supporter, sister, i love her so much , she is inactive on Tumblr ,but she's always there for me irl in everything i do.
My hobbies & likes : Astrology , Tarot, Writing , Poetry, Mythology, Producing music, singing, designing, painting, astronomy, philosophy, psychology,Quantum mechanics, meta physics, biology.
Fav musicians : Lana del rey , Lata Mangeshkar, Taylor Swift , Tamino Amir , Hozier , Ali Sethi , Videoclub , fka twigs , Audrey Nuna , Kali Uchis , Ritviz , Cigarettes after sex , Naalayak , Jasleen Royal , Lagnajita Chakraborty , Frank Ocean .
Books : Mirror of my heart ( Persian poetry) , anything by Nikita Gill , Black suits you - Novoneel Chakraborty , Bridge to the soul - Rumi , Delirium - Lauren Oliver , Percy Jackson- Rick Riordan , anything by Haruki Murakami, A short history of nearly everything - Bill Bryson , Call me Ishmail tonight - Agha Shahid Ali .
Fav series : Dark Netflix ( y'all i watched it as a drama series not sci- fi ) 💀 , Sex Education , euphoria , friends etc.
Fav movies : Hunger games series , To all the boys I've loved before series , Jab we met , anything Sanjay Leela Bhansali , Uptown girls, how to lose a guy in 10 days , 13 going on 30 & many more i can't remember 💀.
Anime : Everything Studio Ghibli , Demon slayer , Arte , & many more .
Thank you for reading.
Have an amazing day/night ahead👑💫✨
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