1908jmd · 2 years
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Artwork by @datshitrandom
Made for my bestie, fellow Blaine Stan and defender of all things blanish; maker of amazing gifs; and lover of birds. You are funny, clever, artistic and your English is so much better than mine!! Have a wonderful birthday!!
Note to all - if you reblog, credit the creator.
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angelhummel · 2 years
Gif maker appreciation! Talk a bit about your five favourite gifsets that you've done and send this to five other creators :)
(look I've been literally out of the loop, ignore if you already got it.😓)
i also got one of these from @backslashdelta and i know it's from like a month ago buuut. idk it makes me wanna cry lmao bc i'm not like a gifmaker gifmaker. like i know my shit doesnt look good and literally i cant even think of five separate gifsets worth talking about. sorry to be debbie downer lmao
This Pezberry gifset definitely took the longest bc I had to think of what scenes would kind of go together and make them look legit lol. So that was fun to do, trying to fit them all together like a little puzzle
Also this Pezberry gifset but mostly cause I was on galaxy brain mode with this incorrect quotes scenario. But it looks decent and you can read the dialogue captions so yay
This Rachel one for the favorite glee character meme is nice. I hardly do fun color stuff (at least not successfully)
ummm the abcs of glee series i did is pretty nice. mostly cause i actually finished it but. its something
thats all i can think of. i know ive made like a million gifsets but its quantity over quality on this blog lol. thank you for the ask and appreciation!
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gorgxoxus · 3 years
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Sorry I saw your tags in my notes and had to defend myself. It's actually a zebra and it makes sense bc zebra means freedom, community and individualism. Kurt is safe and free in dalton and they work as a community so Kurt can't be an individual anymore.
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tuiyla · 2 years
Again not either anon but the way people always try to dismiss Kurt's love for Blaine is frustrating for some of us. Like I had seen before people saying Kurt would prefer Rachel, Finn and Mercedes over Blaine while Kurt himself is the most important person in Blaine's life. I don't get why people often to say their relationship is unbalanced like that. I'm pretty sure Brittana shippers deal with the same issue with people saying Brittany didn't love Santana as much too.
One scene that always comes to my mind is when Kurt lost the election. Rachel and Finn were right there in front of him and Kurt said "I have to find Blaine." And went away with teary eyes. Kurt does care about his other friends and will help them but the person he seeks comfort in, when it comes to choosing is ultimately Blaine. He shares a special vulnerability with him even when they first met and he chooses to tell him everything about the bullying instead of his closer friends. And again I'm sure he cares about other people but in his own words Blaine is "the best thing that ever happened" to him and he is the person Kurt would travel and stay in another state to get back.
Yep, all that's really well put. Nothing to add.
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
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oohh i think u changed your url since the time when you actually sent this lmao so i'm sorry if you wanted that one 🥴 but yes so true blaine supremacy <3
send me a 🖊️ for a this kinda thing 🤪
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 years
Asking for (11) bc I like movie recommendation and (19) bc I myself was lame and named my hamster Mermouse for some reason lol.
First of all: YES TO UR URL!!! LOVE IT!
11. What's you favorite movie? Why?
13 GOING ON 30!!!!!!!!
It’s one of the first movies I can remember seeing in theatres and it just brings back so much nostalgia and good feelings. As k get older I love the message that you can’t just skip ahead because all the bad parts of life make us who we are. But at the same time, we have to hold on to the ideals and joy we had as children and also I am a HUGE whore for Billy Joel and Mark Ruffalo
19. What would you name your pet hamster?
First of all, mermouse is such a valid name 10 points for creativity!
Uhhh I’ve never had a hamster but if I did?? I guess ID name it Moon Over My-Hammy like from the Denny’s m my bc idk why but that is the only dennys menu item that I cannot erase from my brain so
Thanks for the ask!!
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bryceslahela · 2 years
I've only played fa once and I went for Ayna but this time I know I gotta go for Blaine to see what the hype is all about 😎
THEYRE MY FAV PART HONESTLY….. ABSOLUTE GEM AND THE STANDOUT LI IN FA IM NOT EVEN GONNA LIE RN. i might try to romance tatum this time but i’ll probably just end up with blaine again 😭
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blaineloveclub · 2 years
Do you have any Blaine-centric blog recs?
Hi! :) not sure if i know any super blaine-specific blogs, but here are some blogs i know that enjoy blaine and post about him a fair amount!
@coffeeorderwrites @blainebutt @1908jmd @hopefulobjectmiracle @gellmet-head @jazziergin @sunlightletter @datshitrandom @spaceorphan18 @endiness @blangsty-days @nghtbrd @foranightlikethis @razzberryhairgel @blainesupremacy / @gleefuldays @flaine @pinkhousesgcv @hippohead @byebyeblainey @lobstercardigan @angelhummel
if you're a die-hard blaine stan and i didn't tag you i apologize, feel free to leave a reply :)
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
@blainesupremacy says:  I actually said "He is treated as the only source of problem" not that he actually is bc Kurt is rarely called out on the show bc of the show fascination to treat him like a saint. Like Kurt attacks first during fencing and they blame Blaine by having Kurt say that Blaine was coming at him while it's so obvious Kurt was the more aggressive one.  
I like Klaine story overall but I disagree with people saying he is only enjoyable when he is in Kurt's story. Like I get that they only enjoy Kurt as a character but Blaine gets treated more equally in his storylines with others than he is with Kurt.
Oh, are you the Nonny! Oh, Hi! It’s always nice to see who is actually talking to me. :) 
A Blaine stan talking about St Kurt.  Reminds me of the old days. <3
I do agree that a lot of it could have written clearer.  I really enjoy the stuff in Tested, but a lot of it was left in subtext, and you really shouldn’t need a decoder ring to figure out the story.  I’m not as critical of stuff, as a whole, I really think Kurt gets his a lot in season 6.  But I hear your frustrations. 
I also don’t find him as enjoyable as just a part of Kurt’s story.  I do like when he’s on his own.  But as I said earlier, I don’t know if I necessarily agree about them being uneven in the Klaine story line.  I just think screen time and POV skews it a bit.  
Thanks for dropping a line! Feel free to anytime! :) 
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angelhummel · 3 years
Gonna hate on Kurtbastian in your inbox, sorry.✌️
Kurt could have never "handled" Sebastian if they were actual boyfriends in my opinion regardless of what everyone says. People always say Blaine is too much of a romantic to handle Sebastian but they're forgetting Kurt is a romantic too. He may be able to bite back and not care much when enemies and rivals are coming after him but he can't do the same with people he cares about and he would be hurt if they treated him badly.
There's a difference between how Kurt treats Rachel in season 1 and parts of season 2 compared to when they are friends later. I don't think he would never be able to insult and bite people like Burt or Blaine who are supposed to love him. I mean come on he literally falls in love with people who are nice to him and Sebastian really didn't have a good start. There's no way he can handle insults and personal attacks in his relationship.
Don't apologize lol you just let it all out! I always say like Kurt would be more evenly matched with Sebastian than Blaine would. But obviously that doesn't mean I'm in love with (or even like) either ship lol. But you're right! Kurt is a hopeless romantic. He wouldn't mesh well with Sebastian, I don't care how snarky and sassy he can be. He can give as good as he gets, but it isn't a reason to be in a relationship with someone who canonically treats him like shit 24/7 and has no redeeming traits whatsoever :P
But then again I think about 10% of Kurtbastian fans ship Kurt with canon Sebastian. The rest make up a completely new character with none of the same personality traits and call him Sebastian and that's how they ship Kurtbastian (: Whatever floats your boat
And yeah blah blah blah you can change canon around as much as you want it really doesn't matter. But goddamn I hate Kurtbastian/Sebastian so fucking much lmao I just like bitching about them 💀 It's fine
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angelhummel · 2 years
1 Mercedes Tina Kurt 😁
1) Stab, shoot or drown
Noooo this is so fucking rudeee
I would SHOOT the breeze with Kurt, STAB Mercedes in the back (still sorry, girl), and DROWN Tina in this 🐱🐱 Gottem!
But fr shoot Kurt, stab Mercedes, drown Tina. Non fatally. Even tho I already said you can't really non fatally drown someone. I'd revive her afterwards dw dw
send me three characters and a number!
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angelhummel · 3 years
I probably wouldn't have rebloged anything if I had your tagging system.😬
lol it does get kind of frustrating sometimes. like if i dont know what ep something is from and i have to like "research" for ten minutes for one tag alsfjslkd. but there's currently like 275 posts in my queue so. even if I'm not in the mood to tag, it doesn't matter cause i have plenty of stuff built up :P
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tuiyla · 2 years
I'm not the previous anon but just read things on the tags as I went along. I think what they meant with alot of relationships ruining the endgame is something like what they did with Sam. Like they have him be head over heals for Mercedes in season 3 and then turn around and say he was in love with Brittany the whole time. That does cheapen Samcedes relationship to some degree tbh.
Yeah I get that, I think Glee was horrible at balancing whatever current relationship they had the characters in with the bigger picture. I actually think one of the worst examples is the one you mention with Sam. His whole attitude is the reason why I think the way Bram was handled was more detrimental to Samcedes rather than Brittana. The writers really couldn't be bothered to establish proper attraction between them so they just went "and Sam's been into her this whole time." And they even had him say Santana probably sensed it lmao. If it was true and Glee wasn't blatantly lying then yeah, Santana "psychic Mexican third eye" Lopez would have known. But they were lying because Sam was head over heels for Mercedes in season 3, that's undisputable and I hate how lazy the writers were.
I guess what I was trying to say specifically in the case of Brittany's other relationships is that I don't think Bartie or Bram were to Brittana's detriment because Brittany was shown to still care about Santana and they didn't belittle that relationship to elevate other ones, at least not as often as Glee did with other midgames. The only example where I think it did happen was when Brittany said all she thought about was Sam in Shooting Star, but that is kind of a special case and I ignore everything that writer does anyway.
I was reflecting on the particular case of Brittany's relationships because I don't think midgames are inherently damaging to endgames so I just wanted to note that, but I think you're right and I agree, in Sam's case it does cheapen Samcedes. Along with the writers throwing Sam at every available girl, really, because while him having other relationships doesn't automatically make Samcedes less significant, it just does in this case because of the way they wrote it. Boy proposes to everyone he meets, says he's always had a thing for Brittany, and kinda just seems too horny for his own good in season 5A. I still like Samcedes but the overuse of rather extreme emotions and actions with Sam sadly do cheapen Samcedes. Funnily enough I'm good with Samchel though.
I appreciate your perspective, thanks for chiming in!
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angelhummel · 3 years
Every time a Brittana fan complains about Blaine being inconsistent and having no personality outside of Kurt and they can't like a ship when a character is that underdeveloped, I lose a piece of my soul bc by that logic you definitely shouldn't like Brittana/Brittany either. :/
I no longer actively dislike Brittana and I don't even make negative comments on them anymore but this criticism still annoys me. (Probably bc I saw it again a few days ago lol)
Lmao the hypocrisy and lack of self awareness... Staggering
Yeah someone sent me an ask something like "I don't understand why anyone likes Blaine he didn't have anything to do outside of Kurt" which 1) isn't true and 2) isn't universally accepted bc of the people who love blaine and hate kurt
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angelhummel · 3 years
Opinions on the outfit of my icon? Lol
well even tho it is very beautiful and very flattering on Kurt, I hate this outfit with a fiery passion! I much prefer his s5-6 wardrobe. Give me fifty button down + patterned trousers + neckerchief looks in a row! I never get tired of them!
send me an ask for anti honesty hour!
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angelhummel · 2 years
April 11th
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😤 (also yeah pls send asks cause it’s easier than @-ing and I’m lazy lol)
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