#( I shouldn't be giving this it's hypocritical lowkey )
thatonegaybrit · 1 month
; as much as I love the whole " just keep pushing, you're on the right path even if stuff sucks right now !! You'll get there eventually !! " and it's fine if you resonate with that and it works for you ( /gen ) ... I'd still like to mention the additional:
; if it doesn't work, if you do need to change paths then that's also okay. Not everything will work out. For whatever reason, it's okay to change your mind or your goals or your aspirations. Don't give up, but don't close your eyes and blindly follow. Walk down your own path and keep fighting, but feel free to change course on the way.
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shortpplfedup · 8 months
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 10
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We're in the final act now, as Jojo n'em focus on 'Redemption'. Last week y'all tapped Nick as the most honest in reckoning with himself, and now it's everybody else's turn for a reckoning.
🔺1. Boeing (2)
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You're totally his type. Like an upgraded version of me.
Walk in, fuck shit up, that's the Boeing way, and I am GAGGING for it. I don't have a clue who the target is or what his game is or exactly but he is playing it EXPERTLY. Is he trying to get Top back? Is he trying to get back at Top? Where does next week's Sand diversion fit in? DID HE AND MEW REVENGE FUCK I NEED TO KNOW?! (I ALSO NEED TO SEE!).
🔻2. Nick (1)
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Don't we deserve each other?
Nikolai my stalker baby, why did my heart swell three sizes when you got your man? Honesty remains the best policy, and owning your own shit is a fast track to understanding and accepting others. Nick tried, he genuinely gave Daddy Dan an honest and fair chance, and it COULD have been something, but the heart wants what it wants and Nick's heart wants Boston. The look on his face when he saw his photo as Boston's lockscreen, the way he BAWLED when Boston admitted he missed him...peak romance I tell you.
🔺3. Boston (4)
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I don't usually take good care of what I own.
I'm not really meta-ing about this show, but the PRECISION with which Jojo n'em sliced and diced the audience's slut-shaming ways via this character got me. I am INCANDESCENT on Boston's behalf that his so-called friends were so willing to believe Atom's nasty little lies. Because Boston might be a slut, and he might have gone a little Top crazy, and he might stir up some drama when he's feeling some typa way, but he's not a sexual predator, and HE DOESN'T LIE. And despite it all people who call themselves friends to him SHOULD know that. He shouldn't have fucked Atom yes, but Atom straight up asked to get fucked. Boston DOES have lessons to learn about controlling his impulses and filtering the things that come out of his mouth, but these hypocrites ain't the ones to teach him. I'm glad that Nick got over himself last week just in time to be there when Boston truly needed him, and I hope that if they decide to try a relationship that Nick keeps the letting-Boston-be-Boston energy he's discovered.
⭐4. Ray's Dad
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Ray's Dad in his one prior appearance seemed like a man at the end of his rope, and I'm glad my thinking was borne out. This story keeps telling us that nobody is a monster, nobody is a villain, everybody is just a person, and Ray's dad is a person like all the rest of them: he cared about his wife, he's watched helplessly and increasingly angrily as his son went down the same path, but he didn't know how to get through to him because he's limited, as we all are, so he did a lot of the wrong thing. I don't think paying Sand to get Ray into rehab was the wrong thing though, that was the act of a desperate man. Him giving Ray the straight dope about how to treat people was a long overdue fatherly lesson. Has he been neglectful? Indubitably. But I'm rooting for him.
🔻5. Sand (3)
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Do you think I’m a man with no dignity?
Sand is the beneficiary of me being salty about Mew and Ray joining the 'I saw Goodie Proctor with the devil' mini-mob, but I could have TOLD him that a man who continuously and repeatedly calls you a whore is going to believe the absolute worst about you when the chips are down. I'm lowkey mad he gave back the money, because Ray is gonna call him a whore whether or not he's getting paid. I know Sand lives for the drama sparkle Ray brings to his otherwise dull life, but come ON dude.
🔺6. Mew (7)
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If you blow it again this time, I'll blame myself for being dumb enough to trust you.
Mew joining in the fun with Boeing is probably gonna bite him somehow but right now I am LIVINGGGGG. Mew keeping Top up at night staring at the ceiling on a regular basis is the only way I'm gonna truly enjoy them being together, because game recognising game is my favourite brand of toxic relationship. If these two spend the next 50 years trying to get one over on each other I will be so satisfied.
🔻7. Ray (5)
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I'm not addicted to alcohol. I can stop whenever I want.
Ray spending the entire episode in various stages of denial, his irritation with the idea of rehab and refusal to take it seriously, that explosion that was ALWAYS coming at Sand, and his final, quiet realisation that he has a fucking problem and he needs to fix it to stop hurting the people around him was phenomenal television, anchored by a bravura performance by Khaotung. Ray is gonna have a lot of amends to make once he starts drying out, including saying everything he said to his therapist directly to Sand. Can he truly change? Let's see.
🔻8. Top (6)
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I'm sure if he stops being mad at me, we can make it long-term.
I finally figured out why no matter what I'll NEVER like Top and he doesn't pass the vibe check: his instincts and reactions are to lie, hide and cheat when he doesn't feel on top of things. He and Boeing may not be fuckin', but whatever is going on there smells like deceit and mendacity, and he is DESPERATE to hide it from Mew. The look on his face when Boeing is around is exactly how he looked around Boston after that car. Give me an honest slut over whatever this is any day of the week and twice on Sundays. I keep saying that Mew is part of Top's self-actualization, and the way he talks about him with Boeing in this ep just adds fuel to my fire. Is that enough to sustain a long-lasting and successful relationship, absolutely, so many couples are JUST like this.
🔺9. Cheum (12)
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Find your own way to graduate. And we will forget we were once friends with you.
OOH this girl pisses me off. Having finally decided to mind the business that pays her, mostly because she's annoyed Atom seems to prefer talking to Boston than talking to her, she's all too willing to believe Atom's lies about Boston and run up pointing her j'accuse finger. I genuinely can't get over how UGLY that scene at Boston's was, how Cheum pulled out some of the same shit that gets levelled at queer men, promiscuous or not, and threw it all at Boston. When she said she didn't believe that Atom was the aggressor because he likes girls, that hit me in the fucking chest. Boston must have done something to Atom. He must have coerced him, blackmailed him, forced him, right? It's so grotesque.
🔻10. Atom (9)
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Getting my heart broken by a girl won't kill me.
Speaking of grotesque, what a nasty bit of business this was. Hurt people hurt people, that's kind of the whole ethos of this show, and the lies Atom told were designed to ruin Boston's life like he feels Boston ruined his by GIVING HIM EXACTLY WHAT HE ASKED FOR. I very much doubt Atom is gonna stop at Cheum too, he's out to destroy, and spreading around this kind of shit about somebody who's already judged for being 1) queer and 2) promiscuous is absolutely destructive. This shit was the vilest thing anybody has done on this show by a country mile.
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Sometimes I lowkey feel bad for JC in terms of Skye. I mean sometimes it's clear that they want the fandom to like & care about her & are trying to make it happen, but it just... isn't working. 😅
Not for most ppl anyway, like I'm not saying ppl don't sympathise with her, but that's different to liking her. Even then quite a few ppl sympathizing with her are getting fed up & dropping more than they used to. I think a lot of ppl just want Skye to be held accountable for her wrongdoings & for her to apologise which I think is the only real chance Skye might be more tolerated. Because even if getting hit by a bludger was supposed to be "karma", that doesn't make up for anything & no one really wanted that to happen anyway. It's a lousy method & no one's satisfied with it. So no one's forgiven her for her actions in s1. Her wrongdoings shouldn't have been swept under the rug the way they were.
Ngl I also feel bad for you too, like even if I don't like Skye either, I've seen whole essays from you going into great detail about her character & trying to paint her as sympathetic & likable but they aren't really sticking the landing with much ppl either. Maybe it's hypocritical of me to say so cause they don't push/sway me to like her, but I feel super bad that your efforts aren't having much affect on ppl. 😅
They probably aren't at the point of no return yet with Skye but the damage has already been done to many ppl & JC're just gonna have to try harder if they want more ppl to like & care about her. But not to the point where Skye's the only one getting focus cause no one liked that aspect either. Guess they can't win on this one.
...Okay, first of all, I need to know one thing: How in the heck did you bypass Tumblr’s character limit? I didn’t think it was possible to get an Ask this long in one single post. Do you have some kind of advanced tech? Are you a wizard? Teach me your ways! 
But in all seriousness, I know what you mean. I don’t know what’s going to happen with Skye. I don’t know what Jam City’s plans are, but I can only assume that they do want people to like Skye. And if that’s the goal, they are failing disastrously. Like you said, even people who don’t hate her are gradually getting fed up. Because she’s everywhere in the story, like Penny...but she’s not nearly as likable. She’s closer to Merula in that sense. I suppose I’m just a sap, because I went from being wary of her and recognizing her flaws - to seeing her vulnerable and starting to feel sympathy. Combined with the Comet TLSQ for which I had the opposite reaction to most people...and she had Luca’s loyalty. It takes a lot for Luca to ditch someone. 
That being said, I think you’re right on the money. No one is going to start thinking of Skye as a better person so long as her past transgressions go unmentioned. I can understand if she’s not at the point in her arc, emotionally speaking, to recognize that she was wrong and own up to it. But she’s not going to make too many friends in the fandom until she does. And it had better be an “until” thing. Like, it better actually happen at some point. They shouldn’t consider those events to be completely over with and no longer have relevance to the story. 
I appreciate your kind words! But you don’t need to worry about me. The truth is, Skye isn’t really my favorite or up there on my list. She’s just the character that I get the most messages about, so I’ve inevitably gone into detail and analyzed her. I’ve definitely grown to care about her more as a result, but my favorite Quidditch character is still Orion. And it’s no big deal if people’s opinions don’t change based on my essays of dorkng out. I’m just having fun.
At this point, I think the way forward is to, first and foremost, give the other characters relevance. Skye can still be at the front if they really want that for her, but let Season 3 have an arc that focuses on Orion or Murphy. Have Skye’s rivalry with Rath be a subplot. And please, oh goodness please, call Skye out on her nonsense. That can be the secondary arc of Season 3. But the primary one should be about one of our Quidditch boys. 
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1111jenx · 3 years
random astro placements &
their culture🪞🪟🪞
(part 1)
🪞mars in the 7th house culture is wanting to bite someone head off the second they start overstaying your kindness and hospitality.
🪞sun in the 6th culture is constantly perfecting yourself&your look while you juggle between 4 jobs and still wouldn't feel "enough"
🪞moon in the 6th culture is holding back the need to strip someone down and clean their t-shirts because you notice a ketchup stain on it.
🪞libra venus culture is touching someone "accidentally" while "talking" but brush it off like nothing happened.
🪞leo placements culture is obsessively touching or flaunting your hair when you are near someone you're interested in.
🪞pisces sun culture is hating yourself for being too kind and naive but also hating yourself for being too cruel and ruthless.
🪞mars in the 5fth house culture is dreaming about your last d*ck appointment and vividly planing your next while you professor is discussing quantum physics.
🪞capricorn mars culture is casually fucking the living soul out of you and would still be thinking in their head what they need to prepare for their upcoming presentation.
🪞capricorn venus culture is exchanging linkedin connects after a tinder hookup.
🪞saturn in the 7th house culture is wanting a baddie who give you on and off attention.
🪞scorpio moon culture is laughing at your own trauma like hahaha yeah my parents hahaha unscrewed hahaah my bedroom door ahahaha when i was 14 ahaha lol because they want to haha lmaoooo know everything ahahah about my life.
🪞aquarius sun culture is secretly loving the shit out of libra and relating too much to them but would never admit to it.
🪞capricorn rising culture is driving your drunk friends home at 4 AM in the morning as they scream "how deep is your love" to you from the backseats.
🪞virgo rising culture is questioning socially clueless people constantly like... are you not ✨embarazzed✨
🪞aries moon culture is feeling the need to stay active more than anything. if you catch them slacking they be in a dark dark place my dear.
🪞 leo rising culture is powdering your face while your friend cries about their toxic ex boyfriend as you smile to fabulous yourself in the mirror like: "oh yeah he's such an *wink to self* asshole"
🪞sagittarius mercury culture is being super blunt and honest but would be taken back the second someone dare to questions them. a lowkey need for bold people.
🪞venus conjunct mars culture is avoid fucking randos because you catch feels faster than Eminem's rap verse.
🪞sun in 10th house culture is physically moving your friend who's throwing up and embarrassing herself as fast as you can to a secluded room while whispering: "not in public you dumbass"
🪞mars in the 12th house culture is suddenly wanting to explode and casually scream at someone today. on the plus side this is cheaper than therapy.
🪞venus-pluto culture is falling in love with what you shouldn't be, is falling in love with people who's completely not your type.
🪞pluto in 4H/chiron in 4H culture is receiving "awwww" or pitty looks from astro people when you show them your chart.
🪞cancer moon culture is literally existing and people would come and ask you if you're okay.
🪞libra rising culture is practicing how to cry infront of a mirror so you make sure when you get emotional you still look aesthetics.
🪞sagittarius moon culture is having constant spiritual awakening and find themselves having to change hypocrites minds all the time.
🪞3rd house moon culture is constantly thinking about everything and anything. overthink one thing leads to overthink a thousand more. your mind never seem to take a break
🪞gemini mercury culture is talking until someone stop you and ask you to slow down. you never seem to be quiet.
🪞virgo venus culture is having high standards but end up falling for the bare minimum like someone opens the door for you or something 💀
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