#(come to new jersey we'll go to the beach!!!)
torchickentacos · 5 days
Drew’s Travel Route (Part 1. Sigh.)
Ok, SO! I said I’d try to figure out the travel routes of the anime rivals, and I’m starting with Drew. First things first, starting with Hoenn, here’s the map- I’ve marked down the probable locations of places that the anime made up where relevant. LONG POST, and I’ve edited the map for clarity’s sake. Also, I am vaguely/loosely taking encounter locations from RSE, you’ll get it later, don’t worry about it for now. 
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The beginning of his journey is a logical place to start but also we really don't know. He’s from LaRousse City, which is allegedly off the coast of Lilycove, according to Bulbapedia with no citation. He has three ribbons before meeting May and co., but we have no way of knowing where he got them or when or anything. We’re going to ignore those ribbons for my own sanity and just say ‘somehow he got from LaRousse to Slateport’, because otherwise I’d be factoring Solidad in here and it’s just a whole thing that we’re not worrying about. Fanon tends to agree that this isn’t his first contest circuit, so for all we know he didn’t even start from LaRousse. We just don’t know and we’re not worrying about it, and we're calling Slateport our start point because that's where he debuts. (Personal opinion? He's probably at LEAST been around Eastern Hoenn before, maybe down around the islands (Sootopolis, Mossdeep) at some point and around 121-122-123. We'll just assume he made his way from LaRousse>Lilycove>122>123>128>Mauville>110>Slateport, bringing us to our start point and gathering 3 ribbons along the way, but I'm not mapping that out because I have no real evidence).
So, that out of the way, let’s look at his starting point.
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Drew first shows up in AG033 at a beach in Slateport City, where he stays until AG035 Win, Lose, or Drew!. After that, we don’t see him until AG050 Pros and Con Artists, set in Fallarbor Town. Now, Slateport and Fallarbor are far away and have a few different routes. We’re saving the desert route for later (I have my reasons to believe he only went to 111 later on), so north is out. You could also go a bit south to Oldale>Petalburg>Rustboro, OR north and then west through Mauville>Verdanturf>Rustboro. We’re assuming the former, as the latter would mean he visited Verdanturf before and didn’t enter any contests and that just makes less sense to me. Also it doesn’t matter. MAYBE he caught Masquerain as a Surskit in this stretch of traveling but it's inconclusive and largely irrelevant.
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So, AG050, Fallarbor. He stays here throughout 051-Come What May!. The next time we see him is in AG061, Disaster of Disguise, set in Verdanturf. He stays here throughout 062 as well. Minor backtracking through 114, 115, and Rustboro, but nothing major.
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After this, we see him in AG077, A Fan With A Plan, which takes place in, uh, Rubello Town. 
This is where it gets funky. Rubello Town is somewhere between ‘Littleroot and Fortree’ according to Bulbapedia, which is like saying that New Jersey is somewhere between Maine and Florida. So I took it into my own hands and decided that it’s PROBABLY somewhere around the intersection of Routes 118 and 119, or early 119, headed into Fortree. It’s the only place that makes sense given where May and Co. are in the surrounding episodes. We're really triangulating some shit here. Eventually I should try to figure out where all the fake towns are but that's a project for later. Anyways, Rubello Town, AG077, A Fan With A Plan. That episode deserves its own 'wtf' post tbh. Anyways. We're here.
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So, from 118-119ish, Rubello Town, AG077, we then see him again in AG113, Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut (WWWWW). So, there’s a lot going on in this little stretch. It’s a big timegap from AG077-113. First things first, I’m assuming he took a detour through route 120 to catch Absol at this point. Absol debuts all the way in the Kanto Grand Festival, but it makes sense for him to have caught it this early on. So, we’re calling route 120 his next stop, maybe offscreen around AG80ish?
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And now, we’re detouring back to Route 111. I agonized over this decision but it feels right to put it here.
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You see, at some point Drew needs to have caught a Trapinch. Some of you guys who also trawled the bulbapedia ship pages before they got deleted probably remember that Flygon was specifically caught and trained for the theoretical situation in which he faced against May in the Hoenn Grand Festival. Because, you know, raising a pokemon up to at least level 45 is a thing you do for people you feel normally about. That’s a completely normal investment of time and energy and forethought and care. Anyways, I actually hesitated on assuming that Drew would have seen May as important enough to go out of his way to catch it this early-on, but we are three roses in with blatant flirting in 077, and WWWWW is up next (which people seem to agree is when he's like oh shit, those are emotions that I'm feeling), so it feels like a safe enough bet, and also Drew’s just Kind Of Like That™. Also, there’s no other time later in which it makes sense for him to have time to make the detour while also evolving it before the Grand Festival (and honestly even then we’re pushing it a bit). Any earlier and I doubt he’d have considered her in high enough regard to train an entire pokemon to battle her with (again, very large investment of time and energy to get a Flygon). So, with all that, we’re assuming that he goes back to 111 and catches Trapinch here. 
He also gets a ribbon somewhere in this time gap (his fifth). In the anime, pretty much every town seems like it holds contests. I really don’t know. I’m ASSUMING that on his way to Route 131 (we’ll get there in a second), he picks up a ribbon from some made-up location that we aren't privy to.
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Now. Gonna be real. I don’t know where in the actual hell they are in the beginning of WWWWW and his next appearance. Vaguely around Pacifidlog? Two episodes ago they were in Sootopolis, one episode ago they were on some random island, and they’re just in the ocean in the next one so I don’t know. Best I can figure is somewhere around Route 131. Why is Drew out in the middle of route 131? Don’t know. He has all 5 ribbons and isn’t going to Pacifidlog to watch May (something he goes out of his way for later but I digress). I really have no earthly clue why the fresh hell he’s out in 131, but HE IS I GUESS and who am I to question it? Did he just want some ocean time??? I don't know why he's here. Usually him being in out-of-the-way places is because May's there, but no, he's not here for her this time, he doesn't watch the Pacifidlog contest to the best of our knowledge, he's just. HERE. I GUESS.
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So. Fine. Whatever. We’re on 131 FOR SOME REASON, he ‘travels’ to Mirage Island if you’d call that travelling, they head back to wherever they were on 131.
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It’s more straightforward from here- he heads back to Slateport for the Hoenn Grand Festival, AG121-123. We’re assuming he takes a boat, I’m not sending this dude all the way back through mainland Hoenn. Tbh he has seasick vibes, which several unrelated fics from over the last 15 years seem to agree on for whatever reason, but that’s his problem and not mine. 
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SO. FINALLY. END OF HOENN (but not end of AG, there’s that part 2 at some point). We’re all the way back at Slateport- his first and last Hoenn appearance is maybe/probably on the same stretch of beach, intentional or not. And with that, we have his PROBABLE travel route throughout his appearances in the Hoenn section of AG!
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Kanto gets its own post because this is over 1k words long and took 2 hours to figure out last night :)))))))
(and @silverncats , here it is!!! I hope this is interesting, and I'm planning on doing more! This was super fun, albeit tedious and full of guesswork)
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firstaidspray · 3 months
OC Interview!!
Tagged by @adelaidedrubman to do an interview for Reverie. Well, for an oc, but I chose Reverie so this is what you get.
"An interview? Like, for a new job?" Reverie tilts her head. "I like my job in surgery, thanks. Don't want a job on your team, much as I like hanging around your office."
House scoffs. "Hire you for my team? A nurse? Please. No, this is an interview for a campaign for Princeton-Plainsboro, something about "good publicity." Don't think you're special, I had to do one too."
Rolling her eyes, Reverie takes a seat at the table. "Yeah, 'cause you're the picture perfect example of good publicity, House. 'Kay, so where do I start?"
"Just talk to the camera like a person," Cuddy interjects, popping out from behind said device. "Don't be shy. God knows he wasn't."
Reverie inhales sharply and stares at the camera with those eerily dark, almost-black brown eyes. "Fine. Fire away."
Name: Reverie. No, I don't have a last name. So don't ask again.
Nickname: Rev, Angel, some stuff House calls me that I'd rather not repeat.
Gender: Angel. (House: not a gender!) *sighs* Fine, I'm a girl.
Star Sign: Pisces. Birthday's coming up, you know. The 25th. Just a tip.
Personality Type: The first day of nursing school, they made us do these ridiculous tests, and apparently I'm an INFP. I don't really know what any of that shit means.
Height: 5’1. 5'4 with the halo. Which Cuddy doesn't let me wear to work anymore...
Orientation: Bisexual. And before you ask me for the fiftieth time, House, I've never had a threesome. (House: you're no fun!)
Nationality/Ethnicity: Aussie born and raised, now I'm in New Jersey.
Fave Fruit: Citrus, give me anything citrus. I'll take the limes out your Corona and suck 'em. House, keep your mouth shut on that.
Fave Season: I'm assuming you mean Northern Hemisphere, since I'm living in the great state of New Jersey now. Summer. Chase takes me surfing in the summer, we go to the beach a lot. It's warm. Whatever.
Fave Flower: Everyone around me is convinced this is a subtle psychological influence from playing Metal Gear Solid 3, but star of Bethlehem. House, keep your mouth shut. You can say you're not a video game dork but the fact that you attribute my love for a damn flower to a game is kind of contradictory, no?
Fave Scent: There's this Tyler Candle scent, Diva. I wash all my clothes and sheets in it, light candles of it. I made it Chase's favorite scent, too.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: FUCK HOT DRINKS.
Average Hours of Sleep: I'm a surgical assistant RN on call constantly. Answering this is like playing roulette.
Dog or Cat Person: I love all animals, so I like to say equal. I'm honestly more of a fish person, though. I keep begging Chase for a fish tank. When we get a bigger place, he says...
Dream Trip: Chase and I will return to Australia, and he'll take me diving in the Great Barrier Reef. We'll surf and comb the beach and explore parts of the country I never got to see growing up. Together.
Favorite Fictional/Real Character: Babydoll from Sucker Punch. I'd like to dress as her one day.
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: One, but Chase and I each have our own because if we try to share one I always steal it.
Random Fact: House and I race our motorcycles to work sometimes. I always beat him.
House peeks into the frame. "Okay, you may lie to the camera with cute stories about the beach and your little boyfriend, but that is one lie I will not let your smooth-talking, con artist self get away with. I have beaten you at least five times."
"They weren't lies, House. Some people are happy. And..hmm...to be fair, there was a tie once."
"A tie? A t-- no it wasn't!"
The two are about to break into an argument when Cuddy shuts off the camera and says, "Okay! That's enough! Reverie, why don't you take five and go find Chase?"
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When I say the words 'Boca Raton', what is the first thing that comes to your mind?
Is it white sandy beaches, crystal clear ocean waters, fish and chips, golfing, warm sunshine? Or are you like me and think of Boca as a place people go to after they retire?
If your answer was white sandy beaches, crystal clear ocean waters, fish and chips, golfing and warm sunshine, my uncle Jeff would agree with you.
He always tells me that he loves it there and is glad he moved to Boca because it reminds him of all the holidays he and my mom would take with my grandparents when they were kids and on school break.
At first I laughed when he told me he was moving to Boca because the name alone just sounds hoity toity. Seeing how much he lit up though when showing me the pictures of his new house and telling me all the things he planned on doing, it made me feel bad. He was so excited and I made the choice to be happy for him, despite how I felt about him moving so far away from me.
Well, ok, maybe it's not that far when you fly but driving, it's 10 hours! 10....hours....! Like what?! Anyway, he has been living there for the past four years and today, I'm being 'dumped' on his doorstep while my parents take their 'well earned' holiday or at least that's what they call it.
I wanted to go on the cruise too but when I told them that, they made it their mission to make my face turn redder than a tomato when they explained that they wanted time to 'reconnect'. Yeah, that was a pretty picture.....NOT!
Oh well, they can have it and I get to spend time with my uncle doing things that we both love like fishing off the doc, eating fish and chips by the beach, taking bike rides and taking late night drives while eating ice cream and singing at the top of our lungs and very off key. I can't wait for all of that.
Anyway, before I continue, I guess I should introduce myself a little bit.
Hi, I'm Kenzie and I'm a 16 year old soccer nerd who lives in Mobile, Alabama with her parents, Scott and Tracy Maxwell. I have one cat who is cute but seems to have it out for me like any sibling would, even if they are of the furry kind. Also, I'm currently nursing a bumble bee back to health after I accidently stood on it while playing soccer in the backyard with my dad.....I was barefoot too which hurt a lot. Normally I would beg to take the bee with me but my friend Zarah offered to nurse him for me while I'm with my uncle this summer. She also said she'd send me daily updates on his health and well being.
Let's see, what else can I say, um.....Oh I know, my mom is from New York and my dad is from New Jersey. It's kind of besides the point of this story but they met during a St. Patrick's Day bar party. My dad was a bartender at his parents bar and my mom was stood up by a low life (her words) and rescued by my dad who fell in love with her from the minute he saw her walk through the door (his words).....*insert a kissy face here* *insert sick face here*
I don't think there is anything else to add right now so I should really stop writing and finish showing Zarah the ropes on how to care for the bee, otherwise we'll miss our flights and with how stressed my parents are right now, I'd hate to think of being used as gator chow as a form of punishment for making them late.
Ok, cool.
P.s: I am not looking forward to flying by myself, so wish me luck....I'll need it!
Tag List: @geo-winchester @stilessbaseballbat @astralmctive
If you'd like to be tagged as well, please let me know😊
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legaciestold · 3 months
“ get on my bike , let’s go . ” ( for liz! )
there's a look of trepidation which creases her features as she looks from his bike to the gates and then past those gates down the winding road that leads out toward the main road and then lingers on the passing people (because even if they were standing outside what seemed to be a waste management plant it was so close to the local park that people crossed passed it all the time) and finally moves back to him. she'd come around to the idea back when they'd talked about it but now, she's much less sure it's a good idea. what if there were a bunch of kids? what if she didn't have as much control as she thought she did? what if some major shit went down when they weren't there and they didn't hear their phones because wind or a random child decided to bury them under five inches of sand? what if she drowned? no, she wasn't exactly a strong swimmer but john wouldn't let that happen. she was sure of that. liz knew he was a good swimmer. he was mister ten laps sparky after all. her hand tightens on the straps of the backpack she's wearing, her weight shifting from her left to right foot. she bites at her bottom lip.
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"what if a kraken decides today's the day it wants on the news by dragging me or you to the deep dark depths?" while she was sure she could defeat a kraken with fire if she had to-- at least if it came out of the water enough, it sparks another memory within her mind of the last time she'd been struggling for air and abe had to help her to a rocky shore. but this wasn't part of a case. this wasn't japan. it was new jersey and this was her and john and they both had today to do what they wanted because the bprd had been quiet (at least locally) for the last few days. a breath is released, her watching his face for a moment before she decides, maybe that's why this beach trip is what they need, or what she needs. a positive experience with the ocean to replace the last one. "we'll stay close to shore right? i can swim but water's not exactly my element." she laughs then, a little strained in her own anxieties but she does climb behind him on his bike finally, her arms wrapping around him and her chin finding his shoulder. "if a kraken does show up, won't let them eat you. just manning if he shows up."
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
U-Haul crashes police car during chase in West Palm Beach Florida
This is what's happening these people are losing and it's sort of know they're losing but Garth knows he's losing everything. Most of the stuff is not here but he is sitting here saying it is and not doing anything and he will sit here until it's all gone and that's how it is.
He's getting shot at and he is not doing well he got shot at yesterday he got shot at today and he's always running from the law and he's always breaking the law and he's a judge in New York City and seems to be a big fag but really we don't want to hear anymore from people who are doing their own thing and they're bigger than us they get caught every day or killed every day and come back and vegetable I'm tired of hearing from idiots so the max are under attack and pretty soon they're going to be like these idiots and as I said we're not keeping up with it there's too many people who are senile from all this s*** in the water. We need to get our people out and we need to run missions now. We need to do this.
Thor Freya my son is wondering if you were to move around if it would help and what we were thinking is that might make it worse and we'd like to test that
We were thinking about that and for a while and we started studying it and we do know what it is and it is coming up
Frank Castle hardcastle
We know the effect it's like the effect of Jen or Mop or the Jersey girl Amanda and Robin the little blonde they think is Gaga oops and he said oops and she's smiling and laughing and he says success. And he's his kids write down one of his jokes and he says okay we're starting to see how this goes. So he's having trouble recalling things and points and he's a mess here. But we know what it is and we know the effect is it's similar and we're going to have to use it we are also going to condition red here the pseudo empire. And they are building up in several locations and in the third ring and to invade in military uniform several units have been seeing the inside Charlotte county. And it is big we'll go through the numbers
-Sarasota they have formed a avenue from the first ring is about 3 miles wide all the way to the seashore to the west and it is due West and they want to expand south and north and fill up the tube and just keep going and not care about where people go to
-Tampa they have done similar they have a tube about 4 MI wide and it's filling with men and hardware and marching in it's not exactly straight but it's due west from the first ring which is about 70 miles from shore it is too short now and it's widening about 8 Miles downtown Tampa it's a nightmare there that's not as lucky he doesn't have a car
-fort Myers there's a tube that goes from the first ring and I do West to South Myers and to shore it's about four miles wide and it is widening now in South fort Myers 8 miles on the shore 6 mi at the outskirts and it is going north and south and filling with troops military troops light arms and choppers some missile launchers tank busters and they have some tanks and trucks and transports and a lot of Humvees thousands of pieces of equipment alerts went out all over and they sent them all over the world and they have to people have left surreptitiously to send the message
-south south of fort Myers the very south they're heading north and they're forcing people into the middle there's heavy gunfire down there it's heavy. So far they are 20 mi north of the bend in the southern route to Miami about 30 miles will be at the 75 and they're heading up with heavy 45 ft tanks 50 ft tanks 60 ft tanks and up to 80 ft trucks full of equipment and Men ammo an ordinance from the East again the third ring in Charlotte county it is filling and that ring is 5 miles wide about 20 miles from the north and then you go south and you go North to 20 miles they have about 80 miles in the middle it's going to be full of men and hardware this is a disaster and you keep saying it we can't let him do this what are we doing and I will tell you let's see who I understand it by repetition we should not be doing this that's what they'll say later but here it goes we are living a little bit much he is afraid of debris and he needs a slate roof and it would be in style a terracotta colored roof with concrete he looked at the price and it's really twice as much as said no way it's supposed to do the roof this coming week someone said it that's what we thought..
-in general the numbers half million to the South and to the far south half a million again to the third ring the North and South brigade equals a half million, going into Sarasota 2 million and that's what we expect and going into Tampa 5 to 10 million reinforcements are coming they'll be here in 15 to 20 minutes those numbers will double you see the clones mobilizing they're coming out of ships that are nearby on the ocean they're coming out of the saucers. They are moving it.
We will have to publish so we're going to publish this
Duke nukem Blockbuster
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wagswheelsllc · 8 months
Enjoying Cape May County's Nightlife Safely and Conveniently
Cape May County, nestled along the southern coast of New Jersey, is renowned for its pristine beaches, charming towns, and vibrant nightlife. After the sun sets over the Atlantic Ocean, the county comes alive with a diverse array of entertainment, dining, and social opportunities. To make the most of your Cape May County nightlife experience, it's essential to prioritize safety and convenience. In this guide, we'll explore how you can enjoy nightlife transportation in Cape May County while staying safe and making the most of the transportation options available.
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1. Plan Ahead:
Before embarking on your nighttime adventures in Cape May County, take some time to plan your evening. Knowing your destinations, activities, and transportation options in advance can help ensure a safe and enjoyable night out.
Choose Your Spots: Cape May County offers a variety of nightlife options, from lively bars and clubs to quaint restaurants and entertainment venues. Decide where you want to go and check their opening hours.
Set a Budget: Establish a budget for the evening to avoid overspending. Factor in expenses such as transportation, food, drinks, and entertainment.
Arrange Transportation: Determine how you'll get to and from your destinations. Will you walk, use ridesharing apps, rely on taxis, or explore other transportation options?
2. Stay Aware and Alert:
While enjoying the nightlife, it's crucial to remain aware of your surroundings and exercise caution to ensure a safe experience.
Travel in Groups: Whenever possible, travel with friends or in a group. There's safety in numbers, and it's more enjoyable to share the experience with others.
Stay Hydrated: If you plan to consume alcohol, be mindful of your alcohol intake. Drink water in between alcoholic beverages to stay hydrated and make responsible choices.
Designate a Driver: If you're traveling with a group and using a car, designate a sober driver in advance or use ridesharing services to ensure a safe journey home.
Watch Your Belongings: Keep an eye on your personal belongings, including your wallet, phone, and purse. Avoid leaving items unattended.
3. Transportation Options:
Cape May County offers a variety of transportation options to help you navigate the nightlife safely and conveniently.
Walking: Many nightlife spots in Cape May County are within walking distance of each other, particularly in towns like Cape May and Wildwood. Walking can be a pleasant way to explore the area while staying active.
Ridesharing Apps: Services like Uber and Lyft operate in Cape May County, providing a convenient and safe way to get around, especially if you're planning to enjoy drinks during your night out.
Taxis: Local taxi services are available throughout Cape May County, offering reliable transportation for those who prefer traditional cab services.
Bicycle Rentals: In towns like Cape May, you can find bicycle rental shops that offer a unique way to explore the area. Biking is not only eco-friendly but also allows you to enjoy the coastal breeze as you move between nightlife spots.
Pedicabs: Some coastal towns in Cape May County have pedicab services. These bicycle-powered taxis can be a fun and eco-friendly mode of transport for short distances.
Shuttle Services: If you're attending a special event or concert, check if shuttle services are available. Some venues offer transportation to and from their events to enhance convenience and safety.
4. Respect Local Regulations:
Cape May County, like any other destination, has its own rules and regulations governing alcohol consumption, noise levels, and behavior. To ensure a hassle-free night out, it's essential to respect these local regulations.
Alcohol Laws: Familiarize yourself with the local alcohol laws and regulations. Some towns may have specific ordinances regarding open containers and alcohol consumption on public streets or beaches.
Noise Levels: Be mindful of the noise level, especially in residential areas. Excessive noise can lead to disturbances and legal issues.
Bar Closing Times: Different towns in Cape May County may have varying closing times for bars and clubs. Be aware of these closing times and plan your evening accordingly.
5. Enjoying the Nightlife Safely:
Cape May County's nightlife scene offers a wide range of experiences, ensuring there's something for everyone. Whether you're into live music, dancing, fine dining, or simply strolling along the beach, you can enjoy the county's vibrant nightlife safely.
Live Entertainment: Many bars and restaurants in Cape May County feature live music performances. Check local event listings for information on live bands or solo artists playing in the area.
Dining Options: Enjoy a culinary adventure by exploring the diverse dining options available. Cape May County offers everything from seafood shacks to gourmet restaurants, ensuring a delightful gastronomic experience.
Beachfront Strolls: Don't miss the opportunity to take a moonlit stroll along the beach. The sound of the waves and the cool ocean breeze create a serene and romantic atmosphere.
Night Markets and Festivals: Keep an eye out for special nighttime events, such as night markets and festivals, which offer unique entertainment and shopping opportunities.
Cape May County's nightlife is a vibrant and enchanting extension of its daytime beauty. Whether you're exploring the bustling streets of Cape May, the lively boardwalk of Wildwood, or the cozy bars of Ocean City, it's essential to prioritize safety and convenience during your nighttime adventures.
By planning ahead, staying aware and alert, and utilizing the various transportation options available, you can fully enjoy Cape May County's nightlife while ensuring a safe and memorable experience. Remember to respect local regulations and make responsible choices when consuming alcohol. Whether you're a local or a visitor, Cape May County's nightlife has something for everyone, ensuring an enjoyable and safe evening out in this coastal paradise.
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
The point is every every tour I've had #report has been specifically designed every city of of something that we left out like all you guys don't have trains are all you guys don't have dispensaries or oh you guys didn't have Greyhound buses
But more importantly IT IT WOULD BE BETTER FOR US TO GO TO VIRGINIA ON PLANE AND I WOULD ASK YOU TO HAVE A GREYHOUND BUS STATION THERE oh because of the dispensaries I think this is where my dope WHERE WHERE MY WHERE MY DOPE AND WILL RUN WHERE MY MARIJUANA FEES WERE ONE OUT yeah I guess I guess we're not going to Colorado if we take the airplane because WE'LL JUST HAVE TO GREYHOUND IT AWAY FROM THERE BUT this this is why I tell you it didn't work out for you guys the map once again I HATE TO GO TO COLORADO AND SEE THOSE SNOW BABIES THOSE WHITE HAIR PEOPLE REALLY PISS ME OFF no because they're using a cold operations where it's freezing and again that train to the airport
I don't know we'll have to figure it out but I really want to give it another shot because I'm going to call you guys for your word I saw the picture of Virginia with all the trees around it VIRGINIA BEACH THERE'S A CHANCE HE MIGHT BE THERE MY BROTHER but but again for me to be giving you guys ammunition to not let me walk into the city AND TO BE ON ANOTHER BEACH WITH A BLACKS AND AND WHITE SKIN GIRLS WITH NO CHOICES puke 🤮🤢
Yeah that's what you did with Richmond Virginia like you know how I said I was going to come to Mississippi and see the ferry on the river NO FERRY NO RIVER AND MORE IMPORTANTLY WE ARE USING THE SAME STATES NAMES AND MAPS and again we have exhausted all names
But I'll play your game with you I'D MUCH RATHER GO INTO WEST COAST THEY'RE A LOT BETTER PEOPLE then this pretend East Coast
I'm about to buy greyhound or airplane I WANT YOU GUYS TO REALLY THINK OF THE NEXT STEP IN THE NEXT STAGE whether to make it better or worse on me but either or IF WE FLY IN WE NEED A LIKE PHOENIX DIDN'T HAVE A GREYHOUND STATION and I knew exactly what happened WHAT'D YOU GUYS BUILD ONE OF THESE CITIES FURTHER AWAY FROM ALL THE REST? NAILED IT trick question the obvious answer is yes
If if I take you for the picture that was saw on cover that I looked up online the research that I did WE WOULD BE BETTER FLYING FLYING IN SO I CAN GET A DIFFERENT VIRGINIA IF IF I KNOW YOU GUYS GOT LIKE WHAT IS IT 20 OF THEM WITHIN 2 HOURS AWAY that's right grabs my balls and won't let me leave that side of the city and subpoenas everyone into that side of the city listen your son airplane Jason f***** up with me FIRE IN THE CHURCH no because the whole competition was he has to contribute towards church in the God and in sunrises he wouldn't have been able to produce $1 THAT'S RIGHT HE WOULD HAVE HE WOULD HAVE BEEN FORCING US TO BLEED TAKING MONEY and and again I'm not I'm not paying for him he paid for himself but for someone to have taken money from me I'm I'm a businessman nothing personal
I called exactly what it wasn't #isn't
That's right because you're no position you can tell me what to do all you want but science and science facts or facts and for you to take the scapegoat out and continue to attack these innocent little black boys and black girls AND AND CLAIM YOU CAN'T DIE FOR THE WHITE HAIR WHITE SKIN GIRL IT JUST AN EMBARRASSING AND SHAME free for you not to recognize reality OF OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE OF THE CONTINUING TO TELL ME WHAT WHAT THE STATEMENT WITH THE REPORT WROTE WHEN WE WROTE IT AND WE CALLED IT LIVE
Thank you
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chocolatecakecas · 2 years
sick and twisted that i cant ride my bike to the mutuals' houses in the summer
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alirhi · 3 years
chapter 4~!
Title: Toy Soldiers Chapter: 4/? Fandom: MCU Rating: 18+ Focus: James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes Summary: Wounded and delirious but grateful (and shocked) to be alive after his fall from the train, Bucky thinks he's been rescued when he's pulled from the snow. It doesn't take long for him to realize he would have been better off dead. WARNINGS: Language, references to (and possibly graphic depictions of; we'll see how it goes) torture, brainwashing, violence, rape Notes: I...may have had entirely too much fun writing this one lol
The moments of clarity came and went like waves. One minute he was Bucky, frantically searching for somewhere to hide, somewhere with a phone, reciting every phone number in his head that he could remember over and over again. The next, it was gone, and he was confused again. Where was he? Why was he outside? Sometimes he remembered his friend Howard, or the pretty Agent Carter, but not much else.
Then he remembered Steve. Steve brought him back to himself. When he noticed it, he clung to every memory he could dig up, and it helped. Steve getting his ass beat in an alley, Steve sticking up for a girl getting harassed in a bar, Steve jumping onto a train-He shied away from that one and tried to think of something else. Shit, did he have any memories of that punk that didn't involve suicidal recklessness?
Steve playing with those stupid toy soldiers. Chuckling to himself, Bucky held onto that one as long as he could and pushed on. It wouldn't have been so bad – hell, it was just about the most normal thing about him – if he wasn't nineteen when he finally stopped hauling them out. Steve loved those damned things.
The sun had set by the time he felt safe enough to pause and get his bearings the best he could when he didn't know where the hell he was. He supposed it didn't matter much, as long as there was somewhere...
A bar up the block caught his attention and he perked up. Perfect! With a quick, paranoid glance around to ensure no one was following, he headed for it and nearly wept from relief when he made it through the door.
“Hey, pal, you got a telephone I can use?” Nice and casual, like he could really use the help, but wouldn't die without it. So, a tone that was a blatant lie. The barkeep barely glanced his way as he grunted, picked up the phone from behind the bar, set it down, and walked away. Sagging with relief, Bucky had to hang onto the edge of the bar to keep the weight of his arm from yanking his tired body to the floor. “Thanks.”
Whose number did he know? Steve was- Shit, don't go there, Barnes. Steve wasn't an option. He couldn't, absolutely could not, get his family involved. The last thing in the world he could handle was the thought of putting his mom or his little sister on HYDRA's radar. Who else...?
Inspiration hit as he thought back to where he'd just come from. Last he knew, Stark worked out of an army base in New Jersey, and that definitely looked like a base he'd walked through. Most of the Howlies were from too far away to help, but Dugan... Dugan was from Boston.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up...” It wasn't exactly right up the street, but Boston was only a few hours away. He could lay low for a few hours. “Come on, you bastard, pick up!”
“Dugan, it's Barnes!”
He scowled at the receiver as if it was to blame and dialed again. This time the “hello” sounded cautiously irritable. “It's Bucky. I need-”
“That's not funny, asshole.” Click.
“I'm beginning to remember why we called you Dum Dum!” he growled at the phone. The close, still air of the bar was starting to get to him. His breaths were coming faster, shallower, the weight of the arm and the brace grafted to his ribs to support it felt crushing. It was stifling. He could feel the fear and confusion creeping up on him again.
Okay, breathe. Just breathe. Steve at the beach. Those two pretty girls and us at the boardwalk. What was Dugan's number again? Steve falling off the dock. That was funny. Is it 3-5? Or, no... 5-3. He had seaweed in his hair. Maybe it was 3-7. Fuck, what was it? I didn't tell him. He walked around with it for like two hours. God damn it, what was the number?!
“Hey, man, you okay?”
He didn't realize his grip on the receiver was steadily tightening as he struggled to remember something, anything. There was a creak and groan as the plastic gave way, and it was crushed to uselessness in his metal hand.
“What the- Alright, that's it!” The bartender slapped his rag down on the bar top, startling Bucky, and pried the ruined pieces of the phone receiver from his hand. “Out! I don't know what your problem is, man, but out!”
“There you are!” A familiar lilting voice called from behind him. “We've been looking everywhere.” As Bucky spun to face her, Peggy flashed the bartender a winsome smile. “So sorry about him. A bit touched, I'm afraid. I'll get him out of your hair, shall I?”
There was something off about her, something he couldn't quite place, but he knew her.
“Come along, Sergeant.”
It clicked as she held her hand out to him and, overjoyed to see a friendly face, Bucky threw his arms around her. “Agent Carter!”
With a soft laugh, she patted his back and then gently pushed him back. “Let's get you home, soldier.”
Home. Jesus, what a comforting word! He was so happy and relieved to see her that he stopped working so hard to hang onto his memories. It was fine; Peggy liked him. She was his friend. She'd help him sort everything out. He allowed himself to be hustled into the back of a truck, not really stopping to think about what she'd actually meant by 'home.'
Panic briefly cut through the fog when he saw the base looming ahead of them a few minutes later. Of course. Where the hell else would she be taking him? Bitch. Traitor.
Trying to sound casual, Bucky cleared his throat and ventured, “I, uh... I haven't seen Doctor Zola around lately. How's he doing?”
Peggy didn't even bother to hide her distress as she swiveled in her seat to gape at him. “You remember him?”
He shrugged, staring past her at the dark sky. “Sort of. It's fuzzy, but... He was working on my arm, right? With Howard?”
Playing dumb seemed to be doing the trick; out of the corner of his eye, he watched her slowly relax and settle back against her seat. “He had other pressing work to attend to. I'll let him know he's in your thoughts, though, shall I?”
“Yeah, thanks.” So they were still working with him. He was still there. Next time he got out, he was going to rip that little toad apart.
When they stopped, he watched her get out and blushed when a sudden crystal-clear image of her topless sprang to mind. Right. That. Clearing his throat again, he stopped her with a light touch to her elbow and mumbled awkwardly, “Hey, uh... Sorry. That you got in trouble.”
“Trouble?” Blank confusion clouded her expression for a second, and then she laughed and shook her head. “You're cute. I didn't get into 'trouble' for our brief liaison, ill-advised though it was.”
He bristled at her tone, confused and more than a little offended. “But-”
With a cold smirk, she patted his cheek like he was the slow kid in the class. “Howard and I founded this division, sweetheart. I answer to no one; I reassigned myself.” With another condescending pat, she turned and headed toward the building. “Come along, now. Let's get you inside.”
For a few seconds, he thought about decking the guards and running. He was growing more used to the weight of the arm, and to ignoring the pain the best he could. But he was tired, and he still couldn't actually run; he knew he wouldn't make it far, even if he caught them by surprise. Outwardly compliant – docile, as Howard had called him – Bucky followed her into the building and back down to the cell she'd had the nerve to call his 'home'. Along the way, he was watching, making note of the route from the elevator to the cell so that next time he could break away, he wouldn't waste time getting lost.
“Don't bother.” He blinked and glanced down at Peggy, annoyed to see her looking all superior and amused again. “One thing is for certain – you'd make a terrible spy.”
Stopping outside the door, he leaned against the wall beside it and stared her down. He might not make a good spy, but he wasn't an idiot; he wasn't about to open his mouth and confirm whatever she suspected he was doing.
“Mister Barnes,” she began with a sigh, making him seriously question just how bad it would really be to hit a woman, “let me put this to you as simply as I can.”
She crossed her arms and stared right back at him, never flinching despite the building anger that was pulling every muscle in his body taut as a bowstring. “You're alive because you're of value. All of the fruits of Doctor Zola's research are confined to the notes he was able to save from the fire, and your blood stream.”
“And here I thought you liked me, Miss Carter,” he mocked through clenched teeth. It got a little harder to resist slapping her when she merely shrugged.
“I admit to a certain level of sentimentality on my part in the past, due to your connection to Captain Rogers, but that's irrelevant."
"Meaning what?"
"Meaning, Sergeant,” she snapped, “that not a soul on this Earth who cares for you knows that you're alive, and if you continue to make a nuisance of yourself, if the trouble of keeping you outweighs the value of it, we will simply make do with the Doctor's notes and the vials we've collected of your blood.”
Though he tried to hide it, he must have looked as confused as he was. Peggy smirked as she dropped her arms back to her sides and shifted, clearly about to turn and walk away. “If you don't play nice, little boy, you will be disposed of.”
Bucky snorted, hands clenched into fists so tight the one that was still flesh and bone ached. “Tossed out with the trash, is that it?”
“Like, after all,” she shot back coolly, “does belong with like.”
“Watch yourself, Margaret. If you weren't a dame you'd be a smear of blood on the wall by now.”
“You don't frighten me, Mister Barnes.” With a dismissive wave of her hand, she turned her back to him. He wondered how much of her bravado came from the two armed guards watching his every move. “But do update your vernacular, won't you, while we've got you thawed out?”
"I'm glad Steve never got to know the real you."
She hid it well in her expression, but he knew he'd struck a nerve when she stopped mid-step and twisted to look at him over her shoulder. "Adorable of you to imply that you do."
“I know you never loved him.” He was nuts for you and all you saw was a guinea pig.
“I barely knew him.” Her voice was clear and steady, but she'd straightened before responding to his jab. Shoulders shaking ever so slightly, she ordered the guards to get him back into his cell and left.
Bucky almost smiled. Almost. Pleased as he was to have gotten under her skin, he was still too riled from their conversation, and this whole crazy roller coaster of a day in general, to feel much of anything but rage and frustration. One of the men prodded him with the barrel of his gun and he rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I'm going.”
Dumbass, he thought as he stretched out on the cot and listened to the door being locked from the outside. The last two digits were 5-7.
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multireese · 5 years
This is War
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Asher Adams x male reader, Jordan Baker x male reader
 Asher and Jordan watched as he ran along the beach with his friend. The hot new kid and Layla Keating were splashing kicking up sand and doing terrible cartwheels, but the two best friends thought it was adorable. To say they had crushes on Y/N was an understatement, ever since the new boy transferred to Beverly Hills High the two were determined to hook up with the new kid on campus. As is the usual between best friends it had to become a competition.
"Bro, I heard he went to a boarding school in Italy so he could model. Came back to the states to get a "real high school" experience." Asher said while watching Y/N and Layla sit on their towels to catch a tan. Layla seemed to be the only friend Y/N had made at school so far but he was already the most popular.
Jordan laughed to himself,"People are actually saying that?" He crossed his arms over his chest with a big smile taking over his face.
"I mean do you see him? I sure as hell believe it," Asher nudged his friend's which got him an agreeable nod from Jordan, "All I know is I'm definitely gonna make that boy mine, just don't be jealous when he's wearing my jersey in the stands." Asher considered himself a player and as arrogant as he could be he wasn't wrong. The students at BH High threw themselves at the receiver and he was more than willing to catch them. At the moment, Asher was focused on getting with Y/N. He thought about what people would think of Asher Adams the star football player with a model cheering him on in the stands. It was cliché but that's what the pros do. Jordan's voice pulled Asher out of his delusions, "I don't know about that dude."
 Asher gave Jordan a look as if to tell him, just wait and see. "Yo JJ, hit me," Asher said tossing him the football. He then began running to jogging out to where Y/N was lounging and talking to Layla. Jordan bit his bottom lip, grinning at the scene playing out. He knew Y/N was different from everyone else in Los Angeles. F-boy moves like the one Archer is trying to pull won't impress him. At least that's what he hoped. 
 "Soooo Y/N, have you seen anybody you might be into yet?" Layla said. 
"There's actually this one guy but we haven't even hung out yet. Everyone's been really nice to me but 2 weeks and you're the only friend I made." Y/N's shoulders dropped down, his eyes turning down and away. Saying those words out loud embarrassed him a little.
 "Well isn't that all the more reason to be excited about where things could go with this guy? Option one, you make a friend and I have to share you or option two you get some dick." This made them both laugh out loud. Layla brought Y/N back to his usual chipper mood. The two put their sunglasses back on and laid back on their towels. This got him thinking about what could come of hanging out with that hot guy later. How should Y/N come on to him? Should he come on to him? Y/N hasn't dated since his ex and that relationship started in middle school. 
 Layla and Y/N sat up when they heard someone yell something that sounded like watch out. Suddenly, a cute blonde boy holding a football fell between the two facing Y/N. "Sorry about landing right on you like this, I just couldn't let that pretty face get hurt," Y/N laughed that line was corny but still sweet. He thanked the blonde guy expecting him to go away until Layla cleared her throat and shot Y/N a look, " I'm Asher Adams, nice to finally meet you handsome." Asher extended his hand Y/N shook it but instead of pulling their hands apart Asher just held it. When Asher rubbed his thumb over the back of Y/N's hand, the boy struggled to introduce himself. Y/N prayed his hands wouldn't clam up. Asher's eyes never left his. Jordan walked down the beach to where all this was taking place, not that anyone noticed. "Listen Y/N, I know you're new and Layla is probably a great tour guide but, how about we give her some time off and you let me show you around my city tonight?" Asher leaned in offering Y/N a seductive smile. 
 "That sounds great Asher and I'd love to see more of your city but I actually have plans tonight," Asher wasn't bothered by a little competition what guy has a better chance than him? 
"Actually…," Jordan spoke which made Y/N melt, Asher felt Y/N go weak as Jordan placed an arm around him, "...we have plans tonight. I'm taking Y/N out tonight, maybe we'll end up at JJ's party Asher." Asher's lips tightened and he narrowed his gaze. Y/N was so taken aback by the revelation that this would be an actual date with Jordan, he didn't notice the tension building between the two. Asher promised to find Y/N at the party and show him a good time before walking off. This was war.
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
#Report| I see no Greyhound buses so you guys can rush me into places you want me to. Fresh broke out of the Jason incident. The Black Mass lie on a satellite is WE GOING TO OWN EVERY HOUSE FROM THE BEACH AND WE ARE GOING TO TAKE EVERY GIRL WITH ONE MAN YACHT FISH
So you guys let me guess you guys have to complete 50 states with the airplane and you guys found out they were all in driving distance they were knock-off sites fake sites NO THE SENATE AND FAR LEFT WERE MURDERED WHAT THEY DID WHAT WE DID WAS WHEN THEY LANDED BOTH PLANES ARE SEPARATED THEM LITERALLY WE DISMEMBERED ALL OF THEM
Yeah I'm not playing this handcuff game for some dead black hair white son daughter WAIT FOR YOU GUYS TO CONTINUE LIKE LIKE RUSH ME OUT OF MAINE AND THEN YOU GUYS CALLED ME BACK INTO KANSAS IT'S IDENTICAL THE CITIES and I'm out walking around making white skin girls white hair girls applicable before black skin men not no more especially since this loser black hair white son has something to say after 16 years no court for his daughter on the beach. And you guys kidnap me here. Between both cities not $1 IMAGES YOU GUYS CAN COVER REPORT AND LIE I HEARD YOU GUYS LIED ON THE FISA I call it
So we are not continuing to play this game of coronavirus satellite makers inner city of men have just been let loose. TO FLY ME INTO INTO PLACES THE MOST DANGEROUS PLACES BECAUSE THESE WHITE HAIR GIRLS ARE it's so funny you should see Black's face.
BUT WITHOUT A BUS WE'RE GOING TO NEED TO RESTRATE BECAUSE I BELIEVE LAX 3/4 IS THE ONLY THING YOU GUYS HAVE GOING FOR YOU. AND WHEN I WENT THERE THEY WERE SHOT WHEN I LEFT THEY WERE PRONOUNCED DEAD that's right I need you to go to Newark and then have them write you an insurance policy that covers only Los Angeles 3/4
What to be honest I was worried about Los Angeles before because what I saw there covidly. But to find out they're in Dallas and Kansas and Florida 3/4 THAT YOU GUYS SAID IT YOURSELF YOU GUYS SAID IT BEST FOR THE SATELLITE CITIES THAT COPIED AND IMITATED MY BEACH. ALL WE NEED IS THIS ONE THE DEAD DAUGHTER.
And I'm not flying into another airport City connected to the train that goes downtown and back to the airport so you got to keep me sick and by the bathroom next to this crazy psychopath white hair girl it's just too much for you for me to be bringing black skin men to bring them to their knees by killing a little white skin girl IF THIS IS THAT'S FOR YOU PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE WEAK AND YOUR BLACKS ARE COMPLETELY DUMB IF YOU DO THIS SO YOUNG LITTLE BLACK MAN A YOUNG BLACK BOY. YOU HAVE THEM EATING OUT OF YOUR HANDS FOREVER. PROBLEM WAS I WAS A LITTLE BLACK BOY BORN BUT I GREW UP. AND I DON'T NEED YOU USING ME TO GO TO CITIES OF TIMELINE. A FRESH JASON INCIDENCES so we're going to have to find a Greyhound bus out of here I know the only way to dismantle you guys is last time I was kidnapped by Kansas from Fort Worth it immediately told me what I had to do. You just want to put men and girls on planes and tell them that those are cities so you guys can use that same baby killer map on TV and have them identify with I was in michigan. No you weren't about a car drive away I don't know 7 hours
So we'll figure it out more importantly Los Angeles you are not in charge anymore. Hawaii is in charge Washington Island is in charge I'm sorry Islam AND ONE MORE WORD OUT OF YOU IT'S ONE PHONE CALL TO NEWARK that's right New Jersey is my best brother now. The only time I've been backstabbed by Italian so when she ran her nails down my back where I was f****** the s*** out of her
I know offense when it comes down to Mexicans and California we'd rather take our chances with Italians and Chinese in New Jersey YEAH LESS BLACK PEOPLE LIKE SAY MEXICAN BRINGS FIVE PLANES 200 PEOPLE A THOUSAND PEOPLE ALL IN TOGETHER ONE SATELLITE MAKER TO YOUR CITY in New Jersey only brings one plane of some Chinese and Italians
Less blacks every time we get together we want to party for a black skin men and women hate little white hair girls and boys
So your days are up Los Angeles LAX 3/4 for you to bring me here and do such a drastic change is the information you were looking for especially when it comes to the white hair girls. And let me remind you you cannot reform a serial killer no matter if he's white or black. SO SO IT'S OVER FOR YOU GUYS AND WE NEED TO CHANGE THIS REPORT THIS DRASTIC AND FOR ME TO BE ABLE TO WITNESS WHAT YOU WANTED I can't believe I fell for the is it a satellite maker or satellite operator trick. And you guys I don't know maybe you guys got away with leaving Man without a daughter from lying WE NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BECAUSE IN THE WORLD WITH AN ARMY WE CAN'T LIE TO ONE ANOTHER BECAUSE WE'LL BE KILLED
So we're going to be looking for a Greyhound bus I know it's the only I can't believe at this point I still have options. But it's a hell of an option instead of getting flown in and rewarding you retards of the 1 hour car drive versus a 1 hour plane drive AND IT WORKED ONCE IT'LL WORK AGAIN TO DISRUPT YOUR I THINK WE WOULD BE ABLE TO TARGET MORE BOYS ON A GREYHOUND BUS. I don't know just what I'm thinking lonely Mexican boy lonely dead white trash boy from Phoenix and the middle of nowhere on a bus without a girl. You know I guess they feel safer flying around in planes all these men without girls? Found it
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