#- Tant pis
je-suis-ronflex · 18 days
A la base j'aimais beaucoup l'acteur Neil Patrick Harris puis bon il est grave mims et pédé sauf que j'ai découvert grâce à ✨️Tiktok✨️ tous les sombres bails qu'il a pu faire et maintenant à chaque fois que je vois sa tête je suis là en mode "ew"
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erudipitous · 1 year
la problème avec spyld c'est que je n'écris presque jamais des postes originaux 😞
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maviedeneuneu · 2 years
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Quand on doit partir 3 jours en vacances vers Carcassone avec Monsieur Comates et que pile ces jours là ils annoncent "averses orageuses avec rafales de vent à 50km/h"
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littlesyllable · 1 year
french I learn from friends:
tant pis pour iel
"too bad for them"
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martyrgraph · 5 months
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keanu reeves as john wick (400x640).
credit; martyr.
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rorybluez · 8 months
The EU French dub of "How Bad Can I Be?" got me in a chokehold so here's a rant-review of it
This is a collab with @etsulovesonceler :3 Absolutely do read their analysis on the DANISH 'How Bad Can I Be?' dub, it's bloody amazing
'C'EST MAL MAIS TANT PIS' aka 'I know it's bad, but f*ck it'
French dub was the first one I listened to with legitimate fascination and interest, so naturally it became my fave. I love how ENERGETIC and upbeat it is. It has the same effect as the Eng "how b-A-A-A-A-d can i be": it's catchy, flows and rhymes nicely and is impossible not to sing along to. You could've told me French was THE original version and honestly I would have believed you with ease, simply because it's SO DAMN WELL DONE.
Singer is a 10/10 for great vocals (obviously) and his acting towards the end of the song: he nails Once-ler's gradual descent into an arrogant, daring, untrustworthy and prideful character. Well, a lot of dubs did brilliantly on this part, but French one's full awareness of what he's doing makes him unique in my eyes. The way he sings out "Et c'est tellement GRATIFIANT" with so much DELIGHT, like he's truly relishing in his success is TASTY. Not giving two shits about the "bad" part at all, but it's The Once-ler, so it's a given I suppose.
SPEAKING OF, LEMME TELL YOU, FRENCH TRANSLATORS ABSOLUTELY COOKED HERE. Whoever wrote the lyrics, they must've been related to the creation of "Biggering" somehow or at the very least were big fans. Premise of his entire song is "I know DAMN well it's bad, but I couldn't care less tbh" The whole perspective is different now and stays somewhat true to "Biggering"s message. Rather drastic change from the original: bolder, blunter, harsher, honest, more ruthless and got a hella serious tone. Sure, he triES to excuse himself with "I don't know what has come over me" and "This is the life the fate chose for me" lines but…yeah, they're of little help, if any.
Some may argue that Once realizing his wrongdoings so early on in the song takes away from the impact "The Last Tree" had on him in the end, but if anything, I believe it gives him complexity. It's all about big talk, justifications and seeming indifferent until he actually HAS to face the consequences of his major fuck-up. The "Well too bad, could be worse for all I care" to "well damn, i should've cared" pipeline is real, which ultimately prompts him to say "actually, DO care. Care a whole awful lot" to Ted as his final message.
This dub singlehandedly added several layers to Once-ler's character with THIS LYRICAL DECISION ALONE and it's one of the many reasons why I adore it so much.
Besides, c'mon guys French is hot. Once speaking french? Attractive, next question.
European French lyrics and translation: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/how-bad-can-i-be-quel-point-puis-je-etre-mauvai.html-0
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martiniipolice · 7 months
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golshifteh farahani credits: martini police
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sobillyboy · 10 months
Je devais faire 70kms aujourd'hui, et finalement je me suis perdue je vais en faire genre 85. Ouiiiiiin.
A part ça, tout se passe merveilleusement bien, je me sens hyper courageuse, fière, débrouillarde et libre.
J'ai un seul conseil à vous donner : faites-le.
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flashbic · 7 months
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Page 5!
C'est pas si différent, c'est juste qu'il y a un peu de couleur, peut-être...
Page 4 / Page 6
Traduction et cases individuelles sous le readmore!
Panel 1: "You should be grateful!" / "Hm?" / "...And maybe think a bit less about the dangers of wearing something elegant." ""You like the clothes, at least?"
Panel 2: "I do, a lot. Still though, it's... different."
Panel 3: "That was the idea!"
Panel 4: "I figured since you're one of us now..."
Panel 5: "One more small change couldn't hurt..."
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je-suis-ronflex · 2 months
Les résultats ADN récoltés dans le monastère sont tombés et l'homme n'était pas Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, je suis si triste
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lang-learner · 1 month
duolingo is so much fun i could play for hours
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demimoon · 7 months
je sais pas trop comment commencer ce "texte" mdrr
bref je voulais juste dire que Gringe je le trouve tellement mais tellement emouvant
je peux pas regarder une seule interview de lui sans pleurer comme jamais (ou alors c'est que je suis une grosse sensible)
même son album les 3/4 des chansons mes yeux transpirent beaucoup
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soeurdelune · 2 years
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(400 x 640) Samara Weaving, signés soeurdelune.
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touchlikethesun · 8 months
je travail même plus là-bas mais j'ai proposé de faire des traductions bénévolat pcq... j'aime bien traduire, je peux les aider, et ca me fait une tache sympatoche et tranquille pourquoi pas ? mais on vient de m'envoyer un document à traduire et... est-ce le doc final ??? je le crois pas, ca se lit comme un brouillon, un premier brouillon, et j'ai envie de tout récrire sauf que j'en ai ni le temps ni le statut qui me permettrais à faire ce qu'il faut et grrrrrrr j'suis trop gêné
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rayondelun3 · 6 months
Il devait m'appeler.
Je suis fatiguée j'ai mal à la tête et j'attends.
Il m'a menti. Il ne comptait pas m'appeler.
Pourquoi je pleure ?
Tout ce que j'ai à faire c'est fermer encore plus mon cœur et me concentrer sur mes études. Trouver du travail cet été, le rembourser et comme ça si jamais il me quitte au moins je pourrais tout faire pour rester occupée et encaisser le fait que je ne trouverai jamais la personne qui me convient
Et à qui je conviens.
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