hkayakh · 2 months
So, the proof for how e (2.718…) is irrational is a long proof by contradiction that ends with ‘if e is rational, then there must be an integer between 0 and 1’. Makes sense. However, when they made that proof, they forgot to account for theta prime.
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charlesoberonn · 6 months
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maryisveryonline · 7 months
Do folks still have favorite numbers?
I wonder, when it comes to favorite numbers and numbers with cultural/scientific/religious/metaphysical significance, (7 as lucky in Western countries, Euler's value e or ~2.718 in mathematics, 666 as the number of the Beast in Christianity, 888 as a number of spiritual connections regarding Angel Numbers; just to name a few) have these favorites because of or regardless of their significance.
Feel free to add why in the tags!
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ranidspace · 1 year
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aroacehanzawa · 2 years
21, 3, and 27?
Heyy, thank you!
21. a number that weirds you out?
The natural logarithm e, approximately 2.718 but continues to infinity. How is that "natural". Why is it like that. Such a pi wannabe :/
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
Probably some ugly shade of brown. Also like a pure saturated red, that hurts my eyes, it has to be desaturated
27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
Favourite outfit right now: long dark red skirt in layers of flower-patterned lace, white blouse with scalloped layers, white blazer with subtle lace pattern, white shoes with gold detailing, and finally dark red hat with floral decoration on the side. Just like in a period drama 💖
Go-to outfit: dark blue maxi skirt with a small white pattern of flowers, paired with any white blouse <3
Ask game :^)
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meuproprioinferno · 2 days
Tenho que chegar nos 80 até julho ou seja daqui 2 meses, então são 10 kg por mês...
Não é impossível mas é difícil.
Temos 9 semanas para perder 20 kg ou seja uns 2,5kg por semana que é super fácil de conseguir.
Se 1 kg de gordura equivale a 7000kcal
Então eu preciso perder 14.000kcal por semana para perder os 2 kg.
Meu basal atual é de 1814.40 kcal ou seja em uma semana meu corpo gasta 12.700 calorias para se manter só que eu não posso ficar 7 dias sem comer então segue o raciocínio:
Fico 4 dias sem comer (nf de 96 horas) daí já se vai .7.257 kcal que são as que eu preciso para perder 1 kg de gordura.
Daí nos outros 3 dias da semana eu vou comer uma mistura louca de batata, frango, pepino e cenoura que vai dar umas 1.350 kcal por dia consumidas mas nesses dias eu vou ir na academia e vou fazer 2 horas de caminhada pq é o caminho da escola e o caminho da minha casa até a academia e da academia até a minha casa.
Em duas horas de caminhada eu perco 1.288kcal e em uma hora e meia de musculação eu perco 966 kcal ao todo eu perco 2.254 calorias que é 904 calorias a mais que eu queimei do que eu comi então basicamente eu vou compensar oq comi nos exercícios e no final do dia vai ser 1.814+904=2.718 calorias perdidas mesmo no dia que eu comi.
Somando ao todo 15.411 calorias perdidas na semana que vai me fazer perder 2 kg de gordura por semana.
Eu tô ficando maluca.
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blogoslibertarios · 3 days
Mega-Sena sorteia neste sábado prêmio estimado em R$ 3 milhões
  As seis dezenas do concurso 2.718 da Mega-Sena serão sorteadas, a partir das 20h (horário de Brasília), no Espaço da Sorte, localizado na Avenida Paulista, nº 750, em São Paulo. O sorteio terá transmissão ao vivo pelo canal da Caixa no YouTube e no Facebook das Loterias Caixa. O prêmio da faixa principal está estimado em R$ 3 milhões. As apostas podem ser feitas até as 19h (horário de Brasília)…
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elazigsurmanset · 4 months
Tuzla ve Maltepe’deki sosyal konutlarda teslim heyecanı yaşanıyor
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Türkiye genelinde 50 bin ve 100 bin sosyal konut projeleri kapsamında Tuzla'da 2.718 konut, Maltepe'de 4.028 konut olmak üzere toplam 6.746 konut inşa ediliyor. Bu konutların inşaatı hızla devam ediyor ve etaplar halinde teslim aşamasına geliyor. Tuzla'daki sosyal konutlar, Yayla Mahallesi Beşevler Mevkii'nde bulunuyor. 18 bloktan oluşan projede 2+1, bahçe katı ve dubleks daireler yer alıyor. Proje, Tuzla Marmaray durağının yanı başında, E5 karayoluna 1 dakika mesafede bulunuyor. Maltepe'deki sosyal konutlar ise Atışokulu Mahallesi'nde bulunuyor. 11 bloktan oluşan projede 2+1 ve 3+1 daireler yer alıyor. Proje, E5 karayoluna ve metrobüs hattına yakın bir konumda bulunuyor. Tuzla ve Maltepe'deki sosyal konutlar, dar gelirli vatandaşlar için önemli bir fırsat sunuyor. Bu konutlara başvurular, TOKİ'nin resmi internet sitesi üzerinden yapılıyor. Tuzla ve Maltepe'deki sosyal konutlarda teslim heyecanı yaşanıyor. İlk etapta teslim edilecek konutların hak sahipleri, TOKİ tarafından duyurulacak. Read the full article
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rj-drive-in · 7 months
Special Announcement Department:
You see before you, metaphorically speaking, a happy camper. Once again I have been paid the sublime compliment of winning a spot in the annual Arkham Bazaar Lovecraftian Micro-Fiction Contest, with my story "Ambergris Morning." The book should be available for sale in the next couple of weeks. Not familiar with Arkham Bazaar? Take a deep dive. Man, oh, man!
I submitted three stories, so this week and next week I'll share with you the remaining two, starting with....
Lovecraftian Slime Department:
If math is the language of the universe, it must include obscenities.
THE UNNAMEABLE FUNCTION © 2023 by Rick Hutchins
“So we might as well break it up,” said Sally. “We can reschedule whenever Beverly decides to show up.” She was sitting at her desk in her office, while Thom, Kath, and Rhonda sat in the chairs they had wheeled in.
“It’s so strange,” said Rhonda as they got up to leave. “Beverly has never been late before like this.”
“Maybe some trouble at home,” said Thom. “We’ve all been there.”
“Tell me about it,” said Kath, rolling her eyes. Thom and Rhonda chuckled.
“Whatever,” said Sally, trying not to sound irritated and failing. She had scheduled this meeting for the first thing in the morning because she wanted to get it out of the way. “We’ll figure it out.”
As the others wheeled their chairs back to their offices, Sally opened her laptop and brought up her email. And, wouldn’t you know it, right there at the top was an email from Beverly, with the subject line “for the meeting” and time-stamped just after midnight. Sally opened it up. There was no message, just an attached Excel spreadsheet named “Untitled 1.”
She downloaded it and opened it.
At first she thought that the spreadsheet was empty too, but then noticed the dreaded little “#NAME?” displayed in Cell A1. She clicked on it and up came the weirdest and most complex Excel formula she had ever seen. She pressed F2 to show the whole thing and it scrolled halfway down the screen. There were logical operators and array operators and symbols she didn’t even recognize. What were that upside-down triangle and trident supposed to be? It looked like something Einstein would cook up.
But it seemed to be doing something. At least a half dozen random cells were showing numbers, constantly changing, too fast for the eye to follow.
She decided to watch for a bit.
Conversation from the other offices drifted in, but she was barely paying attention as she stared, fixated, at the cells.
“Maybe one of us should call her, just to be sure she’s okay.”
“Good idea. You do it.”
Cell E7 stopped calculating and returned Pi.
“I am. Okay, now I’m really worried. Number not in service.”
“Okay, that’s too weird. I’m going to look in her office. Maybe she bailed on us.”
“God, I hope she’s not dead in there.”
“Don’t even think that!”
Cell K27 stopped calculating and returned 2.718.
“Oh, my god,” exclaimed Rhonda.
“What’s going on?” asked Thom.
“Sally, you better come see this,” said Rhonda. “Beverly’s cactus exploded and there’s green shit all over her desk.”
Cell D17 stopped calculating and returned 33i.
And now somebody was screaming. Why the hell was somebody screaming?
Sally looked up and Rhonda was standing in her doorway, staring at her, hands on the door jams, her face an almost comical rictus of terror as she screamed and screamed.
It was only then that Sally noticed the thin oily black tendrils that snaked out of the sides of her laptop and the back of the screen, coiling toward her like vines, sliding up her sleeves, under her blouse….
Entangling her braids….
Into her ears and nose and throat….
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walkfootage · 7 months
Math.pow(2,53)=>900719925440992 //2の53乗
Math .round(.6) =>1.0 //最近傍の整数に変換
Math.ceil(.6) =>1.0 //整数繰上げ
Math.floor(.6)=>0.0 //繰り下げ
Math.abs(-5)=>5 //絶対値
Math.min(-5,10,40)=>-5 //
Math.random() //0以上1.0以下の疑似乱数を返す
Math.E =>自然対数の底(1+1/n)のn乗
Marh.sqrt(3)  //3の平方根 二乗すると整数になる数の
Math.pow(3,1/3)   //3の立方根 3乗すると整数になる数
Math.sin()  //三角関数
Math.log(10) //10の自然対数
 Math.log(100)/Math.LN10 =>2 //10が底の100の対数 
Math.exp(3).   //自然対数 e≒2.718...の三乗
O‘RELLY『Javascript 』第6版 
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ninjanissie · 9 months
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Last Saturday I decided to spend my day making idol unit ocs QT πie: (pronounced Cutie Pie)
π - Maruno Pai (丸野/マルの ぱい)
i - Kyosouno Ai (虚数埜/きょすうの あい)
e - Oirano Ban (老良乃 ばん)
Of course, they're themed after mathematical numbers, pi (irrational number 3.14), i (square root of -1) and e (irrational number 2.718)
Still brainstorming designs
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armatofu · 10 months
Granadilla de Abona
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string(138) "Smarty error: [in content:content_en line 1]: syntax error: expecting '=' after attribute name 'de' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 1558)" string(143) "Smarty error: [in content:content_en line 1]: syntax error: expecting '=' after attribute name 'febrero' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 1558)"
Descripción del municipio
Granadilla de Abona es un municipio ubicado en el sur de la isla de Tenerife, en la denominada Comarca de Abona, conformada junto a los municipios limí­trofes de Fasnia, Arico, San Miguel de Abona, Vilaflor y Arona. Granadilla se extiende en una superficie de 162,43 km² desde la costa hasta la cumbre, donde la montaña de Guajara alcanza los 2.718 metros de altura, la máxima altitud del Circo de las Cañadas del Teide. En la zona de medianí­as, a 650 metros sobre el nivel del mar se emplaza la capital municipal. Su casco histórico nació de épocas próximas a la conquista de la isla y conserva un interesante patrimonio del que destacan la Iglesia de San Antonio de Padua y el Convento Franciscano de San Luis Obispo, que se unen por las calles de El Pino y Arquitecto Marrero, todo un bello ejemplo de arquitectura tradicional. Otros sitios de interés en el municipio son la Corona Forestal, la Montaña Pelada, el "paisaje lunar" de Los Escurriales y los Derriscaderos. El Médano es un pequeño núcleo turí­stico de la costa surgido junto a las playas del Médano y de Leocadio Machado y la Montaña Roja.
Más información
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Sí­mbolos de Granadilla de Abona
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La bandera de Granadilla de Abona está formada por tres franjas horizontales de igual tamaño, roja, blanca y roja. Al centro del paño, sobre la franja blanca, el escudo municipal.
Aprobación: Orden Consejerí­a de Presidencia y Relaciones Institucionales del Gobierno de Canarias de \'3 de enero de 1997" fechapublicacion=\'26 (BOC de ).
Escudo heráldico
De azur, una nave del siglo XVI de tres mástiles, de plata, llevando en el mástil trasero una grimpola con la inscripción Victoria, surmontada por un cí­rculo de diez piedras en su color, a su vez surmontado por añepas en su color puestas en aspa y una antigua de oro. Bordura de gules con diez granadas de oro. Al timbre, corona real cerrada. En el escudo de Granadilla, la nave alude al hecho de que en 1525 hizo escala en Puerto de Roja (hoy El Médano) la expedición de Fernando de Magallanes que dio la vuelta al mundo por primera vez, y cuya nave capitana se llamaba Santa Marí­a de la Victoria. El cí­rculo de piedras, las añepas y la corona antigua representan al Menceyato de Abona, uno de los nueve en que se dividí­a Tenerife en época prehispánica. Las granadas de la bordura son una referencia al nombre de la localidad, que al parecer está basado en el de la Granada andaluza, y su número representa a los núcleos de población que forman el municipio.
Aprobación: Orden Consejerí­a de Presidencia y Turismo del Gobierno de Canarias de 2 de marzo de 1995 (BOC de 17 de marzo).
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charlesoberonn · 6 months
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abcnewspr · 11 months
‘GMA’ Narrows Margins With ‘Today’ From the Previous Week in Both Key Adult Demos
Season to Date, ‘GMA’ Stands as the No. 1 Morning Newscast in Total Viewers for the 11th Consecutive Year, Substantially Increasing Its Lead, Plus Slashes Its Season Margin With ‘Today’ in Adults 25-54 to Its Closest Performance in 8 Years
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ABC News/“Good Morning America”*
“Good Morning America” ranked as the morning’s No. 1 newscast in Total Viewers (3.026 million), during the week of May 15, 2023, based on Live + Same Day Data from Nielsen Media Research. 
“GMA” outperformed NBC’s “Today” (2.718 million) by 308,000.
“GMA” narrowed its margins with NBC’s “Today” from the previous week in Adults 25-54 (-62% - 16,000 vs. 42,000) and Adults 18-49 (-18% - 72,000 vs. 88,000).
Season to date, “GMA” (3.228 million) is ranking as the No. 1 morning newscast in Total Viewers for the 11th consecutive year. “GMA” is leading “Today” (2.903 million) by 325,000, substantially increasing its lead from the same point last season(+63%; vs. 199,000) to its largest in 8 years ― since the 2014-2015 season.
In addition, “GMA” is slashing its season margin with “Today” in Adults 25-54 versus the same point last season (-81% - 12,000 vs. 62,000) to its closest performance in 8 years ― since the 2014-2015 season.
During the week, “GMA” (3.026 million, 649,000 and 415,000, respectively) defeated “CBS Mornings” (2.291 million, 469,000 and 311,000, respectively) in Total Viewers (+735,000), Adults 25-54 (+180,000) and Adults 18-49 (+104,000).
Emmy® Award-winning “GMA,” featuring the anchor team of Robin Roberts, George Stephanopoulos, Michael Strahan and chief meteorologist Ginger Zee, airs live Monday-Friday (7:00-9:00 a.m. EDT) on ABC. Simone Swink is the executive producer.
MORNING NEWS (Week of May 15, 2023):
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Source: The Nielsen Company, NTI Total Viewers, Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49 Live + SD Current Week (w/o 5/15/23), Previous Week (w/o 5/8/23) and Year-Ago Week (w/o 5/16/22). Most Current Data Stream: Season 2022-2023 (9/19/22-5/21/23), Season 2021-2022 (9/20/21-5/22/22). Beginning 8/31/20, national ratings also include Out of Home (OOH) viewing. Averages based on regular telecasts.
*COPYRIGHT ©2023 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC News. Images are distributed to the press to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed.
-- ABC --
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kruseli94 · 1 year
Predictive aspects of postoperative all forms of diabetes insipidus throughout 333 sufferers undergoing transsphenoidal surgery regarding non-functioning pituitary adenoma.
844, as well as for KCS had been leader = 2.673 along with Ep(2) Equals Zero.482. Even though credibility was initially proven by way of literature evaluation as well as brainstorming through the cell of specialists, it had been further created with the substantial strength regarding correlation involving worldwide ratings and standing with regard to effectiveness (ur Equates to 0.733), LCS (third Equals 2.718) as well as KCS (r Equals Zero.662) plus the factor evaluation which usually accounted for Forty five.2% in the difference. Conclusion: The outcomes from the study show that the musical instrument is a legitimate as well as dependable instrument to judge child fluid warmers resuscitation group leader knowledge. (C) This year Elsevier Ireland Limited. All rights set aside.There are restricted files around the effect of bmi (Body mass index) about the activities associated with fixed-dose regadenoson. The intention of these studies ended up being determine the result of BMI on the usefulness, side effects, as well as lcd power regadenoson for Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI). The study integrated Only two,015 subject matter through the ADVANCE MPI trials. Initial adenosine MPI was as well as randomization for you to regadenoson (400-mu grams bolus shot) or adenosine (6-minute infusion) MPI. Subject matter ended up labeled according to Body mass index directly into six to eight groups through under a healthy weight (< Something like 20 kg/m(Two)) for you to really obese (the parts per 1000 yen40 kg/m(Two)). PK modeling was applied this website to calculate the result regarding BMI on plasma regadenoson awareness (PRC). Adenosine-regadenoson deal costs for your existence and extent of reversibility were equivalent across Body mass index types (S > .05). Your incidence regarding negative effects have also been comparable throughout BMIs (G a new elements for each thousands of yen .Summer). Subjects had been less likely to feel completely or incredibly uncomfortable following regadenoson versus adenosine in all of the teams with Body mass index the parts every thousands of pound Twenty-five kg/m(Only two), but this development has not been in the past significant throughout subjects using Body mass index 20-24 kg/m(Only two) (G > .05). PRC had been inversely linked to BMI using 19% larger PRC in the underweight along with 36% reduced PRC inside the very overweight in comparison with an ordinary weight topic. BMI will not modify the efficiency associated with regadenoson MPI regardless of decrease PRC within higher Body mass index subject matter, or perhaps the complication profile despite greater PRC throughout low BMI subject matter. Regadenoson is better tolerated than adenosine however, this gain will lose mathematical significance within subjects together with BMI < Twenty five kg/m(A couple of).Pets are usually earth surface area wildlife which symbolize a crucial outcomes of invertebrates and higher possible predators. Being a member of outrageous wildlife, they may be impacted by contaminants coming from anthropic activities and in particular, bug sprays along with compounds of numerous nature in which reach the dirt surface straight as well as through fallout. Of these substances, volatile organic compounds including cadmium might exert especially notable dangerous relation to equally grownup and embryos. Throughout pets, research studies demonstrate that cadmium could cause developmental disorders, which include improvement in eyesight growth, along with physical appearance of unilateral microphthalmia as well as retinal folding.
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Tariffe Dual Fuel luce e gas: attivarle comporta un aggravio?
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Tariffe Dual Fuel luce e gas: con la crisi energetica che non accenna ad attenuarsi, individuare le migliori offerte per luce e gas è diventato fondamentale. Solo in questo modo, infatti, è possibile tagliare il costo dell’energia e, quindi, ridurre l’importo delle bollette a parità di consumi. Tra le opzioni a disposizione delle famiglie alla ricerca di tariffe convenienti per alleggerire le bollette ci sono anche le offerte “dual fuel”. Con tali soluzioni tariffarie, l’utente attiva una fornitura di energia elettrica e una di gas naturale con lo stesso gestore. L’attivazione delle forniture è contemporanea e le tariffe proposte vengono offerte in specifici pacchetti promozionali, spesso arricchiti da bonus aggiuntivi (uno sconto in bolletta di “benvenuto”, l’accesso ad un prezzo dell’energia più basso, un prodotto o un servizio in omaggio etc.). Tariffe Dual Fuel luce e gas: le indagini L’indagine dell’Osservatorio SOStariffe.it e Segugio.it conferma che scegliere la migliore offerta dual fuel sul Mercato Libero non garantisce il massimo risparmio. Per minimizzare i costi è necessario attivare le tariffe luce e gas più convenienti, senza scegliere obbligatoriamente lo stesso gestore per entrambe le forniture. Con le migliori offerte dual fuel, infatti, la spesa annuale per le forniture energetiche è più alta di 69 euro. Rispetto al 2021, però, questo tipo di offerte è diventato più conveniente. La differenza di spesa con le migliori offerte disgiunte luce e gas del Mercato Libero si è ridotta del 70%. Dal confronto con il servizio di Maggior Tutela lo studio conferma che le offerte dual fuel garantiscono un risparmio annuale di 54 euro risultando, quindi, un’opzione in più per aumentare il risparmio. Con le offerte dual fuel si spendono 69 euro in più all’anno su luce e gas Tariffe Dual Fuel luce + gas: convengono ancora?SPESA ANNUALE PER LA "FAMIGLIA TIPO"20212022VariazioneTariffa Luce430 €1.123 €161%Tariffa Gas855 €1.526 €78%Totale Luce + Gas1.285 €2.649 €106%Tariffa Luce (Dual Fuel)563 €1.123 €99%Tariffa Gas (Dual Fuel)952 €1.595 €68%Totale Luce + Gas (Dual Fuel) 1.515 €2.718 €79%Tutela Luce594 €1.192 €101%Tutela Gas1.141 €1.580 €38%Tutela Luce + Gas1.735 €2.772 €60%Spesa extra Dual Fuel vs Mercato Libero230 €69 €-70%Risparmio Dual Fuel vs Tutela220 €54 €-75% Lo studio ha messo a confronto le migliori offerte dual fuel di dicembre 2022 con le più convenienti offerte luce e le più economiche offerte gas disponibili nello stesso periodo. In questo modo, è stato possibile verificare quali sono le opzioni giuste su cui puntare per minimizzare le bollette per entrambe le forniture energetiche. Per quantificare le spese collegate all’attivazione delle migliori offerte individuate è stato considerato il profilo di consumo della “famiglia tipo” (consumo annuo di 2.700 kWh di energia elettrica e 1.400 Smc di gas naturale). Con le migliori tariffe dual fuel sul mercato si registra una spesa annuale di circa 2.718 euro. Per la fornitura di energia elettrica, la spesa annuale rilevata per il profilo di consumo indicato è di 1.123 euro. Per quanto riguarda il gas naturale, invece, si registra una spesa annuale di 1.595 euro. Rispetto alla Maggior Tutela, con le tariffe dual fuel, si risparmia Scegliere tariffe luce e gas senza legarsi allo stesso gestore per entrambe le forniture è la scelta più conveniente. Come rilevato dall’indagine, infatti, per la fornitura di energia elettrica è possibile spendere fino a 1.123 euro all’anno mentre per il gas naturale è possibile ridurre la spesa fino a 1.526 euro. La spesa totale in un anno con l’attivazione delle offerte luce e gas più convenienti arriva a 2.649 euro. Complessivamente, quindi, la scelta delle offerte dual fuel comporta una spesa extra di 69 euro rispetto a quanto si può spendere scegliendo le migliori offerte luce e gas del Mercato Libero, indipendentemente dal fornitore che le propone. Puntare sulla miglior offerta dual fuel disponibile sul Mercato Libero è anche un’opportunità per tagliare le spese rispetto al servizio di Maggior Tutela. I dati raccolti, infatti, confermano che la spesa annuale stimata per il servizio di Tutela è di 2.772 euro (1.192 euro per la luce e 1.580 euro per il gas). Grazie alle offerte dual fuel è, quindi, possibile registrare un taglio della spesa per le bollette arrivando a risparmiare 54 euro in un anno sulla spesa complessiva per le forniture energetiche. Il confronto con il 2021: le offerte dual fuel diventano più convenienti Le tariffe dual fuel, nonostante una spesa annuale ancora superiore rispetto alla combinazione della miglior offerta luce e della miglior offerta gas, tornano a rappresentare un trend del mercato energetico italiano. La conferma arriva dal confronto tra i dati raccolti dall’Osservatorio nel 2021 e quelli del 2022. Nel corso degli ultimi 12 mesi, infatti, il mercato è cambiato profondamente ed anche le soluzioni tariffarie di questo tipo presentano sostanziali differenze. Nell’analisi dello scorso anno, infatti, scegliere le offerte dual fuel comportava una spesa superiore di 230 euro rispetto all’attivazione della miglior tariffa per la luce e della miglior tariffa per il gas. Nel corso del 2022, quindi, la differenza di spesa tra le offerte luce e gas più convenienti del Mercato Libero e la miglior offerta dual fuel ha registrato una riduzione del 70%.   Da notare, però, è la netta riduzione del risparmio rispetto alla Tutela. Per le famiglie che scelgono di passare dal servizio di Maggior Tutela ad una tariffa dual fuel del Mercato Libero, infatti, si registra un risparmio inferiore del 75% nel confronto tra i dati di dicembre 2022 e i dati della rilevazione del 2021. Questo tipo di tariffe resta un’opzione importante per massimizzare il risparmio lasciando la Tutela. Conviene scegliere le offerte dual fuel per luce e gas? I vantaggi aggiuntivi possono fare la differenza I principali vantaggi garantiti dalle offerte dual fuel vanno oltre i numeri e la differenza di spesa annuale rispetto alle migliori tariffe luce e gas del Mercato Libero. Scegliere un’offerta dual fuel, infatti, permette di accedere a diversi vantaggi aggiuntivi come la possibilità di avere un’unica azienda a cui fare riferimento per le proprie forniture e, quindi, un unico Servizio Clienti e, in molti casi, un’unica bolletta che comprende sia l’importo per la luce che l’importo del gas. In questo modo, la gestione delle forniture diventa più semplice. C’è poi un ulteriore elemento da considerare: con le offerte dual fuel sono spesso disponibili bonus aggiuntivi messi a disposizione dai singoli fornitori. Per attirare nuovi clienti ad attivare le proprie offerte dual fuel, infatti, un fornitore può mettere a disposizione un vantaggio esclusivo. Tale bonus può tradursi in uno sconto di benvenuto in bolletta, indipendente dal consumo, o anche nell’accesso a programmi fedeltà con promozioni esclusive. In alcuni casi, inoltre, i fornitori propongono prodotti o servizi aggiuntivi in regalo (gadget tecnologici, buoni sconto presso store partner etc.). Read the full article
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