#3. Most people are going to automatically block the artist doing this and tell their friends about it & they'll likely do the same
solradguy · 22 days
Getting a PM from a rando asking me to commission them is so wild. I wonder how often that actually works lmao
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threemouthedcanine · 6 months
"S-some people write incest fanfic to cope"
I DONT CARE, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regardless of whether the author is a survivor, whether the fic is 100% perfectly tagged, whether they crossed their t's and dotted their i's, there is such a palpable and obvious difference between creative writing and other artworks that have incestual abuse as a core theme to explore and depict within the artwork, and some weird broads openly fetishistic incest shipfic. It is so fucking LAUGHABLE that y'all keep insisting that because a theoretical few survivors "write and publically post incest fic to cope" it makes it:
1. Automatically value neutral.
2. Above any and all critique, including those from other survivors.
3. Exist within a vacuum where it has no influence on others.
Lets start with number one and by far the most common excuse. To put it simply, these bitches are not Vladimir Nabokov. They are not creating worthwhile or interesting art, it is openly drooling eroticized & romanticized swill that is triggering as all fuck, and the people who flock to it and praise and reshare it are getting off to that eroticized portrayal to the detriment of all other survivors who in fact do not ship incest to cope. We all have seen what works this theoretical "coping artist" produces and regardless of the intention or mental state of the author the end result is still swill, both for its contents and for the presentation of said contents. I do not care.
Its so funny how the theoretical "coping artist" is absolved of all wrongdoing and criticism because they're coping but OTHER survivors are supposed to just suck it up when we're being negatively impacted by the constant fetishistic portrayals of the worst most terrible abuse to ever happen to us. It's not as if we don't try to avoid it, we do. As much as possible. But incest fic writers are determined to put their incest fetishism out into the world where all can see, whether they like it or not.
Do you understand how fucking exhausting it is to enter a character tag for a moment of peace and relaxation and have to close the tag, go to your blacklist, and add it #cw incest #tw incest #incest tw #twincest #incest warning #1nc3st #(specific ship name you barely remember and are hoping you spelled right the first time) because some chucklefuck decided to tag their fic with the character name and a new subtle variation on a warning tag that slipped past the blacklist and you can block them! You can go and block everyone in the notes too just to cover all your bases and hope that you don't get triggered too badly while blocking every name you see for minutes on end.
But there's always fucking more. My blacklist has quite literally hundreds of tags on it and that still doesn't protect me from other peoples negligence. Not to mention the mental toll of having to be so vigiIant, having to constantly keep my head on a swivel for this shit because some vague post about "censorship in art is bad innit" wasn't actually about censorship but about some cunt mad that their incest fic didn't get the praise and accolades they felt they deserved. I'm exhausted.
But if any survivors express anger, hatred, and resentment over this bullshit, we're in the wrong, because don't you know? They're #coping.
Well. As a survivor I cope by telling people who post their incest fic to character tags to kill themselves. Do I also get to be let off the criticism hook scotfree, or is that privilege only for the survivors who happily write the porn you jack off to?
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reikurusu · 7 days
Ask Meme
I got tagged by the lovely @jalapenobee!! Thank you!! <3
Do you make your bed?
I neatly fold the cover open during the day so it can air out a bit? xD But when I go to bed, I always pull the mattress cover (whatever that's called in English) neatly because it often crumples up. But I don't daily make my bed, no.
What's your favorite number?
Not really.
What is your job?
I've worked at a local library for a little over a year now! It's really fun to do! I have to take care of the adult non-fiction section, which is more fun than I would've thought, as well as admin and helping people during opening hours. Right now, a colleague has been absent for 6+ months, so I've been taking on her section as well, which is youth (fiction and non-fiction) and comics. So quite a lot at the moment. But it's a really fun job!!
If you could go back to school, would you?
I'm not sure... I didn't hate going to school and it was actually a lot less stressful than adult life. I think I'd mainly go back to be my younger self again and maybe do things differently?
Or are we talking about going back to school at this age? If school was the only thing I'd have to focus on, and money and all didn't matter, I think so, yeah! Probably something creative or art history or something.
Can you parallel park?
I can.... But it's either perfect on the first try or I have to retry like 5 times. And if there's a car waiting while I'm failing... Yeah, we're going around the block again and try again afterwards.
A job you had that would surprise people?
I think my previous job. I worked in retail as a Saturday job during college. After graduation, I worked at a company for two years but I quit because it wasn't my thing and was lucky that the store I used to work at was looking for someone. I really liked working there and there was a lot of varied work (admin, window dressing, helping clients,...). But I feel like people at my current job (library) are surprised when I tell them I worked retail? I don't get it, though.
Do you think aliens are real?
Hmmmm... I don't think aliens like the stereotypical aliens exist, but there's no way the universe is this gigantic and Earth is the only place with life.
Can you drive a manual car?
It's the only kind I know how to drive. I've never driven an automatic car. I actually love shifting gears. It gives me something to do while driving, if that makes sense xD
What's your guilty pleasure?
Uhm... I don't think I have one? At least not something that no one else does? Nothing special comes to mind atm...
None. I just have no idea what I'd want to have permanently on my body. So I doubt I'll ever get one.
Favorite Color?
Blue! All kinds of blue! But I really like a minty-blue, like this.
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But lately, I've come to love yellow as well. I'm not sure why, but it's been making me happy for some reason.
Favorite type of music?
In general I either like a song or I don't like it. And because of this, my taste in music can vary a lot. I can like certain songs by a certain artist, yet despise the rest of their music.
As for favourite artists, I love Taylor Swift, The Script and Niall Horan. I think those are my top three artists (she says without any actual proof of it).
Do you like puzzles?
Like, riddles or jigsaws? If it's jigsaws, I haven't made one in years! I'd love to, with some music or tv show in the background, but I don't have the time for it. If it's riddles, yeah, I love riddles! Doesn't mean I'm good at them but I played my fair share of Professor Layton growing up!
Any phobias?
None that I know of. Like, I'm not a fan of creepy bugs and heights and blood and all those typical things, but I wouldn't call them phobias. Like, I'm not a fan of spiders, but I'd never kill one and just put it in a jar and take it outside. So nothing I'm insanely scared of.
Favorite childhood sport?
I don't think I had a favourite sport growing up? I'm not really the most athletic person. But I do know that I was decent at shooting basketballs into the hoop, even for being short lol
Do you talk to yourself?
... Do people not do this? I do this all the time??
What movie(s) do you adore?
I'm not sure if I have an actual favourite movie, but I love Tangled and The Lion King!! I also really love Back To The Future. *looks at dvds* OH! The Holiday and Love, Rosie as well!! I think these are all films I'm always down to watch.
Coffee or tea?
I'm definitely more of a tea person. I most often drink black tea with milk (like, at breakfast, in the evening and when I'm not at work, in the afternoon as well).
I also drink coffee but when I do, I have to have it with milk and sugar and often with some sort of syrup (vanilla, hazelnut or caramel). Or iced! Iced coffee!!
First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
I think I wanted to become a farmer? At least that's what my mum told me. I can't imagine being a farmer now, I think kid me thought it would be fun to have a bunch of animals and be outside all day. Grown up me knows it's very different from that. And very often not that nice for the animals...
Also a veterinarian! But.... Y'know, blood and cutting into animals... Pass.
I'm going to tag a couple of mutuals and followers I very often see in my notes, but obviously anyone who wants to do this, can!
And don't feel obligated to do this just because I tagged you! <3
@silversoulstardust @actually-the-devil @in-a-faith-forgottenn-land @keeeegs @aflockofravens @heytheredeann
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blazehedgehog · 10 months
Do you think Shantae would have gone on to become a series if it hadn't leaned so hard on its cast being full of busty women? Like, the games run the gamut from great to awful for me personally, but I can never shake the kind of gross, soft porn-y vibes it gives me.
Didn't Shantae become a full series? There's like six games now.
Shantae: Risky's Revenge
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (remake)
Shantae and the Seven Sirens
Shantae: Risky Revolution (upcoming)
I was fine with Shantae's vibes up until the third game where it feels like they lean way, way harder into the "😉" if you know what I mean. That game opens with a group of girls announcing they're gonna strip down and go swimming in a pond that turns out to be made from drool.
That felt like the moment where you realize "hey this artist sure draws a lot of close-ups of really detailed feet."
I've heard a thing or two over the years from different people about the Shantae team and Matt Bozon. Nothing scandalous or offensive, but he does seem to be a guy that really likes his booby ladies. So the softcore/cheesecake vibe is intentional.
Something I want to talk about, because I've come to understand it better, is that... that's okay. I guess. Like, to me, I grew up as a guy who felt like sex was used in marketing as win button. With the right kind of body, men will automatically line up around the block, even if the end result is garbage. It felt like an insult. I didn't want to be thought of as that easy to trick.
Sexy ladies showing lots of skin in advertisements or movies or TV kind of made me angry as a result. They were trying to buy my approval and I wasn't selling. It became gross and annoying.
In the milieu of social media and getting to observe all different kinds of people in all different places of many spectrums, I finally came to realize that a sexualized appearance isn't always about being tricked. Some people like to look sexy. Some people like to create characters that look sexy. To some people it's just another emotion, like how they can make you happy, or scared, or make you laugh.
Once you think about it from the artist perspective of "I create art to show other people something I like", and some people like showing off their bodies, it all kind of clicks in to place. It's not always about money or even about the act of sex itself. People are allowed to like the shape of human form. It's just, you know, there are side effects of that.
Is it still weird in Shantae? Yeah, a little bit. But if that's Matt Bozon's thing, then that's his thing, I guess, and nothing I've heard makes him sound like trouble, he just likes his booby ladies, apparently.
It's a shame on some level, because despite having my third eye opened to sexuality for sexuality's sake, I couldn't get past Shantae 3's opening drool swim, even in spite of multiple friends telling me that it's still the best Shantae game ever made.
So it goes, I guess. To each their own.
Edit: So I've made it no secret that I heavily use the post queue/scheduling function on tumblr. I answer big batches of questions, throw them in the queue, and let them trickle out over a week. But what I've started also doing is letting $2-and-up patreon donors skip the queue, which is less of an advertisement and more a setup for this extension of the ask that took place in the comments of the most recent Patreon post:
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
Storm's a'comin. Snow soon. That's the word on the street.
I say that as though I've been out on the street... that's what my mom told me.
She caught me at a difficult time. I was literally just getting ready to start working on my quartz knife. I was debating getting in the shower first, but it's weird to even consider that when I'm going to wet-sand stone, it's so messy, it always feels like a better idea to shower after. Now... it's past 2AM and I still haven't showered.
The whole conversation was just about how fucked my life is. It was initiated by me, I can feel it. I swear, therapy did a lot of good for me. It really did. But being in live-in therapy environments for extended periods of time, having no friends except therapists or people in a therapy environment... it's turned every conversation I have into a fucking AA meeting.
"Hi, my name is ______ and these are my problems, and I struggle with this, and this sucks, and I can be supported in these ways."
And I'm starting to notice that no one outside of therapeutic environments speaks that way. Most of them speak in fucking code, I've noticed. It's weird. Like... I haven't really spoken subtext that much in my life... at all... just in general... but isolation made it flat-out difficult and... damaging. Like, I will say very heartfelt things to people and they think I'm... trying to trick them? Or, online, "trolling"? Or they assume I mean something completely different? It's so odd to me. I get that it's a self-protective mechanism that apparently a lot of people have, but like... from my perspective, it causes a shit-ton more harm than good... like... it doesn't even seem to protect people.
Anywho, the conversation was about my stream last night and how genuinely scared I am. I got a fucking DMCA notice 1 fucking minute after I ended my stream. 1 goddamn minute. 1/4 of my VoD was automatically muted. And I honestly don't know what to get from that. Am I safe? Am I going to get a strike? Is Twitch protecting me from strikes? Can I play music? Can I play podcasts?
And again, PTSD functions off of a sense of feeling safe and secure. And when some fucking greedy shitbags threaten to shut down my only source of meeting new people because I was listening to music while drawing - as a professional artist - and they want to claim that I'm... trying to sell the music? Like the music even has anything to do with what I'm presenting besides just being background noise. And I can't appeal it. I can't even speak in my own defense. It's pretty much a guaranteed strike. Like, what the fuck is the point of Fair Use laws if you don't even get a fucking hearing?! They gave up on that shit like 3 years ago, it's the Wild fucking West out here. OH MY GOD. As I'm typing this, the stream I was enjoying in the background runs the second 8-ad block in the past half hour. What the fuck happened? Seriously! This place has gone to shit! I swear, no one even remembers what Twitch and Youtube used to be like.
Ugh. So much stress. Constantly. I need a pee break.
Okay, back to venting I guess. The thing that pissed me off the most was that I got a warning email from Twitch about broadcasting copyrighted music... to no one. And I don't think my mom could really understand that. And she was trying to nudge me towards... copyright free music - which I ranted about last night - and then getting a broadcasting license. I mean. Give me a break. I have zero fucking viewers and I'm getting a broadcasting license?! Tell me I'm the crazy one thinking that's a bit excessive...
Then we went to... the ideas I had the past few years. My brother is a musician. We used to jam together all the time. We recorded an album together. I offered to pay him to make me as much music as he could, good chill lo-fi. As much as he could make. It can loop, it can be repetitive, whatever. Give me a giant playlist of original, good music that you would like... spark up a bowl and listen to while you're... fuck, I legit can't think of a "normal people" analogy for drawing. I don't know, just chill music. Just nothing too dark or abrasive. That stuff, just put it on a different list and I'll use that for like... horror drawing night or something. You know? Vibes. All that. And every person that comes in, they get introduced to his music. Idk how that's not a win-win.
He, obviously, rejected that. Obviously. I'm guessing it was a creative control issue or something. Wouldn't even try. Then I asked him if he would be interested in browsing Soundcloud and throwing together a playlist of unsigned musicians that he found that are actually good. And get paid to do that. Since I just have too fucking much on my goddamn hands, I can't do everything. And I could really use the help. Nope.
I literally couldn't even pay my own brother to make me a mixtape for my stream. That's 2023. That's how fucked music is right now. Or at least... in my experience.
Dude, I remember when me and my buddy J (my bandmate) would go on rides late at night just to listen to music in the car. He had roommates and shit, I lived in an apartment building, so we would just go for rides and crank the music and just... listen to music together, driving on the dark highways at like midnight. The people I run into, they act like you can't fucking do that shit anymore. Like it went extinct in 2012 or some shit.
I will know for a fact that I've found someone I need to keep close to me, when I get a message at like... 11:30... saying "hey dude, do you wanna go for a drive and just listen to the new Periphery album? See what we think about it? And then park somewhere and drink coffee and smoke cigarettes and talk about like... what we liked about it and what surprised us?"
I tried to do that last night. I seriously... I just wanted more than anything to share that experience of listening to that album for the first time. That's a once-in-a-lifetime experience, I will never experience that for the first time again, and I captured it, and it was fucking censored by corporate bots. That's why I was broadcasting, it's why I fucking hit "Start Broadcast", to spend time with people, to share that special moment with people, to share my passion and excitement. To share that time. And now, we can share time with people who are on the other side of the planet, with a 3 second delay on their goddamn phone. How fucking nuts is that?! So it's easier than ever to create these shared experiences. And yet I'm more alone than ever before. Why?
Because they all "grew up". Because no one has the time for this shit anymore. Because the people in my life disappeared and started families, or hide away in their daily grind. Or get buried in responsibilities. I don't even know anymore, it just makes me mad. This isn't how life is supposed to work.
This voice? The outraged "fuck the world" voice? I'm pretty sure that's a big part of my PTSD. It very bluntly expresses disapproval. It demands change. It often feels different, like different parts of my brain are lit up. It feels bitter, and oppressed. It feels like it can't give quarter, because it would be unsafe. It is very frequently misunderstood. The most frequently of all of my modes of communication, I'd guess. Which really sucks, because it's the one that has the most important messages, I'd say.
I try really hard to vet the messages that voice sends out before I send them. Fact-check, to use a trending hashtag. And at least keep an open mind that I may be reading into things a bit, or exaggerating. Because this is a self-protective mechanism I'm dealing with, and they do have a tendency to kinda... act first and sort out the details later. But... here... I'm pretty sure everything I've gone over here is pretty dead on the money. Which really sucks.
But... silver lining... this is a road map to what will bring me peace and happiness in my life. I need to find a way to open up my studio (share my art process/life) to the world... which doesn't involve threats of litigation. I need to find a way to connect with people over music... that doesn't involve risking having both my business and my social networking (personal and professional) shut down. The last person I heard that was a non-partner that got banned from Twitch was sending in appeals for over a month, and he was a comedian who was on a nationally broadcast sitcom, and he had to literally have a friend in the biz call in a favor from someone who worked at Twitch to get him unbanned. I'm not even fucking kidding. So... if I get canned? I'm fucked. Bye bye Twitch. Having security around that, that would make me feel much safer. And, I guess... I'm still mourning the loss of my brother and my former friends.
Might as well address that. Since I'm here. I say this with a heavy heart, because it's always hard to lose someone no matter how. I know loss pretty well. And... I know the two are different, and it might just be me... but in my experience... it's easier to lose someone because they're... gone... than it is to lose someone who is still here. They're just... ... how do I say this... I'm picturing Obi Wan lighting his lightsaber on Mustafar after Anakin force-chokes his pregnant wife.
Honestly, watching the scene again... I often feel more like Padme. I don't have the confidence Obi Wan has. Not anymore. And I don't have the willingness to enter combat, to stand ground and defend. And, unfortunately... look at how that ends for her. You know? I mean, not like Obi Wan's method was super effective either in the long run... And... I don't even know if there's a good way that exists to deal with people who have gone down a Dark path. I really don't. It just... it eats me alive to give up on people when I know their self is destroying them, their own pain and fear and anger. I hate giving up on people. Let alone... standing against them... when they turn on me. Even just defending myself in the moment feels like too much, let alone righteously opposing them.
Moments like that are a big part of why I want to seek out a spiritual group that has similar ethical pacifist beliefs as I do. I grew up in a super competitive family, my father being the most competitive of them all. I have no role model for these behaviors, so any new one is one that I've sorta... found through experimentation. I often feel very clumsy and ill-equipped. And I would really appreciate some form of... mentorship or something. On how to be a pacifist who is dealing with... possessed people. Haunted people. Traumatized people. Hey, maybe it'll even help me deal with myself, when my demons flare up. As they have been lately.
Let's not sugar coat this. I've noticed how I've been acting lately. I've noticed my fear and my anger. I've noticed my suspicions of people conspiring against me, all that shit. All byproducts of trauma. I see bits of Anakin in myself too. I know it's in there, and it's growing. And I need to get it out in healthy ways, and process it in healthy ways.
Meditation is helping, though it's extremely subtle and hard for me to really remember to do it.
My big problem with keeping this insistent "you don't understand, this is what's going on in my life and I just need blahblahblah and where the hell are my friends? Why is no one coming to my streams? Why can't I play music? Why? Why?" bullshit... is that... I actually do need answers to these questions. Like... how do I walk away from that? Just... not stream? I literally just started again. Then... do Instagram or YouTube videos instead of Twitch? Maybe. That's something. I don't know, it just feels like... giving up. Like I ask one person, they don't know... so I give the fuck up? But I have no one else to ask!
But again, the big problem with that... is that it's directly connected to my feeling of safety. Direct chain of events.
No music -> eventually no stream -> no new people seeing my art -> career over.
No friends dropping by the stream -> constant zero viewer count -> no new viewers, no one wants to go to a dead stream -> no new people seeing my art -> career over.
It all funnels down.
Ugh, this is so depressing. Like... I just wish I could workshop this with someone, have someone brainstorm shit with me who actually knows what they're talking about. Like... if I put on a 3 hour podcast, am I going to get flagged?
I need to get off of this topic. It's eating me alive. I didn't stream because of it today. For fuck's sake. I did 6+ hours yesterday, and I couldn't stream at all tonight because I just engaged with this line of thought when my mom called because I was still on-edge.
At least it wasn't a fight. Gotta count my blessings on that.
So... snow's coming. That's nice, huh? XD No electric board, but I can try to hoof it to the community car and swing over to the indoor skatepark, that's something. And I can snowskate, if the snow is good. That's good.
Today felt like a wash. Honestly. Just really stressful all day. Which really sucks because yoga wasn't too bad, meditation went okay, and then I did dishes and cleaned the kitchen, including vacuuming. Then it just went to shit. Because I went into AA-mode and just started unloading all the crap I was carrying from last night about DMCA and work and shit. Ugh.
I just want to make art, man. And listen to good tunes. And share that with other people. And if that's too much to ask... I don't know what to say. But I respect my non-existent viewers, and myself, too much to subject them to copyright free muzak.
Okay, here's a good one to reset the vibes. So... I had a really good idea today for another mala. I was thinking about the bead sequences and how the number of beads are sorta focused around important and powerful cultural numbers. And I had this really cool idea of having each bead be representative of a note within a key, color coded by note, and each section of the mala is representative of a chord, with notes ascending from lowest to highest. And the entire mala itself represents a chord progression.
Music is calling me. The big question is... do I engage with it before or after the skull? I'll mull it over tomorrow.
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therewithall · 3 years
Roswell, New Mexico custom Magic: The Gathering cards
For RNM D&D Weekend Warriors, I branched out to another tabletop format and made a handful of custom Magic: The Gathering cards based on the core cast of Roswell, NM. Here’s the break-down of how I chose each character’s color(s) and abilities as well as highlight some of the neat ways they interact. None of the cards have been playtested so there is still room for them to be further developed and balanced. For anyone who isn’t very familiar with Magic: The Gathering, every card fits into various types that can be played for the cost printed in the top right-hand corner. There are 5 colors of Mana- White, Blue, Black, Red, Green- I’ll be using the letters W, U (blue), B (black), R, and G to represent the mana colors in my discussion. Each card can also have different traits and abilities, and a set of numbers that represents how strong its attack and defense are (represented as attack/defense). There’s a lot of amazingly nerdy discussion of Magic Lore that delves into how the Mana colors relate to personality traits and behaviors of the characters on the cards-- more on that here- but just know that I’ll be discussing some of those qualities as I go into why I chose the attributes for each card/character.So here we go!
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Max Evans, Smalltown Hero        2WR Legendary Creature – Human Alien Vigilance, Haste (This creature doesn’t tap to attack and may attack or use tap abilities the turn it enters the battlefield.) T, Sacrifice a nonland permanent: Another target creature gains indestructible until end of turn. Max is a deputy with the sheriff’s department and a natural leader who has kept his powers and identity a secret for years. 3/1
Max is kind hearted and wants to protect his community and friends. On the other hand, he’s impulsive and will make rash decisions without thinking about the consequences of his actions. These two beliefs place him firmly in red/white for Magic colors; a combination that often plays small aggressive creatures and engages in frequent combat. I gave Max vigilance to represent him being a defender as well as an aggressor in a lot of circumstances. His ability to sacrifice something to protect someone else exemplifies his ability to both heal and destroy. Lastly he has haste and a fragile body (1 toughness) making a game with Max play out with an early attack followed by him protecting someone else and only getting in when the coast is clear.
Michael Guerin, Tech Genius      1WU Legendary Creature – Human Alien Artificer When Michael Guerin, Tech Genius enters the battlefield, search your library and/or graveyard for a noncreature artifact or enchantment card and exile it with a research counter on it. If you searched your library this way, shuffle. X, T: Create a token that’s a copy of a card exiled with a research counter. X is that card’s mana value. 2/3
Michael cares about the team differently than Max does. He is often tinkering with things in order to heal or protect others if possible and is a genius when it comes to inventions involving alien technology. His intelligence and need for knowing more fits in blue (alongside a few other science oriented characters). Whereas Max is a straightforward attacker, I chose an ability that is much more complex to understand for Michael. He makes copies of trinkets after taking the time to examine them which lends itself to more combo and control oriented play patterns instead of just blindly turning stuff sideways. I didn’t capture Michael’s temper, but I didn’t want all aliens to be red. Maybe I’ll make another version some time that incorporates different facets of their personalities.
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Isobel Evans, Influencer                UBR Legendary Creature – Human Alien Your opponents play with the top card of their library revealed. 3R, T: Gain control of target creature an opponent controls until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn. 6BB, T: You control target player’s next turn. Activate only once. 1/4
Isobel has fewer words than Michael, but oh my is she complex as well. If Max leans toward aggro and Michael is combo, Isobel is the control card of the siblings. Isobel is often guided by her emotions, but channels that into careful thought in how to execute a plan and always looks out for herself and her people. Her abilities represent her powers spread across the three colors: Blue – Reading your opponent’s mind, Red – Controlling someone’s impulses for a short period, Black – Forcing your opponent’s actions, once.
Liz Ortecho, Savvy Scientist          1UB Legendary Creature – Human Rebel Liz Ortecho, Savvy Scientist can’t be blocked as long as defending player controls an artifact. Whenever Liz Ortecho deals combat damage to a player, gain control of target artifact that player controls with mana value less than or equal to the damage dealt. 2/1
Liz is smart, cunning, and will protect her own. Her science background lends itself to Blue, but this card plays up some of her devious nature of stealing hospital equipment, doing illegal research, and general sneaking around, so there’s Black in her mana cost as well. She often draws on the abilities of those around her, which means that her connections make her stronger. Amusingly, she’s unblockable against some of our other characters including her own dad!
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Alex Manes, Tech Specialist            1WUB Whenever you draw a card, target creature you control gains deathtouch (Any amount of damage it deals to a creature is enough to destroy it.), lifelink (Damage dealt by that creature also causes you to gain that much life.), or vigilance (Attacking doesn’t cause it to tap.) until end of turn. Whenever Alex Manes, Tech Specialist deals combat damage to a player, create a clue token. (It’s an artifact with “2, Sacrifice this artifact: Draw a card.”) Kyle: “What’s the worst thing we could find?“ Alex: “Literal skeletons.” 2/3
Alex also sneaks around, but I wanted to play up his investigation skills a little more. Instead of just drawing a card when he does damage, he makes a clue “token”. That clue token represents information (drawing a card) that can be held onto or acted on later. He’s a character who’s able to do plenty of damage in his own right, but his big advantage is being able to help other characters do their jobs and get combat abilities they wouldn’t otherwise have. He protects his friends.
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Maria DeLuca, Entrepreneur       2RG Legendary Creature – Human Alien Haste (This creature may attack and use tap abilities the turn it enters the battlefield.) Each other creature you control enters the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it. “Maria DeLuca is her own savior.” 3/2
Maria cares about her friends and her business. Her ability helps everyone and represents your other creatures being able to stop in for a drink at the bar. She gets haste to show how hard she works and has aggressive stats so she can get her hands dirty in a fight. Like Michael, I could see another version playing into her psychic powers.
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Dr. Kyle Valenti                 1WW Legendary Creature – Human Lifelink (Damage dealt by that creature also causes you to gain that much life.) When Dr. Kyle Valenti enters the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on each other creature you control. "In a hospital it doesn't matter what someone did before they came through the doors." 2/2
Kyle is a healer and instead of showing that with damage prevention, I chose a simpler buff to the whole team. Now you’re less worried about losing fights!
Rosa Ortecho, Troubled Artist                     1BR Legendary Creature – Human Alien At the beginning of your upkeep, choose one — • Draw a card and lose 2 life. • Exile the top card of your library. Until end of turn, you may play that card. Red is armor. 3/2
Rosa was a fun one to design. She is black red which is a color combo notoriously bad at impulse control. She has aggressive stats and an ability that makes the controller make a hard choice every turn. Do I take the guaranteed draw at the cost of a couple life or do I risk not being able to cast whatever I exile? Among other things, this represents her struggle with addiction-- taking the most directly expedient option comes with some harm to her life totals- but it’s the damage you know. The second option requires you to risk the unknown, but be able to participate in the fight without automatically being harmed-- it requires you to trust your deck and your support network...but be prepared for potential setbacks.
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Arturo Ortecho                 GG Legendary Creature – Human Defender (This creature can’t attack.) Whenever a nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, create a Food token. (It’s an artifact with “{2}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: You gain 3 life.”) G, T, Sacrifice a Food: Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. “I already have my miracle.” 2/4
Arturo cares about his community as do many of our characters, but if there’s any color that cares about bringing everyone in for dinner, it’s green. He delivers food whenever a new creature enters and can use them as buffs instead of just life gain! His kindness and compassion sustain everyone.
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Deputy Jenna Cameron                 1RR Legendary Creature – Human First Strike (This creature deals combat damage before creatures without first strike.) Whenever Jenna blocks or becomes blocked by a creature, she deals 1 damage to that creature. “Who you callin’ a girl?” 2/3
In case you can’t tell, a lot of our characters act on impulse and emotion, which is a Red trait. Cam is tough (A 3/4 is needed to best her in combat!) and efficiently deals with enemies. The faster-than-first strike damage represents her sharp shooting skill. And because of her skills, anyone going up against her is going to feel it right away.
Sergeant Jesse Manes                   2BB Legendary Creature – Human Soldier Menace (This creature must be blocked by two or more creatures.) When Sergeant Jesse Manes enters the battlefield or attacks, exile the top card of each opponent’s library face down. You may cast noncreature cards exiled this way and you may spend mana as though it were mana of any type to cast that spell. Jesse's inhumane methods leave only pain in his wake. 3/2
Jesse is a character who has his own twisted view of how his actions will better society. His card here plays up how he tends to believe the ends justify any means-- for him, at least. He steals information and uses it against those he took it from, to represent his involvement in Project Shepherd and the threat he represents not just to the safety and security of the aliens, but to anyone helping them. I chose to exclude creatures in order to make the ability a little more efficient and make it feel more like controlling the chess board and less like mind control (Which a Noah card would someday probably do).
Whew! I hope you enjoyed reading these as much as I enjoyed making them!
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lihikainanea · 4 years
No hate because I don't mean to offend it's just I've always been told otherwise and I'd like your input. Genuinely, how do you fight against a grown man that's twice your size when you're so small??? Like could you throw Bill around for example? I just don't understand how that works. I've always been told that no matter how strong a woman is, if a man twice her size takes her on she'll lose. And that martial arts won't win against a guy who street fights and you need to defend yourself.
No offence taken, bubs. I get this question a lot, and I’m always happy to explain these things to people who ask out of genuine curiosity. For people who ask out of arrogance (ie: usually dudes), I tend to prefer a more demonstrative approach.
There are a few things that make this whole “martial arts is useless against people bigger and stronger than you” thing a total misconception, so let’s outline some of them.
1) Martial arts is never about strength or force. Well, not your own anyway. The concept of martial arts was created with one very, very obvious thing in mind: That you will usually get attacked by someone bigger and stronger than you. I can’t speak for all martial arts, but as a kyokushinkai, I can tell you how we train and what we believe. Martial arts is not about your strength, or your force--but rather, it is about using your opponent’s strength and force against them. Have you ever thrown a punch at the air? I’m talking a real punch, one with your whole body weight--ever throw a haymaker like that at absolutely nothing? Let me tell you what happens: you go flying. More specifically, you pitch forward at the waist, you lean your upper body forward, you step into it as you try to regain your balance--and then your body’s natural inclination to counter that weight kicks in, and you lean back to try and regain your centre.
Now, imagine that as you throw that punch, the person in front of you just hooks a hand behind your shoulder and guides you even more into the direction you were already catapulting yourself in. Then imagine as your body is pitching forward from your own force, all of that forward momentum driving into one sole place--imagine the person in front of you just raises a knee, sinks it into your gut. All of this--every modicum of it--is your own force. Not theirs.
Additionally, there are also spots on the body where you can cause maximum damage with minimum efforts--these are called pressure points, most people don’t have more than a basic understanding of them, and they are a bitch. There are a lot of them in a lot of easy to reach places, and none of them require much more than a tap. Take your fingers--your index and your middle finger--and put them on the spot under your earlobe, right where your jaw connects to your skull. Push down there--that’s pretty sensitive, right? Now look at your hand, where your thumb connects to your wrist. Tuck your thumb into your palm.
If you tap someone on either side where their jaw connects, with that bony part of your hand--and you have a solid 5cm of space here, so you can miss and still be fine--you will knock them out. Every single time.
How this is applicable to the argument: People tend to think of fighting as a Rock’Em Sock’Em game. You stand in front and you punch each other. If that’s how fighting worked, then punch for punch--yeah, a dude who is 6′4 and 240lbs is stronger than me. But martial artists are craftier than that--and if I know that I won’t win the brute force game, then I don’t play the brute force game. After 12 years of training, I have 238975854569 other games that he doesn’t.
So yes, I could throw Bill around. But the whole point is--I would never have to. Strength would be his fight, because he’s a big dude. If I know my strength won’t win, then I won’t fight that way.
2) Speed and accuracy
Again, I can only speak as a kyokushinkai. But something that we emphasized was that there was a need, when you train, to constantly be uncomfortable. Are we throwing punches? Okay great, here put a weighted belt on only one side of your body and also these rubber bands on your wrist are connected to a guy behind you who will pull your hand back every time you try to throw it forward. Are we practicing defending against surprise attacks, or accuracy? Great, here kick this tiny ping pong ball using only this part of your foot, and wear a blindfold while you’re at it.
12 years of this.
I will reiterate that standing in front of a dude, square on, throwing timed punches--I will lose. He will be stronger than me. But thankfully, that’s...not ever how a fight works.
What allows me to win against a guy of that size is my speed, and my accuracy.  Let me tell you a little something about how people punch: people don’t know how to punch. Their features pinch in their face, and their neck tightens. An arm is drawn back--way back--and usually, the leading foot is raised just a tad, on the heel, so it’s just the ball of the foot on the ground. The fist comes through the air in a circular arc, reaching to connect to the side of your face as the person steps forward. The punch’s natural progression is from one of your shoulders to the other--if you can imagine that pathway. The entire thing is circular, it is energy-consuming, but more than that--it’s predictable.
I have spent 12 years getting punched by men stronger than me, who were trained to punch. Men who spent 20 years training to punch. I don’t see those coming, for a few reasons: they’re too fast, but mostly, we have been trained to not “give away” our strikes. Our faces don’t twitch anymore. We give no indication that a punch is coming, until we’ve actually punched you. There’s no wind up. There’s no arc. There’s no shift in weight--it is a direct line, and it is immediate. And devastating. We punch to break cinder blocks. Your face is not as strong as a cinderblock.
Fighting these dudes who give nothing away, I can say that in a street fight against someone--things are moving in slow motion for me. And I can confirm this, because I’ve been jumped twice in my life. Everything the opponent did, it looked like he was moving through molasses. I recognized the sudden tensing in his facial features (as competitors, do you know where we look when we fight? At the hollow of the neck on our opponent. Because of the involuntary way it clenches when they’re about to throw a strike.) I saw the arm wind back--way the fuck back. It gave me a half a second--but that’s a half a second head start, and that’s all the time I need. I can deflect. I can stop. I can strike back.
How this is applicable to the argument: Strength and force don’t even come to the party when an opponent is faster than you, because you can’t exude force against something that you can’t grab or strike. You also can’t exude force against something that strikes you right as you’re attempting to strike it.
And because we train so much on accuracy, it means that I can hit the spot that I mean to hit, with the force I mean to hit it with, under most circumstances. Including on a moving, erratic, unpredictable target. And if I miss, then I have the reflexes fast enough to strike something that was just made available to me in my miss. Example: I go to strike a groin, and he covers? Most men have an incredibly fast reflex to cover their groin. That’s fine, because it means that his hands just went down to block my strike. And when his hands go down, you know what he’s not protecting?
His head. Off with it.
(it’s also important to note that the first thing we are ever taught to protect, is our head. This is so deeply engrained in us. And the number one thing that people always punch for, is the head. When you spend 12 years protecting it against 5th degree black belts, believe me some drunk dude in a bar is not even going to get close to it without dying first.)
3) Tolerance for pain
I mentioned before that if you have never gotten punched before, it is an incredibly jarring experience. You panic. You freeze. Your knees give out. You maybe scream, you probably start to cry, you get really freaked out. There’s so many things that play on the brain in those situations--that you’re in danger, that you’re under attack, that you don’t know what to do, that the punch caused some serious damage, that you’re in pain, that somebody tried to hurt you. All of these things are terrifying, and they’re a very natural panic response to the situation.
Over the course of 12 years, I have gotten punched and kicked at full force--my face, my stomach, my chest, my head--millions of times. Millions. It doesn’t incite panic anymore, but it sure does incite rage.
Kyokushinkai go through various exercises to numb ourselves to pain. We punch telephone books covered in burlap, to kill the nerve endings in our knuckles. When we’re past that, we move onto concrete. We whack our shins with baseball bats to break down the microfibres in the bone, so they’ll not only grow back stronger--but they’ll grow back numb. We stand there, and we let the entire class punch us. Kick us. We don’t block--we absorb it. In kyokushin tournaments, if you show pain, you automatically lose. That means that if I take a kick to the head and I grimace, if I grunt or suck in a breath or otherwise show any emotion--I forfeit the fight. Immediately.
All of this takes the shock value out of experiencing pain, and more importantly, it re-programs your brain to replace it with something else. We have been, essentially, reprogrammed. That’s the only word I can think of for this. The normal brain is programmed that when you get punched, you feel pain. The kyokunshinkai brain is programmed that when you get punched, you feel fucking blind rage.
How this is applicable to the argument: He might be stronger, and he might land the hit. But I have been punched much harder by men who have been trained to use their bodies as weapons. I have submitted my body to that for 12 years. So he may land the hit. But it won’t hurt me, because for 12 years, I have been through worse. And if he lands the hit, refer to item 2 on how I can still win. Most people throw the punch thinking it will end the fight. It’s rather shocking when you throw the punch and a harder one lands on you 2 seconds later.
4) We understand body mechanics.
This is kind of all of the points rolled into one. Martial artists have an innate understanding of pressure points, how to manipulate them, but more than that--we understand how the body moves. We understand actions, and counter-actions. We understand involuntary muscle twitches. We understand the ebb and flow, the sway, the centre lines. Gravity.
Up top I mentioned that in competition, we stare at the other person’s throat when we fight. This is not only because it’s one of the places where your peripheral vision is most effective (you can see all movement in their arms and legs), but because the body basically gives involuntary muscle twitches there before any other movement is made. If something there twitches, then something is about to come flying at your head.
But we also understand that for anybody who hasn’t been trained, a contortion of the facial features precedes strike. It’s a running joke amongst martial artists, this idea that “a punch comes from your face.” It does. there is always a constriction of the facial features before a strike.
We understand the body mechanics of a poorly thrown punch. We understand that to get more force, people will swing back, shift their weight to their back leg before pitching forward, planting their front leg, swinging their arm way behind them as their gravity shifts to the front and they launch it. A martial artist would look at this situation, and manipulate it.
So when the dude shifts his weight onto his back leg and draws his arm back--you break his back leg. Chop it down like a fucking tree, which is easy to do when his weight is on it. Or you let him throw the punch, and you move--just a slight toss to the side, guide his arm where it was going anyway if you want to, and with a little downward momentum this guy is eating pavement. And again, it’s his own momentum. You’re just nudging him to where he was already going.
As martial artists we understand centrelines and counterbalance. We understand that sometimes you need to swing things up to have enough momentum to bring them down (a double collar grab), we understand that you need to oppose the force to gain enough momentum to go with the force (a double wrist grab on you that turns into a forearm lock on them).
How this is applicable to the argument: if I could hone in on something here, and it’s only because it’s something that took me a long time to learn: we understand how to force someone to fight our fight. For years and years I would adapt to someone else’s fight. If he was a garbage truck on the mats, standing there and pounding on me, I would morph into a garbage truck too and just stand there, take it, and punch back--instead of working my angles, getting off his centre, not giving him the access to get into a punching rhythm. And against a big tall dude, a big strong dude--no, I can’t reach his head.
But I can make his head come to me.
You learn that a groin kick will lower an opponent’s hands, and it will buckle their knees in protection. Cause them to crouch. You learn that a well positioned punch low on the abdomen--say, the bladder--will fold a person in half, which brings their head much closer to you. You learn to get what you want. You want the back leg? You put yours forward. Offer it up. You hand it to them on a silver platter and let them believe they have it. You want the ribs? You throw up high, so their hands come up. You want the groin? You give them your hands. Because essentially--they don’t have your hands. You have theirs, and then bullseye.
Which brings me to my fifth and final point....
5) Adaptability.
As martial artists, we have options. We have a lot of options. We like options. We don’t believe in one fight. We don’t believe you’re ever really stuck.  But we do believe in something else, that is very dear to us. A philosophy, of sorts, and it goes like this:
Every single part of me is a weapon and every single part of you is a target.
We know how to use what’s left, we know how to use what’s available. If you have one of my hands, I have 3 other weapons I can strike you with. If I kick for your groin and I miss or you block, I now know that your head is unprotected and you’re hunched over. It means I can knock you out, it means I can reach and literally rip your ears off (sorry kids, self-defence is nasty). If I throw a punch for your solar plexus and you move, I can hit you from any angle within a 5 foot radius because that’s how I’ve been trained. If you break my leg, then I’ll remember that time that I broke my leg in competition and I still finished the fight, because I know that my adrenaline is so far off the charts that I still have a good 20 minutes before I’ll feel the pain.
If I kick and you block, I know how to throw another 3 kicks before my foot lands--all at different areas of the body. If I punch and you block, I know how to punch another 6 times and kick another 3 and one of them is bound to land, and hurt you.
How this is applicable to the argument: Everybody’s got a plan ‘til they get punched in the face. Most people start a brawl with some semblance of a plan in mind--even if that plan is just “I’m gonna throw this punch that this fucker won’t ever see coming and knock him the fuck out.”
Martial artists don’t have a plan. Martial artists wait until you reveal your plan, and then we just make sure we don’t let you carry through with it. I hope this helps shed some light, bubs <3
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wrongfullythinking · 3 years
Twitter and the “Public Forum”
There is a very large looming legal question about whether or not social media sites, such as Twitter, are “Public Forums.”  Most would agree that they are not... at least... not yet.  But the question is... should they be?
First, a look into why it matters.
In a public forum, all First Amendment protections apply.  So you can say any number of very objectionable things (https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=12634874511090553174) and be protected.  In a private forum, this is not so.  I can kick you out of my house for wearing an Abercrombie shirt, and you have no Free Speech/Expression reason to contest my staggeringly good decision-making.
Second, the public forum cannot be policed for any content that may be stated.  This is why if you go to reserve time at a public park, you don’t have to tell the Parks and Rec department what your event is for.  Just things like how many people, how long the event will last, etc.  This is well-established and well-backed by many years of precedent.
Finally, there is the very serious matter of personal liability.  In certain circumstances, officials can be held personally liable if their policies deliberately and knowingly infringe upon Bill of Rights protections (most often First Amendment protections).  This means that you could literally sue for the property and assets of a person.  (Also, this is why those of us who own either physical property [like a house] or intellectual property [like a book] buy “Umbrella Coverage” from insurances... I recommend State Farm, but that’s totally irrelevant and I’m not getting any kickbacks for that shill =P.)
But hang on... so if the government owns a billboard and rents it out to whomever can pay, can I rent it and post a naked lady?
You could try, and you might win!  What you can’t do is post something obscene.  And yes, whether or not a naked person is obscene is staggeringly controversial.  There’s a 3-part test from the Burger court, a host of vague terms like “average person” and “contemporary community standards,” and “lacks serious artistic/literary/political/scientific value.”  And then there are protections for children, a whole separate piece, as well as child pornography, which is always classified as obscene... except when it is not, like in the cases of naked cherubs in church windows.  So, confused yet?  We’re off topic, but I make this point to explain that even in public forums, where First Amendment rights are fiercely protected, there are still outstanding issues of content censorship.
So, is Twitter / Facebook / Tumblr a public forum?
At this point, the answer is no.  They are privately controlled by companies, not owned by the feds or states or local municipalities, and thus can make almost any policy they want.  The idea here is that the free market dictates the life or death of these platforms... and that idea tends to hold true!  Tumblr itself is a good case-in-point, because it has lost millions of dollars in value due to bad leadership decisions, and at least partially because of censorship.  There are countless examples of others... I remember when Yahoo! was the primary search engine of the internet and Xanga was the biggest blogging platform.  While you can still Yahoo, I’m not sure there are more than a few hundred people on Xanga, if it still exists in any useful format.  So, since places like this are subject to the free market, and thus can die... they should be allowed to make all the good or bad decisions they want about their content.  Or at least, that is how the theory runs.
But really... ARE they subject to the market?  Now we’re getting into the really interesting territory.  If Facebook shut down tomorrow, would it be a problem?  Maybe, but life would continue.  But if Google shut down tomorrow?  Well, millions of schoolchildren are in GoogleClassrooms right now, so that would certainly be a problem.  It would at least cause massive disruption... and Facebook shutting down would cause some disruption.  Likewise, Twitter controls so much speech that instead of publishing headlines from Newspapers, newspapers publish headlines from Twitter!  The 14-year-old looks at that line like “well, duh” and the 44-year old reads that line like “wow, we’ve come a long way,” and the 84-year-old reads that line with just a sad headshake.
So, now we’ve joined one of the most controversial points of the last 20 years... the Fannie Mae “Too Big to Fail” problem.  Basically, a set of banks and big mortgage companies (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) made a bunch of bad decisions in about 1995 - 2008.  [As an aside, whether or not Fannie Mae {technically, the “Federal National Mortgage Association”} is actually a company comes up as an issue... it originated as a government program, but is today a publicly-traded company and has been since the late 60s, though it was delisted from NYSE and is only traded off-exchange].  And the government had to step in.  You can read all about that issue at another time, the bottom line is that actually Fannie Mae has paid back more than it borrowed, but there was a ballooning of the debt ceiling by over 800 billion.  Some people care about the national debt, some don’t, and again, not the subject of this commentary.  The point is that it set a very odd precedent, whereas a company could make extremely bad decisions and then the burden would be placed on the taxpayers to fix their decision, because the company itself was a part of so many people’s lives.  Would social media fall under this guidance?  Unlikely, and I think we would all run from state-sponsored social media... but hey, what do I know.
So... get to the point.  Should they be public forums, or not?
My two cents always comes down against censorship, especially censorship by entities that don’t have my best interests at heart... so basically, everybody else.  I think that it is so easy to self-censor the internet at the personal end (for example, by installing filters and blocking services for objectionable content), that companies should not be unilaterally making these decisions, especially if those companies want to be venues for mass public communication.
Let’s go with another example... let’s say you wanted to call up your buddy and have a nice long phonesex session.  Good for you.  Or just chat with them about the latest Dr. Doe video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXgT8WXaPUY), because enthusiasm is important.  Would you be okay with Verizon telling a robot to monitor your call, and then automatically hang up if you said “penis” too much?  Or “Trump”?  Or “Black Lives Matter?”  What about “Nazi,” “Rohypnol,” “Mary Jane,” “negritos” [I’ve got your back, Mr. Cavani], “snowbunny,” or “Insane Clown Posse”?  I think most people would be upset about any of those, and they would rightfully tell Verizon that they will find another provider.  So Verizon doesn’t do that, although it could.  But Twitter does do that.  And the availability of another Twitter is in question.  Will something succeed Twitter?  Absolutely.  But right now, Twitter is under no market pressure, so it is succeeding at taking off its platform any number of conversations that it probably should not be policing.
There’s also a social-justice side of this.  So, let’s say that we all decide Twitter is a bad platform and move to something else.  And that something else costs us 10$ a month.  I wouldn’t notice this fee.  Others would.  So that’s an access issue.  Or, let’s say that some people start migrating to a new platform, and they only tell their friends about it.  That’s okay, right?  Absolutely... but imagine that college student who is trapped at home in a pandemic right now who cannot get any viewpoints outside of what her parents approved of, and previously used Twitter to explore and challenge her upbringing.  If she doesn’t get an invite to the new platform, is she just lost?
And that brings up the Pandemic.  Many, many common public forums have been shut down due to the pandemic.  This alone has caused serious controversy (see: BLM protests on crowded streets where state governors participated, while those same governors implemented executive orders enforcing 6-foot distancing in churches and stores), so the argument for Twitter censorship “but you have many other public forums!” is tough to substantiate during the COVID-era.  And this is a HUGE problem.  Historically, taking away public forums is always an early move of totalitarian regimes.  Taking away rights to assembly and speech follows soon after.  We’re now in Phase 2 there... and our governors keep assuring us it is temporary... while at the same time, encouraging Twitter to take off any viewpoints they don’t like, under the guise of “false or misleading information.”  Soon, they start moving into the schools, and that leads to...
So, to talk about what rigorous debate means, we need to understand a bit about Science.  And specifically, the philosophy of science, what scientific discourse looks like, and why review and critique are parts of the scientific process.
Point 1: “Scientific consensus” is hogwash.  Yes, we all agree that the Earth orbits the Sun, and the Sun itself moves, but beyond that, there isn’t much scientific consensus.  If you see an article that starts with the phrase “Expert say,” you can go ahead and close your browser window right there.  The rest is bull****.
Point 2: The limits of science are boundless.  Any specific scientific paper is, by necessity and the peer review process, very strictly bounded.  “Whether or not a vaccine is efficient” is an entirely different paper than one titled “Whether or not 80-year-olds with lung cancer should get the vaccine,” and both of those are different than “How the US should achieve herd immunity, and if it is even possible for COVID-19 before significant mutations cause current immunizations to be ineffective,” and all three of those are different from “Do we need to vaccinate our cats from COVID in order to reach herd immunity?”
Point 3: There is no “finalized” science.  The answers are never finished.  What is “cutting edge” science today is out-of-date tomorrow, barbaric and backwards by the end of the year, and grounds for an abuse lawsuit by the end of the decade.  The best examples of this are from Psych treatments.
Point 4: I get very worried when anybody starts to censor scientific content... especially those without any qualifications.  Okay, so this one is a personal sentence (note the “I”), but I’m going to go ahead and guess that Twitter robots and interns flagging posts don’t have any idea the difference between sensitivity and specificity, the background as to why the FDA has never approved an mRNA vaccine previously, the difference between statistical and clinical significance, and how to read a limitations section.  The people who are qualified to do so are peer reviewers... and in the case where those fail (which happens!), the rest of the writer’s peers.  And we do that.  Anything published is open to critique, which leads to the final point, that...
Point 5: Critique and Review are THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS of scientific publishing.  If a piece is published without review, it is called an “opinion” and not science.  Even more worrisome than the censoring of unpopular papers is the censoring of the opinions of scientists on the papers of their peers.  Should someone publish a paper where I believe they overstretched their claims, it is a HUGE part of my job to call that out.  For an agency like Twitter to be able to say “you don’t have the right to say that they overstated their claim, because expressing a concern about a vaccine is against our Terms of Use” is a very big problem for science.
The flipside is that you get into the part where now a company can, through its policy, dictate what science gets done.  For example, lets say I wanted to examine an unpopular question... and I’m a social scientist, so there are plenty of those, but say I wanted to do something semi-controversial but apolitical.  I’ll say my research question is “How do the happiness of those in committed multi-year polyamorous relationships compare to the happiness of people in similar economic and social situations but in closed marriages where additional intimate partnerships would be viewed as grounds for relationship termination?”  There are plenty of ways I could conduct this study and I’ll spare you my methodological musings, but safe to say there are platforms who would not want me to publish my results.  And that’s fine. 
But let’s say that I did publish my results, and a commenter took to Twitter.  And their response was “I read your paper, and I see your conclusion that those in committed multi-year polyamorous relationships score no differently on a happiness scale than those in the closed marriages.  However, I disagree with your use of this scale, because it was tested on populations of retirees, and most of the people in your sample are in their late 20s or early 30s.”
That is an EXCELLENT and VALID critique.  And let’s say that Twitter was heavily into the social justice and had a policy that said “you can’t say negative things about polyamory.”  And they deleted this person’s comment.  Now, Twitter has interfered with the scientific process.  That comment IS PART of the dialogue and that dialogue is part of Science.  Yes, there are other places that those comments could be made, and not be censored... but we should not be encouraging that censorship ANYWHERE.  And Twitter has vastly overstepped the line on this point.  Random Twitter employees have no business removing professional critiques about a study, even if there are other platforms for those critiques.
Other Thoughts
1) Generally, you can’t prohibit meetings in a public forum based on prior behavior.  Thus, “X group was violent in the past” is not a reason to prohibit X group from accessing a public forum for speech.  So there’s no saying “Proud Boys were violent once, so no Proud Boys on Twitter” if it were to be declared a public forum.
2) I’m really not aware of any large precedents for taking a private company and declaring it a public forum.  That may seem redundant (obviously, if there was precedent, this wouldn’t be such a hot-button issue), but it bears specific mention.
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deity-of-calamity · 4 years
(Posting this for mobile users)
Mun is 32
Muse is Demisexual and Bi romantic
Muse Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
DON’T CONTROL MY MUSE (unless we plot it for an rp)
DON’T GIVE MY MUSE HEADCANONS (Ex: How they like the temperature, what kind of food they like, etc. I’m the one who ultimately decides what they want. Discussing it is fine but don’t automatically give them something I haven’t agreed to.)
NO SMUT WITH MINORS ( I MEAN IT. You’ll be blocked if you lie about your age)
I will rp NSFW (Mostly violence. Smut isn’t common but will be tagged/put under a read more if it happens.)
I’m okay with romantic relationships (but there needs to be chemistry. Bill is not an easy person to love)
I really love fluff and angst
Reply length: I am not very good with writing long replies. Let alone super long like paragraphs. However sometimes I can write long ones if I’m in the mood and can actually think of a lot to write. Typically I just try to have more than one sentence written out. But when it comes to an ask, those tend to be short because I have no idea if anyone wants to turn that into an rp. So if you do, either tell me or move it to a separate text post.
I’m mostly a just wing it rper and I don’t always make starters. But feel free to message me if you’d like to plot. I also rp based on my mood. Some days I may not be feeling certain muses and I’m sorry. Also real life stuff can be stressful at times and I tend to play games or listen to music to relax. I’m also an artist so I may draw too.
Please don’t pressure me about replies. I am trying to get to them as best I can.
UPDATE 1: Sometimes I'll drop threads without warning. However it's not usually on purpose as most of the time I'm trying to come up with a good response. Not everything is going to be an instant reply. I like to think of something if it's a more thought provoking thread. Sometimes the reply might be long. Sometimes not.
UPDATE 2: I enjoy Hazbin Hotel content. I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable but please don't harass me about it. Just because I enjoy the characters and story, it does not make me a bad person and I am not going to waste my breath on people who only want to be jerks over it.
UPDATE 3: The way I portray Bill is a bit kinder than what most people may be used to. I am often anxious about how others will react to this but I felt the need to point out that mine is more of an angsty mess than just flat out heartless. He'll also make a mention of Will here and there. This is mostly due to the close connection my Bill had with another person's Will but I love the idea of the two being close. (Be it like brothers or even romantic)
UPDATE 4: This is just more of something I want to point out. I tend to rp Bill in a humanoid form, even if he's in the mindscape and it's more of a dream body. As I have no idea how to rp a triangle and I've been doing this type of form for a few years now.
(More updates will be posted if I think of more)
I understand if people have anxiety issues. So you can send me Just Gold or tell me you’ve read my rules. I’ll usually assume people who interact with me have but I like to be sure.
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isocrime · 4 years
sorry for sending another question but i also wanted to ask when you first felt the urge to write fanfics? has your 'drive' changed or has it stayed the same? what do you think has changed the most in your writing, and is it for the better? also, lots of love to you for "not gruesome just human" bc that fic is one of v few pieces of uhh media (??) i can consume during my depressive episodes and no matter how many times i reread it, it still makes me feel better. so truly thank u 💗💗
If any of my work can be a balm in bad times, that makes all the writing feel worth it. I always hope I can bring people comfort or escape or whatever they’re coming to fic looking for. <3
Reasons I’ve kept writing, in chronological order:
Fat ca$h*/artistic ambitions I guess
Trading f/f fic for f/f fic
Make my wife happy
It brings joy
Part of my Writing Journey that’s maybe a little different from the fandom usual is that I got my start writing pro fiction, not fan fiction. Sci-fi/fantasy short fiction is where I cut my teeth, and I still mess around with it from time to time. So my drive to write was really different about ten years ago — I was telling stories with the intent to sell them, which means strict word counts and markets with acceptance rates of between 0.5 and 3%. Writing was like a competitive sport; I was always always always pushing to get better. I like that kind of challenge, and the sff pro fiction world is immensely important to me.
Somewhere on the internet is my secret livejournal with a url I don’t remember, which is where my very first fic is posted. It was a 5 + 1 times SPN wingfic. It is never seeing the light of day. I had visions of being miraculously discovered by fandom without doing anything but writing and placing it on the internet without telling anyone. That did not happen, which was very predictable in retrospect, and I friends-locked the lj in embarrassment.
Couple years after that I started participating in Homestuck fandom a lot as a fan artist and meta-writer. I wasn’t going to write any fic, but then I started collabing on illustrated fic, and then said fuck it and started writing my own stuff, mostly as part of femmeslash exchanges because it was fun, meant I had a deadline, and was a way to get the f/f i wanted written for me.
After Homestuck I settled into a comfortable pattern of consuming media, coming up with exactly one idea about it that I had to turn into fic or I might explode, writing the fic, and peaceing out of the fandom. For anyone who really liked my wtnv fic, my pacific rim fic, my Voltron fic, my good omens fic, etc etc, I’m sorry, I am exactly the nightmare scenario of finding a fic you like, going to the author’s page, and discovering that every other thing they’ve written is in some bullshit fandoms you don’t care about.
Then hopelesse was like “you gotta read this fic, there’s telepathic soul-bonded wolves” (hat tip @sineala) and I was like “THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER” and then I was in steve/tony comics fandom all of a sudden, and, fatefully, I asked hopelesse what fic, THEORETICALLY, she would want in the fandom, and suddenly I had written 27k and that was the girl with the modern face. And now I write steve/tony because it makes me happy, and I relate to both of them in different ways and also I’ve made a bunch of friends who enable me!
I think I’ve gotten a lot better at writing over the 500k or so words I’ve written. The foundations of my writing craft come from the original fiction, but occasionally I flex on the fanfic and get intense about craft there too (not gruesome, just human is actually one of those fics — I paid a lot of attention to the sentences in that and leaned hard on specific, observed details of the surroundings, especially trying to make New York city feel real). Writing a lot of fic has made me faster and loosened up my line writing. Also I learned how to write smut, which was a journey into shamelessness that I honestly think is really worthwhile.
The biggest thing that’s changed I think is how much I can keep track of at once. I remember how impossible it used to feel to keep tabs on sentence structure and plot tie-backs and characterization notes and pacing and blocking and and and — but now it’s automatic. I know approximately where all the pieces are on the board, and whose turn is next, so now the challenge is where to place each move. So that’s pretty cool.
*there is no fat cash, sff short fiction is not a lucrative side hustle by any measure
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Would you ever try Fear Factor for one million dollars? Why or why not? Yes. It would make for hilarious stories for get-togethers and I think that winning a million dollars that I could use up for the rest of my life doing some dumb dares for a few hours would be worth it. If you have a camera, when do you use flash? Only if it’s dim. I don’t like the effect that flash gives. What would you do with eighty-three crazy straws? Find an aunt or uncle with a kid who’s having a birthday party soon so they can use the straws as giveaways or something. If you use hair spray, what brand do you use the most? I don’t.  Is Catcher in the Rye in your library by any chance? It’s probably in another college’s library, most likely our college for the arts and letters. There’s no reason for it to be in a mass communication library.
What if there was no such thing as the word 'one'? Then that would imply that we have/have to have plurals of everything, which just sounds a bit bizarre to me.
What do you have automatic sympathy for? The 11,000 employees of the country’s biggest broadcasting network that was recently officially shut down by our – surprise surprise – government. These are people who weren’t even involved in the network’s franchise renewal status (which was/is the main issue), people who have families, people who relied on these jobs to get by during a worldwide pandemic, people who loved their jobs, people who found family in these jobs, It’s absolutely crazy how people can defend their stance against the network and justify the loss of 11,000 jobs. What is a cool disposable object? I don’t know who looks at disposable objects and thinks they’re ‘cool,’ but the first thing I thought of was my vape pen of choice, which are disposable. It has enough puffs to last several months with me so it’s more convenient for me to keep buying them than spending a large amount on a refillable one. Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan? Why? Hilary Duff as Lizzie McGuire is more nostalgic to me; I used to watch it nearly everyday. I never watched Lindsay’s movies other than Herbie. What do you think of the actor Michael Cera? No opinion but I remember the time when he was often used on 9Gag memes. Simpler times lol. Anyway, I haven’t seen any of his movies. What is the best thing about a Barbie doll? I think it’s really fun how they’ve come up with a bazillion outfits for Barbies and Kens. And different versions too – as far as I know there’s been a Filipino Barbie for a while :) What is something you'd say in your will? If I passed any time soon I’d like to include some things about my dogs and how they’re supposed to be taken care of. If we’re talking about what I’m putting in my will if I ever reach like 80, I just wanna make sure every person who’s been in my life and stayed for a bit is mentioned and thanked and I wanna make the list as expansive as I possibly can at that age. Idk, I’ve always been sentimental. Any thoughts on fake abortion clinics? What??? I don’t know what those are and what they do, but they sound awful. What was a username you'd thought wouldn't be taken but was taken? I’ve tried using my full name as a username in a few websites and seen them being taken. My first and last names don’t make a common pair, so I’ve always found it surprising. Cherry or peanut ice cream? Peanut. Not gonna lie, it’s an unusual flavor – but Asians kinda put peanuts on everything heh. What is your dream cellphone? Why? Whatever new phone Apple puts out because unfortunately I buy into toxic consumerist shit like that lol Would you rather be watching The Bachelor or The Bachelorette? Neither. From one to ten, how big of a movie buff are you? I’d give myself an 8. I’ve seen my fair share of movies and I can honestly say that my favorite films are not cliche picks, but I’ve also yet to see a bunch of classics that other ~movie buffs~ hail as being excellent movies like Taxi Driver, Silence of the Lambs, Rocky, American Psycho, etc. I also haven’t been watching movies as much as I used to, which takes down another point for me. Who is a celebrity you think will never get into trouble? The Irwin kids. I wouldn’t call them celebrities per se though; they’re in the spotlight for the most wholesome reasons. I’ve seen every segment Robert Irwin has had on Jimmy Fallon and it’s amazingly precious. What is an important holiday to you? Why? Probably the EDSA Anniversary because without it we’d still be under a dictatorship. Name a catty girl you really dislike. I wouldn’t call anyone I know that. What is a museum you would like to go to? The top 3 museums that I would love to visit are the Anne Frank House, the Met, and the Art Institute of Chicago. And wherever Monet’s paintings are, because he’s my favorite artist. Personally, do you look better with short hair or long hair? Short. Long, frizzy hair does not look good on me and on anyone else. What was the reason why you last blocked a person from your IM? He was a stranger who hit on me. I added him back only because we had a considerable amount of mutual friends and I thought that maybe he used to be a classmate or something, but he messaged me some shit that he had probably copy-pasted to 700 other girls saying like ‘hey do you mind if you and I talk? I find you really pretty’ like six seconds after adding him back. It was so fucking creepy and I never blocked someone so quickly. I was already in a foul mood that night so I also showed the brief interaction to Gab and I gave her freedom to curse the shit out of the guy if she wanted to. What is a cliche thing that happens a lot in anime? I don’t like anime and have never watched it. What are your views on the cartoon show Invader Zim? I’ve never seen that either. If you have some, what is tonight's homework about? I don’t have homework anymore. If you have one, what is your favorite sushi flavour? Cream cheese salmon rolls from a local place called Torch. What is the first thing you think of when I say 'Jack'? Rose. Do you understand JavaScript coding? A teeny bit, thanks to the theme customizations I used to do on Tumblr when I was 14. What would you do if you found a gun in your best friend's bedroom? Confront them, and maybe even scold them. I definitely would be angry. Not even just because it could mean they’re suicidal, but because I don’t believe in guns. What do you call your grandparents? I call both sets Lolo and Lola. When I say 'Go', you say: I just remember the song Green Light by Beyoncé because the chorus on that is her screaming ‘Go.’ What colour do you usually paint your nails? I never paint them. They’re pretty, but I never saw them as a necessity. What would be a cool earring design? People come up with cool designs all the time now though. I’m completely sure there are a million versions of this now but I would love sriracha sauce earrings haha. What do you think of raccoons? No opinion as I’ve never encountered them. Any thoughts on the actor Paul Rudd? NEVER AGES Who is the better liar: your mother or your best friend? Mom. Gab will lie to me sometimes but I can always tell. Are breast implants something you'd consider? Why or why not? I considered it when I was a teenager because people used to pick on me for being flat-chested, as if I had a choice as to what size my body would end up being. Also, flat chests were the butt of so many jokes in the early 2010s so it made me insecure for a very long time. Nowadays the environment is a lot nicer and I’m seeing many flat-chest positivity posts (if that’s even a thing) so I’ve changed my mind about implants.  Besides nightmares, what is the scariest thing about sleeping? Sleep paralysis. You can wake up from nightmares. Do you find the phrase 'nom nom nom' annoying? Not as much as ‘rawr’ annoys me. Do you look better with red lipstick or black lipstick? I look good in neither but I would go with red. When was the last time you had chocolate milk? Oooooh it’s been a while :( I feel like that’s something people have to start selling more, honestly. I don’t see chocolate milk being sold other than at the grocery or convenience stores and ugh, I just want more restaurants to add it on their menus lol. That being said, the last time I had it was in January, during a journalism workshop that we hosted in a school in Marikina. The teachers offered us that and a Fudgee Bar as thank-you snacks :)
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closetkpop · 5 years
Win This Fight (GOT7 Jackson Wang x Dancer You)
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Angst/Fluff Word Count: 7K Was feeling inspired by how JYP has been treating GOT7 and IGOT7 recently  so i wrote about it. 
Not proof read & wrote this at work :)  This is purely fiction, nothing is real. GIF not mine!
Dancing had always been your passion, and right now you and your friend- and long time dance partner- found yourself in Korea auditioning to become idols. Many company representatives have showed up, some of them even bringing a few well-known idols too. The audition is set up like many ones that you have been to before. First they divide by gender, and you were immediately saddened because the one person you knew you were being separated from. Then they divide off people by how they look, and you look at your group and see that you are put in a group with all the other foreigners. Then they teach a dance number that’s 4 8-counts that repeats itself. If you cannot learn the dance by the next couple of tries, then you would automatically be dismissed. If they didn’t like the way your body looked then you would be dismissed. Honestly it was the most superficial audition but everyone knew that already. Everyone there wanted to be a famous idol, including you. After nonstop dancing for almost 3 hours everyone was called back into the larger dance room. You make eye contact and see that your friend Eric who is Korean himself has already made friends with other guys around him. Nonetheless he waves and so do the other 3 guys around him. ‘They seem to like you.” This girl much taller, who spewed nothing less of elegance with deep ebony skin and a pearly white perfect smile said to you. “Hello I am Nia, what’s your name?” “Hi Nia, I’m Y/N and that guy over there is my friend, we’re auditioning together.” “That’s nice you have a friend here! This is my first time here in Korea.” “No way it’s my first time here too! But I am sad to say if I do not get a job soon, then I will have to move back home.” You said “Yeah I do not want that either, I hope to become a choreographer here, and I’ve seen you dance and its very good!” Nia complemented “Oh thank you! I hope your dreams come true here. And you are an amazing dancer too, honestly everyone here is.” You said looking around at everyone’s faces. A man blew an air horn and everyone stopped their private conversations. “Thank you everyone for your hard work, if you have been selected by the companies then your number will be called. We will go by groups first starting with they males then the females. If you are selected please remain in the building, if you are not we thank you for your time and I kindly ask you leave the building peacefully.” Group by group he started saying numbers and they were also posted on the projector screen soon after he said it. Everyone was quiet, the ones that were accepted and even the ones that got rejected.
You and Nia went for coffee; the both of you had not made the cut. Luckily Eric did, so it wasn’t all bad. He actually refused to be idol, but accepted being background dancer for JYPE. You both had to go back to your respective countries seeing as living in Korea will be impossible for foreigners such as yourselves. As you two were walking the streets you notice a group of dancers that were also in the same audition as you going to another building. “Lots of people here are recruiting for variety shows or companies. Those dancers are probably trying to get into anything that will accept them.” Nia said “That’s dedication.” You replied. “Did you want to check it out?” “Sure, we have nothing better to do, we got rejected.” You said a bit salty You walk in and surprise it is another audition. You both looked at each other and thought that you had enough rejection for one day so you were on your way out. “Dancers go that way.” A man who was blocking our exit said “We are not auditioning.” You said “Sorry, but why not? There’s no harm in trying. I know were are not a huge company or anything but you can just try.” He said almost pleading He saw the hesitation on our faces. “This is a street dance variety show. It’s more like a competition but instead of people picking you, you get to pick your mentor. Kind of like the voice but the dance version.” “What do you say?” Nia asked “Fine, lets try.” We make our way backstage and notice a difference in the sea of people. Back at the company building everyone looked pristine and proper. Here there were people of all shapes, sizes and colors. People carried themselves with pride in how they dressed representing where they came from. It was so amazingly homey and instantly put a smile on both your faces. That audition was also very similar to the earlier one you had, except this one you actually received a call back. Looks like everyone would be staying in Korea after all. You and Nia moved in to the hotel where they would be filming the show and she helped you improve your skills making your movements more fluid, and you helped her by teaching her tricks to memorize choreography faster. They kept hyping up the show on advertisements, but all contestants were in the dark. No one knew who the mentors would be or who will actually be staying. All that was known, after the filming of the first episode more that half of the people will be asked to leave. Eric had been so busy with his new job at JYP that you had not been able to see him this past week. He said he had an assignment but needed your help with the dance moves. He told you to meet at one of the dance studios JYP owns because actual artists had been occupying the ones in the JYP building. You had signed an NDA so you weren’t even allowed to say that you were a contestant on the show, so when he asked if you would be staying in Korea you switched the subject to the task at hand. The job was to choreograph a couple’s dance to “I Don’t Care” by Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber. He had the choreography pretty much done but needed a partner to help film it so he could submit it. You being the good friend and possibly the only girl that he knew decided to help him out because you know he would also support you the same way when the time called. After an hour of learning and perfecting it, he set up the camera and started to dance. We did it a couple times from different angles, so that when he goes home he could edit it. While doing a pickup routine we heard the backdoor close but we continued dancing because we needed the pickup shot. Though they glass we could see some figures and we could tell they were watching the dance we were doing and thank god they did not ruin the take by walking into the practice room. After we finished the last steps, Eric ran to stop the music and the camera, and ran to open the door. The figures walked in and they were whispering something and they all turned and looked at you. You tried to appear unfazed and took a seat by the mirrored wall and was mindlessly scrolling on your feed. Eric came back followed by the other people. “Hey Y/N, thanks so much for helping me but you need to go. Apparently this place was reserved for them at this time and I will get fired if they see you here.” Eric said and the unknown men were just staring at you behind him. “We just did this routine like 10 times can’t I catch my breath? And once you submit that video, they are going to know that I was here, so what difference does it make?” you said packing your stuff and pulling a large hoodie on top your body. “That’s fine, they won’t know when I filmed with you here, but if they find out it was during GOT7’s practice time, I will get fired.” “G-GOT7?” You looked at all of them, and some even waved at you. You couldn’t enjoy the moment too much because Eric was dragging you out. “I’m so sorry,” he apologizes, “I’ll make this up I promise. Thank you Y/N, you are the best!” Day of filming- You heard nothing of the assignment or if he actually got in trouble. You honestly couldn’t even focus on it, the nerves of the show getting to you. You prepared as much as you could knowing that during this first episode it is every man for himself. You arrive at the filming location and it is a huge ware that was remodeled to look like the streets. There were platforms on two sides, and a large stage in the middle. Surrounding everything were stadium like bleachers going all the way to the very top. By the sound booth, there was a VIP seating area with couches, and you guessed that is where the mentors would be sitting when they arrived. They were only looking for 42 people total for the show, and as you looked around there were well over 100 people there. You made your way up the bleachers and sat with the large group of contestants. After some time the announcements start for filming and the night progresses. Before the actual dancing part happens they start by introducing all the mentors. One by one they walk out and play their pre-recorded video that explains who they are. You were shocked by all the big names. The first one introduced as YG and was one of the main choreographers for BLACKPINK, herself a small woman cute as a button.  The second was AOMG and a representative choreographer from 1Million was the mentor. Third was a guy representing a newer company called P Nation founded by PSY. And last was one of the main choreographers for JYP. Collectively instead of going by their personal names, they went as YG, AOMG, P Nation, and JYP. Groups had already been made the day before and before they started calling the contestants down, the host said there was a surprise for us. “Currently there are only 42 spaces available and about 120 contestants right now,” the host started, “But I’d like you to introduce you to 20 other people that the mentors have chosen from their own companies that will also be competing for the 42 spots available.” Gasps and curses escaped everyone’s mouths. These 20 extra people who are already in a company are also going to be competing for a spot on the show? How is that even fair, they already have the advantage because there is no way the mentors will let people from their own company go home. So the fight was real, 120 people would be fighting for 22 spots basically. As the additional dancers walked in there was a strict divide and thick tension between everyone. You noticed a familiar face and Eric was sitting with the other JYP dancers. As soon as everyone was settled, one by one, or group by group, dancers would perform a minute routine and after everyone had performed they would be asked to stay or leave. You were in a group with Nia, another girl, and four other guys in total there were 7. You knew the risk of being in a group but it was collectively decided that we did better as a group than individually. They started with the performances and soon you were up. Surprisingly you were calm because you felt prepared and knew with the performance you were going to give, there’s no way the judges wouldn’t want you. You took your position and danced your heart out and left everything on the stage. The chemistry between dancers, the moves matched the music perfectly, not one mistake was made, and the difficulty level was high. The minute flew by and once the stage lights turn off you can actually see just how different everything looks on stage and it was beautiful. You look at the judges and they seem impressed, you look up into the crowd and see Eric staring at you in disbelief. You gaze over him and before you know it you are being pulled backstage again. You couldn’t focus on the other performances all the nerves finally hitting you. You decided if you do not make it in the competition then you’d give up dance. More commotion started as the 20 extra dancers started their sets. There was a clear difference in the way they moved. It was more precise and cleanly executed. Even Eric’s dancing had changed in a short amount of time. The nerves were up once again. If I say your group number congratulations you have impressed the mentors. If I haven’t then we thank you for your time. You look down at the patch where they wrote your number 95. You held hands with all your members and prayed so hard that he would call your number. “4, 17, 18, 30, 35…” the host started counting and there was a mixture of cheering and crying, “43, 56, 75, 80, 88, 91…” you heartbeat was out of your ribcage at this point, “95…” you all hugged and cheered out of happiness, “Lastly 97-100.” The last 4 numbers belonged to the last 20 dancers that were picked by the mentors. A lot of dancers were angry with production staff, and honestly you were too. But you didn’t say anything for the sake of the group you were in. There were more than 70 contestants left and that is when the individual judging began. But this show loves surprises and it the writers decided that instead of just the contestants suffering, the judges should too. So the new twist was the mentors do not have the chance of having equal teams. Instead there will be 2 mentors who will have an extra person. Making the 2 teams of 10, and 2 teams of 11. This put a little strain on the mentors because in the coming weeks, if no one who was chosen by them remained, then they would automatically lose the chance for the title. There was a box with 4 balls, one plain red, one with a red star, one blue, and one with a blue star. The one who picks the star one has the extra member. They went one by one starting off with P Nation who pulled out a blue solid color. Next was JYP who pulled out a red starred color. YG went next and pulled a solid red color, which left AOMG with the blue starred color. The numbers were decided and it was revealed which mentor saved which number. The first numbers called were groups that only one mentor chose- meaning no battle had to be done since it was unanimous- their spots were guaranteed in that mentors team. Starting backwards the group of boys from P Nation danced first and of course P Nation and AOMG wanted them. Since it is up to the group where to go, of course the picked their own company. This happened to every company, and the five they chose remained within their respective companies. Your group went and it was revealed that JYP and AOMG wanted you to join their team. You looked over to the team and Eric look excited because he could have the chance to be on the same team as you. The mentors were bickering with each other and wooing us to join their team. We talked it over and went with AOMG. People were shocked. You were too, but you were already rejected by JYP once and you weren’t going to let that happen again. Once all the teams were separated. Everyone had an abundance of contestants and needed to remove some members to fit the team limits. AOMG managed to rack up 15 people and needed to cut 4. You were sure those cuts will probably becoming for your team, because as you’ve witnessed before usually the girls are the weaker dancers. You held Nia’s hand and made direct eye contact with the mentor. He pulled out 2 of his dancers, 1 b-boy from guy from another group, and 1 guy from your group. That left the 3 girls from your group, 3 guys from your group, 2 guys and one girl from his original group, and 2 b-boys- 4 girls and 7 guys. Your emotions have been all over the place all day and when your spot was guaranteed you couldn’t help but cry. All the hard work you’ve put in before finally paid off and you are getting the dancing debut you have been waiting for. After some time, formalities and introductions were passed and each group needed to return to the stage to receive the weekly mission go over the rules. The host stated every week the dancers with the lowest scores/votes would have to battle and the loser would leave. When you returned to the stage you saw that Eric was not eliminated either. When you made eye contact with him, he shot a smile and you gave one back. Nothing was ever wrong with a little friendly competition.
It was the semi-finals of the competition, and it was down to JYP (7 male dancers), AOMG (3 female 2 male), P Nation (3 male). YG was unsuccessful to keep all of her dancers so she was eliminated from the winning title but remained as a guest and mentor for the red team. At this point the show was just referencing to the groups as the red and blue team. Eric made it to the top as well as you. Since ratings and views were starting to decrease the producers asked each entertainment company to send an idol for the semis so that their fans would watch. This week was also the week that you had to do a sexy theme. That was the one type of dance that you were never comfortable with only because you are a hiphop dancer, so your moves always came out harder than most girls. Luckily the only 3 girls left in the competition was on your team and they immensely helped you look somewhat successful. Also part of the twist was the opposing team got to choose the song, so they chose “Dally” by Hyolyn, and Drunk on You by Jus2. A remix was made and you felt like you were the weakest link. Everyone else seemed so confident and you faked it and it showed. When the show started as always the contestants and mentors took their places and welcomed the invited guests. P Nation managed to get s Jessi, HyunA, and E'Dawn. AOMG managed to get Loco, Gray, and Simon D. JYP managed to get all of GOT7 to come for the filming of the show. The amount of big names and stars that were in one room was incredible. And you were feeling the nerves because if you were to be eliminated it should not be this night.
When they cut to commercials, proper introductions were made between teams and celebrities. All the celebs on the blue team were open and really fun to talk to. Even the star struck red team came on our platform and introduced themselves. When the blue team went to introduce themselves to GOT7 there was a wall. Bodyguards surrounded GOT7, and the blue team was instructed that no contact was to be made to the artists, even if they spoke to you. A distance had to be maintained and there was absolutely no touching allowed. If the rules were violated then you would be disqualified. The boys looked annoyed that JYP put a ban on even a hi-touch and couldn’t have a proper conversation with any one other than the red team. The blue team just bowed and were returning to the blue platform when Jackson spoke up, “Hey! You were in the dance studio the last time right?” You did not want to risk being eliminated so you just nodded and walked away. He looked hurt but Jackson already has his life settled, and there is no way you are going to let a guy ruin your career. “Good luck! Fighting!” he yelled as you stepped back onto your side. You half bowed but then Eric engulfed you in a hug and you could swear Jackson almost jumped towards you, but he restrained himself. “You know I have enjoyed this competition so far, and you’ve definitely grown as a dancer. I can’t wait to see you do a sexy theme.” Eric teased “I have also enjoyed your company but I think there’s only enough space for one of us, and we both know that’s me.” You said arrogantly throwing his arms off of you. “Here I am to make peace, and you do this?” He feigned offended “Nonsense consider it a warning.” You joked He pulled you aside and his face dropped serious, “You better not leave tonight. I know this isn’t your element.” He said hugging you “I won’t, I’ve practiced way too hard I-“ “Places people! Going live in 30 seconds!” “Good luck and remember, you are so sexy, don’t think too much about it, why do you think I only want you to be my dance partner never anyone else. You’re the best there is Y/N don’t forget it.” He said giving one last hug before going back to his own platform. You know that he was not romantically attracted to you but that small statement made you blush nonetheless. Jackson joins Eric and you mouth a thank you before heading back to your position. “What was that all about?” Jackson asked Eric, green monster showing “Just giving her a pep-talk. She doesn’t believe she’s a sexy dancer so tonight is out of her element. But the more she tries to fake sexiness the more awkward it comes out. She just needed a reminder to be herself and her natural sexiness will just flow out.” “Do you like her?” Jackson asked before he could even control his mouth “Not like that. But she is my best friend, and I want to see her succeed too.” The announcer flipped a coin and the blue team was first to perform. The words Eric said kept replaying in your head so many times you missed the first beats of “Dally”. You caught yourself up in time and felt your body stiffen. You see Nia and she’s effortlessly dancing, and then look over to the other girl and her long hair is also flowing. You look at Eric and he’s telling you to relax. Soon Jackson comes into sight as well and he is also taking deep breaths with Eric. It was quite comedic but actually managed to calm you down. It was your turn to dance in the middle and the chorus and highlight of the dance was approaching. You centered yourself and then let the music take over as it usually does and you found yourself gliding with the music and sending the camera a wink here and there. Soon it was over and when the lights came on the red teams mouths were hanging open and some were fanning the blush off their faces, even GOT7. You returned back to the platform and it was the red team, their challenge was to be smooth, like MJ and the song that was chosen was “K-Town” by Jay Park, and Hit-Boy. Their performance was not as long but it definitely was clean. The bottom two dancers of the night were chosen and it was you and the other girl from your group. You two had a dance battle to Cardi B “Bodak Yellow” and the fans decided who won. You, your teammate, and the host stood on the large stage, and all eyes and camera were on you. To say you have never felt more insecure in your life would be an understatement. The host stood between you two. “And the one that will be returning next week… for the season finale… a chance to perform at MAMA with their mentors and colleagues… and 10 million won is… Y/N!” Your teammate hugged and congratulated you and danced her way off stage. You thanked the host and the crowd and returned to your spot on the platform before letting out your tears of relief. Nia came to comfort you, and you honestly thought you were hallucinating when you saw Eric and other red team members come onto the blue side to hug you. The finals were not going to be easy. Even though you were on rival teams you all had grown into a family and it is always hard to see someone leave. We thought this was the end of the episode, but the producers love putting a twist into everything. This new one especially sucked. In order to get to the finals, each contestant would have to battle against an opponent and it was up to the crowd to decide who would win. JYP was already in the danger zone because they were the only ones left in the red team. It was between P Nation and AOMG to fight. To decide who was going against them, a drawing was made with balls similar to the beginning. The one that had a star was safe and the one that did not had to battle. P Nation went to pick first and it was revealed that they would have to battle JYP in the beginning of the next episode.
Finals No expense was spared for the last episode. Thanks to the last episode many more celebrities join in the live viewing of the final episode. Some celebs included, PSY, Jay Park, Yang Hyun-Suk, and J.Y. Park. Other group and artists decided to join as well such as, Got7, Itzy, iKon, Jessi, Loco, Gray, and Simon D. There was an opening number with both red and blue teams, along with the mentors. After the opening number it was time for the battle. JYP went first doing their performance with the 7 males, and P Nation performed after with the 3 males. As they were standing on the stage the tension was thick. If JYP won then they would have the chance to battle again, if P Nation won, then that would be it and the competition would be over because no one from the red team would be available to compete. Once again the live voting was being tallied on the large screen on top. Everybody watched as the numbers changed. After what felt like forever they started to slow down and once everything stopped it was revealed that JYP had won. Your heart broke seeing your teammates have to walk off the stage and now it was up to you 5 to bring home the title for the blue team. It was up to this one last dance that will decide the your fate. Since this was the final performance it was longer than the others too. After a coin toss JYP was the first to dance. Since everyone was already backstage you took a few moments to wish Eric good luck and he did the same to you. You decided to rehearse one more time and stretch before the performance. They gave the 2 minute warning and everyone was lined up behind the panels. Slowly you heard the music start and the panels opened. You saw the bright spotlight and the same thing was running through your head. If you win this you’ll get the prize money, you’ll get to be a part of AOMG, you’ll get to join the tour following the competition, but most importantly get to stay in Korea. As you were dancing you were appreciative of everything around you. You looked at your mentor who looked so proud and was cheering like crazy. You looked into the crowd and fed off the energy they were giving. You looked at all the celebs around you and appreciated that they took time out of their schedules to support the show. And lastly, you looked at you teammates who you didn’t choose but couldn’t imagine this competition any other way. When the final note struck you knew it was over, and all was left in the hands of the voters. Voting was open until the end of the show where they would announce the winner. Until then, the groups and artists performed a couple of songs. Most of the artists didn’t have backup dancers so they just asked the contestants to have fun on stage. None of us minded and we were actually having a lot of fun during the performances. GOT7 were the last to perform and it was instructed once again our team could not engage with their artists. So when they were performing, you could see the awkwardness and hurt in their eyes when the blue team remained seated even when they would personally ask for us dance with them. They handled the rejection professionally but it made our team look bad and that could affect our votes. After all when Jessi or Gray were performing both the red and blue teams were supportive. It felt wrong to have this restriction. You gave them the benefit of the doubt and it seemed GOT7 did not even know a restriction was set in place. Jackson said something to the red team and next thing you know, they are trying to drag the blue team on stage. Eric was the one to come up to you and you told him what JYP management said about the blue team not being able engage with their artists. His face practically fell and all you could do is shrug it off. They returned back empty handed and Eric whispered something to Jackson. You assumed it was what you told him. GOT7 finished off the performance and then returned to their seats. The two teams were once again called on the main stage. The host went over again what the winners would receive along with the title of Koreas best dancers. The lights dimmed down and a spotlight was on the host. “And the winner is…”
The studio had turned the warehouse into a club, and practically anyone and everyone involved with the show was there. Since it was an invitation only party, there were not many paparazzi, so the idols and celebs indulged and relaxed a bit. There was a huge dance floor and Nia and Eric seemed to be getting comfortable. You were swaying to the music when someone taps on your shoulder. When you turn around you see it is Jackson. “Hi.” He said showing his squirtle-like smile Your smile was wiped off your face and you instantly turned around and started walking back to your table. “Hey don’t be like that. Please let me explain!” “Under JYP’s new rule I am not allowed to associate myself with any of JYP artists even if they instigate.” You repeated the same monotone voice “Cut it out, please I didn’t make that stupid rule.” “Jackson please leave me alone before you get me in trouble again. You will not receive any repercussions I will. ” You begged He saw the hurt on your face and reluctantly left you alone. That put a sour mood on your night and you slowly made your way to the exit of the club. You reached the hotel lobby and was waiting for the elevator to reach the ground floor. Once it reached everyone rushed into the elevator. As the door was closing you saw someone sneak into the lift in the last moment, making the already packed elevator tighter. You got off on your floor and was walking to your room, when you opened it a stranger also ran in a shut the door behind you. He covered your mouth so you couldn’t scream. He quickly took off his mask and revealed Jackson’s face. “Don’t scream, we need to talk about what happened during the finals. I am going to remove my hand now.” He said cautiously and you nodded “My life will be ruined if anyone sees you here.” He took a step towards you, and you backed up in reflex. “Why are you afraid of me? I am not going to hurt you.” He said taking his step back “I am not afraid of you Jackson. It’s your guards and your company I am afraid of.” “No one knows I am here. I made sure no one followed me,” He said softly trying to soothe your worries. “Yeah, I’m sure no one is going to notice you’re missing downstairs,” You say sarcastically. He smiled that you actually spoke to him. He would rather have you angry and talking to him rather than sidestepping and silence. “You really are a great dancer. I thought I should let you know. I really hope to work with you one day.” Here is Jackson one of the best dancers in Korea saying he really wanted to work with you- a nobody. You slightly let your guard down, and spoke softly. “Too bad we can’t.” You let your head sink remembering those cruel words said. “You can if you join JYP.” He said softly lifting your chin, “We would not have to tiptoe around each other so much.” You looked at Jackson in the eye, did he really not know? “Jackson what do you think actually happened at the finals? What did JYP tell you?” “We don’t know why he put the restriction, but I think its because you are a part of AOMG. When the tour with them is over then you can join us at JYP.” “That’s all he said?” “Yes I swear! Is there more?” he said holding your hand “Yeah he just left out a small detail.” you said cautiously “Which is?”
“And the winner is AOMG!” Blue confetti started bursting out of the cannons, P Nation dancers joined you and the rest of the blue team in a group hug. A trophy was handed to Jay Park who then awarded it to the mentor. All the hard work had paid off, and things were finally looking upwards for you. The mentor came into a group huddle and handed raised the trophy. All of us were screaming and hugging in triumph. The host started saying the closing remarks and soon cameras stopped recording. This entire journey had been an emotional and physical rollercoaster. The red team made their way onto the stage and started to congratulate the blue side. Eric was the first to come up and hug you, clumsily bumping into Nia. Instantly they had heart eyes for each other. You went to go to the red teams members and shake their hands too. When you got to JYP’s staff they shook your hand as asked for a moment to talk. They went to the edge of the stage where no one was standing, “Congratulations on winning.” He said untruthfully “I hope you are aware of your restrictions concerning our artists.” “Yes but can I ask why you have been so strict with it concerning only me?” “It seems one of my artists have taken a liking to you and quite honestly you do not fit the look of a JYP artist.” You have been rejected for looks as a dancer many times which was a common thing in the industry. Its understandable if you don’t fit a role, but to be rejected for any kind of contact based on looks, that was new. “You are not our type, so we simply do not want you and him to be associated, hell we don’t even want you touching them. There is no value for us in your association with him, but if people found out you were associated with Jackson then that will boost your reputation. We are just taking precautions, if you get into a scandal then the press would read ‘GOT7’s Jackson friend Y/N…’ you get the idea.” You were livid, “I don’t need Jackson or JYP to make it big. Why don’t you keep a better eye on your artists and keep him away from me if you are so threatened.” “We cannot do anything that will hurt their image.” “And you honestly believe by putting these stupid restrictions you are what, saving their image?” You said walking away. Eric caught your irritated expression and instantly shielded you from anyone’s way. You quietly told him what happened and you made him swear not to tell anyone. You also noticed guards starting to follow behind all JYP artists. GOT7 was making their way to the blue teams celebrations (guards behind and all). They made a line and started bowing and shaking some of the higher ups hands. You were at the end of the line and put on the most sincere smile as possible and bowed with your hands behind your back. Jackson pulled you in for a side hug to take a picture with the winning team, but one guard pulled Jackson away and another one shoved you onto the ground. You looked up in shock that they would go to such extremes. Jackson pried the guard off him and offered his hand to help you up. You crawled back looking at the looming guard behind him. “Sorry here let me help you up.” Jackson said “For a dancer, she has two left feet.” The guard joked, “She tripped.” You backed up and got up on your own fighting off the tears. You ran to the middle of the crowd before you let the tears fall. When people asked you lied saying it was happy tears.
“THEY CAN NOT DO THAT!” Jackson was yelling in your hotel room, “How dare they say that about you, about anyone!” “Jackson it’s fine-“ you try to calm him and sat next to him on the bed “IT’S NOT FINE! Here I am trying to be the best person I can be and look how my company is treating you!” he said hugging you, “You don’t deserve that.” To say being hugged by Jackson felt amazing was an understatement. “Jackson it’s just me, I’ll be okay. It was just a blessing to be able to see you, let alone share a stage with you.” “Just you? What is that supposed to mean? Do you not understand what you mean to me? When you dance you have me captivated. There’s so much passion and love in your movements it is hypnotizing. You made me remember the reason why I joined this lifestyle.” He said releasing the hug, “ And they want to take away my new found light from me?” “I’m sorry as much as I’d like to, I can’t. Honestly it’s too much drama and right now I need to focus on building a career so I can stay in Korea.” You said placing your hand on his, “And I need to do it with out you.” “I believe in you, there is so much potential in you. I just wanted to be there for you every step of the way.” “I appreciate it, I really do.” You sighed, getting up to the door, “But I need to do this alone. You have enough things to do already and I don’t want you worrying about me.” Jackson stood behind you and brought your hands up to his lips. “I’m sorry. For what you are going through.” “You don’t need to apologize, you haven’t done anything wrong.” You reassured “Still I’m sorry, maybe we will run into each other again down the road. And when we do let’s not be like strangers.” You nodded and smiled. He embraced you for one more hug and planted a long kiss on your forehead. He looked and down at you and made a swift look to your lips before meeting your eyes again. “You mean so much to me. I don’t want to leave you like this.” He said cupping your cheeks. “I don’t want you to think for any moment that you are not valuable. You are so incredibly talented and your have the hunger and passion to go anywhere in the world. Don’t listen to them; they want to tear you down. You’re better than them you surpass them. And you’re going kill this industry, I know it.” “Thank you Jackson, for everything.” The way he was talking was making you weak so your voice was not over a whisper. “Make it big so that one day I could do this in front of everyone.” “Do what?-“ Jackson took the words from your mouth and kissed you. It was a hesitant, soft kiss but you didn’t pull away so he deepened it pulling you closer to him. He pulled away holding you like you were made of glass and hugged you one more time before walking out of your room. When you went to bed you still felt the tingling sensation on your lips and couldn’t help but smile. You had a new objective and that was to be the best.
A/N I left it open for a part 2 if people like it. I know I focused more on the dance side of it and it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you made it this far and want a part 2 lmk. Thank you! <3
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c-resources · 5 years
Tumblr media
This series of posts is intended to teach and/or remind users of pretty much anything regarding Tumblr, from basic rules to gif tutorials.
Today we will be covering Part 1: Back to Basics
The latest trends with social media have left users with a bitter taste in their mouths, and made Tumblr less appealing. Here we will be covering some general rules that there are about Tumblr. They may not be spoken or even be in Tumblr’s terms of service but you’ll find many people - especially creators stick by these rules.
Who you follow is important and it may seem like a simple thing to just hit that follow button, but it’s important to check blogs before you follow. Some blogs have a before you follow (which usually can be found in their description), which will specify if they don’t want certain people following - this is usually a bloggers way of avoiding triggers.
So lets take a case, you find a blog and you would like to follow them. You go into their about or before you follow in their description where it specifies that they do not want haters of a [insert character name] to follow them. You in fact hate that character, so in that case you respect their wishes and do not follow them.
It’s also important to note, when you follow someone you almost sign a contract with some bloggers - as if you unfollow them and they are following you they may automatically unfollow you, possibly blacklist you and even block you. It depends on the blogger, but it is something you should be aware of.
This is a hot and controversial topic, especially amongst creators. Here’s the most important thing to remember, Tumblr is NOT Facebook, Tumblr is NOT Twitter and Tumblr is NOT Instagram. Likes work differently on this site compared to the others and this must ALWAYS be taken into account, likes in fact while count for notes do little for a post beyond adding +1 to notes.
There are no strict rules regarding liking, you can like whatever you want but it’s reblogs you should be more aware of as that is will what allow to see content on your dash.
Also note, everything you like goes into your like page (which can be found in Mobile) and can be publicly viewed unless you make it private in your settings. I’d recommend keeping it private, because the content you want people to see - that you like, should be on your blog and it’s a good way of one keeping track of content and keeping things private that you like but don’t want others to see.
Reblogs are important for pretty much anyone on this site, but especially creators. This could be writers, artists and editors.
Similar to likes, there are no rules regarding reblogs which part of the reason the like-reblog ratio has suffered so much in the past year.
My recommended method is Reblog if you Like and by that I do not mean reblog everything you like, I mean if you like the content so much you want others to see it and you want to see more of the same then you reblog it. Even if you don’t keep it on your blog permanently and delete it later, it still counts as a reblog.
This may sound contradictory, because some people are very exclusive about what goes on their blogs, in particular aesthetic blogs. In which case I recommend you either avoid all non-to your interest content or Create a Sideblog (which we will go into next time) to post the content to.
As I said reblogging shouldn’t be taken lightly, reblogging allows for content to be spread, thus no reblog = cannot spread and therefore cannot be seen. If content cannot be seen, then creators will cease to create and this site would basically die.
HOWEVER, I must also mention that if someone tells you NOT to reblog something whether in tags or comment section then you DO NOT REBLOG that post, as the op will have a reason for not wanting something reblogged.
Queuing is one of the best things about Tumblr, in my opinion. One of the flaws in reblogging is that you can spam people’s dashs when you reblog over and over.
Many people, myself included set up a queue where things are reblogged at specific times (you can time it to be scheduled to certain times of specific days). This is useful to make sure that your blog is consistently active, even if you are away for days or weeks at a time.
Additionally, it is useful to use alongside likes. I personally like things I plan to queue, and then use the likes as bookmarks to tell what I have not reblogged. Then once my queue is getting low i go through my likes and queue them up - and unlike them. Thus keeping notes at the same and keeping my blog organised.
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thenightling · 5 years
If anyone puts you on a blacklist:
If you are a role player, if you are a fanfiction writer, if you are a shipper, if you are an fan artist, allow me to give you this reassurance.
There will always be some who does not like you, someone who thinks your ship is too “problematic” or your character illustration is “too thin” or someone is angry that you won’t role play in their style.  Know this: You disagreeing with them is not “bullying.”  Just because someone finds an apparently righteous reason to hate you that does not automatically mean you did anything wrong.  
In fact, if they put you on a blacklist of “People we advise you to put on block” THAT, children, is the bullying.  I have seen these sort of scare tactics before.   Do not fall for it.   Should you find out you are on such a list do not get upset.  Do not be embarrassed.   Here are some things to remember.
1.  Most people don’t actually heed Blacklists lists.  As we mature many of us learn to recognize personal bias and that “Warnings” about certain people are often nothing more than malicious spite.
2.   Acknowledging such lists and worrying about them gives the list creators power.  A big red flag is when they tell you that if you behave a certain way or conform to the behavior they want of you, they MIGHT remove you from said list.   It’s a power trip.  It’s a cruel power trip and allows them to feel like they have authority over you.  Don’t conform.  Don’t be anyone’s slave.   Do not let yourself live in the universe of Mean Girls.  This is allowing others to control you. You are submitting to the wills of others.  Never let anyone take your rights away.
3.  Never trust wording like “We only bully the bullies.”   This is an abusive and manipulative catchphrase.  It is very easy to twist and take out of context.   One minute they could be defending actual victims of bullying and the next they could deem someone a “bully” for writing long forum posts.  When the definition of bully becomes vague enough any enemy is a “bully.”  “Burn the Witch!”  “We’re only trying to protect you.”  “Big Brother is watching.”  Often the most evil are those who wear the mask of righteousness.  
 Think of it like when the US government wants you to go along with something dubious they’ll drop terms like “freedom” and “Patriot.”  Remember The Patriot act?   A few years ago some teens caught on that if they call someone a bully then others would be more accepting of whatever they might do to said “bully.”  And there are some still using this tactic.  So consider this another red flag.  
4.    These sort of blacklists are petty and immature and feel like something spiteful High schoolers might do.   To me they are akin to a kid saying “You can’t be friends with both of us.  It’s Us or Them.”  A lesson most of us learn in Kindergarten (or at least from Harry Potter) is that real friends don’t make you choose.   
Don’t let Cancel Culture evolve into a new form of domination.  
5.  There is no shame in being on someone else’s Blacklist.  Those that mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind.  
Remember: In the 1950s and 1960s Vincent Price was on the Hollywood blacklist for having friends that “Might” have had “communist ideas.”   This didn’t matter.  This didn’t stop him.   Roger Corman still hired him and he made some of his best films.   
Alice Cooper’s mother was shunned by her church congregation because of her son’s chosen career.  This inspired the hit song “No more Mister Nice Guy.” Vlad III of Wallachia (Vlad the Impaler) was excommunicated by the Eastern Orthodox Church for converting to Catholicism.  Today he’s still seen as a hero in Romania despite his brutal reputation.  And in pop culture he’s one of the most infamous and interesting of immortals.    Oscar Wilde was persona non grata after he was convicted of the “Crime” of homosexuality. Today none of his oppressors are remembered but he and his writing are immortalized.
Johann Georg Faustus  (the historic Faust) was banished from Ingolstadt over the accusation of practicing black magick and homosexuality.  Today two versions of his legend are considered classic literature. The Goethe version of the Faust story is Germany’s national play. And there is a statue of him (fictionalized though it may be) in Wittenberg.  
Leonardo Da Vinci was put on trial for the “Crime” of sodomy.  Today few even know about the accusation.  They just know his art and his intellect.  
John Lennon was stalked and considered a “potential subversive” by the FBI and on government lists of people to be watched.
James Baskett was not allowed to attend the premiere of the movie he starred in (Song of the South) because of his race.   
The FBI thought  Martin Luther King, Jr. was an enemy of the US and was “too influential.”  There are actual records of “concerns” about his behavior and his impassioned speeches.
My point is reasons for such blacklistings that seem reasonable right now might not be seen as reasonable in the future.   So don’t cower.   Don’t give in.   Just be yourself.   And don’t let anyone scare you.  Cancel culture is not new and lists like this and the misuse of the word “bully” are ironically just new ways to bully people.
Ignore them.   Those that mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind.
   Writing such blacklists is an ego trip.  It’s petty.  It’s immature.  And to worry about such things gives the list creators power.  Don’t let them do that to you.   Just be yourself.
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3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
I’ve never been in a proper romantic relationship, so none in that sense. I’ve had a really terrible friend break-up though. It’s a long story, so I’ll put it under Read More.
They’d approached me as a fan of one of my fanfictions and we ended up playing Overwatch together nearly every night. We got to be fast friends, and they even helped me start taking commissions for the first time, since they were an artist themselves.
Things were going okay for a while. They opened up to me and I tried my best to open up to them. They claimed to have a number of mental issues and I tried my best to be as supportive as humanly possible. I changed how I spoke for them, omitted certain words and even entire subjects from my vocabulary. I dropped everything and talked to them whenever they asked me to.
Unfortunately, they didn’t seem to afford me the same consideration. It started to unravel after I started streaming our Overwatch games for a while. We garnered a small following and decided to open up a Discord server for the fans. This friend of mine made it, since I barely knew how to use Discord at the time. After a little while, this friend grew uncomfortable with the discussions on the server and, without warning to anyone, just deleted it one night while I was asleep.
In the morning I found out about it from a post they’d made on tumblr that simply said they wouldn’t be joining in the streams anymore. I messaged them to ask what was wrong, and they said they decided dropping out of the streams was for their mental health and that they nuked the server. I remained calm, said it was okay, and merely stated that I would have liked for them to talk to me about it beforehand. They said “Why? This has nothing to do with you,” and I was just like… It kinda has everything to do with me? It was strange, since they had a habit of practically asking permission to do things when it had absolutely nothing to do with me. Honestly, looking back at it now, them saying that was probably a back-handed jab at me for saying they don’t need to consult with me on every little thing.
Anyway, that discussion sort of devolved into an argument. I said I was a little upset by what they’d done, because they always said I should let them know when they’ve done or said something to upset them, since they’d done that to me countless times. I’d always apologize profusely and promise never to do the thing again. This was the first time I’d gathered the courage to very calmly and politely raise my own concerns. Their response? “I’m sorry you feel that way.” This upset me even more, because it felt like they were putting the blame on me for being upset. I tried to explain this to them, again very calmly and politely, but they just started crying and said they don’t understand. I tried for hours to explain myself, because I was determined to actually stand up for myself for once and not to wimp out and bow my head like usual, but they were incapable of seeing someone else’s perspective on anything.
At this point, I didn’t know what to do. I asked a mutual friend of ours for advice, and they suggested we get into a group call together. It ended up with both of them ganging up on me, because of course I’m the mean one for making the one friend cry, even though they turn on the water works for everything. I mean literally everything. Then they tried to use the excuse that they were saying that to make me angry, thinking that I wouldn’t be sad anymore if I was mad for a second, because that’s apparently how they worked. I explained that’s not at all how I worked, and they were just like “oops lol” and went back to talking like nothing ever happened and never apologizing, despite the fact that I was still upset.
Rather than stream without them, because I knew playing Overwatch without them would upset them despite them being the one that didn’t want to do it anymore, I just quit streaming altogether to devote all of my game time to them.
Things kinda started to unravel after that. I once shared a video of a comedian whom I wasn’t aware they happened to despise, and even though I profusely apologized and promised not to share his videos with them anymore, they continued to hold that up as a counter every time they shared something with me that I didn’t care for, like watching that one video was the equivalent of donating a kidney to me and I owed it to them to watch and discuss stuff I didn’t like.
My depression got super bad in the months that followed, to the point where I could barely muster the energy to think. This friend kept messaging me everyday, and I really tried my best to reply to them as best I could, but all I could manage most of the time were one or two word responses. My brain was mush and I just felt so empty of everything. They kept hassling me to tell them what was wrong, and I did. I told them that I was in a bad spot with my depression and that I felt hollow. They just said they didn’t understand and, after the first thing they tried to do to cheer me up didn’t magically work, they got upset at me. I asked them what they wanted from me, and they said I wasn’t being “cheery” enough about my depression. “Gosh golly, [REDACTED], I’m just so darn depressed! Let’s just keep talking about things we like as though nothing’s wrong!” They literally wanted me to act that way. That’s what they said to me.
After that, I tried to adjust my sleep to stop staying up all night, and because of that I started missing our game sessions for a time. They assumed I was avoiding them. I wasn’t, I was genuinely sleeping. Then, any time I posted about anything in a negative light, they automatically assumed I was vagueing about them. I wasn’t, and despite telling them I wasn’t they started blatantly vagueing about me. I didn’t bother bringing it up. I knew I wouldn’t win that argument, and I didn’t have the energy for it.
Finally, again without any warning, I woke up one day to find that they’d unfriended and blocked me on all platforms, and created a new discord group for our Overwatch crew, only without me there. Despite all they’d done to that point, I wasn’t ready for our friendship to just be over like that. It sent my depression into full on suicidal mode. I made a few vaguely suicidal posts here on tumblr, and thankfully a lot of my followers jumped on that and sent me countless messages of support. They managed to calm me down before I did something stupid. You guys know who you are if you’ve stuck around since then. I legitimately owe you guys my life.
Unfortunately, and I know it was well-meaning, one of my followers that knew I was good friends with this person (but didn’t know they were the cause of me being so upset) contacted them and told them what was going on. So this person called me. On the phone. I’d like to emphasize this, because I don’t give my number to fucking anyone, but they’d pressured it out of me one day.
Anyway, they started off asking if my ringtone (”You Got The Touch” from the 80′s Transformers movie at the time) played when they called. I said it did and they said that made them happy. They then went on to talk about how they got complimented for a tote bag that I had sent them for Christmas, saying they thought that’d make me happy because I got it for them. I’d literally just recovered from a complete mental breakdown barely an hour before, so I was so completely exhausted that I could barely mumble out one-word responses.
So then they launch into this whole story about how they were suicidal before, except they were really gonna do it (implying I was just doing it for attention) but they randomly got a phone call from someone they never talk to that was also suicidal and that made them stop. Then they kinda sat there expecting me to thank them for being that person for me, but they weren’t, and it’s against my personal code of honor to lie to someone, even if it’s paying false compliments.
So then they started yelling at me, saying I was mean and selfish and an asshole and a genuinely bad person, ranting at me without letting me get a word in. Then they yelled at me for not getting angry. Then they they went back to trying to talk to me like nothing happened. I was too drained to say much, but I was still trying to cling to the friendship despite all that had happened, and tried to continue talking to them, afraid they’d never talk to me again if I hung up. Eventually I gave up and we ended the call and I went to bed.
In the morning I was a lot calmer and able to think more clearly. I sent a message to this person (having convinced them to unblock me the night before) and stated that we were clearly just people with personalities that naturally clashed, and that I didn’t expect them to try to be friends anymore. I was much more polite than I should have been.
I seethed internally for more than a year after that, the hate and rage and sadness for this former friend boiling endlessly inside me. There was literally not a day during that year that I didn’t think of them, and it was almost never in a kind way. I still get upset just thinking of them, and things I used to associate with them have sort of become triggers for me. I quit art for a year because they were an artist and I wanted to distance myself from them as much as possible. I avoid Transformers, a fandom I’d gotten them into to the point of them obsessing over it, particularly Rodimus. RoadRat now has an underlying bitterness to it. I flinch whenever I hear or read things they used to say constantly, like “heckin” or “blease” or using question marks in the middle of sentences that aren’t questions, or loud declarations of one’s homosexuality when they see something they like or are attracted to; unfortunate, as these are still quite common in today’s internet slang. I have a paranoid panic attack whenever I see anyone online with the word “Scrub” in their username. I’m automatically wary of anyone who has the same mental illness(es) as them because they always used that as an excuse for everything they did to me. I feel especially guilty about that one, but I can’t help it. They were sex-obsessed, so I’ve become repulsed by anyone talking to me or about me in a sexual manner. I automatically keep fans that approach me and try to become friends with me at arm’s length, because that’s how they came into my life. Because of that, I can count all of the friends I have on just one hand.
So yeah, that’s the story.
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kob131 · 5 years
Well now, let’s give this a REAL stress test huh?
Yeah, no shit they blocked you, all you’ve done is proven that you have an I.Q. score that needs to be represented by a letter to explain how stupid you act.  Remember when you said this:
“ cept 90% of it isn’t criticism, criticism would actually be helpful, no its at the very best nitpicking to the extreme and then crucifying the show and creators who put a ton of work into making a great show over some inane bs.”
1.  Considering that Volume 6 seems to have been made in response to most of the criticisms the RWDE tag has given, I’m guessing those criticisms were actually pretty darn easy to find and were actually quite helpful.
2.  So it’s wrong for us to ‘crucifying the show and creators,’ but it’s okay for you to crucify us?
3.   “put a ton of work into making a great show.”  Dumbass, you don’t fight opinions with opinions, and great shows don’t tend to have:
Uninteresting characters
Underutilized plot threads and potential
Blatant plot holes and contradictions.
Every cliche in the book with no self awareness.
Years and years of queer-baiting.
Unsympathetic characters.
No clear reason for…  Anything.
A plot that relies on its characters all being too incompetent to do their jobs, or even exist for that matter, in order to flow correctly.
Constant ass pulls.
Deus Ex Machinas
Over reliance on cliffhangers in order to keep its audience invested.
Villain Sues.
Mary Sues.
Marty Stues.
Blatant rip offs of everything more popular than itself.  Not even references, just blatant rip offs.
Poor communication between the writers, animators, and soundtrack artists to the point where you wonder if they entered the same room at any point during production.
Writers who flat out admit they have terrible memory.
A good case for sexism.
Failure to deliver on almost everything they promised their audience
And no comprehension of how writing works at all.
Ad Hominin as an argument thus disregard.
Sorry but don’t you know? Everyone in the RWDE tag says they don’t listen to them so an improvement CAN’T be made in response to RWDE. Or, are you just just lying?
Considering you LOVE to bring up the dead and try to harass anyone into silence while saying people who haven’t done anything nearly as bad hould eb crucified:
Yes. By YOUR standards.
And finally:
Only once so STILL an opinion
Same thing as before
Same thing as before
And Opinion
So out of 19 arguments you used opinions for 17 of them. Funny then huh? Almost like your standards are arbitrary and contradictory.
If RWBY had a ton of work put into it, we wouldn’t have a series of exposition dumps that contradict the episodes, we’d have a much clearer idea of when team RRNJ started their journey to Mistral and when it ended in relation to everything else, we’d have actual distinctions between Semblances, Dust, and magic, we wouldn’t have been making the complaint that Ruby felt like a non-entity in a show indirectly named after her for over five fucking years.  Volume 5 spent over half it’s run time focusing on the main characters sitting around a house and talking, for fuck sake!
They have made distinctions between all three
You’ve been provided with proof to the contrary for years but ignored it.
And you like Red vs. Blue which did precisely for FIVE SEASONS.
You only made one fucking one point out of 23 so far. Pretty damn telling eh?
Oh and if making a complaint makes it valid, doesn’t that mean that OP’s compliant is automatically valid as well? Doesn’t that mean the THOUSANDS of complaints I have made are all automatically valid? And if not thus we must have a set standard: RWDE fails by any standard that is set. So, are you wrong...or are you wrong?
But even if you want to ignore all that, that’s why the RWDE tag exists!  It exists so that you can blacklist the RWDE tag and more easily ignore it.  What you’re doing is the equivalent of diving into a pool of piranhas and then complaining that you got bit.
And yet here you stand, eating food you hate for no reason and complaining about it. Maybe you should listen to yourself.
Here’s a thought:  Maybe the people in the RWDE tag who stick with RWBY actually want to see a good version of it, and you don’t get that by flat out ignoring the bad.  I mean, it’s not like they constantly say that or anything.
And it’s not like the creators are constantly say they work hard or that others constantly say they make great show. So, Cadder, what sets you above them? You know, aside from your narcissism?
Says the guy who can’t handle the idea that maybe people don’t like a show he does, and needs to go out of his way to insult them for no other reason.  The RWDE tag was made so that people like you could avoid the crowd that didn’t like RWBY, but since you can’t handle that idea, fine:  This is going in the main tag.
Says the guy who couldn’t take his own bullshit for a single second before screaming ad yelling like a petulant child.
And gee Cadder, didn’t you JUST say that RWDE sticks around because they DO like RWBY? Huh, was that a Freudian Slip I read?
And finally: Rooster Teeth makes plenty of other content and there are SO many others. RWBY was made for it’s audience and you could avoid it yourself.
But since you can’t handle that idea, fine. I’ll continue to attack you then.
No, you’re an idiot for ignoring what they’ve said, why RWDE was created, and for not following your own advice.
Gee, and yet you ignore what the creators have said, ignore why RWBY was created and ignore your own advice. But hey, takes one to know one right.
The RWDE tag complained about how nobody seemed to care that Oscar was being taken over by Ozpin, not even Oscar himself, and it cast Ozpin into a very negative light by making him akin to a parasite from a sci fi horror movie.  Volume 6 showed that, yeah, the characters in-universe see that as fucked up, and they rightfully call Oz out on it.
Nope. Ozpin being in Oscar was barely brought up and in fact ignored.
So 0-1.
The RWDE tag complained that Jaune took away Ruby’s chance to talk about her struggles in Volume 4 and her big fight with Cinder in Volume 5, once again stealing the focus from her.  One of the first things they did in Volume 6 was remove Jaune from the plot for a few episodes, and even when he came back, they focused more on Ruby.
Nope. Ruby talked about her struggles with Oscar in Volume 5 and you screamed at the creators for it while Ruby never re fought Cinder.
Her focus was said everywhere ELSE but RWDE so 0-2.
The RWDE tag complained that Ruby never took the chance in Volume 5 to ask Ozpin about her silver-eyes, instead seeking to learn hand-to-hand combat that was only important because they changed Mercury’s fighting style.  Volume 6 introduced a new character who had silver eyes in the past and had her teach Ruby how to use her silver eyes.
Except that’s based on the idea of Ruby not taking control, not her Silver Eyes. Still doesn’t apply to what RWDE has said so 0-3.
The RWDE tag complained that, despite setting up and foreshadowing a big confrontation between Ruby and Cinder, Volume 5 did not have Cinder take the chance to attack or even indirectly hurt Ruby.  Volume 6 almost immediately brought Cinder back, and rekindled her hatred on Ruby.
Except that that Cinder never lost it AND since Jaune did nothing else in the Volume, ignoring you was GOOD writing. So 0-4.
The RWDE tag complained that Ozpin was completely incompetent for volumes upon volumes by keeping his allies in the dark, making him a very untrustworthy individual.  Volume 6 has him face some consequences for those actions.
Nope. Ozpin was never treated as incompetent nor showed he was gonna change. Other people said he should face consequence but by your own admission: you never did. So 0-5.
Let’s make that 1-28 to gather all the arguments into one spot.
I could go on.
Please do. I wanna see how far you’ll dig that hole before you realize it’s your grave.
There plan has been to wing it.  They’ve already gone on record and said that Ruby’s development and focus was one of the things they wanted to fix with Volume 6.
Let’s add: ‘I don’t know how writing works’ to the list of reasons why you’ll never be listened for.
Because planning something it doesn’t mean every single detail is planned out. Every single writer knows this.
I said they made Volume 6 in response to the criticisms, I didn’t say they did it well.  It can easily be argued they didn’t understand where the criticism was coming from, which given some things Miles has said about RWBY’s critics in the past, isn’t that wild of an assumption to make.  Also, general consensus seems to be ‘it’s better than last Volume.’ And while that isn’t saying much, it still means its an improvement.
Not according to RWDE *cough* Damage Control *cough* The fight between Sokumotanaka and SSSN *cough*
Do you see the quotation marks, or are you just trying to put words in my mouth?  Of course it’s wrong to attack the creators of a bad show, but the RWDE tag doesn’t do that!  Attacking the creators of the show would be launching death threats their way.   Attacking the creators of the show would be harassing them online through their social media accounts.  Attacking the creators of the show is not making jokes at their expense.  Nobody complains when we make jokes about Micheal Bay, nobody complains when we make jokes about M. Night Shamalan, nobody complains when we make jokes about Reki Kawahara; so why do you complain when we make jokes about Miles Luna?
You know-
Because when this exact same shit happens elsewhere, you call it attacking. When it happens with SU, you scream your heads off at SU crits despite them using ALL your arguments. So we’re just following your standards.’
Oh and no on digs up Micheal Bay’s dead friend to attack him with the corpse. That’s pretty fucked up. You wanna know who agrees with me? Your little inspiration, Doug Walker. When his character The Nostalgia Critic did that, he was treated as someone who made a serious fuck up ad felt remorse. You don’t act like or feel like that. So nice try.
The toxic part of the FNDM are the ones who barge into the RWDE tag and assert their views.  The toxic part of the FNDM are the ones insult and belittle the critics of the show just because they found a flaw in their precious little cartoon.  The toxic part of the FNDM are the people like you.  The RWDE tag was created so that you could ignore us and we could ignore you, it’s the equivalence of a sign that reads ‘Do not enter!  Radiation!’ When you ignore that sign, it’s your own damn fault.
And RWBY is the equivalent of ‘Don’t eat! Fish!’ When you eat fish and bitch about it, it’s your own damn fault.
Also: mind showing me where those people use your dead friends against you? ... No? Then you hold that title.
Oh, I do, you don’t.  Criticism is when you voice your misgivings about a show, backing it up with examples, explanations, and facts, in the hopes that the people who make the show will see those criticisms and try to improve.
Except that if anyone treats a show you like in the same manner, suddenly it’s not criticism anymore and you default to MY definition. Sorry Cadder, can’t have both.
1.  If you think the RWDE tag is terrible, than stop reading it.
2.  Would you rather we complain about a show we don’t watch?
3.  I did stop watching it, after Volume 3.
4.  That doesn’t change the fact that the characters would still be uninteresting.
1. ‘Because we just want the RWDE tag to be good!’
2. You don’t watch it
3. So you have no idea what you’re saying. What a that about examples ad facts again?
4. Says the man who doesn’t watch the show.
Hey, remember back in Volume 3 when Penny mentioned to Ruby how she had a plan to stay with her at Beacon?  No?  Well, neither do the writers.
What about Yang’s PTSD arc, which they seemed to blaze through, and only ever give a passing mentioned to ‘Yeah, she still has PTSD?’
What about Weiss’s romance with Neptune, which came out of nowhere and promptly went back to it?
What about actually having Ozpin be a shady, morally grey individual casting which side of his conflict with Salem could be considered a ‘good’ guy, instead of just having him get sick and then pinning all the blame for everything that happened on Salem?
Or hell, what about any of the racism against Faunus, which only seems to exist at the most minor of levels most of the time?
1. Hmm, almost like it was a Red Herring. What was that about ‘not understanding writing’?
2. Showed, didn’t tell it. Just like RWDE always says.
3. You mean the character who only barely appeared in this previous Volume? Hm...
4. Hey didn’t you say you stopped watching the show? Well I guess that makes sense as Ozpin was never treated like that.
5. How would you know? You stopped watching the show. As it shows since Meagrie, Illa, Adam’s brand, the Fanaus being locked in cages in Ozpin’s flashback ect.
The Grimm are supposedly attracted to negative emotions, and this is even how they were able to determine where the White Fang were hiding outside the kingdom of Vale in Volume 2.  Yet despite that, the White Fang weren’t being overrun with Grimm down in the tunnels.
What’s more, during the same volume, in the same location, the negative emotions brought on in Yang, Blake, and Weiss when Oobleck questioned their motives to becoming Huntresses didn’t attract any Grimm to the campsite.  The Grimm were only every drawn to negative emotions when the plot called for it.
Even still, this raises the question of why the Grimm are attracted to negative emotions and why they only target humanity and its creations when they were created by the God of Darkness to be the general embodiment of death, meaning that they would go after everything that’s living.
The rules of Aura also tend to fluctuate in how it works and how powerful it is.  In Volume 1, Pyrrha asked Jaune why he didn’t activate his Aura to protect himself during initiation, then in World of Remnant, it was stated that Aura passively protects its wielder, meaning Jaune shouldn’t have needed to activate it.
What about all the leaps in logic required for Cinder’s plan from Volume 1 to Volume 3 to work?  Her plan required matches in the Vytal Tournament to end specific ways despite how even they looked, and the fact that JNPR vs. BRNZ only ended with team JNPR winning because BRNZ didn’t recognize an opportunity to attack.  It required the Fall Maiden to not run away despite having every opportunity to and instead continue to fight Cinder.  It also only failed because Salem never bothered to tell Cinder about her one weakness as a Fall Maiden so that Cinder could be defeated by Ruby’s Silver Eyes.
There’s also everything brought up here.
1. Proof they had negative emotions CONSTANTLY?
2. Except they’re all shown clearing out the Grimm around them so...
3. But Cadder! They do! After all, RWDE loves to cite how they ‘go after’ animals.
4. Hm, would have known that it works like a trained reflex if you watched the show.
5. Well, it’s not like Cinder jut needed a bad match up or is shown hacking the syste-Oh wait,,,,
Gee, three mystery people or one demigod? I would the demigod would think to win.
Hm, almost like CInder’s arrogance was a character flaw eh?
6. ‘Yes let me cite this source to a Tumblr blog, they totally wouldn’t lie right?’
To be fair, one could argue that Miles already knows how to fill these plot holes and just plans on doing it later.  I’d counter that he has already stated that he has terrible memory and out of all of these questions, the only one that’s been answered is the Maiden’s connection with the Relics.
And I’d counter that you still blame Miles for Jaune even as Kerry has stated otherwise so you have a proven bias against him.
Hence the second half of that sentence:  With no self awareness.  It’s often stated that RWBY just uses those cliches as a jumping ground to later subvert them.  It doesn’t.  If anything, the longer RWBY’s gone on, it only becomes more cliche.  And yeah, cliches aren’t a bad thing, when utilized correctly. But right now, we have a light vs. dark McGuffing hunt where our main character has this super awesome superpower that can defeat the bad guys fueled by love and friendship when our characters hardly interact with each other or build up their friendships.  And this is done without an ounce of self-awareness or anything to make the premise more compelling.
Oh so? ... Oh wait, it;s just an opinion. And what was it you said? ‘Can’t fight an opinion with an opinion’? Funny how you forget..
If you view making a show like baking a cake, then most of these cliches are the sugar; and it doesn’t matter how much sugar you pour in, if you forget the baking soda, your cake isn’t going to rise. 
And if you view RWDE as a bunch of flat earthers: Continuously saying something doesn’t make it true.
Xiaolin Showdown, another series that could be considered a McGuffing hunt, has more intrecate characters and multiple factions warring it out for the Shen-Gong-Wu, and more intricately crafted stories.  It’s not just ‘Go to place, find thing.’ There are also often hurdles the characters need to face, be them external conflicts with the bad guys and the unique games they have to play for the Shen-Gong-Wu, or internal conflicts, such as spats with other characters or emotional conflicts.
Oh that show where the usually useless sidekick character meant for comic relief ends up being the only person able to save the day in an episode only for this instance to never come up again? or what about the generically evil witch? Or the bumbling bad guy whose actually a huge threat in a future timeline? Or the Big Bad beings sealed away instead of being destroyed because plot? Or what about the leader being someone who has been at this for years and yet is treated just the same as the newcomers because ‘different viewpoints’? Or what about the elements being Fire,Water, Wind and Earth with Fire being high energy, Water being sagely, Wind being a hotshit and Earth being serious and bulky?
Funny how you forget all THOSE cliches.
Sorry Cadder, should probably choose something else. Xiaolin Showdown was one of my favorite shows growing up and I remember a lot of it clearly. And you’re not smart enough to be able to defend it like I can.
Well, I’m not seeing a counter argument, and the cases for queer-baiting are pretty self evident, just look at all the times they’ve made jokes about White Rose or Bumblebee in the show.  It took them five years of empty promises and excuses to actually give us some LGBT representation, and it was the Psycho-Lesbian trope.
And Xiaolin Showdown made jokes about cliches-Welp, better go shit on that then Cadder. Now now, no one’s gonna get better if you don’t ignore how jokes poke fun at things.
Gee, not really an empty promise if it comes true eh? And oh my, the lesbian is a psycho but the straight guy whose an actual psycho you defend is A-Ok? Hm, sounds like someone’s biased...
Well, let’s see:
Jaune Arc:  Cheats his way into Beacon and doesn’t do any of the work in order to actually become the hero he claims he wanted to be.  When offered help, he gets mad and explodes at the person who offered it.  Continuously tried to convince Weiss to go out with him and refused to take ‘no’ for an answer.  When confronting Neptune, he treated her more as a prize to be won than an actual person.  Was the only one to mourn Pyrrha’s death in Volume 4 and, because he couldn’t keep his emotions in check, got into a fight with Cinder in Volume 5, stealing Ruby’s big conflict with her and inadvertently getting Weiss impaled.  Now, that all wouldn’t be too bad on its own, but he never faces any repercussions for it.  Far from it, most of the time, he got rewarded in some way.
Ozpin manipulated our main characters into doing his bidding, brushed off Ironwood’s ideas and suggestions and continued to rely on his students who were still in training to get the job done.  This never worked, yet he is continually presented as a wise mentor who knows what’s best.  He also shows no concern for the 14-year-old boy he is slowly overtaking and assimilating.  He lies to his allies, kept secrets from them, and from volumes 1 to 3, it felt like he was making a bad situation worse.  He also needed to use an ultimatum in order to convince Pyrrha to become the Fall Maiden, giving her no other alternative than ‘Everyone dies.’
Qrow is a perverted alcoholic with no self control who destroys military property and humiliates Winter for no other reason than ‘why not’ and gets away with it.  He shows no sympathy for Yang in Volume 3 after the Vytal Tournament incident, even calling her crazy when she explains what happened, and uses team RRNG as bait for Tyrian.
Weiss was a racist prick who never apologized for any of the things she said in Volume 1.
Sun stalked Blake all the way to Beacon and Managery, and seemingly can’t get away from his teammates fast enough.
Yang destroyed Junior’s bar in the yellow trailer because he didn’t give her the information he didn’t have and assaulted several men who were just trying to do their jobs, and even encouraged Jaune’s pursuit of Weiss.
Not only is most of this lies (Jaune is treated as in the wrong most of the time, Ruby mourned Pyrrha in Volume 4, Jaune treating Weiss as a prize is your opinion as many others (especially women) disagree, Jaune was treated as in the wrong for exploding at Pyrrha and had to apologize, Ruby did a bunch of things in Vlolume 5 while Jaune did nothing.
Ozpin brushed him off because Ironwood DIRECTLY CAUSED the Fall Of Beacon due to his fuck ups, he’s succeeded far more times than fails, he has no choice where he reincarnates, He’s never shown DIRECTLY lying, he keeps giving Pyrrha outs, he was treated as in the wrong for keeping secrets, that’s an opinion and he had no otehr choice,
Qrow’ shown to be pervy in a joke (remember something similar happening in Xiaolin Showdown. Hmmm), he’s treated as in the wrong for that, he directly contradicts that and tries helping Yang and he didn’t know about Tyrian.
And yet you ignore her character development (despite someone in Xiaolin Showdown being responsible for resurrecting THE BAD GUY)
Not stalking
Yeah, criminals doing criminal shit! Oh and proof? No, RWBY chibi doesn’t count.)
But wouldn’t one say that these intentional flaws are there to make the characters INTERESTING? SO which is it? Interesting character or Sympathetic? Can’t choose both you showed they’re mutually exclusive in your eyes.
That’s…  That’s not how stories work.  For instance:
Instead of going to combat schools like Signal, like our main character Ruby did, Jaune instead cheated his way into Beacon to become the heroes his family was while putting in none of the work for it. He was also never told anything about the world around him, like Aura, Semblance, ect, when those things are incredibly common and there’s no reason to assume the rest of the world wouldn’t know about them.  It’s not like Huntsmen and Huntresses are a secret.
Ozpin is implied to have accepted Ruby into Beacon because of her silver eyes, yet never thinks to train her with the damn things!
Despite wanting nothing to do with the feud between Ozpin and Salem, Raven steals the Spring Maiden’s powers and was fully intending to take the Relic of Knowledge until Yang pointed out how stupid that was.
Ironwood made a robot that is capable of generating Aura, yet instead of telling the populous or even Ozpin about this, he instead keeps it under wraps as he entered her into the Vytal Tournament, which one could argue was to test Penny’s abilities, but with the way it was presented, it felt more like he was trying to cheat.
And then there are all the humans working with Salem, despite seemingly getting nothing out of it.  It’s even worse for Hazel, who’s sister was probably killed by a Grimm, yet he’s now working with the Grimm’s ruler.
So Cadder- How do you rewire the electrical system for a house? How do you repair a TV? How do you replace plumbing? Hm, you don’t know? Gee, it’s almost li8ke you have to *gasp* go to school for this!
And yet he says it’s because of her skill with the scythe. Hm, you reject both show AND tell....
Gee, not like that’s a character flaw stated to be in Raven-OH WAIT.
Gee, not like Ironwood is paranoid or somethi-OH WAIT,
Hmmm, not like *gasp* that could be elaborated on in the future! Or that hazel is DIRECTLY STATED to be a grieving mess who  is shown to not be logical.
And even then, we don’t judge things based on what they could be.  We don’t judge things based on what they claim to be.  We don’t judge things based on what they’re going to be.  We judge things based on what they are right now.  Yeah, the reasons for this stuff could be explained later, it could also not be explained later. 
So I’m just gonna go ahead and judge you based on your first word in each sentence.
Cinder Fall’s plan required absolutely no student from Haven to realize that they were never at that school.  Nobody realizes that the girl who supposedly left with the injured student was still in the audience.  Amber never thought to run away from her fight with Cinder, despite having clear chances to do so. Emerald used her illusion powers to steal mere trinkets and food, when it had the potential to turn her into one of the greatest thieves Remnant has ever known.  It also required for Ozpin, who know she would be attacking, to not do anything about it like Ironwood suggested.  I have an entire fanfiction pointing out how, if Beacon was a little smarter, Cinder would have failed a dozen times over, and very few of my scenarios have been dis-proven by recent information.
Proof that anyone WOULD ask about them?
Proof that Emerald didn’t hide herself?
Stated character flaw for Amber.
Emerald’s not amoral, she did what she had to for survival.
Not like Ironwood’s paranoid.
And you’re a proven liar, so why should we care?
The Maiden’s who didn’t exist until after Volume 2, Ruby’s silver eyes which were only brought up once, the relics that were never foreshadowed, most of Cinders plans, Raven being the Spring Maiden, shall I continue?  I might as well not, the entire tag is filled with this stuff.
Not an asspull, that’s a deus ex machina, Ozpin’s vault, numerous Tumblr posts disagree since you think they’re valid. And please do, I love making you look like a corrupt fuckwad.
Ruby’s silver eyes at the end of Volume 3, the ships to Mistral at the end of Volume 4, the train that Oscar was able to take at the end of Volume 4, one could argue Penny at the end of Volume 1.
Everyone else said it first, basic logic says there should be patrols, INTERkingdom travel is locked down and Penny was foreshadowed.
No, most shows have each episode end with a sense of finality and complete the story each episode is telling.  Avatar:  The Last Airbender is known for its tight continuity, and I can only think of one cliffhanger from that series.  RWBY, meanwhile, never feels like it’s finishing a single story for each season, and it feels more like the only way the writers will expect the FNDM to continue watching is if they never finish the story as opposed to actual investment. 
Yeah...except Avatar tried pulling ‘the hero is totes dead ya guys!’ so it should be consider worse in your regard.
Cinder Fall from Volumes 1 to 3, see four paragraphs above.
You mean the woman whose been repeatedly insulted and shamed?
Pyrrha Nikos, arguable Ruby Rose, Cinder Fall again.
Dead, bullshit, shamed.
Jaune Arc, Qrow Branwen, Ozpin, Sun, through affiliation with Cinder - Mercury.
Characetr with the least respect
Open drunk
Purposefully flawed leader
Called out on his shit
Being Sub-servant.
Here’s a rather big one. What about the comparisons that can be drawn between the Grimm and the Titans from Attack on Titan?  What about the school of adventure trope that has been done to death by the likes of Harry Potter and Soul Eater?  How’s about the fact that you can draw more parallels between RWBY Volume 4 and Final Fantasy Advent Child than you could on a graph in an average math class?  What about how the Maidens are pretty much the Avatar but quadrupled?  Or how’s about the fact that Ozpin is a poor-man’s Dumbledore?
What about the Titans and teh demons from Berserk?
What about the hundreds of other works BEFORE Soul Eater and Harry Potter?
Proof and no, YHH’s doesn’t count.
Cept they don’t need training, their powers aren’t used by otehr characters and a fuckton of powers are like this
Except Dumbledore was never directly called out on his shit nor revived from the dead.
Gee, didn’t cliches meant rip off.
There’s also the fact that in Volume 4, puddles of mud were supposed to be regular puddles.
How’s about the entire BMBLB incident, where Miles had no knowledge of the existence of the song, and Jeff Williams claimed his songs had no meaning?
This stuff isn’t a secret, people have talked about this stuff extensively. How the fuck do I know more about the production of RWBY than a supposed fan?
Slicksickman who has an open grudge against Miles: disregarded
They’ve always done that.
Except none of this fits your argument so....
There’s called plot holes, this is how you get them.
AKA ‘google my proof’
How’s about the fact that Yang runs into a situation to save Blake for Adam, and her reward is a chopped off arm, post-traumatic stress, and mockery from her father, where as Jaune rushes into a situation because he can’t keep his hate boner for Cinder in check, and Weiss gets impaled for it, only for him to unlock his semblance, heal her, and no one gives him any crap for what he just did?  There’s a double whammy here, Weiss gets injured for something Jaune did, and Jaune doesn’t face consequences despite doing pretty much the same thing as Yang.
Except that Weiss being impaled IS Jaune’s punishment.
Taiyang made on joke (but yang openly insulting him? A-okay!)
Or hows about the above moment for Jaune, but when Salem goes through a series of responses so akin to the five stages of grieve I’d be more surprised if it was unintentional than if it was, and the narrator and by extension the writers try to paint her as a complete monster with absolutely no one blaming the gods?
Because Jaune didn’t try tricking immortal beings and he admitted to his flaws ad was treated as in the wrong?
Dumbass, the RWDE tag has more citations for this stuff than a Wikipedia article!
And your citations so far have been INVALID.
More like Conservation.
An action packed series that rarely had any action and for a whole volume had most of the main cast talking in circles as well as sitting in circles.
LGBT representation as promised by Monty Oum, only for it to take five years before we had so much as one confirmed homosexual.
A show that focuses on four girls that kick ass until Jaune walked on screen.
A monster hunter series where the monster hunting aspect hasn’t been relevant since Volume 1.
The show began with talking and was mostly talking.
Never said when.
Jaune’s relevance is TIED to one of the females
And I thought it was about four girls kicking ass.
I could say the entirety of the RWDE tag or just point to most of the points I’ve ready made, so I will!
*points to my blog*
Try again...
Well, as you loved to say:  Citation Needed.  Yeah, we make jokes at Miles’s expense, but then again, so did Nostalgia Critic about Micheal Bay and M. Night Shamalan, and Linkara about Frank Miller, Scott Ciencin, and Rob Liefeld.  People rarely, if ever, get on their cases for it.  Once again, there’s a difference between attacking a writer and making jokes about them.
Remember what i referenced before?
Nostalgia Critic using the dead:https://youtu.be/0EVOxDVSAfE?t=1949
The Nostalgia Critic earned my respect that day.
You and RWDE have earned my eternal ire.
Hey, I think I found a picture of you online:
Tumblr media
Sorry everyone, Cadder accidentally posted a selfie.
1.  All evidence to the contrary.
2.  ‘Couldn’t’  You couldn’t give a shit if we liked the show or not.  If you could give a shit about if we liked the show, that means you do care.  I’m starting to notice a pattern, the people who love RWBY seemed to have failed their English classes.
1. You reject evidence so...
2. Says Mr. “ Managery “
1.  Criticism is almost always a good thing, and seeing as to how Miles has at least attempted to improve his writing and address our criticisms, and that general condenses is that this Volume was better than the last, I think we very much are helping.
2.  Why don’t you eat some film and put your talents as a projector to good use?
1. Except by your own statements, he didn’t.
And 2. Why don’t you use your talents as a sentient barrel of toxic waste to go pollute some wildlife. Only thing you’d ever be good at.
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