lightmycandle · 2 years
Not Pasek and Paul making a musical movie Starkid ripoff-
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thenightlymartini · 4 years
Headcannon #53
Topic: Jealousy (i.e. which one gets jealous more/major incident of jealousy in their relationship)
Inspired by one of @alfredtalia ‘s posts
Kimchiburger: America really doesn’t get jealous much. Like, he’ll pout if he doesn’t get a lot of attention or SK’s attention has to be pulled away from him for a bit, but that’s hardly jealousy. He knows he doesn’t own SK, and SK has every right to still hang out and talk to others other than him. It’s also not like he really has to feel jealous or guarded about other people trying to make a move on SK either. He trusts SK to be faithful and take care of himself.
The same cannot be said about SK, at least in the beginning. This majorly revolved around Japan, especially after the end of the occupation in 1945. Like, politically, SK does not like Japan or, at the very least, gets very cold. I also headcannon that SK suffers from self-confidence issues that stem back at least centuries if not millennia. SK views himself as not good enough or always a step behind the competition in Asia, and is the main reason why he really outdoes himself and is very social because he is trying to prove, mainly to himself, that he has potential and is good. 
So with all that in mind, SK got extremely jealous about Japan and America’s friendship or any point where Japan is too close to America for his liking, even before him and America were even a couple. It constantly brought up his inner voice that brought him down that said he wasn’t good enough and he needed to do better. It even made him start believing that Japan and America even had a thing together (which was not true) which made him see Japan as competition, and to start to be skeptical about their actual friendship (like, how America can even still call Japan a friend after what he did at Pearl Harbor and having a war between them).
Even when they did become a couple, SK got jealous easily if America’s attention wasn’t on him, because it constantly caused him to think he was not good enough to keep the other’s attention.
Eventually, he did grow out of it, especially after confiding to America about it at one point because he had become so distraught with himself that he ended up spilling the beans about it. America didn’t judge him for it, though. In fact, it reminded him of himself with his own struggles with confidence and made him realize the main thing he loved about SK: he wears his heart on his sleeve and is human to a fault. Like, nations who live for awhile seem to have or gain a sense of apathy for what they are due to living history for so long. Yet, SK still holds onto this energy of youth and spirit despite all of the horrible things he has done or witnessed. He doesn’t forget that he is a human, faults and all.
Rusnk: Oh boy. These two.
Russia gets sort of jealous every once in a while, but not often and not quite like a lot of early or some fans would portray as. Like, in a way, he is possessive, but not overbearingly or creepily so like in many fanfictions. I think it’s because he doesn’t quite know what a healthy relationship is supposed to be cause he lacked a lot of examples of one. And I think NK would have kicked some sort of sense into him about that because NK had to deal with a lot of possessive countries in his life and just got out of a really bad, oppressive, occupation with Japan and would not tolerate someone possessive at all in a relationship. He’s his own man, thank you very much. So, if he did get jealous, it would be a once in a blue moon event that really doesn’t hold much weight cause he knows NK as a person is loyal to a fault.
NK kind of gets jealous quite a bit. Mostly because he likes attention due to not really getting enough of it, and he doesn’t like to share. Like he won’t get mean about it, he’s pretty reserved about expressing it until he hits his limit (like he will try to hide his pouting and act like he’s not at all jealous). It’s more like bile rises in his throat and he gets impulses to “mark his territory” in a way, since he sort of suffers a bit from an inferiority complex, but there’s always his common sense voice that holds him back like, “you know who he’s going to go to bed with at the end of the day” or “you’re being irrational again. You know Ivan would not do you dirty like that.”
Commieburger: Again, America is not a jealous type. If there’s one thing he would get jealous about is that he, as NK’s significant other, can’t spend time with NK that easily. Like, a perk of dating the world’s pariah, as dark as it may seem, is that not a lot of people will be trying to make moves on NK. The downside of that perk is that it is extremely hard for him to spend any time with NK. Like normal couples can easily walk up to each other and be lovey dovey or show affection in public, but they can’t due to so many factors. That’s why with any country that is on decent terms with NK he gets sort of jealous because he’s like “you have no idea how great you have it right now, dude. I’m dating him and I can’t even go up and greet him without the rumor mill starting up and risking exposing our relationship when we can’t afford to do that.” It’s partially why he showers NK with so much affection when they are together because he feels he needs to make up for when he couldn’t. Both of them understand that this was expected when they began this relationship, so it’s a more passive jealousy.
NK... oh boy. Like, with RusNK, he isn’t as jealous cause it’s not a secret relationship and it’s not as awkward of a relationship. With America, you bet his jealousy rears its head so much. He has the same issue as America in that, even if he actually wanted to, he couldn’t show America any affection due to the nature of their relationship and politics. Only with NK, he sees everyone but himself able to walk up and chat with America, and it pisses him off deep down. Especially when it’s SK, cause it feels like a tease to him, like this is what he and America could have looked like but it’s not possible. He and America both knew what they were getting themselves into when they decided to go out, but that doesn’t lessen the sting. It’s due to his pride and stubbornness alone that he still acts a little hard to get even when it is just America and himself, but he secretly loves the attention he gets when it is just the two of them. It’s a big reason why the both of them get a little rough with each other with affection of intimate time. They both end up craving what they can’t have for so long that it kind of implodes.
His jealousy also really rears its ugly head when, if America and him are alone, America pays attention to something other than him that could easily be put off. Like, he gets that if it is important, he knows that should be the priority; he would expect no less if the situation was reversed. But if it’s something that can easily be done another day? Yikes, he gets jealous real quick. He won’t even hesitate to express it, mostly in anger or sarcasm, because it’s his way of telling America that he’s beginning to doubt their relationship, like “you say you love me and want me, but you keep putting me aside and doing the exact opposite of what you say.” Both of them understand this is not the healthiest of ways to express or communicate, but they’ll take what they can get with how they develop as people in each other’s eyes and as their relationship progresses.
I remember an old fanfiction I read where it went into the jealousy aspect between Japan and South Korea and thought “you know, how would these pairings deal with jealousy?”
A big issue I have, and wanted to address, is how fans portray America, Russia and jealousy. Like most of what I see is almost a forced fantasy of America getting possessive, and seems really stereotypical of the possessive seme trope that I’m really starting to not like after really understanding same sex relationships. Russia and stories relating to him being jealous tends to fall under similar issues as America, only they use it as a plot device to make him creepy or the villain which I really am getting sick of seeing.
I also took it as an opportunity to really look into both Koreas and see how they personally deal with jealousy as well as looking at history and getting at least a decent idea of how they possibly would act. (Also @alfredtalia ‘s post that was linked in the beginning gave me solid enough information on Sang-Kyu’s personality portrayal that I felt comfortable enough to try exploring this.)
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Thoughts While Watching SK Homecoming
I was literally smiling and laughing like an idiot while watching these wonderful amazing people and thinking of all of the memories from years of enjoying their musicals. I am so glad I bought the digital download because they deserve all of the love and support. Just a word of warning I will be spoiling what happens throughout the show so if you haven’t seen it yet and/or you don’t want to have anything spoiled for you, I would not proceed any further. You have been warned. Also, as the show is over two hours long, buckle in cause this is gonna be a doozy and I have a lot of feeling about this wonderful show.
Disclaimer: these are just my own personal thoughts and opinions as a long time fan of Starkid, please don’t come at me.
1. Darren is so cute with how he encourages and interacts with the crowd, you can tell how much he loves Starkid and loves the fans
2. we stan a founding knucklehead of Starkid
3. I am so proud of the musical daddies as they conduct a literal orchestra!! how far they have come!!! also, hearing all of the songs with the orchestra is such a treat.
4. I am living for Jeff Blims outfit! the eyeliner, the necklace, the vest!! honestly, iconic.
5. It is so funny to me that they had to edit out fuck from their songs, i.e. “i mean what the what”; “tiger lover”; “he porked a tiger”.
6. Did they change the octave that they were singing, because Jeff seems to be struggling?
7. I love how Jon Matteson looks the same as he did TGWDLM, he is Paul.
8. I don’t know why but the TGWDLM medley is increasing my appreciation for Jeff, previously who wasn’t really on my radar in terms of my favorite starkids, but I love his little dance moves and funny things he does
9. Robert Manion fucking performs the hell out of show stopping number and I am here for it every single time. I feel like he can’t help it and you can tell he’s into it because he can’t help but make the Hidgins face and wiggle his hips. Also, THE BODY ROLLS I AM LIVING FOR THEM !!! (@9:10)
10. Both Mariah and Jon are confirmed working boys and I love them for it. I love that Corey brought Mariah in at the end to make sure she was included.
11. Okay but Lauren Lopez knows how to perform like she knows how to work and engage a live audience. I so enjoy watching performances like this where there isn’t a wall between performer and audience because I think that that’s when she shines. I also feel like the same applies to Rob, Joey, and Darren, they are just so fun to watch.
12. How are all of these people so attractive!! I especially love Lauren’s outfit, but that’s probably just cause I love her so much.
13. I don’t know why but Brian’s “I still don't know!!” at 12:08 gets me every time.
14. Joey’s look behind him for his shadow at 12:24 while he bops kills me.
15. The orchestral swell at 13:05 with “this is the dawn” is so beautiful.
16. Lauren's arms are unbelievable, but we already knew that
17. 14:43 where Joey and Lauren walk and then turn back is so funny to me.
18. The second naked in a lake kicked in at 17:05, I got so hype. also, love that Corey took off his jacket during the song.
19. All the different faces and actions during the “fasters” at 19:54 are so good.
20. I never realized how tall and gangly Clark was until the Ani section, the boy's limbs are too long for his own good and I love it. His voice is so beautiful though!!
21. Joe calling Twisted the first-ever live-action Disney remake is iconic and no one can tell me otherwise.
22. I was legitimately afraid for the buttons on Joe’s shirt at 27:43.
23. Britney Coleman and Carlos Valdez singing 1001 Nights was a wonderful surprise and literally so beautiful, also their exit as Dylan started singing was so cute.
24. I’m kind of sad that they didn’t actually sing Twisted in the medley cause that was one of my favorite songs, but I understand that they had time constraints.
25. After 32:38, I feel like I need to watch the Lego Batman movie to see how similar it is to HMB.
26. Semi-disappointed that they didn’t do the usual choreography for the “I want to be your friend forever” part, but I respect that the handheld mics restricted them.
27. The bass or guitar or whatever in the background at 36:30 was so groovy, I was a fan of that.
28. Tbh, I didn’t really get Denise’s whole bit about how Starship is a show only for dreamers, it just felt a little off to me.
29. I’m a little bummed that Joey didn’t sing Status Quo, but I like that they gave it to Mariah and Alex who both have lovely voices. I appreciate that they had a moment to shine when they might not have because they are newer members/ only had a small role.
30. Brian and Jaime’s eye contact with the camera at 40:48 is so powerful and I’m here for it.
31. Joey mouthing the lyrics at 41:21 is so funny and I love it.
32. AJ’s little jump in the background at 43:02 is so cute.
33. Their constant need to have to avoid saying dick throughout the whole MAMD section is so good and hilarious, with so many expertly timed entrances from AJ Holmes and Joe Walker.
34. Joey saying no to the different microphones at 44:00 is absolutely artistic and fucking hysterical. It gave me similar vibes to Bo Burnham’s bit about seeing the most beautiful penis at a urinal.
35. 45:40, AJ Holmes is a delight of a man, need I say more.
36. “Do I smell?” “Pretty bad.” 45:07
37. Seeing Meredith and Brian standing next to each other at 48:49 makes my heart so happy cause this is what brought them together and now they are married and it’s amazing.
38. “We’ve written on all of the Starkid shows” 50:46, what a powerful statement.
39. I had no clue that the Starkid movie (1997) was a thing and I love that Nick just straight-up roasted it.
40. The subtitles at 52:56, dramatical instrumental music. I am here for it, I love this revamped version
41. Darren is so extra singing Goin back to Hogwarts and I am here for it. Our boy has grown so much! 
42. Pulling out the glasses at 54:03 is a power move.
43. I’m not sure about how I feel about people singing along to the songs during this. I know it is supposed to be for the fans but don’t people want to just sit back and listen to how amazing these people are and just enjoy. Maybe that’s just cause I only am viewing it through a computer and if I had been there I might have felt different, but who knows.
44. 56:05, AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! It’s Bonnie!!! She looks amazing and I’m so happy that she’s here!!!
45. Joey trying to the clap in the ear with mic at 58:04.
46. 58:16, I love how Darren always hypes up the crowd for Lauren’s entrances as Draco, he’s done this a number of times and it makes my heart so happy how he supports his friends.
47. I love Lauren so much the way she moves across the stage at 58:57, the power stance at 59:05...absolutely incredible.
48. I love seeing Rob in the chorus cause he was a fan, he loves AVPM just as much as we do and now we get to see him up there performing one of the most iconic songs. It honestly just makes my heart so happy.
49. 1:00:12, Dylan emerging from the audience is honestly so funny to me and I love him for it. Also, I love the ongoing trope of the “welcome” getting progressively longer each time they perform the song. Bless Dylan’s lungs and abilities to sustain that note.
50. 1:03:45 Jim little butt taps are so good.
51. The saxophone at 1:04:19 is so enjoyable.
52. I like how the slowed things down for Home at 1:06:10 with Darren sitting on the stage just having a personal moment with the audience, it was really nice.
53. Darren’s hops at 1:08:45 are so adorable and I love them.
54. I know that AVPM songs are iconic and everyone loves them, but I would have liked to see them so some more songs from AVPS and AVPSY, especially since they had some time rehearse them and there would be no mic issues.
55. Yay for a Bonnie and Meredith duet, both women are wonderful and have done an amazing job as Hermione and I love them both.
56. “Art imitates life a little bit on that one”, it’s okay we love you Darren with your silly guitar.
57. I didn’t think watching this would be educational, but I now know what a litmus test is and what slant rhymes (aka really pushing it rhymes) are thanks to Darren and google, so there’s that.
58. This may be a bit controversial but I feel as though this was one of the weaker performances of Granger Danger, usually Joey and Lauren have fun with it and I love it when they do, but this time they seemed to be more going through the motions. There were good moments (i.e. Joey’s hips, Lauren sliding down the mic stand, the back and forth head turns) but overall it was just kind of eh.
59. Darren’s twirl at 1:28:36 is delightful.
60. I firmly believe that AJ has permanently memorized the fantasy monologue and I refuse to let anyone tell me otherwise, 1:31:10. Also, I’m curious if it was planned because someone in the audience calls out for it, but that might have been a plant so who knows.
61. I just realized at 1:32:20, where he’s talking about mouse wives and concubines that would be bestiality. He only shrunk his size down, he would still technically be a human...
62. Tyler Brunsman singing Guys like Potter is now kind of funny considering AVPSY and Cedric ending up with Lily in the afterlife.
63. Joe Moses face at 1:38:57 is classic Snape and I am here for it.
64. Another yay for Sidekick, this is one of my fav AVPSY songs and Joey kills it every time.
65. 1:43:19, goddamn that man can hit a high note.
66. I love the addition of Rob to Everything Ends, what a pretty song and Rob’s voice works wonderfully with it.
67. 1:44:58, Rob struggling with the mic is hilarious.
68. Classic Snape speech at 1:46:30, simply inspiring.
69. I love Jaime and we all know her voice is incredible, but something seemed off during Not Alone and at times it sounded like she was struggling.
70. 1:51:56, I don’t know if I just don’t know much about music but Joey’s make was a little off, but on another note, I think it would have been really sweet if they had let Lauren sing too so that Draco could finally add to that harmony.
71. That sick piano rift at 1:54:33, hell yeah!
72. Even though they always use Days of Summer as the closing song, I love it every time, it’s just so fun and gets me so emotional.
73. That key change at 1:56:50 tho.
74. Yay for enthusiastic but sometimes questionable fanart ;)
75. Brian and Joe recreating the ending scene of AVPM is absolutely beautiful and I am here for it.
76. The matching jackets at the end speaks to the fact that Starkid at its essence is just a bunch of friends who were theatre nerds and wanted to create something fun together and I think that's wonderful.
In conclusion: Props to whoever made it to the end of this ridiculously long post summarizing the different thoughts I had while watching Homecoming. I truly think it was something for the fans and I love them for it. I am so proud of Starkid and all they have accomplished since 2009.
I want to encourage others to continue to support Starkid in the future, maybe even by purchasing Homecoming for themselves, I would definitely recommend giving it a watch. Also, feel free to respond and let me know your own thoughts on Homecoming, I’m sure there’s lots I missed and I would love to hear what others thoughts. 
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Summary: you cycle to and from work in the winter to return to a very shocked and worried Felix
Pairing: Felix x reader
Genre: angst but I make up for it with FLOOF
Format: bulletpoint + readers thoughts in italic
A/N: this is inspired by me FREEZING MY ASS OFF when I cycled to guitar practice last week. Most of the details are what actually happened but... you know.... without Stray Kids lol
this wasn’t a choice ok? 
no one could take you, it was too far to walk, so you took your bike 
getting to work wasn’t actually that bad 
you had to walk along an icy part but that’s about it for the struggle 
you got through work all dandy
but you dreaded heading back home
the temperature had already dropped to -10.C (14.F)
and the wind was really kicking up
but it was either brave the weather or sleep in your work place
and that’s a big-ass NO-NO
Felix had sent you a text message asking if you were ok
but of course your luck was nonexistent today and your battery died before you could reply
so you quickly turned your bike lights on
put on your helmet (stay safe on the roads!!)
and set off
it wasn’t too far from the SK dorms, where you planned on staying for the night
and most of the journey back was downhill so it was fast moving 
but the temperature had now dropped to -14.C (6.F) and you had started to loose movement in your fingers
that day you couldn’t find gloves better than some fuzzy but fingerless ones so you were in particularly deep shit
you had to stop twice on the way back just to warm your hands up
you were nearly at the dorms and you could swear you were about to lose your fingers
you finally got there and you couldn’t feel your face, your hands were aching like they never have before 
and you were pretty sure you were about to die
you get inside the dorm to see Felix pacing in the main room
he finally sees you and stops walking around
“there you are!!! I’ve been so worried you didn’t answer my text and— y/n?!”
you had just started lying down on the heated floor because you’re as melodramatic as Felix you were so tired and cold
Felix immediately came over to you and sat you up and carefully looked you up and down
“y/n, your hands are freezing! Your fingers have gone blue!! Why are you so cold??”
you didn’t get the time to answer when Woojin walked in ready to greet you after hearing the commotion
he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw your condition, and Felix quickly asked him to go make hot tea
“Felix, I’m fine seriously” HA good luck convincing this boy of that
“don’t be ridiculous! You need to rest and warm up! JEONGIN-AH, SEUNGMIN-AH!!!!!”
the two youngest ran out and stared stunned at you sitting on the floor next to Felix
“y/n, what’s wrong?” Jeongin asked with a worried expression 
before you could say that you were ok, Felix cut in
“I need you two to get some tissues and warm blankets. Y/n is freezing cold”
and they would scurry off before you could tell them that you actually weren’t dying and that Felix was overreacting a bit too much. 
he pulled you up and shoved you towards the sofa and sat you down, taking off your scarf, gloves and winter jacket 
“tell me you didn’t walk back from work” he said with a dark tone under his words
you felt kinda scared
Felix had never been outright angry at you
like sure you two would bicker from time to time
but you’d never him use this tone of voice
you finally answered “no I wanted to get back quickly so I used my bike
he looked at to with owl eyes “IT’S FEBRUARY, Y/N!!! HOW CAN EVEN CONSIDER DOING THAT?”
now he really freaked you out. He’d never yelled directly at you before
“I’m sorry! But no one could pick me up and my phone died before I could text you! I wouldn’t have done this if I had the choice!”
no use, this kid was practically steaming with anger
Seungmin and Jeongin came running back into the room with some blankets and a packet of tissues, so you quickly wrapped yourself up to heat up a bit
but your fingers still ached and were still blue under the nails
“you idiot... you stupid, stupid idiot” Felix kept repeating under his breath
suddenly Minho came into the room, giving you a tired but perplexed look (he must have been taking a nap and got woken up from Felix’s yelling)
“why does y/n look like they’re in a cocoon and trying to turn into a butterfly?” he asked
“Y/n decided it was a smart idea to cycle to work and back in this temperature” replied Felix, avoiding your eye. “Now they’re freezing cold and about to lose their fingers”
“I’m actually ok, just a little chilly” you tried to cut in, but Felix looked at you with a deadly expression and you decided it was better to not try and convince him you were ok for now
Minho immediately noticed the tension between you two “How about I order some food for when Binnie, Chan, Jisung and Hyunjin get back” he suggested. “Maybe chicken wings?” And he ran off before either of you could argue
I suppose they were working on a new part of a song
“I can’t believe you” Felix growled
you felt kinda indignant, cause you knew it was a dumb idea but you’re stubborn you couldn’t just miss work
“it was that or I miss work and I’m not gonna do that” you huffed. “And I couldn’t call any of you because 1) my phone is dead and 2) I didn’t want to interrupt you if you were working”
“Your health is a lot more important than my work ok?!” Felix raised his voice again, making you wince. 
“Whatever, let me know when you feel better” he snapped and got up, heading for his room. 
you kinda just sat there thinking wtf just happened cause you were not at all used to Felix acting so mad at you, you usually would work it out relatively quickly. But this was obviously something he was going to keep up
then the dorm was filled with the happy chatter of the four rappers as they entered the room 
as you expected, they went quiet when they saw you sitting silently on the sofa wrapped in three thick duvets
“Are you ok, y/n?” Asked Chris
“Yeah! Don’t worry I just got a bit cold coming back from work” you tried to not let them worry about you
“That’s an understatement” laughed Woojin, walking in with a mug of tea and a little plate of biscuits. “Sorry, y/n. I couldn’t find your favorite cookies, I think Changbin ate them again” he said sheepishly as he passed you your tea. 
“I DON’T EAT THEM STOP BLAMING ME” squawked Changbin angrily, making you chuckle. These were the boys you loved so much, and they were so concerned for you
it was enough to make you tear up slightly 
“Minho also ordered chicken wings for us” added Woojin
the boys cheered and started sitting around you
“did someone say chicken wings?” asked Seungmin, poking his head out of his doorway 
“they’ll be delivered soon” said Minho, sitting next you you on the sofa. “Is Felix coming?”
Seungmin shook his head. “Nah, he plans on sulking. He’s really angry at y/n”
Chan snorted. “Of course he is. What a drama queen! He’ll come around when the food arrives”
the food was delivered a while after and you all ate together, with you still wrapped up in your blankets. 
Felix didn’t join you
once you had finished dinner, you started chatting happily, and you started feeling warmth in your hands again
“I’m sorry I was so stupid by cycling in this weather” you finally said when there was silence. “I promise I’ll never do it again. I’ll find a way to call you. Though I think I’m still gonna catch a cold” you sniffed
the boys nodded and murmured reassurance
Jisung jumped in: “i think it’s to Felix you’ll need apologize, y/n” he chuckled. 
you shuffled gently in your seat. “I dont think he wants to talk to me. I should give him some space and we can talk about it tomorrow, when he’s feeling better”
Hyunjin started laughing. “I thought you were way smarter than us, y/n! You should talk to Felix now. And he’s sulking just because he’s good at it. He once gave me the silent treatment when I ate the last of those (your fav biscuits)! He’s a little dramatic in that respect”
“so it was YOU! I WAS FRAMED” screeched Changbin, making everyone howl with laughter
once you were no longer wheezing from laughing so hard, you stood up. “Alright imma go talk to him. Wish me luck!”
you quietly opened the door into Felix’s room “Felix? Can we talk?” You ask quietly
“I’m still pissed at you” he mumbles from under his pillow
“look I know it was stupid. But I couldn’t miss work! I promise I’ll never do it again! I never want to do it again” you say pleadingly
he stays silent for a minute, and just when you were about to leave, he spoke
“I don’t want you getting hurt. I hate worrying about you. I was so scared when I couldn’t contact you and it was even worse when you basically collapsed onto the floor when you got back! Just promise me you’ll call me if it ever happens again”
“I will, I promise” you held out you pinky finger and he slowly linked his with yours, sealing the deal. 
“Can I....?” You ask quietly, motioning to his bed
He smiled
“then you’ll be warmer!” he said, jumping out from under his cover to wrap his arms around you torso and pulling you into bed with him
you cuddled together in silence, eventually falling asleep in each others arms, perfectly warm in each others embrace 
the door creaked open as Seungmin poked his head into the room
he smiled brightly when he saw the two of you fast asleep, all cuddled up
he closed the door to then turned and face a huddled group of Stray Kids looking at him expectantly
“So?” whispered Jisung. 
“They’re both knocked out” answered Seungmin, beaming. “I knew Felix couldn’t stay mad at y/n for too long”
the boys all giggled.
“I guess you’re gonna have to sleep in another room there, Seungmin” laughed Chan. “You don’t want to wake them up”
so the boys decided to let Seungmin sleep in the same room as Chan, Minho and Woojin, leaving the two of you in peace.
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OOF ok this was SO FUN to write lmao have fun, peeps! I plan on writing a lot more now I’ve found motivation (throws confetti in celebration)
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