#About the Vietnam Country
yonemurishiroku · 6 months
I wonder what the Israeli children and youngsters think about the literal genocide their government is pushing.
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thekhoei · 1 month
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my fav beatles fun fact gotta be that Lady Madonna was based on this image of a Vietnamese woman back in the late 60s. i like to see this song as a counterpart of Blackbird (although Your Mother should know is also relevant). grew up learning about my culture and history, literature about women's sacrificing and devoting life for their husbands, their children, their mothers, their fathers, even their later grandchildren, i appreciate that Paul wrote the song for every Mothers in the world, especially the Western Highlands' Ê-đê Mother (an ethnic minority group in Vietnam) during the Vietnam-against-the-US-war, who was the direct inspiration behind the song.
there is a Vietnamese poem that has similar meaning to the song: "Khúc hát ru những em bé lớn trên lưng mẹ" (roughly translated as Lullaby for the babies on Mother's back) by poet Nguyễn Khoa Điềm (written in 1971), which is also about the beloved Mountain Madonna, the Vietnamese Heroic Mothers - Bà Mẹ Việt Nam Anh Hùng. the Mother couldnt live the baby alone in the house, so she wrapped her child in a cloth on her back, and then she went to harvest the corns while her baby slept on her back. i remember learning this poem in school, of how Mother brings her child to everywhere, from the slightest work to drudgery. Nguyễn Khoa Điềm wrote this poem in a form of a lullaby from the Mother to her baby. (remind me of golden slumber and goodnight)
its kinda sad to learn that Epstein was too frustrated about their public appearance (i mean i would be too those bitches didnt just tell the American they were bigger than Jesus) that he didnt let them write much song related to my country's occurring war, but Johnny and Yoko still stood up and let we hear their voice about this terrible crime. i love to know that my country's revolution is heard, is relevant even til now, still remain a valuable lesson and a demand for peace of every proletariats all over the world.
"It’s another piece of insanity. It’s all part of the same insane scene that’s going on. There’s nothing else for it… no reason, just insanity"
"You can’t keep quiet about anything that’s going on in the world"
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probablyhuntersmom · 8 months
Extraordinary luck :O
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
i just need you guys to know that american schools often don't teach about like. any of the USA's wars past wwii. almost all of the history classes i took centered on american history nearly exclusively and it always trailed off around mccarthyism. i need us to talk about that and never stop because every time i remember it i feel like im losing my mind
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wokeuplaughing · 1 year
love that big boss had a hard on for che guevara
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his ass does not understand his politics outside of guerrilla warfare
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go-k-art-er · 6 months
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rockoblanco · 1 year
Americans will look you in the eye & literally be like “yes im aware that the US government has lied about pretty much every single international affair over the past century, which has resulted, and continues to result, in the slaughter of literal dozens of millions of civilians across the world along with the catastrophic destabilization of entire regions that still live on to this very day, but the news told me that this one place is a crazy dystopian dictatorship so actually they’re right this time & if you try to even hint at anything otherwise you’re a brainwashed insane piece of shit” without ever using a single brain cell lol
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niteshade925 · 2 years
What kind of irked me about true crime podcasts that talked about Richard Ramirez and the wikipedia page is how they all just gloss over the fact that his cousin Miguel took part in WAR CRIMES by killing and raping Vietnamese women while in Vietnam as a soldier in the us army, and how that was a huge factor in shaping Richard Ramirez to be the inhuman scumbag that he was. Instead they all just pretend that Richard Ramirez became a piece of inhuman shit out of nowhere. Guys. There is a fucking elephant in the room. Guys.
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clamorybus · 11 months
trying to research historical vietnamese clothing lead me down a rabbit hole i wasn't prepared for
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amerasdreams · 11 months
it's so sweet how Sierra asks to be part of the Whittaker family. She's tentative about it, which shows how much it means to her. Which is why she asks it. Something she normally wouldn't do, ever. How starved she is for family. And how close she feels to the Whittakers, to even think like this, because she doesn't get close to anyone. But she formed a bond with Jason during their 1st mission together, and a bond with Whit looking for his grandson. Shows how welcoming they are, to make a girl who didn't have ties with anyone, didn't feel the need, wanted independence after her 1st adoptive family, and her unthinkably traumatic childhood, trust enough to want close ties.
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lololollywrites · 1 year
I’m going back to Vietnam this summer!
I’ve missed it so much. It feels like I’m going home, even if it’s just for three weeks. I wasn’t going to spend the money, but I got a bonus and thought... you only live once. My sister’s recent MS diagnosis, a friend’s suicide, and knowing that a friend of my mom’s - only 30 years old - just got a terminal cancer diagnosis made me reconsider waiting; I’d decided to hold off and be responsible. But I don’t want to live with regrets. Hanoi, here I come! ❤️💛
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euyrdice · 1 year
my low patience with people today… not sure of its bc i havent eaten and thus feeling mean or being american and wanting everything to speed up
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xoshepard · 2 years
ok *falls for my friend who i had a crush on two years ago that said “im more than certain anyone would love you when they get to know you” to cheer me up about my most recent nonsense*
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gorillaxyz · 1 month
nixon was so horrible ohbmy god
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thewingedwolf · 1 month
i’m so annoyed i’m bitching on two different platforms but i always have an ASS of a time trying to find readalikes for war novels that get popular bc trying to find something that isn’t just “there were a few bad guys but on the whole america was the heroes 🫡” in a fiction novel is impossible. this is my boulder actually, finding war fiction for my insane patrons that isn’t straight propaganda aksjjd
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iamthepulta · 3 months
It's so funny to see journalists speaking out on mining supply chains now - particularly being considered experts - on stuff the mining industry has been screaming about for years.
Yeah man, we've been trying to get the USGS and EPA and DoE and DoD to do something about Chinese smelters and supply chain shortages for years. Have fun with that.
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