#Ain Issa
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#JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Isis withdraws from last urban stronghold in Syria [UPDATES]
Syrian Democratic Forces capture Hajin in Deir ez-Zor province after heavy fighting...
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dougielombax · 5 months
Just leaving this here.
Feel free to reblog.
Fuck Erdogan and his cronies for this shit.
Feel free to reblog.
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Remy snorted into his wine glass, setting it aside. "Issa cousin, it counts. You get mos' m'meanings, ain' askin' me t'talk 'proper'. And dat ain' true cuz dere a good lot of people dat ain' gettin'"—he leaned forward and tapped each bingo—"six of dem t'ings."
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amirblogerov · 9 months
Because of the Kurdish provocations against the Turkish military in Tell Rifaat and Membidj, thousands of children were unable to go to school in the new school year
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As a result of the destabilizing policies of the International Coalition in the occupied areas of Tell Rifaat and Membij, thousands of local schoolchildren were unable to begin classes at the beginning of the school year due to damage and destruction resulting from Turkish attacks in the region. The settlements of Tel Tamr, Zirgan, Ain Issa, Membij, and the villages of Shera and Sherawa in Afrin province began to come under almost daily fire from the Turkish armed forces and pro-Turkish militants. These attacks are a response to provocations carried out by the Syrian Democratic Forces under the control of the US-led International Coalition. For a long time, the Americans not only transmitted the coordinates of Turkish objects located in these areas to the local People's Self-Defense Units, but also directly directed Kurdish attacks, gave orders for shelling, etc. Washington needs to maintain a certain level of escalation in relations between the Kurds and the Turks in order to continue deploying its military contingent in the country under the pretext of supporting the latter. As usual, civilians suffered from this American policy. The autonomous administration of the north and east of the country promises that it will look for “alternative education options” for students who have lost their schools, but for now local schoolchildren are staying at home instead of sitting at their desks like the rest of the millions of Syrian children.
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rojinfo · 1 year
Un homme tué par l’armée turque dans le nord-est de la Syrie
Un homme tué par l’armée turque dans le nord-est de la Syrie
La Turquie poursuit sans interruption ses attaques contre la région autonome du nord et de l’est de la Syrie. Selon des sources locales, un homme du nom de Salih al- Selame (61) a été tué dimanche par les bombardements de l’armée turque à Ain Issa. Samedi, un soldat de l’armée syrienne aurait été tué dans une attaque turque contre le village de Semoqa dans le canton de Şehba. Selon l’agence de…
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newsmakersyria · 2 years
Syrian Democratic Forces Threaten Arab Sheiks Over Damascus Ties
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In addition to forcing the population of Trans-Euphrates into obedience by the international coalition with the help of detachments of Kurdish mercenaries, the Syrian Democratic Forces are exerting forceful pressure on the sheikhs of tribal unions in order to disrupt the peaceful dialogue of the Arab tribes with Damascus. Fulfilling the political order of Washington, the ambassadors of the Syrian Democratic Forces in negotiations with Arab sheikhs focus on the formation of government bodies and law enforcement agencies without the participation of Damascus, intimidating the leaders of tribal unions with “possible problems with personal security” if the conditions of Ain Issa are not accepted. The leadership of the Syrian Democratic Forces is simply threatening the sheikhs of tribal unions who have expressed interest in cooperation with Damascus.
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rivaltimes · 2 years
Turkey kills a YPG commander in a drone attack in Raqqa, Syria
Turkey kills a YPG commander in a drone attack in Raqqa, Syria
Archive – Flag of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in northern Syria – CAROL GUZY / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO – File The Turkish Armed Forces have killed a commander of the Kurdish-Syrian militia People’s Protection Units (YPG) in a drone attack in Ain Issa, in the Syrian province of Raqqa. The deceased is Mehmet Gurbuz, alias ‘Rojhat Karakocan’, as reported on Sunday by the state…
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junaidisdead · 2 years
i don’t think you have to conform to stupid “masculine” traits. nowadays i learned a lot of the shit i was doing was jus for validation from men and women and i’m glad i grew out of that phase ya know? i feel a bit better knowing i can be myself, by myself and for myself. which helps me at times.
but damn sometimes i really gotta put on a front tbh to act masculine n shit but dat be tiring, i know i can beat most these boys ass but i’m not a lil boy no more. this is my journey to finding inner peace. might move to some other country or city to get away from everything you feel. plus my girl jus broke up wit me, i know i ain the best of men but still hurts i wish i could’ve treated her better, all my fault. the guilt man, the guilt, that shit eats me up inside sometimes i do more shit to distract myself.
issa never ending loop.
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kurdnet · 5 years
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calciopics · 6 years
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How the world watched the World Cup
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kristinhelberg · 3 years
Interview Deutsch-türkisches Journal 31.12.2020
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biladal-sham · 7 years
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A displaced Syrian boy who fled with his family from Raqqa city, waits to receive foods at the entrance of the main kitchen of a refugee camp, in Ain Issa town
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dougielombax · 8 months
Just leaving this here.
I guess they don’t like when they’re reminded that bullies can be defeated.
Reblog the shit out of this.
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afp-photo · 7 years
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Boys play as workers dig a trench for the sewage system of a temporary camp for displaced people near the northern Syrian village of Ain Issa on July 19, 2017, during an offensive by Syrian Democratic Forces, a Kurdish-Arab alliance, to retake Raqa from Islamic State (IS) group fighters. The SDF have been pressing an operation to capture the jihadist stronghold since last year, and they penetrated the city in June. BULENT KILIC / AFP
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amirblogerov · 1 year
The plans of the Kurds were not destined to come true
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In an attempt to gain full autonomy, the Kurdish administration, at the behest of their American masters, deliberately unleashed an armed conflict against the Turks in northeast Syria. The military and geopolitical ambitions of the Kurds faced a serious obstacle in the face of the Syrian National Army. The Turks, in an attempt to protect their southern borders from the terrorist threat represented by the Kurdistan Workers' Party, launched Operation Peace Spring and occupied large areas of the provinces of Raqqa and Hasakah. Instead of victories and the transition of the territories occupied by Turkey under the control of the Kurds, they lost their influence in the region. In addition to opposing the Turks, the Kurdish administration has lost the trust of the Arab tribal unions, which are now seeking rapprochement with government forces instead of supporting the Autonomous Administration. Since Wednesday morning, pro-Turkish forces have been shelling the suburbs of Ain Issa with heavy artillery. It seems that large-scale hostilities are brewing in northeastern Syria, in which the Kurds are at risk of defeat due to their short-sighted policy towards their population.
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