#Also brothers Sonic and Tails real
daydreamdoodles · 11 months
I found the most perfect sonadow fluff fic and frankly I won't be able to recover from this find
It's All Hail Nurse Shadow on Ao3 btw
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drylagooned · 11 months
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im glad that instead of trying to change himself to be the person sonic wants him to be, nine fires back here and demands the recognition and respect he deserves as an individual separate from the one sonic knows. he’s done it repeatedly through both seasons and im ridiculously proud of this little 8-year-old for having the gumption and resilience to stand up to someone he clearly wants acceptance from bc that’s an extremely hard thing to do at any age. but nine is such a strong kid and he knows it’s his right to be treated as the person he is and not the person sonic wants him to be.
and i do like that we see a look of realization and regret on sonic’s face here— it says a lot. namely that sonic hasn’t meant to undermine nine’s identity. sometimes you just hurt ppl without meaning to and sonic has clearly done that by being so dismissive of the fact nine is a person wholly disconnected from the tails he knows. he even goes so far in this moment as to try and make nine feel bad for not being more like his tails.
that’s a cruel and manipulative thing to do and i think we’re seeing sonic begin to understand that he really hurt this poor kid without realizing it.
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sonknuxadow · 6 months
it was literally such a coward move to not put tails in sonic underground. like oh we're making a show about sonic and his siblings . lets get rid of the sibling he already had though
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max-nico · 8 months
Sonic has been called an "overprotective big brother" over the years many times. Not his fault that Tails is small, impressionable, and reckless. He's known the kid since he was a toddler, if anyone else had been around that long they would understand too.
Or at least he thought they would, but it seems he was wrong because his own two best friends–Amy and Knuckles–are the ones who call him overprotective the most. This is a huge betrayal on their part, especially when they bring up valid points like Tails' intelligence and skill, because how could he disagree. Sonic has the coolest, most awesome and amazing, little brother ever. 
With that being said, Sonic is pretty sure he has the right to interrogate the little fox this time. He's like 90% sure his panic is warranted when he sees his little brother load and cock a very real and deadly gun. Because that kid is 9. He is 9, and he is putting on his watch and his plane gear to leave, and for some reason he needs a weapon wherever he's going. Sonic thinks he has a right to exercise at least a little big brother privilege here, honestly it would be negligent to not at least question him. 
"Hey bud. Whatcha up to?"
Tails' ear flicks toward him as he packs a few things into the Tornado. "You remember that hard drive that GUN thought they stole from me, but I actually knew they wanted it so I lowered a few of my defense systems so that they could grab it and leave me alone?"
The answer is no, Sonic has no recollection of that happening at all. Though he supposes it's his own fault for only half listening when Tails was talking. He's really gotta break that habit.
"Sure do." Sonic lies.
"Well, I actually have a little bit of data on there that I forgot to back up to another hard drive since I didn't think I needed it, so I'm going to go get it."
"And you need a weapon for that? Why don't you just ask Shadow?"
Tails finally turns to face Sonic, floating down off the Tornado and in front of Sonic. He stands with his hands on his hips, leaning just a little into his personal space. He takes the chance to absentmindedly scratch behind his little brother's ears, making him push his head into his hand.
"I did, actually. He's the one who told me to bring some weapons, he said he wants to help me improve my stealth techniques."
"Huh, and he didn't even bother to text me about it." Sonic huffs. It comes out playfully, but he won't deny being a little peeved that Shadow didn't message him. Tails is a genius and can make his own decisions, sure, but he's also not even in double digits. Sonic is literally his guardian, he feels like he should've been consulted about this. "I find that quite rude."
Tails smacks Sonic with one of his tails. The fur gets trapped in the small quills on his face, which makes his brother giggle.
"Then how do you find that, hm?"
"I find that the person who did it has another thing coming."
Sonic is so gonna fill his pillows with quills and shaving cream again. The fox constantly complains about not being able to get his quills out of any furniture, but he also got his fur stuck on Sonic's face, he figures this is pretty good retribution.
"Sure I do."
This is what Sonic means. Where did his wholesome brother go? Ignoring the fact that he has been a little menace since they first met, this is obviously team Dark's fault. Their devious ways are corrupting his little brother, who has obviously only learned nice things from him, like dad jokes and spindashing.
Tails has been constantly hanging out with team Dark for a few months now. After spending time with Rouge on Amy's last birthday he seemed to acquire a sort of childish fascination with them. Honestly, Sonic didn't really see it as a bad thing at first. They got Tails to spend more time out of his lab, and they always seemed to take care of him so Sonic had no qualms as long as Tails was having fun.
Then the habits came. Habits that Sonic had managed to completely purge a couple years back. Sure, he's not building bombs willy nilly anymore (as far as he knows anyway), but a few weeks ago Tails showed him the Empire nuclear launch codes just because he could.
Just yesterday they were having a conversation about a grocery store in station square. Amy had apparently told him that the cashier was kind of rude, so he asked if she wanted him to "blow up the entire store". She laughed and said no thanks, but when Sonic just shook his head at him Tails had the audacity to say "he'll make sure there's no one in it", as if that was the problem with what he said.
Sonic will not claim to have clean hands. He will not say he's never killed anybody on purpose or on accident, but is it so much to want to spare his brother from the same fate? Sonic still has nightmares over things like that, and even if his little brother is joking, he just can't find it in himself to laugh.
It's obvious Sonic will have to talk to Shadow and Rouge soon, he would talk to Omega as well but the robot honestly just does whatever he wants. Sonic can respect it. He cannot, however, respect Shadow and Rouge teaching his kid brother bad stuff, like how to get away with murder and other things of the like.
"I'll be back before you know it, Sonic, I swear!"
It's obvious Sonic has just missed most of the one sided conversation Tails was just having with him, he zoned out again. Damn it.
"And I'll have my communicator on me so if anything goes wrong, you'll be the first to know! I'll stay safe, Shadow will be with me."
Tails says that as if it's any comfort to Sonic. He may trust Shadow with his life but he does not trust him with children. He's sure Tails will come out physically unscathed, but mentally? This is going to be a trainwreck.
Sonic sighs. He already knows he won't be able to convince him not to go, at least not in the small timeframe he has, so he just pulls the kid in for a hug instead. "Call me as soon as you're able, okay?"
"I will, promise!"
"And if you're not back and not answering in 24 hours, I'm coming to find you myself."
"Yes, Sonic." Tails says, pulling away.
"And I'll give Shadow a piece of my mind if I have to, you know I will."
"I'm leaving now."
"And so will Knuckles and Amy!"
"Remember what I said about calling!"
"I can't hear you anymore!"
Sonic smiles as Tails starts his plane, the kid will be fine, he knows it. After all, he's sure Shadow and Rouge know the consequences if he's not.
woe, the brothers be upon ye I wrote this in like two sittings and its barely been edited, I'll probably put this on ao3 later after I've looked at it again lol. you're welcome to hit me up in my dms or askbox, but if it's a request I would prefer my ask box lol. Remember you have to be nice to me forever and ever and ever if you decide to talk to me btw
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dunkinbublin · 1 year
hi me again cause i'm obsessed with your art (actually having to stop myself from spamming your inbox wafeowifoief) but anyway; if you're still taking requests, can you do baby tails teething on sonic's hand ^stole this idea from my puppy
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fun fact my real life human brother did this shit to me when he was teething too so
(also like, spam me idc lol)
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whotfletamothhyperfx · 7 months
Your doodles make me wonder if tails doll is in your oz au. Like was it made by eggman to mock sonic or did sonic make it as a replacement tails?
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Well technically both are right, Tails doll was originally made a few weeks after tails died so eggman could mock sonic. He wanted to show that sonic was never a good wizard, that he could never save anyone because if he couldn’t save the one kid close to him then what was the point in him even trying to be good. Its too bad for Eggman because sonic took that in the worst way possible and went full on villain mode.
He later went back and beat the shit out of eggman but when he eventually left he took the doll with him. It didn’t matter if it was just a doll version of his brother. Eggman didn’t even deserve a replica of his little brother. Because Tails was too good for eggman, he was a sweet and gentle and kind little kid that just wanted to see the good in the world.
After that whole thing Sonic started to go even more insane. Sonic got Tails doll very soon after the real tails died. Its a constant reminder pulling him back from moving on from tails death. Its also one of the reasons that he dosen’t recognise tails when he comes back to OZ he still sees tails the way he was when he was little. Tails doll reinforces that. His brother just looks so different now that its impossible for him to tell that its really tails. But even despite it the kid reminds him of his baby brother.
Maybe thats why sonic hates him more than he should. Why should this kid get the life his brother was deprived of.
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000marie198 · 3 months
Deven Mack himself thinks that Nine would rebuild Beepo to not be lonely anymore.
Which, seemingly impossible now because no prism.
Addition, I think he would try to rebuild Beepo but with what he has left . Not emotionless guard Grim Alpha no, original Chaos Sonic, Beepo. Post Prime we could get Beepo back like this and he won't be the same but it would still be him. Nine did scan Sonic the first time they met so he might have his biodata and now after what he'd went through and what he'd seen and not being influenced by the prism's energy, he won't do crazy stuff like build robots as friends who are programmed to do his bidding and have no sentience
I do, however, think he deserves real friends, real family (referring to that one post I made about it being messed up that he had relied on artificial robots programmed to do and feel exactly what he wanted). So Prime Bros should happen.
Nine deserves real people, real family.
He deserves care and love, a home. He doesn't deserve a small floating castle with no land outside, no food, no water, no resources. He'd die at this rate.
Beepo would be cool to get back but not at the cost of Nine staying in the Grim. The only source of nutrition being coconuts growing on two palm trees. That's not enough to sustain him.
I want Nine to meet Sonic again, meet Tails, be brothers, Sails and Mangey too. And I will die on this hill. Prime Bros my beloved
Also, I can't stop thinking about the fact that Nine is Deven's favorite character, Sonic's VAs favorite. I love this so much ejcjjdjdjfjfjfjfjf
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tenebraevesper · 5 months
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 7)
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Welcome back to Part 7 of my Shadow, Sonic, and to an extent, Nine character analysis! This one will cover Episode 21: Home Sick Home and Episode 22: The Devil is in the Tails. In addition, this and the next post will also have a lot of gifs coz I'm hellbent to analyze every detail of this show.
So, let's dive in!
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''Shadow, you're alive! Help a brother up?'' ''We are not related.''
After getting knocked into the abyss Nine made, Shadow makes an epic return by saving Sonic from the Grim Variant Trooper, with Sonic being happy to see that he's alive. Shadow... doesn't get the joke, but Sonic doesn't care. Also, Shadow does the pose from Sonic X. X3
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*sighs* ''Nevermind. You okay?'' ''I survived. Nine's Alphas deployed a massive army to keep me down here.'' ''Alphas? You mean the ones that can duplicate themselves?''
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''If I still had that Chaos Emerald, I could've teleported out of here. But, it's lost to the Void. And, smashing hordes of Sonics isn't the worst thing in the world.''
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''Up for smashing a few more of mes?''
Okay, hol' up a second there buddy! ''Smashing Sonics?'' I hope the writers knew what they were doing, because the internet is going to take this conversation WAAAY out of context... and they already did.
In any case, we get an explanation to what Shadow was doing, and while yes, we see Shadow literally flying out of the abyss without the need for a Chaos Emerald, I assume that he meant that there was such a huge army of troopers that he needed the Chaos Emerald to get out. However, by the time Sonic arrived, the number lessened, so he could escape.
In any case, he's definitely up for smashing more Sonics.
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They continue fighting the troopers, and what I really love about this fight is how they basically start playing tennis with the robot, throwing it from one to the other before Sonic slams it down.
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''Hahaha! Helloooo, teamwork! Up top!'' ''These troopers are one thing, but the Alphas can generate an endless army. They are the real threat.'' *sighs* *high-fives himself*
Hey, Shadow, Shads, Shad, dude! Don't leave Sonic hanging like that. At least you could've taken the moment and high-five him since Sonic just wanted to celebrate your amazing teamwork. Admittedly, I can also understand Shadow here, as he is all business, quickly pointing out to Sonic how Nine's army works.
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''Rebel's plan is working. The Scavengers are through to the citadel. They're gonna cut Nine off from the Prism.'' ''Which is in Nine's lab, guarded by the Alphas. They'll never reach it!'' ''So, how do we destroy them?''
Earlier, Sonic had managed to team up with all of the Shatterverse Variants, and instead of being reckless, he left it to Rebel to figure out a plan to get them through. However, Shadow doesn't have much faith as he understands just how much danger the Alphas pose, with Sonic recognizing that Shadow is right and asks for advice. After all, Shadow is usually the one who can see the flaws more easily.
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''We don't. We're going after Nine!'' ''No, we're not!''
''We''? Did Shadow just say ''We''? He did! He shows absolutely zero hesitation wanting to work with Sonic in taking down Nine, and I have to say, I'm so proud of him managing to get to this point. However, as it was shown last time, Shadow needs to acknowledge that, while he did accept that he and Sonic need each other, they also need more help.
Also, remember how Shadow attempted to reach out for Sonic when the latter grieved his loss back at Ghost Hill, but backed away? Well, Sonic shows no hesitation here, quickly grabbing Shadow's arm to stop him. Shadow doesn't even push him away or anything, just glances back before yanking his arm out of Sonic's grip and remains on the spot, listening to what Sonic has to tell him. Their communication skills have definitely improved.
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''You said it yourself. If we don't go after the Alphas, we're cooked. And the only way to win this thing is if we work together. We need the others.'' ''It is the end of the universe-''
As Sonic talks to Shadow, we can literally see Shadow go through several expressions and emotional states, and honestly, this scene was killing me when I first watched it! X3
Shadow goes from ''Not this again!'' *eye-roll* to ''Yeah, that makes sense'' to ''What the hell, Sonic!'' in a matter of seconds and I'm loving every bit of it. He is so expressive and this little moment shows that he there is more to him than it seems.
That, and he's dealing with Sonic, so obviously, he'd show more emotion than usual, since Sonic seems to be the only capable of triggering such emotional reactions from him. Not to mention, Shadow is certainly comfortable enough in Sonic's presence to show these kinds of reactions.
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''-and you're still thinking about your friends!'' ''Of course I am! They're all here, fighting, sacrificing themselves, for me!''
Shadow berates Sonic for thinking about his friends when the fate of the world is at stake, with Sonic arguing how of course he'd do that. They are fighting and sacrificing themselves for him, and he isn't going to let them down. Sonic will always put his friends as his priority and he is not wrong for doing that.
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''All the more reason to go after Nine while he's distracted!'' ''And let my friends get pummeled when Nine only wants me? *gasp* Nine only wants me... I have an idea!''
However, I cannot argue that Shadow is wrong either. He is right that they need to go after Nine before everything gets destroyed.
Honestly, this very argument showcases best how Sonic and Shadow's minds work. Shadow will focus on the end goal and how to achieve it, while Sonic looks at the bigger picture, at the people affected by their decisions. Both are right and wrong at the same time, and both want to take a different approach, but the only way to win this is to work together.
Especially with Sonic suddenly realizing that there is a way for them to win this war.
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As Sonic and Shadow go join the rest of the group, we see all of them taking down Robot Big, with Shadow and Sonic exchanging looks after seeing this feat happen. Sonic grins, giving Shadow an ''I told you so!'' look, while Shadow is genuinely surprised that the group had managed to succeed in taking down such a formidable foe.
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''Gang, this is Shadow! Shadow, meet, well... everyone, I guess.''
Rebel is glad to see Sonic, with Sonic quickly introducing Shadow to everyone else, which... awww, just look at them!
Sonic literally pulls Shadow into a side-hug, smushes his face against his cheek and rubs his shoulder, showing nothing but pure affection and being completely oblivious to everything else.
Shadow in turn, goes first into panic mode when Sonic pulls him closer, not sure what is happening, but unlike last time when he pushed Sonic away, he let's Sonic hug him. He certainly shows annoyance, but I think it is more out of embarrassment for being hugged like that in the public. He really doesn't mind being hugged by Sonic, and he even stays like this until Nine makes his move.
Also, where is Shadow's arm? It literally disappears when Sonic hugs him. Honestly, I choose to believe that he placed it on Sonic's back.
D'awww, they're so adorable!
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I also love how literally everyone's reaction to this is just being unimpressed (with Renegade Knux being 🤨?).
Everyone's reaction just screams ''Sonic, did you really have to introduce your boyfriend when it's the end of the world?''
Well, of course he had to. He and Shadow are closer than ever now and it's the end of the world. One might as well do whatever they want.
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''Well, that's... terrifying.''
However, things quickly go south when Nine starts gathering more and more energy, making the The Grim decay even faster. This then leads up to the Chaos Council's mothership to be blown up.
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''Mr. Dr., are you alive? Say something!''
Fortunately, Mr. Dr. Eggman manages to escape in his robot mech, wanting to melt Nine for what he had done. I just love how Shadow is also in the circle, wondering if Mr. Dr. Eggman survived or not. It's kinda hilarious.
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With Prim's team defeated and the Shatterverse Variants being back to square one, Sonic quickly tells them their plan, and one notable thing in this shot is that, after they confront Nine, he looks to Rebel, then to Shadow, who nods in response. It is as if he's not only seeking for approval, but also making sure that they all have his back.
They're all in this together.
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''Finally! Prove your worth machine!''
The battle begins anew, and I love how Shadow has beef with Grim Alpha Sonic, given how the latter had knocked him down into that abyss.
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Seriously, I kept an eye on Shadow during this whole battle, and whenever he's shown, he mainly seeks out Grim Alpha Sonic, which made me think about something...
How cool would've it been if Nine had made Grim Alpha Shadow as a reference to the Shadow Androids from Sonic Heroes? I think people's minds would be blown.
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However, as the battle goes on, we see Sonic's team losing, with Sonic confronting Nine. Gotta say, even if Shadow lost, look at how many troopers were sent to take him down. He would definitely be able to defeat all of them, though, if it weren't for one thing...
As we learn in Episode 22: The Devil is in the Tails, Sonic had managed to convince everyone to act as if they lost (yes, even Shadow followed that plan) and let Nine focus solely on draining the Prism energy while fighting Sonic, leaving the robots without power.
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This leads to a victory for Sonic's team as they defeat the de-powered robots... at least until Nine powers them up again. Nevertheless, while Sonic (and later on, Renegade Knux) is focused on getting through/defeating Nine, everyone else focuses on the Alphas.
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''You aren't going anywhere.''
When Nine orders the Alphas to target Sonic, most of them get knocked back by the Shatterverse Variants, with Shadow once again facing Grim Alpha Sonic.
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We can see a parallel to Sonic and Shadow's fight from Episode 02: The Yoke's On You, but unlike last time, with Shadow fighting against Sonic, Shadow is now fighting for Sonic. He does get knocked down, leaving Grim Alpha Sonic to join Nine. I also checked that episode, and both Shadow and Sonic got knocked out after colliding. I suppose the Grim Alpha survived due to being a robot.
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''We're not finished!''
However, Shadow makes a comeback, destroying the robot, much to Nine's shock.
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''No! HOW?!'' ''I am... the Ultimate... Lifeform'' ''Modest too!''
Shadow's statement is once again very simplistic and factual. He is the Ultimate Lifeform, of course he'd beat a robot duplicate of his rival. I also love how Sonic jumps in with a comment, mainly because I have no idea if he was just messing with Shadow and Nine, or if he was genuinely honest about Shadow being modest. It's hilarious nonetheless. X3
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Nine refuses to give up, using the Prism energy to paralyze both Shadow and Renegade Knux, while Sonic uses his own ability to create a barrier as The Grim decays faster and faster.
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''He's not gonna stop.''
Sonic knows that he has no choice. Nine won't stop unless Sonic stops him. So he spin-dashes into Nine, knocking him down into the light of the Paradox Prism.
I absolutely loved how we could see here both Sonic and Shadow's growth, as well as how their ideals both clash and work together, leading up to the final confrontation (and also getting more Sonadow content because, hey, why not? XP).
Considering how Ian Flynn was a consultant for Sonic Prime, this episode really gave me the impression that this was the House of Cards arc from Archie!Sonic, as in the issues where Sonic and Tails have their big fight, but was written way better, acting like a redemption for that rushed mess.
Rest assured, the next (and last Part) will show us he big finale of this show!
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 6)
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 8)
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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fern-the-fox · 3 months
Trust me, I know how you feel
finished Tails the Beast for my Stories Untold AU.
All characters have been sucked into a fairytale world and are forcibly taken into these roles. The roles they take seemingly being connected to themselves in some way. Here Tails is The Beast/Prince Adam from Beauty and the Beast.
There wasnt much i really wanted to change, i already loved the original. Even know i kinda wish i made his arms a bit thicker, but my biggest concern was height.
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As seen in the old concept, i intended him to be freakishly large but he was TOO tall.
He's meant to be about the same height as the werehog.
Also his cloak is torn because before Sonic found him and he woke up like this. First thing he thought was that he was having a nightmare which was turning out to be real. Claws too sharp for someone who grabs themselves as a fear coping mechanism.
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The thing us Tails fans love about this character is his growth to overcome his own mental and physical insecurities. Heavily playing into him being bullied and ostracized for his twin tails.
Another is the brotherly bond, which we honestly need more of in current media. Theres never enough!
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In my AU, Tails still struggles a lot to accept the fact that he's not veiwed as a deformed freak. He has grown, but this new involuntary form sets him back 10x.
He is not only an outcasted, anxiety ridden freak (your not honey, just making a point), but now he has huge teeth and claws, his fur is rough, his size is doubled and his voice scares him.
...hes a monster.
But not to his own brother he's not, in the midst of a panic attack once Sonic sees his baby brother for the first time after this entire fiasco. He sees himself. He sees his own experience as a Werehog. He knows how he feels and by god his brother wont feel the same way he did at first.
In the eyes of all who love him, Tails has never been a freak of nature. Hes never been a monster. Hes not scary, he just has new temporary quirks.
Like how Tails saw his big brother in the werehog. Sonic sees the brave, scared little fox child he has raised and loved all these years. He sees Tails
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From the size of a mouse to a werewolf (fox), nothing will ever change who Tails is.
Hes still smart, hes still kind, hes still sensitive.
He is still Tails. And Sonic is there to ensure and encourage it.
I have yet to figure out a true storyline for this AU, but this is the part that i honestly love the most. Characters, relationships, overall plot i have down but its just not A to B to C.
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son1c · 4 months
Thinking about how deranged Tails is in the the 3 au. Like to create a copy of your best friend/older brother seems like an INCREDIBLE breach I don't think Sonic could look the same at him after that. Plus going to create a whole living being for such a purpose is also in itself terrifying (*ahem* Project Shadow)
the thing is i don't think tails set out to create a copy of sonic, it probably started as an actual mechanical defense system/machine of some sort, but he decided that wasn't good enough. a robot just wasn't going to be strong enough to protect everyone, and certainly, a robot could never live up to sonic (or shadow's) power. *cough*
so, his process escalated, and eventually he started developing 3, not fully realizing the gravity of his actions, because he was too caught up in the noble pursuit of protecting the world.
but whether it was his intention or not, you're right. it was a HUGE breach of trust for tails to make a copy of sonic. they have a big fight about it, like, "what are you trying to replace me for?" and tails would defend himself by saying, "i would never replace you, but relying on you for everything isn't smart!" and sonic would ask, "you think i can't handle it? i'm the fastest thing alive!" and tails would reply, "infinite was faster!"
and OHHHHHHHHH it would get quiet. REAL quiet.
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wolfqueen66793 · 5 months
‼️Sonic Prime Spoilers‼️
Warning: LONG!
Putting my thoughts together on this new season, overall I found it very enjoyable! Definitely my favorite season.
Loved the Sonadow! Lots of great moments from the two hedgehogs, it’s so very important to me that we got to see a softer more concerned side of Shadow, even if you don’t ship Sonadow you have to admit him not being a asshole was great!
However I do wish we got to see more of him, I’m definitely fine with the amount we got, not only for the season but the show overall! But I hate the trend Sega has made where they put Shadow in a show and he quickly gets put to the side lines.
I think a great thing they could have done with Shadow is when he’s separated from Sonic still have episodes with him! We could have seen him recover from the fall into the ravine and fight his way out as a episode, or it could have been a prisoner situation! (Or both) Nine could have some how contained Shadow after being weakened by the Grim Bots, that would let the writers keep a power house like Shadow out of the fight but not out of the plot. Anytime we cut back to Nine we would also be cutting back to Shadow.
There was also the 3-4 Episode fighting, now honestly I didn’t care but I did notice it. Did the fights get a repetitive? Yeah, It was a lot of repeating the same stuff but I forgive it because during this long fight was all the lovely character interactions and growth, which is what I think we should focus on. Dread choosing his crew over Treasure, The Roses, The great moment between New Yoke Knuckles and Sonic vs Nine (though that probably should have been given to Shadow honestly, he was in the fight but we saw him the least it feels) and I loved the relationship between Mangey and Sails.
But I do have a small problem with how they handled Mangey and Sails in the fight, the writers gave them a “Death” scene. Now that I was really down for, but looking back on it It just makes me think “why?” Now logistically it was probably the writers wanting to take some characters out to write less, which honestly fair enough! They had a lot of characters to juggle.
But I wish there “Death” meant something more than just to get them out of the fight until the end where they come back with the Grim Big Bot, now I’m a BIG sucker for Sonic and Tails moments! And I love everything for them, I love there happy moments and I love there sad moments. Sonic and Tails’s relationship is my absolute favorite thing about the Sonic series! And because of that I wished there “death” was something more important, we got to see Sonic be actually hurt about there deaths and I love that! But I wish it just had a little bit more time, have it be the moment where he really starts to see Nine as someone dangerous, someone who can do some real damage, I know sonic is a guy who believes in second chances, and I’m not at all asking sonic to go into a blind rage and attack Nine, that just wouldn’t make sense. But I’d like a moment where Sonic would just yell up to Nine with anger but also sadness, he just had to watch other variants of his little brother die from another one of his brother, because he was too slow. (Or maybe I’m just a big sucker for angst and just like watching Sonic suffer)
And lastly there is the ending, now honestly all the other things I’ve mentioned before this point are things that I actually don’t mind but I’d probably just change a bit. And this also applies to the ending, just a tad less. I found the ending to be very unsatisfying and confusing, we were told we were supposed to understand why prime was so strange for the Sonic canon but we got 0 answers, and the ending is very open (which is a thing I don’t like for show finales, almost entirely) but, we we’re supposed to get 8eps this season but the season only had 7, that’s what Netflix ordered, so where is the last episode? What I’d like and what seems to be what others would like or at least have speculated is that Sonic Prime will get a extra long episode or Movie later down the line, to properly wrap everything up.
I’d definitely be down for something like that, it reminds me what Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles did with their show, after there show was put on a indefinite pause they were given the opportunity to make a Netflix movie to wrap up the story. And it’s one of my all time favorite movies! There is most definitely more that they can do with this show, and I really wish this turns out to be the case, because if this is where Netflix actually leaves the show off it will kinda suck ngl, a bad ending kinda can put a whole show off for me (not that this show will end up like that for me but still) and it would also mean Sega pretty much lied to us about understanding the timeline.
So I hope the strange cliffhanger we got with shadow taking the prism shards, the shatter spaces still being a thing and that random (most likely) prism energy blast with what looked to be a shadow of a large ship (probably the eggmen) appearing in the sky we will get that last episode Netflix ordered as a longer special that will help us understand things and give us a more satisfying ending!
But there we go! My thoughts and critiques on prime season 3. I definitely loved the season and I’ll be thinking about the Sonadow scenes we got pretty much every day just like the metal virus arc!
Here are some Sonadow pics for making it this far!
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marinaiguess · 2 years
sonic plays the guitar whenever he feels a little down, whenever running doesn't feel like the best choice; on rainy days or even lazy days because hedgehog heroes deserve those too. and when he plucks the chords, tails can see the tranquility that takes over his body, his expression is soft and not exaggeratedly happy or optimistic. tails can see the real sonic for a few moments, the one who doesn't wear a mask to hide his true feelings in favour of his friends, the one who accepts he can't always save the entire world, the one who knows that his "die-hard" attitude is just a fuel to keep himself going and to not give up.
sonic also knows that tails notices, but he's fine with that. he can't hide from him; of course his only family can read him like an open book. what he doesn't know is that tails is inspired by this, by how sonic allows the guitar to rip his mask off of his face, how something as simple as a musical instrument can have such an effect on a person.
so, he wants to try it out, in order to understand how sonic feels, and maybe to impress him by how naturally good he is at it. except, he isn’t. when sonic goes outside and tails claims to work on a new invention, he secretly tries to learn how to play the guitar. and it’s so hard, how does sonic make it look so easy? he can’t even play the simplest chord without it sounding like an eggman robot getting destroyed. practice makes perfect. that’s what he says to himself to keep going. yet, it doesn’t work. 
when sonic notices the lack of new inventions recently, he gets a little worried but instead of asking tails about it (since he was certain he would deny everything), he stays outside the workshop unbeknownst to tails. he’s expecting to hear something, anything that will disclose his brother’s current state. why has he been lying to him? is anyone blackmailing tails? if eggman is behind this- 
and then his ear twitches. a chord. but he isn’t familiar with that sound. and then he hears another one and he feels shivers down his spine. whatever is making these weird sounds, definitely does not know what the correct chords are. is that why tails hasn’t told him anything abt his new invention? because he hasn’t found a way to make it work correctly? he peaks from the window, careful to not be seen. 
the last thing he expects to see, is tails holding his guitar, tongue sticking out, hands struggling to find the chords. sonic’s hands fly to his mouth in an attempt to silence his surprised snort. he looks at him in awe, the sight before his eyes makes his heart warm and he is sure he will keep this memory close to his heart. and then another out of tune chord is heard and sonic can’t help but wince, still smiling at how cute tails looks when he is mad. tails grumbles, clearly frustrated and defeated, leaving the guitar on the couch as he walks away from it. 
sonic’s face softens even more. he can’t believe tails has been trying to learn how to play the guitar. he feels kinda bad that he has been failing to do so but a sudden idea completely changes his mood. he rushes to the city and when he’s back, he finds a very confused tails sitting on the couch, looking at him. tails mumbles and stutters as he tries to explain why the guitar was beside him but sonic simply walks to him, places his hand on his buddy’s shoulder and makes him stop. 
he gives him a smile. and a present. 
sonic is holding what seems like a smaller guitar. tails’ shock cannot be hidden and sonic cracks up. he explains that he overheard him trying to play the guitar. tails looks a bit flustered but his attention is focused on that thing sonic is holding; he doesn’t think he’s seen something similar before. 
“it’s a ukulele.” sonic tells him to clear his confusion. “easier to learn and to play and its sounds are beautiful too.”
tails takes it from sonic’s hands and admires the beautiful handicraft; it’s expertly made out of wood yet it feels so valuable and fragile. tails wants to object, to give this back to sonic but he already knows what his little bro is thinking of, so he pushes the ukulele back to his chest, giving him a reassuring look. 
tails knows he can’t win this one, so he sits down. he hesitates but he plays a chord. this time it doesn’t sound bad at all! sonic seems more excited than he himself is, so he keeps on playing. 
soon the two of them spend their nights singing songs while both play their own musical instruments, accompanying one another. sonic suggests they invite their friends over once in a week to light a campfire outside and have fun while they all sing together and tails agrees wholeheartedly.
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
the way people are always denying that sonic and tails are brothers whenever one or both of them appears in a sibling related poll is so sad. you hate little guys ? you hate family born of love and not genetics ? you hate youre my mom and dad and picket fence ?
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nightfurylover31 · 6 months
Shattered Nightmare
I'm not ready for Season 3, so I wrote something for WSaTW to help. I don't know how it will all end, that's why I wanted to take what's happening to ease the tension for me.
It was passed midnight. One of those nights where Sonic stayed with Tails. He was fast asleep on the couch, a book covering his eyes. He often nodded off while reading at night. A light rain was pouring against the window. Not enough for a storm, but enough that Sonic wanted a roof over his head. 
His ear twitched. He heard something coming from the other room. At first Sonic ignored it, but soon realized it sounded like groaning. Rubbing his eye, the hedgehog got up and made his way. As he stood in the doorway, he saw Tails curled up in bed. He seemed fine, but when Sonic got closer, he saw the scared look on his friend’s face as he slept, shaking slightly. The little guy was clearing having a nightmare. 
“Tails,” Sonic whispered as he gently nudged the fox’s shoulder. “Tails, wake up.” 
Tails’ eyes shot open and nearly jumped out of bed. He looked around for a moment before fully taking in his friend. “S-Sonic?” 
“Hey there, bud. Sounds like you were having one heck of a dream.” 
“Oh, uh sorry,” Tails apologized while wiping his eyes. Sonic could even see some damp patches in his fur from sweating. 
“You wanna talk about it?” Tails remained silent, his head hung slightly. He was also avoiding eye contact. “Okay, I won’t force it out of you. I’ll let you get back to sleep. Night, Tails.” 
“Sonic, wait!” The hedgehog spun around to see his friend’s outstretched hand in a stop position. “Could you… sleep here tonight?” 
Though he paused to blink in confusion, Sonic didn’t miss a beat in making his way over to the bed. Tails scooted over and let Sonic get under the blankets. He tucked the fox in before getting himself settled. Tails didn’t nuzzle right next to Sonic, but he still inched closer. 
“It mush have been a doozy,” Sonic spoke. “You haven’t asked me to do this in years.” Neither continued the conversation. They closed their eyes, listening to the sound of the rain outside. Though not even an hour had passed when the silence was broken once again.
“Sonic, we’ll always be friends, right?” There was a nervousness in Tails’ voice that Sonic could not ignore. 
“Of course we will. Why would you even ask that?” 
“It’s just…” the younger’s voice began to trail off. “…things change, and people can change.” 
Sonic rolled over, placing his hand on his friend’s head, ruffling up his fur a bit. “Tails, if you think I would ever do something to you, I wouldn’t—“ 
“Not you. Me… do you think I would hurt you?” 
“What?” The hedgehog sat up in alarm. “Why would you ever think that?!” 
Tails clutched the blankets tighter as his ears fell back. “Because that what I dreamt. I betrayed you, and all our friends. Just to get what I wanted! I was attacking you, I hurt you! Something bad was happening to you, like you were disappearing! And I…” The fox kit buried his face in his hands, trying to hide the tears that were falling. “It felt so real… that I could do something so horrible to you…” 
While this was all a terrible nightmare to Tails, it was a memory for Sonic. It did happen. Not Tails, but an alternate version of him named Nine. When he had broken the Paradox Prism, one of Sonic biggest regrets. It had all worked out in the end, but it was still painful to think about. Could somehow Nine’s actions and memories be affecting Tails? Sonic could feel his own ears drooping at the thought of it. Being the big brother that he was, Sonic turned Tails to him, carefully wiping away the tears from the fox’s eyes. 
“Miles Prower, you listen to me.” That got the Tails’ attention. Sonic only used his real name when he was being very serious. “I know for a fact you would never do any of that. You are too bighearted to be that selfish. The only way I can think of that would make any of that remotely possible is that we never met, and you never had any friends. You have so many people that care about you, so don’t you think that will happen.” 
And Sonic was not wrong. Nine didn’t have anyone to stand up for him back then. He became cold and mistrustful of the world. Growing up in an evil city ruled by a quintet of crazy dictators would do that. He wasn’t evil himself, just misguided. 
Tails rested his head on Sonic’s shoulder as the hedgehog rubbed the former’s back. “And I probably did something stupid too for it to lead to that.” Again, he wasn’t wrong. 
“Tch, you really think that? That it will never happen?” 
Sonic leaned his own head on his brother’s. “It’s like you said. Nothing could ever break our friendship.” The two shared a hug. Longer than most would expect.
“Okay, that’s enough of that.” Sonic playfully pushed Tails’ face back into the pillow with his hand. “Back to sleep. And no more scary dreams, mister.” 
“Haha. Like I can control what I dream about. Thanks, Sonic.” 
“Anything for you, little bro.” All those bad thoughts and memories faded just as the rain began to dissipate. Now the only sounds that could be heard were the wind and the gentle breathing of two friends whose friendship and brotherhood could never vanish. 
“I also dreamt Knuckles was like a caveman or something.” 
“Heh. Sounds gnarly.” 
“Good night, Tails.”
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niko-jpeg · 1 month
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First of MANY Camp Green Hill Doodles. Camp Green Hill is my silly summer camp AU, and since I've been on a 06 kick lately, lots of silliness with that case running through my brian. Context and explanations under the cut <3
Alright! Camp Green Hill takes place at its namesake. It’s a pretty nice, isolated place in the middle of nowhere, and a safe haven for Mobians with or without ‘supernatural abilities’. Sonic is a permanent resident and under the care of Ranger (“Uncle”) Chuck, who is currently in charge of the camp. Onto the doodle explanations:
“Sonic the Hedgehog”: Just a little doodle of our resident hedgehog. He’s well known both around camp and around town for being bright, full of energy, and very competitive. He possesses a super speed ability and loves to let it show.
Sonic and Tails: Sonic and his little brother, Tails were found in the woods around the camp around 10 years ago. Their origins are pretty much unknown, and neither of them say anything about their old homes. It came to light that Sonic kidnapped Tails after keeping an eye on the toddler and noticing he was severely neglected by his community. Sonic’s origins remain unknown. Uncle Chuck speculates he also came from a neglectful family, which is why he took Tails and ran. 
Drowning: Sonic cannot swim. Despite this, he hangs around water frequently, especially when pissed off or upset. This has resulted in many near drownings. 
Uncle Chuck: Artists rendition of how Uncle Chuck became an uncle. Sonic just kind of wandered into the camp, decided he liked it and its weird owner (Chuck), and declared him their uncle.
Sonic Enjoys Rock Climbing: It's one of his favorite camp sports! He’s gotten pretty damn good, but for the sake of setting a good example, will make use of the safety equipment.
A Completely Normal Cat: A completely normal cat with a completely normal vibe who cannot talk, I promise. Just kidding, that's resident half god Mephiles! They prefer to take on the form of a cat most of the time, mostly to not throw other campers off. And yes, they are in fact, a camper. It's a long story. If you want to know more. My ask box is open ;) 
Friendship Bracelets: Silver is buddies with Mephiles, but neither of them have been properly socialized. He and Blaze have matching friendship bracelets, so he made Mephiles one too. They wear it as a collar, since cat wrists aren’t the best for jewelry. 
Lawn Chair: There's a little filler ‘episode’ where Silver, Sonic, Blaze, and Shadow all go to a waterpark outside of town, and Silver enlists the help of Meph to get them in, since they know a certain illusionist jackal who could help them out. They pretend to be Shadow’s older sibling to get them in, and hang out with Blaze far away from the splash zone. 
They/Them Icon: Just a doodle of Meph I did to fill space lol.
Blaze and Silver: They have a long, complicated friendship. She appeared to him when he was younger shortly after losing his whole family to a catastrophic apartment fire. She’s a secret friend from another dimension, and his only real friend. Little does he know, Blaze was the one who accidentally started the flame, and now feels bad for orphaning him. She grapples with the guilt a lot. Meph was messing around in the future during the off season and accidentally befriended the two, which was their ticket to the past at the camp.
Also, Silver visits Blaze’s dimension frequently! Once he’s comfortable around people, he’s full of spunk, and loves a good adventure. He’s not as innocent and shy as he paints himself to be, not even by a lot. He’s still nervous around Mephiles though, given the whole ‘god’ thing.
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cartoonartistpng · 7 months
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Dadphiles!Sonic Sheet
I updated Sonic’s ref and I’m far happier with this design
This post will be updated as time goes on. New additions will be marked as (✨New!✨). Last update: (Mar 6, 2024)
-> Dadphiles AU Masterpost
🔹When he was young (classic era), Sonic used simple twine to wrap his crystal. It snapped during a fight, leading to Tails discovering it. After hearing how important it was to Sonic, Tails fashioned the brace as a surprise gift.
🔹Tails only knows that Sonic used to have a family—two younger brothers and a dad—but that he lost them.
🔹Years down the line, Tails would insist remaking the brace—embarrassed by the amateur craftsmanship—but Sonic refuses, teasing that it’s perfect the way it is.
🔹Sonic didn’t have any mementos of his brothers, so he found other ways to remember them, mainly through Shadow’s rings and Silver’s crescent markings.
🔹The golden rings are extras from Amy’s own pair when she first got them. She noticed him staring and he explained that he liked them. Before she could make any comment about romance or marriage, Sonic continues by saying them remind him of someone he knew. Later that day, Amy surprises him by gifting her extra set.
🔹Sonic struggled for a long time finding something to remind him of Silver. He finally found gloves w/a design similar to Silver’s markings. When deep in thought, he’ll sometimes absentmindedly trace the pattern.
🔹Sonic never takes the leather brace off.
🔹Sonic hasn’t actually told any of his friends, aside from Tails, that he has other family. He knows it’s silly, but a part of him is scared that saying it out loud would also be admitting the possibility it was never real… that maybe it was just all in his mind.
🔹Sonic doesn’t remember much about his dad, just the bright green eyes similar to Sonic’s own. He does, however, remember the talks about time and freedom. It’s these talks that taught him not to worry about how much time he has, just to live every moment to it’s fullest.
🔹Sonic’s dad always had a strange hatred toward humans, leading Sonic to avoid them and prefer the company of wildlife for many years. It’s only when Shadow describes the moments of kindness from Maria that Sonic actually tries approaching them. They turn out to be nice and so Sonic asks his dad, telling him that “humans aren’t bad.” His dad responded that humans aren’t bad, just unpredictable. When Sonic later met Eggman, he understood.
🔹Sonic got his growth spurt first and lorded his (minuscule) height difference over his brothers. Grown up, he ends up as the shortest actually, a fact Shadow and Silver then tease him about.
🔹Everyone thinks Shadow is the eldest since he's so mature, but really it's Sonic.
🔹Prior to SA2, Sonic and Shadow (and Silver) genuinely believed all three of them were siblings by blood. After learning that Shadow is 50 years from the past, they really start wondering what happened that last day they were all together.
🔹Like his brothers, Sonic does not remember what his dad looks like or even his name, beyond his eyes and voice. This causes regret in Sonic, believing his younger-self did not value his dad enough to remember.
🔹(✨New!✨) Following Shadow 05, Sonic legally goes by Sonic Prower, like his brothers.
🔹(✨New!✨) Following Shadow 05, the Prower family gets a bigger house using both the funds Sonic and Tails have amassed over the years as well as some help from the G.U.N. commander. They intentionally get one with more bedrooms, hoping to one day share it with the rest of Sonic and Shadow's family.
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